// Example of making an outgoing call with TAPI 3.0
// This application will allow a user to make a call
// by using TAPI 3.0. The application will simply look
// for the first TAPI line that support Audio, and can
// dial a phone number. It will then use that line to
// make calls.
// This application does not handle incoming calls, and
// does not process incoming messages.
#include "Precomp.h"
// Constants
const WCHAR * const gszTapi30 = L"TAPI 3.0 Outgoing Call Sample";
const WCHAR * const SDP = L"\
v=0\n\ o=muhan 0 0 IN IP4\n\ s=TestConf_01\n\ c=IN IP4\n\ t=0 0\n\ m=video 20050 RTP/AVP 34\n\ a=fmtp:34 CIF=4\n\ "; /*
k=clear:testkey\n\ m=video 20000 RTP/AVP 34\n\ m=audio 20040 RTP/AVP 0 4\n\ */ const WCHAR * const gszConferenceName = L"Conference Name"; const WCHAR * const gszEmailName = L"Email Name"; const WCHAR * const gszMachineName = L"Machine Name"; const WCHAR * const gszPhoneNumber = L"Phone Number"; const WCHAR * const gszIPAddress = L"IP Address";
HINSTANCE ghInst; HWND ghDlg = NULL; ITTAPI * gpTapi; ITAddress * gpAddress = NULL; ITBasicCallControl * gpCall; ITStream * gpVideoRenderStream; ITTerminal * gpLastVideoWindow;
BOOL CALLBACK MainDialogProc( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
HRESULT FindAnAddress( DWORD dwAddressType, BSTR * ppName );
HRESULT GetTerminal( ITStream * pStream, ITTerminal ** ppTerminal );
HRESULT FindCaptureTerminal( ITStream * pStream, ITTerminal ** ppTerminal );
HRESULT GetVideoRenderTerminal( ITTerminal ** ppTerminal );
HRESULT MakeTheCall( DWORD dwAddressType, PWCHAR szAddressToCall );
HRESULT DisconnectTheCall();
void DoMessage( LPWSTR pszMessage );
HRESULT InitializeTapi();
void ShutdownTapi();
void EnableButton( HWND hDlg, int ID ); void DisableButton( HWND hDlg, int ID );
BOOL AddressSupportsMediaType( ITAddress * pAddress, long lMediaType );
void ShowDialogs(ITBasicCallControl *pCall);
// WinMain
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { ghInst = hInst;
// need to coinit
if ( FAILED( CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED) ) ) { return 0; }
if ( FAILED( InitializeTapi() ) ) { return 0; } // everything is initialized, so
// start the main dialog box
DialogBox( ghInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MAINDLG), NULL, MainDialogProc );
ShutdownTapi(); CoUninitialize();
return 1; }
// InitializeTapi
// Various initializations
HRESULT InitializeTapi() { HRESULT hr;
// cocreate the TAPI object
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { DoMessage(L"CoCreateInstance on TAPI failed"); return hr; }
// call initialize. this must be called before
// any other tapi functions are called.
hr = gpTapi->Initialize();
if (S_OK != hr) { DoMessage(L"TAPI failed to initialize");
gpTapi->Release(); gpTapi = NULL; return hr; }
return S_OK; }
// ShutdownTapi
void ShutdownTapi() { // if there is still a call,
// release it
if (NULL != gpCall) { gpCall->Release(); gpCall = NULL; }
// if we have an address object
// release it
if (NULL != gpAddress) { gpAddress->Release(); gpAddress = NULL; } // release main object.
