/*++ BUILD Version: 0000 // Increment this if a change has global effects
Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Src module for tapi server
Dan Knudson (DanKn) 01-Apr-1995
Revision History:
#include "windows.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "tchar.h"
#include "assert.h"
#include "process.h"
#include "winsvcp.h"
#include "tapi.h"
#include "tspi.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "private.h"
#include "tapsrv.h"
#include "tapiperf.h"
#include "winnetwk.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "line.h"
#include "tapihndl.h"
#include <tchar.h>
#include "loc_comn.h"
#include "tapimmc.h"
#include "resource.h"
// Bit flags to tell ServiceShutdown how much of the service has been initialized
#define SERVICE_INIT_TRACELOG 0x00000001
#define SERVICE_INIT_LOCKTABLE 0x00000004
#define SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_MGMT 0x00002000
#define SERVICE_INIT_RPC 0x00020000
#define SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_SCP 0x00040000
#if DBG
BOOL gbBreakOnLeak = FALSE; BOOL gfBreakOnSeriousProblems = FALSE;
void DumpHandleList(); #endif
extern const DWORD TapiPrimes[]; const TCHAR gszRegTapisrvSCPGuid[] = TEXT("TAPISRVSCPGUID");
PERFBLOCK PerfBlock; BOOL InitPerf();
HANDLE ghTapisrvHeap = NULL, ghHandleTable = NULL;
HANDLE ghEventService;
HANDLE ghSCMAutostartEvent = NULL;
HANDLE ghProvRegistryMutex = NULL;
BOOL gbPriorityListsInitialized; BOOL gbQueueSPEvents; BOOL gfWeHadAtLeastOneClient; BOOL gbSPEventHandlerThreadExit; BOOL gbNTServer; BOOL gbServerInited; BOOL gbAutostartDone = FALSE; BOOL gbHighSecurity = TRUE;
HINSTANCE ghInstance;
CRITICAL_SECTION gSafeMutexCritSec, gRemoteCliEventBufCritSec, gPriorityListCritSec, gManagementDllsCritSec, gDllListCritSec, gClientHandleCritSec, gCnClientMsgPendingCritSec, gDgClientMsgPendingCritSec, gLockTableCritSecs[2], gSCPCritSec;
#define MIN_WAIT_HINT 60000
DWORD gdwServiceState = SERVICE_START_PENDING, gdwWaitHint = MIN_WAIT_HINT, gdwCheckPoint = 0, gdwDllIDs = 0, gdwRpcTimeout = 30000, gdwRpcRetryCount = 5, gdwTotalAsyncThreads = 0, gdwThreadsPerProcessor = 4, guiAlignmentFaultEnabled = FALSE, gdwTapiSCPTTL = 60 * 24; gdwServiceInitFlags = 0;
DWORD gdwPointerToLockTableIndexBits; CRITICAL_SECTION *gLockTable; DWORD gdwNumLockTableEntries; BOOL (WINAPI * pfnInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount) (LPCRITICAL_SECTION, DWORD);
LIST_ENTRY CnClientMsgPendingListHead; LIST_ENTRY DgClientMsgPendingListHead;
SPEVENTHANDLERTHREADINFO gSPEventHandlerThreadInfo; PSPEVENTHANDLERTHREADINFO aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo; DWORD gdwNumSPEventHandlerThreads; LONG glNumActiveSPEventHandlerThreads;
#if DBG
const TCHAR gszTapisrvDebugLevel[] = TEXT("TapiSrvDebugLevel"); const TCHAR gszBreakOnLeak[] = TEXT("BreakOnLeak"); #endif
const TCHAR gszProvider[] = TEXT("Provider"); const TCHAR gszNumLines[] = TEXT("NumLines"); const TCHAR gszUIDllName[] = TEXT("UIDllName"); const TCHAR gszNumPhones[] = TEXT("NumPhones"); const TCHAR gszSyncLevel[] = TEXT("SyncLevel"); const TCHAR gszProductType[] = TEXT("ProductType"); const TCHAR gszProductTypeServer[] = TEXT("ServerNT"); const TCHAR gszProductTypeLanmanNt[] = TEXT("LANMANNT");
const TCHAR gszProviderID[] = TEXT("ProviderID"); const TCHAR gszNumProviders[] = TEXT("NumProviders"); const TCHAR gszNextProviderID[] = TEXT("NextProviderID"); const TCHAR gszRequestMakeCallW[] = TEXT("RequestMakeCall"); const TCHAR gszRequestMediaCallW[] = TEXT("RequestMediaCall"); const TCHAR gszProviderFilename[] = TEXT("ProviderFilename");
const WCHAR gszMapperDll[] = L"MapperDll"; const WCHAR gszManagementDlls[] = L"ManagementDlls"; const WCHAR gszHighSecurity[] = L"HighSecurity";
const TCHAR gszDomainName[] = TEXT("DomainName"); const TCHAR gszRegKeyHandoffPriorities[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Telephony\\HandoffPriorities");
const TCHAR gszRegKeyHandoffPrioritiesMediaModes[] = TEXT("MediaModes");
const TCHAR gszRegKeyTelephony[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Telephony");
const TCHAR gszRegKeyProviders[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Telephony\\Providers");
const TCHAR gszRegKeyServer[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Telephony\\Server");
const TCHAR gszRegKeyNTServer[] = TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions");
const TCHAR *gaszMediaModes[] = { TEXT(""), TEXT("unknown"), TEXT("interactivevoice"), TEXT("automatedvoice"), TEXT("datamodem"), TEXT("g3fax"), TEXT("tdd"), TEXT("g4fax"), TEXT("digitaldata"), TEXT("teletex"), TEXT("videotex"), TEXT("telex"), TEXT("mixed"), TEXT("adsi"), TEXT("voiceview"), TEXT("video"), NULL };
// used for GetProcAddress calls, remain as ANSI
const char *gaszTSPIFuncNames[] = { "TSPI_lineAccept", "TSPI_lineAddToConference", "TSPI_lineAgentSpecific", "TSPI_lineAnswer", "TSPI_lineBlindTransfer", "TSPI_lineClose", "TSPI_lineCloseCall", "TSPI_lineCompleteCall", "TSPI_lineCompleteTransfer", "TSPI_lineConditionalMediaDetection", "TSPI_lineDevSpecific", "TSPI_lineDevSpecificFeature", "TSPI_lineDial", "TSPI_lineDrop", "TSPI_lineForward", "TSPI_lineGatherDigits", "TSPI_lineGenerateDigits", "TSPI_lineGenerateTone", "TSPI_lineGetAddressCaps", "TSPI_lineGetAddressID", "TSPI_lineGetAddressStatus", "TSPI_lineGetAgentActivityList", "TSPI_lineGetAgentCaps", "TSPI_lineGetAgentGroupList", "TSPI_lineGetAgentStatus", "TSPI_lineGetCallAddressID", "TSPI_lineGetCallInfo", "TSPI_lineGetCallStatus", "TSPI_lineGetDevCaps", "TSPI_lineGetDevConfig", "TSPI_lineGetExtensionID", "TSPI_lineGetIcon", "TSPI_lineGetID", "TSPI_lineGetLineDevStatus", "TSPI_lineGetNumAddressIDs", "TSPI_lineHold", "TSPI_lineMakeCall", "TSPI_lineMonitorDigits", "TSPI_lineMonitorMedia", "TSPI_lineMonitorTones", "TSPI_lineNegotiateExtVersion", "TSPI_lineNegotiateTSPIVersion", "TSPI_lineOpen", "TSPI_linePark", "TSPI_linePickup", "TSPI_linePrepareAddToConference", "TSPI_lineRedirect", "TSPI_lineReleaseUserUserInfo", "TSPI_lineRemoveFromConference", "TSPI_lineSecureCall", "TSPI_lineSelectExtVersion", "TSPI_lineSendUserUserInfo", "TSPI_lineSetAgentActivity", "TSPI_lineSetAgentGroup", "TSPI_lineSetAgentState", "TSPI_lineSetAppSpecific", "TSPI_lineSetCallData", "TSPI_lineSetCallParams", "TSPI_lineSetCallQualityOfService", "TSPI_lineSetCallTreatment", "TSPI_lineSetCurrentLocation", "TSPI_lineSetDefaultMediaDetection", "TSPI_lineSetDevConfig", "TSPI_lineSetLineDevStatus", "TSPI_lineSetMediaControl", "TSPI_lineSetMediaMode", "TSPI_lineSetStatusMessages", "TSPI_lineSetTerminal", "TSPI_lineSetupConference", "TSPI_lineSetupTransfer", "TSPI_lineSwapHold", "TSPI_lineUncompleteCall", "TSPI_lineUnhold", "TSPI_lineUnpark", "TSPI_phoneClose", "TSPI_phoneDevSpecific", "TSPI_phoneGetButtonInfo", "TSPI_phoneGetData", "TSPI_phoneGetDevCaps", "TSPI_phoneGetDisplay", "TSPI_phoneGetExtensionID", "TSPI_phoneGetGain", "TSPI_phoneGetHookSwitch", "TSPI_phoneGetIcon", "TSPI_phoneGetID", "TSPI_phoneGetLamp", "TSPI_phoneGetRing", "TSPI_phoneGetStatus", "TSPI_phoneGetVolume", "TSPI_phoneNegotiateExtVersion", "TSPI_phoneNegotiateTSPIVersion", "TSPI_phoneOpen", "TSPI_phoneSelectExtVersion", "TSPI_phoneSetButtonInfo", "TSPI_phoneSetData", "TSPI_phoneSetDisplay", "TSPI_phoneSetGain", "TSPI_phoneSetHookSwitch", "TSPI_phoneSetLamp", "TSPI_phoneSetRing", "TSPI_phoneSetStatusMessages", "TSPI_phoneSetVolume", "TSPI_providerCreateLineDevice", "TSPI_providerCreatePhoneDevice", "TSPI_providerEnumDevices", "TSPI_providerFreeDialogInstance", "TSPI_providerGenericDialogData", "TSPI_providerInit", "TSPI_providerShutdown", "TSPI_providerUIIdentify", "TSPI_lineMSPIdentify", "TSPI_lineReceiveMSPData", "TSPI_providerCheckForNewUser", "TSPI_lineGetCallIDs", "TSPI_lineGetCallHubTracking", "TSPI_lineSetCallHubTracking", "TSPI_providerPrivateFactoryIdentify", "TSPI_lineDevSpecificEx", "TSPI_lineCreateAgent", "TSPI_lineCreateAgentSession", "TSPI_lineGetAgentInfo", "TSPI_lineGetAgentSessionInfo", "TSPI_lineGetAgentSessionList", "TSPI_lineGetQueueInfo", "TSPI_lineGetGroupList", "TSPI_lineGetQueueList", "TSPI_lineSetAgentMeasurementPeriod", "TSPI_lineSetAgentSessionState", "TSPI_lineSetQueueMeasurementPeriod", "TSPI_lineSetAgentStateEx", "TSPI_lineGetProxyStatus", "TSPI_lineCreateMSPInstance", "TSPI_lineCloseMSPInstance", NULL };
// used for GetProcAddress calls, remain as ANSI
const char *gaszTCFuncNames[] = { "TAPICLIENT_Load", "TAPICLIENT_Free", "TAPICLIENT_ClientInitialize", "TAPICLIENT_ClientShutdown", "TAPICLIENT_GetDeviceAccess", "TAPICLIENT_LineAddToConference", "TAPICLIENT_LineBlindTransfer", "TAPICLIENT_LineConfigDialog", "TAPICLIENT_LineDial", "TAPICLIENT_LineForward", "TAPICLIENT_LineGenerateDigits", "TAPICLIENT_LineMakeCall", "TAPICLIENT_LineOpen", "TAPICLIENT_LineRedirect", "TAPICLIENT_LineSetCallData", "TAPICLIENT_LineSetCallParams", "TAPICLIENT_LineSetCallPrivilege", "TAPICLIENT_LineSetCallTreatment", "TAPICLIENT_LineSetCurrentLocation", "TAPICLIENT_LineSetDevConfig", "TAPICLIENT_LineSetLineDevStatus", "TAPICLIENT_LineSetMediaControl", "TAPICLIENT_LineSetMediaMode", "TAPICLIENT_LineSetTerminal", "TAPICLIENT_LineSetTollList", "TAPICLIENT_PhoneConfigDialog", "TAPICLIENT_PhoneOpen", NULL };
extern WCHAR gszTapiAdministrators[]; extern WCHAR gszFileName[]; extern WCHAR gszLines[]; extern WCHAR gszPhones[]; extern WCHAR gszEmptyString[]; extern LPLINECOUNTRYLIST gpCountryList; extern LPDEVICEINFOLIST gpLineInfoList; extern LPDEVICEINFOLIST gpPhoneInfoList; extern LPDWORD gpLineDevFlags; extern DWORD gdwNumFlags; extern FILETIME gftLineLastWrite; extern FILETIME gftPhoneLastWrite; extern CRITICAL_SECTION gMgmtCritSec; extern BOOL gbLockMMCWrite;
((((ULONG_PTR) p) >> 4) & gdwPointerToLockTableIndexBits)
#define LOCKTCLIENT(p) \
#define UNLOCKTCLIENT(p) \
#if DBG
DWORD gdwDebugLevel; DWORD gdwQueueDebugLevel = 0; #endif
typedef struct { DWORD dwTickCount;
PTCLIENT ptClient;
struct { PHANDLE phThreads;
DWORD dwNumThreads;
HANDLE hEvent;
BOOL bExit;
} gEventNotificationThreadParams;
struct { LONG lCookie;
LONG lNumRundowns;
BOOL bIgnoreRundowns;
} gRundownLock;
BOOL VerifyDomainName (HKEY hKey);
void EventNotificationThread( LPVOID pParams );
VOID WINAPI ServiceMain ( DWORD dwArgc, PWSTR* lpszArgv );
void PASCAL LineEventProc( HTAPILINE htLine, HTAPICALL htCall, DWORD dwMsg, ULONG_PTR Param1, ULONG_PTR Param2, ULONG_PTR Param3 );
void CALLBACK LineEventProcSP( HTAPILINE htLine, HTAPICALL htCall, DWORD dwMsg, ULONG_PTR Param1, ULONG_PTR Param2, ULONG_PTR Param3 );
void PASCAL PhoneEventProc( HTAPIPHONE htPhone, DWORD dwMsg, ULONG_PTR Param1, ULONG_PTR Param2, ULONG_PTR Param3 );
void CALLBACK PhoneEventProcSP( HTAPIPHONE htPhone, DWORD dwMsg, ULONG_PTR Param1, ULONG_PTR Param2, ULONG_PTR Param3 );
char * PASCAL MapResultCodeToText( LONG lResult, char *pszResult );
DWORD InitSecurityDescriptor( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, PSID * ppSid, PACL * ppDacl );
void PASCAL GetMediaModesPriorityLists( HKEY hKeyHandoffPriorities, PRILISTSTRUCT ** ppList );
void PASCAL GetPriorityList( HKEY hKeyHandoffPriorities, const TCHAR *pszListName, WCHAR **ppszPriorityList );
void PASCAL SetMediaModesPriorityList( HKEY hKeyPri, PRILISTSTRUCT * pPriListStruct );
void PASCAL SetPriorityList( HKEY hKeyHandoffPriorities, const TCHAR *pszListName, WCHAR *pszPriorityList );
PTCLIENT PASCAL WaitForExclusiveClientAccess( PTCLIENT ptClient );
BOOL IsNTServer( void );
void CleanUpManagementMemory( );
void ReadAndInitMapper();
void ReadAndInitManagementDlls();
void ManagementProc( LONG l );
void GetManageDllListPointer( PTMANAGEDLLLISTHEADER * ppDllList );
void FreeManageDllListPointer( PTMANAGEDLLLISTHEADER pDllList );
LRESULT UpdateLastWriteTime ( BOOL bLine );
LRESULT BuildDeviceInfoList( BOOL bLine );
BOOL CleanUpClient( PTCLIENT ptClient, BOOL bRundown );
void PASCAL SendReinitMsgToAllXxxApps( void );
LONG AppendNewDeviceInfo ( BOOL bLine, DWORD dwDeviceID );
DWORD PASCAL MyInitializeCriticalSection( LPCRITICAL_SECTION pCriticalSection, DWORD dwSpinCount ) { DWORD dwRet = 0;
__try { if (pfnInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount) { (*pfnInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount)( pCriticalSection, dwSpinCount ); } else { InitializeCriticalSection (pCriticalSection); } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwRet = GetExceptionCode(); }
return dwRet; }
BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID pvReserved) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { ghInstance = hinst; DisableThreadLibraryCalls (hinst); break; } case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: { break; } } return TRUE; }
BOOL ReportStatusToSCMgr( DWORD dwCurrentState, DWORD dwWin32ExitCode, DWORD dwCheckPoint, DWORD dwWaitHint ) { SERVICE_STATUS ssStatus;
if (!TapiGlobals.sshStatusHandle) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "sshStatusHandle is NULL in ReportStatusToSCMgr")); return FALSE; }
ssStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS; ssStatus.dwCurrentState = dwCurrentState; ssStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE; ssStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = dwWin32ExitCode; ssStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; ssStatus.dwCheckPoint = dwCheckPoint; ssStatus.dwWaitHint = dwWaitHint;
SetServiceStatus (TapiGlobals.sshStatusHandle, &ssStatus);
return TRUE; }
VOID ServiceControl( DWORD dwCtrlCode ) { LOG((TL_INFO, "Service control code=%ld", dwCtrlCode ));
if ( SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP == dwCtrlCode || SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN == dwCtrlCode ) { //
// This service was stopped - alert any active apps, allowing
// a little extra time for msg processing
LOG((TL_TRACE, "Somebody did a 'NET STOP TAPISRV'... exiting..."));
ReportStatusToSCMgr( gdwServiceState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, NO_ERROR, (gdwCheckPoint = 0), 4000 );
Sleep (4000);
LOG((TL_TRACE, "ServiceControl: calling RpcServerUnregisterIf")); RpcServerUnregisterIf (tapsrv_ServerIfHandle, NULL, TRUE); if (ghEventService) { SetEvent (ghEventService); }
return; }
if ( SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE == dwCtrlCode ) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "Somebody did a 'NET PAUSE TAPISRV'... not allowing new clients..." ));
TapiGlobals.dwFlags |= TAPIGLOBALS_PAUSED;
ReportStatusToSCMgr( gdwServiceState = SERVICE_PAUSED, NO_ERROR, (gdwCheckPoint = 0), 0 );
return; }
if ( SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE == dwCtrlCode ) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "Somebody did a 'NET CONTINUE TAPISRV'... allowing new clients..." ));
TapiGlobals.dwFlags &= ~(TAPIGLOBALS_PAUSED);
ReportStatusToSCMgr( gdwServiceState = SERVICE_RUNNING, NO_ERROR, (gdwCheckPoint = 0), 0 );
return; }
switch (gdwServiceState) { case SERVICE_START_PENDING: case SERVICE_STOP_PENDING:
ReportStatusToSCMgr( gdwServiceState, NO_ERROR, ++gdwCheckPoint, gdwWaitHint );
ReportStatusToSCMgr( gdwServiceState, NO_ERROR, 0, 0 );
break; } }
VOID CALLBACK FreeContextCallback( LPVOID Context, LPVOID Context2 ) { if (Context2) { //
// Special case: Context is a "fast" ptCallClient, that is
// a TCALLCLIENT embedded within a TCALL structure, so don't
// free it
} else { //
// The general case, Context is the pointer to free
ServerFree (Context); } }
#define RPCMAXMAX 20000
#define RPCMINMAX 1000
VOID CALLBACK ServiceShutdown ( PVOID lpParam, BOOLEAN fTimeOut );
VOID WINAPI ServiceMain ( DWORD dwArgc, PWSTR* lpszArgv ) { DWORD dwMinCalls, dwMaxCalls, i; HANDLE hThreadMgmt = NULL; BOOL bFatalError = FALSE;
assert(gdwServiceInitFlags == 0);
gdwServiceInitFlags = 0;
TRACELOGREGISTER(_T("tapisrv")); gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_TRACELOG ;
// Initialize globals
ZeroMemory (&TapiGlobals, sizeof (TAPIGLOBALS)); TapiGlobals.ulPermMasks = EM_ALL; TapiGlobals.hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); TapiGlobals.hLineIcon = LoadIcon (ghInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_LINE_ICON)); TapiGlobals.hPhoneIcon = LoadIcon (ghInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_PHONE_ICON)); gbPriorityListsInitialized = FALSE; gbQueueSPEvents = FALSE; gfWeHadAtLeastOneClient = FALSE; CnClientMsgPendingListHead.Flink = CnClientMsgPendingListHead.Blink = &CnClientMsgPendingListHead; DgClientMsgPendingListHead.Flink = DgClientMsgPendingListHead.Blink = &DgClientMsgPendingListHead; gdwNumSPEventHandlerThreads = 0; glNumActiveSPEventHandlerThreads = 0; pRemoteSP = (PTPROVIDER) NULL; gbSPEventHandlerThreadExit = FALSE; gRundownLock.lCookie = 0; gRundownLock.lNumRundowns = 0; gLockTable = NULL; gdwNumLockTableEntries = 0; gpCountryList = NULL; gpLineInfoList = NULL; gpPhoneInfoList = NULL; gpLineDevFlags = NULL; gdwNumFlags = 0; gbLockMMCWrite = FALSE; gdwServiceState = SERVICE_START_PENDING, gdwWaitHint = MIN_WAIT_HINT, gdwCheckPoint = 0, gdwDllIDs = 0, gdwRpcRetryCount = 5, gdwTotalAsyncThreads = 0, gdwThreadsPerProcessor = 4; gbNTServer = IsNTServer(); ghEventService = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); gbAutostartDone = FALSE; #if defined(_ALPHA_)
guiAlignmentFaultEnabled = SetErrorMode(0); SetErrorMode(guiAlignmentFaultEnabled); guiAlignmentFaultEnabled = !(guiAlignmentFaultEnabled & SEM_NOALIGNMENTFAULTEXCEPT); #else
guiAlignmentFaultEnabled = 0; #endif
// Register the service control handler & report status to sc mgr
TapiGlobals.sshStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler( TEXT("tapisrv"), ServiceControl ); if (NULL == TapiGlobals.sshStatusHandle) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "ServiceMain: RegisterServiceCtrlHandler failed, error x%x", GetLastError() )); bFatalError = TRUE; } else { gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_SCM_REGISTERED; }
if (!bFatalError) { ReportStatusToSCMgr( (gdwServiceState = SERVICE_START_PENDING), // service state
NO_ERROR, // exit code
(gdwCheckPoint = 0), // checkpoint
gdwWaitHint // wait hint
if (!(ghTapisrvHeap = HeapCreate (0, 0x10000, 0))) { ghTapisrvHeap = GetProcessHeap(); }
ghHandleTable = CreateHandleTable( ghTapisrvHeap, FreeContextCallback, 0x10000, 0x7fffffff );
if (NULL == ghHandleTable) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ServiceMain: CreateHandleTable failed")); bFatalError = TRUE; } else { InitPerf();
(FARPROC) pfnInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount = GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle (TEXT("kernel32.dll")), "InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount" ); ghSCMAutostartEvent = OpenEvent( SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, SC_AUTOSTART_EVENT_NAME ); if (NULL == ghSCMAutostartEvent) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "OpenEvent ('%s') failed, err=%d", SC_AUTOSTART_EVENT_NAME, GetLastError() )); }
if (gbNTServer && !SecureTsecIni()) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Failed to set security on the ini file" )); bFatalError = TRUE; } } }
// Grab relevent values from the registry
if (!bFatalError) { HKEY hKey; const TCHAR szRPCMinCalls[] = TEXT("Min"); const TCHAR szRPCMaxCalls[] = TEXT("Max"); const TCHAR szTapisrvWaitHint[] = TEXT("TapisrvWaitHint"); const TCHAR szRPCTimeout[] = TEXT("RPCTimeout");
#if DBG
gdwDebugLevel = 0; #endif
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszRegKeyTelephony, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKey
) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof (DWORD), dwDataType;
#if DBG
RegQueryValueEx( hKey, gszTapisrvDebugLevel, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &gdwDebugLevel, &dwDataSize );
dwDataSize = sizeof (DWORD);
RegQueryValueEx( hKey, gszBreakOnLeak, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE)&gbBreakOnLeak, &dwDataSize );
dwDataSize = sizeof (DWORD);
RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("BreakOnSeriousProblems"), 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &gfBreakOnSeriousProblems, &dwDataSize );
dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
RegQueryValueEx( hKey, szTapisrvWaitHint, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &gdwWaitHint, &dwDataSize );
gdwWaitHint = (gdwWaitHint < MIN_WAIT_HINT ? MIN_WAIT_HINT : gdwWaitHint);
dwDataSize = sizeof (DWORD);
if (RegQueryValueEx( hKey, szRPCMinCalls, NULL, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &dwMinCalls, &dwDataSize
dwDataSize = sizeof (DWORD);
if (RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("TapiScpTTL"), NULL, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &gdwTapiSCPTTL, &dwDataSize
) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { gdwTapiSCPTTL = 60 * 24; // default to 24 hours
} if (gdwTapiSCPTTL < 60) { gdwTapiSCPTTL = 60; // 60 minute TTL as the minimum
dwDataSize = sizeof (DWORD);
if (RegQueryValueEx( hKey, szRPCMaxCalls, NULL, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &dwMaxCalls, &dwDataSize
LOG((TL_INFO, "RPC min calls %lu RPC max calls %lu", dwMinCalls, dwMaxCalls ));
// check values
if (dwMaxCalls == 0) { LOG((TL_INFO, "RPC max at 0. Changed to %lu", DEFAULTRPCMAXCALLS ));
if (dwMinCalls == 0) { LOG((TL_INFO, "RPC min at 0. Changed to %lu", DEFAULTRPCMINCALLS ));
if (dwMaxCalls > RPCMAXMAX) { LOG((TL_INFO, "RPC max too high at %lu. Changed to %lu", dwMaxCalls, RPCMAXMAX ));
dwMaxCalls = RPCMAXMAX; }
if (dwMinCalls > dwMaxCalls) { LOG((TL_INFO, "RPC min greater than RPC max. Changed to %lu", dwMaxCalls ));
dwMinCalls = dwMaxCalls; }
if (dwMinCalls > RPCMINMAX) { LOG((TL_INFO, "RPC min greater than allowed at %lu. Changed to %lu", dwMinCalls, RPCMINMAX ));
dwMinCalls = RPCMINMAX; }
dwDataSize = sizeof (DWORD);
if (RegQueryValueEx( hKey, szRPCTimeout, NULL, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &gdwRpcTimeout, &dwDataSize
) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { gdwRpcTimeout = 30000; }
VerifyDomainName (hKey);
RegCloseKey (hKey); } }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "ServiceMain: enter"));
// More server-only reg stuff
if (!bFatalError) {
HKEY hKey; DWORD dwDataSize; DWORD dwDataType; DWORD dwTemp; DWORD dwHighSecurity; TCHAR szProductType[64];
// Get the "Server" reg settings
// It would have made more sense if this reg value were named
// "EnableSharing", but we have to support what's out there
// already...
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszRegKeyServer, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey
) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwDataSize = sizeof (dwTemp);
dwTemp = 1; // default is sharing == disabled
if (RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("DisableSharing"), 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &dwTemp, &dwDataSize
) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwTemp == 0) { TapiGlobals.dwFlags |= TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER; }
gdwTotalAsyncThreads = 0; dwDataSize = sizeof (DWORD);
RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("TotalAsyncThreads"), 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &gdwTotalAsyncThreads, &dwDataSize );
if (gdwTotalAsyncThreads) { LOG((TL_INFO, "Setting total async threads to %d", gdwTotalAsyncThreads )); }
gdwThreadsPerProcessor = 4; dwDataSize = sizeof (DWORD);
RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("ThreadsPerProcessor"), 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &gdwThreadsPerProcessor, &dwDataSize );
LOG((TL_INFO, "Threads per processor is %d", gdwThreadsPerProcessor));
dwHighSecurity = 1; dwDataSize = sizeof (DWORD);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hKey, gszHighSecurity, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &dwHighSecurity, &dwDataSize ) && 0 == dwHighSecurity ) { LOG((TL_INFO, "Setting High Security to FALSE")); gbHighSecurity = FALSE; }
RegCloseKey( hKey ); }
// Now check to see if this is really running on NT Server.
