// fpunit.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "fpunit.h"
#include "pbfilter.h"
#include "vfwmsgs.h"
// The unit filter name
WCHAR g_bstrUnitFilterName[] = L"PlaybackUnitSource"; WCHAR g_bstrUnitBridgeFilterName[] = L"PlaybackBridgeFilter";
CPlaybackUnit::CPlaybackUnit() :m_pIGraphBuilder(NULL), m_hGraphEventHandle(NULL), m_pBridgeFilter(NULL), m_pSourceFilter(NULL) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::CPlaybackUnit[%p] - enter. ", this)); LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::CPlaybackUnit - exit")); }
CPlaybackUnit::~CPlaybackUnit() { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::~CPlaybackUnit[%p] - enter. ", this)); LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::~CPlaybackUnit - exit")); }
// --- Public members ---
Inititalize the playback unit try to create the graph builder, initialize critical section, rgisters for the graph events --*/ HRESULT CPlaybackUnit::Initialize( ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::Initialize[%p] - enter. ", this));
// initialize should only be called once. it it is not, there is a bug in
// our code
if (NULL != m_pIGraphBuilder) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::Initialize - already initialized"));
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// attempt to initialize critical section
BOOL bCSInitSuccess = InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&m_CriticalSection, 0);
if (!bCSInitSuccess) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::Initialize - failed to initialize critical section. LastError=%ld", GetLastError()));
// Create filter graph
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_FilterGraph, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IGraphBuilder, (void **) &m_pIGraphBuilder );
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::Initialize - failed to create filter graph. Returns 0x%08x", hr));
return hr; }
// Register for filter graph events
IMediaEvent *pMediaEvent = NULL;
hr = m_pIGraphBuilder->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaEvent, (void**)&pMediaEvent);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::HandleGraphEvent - failed to qi graph for IMediaEvent, Returns 0x%08x", hr));
// Clean-up
m_pIGraphBuilder->Release(); m_pIGraphBuilder = NULL;
return hr; }
// Get filter graph's event
HANDLE hEvent = NULL; hr = pMediaEvent->GetEventHandle((OAEVENT*)&hEvent);
// Clean-up
pMediaEvent->Release(); pMediaEvent = NULL;
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::HandleGraphEvent - failed to get graph's event. Returns 0x%08x", hr));
// Clean-up
m_pIGraphBuilder->Release(); m_pIGraphBuilder = NULL;
return hr; }
// Register for the graph event
BOOL fSuccess = RegisterWaitForSingleObject( &m_hGraphEventHandle, // pointer to the returned handle
hEvent, // the event handle to wait for.
CPlaybackUnit::HandleGraphEvent, // the callback function.
this, // the context for the callback.
INFINITE, // wait forever.
WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT | WT_EXECUTEINWAITTHREAD // use the wait thread to call the callback.
if ( ! fSuccess ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::HandleGraphEvent - failed to register wait event", hr));
// Clean-up
m_pIGraphBuilder->Release(); m_pIGraphBuilder = NULL;
return hr; }
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::Initialize - exit"));
return S_OK; }
// SetupFromFile try to create a filter graph and
// the bridge filter with input pins based on the file
HRESULT CPlaybackUnit::SetupFromFile( IN BSTR bstrFileName ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::SetupFromFile[%p] - enter", this));
// Check arguments
if (IsBadStringPtr(bstrFileName, -1)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::SetupFromFile - bad file name passed in"));
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// Make sure we have been initialized
if (NULL == m_pIGraphBuilder) {
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::SetupFromFile - not yet initialized."));
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// lock before accessing data members
CCSLock Lock(&m_CriticalSection);
// Make sure the graph is stopped
HRESULT hr = IsGraphInState( State_Stopped ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { //
// Stop the graph
