Copyright (c) 1990-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
icmp.c - IP ICMP routines.
This module contains all of the ICMP related routines.
kernel mode only
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "mdlpool.h"
#include "icmp.h"
#include "info.h"
#include "iproute.h"
#include "ipxmit.h"
#include <icmpif.h>
#include "iprtdef.h"
#include "tcpipbuf.h"
#if GPC
#include "qos.h"
#include "traffic.h"
#include "gpcifc.h"
#include "ntddtc.h"
extern GPC_HANDLE hGpcClient[]; extern ULONG GpcCfCounts[]; extern GPC_EXPORTED_CALLS GpcEntries; extern ULONG GPCcfInfo; #endif
extern ProtInfo IPProtInfo[]; // Protocol information table.
extern void *IPRegisterProtocol(uchar, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *);
extern ulong GetTime();
extern ULStatusProc FindULStatus(uchar); extern uchar IPUpdateRcvdOptions(IPOptInfo *, IPOptInfo *, IPAddr, IPAddr); extern void IPInitOptions(IPOptInfo *); extern IP_STATUS IPCopyOptions(uchar *, uint, IPOptInfo *); extern IP_STATUS IPFreeOptions(IPOptInfo *); extern uchar IPGetLocalAddr(IPAddr, IPAddr *); void ICMPRouterTimer(NetTableEntry *);
extern NDIS_HANDLE BufferPool;
extern uint DisableUserTOS; extern uint DefaultTOS; extern NetTableEntry **NewNetTableList; // hash table for NTEs
extern uint NET_TABLE_SIZE; extern ProtInfo *RawPI; // Raw IP protinfo
uint EnableICMPRedirects = 0; uint AddrMaskReply; ICMPStats ICMPInStats; ICMPStats ICMPOutStats;
HANDLE IcmpHeaderPool;
// Each ICMP header buffer contains room for the outer IP header, the
// ICMP header and the inner IP header (for the ICMP error case).
#define BUFSIZE_ICMP_HEADER_POOL sizeof(IPHeader) + sizeof(ICMPHeader) + \
#define TIMESTAMP_MSG_LEN 3 // icmp timestamp message length is 3 long words (12 bytes)
// fix for icmp 3 way ping bug
#define MAX_ICMP_ECHO 1000
int IcmpEchoPendingCnt = 0;
// fix for system crash because of
// too many UDP PORT_UNREACH errors
// this covers redirect as well as
// unreachable errors
#define MAX_ICMP_ERR 1000
int IcmpErrPendingCnt = 0;
void ICMPInit(uint NumBuffers);
IP_STATUS ICMPEchoRequest( void *InputBuffer, uint InputBufferLength, EchoControl * ControlBlock, EchoRtn Callback);
#pragma alloc_text(INIT, ICMPInit)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, ICMPEchoRequest)
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
//* UpdateICMPStats - Update ICMP statistics.
// A routine to update the ICMP statistics.
// Input: Stats - Pointer to stat. structure to update (input or output).
// Type - Type of stat to update.
// Returns: Nothing.
void UpdateICMPStats(ICMPStats * Stats, uchar Type) { switch (Type) { case ICMP_DEST_UNREACH: Stats->icmps_destunreachs++; break; case ICMP_TIME_EXCEED: Stats->icmps_timeexcds++; break; case ICMP_PARAM_PROBLEM: Stats->icmps_parmprobs++; break; case ICMP_SOURCE_QUENCH: Stats->icmps_srcquenchs++; break; case ICMP_REDIRECT: Stats->icmps_redirects++; break; case ICMP_TIMESTAMP: Stats->icmps_timestamps++; break; case ICMP_TIMESTAMP_RESP: Stats->icmps_timestampreps++; break; case ICMP_ECHO: Stats->icmps_echos++; break; case ICMP_ECHO_RESP: Stats->icmps_echoreps++; break; case ADDR_MASK_REQUEST: Stats->icmps_addrmasks++; break; case ADDR_MASK_REPLY: Stats->icmps_addrmaskreps++; break; default: break; }
//** GetICMPBuffer - Get an ICMP buffer, and allocate an NDIS_BUFFER that maps it.
// A routine to allocate an ICMP buffer and map an NDIS_BUFFER to it.
// Entry: Size - Size in bytes header buffer should be mapped as.
// Buffer - Pointer to pointer to NDIS_BUFFER to return.
// Returns: Pointer to ICMP buffer if allocated, or NULL.
ICMPHeader * GetICMPBuffer(uint Size, PNDIS_BUFFER *Buffer) { ICMPHeader *Header;
ASSERT(Size); ASSERT(Buffer);
*Buffer = MdpAllocate(IcmpHeaderPool, &Header);
if (*Buffer) { NdisAdjustBufferLength(*Buffer, Size);
// Reserve room for the IP Header.
Header = (ICMPHeader *)((uchar *)Header + sizeof(IPHeader)); Header->ich_xsum = 0; }
return Header; }
//** FreeICMPBuffer - Free an ICMP buffer.
// This routine puts an ICMP buffer back on our free list.
// Entry: Buffer - Pointer to NDIS_BUFFER to be freed.
// Type - ICMP header type
// Returns: Nothing.
void FreeICMPBuffer(PNDIS_BUFFER Buffer, uchar Type) {
// If the header is ICMP echo response, decrement the pending count.
if (Type == ICMP_ECHO_RESP) { InterlockedDecrement( (PLONG) &IcmpEchoPendingCnt); } else if ((Type == ICMP_DEST_UNREACH) || (Type == ICMP_REDIRECT)) { InterlockedDecrement( (PLONG) &IcmpErrPendingCnt); }
MdpFree(Buffer); }
//** DeleteEC - Remove an EchoControl from an NTE, and return a pointer to it.
// This routine is called when we need to remove an echo control structure from
// an NTE. We walk the list of EC structures on the NTE, and if we find a match
// we remove it and return a pointer to it.
// Entry: NTE - Pointer to NTE to be searched.
// Seq - Seq. # identifying the EC.
// MatchUshort - if TRUE, matches on lower 16 bits of seq. #
// Returns: Pointer to the EC if it finds it.
EchoControl * DeleteEC(NetTableEntry * NTE, uint Seq, BOOLEAN MatchUshort) { EchoControl *Prev, *Current; CTELockHandle Handle;
CTEGetLock(&NTE->nte_lock, &Handle); Prev = STRUCT_OF(EchoControl, &NTE->nte_echolist, ec_next); Current = NTE->nte_echolist; while (Current != (EchoControl *) NULL) { if (Current->ec_seq == Seq || (MatchUshort && (ushort)Current->ec_seq == Seq)) { Prev->ec_next = Current->ec_next; break; } else { Prev = Current; Current = Current->ec_next; } }
CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle); return Current;
//** ICMPSendComplete - Complete an ICMP send.
// This rtn is called when an ICMP send completes. We free the header buffer,
// the data buffer if there is one, and the NDIS_BUFFER chain.
// Entry: SCC - SendCompleteContext
// BufferChain - Pointer to NDIS_BUFFER chain.
// Returns: Nothing
void ICMPSendComplete(ICMPSendCompleteCtxt *SCC, PNDIS_BUFFER BufferChain, IP_STATUS SendStatus) { PNDIS_BUFFER DataBuffer; uchar *DataPtr, Type;
NdisGetNextBuffer(BufferChain, &DataBuffer); DataPtr = SCC->iscc_DataPtr; Type = SCC->iscc_Type; FreeICMPBuffer(BufferChain, Type);
if (DataBuffer != (PNDIS_BUFFER) NULL) { // We had data with this ICMP send.
CTEFreeMem(DataPtr); NdisFreeBuffer(DataBuffer); } CTEFreeMem(SCC); }
//** SendEcho - Send an ICMP Echo or Echo response.
// This routine sends an ICMP echo or echo response. The Echo/EchoResponse may
// carry data. If it does we'll copy the data here. The request may also have
// options. Options are not copied, as the IPTransmit routine will copy
// options.
