Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Some ldap definitions and functions.
// Some constants.
#ifndef __RNDLDAP_H_
#define __RNDLDAP_H_
#pragma once
#include "rndcommc.h"
const WCHAR DYNAMIC_USER_CN_FORMAT[] = L"%s]%hs"; const WCHAR DYNAMIC_USER_DN_FORMAT[] = L"cn=%s,%s"; const WCHAR DYNAMIC_CONTAINER[] = L"ou=dynamic,"; const WCHAR DYNAMICOBJECT[] = L"DynamicObject"; const WCHAR OBJECTCLASS[] = L"ObjectClass"; const WCHAR USEROBJECT[] = L"userObject"; const WCHAR NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR[] = L"ntSecurityDescriptor"; const WCHAR AT_CHARACTER = L'@'; const WCHAR ANY_OBJECT_CLASS[] = L"ObjectClass=*"; const WCHAR DEFAULT_NAMING_CONTEXT[] = L"defaultNamingContext"; const WCHAR CNEQUALS[] = L"cn="; const WCHAR ENTRYTTL[] = L"EntryTTL"; const WCHAR CLOSE_BRACKET_CHARACTER = L']'; const WCHAR NULL_CHARACTER = L'\0';
// decimal values for the following ports
const WORD ILS_PORT = 1002; const WORD ILS_SSL_PORT = 637; // ZoltanS changed from 4999
const WORD MINIMUM_TTL = 300; const DWORD REND_LDAP_TIMELIMIT = 60; // 60 seconds
// CLdapPtr is a smart pointer for a ldap connection.
class CLdapPtr { public: CLdapPtr() : m_hLdap(NULL) {} CLdapPtr(LDAP *hLdap) : m_hLdap(hLdap) {} ~CLdapPtr() { if (m_hLdap) ldap_unbind(m_hLdap);}
CLdapPtr &operator= (LDAP *hLdap) { m_hLdap = hLdap; return *this;} operator LDAP* () { return m_hLdap; }
private: LDAP *m_hLdap; };
// CLdapMsgPtr is a smart pointer for a ldap message.
class CLdapMsgPtr { public: CLdapMsgPtr() : m_pLdapMsg(NULL) {} CLdapMsgPtr(IN LDAPMessage *LdapMessage) : m_pLdapMsg(LdapMessage) {} ~CLdapMsgPtr() { ldap_msgfree(m_pLdapMsg); }
LDAPMessage **operator& () { return &m_pLdapMsg; } operator LDAPMessage * () { return m_pLdapMsg; } CLdapMsgPtr& operator=(LDAPMessage *p) { m_pLdapMsg = p; return *this; }
private: LDAPMessage *m_pLdapMsg; };
// CLdapValuePtr is a smart pointer for a ldap value.
class CLdapValuePtr { public: CLdapValuePtr(IN TCHAR **Value) : m_Value(Value) {} ~CLdapValuePtr() { ldap_value_free(m_Value); }
protected: TCHAR **m_Value; };
// other functions
inline HRESULT HResultFromErrorCodeWithoutLogging(IN long ErrorCode) { return ( 0x80070000 | (0xa000ffff & ErrorCode) ); }
inline HRESULT GetLdapHResult( IN ULONG LdapResult ) { return HRESULT_FROM_ERROR_CODE((long)LdapMapErrorToWin32(LdapResult)); }
inline BOOL CompareLdapHResult( IN HRESULT hr, IN ULONG LdapErrorCode ) { return ( hr == GetLdapHResult(LdapErrorCode)); }
#define BAIL_IF_LDAP_FAIL(Result, msg) \
{ \ ULONG _res_ = Result; \ if ( LDAP_SUCCESS != _res_ ) \ { \ LOG((MSP_ERROR, "%S - %d:%S", msg, _res_, ldap_err2string(_res_)));\ return GetLdapHResult(_res_); \ } \ }
// ZoltanS: For when we want to note an LDAP error and find the HR, but not bail.
inline HRESULT LogAndGetLdapHResult(ULONG Result, TCHAR * msg) { BAIL_IF_LDAP_FAIL(Result, msg); return S_OK; }
// ZoltanS: For when we want to find the HR, but not bail or log
inline HRESULT GetLdapHResultIfFailed(ULONG Result) { if ( Result != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { return HResultFromErrorCodeWithoutLogging( (long) LdapMapErrorToWin32( Result ) ); }
return S_OK; }
inline WORD GetOtherPort(IN WORD CurrentPort) { switch (CurrentPort) { case LDAP_PORT: return LDAP_SSL_PORT; case LDAP_SSL_PORT: return LDAP_PORT; case ILS_PORT: return ILS_SSL_PORT; case ILS_SSL_PORT: return ILS_PORT; }
// We don't support SSL unless the server is using a well-known
// non-SSL port. Basically we would otherwise have to also publish
// SSL ports in the DS in addition to non-SSL ports.
_ASSERTE(FALSE); return CurrentPort; // was LDAP_PORT
HRESULT GetAttributeValue( IN LDAP * pLdap, IN LDAPMessage * pEntry, IN const WCHAR * pName, OUT BSTR * pValue );
HRESULT GetAttributeValueBer( IN LDAP * pLdap, IN LDAPMessage * pEntry, IN const WCHAR * pName, OUT char ** pValue, OUT DWORD * pdwSize );
HRESULT GetNamingContext( LDAP *hLdap, TCHAR **ppNamingContext );
ULONG DoLdapSearch ( LDAP *ld, PWCHAR base, ULONG scope, PWCHAR filter, PWCHAR attrs[], ULONG attrsonly, LDAPMessage **res, BOOL bSACL = TRUE );
ULONG DoLdapAdd ( LDAP *ld, PWCHAR dn, LDAPModW *attrs[] );
ULONG DoLdapModify ( BOOL fChase, LDAP *ld, PWCHAR dn, LDAPModW *attrs[], BOOL bSACL = TRUE );
ULONG DoLdapDelete ( LDAP *ld, PWCHAR dn );
HRESULT UglyIPtoIP( BSTR pUglyIP, BSTR * pIP ); HRESULT ParseUserName( BSTR pName, BSTR * ppAddress );
#endif // __RNDLDAP_H_
// eof