Copyright (c) 1990-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
igmp.c - IP multicast routines.
This file contains all the routines related to the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP).
kernel mode only
Revision History: Feb. 2000 - upgraded to IGMPv3 (DThaler)
#include "precomp.h"
#include "mdlpool.h"
#include "igmp.h"
#include "icmp.h"
#include "ipxmit.h"
#include "iproute.h"
#if GPC
#include "qos.h"
#include "traffic.h"
#include "gpcifc.h"
#include "ntddtc.h"
extern GPC_HANDLE hGpcClient[]; extern ULONG GpcCfCounts[];
extern GPC_EXPORTED_CALLS GpcEntries; extern ULONG GPCcfInfo; #endif
extern uint DisableUserTOS; extern uint DefaultTOS;
#define IGMP_QUERY 0x11 // Membership query
#define IGMP_REPORT_V1 0x12 // Version 1 membership report
#define IGMP_REPORT_V2 0x16 // Version 2 membership report
#define IGMP_LEAVE 0x17 // Leave Group
#define IGMP_REPORT_V3 0x22 // Version 3 membership report
// IGMPv3 Group Record Types
#define ALL_HOST_MCAST 0x010000E0
#define IGMPV3_RTRS_MCAST 0x160000E0
#define UNSOLICITED_REPORT_INTERVAL 2 // used when sending a report after a
// mcast group has been added. The
// report is sent at a interval of
// 0 msecs to 1 sec. IGMPv3 spec
// changed this from previous value
// of 10 seconds (value 20)
static uchar g_IgmpRobustness = DEFAULT_ROBUSTNESS;
// The following values are used to initialize counters that keep time in
// 1/2 a sec.
#define DEFAULT_QUERY_RESP_INTERVAL 100 // 10 seconds, note different units from other defines
#define DEFAULT_QUERY_INTERVAL 250 // 125 secs, per spec
// Macro to test whether a source passes the network-layer filter
#define IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(Grp, Src) \
(((Src)->isa_xrefcnt != (Grp)->iga_grefcnt) || ((Src)->isa_irefcnt != 0))
// Macro to test whether a group should pass the link-layer filter
#define IS_GROUP_ALLOWED(Grp) \
(BOOLEAN) (((Grp)->iga_grefcnt != 0) || ((Grp)->iga_srclist != NULL))
(((Src)->isa_irefcnt == 0) && ((Src)->isa_xrefcnt == 0) \ && ((Src)->isa_xmitleft==0) && ((Src)->isa_csmarked == 0))
(!IS_GROUP_ALLOWED(Grp) && ((Grp)->iga_xmitleft == 0) \ && ((Grp)->iga_resptimer == 0))
int RandomValue; int Seed;
// Structure of an IGMPv1/v2 header.
typedef struct IGMPHeader { uchar igh_vertype; // Type of igmp message
uchar igh_rsvd; // max. resp. time for igmpv2 query;
// max. resp. code for igmpv3 query;
// will be 0 for other messages
ushort igh_xsum; IPAddr igh_addr; } IGMPHeader;
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4200)
typedef struct IGMPv3GroupRecord { uchar igr_type; uchar igr_datalen; ushort igr_numsrc; IPAddr igr_addr; IPAddr igr_srclist[0]; } IGMPv3GroupRecord;
#pragma warning(pop)
#define RECORD_SIZE(numsrc, datalen) (sizeof(IGMPv3GroupRecord) + (numsrc) * sizeof(IPAddr) + (datalen * sizeof(ulong)))
typedef struct IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry { struct IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry *i3qe_next; IGMPv3GroupRecord *i3qe_buff; uint i3qe_size; } IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry;
typedef struct IGMPReportQueueEntry { struct IGMPReportQueueEntry *iqe_next; IGMPHeader *iqe_buff; uint iqe_size; IPAddr iqe_dest; } IGMPReportQueueEntry;
typedef struct IGMPv3ReportHeader { uchar igh_vertype; // Type of igmp message
uchar igh_rsvd; ushort igh_xsum; ushort igh_rsvd2; ushort igh_numrecords; } IGMPv3ReportHeader;
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4200) // nonstandard extension used: zero sized array
typedef struct IGMPv3QueryHeader { uchar igh_vertype; // Type of igmp message
union { uchar igh_maxresp; // will be 0 for igmpv1 messages
struct { uchar igh_mrcmant : 4; // MaxRespCode mantissa
uchar igh_mrcexp : 3; // MaxRespCode exponent
uchar igh_mrctype : 1; // MaxRespCode type
}; }; ushort igh_xsum; IPAddr igh_addr;
uchar igh_qrv : 3; uchar igh_s : 1; uchar igh_rsvd2 : 4;
uchar igh_qqic; ushort igh_numsrc; IPAddr igh_srclist[0]; } IGMPv3QueryHeader;
#pragma warning(pop)
#define IGMPV3_QUERY_SIZE(NumSrc) \
(sizeof(IGMPv3QueryHeader) + (NumSrc) * sizeof(IPAddr))
(sizeof(IPHeader) + ROUTER_ALERT_SIZE + sizeof(IGMPv3ReportHeader))
#define RECORD_MTU(NTE) \
(4 * (((NTE)->nte_if->if_mtu - TOTAL_HEADER_LENGTH) / 4))
typedef struct IGMPBlockStruct { struct IGMPBlockStruct *ibs_next; CTEBlockStruc ibs_block; } IGMPBlockStruct;
void *IGMPProtInfo;
IGMPBlockStruct *IGMPBlockList; uchar IGMPBlockFlag;
extern BOOLEAN CopyToNdisSafe(PNDIS_BUFFER DestBuf, PNDIS_BUFFER * ppNextBuf, uchar * SrcBuf, uint Size, uint * StartOffset); extern NDIS_HANDLE BufferPool;
DEFINE_LOCK_STRUCTURE(IGMPLock) extern ProtInfo *RawPI; // Raw IP protinfo
// the global address for unnumbered interfaces
extern IPAddr g_ValidAddr;
extern IP_STATUS IPCopyOptions(uchar *, uint, IPOptInfo *); extern void IPInitOptions(IPOptInfo *); extern void *IPRegisterProtocol(uchar Protocol, void *RcvHandler, void *XmitHandler, void *StatusHandler, void *RcvCmpltHandler, void *PnPHandler, void *ElistHandler);
uint IGMPInit(void);
// All of the init code can be discarded
#pragma alloc_text(INIT, IGMPInit)
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
//** GetIGMPBuffer - Get an IGMP buffer, and allocate an NDIS_BUFFER that maps it.
// A routine to allocate an IGMP buffer and map an NDIS_BUFFER to it.
// Entry: Size - Size in bytes header buffer should be mapped as.
// Buffer - Pointer to pointer to NDIS_BUFFER to return.
// Returns: Pointer to IGMP buffer if allocated, or NULL.
__inline IGMPHeader * GetIGMPBuffer(uint Size, PNDIS_BUFFER *Buffer) { IGMPHeader *Header;
ASSERT(Size); ASSERT(Buffer);
*Buffer = MdpAllocate(IcmpHeaderPool, &Header);
if (*Buffer) { NdisAdjustBufferLength(*Buffer, Size);
// Reserve room for the IP Header.
Header = (IGMPHeader *)((uchar *)Header + sizeof(IPHeader)); }
return Header; }
//** FreeIGMPBuffer - Free an IGMP buffer.
// This routine puts an IGMP buffer back on our free list.
// Entry: Buffer - Pointer to NDIS_BUFFER to be freed.
// Type - IGMP header type
// Returns: Nothing.
__inline void FreeIGMPBuffer(PNDIS_BUFFER Buffer) {
MdpFree(Buffer); }
//** IGMPSendComplete - Complete an IGMP send.
// This rtn is called when an IGMP send completes. We free the header buffer,
// the data buffer if there is one, and the NDIS_BUFFER chain.
// Entry: DataPtr - Pointer to data buffer, if any.
// BufferChain - Pointer to NDIS_BUFFER chain.
// Returns: Nothing
void IGMPSendComplete(void *DataPtr, PNDIS_BUFFER BufferChain, IP_STATUS SendStatus) { PNDIS_BUFFER DataBuffer;
NdisGetNextBuffer(BufferChain, &DataBuffer); FreeIGMPBuffer(BufferChain);
if (DataBuffer != (PNDIS_BUFFER) NULL) { // We had data with this IGMP send.
CTEFreeMem(DataPtr); NdisFreeBuffer(DataBuffer); } }
//* IGMPRandomTicks - Generate a random value of timer ticks.
// A random number routine to generate a random number of timer ticks,
// between 1 and time (in units of half secs) passed. The random number
// algorithm is adapted from the book 'System Simulation' by Geoffrey Gordon.
// Input: Nothing.