if (NULL != gpTapi) { gpTapi->Shutdown(); gpTapi->Release(); gpTapi = NULL; }
// InitAddressTypeComboBox
// Put address type string in the combo box
// and save the addresstype with the string
void InitAddressTypeComboBox( HWND hComboBox ) { int i;
i = SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (long)gszConferenceName ); SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_SETITEMDATA , i, (long)LINEADDRESSTYPE_SDP );
SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_SETCURSEL, i, 0 );
i = SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (long)gszEmailName ); SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_SETITEMDATA , i, (long)LINEADDRESSTYPE_EMAILNAME );
i = SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (long)gszMachineName ); SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_SETITEMDATA , i, (long)LINEADDRESSTYPE_DOMAINNAME );
i = SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (long)gszPhoneNumber ); SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_SETITEMDATA , i, (long)LINEADDRESSTYPE_PHONENUMBER );
i = SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (long)gszIPAddress ); SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_SETITEMDATA , i, (long)LINEADDRESSTYPE_IPADDRESS );
// MainDlgProc
BOOL CALLBACK MainDialogProc( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { HWND hComboBox;
// set up dialog
ghDlg = hDlg; EnableButton( hDlg, IDOK ); DisableButton( hDlg, IDC_DISCONNECT ); DisableButton( hDlg, IDC_SETTINGS );
hComboBox = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_ADDRESSTYPE );
SetFocus( hComboBox );
return 0; }
case WM_COMMAND: { switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDCANCEL: { // quit
EndDialog( hDlg, 0 );
break; }
case IDOK: { // dial request
HWND hComboBox; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwAddressType; WCHAR szAddressToCall[ADDRESSLENGTH];
// get the address type the user selected.
hComboBox = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_ADDRESSTYPE ); dwIndex = SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 );
dwAddressType = SendMessage( hComboBox, CB_GETITEMDATA, dwIndex, 0 );
// get the address the user wants to call
GetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_ADDRESS, szAddressToCall, ADDRESSLENGTH );
// make the call
if ( S_OK == MakeTheCall(dwAddressType, szAddressToCall) ) { EnableButton( hDlg, IDC_DISCONNECT ); EnableButton( hDlg, IDC_SETTINGS ); DisableButton( hDlg, IDOK ); } else { DoMessage(L"The call failed to connect"); }
break; }
case IDC_DISCONNECT: { // disconnect request
if (S_OK == DisconnectTheCall()) { EnableButton( hDlg, IDOK ); DisableButton( hDlg, IDC_DISCONNECT ); DisableButton( hDlg, IDC_SETTINGS ); } else { DoMessage(L"The call failed to disconnect"); }
break; }
case IDC_SETTINGS: { // Show TAPI 3.1 configuration dialogs
break; }
case IDC_ADDWINDOW: { if (gpVideoRenderStream) { ITTerminal * pTerminal; HRESULT hr = GetVideoRenderTerminal(&pTerminal);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = gpVideoRenderStream->SelectTerminal(pTerminal);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (gpLastVideoWindow) gpLastVideoWindow->Release(); gpLastVideoWindow = pTerminal; } else { pTerminal->Release(); } } }
break; }
case IDC_DELWINDOW: { if (gpVideoRenderStream && gpLastVideoWindow) { HRESULT hr = gpVideoRenderStream->UnselectTerminal(gpLastVideoWindow);
gpLastVideoWindow->Release(); gpLastVideoWindow = NULL; }
break; }
default: return 0; } return 1; } default:
return 0; } }
// FindAnAddress
// Finds an address object that this application will use to make calls on.
// This function finds an address that supports the addresstype passed
// in, as well as the audioin and audioout media types.
// Return Value
// S_OK if it finds an address
// E_FAIL if it does not find an address
HRESULT FindAnAddress( DWORD dwAddressType, BSTR * ppName ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bFoundAddress = FALSE; IEnumAddress * pEnumAddress; ITAddress * pAddress; ITAddressCapabilities * pAddressCaps; long lType = 0;
// if we have an address object
// release it
if (NULL != gpAddress) { gpAddress->Release(); gpAddress = NULL; }
// enumerate the addresses
hr = gpTapi->EnumerateAddresses( &pEnumAddress );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
while ( !bFoundAddress ) { // get the next address
hr = pEnumAddress->Next( 1, &pAddress, NULL );
if (S_OK != hr) { break; }
hr = pAddress->QueryInterface(IID_ITAddressCapabilities, (void**)&pAddressCaps); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) {
hr = pAddressCaps->get_AddressCapability( AC_ADDRESSTYPES, &lType ); pAddressCaps->Release(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // is the type we are looking for?
