Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements all the methods on callhub interfaces.
mquinton - 11-21-97
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
extern CHashTable * gpCallHubHashTable; extern CHashTable * gpCallHashTable;
// callhub.cpp
// this module implements the callhub object
// the callhub object is the "third party" view of a call.
// callhubs can be created in four different ways:
// 1 - the service provider supports them. they indicate this through
// the linedevcapsflag_callhub bit in LINEDEVCAPS. this means
// that the sp used the dwCallID field to associate calls.
// tapisrv will synthesize the callhubs based on this information
// 2 - almost the same as 1, except that the sp does not set the
// the linedevcapsflag_callhub bit (because it is a tapi2.x
// sp). tapisrv and tapi3 have to guess whether or not the sp
// supports callhubs. it does this simply by seeing if the
// dwcallid field is non-zero. however, this creates a problem
// before a call is made, since we can't get to the dwcallid
// field. in this case, i set a flag in the address object
// ADDRESSFLAG_CALLHUB or _NOCALLHUB to flag whether this is
// supported. however, for the very first call, we won't know
// until the call is actually made.
// 3 - participant based callhub (also called part based). the sp
// supports participants, as indicated by the linedevcapsflag_participantinfo
// tapi3 breaks out all the participants into their own participant
// objects
// 4 - fake call hub. if the sp doesn't support anything, we create
// a callhub, and fake the other end.
BOOL FindCallObject( HCALL hCall, CCall ** ppCall );
HRESULT CCallHub::Initialize( CTAPI * pTapi, HCALLHUB hCallHub, DWORD dwFlags ) { HRESULT hr;
LOG((TL_TRACE,"Initialize - enter" ));
Lock(); m_pTAPI = pTapi; m_hCallHub = hCallHub; m_State = CHS_ACTIVE; m_dwFlags |= dwFlags; #if DBG
m_pDebug = (PWSTR) ClientAlloc( 1 ); #endif
m_dwRef = 2; //
// save in tapi's list
pTapi->AddCallHub( this ); pTapi->AddRef();
if ( NULL != hCallHub ) { //
// add it to the global hash table
// hash table is only for callhubs with
// hcallhub handles, because we only need
// the hash table when tapi sends a message
// with the tapi handle in it
hr = gpCallHubHashTable->Insert( (ULONG_PTR)hCallHub, (ULONG_PTR)this, pTapi );
// see if there are any existing
// calls for this callhub
FindExistingTapisrvCallhubCalls(); }
// tell the app
CCallHubEvent::FireEvent( CHE_CALLHUBNEW, this, NULL, pTapi );
LOG((TL_TRACE, S_OK,"Initialize - exit" ));
return S_OK; }
// Clear - clears the callhub. there is no native tapi way
// to do this, so just iterate through all the calls and
// try to drop them
STDMETHODIMP CCallHub::Clear() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ITBasicCallControl * pCall; BOOL bFailure = FALSE; int iCount; CCall * pConferenceControllerCall; CTArray <ITBasicCallControl *> aLocalCalls;
Lock(); LOG((TL_TRACE, "Clear - enter "));
//If there's a conference controller call - drop it
if(m_pConferenceControllerCall != NULL) { LOG((TL_INFO, "Clear - disconnect conf controller call")); pConferenceControllerCall = m_pConferenceControllerCall; m_pConferenceControllerCall = NULL; Unlock(); pConferenceControllerCall->Disconnect(DC_NORMAL); pConferenceControllerCall->Release(); Lock(); }
// go through all the calls
for (iCount = 0; iCount < m_CallArray.GetSize(); iCount++ ) { //
// try to get to the basic call control interface
hr = (m_CallArray[iCount])->QueryInterface( IID_ITBasicCallControl, (void **)&pCall );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Add it to our private list. We have to avoid doing
// disconnect and release on a call while holding the
// callhub lock. There is a timing window in between disconnect
// and release where the disconnect call state event can lock
// the call. Then it locks the callhub, which makes a deadlock.
} else { bFailure = TRUE; } }
// Now that we've unlocked the callhub (see above), go through our
// private list of calls and drop and release each one.
for ( iCount = 0; iCount < aLocalCalls.GetSize(); iCount++ ) { pCall = aLocalCalls[iCount];
// if we can, try to disconnect.
pCall->Release(); }
// clean up the list.
