Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of the audio bridge filters.
Mu Han (muhan) 11/16/1998
#include "stdafx.h"
CTAPIAudioBridgeSinkFilter::CTAPIAudioBridgeSinkFilter( IN LPUNKNOWN pUnk, IN IDataBridge * pIDataBridge, OUT HRESULT * phr ) : CTAPIBridgeSinkFilter(pUnk, pIDataBridge, phr) { }
HRESULT CTAPIAudioBridgeSinkFilter::CreateInstance( IN IDataBridge * pIDataBridge, OUT IBaseFilter ** ppIBaseFilter ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method create a instance of the bridge's sink filter.
ppIBaseFilter - the returned filter interface pointer.
Return Value:
E_OUTOFMEMORY - no memory for the new object.
--*/ { ENTER_FUNCTION("CTAPIAudioBridgeSinkFilter::CreateInstance");
BGLOG((BG_TRACE, "%s entered.", __fxName));
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CUnknown* pUnknown = new CTAPIAudioBridgeSinkFilter(NULL, pIDataBridge, &hr); if (pUnknown == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; BGLOG((BG_ERROR, "%s, out of memory creating the filter", __fxName)); } else if (FAILED(hr)) { BGLOG((BG_ERROR, "%s, the filter's constructor failed, hr:%d", __fxName, hr));
delete pUnknown; } else { pUnknown->NonDelegatingAddRef();
hr = pUnknown->NonDelegatingQueryInterface( __uuidof(IBaseFilter), (void **)ppIBaseFilter );
pUnknown->NonDelegatingRelease(); }
BGLOG((BG_TRACE, "%s, returning:%p, hr:%x", __fxName, *ppIBaseFilter, hr));
return hr; }
HRESULT CTAPIAudioBridgeSinkFilter::GetMediaType( IN int iPosition, OUT CMediaType *pMediaType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get the media type that this filter wants to support. Currently we only support PCM L16 8KHz samples.
IN int iPosition, the index of the media type, zero based.. In CMediaType *pMediaType Pointer to a CMediaType object to save the returned media type.
Return Value:
S_OK - success E_OUTOFMEMORY - no memory
--*/ { ENTER_FUNCTION("CTAPIAudioBridgeSinkFilter::GetMediaType");
BGLOG((BG_TRACE, "%s, iPosition:%d, pMediaType:%p", __fxName, iPosition, pMediaType));
BGLOG((BG_TRACE, "%s returns %d", __fxName, hr));
return hr; }
HRESULT CTAPIAudioBridgeSinkFilter::CheckMediaType( const CMediaType *pMediaType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check the media type that this filter wants to support. Currently we only support PCM L16 8KHz samples.
In CMediaType *pMediaType Pointer to a CMediaType object to save the returned media type.
Return Value:
S_OK - success E_OUTOFMEMORY - no memory E_UNEXPECTED - internal media type not set VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED - media type rejected VFW_E_INVALIDMEDIATYPE - bad media type
--*/ { ENTER_FUNCTION("CTAPIAudioBridgeSinkFilter::CheckMediaType");
BGLOG((BG_TRACE, "%s, pMediaType:%p", __fxName, pMediaType));
ASSERT(!IsBadReadPtr(pMediaType, sizeof(AM_MEDIA_TYPE)));
// media type is only stored in source filter
// return S_OK here
// if error, the source filter will detect it anyway
BGLOG((BG_TRACE, "%s returns %d", __fxName, hr));
return hr; }
CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter::CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter( IN LPUNKNOWN pUnk, OUT HRESULT * phr ) : CTAPIBridgeSourceFilter(pUnk, phr) { m_fPropSet = FALSE; // allocator properties not set yet
m_fMtSet = FALSE; // media type not set yet
// m_last_wall_time, m_last_stream_time not initiated
m_fClockStarted = FALSE; m_fJustBurst = FALSE;
m_nInputSize = 0; m_nOutputSize = 0; m_nOutputFree = 0; m_pOutputSample = NULL; }
CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter::~CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter () { if (m_fMtSet) { FreeMediaType (m_mt); }
if (NULL != m_pOutputSample) { m_pOutputSample->Release (); } }
HRESULT CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter::CreateInstance( OUT IBaseFilter ** ppIBaseFilter ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method create a instance of the bridge's sink filter.
ppIBaseFilter - the returned filter interface pointer.
Return Value:
E_OUTOFMEMORY - no memory for the new object.