// If not, then, turn off the SERVER bit in dwFlags.
if (!gbNTServer) { TapiGlobals.dwFlags &= ~(TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER); } }
// Init the lock table
if (!bFatalError) { HKEY hKey; DWORD i, dwLockTableNumEntries, dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD), dwDataType, dwBitMask; BOOL bException = FALSE;
dwLockTableNumEntries = (TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER ? 32 : MIN_HANDLE_BUCKETS);
// Retrieve registry override settings, if any
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszRegKeyTelephony, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey
) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegQueryValueExW( hKey, L"TapisrvNumHandleBuckets", 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &dwLockTableNumEntries, &dwDataSize );
// hKey,
// L"TapisrvSpinCount",
// 0,
// &dwDataType,
// (LPBYTE) &gdwSpinCount,
// &dwDataSize
// );
RegCloseKey (hKey); }
// Determine a reasonable number of lock table entries, which
// is some number == 2**N within min/max possible values
if (dwLockTableNumEntries > MAX_HANDLE_BUCKETS) { dwLockTableNumEntries = MAX_HANDLE_BUCKETS; } else if (dwLockTableNumEntries < MIN_HANDLE_BUCKETS) { dwLockTableNumEntries = MIN_HANDLE_BUCKETS; }
for( dwBitMask = MAX_HANDLE_BUCKETS; (dwBitMask & dwLockTableNumEntries) == 0; dwBitMask >>= 1 );
dwLockTableNumEntries = dwBitMask;
// Calculate pointer-to-lock-table-index conversion value
// (significant bits)
gdwPointerToLockTableIndexBits = dwLockTableNumEntries - 1;
//gdwSpinCount = ( gdwSpinCount > MAX_SPIN_COUNT ?
// MAX_SPIN_COUNT : gdwSpinCount );
// Alloc & init the lock table
if (!(gLockTable = ServerAlloc( dwLockTableNumEntries * sizeof (CRITICAL_SECTION) ))) { gLockTable = gLockTableCritSecs; dwLockTableNumEntries = sizeof(gLockTableCritSecs) / sizeof(CRITICAL_SECTION); gdwPointerToLockTableIndexBits = dwLockTableNumEntries - 1; }
for (i = 0; i < dwLockTableNumEntries; i++) { if ( NO_ERROR != MyInitializeCriticalSection (&gLockTable[i], 1000) ) { bException = TRUE; break; } }
if (bException) { bFatalError = TRUE;
LOG((TL_ERROR, "Exception in InitializeCriticalSection" ));
for (; i > 0; i--) { DeleteCriticalSection (&gLockTable[i-1]); }
if (gLockTable != gLockTableCritSecs) { ServerFree (gLockTable); } gLockTable = NULL; } else { gdwNumLockTableEntries = dwLockTableNumEntries; gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_LOCKTABLE; } }
bFatalError = bFatalError || MyInitializeCriticalSection (&gSafeMutexCritSec, 200); if(!bFatalError) gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_SAFEMUTEX;
bFatalError = bFatalError || MyInitializeCriticalSection (&gRemoteCliEventBufCritSec, 200); if(!bFatalError) gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_REMOTECLI;
bFatalError = bFatalError || MyInitializeCriticalSection (&gPriorityListCritSec, 200); if(!bFatalError) gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_PRILIST;
bFatalError = bFatalError || MyInitializeCriticalSection (&gManagementDllsCritSec, 200); if(!bFatalError) gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_MGMTDLLS;
bFatalError = bFatalError || MyInitializeCriticalSection (&gDllListCritSec, 200); if(!bFatalError) gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_DLLLIST;
bFatalError = bFatalError || MyInitializeCriticalSection (&gClientHandleCritSec, 200); if(!bFatalError) gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_CLIENTHND;
bFatalError = bFatalError || MyInitializeCriticalSection (&gCnClientMsgPendingCritSec, 200); if(!bFatalError) gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_CNCLIENTMSG;
bFatalError = bFatalError || MyInitializeCriticalSection (&gDgClientMsgPendingCritSec, 200); if(!bFatalError) gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_DGCLIENTMSG;
bFatalError = bFatalError || TapiMyInitializeCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.CritSec, 200); if(!bFatalError) gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_GLOB_CRITSEC;
bFatalError = bFatalError || MyInitializeCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.RemoteSPCritSec, 200); if(!bFatalError) gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_GLOB_REMOTESP;
bFatalError = bFatalError || MyInitializeCriticalSection (&gMgmtCritSec, 200); if(!bFatalError) gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_MGMT;
bFatalError = bFatalError || MyInitializeCriticalSection (&gSCPCritSec, 200); if(!bFatalError) gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_SCP;
ghProvRegistryMutex = CreateMutex (NULL, FALSE, NULL); bFatalError = bFatalError || (NULL == ghProvRegistryMutex);
if (!bFatalError) { DWORD dwTID, i; HANDLE hThread; SYSTEM_INFO SystemInfo; BOOL bError = FALSE;
// Start a thread for as many processors there are
SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors = 1; GetSystemInfo( &SystemInfo );
aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo = ServerAlloc( SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors * sizeof (SPEVENTHANDLERTHREADINFO) );
if (!aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo) { aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo = &gSPEventHandlerThreadInfo; SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors = 1; }
for (i = 0; i < SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; i++) { if ( NO_ERROR != MyInitializeCriticalSection( &aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo[i].CritSec, 1000 ) ) { bError = TRUE; LOG((TL_ERROR, "Exception in InitializeCriticalSection")); break; }
InitializeListHead (&aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo[i].ListHead);
aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo[i].hEvent = CreateEvent( (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, TRUE, // manual reset
FALSE, // non-signaled
NULL // unnamed
); if (aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo[i].hEvent == NULL) { bError = TRUE; LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreateEvent('SPEventHandlerThread') " \ "(Proc%d)failed, err=%d", SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors, GetLastError() )); DeleteCriticalSection(&aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo[i].CritSec); break; }
if ((hThread = CreateThread( (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) SPEventHandlerThread, (LPVOID) (aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo + gdwNumSPEventHandlerThreads), 0, &dwTID ))) { gdwNumSPEventHandlerThreads++; CloseHandle (hThread); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreateThread('SPEventHandlerThread') " \ "(Proc%d)failed, err=%d", SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors, GetLastError() )); } }
if (bError && i == 0) { bFatalError = TRUE; } else { glNumActiveSPEventHandlerThreads = (LONG) gdwNumSPEventHandlerThreads; gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_SPEVENT_HANDLER; } }
// Init some globals
TapiGlobals.pIDArrays = NULL; #endif
if (!bFatalError) { DWORD dwSize = (MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
TapiGlobals.pszComputerName = ServerAlloc (dwSize); if (TapiGlobals.pszComputerName) { #ifdef PARTIAL_UNICODE
GetComputerName (buf, &dwSize);
MultiByteToWideChar( GetACP(), MB_PRECOMPOSED, buf, dwSize, TapiGlobals.pszComputerName, dwSize ); } #else
GetComputerNameW(TapiGlobals.pszComputerName, &dwSize); #endif
TapiGlobals.dwComputerNameSize = (1 + lstrlenW(TapiGlobals.pszComputerName)) * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Allocate the priority lists
TapiGlobals.dwTotalPriorityLists = 0; TapiGlobals.dwUsedPriorityLists = 0; TapiGlobals.pPriLists = ( PRILISTSTRUCT * ) ServerAlloc( (sizeof(PRILISTSTRUCT)) * 5);
if (NULL == TapiGlobals.pPriLists) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ServerAlloc pPriLists failed.")); bFatalError = TRUE; } else { TapiGlobals.dwTotalPriorityLists = 5; } }
if (!bFatalError) { ReadAndInitMapper(); ReadAndInitManagementDlls(); gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_MANAGEMENT_DLL; }
// Alloc the EventNotificationThread resources and start the thread
if ( !bFatalError && (TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER)) { DWORD dwID;
// now start a thread to wait for changes to the managementdll key
hThreadMgmt = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ManagementProc, 0, 0, &dwID );
if (!(gEventNotificationThreadParams.hEvent = CreateEvent( (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, // no security attrs
TRUE, // manual reset
FALSE, // initially non-signaled
NULL // unnamed
))) { }
gEventNotificationThreadParams.bExit = FALSE;
{ DWORD dwTID, dwCount;
// Start a thread for as many processors there are
GetSystemInfo( &SystemInfo );
if (gdwTotalAsyncThreads) { dwCount = gdwTotalAsyncThreads; } else { dwCount = SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors * gdwThreadsPerProcessor; }
if (dwCount <= 0) { dwCount = 1; } while (dwCount > 0) { gEventNotificationThreadParams.phThreads = ServerAlloc( sizeof (HANDLE) * dwCount ); if (!gEventNotificationThreadParams.phThreads) { --dwCount; continue; }
gEventNotificationThreadParams.pWatchDogStruct = ServerAlloc( sizeof (WATCHDOGSTRUCT) * dwCount ); if (!gEventNotificationThreadParams.pWatchDogStruct) { ServerFree (gEventNotificationThreadParams.phThreads); --dwCount; continue; } break; } gEventNotificationThreadParams.dwNumThreads = dwCount;
for (i = 0; i < gEventNotificationThreadParams.dwNumThreads;) { if ((gEventNotificationThreadParams.phThreads[i] = CreateThread( (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) EventNotificationThread, (LPVOID) ULongToPtr(i), 0, &dwTID ))) { i++; } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreateThread('EventNotificationThread') failed, " \ "err=%d", GetLastError() ));
gEventNotificationThreadParams.dwNumThreads--; } } }
gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_EVENT_NOTIFICATION; } #endif
// Init Rpc server
gRundownLock.bIgnoreRundowns = FALSE;
{ RPC_STATUS status; unsigned int fDontWait = FALSE; BOOL fInited = FALSE;
s_ssp.psid = NULL; s_ssp.pdacl = NULL; s_ssp.hThreadMgmt = hThreadMgmt;
if (!bFatalError) { InitSecurityDescriptor (&sd, &psid, &pdacl); s_ssp.psid = psid; s_ssp.pdacl = pdacl;
// The RPC endpoints are static => they will exist as long as the service
// process has not exited => stop and restart on client machines will hit
// error 1740 RPC_NT_DUPLICATE_ENDPOINT, but this is ok.
// On server machines, if we get error 1740 RPC_S_DUPLICATE_ENDPOINT,
// it means that the previous tapisrv process instance has not completely
// gone away, and when it will, it will also remove the RPC endpoint.
// In this case we need to wait a bit and retry publishing the endpoint.
dwNumRetries = 0; RpcEp_retry:
status = RpcServerUseProtseqEp( TEXT("ncacn_np"), (unsigned int) dwMaxCalls, TEXT("\\pipe\\tapsrv"), NULL );
if (status) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "RpcServerUseProtseqEp(np) ret'd %d", status)); if (RPC_S_DUPLICATE_ENDPOINT == status && gbNTServer) { // retry
if (dwNumRetries++ < gdwRpcRetryCount) { Sleep (1000); goto RpcEp_retry; } } }
dwNumRetries = 0; LpcEp_retry: status = RpcServerUseProtseqEp( TEXT("ncalrpc"), (unsigned int) dwMaxCalls, TEXT("tapsrvlpc"), &sd );
if (status) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "RpcServerUseProtseqEp(lrpc) ret'd %d", status)); if (RPC_S_DUPLICATE_ENDPOINT == status && gbNTServer) { // retry
if (dwNumRetries++ < gdwRpcRetryCount) { Sleep (1000); goto LpcEp_retry; } } }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "calling RpcServerRegisterAuthInfo")); status = RpcServerRegisterAuthInfo( NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, NULL, NULL );
if (status) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "RpcServerRegisterAuthInfo ret'd %d", status)); } ReportStatusToSCMgr( (gdwServiceState = SERVICE_RUNNING), // service state
NO_ERROR, // exit code
0, // checkpoint
0 // wait hint
); LOG((TL_TRACE, "calling RpcServerListen")); status = RpcServerListen( (unsigned int)dwMinCalls, (unsigned int)dwMaxCalls, TRUE );
if (status) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "RpcServerListen ret'd %d", status)); }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "calling RpcServerRegisterIfEx")); status = RpcServerRegisterIfEx( tapsrv_ServerIfHandle, // interface to register
NULL, // MgrTypeUuid
NULL, // MgrEpv; null means use default
if (status) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "RpcServerRegisterIfEx ret'd %d", status)); }
// In TAPI server machine with a few thousands of lines or more,
// ServerInit will take considerable amount of time, the
// first user who does a lineInitialize will be hit with this
// delay. Also the first person who does MMC management will also
// hit a delay waiting for the server to collect information. Both
// affects people's perception of TAPI performance.
// Solution:
// 1. We put ServerInit to be done immediately after the server
// is up. This way, as long as user does not come too fast, he won't
// be penalized for being the first.
// 2. We now try to build the management cache immediately
// instead of waiting until MMC is used. This way, when MMC is started
// the user do not have to wait.
// Of course, in both of the above cases, if a user tries to use
// TAPI server before all the dusts settle down. He will have to
// wait.
gbServerInited = FALSE; if (TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER) { TapiEnterCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.CritSec); if (TapiGlobals.dwNumLineInits == 0 && TapiGlobals.dwNumPhoneInits == 0) { if (ServerInit(FALSE) == S_OK) { gbServerInited = TRUE; } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ServiceMain: ServerInit failed")); } } // Holde a reference here to prevent ServerShutdown
TapiLeaveCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.CritSec);
EnterCriticalSection (&gMgmtCritSec); UpdateLastWriteTime(TRUE); BuildDeviceInfoList(TRUE); UpdateLastWriteTime(FALSE); BuildDeviceInfoList(FALSE); LeaveCriticalSection (&gMgmtCritSec); }
gdwServiceInitFlags |= SERVICE_INIT_RPC; if (ghEventService == NULL || !RegisterWaitForSingleObject( &hWait, ghEventService, ServiceShutdown, (PVOID)&s_ssp, INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE ) ) { ServiceShutdown ((PVOID) &s_ssp, FALSE); } } if (bFatalError) { ServiceShutdown ((PVOID) &s_ssp, FALSE); } } }
VOID CALLBACK ServiceShutdown ( PVOID lpParam, BOOLEAN fTimeOut ) { SERVICE_SHUTDOWN_PARAMS *pssp = (SERVICE_SHUTDOWN_PARAMS *)lpParam; HANDLE hThreadMgmt; PSID psid; PACL pdacl; DWORD i;
if (pssp == NULL) { return; } hThreadMgmt = pssp->hThreadMgmt; psid = pssp->psid; pdacl = pssp->pdacl;
// Mark Tapi server to be inactive for service stop
// Wait max 20 seconds for Management thread to terminate
if (hThreadMgmt) { WaitForSingleObject (hThreadMgmt, INFINITE); CloseHandle (hThreadMgmt); } if (gbNTServer && (gdwServiceInitFlags & SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_GLOB_CRITSEC) ) { TapiEnterCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.CritSec); if (TapiGlobals.dwNumLineInits == 0 && TapiGlobals.dwNumPhoneInits == 0 && gbServerInited ) { ServerShutdown(); } TapiLeaveCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.CritSec); } ServerFree (psid); ServerFree (pdacl);
gbSPEventHandlerThreadExit = TRUE;
// If there are any clients left then tear them down. This will
// cause any existing service providers to get unloaded, etc.
{ PTCLIENT ptClient;
while ((ptClient = TapiGlobals.ptClients) != NULL) { if (!CleanUpClient (ptClient, TRUE)) { //
// CleanUpClient will only return FALSE if another
// thread is cleaning up the specified tClient, or
// if the pointer is really bad.
// So, we'll spin for a little while waiting to see
// if the tClient gets removed from the list, & if
// not assume that we're experiencing heap
// corruption or some such, and manually shutdown.
for (i = 0; ptClient == TapiGlobals.ptClients && i < 10; i++) { Sleep (100); }
if (i >= 10) { TapiEnterCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.CritSec);
if (TapiGlobals.dwNumLineInits || TapiGlobals.dwNumPhoneInits) { ServerShutdown (); }
TapiLeaveCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.CritSec);
break; } } } }
// Tell the SPEventHandlerThread(s) to terminate
for (i = 0; i < gdwNumSPEventHandlerThreads; i++) { EnterCriticalSection (&aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo[i].CritSec); SetEvent (aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo[i].hEvent); LeaveCriticalSection (&aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo[i].CritSec); }
// Disable rundowns & wait for any active rundowns to complete
while (InterlockedExchange (&gRundownLock.lCookie, 1) == 1) { Sleep (50); }
gRundownLock.bIgnoreRundowns = TRUE;
InterlockedExchange (&gRundownLock.lCookie, 0);
while (gRundownLock.lNumRundowns != 0) { Sleep (50); }
// Wait for the EventNotificationThread's to terminate,
// then clean up the related resources
if ( (TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER) && (gdwServiceInitFlags & SERVICE_INIT_EVENT_NOTIFICATION) ) { gEventNotificationThreadParams.bExit = TRUE;
while (gEventNotificationThreadParams.dwNumThreads) { SetEvent (gEventNotificationThreadParams.hEvent); Sleep (100); }
CloseHandle (gEventNotificationThreadParams.hEvent); ServerFree (gEventNotificationThreadParams.phThreads); ServerFree (gEventNotificationThreadParams.pWatchDogStruct); }
if (gdwServiceInitFlags & SERVICE_INIT_MANAGEMENT_DLL) { CleanUpManagementMemory(); }
ServerFree (TapiGlobals.pszComputerName);
// Wait for the SPEVentHandlerThread(s) to terminate
while (glNumActiveSPEventHandlerThreads) { Sleep (100); }
for (i = 0; i < gdwNumSPEventHandlerThreads; i++) { CloseHandle (aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo[i].hEvent); DeleteCriticalSection (&aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo[i].CritSec); } if (aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo != (&gSPEventHandlerThreadInfo)) { ServerFree (aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo); }
// Free up resources
if (gdwServiceInitFlags & SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_MGMT) DeleteCriticalSection (&gMgmtCritSec);
if (gdwServiceInitFlags & SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_GLOB_CRITSEC) TapiDeleteCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.CritSec);
if (gdwServiceInitFlags & SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_GLOB_REMOTESP) DeleteCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.RemoteSPCritSec);
if (gdwServiceInitFlags & SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_CNCLIENTMSG) DeleteCriticalSection (&gCnClientMsgPendingCritSec); if (gdwServiceInitFlags & SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_DGCLIENTMSG) DeleteCriticalSection (&gDgClientMsgPendingCritSec);
if (gdwServiceInitFlags & SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_SAFEMUTEX) DeleteCriticalSection (&gSafeMutexCritSec); if (gdwServiceInitFlags & SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_REMOTECLI) DeleteCriticalSection (&gRemoteCliEventBufCritSec); if (gdwServiceInitFlags & SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_PRILIST) DeleteCriticalSection (&gPriorityListCritSec); if (gdwServiceInitFlags & SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_MGMTDLLS) DeleteCriticalSection (&gManagementDllsCritSec); if (gdwServiceInitFlags & SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_DLLLIST) DeleteCriticalSection (&gDllListCritSec); if (gdwServiceInitFlags & SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_SCP) DeleteCriticalSection (&gSCPCritSec);
if (gdwServiceInitFlags & SERVICE_INIT_CRITSEC_CLIENTHND) DeleteCriticalSection (&gClientHandleCritSec);
if (ghProvRegistryMutex) CloseHandle (ghProvRegistryMutex);
// Free ICON resources
if (TapiGlobals.hLineIcon) { DestroyIcon (TapiGlobals.hLineIcon); TapiGlobals.hLineIcon = NULL; } if (TapiGlobals.hPhoneIcon) { DestroyIcon (TapiGlobals.hPhoneIcon); TapiGlobals.hPhoneIcon = NULL; }
if (gdwServiceInitFlags & SERVICE_INIT_LOCKTABLE) { for (i = 0; i < gdwNumLockTableEntries; i++) { DeleteCriticalSection (&gLockTable[i]); } if (gLockTable != gLockTableCritSecs) { ServerFree (gLockTable); } }
if (TapiGlobals.pPriLists) { ServerFree(TapiGlobals.pPriLists); }
if (ghHandleTable) { DeleteHandleTable (ghHandleTable); ghHandleTable = NULL; }
if (ghTapisrvHeap != GetProcessHeap()) { HeapDestroy (ghTapisrvHeap); }
if (ghEventService) { CloseHandle (ghEventService); ghEventService = NULL; }
// Report the stopped status to the service control manager.
if (NULL != ghSCMAutostartEvent) { CloseHandle (ghSCMAutostartEvent); }
if (gdwServiceInitFlags & SERVICE_INIT_SCM_REGISTERED) { ReportStatusToSCMgr ((gdwServiceState = SERVICE_STOPPED), 0, 0, 0); }
gdwServiceInitFlags = 0;
// When SERVICE MAIN FUNCTION returns in a single service
// process, the StartServiceCtrlDispatcher function in
// the main thread returns, terminating the process.
LOG((TL_TRACE, "ServiceMain: exit"));
return; }
BOOL PASCAL QueueSPEvent( PSPEVENT pSPEvent ) { //
// If there are multiple SPEventHandlerThread's running then make
// sure to always queue events for a particular object to the same
// SPEventHandlerThread so that we can preserve message ordering.
// Without doing this call state messages might be received out of
// order (or discarded altogether, if processed before a MakeCall
// completion routine run, etc), etc.
switch (pSPEvent->dwType) { case SP_LINE_EVENT: case SP_PHONE_EVENT:
htXxx = (ULONG_PTR)pSPEvent->htLine;
htXxx = ((PASYNCREQUESTINFO) pSPEvent)->htXxx; break;
LOG((TL_ERROR, "QueueSPEvent: bad pSPEvent=x%p", pSPEvent)); #if DBG
if (gfBreakOnSeriousProblems) { DebugBreak(); } #endif
return FALSE; }
pInfo = (gdwNumSPEventHandlerThreads > 1 ? aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo + MAP_HANDLE_TO_SP_EVENT_QUEUE_ID (htXxx) : aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo );
if (gbQueueSPEvents) { EnterCriticalSection (&pInfo->CritSec);
bSetEvent = IsListEmpty (&pInfo->ListHead);
InsertTailList (&pInfo->ListHead, &pSPEvent->ListEntry);
LeaveCriticalSection (&pInfo->CritSec);
if (bSetEvent) { SetEvent (pInfo->hEvent); }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
EnterCriticalSection (&pInfo->CritSec);
if ((bResult = !IsListEmpty (&pInfo->ListHead))) { pEntry = RemoveHeadList (&pInfo->ListHead);
*ppSPEvent = CONTAINING_RECORD (pEntry, SPEVENT, ListEntry); }
if (IsListEmpty (&pInfo->ListHead)) { ResetEvent (pInfo->hEvent); }
LeaveCriticalSection (&pInfo->CritSec);
return bResult; }
void SPEventHandlerThread( PSPEVENTHANDLERTHREADINFO pInfo ) { //
// This thread processes the events & completion notifications
// indicated to us by an SP at a previous time/thread context.
// There are a couple of reasons for doing this in a separate
// thread rather than within the SP's thread context:
// 1. for some msgs (i.e. XXX_CLOSE) TAPI will call back
// into the SP, which it may not be expecting
// 2. we don't want to block the SP's thread by processing
// the msg, forwarding it on to the appropriate clients,
// etc
LOG((TL_INFO, "SPEventHandlerThread: enter (tid=%d)", GetCurrentThreadId() ));
if (!SetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Could not raise priority of SPEventHandlerThread")); }
while (1) { PSPEVENT pSPEvent;
// Timeout no more than gdwRpcTimeout to check on threads...
{ #if DBG
DWORD dwReturnValue;
dwReturnValue = #endif
WaitForSingleObject (pInfo->hEvent, gdwRpcTimeout);
#if DBG
if ( WAIT_TIMEOUT == dwReturnValue ) LOG((TL_INFO, "Timed out waiting for an sp event...")); else LOG((TL_INFO, "Found an sp event...")); #endif
WaitForSingleObject (pInfo->hEvent, INFINITE); #endif
while (DequeueSPEvent (pInfo, &pSPEvent)) { switch (pSPEvent->dwType) { case SP_LINE_EVENT:
LOG((TL_INFO, "Got a line spevent, htLine = 0x%x, htCall = 0x%x, dwMsg = 0x%x", pSPEvent->htLine,pSPEvent->htCall,pSPEvent->dwMsg));
LineEventProc( pSPEvent->htLine, pSPEvent->htCall, pSPEvent->dwMsg, pSPEvent->dwParam1, pSPEvent->dwParam2, pSPEvent->dwParam3 );
ServerFree (pSPEvent);
LOG((TL_INFO, "Got an async completion event, requestID = 0x%x, htXxx = 0x%x, lResult = 0x%x", ((PASYNCREQUESTINFO) pSPEvent)->dwLocalRequestID, ((PASYNCREQUESTINFO) pSPEvent)->htXxx, ((PASYNCREQUESTINFO) pSPEvent)->lResult));
CompletionProc( (PASYNCREQUESTINFO) pSPEvent, ((PASYNCREQUESTINFO) pSPEvent)->lResult );
DereferenceObject( ghHandleTable, ((PASYNCREQUESTINFO) pSPEvent)->dwLocalRequestID, 1 );
LOG((TL_INFO, "Got a phone spevent, htPhone = 0x%x, dwMsg = 0x%x", pSPEvent->htPhone,pSPEvent->dwMsg));
PhoneEventProc( pSPEvent->htPhone, pSPEvent->dwMsg, pSPEvent->dwParam1, pSPEvent->dwParam2, pSPEvent->dwParam3 );
ServerFree (pSPEvent);
break; } }
// Check the remotesp event threads to make sure no
// one is hung in an RPC call
if (TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER) { DWORD dwCount = gEventNotificationThreadParams.dwNumThreads; DWORD dwTickCount = GetTickCount(); DWORD dwStartCount, dwDiff; RPC_STATUS status;
while (dwCount) { dwCount--;
dwStartCount = gEventNotificationThreadParams. pWatchDogStruct[dwCount].dwTickCount;
if ( gEventNotificationThreadParams. pWatchDogStruct[dwCount].ptClient && ( ( dwTickCount - dwStartCount ) > gdwRpcTimeout ) ) { // did it wrap?
if ((((LONG)dwStartCount) < 0) && ((LONG)dwTickCount) > 0) { dwDiff = dwTickCount + (0 - ((LONG)dwStartCount));
if (dwDiff <= gdwRpcTimeout) { continue; } }
// Kill the chicken!
LOG((TL_INFO, "Calling RpcCancelThread on thread #%lx", gEventNotificationThreadParams.phThreads[dwCount] ));
gEventNotificationThreadParams. pWatchDogStruct[dwCount].ptClient = NULL;
status = RpcCancelThread( gEventNotificationThreadParams.phThreads[dwCount] ); } } }
if (gbSPEventHandlerThreadExit) { //
// ServiceMain has stopped listening, so we want to exit NOW
break; }
// Check to see if all the clients are gone, and if so wait a
// while to see if anyone else attaches. If no one else attaches
// in the specified amount of time then shut down.