if ( dwAddressType & lType ) { // does it support audio?
if ( AddressSupportsMediaType(pAddress, TAPIMEDIATYPE_AUDIO) ) { // does it have a name?
if ( SUCCEEDED( pAddress->get_AddressName(ppName) ) ) { // save it in the global variable
// since we break out of the loop, this one won't
// get released
gpAddress = pAddress;
bFoundAddress = TRUE;
break; } } } } } pAddress->Release();
} // end while loop
pEnumAddress->Release(); if (!bFoundAddress) { return E_FAIL; }
return S_OK; }
// IsVideoCaptureStream
// Returns true if the stream is for video capture
BOOL IsVideoCaptureStream( ITStream * pStream ) { TERMINAL_DIRECTION tdStreamDirection; long lStreamMediaType;
if ( FAILED( pStream ->get_Direction(&tdStreamDirection) ) ) { return FALSE; } if ( FAILED( pStream ->get_MediaType(&lStreamMediaType) ) ) { return FALSE; }
return (tdStreamDirection == TD_CAPTURE) && (lStreamMediaType == TAPIMEDIATYPE_VIDEO); }
// IsVideoRenderStream
// Returns true if the stream is for video render
BOOL IsVideoRenderStream( ITStream * pStream ) { TERMINAL_DIRECTION tdStreamDirection; long lStreamMediaType;
if ( FAILED( pStream ->get_Direction(&tdStreamDirection) ) ) { return FALSE; } if ( FAILED( pStream ->get_MediaType(&lStreamMediaType) ) ) { return FALSE; }
return (tdStreamDirection == TD_RENDER) && (lStreamMediaType == TAPIMEDIATYPE_VIDEO); }
// IsAudioCaptureStream
// Returns true if the stream is for audio capture
BOOL IsAudioCaptureStream( ITStream * pStream ) { TERMINAL_DIRECTION tdStreamDirection; long lStreamMediaType;
if ( FAILED( pStream ->get_Direction(&tdStreamDirection) ) ) { return FALSE; } if ( FAILED( pStream ->get_MediaType(&lStreamMediaType) ) ) { return FALSE; }
return (tdStreamDirection == TD_CAPTURE) && (lStreamMediaType == TAPIMEDIATYPE_AUDIO); }
// EnablePreview
// Selects a video render terminal on a video capture stream,
// thereby enabling video preview.
HRESULT EnablePreview( ITStream * pStream ) { ITTerminal * pTerminal;
HRESULT hr = GetVideoRenderTerminal(&pTerminal);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pStream->SelectTerminal(pTerminal);
pTerminal->Release(); }
return hr; }
HRESULT EnableAEC( ITStream * pStream ) { ITAudioDeviceControl *pITAudioDeviceControl;
HRESULT hr = pStream->QueryInterface(&pITAudioDeviceControl);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pITAudioDeviceControl->Set(AudioDevice_AcousticEchoCancellation, 1, TAPIControl_Flags_None);
pITAudioDeviceControl->Release(); }
return hr; }
void WINAPI DeleteMediaType(AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmt) { if (pmt->cbFormat != 0) { CoTaskMemFree((PVOID)pmt->pbFormat); } if (pmt->pUnk != NULL) { pmt->pUnk->Release(); pmt->pUnk = NULL; } CoTaskMemFree((PVOID)pmt);; }
HRESULT CheckFormats( ITStream *pStream ) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dw; BYTE * buf;
ITFormatControl *pITFormatControl; hr = pStream->QueryInterface(&pITFormatControl);
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
// get the number of capabilities of the stream.
DWORD dwCount; hr = pITFormatControl->GetNumberOfCapabilities(&dwCount);
if (FAILED(hr)) { goto cleanup; }
// Walk through each capability.
for (dw = 0; dw < dwCount; dw ++) { BOOL fEnabled;
hr = pITFormatControl->GetStreamCaps(dw, &pMediaType, &caps, &fEnabled);
if (FAILED(hr)) { break; } DeleteMediaType(pMediaType); }
// get the current format.
hr = pITFormatControl->GetCurrentFormat(&pMediaType); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto cleanup; }
// set it back just for fun.
