Copyright (c) 1998 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Abstract: Author:
mquinton - 6/30/98 Notes:
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
// CRetryQueue::QueueEvent
// Queues a TAPI event message object to be processed later
LOG((TL_TRACE, "QueueEvent - enter"));
// we want to do as little as possible inside the lock so preallocate
// everything we can before acquiring it
// create a new queue entry
pNewQueueEntry = (PRETRY_QUEUE_ENTRY)ClientAlloc( sizeof(RETRY_QUEUE_ENTRY) );
if (pNewQueueEntry == NULL) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "QueueEvent - out of memory for new entry - losing message"));
return FALSE; }
// create a copy of the event
pEventCopy = (PASYNCEVENTMSG)ClientAlloc(pEvent->TotalSize);
if ( pEventCopy == NULL) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "QueueEvent - out of memory for pEventCopy - losing message")); ClientFree(pNewQueueEntry);
return FALSE; }
// initialize the copy of the event that we have created
memcpy( pEventCopy, pEvent, pEvent->TotalSize );
// initialize queue entry with our copy of the event
pNewQueueEntry->dwRetryCount = MAX_REQUEUE_TRIES; pNewQueueEntry->pMessage = pEventCopy;
// is the queue accepting new entries?
if (!m_bAcceptNewEntries) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "QueueEvent - can't queue -- the queue is closed"));
ClientFree(pNewQueueEntry); ClientFree(pEventCopy);
return FALSE; }
// attempt to add queue entry to the list
try { m_RetryQueueList.push_back(pNewQueueEntry); } catch(...) {
LOG((TL_ERROR, "QueueEvent - out of memory - losing message"));
ClientFree(pNewQueueEntry); ClientFree(pEventCopy);
return FALSE; }
LOG((TL_INFO, "QueueEvent - Queued pEntry ----> %p", pNewQueueEntry )); LOG((TL_INFO, " pEvent ----> %p", pEventCopy ));
return TRUE; }
// CRetryQueue::QueueEvent
// Requeues a TAPI event message object to be processed later
void CRetryQueue::RequeueEvent(PRETRY_QUEUE_ENTRY pQueueEntry) {
LOG((TL_TRACE, "RequeueEvent - enter")); // just reuse the old entry
// add to list
if (!m_bAcceptNewEntries) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "RequeueEvent - attemped to requeue after the queue was closed"));
// this should not have happened -- see how we got here
return; }
try { m_RetryQueueList.push_back(pQueueEntry); } catch(...) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "RequeueEvent - out of memory - losing message")); } Unlock();
LOG((TL_INFO, "RequeueEvent - Requeuing pEntry is ----> %p", pQueueEntry )); LOG((TL_INFO, " Requeuing pEvent is ----> %p", pQueueEntry->pMessage )); LOG((TL_INFO, " Requeuing count is ----> %lx", pQueueEntry->dwRetryCount )); }
// CRetryQueue::DequeueEvent
// Pulls an event from the queue
BOOL CRetryQueue::DequeueEvent(PRETRY_QUEUE_ENTRY * ppEvent) { BOOL bResult = TRUE;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "DequeueEvent - enter")); Lock(); if (m_RetryQueueList.size() > 0) { *ppEvent = m_RetryQueueList.front();
try { m_RetryQueueList.pop_front(); } catch(...) { LOG((TL_INFO, "DequeueEvent - pop m_RetryQueueList failed")); bResult = FALSE; } if( bResult ) { bResult = !IsBadReadPtr(*ppEvent, sizeof( RETRY_QUEUE_ENTRY ) ); }
LOG((TL_INFO, "DequeueEvent - returning %p", *ppEvent)); } else { LOG((TL_INFO, "DequeueEvent - no event")); // return false if there are no more messages
bResult = FALSE; }
Unlock(); return bResult; }
// CRetryQueue::ProcessQueue
void CRetryQueue::ProcessQueue() { PRETRY_QUEUE_ENTRY pQueueEntry; PASYNCEVENTMSG pAsyncEventMsg; PT3INIT_DATA pInitData = NULL; DWORD dwCount;
Lock(); dwCount = m_RetryQueueList.size(); Unlock(); LOG((TL_TRACE, "ProcessQueue - enter dwCount----> %lx",dwCount));