// don't quit if we're a server
// don't quit if we've not yet ever had anyone attach (like a service
// that has a dependency on us, but has not yet done a lineInit)
// don't quit if SCM didn't finish to start the automatic services;
// there may be services that depend on us to start
if ( !gbAutostartDone && ghSCMAutostartEvent && WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(ghSCMAutostartEvent, 0) ) { gbAutostartDone = TRUE; }
if (TapiGlobals.ptClients == NULL && !(TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER) && gfWeHadAtLeastOneClient && gbAutostartDone) { DWORD dwDeferredShutdownTimeout, dwSleepInterval, dwLoopCount, i; RPC_STATUS status; HKEY hKey;
dwDeferredShutdownTimeout = 120; // 120 seconds
dwSleepInterval = 250; // 250 milliseconds
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszRegKeyTelephony, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey
) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof (DWORD), dwDataType;
if (RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("DeferredShutdownTimeout"), 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &dwDeferredShutdownTimeout, &dwDataSize
) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Overriding Shutdown Timeout: %lu", dwDeferredShutdownTimeout )); }
RegCloseKey (hKey); }
dwLoopCount = dwDeferredShutdownTimeout * 1000 / dwSleepInterval;
for (i = 0; i < dwLoopCount; i++) { if (gbSPEventHandlerThreadExit) { i = dwLoopCount; break; }
Sleep (dwSleepInterval);
if (TapiGlobals.ptClients != NULL) { break; } }
if (i == dwLoopCount) { //
// The 1st SPEVentHandlerThread instance is in charge of
// tearing down the rpc server listen
if (pInfo == aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo) { ReportStatusToSCMgr( (gdwServiceState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING), 0, (gdwCheckPoint = 0), gdwWaitHint ); LOG((TL_TRACE, "SPEventHandlerThread: calling RpcServerUnregisterIf"));
RpcServerUnregisterIf (tapsrv_ServerIfHandle, NULL, TRUE); if (ghEventService) { SetEvent (ghEventService); }
#if DBG
DumpHandleList(); #endif
break; } } }
InterlockedDecrement (&glNumActiveSPEventHandlerThreads);
LOG((TL_TRACE, "SPEventHandlerThread: exit (pid=%d)", GetCurrentThreadId()));
ExitThread (0); }
DWORD InitSecurityDescriptor( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, PSID * ppSid, PACL * ppDacl ) { //
// Note: this code was borrowed from Steve Cobb, who borrowed from RASMAN
// The do - while(FALSE) statement is used so that the break statement
// maybe used insted of the goto statement, to execute a clean up and
// and exit action.
do { dwResult = 0;
// Set up the SID for the admins that will be allowed to have
// access. This SID will have 1 sub-authorities
if (!(pObjSid = (PSID) ServerAlloc (GetSidLengthRequired (1)))) { dwResult = GetLastError(); LOG((TL_ERROR, "GetSidLengthRequired() failed, err=%d", dwResult)); break; }
if (!InitializeSid (pObjSid, &SidIdentifierWorldAuth, 1)) { dwResult = GetLastError(); LOG((TL_ERROR, "InitializeSid() failed, err=%d", dwResult)); break; }
// Set the sub-authorities
pSubAuthority = GetSidSubAuthority (pObjSid, 0); *pSubAuthority = SECURITY_WORLD_RID;
// Set up the DACL that will allow all processeswith the above
// SID all access. It should be large enough to hold all ACEs.
cbDaclSize = sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + GetLengthSid (pObjSid) + sizeof(ACL);
if (!(pDacl = (PACL) ServerAlloc (cbDaclSize))) { dwResult = GetLastError (); break; }
if (!InitializeAcl (pDacl, cbDaclSize, ACL_REVISION2)) { dwResult = GetLastError(); LOG((TL_ERROR, "InitializeAcl() failed, err=%d", dwResult)); break; }
// Add the ACE to the DACL
if (!AddAccessAllowedAce( pDacl, ACL_REVISION2, STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL | SPECIFIC_RIGHTS_ALL, pObjSid )) { dwResult = GetLastError(); LOG((TL_ERROR, "AddAccessAllowedAce() failed, err=%d", dwResult)); break; }
// Create the security descriptor an put the DACL in it.
if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor (pSecurityDescriptor, 1)) { dwResult = GetLastError(); LOG((TL_ERROR, "InitializeSecurityDescriptor() failed, err=%d", dwResult ));
break; }
if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl( pSecurityDescriptor, TRUE, pDacl, FALSE )) { dwResult = GetLastError(); LOG((TL_ERROR, "SetSecurityDescriptorDacl() failed, err=%d",dwResult)); break; }
// Set owner for the descriptor
if (!SetSecurityDescriptorOwner( pSecurityDescriptor, NULL, FALSE )) { dwResult = GetLastError(); LOG((TL_ERROR, "SetSecurityDescriptorOwnr() failed, err=%d",dwResult)); break; }
// Set group for the descriptor
if (!SetSecurityDescriptorGroup( pSecurityDescriptor, NULL, FALSE )) { dwResult = GetLastError(); LOG((TL_ERROR,"SetSecurityDescriptorGroup() failed, err=%d",dwResult)); break; }
} while (FALSE);
*ppSid = pObjSid; *ppDacl = pDacl; return dwResult; }
void EventNotificationThread( LPVOID pParams ) { struct { HANDLE hMailslot;
DWORD dwData;
} *pBuf;
DWORD dwID = PtrToUlong (pParams), dwBufSize = 512, dwTimeout = INFINITE; PTCLIENT ptClient; LIST_ENTRY *pEntry;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "EventNotificationThread: enter"));
if (!SetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Could not raise priority of EventNotificationThread")); }
// The following will make control return to the thread as soon
// as RpcCancelThread() is called
if ( RpcMgmtSetCancelTimeout (0) != RPC_S_OK ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Could not set the RPC cancel timeout")); }
pBuf = ServerAlloc (dwBufSize); if (!pBuf) { goto ExitHere; }
while (1) { //
// Wait for someone to tell us there's clients to notify
if (dwID == 0) { Sleep (DGCLIENT_TIMEOUT);
if (gEventNotificationThreadParams.bExit) { break; }
// Check to see if there are any connectionless clients
// that we should notify.
if (!IsListEmpty (&DgClientMsgPendingListHead)) {
DWORD i, j, dwTickCount, dwBytesWritten, dwNeededSize;
// Build a list of connectionless clients that we should
// notify of pending events
// Note: the fact that we're in the critical section & the
// tClient is in the list means that we can safely access
// the tClient.
dwTickCount = GetTickCount();
EnterCriticalSection (&gDgClientMsgPendingCritSec);
pEntry = DgClientMsgPendingListHead.Flink;
for( i = 0, dwNeededSize = sizeof (*pBuf); pEntry != &DgClientMsgPendingListHead; dwNeededSize += sizeof (*pBuf) ) { do { ptClient = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, TCLIENT, MsgPendingListEntry );
pEntry = pEntry->Flink;
if ((ptClient->dwDgRetryTimeoutTickCount - dwTickCount) & 0x80000000) { //
// Check the last time the client retrieved
// events, & if it's been too long then nuke
// them.
// Ideally, RPC should notify us of a
// disconnected client via our rundown routine.
// But we have seen in rstress that this is not
// always the case (in fact, we wind up with 2
// or more active instances of the same client
// machine!), and so we use this watchdog scheme
// for backup. Otherwise, a stale client might
// have lines open w/ owner or monitor privs
// and it's event queue would grow & grow.
if ((dwTickCount - ptClient->dwDgEventsRetrievedTickCount) > gdwRpcTimeout) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "EventNotificationThread: timeout, " \ "cleaning up Dg client=x%p", ptClient ));
LeaveCriticalSection( &gDgClientMsgPendingCritSec );
CleanUpClient (ptClient, FALSE);
goto walkDgClient_list; }
// Grow the buffer if necessary
if (dwNeededSize > dwBufSize) { LPVOID p;
if ((p = ServerAlloc (dwBufSize + 512))) { CopyMemory (p, pBuf, dwBufSize);
ServerFree (pBuf);
(LPVOID) pBuf = p;
dwBufSize += 512; } else { pEntry = &DgClientMsgPendingListHead;
break; } }
ptClient->dwDgRetryTimeoutTickCount = dwTickCount + DGCLIENT_TIMEOUT;
pBuf[i].hMailslot = ptClient->hValidEventBufferDataEvent;
try { if (ptClient->ptLineApps) { pBuf[i].dwData = (DWORD) ptClient->ptLineApps->InitContext; } else { pBuf[i].dwData = 0; } } myexcept { pBuf[i].dwData = 0; }
break; }
} while (pEntry != &DgClientMsgPendingListHead); }
LeaveCriticalSection (&gDgClientMsgPendingCritSec);
// Notify those clients
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (!WriteFile( pBuf[j].hMailslot, &pBuf[j].dwData, sizeof (DWORD), &dwBytesWritten, (LPOVERLAPPED) NULL )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "EventNotificationThread: Writefile(mailslot) " \ "failed, err=%d", GetLastError() )); } } }
continue; } else { WaitForSingleObject( gEventNotificationThreadParams.hEvent, INFINITE ); }
if (gEventNotificationThreadParams.bExit) { break; }
if (!IsListEmpty (&CnClientMsgPendingListHead)) { //
// Try to find a remote client with pending messages that no
// other EventNotificationThread is currently servicing.
// If we find one, then mark it busy, remove it from the
// list, & then break out of the loop.
// Note: the fact that we're in the critical section & the
// tClient is in the list means that we can safely access
// the tClient.
EnterCriticalSection (&gCnClientMsgPendingCritSec);
for( pEntry = CnClientMsgPendingListHead.Flink; pEntry != &CnClientMsgPendingListHead; pEntry = pEntry->Flink ) { ptClient = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, TCLIENT, MsgPendingListEntry );
if (!ptClient->dwCnBusy) { ptClient->dwCnBusy = 1; RemoveEntryList (pEntry); ptClient->MsgPendingListEntry.Flink = ptClient->MsgPendingListEntry.Blink = NULL; break; } }
LeaveCriticalSection (&gCnClientMsgPendingCritSec);
// If a remote client was found then copy all it's event
// data over to our local buffer & send it off
if (pEntry != &CnClientMsgPendingListHead) { if (WaitForExclusiveClientAccess (ptClient)) { DWORD dwMoveSize, dwMoveSizeWrapped, dwRetryCount; PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE2 phContext;
// We want to copy all the events in the tClient's
// buffer to our local buffer in one shot, so see
// if we need to grow our buffer first
if (ptClient->dwEventBufferUsedSize > dwBufSize) { LPVOID p;
if (!(p = ServerAlloc( ptClient->dwEventBufferUsedSize ))) { UNLOCKTCLIENT (ptClient); break; }
ServerFree (pBuf);
(LPVOID) pBuf = p;
dwBufSize = ptClient->dwEventBufferUsedSize; }
if (ptClient->pDataOut < ptClient->pDataIn) { dwMoveSize = (DWORD) (ptClient->pDataIn - ptClient->pDataOut);
dwMoveSizeWrapped = 0; } else { dwMoveSize = ptClient->dwEventBufferTotalSize - (DWORD) (ptClient->pDataOut - ptClient->pEventBuffer);
dwMoveSizeWrapped = (DWORD) (ptClient->pDataIn - ptClient->pEventBuffer); }
CopyMemory (pBuf, ptClient->pDataOut, dwMoveSize);
if (dwMoveSizeWrapped) { CopyMemory( pBuf + dwMoveSize, ptClient->pEventBuffer, dwMoveSizeWrapped ); }
ptClient->dwEventBufferUsedSize = 0;
ptClient->pDataIn = ptClient->pDataOut = ptClient->pEventBuffer;
phContext = ptClient->phContext;
// Set the watchdog entry for this thread indicating
// what client we're talking to & when we started
gEventNotificationThreadParams.pWatchDogStruct[dwID]. dwTickCount = GetTickCount(); gEventNotificationThreadParams.pWatchDogStruct[dwID]. ptClient = ptClient;
// Send the data
dwRetryCount = gdwRpcRetryCount;
while (dwRetryCount) { RpcTryExcept { RemoteSPEventProc( phContext, (unsigned char *) pBuf, dwMoveSize + dwMoveSizeWrapped );
dwRetryCount = 0; } RpcExcept (I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { unsigned long ulResult = RpcExceptionCode();
LOG((TL_ERROR, "EventNotificationThread: exception #%d", ulResult ));
if ((ulResult == RPC_S_CALL_CANCELLED) || (ulResult == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE)) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "EventNotificationThread: rpc timeout " \ "(ptClient=x%p)", ptClient ));
// The canceled because of a timeout.
// Flag the context, so we don't try
// to call it again!
CleanUpClient (ptClient, FALSE);
// When using TCP, or SPX, RPC will probably
// toast the session context, so we'll not
// be able to call to the client again.
// (If RpcCancelThread() is called and the
// server ACKs within the time set int
// RpcMgmtSetCancelTimeout(), RPC
// (well, the underlying transport) _won't_
// kill the context, but how likely is that...)
dwRetryCount = 1; // so it'll go to 0 after --
dwRetryCount--; } RpcEndExcept }
gEventNotificationThreadParams.pWatchDogStruct[dwID]. ptClient = NULL;
// Safely reset the tClient.dwCnBusy flag
if (WaitForExclusiveClientAccess (ptClient)) { ptClient->dwCnBusy = 0;
UNLOCKTCLIENT (ptClient); } }
goto findCnClientMsgPending; } }
dwTimeout = INFINITE;
ResetEvent (gEventNotificationThreadParams.hEvent); }
ExitHere: ServerFree (pBuf);
CloseHandle (gEventNotificationThreadParams.phThreads[dwID]);
InterlockedDecrement( (LPLONG) &gEventNotificationThreadParams.dwNumThreads );
LOG((TL_TRACE, "EventNotificationThread: exit"));
ExitThread (0); }
void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_API midl_user_allocate( size_t len ) { return (ServerAlloc(len)); }
void __RPC_API midl_user_free( void __RPC_FAR * ptr ) { ServerFree (ptr); }
// implement these functions!
void ManagementAddLineProc( PTCLIENT ptClient, DWORD dwReserved ) { ASYNCEVENTMSG msg;
// this should sent linedevstate_reinit message to remotesp
msg.TotalSize = sizeof(msg); msg.InitContext = ptClient->ptLineApps->InitContext; msg.fnPostProcessProcHandle = 0; msg.hDevice = 0; msg.Msg = LINE_LINEDEVSTATE; msg.OpenContext = 0; msg.Param1 = LINEDEVSTATE_REINIT; msg.Param2 = RSP_MSG; msg.Param3 = 0; msg.Param4 = 0;
WriteEventBuffer (ptClient, &msg); }
void ManagementAddPhoneProc( PTCLIENT ptClient, DWORD dwReserved ) { ASYNCEVENTMSG msg;
// this should sent linedevstate_reinit message to remotesp
msg.TotalSize = sizeof(msg); msg.InitContext = ptClient->ptLineApps->InitContext; msg.fnPostProcessProcHandle = 0; msg.hDevice = 0; msg.Msg = LINE_LINEDEVSTATE; msg.OpenContext = 0; msg.Param1 = LINEDEVSTATE_REINIT; msg.Param2 = RSP_MSG; msg.Param3 = 0; msg.Param4 = 0;
WriteEventBuffer (ptClient, &msg); }
void CleanUpManagementMemory( ) { PTMANAGEDLLINFO pDll, pDllHold; PPERMANENTIDARRAYHEADER pIDArray, pArrayHold;
if (!(TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER)) { return; }
FreeLibrary(TapiGlobals.pMapperDll->hDll); ServerFree (TapiGlobals.pMapperDll->pszName); ServerFree (TapiGlobals.pMapperDll);
TapiGlobals.pMapperDll = NULL;
if (TapiGlobals.pManageDllList) { pDll = TapiGlobals.pManageDllList->pFirst;
while (pDll) { (pDll->aProcs[TC_FREE])();
FreeLibrary (pDll->hDll); ServerFree (pDll->pszName);
pDllHold = pDll->pNext; ServerFree (pDll); pDll = pDllHold; }
ServerFree (TapiGlobals.pManageDllList);
TapiGlobals.pManageDllList = NULL; }
pIDArray = TapiGlobals.pIDArrays;
while (pIDArray) { ServerFree (pIDArray->pLineElements); ServerFree (pIDArray->pPhoneElements);
pArrayHold = pIDArray->pNext;
ServerFree (pIDArray);
pIDArray = pArrayHold; }
void GetProviderSortedArray( DWORD dwProviderID, PPERMANENTIDARRAYHEADER *ppArrayHeader ) { *ppArrayHeader = TapiGlobals.pIDArrays;
// look for the provider in the list
while (*ppArrayHeader) { if ((*ppArrayHeader)->dwPermanentProviderID == dwProviderID) { return; }
*ppArrayHeader = (*ppArrayHeader)->pNext; }
LOG((TL_ERROR, "Couldn't find Provider - id %d pIDArrays %p", dwProviderID, TapiGlobals.pIDArrays ));
*ppArrayHeader = NULL;
return; }
BOOL GetLinePermanentIdFromDeviceID( PTCLIENT ptClient, DWORD dwDeviceID, LPTAPIPERMANENTID pID ) { LPDWORD pDevices = ptClient->pLineDevices; DWORD dwCount = ptClient->dwLineDevices;
while (dwCount) { dwCount--; if (pDevices[dwCount] == dwDeviceID) { pID->dwProviderID = ptClient->pLineMap[dwCount].dwProviderID; pID->dwDeviceID = ptClient->pLineMap[dwCount].dwDeviceID;
return TRUE; } }
LOG((TL_INFO, "GetLinePermanentIdFromDeviceID failed for %d device", dwDeviceID ));
return FALSE;
BOOL GetPhonePermanentIdFromDeviceID( PTCLIENT ptClient, DWORD dwDeviceID, LPTAPIPERMANENTID pID ) { LPDWORD pDevices = ptClient->pPhoneDevices; DWORD dwCount = ptClient->dwPhoneDevices;
while (dwCount) { dwCount--; if (pDevices[dwCount] == dwDeviceID) { pID->dwProviderID = ptClient->pPhoneMap[dwCount].dwProviderID; pID->dwDeviceID = ptClient->pPhoneMap[dwCount].dwDeviceID;
return TRUE; } }
LOG((TL_INFO, "GetPhonePermanentIdFromDeviceID failed for %d device", dwDeviceID ));
return FALSE;
DWORD GetDeviceIDFromPermanentID( TAPIPERMANENTID ID, BOOL bLine ) /*++
Gets the regulare tapi device ID from the permanent ID
--*/ { PPERMANENTIDARRAYHEADER pArrayHeader; PPERMANENTIDELEMENT pArray; LONG lLow, lHigh, lMid; DWORD dwTotalElements; DWORD dwPermanentID;
dwPermanentID = ID.dwDeviceID;
// get the array corresponding to this provider ID
GetProviderSortedArray (ID.dwProviderID, &pArrayHeader);
if (!pArrayHeader) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Couldn't find the provider in the permanent array list!")); return 0xFFFFFFFF; }
// Serialize access to the device array
while (InterlockedExchange (&pArrayHeader->lCookie, 1) == 1) { Sleep (10); }
// set up stuff for search
// dwCurrent is a total - subtract one to make it an index into array.
if (bLine) { lHigh = (LONG)(pArrayHeader->dwCurrentLines - 1); pArray = pArrayHeader->pLineElements; dwTotalElements = pArrayHeader->dwNumLines; } else { lHigh = (LONG)(pArrayHeader->dwCurrentPhones - 1); pArray = pArrayHeader->pPhoneElements; dwTotalElements = pArrayHeader->dwNumPhones; }
lLow = 0;
// binary search through the provider's id array
// this search is from a book, so it must be right.
while (lHigh >= lLow) { lMid = (lHigh + lLow) / 2;
if (dwPermanentID == pArray[lMid].dwPermanentID) { InterlockedExchange (&pArrayHeader->lCookie, 0);
return pArray[lMid].dwDeviceID; }
if (dwPermanentID < pArray[lMid].dwPermanentID) { lHigh = lMid-1; } else { lLow = lMid+1; } }
InterlockedExchange (&pArrayHeader->lCookie, 0);
return 0xFFFFFFFF; }
void InsertIntoTable( BOOL bLine, DWORD dwDeviceID, PTPROVIDER ptProvider, DWORD dwPermanentID ) { PPERMANENTIDARRAYHEADER pArrayHeader; PPERMANENTIDELEMENT pArray; LONG lLow, lHigh, lMid; DWORD dwTotalElements, dwCurrentElements;
GetProviderSortedArray (ptProvider->dwPermanentProviderID, &pArrayHeader);
if (!pArrayHeader) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Couldn't find the provider in the permanent array list!")); return; }
// Serialize access to the device array
while (InterlockedExchange (&pArrayHeader->lCookie, 1) == 1) { Sleep (10); }
// set up stuff for search
// dwCurrent is a total - subtract one to make it an index into array.
if (bLine) { dwCurrentElements = pArrayHeader->dwCurrentLines; pArray = pArrayHeader->pLineElements; dwTotalElements = pArrayHeader->dwNumLines; } else { dwCurrentElements = pArrayHeader->dwCurrentPhones; pArray = pArrayHeader->pPhoneElements; dwTotalElements = pArrayHeader->dwNumPhones; }
lLow = 0; lHigh = dwCurrentElements-1;
// binary search
if (dwCurrentElements > 0) { while (TRUE) { lMid = ( lHigh + lLow ) / 2 + ( lHigh + lLow ) % 2;
if (lHigh < lLow) { break; }
if (pArray[lMid].dwPermanentID == dwPermanentID) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Trying to insert an item already in the perm ID array" ));
LOG((TL_ERROR, "Provider %s, %s array, ID 0x%lu", ptProvider->szFileName, (bLine ? "Line" : "Phone"), dwPermanentID )); }
if (pArray[lMid].dwPermanentID > dwPermanentID) { lHigh = lMid-1; } else { lLow = lMid+1; } } }
// Grow the table if necessary
if (dwCurrentElements >= dwTotalElements) { PPERMANENTIDELEMENT pNewArray;
// realloc array by doubling it
if (!(pNewArray = ServerAlloc( dwTotalElements * 2 * sizeof(PERMANENTIDELEMENT) ))) { InterlockedExchange (&pArrayHeader->lCookie, 0);
return; }
// copy old stuff over
CopyMemory( pNewArray, pArray, dwTotalElements * sizeof(PERMANENTIDELEMENT) );
// free old array
ServerFree (pArray);
// save new array
if (bLine) { pArrayHeader->dwNumLines = dwTotalElements * 2; pArray = pArrayHeader->pLineElements = pNewArray; } else { pArrayHeader->dwNumPhones = dwTotalElements * 2; pArray = pArrayHeader->pPhoneElements = pNewArray; } }
// dwCurrentElements is a count (1 based), lLow is an index (0 based)
// if lLow is < dwcurrent, then it's getting inserted somewhere in the
// middle of the array, so scootch all the other elements out.
if (lLow < (LONG)dwCurrentElements) { MoveMemory( &(pArray[lLow+1]), &(pArray[lLow]), sizeof(PERMANENTIDELEMENT) * (dwCurrentElements - lLow) ); }
if (lLow > (LONG)dwCurrentElements) { LOG((TL_INFO, "InsertIntoTable: lLow %d > dwCurrentElements %d", lLow, dwCurrentElements )); }
pArray[lLow].dwPermanentID = dwPermanentID; pArray[lLow].dwDeviceID = dwDeviceID;
if (bLine) { pArrayHeader->dwCurrentLines++; } else { pArrayHeader->dwCurrentPhones++; }
InterlockedExchange (&pArrayHeader->lCookie, 0); }
void FreeDll( PTMANAGEDLLINFO pDll ) { }
LONG AddProviderToIdArrayList( PTPROVIDER ptProvider, DWORD dwNumLines, DWORD dwNumPhones ) /*++
Adds a new provider corresponding array to the list of permanent device ID arrays
// Alloc a header & arrays for this provider (make sure at least
// 1 entry in each array)
if (!(pNewArray = ServerAlloc(sizeof(PERMANENTIDARRAYHEADER)))) { return LINEERR_NOMEM; }
dwNumLines = (dwNumLines ? dwNumLines : 1); dwNumPhones = (dwNumPhones ? dwNumPhones : 1);
pNewArray->pLineElements = ServerAlloc( sizeof(PERMANENTIDELEMENT) * dwNumLines );
pNewArray->pPhoneElements = ServerAlloc( sizeof(PERMANENTIDELEMENT) * dwNumPhones );
if ((!pNewArray->pLineElements) || (!pNewArray->pPhoneElements)) { ServerFree (pNewArray->pLineElements); ServerFree (pNewArray->pPhoneElements); ServerFree (pNewArray); return LINEERR_NOMEM; }
// Initialize elements
pNewArray->dwNumLines = dwNumLines; pNewArray->dwNumPhones = dwNumPhones;
pNewArray->dwCurrentLines = 0; pNewArray->dwCurrentPhones = 0;
pNewArray->dwPermanentProviderID = ptProvider->dwPermanentProviderID;
// Insert at the beginning of the list
pNewArray->pNext = TapiGlobals.pIDArrays; TapiGlobals.pIDArrays = pNewArray;
return 0; }
Calls the mapper DLL to get the access map arrays for a client
--*/ { LONG lResult; DWORD dwLineDevs, dwPhoneDevs, dwCount; DWORD dwNumLinesHold, dwNumPhonesHold, dwRealDevs; LPTAPIPERMANENTID pLineMap = NULL, pPhoneMap = NULL;
// alloc an default array size
if (!(pLineMap = ServerAlloc (dwLineDevs * sizeof (TAPIPERMANENTID)))) { goto GetDeviceAccess_MemoryError; }
if (!(pPhoneMap = ServerAlloc (dwPhoneDevs * sizeof (TAPIPERMANENTID)))) { goto GetDeviceAccess_MemoryError; }
// call the mapper dll
// LOG((TL_INFO, "Calling GetDeviceAccess in mapper DLL"));
while (TRUE) { dwNumLinesHold = dwLineDevs; dwNumPhonesHold = dwPhoneDevs;
lResult = (pDll->aProcs[TC_GETDEVICEACCESS])( hClient, ptClient, pLineMap, &dwLineDevs, pPhoneMap, &dwPhoneDevs );
if (lResult == LINEERR_STRUCTURETOOSMALL) { if (dwLineDevs < dwNumLinesHold) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Returned STRUCTURETOOSMALL, but specified less " \ "line devs in TAPICLINET_GETDEVICEACCESS" )); }
if (dwPhoneDevs < dwNumPhonesHold) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Returned STRUCTURETOOSMALL, but specified less " \ "phone devs in TAPICLINET_GETDEVICEACCESS" )); }
// realloc
ServerFree (pLineMap);
if (!(pLineMap = ServerAlloc( dwLineDevs * sizeof (TAPIPERMANENTID) ))) { goto GetDeviceAccess_MemoryError; }
ServerFree (pPhoneMap); if (!(pPhoneMap = ServerAlloc( dwPhoneDevs * sizeof ( TAPIPERMANENTID) ))) { goto GetDeviceAccess_MemoryError; }
} else { break; } }
// if still an error
if (lResult) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "GetDeviceAccess failed - error %lu", lResult));
ServerFree (pLineMap); ServerFree (pPhoneMap);
return lResult; }
if (dwLineDevs > dwNumLinesHold) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Returned dwLineDevs greater that the buffer specified in TAPICLIENT_GETDEVICEACCESS")); LOG((TL_ERROR, " Will only use the number the buffer can hold"));
dwLineDevs = dwNumLinesHold; }
if (dwPhoneDevs > dwNumPhonesHold) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Returned dwPhoneDevs greater that the buffer specified in TAPICLIENT_GETDEVICEACCESS")); LOG((TL_ERROR, " Will only use the number the buffer can hold"));
dwPhoneDevs = dwNumPhonesHold; }
// alloc another array for regular tapi device IDs
if (!(ptClient->pLineDevices = ServerAlloc( dwLineDevs * sizeof (DWORD) ) ) ) { goto GetDeviceAccess_MemoryError; }
// alloc a permanent ID array
if (!(ptClient->pLineMap = ServerAlloc( dwLineDevs * sizeof (TAPIPERMANENTID) ) ) ) { goto GetDeviceAccess_MemoryError; }
// loop through all the mapped elements and get the regular
// tapi device ID
dwRealDevs = 0; for (dwCount = 0; dwCount < dwLineDevs; dwCount++) { DWORD dwID;
dwID = GetDeviceIDFromPermanentID( pLineMap[dwCount], TRUE );
// make sure it's a good id
if ( dwID != 0xffffffff ) { // save it
ptClient->pLineDevices[dwRealDevs] = dwID; ptClient->pLineMap[dwRealDevs].dwProviderID = pLineMap[dwCount].dwProviderID; ptClient->pLineMap[dwRealDevs].dwDeviceID = pLineMap[dwCount].dwDeviceID;
// inc real devs
dwRealDevs++; }
// save the real number of devices
ptClient->dwLineDevices = dwRealDevs;
// free the line map
ServerFree (pLineMap);
// now do phone devices
if (!(ptClient->pPhoneDevices = ServerAlloc( dwPhoneDevs * sizeof (DWORD) ) ) ) { goto GetDeviceAccess_MemoryError; }
if (!(ptClient->pPhoneMap = ServerAlloc( dwPhoneDevs * sizeof (TAPIPERMANENTID) ) ) ) { goto GetDeviceAccess_MemoryError; }
dwRealDevs = 0; for (dwCount = 0; dwCount < dwPhoneDevs; dwCount++) { DWORD dwID;
dwID = GetDeviceIDFromPermanentID( pPhoneMap[dwCount], FALSE );
if ( 0xffffffff != dwID ) { ptClient->pPhoneDevices[dwRealDevs] = dwID; ptClient->pPhoneMap[dwRealDevs].dwProviderID = pPhoneMap[dwCount].dwProviderID; ptClient->pPhoneMap[dwRealDevs].dwDeviceID = pPhoneMap[dwCount].dwDeviceID;
dwRealDevs++; } }
// save the real number of devices
ptClient->dwPhoneDevices = dwRealDevs;
// free the original map
ServerFree (pPhoneMap);
return 0;
if (pLineMap != NULL) ServerFree (pLineMap);
if (pPhoneMap != NULL) ServerFree (pPhoneMap);
if (ptClient->pLineMap != NULL) ServerFree (ptClient->pLineMap);
if (ptClient->pPhoneMap != NULL) ServerFree (ptClient->pPhoneMap);
LONG lResult = 0;
if (!(TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER) || IS_FLAG_SET(ptClient->dwFlags, PTCLIENT_FLAG_ADMINISTRATOR)) { return 0; }
// call the mapper DLL
pDll = TapiGlobals.pMapperDll;
lResult = (pDll->aProcs[TC_CLIENTINITIALIZE])( ptClient->pszDomainName, ptClient->pszUserName, ptClient->pszComputerName, &ptClient->hMapper );
if (lResult != 0) { // error on init
LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientInitialize internal failure - error %lu", lResult)); //LOG((TL_ERROR, "Disabling the Telephony server! (2)"));
//TapiGlobals.bServer = FALSE;
return lResult; }
if (lResult = GetDeviceAccess( pDll, ptClient, ptClient->hMapper )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "GetDeviceAccess failed - error x%lx", lResult)); //LOG((TL_ERROR, "Disabling the Telephony server! (3)"));
//TapiGlobals.bServer = FALSE;
return lResult; }
// get the manage dll list
if (pDllList && (pDll = pDllList->pFirst)) { if (!(pClientHandle = ServerAlloc(sizeof(TCLIENTHANDLE)))) { lResult = LINEERR_NOMEM;
goto clientinit_exit; }
ptClient->pClientHandles = pClientHandle;
while (pDll) { // walk the list and call init for this client
pClientHandle->dwID = pDll->dwID; pClientHandle->fValid = TRUE;
// call init
if (lResult = (pDll->aProcs[TC_CLIENTINITIALIZE])( ptClient->pszDomainName, ptClient->pszUserName, ptClient->pszComputerName, &pClientHandle->hClient )) { // failed client init
LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientInitialize failed for %ls, result x%lx", pDll->pszName, lResult));
pClientHandle->fValid = FALSE; }
lResult = 0;
// if there's another DLL, setup another structure
if (pDll = pDll->pNext) { if (!(pClientHandle->pNext = ServerAlloc(sizeof(TCLIENTHANDLE)))) { lResult = LINEERR_NOMEM;
goto clientinit_exit; }
pClientHandle = pClientHandle->pNext; }
} }
return lResult;
BOOL ValidClientAttachParams( long lProcessID, wchar_t *pszDomainUser, wchar_t *pszMachineIn ) { wchar_t * pBinding; wchar_t * pPlaceHolder; wchar_t * pProtocolSequence; int idxPair;
if (NULL == pszDomainUser || NULL == pszMachineIn) { return FALSE; }
if (lProcessID == 0xffffffff) { // This is a remote client
// pszMachineIn should have the format:
// machinename"binding0"endpoint0" ... bindingN"endpointN" (new style) or
// machinename"binding"endpoint (old style)
pPlaceHolder = wcschr( pszMachineIn, L'\"' ); if (NULL == pPlaceHolder || pPlaceHolder == pszMachineIn) { return FALSE; }
// validate binding/endpoint pairs
idxPair = 0; do { idxPair++; pBinding = pPlaceHolder + 1; pPlaceHolder = wcschr( pBinding, L'\"' ); if (NULL == pPlaceHolder || pPlaceHolder == pBinding) { return FALSE; }
pProtocolSequence = pPlaceHolder + 1; pPlaceHolder = wcschr( pProtocolSequence, L'\"' ); if (NULL == pPlaceHolder) { if (idxPair >1) { return FALSE; } } else { if (pPlaceHolder == pProtocolSequence) { return FALSE; }
if (*(pPlaceHolder + 1) == '\0') { pPlaceHolder = NULL; } } } while (NULL != pPlaceHolder); }
return TRUE; }
LONG ClientAttach( PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE *pphContext, long lProcessID, long *phAsyncEventsEvent, wchar_t *pszDomainUser, wchar_t *pszMachineIn ) { PTCLIENT ptClient; wchar_t *pszMachine; wchar_t *pProtocolSequence; wchar_t *pProtocolEndpoint; wchar_t *pPlaceHolder; LONG lResult = 0;
#define NAMEBUFSIZE 96
WCHAR szAccountName[NAMEBUFSIZE], szDomainName[NAMEBUFSIZE]; DWORD dwInfoBufferSize, dwSize, dwAccountNameSize = NAMEBUFSIZE *sizeof(WCHAR), dwDomainNameSize = NAMEBUFSIZE *sizeof(WCHAR); HANDLE hThread, hAccessToken; LPWSTR InfoBuffer = NULL; PSID psidAdministrators; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY siaNtAuthority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; UINT x; PTOKEN_USER ptuUser; SID_NAME_USE use; RPC_STATUS status; DWORD dwException = 0;
if (!ValidClientAttachParams(lProcessID, pszDomainUser, pszMachineIn)) { lResult = LINEERR_INVALPARAM; goto ClientAttach_error0; }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "ClientAttach: enter, pid=x%x, user='%ls', machine='%ls'", lProcessID, pszDomainUser, pszMachineIn ));
// The new remotesp will send in pszMachine thus:
// machinename"binding0"endpoint0" ... bindingN"endpointN"
pszMachine = pszMachineIn;
if ( pPlaceHolder = wcschr( pszMachineIn, L'\"' ) ) { *pPlaceHolder = L'\0'; pProtocolSequence = pPlaceHolder + 1; }
// Alloc & init a tClient struct
if (!(ptClient = ServerAlloc (sizeof(TCLIENT)))) { goto ClientAttach_error0; } ptClient->htClient = NewObject( ghHandleTable, ptClient, NULL); if (ptClient->htClient == 0) { ServerFree(ptClient); goto ClientAttach_error0; }
if (!(ptClient->pEventBuffer = ServerAlloc( INITIAL_EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE ))) { goto ClientAttach_error1; }
ptClient->dwEventBufferTotalSize = INITIAL_EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE; ptClient->dwEventBufferUsedSize = 0;
ptClient->pDataIn = ptClient->pDataOut = ptClient->pEventBuffer;
ptClient->pClientHandles = NULL;
// If an authorized user did a NET PAUSE TAPISRV, don't allow new
// remote clients.
if ( TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_PAUSED ) { if ((lProcessID == 0xffffffff) || (lProcessID == 0xfffffffd)) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "A client tried to attach, but TAPISRV is PAUSED")); goto Admin_error; } }
if ((status = RpcImpersonateClient (0)) != RPC_S_OK) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientAttach: RpcImpersonateClient failed, err=%d", status )); goto Admin_error; }
hThread = GetCurrentThread(); // Note: no need to close this handle
if (!OpenThreadToken (hThread, TOKEN_READ, FALSE, &hAccessToken)) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientAttach: OpenThreadToken failed, err=%d", GetLastError() ));
RpcRevertToSelf(); goto Admin_error; }
dwSize = 2048;
dwInfoBufferSize = 0;
if (!(InfoBuffer = (LPWSTR) ServerAlloc (dwSize))) { CloseHandle (hAccessToken); RpcRevertToSelf();
goto ClientAttach_error2; }
// first get the user name and domain name
ptuUser = (PTOKEN_USER) InfoBuffer;
if (!GetTokenInformation( hAccessToken, TokenUser, InfoBuffer, dwSize, &dwInfoBufferSize )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientAttach: GetTokenInformation failed, err=%d", GetLastError() ));
ServerFree (InfoBuffer);
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { dwSize *= 2; goto alloc_infobuffer; }
CloseHandle (hAccessToken); RpcRevertToSelf();
goto Admin_error; }
if (!LookupAccountSidW( NULL, ptuUser->User.Sid, szAccountName, &dwAccountNameSize, szDomainName, &dwDomainNameSize, &use )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientAttach: LookupAccountSidW failed, err=%d", GetLastError() ));
ServerFree (InfoBuffer); CloseHandle (hAccessToken); RpcRevertToSelf();
goto Admin_error; }
LOG((TL_INFO, "ClientAttach: LookupAccountSidW: User name %ls Domain name %ls", szAccountName, szDomainName ));
// Get administrator status
if (AllocateAndInitializeSid( &siaNtAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &psidAdministrators ) ) { BOOL bAdmin = FALSE; RESET_FLAG(ptClient->dwFlags,PTCLIENT_FLAG_ADMINISTRATOR);
if (!CheckTokenMembership( hAccessToken, psidAdministrators, &bAdmin )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientAttach: CheckTokenMembership failed, err=%d", GetLastError() )); }
// If both the client & server machine has blank
// password for local administrator account, and if
// remotesp runs in local admin account on remote machine
// NTLM will actually think RPC request is from
// server_machine\administrator, thus falsely set
// bAdmin to be true.
if ((TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER) && bAdmin && lProcessID == 0xffffffff) { WCHAR szLocalComp[NAMEBUFSIZE];
dwSize = sizeof(szLocalComp) / sizeof(WCHAR); if (GetComputerNameW ( szLocalComp, &dwSize ) && _wcsicmp (szLocalComp, szDomainName) == 0 ) { bAdmin = FALSE; wcsncpy ( szDomainName, pszMachine, sizeof(szLocalComp) / sizeof(WCHAR) ); szDomainName[sizeof(szLocalComp) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1] = 0; } }
if (bAdmin || S_OK == IsLocalSystem(hAccessToken)) { SET_FLAG(ptClient->dwFlags,PTCLIENT_FLAG_ADMINISTRATOR); }
FreeSid (psidAdministrators);
if (gbNTServer && !IS_FLAG_SET(ptClient->dwFlags, PTCLIENT_FLAG_ADMINISTRATOR)) { //
// Check to see if client is a TAPI admin, as
// specified in the TAPI MMC Snapin. This is
// determined simply by looking for a
// <Domain>\<User>=1 value under the TapiAdministrators
// section in tsec.ini.
wcscpy ((WCHAR *) InfoBuffer, szDomainName); wcscat ((WCHAR *) InfoBuffer, L"\\"); wcscat ((WCHAR *) InfoBuffer, szAccountName);
if (GetPrivateProfileIntW( gszTapiAdministrators, (LPCWSTR) InfoBuffer, 0, gszFileName
) == 1) { SET_FLAG(ptClient->dwFlags,PTCLIENT_FLAG_ADMINISTRATOR); } } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientAttach: AllocateAndInitializeSid failed, err=%d", GetLastError() ));
ServerFree (InfoBuffer); CloseHandle (hAccessToken); RpcRevertToSelf();
goto Admin_error; }
ServerFree (InfoBuffer); CloseHandle (hAccessToken); RpcRevertToSelf();
// Save the user, domain, & machine names
ptClient->dwUserNameSize = (lstrlenW (szAccountName) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR);
if (!(ptClient->pszUserName = ServerAlloc (ptClient->dwUserNameSize))) { goto ClientAttach_error2; }
wcscpy (ptClient->pszUserName, szAccountName);
if (!(ptClient->pszDomainName = ServerAlloc( (lstrlenW (szDomainName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) { goto ClientAttach_error3; }
wcscpy (ptClient->pszDomainName, szDomainName);
if ((lProcessID == 0xffffffff) || (lProcessID == 0xfffffffd)) { ptClient->dwComputerNameSize = (1 + lstrlenW (pszMachine)) * sizeof(WCHAR);
if (!(ptClient->pszComputerName = ServerAlloc( ptClient->dwComputerNameSize ))) { goto ClientAttach_error4; }
wcscpy (ptClient->pszComputerName, pszMachine); }
// Get the RPC call attributes
ZeroMemory(&RPCAttributes, sizeof(RPCAttributes)); RPCAttributes.Version = RPC_CALL_ATTRIBUTES_VERSION; RPCAttributes.Flags = 0;
status = RpcServerInqCallAttributes (NULL, &RPCAttributes); if (status) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientAttach: Failed to retrieve the RPC call attributes, error 0x%x", status)); lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; goto ClientAttach_error5; } LOG((TL_INFO, "ClientAttach(%S): Auth level = 0x%x", ptClient->pszUserName, RPCAttributes.AuthenticationLevel));
ptClient->dwUserNameSize = (lstrlenW (pszDomainUser) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
if (!(ptClient->pszUserName = ServerAlloc (ptClient->dwUserNameSize))) { goto ClientAttach_error2; }
wcscpy (ptClient->pszUserName, pszDomainUser);
if (lProcessID == 0xffffffff) { #if TELE_SERVER
// This is a remote client
if (0 == (TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER)) #endif
{ //
// This machine has been set up to _not_ be a server so fail
ServerFree (ptClient->pszUserName);
LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientAttach: attach request received, but this is " \ "not a telephony svr!" ));
goto Admin_error; }
if (RPCAttributes.AuthenticationLevel != RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY) { // Is this call secure enough ?
if (gbHighSecurity) { // We are in high security mode
// Reject calls that don't have packet privacy
LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientAttach: unsecure call, AuthLevel=0x%x", RPCAttributes.AuthenticationLevel)); lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; goto ClientAttach_error5; } else { RPCAuthLevel = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT; } }
// Special hack introduced because in SP4 beta I nullified the
// entry in gaFuncs[] corresponding to the old-lOpenInt /
// new-xNegotiateAPIVersionForAllDevices. So if a newer
// remotesp tries to send a NegoAllDevices request to an
// SP4 beta then tapisrv on the server will blow up.
// By setting *phAsyncEventsEvent = to a secret value remotesp
// knows whether or not it's ok to send a NegoAllDevices request.
*phAsyncEventsEvent = 0xa5c369a5;
// If pszDomainUser is non-empty then it contains the
// name of a mailslot that we can open & write to to
// indicate when async events are pending for this client.
if (wcslen (pszDomainUser) > 0) { ptClient->hProcess = (HANDLE) DG_CLIENT;
)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto ClientAttach_AddClientToList; }
LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientAttach: CreateFile(%ws) failed, err=%d", pszDomainUser, GetLastError() ));
LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientAttach: trying connection-oriented approach...", pszDomainUser, GetLastError() )); }
ptClient->hProcess = (HANDLE) CN_CLIENT;
{ RPC_STATUS status; PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE2 phContext = NULL; WCHAR *pszStringBinding = NULL; WCHAR *pszMachineName; BOOL bError;
// Allocate enough incase we have to prepend...
pszMachineName = ServerAlloc( (lstrlenW(pszMachine) + 3) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (!pszMachineName) { goto ClientAttach_error5; }
// Should we prepend whackwhack?
if (!_wcsicmp (L"ncacn_np", pProtocolSequence)) { //
// Yes. It's needed for named pipes
pszMachineName[0] = '\\'; pszMachineName[1] = '\\';
wcscpy (pszMachineName + 2, pszMachine); } else { //
// Don't prepend \\ //
wcscpy (pszMachineName, pszMachine); }
// Serialize access to hRemoteSP
EnterCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.RemoteSPCritSec);
// Try to find a protseq/endpoint pair in the list passed
// to us by the client that works ok
do { //
// New strings look like: prot1"ep1"prot2"ep2"\0
// ...where there's one or more protseq/enpoint combos,
// each members of which is followed by a dbl-quote char
// Old strings look like: prot"ep\0
// ...where there's only one protseq/endpoint combo,
// and the endpoint member is followed by a \0 (no dbl-quote)
pPlaceHolder = wcschr (pProtocolSequence, L'\"'); *pPlaceHolder = L'\0'; pProtocolEndpoint = pPlaceHolder + 1;
if ((pPlaceHolder = wcschr (pProtocolEndpoint, L'\"'))) { *pPlaceHolder = L'\0'; } else { //
// If this is an old-style string then munge
// pPlaceHolder such that the error handling
// code down below doesn't jump back up here
// to get the next protseq/endpoint combo
pPlaceHolder = pProtocolEndpoint + wcslen (pProtocolEndpoint) - 1; }
RpcTryExcept { status = RpcStringBindingComposeW( NULL, // uuid
pProtocolSequence, pszMachineName, // server name
pProtocolEndpoint, NULL, // options
&pszStringBinding );
if (status != 0) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientAttach: RpcStringBindingComposeW " \ "failed, err=%d", status )); }
status = RpcBindingFromStringBindingW( pszStringBinding, &hRemoteSP );
if (status != 0) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientAttach: RpcBindingFromStringBinding " \ "failed, err=%d", status ));
LOG((TL_INFO, "\t szMachine=%ws, protseq=%ws endpoint=%ws", pszMachine, pProtocolSequence, pProtocolEndpoint )); } } RpcExcept (I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { //
// Set status != 0 so our error handler below executes
status = 1; } RpcEndExcept
if (status != 0) { RpcStringFreeW (&pszStringBinding);
pProtocolSequence = pPlaceHolder + 1; }
} while (status != 0 && *pProtocolSequence);
if (status != 0) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientAttach: error, can't find a usable protseq" ));
LeaveCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.RemoteSPCritSec); ServerFree (pszMachineName); lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; goto ClientAttach_error5; }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "ClientAttach: szMachine=%ws trying protseq=%ws endpoint=%ws", pszMachine, pProtocolSequence, pProtocolEndpoint ));
RpcTryExcept { status = RpcBindingSetAuthInfo( hRemoteSP, NULL, RPCAuthLevel, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, NULL, 0 );
RemoteSPAttach ((PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE2 *) &phContext); bError = FALSE; } RpcExcept (I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { dwException = RpcExceptionCode(); LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientAttach: RemoteSPAttach failed. Exception %d", dwException ));
bError = TRUE; } RpcEndExcept
RpcTryExcept { RpcBindingFree (&hRemoteSP);
RpcStringFreeW (&pszStringBinding); } RpcExcept (I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { // do nothing
} RpcEndExcept
LeaveCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.RemoteSPCritSec);
if (bError) { //
// If there's at least one other protocol we can try
// then go for it, otherwise jump to error handler
pProtocolSequence = pPlaceHolder + 1;
if (*pProtocolSequence) { EnterCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.RemoteSPCritSec); goto find_protocol_sequence; }
ServerFree (pszMachineName);
lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; goto ClientAttach_error5; }
ServerFree (pszMachineName);
// RevertToSelf();
ptClient->phContext = phContext; }
#endif // TELE_SERVER
} else if (lProcessID == 0xfffffffd) { if (!gbNTServer) { lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; goto ClientAttach_error5; }
// Is this call secure enough ?
if (gbHighSecurity && RPCAttributes.AuthenticationLevel != RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY) { // We are in high security mode
// Reject calls that don't have packet privacy
LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientAttach: unsecure call, AuthLevel=0x%x", RPCAttributes.AuthenticationLevel)); lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; goto ClientAttach_error5; } #endif
// Deny the access if not the admin
if (!IS_FLAG_SET(ptClient->dwFlags, PTCLIENT_FLAG_ADMINISTRATOR)) { lResult = TAPIERR_NOTADMIN; goto ClientAttach_error5; }
ptClient->hProcess = (HANDLE) MMC_CLIENT; #ifdef _WIN64
*phAsyncEventsEvent = 0x64646464; #else
*phAsyncEventsEvent = 0x32323232; #endif
} else { RPC_STATUS rpcStatus; //
// Open a handle to the client process. We will use this to duplicate an
// event handle into that process.
rpcStatus = RpcImpersonateClient (NULL); if (RPC_S_OK != rpcStatus) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "RpcImpersonateClient failed, err=%d", rpcStatus)); lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; goto ClientAttach_error5; }
if (!(ptClient->hProcess = OpenProcess( PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, FALSE, lProcessID ))) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "OpenProcess(pid=x%x) failed, err=%d", lProcessID, GetLastError() ));
RpcRevertToSelf (); goto ClientAttach_error5; }
// This is a local client, so set up all the event buffer stuff
ptClient->dwComputerNameSize = TapiGlobals.dwComputerNameSize; ptClient->pszComputerName = TapiGlobals.pszComputerName;
if (!(ptClient->hValidEventBufferDataEvent = CreateEvent( (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, TRUE, // manual-reset
FALSE, // nonsignaled
NULL // unnamed
))) { RpcRevertToSelf (); lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; goto ClientAttach_error5; }
if (!DuplicateHandle( TapiGlobals.hProcess, ptClient->hValidEventBufferDataEvent, ptClient->hProcess, (HANDLE *) phAsyncEventsEvent, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientAttach: DupHandle failed, err=%d", GetLastError() )); }
RpcRevertToSelf ();
// Load the priority lists if we haven't already done so
if (gbPriorityListsInitialized == FALSE) { RPC_STATUS status;
if ((status = RpcImpersonateClient (0)) != RPC_S_OK) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientAttach: RpcImpersonateClient failed, err=%d", status )); lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; goto ClientAttach_error5; }
EnterCriticalSection (&gPriorityListCritSec);
if (gbPriorityListsInitialized == FALSE) { HKEY hKeyHandoffPriorities, hKeyCurrentUser; LONG lResult;
gbPriorityListsInitialized = TRUE;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (lResult = RegOpenCurrentUser (KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyCurrentUser))) { if ((lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyCurrentUser, gszRegKeyHandoffPriorities, 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyHandoffPriorities
HKEY hKeyMediaModes; DWORD dwDisp;
if ((lResult = RegCreateKeyEx( hKeyHandoffPriorities, gszRegKeyHandoffPrioritiesMediaModes, 0, TEXT(""), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKeyMediaModes, &dwDisp )) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { GetMediaModesPriorityLists( hKeyMediaModes, &(TapiGlobals.pPriLists) );
RegCloseKey( hKeyMediaModes ); }
GetPriorityList( hKeyHandoffPriorities, gszRequestMakeCallW, &TapiGlobals.pszReqMakeCallPriList );
GetPriorityList( hKeyHandoffPriorities, gszRequestMediaCallW, &TapiGlobals.pszReqMediaCallPriList );
RegCloseKey (hKeyHandoffPriorities);
} else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "RegOpenKey('\\HandoffPri') failed, err=%ld", lResult )); }
RegCloseKey (hKeyCurrentUser); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "RegOpenCurrentUser failed, err=%ld", lResult )); } }
LeaveCriticalSection (&gPriorityListCritSec);
if (status == RPC_S_OK) { RpcRevertToSelf (); } } }
// Add tClient to global list
TapiEnterCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.CritSec);
if ((ptClient->pNext = TapiGlobals.ptClients)) { ptClient->pNext->pPrev = ptClient; }
TapiGlobals.ptClients = ptClient; gfWeHadAtLeastOneClient = TRUE;
ptClient->dwKey = TCLIENT_KEY;
{ PTPROVIDER ptProvider;
ptProvider = TapiGlobals.ptProviders;
while (NULL != ptProvider) { if (NULL != ptProvider->apfn[SP_PROVIDERCHECKFORNEWUSER]) { CallSP1( ptProvider->apfn[SP_PROVIDERCHECKFORNEWUSER], "providerCheckForNewUser", SP_FUNC_SYNC, (DWORD)ptProvider->dwPermanentProviderID ); }
ptProvider = ptProvider->pNext; } }
TapiLeaveCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.CritSec);
// Fill in return values
*pphContext = (PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE) UIntToPtr(ptClient->htClient);
return 0;
// Error cleanup
ServerFree (ptClient->pEventBuffer); DereferenceObject (ghHandleTable, ptClient->htClient, 1);
if (ptClient->pszComputerName != TapiGlobals.pszComputerName) { ServerFree (ptClient->pszComputerName); }
ClientAttach_error4: #endif
ServerFree (ptClient->pszDomainName);
ClientAttach_error3: #endif
ServerFree (ptClient->pszUserName);
ServerFree (ptClient->pEventBuffer);
DereferenceObject (ghHandleTable, ptClient->htClient, 1);
if (lResult == 0) { lResult = LINEERR_NOMEM; } return lResult; }
void ClientRequest( PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE phContext, unsigned char *pBuffer, long lNeededSize, long *plUsedSize ) { PTAPI32_MSG pMsg = (PTAPI32_MSG) pBuffer; DWORD dwFuncIndex; PTCLIENT ptClient = NULL; DWORD objectToDereference = DWORD_CAST((ULONG_PTR)phContext,__FILE__,__LINE__);
if (lNeededSize < sizeof (TAPI32_MSG) || *plUsedSize < sizeof (ULONG_PTR)) // sizeof (pMsg->u.Req_Func)
{ pMsg->u.Ack_ReturnValue = LINEERR_INVALPARAM; goto ExitHere; }
dwFuncIndex = pMsg->u.Req_Func; ptClient = ReferenceObject( ghHandleTable, objectToDereference, TCLIENT_KEY); if (ptClient == NULL) { pMsg->u.Ack_ReturnValue = TAPIERR_INVALRPCCONTEXT; goto ExitHere; }
// Old (nt4sp4, win98) clients pass across a usedSize
// == 3 * sizeof(DWORD) for the xgetAsyncEvents request,
// so we have to special case them when checking buf size
if (*plUsedSize < (long) (dwFuncIndex == xGetAsyncEvents ? 3 * sizeof (ULONG_PTR) : sizeof (TAPI32_MSG))) { goto ExitHere; }
*plUsedSize = sizeof (LONG_PTR);
if (dwFuncIndex >= xLastFunc) { pMsg->u.Ack_ReturnValue = LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } else if (ptClient->dwKey == TCLIENT_KEY) { pMsg->u.Ack_ReturnValue = TAPI_SUCCESS;
(*gaFuncs[dwFuncIndex])( ptClient, pMsg, lNeededSize - sizeof(TAPI32_MSG), pBuffer + sizeof(TAPI32_MSG), plUsedSize ); } else { pMsg->u.Ack_ReturnValue = LINEERR_REINIT; }
ExitHere: if (ptClient) { DereferenceObject( ghHandleTable, ptClient->htClient, 1); } return; }
void ClientDetach( PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE *pphContext ) { PTCLIENT ptClient; DWORD objectToDereference = DWORD_CAST((ULONG_PTR)(*pphContext),__FILE__,__LINE__);
LOG((TL_TRACE, "ClientDetach: enter"));
ptClient = ReferenceObject( ghHandleTable, objectToDereference, TCLIENT_KEY); if (ptClient == NULL) { goto ExitHere; }
{ if (!IS_REMOTE_CLIENT (ptClient)) { //
// Write the pri lists to the registry when a local client
// detaches.
{ HKEY hKeyHandoffPriorities, hKeyCurrentUser; LONG lResult; DWORD dwDisposition; RPC_STATUS status;
if ((status = RpcImpersonateClient (0)) == RPC_S_OK) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (lResult = RegOpenCurrentUser (KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyCurrentUser))) { if ((lResult = RegCreateKeyEx( hKeyCurrentUser, gszRegKeyHandoffPriorities, 0, TEXT(""), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_SET_VALUE, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, &hKeyHandoffPriorities, &dwDisposition
)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HKEY hKeyHandoffPrioritiesMediaModes;
EnterCriticalSection (&gPriorityListCritSec);
RegDeleteKey( hKeyHandoffPriorities, gszRegKeyHandoffPrioritiesMediaModes );
if ((lResult = RegCreateKeyEx( hKeyHandoffPriorities, gszRegKeyHandoffPrioritiesMediaModes, 0, TEXT(""), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_SET_VALUE, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, &hKeyHandoffPrioritiesMediaModes, &dwDisposition
)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetMediaModesPriorityList( hKeyHandoffPrioritiesMediaModes, TapiGlobals.pPriLists );
RegCloseKey( hKeyHandoffPrioritiesMediaModes ); }
SetPriorityList( hKeyHandoffPriorities, gszRequestMakeCallW, TapiGlobals.pszReqMakeCallPriList );
SetPriorityList( hKeyHandoffPriorities, gszRequestMediaCallW, TapiGlobals.pszReqMediaCallPriList );
LeaveCriticalSection (&gPriorityListCritSec);
RegCloseKey (hKeyHandoffPriorities); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "RegCreateKeyEx('\\HandoffPri') failed, err=%ld", lResult )); }
RegCloseKey (hKeyCurrentUser); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "RegOpenCurrentUser failed, err=%ld", lResult )); }
RpcRevertToSelf (); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ClientDetach: RpcImpersonateClient failed, err=%d", status)); } } } }
PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE_rundown (*pphContext);
LOG((TL_TRACE, "ClientDetach: exit")); ExitHere: if (ptClient) { DereferenceObject( ghHandleTable, ptClient->htClient, 1); } return; }
BOOL CleanUpClient( PTCLIENT ptClient, BOOL bRundown ) /*++
This function separates out the freeing of client resources and removing it from the client list from actually freeing the client. For the case where the client timed out we want to clean up all the client's resources. However, the client can potentially still call in to tapisrv, so we can't free the client handle (or it will fault in lineprolog / phoneprolog).
--*/ { BOOL bResult, bExit;
try { LOCKTCLIENT (ptClient); } myexcept { // do nothing
try { if (bRundown) { switch (ptClient->dwKey) { case TCLIENT_KEY:
// Invalidate the key & proceed with clean up
ptClient->dwKey = INVAL_KEY; bExit = FALSE; break;
// An EventNotificationThread already cleaned up this client,
// so invalidate the key, exit & return TRUE
ptClient->dwKey = INVAL_KEY; bResult = bExit = TRUE; break;
// An EventNotificationThread is cleaning up this client.
// Release the lock, wait a little while, then try again.