// Entry: Dest - Destination to send to.
// Source - Source to send from.
// Type - Type of request (ECHO or ECHO_RESP)
// ID - ID of request.
// Seq - Seq. # of request.
// Data - Pointer to data (NULL if none).
// DataLength - Length in bytes of data
// OptInfo - Pointer to IP Options structure.
// Returns: IP_STATUS of request.
IP_STATUS SendEcho(IPAddr Dest, IPAddr Source, uchar Type, ushort ID, uint Seq, IPRcvBuf * Data, uint DataLength, IPOptInfo * OptInfo) { uchar *DataBuffer = (uchar *) NULL; // Pointer to data buffer.
PNDIS_BUFFER HeaderBuffer, Buffer; // Buffers for our header and user data.
ICMPHeader *Header; ushort header_xsum; IP_STATUS IpStatus; RouteCacheEntry *RCE; ushort MSS; uchar DestType; IPAddr SrcAddr; ICMPSendCompleteCtxt *SCC;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_ICMP && DBG_TX, (DTEXT("+SendEcho(%x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x)\n"), Dest, Source, Type, ID, Seq, Data, DataLength, OptInfo));
SrcAddr = OpenRCE(Dest, Source, &RCE, &DestType, &MSS, OptInfo); if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(SrcAddr,NULL_IP_ADDR)) { //Failure, free resource and exit
ICMPOutStats.icmps_errors++; if (Type == ICMP_ECHO_RESP) CTEInterlockedDecrementLong(&IcmpEchoPendingCnt);
Header = GetICMPBuffer(sizeof(ICMPHeader), &HeaderBuffer); if (Header == (ICMPHeader *) NULL) { ICMPOutStats.icmps_errors++; if (Type == ICMP_ECHO_RESP) CTEInterlockedDecrementLong(&IcmpEchoPendingCnt);
CloseRCE(RCE); return IP_NO_RESOURCES; }
Header->ich_type = Type; Header->ich_code = 0; *(ushort *) & Header->ich_param = ID; *((ushort *) & Header->ich_param + 1) = (ushort)Seq; header_xsum = xsum(Header, sizeof(ICMPHeader)); Header->ich_xsum = ~header_xsum;
SCC = CTEAllocMemN(sizeof(ICMPSendCompleteCtxt), 'sICT'); if (SCC == NULL) { FreeICMPBuffer(HeaderBuffer,Type); ICMPOutStats.icmps_errors++; CloseRCE(RCE); return IP_NO_RESOURCES; } SCC->iscc_Type = Type; SCC->iscc_DataPtr = NULL;
// If there's data, get a buffer and copy it now. If we can't do this fail the request.
if (DataLength != 0) { NDIS_STATUS Status; ulong TempXsum; uint BytesToCopy, CopyIndex;
DataBuffer = CTEAllocMemN(DataLength, 'YICT'); if (DataBuffer == (void *)NULL) { // Couldn't get a buffer
CloseRCE(RCE); FreeICMPBuffer(HeaderBuffer, Type); ICMPOutStats.icmps_errors++; CTEFreeMem(SCC); return IP_NO_RESOURCES; }
BytesToCopy = DataLength; CopyIndex = 0; do { uint CopyLength;
ASSERT(Data); CopyLength = MIN(BytesToCopy, Data->ipr_size);
RtlCopyMemory(DataBuffer + CopyIndex, Data->ipr_buffer, CopyLength); Data = Data->ipr_next; CopyIndex += CopyLength; BytesToCopy -= CopyLength; } while (BytesToCopy);
SCC->iscc_DataPtr = DataBuffer;
NdisAllocateBuffer(&Status, &Buffer, BufferPool, DataBuffer, DataLength); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { // Couldn't get an NDIS_BUFFER
CloseRCE(RCE); CTEFreeMem(DataBuffer); FreeICMPBuffer(HeaderBuffer, Type); ICMPOutStats.icmps_errors++; CTEFreeMem(SCC); return IP_NO_RESOURCES; }
// Compute rest of xsum.
TempXsum = (ulong) header_xsum + (ulong) xsum(DataBuffer, DataLength); TempXsum = (TempXsum >> 16) + (TempXsum & 0xffff); TempXsum += (TempXsum >> 16); Header->ich_xsum = ~(ushort) TempXsum; NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(HeaderBuffer) = Buffer; }
UpdateICMPStats(&ICMPOutStats, Type);
OptInfo->ioi_hdrincl = 0; OptInfo->ioi_ucastif = 0; OptInfo->ioi_mcastif = 0;
#if GPC
if (DisableUserTOS) { OptInfo->ioi_tos = (uchar) DefaultTOS; }
if (GPCcfInfo) { //
// we'll fall into here only if the GPC client is there
// and there is at least one CF_INFO_QOS installed
// (counted by GPCcfInfo).
GPC_STATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; struct QosCfTransportInfo TransportInfo = {0, 0}; GPC_IP_PATTERN Pattern; CLASSIFICATION_HANDLE GPCHandle;
Pattern.SrcAddr = Source; Pattern.DstAddr = Dest; Pattern.ProtocolId = PROT_ICMP; Pattern.gpcSrcPort = 0; Pattern.gpcDstPort = 0;
Pattern.InterfaceId.InterfaceId = 0; Pattern.InterfaceId.LinkId = 0;
GetIFAndLink(RCE, &Pattern.InterfaceId.InterfaceId, &Pattern.InterfaceId.LinkId);
GPCHandle = 0;
status = GpcEntries.GpcClassifyPatternHandler( hGpcClient[GPC_CF_QOS], GPC_PROTOCOL_TEMPLATE_IP, &Pattern, NULL, // context
&GPCHandle, 0, NULL, FALSE);
OptInfo->ioi_GPCHandle = (int)GPCHandle;
// Only if QOS patterns exist, we get the TOS bits out.
if (NT_SUCCESS(status) && GpcCfCounts[GPC_CF_QOS]) {
status = GpcEntries.GpcGetUlongFromCfInfoHandler( hGpcClient[GPC_CF_QOS], OptInfo->ioi_GPCHandle, FIELD_OFFSET(CF_INFO_QOS, TransportInformation), (PULONG)&TransportInfo); //
// It is likely that the pattern has gone by now (Removed or whatever)
// and the handle that we are caching is INVALID.
// We need to pull up a new handle and get the
// TOS bit again.
if (STATUS_NOT_FOUND == status) {
GPCHandle = 0;
status = GpcEntries.GpcClassifyPatternHandler( hGpcClient[GPC_CF_QOS], GPC_PROTOCOL_TEMPLATE_IP, &Pattern, NULL, // context
&GPCHandle, 0, NULL, FALSE);
OptInfo->ioi_GPCHandle = (int)GPCHandle;
// Only if QOS patterns exist, we get the TOS bits out.
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
status = GpcEntries.GpcGetUlongFromCfInfoHandler( hGpcClient[GPC_CF_QOS], OptInfo->ioi_GPCHandle, FIELD_OFFSET(CF_INFO_QOS, TransportInformation), (PULONG)&TransportInfo); } } } if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { OptInfo->ioi_tos = (OptInfo->ioi_tos & TOS_MASK) | (UCHAR)TransportInfo.ToSValue; } } // if (GPCcfInfo)
IpStatus = IPTransmit(IPProtInfo, SCC, HeaderBuffer, DataLength + sizeof(ICMPHeader), Dest, Source, OptInfo, RCE, PROT_ICMP,NULL);
if (IpStatus != IP_PENDING) { ICMPSendComplete(SCC, HeaderBuffer, IP_SUCCESS); } return IpStatus; }
//** SendICMPMsg - Send an ICMP message
// This is the general ICMP message sending routine, called for most ICMP
// sends besides echo. Basically, all we do is get a buffer, format the
// info, copy the input header, and send the message.
// Entry: Src - IPAddr of source.
// Dest - IPAddr of destination
// Type - Type of request.
// Code - Subcode of request.