while(dwCount-- > 0 ) { if( DequeueEvent(&pQueueEntry) ) { pAsyncEventMsg = pQueueEntry->pMessage;
// InitContext contains the handle. get the original pointer from the handle
pInitData = (PT3INIT_DATA)GetHandleTableEntry(pAsyncEventMsg->InitContext);
LOG(( TL_INFO, "ProcessQueue - msg=%d, hDev=x%x, p1=x%x, p2=x%x, p3=x%x, pInitData=%p", pAsyncEventMsg->Msg, pAsyncEventMsg->hDevice, pAsyncEventMsg->Param1, pAsyncEventMsg->Param2, pAsyncEventMsg->Param3, pInitData ));
if SUCCEEDED(ProcessMessage( pInitData, pAsyncEventMsg ) ) { // We're Done with the message so free it & the used queue entry
LOG((TL_INFO, "ProcessQueue - sucessfully processed event message ----> %p", pAsyncEventMsg )); ClientFree(pAsyncEventMsg); ClientFree(pQueueEntry); } else {
// if we don't have any retries left for this entry or if the
// queue is now closed, do cleanup. otherwise, requeue
if( (--(pQueueEntry->dwRetryCount) == 0) || (!m_bAcceptNewEntries)) { // We're giving up with this one, so free the message & the used queue entry
// note that we can have potential leaks here if queue entry is
// holding references to other things that we don't know how to
// free
LOG((TL_ERROR, "ProcessQueue - used all retries, deleting event message ----> %p", pAsyncEventMsg )); ClientFree(pAsyncEventMsg); ClientFree(pQueueEntry); } else { // Queue it one more time, reuse the queu entry ....
// we failed to process the workitem. it is possible that
// another thread is waiting for a timeslot so it is
// scheduled and gets a chance to prepare everything so our
// next processing attempt is successful.
// to increase the chances of that thread being scheduled
// (and out success on the next processing attempt), sleep
// a little.
extern DWORD gdwTapi3RetryProcessingSleep;
LOG((TL_INFO, "ProcessQueue - requeued item. Sleeping for %ld ms", gdwTapi3RetryProcessingSleep));
} } } }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "ProcessQueue - exit")); }
void CRetryQueue::RemoveNewCallHub(DWORD dwCallHub) { RetryQueueListType::iterator iter, end;
Lock(); iter = m_RetryQueueList.begin(); end = m_RetryQueueList.end();
for ( ; iter != end; iter++ ) { PRETRY_QUEUE_ENTRY pEntry = *iter;
if(pEntry->pMessage != NULL) { if ( (pEntry->pMessage->Msg == LINE_APPNEWCALLHUB) && (pEntry->pMessage->Param1 == dwCallHub) ) { ClientFree(pEntry->pMessage); ClientFree(pEntry); m_RetryQueueList.erase( iter ); // erase appears to create a problem with
// the iter so that we loop too many times & AV.
iter = m_RetryQueueList.begin(); // Restarting at beginning again fixs this.
} } }
Unlock(); }
// CRetryQueue::OpenForNewEntries
// after this function returns, the queue will accept new entries
void CRetryQueue::OpenForNewEntries() { LOG((TL_TRACE, "OpenForNewEntries - enter"));
m_bAcceptNewEntries = TRUE;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "OpenForNewEntries - exit"));
// CRetryQueue::CloseForNewEntries
// new entries will be denied after this function returns
void CRetryQueue::CloseForNewEntries() { LOG((TL_TRACE, "CloseForNewEntries - enter"));
m_bAcceptNewEntries = FALSE;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "CloseForNewEntries - exit"));
// CRetryQueue::~CRetryQueue
CRetryQueue::~CRetryQueue() { RetryQueueListType::iterator i,j; PRETRY_QUEUE_ENTRY pQueueEntry;
Lock(); // walk list deleting entries
i = m_RetryQueueList.begin(); j = m_RetryQueueList.end();
while ( i != j ) { pQueueEntry = *i++;
if(pQueueEntry->pMessage != NULL) ClientFree(pQueueEntry->pMessage);
ClientFree(pQueueEntry); }
DeleteCriticalSection( &m_cs ); };
// Initialize
// dwMaxEntries - max entries in the array
// dwSize - size of buffers ( may grow )
// dwType - type of buffer ( see BUFFERTYPE_ constants above )