UNLOCKTCLIENT (ptClient); Sleep (50); goto CleanUpClient_lockClient;
// This is not a valid tClient, so exit & return FALSE
bResult = FALSE; bExit = TRUE; break; } } else // called by EventNotificationThread on timeout
{ if (ptClient->dwKey == TCLIENT_KEY) { //
// Mark the key as "doing cleanup", then proceed
bExit = FALSE; ptClient->dwKey = TCLIENTCLEANUP_KEY; } else { //
// Either the tClient is invalid or it's being cleaned
// up by someone else, so exit & return FALSE
bResult = FALSE; bExit = TRUE; } } } myexcept { bResult = FALSE; bExit = TRUE; }
try { UNLOCKTCLIENT (ptClient); } myexcept { // do nothing
if (bExit) { return bResult; }
// Clear the MMC write lock if any
if (IS_FLAG_SET (ptClient->dwFlags, PTCLIENT_FLAG_LOCKEDMMCWRITE)) { EnterCriticalSection (&gMgmtCritSec); gbLockMMCWrite = FALSE; LeaveCriticalSection (&gMgmtCritSec); }
if (IS_REMOTE_CLIENT (ptClient) && ptClient->MsgPendingListEntry.Flink) { CRITICAL_SECTION *pCS = (IS_REMOTE_CN_CLIENT (ptClient) ? &gCnClientMsgPendingCritSec : &gDgClientMsgPendingCritSec);
EnterCriticalSection (pCS);
if (ptClient->MsgPendingListEntry.Flink) { RemoveEntryList (&ptClient->MsgPendingListEntry); }
LeaveCriticalSection (pCS); }
TapiEnterCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.CritSec);
try { if (ptClient->pNext) { ptClient->pNext->pPrev = ptClient->pPrev; }
if (ptClient->pPrev) { ptClient->pPrev->pNext = ptClient->pNext; } else { TapiGlobals.ptClients = ptClient->pNext; } } myexcept { // simply continue
TapiLeaveCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.CritSec);
if (TapiGlobals.pManageDllList) { pDll = TapiGlobals.pManageDllList->pFirst;
while (pDll) { if (GetTCClient (pDll, ptClient, TC_CLIENTSHUTDOWN, &htClient)) { try { (pDll->aProcs[TC_CLIENTSHUTDOWN])(htClient); } myexcept { LOG((TL_ERROR, "CLIENT DLL had a problem: x%p",ptClient)); break; } }
pDll = pDll->pNext; } } }
// If client was remote then detach
if (IS_REMOTE_CN_CLIENT (ptClient) && bRundown) { RpcTryExcept { RemoteSPDetach (&ptClient->phContext); } RpcExcept (I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { unsigned long ulResult = RpcExceptionCode();
LOG((TL_ERROR, "rundown: exception #%d detaching from remotesp", ulResult ));
if (ulResult == RPC_S_SERVER_TOO_BUSY) { } else { } } RpcEndExcept }
// Close all XxxApps
while (ptClient->ptLineApps) { DestroytLineApp (ptClient->ptLineApps->hLineApp); }
while (ptClient->ptPhoneApps) { DestroytPhoneApp (ptClient->ptPhoneApps->hPhoneApp); }
// Clean up any existing ProviderXxx dialog instances
{ PTAPIDIALOGINSTANCE pProviderXxxDlgInst = ptClient->pProviderXxxDlgInsts, pNextProviderXxxDlgInst;
while (pProviderXxxDlgInst) { TAPI32_MSG params;
params.u.Req_Func = 0; params.Params[0] = pProviderXxxDlgInst->htDlgInst; params.Params[1] = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED;
pNextProviderXxxDlgInst = pProviderXxxDlgInst->pNext;
FreeDialogInstance( ptClient, (PFREEDIALOGINSTANCE_PARAMS) ¶ms, sizeof (params), NULL, NULL );
pProviderXxxDlgInst = pNextProviderXxxDlgInst; } }
// Clean up associated resources
if (!IS_REMOTE_CLIENT (ptClient)) { CloseHandle (ptClient->hProcess); }
if (!IS_REMOTE_CN_CLIENT (ptClient)) { CloseHandle (ptClient->hValidEventBufferDataEvent); }
ServerFree (ptClient->pEventBuffer);
ServerFree (ptClient->pszUserName);
if (ptClient->pszComputerName != TapiGlobals.pszComputerName) { ServerFree (ptClient->pszComputerName); }
if (TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER) { ServerFree (ptClient->pszDomainName);
if (!IS_FLAG_SET(ptClient->dwFlags, PTCLIENT_FLAG_ADMINISTRATOR)) // security DLL handles
{ ServerFree (ptClient->pClientHandles); ServerFree (ptClient->pLineMap); ServerFree (ptClient->pLineDevices); ServerFree (ptClient->pPhoneMap); ServerFree (ptClient->pPhoneDevices); } }
// If we're called due to timeout then reset key to == ZOMBIE
// so that another thread doing rundown knows that it's ok
// to free the tClient object
if (!bRundown) { ptClient->dwKey = TZOMBIECLIENT_KEY; }
return TRUE; }
void __RPC_USER PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE_rundown( PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE phContext ) { DWORD i; PTCLIENT ptClient; DWORD objectToDereference = DWORD_CAST((ULONG_PTR)phContext,__FILE__,__LINE__);
ptClient = ReferenceObject ( ghHandleTable, objectToDereference, TCLIENT_KEY); if (ptClient == NULL) { goto ExitHere; }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE_rundown: enter (ptClient=x%p)",ptClient));
while (InterlockedExchange (&gRundownLock.lCookie, 1) == 1) { Sleep (50); }
if (!gRundownLock.bIgnoreRundowns) { InterlockedIncrement (&gRundownLock.lNumRundowns);
InterlockedExchange (&gRundownLock.lCookie, 0);
// Wrap the following in a try/except because we definitely
// want to make sure we decrement gRundownLock.lRundownCount
try { if (CleanUpClient (ptClient, TRUE)) { DereferenceObject ( ghHandleTable, ptClient->htClient, 1);
// If this was the last client then alert the
// SPEventHandlerThread(s) that it should begin
// it's deferred shutdown countdown
if (!TapiGlobals.ptClients) { for (i = 0; i < gdwNumSPEventHandlerThreads; i++) { EnterCriticalSection( &aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo[i].CritSec );
SetEvent (aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo[i].hEvent);
LeaveCriticalSection( &aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo[i].CritSec ); } } } } myexcept { }
InterlockedDecrement (&gRundownLock.lNumRundowns); } else { InterlockedExchange (&gRundownLock.lCookie, 0); }
ExitHere: if (ptClient) { DereferenceObject(ghHandleTable, ptClient->htClient, 1); } LOG((TL_TRACE, "PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE_rundown: exit")); return; }
#if DBG
LPVOID WINAPI ServerAllocReal( DWORD dwSize, DWORD dwLine, PSTR pszFile ) #else
LPVOID WINAPI ServerAllocReal( DWORD dwSize ) #endif
#if DBG
dwSize += sizeof (MYMEMINFO); #endif
p = HeapAlloc (ghTapisrvHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSize);
#if DBG
if (p) { ((PMYMEMINFO) p)->dwLine = dwLine; ((PMYMEMINFO) p)->pszFile = pszFile;
p = (LPVOID) (((PMYMEMINFO) p) + 1); } else { static BOOL fBeenThereDoneThat = FALSE; static DWORD fBreakOnAllocFailed = 0;
if ( !fBeenThereDoneThat ) { HKEY hKey; TCHAR szTapisrvDebugBreak[] = TEXT("TapisrvDebugBreak");
fBeenThereDoneThat = TRUE;
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszRegKeyTelephony, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof (DWORD), dwDataType;
RegQueryValueEx( hKey, szTapisrvDebugBreak, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &fBreakOnAllocFailed, &dwDataSize );
dwDataSize = sizeof (DWORD);
RegCloseKey (hKey);
LOG((TL_ERROR, "BreakOnAllocFailed=%ld", fBreakOnAllocFailed)); }
if ( fBreakOnAllocFailed ) { DebugBreak(); } } #endif
return p; }
VOID WINAPI ServerFree( LPVOID p ) { if (!p) { return; }
#if DBG
// Fill the buffer (but not the MYMEMINFO header) with 0xa1's
// to facilitate debugging
{ LPVOID p2 = p; DWORD dwSize;
p = (LPVOID) (((PMYMEMINFO) p) - 1);
dwSize = (DWORD) HeapSize (ghTapisrvHeap, 0, p); if ((dwSize != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (dwSize > sizeof (MYMEMINFO))) { FillMemory( p2, dwSize - sizeof (MYMEMINFO), 0xa1 ); } }
HeapFree (ghTapisrvHeap, 0, p); }
#if DBG
void DumpHandleList() { #ifdef INTERNALBUILD
if (gpHandleFirst == NULL) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "All mutexes deallocated"));
return; }
pHold = gpHandleFirst;
while (pHold) { LOG((TL_INFO, "DumpHandleList - MUTEX %lx, FILE %s, LINE %d", pHold->hMutex, pHold->pszFile, pHold->dwLine));
pHold = pHold->pNext; }
if (gbBreakOnLeak) { DebugBreak(); } #endif
} #endif
BOOL PASCAL MyDuplicateHandle( HANDLE hSource, LPHANDLE phTarget ) { if (!DuplicateHandle( TapiGlobals.hProcess, hSource, TapiGlobals.hProcess, phTarget, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "MyDuplicateHandle: DuplicateHandle failed, err=%ld", GetLastError() ));
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
#if DBG
HANDLE MyRealCreateMutex( PSTR pFile, DWORD dwLine ) #else
HANDLE MyRealCreateMutex( void ) #endif
{ HANDLE hMutex;
hMutex = CreateMutex( NULL, // no security attrs
FALSE, // unowned
NULL // unnamed
return (hMutex); }
BOOL WaitForMutex( HANDLE hMutex, HANDLE *phMutex, BOOL *pbDupedMutex, LPVOID pWidget, DWORD dwKey, DWORD dwTimeout ) { DWORD dwResult;
// note that waitformutex and code that uses the mutex must be
// wrapped in a try except because the object could possibly
// go away even though the thread has the mutex
// First try to instantaneously grab the specified mutex. We wrap
// this in a critical section and preface it with widget validation
// to make sure that we don't happen grab a pWidget->hMutex right
// after it is released and right before it is closed by some other
// thread "T2" in a DestroyWidget routine. This scenario could cause
// deadlock, since there could be thread "T3" waiting on this mutex
// (or a dup'd handle), and this thread "T1" would have no way to
// release the mutex (the handle having been subsequently closed by
// thread "T2" calling DestroyWidget above).
EnterCriticalSection (&gSafeMutexCritSec);
if (pWidget) { try { if (*((LPDWORD) pWidget) != dwKey) { LeaveCriticalSection (&gSafeMutexCritSec); return FALSE; } } myexcept { LeaveCriticalSection (&gSafeMutexCritSec); return FALSE; } }
switch ((dwResult = WaitForSingleObject (hMutex, 0))) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
LeaveCriticalSection (&gSafeMutexCritSec); *phMutex = hMutex; *pbDupedMutex = FALSE; return TRUE;
//assert: no calling thread should ever be terminated!
break; }
LeaveCriticalSection (&gSafeMutexCritSec);
// If here we failed to instantaneously grab the specified mutex.
// Try to dup it, and then wait on the dup'd handle. We do this so
// that each thread which grabs a mutex is guaranteed to have a valid
// handle to release at some future time, as the original hMutex might
// get closed by some other thread calling a DestroyWidget routine.
if (!DuplicateHandle( TapiGlobals.hProcess, hMutex, TapiGlobals.hProcess, phMutex, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS )) { return FALSE; }
switch ((dwResult = WaitForSingleObject (*phMutex, dwTimeout))) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
*pbDupedMutex = TRUE; return TRUE;
try { if (*((LPDWORD) pWidget) == dwKey) { goto WaitForMutex_wait; } } myexcept { // just fall thru without blowing up
MyCloseMutex (*phMutex); break;
//assert: no calling thread should ever be terminated!
break; }
return FALSE; }
void MyReleaseMutex( HANDLE hMutex, BOOL bCloseMutex ) { if (hMutex) { ReleaseMutex (hMutex);
if (bCloseMutex) { MyCloseMutex (hMutex); } } }
void MyCloseMutex( HANDLE hMutex ) { if (hMutex) { CloseHandle (hMutex); } }
void CALLBACK CompletionProcSP( DWORD dwRequestID, LONG lResult ) { PASYNCREQUESTINFO pAsyncRequestInfo;
if ((pAsyncRequestInfo = ReferenceObject( ghHandleTable, dwRequestID, TASYNC_KEY ))) { #if DBG
char szResult[32];
LOG((TL_TRACE, "CompletionProcSP: enter, dwReqID=x%x, lResult=%s", dwRequestID, MapResultCodeToText (lResult, szResult) )); #else
LOG((TL_TRACE, "CompletionProcSP: enter, dwReqID=x%x, lResult=x%x", dwRequestID, lResult )); #endif
pAsyncRequestInfo->lResult = lResult;
DereferenceObject (ghHandleTable, dwRequestID, 1); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "CompletionProcSP: bad dwRequestID=x%x", dwRequestID)); #if DBG
if (gfBreakOnSeriousProblems) { DebugBreak(); } #endif
return; }
if (!QueueSPEvent ((PSPEVENT) pAsyncRequestInfo)) { //
// If here we're going thru shutdown & service provider
// is completing any outstanding events, so process this
// inline so it gets cleaned up right now.
CompletionProc (pAsyncRequestInfo, lResult);
DereferenceObject (ghHandleTable, dwRequestID, 1); } }
VOID PASCAL CompletionProc( PASYNCREQUESTINFO pAsyncRequestInfo, LONG lResult ) { //
// Assumes pAsyncRequestInfo has been verified upon entry.
// If the tClient is bad WriteEventBuffer should handle it ok,
// as should any post-processing routine.
ASYNCEVENTMSG msg[2], *pMsg = msg;
#if DBG
{ char szResult[32];
LOG((TL_TRACE, "CompletionProc: enter, dwReqID=x%x, lResult=%s", pAsyncRequestInfo->dwLocalRequestID, MapResultCodeToText (lResult, szResult) )); } #else
LOG((TL_TRACE, "CompletionProc: enter, dwReqID=x%x, lResult=x%x", pAsyncRequestInfo->dwLocalRequestID, lResult )); #endif
pAsyncRequestInfo->dwKey = INVAL_KEY;
// Init the msg we'll send to client
pMsg->TotalSize = sizeof (ASYNCEVENTMSG); pMsg->InitContext = pAsyncRequestInfo->InitContext;
pMsg->fnPostProcessProcHandle = pAsyncRequestInfo->hfnClientPostProcessProc;
pMsg->hDevice = 0; pMsg->Msg = ((pAsyncRequestInfo->dwLineFlags & 1) ? LINE_REPLY : PHONE_REPLY); pMsg->OpenContext = pAsyncRequestInfo->OpenContext; pMsg->Param1 = pAsyncRequestInfo->dwRemoteRequestID; pMsg->Param2 = lResult; pMsg->Param3 = 0;
// If there's a post processing proc call it. Note that ppprocs can
// create their own msg to pass, so we need to check for this case.
// Finally, write the msg to the client's event buffer.
if (pAsyncRequestInfo->pfnPostProcess) { LPVOID pBuf = NULL;
(*pAsyncRequestInfo->pfnPostProcess)(pAsyncRequestInfo, pMsg, &pBuf);
WriteEventBuffer (pAsyncRequestInfo->ptClient, (pBuf ? pBuf : pMsg));
if (pBuf) { ServerFree (pBuf); } } else { WriteEventBuffer (pAsyncRequestInfo->ptClient, pMsg); }
// caller will free pAsyncRequestInfo
void WriteEventBuffer( PTCLIENT ptClient, PASYNCEVENTMSG pMsg ) { BOOL bSignalRemote = FALSE; DWORD dwMoveSize = (DWORD) pMsg->TotalSize, dwMoveSizeWrapped = 0, dwPreviousUsedSize, dwData; HANDLE hMailslot;
#if DBG
if (dwMoveSize & 0x3) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "WriteEventBuffer: ERROR! bad MsgSize=x%x (Msg=x%x, pCli=x%p)", dwMoveSize, pMsg->Msg, ptClient )); }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "WriteEventBuffer - enter")); if (WaitForExclusiveClientAccess (ptClient)) { //
// Check to see if we need to grow the event buffer
if (dwMoveSize > (ptClient->dwEventBufferTotalSize - ptClient->dwEventBufferUsedSize)) { DWORD dwMoveSize2, dwMoveSizeWrapped2, dwNewEventBufferTotalSize; LPBYTE pNewEventBuffer;
// Do some math to have the total be a multiple
// of sizeof(ASYNCEVENTMSG)
dwNewEventBufferTotalSize = ptClient->dwEventBufferTotalSize + ( (( dwMoveSize / sizeof(ASYNCEVENTMSG) ) + 20 ) * sizeof(ASYNCEVENTMSG));
if (!(pNewEventBuffer = ServerAlloc( dwNewEventBufferTotalSize ))) { UNLOCKTCLIENT (ptClient); return; }
if (ptClient->dwEventBufferUsedSize != 0) { if (ptClient->pDataIn > ptClient->pDataOut) { dwMoveSize2 = (DWORD) (ptClient->pDataIn - ptClient->pDataOut);
dwMoveSizeWrapped2 = 0; } else { dwMoveSize2 = (DWORD) ((ptClient->pEventBuffer + ptClient->dwEventBufferTotalSize) - ptClient->pDataOut);
dwMoveSizeWrapped2 = (DWORD) (ptClient->pDataIn - ptClient->pEventBuffer); }
CopyMemory( pNewEventBuffer, ptClient->pDataOut, dwMoveSize2 );
if (dwMoveSizeWrapped2) { CopyMemory( pNewEventBuffer + dwMoveSize2, ptClient->pEventBuffer, dwMoveSizeWrapped2 ); }
ptClient->pDataIn = pNewEventBuffer + dwMoveSize2 + dwMoveSizeWrapped2; } else { ptClient->pDataIn = pNewEventBuffer; }
ServerFree (ptClient->pEventBuffer);
ptClient->pDataOut = ptClient->pEventBuffer = pNewEventBuffer;
ptClient->dwEventBufferTotalSize = dwNewEventBufferTotalSize;
// Compute the MoveSize's, do the copy(ies), & update the pointers
if (ptClient->pDataIn >= ptClient->pDataOut) { DWORD dwFreeSize = ptClient->dwEventBufferTotalSize - (DWORD) (ptClient->pDataIn - ptClient->pEventBuffer);
if (dwMoveSize > dwFreeSize) { dwMoveSizeWrapped = dwMoveSize - dwFreeSize;
dwMoveSize = dwFreeSize; } }
CopyMemory (ptClient->pDataIn, (LPBYTE) pMsg, dwMoveSize);
if (dwMoveSizeWrapped != 0) { CopyMemory( ptClient->pEventBuffer, ((LPBYTE) pMsg) + dwMoveSize, dwMoveSizeWrapped );
ptClient->pDataIn = ptClient->pEventBuffer + dwMoveSizeWrapped; } else { ptClient->pDataIn += dwMoveSize;
if (ptClient->pDataIn >= (ptClient->pEventBuffer + ptClient->dwEventBufferTotalSize)) { ptClient->pDataIn = ptClient->pEventBuffer; } }
dwPreviousUsedSize = ptClient->dwEventBufferUsedSize;
ptClient->dwEventBufferUsedSize += (DWORD) pMsg->TotalSize;
if (!IS_REMOTE_CLIENT (ptClient)) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "WriteEventBuffer: SetEvent %p for local client", ptClient->hValidEventBufferDataEvent)); SetEvent (ptClient->hValidEventBufferDataEvent); } else if (dwPreviousUsedSize == 0) { if (IS_REMOTE_CN_CLIENT (ptClient)) { EnterCriticalSection (&gCnClientMsgPendingCritSec);
InsertTailList( &CnClientMsgPendingListHead, &ptClient->MsgPendingListEntry );
LeaveCriticalSection (&gCnClientMsgPendingCritSec);
hMailslot = NULL; bSignalRemote = TRUE; } else { if (dwPreviousUsedSize == 0) { ptClient->dwDgEventsRetrievedTickCount = GetTickCount(); } EnterCriticalSection (&gDgClientMsgPendingCritSec);
InsertTailList( &DgClientMsgPendingListHead, &ptClient->MsgPendingListEntry );
LeaveCriticalSection (&gDgClientMsgPendingCritSec);
hMailslot = ptClient->hMailslot; if (ptClient->ptLineApps != NULL) { dwData = (DWORD) ptClient->ptLineApps->InitContext; } else { dwData = 0; } bSignalRemote = TRUE; } }
if (bSignalRemote) { if (hMailslot) { DWORD dwBytesWritten;
if (!WriteFile( hMailslot, &dwData, sizeof (DWORD), &dwBytesWritten, (LPOVERLAPPED) NULL )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "WriteEventBuffer: Writefile(mailslot) " \ "failed, err=%d", GetLastError() )); } else { ptClient->dwDgRetryTimeoutTickCount = GetTickCount() + 2 * DGCLIENT_TIMEOUT; }
} else { SetEvent (gEventNotificationThreadParams.hEvent); } } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "WriteEventBuffer: - WaitForExclusiveClientAccess returns 0")); } }
LONG GetPermLineIDAndInsertInTable( PTPROVIDER ptProvider, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwSPIVersion ) { #if TELE_SERVER
LONG lResult = 0; DWORD dwSize; LPLINEDEVCAPS pCaps;
if (!ptProvider || !ptProvider->apfn[SP_LINEGETDEVCAPS]) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; }
dwSize = sizeof (LINEDEVCAPS);
if (!(pCaps = ServerAlloc (dwSize))) { return LINEERR_NOMEM; }
pCaps->dwTotalSize = pCaps->dwUsedSize = pCaps->dwNeededSize = dwSize;
if ((lResult = CallSP4( ptProvider->apfn[SP_LINEGETDEVCAPS], "lineGetDevCaps", SP_FUNC_SYNC, (DWORD)dwDeviceID, (DWORD)dwSPIVersion, (DWORD)0, (ULONG_PTR) pCaps
)) == 0) { //
// add to sorted array
InsertIntoTable( TRUE, dwDeviceID, ptProvider, pCaps->dwPermanentLineID ); }
ServerFree (pCaps);
return lResult;
return 0;
LONG AddLine( PTPROVIDER ptProvider, DWORD dwDeviceID, BOOL bInit ) { DWORD dwSPIVersion; HANDLE hMutex = NULL; PTLINELOOKUPTABLE pLookup;
// First try to negotiate an SPI ver for this device, and alloc the
// necessary resources
) != 0) { //
// Device failed version negotiation, so we'll keep the id around
// (since the id's for the devices that follow have already been
// assigned) but mark this device as bad
ptProvider = NULL; }
else if (!(hMutex = MyCreateMutex ())) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "AddLine: MyCreateMutex failed, err=%d", GetLastError() ));
// Now walk the lookup table to find a free entry
pLookup = TapiGlobals.pLineLookup;
while (pLookup->pNext) { pLookup = pLookup->pNext; }
if (pLookup->dwNumUsedEntries == pLookup->dwNumTotalEntries) { PTLINELOOKUPTABLE pNewLookup;
if (bInit) {
// If we're initializing we want to put everything in one big table
if (!(pNewLookup = ServerAlloc( sizeof (TLINELOOKUPTABLE) + (2 * pLookup->dwNumTotalEntries - 1) * sizeof (TLINELOOKUPENTRY) ))) { return LINEERR_NOMEM; }
pNewLookup->dwNumTotalEntries = 2 * pLookup->dwNumTotalEntries;
pNewLookup->dwNumUsedEntries = pLookup->dwNumTotalEntries;
CopyMemory( pNewLookup->aEntries, pLookup->aEntries, pLookup->dwNumTotalEntries * sizeof (TLINELOOKUPENTRY) );
ServerFree (pLookup);
TapiGlobals.pLineLookup = pNewLookup; } else { if (!(pNewLookup = ServerAlloc( sizeof (TLINELOOKUPTABLE) + (pLookup->dwNumTotalEntries - 1) * sizeof (TLINELOOKUPENTRY) ))) { return LINEERR_NOMEM; }
pNewLookup->dwNumTotalEntries = pLookup->dwNumTotalEntries; pLookup->pNext = pNewLookup; }
pLookup = pNewLookup; }
// Initialize the entry
{ DWORD index = pLookup->dwNumUsedEntries;
pLookup->aEntries[index].dwSPIVersion = dwSPIVersion; pLookup->aEntries[index].hMutex = hMutex; pLookup->aEntries[index].ptProvider = ptProvider;
if (ptProvider && lstrcmpi(ptProvider->szFileName, TEXT("remotesp.tsp")) == 0) { pLookup->aEntries[index].bRemote = TRUE; } }
// If this is an NT Server we want to be able to set user
// permissions regardless of whether or not TAPI server
// functionality is enabled. This allows an admin to set
// stuff up while the server is "offline".
if (gbNTServer) { GetPermLineIDAndInsertInTable (ptProvider, dwDeviceID, dwSPIVersion); }
return 0; }
DWORD GetNumLineLookupEntries () { PTLINELOOKUPTABLE pLineLookup; DWORD dwNumLines;
pLineLookup = TapiGlobals.pLineLookup; dwNumLines = 0; while (pLineLookup) { dwNumLines += pLineLookup->dwNumUsedEntries; pLineLookup = pLineLookup->pNext; }
return dwNumLines; }
LONG GetPermPhoneIDAndInsertInTable( PTPROVIDER ptProvider, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwSPIVersion ) { #if TELE_SERVER
LONG lResult = 0; DWORD dwSize; LPPHONECAPS pCaps;
dwSize = sizeof (PHONECAPS);
if (!(pCaps = ServerAlloc (dwSize))) { return PHONEERR_NOMEM; }
pCaps->dwTotalSize = pCaps->dwUsedSize = pCaps->dwNeededSize = dwSize;
if ((lResult = CallSP4( ptProvider->apfn[SP_PHONEGETDEVCAPS], "phoneGetCaps", SP_FUNC_SYNC, (DWORD)dwDeviceID, (DWORD)dwSPIVersion, (DWORD)0, (ULONG_PTR) pCaps
)) == 0) { //
// add to sorted array
InsertIntoTable( FALSE, dwDeviceID, ptProvider, pCaps->dwPermanentPhoneID ); }
ServerFree (pCaps);
return lResult;
return 0;
LONG AddPhone( PTPROVIDER ptProvider, DWORD dwDeviceID, BOOL bInit ) { DWORD dwSPIVersion; HANDLE hMutex = NULL; PTPHONELOOKUPTABLE pLookup;
// First try to negotiate an SPI ver for this device, and alloc the
// necessary resources
) != 0) { //
// Device failed version negotiation, so we'll keep the id around
// (since the id's for the devices that follow have already been
// assigned) but mark this device as bad
else if (!(hMutex = MyCreateMutex ())) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "AddPhone: MyCreateMutex failed, err=%d", GetLastError() ));
// Now walk the lookup table to find a free entry
pLookup = TapiGlobals.pPhoneLookup;
while (pLookup->pNext) { pLookup = pLookup->pNext; }
if (pLookup->dwNumUsedEntries == pLookup->dwNumTotalEntries) { PTPHONELOOKUPTABLE pNewLookup;
if (bInit) {
// If we're initializing we want to put everything in one big table
if (!(pNewLookup = ServerAlloc( sizeof (TPHONELOOKUPTABLE) + (2 * pLookup->dwNumTotalEntries - 1) * sizeof (TPHONELOOKUPENTRY) ))) { return PHONEERR_NOMEM; }
pNewLookup->dwNumTotalEntries = 2 * pLookup->dwNumTotalEntries;
pNewLookup->dwNumUsedEntries = pLookup->dwNumTotalEntries;
CopyMemory( pNewLookup->aEntries, pLookup->aEntries, pLookup->dwNumTotalEntries * sizeof (TPHONELOOKUPENTRY) );
ServerFree (pLookup);
TapiGlobals.pPhoneLookup = pNewLookup; } else { if (!(pNewLookup = ServerAlloc( sizeof (TPHONELOOKUPTABLE) + (pLookup->dwNumTotalEntries - 1) * sizeof (TPHONELOOKUPENTRY) ))) { return PHONEERR_NOMEM; }
pNewLookup->dwNumTotalEntries = pLookup->dwNumTotalEntries; pLookup->pNext = pNewLookup; }
pLookup = pNewLookup; }
// Initialize the entry
{ DWORD index = pLookup->dwNumUsedEntries;
pLookup->aEntries[index].dwSPIVersion = dwSPIVersion; pLookup->aEntries[index].hMutex = hMutex; pLookup->aEntries[index].ptProvider = ptProvider; }
// If this is an NT Server we want to be able to set user
// permissions regardless of whether or not TAPI server
// functionality is enabled. This allows an admin to set
// stuff up while the server is "offline".
if (gbNTServer) { GetPermPhoneIDAndInsertInTable (ptProvider, dwDeviceID, dwSPIVersion); }
return 0; }
DWORD GetNumPhoneLookupEntries () { PTPHONELOOKUPTABLE pPhoneLookup; DWORD dwNumPhones;
pPhoneLookup = TapiGlobals.pPhoneLookup; dwNumPhones = 0; while (pPhoneLookup) { dwNumPhones += pPhoneLookup->dwNumUsedEntries; pPhoneLookup = pPhoneLookup->pNext; }
return dwNumPhones; }
void PASCAL GetMediaModesPriorityLists( HKEY hKeyHandoffPriorities, PRILISTSTRUCT **ppList ) { #define REGNAMESIZE ( 10 * sizeof(TCHAR) )
DWORD dwCount; DWORD dwType, dwNameSize, dwNumBytes; TCHAR *pszName;
dwNameSize = REGNAMESIZE; pszName = ServerAlloc( dwNameSize*sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (NULL == pszName) { return; }
dwCount = 0; while ( TRUE ) { if (TapiGlobals.dwUsedPriorityLists == TapiGlobals.dwTotalPriorityLists) { // realloc
pNewList = ServerAlloc( sizeof(PRILISTSTRUCT) * (2*TapiGlobals.dwTotalPriorityLists) );
if (NULL == pNewList) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ServerAlloc failed in GetMediaModesPriorityLists 2")); ServerFree( pszName ); return; }
CopyMemory( pNewList, *ppList, sizeof( PRILISTSTRUCT ) * TapiGlobals.dwTotalPriorityLists );
ServerFree( *ppList );
*ppList = pNewList; TapiGlobals.dwTotalPriorityLists *= 2; }
dwNameSize = REGNAMESIZE; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegEnumValue( hKeyHandoffPriorities, dwCount, pszName, &dwNameSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ) { break; }
(*ppList)[dwCount].dwMediaModes = (DWORD) _ttol( pszName );
if ((RegQueryValueEx( hKeyHandoffPriorities, pszName, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwNumBytes
(dwNumBytes != 0)) { // pszPriotiryList needs to be wide because we pack it into one of our
// little structures and these structures are always WCHAR.
