// Copyright (c) 1998 Active Voice Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Active Agent(r) and Unified Communications(tm) are trademarks of Active Voice Corporation.
// Other brand and product names used herein are trademarks of their respective owners.
// The entire program and user interface including the structure, sequence, selection,
// and arrangement of the dialog, the exclusively "yes" and "no" choices represented
// by "1" and "2," and each dialog message are protected by copyrights registered in
// the United States and by international treaties.
// Protected by one or more of the following United States patents: 5,070,526, 5,488,650,
// 5,434,906, 5,581,604, 5,533,102, 5,568,540, 5,625,676, 5,651,054.
// Active Voice Corporation
// Seattle, Washington
// USA
// mem.c - memory functions
#include "winlocal.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "mem.h"
#include "sys.h"
#include "trace.h"
// private definitions
#ifndef NOTRACE
// mem control struct
typedef struct MEM { DWORD dwVersion; HINSTANCE hInst; HTASK hTask; long nBlocks; long sizBlocks; } MEM, FAR *LPMEM;
// shared mem engine handle
static LPMEM lpMemShare = NULL; static int cShareUsage = 0;
// helper functions
static LPMEM MemGetPtr(HMEM hMem); static HMEM MemGetHandle(LPMEM lpMem);
// public functions
// MemInit - initialize mem engine
// <dwVersion> (i) must be MEM_VERSION
// <hInst> (i) instance handle of calling module
// return handle (NULL if error)
if (dwVersion != MEM_VERSION) fSuccess = FALSE; else if (hInst == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
// if a shared mem engine already exists,
// use it rather than create another one
else if (fShare && cShareUsage > 0 && lpMemShare != NULL) lpMem = lpMemShare;
// memory is allocated such that the client app owns it
// unless we are sharing the mem handle among several apps
#ifdef _WIN32
else if ((lpMem = (LPMEM) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(MEM))) == NULL) #else
else if ((lpMem = (LPMEM) GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(MEM))) == NULL) #endif
fSuccess = FALSE;
else { lpMem->dwVersion = dwVersion; lpMem->hInst = hInst; lpMem->hTask = GetCurrentTask(); lpMem->nBlocks = 0; lpMem->sizBlocks = 0; }
if (!fSuccess) { MemTerm(MemGetHandle(lpMem)); lpMem = NULL; }
// keep track of total modules sharing a mem engine handle
if (fSuccess && fShare) { if (++cShareUsage == 1) lpMemShare = lpMem; }
return fSuccess ? MemGetHandle(lpMem) : NULL; }
// MemTerm - shut down mem engine
// <hMem> (i) handle returned from MemInit or NULL
// return 0 if success
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI MemTerm(HMEM hMem) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPMEM lpMem;
if ((lpMem = MemGetPtr(hMem)) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
// only shut down mem engine if handle
// is not shared (or is no longer being shared)
else if (lpMem != lpMemShare || --cShareUsage <= 0) { // shared mem engine handle no longer valid
if (cShareUsage <= 0) lpMemShare = NULL;
#ifdef _WIN32
if (!HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpMem)) #else
if (GlobalFreePtr(lpMem) != 0) #endif
fSuccess = FALSE; }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// MemAlloc - allocate memory block
// <hMem> (i) handle returned from MemInit or NULL
// <sizBlock> (i) size of block, in bytes
// <dwFlags> (i) control flags
// MEM_NOZEROINIT do not initialize block
// return pointer to block, NULL if error
LPVOID DLLEXPORT WINAPI MemAllocEx(HMEM hMem, long sizBlock, DWORD dwFlags, LPCTSTR lpszFileName, unsigned uLineNumber) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPMEM lpMem; LPVOID lpBlock;
#ifdef _WIN32
if ((lpMem = MemGetPtr(hMem)) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
else if ((lpBlock = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), (dwFlags & MEM_NOZEROINIT) ? 0 : HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizBlock)) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE; #else
UINT wFlags = 0;
wFlags |= GMEM_MOVEABLE; if (!(dwFlags & MEM_NOZEROINIT)) wFlags |= GMEM_ZEROINIT; if ((lpMem = MemGetPtr(hMem)) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
else if ((lpBlock = GlobalAllocPtr(wFlags, sizBlock)) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE; #endif
// keep track of total blocks allocated, total size of all blocks
else if (++lpMem->nBlocks, lpMem->sizBlocks += sizBlock, FALSE) ;