// Pointer - Pointer value for request.
// Data - Pointer to data (NULL if none).
// DataLength - Length in bytes of data
// Returns: IP_STATUS of request.
IP_STATUS SendICMPMsg(IPAddr Src, IPAddr Dest, uchar Type, uchar Code, ulong Pointer, uchar * Data, uchar DataLength) { PNDIS_BUFFER HeaderBuffer; // Buffer for our header
ICMPHeader *Header; IP_STATUS IStatus; // Status of transmit
IPOptInfo OptInfo; // Options for this transmit.
RouteCacheEntry *RCE; ushort MSS; uchar DestType; IPAddr SrcAddr; ICMPSendCompleteCtxt *SCC;
SrcAddr = OpenRCE(Dest,Src, &RCE, &DestType, &MSS, &OptInfo);
ICMPOutStats.icmps_errors++; if ((Type == ICMP_DEST_UNREACH) || (Type == ICMP_REDIRECT)) CTEInterlockedDecrementLong(&IcmpErrPendingCnt);
Header = GetICMPBuffer(sizeof(ICMPHeader) + DataLength, &HeaderBuffer); if (Header == (ICMPHeader *) NULL) { ICMPOutStats.icmps_errors++; if ((Type == ICMP_DEST_UNREACH) || (Type == ICMP_REDIRECT)) CTEInterlockedDecrementLong(&IcmpErrPendingCnt); CloseRCE(RCE); return IP_NO_RESOURCES; }
Header->ich_type = Type; Header->ich_code = Code; Header->ich_param = Pointer; if (Data) RtlCopyMemory(Header + 1, Data, DataLength); Header->ich_xsum = ~xsum(Header, sizeof(ICMPHeader) + DataLength);
SCC = CTEAllocMemN(sizeof(ICMPSendCompleteCtxt), 'sICT');
if (SCC == NULL) { ICMPOutStats.icmps_errors++; FreeICMPBuffer(HeaderBuffer, Type); CloseRCE(RCE); return IP_NO_RESOURCES; }
SCC->iscc_Type = Type; SCC->iscc_DataPtr = NULL;
UpdateICMPStats(&ICMPOutStats, Type);
#if GPC
if (DisableUserTOS) { OptInfo.ioi_tos = (uchar) DefaultTOS; } if (GPCcfInfo) {
// we'll fall into here only if the GPC client is there
// and there is at least one CF_INFO_QOS installed
// (counted by GPCcfInfo).
GPC_STATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; struct QosCfTransportInfo TransportInfo = {0, 0}; GPC_IP_PATTERN Pattern; CLASSIFICATION_HANDLE GPCHandle;
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "ICMPSend: Classifying \n"));
Pattern.SrcAddr = Src; Pattern.DstAddr = Dest; Pattern.ProtocolId = PROT_ICMP; Pattern.gpcSrcPort = 0; Pattern.gpcDstPort = 0;
Pattern.InterfaceId.InterfaceId = 0; Pattern.InterfaceId.LinkId = 0;
GetIFAndLink(RCE, &Pattern.InterfaceId.InterfaceId, &Pattern.InterfaceId.LinkId);
GPCHandle = 0;
status = GpcEntries.GpcClassifyPatternHandler( hGpcClient[GPC_CF_QOS], GPC_PROTOCOL_TEMPLATE_IP, &Pattern, NULL, // context
&GPCHandle, 0, NULL, FALSE);
OptInfo.ioi_GPCHandle = (int)GPCHandle;
// Only if QOS patterns exist, we get the TOS bits out.
if (NT_SUCCESS(status) && GpcCfCounts[GPC_CF_QOS]) {
status = GpcEntries.GpcGetUlongFromCfInfoHandler( hGpcClient[GPC_CF_QOS], OptInfo.ioi_GPCHandle, FIELD_OFFSET(CF_INFO_QOS, TransportInformation), (PULONG)&TransportInfo);
// It is likely that the pattern has gone by now (Removed or whatever)
// and the handle that we are caching is INVALID.
// We need to pull up a new handle and get the
// TOS bit again.
if (STATUS_NOT_FOUND == status) {
GPCHandle = 0;
status = GpcEntries.GpcClassifyPatternHandler( hGpcClient[GPC_CF_QOS], GPC_PROTOCOL_TEMPLATE_IP, &Pattern, NULL, // context
&GPCHandle, 0, NULL, FALSE);
OptInfo.ioi_GPCHandle = (int)GPCHandle;
// Only if QOS patterns exist, we get the TOS bits out.
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
status = GpcEntries.GpcGetUlongFromCfInfoHandler( hGpcClient[GPC_CF_QOS], OptInfo.ioi_GPCHandle, FIELD_OFFSET(CF_INFO_QOS, TransportInformation), (PULONG)&TransportInfo); } } } if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
OptInfo.ioi_tos = (OptInfo.ioi_tos & TOS_MASK) | (UCHAR)TransportInfo.ToSValue;
} } // if (GPCcfInfo)
IStatus = IPTransmit(IPProtInfo, SCC, HeaderBuffer, DataLength + sizeof(ICMPHeader), Dest, Src, &OptInfo, RCE, PROT_ICMP,NULL);
if (IStatus != IP_PENDING) ICMPSendComplete(SCC, HeaderBuffer, IP_SUCCESS);
return IStatus;
//** SendICMPErr - Send an ICMP error message
// This is the routine used to send an ICMP error message, such as ]
// Destination Unreachable. We examine the header to find the length of the
// data, and also make sure we're not replying to another ICMP error message
// or a broadcast message. Then we call SendICMPMsg to send it.
// Entry: Src - IPAddr of source.
// Header - Pointer to IP Header that caused the problem.
// Type - Type of request.
// Code - Subcode of request.
// Pointer - Pointer value for request.
// Length - ICMP Payload length, zero if default
// length to be used.
// Returns: IP_STATUS of request.
IP_STATUS SendICMPErr(IPAddr Src, IPHeader UNALIGNED * Header, uchar Type, uchar Code, ulong Pointer, uchar Length) { uchar HeaderLength; // Length in bytes if header.
uchar DType; uchar PayloadLength;
HeaderLength = (Header->iph_verlen & (uchar) ~ IP_VER_FLAG) << 2;
if (Header->iph_protocol == PROT_ICMP) { ICMPHeader UNALIGNED *ICH = (ICMPHeader UNALIGNED *) ((uchar *) Header + HeaderLength);
if (ICH->ich_type != ICMP_ECHO) return IP_SUCCESS; } // Don't respond to sends to a broadcast destination.
DType = GetAddrType(Header->iph_dest); if (DType == DEST_INVALID || IS_BCAST_DEST(DType)) return IP_SUCCESS;
// Don't respond if the source address is bad.
DType = GetAddrType(Header->iph_src); if (DType == DEST_INVALID || IS_BCAST_DEST(DType) || (IP_LOOPBACK(Header->iph_dest) && DType != DEST_LOCAL)) return IP_SUCCESS;
// Make sure the source we're sending from is good.
if (!IP_ADDR_EQUAL(Src, NULL_IP_ADDR)) { if (GetAddrType(Src) != DEST_LOCAL) { return IP_SUCCESS; } } // Double check to make sure it's an initial fragment.
if ((Header->iph_offset & IP_OFFSET_MASK) != 0) return IP_SUCCESS;
if ((Type == ICMP_DEST_UNREACH) || (Type == ICMP_REDIRECT)) {
if (IcmpErrPendingCnt > MAX_ICMP_ERR) { return IP_SUCCESS; } CTEInterlockedIncrementLong(&IcmpErrPendingCnt); } PayloadLength = Length; if (Length == 0) { PayloadLength = MIN(HeaderLength + 8, (uchar) (net_short(Header->iph_length))); } return SendICMPMsg(Src, Header->iph_src, Type, Code, Pointer, (uchar *) Header, PayloadLength); }
//** SendICMPIPSecErr - Send an ICMP error message related to IPSEC
// This is the routine used to send an ICMP error message, such as Destination
// Unreachable. We examine the header to find the length of the data, and
// also make sure we're not replying to another ICMP error message or a
// broadcast message. Then we call SendICMPMsg to send it.