LOG((TL_TRACE, "Clear - exit "));
return (bFailure?S_FALSE:S_OK); }
// just enumerate the calls
STDMETHODIMP CCallHub::EnumerateCalls( IEnumCall ** ppEnumCall ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LOG((TL_TRACE, "EnumerateCalls enter" )); LOG((TL_TRACE, " ppEnumCalls----->%p", ppEnumCall ));
if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( ppEnumCall, sizeof (IEnumCall *) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "EnumCalls - bad pointer"));
return E_POINTER; } //
// create the enumerator
CComObject< CTapiEnum< IEnumCall, ITCallInfo, &IID_IEnumCall > > * p; hr = CComObject< CTapiEnum< IEnumCall, ITCallInfo, &IID_IEnumCall > > ::CreateInstance( &p );
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "EnumerateCalls - could not create enum" )); return hr; }
// initialize it with our call
p->Initialize( m_CallArray );
// return it
*ppEnumCall = p;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "EnumerateCalls exit - return S_OK" ));
return S_OK; }
// collection of calls
STDMETHODIMP CCallHub::get_Calls( VARIANT * pVariant ) { HRESULT hr; IDispatch * pDisp;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "get_Calls enter")); LOG((TL_TRACE, " pVariant ------->%p", pVariant));
if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pVariant, sizeof(VARIANT) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Calls - invalid pointer" )); return E_POINTER; }
CComObject< CTapiCollection< ITCallInfo > > * p; CComObject< CTapiCollection< ITCallInfo > >::CreateInstance( &p ); if (NULL == p) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Calls - could not create collection" )); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// initialize
hr = p->Initialize( m_CallArray );
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Calls - could not initialize collection" )); delete p; return hr; }
// get the IDispatch interface
hr = p->_InternalQueryInterface( IID_IDispatch, (void **) &pDisp );
if (S_OK != hr) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Calls - could not get IDispatch interface" )); delete p; return hr; }
// put it in the variant
VariantInit(pVariant); pVariant->vt = VT_DISPATCH; pVariant->pdispVal = pDisp; LOG((TL_TRACE, "get_Calls exit - return S_OK")); return S_OK; }
// get the current number of calls
STDMETHODIMP CCallHub::get_NumCalls( long * plCalls ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( plCalls, sizeof(LONG) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_NumCalls - bad pointer"));
return E_POINTER; } Lock();
*plCalls = m_CallArray.GetSize(); Unlock();
return hr; }
// get the current state
STDMETHODIMP CCallHub::get_State( CALLHUB_STATE * pState ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pState, sizeof (CALLHUB_STATE) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_State - invalid pointer"));
return E_POINTER; } Lock();
*pState = m_State;
return hr; }
// release the object
BOOL CCallHub::ExternalFinalRelease() { HRESULT hr; int iCount;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "CCallHub - FinalRelease - enter - this %p - hCallHub - %lx", this, m_hCallHub));
#if DBG
/*NikhilB: To avoid a hang*/ if( m_pDebug != NULL ) { ClientFree( m_pDebug ); m_pDebug = NULL; } #endif
m_pTAPI->RemoveCallHub( this ); m_pTAPI->Release();
for (iCount = 0; iCount < m_CallArray.GetSize(); iCount++ ) { CCall * pCCall;
pCCall = dynamic_cast<CCall *>(m_CallArray[iCount]);
if ( NULL != pCCall ) { pCCall->SetCallHub(NULL); } }
if ( NULL != m_pPrivate ) { m_pPrivate->Release(); }
Unlock(); LOG((TL_TRACE, "CCallHub - FinalRelease - exit"));
return TRUE; }
// FindExistingTapisrvCallhubCalls
// internal function
// this is called when creating a 'tapisrv' callhub. this function
// will call lineGetHubRelatedCalls, and add any already existing calls
// to this callhub
HRESULT CCallHub::FindExistingTapisrvCallhubCalls() { LINECALLLIST * pCallHubList; HCALL * phCalls; DWORD dwCount; HRESULT hr; //
// get the list of hcalls
// related to this call
hr = LineGetHubRelatedCalls( m_hCallHub, 0, &pCallHubList );
if ( !SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "FindExistingCalls - LineGetHubRelatedCalls " "failed %lx", hr));
return hr; }
// get to the list of calls
phCalls = (HCALL *)(((LPBYTE)pCallHubList) + pCallHubList->dwCallsOffset);
// the first call is actually the callhub
// that makes sense...