// Returns: A random value between 1 and TimeDelayInHalfSec.
uint IGMPRandomTicks( IN uint TimeDelayInHalfSec) {
RandomValue = RandomValue * 1220703125;
if (RandomValue < 0) { RandomValue += 2147483647; // inefficient, but avoids warnings.
RandomValue++; } // Not sure if RandomValue can get to 0, but if it does the algorithm
// degenerates, so fix this if it happens.
if (RandomValue == 0) RandomValue = ((Seed + (int)CTESystemUpTime()) % 100000000) | 1;
return (uint) (((uint) RandomValue % TimeDelayInHalfSec) + 1); }
// Routines accessing group entries
//* FindIGMPAddr - Find an mcast entry on an NTE.
// Called to search an NTE for an IGMP entry for a given multicast address.
// We walk down the chain on the NTE looking for it. If we find it,
// we return a pointer to it and the one immediately preceding it. If we
// don't find it we return NULL. We assume the caller has taken the lock
// on the NTE before calling us.
// Input: NTE - NTE on which to search.
// Addr - Class D address to find.
// PrevPtr - Where to return pointer to preceding entry.
// Returns: Pointer to matching IGMPAddr structure if found, or NULL if not
// found.
IGMPAddr * FindIGMPAddr( IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN IPAddr Addr, OUT IGMPAddr **PrevPtr OPTIONAL) { int bucket; IGMPAddr *Current, *Temp; IGMPAddr **AddrPtr;
AddrPtr = NTE->nte_igmplist;
if (AddrPtr != NULL) { bucket = IGMP_HASH(Addr); Temp = STRUCT_OF(IGMPAddr, &AddrPtr[bucket], iga_next); Current = AddrPtr[bucket];
while (Current != NULL) { if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(Current->iga_addr, Addr)) { // Found a match, so return it.
if (PrevPtr) { *PrevPtr = Temp; } return Current; } Temp = Current; Current = Current->iga_next; } } return NULL; }
//* CreateIGMPAddr - Allocate memory and link the new IGMP address in
// Input: NTE - NetTableEntry to add group on
// Addr - Group address to add
// Output: pAddrPtr - group entry added
// pPrevPtr - previous group entry
// Assumes caller holds lock on NTE.
IP_STATUS CreateIGMPAddr( IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN IPAddr Addr, OUT IGMPAddr **pAddrPtr, OUT IGMPAddr **pPrevPtr) { int bucket; IGMPAddr *AddrPtr;
// If this is not a multicast address, fail the request.
if (!CLASSD_ADDR(Addr)) { return IP_BAD_REQ; }
AddrPtr = CTEAllocMemN(sizeof(IGMPAddr), 'yICT'); if (AddrPtr == NULL) { return IP_NO_RESOURCES; }
// See if we added it succesfully. If we did, fill in
// the structure and link it in.
CTEMemSet(AddrPtr, 0, sizeof(IGMPAddr)); AddrPtr->iga_addr = Addr;
// check whether the hash table has been allocated
if (NTE->nte_igmpcount == 0) { NTE->nte_igmplist = CTEAllocMemN(IGMP_TABLE_SIZE * sizeof(IGMPAddr *), 'VICT'); if (NTE->nte_igmplist) { CTEMemSet(NTE->nte_igmplist, 0, IGMP_TABLE_SIZE * sizeof(IGMPAddr *)); } }
if (NTE->nte_igmplist == NULL) { // Alloc failure. Free the memory and fail the request.
CTEFreeMem(AddrPtr); return IP_NO_RESOURCES; }
NTE->nte_igmpcount++; bucket = IGMP_HASH(Addr); AddrPtr->iga_next = NTE->nte_igmplist[bucket]; NTE->nte_igmplist[bucket] = AddrPtr;
*pAddrPtr = AddrPtr; *pPrevPtr = STRUCT_OF(IGMPAddr, &NTE->nte_igmplist[bucket], iga_next);
return IP_SUCCESS; }
//* FindOrCreateIGMPAddr - Find or create a group entry
// Input: NTE - NetTableEntry to add group on
// Addr - Group address to add
// Output: pGrp - group entry found or added
// pPrevGrp - previous group entry
// Assumes caller holds lock on NTE
IP_STATUS FindOrCreateIGMPAddr( IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN IPAddr Addr, OUT IGMPAddr **pGrp, OUT IGMPAddr **pPrevGrp) { *pGrp = FindIGMPAddr(NTE, Addr, pPrevGrp); if (*pGrp) return IP_SUCCESS;
return CreateIGMPAddr(NTE, Addr, pGrp, pPrevGrp); }
//* DeleteIGMPAddr - delete a group entry
// Input: NTE - NetTableEntry to add group on
// PrevPtr - Previous group entry
// pPtr - Group entry to delete
// Output: pPtr - zeroed since group entry is freed
// Assumes caller holds lock on NTE
void DeleteIGMPAddr( IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN IGMPAddr *PrevPtr, IN OUT IGMPAddr **pPtr) { // Make sure all references have been released and retransmissions are done
// Unlink from the NTE
PrevPtr->iga_next = (*pPtr)->iga_next; NTE->nte_igmpcount--;
// Free the hash table if needed
if (NTE->nte_igmpcount == 0) { CTEFreeMem(NTE->nte_igmplist); NTE->nte_igmplist = NULL; }
// Free memory
CTEFreeMem(*pPtr); *pPtr = NULL; }
// Routines accessing source entries
//* FindIGMPSrcAddr - Find an mcast source entry on a source list.
// Called to search an NTE for an IGMP source entry for a given address.
// We walk down the chain on the group entry looking for it. If we find it,
// we return a pointer to it and the one immediately preceding it. If we
// don't find it we return NULL. We assume the caller has taken the lock
// on the NTE before calling us.
// Input: IGA - group entry on which to search.
// Addr - source address to find.
// PrevPtr - Where to return pointer to preceding entry.
// Returns: Pointer to matching IGMPSrcAddr structure if found, or NULL
// if not found.
IGMPSrcAddr * FindIGMPSrcAddr( IN IGMPAddr *IGA, IN IPAddr Addr, OUT IGMPSrcAddr **PrevPtr OPTIONAL) { IGMPSrcAddr *Current, *Temp;
Temp = STRUCT_OF(IGMPSrcAddr, &IGA->iga_srclist, isa_next); Current = IGA->iga_srclist;
while (Current != NULL) { if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(Current->isa_addr, Addr)) { // Found a match, so return it.
if (PrevPtr) { *PrevPtr = Temp; } return Current; } Temp = Current; Current = Current->isa_next; } return NULL; }
//* CreateIGMPSrcAddr - Allocate memory and link the new source address in
// Input: GroupPtr - group entry to add source to.
// SrcAddr - source address to add.
// Output: pSrcPtr - source entry added.
// pPrevSrcPtr - previous source entry.
// Assumes caller holds lock on NTE.
IP_STATUS CreateIGMPSrcAddr( IN IGMPAddr *GroupPtr, IN IPAddr SrcAddr, OUT IGMPSrcAddr **pSrcPtr, OUT IGMPSrcAddr **pPrevSrcPtr OPTIONAL) { IGMPSrcAddr *SrcAddrPtr;
// If this is a multicast address, fail the request.
if (CLASSD_ADDR(SrcAddr)) { return IP_BAD_REQ; }
// Allocate space for the new source entry
SrcAddrPtr = CTEAllocMemN(sizeof(IGMPSrcAddr), 'yICT'); if (SrcAddrPtr == NULL) { return IP_NO_RESOURCES; }
// Initialize fields
RtlZeroMemory(SrcAddrPtr, sizeof(IGMPSrcAddr)); SrcAddrPtr->isa_addr = SrcAddr;
// Link it off the group entry
SrcAddrPtr->isa_next = GroupPtr->iga_srclist; GroupPtr->iga_srclist = SrcAddrPtr;
*pSrcPtr = SrcAddrPtr; if (pPrevSrcPtr) *pPrevSrcPtr = STRUCT_OF(IGMPSrcAddr, &GroupPtr->iga_srclist, isa_next); return IP_SUCCESS; }
//* FindOrCreateIGMPSrcAddr - Find or create a source entry
// Input: GroupPtr - group entry to add source to.
// SrcAddr - source address to add.
// Output: pSrcPtr - source entry added.
// pPrevSrcPtr - previous source entry.
// Assumes caller holds lock on NTE
IP_STATUS FindOrCreateIGMPSrcAddr( IN IGMPAddr *AddrPtr, IN IPAddr SrcAddr, OUT IGMPSrcAddr **pSrc, OUT IGMPSrcAddr **pPrevSrc) { *pSrc = FindIGMPSrcAddr(AddrPtr, SrcAddr, pPrevSrc); if (*pSrc) return IP_SUCCESS;
return CreateIGMPSrcAddr(AddrPtr, SrcAddr, pSrc, pPrevSrc); }
//* DeleteIGMPSrcAddr - delete a source entry
// Input: pSrcPtr - source entry added.
