#include "globals.h"
#include "line.h"
#include "config.h"
#define H323_VERSION_LO 0x00000000
#define H323_VERSION_HI 0x00000000
#define TSPI_VERSION_LO 0x00030000
// Global variables
HINSTANCE g_hInstance; WCHAR g_pwszProviderInfo[64]; WCHAR g_pwszLineName[16]; DWORD g_dwTSPIVersion;
// Private procedures
Routine Description:
This function determines whether or not specified TSPI version is supported by the service provider.
dwLowVersion - Specifies the lowest TSPI version number under which the TAPI DLL is willing to operate. The most-significant WORD is the major version number and the least-significant WORD is the minor version number.
dwHighVersion - Specifies the highest TSPI version number under which the TAPI DLL is willing to operate. The most-significant WORD is the major version number and the least-significant WORD is the minor version number.
pdwTSPIVersion - Specifies a far pointer to a DWORD. The service provider fills this location with the highest TSPI version number, within the range requested by the caller, under which the service provider is willing to operate. The most-significant WORD is the major version number and the least-significant WORD is the minor version number.
Return Values:
Returns true if successful.
BOOL H323NegotiateTSPIVersion( IN DWORD dwLowVersion, IN DWORD dwHighVersion, OUT PDWORD pdwTSPIVersion ) { // validate extension version range
if ((TSPI_VERSION_HI <= dwHighVersion) && (TSPI_VERSION_HI >= dwLowVersion)) { // save negotiated version
// success
return TRUE; } else if( (dwHighVersion <= TSPI_VERSION_HI) && (dwHighVersion >= TSPI_VERSION_LO) ) { // save negotiated version
*pdwTSPIVersion = dwHighVersion;
// success
return TRUE; }
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_FORCE, "TSPI version (%08XH:%08XH) rejected.", dwHighVersion, dwLowVersion ));
// failure
return FALSE; }
// Public procedures
Routine Description:
This function determines whether or not specified TSPI version is supported by the service provider.
dwTSPIVersion - Specifies the TSPI version to validate.
Return Values:
Returns true if successful.
BOOL H323ValidateTSPIVersion( IN DWORD dwTSPIVersion ) { // see if specified version is supported
if ((dwTSPIVersion >= TSPI_VERSION_LO) && (dwTSPIVersion <= TSPI_VERSION_HI)) {
// success
return TRUE; }
H323DBG((DEBUG_LEVEL_FORCE, "do not support TSPI version %08XH.", dwTSPIVersion));
// failure
return FALSE; }
Routine Description:
This function determines whether or not specified extension version is supported by the service provider.
dwExtVersion - Specifies the extension version to validate.
Return Values:
Returns true if successful.
BOOL H323ValidateExtVersion( IN DWORD dwExtVersion ) { // no device specific extension
if (dwExtVersion == H323_VERSION_HI) {
// success
return TRUE; }
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "do not support extension version %d.%d.", HIWORD(dwExtVersion), LOWORD(dwExtVersion) ));
// failure
return FALSE; }
// TSPI procedures
Routine Description:
This function returns the highest SPI version the Service Provider is willing to operate under for this device given the range of possible SPI versions.
The TAPI DLL typically calls this function early in the initialization sequence for each line device. In addition, it calls this with the value INITIALIZE_NEGOTIATION for dwDeviceID to negotiate an interface version for calling early initialization functions.
Note that when dwDeviceID is INITIALIZE_NEGOTIATION, this function must not return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL, since this function (with that value) is mandatory for negotiating the overall interface version even if the service provider supports no line devices.