--*/ { ENTER_FUNCTION("CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter::CreateInstance");
BGLOG((BG_TRACE, "%s entered.", __fxName));
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CUnknown* pUnknown = new CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter(NULL, &hr); if (pUnknown == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; BGLOG((BG_ERROR, "%s, out of memory creating the filter", __fxName)); } else if (FAILED(hr)) { BGLOG((BG_ERROR, "%s, the filter's constructor failed, hr:%d", __fxName, hr));
delete pUnknown; } else { pUnknown->NonDelegatingAddRef();
hr = pUnknown->NonDelegatingQueryInterface( __uuidof(IBaseFilter), (void **)ppIBaseFilter );
pUnknown->NonDelegatingRelease(); }
BGLOG((BG_TRACE, "%s, returning:%p, hr:%x", __fxName, *ppIBaseFilter, hr));
return hr; }
HRESULT CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter::GetMediaType( IN int iPosition, OUT CMediaType *pMediaType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get the media type that this filter wants to support. Currently we only support PCM L16 8KHz samples.
IN int iPosition, the index of the media type, zero based.. In CMediaType *pMediaType Pointer to a CMediaType object to save the returned media type.
Return Value:
S_OK - success E_OUTOFMEMORY - no memory
--*/ { ENTER_FUNCTION("CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter::GetMediaType");
BGLOG((BG_TRACE, "%s, iPosition:%d, pMediaType:%p", __fxName, iPosition, pMediaType));
ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(pMediaType, sizeof(AM_MEDIA_TYPE)));
HRESULT hr; if (iPosition == 0) { AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt = NULL; hr = m_pOutputPin->GetFormat (&pmt); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; *pMediaType = *pmt; FreeMediaType (*pmt); free (pmt); } else { hr = VFW_S_NO_MORE_ITEMS; } // END
BGLOG((BG_TRACE, "%s returns %d", __fxName, hr));
return hr; }
HRESULT CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter::CheckMediaType( const CMediaType *pMediaType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check the media type that this filter wants to support. Currently we only support PCM L16 8KHz samples.
In CMediaType *pMediaType Pointer to a CMediaType object to save the returned media type.
Return Value:
S_OK - success E_OUTOFMEMORY - no memory VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED - media type rejected VFW_E_INVALIDMEDIATYPE - bad media type
--*/ { ENTER_FUNCTION("CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter::CheckMediaType");
BGLOG((BG_TRACE, "%s, pMediaType:%p", __fxName, pMediaType));
ASSERT(!IsBadReadPtr(pMediaType, sizeof(AM_MEDIA_TYPE)));
if (!m_fMtSet) { BGLOG ((BG_ERROR, "%s tries to check media type before setting", __fxName)); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// create media type based on stored AM_MEDIA_TYPE
CMediaType *pmediatype = new CMediaType (m_mt); if (NULL == pmediatype) { BGLOG ((BG_ERROR, "%s failed to new media type class", __fxName)); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
HRESULT hr; if (*pMediaType == *pmediatype) hr = S_OK; else { hr = VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED; BGLOG ((BG_TRACE, "%s rejects media type class %p", __fxName, pMediaType)); }
delete pmediatype;
BGLOG((BG_TRACE, "%s returns %d", __fxName, hr));
return hr; }
HRESULT CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter::SendSample( IN IMediaSample *pSample ) /*++
Routine Description:
Process a sample from the bridge sink filter. Overides the base implementation
pSample - The media sample object.
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr;
ENTER_FUNCTION ("CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter::SendSample");
CAutoLock Lock(m_pLock);
_ASSERT(m_pOutputPin != NULL);
// we don't deliver anything if the filter is not in running state.
if (m_State != State_Running) { return S_OK; }
// if the sample is the 1st of the burst
if (S_OK == pSample->IsDiscontinuity ()) { LONGLONG start, end;
m_fJustBurst = TRUE; if (S_OK != (hr = pSample->GetTime (&start, &end))) { BGLOG ((BG_TRACE, "%s, 1st sample in a burst, GetTime returns %x", __fxName, hr));
// timestampes stored remain unchange
return S_OK; } // else. in NT 5.1, 1st sample has valid timestamp.