// PrevSrcPtr - previous source entry.
// Output: pSrcPtr - zeroed since source entry is freed.
// Caller is responsible for freeing group entry if needed
// Assumes caller holds lock on NTE
void DeleteIGMPSrcAddr( IN IGMPSrcAddr *PrevSrcPtr, IN OUT IGMPSrcAddr **pSrcPtr) { // Make sure all references have been released
// and no retransmissions are left
// Unlink from the group entry
PrevSrcPtr->isa_next = (*pSrcPtr)->isa_next;
// Free memory
CTEFreeMem(*pSrcPtr); *pSrcPtr = NULL; }
// Timer routines
//* ResetGeneralTimer - Reset timer for responding to a General Query in
// IGMPv3 mode
// Input: IF - Interface to reset timer on
// MaxRespTimeInHalfSec - Maximum expiration time
void ResetGeneralTimer( IN Interface *IF, IN uint MaxRespTimeInHalfSec) { if ((IF->IgmpGeneralTimer == 0) || (IF->IgmpGeneralTimer > MaxRespTimeInHalfSec)) { IF->IgmpGeneralTimer = IGMPRandomTicks(MaxRespTimeInHalfSec); }
// We could walk all groups here to stop any timers longer
// than IF->IgmpGeneralTimer, but is it really worth it?
//* CancelGroupResponseTimer - stop a group timer
// Caller is responsible for deleting AddrPtr if no longer needed.
void CancelGroupResponseTimer( IN IGMPAddr *AddrPtr) { IGMPSrcAddr *Src, *PrevSrc;
AddrPtr->iga_resptimer = 0; AddrPtr->iga_resptype = NO_RESP;
// Make sure we never violate the invariant:
// iga_resptimer>0 if isa_csmarked=TRUE for any source
PrevSrc = STRUCT_OF(IGMPSrcAddr, &AddrPtr->iga_srclist, isa_next); for (Src=AddrPtr->iga_srclist; Src; PrevSrc=Src,Src=Src->isa_next) { Src->isa_csmarked = FALSE;
if (IS_SOURCE_DELETABLE(Src)) { DeleteIGMPSrcAddr(PrevSrc, &Src); Src = PrevSrc; } } }
//* ResetGroupResponseTimer - Reset timer for responding to a Group-specific
// Query, or an IGMPv1/v2 General Query.
// Input: IF - Interface to reset timer on.
// AddrPtr - Group entry whose timer should be reset.
// MaxRespTimeInHalfSec - Maximum expiration time.
// Caller is responsible for deleting AddrPtr if no longer needed.
void ResetGroupResponseTimer( IN Interface *IF, IN IGMPAddr *AddrPtr, IN uint MaxRespTimeInHalfSec) { if ((AddrPtr->iga_resptimer == 0) || (AddrPtr->iga_resptimer > MaxRespTimeInHalfSec)) { AddrPtr->iga_resptimer = IGMPRandomTicks(MaxRespTimeInHalfSec); }
// Check if superceded by a general query
if ((IF->IgmpGeneralTimer != 0) && (IF->IgmpGeneralTimer <= AddrPtr->iga_resptimer)) { CancelGroupResponseTimer(AddrPtr); return; }
// Supercede group-source responses
AddrPtr->iga_resptype = GROUP_RESP; }
//* ResetGroupAndSourceTimer - Reset timer for responding to a
// Group-and-source-specific Query
// Input: IF - Interface to reset timer on.
// AddrPtr - Group entry whose timer should be reset.
// MaxRespTimeInHalfSec - Maximum expiration time.
// Caller is responsible for deleting AddrPtr if no longer needed
void ResetGroupAndSourceTimer( IN Interface *IF, IN IGMPAddr *AddrPtr, IN uint MaxRespTimeInHalfSec) { if ((AddrPtr->iga_resptimer == 0) || (AddrPtr->iga_resptimer > MaxRespTimeInHalfSec)) { AddrPtr->iga_resptimer = IGMPRandomTicks(MaxRespTimeInHalfSec); }
// Check if superceded by a general query
if ((IF->IgmpGeneralTimer != 0) && (IF->IgmpGeneralTimer < AddrPtr->iga_resptimer)) { CancelGroupResponseTimer(AddrPtr); return; }
// Check if superceded by a group-specific responses
if (AddrPtr->iga_resptype == NO_RESP) AddrPtr->iga_resptype = GROUP_SOURCE_RESP; }
// Receive routines
//* SetVersion - change the IGMP compatability mode on an interface.
// Input: NTE - NetTableEntry on which to set IGMP version.
// Version - IGMP version number to set
// Caller is responsible for deleting AddrPtr if no longer needed
void SetVersion( IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN uint Version) { IGMPAddr **HashPtr, *AddrPtr, *PrevPtr; IGMPSrcAddr *Src, *PrevSrc; uint i;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_INFO && DBG_IGMP, (DTEXT("Setting version on interface %d to %d\n"), NTE->nte_if->if_index, Version));
NTE->nte_if->IgmpVersion = Version;
// Cancel General Timer
NTE->nte_if->IgmpGeneralTimer = 0;
// Cancel all Group-Response and Triggered Retransmission timers
HashPtr = NTE->nte_igmplist; for (i = 0; (i < IGMP_TABLE_SIZE) && (NTE->nte_igmplist != NULL); i++) { PrevPtr = STRUCT_OF(IGMPAddr, &HashPtr[i], iga_next); for (AddrPtr = HashPtr[i]; (AddrPtr != NULL); PrevPtr = AddrPtr, AddrPtr = AddrPtr->iga_next) { PrevSrc = STRUCT_OF(IGMPSrcAddr, &AddrPtr->iga_srclist, isa_next); for (Src=AddrPtr->iga_srclist; Src; PrevSrc=Src,Src=Src->isa_next) { Src->isa_xmitleft = 0; Src->isa_csmarked = FALSE;
if (IS_SOURCE_DELETABLE(Src)) { DeleteIGMPSrcAddr(PrevSrc, &Src); Src = PrevSrc; } }
AddrPtr->iga_trtimer = 0; AddrPtr->iga_changetype = NO_CHANGE; AddrPtr->iga_xmitleft = 0;
if (IS_GROUP_DELETABLE(AddrPtr)) { DeleteIGMPAddr(NTE, PrevPtr, &AddrPtr); AddrPtr = PrevPtr; }
if (NTE->nte_igmplist == NULL) break; } } }
//* ProcessGroupQuery - process an IGMP Group-specific query
// Caller is responsible for deleting AddrPtr if no longer needed.
void ProcessGroupQuery( IN Interface *IF, IN IGMPAddr *AddrPtr, IN uint ReportingDelayInHalfSec) { DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_IGMP && DBG_RX, (DTEXT("Got group query on interface %d\n"), IF->if_index));
// Ignore query if we won't report anything. This will happen
// right after we leave and have retransmissions pending.
if (!IS_GROUP_ALLOWED(AddrPtr)) return;
ResetGroupResponseTimer(IF, AddrPtr, ReportingDelayInHalfSec); }
//* ProcessGeneralQuery - Process an IGMP General Query
// Assumes caller holds lock on NTE
void ProcessGeneralQuery( IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN uint ReportingDelayInHalfSec) { IGMPAddr **HashPtr, *AddrPtr, *PrevPtr; uint i;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_IGMP && DBG_RX, (DTEXT("Got general query on interface %d\n"), NTE->nte_if->if_index));
if (NTE->nte_if->IgmpVersion == IGMPV3) { // IGMPv3 can pack multiple group records into the same report
// and hence does not stagger the timers.
// Create a pending response record
ResetGeneralTimer(NTE->nte_if, ReportingDelayInHalfSec); } else { //
// Walk our list and set a random report timer for all those
// multicast addresses (except for the all-hosts address) that
// don't already have one running.