// hr = pITFormatControl->SetPreferredFormat(pMediaType);
cleanup: pITFormatControl->Release(); return hr; }
HRESULT CheckVfwDialog( ITTerminal *pTerminal ) { ITVfwCaptureDialogs *pVfwCaptureDialogs; HRESULT hr = pTerminal->QueryInterface(&pVfwCaptureDialogs);
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
hr = pVfwCaptureDialogs->HasDialog(VfwCaptureDialog_Source);
pVfwCaptureDialogs->Release(); return hr; } #endif
// SelectTerminalsOnCall
// Creates and selects terminals for all streams on the given
// call.
HRESULT SelectTerminalsOnCall( ITBasicCallControl * pCall ) { HRESULT hr;
// get the ITStreamControl interface for this call
ITStreamControl * pStreamControl;
hr = pCall->QueryInterface(IID_ITStreamControl, (void **) &pStreamControl);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// enumerate the streams
IEnumStream * pEnumStreams; hr = pStreamControl->EnumerateStreams(&pEnumStreams);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// for each stream
ITStream * pStream;
while ( S_OK == pEnumStreams->Next(1, &pStream, NULL) ) { ITTerminal * pTerminal;
// Find out the media type and direction of this stream,
// and create the default terminal for this media type and
// direction.
hr = GetTerminal(pStream, &pTerminal);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// Select the terminal on the stream.
if ( IsAudioCaptureStream( pStream ) ) { //EnableAEC( pStream );
hr = pStream->SelectTerminal(pTerminal);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// Also enable preview on the video capture stream.
if ( IsVideoCaptureStream( pStream ) ) { EnablePreview( pStream ); }
if ( IsVideoRenderStream( pStream ) ) { pStream->AddRef(); gpVideoRenderStream = pStream; if (gpLastVideoWindow) gpLastVideoWindow->Release(); gpLastVideoWindow = pTerminal; gpLastVideoWindow->AddRef(); } }
pTerminal->Release(); } pStream->Release();
pEnumStreams->Release(); } }
return hr; }
HRESULT SetLocalInfo() { const WCHAR * const LocalInfo[] = { L"My CName", L"Mu Han", L"[email protected]", L"703-5484", L"Redmond", L"Test app", L"New interface test", L"Some randmon info" };
ITLocalParticipant *pLocalParticipant; HRESULT hr = gpCall->QueryInterface( IID_ITLocalParticipant, (void **)&pLocalParticipant );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { for (int i = 0; i < PTI_PRIVATE; i ++) { BSTR info; hr = pLocalParticipant->get_LocalParticipantTypedInfo( (PARTICIPANT_TYPED_INFO)i, &info );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { SysFreeString(info); }
info = SysAllocString(LocalInfo[i]); hr = pLocalParticipant->put_LocalParticipantTypedInfo( (PARTICIPANT_TYPED_INFO)i, info );
SysFreeString(info); }
pLocalParticipant->Release(); }
return hr; }
// MakeTheCall
// Sets up and makes a call
HRESULT MakeTheCall( DWORD dwAddressType, PWCHAR szAddressToCall ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR bstrAddressToCall; BSTR pAddressName;
// find an address object that
// we will use to make calls on
hr = FindAnAddress(dwAddressType, &pAddressName);
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { DoMessage(L"Could not find a TAPI address for making calls.");
return hr; }
// find out which media types this address supports
long lMediaTypes = 0;
if ( AddressSupportsMediaType(gpAddress, TAPIMEDIATYPE_AUDIO) ) { lMediaTypes |= TAPIMEDIATYPE_AUDIO; // we will use audio
if ( AddressSupportsMediaType(gpAddress, TAPIMEDIATYPE_VIDEO) ) { lMediaTypes |= TAPIMEDIATYPE_VIDEO; // we will use video
// Create the call.
if (dwAddressType == LINEADDRESSTYPE_SDP) { bstrAddressToCall = SysAllocString( SDP ); } else { bstrAddressToCall = SysAllocString( szAddressToCall ); }
hr = gpAddress->CreateCall( bstrAddressToCall, dwAddressType, lMediaTypes, &gpCall);
SysFreeString ( bstrAddressToCall ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { DoMessage(L"Could not create a call.");
return hr; }
// Select our terminals on the call; if any of the selections fail we
// proceed without that terminal.
hr = SelectTerminalsOnCall( gpCall );
// We're now ready to call connect.