hr = Stop(); if( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::SetupFromFile - " "graph cannot be stop. Returns 0x%08x", hr));
return hr; } }
// Remove the existing source filter
// if we have one
if( m_pSourceFilter != NULL) { hr = RemoveSourceFilter(); if( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::SetupFromFile - " "RemoveSourceFilter failed. Returns 0x%08x", hr));
return hr; } }
// Add the source filter to the filter graph
hr = m_pIGraphBuilder->AddSourceFilter( bstrFileName, g_bstrUnitFilterName, &m_pSourceFilter );
if( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::SetupFromFile - " "AddSourceFilter failed. Returns 0x%08x", hr));
return hr; }
// Get the source pin
IPin* pSourcePin = NULL; hr = GetSourcePin( &pSourcePin );
if( FAILED(hr) ) { // Clean-up
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::SetupFromFile - " "GetSourcePin failed. Returns 0x%08x", hr));
return hr; }
// We add bridge filters to the graph
hr = AddBridgeFilter(); if( FAILED(hr) ) { // Clean-up
pSourcePin->Release(); RemoveSourceFilter();
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::SetupFromFile - " "AddBridgeFilters failed. Returns 0x%08x", hr));
return hr; }
// Let graph to render
hr = m_pIGraphBuilder->Render( pSourcePin ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { // Clean-up
pSourcePin->Release(); RemoveSourceFilter();
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::SetupFromFile - " "AddBridgeFilters failed. Returns 0x%08x", hr));
return hr; }
// Clean-up
pSourcePin->Release(); pSourcePin = NULL;
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::SetupFromFile - finished"));
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CPlaybackUnit::GetState(OAFilterState *pGraphState) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::GetState[%p] - enter", this));
// make sure we have been initialized.
if (NULL == m_pIGraphBuilder) {
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::GetState - not yet initialized."));
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// get media control interface so we change state
IMediaControl *pIMediaControl = NULL;
{ //
// will be accessing data members -- in a lock
CCSLock Lock(&m_CriticalSection);
HRESULT hr = m_pIGraphBuilder->QueryInterface( IID_IMediaControl, (void**)&pIMediaControl );
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::ChangeState - failed to qi for IMediaControl. hr = %lx", hr));
return hr; } }
// try to get state outside the lock
OAFilterState GraphState = (OAFilterState) -1; HRESULT hr = pIMediaControl->GetState(10, &GraphState);
pIMediaControl->Release(); pIMediaControl = NULL;
// did we succeed at all?
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::ChangeState - failed to get state. hr = %lx", hr));
return hr; }
// is the state transition still in progress?
if (VFW_S_STATE_INTERMEDIATE == hr) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "CPlaybackUnit::ChangeState - state transition in progress. " "returNing VFW_S_STATE_INTERMEDIATE"));
// continue -- the state is what we are transitioning to
// log if we got VFW_S_CANT_CUE
if (VFW_S_CANT_CUE == hr) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "CPlaybackUnit::GetState - fg returned VFW_S_CANT_CUE"));
// continue -- we still should have received a valid state
// log the state
switch (GraphState) {
case State_Stopped: LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::GetState - State_Stopped"));
*pGraphState = GraphState; break;
case State_Running: LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::GetState - State_Running"));
*pGraphState = GraphState;
case State_Paused: LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::GetState- State_Paused"));
*pGraphState = GraphState;
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::GetState- unknown state %ld", GraphState));
hr = E_FAIL;
LOG((MSP_(hr), "CPlaybackUnit::GetState - finish. hr = %lx", hr));
return hr; }
VOID CPlaybackUnit::HandleGraphEvent( IN VOID *pContext, IN BOOLEAN bReason) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::HandleGraphEvent - enter FT:[%p].", pContext));
// get recording unit pointer out of context
CPlaybackUnit *pPlaybackUnit = static_cast<CPlaybackUnit*>(pContext);
if (IsBadReadPtr(pPlaybackUnit, sizeof(CPlaybackUnit)) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::HandleGraphEvent - bad context"));
return; }
// the graph was not initialized. something went wrong.
