Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Message interface between H.32X MSP and TSP
Author: Michael Vanbuskirk (mikev) 05/12/99
#ifndef __TSPMSPIF_H_
#define __TSPMSPIF_H_
#include <winsock2.h>
typedef enum tag_TspMspMessageType { SP_MSG_InitiateCall, SP_MSG_AnswerCall, SP_MSG_PrepareToAnswer, SP_MSG_ProceedWithAnswer, SP_MSG_ReadyToInitiate, SP_MSG_ReadyToAnswer, SP_MSG_FastConnectResponse, SP_MSG_StartH245, SP_MSG_ConnectComplete, SP_MSG_H245PDU, SP_MSG_MCLocationIdentify, SP_MSG_Hold, SP_MSG_H245Hold, SP_MSG_ConferenceList, SP_MSG_SendDTMFDigits, SP_MSG_ReleaseCall, SP_MSG_CallShutdown, SP_MSG_H245Terminated, SP_MSG_LegacyDefaultAlias, SP_MSG_RASRegistration, SP_MSG_RASRegistrationEvent, SP_MSG_RASLocationRequest, SP_MSG_RASLocationConfirm, SP_MSG_RASBandwidthRequest, SP_MSG_RASBandwidthConfirm }TspMspMessageType;
InitiateCall - Handle of TSP's replacement call (if applicable) - Handle of conference call (if applicable) */ typedef struct { HANDLE hTSPReplacementCall; /* replacement call handle of the
entity sending the message (MSP's or TSP's handle) */ HANDLE hTSPConferenceCall; SOCKADDR_IN saLocalQ931Addr; } TSPMSP_InitiateCallMessage;
// AnswerCall (TSP to MSP). // no parameters
PrepareToAnswer (TSP to MSP). - Received fastConnect parameters - Received h245Tunneling capability - WaitForConnect flag - Q.931 setup parameters - Handle of replacement call (if applicable)
typedef struct { HANDLE hReplacementCall; /* replacement call handle of the
entity sending the message (either the MSP TSP) */ SOCKADDR_IN saLocalQ931Addr; } TSPMSP_PrepareToAnswerMessage;
ProceedWithAnswer (MSP to TSP) - Address of MC to deflect the call to */ typedef struct { BOOL fMCAddressPresent; // true if AddrMC contains the MC address
// FALSE if simply proceeding
SOCKADDR_IN saAddrMC; // address of MC to route call to
HANDLE hMSPReplacementCall; /* MSP's replacement call handle (if applicable) */ } TSPMSP_ProceedWithAnswerMessage;
ReadyToInitiate - Additional callee addresses, callee alias(es) - FastConnect proposal - WaitForConnect flag - Security profile ID(s) - Security token(s) - Handle of MSP's replacement call (if applicable)
typedef struct { HANDLE hMSPReplacementCall; /* MSP's replacement call handle (if applicable) */ } TSPMSP_ReadyToInitiateMessage;
ReadyToAnswer (MSP to TSP) - Fast Connect response - Security profile ID(s) - Security token(s) - Handle of MSP's replacement call (if applicable) */
typedef struct { HANDLE hMSPReplacementCall; /* MSP's replacement call handle (if applicable) */ } TSPMSP_ReadyToAnswerMessage;
FastConnectResponse (TSP to MSP) - Fast Connect response - Security profile ID(s) - Security token(s) - Handle of MSP's replacement call (if applicable) */
typedef struct { HANDLE hTSPReplacementCall; /* MSP's replacement call handle */ BOOL fH245TunnelCapability; SOCKADDR_IN saH245Addr; } TSPMSP_FastConnectResponseMessage;
StartH245 (TSP->MSP) - Call handle of call to replace (used in the "call transfer" case only) - Handle of TSP's replacement call (if applicable) - H.245 address - Received h245Tunneling capability - Conference call identifier (local MC case only) optional (ASN.1): - Security token(s) received via Q.931 - Security profile identifier(s) received via Q.931 - Received fastConnect response (outgoing call case) */ typedef struct { HANDLE hMSPReplaceCall; /* handle of MSP's call being replaced */ HANDLE hTSPReplacementCall; /* TSP's replacement call handle */ BYTE ConferenceID[16]; BOOL fH245TunnelCapability; BOOL fH245AddressPresent; SOCKADDR_IN saH245Addr; SOCKADDR_IN saQ931Addr; // always present