Negotiation of an Extension version is done through the separate procedure TSPI_lineNegotiateExtVersion.
dwDeviceID - Identifies the line device for which interface version negotiation is to be performed. In addition to device IDs within the range the Service Provider supports, this may be the value:
INITIALIZE_NEGOTIATION - This value is used to signify that an overall interface version is to be negotiated. Such an interface version is required for functions that can be called early in the initialization sequence, i.e., before the device ID range has been set.
dwLowVersion - Specifies the lowest TSPI version number under which the TAPI DLL is willing to operate. The most-significant WORD is the major version number and the least-significant WORD is the minor version number.
dwHighVersion - Specifies the highest TSPI version number under which the TAPI DLL is willing to operate. The most-significant WORD is the major version number and the least-significant WORD is the minor version number.
pdwTSPIVersion - Specifies a far pointer to a DWORD. The service provider fills this location with the highest TSPI version number, within the range requested by the caller, under which the service provider is willing to operate. The most-significant WORD is the major version number and the least-significant WORD is the minor version number. If the requested range does not overlap the range supported by the service provider, the function returns LINEERR_INCOMPATIBLEAPIVERSION.
Return Values:
Returns zero if the function is successful, or a negative error number if an error has occurred. Possible return values are as follows:
LINEERR_BADDEVICEID - The specified device identifier or line device identifier (such as in a dwDeviceID parameter) is invalid or out of range.
LINEERR_INCOMPATIBLEAPIVERSION - The application requested an API version or version range that is either incompatible or cannot be supported by the Telephony API implementation and/or corresponding service provider.
LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED - The operation failed for an unspecified or unknown reason.
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_lineNegotiateTSPIVersion( DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwLowVersion, DWORD dwHighVersion, PDWORD pdwTSPIVersion ) { DWORD dwTSPIVersion;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineNegotiateTSPIVer - Entered." ));
// see if this is a init line device
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "tapisrv supports tspi version %d.%d through %d.%d.", HIWORD(dwLowVersion), LOWORD(dwLowVersion), HIWORD(dwHighVersion), LOWORD(dwHighVersion) ));
// perform version negotiation
if (!H323NegotiateTSPIVersion( dwLowVersion, dwHighVersion, &dwTSPIVersion)) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineNegotiateTSPIVer - bad version." )); // negotiated version not agreed upon
// see if this is a valid line device
} else if( g_pH323Line -> GetDeviceID() == (DWORD)dwDeviceID ) { // perform version negotiation
if (!H323NegotiateTSPIVersion( dwLowVersion, dwHighVersion, &dwTSPIVersion)) { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineNegotiateTSPIVer - incompat ver." ));
// negotiated version not agreed upon
return LINEERR_INCOMPATIBLEAPIVERSION; } } else { H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineNegotiateTSPIVer - bad device id:%d:%d.", g_pH323Line -> GetDeviceID(), dwDeviceID)); // do not recognize device
// return negotiated version
*pdwTSPIVersion = dwTSPIVersion; g_dwTSPIVersion = dwTSPIVersion;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "TSPI_lineNegotiateTSPIVer - Exited." )); // success
return NOERROR; }
Routine Description:
Loads strings from resource table.
Return Values:
Returns true if successful.
BOOL H323LoadStrings( ) { DWORD dwNumBytes; DWORD dwNumChars; WCHAR wszBuffer[256];
// load string into buffer
dwNumChars = LoadStringW( g_hInstance, IDS_LINENAME, g_pwszLineName, sizeof(g_pwszLineName)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
if( dwNumChars == 0 ) return FALSE;
// load string into buffer
dwNumChars = LoadStringW( g_hInstance, IDS_PROVIDERNAME, g_pwszProviderInfo, sizeof(g_pwszProviderInfo)/sizeof(WCHAR) ); if( dwNumChars == 0 ) return FALSE;
// success
return TRUE; }
// Public Procedures
Routine Description:
Dll entry point.
Same as DllMain.
Return Values:
Returns true if successful.
BOOL WINAPI DllMain( PVOID DllHandle, ULONG Reason, LPVOID lpReserved ) { BOOL fOk = TRUE;
// check if new process attaching
if (Reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { g_RegistrySettings.dwLogLevel = DEBUG_LEVEL_FORCE;
// store the handle into a global variable so that
// the UI code can use it.
g_hInstance = (HINSTANCE)DllHandle;
// turn off thread attach messages
DisableThreadLibraryCalls( g_hInstance );
// start h323 tsp
fOk = H323LoadStrings();
// check if new process detaching
#if DBG
TRACELogDeRegister(); #else
CloseLogFile(); #endif
fOk = TRUE; }
return fOk; }