if (NULL == pPlaybackUnit->m_pIGraphBuilder) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::HandleGraphEvent - not initialized. filter graph null"));
return; }
// lock the object (just in case the object pointer is bad, do inside try/catch
try {
EnterCriticalSection(&(pPlaybackUnit->m_CriticalSection)); } catch(...) {
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::HandleGraphEvent - exception accessing critical section"));
return; }
// get the media event interface so we can retrieve the event
IMediaEvent *pMediaEvent = NULL;
HRESULT hr = pPlaybackUnit->m_pIGraphBuilder->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaEvent, (void**)&pMediaEvent);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::HandleGraphEvent - failed to qi graph for IMediaEvent"));
return; }
// while holding critical section, get the terminal on which to fire the event
//CFileRecordingTerminal *pRecordingterminal = pPlaybackUnit->m_pRecordingTerminal;
// no longer need to access data members, release critical section
// get the actual event
long lEventCode = 0; LONG_PTR lParam1 = 0; LONG_PTR lParam2 = 0;
hr = pMediaEvent->GetEvent(&lEventCode, &lParam1, &lParam2, 0);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::HandleGraphEvent - failed to get the event. hr = %lx", hr));
// Clean-up
pMediaEvent->FreeEventParams(lEventCode, lParam1, lParam2); pMediaEvent->Release(); pMediaEvent = NULL;
return; }
LOG((MSP_EVENT, "CPlaybackUnit::HandleGraphEvent - received event code:[0x%lx] param1:[%p] param2:[%p]", lEventCode, lParam1, lParam2));
// ask file terminal to handle the event
// Clean-up
pMediaEvent->FreeEventParams(lEventCode, lParam1, lParam2); pMediaEvent->Release(); pMediaEvent = NULL;
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::HandleGraphEvent - failed to fire event on the terminal. hr = %lx", hr));
return; }
HRESULT CPlaybackUnit::IsGraphInState( IN OAFilterState State ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::IsGraphInState[%p] - enter", this));
// Get the graph state
OAFilterState DSState; HRESULT hr = GetState(&DSState);
// is the state transition still in progress?
if (VFW_S_STATE_INTERMEDIATE == hr) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::IsGraphInState - exit" " graph is not yet initialized. Returns TAPI_E_WRONG_STATE"));
// is the return anything other than S_OK
if (hr != S_OK) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::IsGraphInState - exit " "failed to get state of the filter graph. Returns 0x%08x", hr));
return hr; }
if (State != DSState) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::IsGraphInState - exit " "other state then we asked for. Returns TAPI_E_WRONG_STATE"));
LOG((MSP_(hr), "CPlaybackUnit::IsGraphInState - exit. Returns 0x%08x", hr)); return hr; }
Renoves the source filter from the filter graph and set the source filter on NULL. --*/ HRESULT CPlaybackUnit::RemoveSourceFilter() { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::RemoveSourceFilter[%p] - enter", this));
// Do we have a source filter?
if( m_pSourceFilter == NULL ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::ChangeState - " "we have a NULL source filter already. Returns S_OK"));
return S_OK; }
// Get the IFilterGraph interface
IFilterGraph* pFilterGraph = NULL; HRESULT hr = m_pIGraphBuilder->QueryInterface( IID_IFilterGraph, (void**)&pFilterGraph );
if( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::RemoveSourceFilter - " "QI for IFilterGraph failed. Returns 0x%08x", hr));
return hr; }
// Remove the source filter from the graph
pFilterGraph->RemoveFilter( m_pSourceFilter );
// Clean-up the source filter anyway
m_pSourceFilter->Release(); m_pSourceFilter = NULL;
// Clean-up
pFilterGraph->Release(); pFilterGraph = NULL;
LOG((MSP_(hr), "CPlaybackUnit::AddSourceFilter - exit. Returns 0x%08x", hr)); return hr;
Removes the bridge filter from the filter graph and set the bridge filter on NULL. --*/ HRESULT CPlaybackUnit::RemoveBridgeFilter( ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::RemoveBridgeFilter[%p] - enter", this));
// Do we have a bridge filter?