else if (TraceGetLevel(NULL) >= 9) { TracePrintf_7(NULL, 9, TEXT("%s(%u) : %08X = MemAllocEx(%p, %08X) (%ld, %ld)\n"), (LPTSTR) lpszFileName, (unsigned) uLineNumber, lpBlock, (long) sizBlock, (unsigned long) dwFlags, lpMem->nBlocks, lpMem->sizBlocks); }
return fSuccess ? lpBlock : NULL; }
// MemReAlloc - reallocate memory block
// <hMem> (i) handle returned from MemInit or NULL
// <lpBlock> (i) pointer returned from MemAlloc
// <sizBlock> (i) new size of block, in bytes
// <dwFlags> (i) control flags
// MEM_NOZEROINIT do not initialize block
// return pointer to block, NULL if error
LPVOID DLLEXPORT WINAPI MemReAllocEx(HMEM hMem, LPVOID lpBlock, long sizBlock, DWORD dwFlags, LPCTSTR lpszFileName, unsigned uLineNumber) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPMEM lpMem; LPVOID lpBlockOld = lpBlock; long sizBlockOld;
#ifdef _WIN32
if ((lpMem = MemGetPtr(hMem)) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
else if ((sizBlockOld = MemSize(hMem, lpBlock)) <= 0) fSuccess = FALSE;
else if ((lpBlock = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), (dwFlags & MEM_NOZEROINIT) ? 0 : HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, lpBlockOld, sizBlock)) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE; #else
UINT wFlags = 0;
wFlags |= GMEM_MOVEABLE; if (!(dwFlags & MEM_NOZEROINIT)) wFlags |= GMEM_ZEROINIT; if ((lpMem = MemGetPtr(hMem)) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
else if ((sizBlockOld = MemSize(hMem, lpBlock)) <= 0) fSuccess = FALSE;
else if ((lpBlock = GlobalReAllocPtr(lpBlockOld, sizBlock, wFlags)) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE; #endif
// keep track of total blocks allocated, total size of all blocks
else if (lpMem->sizBlocks -= sizBlockOld, lpMem->sizBlocks += sizBlock, FALSE) ;
else if (TraceGetLevel(NULL) >= 9) { TracePrintf_8(NULL, 9, TEXT("%s(%u) : %p = MemReAllocEx(%p, %ld, %08X) (%ld, %ld)\n"), (LPTSTR) lpszFileName, (unsigned) uLineNumber, lpBlock, lpBlockOld, (long) sizBlock, (unsigned long) dwFlags, lpMem->nBlocks, lpMem->sizBlocks); }
return fSuccess ? lpBlock : NULL; }
// MemFree - free memory block
// <hMem> (i) handle returned from MemInit or NULL
// <lpBlock> (i) pointer returned from MemAlloc
// return NULL if success, lpBlock if error
// NOTE: the return value of this function is designed to allow the
// user of this function to easily assign NULL to a freed pointer,
// as the following example demonstrates:
// if ((p = MemFree(hMem, p)) != NULL)
// ; // error
LPVOID DLLEXPORT WINAPI MemFreeEx(HMEM hMem, LPVOID lpBlock, LPCTSTR lpszFileName, unsigned uLineNumber) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPMEM lpMem; long sizBlock;
if ((lpMem = MemGetPtr(hMem)) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
else if ((sizBlock = MemSize(hMem, lpBlock)) <= 0) fSuccess = FALSE;
#ifdef _WIN32
else if (!HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpBlock)) #else
else if (GlobalFreePtr(lpBlock) != 0) #endif
fSuccess = FALSE;
// keep track of total blocks allocated, total size of all blocks
else if (--lpMem->nBlocks, lpMem->sizBlocks -= sizBlock, FALSE) ;
else if (TraceGetLevel(NULL) >= 9) { TracePrintf_5(NULL, 9, TEXT("%s(%u) : MemFreeEx(%p) (%ld, %ld)\n"), (LPTSTR) lpszFileName, (unsigned) uLineNumber, lpBlock, lpMem->nBlocks, lpMem->sizBlocks); }
return fSuccess ? NULL : lpBlock; }
// MemSize - get size of memory block
// <hMem> (i) handle returned from MemInit or NULL
// <lpBlock> (i) pointer returned from MemAlloc
// return size of block if success, 0 if error
long DLLEXPORT WINAPI MemSize(HMEM hMem, LPVOID lpBlock) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPMEM lpMem; long sizBlock;
if ((lpMem = MemGetPtr(hMem)) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
#ifdef _WIN32
else if ((sizBlock = (long) HeapSize(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpBlock)) <= 0) #else
else if ((sizBlock = (long) GlobalSize(GlobalPtrHandle(lpBlock))) <= 0) #endif
fSuccess = FALSE;
return fSuccess ? sizBlock : 0; }
#endif // #ifndef NOTRACE
#ifndef _WIN32
static void hmemmove(void _huge *d, const void _huge *s, long len);
#ifndef SIZE_T_MAX
#define SIZE_T_MAX (~((size_t) 0))
void _huge* DLLEXPORT MemCCpyEx(void _huge* dest, const void _huge* src, int c, long count) { if (count <= SIZE_T_MAX) return _fmemccpy(dest, src, c, (size_t) count); else return NULL; //$FIXUP - need to handle large count
void _huge* DLLEXPORT MemChrEx(void _huge* buf, int c, long count) { if (count <= SIZE_T_MAX) return _fmemchr(buf, c, (size_t) count); else return NULL; //$FIXUP - need to handle large count
