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/*++ BUILD Version: 0000 // Increment this if a change has global effects
Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Header file for tapi server event filtering
Xiaohai Zhang (xzhang) 15-Oct-1999
Revision History:
#ifndef __TAPIEVT_H__
#define __TAPIEVT_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { /* Assume C declarations for C++ */ #endif /* __cplusplus */
// Event filtering private APIs
LONG WINAPI tapiSetEventFilterMasks ( DWORD dwObjType, LONG_PTR lObjectID, ULONG64 ulEventMasks );
LONG WINAPI tapiSetEventFilterSubMasks ( DWORD dwObjType, LONG_PTR lObjectID, ULONG64 ulEventMask, DWORD dwEventSubMasks );
LONG WINAPI tapiGetEventFilterMasks ( DWORD dwObjType, LONG_PTR lObjectID, ULONG64 * pulEventMasks );
LONG WINAPI tapiGetEventFilterSubMasks ( DWORD dwObjType, LONG_PTR lObjectID, ULONG64 ulEventMask, DWORD * pdwEventSubMasks );
LONG WINAPI tapiSetPermissibleMasks ( ULONG64 ulPermMasks );
LONG WINAPI tapiGetPermissibleMasks ( ULONG64 * pulPermMasks );
// Object type constants
// object type defines the scope of the event filtering
// i.e. EM_LINE_CALLINFO applied on TAPIOBJ_HCALL enable/disables the
// LINE_CALLINFO message for the particular hCall object, while
// message for all existing and future call objects.
#define TAPIOBJ_NULL 0 // lObjectID is ignored, apply globally
#define TAPIOBJ_HLINEAPP 1 // lObjectID is of type HLINEAPP
#define TAPIOBJ_HLINE 2 // lObjectID is of type HLINE
#define TAPIOBJ_HCALL 3 // lObjectID is of type HCALL
#define TAPIOBJ_HPHONEAPP 4 // lObjectID is of type HPHONEAPP
#define TAPIOBJ_HPHONE 5 // lObjectID is of type HPHONE
// Tapi server event filter masks
// Event filter mask should be used with their submasks if exists,
// Many of the event filter masks have their corresponding sub masks
// defined in tapi.h. i.e. EM_LINE_CALLSTATE owns all the submasks of
// LINECALLSTATE_constants
#define EM_LINE_ADDRESSSTATE 0x00000001
#define EM_LINE_LINEDEVSTATE 0x00000002
#define EM_LINE_CALLINFO 0x00000004
#define EM_LINE_CALLSTATE 0x00000008
#define EM_LINE_APPNEWCALL 0x00000010
#define EM_LINE_CREATE 0x00000020
#define EM_LINE_REMOVE 0x00000040
#define EM_LINE_CLOSE 0x00000080
#define EM_LINE_PROXYREQUEST 0x00000100
#define EM_LINE_DEVSPECIFIC 0x00000200
#define EM_LINE_AGENTSTATUS 0x00000800
#define EM_LINE_AGENTSTATUSEX 0x00001000
#define EM_LINE_AGENTSPECIFIC 0x00002000
#define EM_LINE_QUEUESTATUS 0x00008000
#define EM_LINE_GROUPSTATUS 0x00010000
#define EM_LINE_PROXYSTATUS 0x00020000
#define EM_LINE_APPNEWCALLHUB 0x00040000
#define EM_LINE_CALLHUBCLOSE 0x00080000
#define EM_LINE_DEVSPECIFICEX 0x00100000
#define EM_LINE_QOSINFO 0x00200000
// LINE_GATHERDIGITS is controlled by lineGatherDigits
// LINE_GENERATE is controlled by lineGenerateDigits
// LINE_MONITORDIGITS is controlled by lineMonitorDigits
// LINE_MONITORMEDIA is controlled by lineMonitorMedia
// LINE_MONITORTONE is controlled by lineMonitorTone
// LINE_REQUEST is controlled by lineRegisterRequestRecipient
// LINE_REPLY can not be disabled.
#define EM_PHONE_CREATE 0x01000000
#define EM_PHONE_REMOVE 0x02000000
#define EM_PHONE_CLOSE 0x04000000
#define EM_PHONE_STATE 0x08000000
#define EM_PHONE_DEVSPECIFIC 0x10000000
#define EM_PHONE_BUTTONMODE 0x20000000
#define EM_PHONE_BUTTONSTATE 0x40000000
// PHONE_REPLY can not be disabled
#define EM_ALL 0x7fffffff
#define EM_NUM_MASKS 31
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* End of extern "C" { */ #endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif // tapievt.h