HashPtr = NTE->nte_igmplist;
for (i=0; (i < IGMP_TABLE_SIZE) && (NTE->nte_igmplist != NULL); i++) { PrevPtr = STRUCT_OF(IGMPAddr, &HashPtr[i], iga_next); for (AddrPtr = HashPtr[i]; (AddrPtr != NULL); PrevPtr=AddrPtr, AddrPtr = AddrPtr->iga_next) { if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(AddrPtr->iga_addr, ALL_HOST_MCAST)) continue;
ProcessGroupQuery(NTE->nte_if, AddrPtr, ReportingDelayInHalfSec);
if (IS_GROUP_DELETABLE(AddrPtr)) { DeleteIGMPAddr(NTE, PrevPtr, &AddrPtr); AddrPtr = PrevPtr; }
if (NTE->nte_igmplist == NULL) break; } } } }
//* Process an IGMP Group-and-source-specific Query
// Caller is responsible for deleting AddrPtr if no longer needed
void ProcessGroupAndSourceQuery( IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN IGMPv3QueryHeader UNALIGNED *IQH, IN IGMPAddr *AddrPtr, IN uint ReportingDelayInHalfSec) { uint i, NumSrc; IGMPSrcAddr *Src; IP_STATUS Status = IP_SUCCESS;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_IGMP && DBG_RX, (DTEXT("Got source query on interface %d\n"), NTE->nte_if->if_index));
NumSrc = net_short(IQH->igh_numsrc);
ResetGroupAndSourceTimer(NTE->nte_if, AddrPtr, ReportingDelayInHalfSec);
// Mark each source
for (i=0; i<NumSrc; i++) { Src = FindIGMPSrcAddr(AddrPtr, IQH->igh_srclist[i], NULL); if (!Src) { if (AddrPtr->iga_grefcnt == 0) continue;
// Create temporary source state
Status = CreateIGMPSrcAddr(AddrPtr, IQH->igh_srclist[i], &Src, NULL);
// If this fails, we have a problem since we won't be
// able to override the leave and a temporary black
// hole would result. To avoid this, we pretend we
// just got a group-specific query instead.
if (Status != IP_SUCCESS) { ProcessGroupQuery(NTE->nte_if, AddrPtr, ReportingDelayInHalfSec); break; } }
// Mark source for current-state report inclusion
Src->isa_csmarked = TRUE; } }
//* Process an IGMP Query message
// Entry: NTE - Pointer to NTE on which IGMP message was received.
// Dest - IPAddr of destination (should be a Class D address).
// IPHdr - Pointer to the IP Header.
// IPHdrLength - Bytes in IPHeader.
// IQH - Pointer to IGMP Query received.
// Size - Size in bytes of IGMP message.
// Assumes caller holds lock on NTE
void IGMPRcvQuery( IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN IPAddr Dest, IN IPHeader UNALIGNED *IPHdr, IN uint IPHdrLength, IN IGMPv3QueryHeader UNALIGNED *IQH, IN uint Size) { uint ReportingDelayInHalfSec, MaxResp, NumSrc; IGMPAddr *AddrPtr, *PrevPtr; uchar QRV;
// Make sure we're running at least level 2 of IGMP support.
if (IGMPLevel != 2) return;
NumSrc = (Size >= 12)? net_short(IQH->igh_numsrc) : 0; QRV = (Size >= 12)? IQH->igh_qrv : 0;
// Update Robustness to match querier's robustness variable
// If it is an older-version General Query, set the timer value for
// staying in older-version mode.
if ((Size == 8) && (IQH->igh_maxresp == 0)) { MaxResp = DEFAULT_QUERY_RESP_INTERVAL; if (IQH->igh_addr == 0) { if (NTE->nte_if->IgmpVersion > IGMPV1) { SetVersion(NTE, IGMPV1); } NTE->nte_if->IgmpVer1Timeout = g_IgmpRobustness * DEFAULT_QUERY_INTERVAL + (MaxResp+4)/5; } } else if ((Size == 8) && (IQH->igh_maxresp != 0)) { MaxResp = IQH->igh_maxresp; if (IQH->igh_addr == 0) { if (NTE->nte_if->IgmpVersion > IGMPV2) { SetVersion(NTE, IGMPV2); } NTE->nte_if->IgmpVer2Timeout = g_IgmpRobustness * DEFAULT_QUERY_INTERVAL + (MaxResp+4)/5; } } else if ((Size < 12) || (IQH->igh_rsvd2 != 0)) { // must silently ignore
DEBUGMSG(DBG_WARN && DBG_IGMP, (DTEXT("Dropping IGMPv3 query with unrecognized version\n")));
return; } else { // IGMPv3
uchar* ptr = ((uchar*)IPHdr) + sizeof(IPHeader); int len = IPHdrLength - sizeof(IPHeader); uchar temp; BOOLEAN bRtrAlertFound = FALSE;
// drop it if size is too short for advertised # sources
if (Size < IGMPV3_QUERY_SIZE(NumSrc)) {
DEBUGMSG(DBG_WARN && DBG_IGMP, (DTEXT("Dropping IGMPv3 query due to size too short\n")));
return; }
// drop it if it didn't have router alert
while (!bRtrAlertFound && len>=2) { if (ptr[0] == IP_OPT_ROUTER_ALERT) { bRtrAlertFound = TRUE; break; } temp = ptr[1]; // length
ptr += temp; len -= temp; }
if (!bRtrAlertFound) { DEBUGMSG(DBG_WARN && DBG_IGMP, (DTEXT("Dropping IGMPv3 query due to lack of Router Alert option\n"))); return; }
if (IQH->igh_mrctype == 0) { MaxResp = IQH->igh_maxresp; } else { MaxResp = ((((uint)IQH->igh_mrcmant) + 16) << (((uint)IQH->igh_mrcexp) + 3)); } } DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_IGMP && DBG_RX, (DTEXT("IGMPRcvQuery: Max response time = %d.%d seconds\n"), MaxResp/10, MaxResp%10));
// MaxResp has time in 100 msec (1/10 sec) units. Convert
// to 500 msec units. If the time is < 500 msec, use 1.
ReportingDelayInHalfSec = ((MaxResp > 5) ? (MaxResp / 5) : 1);
if (IQH->igh_addr == 0) { // General Query
ProcessGeneralQuery(NTE, ReportingDelayInHalfSec); } else { // If all-hosts address, ignore it
if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(IQH->igh_addr, ALL_HOST_MCAST)) { DEBUGMSG(DBG_WARN && DBG_IGMP, (DTEXT("Dropping IGMPv3 query for the All-Hosts group\n"))); return; }
// Don't need to do anything if we have no group state for the group
AddrPtr = FindIGMPAddr(NTE, IQH->igh_addr, &PrevPtr); if (!AddrPtr) return;
if (NumSrc == 0) { // Group-specific query
ProcessGroupQuery(NTE->nte_if, AddrPtr, ReportingDelayInHalfSec);
} else { // Group-and-source-specific query
ProcessGroupAndSourceQuery(NTE, IQH, AddrPtr, ReportingDelayInHalfSec); }
// Delete group if no longer needed
if (IS_GROUP_DELETABLE(AddrPtr)) DeleteIGMPAddr(NTE, PrevPtr, &AddrPtr); } }
//** IGMPRcv - Receive an IGMP datagram.
// Called by IP when we receive an IGMP datagram. We validate it to make
// sure it's reasonable. Then if it it's a query for a group to which we
// belong we'll start a response timer. If it's a report to a group to
// which we belong we'll stop any running timer.
// The IGMP header is only 8 bytes long, and so should always fit in
// exactly one IP rcv buffer. We check this to make sure, and if it
// takes multiple buffers we discard it.
// Entry: NTE - Pointer to NTE on which IGMP message was received.
// Dest - IPAddr of destination (should be a Class D address).
// Src - IPAddr of source
// LocalAddr - Local address of network which caused this to be
// received.
// SrcAddr - Address of local interface which received the
// packet
// IPHdr - Pointer to the IP Header.
// IPHdrLength - Bytes in IPHeader.
// RcvBuf - Pointer to IP receive buffer chain.
// Size - Size in bytes of IGMP message.
// IsBCast - Boolean indicator of whether or not this came in
// as a bcast (should always be true).
// Protocol - Protocol this came in on.
// OptInfo - Pointer to info structure for received options.
// Returns: Status of reception
IP_STATUS IGMPRcv( IN NetTableEntry * NTE, IN IPAddr Dest, IN IPAddr Src, IN IPAddr LocalAddr, IN IPAddr SrcAddr, IN IPHeader UNALIGNED * IPHdr, IN uint IPHdrLength, IN IPRcvBuf * RcvBuf, IN uint Size, IN uchar IsBCast, IN uchar Protocol, IN IPOptInfo * OptInfo) { IGMPHeader UNALIGNED *IGH; CTELockHandle Handle; IGMPAddr *AddrPtr, *PrevPtr; uchar DType; uint PromiscuousMode = 0;
PromiscuousMode = NTE->nte_if->if_promiscuousmode;
// ASSERT(IsBCast);
// Discard packets with invalid or broadcast source addresses.
DType = GetAddrType(Src); if (DType == DEST_INVALID || IS_BCAST_DEST(DType)) { return IP_SUCCESS; }
// Now get the pointer to the header, and validate the xsum.
IGH = (IGMPHeader UNALIGNED *) RcvBuf->ipr_buffer;
// For mtrace like programs, use the entire IGMP packet to generate the xsum.
if ((Size < sizeof(IGMPHeader)) || (XsumRcvBuf(0, RcvBuf) != 0xffff)) { // Bad checksum, so fail.
return IP_SUCCESS; }
// OK, we may need to process this. See if we are a member of the
// destination group. If we aren't, there's no need to proceed further.