LPWSTR pszPriorityList;
// convert from the bytes needed to hold a TCHAR into the bytes to hold a WCHAR
dwNumBytes *= sizeof(WCHAR)/sizeof(TCHAR); pszPriorityList = ServerAlloc ( dwNumBytes + sizeof(WCHAR)); // need an extra WCHAR for the extra '"'
if (NULL != pszPriorityList) { pszPriorityList[0] = L'"';
if ((TAPIRegQueryValueExW( hKeyHandoffPriorities, pszName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)(pszPriorityList + 1), &dwNumBytes
)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { _wcsupr( pszPriorityList ); (*ppList)[dwCount].pszPriList = pszPriorityList; LOG((TL_INFO, "PriList: %ls=%ls", pszName, pszPriorityList)); } }
TapiGlobals.dwUsedPriorityLists++; dwCount++; } ServerFree( pszName ); }
void PASCAL GetPriorityList( HKEY hKeyHandoffPriorities, const TCHAR *pszListName, WCHAR **ppszPriorityList ) { LONG lResult; DWORD dwType, dwNumBytes;
*ppszPriorityList = NULL;
if ((lResult = TAPIRegQueryValueExW( hKeyHandoffPriorities, pszListName, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwNumBytes
(dwNumBytes != 0)) { // Once again, this is going to get packed into a struct and we always use
// wide chars for things packed in structs.
WCHAR *pszPriorityList = ServerAlloc ( dwNumBytes + sizeof(WCHAR)); // need an extra WCHAR for the extra '"'
if (pszPriorityList) { pszPriorityList[0] = L'"';
if ((lResult = TAPIRegQueryValueExW( hKeyHandoffPriorities, pszListName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)(pszPriorityList + 1), &dwNumBytes
)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { _wcsupr( pszPriorityList ); *ppszPriorityList = pszPriorityList; LOG((TL_INFO, "PriList: %ls=%ls", pszListName, pszPriorityList)); } } else { //
// Don't bother with the failure to alloc a priority list
// (list defaults to NULL anyway), we'll deal with a lack
// of memory at a later time
*ppszPriorityList = NULL; } } else { *ppszPriorityList = NULL; LOG((TL_INFO, "PriList: %ls=NULL", pszListName)); } }
LONG ServerInit( BOOL fReinit ) { UINT uiNumProviders, i, j; HKEY hKeyTelephony, hKeyProviders; DWORD dwDataSize, dwDataType, dwNameHash; TCHAR *psz; LONG lResult = 0; DWORD dw1, dw2;
// Clean up our private heap
if (ghTapisrvHeap != GetProcessHeap()) { HeapCompact (ghTapisrvHeap, 0); }
// Initialize the globals
if (!fReinit) { TapiGlobals.ptProviders = NULL;
TapiGlobals.pLineLookup = (PTLINELOOKUPTABLE) ServerAlloc( sizeof (TLINELOOKUPTABLE) + (DEF_NUM_LOOKUP_ENTRIES - 1) * sizeof (TLINELOOKUPENTRY) ); if (!(TapiGlobals.pLineLookup)) { lResult = LINEERR_NOMEM; goto ExitHere; }
TapiGlobals.pLineLookup->dwNumTotalEntries = DEF_NUM_LOOKUP_ENTRIES;
TapiGlobals.pPhoneLookup = (PTPHONELOOKUPTABLE) ServerAlloc( sizeof (TPHONELOOKUPTABLE) + (DEF_NUM_LOOKUP_ENTRIES - 1) * sizeof (TPHONELOOKUPENTRY) ); if (!(TapiGlobals.pPhoneLookup)) { ServerFree(TapiGlobals.pLineLookup); TapiGlobals.pLineLookup = NULL; lResult = LINEERR_NOMEM; goto ExitHere; }
TapiGlobals.pPhoneLookup->dwNumTotalEntries = DEF_NUM_LOOKUP_ENTRIES;
gbQueueSPEvents = TRUE;
OnProxySCPInit (); }
// Determine number of providers
WaitForSingleObject (ghProvRegistryMutex, INFINITE);
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszRegKeyTelephony, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyTelephony ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult) { goto ExitHere; }
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszRegKeyProviders, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyProviders ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult) { RegCloseKey (hKeyTelephony); goto ExitHere; }
dwDataSize = sizeof(uiNumProviders); uiNumProviders = 0;
RegQueryValueEx( hKeyProviders, gszNumProviders, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &uiNumProviders, &dwDataSize );
LOG((TL_INFO, "ServerInit: NumProviders=%d", uiNumProviders));
// Load & init the providers
for (i = 0; i < uiNumProviders; i++) { #define FILENAME_SIZE 128
TCHAR szFilename[FILENAME_SIZE]; TCHAR buf[32]; LONG lResult; DWORD dwNumLines, dwNumPhones, dwPermanentProviderID; PTPROVIDER ptProvider; BOOL fEnumDevices;
fEnumDevices = FALSE; wsprintf(buf, TEXT("%s%d"), gszProviderID, i);
dwDataSize = sizeof(dwPermanentProviderID); dwPermanentProviderID = 0;
RegQueryValueEx( hKeyProviders, buf, //"ProviderID#"
0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &dwPermanentProviderID, &dwDataSize );
// Back to the main section
wsprintf(buf, TEXT("%s%d"), gszProviderFilename, i);
RegQueryValueEx( hKeyProviders, buf, // "ProviderFilename#"
0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) szFilename, &dwDataSize );
szFilename[dwDataSize/sizeof(TCHAR)] = TEXT('\0');
// Compute name hash
dwNameHash = 0; psz = szFilename; while (*psz) { dwNameHash += (DWORD)(*psz); psz++; }
// If fReinit, make sure the provider is not already in
if (fReinit) { PTPROVIDER ptProvider2; BOOL fFound = FALSE;
ptProvider2 = TapiGlobals.ptProviders; while (ptProvider2) { if ((ptProvider2->dwNameHash == dwNameHash) && (lstrcmpi(ptProvider2->szFileName, szFilename) == 0)) { fFound = TRUE; break; } ptProvider2 = ptProvider2->pNext; } if (fFound) { continue; } }
LOG((TL_INFO, "ServerInit: ProviderFilename=%S", szFilename));
if (!(ptProvider = (PTPROVIDER) ServerAlloc( sizeof(TPROVIDER) + ((lstrlen(szFilename) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)) ))) { break; }
if (!(ptProvider->hDll = LoadLibrary(szFilename))) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ServerInit: LoadLibrary(%S) failed, err=x%x", szFilename, GetLastError() ));
ServerFree (ptProvider); continue; }
ptProvider->dwNameHash = dwNameHash; lstrcpy(ptProvider->szFileName, szFilename);
// Get all the TSPI proc addrs
for (j = 0; gaszTSPIFuncNames[j]; j++) { ptProvider->apfn[j] = (TSPIPROC) GetProcAddress( ptProvider->hDll, (LPCSTR) gaszTSPIFuncNames[j] ); }
dwNumLines = dwNumPhones = 0;
// A real quick check to see if a couple of required entrypoints
// are exported
if (!ptProvider->apfn[SP_LINENEGOTIATETSPIVERSION] || !ptProvider->apfn[SP_PROVIDERENUMDEVICES] || !ptProvider->apfn[SP_PROVIDERINIT] || !ptProvider->apfn[SP_PROVIDERSHUTDOWN] ) { goto ServerInit_validateEntrypoints; }
// Do global provider version negotiation
if (lResult != 0) { provider_init_error: if (fEnumDevices) { lResult = CallSP2( ptProvider->apfn[SP_PROVIDERSHUTDOWN], "providerShutdown", SP_FUNC_SYNC, (DWORD)ptProvider->dwSPIVersion, (DWORD)ptProvider->dwPermanentProviderID ); } if (ptProvider->hMutex) { MyCloseMutex (ptProvider->hMutex); } if (ptProvider->hHashTableReaderEvent) { CloseHandle (ptProvider->hHashTableReaderEvent); } if (ptProvider->pHashTable) { ServerFree (ptProvider->pHashTable); } FreeLibrary (ptProvider->hDll); ServerFree (ptProvider); continue; }
// Try to enum the devices if provider supports it, otherwise
// try grabbing the num lines & phones from ProviderN section
lResult = CallSP6( ptProvider->apfn[SP_PROVIDERENUMDEVICES], "providerEnumDevices", SP_FUNC_SYNC, (DWORD)dwPermanentProviderID, (ULONG_PTR) &dwNumLines, (ULONG_PTR) &dwNumPhones, (ULONG_PTR) ptProvider, (ULONG_PTR) LineEventProcSP, (ULONG_PTR) PhoneEventProcSP );
if (lResult != 0) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ServerInit: %s: failed TSPI_providerEnumDevices, err=x%x" \ " - skipping it...", szFilename, lResult ));
goto provider_init_error; }
// Init the provider
// !!! HACK ALERT: for kmddsp pass ptr's to dwNumXxxs
{ BOOL bKmddsp;
LOG((TL_INFO, "ServerInit: %s: Calling TSPI_providerInit", szFilename));
if (lstrcmpi(szFilename, TEXT("kmddsp.tsp")) == 0) { bKmddsp = TRUE; } else { bKmddsp = FALSE;
if (lstrcmpi(szFilename, TEXT("remotesp.tsp")) == 0) { pRemoteSP = ptProvider; } }
lResult = CallSP8( ptProvider->apfn[SP_PROVIDERINIT], "providerInit", SP_FUNC_SYNC, (DWORD)ptProvider->dwSPIVersion, (DWORD)dwPermanentProviderID, (DWORD)GetNumLineLookupEntries (), (DWORD)GetNumPhoneLookupEntries (), (bKmddsp ? (ULONG_PTR) &dwNumLines : (ULONG_PTR) dwNumLines), (bKmddsp ? (ULONG_PTR) &dwNumPhones : (ULONG_PTR) dwNumPhones), (ULONG_PTR) CompletionProcSP, (ULONG_PTR) &ptProvider->dwTSPIOptions ); }
if (lResult != 0) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ServerInit: %s: failed TSPI_providerInit, err=x%x" \ " - skipping it...", szFilename, lResult ));
goto provider_init_error; }
LOG((TL_INFO, "ServerInit: %s init'd, dwNumLines=%ld, dwNumPhones=%ld", szFilename, dwNumLines, dwNumPhones ));
fEnumDevices = TRUE;
// Now that we know if we have line and/or phone devs check for
// the required entry points
0xffffffff }; BOOL bRequiredEntrypointsExported = TRUE;
// If this provider doesn't support any phone devices then
// it isn't required to export phone funcs
if (dwNumPhones == 0) { adwRequiredEntrypointIndices[3] = 0xffffffff; }
for (j = 0; adwRequiredEntrypointIndices[j] != 0xffffffff; j++) { if (ptProvider->apfn[adwRequiredEntrypointIndices[j]] == (TSPIPROC) NULL) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ServerInit: %s: can't init, function [%s] " \ "not exported", szFilename, (LPCSTR) gaszTSPIFuncNames[ adwRequiredEntrypointIndices[j] ] ));
bRequiredEntrypointsExported = FALSE; } }
if (bRequiredEntrypointsExported == FALSE) { FreeLibrary (ptProvider->hDll); ServerFree (ptProvider); continue; } }
ptProvider->dwPermanentProviderID = dwPermanentProviderID;
ptProvider->hMutex = MyCreateMutex();
// Initialize the call hub hash table for this provider
MyInitializeCriticalSection (&ptProvider->HashTableCritSec, 1000);
ptProvider->hHashTableReaderEvent = CreateEvent( (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, FALSE, // auto reset
FALSE, // initially non-signaled
NULL // unnamed
ptProvider->dwNumHashTableEntries = TapiPrimes[0];
ptProvider->pHashTable = ServerAlloc( ptProvider->dwNumHashTableEntries * sizeof (THASHTABLEENTRY) );
if (ptProvider->pHashTable) { PTHASHTABLEENTRY pEntry = ptProvider->pHashTable;
for (j = 0; j < ptProvider->dwNumHashTableEntries; j++, pEntry++) { InitializeListHead (&pEntry->CallHubList); } } else { ptProvider->dwNumHashTableEntries = 0;
if (ptProvider->hMutex == NULL || ptProvider->hHashTableReaderEvent == NULL || ptProvider->pHashTable == NULL ) { DeleteCriticalSection (&ptProvider->HashTableCritSec); goto provider_init_error; }
// If this is an NT Server we want to be able to set user
// permissions regardless of whether or not TAPI server
// functionality is enabled. This allows an admin to set
// stuff up while the server is "offline".
if (gbNTServer) { LONG lResult;
lResult = AddProviderToIdArrayList( ptProvider, dwNumLines, dwNumPhones );
if (lResult != 0) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ServerInit: %s: failed AddProviderToIdArrayList [x%x]" \ " - skipping it...", ptProvider->szFileName, lResult ));
DeleteCriticalSection (&ptProvider->HashTableCritSec); goto provider_init_error; } } #endif
// Do version negotiation on each device & add them to lookup lists
{ DWORD dwDeviceIDBase;
dwDeviceIDBase = GetNumLineLookupEntries ();
for (j = dwDeviceIDBase; j < (dwDeviceIDBase + dwNumLines); j++) { if (AddLine (ptProvider, j, !fReinit)) { } }
dwDeviceIDBase = GetNumPhoneLookupEntries ();
for (j = dwDeviceIDBase; j < (dwDeviceIDBase + dwNumPhones); j++) { if (AddPhone (ptProvider, j, !fReinit)) { } } }
// Add provider to head of list, mark as valid
ptProvider->pPrev = NULL; ptProvider->pNext = TapiGlobals.ptProviders; if (TapiGlobals.ptProviders) { TapiGlobals.ptProviders->pPrev = ptProvider; } TapiGlobals.ptProviders = ptProvider;
ptProvider->dwKey = TPROVIDER_KEY;
RegCloseKey (hKeyProviders); RegCloseKey (hKeyTelephony);
ReleaseMutex (ghProvRegistryMutex);
// Save lookup lists & num devices
if (fReinit) { dw1 = TapiGlobals.dwNumLines; dw2 = TapiGlobals.dwNumPhones; }
TapiGlobals.dwNumLines = GetNumLineLookupEntries (); TapiGlobals.dwNumPhones = GetNumPhoneLookupEntries ();
// Notify those apps about these new line/phone devices
if (fReinit) { // TAPI 1.4 and above get LINE_CREATE for each line
for (i = dw1; i < TapiGlobals.dwNumLines; ++i) { SendAMsgToAllLineApps( TAPI_VERSION1_4 | 0x80000000, LINE_CREATE, // Msg
i, // Param1
0, // Param2
0 // Param3
if (dw1 < TapiGlobals.dwNumLines) { SendAMsgToAllLineApps( TAPI_VERSION1_0, LINE_LINEDEVSTATE, LINEDEVSTATE_REINIT, 0, 0); }
// TAPI 1.4 and above get PHONE_CREATE for each phone
for (i = dw2; i < TapiGlobals.dwNumPhones; ++i) { SendAMsgToAllPhoneApps( TAPI_VERSION1_4 | 0x80000000, PHONE_CREATE, // Msg
i, // Param1
0, // Param2
0 // Param3
if (dw2 < TapiGlobals.dwNumPhones) { SendAMsgToAllPhoneApps( TAPI_VERSION1_0, PHONE_STATE, PHONESTATE_REINIT, 0, 0); }
for (i = dw1; i < TapiGlobals.dwNumLines; ++i) { AppendNewDeviceInfo (TRUE, i); } for (i = dw2; i < TapiGlobals.dwNumPhones; ++i) { AppendNewDeviceInfo (FALSE, i); } }
// init perf stuff
PerfBlock.dwLines = TapiGlobals.dwNumLines; PerfBlock.dwPhones = TapiGlobals.dwNumPhones;
ExitHere: return lResult; }
#ifndef UNICODE
#pragma message( "ERROR: TELE_SERVER builds must define UNICODE" )
BOOL LoadNewDll(PTMANAGEDLLINFO pDll) { DWORD dwCount; LONG lResult;
// verify pointers. should we do more?
if (!pDll || !pDll->pszName) { return FALSE; }
// load dll
pDll->hDll = LoadLibraryW(pDll->pszName);
// if it fails, return
if (!pDll->hDll) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "LoadLibrary failed for management DLL %ls - error x%lx", pDll->pszName, GetLastError() ));
return FALSE; }
if ((!(pDll->aProcs[TC_CLIENTINITIALIZE] = (CLIENTPROC) GetProcAddress( pDll->hDll, gaszTCFuncNames[TC_CLIENTINITIALIZE] ))) ||
(!(pDll->aProcs[TC_CLIENTSHUTDOWN] = (CLIENTPROC) GetProcAddress( pDll->hDll, gaszTCFuncNames[TC_CLIENTSHUTDOWN] ))) ||
(!(pDll->aProcs[TC_LOAD] = (CLIENTPROC) GetProcAddress( pDll->hDll, gaszTCFuncNames[TC_LOAD] ))) ||
(!(pDll->aProcs[TC_FREE] = (CLIENTPROC) GetProcAddress( pDll->hDll, gaszTCFuncNames[TC_FREE] ))))
{ // must export client init and client shutdown
LOG((TL_ERROR, "Management DLL %ls does not export Load, Free, ClientIntialize or ClientShutdown", pDll->pszName)); LOG((TL_ERROR, " The DLL will not be used"));
FreeLibrary(pDll->hDll); return FALSE; }
// get proc addresses
for (dwCount = 0; dwCount < TC_LASTPROCNUMBER; dwCount++) { pDll->aProcs[dwCount] = (CLIENTPROC) GetProcAddress( pDll->hDll, gaszTCFuncNames[dwCount] ); }
lResult = (pDll->aProcs[TC_LOAD])( &pDll->dwAPIVersion, ManagementAddLineProc, ManagementAddPhoneProc, 0 );
if (lResult) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Management DLL %ls returned %xlx from TAPICLIENT_Load", pDll->pszName, lResult)); LOG((TL_ERROR, " The DLL will not be used"));
return FALSE; }
if ((pDll->dwAPIVersion > TAPI_VERSION_CURRENT) || (pDll->dwAPIVersion < TAPI_VERSION2_1)) { LOG((TL_INFO, "Management DLL %ls returned an invalid API version - x%lx", pDll->pszName, pDll->dwAPIVersion )); LOG((TL_INFO, " Will use version x%lx", TAPI_VERSION_CURRENT));
return TRUE; }
// Only exists for TELE_SERVER, which implies NT and thus Unicode. As
// such it is safe to assume that TCHAR == WCHAR for these.
void ReadAndInitMapper() { PTMANAGEDLLINFO pMapperInfo; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwDataSize, dwDataType, dwCount; LPBYTE pHold; LONG lResult;
assert( sizeof(TCHAR) == sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (!(TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER)) { return; }
if ( ! ( pMapperInfo = ServerAlloc( sizeof(TMANAGEDLLINFO) ) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ServerAlloc failed in ReadAndInitMap")); TapiGlobals.dwFlags &= ~(TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER);
return; }
// grab server specific stuff from registry
RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszRegKeyServer, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey );
dwDataSize = 0; RegQueryValueExW( hKey, gszMapperDll, 0, &dwDataType, NULL, &dwDataSize );
if (dwDataSize == 0) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Cannot init client/server stuff (registry damaged?)"));
RegCloseKey( hKey );
TapiGlobals.dwFlags &= ~(TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER);
return; }
if (!(pHold = ServerAlloc(dwDataSize))) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Alloc failed in ReadAndInitMap(o)"));
TapiGlobals.dwFlags &= ~(TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER);
return; }
RegQueryValueExW( hKey, gszMapperDll, 0, &dwDataType, pHold, &dwDataSize );
RegCloseKey( hKey );
// LOG((TL_INFO, "MapperDll is %ls", pHold));
if (!(pMapperInfo->hDll = LoadLibraryW((LPWSTR)pHold))) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Serious internal failure loading client/server DLL . Error %lu", pHold, GetLastError()));
ServerFree( pHold ); ServerFree( pMapperInfo );
TapiGlobals.dwFlags &= ~(TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER);
return; }
// don't need these two for the mapper
pMapperInfo->pNext = NULL;
// save the name
pMapperInfo->pszName = (LPWSTR)pHold;
// get proc addresses for the first 5 api
for (dwCount = 0; dwCount < 5; dwCount ++) { if (!(pMapperInfo->aProcs[dwCount] = (CLIENTPROC) GetProcAddress( pMapperInfo->hDll, gaszTCFuncNames[dwCount] ))) { // one of these addresses failed. remove DLL
LOG((TL_INFO, "MapperDLL does not export %s. Server functionality disabled", gaszTCFuncNames[dwCount])); LOG((TL_INFO, "Disabling the Telephony server! (8)"));
FreeLibrary(pMapperInfo->hDll); ServerFree(pMapperInfo->pszName); ServerFree(pMapperInfo);
TapiGlobals.pMapperDll = NULL; TapiGlobals.dwFlags &= ~(TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER);
return; } }
pMapperInfo->dwAPIVersion = TAPI_VERSION_CURRENT; lResult = (pMapperInfo->aProcs[TC_LOAD])( &pMapperInfo->dwAPIVersion, ManagementAddLineProc, ManagementAddPhoneProc, 0 );
if (lResult) { LOG((TL_INFO, "Client/server loadup - x%lx.", lResult)); FreeLibrary(pMapperInfo->hDll); ServerFree(pMapperInfo->pszName); ServerFree(pMapperInfo);
TapiGlobals.pMapperDll = NULL; TapiGlobals.dwFlags &= ~(TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER);
return; }
if ((pMapperInfo->dwAPIVersion > TAPI_VERSION_CURRENT) || (pMapperInfo->dwAPIVersion < TAPI_VERSION2_1)) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Internal version mismatch! Check that all components are in sync x%lx", pMapperInfo->dwAPIVersion)); LOG((TL_INFO, " Will use version x%lx", TAPI_VERSION_CURRENT));
pMapperInfo->dwAPIVersion = TAPI_VERSION_CURRENT; }
TapiGlobals.pMapperDll = pMapperInfo;
#if DBG
DWORD dwCount = 0; #endif
SetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST );
// wait until count is 0
while (pDllList->lCount > 0) { Sleep(100); #if DBG
if (dwCount > 100) { LOG((TL_INFO, "FreeOldDllListProc still waiting after 10 seconds")); } #endif
// walk the list
pDll = pDllList->pFirst;
while (pDll) { // free all resources
if (pDll->hDll) { (pDll->aProcs[TC_FREE])();
FreeLibrary(pDll->hDll); }
pNext = pDll->pNext; ServerFree(pDll); pDll = pNext; }
// free header
return 0; }
void ManagementProc( LONG l ) { HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dw, dwDSObjTTLTicks; HANDLE hEventNotify = NULL; HANDLE aHandles[2];
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszRegKeyServer, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey )) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "RegOpenKeyExW failed in ManagementProc")); goto ExitHere; } hEventNotify = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (hEventNotify == NULL) { goto ExitHere; } aHandles[0] = hEventNotify; aHandles[1] = ghEventService;
// Compute TAPISRV SCP refresh interval in ticks
// gdwTapiSCPTTL is expressed in terms of minutes
dwDSObjTTLTicks = gdwTapiSCPTTL * 60 * 1000 / 2;
while (TRUE) { RegNotifyChangeKeyValue( hKey, TRUE, REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET, hEventNotify, TRUE ); dw = WaitForMultipleObjects ( sizeof(aHandles) / sizeof(HANDLE), aHandles, FALSE, dwDSObjTTLTicks );
if (dw == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { // Notified of the registry change
ReadAndInitManagementDlls(); } else if (dw == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) { // the service is shutting down, update
// DS about this and break out
UpdateTapiSCP (FALSE, NULL, NULL); break; } else if (dw == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { // Time to refresh our DS registration now
UpdateTapiSCP (TRUE, NULL, NULL); } }
ExitHere: if (hKey) { RegCloseKey(hKey); } if (hEventNotify) { CloseHandle (hEventNotify); } }
// ReadAndInitManagementDLLs()
// This procedure will read the management dll list from the registry
// It will then go through that list, and create a linked list of
// TMANAGEDLLINFO structures to hold all the info about those DLLs
// If there is already a list of these DLLs in TapiGlobals, this procedure
// will then go through that list and determine which of the old DLLs
// are in the new list. For the matches, it will simply copy over
// the info about that DLL, and zero out the fields in the old list
// It will go through the new list. Entries that are not already
// filled in will get initialized.
// Then it will save the new list in TapiGlobals.
// If an old list existed, it will create a thread that will wait
// for this old list to be freed
// The procedure isn't real efficient, but I believe it's thread safe.