// This function is essentially the same as SendICMPErr except we don't
// verify the source address is local because the packet could be tunneled.
// Entry: Src - IPAddr of source.
// Header - Pointer to IP Header that caused the problem.
// Type - Type of request.
// Code - Subcode of request.
// Pointer - Pointer value for request.
// Returns: IP_STATUS of request.
IP_STATUS SendICMPIPSecErr(IPAddr Src, IPHeader UNALIGNED * Header, uchar Type, uchar Code, ulong Pointer) { uchar HeaderLength; // Length in bytes if header.
uchar DType;
HeaderLength = (Header->iph_verlen & (uchar) ~ IP_VER_FLAG) << 2;
if (Header->iph_protocol == PROT_ICMP) { ICMPHeader UNALIGNED *ICH = (ICMPHeader UNALIGNED *) ((uchar *) Header + HeaderLength);
if (ICH->ich_type != ICMP_ECHO) return IP_SUCCESS; } // Don't respond to sends to a broadcast destination.
DType = GetAddrType(Header->iph_dest); if (DType == DEST_INVALID || IS_BCAST_DEST(DType)) return IP_SUCCESS;
// Don't respond if the source address is bad.
DType = GetAddrType(Header->iph_src); if (DType == DEST_INVALID || IS_BCAST_DEST(DType) || (IP_LOOPBACK(Header->iph_dest) && DType != DEST_LOCAL)) return IP_SUCCESS;
// Make sure the source we're sending from is good.
// Double check to make sure it's an initial fragment.
if ((Header->iph_offset & IP_OFFSET_MASK) != 0) return IP_SUCCESS;
if ((Type == ICMP_DEST_UNREACH) || (Type == ICMP_REDIRECT)) { if (IcmpErrPendingCnt > MAX_ICMP_ERR) { return IP_SUCCESS; } CTEInterlockedIncrementLong(&IcmpErrPendingCnt); }
return SendICMPMsg(Src, Header->iph_src, Type, Code, Pointer, (uchar *) Header, (uchar) (HeaderLength + 8));
//** ICMPTimer - Timer for ICMP
// This is the timer routine called periodically by global IP timer. We
// walk through the list of pending pings, and if we find one that's timed
// out we remove it and call the finish routine.
// Entry: NTE - Pointer to NTE being timed out.
// Returns: Nothing
void ICMPTimer(NetTableEntry * NTE) { CTELockHandle Handle; EchoControl *TimeoutList = (EchoControl *) NULL; // Timed out entries.
EchoControl *Prev, *Current; ulong Now = CTESystemUpTime();
CTEGetLock(&NTE->nte_lock, &Handle); Prev = STRUCT_OF(EchoControl, &NTE->nte_echolist, ec_next); Current = NTE->nte_echolist; while (Current != (EchoControl *) NULL) if ((Current->ec_active) && ((long)(Now - Current->ec_to) > 0)) { // This one's timed out.
Prev->ec_next = Current->ec_next; // Link him on timed out list.
Current->ec_next = TimeoutList; TimeoutList = Current; Current = Prev->ec_next; } else { Prev = Current; Current = Current->ec_next; }
CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle);
// Now go through the timed out entries, and call the completion routine.
while (TimeoutList != (EchoControl *) NULL) { Current = TimeoutList; TimeoutList = Current->ec_next;
Current->ec_rtn(Current, IP_REQ_TIMED_OUT, NULL, 0, NULL); }
//* CompleteEcho - Complete an echo request.
// Called when we need to complete an echo request, either because of
// a response or a received ICMP error message. We look it up, and then
// call the completion routine.
// Input: Header - Pointer to ICMP header causing completion.
// Status - Final status of request.
// Src - IPAddr of source
// Data - Data to be returned, if any.
// DataSize - Size in bytes of data.
// OptInfo - Option info structure.
// Returns: Nothing.
void CompleteEcho(ICMPHeader UNALIGNED * Header, IP_STATUS Status, IPAddr Src, IPRcvBuf * Data, uint DataSize, IPOptInfo * OptInfo) { ushort NTEContext; EchoControl *EC; NetTableEntry *NTE = NULL; uint i;
// Look up and remove the matching echo control block.
NTEContext = (*(ushort UNALIGNED *) & Header->ich_param);
for (i = 0; i < NET_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { NetTableEntry *NetTableList = NewNetTableList[i]; for (NTE = NetTableList; NTE != NULL; NTE = NTE->nte_next) if (NTEContext == NTE->nte_context) break; if (NTE != NULL) break; }
if (NTE == NULL) return; // Bad context value.
EC = DeleteEC(NTE, *(((ushort UNALIGNED *) & Header->ich_param) + 1), TRUE); if (EC != (EchoControl *) NULL) { // Found a match.
EC->ec_src = Src; // Set source address
EC->ec_rtn(EC, Status, Data, DataSize, OptInfo); } }
//** ICMPStatus - ICMP status handling procedure.
// This is the procedure called during a status change, either from an
// incoming ICMP message or a hardware status change. ICMP ignores most of
// these, unless we get an ICMP status message that was caused be an echo
// request. In that case we will complete the corresponding echo request with
// the appropriate error code.
// Input: StatusType - Type of status (NET or HW)
// StatusCode - Code identifying IP_STATUS.
// OrigDest - If this is net status, the original dest. of DG
// that triggered it.
// OrigSrc - " " " " " , the original src.
// Src - IP address of status originator (could be local
// or remote).
// Param - Additional information for status - i.e. the
// param field of an ICMP message.
// Data - Data pertaining to status - for net status, this
// is the first 8 bytes of the original DG.
// Returns: Nothing
void ICMPStatus(uchar StatusType, IP_STATUS StatusCode, IPAddr OrigDest, IPAddr OrigSrc, IPAddr Src, ulong Param, void *Data) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(OrigDest); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(OrigSrc); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Param);
if (StatusType == IP_NET_STATUS) { ICMPHeader UNALIGNED *ICH = (ICMPHeader UNALIGNED *) Data; // ICH is the datagram that caused the message.
if (ICH->ich_type == ICMP_ECHO) { // And it was an echo request.
IPRcvBuf RcvBuf;
RcvBuf.ipr_next = NULL; RcvBuf.ipr_buffer = (uchar *) & Src; RcvBuf.ipr_size = sizeof(IPAddr); RcvBuf.ipr_flags = 0; CompleteEcho(ICH, StatusCode, Src, &RcvBuf, sizeof(IPAddr), NULL); } } }
//* ICMPMapStatus - Map an ICMP error to an IP status code.
// Called by ICMP status when we need to map from an incoming ICMP error
// code and type to an ICMP status.
// Entry: Type - Type of ICMP error.
// Code - Subcode of error.
// Returns: Corresponding IP status.