// Since for any interface we always get notified with
// same NTE, locking the NTE is fine. We don't have to
// lock the interface structure
CTEGetLock(&NTE->nte_lock, &Handle); { if (!(NTE->nte_flags & NTE_VALID)) { CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle); return IP_SUCCESS; }
// The NTE is valid. Demux on type.
switch (IGH->igh_vertype) {
case IGMP_QUERY: IGMPRcvQuery(NTE, Dest, IPHdr, IPHdrLength, (IGMPv3QueryHeader UNALIGNED *)IGH, Size); break;
case IGMP_REPORT_V1: case IGMP_REPORT_V2: // Make sure we're running at least level 2 of IGMP support.
if (IGMPLevel != 2) { CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle); return IP_SUCCESS; }
// This is a report. Check its validity and see if we have a
// response timer running for that address. If we do, stop it.
// Make sure the destination address matches the address in the
// IGMP header.
if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(Dest, IGH->igh_addr)) { // The addresses match. See if we have a membership in this
// group.
AddrPtr = FindIGMPAddr(NTE, IGH->igh_addr, &PrevPtr); if (AddrPtr != NULL) { // We found a matching multicast address. Stop the response
// timer for any Group-specific or Group-and-source-
// specific queries.
if (IS_GROUP_DELETABLE(AddrPtr)) DeleteIGMPAddr(NTE, PrevPtr, &AddrPtr); } } break;
default: break; } } CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle);
// Pass the packet up to the raw layer if applicable.
// If promiscuous mode is set then we will anyway call rawrcv later
if ((RawPI != NULL) && (!PromiscuousMode)) { if (RawPI->pi_rcv != NULL) { (*(RawPI->pi_rcv)) (NTE, Dest, Src, LocalAddr, SrcAddr, IPHdr, IPHdrLength, RcvBuf, Size, IsBCast, Protocol, OptInfo); } } return IP_SUCCESS; }
// Send routines
//* IGMPTransmit - transmit an IGMP message
IP_STATUS IGMPTransmit( IN PNDIS_BUFFER Buffer, IN PVOID Body, IN uint Size, IN IPAddr SrcAddr, IN IPAddr DestAddr) { uchar RtrAlertOpt[4] = { IP_OPT_ROUTER_ALERT, 4, 0, 0 }; IPOptInfo OptInfo; // Options for this transmit.
IP_STATUS Status; RouteCacheEntry *RCE; ushort MSS; uchar DestType; IPAddr Src;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_IGMP && DBG_TX, (DTEXT("IGMPTransmit: Buffer=%x Body=%x Size=%d SrcAddr=%x\n"), Buffer, Body, Size, SrcAddr));
OptInfo.ioi_ttl = 1; OptInfo.ioi_options = (uchar *) RtrAlertOpt; OptInfo.ioi_optlength = ROUTER_ALERT_SIZE;
Src = OpenRCE(DestAddr, SrcAddr, &RCE, &DestType, &MSS, &OptInfo);
#if GPC
if (DisableUserTOS) { OptInfo.ioi_tos = (uchar) DefaultTOS; } if (GPCcfInfo) {
// we'll fall into here only if the GPC client is there
// and there is at least one CF_INFO_QOS installed
// (counted by GPCcfInfo).
GPC_STATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; struct QosCfTransportInfo TransportInfo = {0, 0}; GPC_IP_PATTERN Pattern; CLASSIFICATION_HANDLE GPCHandle;
Pattern.SrcAddr = SrcAddr; Pattern.DstAddr = DestAddr; Pattern.ProtocolId = PROT_IGMP; Pattern.gpcSrcPort = 0; Pattern.gpcDstPort = 0;
Pattern.InterfaceId.InterfaceId = 0; Pattern.InterfaceId.LinkId = 0; GPCHandle = 0;
GetIFAndLink(RCE, &Pattern.InterfaceId.InterfaceId, &Pattern.InterfaceId.LinkId );
status = GpcEntries.GpcClassifyPatternHandler( hGpcClient[GPC_CF_QOS], GPC_PROTOCOL_TEMPLATE_IP, &Pattern, NULL, // context
&GPCHandle, 0, NULL, FALSE);
OptInfo.ioi_GPCHandle = (int)GPCHandle;
// Only if QOS patterns exist, we get the TOS bits out.
if (NT_SUCCESS(status) && GpcCfCounts[GPC_CF_QOS]) {
status = GpcEntries.GpcGetUlongFromCfInfoHandler( hGpcClient[GPC_CF_QOS], OptInfo.ioi_GPCHandle, FIELD_OFFSET(CF_INFO_QOS, TransportInformation), (PULONG)&TransportInfo);
// It is likely that the pattern has gone by now (Removed or
// whatever) and the handle that we are caching is INVALID.
// We need to pull up a new handle and get the
// TOS bit again.
if (STATUS_NOT_FOUND == status) {
GPCHandle = 0;
status = GpcEntries.GpcClassifyPatternHandler( hGpcClient[GPC_CF_QOS], GPC_PROTOCOL_TEMPLATE_IP, &Pattern, NULL, // context
&GPCHandle, 0, NULL, FALSE);
OptInfo.ioi_GPCHandle = (int)GPCHandle;
// Only if QOS patterns exist, we get the TOS bits out.
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
status = GpcEntries.GpcGetUlongFromCfInfoHandler( hGpcClient[GPC_CF_QOS], OptInfo.ioi_GPCHandle, FIELD_OFFSET(CF_INFO_QOS, TransportInformation), (PULONG)&TransportInfo); } } } if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
OptInfo.ioi_tos = (OptInfo.ioi_tos & TOS_MASK) | (UCHAR)TransportInfo.ToSValue;
} } // if (GPCcfInfo)
Status = IPTransmit(IGMPProtInfo, Body, Buffer, Size, DestAddr, SrcAddr, &OptInfo, RCE, PROT_IGMP, NULL); CloseRCE(RCE);
if (Status != IP_PENDING) IGMPSendComplete(Body, Buffer, IP_SUCCESS);
return Status; }
//* GetAllowRecord - allocate and fill in an IGMPv3 ALLOW record for a group
// Caller is responsible for freeing pointer returned
IGMPv3GroupRecord * GetAllowRecord( IN IGMPAddr *AddrPtr, IN uint *RecSize) { IGMPSrcAddr *Src, *PrevSrc; IGMPv3GroupRecord *Rec; ushort Count = 0;
// Count sources to include
for (Src=AddrPtr->iga_srclist; Src; Src=Src->isa_next) { if (Src->isa_xmitleft == 0) continue; if (!IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(AddrPtr, Src)) continue; Count++; } if (Count == 0) { *RecSize = 0; return NULL; }
Rec = CTEAllocMemN(RECORD_SIZE(Count,0), 'qICT');
// We need to walk the source list regardless of whether the
// allocation succeeded, so that we preserve the invariant that
// iga_xmitleft >= isa_xmitleft for all sources.
Count = 0; PrevSrc = STRUCT_OF(IGMPSrcAddr, &AddrPtr->iga_srclist, isa_next); for (Src=AddrPtr->iga_srclist; Src; PrevSrc=Src,Src=Src->isa_next) { if (Src->isa_xmitleft == 0) continue; if (!IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(AddrPtr, Src)) continue; if (Rec) Rec->igr_srclist[Count++] = Src->isa_addr; Src->isa_xmitleft--;
if (IS_SOURCE_DELETABLE(Src)) { DeleteIGMPSrcAddr(PrevSrc, &Src); Src = PrevSrc; } }
if (Rec == NULL) { *RecSize = 0; return NULL; }
Rec->igr_type = ALLOW_NEW_SOURCES; Rec->igr_datalen = 0; Rec->igr_numsrc = net_short(Count); Rec->igr_addr = AddrPtr->iga_addr; *RecSize = RECORD_SIZE(Count,Rec->igr_datalen); return Rec; }
// Count a state-change report as going out, and preserve the invariant
// that iga_xmitleft>0 if iga_changetype!=NO_CHANGE
VOID IgmpDecXmitLeft( IN IGMPAddr *AddrPtr) { AddrPtr->iga_xmitleft--; if (!AddrPtr->iga_xmitleft) { AddrPtr->iga_changetype = NO_CHANGE; } }
//* GetBlockRecord - allocate and fill in an IGMPv3 BLOCK record for a group
// Caller is responsible for freeing pointer returned
IGMPv3GroupRecord * GetBlockRecord( IN IGMPAddr *AddrPtr, IN uint *RecSize) { IGMPSrcAddr *Src, *PrevSrc; IGMPv3GroupRecord *Rec; ushort Count = 0;
// We now need to decrement the retransmission count on the group.
// This must be done exactly once for every pair of ALLOW/BLOCK
// records possibly generated. We centralize this code in one place
// by putting it in either GetAllowRecord or GetBlockRecord (which
// are always called together). We arbitrarily choose to put it
// in GetBlockRecord, rather than GetAllowRecord (which isn't currently
// called from LeaveAllIGMPAddr).