HRESULT CStructCache::Initialize( DWORD dwMaxEntries, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dwType ) { DWORD dw;
m_dwMaxEntries = min( MAXCACHEENTRIES, dwMaxEntries ); m_dwUsedEntries = 0; m_dwType = dwType;
// zero the array
ZeroMemory( &m_aEntries, sizeof (CACHEENTRY) * MAXCACHEENTRIES );
// go through an allocate buffers
for ( dw = 0; dw < m_dwMaxEntries; dw++ ) { LPDWORD pdwBuffer;
pdwBuffer = (LPDWORD) ClientAlloc( dwSize );
if ( NULL == pdwBuffer ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Initialize - out of memory"));
// cleanup -- free whatever was allocated
for (int i = 0; i < dw; i++) {
ClientFree(m_aEntries[i].pBuffer); m_aEntries[i].pBuffer = NULL; }
m_dwMaxEntries = 0;
// tapi structures have the size as the first
// DWORD. Initialize this here
pdwBuffer[0] = dwSize;
// save the buffer
m_aEntries[dw].pBuffer = (LPVOID)pdwBuffer; }
return S_OK; }
// Shutdown
// free the memory
HRESULT CStructCache::Shutdown() { DWORD dw;
for (dw = 0; dw < m_dwMaxEntries; dw++) { if ( NULL != m_aEntries[dw].pBuffer ) { ClientFree( m_aEntries[dw].pBuffer ); m_aEntries[dw].pBuffer = NULL; } }
return S_OK; }
// GetBuffer
// pNewObject - object to get the buffer
// ppReturnStuct - buffer for pNewObject to use
HRESULT CStructCache::GetBuffer( UINT_PTR pNewObject, LPVOID * ppReturnStruct ) { Lock();
// have we used all the entries?
if ( m_dwUsedEntries < m_dwMaxEntries ) { // nope - so just take the first free one
*ppReturnStruct = m_aEntries[m_dwUsedEntries].pBuffer; m_aEntries[m_dwUsedEntries].pObject = pNewObject;
// in number used
m_dwUsedEntries++; } else { // yes, so take the buffer from the LRU one
UINT_PTR pObject;
// get the object that is losing it's buffer
// and the buffer
pObject = m_aEntries[m_dwMaxEntries-1].pObject; *ppReturnStruct = m_aEntries[m_dwMaxEntries-1].pBuffer;
switch ( m_dwType ) { // inform the object that it's losing
// it's buffer
case BUFFERTYPE_ADDRCAP: { CAddress * pAddress;
pAddress = (CAddress *)pObject;
if( pAddress != NULL) { pAddress->SetAddrCapBuffer( NULL ); }
break; }
case BUFFERTYPE_LINEDEVCAP: { CAddress * pAddress;
pAddress = (CAddress *)pObject;
if( pAddress != NULL) { pAddress->SetLineDevCapBuffer( NULL ); }
break; }
case BUFFERTYPE_PHONECAP: { CPhone * pPhone;
pPhone = (CPhone *)pObject;
if( pPhone != NULL) { pPhone->SetPhoneCapBuffer( NULL ); }
break; }
default: break; }
// move all elements in the array "down" one
MoveMemory( &(m_aEntries[1]), &(m_aEntries[0]), (m_dwMaxEntries-1) * sizeof(CACHEENTRY) );
// put the new object at the front of the array
m_aEntries[0].pObject = pNewObject; m_aEntries[0].pBuffer = *ppReturnStruct;
ZeroMemory( ((LPDWORD)(*ppReturnStruct)) + 1, ((LPDWORD)(*ppReturnStruct))[0] - sizeof(DWORD) ); }
return S_OK; }
// SetBuffer
// this is called when the buffer had to be realloced. The
// owning object freed the original buffer, and is setting the
// newly alloced buffer.
// pObject - object that realloc'd
// pNewStruct - new struct
// Note the implementation is straightforward here - just run
// through the array looking for the object
HRESULT CStructCache::SetBuffer( UINT_PTR pObject, LPVOID pNewStruct ) { DWORD dw;
for ( dw = 0; dw < m_dwUsedEntries; dw++ ) { if ( m_aEntries[dw].pObject == pObject ) { m_aEntries[dw].pBuffer = pNewStruct;
break; } }
return S_OK; }
// InvalidateBuffer
// This is called when the owning object (pObject) is being released
// to prevent problems in getBuffer() when a cache entry is reused &
// we inform the object that it's losing it's buffer.
// We set the pObject member in the cache entry to 0 & prevent
// getBuffer from accessing the original owner object which may have
// been released.