if( m_pBridgeFilter == NULL ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::RemoveBridgeFilter - " "we have a NULL bridge filter already. Returns S_OK"));
return S_OK; }
// Get the IFilterGraph interface
IFilterGraph* pFilterGraph = NULL; HRESULT hr = m_pIGraphBuilder->QueryInterface( IID_IFilterGraph, (void**)&pFilterGraph );
if( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::RemoveBridgeFilter - " "QI for IFilterGraph failed. Returns 0x%08x", hr));
return hr; }
// Remove the bridge filter from the graph
pFilterGraph->RemoveFilter( m_pBridgeFilter );
// Clean-up the bridge filter anyway
m_pBridgeFilter = NULL;
// Clean-up
pFilterGraph->Release(); pFilterGraph = NULL;
LOG((MSP_(hr), "CPlaybackUnit::RemoveBridgeFilter - exit. Returns 0x%08x", hr)); return hr; }
HRESULT CPlaybackUnit::GetSourcePin( OUT IPin** ppPin ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::GetSourcePin[%p] - enter", this));
TM_ASSERT( m_pSourceFilter );
// Reset the value
*ppPin = NULL;
// Get the in enumeration
IEnumPins* pEnumPins = NULL; HRESULT hr = m_pSourceFilter->EnumPins( &pEnumPins ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::GetSourcePin - exit " "EnumPins failed. Returns 0x%08x", hr));
return hr; }
// Get the first pin
IPin* pPin = NULL; ULONG uFetched = 0; hr = pEnumPins->Next(1, &pPin, &uFetched );
// Release the enumeration
pEnumPins->Release(); pEnumPins = NULL;
if( hr != S_OK ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::GetSourcePin - exit " "we don't have a pin. Returns E_FAIL"));
return E_FAIL; }
// Return the pin
*ppPin = pPin;
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::GetSourcePin - exit S_OK")); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CPlaybackUnit::AddBridgeFilter( ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::AddBridgeFilter[%p] - enter", this));
if( m_pBridgeFilter ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::AddBridgeFilter - " "we already have a bridge filter. Return S_OK"));
return S_OK; }
// Create the new bridge filter
m_pBridgeFilter = new CPBFilter(); if( m_pBridgeFilter == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::AddBridgeFilter - exit " "new allocation for CPBFilter failed. Returns E_OUTOFMEMORY"));
// Initialize the bridge filter
HRESULT hr = m_pBridgeFilter->Initialize( this ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { // Clean-up
delete m_pBridgeFilter; m_pBridgeFilter = NULL;
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::AddBridgeFilter - exit " "initialize failed. Returns 0x%08x", hr));
return hr; }
// Add this bridge filter to the graph
hr = m_pIGraphBuilder->AddFilter( m_pBridgeFilter, g_bstrUnitBridgeFilterName );
if( FAILED(hr) ) { // Clean-up
delete m_pBridgeFilter; m_pBridgeFilter = NULL;
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::AddBridgeFilter - exit " "Add filter failed. Returns 0x%08x", hr));
return hr; } LOG((MSP_(hr), "CPlaybackUnit::AddBridgeFilter - exit. Returns 0x%08x", hr)); return hr; }
// retrieve the media supported by the filter
HRESULT CPlaybackUnit::get_MediaTypes( OUT long* pMediaTypes ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::get_MediaTypes[%p] - enter", this));
TM_ASSERT( pMediaTypes != NULL ); TM_ASSERT( m_pBridgeFilter != NULL );
// lock before accessing data members
CCSLock Lock(&m_CriticalSection);
// Get the media types from the filter
hr = m_pBridgeFilter->get_MediaTypes( pMediaTypes ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::get_MediaTypes - exit " "get_MediaTypes failed. Returns 0x%08x", hr));
return hr; }
LOG((MSP_(hr), "CPlaybackUnit::get_MediaTypes - exit. Returns S_OK")); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CPlaybackUnit::GetMediaPin( IN long nMediaType, IN int nIndex, OUT CPBPin** ppPin ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::GetMediaPin[%p] - enter", this));
TM_ASSERT( ppPin != NULL ); TM_ASSERT( m_pBridgeFilter != NULL );
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; *ppPin = NULL;
// lock before accessing data members
CCSLock Lock(&m_CriticalSection);
// Get the media types from the filter
int nPins = m_pBridgeFilter->GetPinCount(); int nMediaPin = 0; for(int nPin=0; nPin < nPins; nPin++) { CPBPin* pPin = static_cast<CPBPin*>(m_pBridgeFilter->GetPin(nPin)); if( pPin ) { long mt = 0; pPin->get_MediaType( &mt ); if( (mt == nMediaType) && (nIndex == nMediaPin) ) { *ppPin = pPin; hr = S_OK; break; }
if( mt == nMediaType ) { nMediaPin++; } } }
LOG((MSP_(hr), "CPlaybackUnit::GetMediaPin - exit. Returns 0x%08x", hr)); return hr; }
HRESULT CPlaybackUnit::ChangeState(OAFilterState DesiredState) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::ChangeState[%p] - enter", this));
// make sure we have been initialized
if (NULL == m_pIGraphBuilder) {
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::ChangeState - not yet initialized."));
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// check the current state first
OAFilterState GraphState; HRESULT hr = GetState(&GraphState);
// is the state transition still in progress?