// Count sources to include
for (Src=AddrPtr->iga_srclist; Src; Src=Src->isa_next) { if (Src->isa_xmitleft == 0) continue; if (IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(AddrPtr, Src)) continue; Count++; } if (Count == 0) { *RecSize = 0; return NULL; }
// Allocate record
Rec = CTEAllocMemN(RECORD_SIZE(Count,0), 'qICT');
// We need to walk the source list regardless of whether the
// allocation succeeded, so that we preserve the invariant that
// iga_xmitleft >= isa_xmitleft for all sources.
Count = 0; PrevSrc = STRUCT_OF(IGMPSrcAddr, &AddrPtr->iga_srclist, isa_next); for (Src=AddrPtr->iga_srclist; Src; PrevSrc=Src,Src=Src->isa_next) { if (Src->isa_xmitleft == 0) continue; if (IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(AddrPtr, Src)) continue; if (Rec) Rec->igr_srclist[Count++] = Src->isa_addr; Src->isa_xmitleft--;
if (IS_SOURCE_DELETABLE(Src)) { DeleteIGMPSrcAddr(PrevSrc, &Src); Src = PrevSrc; } }
if (Rec == NULL) { *RecSize = 0; return NULL; }
Rec->igr_type = BLOCK_OLD_SOURCES; Rec->igr_datalen = 0; Rec->igr_numsrc = net_short(Count); Rec->igr_addr = AddrPtr->iga_addr;
*RecSize = RECORD_SIZE(Count,Rec->igr_datalen); return Rec; }
//* GetGSIsInRecord - allocate and fill in an IGMPv3 IS_IN record for a
// group-and-source query response.
// Caller is responsible for freeing pointer returned
IGMPv3GroupRecord * GetGSIsInRecord( IN IGMPAddr *AddrPtr, IN uint *RecSize) { IGMPSrcAddr *Src, *PrevSrc; IGMPv3GroupRecord *Rec; ushort Count = 0;
// Count sources marked and included
for (Src=AddrPtr->iga_srclist; Src; Src=Src->isa_next) { if (!IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(AddrPtr, Src)) continue; if (!Src->isa_csmarked) continue; Count++; }
// Allocate record
Rec = CTEAllocMemN(RECORD_SIZE(Count,0), 'qICT'); if (Rec == NULL) { *RecSize = 0; return NULL; }
Count = 0; PrevSrc = STRUCT_OF(IGMPSrcAddr, &AddrPtr->iga_srclist, isa_next); for (Src=AddrPtr->iga_srclist; Src; PrevSrc=Src,Src=Src->isa_next) { if (!IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(AddrPtr, Src)) continue; if (!Src->isa_csmarked) continue; Rec->igr_srclist[Count++] = Src->isa_addr; Src->isa_csmarked = FALSE;
if (IS_SOURCE_DELETABLE(Src)) { DeleteIGMPSrcAddr(PrevSrc, &Src); Src = PrevSrc; } }
Rec->igr_type = MODE_IS_INCLUDE; Rec->igr_datalen = 0; Rec->igr_numsrc = net_short(Count); Rec->igr_addr = AddrPtr->iga_addr;
*RecSize = RECORD_SIZE(Count,Rec->igr_datalen);
return Rec; }
//* GetInclRecord - allocate and fill in an IGMPv3 TO_IN or IS_IN record for
// a group
// Caller is responsible for freeing pointer returned
IGMPv3GroupRecord * GetInclRecord( IN IGMPAddr *AddrPtr, IN uint *RecSize, IN uchar Type) { IGMPSrcAddr *Src, *PrevSrc; IGMPv3GroupRecord *Rec; ushort Count = 0;
// Count sources
for (Src=AddrPtr->iga_srclist; Src; Src=Src->isa_next) { if (!IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(AddrPtr, Src)) continue; Count++; }
// Allocate record
Rec = CTEAllocMemN(RECORD_SIZE(Count,0), 'qICT'); if (Rec == NULL) { *RecSize = 0; return NULL; }
// Walk the source list, making sure to preserve the invariants:
// iga_xmitleft >= isa_xmitleft for all sources, and
// iga_resptimer>0 whenever isa_csmarked is TRUE.
Count = 0; PrevSrc = STRUCT_OF(IGMPSrcAddr, &AddrPtr->iga_srclist, isa_next); for (Src=AddrPtr->iga_srclist; Src; PrevSrc=Src,Src=Src->isa_next) { if ((Type == CHANGE_TO_INCLUDE_MODE) && (Src->isa_xmitleft > 0)) Src->isa_xmitleft--;
if (IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(AddrPtr, Src)) { Rec->igr_srclist[Count++] = Src->isa_addr; Src->isa_csmarked = FALSE; }
if (IS_SOURCE_DELETABLE(Src)) { DeleteIGMPSrcAddr(PrevSrc, &Src); Src = PrevSrc; } }
Rec->igr_type = Type; Rec->igr_datalen = 0; Rec->igr_numsrc = net_short(Count); Rec->igr_addr = AddrPtr->iga_addr;
if (Type == CHANGE_TO_INCLUDE_MODE) { IgmpDecXmitLeft(AddrPtr); }
*RecSize = RECORD_SIZE(Count,Rec->igr_datalen);
return Rec; }
#define GetIsInRecord(Grp, RecSz) \
GetInclRecord(Grp, RecSz, MODE_IS_INCLUDE)
#define GetToInRecord(Grp, RecSz) \
//* GetExclRecord - allocate and fill in an IGMPv3 TO_EX or IS_EX record for
// a group
// Caller is responsible for freeing pointer returned
IGMPv3GroupRecord * GetExclRecord( IN IGMPAddr *AddrPtr, IN uint *RecSize, IN uint BodyMTU, IN uchar Type) { IGMPSrcAddr *Src, *PrevSrc; IGMPv3GroupRecord *Rec; ushort Count = 0;
// Count sources
for (Src=AddrPtr->iga_srclist; Src; Src=Src->isa_next) { if (IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(AddrPtr, Src)) continue; Count++; }
// Allocate record
Rec = CTEAllocMemN(RECORD_SIZE(Count,0), 'qICT'); if (Rec == NULL) { *RecSize = 0; return NULL; }
// Walk the source list, making sure to preserve the invariants:
// iga_xmitleft <= isa_xmitleft for all sources, and
// iga_resptimer>0 whenever isa_csmarked is TRUE.
Count = 0; PrevSrc = STRUCT_OF(IGMPSrcAddr, &AddrPtr->iga_srclist, isa_next); for (Src=AddrPtr->iga_srclist; Src; PrevSrc=Src,Src=Src->isa_next) { if ((Type == CHANGE_TO_EXCLUDE_MODE) && (Src->isa_xmitleft > 0)) Src->isa_xmitleft--;
if (!IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(AddrPtr, Src)) { Rec->igr_srclist[Count++] = Src->isa_addr; Src->isa_csmarked = FALSE; }
if (IS_SOURCE_DELETABLE(Src)) { DeleteIGMPSrcAddr(PrevSrc, &Src); Src = PrevSrc; } }
Rec->igr_type = Type; Rec->igr_datalen = 0; Rec->igr_numsrc = net_short(Count); Rec->igr_addr = AddrPtr->iga_addr;
if (Type == CHANGE_TO_EXCLUDE_MODE) { IgmpDecXmitLeft(AddrPtr); }
*RecSize = RECORD_SIZE(Count,Rec->igr_datalen);
// Truncate at MTU boundary
if (*RecSize > BodyMTU) { *RecSize = BodyMTU; }
return Rec; }
#define GetIsExRecord(Grp, RecSz, BodyMTU) \
GetExclRecord(Grp, RecSz, BodyMTU, MODE_IS_EXCLUDE)
#define GetToExRecord(Grp, RecSz, BodyMTU) \
GetExclRecord(Grp, RecSz, BodyMTU, CHANGE_TO_EXCLUDE_MODE)
//* QueueRecord - Queue an IGMPv3 group record for transmission.
// If the record cannot be queued, the record is dropped and the
// memory freed.