// the VARIANT_TRUE parameter indicates that this
// call is sychronous - that is, it won't
// return until the call is in the connected
// state (or fails to connect)
// Since this is called in the UI thread,
// this means that the app will appear
// to hang until this function returns.
// Some TAPI service providers may take a long
// time for a call to reach the connected state.
// SetLocalInfo();
hr = gpCall->Connect( VARIANT_TRUE );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { gpCall->Release(); gpCall = NULL;
DoMessage(L"Could not connect the call.");
return hr; } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CheckBasicAudio( ITTerminal * pTerminal ) { HRESULT hr; ITBasicAudioTerminal *pITBasicAudioTerminal; hr = pTerminal->QueryInterface(&pITBasicAudioTerminal); if ( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
long lVolume; hr = pITBasicAudioTerminal->get_Volume(&lVolume); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pITBasicAudioTerminal->put_Volume(lVolume * 2); }
pITBasicAudioTerminal->Release(); return hr; }
// GetTerminal
// Creates the default terminal for the passed-in stream.
HRESULT GetTerminal( ITStream * pStream, ITTerminal ** ppTerminal ) { //
// Determine the media type and direction of this stream.
HRESULT hr; long lMediaType; TERMINAL_DIRECTION dir;
hr = pStream->get_MediaType( &lMediaType ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
hr = pStream->get_Direction( &dir ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
// Since video render is a dynamic terminal, the procedure for creating
// it is different.
if ( ( lMediaType == TAPIMEDIATYPE_VIDEO ) && ( dir == TD_RENDER ) ) { return GetVideoRenderTerminal(ppTerminal); }
// For all other terminals we use GetDefaultStaticTerminal.
// First, get the terminal support interface.
ITTerminalSupport * pTerminalSupport;
hr = gpAddress->QueryInterface( IID_ITTerminalSupport, (void **)&pTerminalSupport);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// get the default terminal for this MediaType and direction
hr = pTerminalSupport->GetDefaultStaticTerminal(lMediaType, dir, ppTerminal);
if (TAPIMEDIATYPE_AUDIO) { CheckBasicAudio(*ppTerminal); }
return hr;
// FindCaptureTerminal
// Find the capture terminal on a stream.
HRESULT FindCaptureTerminal( ITStream * pStream, ITTerminal ** ppTerminal ) { HRESULT hr; TERMINAL_DIRECTION dir;
// enumerate all the terminals.
IEnumTerminal *pEnumTerminals; hr = pStream->EnumerateTerminals(&pEnumTerminals);
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
BOOL fFound = FALSE; ITTerminal *pTerminal;
// find the capture terminal.
while (S_OK == pEnumTerminals->Next(1, &pTerminal, NULL)) { hr = pTerminal->get_Direction( &dir ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) continue;
if ( ( dir == TD_CAPTURE ) ) { fFound = TRUE; break; } pTerminal->Release(); }
if (fFound) { *ppTerminal = pTerminal; return S_OK; }
return E_FAIL; }
// GetVideoRenderTerminal
// Creates a dynamic terminal for the Video Render mediatype / direction
HRESULT GetVideoRenderTerminal( ITTerminal ** ppTerminal ) { //
// Construct a BSTR for the correct IID.