IP_STATUS ICMPMapStatus(uchar Type, uchar Code) { switch (Type) {
void SendRouterSolicitation(NetTableEntry * NTE) { if (NTE->nte_rtrdiscovery) { SendICMPMsg(NTE->nte_addr, NTE->nte_rtrdiscaddr, ICMP_ROUTER_SOLICITATION, 0, 0, NULL, 0); } }
//** ICMPRouterTimer - Timeout default gateway entries
// This is the router advertisement timeout handler. When a router
// advertisement is received, we add the routers to our default gateway
// list if applicable. We then run a timer on the entries and refresh
// the list as new advertisements are received. If we fail to hear an
// update for a router within the specified lifetime we will delete the
// route from our routing tables.
void ICMPRouterTimer(NetTableEntry * NTE) { CTELockHandle Handle; IPRtrEntry *rtrentry; IPRtrEntry *temprtrentry; IPRtrEntry *lastrtrentry = NULL; uint SendIt = FALSE;
CTEGetLock(&NTE->nte_lock, &Handle); rtrentry = NTE->nte_rtrlist; while (rtrentry != NULL) { if (rtrentry->ire_lifetime-- == 0) { if (lastrtrentry == NULL) { NTE->nte_rtrlist = rtrentry->ire_next; } else { lastrtrentry->ire_next = rtrentry->ire_next; } temprtrentry = rtrentry; rtrentry = rtrentry->ire_next; DeleteRoute(NULL_IP_ADDR, DEFAULT_MASK, temprtrentry->ire_addr, NTE->nte_if, 0); CTEFreeMem(temprtrentry); } else { lastrtrentry = rtrentry; rtrentry = rtrentry->ire_next; } } if (NTE->nte_rtrdisccount != 0) { NTE->nte_rtrdisccount--; if ((NTE->nte_rtrdiscstate == NTE_RTRDISC_SOLICITING) && ((NTE->nte_rtrdisccount % SOLICITATION_INTERVAL) == 0)) { SendIt = TRUE; } if ((NTE->nte_rtrdiscstate == NTE_RTRDISC_DELAYING) && (NTE->nte_rtrdisccount == 0)) { NTE->nte_rtrdisccount = (SOLICITATION_INTERVAL) * (MAX_SOLICITATIONS - 1); NTE->nte_rtrdiscstate = NTE_RTRDISC_SOLICITING; SendIt = TRUE; } } CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle); if (SendIt) { SendRouterSolicitation(NTE); } }
//** ProcessRouterAdvertisement - Process a router advertisement
// This is the router advertisement handler. When a router advertisement
// is received, we add the routers to our default gateway list if applicable.
uint ProcessRouterAdvertisement(IPAddr Src, IPAddr LocalAddr, NetTableEntry * NTE, ICMPRouterAdHeader UNALIGNED * AdHeader, IPRcvBuf * RcvBuf, uint Size) { uchar NumAddrs = AdHeader->irah_numaddrs; uchar AddrEntrySize = AdHeader->irah_addrentrysize; ushort Lifetime = net_short(AdHeader->irah_lifetime); ICMPRouterAdAddrEntry UNALIGNED *RouterAddr = (ICMPRouterAdAddrEntry UNALIGNED *) RcvBuf->ipr_buffer; uint i; CTELockHandle Handle; IPRtrEntry *rtrentry; IPRtrEntry *lastrtrentry = NULL; int Update = FALSE; int New = FALSE; IP_STATUS status;
if ((NumAddrs == 0) || (AddrEntrySize < 2)) // per rfc 1256
return FALSE;
CTEGetLock(&NTE->nte_lock, &Handle); for (i = 0; i < NumAddrs; i++, RouterAddr++) { if ((RouterAddr->irae_addr & NTE->nte_mask) != (NTE->nte_addr & NTE->nte_mask)) { continue; } if (!IsRouteICMP(NULL_IP_ADDR, DEFAULT_MASK, RouterAddr->irae_addr, NTE->nte_if)) { continue; }
rtrentry = NTE->nte_rtrlist; while (rtrentry != NULL) { if (rtrentry->ire_addr == RouterAddr->irae_addr) { rtrentry->ire_lifetime = Lifetime * 2; if (rtrentry->ire_preference != RouterAddr->irae_preference) { rtrentry->ire_preference = RouterAddr->irae_preference; Update = TRUE; } break; } lastrtrentry = rtrentry; rtrentry = rtrentry->ire_next; }
if (rtrentry == NULL) { rtrentry = (IPRtrEntry *) CTEAllocMemN(sizeof(IPRtrEntry), 'dICT'); if (rtrentry == NULL) { CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle); return FALSE; } rtrentry->ire_next = NULL; rtrentry->ire_addr = RouterAddr->irae_addr; rtrentry->ire_preference = RouterAddr->irae_preference; rtrentry->ire_lifetime = Lifetime * 2; if (lastrtrentry == NULL) { NTE->nte_rtrlist = rtrentry; } else { lastrtrentry->ire_next = rtrentry; } New = TRUE; Update = TRUE; } if (Update && (RouterAddr->irae_preference != (long)0x00000080)) { // per rfc 1256
status = AddRoute(NULL_IP_ADDR, DEFAULT_MASK, RouterAddr->irae_addr, NTE->nte_if, NTE->nte_mss, (uint) (MIN(9999, MAX(1, 1000 - net_long(RouterAddr->irae_preference)))), // invert for metric
if (New && (status != IP_SUCCESS)) {
if (lastrtrentry == NULL) { NTE->nte_rtrlist = NULL; } else { lastrtrentry->ire_next = NULL; } CTEFreeMem(rtrentry); } } Update = FALSE; New = FALSE; } CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle);
return TRUE; }
//** ICMPRcv - Receive an ICMP datagram.
// Called by the main IP code when we receive an ICMP datagram. The action we
// take depends on what the DG is. For some DGs, we call upper layer status
// handlers. For Echo Requests, we call the echo responder.
// Entry: NTE - Pointer to NTE on which ICMP message was received.
// Dest - IPAddr of destionation.
// Src - IPAddr of source
// LocalAddr - Local address of network which caused this to be
// received.
// SrcAddr - Address of local interface which received the
// packet
// IPHdr - Pointer to IP Header
// IPHdrLength - Bytes in Header.
// RcvBuf - ICMP message buffer.
// Size - Size in bytes of ICMP message.
// IsBCast - Boolean indicator of whether or not this came in
// as a bcast.
// Protocol - Protocol this came in on.
// OptInfo - Pointer to info structure for received options.
// Returns: Status of reception
IP_STATUS ICMPRcv(NetTableEntry * NTE, IPAddr Dest, IPAddr Src, IPAddr LocalAddr, IPAddr SrcAddr, IPHeader UNALIGNED * IPHdr, uint IPHdrLength, IPRcvBuf * RcvBuf, uint Size, uchar IsBCast, uchar Protocol, IPOptInfo * OptInfo) { ICMPHeader UNALIGNED *Header; void *Data; // Pointer to data received.
IPHeader UNALIGNED *IPH; // Pointer to IP Header in error messages.
uint HeaderLength; // Size of IP header.
ULStatusProc ULStatus; // Pointer to upper layer status procedure.
IPOptInfo NewOptInfo; uchar DType; uint PassUp = FALSE;
uint PromiscuousMode = 0;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_ICMP && DBG_RX, (DTEXT("+ICMPRcv(%x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %d, %x, %d, %x, %x, %x)\n"), NTE, Dest, Src, LocalAddr, SrcAddr, IPHdr, IPHdrLength, RcvBuf, Size, IsBCast, Protocol, OptInfo));
PromiscuousMode = NTE->nte_if->if_promiscuousmode;
DType = GetAddrType(Src); if (Size < sizeof(ICMPHeader) || DType == DEST_INVALID || IS_BCAST_DEST(DType) || (IP_LOOPBACK(Dest) && DType != DEST_LOCAL) || XsumRcvBuf(0, RcvBuf) != (ushort) 0xffff) { DEBUGMSG(DBG_WARN && DBG_ICMP && DBG_RX, (DTEXT("ICMPRcv: Packet dropped, invalid checksum.\n"))); ICMPInStats.icmps_errors++; return IP_SUCCESS; // Bad checksum.
} Header = (ICMPHeader UNALIGNED *) RcvBuf->ipr_buffer;
RcvBuf->ipr_buffer += sizeof(ICMPHeader); RcvBuf->ipr_size -= sizeof(ICMPHeader);
// Set up the data pointer for most requests, i.e. those that take less
// than MIN_FIRST_SIZE data.
if (Size -= sizeof(ICMPHeader)) Data = (void *)(Header + 1); else Data = (void *)NULL;
switch (Header->ich_type) {
if (IsBCast) return IP_SUCCESS; // ICMP doesn't respond to bcast requests.
if (Data == NULL || Size < sizeof(IPHeader)) { ICMPInStats.icmps_errors++; return IP_SUCCESS; // No data, error.