// pObject - object that realloc'd
// pNewStruct - new struct
// Note the implementation is straightforward here - just run
// through the array looking for the object
HRESULT CStructCache::InvalidateBuffer( UINT_PTR pObject ) { DWORD dw;
for ( dw = 0; dw < m_dwUsedEntries; dw++ ) { if ( m_aEntries[dw].pObject == pObject ) { m_aEntries[dw].pObject = NULL;
break; } }
return S_OK; }
PWSTR MyLoadString( UINT uID ) { PWSTR pTempBuffer = NULL; int iSize, iCurrentSize = 128; do { if ( NULL != pTempBuffer ) { ClientFree( pTempBuffer ); }
iCurrentSize *= 2;
pTempBuffer = (PWSTR) ClientAlloc( iCurrentSize * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
if (NULL == pTempBuffer) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "MyLoadString - alloc failed" ));
return NULL; }
iSize = ::LoadStringW( _Module.GetResourceInstance(), uID, pTempBuffer, iCurrentSize );
if ( 0 == iSize ) { LOG(( TL_ERROR, "MyLoadString - LoadString failed - %lx", GetLastError() )); return NULL; }
} while ( (iSize >= (iCurrentSize - 1) ) );
return pTempBuffer; }
BOOL g_bLoggingEnabled = FALSE;
DWORD sg_dwTraceID = INVALID_TRACEID; char sg_szTraceName[100]; // saves name of dll
DWORD sg_dwTracingToDebugger = 0; DWORD sg_dwTracingToConsole = 0; DWORD sg_dwTracingToFile = 0; DWORD sg_dwDebuggerMask = 0;
BOOL TRACELogRegister(LPCTSTR szName) { HKEY hTracingKey;
char szTracingKey[100]; const char szDebuggerTracingEnableValue[] = "EnableDebuggerTracing"; const char szConsoleTracingEnableValue[] = "EnableConsoleTracing"; const char szFileTracingEnableValue[] = "EnableFileTracing"; const char szTracingMaskValue[] = "ConsoleTracingMask";
sg_dwTracingToDebugger = 0; sg_dwTracingToConsole = 0; sg_dwTracingToFile = 0;
#ifdef UNICODE
wsprintfA(szTracingKey, "Software\\Microsoft\\Tracing\\%ls", szName); #else
wsprintfA(szTracingKey, "Software\\Microsoft\\Tracing\\%s", szName); #endif
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szTracingKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hTracingKey) ) { DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof (DWORD); DWORD dwDataType;
RegQueryValueExA(hTracingKey, szDebuggerTracingEnableValue, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &sg_dwTracingToDebugger, &dwDataSize);
RegQueryValueExA(hTracingKey, szConsoleTracingEnableValue, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &sg_dwTracingToConsole, &dwDataSize);
RegQueryValueExA(hTracingKey, szFileTracingEnableValue, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &sg_dwTracingToFile, &dwDataSize);
RegQueryValueExA(hTracingKey, szTracingMaskValue, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &sg_dwDebuggerMask, &dwDataSize);
RegCloseKey (hTracingKey); } else {
// the key could not be opened. in case the key does not exist,
// register with rtutils so that the reg keys get created
#ifdef UNICODE
wsprintfA(sg_szTraceName, "%ls", szName); #else
wsprintfA(sg_szTraceName, "%s", szName); #endif
// tracing should not have been initialized
// note that this trace id will not be cleaned up. this is ok -- this
// is a leak of one registration "handle" and it only happens the
// first time the dll gets loaded.