LPOLESTR lpTerminalClass;
hr = StringFromIID(CLSID_VideoWindowTerm, &lpTerminalClass);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { BSTR bstrTerminalClass;
bstrTerminalClass = SysAllocString ( lpTerminalClass );
CoTaskMemFree( lpTerminalClass );
if ( bstrTerminalClass == NULL ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else {
// Get the terminal support interface
ITTerminalSupport * pTerminalSupport;
hr = gpAddress->QueryInterface(IID_ITTerminalSupport, (void **)&pTerminalSupport);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// Create the video render terminal.
hr = pTerminalSupport->CreateTerminal(bstrTerminalClass, TAPIMEDIATYPE_VIDEO, TD_RENDER, ppTerminal);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // Get the video window interface for the terminal
IVideoWindow *pVideoWindow = NULL;
hr = (*ppTerminal)->QueryInterface(IID_IVideoWindow, (void**)&pVideoWindow); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// Set the visible member to true
// Note that the visibility property is the only one
// we can use on this terminal's IVideoWindow and
// IBasicVideo interfaces before the CME_STREAM_ACTIVE
// event is received for the stream. All other methods
// will fail until CME_STREAM_ACTIVE has been sent.
// Applications that need to control more about a video
// window than just its visibility must listen for the
// CME_STREAM_ACTIVE event. See the "t3in.exe" sample
// for how to do this.
hr = pVideoWindow->put_AutoShow( VARIANT_TRUE );
pVideoWindow->Release(); } } }
SysFreeString( bstrTerminalClass ); } }
return hr; }
// DisconnectTheCall
// Disconnects the call
HRESULT DisconnectTheCall() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (gpVideoRenderStream) { gpVideoRenderStream->Release(); gpVideoRenderStream = NULL; }
if (gpLastVideoWindow) { gpLastVideoWindow->Release(); gpLastVideoWindow = NULL; }
if (NULL != gpCall) { hr = gpCall->Disconnect( DC_NORMAL );
gpCall->Release(); gpCall = NULL; return hr; }
return S_FALSE; }
// DoMessage
void DoMessage( LPWSTR pszMessage ) { MessageBox( ghDlg, pszMessage, gszTapi30, MB_OK ); }
// EnableButton
// Enable, make default, and setfocus to a button
void EnableButton( HWND hDlg, int ID ) { SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, ID, BM_SETSTYLE, BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, 0 ); EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( hDlg, ID ), TRUE ); SetFocus( GetDlgItem( hDlg, ID ) ); }
// DisableButton
// Disable a button
void DisableButton( HWND hDlg, int ID ) { SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, ID, BM_SETSTYLE, BS_PUSHBUTTON, 0 ); EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( hDlg, ID ), FALSE ); }
// AddressSupportsMediaType
// Finds out if the given address supports the given media
// type, and returns TRUE if it does.
BOOL AddressSupportsMediaType( ITAddress * pAddress, long lMediaType ) { VARIANT_BOOL bSupport = VARIANT_FALSE; ITMediaSupport * pMediaSupport; if ( SUCCEEDED( pAddress->QueryInterface( IID_ITMediaSupport, (void **)&pMediaSupport ) ) ) { // does it support this media type?
pMediaSupport->QueryMediaType( lMediaType, &bSupport ); pMediaSupport->Release(); }
return (bSupport == VARIANT_TRUE); }
// ShowDialogs
// Puts up TAPI 3.1 configuration dialogs:
// Camera Control page
// Video Settings page
// Format Control page
// Bitrate and Frame Rate Control page
void ShowDialogs(ITBasicCallControl *pCall) { #define MAX_PAGES 9
HRESULT Hr; PROPSHEETHEADER Psh; HPROPSHEETPAGE Pages[MAX_PAGES]; ITStreamControl *pITStreamControl = NULL; IEnumStream *pEnumStreams = NULL; ITTerminal *pVideoCaptureTerminal = NULL; ITStream *pVideoCaptureStream = NULL; ITStream *pVideoRenderStream = NULL; ITStream *pAudioCaptureStream = NULL; BOOL bfMatch = FALSE;
// Only show settings in a call
if (!pCall) return;
// Get the ITStreamControl interface for this call
if (FAILED(Hr = pCall->QueryInterface(IID_ITStreamControl, (void **) &pITStreamControl))) return;
// Look for the video capture stream and terminal
Hr = pITStreamControl->EnumerateStreams(&pEnumStreams); pITStreamControl->Release();
if (FAILED(Hr)) return;
// For each stream
ITStream *pStream; while (S_OK == pEnumStreams->Next(1, &pStream, NULL)) { // Find out the media type and direction of this stream,
if (IsVideoCaptureStream(pStream)) { pVideoCaptureStream = pStream;
// find the capture terminal selected on this stream.