} IPH = (IPHeader UNALIGNED *) Data; HeaderLength = (IPH->iph_verlen & (uchar) ~ IP_VER_FLAG) << 2; if (HeaderLength < sizeof(IPHeader) || Size < (HeaderLength + MIN_ERRDATA_LENGTH)) { ICMPInStats.icmps_errors++; return IP_SUCCESS; // Not enough data for this
// ICMP message.
} // Make sure that the source address of the datagram that triggered
// the message is one of ours.
if (GetAddrType(IPH->iph_src) != DEST_LOCAL) { ICMPInStats.icmps_errors++; return IP_SUCCESS; // Bad src in header.
} if (Header->ich_type != ICMP_REDIRECT) {
UpdateICMPStats(&ICMPInStats, Header->ich_type);
ULStatus = FindULStatus(IPH->iph_protocol); if (ULStatus) { (void)(*ULStatus) (IP_NET_STATUS, ICMPMapStatus(Header->ich_type, Header->ich_code), IPH->iph_dest, IPH->iph_src, Src, Header->ich_param, (uchar *) IPH + HeaderLength); } if (Header->ich_code == FRAG_NEEDED) RouteFragNeeded( IPH, (ushort) net_short( *((ushort UNALIGNED *) & Header->ich_param + 1))); } else { ICMPInStats.icmps_redirects++; if (EnableICMPRedirects) Redirect(NTE, Src, IPH->iph_dest, IPH->iph_src, Header->ich_param); }
PassUp = TRUE;
case ICMP_ECHO_RESP: if (IsBCast) return IP_SUCCESS; // ICMP doesn't respond to bcast requests.
ICMPInStats.icmps_echoreps++; // Look up and remove the matching echo control block.
CompleteEcho(Header, IP_SUCCESS, Src, RcvBuf, Size, OptInfo);
PassUp = TRUE;
case ICMP_ECHO: if (IsBCast) return IP_SUCCESS; // ICMP doesn't respond to bcast requests.
// NKS Outstanding PINGs can not exceed MAX_ICMP_ECHO
// else they can eat up system resource and kill the system
if (IcmpEchoPendingCnt > MAX_ICMP_ECHO) { return IP_SUCCESS; }
ICMPInStats.icmps_echos++; IPInitOptions(&NewOptInfo); NewOptInfo.ioi_tos = OptInfo->ioi_tos; NewOptInfo.ioi_flags = OptInfo->ioi_flags;
// If we have options, we need to reverse them and update any
// record route info. We can use the option buffer supplied by the
// IP layer, since we're part of him.
if (OptInfo->ioi_options != (uchar *) NULL) IPUpdateRcvdOptions(OptInfo, &NewOptInfo, Src, LocalAddr);
DEBUGMSG(DBG_INFO && DBG_ICMP && DBG_RX, (DTEXT("ICMPRcv: responding to echo request from SA:%x\n"), Src));
SendEcho(Src, LocalAddr, ICMP_ECHO_RESP, *(ushort UNALIGNED *) & Header->ich_param, *((ushort UNALIGNED *) & Header->ich_param + 1), RcvBuf, Size, &NewOptInfo);
IPFreeOptions(&NewOptInfo); break;
if (!AddrMaskReply) return IP_SUCCESS; // By default we dont send a reply
Dest = Src; SendICMPMsg(LocalAddr, Dest, ADDR_MASK_REPLY, 0, Header->ich_param, (uchar *) & NTE->nte_mask, sizeof(IPMask)); break;
case ICMP_TIMESTAMP: { ulong *TimeStampData; ulong CurrentTime;
// Don't respond to sends to a broadcast destination.
if (IsBCast) { return IP_SUCCESS; } if (Header->ich_code != 0) return IP_SUCCESS; // Code must be 0
Dest = Src; // create the data to be transmited
CurrentTime = GetTime(); TimeStampData = (ulong *) (CTEAllocMemN(TIMESTAMP_MSG_LEN * sizeof(ulong), 'eICT'));
if (TimeStampData) { // originate timestamp
RtlCopyMemory(TimeStampData, RcvBuf->ipr_buffer, sizeof(ulong)); // receive timestamp
RtlCopyMemory(TimeStampData + 1, &CurrentTime, sizeof(ulong)); // transmit timestamp = receive timestamp
RtlCopyMemory(TimeStampData + 2, &CurrentTime, sizeof(ulong)); SendICMPMsg(LocalAddr, Dest, ICMP_TIMESTAMP_RESP, 0, Header->ich_param, (uchar *) TimeStampData, TIMESTAMP_MSG_LEN * sizeof(ulong)); CTEFreeMem(TimeStampData); } break; }
case ICMP_ROUTER_ADVERTISEMENT: if (Header->ich_code != 0) return IP_SUCCESS; // Code must be 0 as per RFC1256
if (NTE->nte_rtrdiscovery) { if (!ProcessRouterAdvertisement(Src, LocalAddr, NTE, (ICMPRouterAdHeader *) & Header->ich_param, RcvBuf, Size)) return IP_SUCCESS; // An error was returned
} PassUp = TRUE; break;
case ICMP_ROUTER_SOLICITATION: if (Header->ich_code != 0) return IP_SUCCESS; // Code must be 0 as per RFC1256
PassUp = TRUE; break;
default: PassUp = TRUE; UpdateICMPStats(&ICMPInStats, Header->ich_type); break; }
if (PromiscuousMode) { // since if promiscuous mode is set then we will anyway call rawrcv
PassUp = FALSE; } //
// Pass the packet up to the raw layer if applicable.
if (PassUp && (RawPI != NULL)) { if (RawPI->pi_rcv != NULL) { //
// Restore the original values.
RcvBuf->ipr_buffer -= sizeof(ICMPHeader); RcvBuf->ipr_size += sizeof(ICMPHeader); Size += sizeof(ICMPHeader); Data = (void *)Header;
(*(RawPI->pi_rcv)) (NTE, Dest, Src, LocalAddr, SrcAddr, IPHdr, IPHdrLength, RcvBuf, Size, IsBCast, Protocol, OptInfo); } } return IP_SUCCESS; }
//** ICMPEcho - Send an echo to the specified address.
// Entry: ControlBlock - Pointer to an EchoControl structure. This structure
// must remain valid until the req. completes.
// Timeout - Time in milliseconds to wait for response.
// Data - Pointer to data to send with echo.
// DataSize - Size in bytes of data.
// Callback - Routine to call when request is responded to or
// times out.
// Dest - Address to be pinged.
// OptInfo - Pointer to opt info structure to use for ping.
// Returns: IP_STATUS of attempt to ping..
IP_STATUS ICMPEcho(EchoControl * ControlBlock, ulong Timeout, void *Data, uint DataSize,
EchoRtn Callback, IPAddr Dest, IPOptInfo * OptInfo) { IPAddr Dummy; NetTableEntry *NTE; CTELockHandle Handle; uint Seq; IP_STATUS Status; IPOptInfo NewOptInfo; IPRcvBuf RcvBuf; uint MTU; Interface *IF; uchar DType; IPHeader IPH;
if (OptInfo->ioi_ttl == 0) { return IP_BAD_OPTION; }
IPInitOptions(&NewOptInfo); NewOptInfo.ioi_ttl = OptInfo->ioi_ttl; NewOptInfo.ioi_flags = OptInfo->ioi_flags; NewOptInfo.ioi_tos = OptInfo->ioi_tos & 0xfe;
if (OptInfo->ioi_optlength != 0) { Status = IPCopyOptions(OptInfo->ioi_options, OptInfo->ioi_optlength, &NewOptInfo);
if (Status != IP_SUCCESS) return Status; } if (!IP_ADDR_EQUAL(NewOptInfo.ioi_addr, NULL_IP_ADDR)) { Dest = NewOptInfo.ioi_addr; }
DType = GetAddrType(Dest); if (DType == DEST_INVALID) { IPFreeOptions(&NewOptInfo); return IP_BAD_DESTINATION; } IPH.iph_protocol = 1; IPH.iph_xsum = 0; IPH.iph_dest = Dest; IPH.iph_src = 0; IPH.iph_ttl = 128;
IF = LookupNextHopWithBuffer(Dest, NULL_IP_ADDR, &Dummy, &MTU, 0x1, (uchar *) &IPH, sizeof(IPHeader), NULL, NULL, NULL_IP_ADDR, 0); if (IF == NULL) { IPFreeOptions(&NewOptInfo); return IP_DEST_HOST_UNREACHABLE; // Don't know how to get there.