if (m_hCallHub != (HCALLHUB)(phCalls[0])) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "FindExistingCalls - callhub doesn't match"));
ClientFree( pCallHubList );
return E_FAIL; } //
// go through the call handles and try to find the
// objects
// phCalls[0] is the callhub, so skip it
for (dwCount = 1; dwCount < pCallHubList->dwCallsNumEntries; dwCount++) { CCall * pCall; ITCallInfo * pCallInfo; //
// get the tapi3 call object
if (!FindCallObject( phCalls[dwCount], &pCall )) { LOG((TL_INFO, "FindExistingCalls - call handle %lx " "does not current exist", phCalls[dwCount]));
continue; }
// tell the call
pCall->SetCallHub( this );
if ( NULL == m_pAddress ) { m_pAddress = pCall->GetCAddress(); } //
// get the callinfo interface
hr = pCall->QueryInterface( IID_ITCallInfo, (void **)&pCallInfo );
// findcallobject addrefs
pCall->Release(); if ( !SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "FindExistingCalls - can't get callinfo interface"));
continue; }
// save the call
// don't save a reference
} ClientFree( pCallHubList );
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CCallHub::FindCallsDisconnected( BOOL * fAllCallsDisconnected ) { LINECALLLIST * pCallHubList; HCALL * phCalls; DWORD dwCount; HRESULT hr; CALL_STATE callState = CS_IDLE; *fAllCallsDisconnected = TRUE; Lock();
// get the list of hcalls
// related to this call
hr = LineGetHubRelatedCalls( m_hCallHub, 0, &pCallHubList );
if ( !SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "FindExistingCalls - LineGetHubRelatedCalls " "failed %lx", hr));
Unlock(); return hr; }
// get to the list of calls
phCalls = (HCALL *)(((LPBYTE)pCallHubList) + pCallHubList->dwCallsOffset);
// the first call is actually the callhub
// that makes sense...
if (m_hCallHub != (HCALLHUB)(phCalls[0])) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "FindExistingCalls - callhub doesn't match"));
ClientFree( pCallHubList ); Unlock(); return E_FAIL; } //
// go through the call handles and try to find the
// objects
// phCalls[0] is the callhub, so skip it
for (dwCount = 1; dwCount < pCallHubList->dwCallsNumEntries; dwCount++) { CCall * pCall; //
// get the tapi3 call object
if (!FindCallObject( phCalls[dwCount], &pCall )) { LOG((TL_INFO, "FindExistingCalls - call handle %lx " "does not current exist", phCalls[dwCount]));
continue; }
// findcallobject addrefs
if( callState != CS_DISCONNECTED ) { *fAllCallsDisconnected = FALSE; break; } } ClientFree( pCallHubList ); Unlock(); return S_OK; }
// CreateTapisrvCallHub
// Creates a callhub that is handled by tapisrv.
// pTAPI - owning tapi object
// hCallHub - tapi's handle for the call hub.
// ppCallHub - returned call hub with ref count of 1
HRESULT CCallHub::CreateTapisrvCallHub( CTAPI * pTAPI, HCALLHUB hCallHub, CCallHub ** ppCallHub ) { HRESULT hr; // CTAPIComObjectWithExtraRef<CCallHub> * p;
CComObject<CCallHub> * p;
STATICLOG((TL_TRACE, "CreateTapisrvCallHub - enter")); STATICLOG((TL_INFO, " hCallHub ---> %lx", hCallHub));
// create the object
//p = new CTAPIComObjectWithExtraRef<CCallHub>;
hr = CComObject<CCallHub>::CreateInstance( &p );
if (NULL == p) { STATICLOG((TL_INFO, "CreateTapisrvCallHub - createinstance failed")); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// initialize it
p->Initialize( pTAPI, hCallHub, CALLHUBTYPE_CALLHUB ); //
// return object
// NOTE:initialize addrefs for us!
*ppCallHub = p; STATICLOG((TL_TRACE, "CreateTapisrvCallHub - exit")); return S_OK; }
// CreateOrFakeCallHub
// creates a fake callhub
// pTAPI - owning TAPI object
// pCall - call
// ppCallHub - return new callhub object - ref count of 1
HRESULT CCallHub::CreateFakeCallHub( CTAPI * pTAPI, CCall * pCall, CCallHub ** ppCallHub ) { HRESULT hr; CComObject<CCallHub> * p; STATICLOG((TL_TRACE, "CreateFakeCallHub - enter"));
// create the object
//p = new CTAPIComObjectWithExtraRef<CCallHub>;
try { //
// inside try in case critical section fails to be allocated
hr = CComObject<CCallHub>::CreateInstance( &p );
} catch(...) { STATICLOG((TL_ERROR, "CreateFakeCallHub - failed to create a callhub -- exception"));
p = NULL; }
if (NULL == p) { STATICLOG((TL_INFO, "CreateFakeCallHub - createinstance failed")); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if ( (NULL == pTAPI) || (NULL == pCall) ) { STATICLOG((TL_ERROR, "CreateFakeCallHub - invalid param"));
_ASSERTE(0); delete p;
return E_UNEXPECTED; } //
// initialized
// ZoltanS fix 11-12-98
// Add the call to the fake callhub.