// Additionally, changing the security DLLs should happen very infrequently,
// and the list of DLLs should be very short.
void ReadAndInitManagementDlls() { DWORD dwDataSize, dwDataType, dwTID; HKEY hKey; LPWSTR pDLLs, pHold1, pHold2; DWORD dwCount = 0; PTMANAGEDLLINFO pManageDll, pHoldDll, pNewHoldDll, pPrevDll, pTempDll; PTMANAGEDLLLISTHEADER pNewDllList = NULL, pHoldDllList; BOOL bBreak = FALSE;
// If it's not a server, we have no business here.
if (!(TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER)) { return; }
// get info from registry
RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszRegKeyServer, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey );
dwDataSize = 0; RegQueryValueExW( hKey, gszManagementDlls, 0, &dwDataType, NULL, &dwDataSize );
if (dwDataSize == 0) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "No management DLLs present on this server"));
// if there was previously a list
// free it.
if (TapiGlobals.pManageDllList) { HANDLE hThread;
pHoldDllList = TapiGlobals.pManageDllList;
EnterCriticalSection( &gDllListCritSec );
TapiGlobals.pManageDllList = NULL;
LeaveCriticalSection( &gDllListCritSec );
// create a thread to wait for the
// list and free it
hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)FreeOldDllListProc, pHoldDllList, 0, &dwTID );
CloseHandle( hThread );
RegCloseKey( hKey ); LeaveCriticalSection(&gManagementDllsCritSec);
return; }
if (!(pDLLs = ServerAlloc(dwDataSize))) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); LeaveCriticalSection(&gManagementDllsCritSec);
return; }
RegQueryValueExW( hKey, gszManagementDlls, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE)pDLLs, &dwDataSize );
RegCloseKey( hKey );
// alloc new list header and first element
if (!(pNewDllList = (PTMANAGEDLLLISTHEADER) ServerAlloc( sizeof( TMANAGEDLLLISTHEADER ) ) ) ) { ServerFree( pDLLs );
return; }
pNewDllList->lCount = 0;
if (!(pNewDllList->pFirst = ServerAlloc( sizeof( TMANAGEDLLINFO ) ) ) ) { ServerFree( pDLLs ); ServerFree( pNewDllList );
return; }
// now, go through the list of dll names and initialize
// the new TMANAGEDLLINFO list
pHold1 = pHold2 = pDLLs;
pManageDll = pNewDllList->pFirst;
while (TRUE) { // find end or "
while (*pHold1 && *pHold1 != L'"') pHold1++;
// null terminate name
if (*pHold1) { *pHold1 = '\0'; } else { bBreak = TRUE; }
LOG((TL_INFO, "Management DLL %d is %ls", dwCount, pHold2));
// alloc space for name and procaddresses
pManageDll->pszName = ServerAlloc( ( lstrlenW( pHold2 ) + 1 ) * sizeof (WCHAR) );
if (!pManageDll->pszName) { goto ExitHere; }
// save name
wcscpy( pManageDll->pszName, pHold2 );
// save ID
pManageDll->dwID = gdwDllIDs++;
// if we're at the end of the list,
// break out
if (bBreak) break;
// otherwise, skip over null
// save beginning of next name
pHold2 = pHold1;
// inc count
// prepare next buffer
if (!(pManageDll->pNext = ServerAlloc( sizeof ( TMANAGEDLLINFO ) ) ) ) { goto ExitHere; }
pManageDll = pManageDll->pNext; }
// if an old list exists, walk through and copy over Dlls that have
// not changed
pHoldDllList = TapiGlobals.pManageDllList;
if (pHoldDllList) { pHoldDll = pHoldDllList->pFirst;
while (pHoldDll) { pNewHoldDll = pNewDllList->pFirst;
// walk through list of new dlls
while (pNewHoldDll) { // if they are the same
if (!lstrcmpiW( pNewHoldDll->pszName, pHoldDll->pszName ) ) { // save info
memcpy( pNewHoldDll->aProcs, pHoldDll->aProcs, sizeof( pHoldDll->aProcs ) );
pNewHoldDll->hDll = pHoldDll->hDll; pNewHoldDll->dwID = pHoldDll->dwID;
// NULL old hDll so we know that
// we have it
pHoldDll->hDll = NULL;
break; }
pNewHoldDll = pNewHoldDll->pNext; } // while pNewHoldDll
pHoldDll = pHoldDll->pNext;
} // while pHoldDll
// walk through the new list and init items that
// have not been initialized already
pNewHoldDll = pNewDllList->pFirst; pPrevDll = NULL;
while (pNewHoldDll) { if (!pNewHoldDll->hDll) { // try to load the new dll
if (!LoadNewDll(pNewHoldDll)) { // it failed
if (pPrevDll) { pPrevDll->pNext = pNewHoldDll->pNext; ServerFree(pNewHoldDll); pNewHoldDll = pPrevDll; } else { pNewDllList->pFirst = pNewHoldDll->pNext; ServerFree(pNewHoldDll); pNewHoldDll = pNewDllList->pFirst; continue; }
} }
// next dll
pPrevDll = pNewHoldDll; pNewHoldDll = pNewHoldDll->pNext; }
if (pNewDllList->pFirst == NULL) { // all the DLLs failed to load, or the DLL list was empty
ServerFree( pNewDllList );
pNewDllList = NULL; }
// save old list pointer
pHoldDllList = TapiGlobals.pManageDllList;
// replace the list
EnterCriticalSection( &gDllListCritSec );
TapiGlobals.pManageDllList = pNewDllList; pNewDllList = NULL;
LeaveCriticalSection( &gDllListCritSec );
if (pHoldDllList) { HANDLE hThread;
// create a thread to wait for the
// list and free it
hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)FreeOldDllListProc, pHoldDllList, 0, &dwTID );
CloseHandle( hThread ); }
ExitHere: ServerFree( pDLLs );
// Error during pNewDllList allocation
if (pNewDllList != NULL) { pManageDll = pNewDllList->pFirst; while (pManageDll != NULL) { pTempDll = pManageDll; pManageDll = pManageDll->pNext; ServerFree (pTempDll->pszName); ServerFree (pTempDll); } ServerFree( pNewDllList ); }
return; }
void GetManageDllListPointer( PTMANAGEDLLLISTHEADER * ppDllList ) { EnterCriticalSection( &gDllListCritSec );
if (TapiGlobals.pManageDllList != NULL) { TapiGlobals.pManageDllList->lCount++; }
*ppDllList = TapiGlobals.pManageDllList;
LeaveCriticalSection( &gDllListCritSec ); }
void FreeManageDllListPointer( PTMANAGEDLLLISTHEADER pDllList ) { EnterCriticalSection( &gDllListCritSec );
if (pDllList != NULL) { pDllList->lCount--;
if ( pDllList->lCount < 0 ) { LOG((TL_INFO, "pDllList->lCount is less than 0 - pDllList %p", pDllList)); } }
LeaveCriticalSection( &gDllListCritSec ); }
void PASCAL SetMediaModesPriorityList( HKEY hKeyPri, PRILISTSTRUCT * pPriList ) { DWORD dwCount;
for (dwCount = 0; dwCount<TapiGlobals.dwUsedPriorityLists; dwCount++) { TCHAR szName[REGNAMESIZE];
if ( (NULL == pPriList[dwCount].pszPriList) || (L'\0' == *(pPriList[dwCount].pszPriList)) ) {
// What if there USED TO be an entry, but the app setpri to 0, then this
// entry would be '\0', but the registry entry would still be there.
continue; }
wsprintf( szName, TEXT("%d"), pPriList[dwCount].dwMediaModes );
TAPIRegSetValueExW( hKeyPri, szName, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)( (pPriList[dwCount].pszPriList) + 1 ), (lstrlenW(pPriList[dwCount].pszPriList)) * sizeof (WCHAR) ); } }
void PASCAL SetPriorityList( HKEY hKeyHandoffPriorities, const TCHAR *pszListName, WCHAR *pszPriorityList ) { if (pszPriorityList == NULL) { //
// There is no pri list for this media mode or ReqXxxCall,
// so delete any existing value from the registry
RegDeleteValue (hKeyHandoffPriorities, pszListName); } else { //
// Add the pri list to the registry (note that we don't
// add the preceding '"')
TAPIRegSetValueExW( hKeyHandoffPriorities, pszListName, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)(pszPriorityList + 1), lstrlenW (pszPriorityList) * sizeof (WCHAR) ); } }
LONG ServerShutdown( void ) { DWORD i, j; PTPROVIDER ptProvider;
// Reset the flag that says it's ok to queue sp events, & then wait
// for the SPEventHandlerThread(s) to clean up the SP event queue(s)
gbQueueSPEvents = FALSE;
// Set a reasonable cap on the max time we'll sit here
// Don't wait for a message to be dispatched if called
// from "net stop tapisrv"
i = 10 * 20; // 200 * 100msecs = 20 seconds
while (i && !gbSPEventHandlerThreadExit) { for (j = 0; j < gdwNumSPEventHandlerThreads; j++) { if (!IsListEmpty (&aSPEventHandlerThreadInfo[j].ListHead)) { break; } }
if (j == gdwNumSPEventHandlerThreads) { break; }
Sleep (100); i--; }
// For each provider call the shutdown proc & then unload
ptProvider = TapiGlobals.ptProviders;
while (ptProvider) { PTPROVIDER ptNextProvider = ptProvider->pNext; LONG lResult;
lResult = CallSP2( ptProvider->apfn[SP_PROVIDERSHUTDOWN], "providerShutdown", SP_FUNC_SYNC, (DWORD)ptProvider->dwSPIVersion, (DWORD)ptProvider->dwPermanentProviderID );
FreeLibrary (ptProvider->hDll);
MyCloseMutex (ptProvider->hMutex);
CloseHandle (ptProvider->hHashTableReaderEvent); DeleteCriticalSection (&ptProvider->HashTableCritSec); ServerFree (ptProvider->pHashTable);
ServerFree (ptProvider);
ptProvider = ptNextProvider; }
TapiGlobals.ptProviders = NULL;
// Clean up lookup tables
while (TapiGlobals.pLineLookup) { PTLINELOOKUPTABLE pLookup = TapiGlobals.pLineLookup;
for (i = 0; i < pLookup->dwNumUsedEntries; i++) { if (!pLookup->aEntries[i].bRemoved) { MyCloseMutex (pLookup->aEntries[i].hMutex); } }
TapiGlobals.pLineLookup = pLookup->pNext;
ServerFree (pLookup); }
while (TapiGlobals.pPhoneLookup) { PTPHONELOOKUPTABLE pLookup = TapiGlobals.pPhoneLookup;
for (i = 0; i < pLookup->dwNumUsedEntries; i++) { if (!pLookup->aEntries[i].bRemoved) { MyCloseMutex (pLookup->aEntries[i].hMutex); } }
TapiGlobals.pPhoneLookup = pLookup->pNext;
ServerFree (pLookup); }
{ TCHAR szPerfNumLines[] = TEXT("Perf1"); TCHAR szPerfNumPhones[] =TEXT("Perf2"); HKEY hKeyTelephony; DWORD dwValue;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszRegKeyTelephony, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyTelephony )) { dwValue = TapiGlobals.dwNumLines + 'PERF';
RegSetValueEx( hKeyTelephony, szPerfNumLines, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD) );
dwValue = TapiGlobals.dwNumPhones + 'PERF';
RegSetValueEx( hKeyTelephony, szPerfNumPhones, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD) );
RegCloseKey(hKeyTelephony); } }
// Reset globals
TapiGlobals.dwFlags &= ~(TAPIGLOBALS_REINIT);
{ PPERMANENTIDARRAYHEADER pIDArray = TapiGlobals.pIDArrays, pArrayHold;
while (pIDArray) { ServerFree (pIDArray->pLineElements); ServerFree (pIDArray->pPhoneElements);
pArrayHold = pIDArray->pNext;
ServerFree (pIDArray);
pIDArray = pArrayHold; }
TapiGlobals.pIDArrays = NULL;
if (gpLineInfoList) { ServerFree (gpLineInfoList); gpLineInfoList = NULL; ZeroMemory (&gftLineLastWrite, sizeof(gftLineLastWrite)); } if (gpPhoneInfoList) { ServerFree (gpPhoneInfoList); gpPhoneInfoList = NULL; ZeroMemory (&gftPhoneLastWrite, sizeof(gftPhoneLastWrite)); } if (gpLineDevFlags) { ServerFree (gpLineDevFlags); gpLineDevFlags = NULL; gdwNumFlags = 0; } gbLockMMCWrite = FALSE;
OnProxySCPShutdown (); }
return 0; }
void WINAPI GetAsyncEvents( PTCLIENT ptClient, PGETEVENTS_PARAMS pParams, DWORD dwParamsBufferSize, LPBYTE pDataBuf, LPDWORD pdwNumBytesReturned ) { DWORD dwMoveSize, dwMoveSizeWrapped;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "GetAsyncEvents: enter (TID=%d)", GetCurrentThreadId()));
LOG((TL_INFO, "M ebfused:x%lx pEvtBuf: 0x%p pDataOut:0x%p pDataIn:0x%p", ptClient->dwEventBufferUsedSize, ptClient->pEventBuffer, ptClient->pDataOut, ptClient->pDataIn ));
// Verify size/offset/string params given our input buffer/size
if (pParams->dwTotalBufferSize > dwParamsBufferSize) { pParams->lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; return; }
// Copy data from ptClient's event buffer
// An optimization to be made is to alert client (via dwNeededSize)
// that it might want to alloc a larger buffer when msg traffic is
// real high
if (WaitForExclusiveClientAccess (ptClient)) { _TryAgain: if (ptClient->dwEventBufferUsedSize == 0) { if (!IS_REMOTE_CLIENT (ptClient)) { ResetEvent (ptClient->hValidEventBufferDataEvent); }
pParams->dwNeededBufferSize = pParams->dwUsedBufferSize = 0;
*pdwNumBytesReturned = sizeof (TAPI32_MSG);
goto GetAsyncEvents_releaseMutex; }
if (ptClient->pDataOut < ptClient->pDataIn) { dwMoveSize = (DWORD) (ptClient->pDataIn - ptClient->pDataOut);
dwMoveSizeWrapped = 0; } else { dwMoveSize = ptClient->dwEventBufferTotalSize - (DWORD) (ptClient->pDataOut - ptClient->pEventBuffer);
dwMoveSizeWrapped = (DWORD) (ptClient->pDataIn - ptClient->pEventBuffer); }
if (ptClient->dwEventBufferUsedSize <= pParams->dwTotalBufferSize) { //
// If here the size of the queued event data is less than the
// client buffer size, so we can just blast the bits into the
// client buffer & return. Also make sure to reset the "events
// pending" event
CopyMemory (pDataBuf, ptClient->pDataOut, dwMoveSize);
if (dwMoveSizeWrapped) { CopyMemory( pDataBuf + dwMoveSize, ptClient->pEventBuffer, dwMoveSizeWrapped ); }
ptClient->dwEventBufferUsedSize = 0;
ptClient->pDataOut = ptClient->pDataIn = ptClient->pEventBuffer;
if (!IS_REMOTE_CLIENT (ptClient)) { ResetEvent (ptClient->hValidEventBufferDataEvent); }
pParams->dwNeededBufferSize = pParams->dwUsedBufferSize = dwMoveSize + dwMoveSizeWrapped;
*pdwNumBytesReturned = sizeof (TAPI32_MSG) + pParams->dwUsedBufferSize;
} else { //
// If here the size of the queued event data exceeds that
// of the client buffer. Since our events aren't all the
// same size we need to copy them over one by one, making
// sure we don't overflow the client buffer. Don't reset
// the "events pending" event, so async events thread will
// call us again as soon as it's done processing messages
// in the buffer.
DWORD dwBytesLeftInClientBuffer = pParams->dwTotalBufferSize, dwDataOffset = 0, dwDataOffsetWrapped = 0; DWORD dwTotalMoveSize = dwMoveSize;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "GetAsyncEvents: event data exceeds client buffer"));
pParams->dwNeededBufferSize = ptClient->dwEventBufferUsedSize;
while (1) { DWORD dwMsgSize = (DWORD) ((PASYNCEVENTMSG) (ptClient->pDataOut + dwDataOffset))->TotalSize;
if (dwMsgSize > dwBytesLeftInClientBuffer) { if ((pParams->dwUsedBufferSize = dwDataOffset) != 0) { ptClient->dwEventBufferUsedSize -= dwDataOffset;
ptClient->pDataOut += dwDataOffset; } else { //
// Special case: the 1st msg is bigger than the entire
// buffer
if (IS_FLAG_SET(ptClient->dwFlags, PTCLIENT_FLAG_SKIPFIRSTMESSAGE)) { DWORD dwBytesToTheEndOfTheBuffer = ptClient->dwEventBufferTotalSize - (DWORD)(ptClient->pDataOut - ptClient->pEventBuffer); // This is the second time the client tries to get
// this message, with too small a buffer. We can
// assume that the client cannot allocate enough
// memory, so skip this message...
RESET_FLAG(ptClient->dwFlags, PTCLIENT_FLAG_SKIPFIRSTMESSAGE); if (dwMsgSize > dwBytesToTheEndOfTheBuffer) { // This means that this message wraps around...
dwBytesToTheEndOfTheBuffer = dwMsgSize - dwBytesToTheEndOfTheBuffer; ptClient->pDataOut = ptClient->pEventBuffer + dwBytesToTheEndOfTheBuffer; } else { ptClient->pDataOut += dwMsgSize; } ptClient->dwEventBufferUsedSize -= dwMsgSize; goto _TryAgain; } else { // Set the flag, so next time we'll skip the message
// if the buffer will still be too small.
*pdwNumBytesReturned = sizeof (TAPI32_MSG) + pParams->dwUsedBufferSize;
goto GetAsyncEvents_releaseMutex; }
dwBytesLeftInClientBuffer -= dwMsgSize;
if (dwMsgSize <= dwMoveSize) { //
// Msg isn't wrapped, a single copy will do
CopyMemory( pDataBuf + dwDataOffset, ptClient->pDataOut + dwDataOffset, dwMsgSize );
// Check to see if the msg ran to the end of the buffer,
// & break to the wrapped data code if so
if ((dwDataOffset += dwMsgSize) >= dwTotalMoveSize) { ptClient->pDataOut = ptClient->pEventBuffer; break; } } else { //
// This msg is wrapped. We need to do two copies, then
// break out of this loop to the wrapped data code
CopyMemory( pDataBuf + dwDataOffset, ptClient->pDataOut + dwDataOffset, dwMoveSize );
dwDataOffset += dwMoveSize;
CopyMemory( pDataBuf + dwDataOffset, ptClient->pEventBuffer, dwMsgSize - dwMoveSize );
dwDataOffset += ( dwMsgSize - dwMoveSize);
ptClient->pDataOut = ptClient->pEventBuffer + (dwMsgSize - dwMoveSize);
break; }
dwMoveSize -= dwMsgSize; }
while (1) { DWORD dwMsgSize = (DWORD) ((PASYNCEVENTMSG) (ptClient->pDataOut + dwDataOffsetWrapped))->TotalSize;
if (dwMsgSize > dwBytesLeftInClientBuffer) { ptClient->dwEventBufferUsedSize -= dwDataOffset;
ptClient->pDataOut += dwDataOffsetWrapped;
pParams->dwUsedBufferSize = dwDataOffset;
*pdwNumBytesReturned = sizeof (TAPI32_MSG) + pParams->dwUsedBufferSize;
goto GetAsyncEvents_releaseMutex; }
// Msg isn't wrapped, a single copy will do
CopyMemory( pDataBuf + dwDataOffset, ptClient->pDataOut + dwDataOffsetWrapped, dwMsgSize );
dwDataOffset += dwMsgSize; dwDataOffsetWrapped += dwMsgSize;
dwBytesLeftInClientBuffer -= dwMsgSize; } }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "GetAsyncEvents: return dwUsedBufferSize:x%lx", pParams->dwUsedBufferSize ));
if (ptClient->MsgPendingListEntry.Flink) { //
// This is a remote Dg client.
// If there is no more data in the event buffer then remove
// this client from the DgClientMsgPendingList(Head) so the
// EventNotificationThread will stop monitoring it.
// Else, update the tClient's Retry & EventsRetrieved tick
// counts.
if (ptClient->dwEventBufferUsedSize == 0) { EnterCriticalSection (&gDgClientMsgPendingCritSec);
RemoveEntryList (&ptClient->MsgPendingListEntry);
ptClient->MsgPendingListEntry.Flink = ptClient->MsgPendingListEntry.Blink = NULL;
LeaveCriticalSection (&gDgClientMsgPendingCritSec); } else { ptClient->dwDgEventsRetrievedTickCount = GetTickCount();
ptClient->dwDgRetryTimeoutTickCount = ptClient->dwDgEventsRetrievedTickCount + 3 * DGCLIENT_TIMEOUT; } }
UNLOCKTCLIENT (ptClient); } }
void WINAPI GetUIDllName( PTCLIENT ptClient, PGETUIDLLNAME_PARAMS pParams, DWORD dwParamsBufferSize, LPBYTE pDataBuf, LPDWORD pdwNumBytesReturned ) { LONG lResult = 0; TSPIPROC pfnTSPI_providerUIIdentify = (TSPIPROC) NULL; PTAPIDIALOGINSTANCE ptDlgInst = (PTAPIDIALOGINSTANCE) NULL; PTLINELOOKUPENTRY pLookupEntry = NULL; DWORD dwObjectID = pParams->dwObjectID;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "Entering GetUIDllName"));
switch (pParams->dwObjectType) { case TUISPIDLL_OBJECT_LINEID: {
if ((TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER) && !IS_FLAG_SET(ptClient->dwFlags, PTCLIENT_FLAG_ADMINISTRATOR)) { if (pParams->dwObjectID >= ptClient->dwLineDevices) { pParams->lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; return; }
dwObjectID = ptClient->pLineDevices[pParams->dwObjectID]; }
if (TapiGlobals.dwNumLineInits == 0 ) { lResult = LINEERR_UNINITIALIZED; break; }
pLookupEntry = GetLineLookupEntry (dwObjectID);
if (!pLookupEntry) { lResult = (TapiGlobals.dwNumLineInits == 0 ? LINEERR_UNINITIALIZED : LINEERR_BADDEVICEID); } else if (!pLookupEntry->ptProvider || pLookupEntry->bRemoved) { lResult = LINEERR_NODEVICE; } else if (!(pfnTSPI_providerUIIdentify = pLookupEntry->ptProvider->apfn[SP_PROVIDERUIIDENTIFY])) { lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; }
if ((TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER) && !IS_FLAG_SET(ptClient->dwFlags, PTCLIENT_FLAG_ADMINISTRATOR)) { if (pParams->dwObjectID >= ptClient->dwPhoneDevices) { pParams->lResult = PHONEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; return; }
dwObjectID = ptClient->pPhoneDevices[pParams->dwObjectID]; } #endif
if (TapiGlobals.dwNumPhoneInits == 0 ) { lResult = PHONEERR_UNINITIALIZED; break; }
pLookupEntry = (PTLINELOOKUPENTRY) GetPhoneLookupEntry (dwObjectID);
if (!pLookupEntry) { lResult = (TapiGlobals.dwNumPhoneInits == 0 ? PHONEERR_UNINITIALIZED : PHONEERR_BADDEVICEID); } else if (!pLookupEntry->ptProvider || pLookupEntry->bRemoved) { lResult = PHONEERR_NODEVICE; } else if (!(pfnTSPI_providerUIIdentify = pLookupEntry->ptProvider->apfn[SP_PROVIDERUIIDENTIFY])) { lResult = PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; }
LOG((TL_INFO, "Looking for provider..."));
// Provider add/remove needs to be restricted to Admins.
if (!IS_FLAG_SET(ptClient->dwFlags, PTCLIENT_FLAG_ADMINISTRATOR) && (pParams->bRemoveProvider || pParams->dwProviderFilenameOffset != TAPI_NO_DATA)) { lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; goto GetUIDllName_return; }
if (!(ptDlgInst = ServerAlloc (sizeof (TAPIDIALOGINSTANCE)))) { lResult = LINEERR_NOMEM; goto GetUIDllName_return; } ptDlgInst->htDlgInst = NewObject(ghHandleTable, ptDlgInst, NULL); if (0 == ptDlgInst->htDlgInst) { ServerFree (ptDlgInst); lResult = LINEERR_NOMEM; goto GetUIDllName_return; }
if (pParams->dwProviderFilenameOffset == TAPI_NO_DATA) { //
// This is a providerConfig or -Remove request. Loop thru the
// list of installed providers, trying to find one with a
// matching PPID.
int i, iNumProviders; TCHAR szProviderXxxN[32];
HKEY hKeyProviders; DWORD dwDataSize; DWORD dwDataType; DWORD dwTemp;
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszRegKeyProviders, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyProviders
) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "RegOpenKeyEx(/Providers) failed, err=%d", GetLastError() ));
DereferenceObject (ghHandleTable, ptDlgInst->htDlgInst, 1); lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; goto GetUIDllName_return; }
dwDataSize = sizeof(iNumProviders); iNumProviders = 0;
RegQueryValueEx( hKeyProviders, gszNumProviders, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &iNumProviders, &dwDataSize );
for (i = 0; i < iNumProviders; i++) { wsprintf(szProviderXxxN, TEXT("%s%d"), gszProviderID, i);
dwDataSize = sizeof(dwTemp); dwTemp = 0;
RegQueryValueEx( hKeyProviders, szProviderXxxN, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE)&dwTemp, &dwDataSize );
if (dwTemp == pParams->dwObjectID) { //
// We found the provider, try to load it & get ptrs
// to the relevant funcs
TCHAR szProviderFilename[MAX_PATH];
wsprintf(szProviderXxxN, TEXT("%s%d"), gszProviderFilename, i);
dwDataSize = MAX_PATH*sizeof(TCHAR);
RegQueryValueEx( hKeyProviders, szProviderXxxN, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE)szProviderFilename, &dwDataSize );
if (!(ptDlgInst->hTsp = LoadLibrary(szProviderFilename))) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "LoadLibrary('%s') failed - err=%d", szProviderFilename, GetLastError() ));
lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; goto clean_up_dlg_inst; }
if (!(pfnTSPI_providerUIIdentify = (TSPIPROC) GetProcAddress( ptDlgInst->hTsp, (LPCSTR) gaszTSPIFuncNames[SP_PROVIDERUIIDENTIFY] ))) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "GetProcAddress(TSPI_providerUIIdentify) " \ "on [%s] failed, err=%d", szProviderFilename, GetLastError() ));
lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; goto clean_up_dlg_inst; }
ptDlgInst->pfnTSPI_providerGenericDialogData = (TSPIPROC) GetProcAddress( ptDlgInst->hTsp, (LPCSTR) gaszTSPIFuncNames[SP_PROVIDERGENERICDIALOGDATA] );
ptDlgInst->dwPermanentProviderID = pParams->dwObjectID; ptDlgInst->bRemoveProvider = pParams->bRemoveProvider; break; } }
RegCloseKey (hKeyProviders);
if (i == iNumProviders) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Ran out of list..."));
lResult = LINEERR_INVALPARAM; } } else { //
// This is a providerInstall request. Try to load the provider
// and get ptrs to the relevant funcs, then retrieve & increment
// the next provider ID value in the ini file (careful to wrap
// next PPID at 64K-1).
TCHAR *pszProviderFilename; DWORD dwNameLength;
HKEY hKeyProviders; DWORD dwDataSize; DWORD dwDataType; DWORD dwTemp;
// Verify size/offset/string params given our input buffer/size
if (IsBadStringParam( dwParamsBufferSize, pDataBuf, pParams->dwProviderFilenameOffset )) { pParams->lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; DereferenceObject (ghHandleTable, ptDlgInst->htDlgInst, 1); return; }
pszProviderFilename = (PTSTR)(pDataBuf + pParams->dwProviderFilenameOffset);
if (!(ptDlgInst->hTsp = LoadLibrary(pszProviderFilename))) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "LoadLibrary('%s') failed err=%d", pszProviderFilename, GetLastError() ));
// note: no matter if the XxxProvider call succeeds or fails,
// we want this goto statement.