// Loop through the NetTable, looking for a matching NTE.
CTEGetLock(&RouteTableLock.Lock, &Handle); if (DHCPActivityCount != 0) { NTE = NULL; } else { NTE = BestNTEForIF(Dummy, IF, FALSE); }
CTEFreeLock(&RouteTableLock.Lock, Handle);
// We're done with the interface, so dereference it.
if (NTE == NULL) { IPFreeOptions(&NewOptInfo); return IP_DEST_HOST_UNREACHABLE; }
// Figure out the timeout.
ControlBlock->ec_to = CTESystemUpTime() + Timeout; ControlBlock->ec_rtn = Callback; ControlBlock->ec_active = 0; // Prevent from timing out until sent
CTEGetLock(&NTE->nte_lock, &Handle); // Link onto ping list, and get seq. # */
Seq = ++NTE->nte_icmpseq; ControlBlock->ec_seq = Seq; ControlBlock->ec_next = NTE->nte_echolist; NTE->nte_echolist = ControlBlock; CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle);
// N.B. At this point, it is only safe to return IP_PENDING from this
// routine. This is because we may recieve a spoofed ICMP reply/status
// which matches the Seq in the echo control block we just linked. If
// this happens, it will be completed via CompleteEcho and we do not
// want to risk double-completion by returning anything other than
// pending from here on.
RcvBuf.ipr_next = NULL; RcvBuf.ipr_buffer = Data; RcvBuf.ipr_size = DataSize; RcvBuf.ipr_flags = 0;
Status = SendEcho(Dest, NTE->nte_addr, ICMP_ECHO, NTE->nte_context, Seq, &RcvBuf, DataSize, &NewOptInfo);
if (Status != IP_PENDING && Status != IP_SUCCESS) { EchoControl *FoundEC; // We had an error on the send. We need to complete the request
// but only if it has not already been completed. (We can get
// an "error" via IpSec negotiating security, but the reply may
// have already been received which would cause CompleteEcho to be
// invoked. Therefore, we must lookup the echo control by sequence
// number and only complete it here if it was found (not already
// completed.)
FoundEC = DeleteEC(NTE, Seq, FALSE); if (FoundEC == ControlBlock) { FoundEC->ec_rtn(FoundEC, Status, NULL, 0, NULL); } } else { EchoControl *Current;
// If the request is still pending, activate the timer
CTEGetLock(&NTE->nte_lock, &Handle); for (Current = NTE->nte_echolist; Current != (EchoControl *) NULL; Current = Current->ec_next) { if (Current->ec_seq == Seq) { Current->ec_active = 1; // start the timer
break; } } CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle); }
return IP_PENDING; }
//** ICMPEchoRequest - Common dispatch routine for echo requests
// This is the routine called by the OS-specific code on behalf of a user to
// issue an echo request.
// Entry: InputBuffer - Pointer to an ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST structure.
// InputBufferLength - Size in bytes of the InputBuffer.
// ControlBlock - Pointer to an EchoControl structure. This
// structure must remain valid until the
// request completes.
// Callback - Routine to call when request is responded to
// or times out.
// Returns: IP_STATUS of attempt to ping.
IP_STATUS ICMPEchoRequest(void *InputBuffer, uint InputBufferLength, EchoControl *ControlBlock, EchoRtn Callback) { PICMP_ECHO_REQUEST requestBuffer; struct IPOptInfo optionInfo; IP_STATUS status;
requestBuffer = (PICMP_ECHO_REQUEST) InputBuffer;
// Validate the request.
if (InputBufferLength < sizeof(ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST)) { status = IP_BUF_TOO_SMALL; goto common_echo_exit; } else if (InputBufferLength > MAXLONG) { status = IP_NO_RESOURCES; goto common_echo_exit; } if (requestBuffer->DataSize > 0) {
if ((requestBuffer->DataOffset < sizeof(ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST)) || (((UINT) requestBuffer->DataOffset + requestBuffer->DataSize) > InputBufferLength)) { status = IP_GENERAL_FAILURE; goto common_echo_exit; } } if (requestBuffer->OptionsSize > 0) {
if ((requestBuffer->OptionsOffset < sizeof(ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST)) || (((UINT) requestBuffer->OptionsOffset + requestBuffer->OptionsSize) > InputBufferLength)) { status = IP_GENERAL_FAILURE; goto common_echo_exit; } } RtlZeroMemory(&optionInfo, sizeof(IPOptInfo)); //
// Copy the options to a local structure.
if (requestBuffer->OptionsValid) { optionInfo.ioi_optlength = requestBuffer->OptionsSize;
if (requestBuffer->OptionsSize > 0) { optionInfo.ioi_options = ((uchar *) requestBuffer) + requestBuffer->OptionsOffset; } else { optionInfo.ioi_options = NULL; } optionInfo.ioi_addr = 0; optionInfo.ioi_ttl = requestBuffer->Ttl; optionInfo.ioi_tos = requestBuffer->Tos; optionInfo.ioi_flags = requestBuffer->Flags; optionInfo.ioi_flags &= ~IP_FLAG_IPSEC;
} else { optionInfo.ioi_optlength = 0; optionInfo.ioi_options = NULL; optionInfo.ioi_addr = 0; optionInfo.ioi_ttl = DEFAULT_TTL; optionInfo.ioi_tos = 0; optionInfo.ioi_flags = 0; }
status = ICMPEcho( ControlBlock, requestBuffer->Timeout, ((uchar *) requestBuffer) + requestBuffer->DataOffset, requestBuffer->DataSize, Callback, (IPAddr) requestBuffer->Address, &optionInfo);
return (status);
} // ICMPEchoRequest
//** ICMPEchoComplete - Common completion routine for echo requests
// This is the routine is called by the OS-specific code to process an
// ICMP echo response.
// Entry: OutputBuffer - Pointer to an ICMP_ECHO_REPLY structure.
// OutputBufferLength - Size in bytes of the OutputBuffer.
// Status - The status of the reply.
// Data - The reply data (may be NULL).
// DataSize - The amount of reply data.
// OptionInfo - A pointer to the reply options
// Returns: The number of bytes written to the output buffer
ulong ICMPEchoComplete(EchoControl * ControlBlock, IP_STATUS Status, void *Data, uint DataSize, struct IPOptInfo * OptionInfo) { PICMP_ECHO_REPLY replyBuffer; IPRcvBuf *dataBuffer; uchar *replyData; uchar *replyOptionsData; uchar optionsLength; uchar *tmp; ulong bytesReturned = sizeof(ICMP_ECHO_REPLY);
replyBuffer = (PICMP_ECHO_REPLY)ControlBlock->ec_replybuf; dataBuffer = (IPRcvBuf *)Data;
if (OptionInfo != NULL) { optionsLength = OptionInfo->ioi_optlength; } else { optionsLength = 0; }
// Initialize the reply buffer
replyBuffer->Options.OptionsSize = 0; replyBuffer->Options.OptionsData = (PUCHAR)(replyBuffer + 1); replyBuffer->DataSize = 0; replyBuffer->Data = replyBuffer->Options.OptionsData;
replyOptionsData = (uchar*)(replyBuffer + 1); replyData = replyOptionsData;
if ((Status != IP_SUCCESS) && (DataSize == 0)) { //
// Timed out or internal error.
replyBuffer->Reserved = 0; // indicate no replies.
replyBuffer->Status = Status; } else { if (Status != IP_SUCCESS) { //
// A message other than an echo reply was received.