int DLLEXPORT MemCmpEx(const void _huge* buf1, void _huge* buf2, long count) { if (count <= SIZE_T_MAX) return _fmemcmp(buf1, buf2, (size_t) count); else return NULL; //$FIXUP - need to handle large count
void _huge* DLLEXPORT MemCpyEx(void _huge* dest, const void _huge* src, long count) { if (count <= SIZE_T_MAX) return _fmemcpy(dest, src, (size_t) count); else { hmemcpy(dest, src, count); return dest; } }
int DLLEXPORT MemICmpEx(const void _huge* buf1, void _huge* buf2, long count) { if (count <= SIZE_T_MAX) return _fmemicmp(buf1, buf2, (size_t) count); else return NULL; //$FIXUP - need to handle large count
void _huge* DLLEXPORT MemMoveEx(void _huge* dest, const void _huge* src, long count) { if (count <= SIZE_T_MAX) return _fmemmove(dest, src, (size_t) count); else { hmemmove(dest, src, count); return dest; } }
void _huge* DLLEXPORT MemSet(void _huge* dest, int c, long count) { if (count <= SIZE_T_MAX) return _fmemset(dest, c, (size_t) count);
else { BYTE _huge* destTemp = dest; long countTemp = count;
while (countTemp > 0) { size_t cb = (size_t) min(SIZE_T_MAX, countTemp);
_fmemset(destTemp, c, cb);
destTemp += cb; countTemp -= cb; }
return dest; } }
#endif // #ifndef _WIN32
// helper functions
#ifndef NOTRACE
// MemGetPtr - verify that mem handle is valid,
// <hMem> (i) handle returned from MemInit
// return corresponding mem pointer (NULL if error)
static LPMEM MemGetPtr(HMEM hMem) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPMEM lpMem;
// use shared mem handle if no other supplied
if (hMem == NULL && lpMemShare != NULL) lpMem = lpMemShare;
// create shared mem handle if no other supplied
else if (hMem == NULL && lpMemShare == NULL && (hMem = MemInit(MEM_VERSION, SysGetTaskInstance(NULL))) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
else if ((lpMem = (LPMEM) hMem) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
// note: check for good pointer made only if not using lpMemShare
else if (lpMem != lpMemShare && IsBadWritePtr(lpMem, sizeof(MEM))) fSuccess = FALSE;
// make sure current task owns the mem handle
// except when shared mem handle is used
if (fSuccess && lpMem != lpMemShare && lpMem->hTask != GetCurrentTask()) fSuccess = FALSE; #endif
return fSuccess ? lpMem : NULL; }
// MemGetHandle - verify that mem pointer is valid,
// <lpMem> (i) pointer to MEM struct
// return corresponding mem handle (NULL if error)
static HMEM MemGetHandle(LPMEM lpMem) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; HMEM hMem;
if ((hMem = (HMEM) lpMem) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
return fSuccess ? hMem : NULL; }
#endif // #ifndef NOTRACE
#ifndef _WIN32
// from Microsoft Windows SDK KnowledgeBase PSS ID Number: Q117743
static void hmemmove(void _huge *d, const void _huge *s, long len) { register long i; long safesize, times;
// There are four cases to consider
// case 1: source and destination are the same
// case 2: source and destination do not overlap
// case 3: source starts at a location before destination in
// linear memory
// case 4: source starts at a location after destination in
// linear memory
// detect case 1 and handle it
if (d == s) return;
// determine the amount of overlap
if (d > s) // get the absolute difference
safesize = ((unsigned long)d - (unsigned long)s); else safesize = ((unsigned long)s - (unsigned long)d);
// detect case 2
if (safesize >= len) { hmemcpy(d, s, len); // no overlap
return; }
times = len/safesize;
// detect case 3 and handle it
if ((s < d) && ((unsigned long)s+len-1) >(unsigned long)d) { // copy bytes from the end of source to the end of
// destination in safesize quantum.
for (i = 1; i <= times; i++) hmemcpy((void _huge *)((unsigned long) d+len-i*safesize), (void _huge *)((unsigned long)s+len-i*safesize), safesize);
// copy the bytes remaining to be copied after
// times*safesize bytes have been copied.
if (times*safesize < len) hmemcpy(d, s, len - times*safesize);
} else // this is case 4. handle it
{ // ASSERT (s > d) && ((d+len-1) > s))
// copy bytes from the beginning of source to the
// beginning of destination in safesize quantum
for (i = 0; i < times; i++) hmemcpy((void _huge *)((unsigned long)d+i*safesize), (void _huge *)((unsigned long)s+i*safesize), safesize);
// copy the bytes remaining to be copied after
// times*safesize bytes have been copied.
if (times*safesize < len) hmemcpy((void _huge*)((unsigned long)d+times*safesize), (void _huge*)((unsigned long)s+times*safesize), len - times*safesize); }
return; }
#endif // #ifndef _WIN32