// This in turn calls CCall::SetCallHub, which sets and addrefs the call's
// member callhub pointer. When we return from here we will set the
// callhub pointer again, and the reference that's released on
// ExternalFinalRelease is in effect the initial reference from Initialize.
// So we need to release here in order to avoid keeping an extra reference
// to the callhub.
p->AddCall(pCall); ((CCallHub *) p)->Release(); //
// return object
// NOTE: Initialize addrefs for us!
*ppCallHub = p; STATICLOG((TL_TRACE, "CreateFakeCallHub - exit")); return S_OK; }
// Remove Call
// remove a call object from the callhub's list
void CCallHub::RemoveCall( CCall * pCall ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ITCallInfo * pCallInfo; hr = pCall->QueryInterface( IID_ITCallInfo, (void**)&pCallInfo );
if ( !SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { return; }
m_CallArray.Remove( pCallInfo ); Unlock();
pCallInfo->Release(); } //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=
// CheckForIdle()
// internal function
// checks the state of the calls in the hub to see if it is idle
// so, we go through all the objects that are call objects, and
// see if they are disconnected. if they all are, then the
// hub is idle
void CCallHub::CheckForIdle() { HRESULT hr; int iCount;
LOG((TL_ERROR, "CCallHub::CheckForIdle -Entered :%p", this ));
// go through the call list
for (iCount = 0; iCount < m_CallArray.GetSize() ; iCount++ ) { CALL_STATE cs; //
// get the callstate
(m_CallArray[iCount])->get_CallState( &cs );
// if anything is not disconnected, then
// it's not idle
if ( CS_DISCONNECTED != cs ) { Unlock();
return; } }
// if we haven't returned yet, the callhub is
// idle
LOG((TL_ERROR, "CCallHub::CheckForIdle -Exited :%p", this )); }
// CCallHub::SetState
// sets the state of the object. fires an event if necessary
void CCallHub::SetState( CALLHUB_STATE chs ) { BOOL bEvent = FALSE;
LOG((TL_ERROR, "CCallHub::SetState -Entered :%p", this )); Lock();
if ( m_State != chs ) { bEvent = TRUE; m_State = chs; }
if ( bEvent ) { CALLHUB_EVENT che; if ( CHS_IDLE == chs ) { che = CHE_CALLHUBIDLE; } else { che = CHE_CALLHUBNEW; }
CCallHubEvent::FireEvent( che, this, NULL, m_pTAPI );
LOG((TL_ERROR, "CCallHub::SetState -Exited :%p", this )); } }
// CCallHubEvent::FireEvent
// create and fire a callhub event
HRESULT CCallHubEvent::FireEvent( CALLHUB_EVENT Event, ITCallHub * pCallHub, ITCallInfo * pCall, CTAPI * pTapi ) { CComObject<CCallHubEvent> * p; IDispatch * pDisp; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Check the event filter mask
// This event is not filtered by TapiSrv because is
// related with TE_CALLSTATE.
CCall* pCCall = (CCall*)pCall; if( pCCall ) { DWORD dwEventFilterMask = 0; dwEventFilterMask = pCCall->GetSubEventsMask( TE_CALLHUB ); if( !( dwEventFilterMask & GET_SUBEVENT_FLAG(Event))) { STATICLOG((TL_WARN, "FireEvent - filtering out this event [%lx]", Event)); return S_OK; } } else { // Try with pTapi
if( pTapi == NULL ) { STATICLOG((TL_WARN, "FireEvent - filtering out this event [%lx]", Event)); return S_OK; }
long nEventMask = 0; pTapi->get_EventFilter( &nEventMask ); if( (nEventMask & TE_CALLHUB) == 0) { STATICLOG((TL_WARN, "FireEvent - filtering out this event [%lx]", Event)); return S_OK; } }
// create object
CComObject<CCallHubEvent>::CreateInstance( &p );
if ( NULL == p ) { STATICLOG((TL_ERROR, "CallHubEvent - could not create object"));
// initialize
p->m_Event = Event; p->m_pCallHub = pCallHub; p->m_pCall = pCall;
#if DBG
p->m_pDebug = (PWSTR) ClientAlloc( 1 ); #endif
// addref objects if valid
if ( NULL != pCallHub ) { pCallHub->AddRef(); }
if ( NULL != pCall ) { pCall->AddRef(); }
// get the dispatch interface
hr = p->_InternalQueryInterface( IID_IDispatch, (void **)&pDisp );
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { STATICLOG((TL_ERROR, "CallHubEvent - could not get dispatch interface")); delete p;
return hr; }
// fire the event
pTapi->Event( TE_CALLHUB, pDisp );
// release our reference
return S_OK; } //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=