// The IP Address of the system that reported the error is
// in the data buffer. There is no other data.
ASSERT(dataBuffer->ipr_size == sizeof(IPAddr));
RtlCopyMemory(&(replyBuffer->Address), dataBuffer->ipr_buffer, sizeof(IPAddr));
DataSize = 0; dataBuffer = NULL; } else { // If there were no timeouts or errors, store the source
// address in the reply buffer.
replyBuffer->Address = ControlBlock->ec_src; }
// Check that the reply buffer is large enough to hold all the data.
if (ControlBlock->ec_replybuflen < (sizeof(ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) + DataSize + optionsLength)) { //
// Not enough space to hold the reply.
replyBuffer->Reserved = 0; // indicate no replies
replyBuffer->Status = IP_BUF_TOO_SMALL; } else { LARGE_INTEGER Now, Freq;
replyBuffer->Reserved = 1; // indicate one reply
replyBuffer->Status = Status;
Now = KeQueryPerformanceCounter(&Freq); replyBuffer->RoundTripTime = (uint) ((1000 * (Now.QuadPart - ControlBlock->ec_starttime.QuadPart)) / Freq.QuadPart);
// Copy the reply options.
if (OptionInfo != NULL) { replyBuffer->Options.Ttl = OptionInfo->ioi_ttl; replyBuffer->Options.Tos = OptionInfo->ioi_tos; replyBuffer->Options.Flags = OptionInfo->ioi_flags; replyBuffer->Options.OptionsSize = optionsLength;
if (optionsLength > 0) {
RtlCopyMemory(replyOptionsData, OptionInfo->ioi_options, optionsLength); } }
// Copy the reply data
replyBuffer->DataSize = (ushort) DataSize; replyData = replyOptionsData + replyBuffer->Options.OptionsSize;
if (DataSize > 0) { uint bytesToCopy;
tmp = replyData;
while (DataSize) { ASSERT(dataBuffer != NULL);
bytesToCopy = (DataSize > dataBuffer->ipr_size) ? dataBuffer->ipr_size : DataSize;
RtlCopyMemory(tmp, dataBuffer->ipr_buffer, bytesToCopy);
tmp += bytesToCopy; DataSize -= bytesToCopy; dataBuffer = dataBuffer->ipr_next; } } bytesReturned += replyBuffer->DataSize + optionsLength;
// Convert the kernel-mode pointers to offsets from start of reply
// buffer.
replyBuffer->Options.OptionsData = (PUCHAR)((ULONG_PTR)replyOptionsData - (ULONG_PTR)replyBuffer);
replyBuffer->Data = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)replyData - (ULONG_PTR)replyBuffer); } }
return (bytesReturned); }
#if defined(_WIN64)
//** ICMPEchoComplete32 - common completion routine for 32-bit client requests.
// This is the routine called by the OS-specific request handler to complete
// processing of an ICMP echo-request issued by a 32-bit client on Win64.
// Entry: see ICMPEchoComplete.
// Returns: see ICMPEchoComplete.
ulong ICMPEchoComplete32(EchoControl * ControlBlock, IP_STATUS Status, void *Data, uint DataSize, struct IPOptInfo * OptionInfo) { PICMP_ECHO_REPLY32 replyBuffer; IPRcvBuf *dataBuffer; uchar *replyData; uchar *replyOptionsData; uchar optionsLength; uchar *tmp; ulong bytesReturned = sizeof(ICMP_ECHO_REPLY32);
replyBuffer = (PICMP_ECHO_REPLY32)ControlBlock->ec_replybuf; dataBuffer = (IPRcvBuf *)Data;
if (OptionInfo != NULL) { optionsLength = OptionInfo->ioi_optlength; } else { optionsLength = 0; }
// Initialize the reply buffer
replyBuffer->Options.OptionsSize = 0;
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4305) // truncation to UCHAR *
replyBuffer->Options.OptionsData = (UCHAR* POINTER_32)(replyBuffer + 1); #pragma warning(pop)
replyBuffer->DataSize = 0; replyBuffer->Data = replyBuffer->Options.OptionsData;
replyOptionsData = (uchar*)(replyBuffer + 1); replyData = replyOptionsData;
if ((Status != IP_SUCCESS) && (DataSize == 0)) { //
// Timed out or internal error.
replyBuffer->Reserved = 0; // indicate no replies.
replyBuffer->Status = Status; } else { if (Status != IP_SUCCESS) { //
// A message other than an echo reply was received.
// The IP Address of the system that reported the error is
// in the data buffer. There is no other data.
ASSERT(dataBuffer->ipr_size == sizeof(IPAddr));
RtlCopyMemory(&(replyBuffer->Address), dataBuffer->ipr_buffer, sizeof(IPAddr));
DataSize = 0; dataBuffer = NULL; } else { // If there were no timeouts or errors, store the source
// address in the reply buffer.
replyBuffer->Address = ControlBlock->ec_src; }
// Check that the reply buffer is large enough to hold all the data.
if (ControlBlock->ec_replybuflen < (sizeof(ICMP_ECHO_REPLY32) + DataSize + optionsLength)) { //
// Not enough space to hold the reply.
replyBuffer->Reserved = 0; // indicate no replies
replyBuffer->Status = IP_BUF_TOO_SMALL; } else { LARGE_INTEGER Now, Freq;
replyBuffer->Reserved = 1; // indicate one reply
replyBuffer->Status = Status;
Now = KeQueryPerformanceCounter(&Freq); replyBuffer->RoundTripTime = (uint) ((1000 * (Now.QuadPart - ControlBlock->ec_starttime.QuadPart)) / Freq.QuadPart);
// Copy the reply options.
if (OptionInfo != NULL) { replyBuffer->Options.Ttl = OptionInfo->ioi_ttl; replyBuffer->Options.Tos = OptionInfo->ioi_tos; replyBuffer->Options.Flags = OptionInfo->ioi_flags; replyBuffer->Options.OptionsSize = optionsLength;
if (optionsLength > 0) {
RtlCopyMemory(replyOptionsData, OptionInfo->ioi_options, optionsLength); } }
// Copy the reply data
replyBuffer->DataSize = (ushort) DataSize; replyData = replyOptionsData + replyBuffer->Options.OptionsSize;
if (DataSize > 0) { uint bytesToCopy;
tmp = replyData;
while (DataSize) { ASSERT(dataBuffer != NULL);
bytesToCopy = (DataSize > dataBuffer->ipr_size) ? dataBuffer->ipr_size : DataSize;
RtlCopyMemory(tmp, dataBuffer->ipr_buffer, bytesToCopy);
tmp += bytesToCopy; DataSize -= bytesToCopy; dataBuffer = dataBuffer->ipr_next; } } bytesReturned += replyBuffer->DataSize + optionsLength;
// Convert the kernel-mode pointers to offsets from start of reply
// buffer.
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4305) // truncation from 'ULONG_PTR' to 'UCHAR *'/void *
replyBuffer->Options.OptionsData = (UCHAR * POINTER_32) ((ULONG_PTR)replyOptionsData - (ULONG_PTR)replyBuffer);
replyBuffer->Data = (VOID * POINTER_32) ((ULONG_PTR)replyData - (ULONG_PTR)replyBuffer); #pragma warning(pop)
} }
return (bytesReturned); }
#endif // _WIN64
#pragma BEGIN_INIT
//** ICMPInit - Initialize ICMP.
// This routine initializes ICMP. All we do is allocate and link up some header buffers,
/// and register our protocol with IP.
// Entry: NumBuffers - Number of ICMP buffers to allocate.
// Returns: Nothing
void ICMPInit(uint NumBuffers) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(NumBuffers);
IcmpHeaderPool = MdpCreatePool(BUFSIZE_ICMP_HEADER_POOL, 'chCT');
IPRegisterProtocol(PROT_ICMP, ICMPRcv, ICMPSendComplete, ICMPStatus, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
#pragma END_INIT