// 16bit service providers are completely handled
// in the XxxProvider call.
goto clean_up_dlg_inst; }
if (!(pfnTSPI_providerUIIdentify = (TSPIPROC) GetProcAddress( ptDlgInst->hTsp, (LPCSTR) gaszTSPIFuncNames[SP_PROVIDERUIIDENTIFY] ))) { lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; goto clean_up_dlg_inst; }
dwNameLength = (lstrlen(pszProviderFilename) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
if (!(ptDlgInst->pszProviderFilename = ServerAlloc (dwNameLength))) { lResult = LINEERR_NOMEM; goto clean_up_dlg_inst; }
CopyMemory( ptDlgInst->pszProviderFilename, pszProviderFilename, dwNameLength );
ptDlgInst->pfnTSPI_providerGenericDialogData = (TSPIPROC) GetProcAddress( ptDlgInst->hTsp, (LPCSTR) gaszTSPIFuncNames[SP_PROVIDERGENERICDIALOGDATA] );
RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszRegKeyProviders, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyProviders );
dwDataSize = sizeof (DWORD); ptDlgInst->dwPermanentProviderID = 1;
RegQueryValueEx( hKeyProviders, gszNextProviderID, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &(ptDlgInst->dwPermanentProviderID), &dwDataSize );
pParams->dwObjectID = ptDlgInst->dwPermanentProviderID;
dwTemp = ((ptDlgInst->dwPermanentProviderID+1) & 0xffff0000) ? 1 : (ptDlgInst->dwPermanentProviderID + 1);
RegSetValueEx( hKeyProviders, gszNextProviderID, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwTemp, sizeof(DWORD) );
RegCloseKey (hKeyProviders);
break; }
if (pfnTSPI_providerUIIdentify) {
if (pLookupEntry && (lstrcmpi( pLookupEntry->ptProvider->szFileName, TEXT("remotesp.tsp") ) == 0) ) { // ok - hack alert
// a special case for remotesp to give it more info
// we're passing the device ID and device type over to remotesp
// so it can intelligently call over to the remote tapisrv
// the RSP_MSG is just a key for remotesp to
// check to make sure that the info is there
LPDWORD lpdwHold = (LPDWORD)pDataBuf;
lpdwHold[0] = RSP_MSG; lpdwHold[1] = dwObjectID; lpdwHold[2] = pParams->dwObjectType; }
if ((lResult = CallSP1( pfnTSPI_providerUIIdentify, "providerUIIdentify", SP_FUNC_SYNC, (ULONG_PTR) pDataBuf
)) == 0) { pParams->dwUIDllNameOffset = 0;
pParams->dwUIDllNameSize = (lstrlenW((PWSTR)pDataBuf) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR);
*pdwNumBytesReturned = sizeof (TAPI32_MSG) + pParams->dwUIDllNameSize;
if (ptDlgInst) { ptDlgInst->dwKey = TDLGINST_KEY;
if ((ptDlgInst->pNext = ptClient->pProviderXxxDlgInsts)) { ptDlgInst->pNext->pPrev = ptDlgInst; }
ptClient->pProviderXxxDlgInsts = ptDlgInst;
pParams->htDlgInst = ptDlgInst->htDlgInst; } } else if (ptDlgInst) {
if (ptDlgInst->hTsp) { FreeLibrary (ptDlgInst->hTsp); }
if (ptDlgInst->pszProviderFilename) { ServerFree (ptDlgInst->pszProviderFilename); }
DereferenceObject (ghHandleTable, ptDlgInst->htDlgInst, 1); } }
pParams->lResult = lResult;
void WINAPI TUISPIDLLCallback( PTCLIENT ptClient, PUIDLLCALLBACK_PARAMS pParams, DWORD dwParamsBufferSize, LPBYTE pDataBuf, LPDWORD pdwNumBytesReturned ) { LONG lResult; ULONG_PTR objectID = pParams->ObjectID; TSPIPROC pfnTSPI_providerGenericDialogData = NULL;
// Verify size/offset/string params given our input buffer/size
if (ISBADSIZEOFFSET( dwParamsBufferSize, 0, pParams->dwParamsInSize, pParams->dwParamsInOffset, sizeof(DWORD), "TUISPIDLLCallback", "pParams->ParamsIn" )) { pParams->lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; return; }
switch (pParams->dwObjectType) { case TUISPIDLL_OBJECT_LINEID: { PTLINELOOKUPENTRY pLine;
if ((TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER) && !IS_FLAG_SET(ptClient->dwFlags, PTCLIENT_FLAG_ADMINISTRATOR)) { if ((DWORD) pParams->ObjectID >= ptClient->dwLineDevices) { pParams->lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; return; }
objectID = ptClient->pLineDevices[pParams->ObjectID]; } #endif
pLine = GetLineLookupEntry ((DWORD) objectID);
if (!pLine) { lResult = LINEERR_INVALPARAM; } else if (!pLine->ptProvider) { lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; } else { pfnTSPI_providerGenericDialogData = pLine->ptProvider->apfn[SP_PROVIDERGENERICDIALOGDATA]; }
if ((TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER) && !IS_FLAG_SET(ptClient->dwFlags, PTCLIENT_FLAG_ADMINISTRATOR)) { if ((DWORD) pParams->ObjectID >= ptClient->dwPhoneDevices) { pParams->lResult = PHONEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; return; }
objectID = ptClient->pPhoneDevices[pParams->ObjectID]; } #endif
pPhone = GetPhoneLookupEntry ((DWORD) objectID);
if (!pPhone) { lResult = LINEERR_INVALPARAM; } else if (!pPhone->ptProvider) { lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; } else { pfnTSPI_providerGenericDialogData = pPhone->ptProvider->apfn[SP_PROVIDERGENERICDIALOGDATA]; }
break; } case TUISPIDLL_OBJECT_PROVIDERID: { PTAPIDIALOGINSTANCE ptDlgInst = ptClient->pProviderXxxDlgInsts;
while (ptDlgInst) { if ((DWORD) pParams->ObjectID == ptDlgInst->dwPermanentProviderID) { pfnTSPI_providerGenericDialogData = ptDlgInst->pfnTSPI_providerGenericDialogData;
break; }
ptDlgInst = ptDlgInst->pNext; }
try { ptDlgInst = ReferenceObject (ghHandleTable, pParams->ObjectID, TDLGINST_KEY); if (NULL == ptDlgInst) { pfnTSPI_providerGenericDialogData = NULL; break; }
objectID = (ULONG_PTR)ptDlgInst->hdDlgInst;
pfnTSPI_providerGenericDialogData = ptDlgInst->ptProvider->apfn[SP_PROVIDERGENERICDIALOGDATA];
DereferenceObject (ghHandleTable, pParams->ObjectID, 1);
} myexcept { // just fall thru
break; }
if (pfnTSPI_providerGenericDialogData) { if ((lResult = CallSP4( pfnTSPI_providerGenericDialogData, "providerGenericDialogData", SP_FUNC_SYNC, (ULONG_PTR) objectID, (DWORD)pParams->dwObjectType, (ULONG_PTR) (pDataBuf + pParams->dwParamsInOffset), (DWORD)pParams->dwParamsInSize
)) == 0) { pParams->dwParamsOutOffset = pParams->dwParamsInOffset; pParams->dwParamsOutSize = pParams->dwParamsInSize;
*pdwNumBytesReturned = sizeof (TAPI32_MSG) + pParams->dwParamsOutSize + pParams->dwParamsOutOffset; } } else { lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; }
pParams->lResult = lResult; }
void WINAPI FreeDialogInstance( PTCLIENT ptClient, PFREEDIALOGINSTANCE_PARAMS pParams, DWORD dwParamsBufferSize, LPBYTE pDataBuf, LPDWORD pdwNumBytesReturned ) { HKEY hKeyProviders; DWORD dwDataSize; DWORD dwDataType; DWORD dwTemp;
PTAPIDIALOGINSTANCE ptDlgInst = ReferenceObject (ghHandleTable, pParams->htDlgInst, TDLGINST_KEY);
LOG((TL_TRACE, "FreeDialogInstance: enter, pDlgInst=x%p", ptDlgInst));
try { if (ptDlgInst->dwKey != TDLGINST_KEY) { pParams->lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; } else { ptDlgInst->dwKey = INVAL_KEY; } } myexcept { pParams->lResult = LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED; }
if (pParams->lResult) { return; }
if (ptDlgInst->hTsp) { //
// This dlg inst was a client doing a providerConfig, -Install, or
// -Remove
if (ptDlgInst->pszProviderFilename) { if (pParams->lUIDllResult == 0) { //
// Successful provider install
DWORD iNumProviders; TCHAR szProviderXxxN[32]; TCHAR szProviderXxxNA[32];
WaitForSingleObject (ghProvRegistryMutex, INFINITE);
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszRegKeyProviders, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyProviders ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReleaseMutex (ghProvRegistryMutex); goto bail; }
dwDataSize = sizeof(iNumProviders); iNumProviders = 0;
RegQueryValueEx( hKeyProviders, gszNumProviders, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &iNumProviders, &dwDataSize );
wsprintf( szProviderXxxNA, TEXT("%s%d"), gszProviderID, iNumProviders );
RegSetValueEx( hKeyProviders, szProviderXxxNA, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &ptDlgInst->dwPermanentProviderID, sizeof(DWORD) );
wsprintf( szProviderXxxN, TEXT("%s%d"), gszProviderFilename, iNumProviders );
RegSetValueEx( hKeyProviders, szProviderXxxN, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) ptDlgInst->pszProviderFilename, (lstrlen((PTSTR)ptDlgInst->pszProviderFilename) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR) );
RegSetValueEx( hKeyProviders, gszNumProviders, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &iNumProviders, sizeof(DWORD) );
RegCloseKey( hKeyProviders );
ReleaseMutex (ghProvRegistryMutex);
// If the tapisrv is already INITed, ReInit it to load the provider
TapiEnterCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.CritSec);
if ((TapiGlobals.dwNumLineInits != 0) || (TapiGlobals.dwNumPhoneInits != 0) || (TapiGlobals.dwFlags & TAPIGLOBALS_SERVER)) {
pParams->lResult = ServerInit(TRUE); }
TapiLeaveCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.CritSec); } else { //
// Unsuccessful provider install. See if we can decrement
// NextProviderID to free up the unused ID.
DWORD iNextProviderID; WaitForSingleObject (ghProvRegistryMutex, INFINITE);
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszRegKeyProviders, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyProviders ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReleaseMutex (ghProvRegistryMutex); goto bail; }
dwDataSize = sizeof(iNextProviderID); iNextProviderID = 0;
RegQueryValueEx( hKeyProviders, gszNextProviderID, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE)&iNextProviderID, &dwDataSize );
if ((ptDlgInst->dwPermanentProviderID + 1) == iNextProviderID) { RegSetValueEx( hKeyProviders, gszNextProviderID, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(ptDlgInst->dwPermanentProviderID), sizeof(DWORD) ); }
RegCloseKey (hKeyProviders);
ReleaseMutex (ghProvRegistryMutex); }
ServerFree (ptDlgInst->pszProviderFilename); } else if (ptDlgInst->bRemoveProvider) { if (pParams->lUIDllResult == 0) { //
// Successful provider remove. Find the index of the
// provider in the list, then move all the providers
// that follow up a notch.
DWORD iNumProviders, i; TCHAR szProviderXxxN[32]; TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH];
WaitForSingleObject (ghProvRegistryMutex, INFINITE);
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszRegKeyProviders, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyProviders ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReleaseMutex (ghProvRegistryMutex); goto bail; }
dwDataSize = sizeof(iNumProviders); iNumProviders = 0;
RegQueryValueEx( hKeyProviders, gszNumProviders, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &iNumProviders, &dwDataSize );
for (i = 0; i < iNumProviders; i++) { wsprintf(szProviderXxxN, TEXT("%s%d"), gszProviderID, i);
dwDataSize = sizeof(dwTemp); dwTemp = 0; RegQueryValueEx( hKeyProviders, szProviderXxxN, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &dwTemp, &dwDataSize );
if (dwTemp == ptDlgInst->dwPermanentProviderID) { break; } }
for (; i < (iNumProviders - 1); i++) { wsprintf(szProviderXxxN, TEXT("%s%d"), gszProviderID, i + 1);
dwDataSize = sizeof(buf);
RegQueryValueEx( hKeyProviders, szProviderXxxN, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) buf, &dwDataSize );
buf[dwDataSize/sizeof(TCHAR)] = TEXT('\0');
wsprintf(szProviderXxxN, TEXT("%s%d"), gszProviderID, i);
RegSetValueEx( hKeyProviders, szProviderXxxN, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) buf, sizeof (DWORD) );
wsprintf(szProviderXxxN, TEXT("%s%d"), gszProviderFilename, i+1);
dwDataSize = MAX_PATH*sizeof(TCHAR);
RegQueryValueEx( hKeyProviders, szProviderXxxN, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) buf, &dwDataSize );
buf[dwDataSize/sizeof(TCHAR)] = TEXT('\0');
wsprintf(szProviderXxxN, TEXT("%s%d"), gszProviderFilename, i);
RegSetValueEx( hKeyProviders, szProviderXxxN, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) buf, (lstrlen(buf) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); }
// Remove the last ProviderID# & ProviderFilename# entries
wsprintf(szProviderXxxN, TEXT("%s%d"), gszProviderID, i);
RegDeleteValue(hKeyProviders, szProviderXxxN);
wsprintf(szProviderXxxN, TEXT("%s%d"), gszProviderFilename, i);
RegDeleteValue(hKeyProviders, szProviderXxxN);
// Decrement the total num providers to load
RegSetValueEx( hKeyProviders, gszNumProviders, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&iNumProviders, sizeof(DWORD) );
RegCloseKey (hKeyProviders);
ReleaseMutex (ghProvRegistryMutex); //
// Remove user/line association with this provider
{ WCHAR * pSectionNames = NULL; WCHAR * pSectionNames2 = NULL; WCHAR * pszLinePhoneSave = NULL; DWORD dwSize, dwSize2; DWORD dwResult; WCHAR szBuf[20]; WCHAR * aszKeys[] = {gszLines, gszPhones};
// Only NT server cares about tsec.ini
if (!gbNTServer) { goto Exit; }
// Get the list of DomainUser names
LOG((TL_INFO, "FreeDialogInstance: getting user names"));
do { if (pSectionNames) { ServerFree (pSectionNames);
dwSize *= 2; } else { dwSize = 256; }
if (!(pSectionNames = ServerAlloc (dwSize * sizeof (WCHAR)))) { goto Exit; }
pSectionNames[0] = L'\0';
dwResult = GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW( pSectionNames, dwSize, gszFileName );
} while (dwResult >= (dwSize - 2));
pSectionNames2 = pSectionNames; dwSize = 64 * sizeof(WCHAR); pszLinePhoneSave = ServerAlloc(dwSize); if (pszLinePhoneSave == NULL) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "FreeDialogInstance: Memory failure")); goto Exit; } dwSize2 = wsprintfW (szBuf, L"%d", ptDlgInst->dwPermanentProviderID); // Remove all the devices associated with this domain/user
while (*pSectionNames) { WCHAR *psz, *psz2; BOOL bWriteBack; int iasz;
for (iasz = 0; iasz < sizeof(aszKeys) / sizeof(WCHAR *); ++iasz) { bWriteBack = FALSE; dwResult = MyGetPrivateProfileString( pSectionNames, aszKeys[iasz], gszEmptyString, &pszLinePhoneSave, &dwSize); if (dwResult == 0) { psz = pszLinePhoneSave; while (*psz) { if (wcsncmp(psz, szBuf, dwSize2) == 0) { bWriteBack = TRUE; psz2 = psz + dwSize2; if (*psz2 != L',') // Comma?
{ LOG((TL_ERROR, "FreeDialogInstance: " "Corrupted tsec.ini")); goto Exit; } ++ psz2; // Skip comma
// Skip the permanent device ID
while ((*psz2 != L',') && (*psz2 != 0)) { ++psz2; } if (*psz2 == 0) // Last one
{ if (psz > pszLinePhoneSave) *(psz - 1) = 0; else *pszLinePhoneSave = 0; break; } else { int i = 0; ++psz2; // skip the comma
while (*psz2) { psz[i++] = *psz2; ++psz2; } psz[i] = 0; } } else { // Skip the provider ID
while ((*psz != 0) && (*psz != L',')) { ++ psz; } if (*psz == 0) break; ++ psz; // Skip the permanent device ID
while ((*psz != 0) && (*psz != L',')) { ++ psz; } if (*psz == 0) break; ++ psz; } } if (bWriteBack) { WritePrivateProfileStringW( pSectionNames, aszKeys[iasz], pszLinePhoneSave, gszFileName ); } } // dwResult == 0
} // Advance to the next domain user
while (*pSectionNames != 0) { ++pSectionNames; } ++pSectionNames; }
Exit: ServerFree(pSectionNames2); ServerFree(pszLinePhoneSave); }
// if tapi init'd shutdown each provider
// LINE_REMOVE / PHONE_REMOVE will try to enter gMgmtCritSec while in
// TapiGlobals.CritSec.
// Need to enter gMgmtCritSec here, to avoid deadlock
EnterCriticalSection (&gMgmtCritSec);
TapiEnterCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.CritSec); //
// Find ptProvider
ptProvider = TapiGlobals.ptProviders; while (ptProvider) { if (ptProvider->dwPermanentProviderID == ptDlgInst->dwPermanentProviderID) { break; } ptProvider = ptProvider->pNext; } if (ptProvider == NULL) { LeaveCriticalSection (&gMgmtCritSec); TapiLeaveCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.CritSec); goto bail; } //
// Remove all the lines/phones belong to this provider.
for (dw = 0; dw < TapiGlobals.dwNumLines; ++dw) { pLineEntry = GetLineLookupEntry (dw); if (pLineEntry && pLineEntry->ptProvider == ptProvider && !pLineEntry->bRemoved) { LineEventProc ( 0, 0, LINE_REMOVE, dw, 0, 0 ); } }
for (dw = 0; dw < TapiGlobals.dwNumPhones; ++dw) { pPhoneEntry = GetPhoneLookupEntry (dw); if (pPhoneEntry && pPhoneEntry->ptProvider == ptProvider && !pPhoneEntry->bRemoved) { PhoneEventProc ( 0, PHONE_REMOVE, dw, 0, 0 ); } }
LeaveCriticalSection (&gMgmtCritSec);
// Remove the provider ID array associate with this provider
ppLastArray = &(TapiGlobals.pIDArrays); while ((*ppLastArray) != NULL && ((*ppLastArray)->dwPermanentProviderID != ptProvider->dwPermanentProviderID) ) { ppLastArray = &((*ppLastArray)->pNext); } if (pIDArray = (*ppLastArray)) { *ppLastArray = pIDArray->pNext; ServerFree (pIDArray->pLineElements); ServerFree (pIDArray->pPhoneElements); ServerFree (pIDArray); } else { // Should not be here
// Remove ptProvider from the global link list
if (ptProvider->pNext) { ptProvider->pNext->pPrev = ptProvider->pPrev; } if (ptProvider->pPrev) { ptProvider->pPrev->pNext = ptProvider->pNext; } else { TapiGlobals.ptProviders = ptProvider->pNext; }
// Now shutdown and unload the TSP provider
CallSP2( ptProvider->apfn[SP_PROVIDERSHUTDOWN], "providerShutdown", SP_FUNC_SYNC, (DWORD)ptProvider->dwSPIVersion, (DWORD)ptProvider->dwPermanentProviderID );
// Wait for 5 seconds for ongoing calls to finish
Sleep (5000); FreeLibrary (ptProvider->hDll); MyCloseMutex (ptProvider->hMutex); CloseHandle (ptProvider->hHashTableReaderEvent); DeleteCriticalSection (&ptProvider->HashTableCritSec); ServerFree (ptProvider->pHashTable); ServerFree (ptProvider);
TapiLeaveCriticalSection (&TapiGlobals.CritSec);
} } else { //
// Unsuccessful provider remove, nothing to do
} } else { //
// Nothing to do for providerConfig (success or fail)
bail: FreeLibrary (ptDlgInst->hTsp);
pParams->lResult = pParams->lUIDllResult; } else if (ptDlgInst->ptProvider->apfn[SP_PROVIDERFREEDIALOGINSTANCE]) { //
// The was a provider-initiated dlg inst, so tell
// the provider to free it's inst
CallSP1( ptDlgInst->ptProvider->apfn[SP_PROVIDERFREEDIALOGINSTANCE], "providerFreeDialogInstance", SP_FUNC_SYNC, (ULONG_PTR) ptDlgInst->hdDlgInst );
// Remove the dialog instance from the tClient's list & then free it
if (WaitForExclusiveClientAccess (ptClient)) { if (ptDlgInst->pNext) { ptDlgInst->pNext->pPrev = ptDlgInst->pPrev; }
if (ptDlgInst->pPrev) { ptDlgInst->pPrev->pNext = ptDlgInst->pNext; } else if (ptDlgInst->hTsp) { ptClient->pProviderXxxDlgInsts = ptDlgInst->pNext; } else { ptClient->pGenericDlgInsts = ptDlgInst->pNext; } UNLOCKTCLIENT (ptClient); }
DereferenceObject (ghHandleTable, pParams->htDlgInst, 2); }
BOOL GetNewClientHandle( PTCLIENT ptClient, PTMANAGEDLLINFO pDll, HMANAGEMENTCLIENT *phClient ) { BOOL fResult = TRUE; PTCLIENTHANDLE pClientHandle, pNewClientHandle;
if (!(pNewClientHandle = ServerAlloc (sizeof (TCLIENTHANDLE)))) { return FALSE; }
pNewClientHandle->pNext = NULL; pNewClientHandle->fValid = TRUE; pNewClientHandle->dwID = pDll->dwID;
// call init
if ((pDll->aProcs[TC_CLIENTINITIALIZE])( ptClient->pszDomainName, ptClient->pszUserName, ptClient->pszComputerName, &pNewClientHandle->hClient )) { // error - zero out the handle
pNewClientHandle->hClient = (HMANAGEMENTCLIENT) NULL; pNewClientHandle->fValid = FALSE; fResult = FALSE; }
// save it no matter what
// insert at beginning of list
pClientHandle = ptClient->pClientHandles;
ptClient->pClientHandles = pNewClientHandle;
pNewClientHandle->pNext = pClientHandle;
*phClient = pNewClientHandle->hClient;
return fResult; }
PTCLIENTHANDLE pClientHandle; BOOL bResult;
if (!pDll->aProcs[dwAPI]) { return FALSE; }
pClientHandle = ptClient->pClientHandles;
while (pClientHandle) { if (pClientHandle->dwID == pDll->dwID) { break; }
pClientHandle = pClientHandle->pNext; }
if (pClientHandle) { if (!(pClientHandle->fValid)) { return FALSE; }
*phClient = pClientHandle->hClient; return TRUE; } else { // OK - it's not in the list.
// get the critical section & check again
pClientHandle = ptClient->pClientHandles;
while (pClientHandle) { if (pClientHandle->dwID == pDll->dwID) { break; }
pClientHandle = pClientHandle->pNext; }
if (pClientHandle) { if (!(pClientHandle->fValid)) { LeaveCriticalSection(&gClientHandleCritSec); return FALSE; }
*phClient = pClientHandle->hClient;
LeaveCriticalSection(&gClientHandleCritSec); return TRUE; }
// still not there. add it...
bResult = GetNewClientHandle( ptClient, pDll, phClient );
return bResult; }
//#pragma warning (default:4028)
#if DBG
char szBeforeSync[] = "Calling TSPI_%s"; char szBeforeAsync[] = "Calling TSPI_%s, dwReqID=x%x"; char szAfter[] = "TSPI_%s result=%s";
VOID DbgPrt( IN DWORD dwDbgLevel, IN PUCHAR lpszFormat, IN ... ) /*++
Routine Description:
Formats the incoming debug message & calls DbgPrint
DbgLevel - level of message verboseness
DbgMessage - printf-style format string, followed by appropriate list of arguments
Return Value:
--*/ { if (dwDbgLevel <= gdwDebugLevel) { char buf[1024] = "TAPISRV (0x--------): "; va_list ap;
wsprintfA( &buf[11], "%08lx", GetCurrentThreadId() ); buf[19] = ')';
va_start(ap, lpszFormat);
wvsprintfA( &buf[22], lpszFormat, ap );
lstrcatA(buf, "\n");
OutputDebugStringA (buf);
va_end(ap); }
return; }
char *aszLineErrors[] = { NULL, "ALLOCATED", "BADDEVICEID", "BEARERMODEUNAVAIL", "inval err value (0x80000004)", // 0x80000004 isn't valid err code
"inval err value (0x80000031)", // 0x80000031 isn't valid err code
char * PASCAL MapResultCodeToText( LONG lResult, char *pszResult ) { if (lResult == 0) { wsprintfA (pszResult, "SUCCESS"); } else if (lResult > 0) { wsprintfA (pszResult, "x%x (completing async)", lResult); } else if (((DWORD) lResult) <= LINEERR_DIALVOICEDETECT) { lResult &= 0x0fffffff;
wsprintfA (pszResult, "LINEERR_%s", aszLineErrors[lResult]); } else if (((DWORD) lResult) <= PHONEERR_REINIT) { if (((DWORD) lResult) >= PHONEERR_ALLOCATED) { lResult &= 0x0fffffff;
wsprintfA (pszResult, "PHONEERR_%s", aszPhoneErrors[lResult]); } else { goto MapResultCodeToText_badErrorCode; } } else if (((DWORD) lResult) <= ((DWORD) TAPIERR_DROPPED) && ((DWORD) lResult) >= ((DWORD) TAPIERR_INVALPOINTER)) { lResult = ~lResult + 1;
wsprintfA (pszResult, "TAPIERR_%s", aszTapiErrors[lResult]); } else {
wsprintfA (pszResult, "inval error value (x%x)"); }
return pszResult; }
VOID PASCAL ValidateSyncSPResult( LPCSTR lpszFuncName, DWORD dwFlags, ULONG_PTR Arg1, LONG lResult ) { char szResult[32];
LOG((TL_INFO, szAfter, lpszFuncName, MapResultCodeToText (lResult, szResult) ));
if (dwFlags & SP_FUNC_ASYNC) { assert (lResult != 0);
if (lResult > 0) { assert (lResult == PtrToLong (Arg1) || PtrToLong (Arg1) == 0xfeeefeee || // pAsyncRequestInfo freed
PtrToLong (Arg1) == 0xa1a1a1a1); } } else { assert (lResult <= 0); }
LONG WINAPI CallSP1( TSPIPROC pfn, LPCSTR lpszFuncName, DWORD dwFlags, ULONG_PTR Arg1 ) { LONG lResult;
LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeSync, lpszFuncName));
lResult = (*pfn)(Arg1);
ValidateSyncSPResult (lpszFuncName, dwFlags, Arg1, lResult);
return lResult; }
LONG WINAPI CallSP2( TSPIPROC pfn, LPCSTR lpszFuncName, DWORD dwFlags, ULONG_PTR Arg1, ULONG_PTR Arg2 ) { LONG lResult;
if (dwFlags & SP_FUNC_ASYNC) { LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeAsync, lpszFuncName, Arg1)); } else { LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeSync, lpszFuncName)); }
lResult = (*pfn)(Arg1, Arg2);
ValidateSyncSPResult (lpszFuncName, dwFlags, Arg1, lResult);
return lResult; }
LONG WINAPI CallSP3( TSPIPROC pfn, LPCSTR lpszFuncName, DWORD dwFlags, ULONG_PTR Arg1, ULONG_PTR Arg2, ULONG_PTR Arg3 ) { LONG lResult;
if (dwFlags & SP_FUNC_ASYNC) { LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeAsync, lpszFuncName, Arg1)); } else { LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeSync, lpszFuncName)); }
lResult = (*pfn)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3);
ValidateSyncSPResult (lpszFuncName, dwFlags, Arg1, lResult);
return lResult; }
if (dwFlags & SP_FUNC_ASYNC) { LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeAsync, lpszFuncName, Arg1)); } else { LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeSync, lpszFuncName)); }
lResult = (*pfn)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4);
ValidateSyncSPResult (lpszFuncName, dwFlags, Arg1, lResult);
return lResult; }
if (dwFlags & SP_FUNC_ASYNC) { LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeAsync, lpszFuncName, Arg1)); } else { LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeSync, lpszFuncName)); }
lResult = (*pfn)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5);
ValidateSyncSPResult (lpszFuncName, dwFlags, Arg1, lResult);
return lResult; }
if (dwFlags & SP_FUNC_ASYNC) { LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeAsync, lpszFuncName, Arg1)); } else { LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeSync, lpszFuncName)); }
lResult = (*pfn)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6);
ValidateSyncSPResult (lpszFuncName, dwFlags, Arg1, lResult);
return lResult; }
if (dwFlags & SP_FUNC_ASYNC) { LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeAsync, lpszFuncName, Arg1)); } else { LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeSync, lpszFuncName)); }
lResult = (*pfn)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7);
ValidateSyncSPResult (lpszFuncName, dwFlags, Arg1, lResult);
return lResult; }
if (dwFlags & SP_FUNC_ASYNC) { LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeAsync, lpszFuncName, Arg1)); } else { LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeSync, lpszFuncName)); }
lResult = (*pfn)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7, Arg8);
ValidateSyncSPResult (lpszFuncName, dwFlags, Arg1, lResult);
return lResult; }
if (dwFlags & SP_FUNC_ASYNC) { LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeAsync, lpszFuncName, Arg1)); } else { LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeSync, lpszFuncName)); }
lResult = (*pfn)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7, Arg8, Arg9);
ValidateSyncSPResult (lpszFuncName, dwFlags, Arg1, lResult);
return lResult; }
if (dwFlags & SP_FUNC_ASYNC) { LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeAsync, lpszFuncName, Arg1)); } else { LOG((TL_INFO, szBeforeSync, lpszFuncName)); }
lResult = (*pfn)( Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7, Arg8, Arg9, Arg10, Arg11, Arg12 );
ValidateSyncSPResult (lpszFuncName, dwFlags, Arg1, lResult);
return lResult; }
#endif // DBG
* BOOL InitPerf() * * Initialize global performance data * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL InitPerf() { FillMemory(&PerfBlock, sizeof(PerfBlock), 0);
return(TRUE); }
BOOL VerifyDomainName (HKEY hKey) {
DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize; BOOL bReturn = TRUE; LPTSTR pOldName = NULL; LPTSTR pNewName = NULL;
do {
// Get the old domain name from registry
dwSize = 0; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hKey, gszDomainName, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize) ) {
pOldName = ServerAlloc (dwSize); if(!pOldName) { bReturn = FALSE; break; } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx( hKey, gszDomainName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pOldName, &dwSize) ) { bReturn = FALSE; break; } } //
// Get the current domain name
dwSize = MAX_DNS_NAME_LENGTH + 1; pNewName = ServerAlloc ( dwSize * sizeof (TCHAR)); if (!pNewName) { bReturn = FALSE; break; }
if (!GetComputerNameEx (ComputerNameDnsDomain, pNewName, &dwSize)) { bReturn = FALSE; LOG((TL_INFO, "VerifyDomainName: GetComputerNameEx failed - error x%x", GetLastError())); break; }
if (dwSize == 0) { // no domain name, save as empty string
pNewName [0] = TEXT('\0'); dwSize = 1; } if (!pOldName || _tcscmp(pOldName, pNewName)) { //
// The domain has changed, save the new domain name
// We also need to discard the old SCP
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueEx ( hKey, gszDomainName, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pNewName, dwSize * sizeof(TCHAR) )) { LOG((TL_INFO, "VerifyDomainName:RegSetValueEx (%S) failed", pNewName)); }
RegDeleteValue ( hKey, gszRegTapisrvSCPGuid ); } } while (0);
ServerFree(pOldName); ServerFree(pNewName);
return bReturn; }