FindCaptureTerminal(pVideoCaptureStream, &pVideoCaptureTerminal); } else if (IsAudioCaptureStream(pStream)) { pAudioCaptureStream = pStream; } else if (IsVideoRenderStream(pStream)) { pVideoRenderStream = pStream; } else { pStream->Release(); } }
CCameraControlProperties CamControlOut; CCameraControlProperties CamControlIn; CProcAmpProperties VideoSettingsIn; CProcAmpProperties VideoSettingsOut; CCaptureProperties CaptureSettings; CVDeviceProperties VideoDevice; CNetworkProperties NetworkSettings; CSystemProperties SystemSettings; CAudRecProperties AudRecSettings;
// Initialize property sheet header and common controls
Psh.dwSize = sizeof(Psh); Psh.dwFlags = PSH_DEFAULT; Psh.hInstance = ghInst; Psh.hwndParent = ghDlg; Psh.pszCaption = L"Settings"; Psh.nPages = 0; Psh.nStartPage = 0; Psh.pfnCallback = NULL; Psh.phpage = Pages;
if (pVideoCaptureStream) { // Create the outgoing video settings property page
if (Pages[Psh.nPages] = VideoSettingsOut.OnCreate(L"Image Settings Out")) Psh.nPages++;
// Connect page to the stream
// Create the outgoing camera control property page
if (Pages[Psh.nPages] = CamControlOut.OnCreate(L"Camera Control Out")) Psh.nPages++;
// Connect page to the stream
// Create the incoming video settings property page
if (Pages[Psh.nPages] = VideoSettingsIn.OnCreate(L"Image Settings In")) Psh.nPages++;
// Connect page to the stream
// Create the incoming camera control property page
if (Pages[Psh.nPages] = CamControlIn.OnCreate(L"Camera Control In")) Psh.nPages++;
// Connect page to the stream
// Create the video stream control property page
if (Pages[Psh.nPages] = CaptureSettings.OnCreate()) Psh.nPages++;
// Connect page to the stream
// Create the video device control property page
if (Pages[Psh.nPages] = VideoDevice.OnCreate()) Psh.nPages++;
// Connect page to the stream
NetworkSettings.OnConnect(NULL, pVideoCaptureStream, NULL, NULL);
// Create the system settings property page
if (Pages[Psh.nPages] = SystemSettings.OnCreate()) Psh.nPages++;
// Connect page to the address object
if (pVideoCaptureTerminal) { // Connect page to the stream
// Create the network control property page
if (Pages[Psh.nPages] = NetworkSettings.OnCreate()) Psh.nPages++; }
if (pAudioCaptureStream) { // Connect page to the stream
// Create the network control property page
if (Pages[Psh.nPages] = AudRecSettings.OnCreate()) Psh.nPages++; }
// Put up the property sheet
if (Psh.nPages) PropertySheet(&Psh);
// Disconnect pages from the stream
VideoSettingsOut.OnDisconnect(); CamControlOut.OnDisconnect(); VideoSettingsIn.OnDisconnect(); CamControlIn.OnDisconnect(); CaptureSettings.OnDisconnect(); VideoDevice.OnDisconnect(); NetworkSettings.OnDisconnect(); SystemSettings.OnDisconnect(); AudRecSettings.OnDisconnect();
if (pVideoCaptureTerminal) pVideoCaptureTerminal->Release(); if (pVideoCaptureStream) pVideoCaptureStream->Release(); if (pVideoRenderStream) pVideoRenderStream->Release(); if (pAudioCaptureStream) pAudioCaptureStream->Release();
return; }