// check if allocator properties is set
if (!m_fPropSet) { BGLOG ((BG_ERROR, "%s tries to send sample before setting allocator property", __fxName)); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// check if media type is set
if (!m_fMtSet) { BGLOG ((BG_ERROR, "%s tries to send sample before setting media type", __fxName)); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
* get size info */ // get input sample size and output allocator size
HRESULT nInputSize, nOutputSize;
nInputSize = pSample->GetActualDataLength (); nOutputSize = m_prop.cbBuffer;
// 1st run, record size
if (m_nInputSize == 0 || m_nOutputSize == 0) { m_nInputSize = nInputSize; m_nOutputSize = nOutputSize; }
if ( m_nInputSize != nInputSize || m_nOutputSize != nOutputSize || m_nInputSize == 0 || m_nOutputSize == 0 ) { BGLOG ((BG_ERROR, "%s, sample size (%d => %d) or output size (%d => %d) is changed", __fxName, m_nInputSize, nInputSize, m_nOutputSize, nOutputSize)); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
* get time info */ REFERENCE_TIME wall;
// wall time
if (FAILED (hr = m_pClock->GetTime (&wall))) { BGLOG ((BG_ERROR, "%s failed to get wall time", __fxName)); return hr; }
// if timestamp not initiated
if (!m_fClockStarted) { m_last_stream_time = 0; m_last_wall_time = wall; m_fClockStarted = TRUE;
// delta is the time of playing sample:
m_output_sample_time = nOutputSize * 80000; // s->10000ns, bits->bytes
m_output_sample_time /= ((WAVEFORMATEX*)m_mt.pbFormat)->wBitsPerSample * ((WAVEFORMATEX*)m_mt.pbFormat)->nSamplesPerSec; m_output_sample_time *= 1000; // bytes/100ns
* calculate new stream time */ if (m_fJustBurst) { // 1st useful sample after burst
m_last_stream_time += (wall - m_last_wall_time); m_last_wall_time = wall;
m_fJustBurst = FALSE;
// clear buffer
if (NULL != m_pOutputSample) { m_pOutputSample->Release (); m_pOutputSample = NULL; m_nOutputFree = 0; } }
REFERENCE_TIME end = m_last_stream_time + m_output_sample_time;
* case 1: input size == output size */ if (m_nInputSize == m_nOutputSize) { if (FAILED (pSample->SetTime (&m_last_stream_time, &end))) { BGLOG ((BG_ERROR, "%s failed to set time", __fxName)); }
// adjust time
m_last_stream_time = end; m_last_wall_time += m_output_sample_time;
// deliver directly
return m_pOutputPin->Deliver(pSample); }
* case 2: size differs */ BYTE *pInputBuffer, *pOutputBuffer;
if (FAILED (hr = pSample->GetPointer (&pInputBuffer))) { BGLOG ((BG_ERROR, "%s failed to get buffer pointer from input sample %p", __fxName, pSample)); return hr; } LONG nNextPos = 0;
// old fashion goto
// get delivery buffer if it's null
if (NULL == m_pOutputSample) { hr = m_pOutputPin->GetDeliveryBuffer ( &m_pOutputSample, // media sample **
NULL, // start time
NULL, // end time
AM_GBF_NOTASYNCPOINT // dynamic format changes are not allowed,
); if (FAILED (hr)) { BGLOG ((BG_ERROR, "%s, output pin failed to get delivery buffer. return %d", __fxName, hr)); return hr; }
if (m_pOutputSample->GetSize() < m_nOutputSize) { // oops, what happend, the size should be the same
BGLOG ((BG_ERROR, "%s, delivery buffer size %d and output size %d are inconsistent", __fxName, m_pOutputSample->GetSize(), m_nOutputSize)); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// set size
if (FAILED (hr = m_pOutputSample->SetActualDataLength (m_nOutputSize))) { BGLOG ((BG_ERROR, "%s failed to set output sample size", __fxName)); return hr; } /*
// set format
if (FAILED (hr = m_pOutputSample->SetMediaType (&m_mt))) { BGLOG ((BG_ERROR, "%s failed to set media type for delivery buffer", __fxName)); return hr; } */ // set time
if (FAILED (hr = m_pOutputSample->SetTime (&m_last_stream_time, &end))) { BGLOG ((BG_ERROR, "%s failed to set stream time for delivery buffer", __fxName)); return hr; }
// the whole buffer is free
m_nOutputFree = m_nOutputSize; }
// get buffer in output sample
if (FAILED (hr = m_pOutputSample->GetPointer (&pOutputBuffer))) { BGLOG ((BG_ERROR, "%s failed to get buffer pointer from output sample %p", __fxName, m_pOutputSample));
// release output sample
m_pOutputSample->Release (); m_pOutputSample = NULL; m_nOutputFree = 0;
return hr; }
// if input buffer is smaller than free output buffer
// copy input to output and return
if (m_nInputSize-nNextPos < m_nOutputFree) { CopyMemory ( (PVOID)(pOutputBuffer + (m_nOutputSize - m_nOutputFree)), (PVOID)(pInputBuffer + nNextPos), (DWORD)(m_nInputSize - nNextPos) );
// reduce free buffer size
m_nOutputFree -= m_nInputSize - nNextPos;