// Input: pCurr = pointer to last queue entry
// Record = record to append to end of queue
// RecSize = size of record to queue
// Output: pCurr = pointer to new queue entry
// Record = zeroed if queue failed and record was freed
// Returns: status
IP_STATUS QueueRecord( IN OUT IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry **pCurr, IN OUT IGMPv3GroupRecord **pRecord, IN uint RecSize) { IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry *rqe; IGMPv3GroupRecord *Record = *pRecord; IP_STATUS Status;
if (!Record) { return IP_SUCCESS; }
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_IGMP && DBG_TX, (DTEXT("QueueRecord: Record=%x Type=%d Group=%x NumSrc=%d\n"), Record, Record->igr_type, Record->igr_addr, net_short(Record->igr_numsrc)));
// Make sure we never add a record for the all-hosts mcast address.
if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(Record->igr_addr, ALL_HOST_MCAST)) { Status = IP_BAD_REQ; goto Error; }
// Allocate a queue entry
rqe = CTEAllocMemN(sizeof(IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry), 'qICT'); if (rqe == NULL) { Status = IP_NO_RESOURCES; goto Error; } rqe->i3qe_next = NULL; rqe->i3qe_buff = Record; rqe->i3qe_size = RecSize;
// Append to queue
(*pCurr)->i3qe_next = rqe; *pCurr = rqe;
return IP_SUCCESS;
Error: // Free buffers
CTEFreeMem(Record); *pRecord = NULL;
return Status; }
VOID FlushIGMPv3Queue( IN IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry *Head) { IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry *Rqe;
while ((Rqe = Head) != NULL) { // Remove entry from queue
Head = Rqe->i3qe_next; Rqe->i3qe_next = NULL;
// Free queued record
CTEFreeMem(Rqe->i3qe_buff); CTEFreeMem(Rqe); } }
//* SendIGMPv3Reports - send pending IGMPv3 reports
// Input: Head - queue of IGMPv3 records to transmit
// SrcAddr - source address to send with
// BodyMTU - message payload size available to pack records in
IP_STATUS SendIGMPv3Reports( IN IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry *Head, IN IPAddr SrcAddr, IN uint BodyMTU) { PNDIS_BUFFER HdrBuffer; uint HdrSize; IGMPv3ReportHeader *IGH;
PNDIS_BUFFER BodyBuffer; uint BodySize; uchar* Body;
IP_STATUS Status = IP_SUCCESS; NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus; uint NumRecords; ushort NumOldSources, NumNewSources; IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry *Rqe; IGMPv3GroupRecord *Rec, *HeadRec; ulong csum;
while (Head != NULL) {
// Get header buffer
HdrSize = sizeof(IGMPv3ReportHeader); IGH = (IGMPv3ReportHeader*) GetIGMPBuffer(HdrSize, &HdrBuffer); if (IGH == NULL) { FlushIGMPv3Queue(Head); return IP_NO_RESOURCES; }
// We got the buffer. Fill it in and send it.
IGH->igh_vertype = (UCHAR) IGMP_REPORT_V3; IGH->igh_rsvd = 0; IGH->igh_rsvd2 = 0;
// Compute optimum body size
for (;;) { NumRecords = 0; BodySize = 0; for (Rqe=Head; Rqe; Rqe=Rqe->i3qe_next) { if (BodySize + Rqe->i3qe_size > BodyMTU) break; BodySize += Rqe->i3qe_size; NumRecords++; }
// Make sure we fit at least one record
if (NumRecords > 0) break;
// No records fit. Let's split the first record and try again.
// Note that igr_datalen is always 0 today. If there is data
// later, then splitting will need to know whether to copy
// the data or not. Today we assume not.
HeadRec = Head->i3qe_buff;
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4267) // conversion from 'size_t' to 'ushort'
NumOldSources = (ushort) ((BodyMTU - sizeof(IGMPv3GroupRecord)) / sizeof(IPAddr)); #pragma warning(pop)
NumNewSources = net_short(HeadRec->igr_numsrc) - NumOldSources;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_IGMP && DBG_TX, (DTEXT("SendIGMPv3Reports: Splitting queue entry %x Srcs=%d+%d\n"), HeadRec, NumOldSources, NumNewSources));
// Truncate head
HeadRec->igr_numsrc = net_short(NumOldSources); Head->i3qe_size = RECORD_SIZE(NumOldSources, HeadRec->igr_datalen);
// Special case for IS_EX/TO_EX: just truncate or else the router
// will end up forwarding all the sources we exclude in messages
// other than the last one.
if (HeadRec->igr_type == MODE_IS_EXCLUDE || HeadRec->igr_type == CHANGE_TO_EXCLUDE_MODE) { continue; }
// Create a new record with NumNewSources sources
Rec = CTEAllocMemN(RECORD_SIZE(NumNewSources,0), 'qICT'); if (Rec == NULL) { // Forget the continuation, just send the truncated original.
continue; } Rec->igr_type = HeadRec->igr_type; Rec->igr_datalen = 0; Rec->igr_numsrc = net_short(NumNewSources); Rec->igr_addr = HeadRec->igr_addr;
RtlCopyMemory(Rec->igr_srclist, &HeadRec->igr_srclist[NumOldSources], NumNewSources * sizeof(IPAddr));
// Append it
Rqe = Head; QueueRecord(&Rqe, &Rec, RECORD_SIZE(NumNewSources, Rec->igr_datalen)); }
// Get another ndis buffer for the body
Body = CTEAllocMemN(BodySize, 'bICT'); if (Body == NULL) { FreeIGMPBuffer(HdrBuffer); FlushIGMPv3Queue(Head); return IP_NO_RESOURCES; } NdisAllocateBuffer(&NdisStatus, &BodyBuffer, BufferPool, Body, BodySize); if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { CTEFreeMem(Body); FreeIGMPBuffer(HdrBuffer); FlushIGMPv3Queue(Head); return IP_NO_RESOURCES; } NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(HdrBuffer) = BodyBuffer;
// Fill in records
NumRecords = 0; BodySize = 0; csum = 0; while ((Rqe = Head) != NULL) { if (BodySize + Rqe->i3qe_size > BodyMTU) break;
// Remove from queue
Head = Rqe->i3qe_next; Rqe->i3qe_next = NULL;
// update checksum
csum += xsum((uchar *)Rqe->i3qe_buff, Rqe->i3qe_size);
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_IGMP && DBG_TX, (DTEXT("SendRecord: Record=%x RecSize=%d Type=%d Group=%x Body=%x Offset=%d\n"), Rqe->i3qe_buff, Rqe->i3qe_size, Rqe->i3qe_buff->igr_type, Rqe->i3qe_buff->igr_addr, Body, BodySize));
RtlCopyMemory(Body + BodySize, (uchar *)Rqe->i3qe_buff, Rqe->i3qe_size); BodySize += Rqe->i3qe_size; NumRecords++;
CTEFreeMem(Rqe->i3qe_buff); CTEFreeMem(Rqe); }
// Finish header
IGH->igh_xsum = 0; IGH->igh_numrecords = net_short(NumRecords); csum += xsum(IGH, sizeof(IGMPv3ReportHeader));
// Fold the checksum down.
csum = (csum >> 16) + (csum & 0xffff); csum += (csum >> 16);
IGH->igh_xsum = (ushort)~csum;
Status = IGMPTransmit(HdrBuffer, Body, HdrSize + BodySize, SrcAddr, IGMPV3_RTRS_MCAST); }
return Status; }
//* QueueIGMPv3GeneralResponse - compose and queue IGMPv3 responses to general
// query
IP_STATUS QueueIGMPv3GeneralResponse( IN IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry **pCurr, IN NetTableEntry *NTE) { IGMPAddr **HashPtr, *AddrPtr; uint i; IGMPv3GroupRecord *StateRec; uint StateRecSize; uint BodyMTU;
// Walk our list and set a random report timer for all those
// multicast addresses (except for the all-hosts address) that
// don't already have one running.
HashPtr = NTE->nte_igmplist;
if (HashPtr != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < IGMP_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { for (AddrPtr = HashPtr[i]; AddrPtr != NULL; AddrPtr = AddrPtr->iga_next) { if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(AddrPtr->iga_addr, ALL_HOST_MCAST)) continue;
if (AddrPtr->iga_grefcnt == 0) StateRec = GetIsInRecord(AddrPtr, &StateRecSize); else StateRec = GetIsExRecord(AddrPtr, &StateRecSize, BodyMTU);
QueueRecord(pCurr, &StateRec, StateRecSize); } } }
return IP_SUCCESS; }
//* QueueOldReport - create and queue an IGMPv1/v2 membership report to be sent
IP_STATUS QueueOldReport( IN IGMPReportQueueEntry **pCurr, IN uint ChangeType, IN uint IgmpVersion, IN IPAddr Group) { IGMPReportQueueEntry *rqe; IGMPHeader *IGH; uint ReportType, Size; IPAddr Dest;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_IGMP && DBG_TX, (DTEXT("QueueOldReport: Type=%d Vers=%d Group=%x\n"), ChangeType, IgmpVersion, Group));
// Make sure we never queue a report for the all-hosts mcast address.