// get_Event
STDMETHODIMP CCallHubEvent::get_Event( CALLHUB_EVENT * pEvent ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pEvent, sizeof (CALLHUB_EVENT) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Event - bad pointer"));
return E_POINTER; } *pEvent = m_Event;
return hr; }
// get_CallHub
STDMETHODIMP CCallHubEvent::get_CallHub( ITCallHub ** ppCallHub ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( ppCallHub, sizeof (ITCallHub *) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_CallHub - bad pointer"));
return E_POINTER; } hr = m_pCallHub->QueryInterface( IID_ITCallHub, (void **)ppCallHub ); return hr; }
// get_Call
STDMETHODIMP CCallHubEvent::get_Call( ITCallInfo ** ppCall ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ( TAPIIsBadWritePtr( ppCall, sizeof(ITCallInfo *) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Call - bad pointer"));
return E_POINTER; } *ppCall = NULL;
// the call can be NULL
if ( NULL == m_pCall ) { return S_FALSE; } hr = m_pCall->QueryInterface( IID_ITCallInfo, (void **)ppCall );
return hr; }
void CCallHubEvent::FinalRelease() { m_pCallHub->Release();
if ( NULL != m_pCall ) { m_pCall->Release(); }
#if DBG
ClientFree( m_pDebug ); #endif
// HandleCallHubClose
// handle LINE_CALLHUBCLOSE message - find the callhub object
// and clear the callhub handle from it
void HandleCallHubClose( PASYNCEVENTMSG pParams ) { CCallHub * pCallHub;
LOG((TL_INFO, "HandleCallHubClose %lx", pParams->Param1)); if ( FindCallHubObject( (HCALLHUB)pParams->Param1, &pCallHub ) ) { pCallHub->ClearCallHub();
pCallHub->Release(); }
// ClearCallHub
// clears the callhub handle in the object and removes the object
// from the callhub hash table
void CCallHub::ClearCallHub() { HRESULT hr; Lock();
hr = gpCallHubHashTable->Remove( (UINT_PTR) m_hCallHub );
m_hCallHub = NULL;
Unlock(); }
// FindCallByHandle
CCall * CCallHub::FindCallByHandle(HCALL hCall) { ITBasicCallControl * pCall; CCall * pCCall; HRESULT hr; int iCount; Lock();
// go through the call list
for ( iCount = 0; iCount < m_CallArray.GetSize(); iCount++ ) {
// try to get to the basic call control interface
hr = (m_CallArray[iCount])->QueryInterface( IID_ITBasicCallControl, (void **)&pCall );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pCCall = dynamic_cast<CCall *>((ITBasicCallControl *)(pCall)); if ( NULL != pCCall ) { //
// does this match?
if ( pCCall->GetHCall() == hCall ) { Unlock(); return pCCall; } else { pCCall->Release(); } } } } Unlock();
// didn't find it
return NULL;
// CreateConferenceControllerCall
HRESULT CCallHub::CreateConferenceControllerCall(HCALL hCall, CAddress * pAddress ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CCall * pConferenceControllerCall;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "CreateConferenceController - enter")); //
// create & initialize
hr = pAddress->InternalCreateCall( NULL, 0, 0, CP_OWNER, FALSE, hCall, FALSE, &pConferenceControllerCall );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { pConferenceControllerCall->SetCallHub( this ); //
// save the call
Lock(); m_pConferenceControllerCall = pConferenceControllerCall; Unlock(); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreateConferenceController - could not create call instance")); } LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "CreateConferenceController - exit")); return hr; }
// AddCall
void CCallHub::AddCall(CCall * pCall) { ITCallInfo * pCallInfo; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
Lock(); //
// tell the call
pCall->SetCallHub( this );
if ( NULL == m_pAddress ) { m_pAddress = pCall->GetCAddress(); } //
// get the CallInfo interface
hr = pCall->QueryInterface( IID_ITCallInfo, (void **)&pCallInfo ); if ( !SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { _ASSERTE(0); }
// save the Call
m_CallArray.Add( pCallInfo );
// don't save a reference
CCallHubEvent::FireEvent( CHE_CALLJOIN, this, pCallInfo, m_pTAPI );
} CCall * CCallHub::GetConferenceControllerCall() { CCall * pCall; Lock();
pCall = m_pConferenceControllerCall;
Unlock(); return pCall; }