return S_OK; }
// else: input buffer is greater or equal to free output buffer
CopyMemory ( (PVOID)(pOutputBuffer + (m_nOutputSize - m_nOutputFree)), (PVOID)(pInputBuffer + nNextPos), (DWORD)(m_nOutputFree) );
// now output sample is full, deliver it
if (FAILED (hr = m_pOutputPin->Deliver (m_pOutputSample))) { BGLOG ((BG_ERROR, "%s failed to deliver copied sample. return %x", __fxName, hr));
// clear sample
m_pOutputSample->Release (); m_pOutputSample = NULL; m_nOutputFree = 0;
return hr; }
// adjust next position in input buffer
nNextPos += m_nOutputFree;
// clear output sample since it was deliverd
m_pOutputSample->Release (); m_pOutputSample = NULL; m_nOutputFree = 0;
// adjust time
m_last_stream_time = end; m_last_wall_time += m_output_sample_time;
// check if nothing left
if (nNextPos == m_nInputSize) return S_OK;
// there is more in input buffer
HRESULT CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter::GetAllocatorProperties (OUT ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pprop) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns the allocator properties
pprop - The pointer to an ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES
Return Value:
E_POINTER - if pprop is NULL
--*/ { ENTER_FUNCTION ("CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter::GetAllocatorProperties"); _ASSERT(pprop);
if (!pprop) return E_POINTER;
if (!m_fPropSet) { BGLOG ((BG_INFO, "%s retrieves allocator properties before setting", __fxName)); // return default value anyway
// buffer size = (16bits / 8bits) * 8khz * 30 ms = 480 bytes
pprop->cBuffers = 1; pprop->cbBuffer = 480; // default
pprop->cbAlign = 0; pprop->cbPrefix = 0; return S_OK; }
// properties were set
pprop->cBuffers = m_prop.cBuffers; pprop->cbBuffer = m_prop.cbBuffer; pprop->cbAlign = m_prop.cbAlign; pprop->cbPrefix = m_prop.cbPrefix; return S_OK; }
HRESULT CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter::SuggestAllocatorProperties (IN const ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pprop) /*++
Routine Description:
Asks the pin to use the allocator buffer properties
pprop - The pointer to an ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES
Return Value:
--*/ { _ASSERT (pprop);
if (!pprop) return E_POINTER;
m_prop.cBuffers = pprop->cBuffers; m_prop.cbBuffer = pprop->cbBuffer; m_prop.cbAlign = pprop->cbAlign; m_prop.cbPrefix = pprop->cbPrefix; m_fPropSet = TRUE;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter::GetFormat (OUT AM_MEDIA_TYPE **ppmt) /*++
Routine Description:
Retrieves the stream format
ppmt - Address of a pointer to an AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure
Return Value:
HRESULT of SetFormat
--*/ { ENTER_FUNCTION ("CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter::GetFormat");
_ASSERT (ppmt); if (NULL == ppmt) return E_POINTER;
if (NULL != *ppmt) BGLOG ((BG_INFO, "is media type structure freed when passed in %s?", __fxName));
*ppmt = new AM_MEDIA_TYPE; if (NULL == *ppmt) { BGLOG ((BG_ERROR, "%s out of memory", __fxName)); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if (!m_fMtSet) { BGLOG ((BG_INFO, "%s retrieves media type before setting. Default is to set.", __fxName));
// st format
wfx.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; wfx.wBitsPerSample = 16; wfx.nChannels = 1; wfx.nSamplesPerSec = 8000; wfx.nBlockAlign = wfx.wBitsPerSample * wfx.nChannels / 8; wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec = ((DWORD) wfx.nBlockAlign * wfx.nSamplesPerSec); wfx.cbSize = 0;
mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Audio; mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM; mt.bFixedSizeSamples = TRUE; mt.bTemporalCompression = FALSE; mt.lSampleSize = 0; mt.formattype = FORMAT_WaveFormatEx; mt.pUnk = NULL; mt.cbFormat = sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX); mt.pbFormat = (BYTE*)&wfx;
hr = SetFormat (&mt); if (FAILED (hr)) { BGLOG ((BG_ERROR, "%s, failed to set default format", __fxName)); return hr; } }
CopyMediaType (*ppmt, &m_mt);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CTAPIAudioBridgeSourceFilter::SetFormat (IN AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt) /*++
Routine Description:
Sets the stream format
pmt - Pointer to an AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure
Return Value:
--*/ { _ASSERT (pmt);
if (NULL == pmt) return E_POINTER;
CopyMediaType (&m_mt, pmt); m_fMtSet = TRUE; return S_OK; }