sg_dwTraceID = TraceRegister(szName); sg_dwTraceID = INVALID_TRACEID; }
if (sg_dwTracingToDebugger || sg_dwTracingToConsole || sg_dwTracingToFile) {
// we want to try to initialize logging
if (sg_dwTracingToConsole || sg_dwTracingToFile) {
#ifdef UNICODE
wsprintfA(sg_szTraceName, "%ls", szName); #else
wsprintfA(sg_szTraceName, "%s", szName); #endif
// tracing should not have been initialized
// register
sg_dwTraceID = TraceRegister(szName); }
// if tracing registration succeeded or debug tracing is on, set the
// global logging flag
if ( sg_dwTracingToDebugger || (sg_dwTraceID != INVALID_TRACEID) ) {
g_bLoggingEnabled = TRUE;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "TRACELogRegister - logging configured" ));
return TRUE; } else {
// TraceRegister failed and debugger logging is off
return FALSE; } }
// logging is not enabled
return TRUE; }
void TRACELogDeRegister() { if (g_bLoggingEnabled) { LOG((TL_TRACE, "TRACELogDeRegister - disabling logging" ));
sg_dwTracingToDebugger = 0; sg_dwTracingToConsole = 0; sg_dwTracingToFile = 0;
if (sg_dwTraceID != INVALID_TRACEID) { TraceDeregister(sg_dwTraceID); sg_dwTraceID = INVALID_TRACEID; }
g_bLoggingEnabled = FALSE; } }
void TRACELogPrint(IN DWORD dwDbgLevel, IN LPCSTR lpszFormat, IN ...) { char szTraceBuf[MAXDEBUGSTRINGLENGTH + 1]; va_list arglist;
if ( ( sg_dwTracingToDebugger > 0 ) && ( 0 != ( dwDbgLevel & sg_dwDebuggerMask ) ) ) {
// retrieve local time
SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; GetLocalTime(&SystemTime);
wsprintfA(szTraceBuf, "%s:[%02u:%02u:%02u.%03u,tid=%x:] [%s] ", sg_szTraceName, SystemTime.wHour, SystemTime.wMinute, SystemTime.wSecond, SystemTime.wMilliseconds, GetCurrentThreadId(), TraceLevel(dwDbgLevel));
va_list ap; va_start(ap, lpszFormat);
_vsnprintf(&szTraceBuf[lstrlenA(szTraceBuf)], MAXDEBUGSTRINGLENGTH - lstrlenA(szTraceBuf), lpszFormat, ap );
lstrcatA (szTraceBuf, "\n");
OutputDebugStringA (szTraceBuf);
va_end(ap); } if (sg_dwTraceID != INVALID_TRACEID) { wsprintfA(szTraceBuf, "[%s] %s", TraceLevel(dwDbgLevel), lpszFormat);
va_start(arglist, lpszFormat); TraceVprintfExA(sg_dwTraceID, dwDbgLevel | TRACE_USE_MSEC, szTraceBuf, arglist); va_end(arglist); } }
void TRACELogPrint(IN DWORD dwDbgLevel, HRESULT hr, IN LPCSTR lpszFormat, IN ...) { char szTraceBuf[MAXDEBUGSTRINGLENGTH + 1]; LPVOID lpMsgBuf = NULL; // Temp buffer for error code
va_list arglist; // Get the error message relating to our HRESULT
TAPIFormatMessage(hr, &lpMsgBuf);
if ( ( sg_dwTracingToDebugger > 0 ) && ( 0 != ( dwDbgLevel & sg_dwDebuggerMask ) ) ) {
// retrieve local time
SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; GetLocalTime(&SystemTime);
wsprintfA(szTraceBuf, "%s:[%02u:%02u:%02u.%03u,tid=%x:] [%s] ", sg_szTraceName, SystemTime.wHour, SystemTime.wMinute, SystemTime.wSecond, SystemTime.wMilliseconds, GetCurrentThreadId(), TraceLevel(dwDbgLevel) );
va_list ap; va_start(ap, lpszFormat);
_vsnprintf(&szTraceBuf[lstrlenA(szTraceBuf)], MAXDEBUGSTRINGLENGTH - lstrlenA(szTraceBuf), lpszFormat, ap );
wsprintfA(&szTraceBuf[lstrlenA(szTraceBuf)], " Returned[%lx] %s\n", hr, lpMsgBuf);
OutputDebugStringA (szTraceBuf);
va_end(ap); }
if (sg_dwTraceID != INVALID_TRACEID) { wsprintfA(szTraceBuf, "[%s] %s Returned[%lx] %s", TraceLevel(dwDbgLevel), lpszFormat,hr, lpMsgBuf );
va_start(arglist, lpszFormat); TraceVprintfExA(sg_dwTraceID, dwDbgLevel | TRACE_USE_MSEC, szTraceBuf, arglist); va_end(arglist); }
if(lpMsgBuf != NULL) { LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); // Free the temp buffer.
} }
char *TraceLevel(DWORD dwDbgLevel) { switch(dwDbgLevel) { case TL_ERROR: return "ERROR"; case TL_WARN: return "WARN "; case TL_INFO: return "INFO "; case TL_TRACE: return "TRACE"; case TL_EVENT: return "EVENT"; default: return " ??? "; } }
#endif // TRACELOG