if (VFW_S_STATE_INTERMEDIATE == hr) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "CPlaybackUnit::ChangeState - state transition in progress. returing TAPI_E_WRONG_STATE"));
// is the return anything other than S_OK
if (hr != S_OK) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::ChangeState - failed to get state of the filter graph. hr = %lx", hr));
return hr; }
TM_ASSERT(hr == S_OK);
// nothing to do if we are already in that state
if (DesiredState == GraphState) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::ChangeState - graph is already in state %ld. nothing to do.", DesiredState));
return S_OK; }
// get media control interface so we change state
IMediaControl *pIMediaControl = NULL;
{ //
// will be accessing data members -- in a lock
CCSLock Lock(&m_CriticalSection);
hr = m_pIGraphBuilder->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, (void**)&pIMediaControl);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::ChangeState - failed to qi for IMediaControl. hr = %lx", hr));
return hr; } }
// try to make state transition
switch (DesiredState) {
case State_Stopped: LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::ChangeState - stopping")); hr = pIMediaControl->Stop();
case State_Running: LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::ChangeState - starting"));
hr = pIMediaControl->Run();
case State_Paused: LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::ChangeState - pausing"));
hr = pIMediaControl->Pause();
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::ChangeState - unknown state %ld", DesiredState));
pIMediaControl->Release(); pIMediaControl = NULL;
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::ChangeState - state change failed. hr = %lx", hr));
return hr; }
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::ChangeState - finish"));
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CPlaybackUnit::Start() { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::Start[%p] - enter", this));
HRESULT hr = ChangeState(State_Running);
LOG((MSP_(hr), "CPlaybackUnit::Start - finish. hr = %lx", hr));
return hr; }
HRESULT CPlaybackUnit::Pause() { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::Pause[%p] - enter", this));
HRESULT hr = ChangeState(State_Paused);
LOG((MSP_(hr), "CPlaybackUnit::Pause - finish. hr = %lx", hr));
return hr; }
HRESULT CPlaybackUnit::Stop() { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::Stop[%p] - enter", this));
HRESULT hr = ChangeState(State_Stopped);
LOG((MSP_(hr), "CPlaybackUnit::Stop - finish. hr = %lx", hr));
return hr; }
HRESULT CPlaybackUnit::Shutdown() { //
// if we don't have filter graph, we have not passed initialization
if (NULL == m_pIGraphBuilder) {
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::Shutdown - not yet initialized. nothing to shut down")); return S_OK; }
// first of all, make sure the graph is stopped
HRESULT hr = Stop();
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::Shutdown - exit " "failed to stop filter graph, hr = 0x%08x", hr)); return hr; }
// unregister wait event
BOOL bUnregisterResult = ::UnregisterWaitEx(m_hGraphEventHandle, (HANDLE)-1);
m_hGraphEventHandle = NULL;
if (!bUnregisterResult) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::Shutdown - failed to unregisted even. continuing anyway")); }
// Remove the bridge filter
hr = RemoveBridgeFilter(); if( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::Shutdown - exit " "RemoveBridgeFilter failed, hr = 0x%08x", hr)); return hr; }
// Remove the source filter
hr = RemoveSourceFilter(); if( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CPlaybackUnit::Shutdown - exit " "RemoveSourceFilter failed, hr = 0x%08x", hr)); return hr; }
// release filter graph
if( m_pIGraphBuilder != NULL ) { m_pIGraphBuilder->Release(); m_pIGraphBuilder = NULL; }
// no need to keep critical section around any longer -- no one should be
// using this object anymore
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CPlaybackUnit::Shutdown - finished"));
return S_OK; }
// eof