} TSPMSP_StartH245Message;
ConnectComplete (TSP->MSP) // no parameters
H245PDU (MSP->TSP, TSP->MSP) // tunneled, encoded, pure ASN.1
typedef struct { } TSPMSP_H245PDUMessage;
MCLocationIdentify (MSP->TSP) */
typedef struct { BOOL fMCIsLocal; // true if the MC is on the local machine
SOCKADDR_IN AddrMC; // address of MC to route call to
} TSPMSP_MCLocationIdentifyMessage;
Hold (TSP->MSP) */
typedef struct { BOOL fHold; } TSPMSP_HoldMessage;
H245Hold (MSP->TSP) */ typedef struct { BOOL fHold; } TSPMSP_H245HoldMessage;
ConferenceList(MSP->TSP, TSP->MSP) */ typedef struct { HANDLE hTSPReplacementCall; /* MSP's replacement call handle */ } TSPMSP_ConferenceListMessage;
SendDTMFDigits (TSP->MSP) */
typedef struct { WORD wNumDigits; // number of characters in TspMspMessage.u.WideChars
} TSPMSP_SendDTMFDigitsMessage;
ReleaseCall(MSP->TSP) // no parameters
CallShutdown (TSP->MSP) // no parameters
H245Terminated (MSP->TSP) // no parameters
typedef struct { WORD wNumChars; // number of characters in TspMspMessage.u.WideChars
} TSPMSP_LegacyDefaultAliasMessage;
RASRegistration (MSP->TSP) - The list of aliases to register or unregister */ typedef struct { SOCKADDR_IN saGateKeeperAddr; } TSPMSP_RegistrationRequestMessage;
RASRegistrationEvent (TSP->MSP) // in encoded ASN.1 form
- The event (URQ, DRQ, UCF, RCF) - The list of aliases that are affected by the event
typedef struct { } TSPMSP_RASEventMessage;
RASLocationRequest (MSP->TSP) // in encoded ASN.1 form
*/ typedef struct { } TSPMSP_LocationRequestMessage;
RASLocationConfirm (TSP->MSP) // in encoded ASN.1 form
*/ typedef struct { } TSPMSP_LocationConfirmMessage;
RASBandwidthRequest (MSP->TSP) // in encoded ASN.1 form
*/ typedef struct { } TSPMSP_BandwidthRequestMessage;
RASBandwidthConfirm (TSP->MSP) // in encoded ASN.1 form
*/ typedef struct { } TSPMSP_BandwidthConfirmMessage;
typedef struct tag_TspMspMessage { TspMspMessageType MessageType; DWORD dwMessageSize; // total size of the block, including this
// structure
union { TSPMSP_InitiateCallMessage InitiateCallMessage; TSPMSP_PrepareToAnswerMessage PrepareToAnswerMessage; TSPMSP_ProceedWithAnswerMessage ProceedWithAnswerMessage; TSPMSP_ReadyToInitiateMessage ReadyToInitiateMessage; TSPMSP_ReadyToAnswerMessage ReadyToAnswerMessage; TSPMSP_FastConnectResponseMessage FastConnectResponseMessage; TSPMSP_StartH245Message StartH245Message; TSPMSP_H245PDUMessage H245PDUMessage; TSPMSP_MCLocationIdentifyMessage MCLocationIdentifyMessage; TSPMSP_HoldMessage HoldMessage; TSPMSP_H245HoldMessage H245HoldMessage; TSPMSP_ConferenceListMessage ConferenceListMessage; TSPMSP_SendDTMFDigitsMessage SendDTMFDigitsMessage; TSPMSP_LegacyDefaultAliasMessage LegacyDefaultAliasMessage; TSPMSP_RegistrationRequestMessage RegistrationRequestMessage; TSPMSP_RASEventMessage RASEventMessage; TSPMSP_LocationRequestMessage LocationRequestMessage; TSPMSP_LocationConfirmMessage LocationConfirmMessage; TSPMSP_BandwidthRequestMessage BandwidthRequestMessage; TSPMSP_BandwidthConfirmMessage BandwidthConfirmMessage; }MsgBody; DWORD dwEncodedASNSize; union { BYTE EncodedASN[1]; WORD WideChars[1]; }u; #define pEncodedASNBuf u.EncodedASN
#define pWideChars u.WideChars
}TspMspMessage, *PTspMspMessage;
// The true total size of the message is:
// sizeof(TspMspMessage) + (the size of variable parts, e.g. #of encoded ASN.1 bytes)
// - 1 byte.
#endif //__TSPMSPIF_H_