if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(Group, ALL_HOST_MCAST)) { return IP_BAD_REQ; }
// If the report to be sent is a "Leave Group" report but we have
// detected an igmp v1 router on this net, do not send the report
if (IgmpVersion == IGMPV1) { if (ChangeType == IGMP_DELETE) { return IP_SUCCESS; } else { ReportType = IGMP_REPORT_V1; Dest = Group; } } else { if (ChangeType == IGMP_DELETE) { ReportType = IGMP_LEAVE; Dest = ALL_ROUTER_MCAST; } else { ReportType = IGMP_REPORT_V2; Dest = Group; } }
// Allocate an IGMP report
Size = sizeof(IGMPHeader); IGH = (IGMPHeader *) CTEAllocMemN(Size, 'hICT'); if (IGH == NULL) { return IP_NO_RESOURCES; }
IGH->igh_vertype = (UCHAR) ReportType; IGH->igh_rsvd = 0; IGH->igh_xsum = 0; IGH->igh_addr = Group; IGH->igh_xsum = ~xsum(IGH, Size);
// Allocate a queue entry
rqe = (IGMPReportQueueEntry *) CTEAllocMemN(sizeof(IGMPReportQueueEntry), 'qICT'); if (rqe == NULL) { CTEFreeMem(IGH); return IP_NO_RESOURCES; } rqe->iqe_next = NULL; rqe->iqe_buff = IGH; rqe->iqe_size = Size; rqe->iqe_dest = Dest; ASSERT((IGH != NULL) && (Size > 0));
// Append to queue
(*pCurr)->iqe_next = rqe; *pCurr = rqe;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_IGMP && DBG_TX, (DTEXT("QueueOldReport: added rqe=%x buff=%x size=%d\n"), rqe, rqe->iqe_buff, rqe->iqe_size));
return IP_SUCCESS; }
//* SendOldReport - send an IGMPv1/v2 membership report
IP_STATUS SendOldReport( IN IGMPReportQueueEntry *Rqe, IN IPAddr SrcAddr) { PNDIS_BUFFER Buffer; uint Size; IGMPHeader *IGH; uchar *IGH2; IPAddr DestAddr;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_IGMP && DBG_TX, (DTEXT("SendOldReport: rqe=%x buff=%x size=%x\n"), Rqe, Rqe->iqe_buff, Rqe->iqe_size));
IGH = Rqe->iqe_buff; ASSERT(IGH != NULL); Size = Rqe->iqe_size; ASSERT(Size > 0);
DestAddr = Rqe->iqe_dest;
IGH2 = (uchar*)GetIGMPBuffer(Size, &Buffer); if (IGH2 == NULL) { CTEFreeMem(IGH); Rqe->iqe_buff = NULL; return IP_NO_RESOURCES; }
RtlCopyMemory(IGH2, (uchar *)IGH, Size);
CTEFreeMem(IGH); Rqe->iqe_buff = NULL;
return IGMPTransmit(Buffer, NULL, Size, SrcAddr, DestAddr); }
//* SendOldReports - send pending IGMPv1/v2 membership reports
void SendOldReports( IN IGMPReportQueueEntry *Head, IN IPAddr SrcAddr) { IGMPReportQueueEntry *rqe;
while ((rqe = Head) != NULL) { // Remove from queue
Head = rqe->iqe_next; rqe->iqe_next = NULL;
SendOldReport(rqe, SrcAddr); CTEFreeMem(rqe); } }
// Mark changes for triggered reports
// Should only be called for leaves if in IGMPv3 mode,
// but should be called for joins always.
void MarkGroup( IN IGMPAddr *Grp) { // No reports are sent for the ALL_HOST_MCAST group
if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(Grp->iga_addr, ALL_HOST_MCAST)) { return; }
Grp->iga_changetype = MODE_CHANGE; Grp->iga_xmitleft = g_IgmpRobustness; }
// Should only be called if in IGMPv3 mode
void MarkSource( IN IGMPAddr *Grp, IN IGMPSrcAddr *Src) { // No reports are sent for the ALL_HOST_MCAST group
if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(Grp->iga_addr, ALL_HOST_MCAST)) { return; }
Src->isa_xmitleft = g_IgmpRobustness; Grp->iga_xmitleft = g_IgmpRobustness; if (Grp->iga_changetype == NO_CHANGE) { Grp->iga_changetype = SOURCE_CHANGE; } }
//* IGMPDelExclList - delete sources from an internal source exclude list
// This never affects link-layer filters.
// Assumes caller holds lock on NTE
void IGMPDelExclList( IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN IGMPAddr *PrevAddrPtr, IN OUT IGMPAddr **pAddrPtr, IN uint NumDelSources, IN IPAddr *DelSourceList, IN BOOLEAN AllowMsg) { uint i; IGMPSrcAddr *Src, *PrevSrc;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_IGMP, (DTEXT("IGMPDelExclList: AddrPtr=%x NumDelSources=%d DelSourceList=%x\n"), *pAddrPtr, NumDelSources, DelSourceList));
for (i=0; i<NumDelSources; i++) {
// Find the source entry
Src = FindIGMPSrcAddr(*pAddrPtr, DelSourceList[i], &PrevSrc);
// Break if not there or xrefcnt=0
ASSERT(Src && (Src->isa_xrefcnt!=0));
if (AllowMsg && (NTE->nte_if->IgmpVersion == IGMPV3)) { // If all sockets exclude and no sockets include, add source
// to IGMP ALLOW message
if (!IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(*pAddrPtr, Src)) { // Add source to ALLOW message
MarkSource(*pAddrPtr, Src); } }
// Decrement the xrefcnt
// If irefcnt and xrefcnt are both 0 and no rexmits left,
// delete the source entry
if (IS_SOURCE_DELETABLE(Src)) DeleteIGMPSrcAddr(PrevSrc, &Src);
// If the group refcount=0, and srclist is null, delete group entry
if (IS_GROUP_DELETABLE(*pAddrPtr)) DeleteIGMPAddr(NTE, PrevAddrPtr, pAddrPtr); } }
//* IGMPDelInclList - delete sources from an internal source include list
// Assumes caller holds lock on NTE
void IGMPDelInclList( IN CTELockHandle *pHandle, IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN IGMPAddr **pPrevAddrPtr, IN OUT IGMPAddr **pAddrPtr, IN uint NumDelSources, IN IPAddr *DelSourceList, IN BOOLEAN BlockMsg) { uint i; IGMPSrcAddr *Src, *PrevSrc; BOOLEAN GroupWasAllowed; BOOLEAN GroupNowAllowed; IPAddr Addr;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_IGMP, (DTEXT("IGMPDelInclList: AddrPtr=%x NumDelSources=%d DelSourceList=%x\n"), *pAddrPtr, NumDelSources, DelSourceList));
Addr = (*pAddrPtr)->iga_addr; GroupWasAllowed = IS_GROUP_ALLOWED(*pAddrPtr);
for (i=0; i<NumDelSources; i++) {
// Find the source entry
Src = FindIGMPSrcAddr(*pAddrPtr, DelSourceList[i], &PrevSrc);
// Break if not there or irefcnt=0
ASSERT(Src && (Src->isa_irefcnt!=0));
// Decrement the irefcnt
Src->isa_irefcnt--; if (Src->isa_irefcnt == 0) { (*pAddrPtr)->iga_isrccnt--; }
if (BlockMsg && (NTE->nte_if->IgmpVersion == IGMPV3)) { // If all sockets exclude and no sockets include, add source
// to IGMP BLOCK message
if (!IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(*pAddrPtr, Src)) { // Add source to BLOCK message
MarkSource(*pAddrPtr, Src); } }
// If irefcnt and xrefcnt are both 0 and no rexmits left,
// delete the source entry
if (IS_SOURCE_DELETABLE(Src)) DeleteIGMPSrcAddr(PrevSrc, &Src);
// If the group refcount=0, and srclist is null, delete group entry
if (IS_GROUP_DELETABLE(*pAddrPtr)) DeleteIGMPAddr(NTE, *pPrevAddrPtr, pAddrPtr); }
GroupNowAllowed = (BOOLEAN) ((*pAddrPtr != NULL) && IS_GROUP_ALLOWED(*pAddrPtr));
if (GroupWasAllowed && !GroupNowAllowed) {
if (*pAddrPtr) { // Cancel response timer if running
if (IS_GROUP_DELETABLE(*pAddrPtr)) DeleteIGMPAddr(NTE, *pPrevAddrPtr, pAddrPtr); }
// update link-layer filter
CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, *pHandle); { (*NTE->nte_if->if_deladdr) (NTE->nte_if->if_lcontext, LLIP_ADDR_MCAST, Addr, 0); } CTEGetLock(&NTE->nte_lock, pHandle);
// Revalidate NTE, AddrPtr, PrevPtr
if (!(NTE->nte_flags & NTE_VALID)) { *pAddrPtr = *pPrevAddrPtr = NULL; return; }
*pAddrPtr = FindIGMPAddr(NTE, Addr, pPrevAddrPtr); } }
//* IGMPAddExclList - add sources to an internal source exclude list
// This never affects link-layer filters.
// Assumes caller holds lock on NTE
// If failure results, the source list will be unchanged afterwards
// but the group entry may have been deleted.
IP_STATUS IGMPAddExclList( IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN IGMPAddr *PrevAddrPtr, IN OUT IGMPAddr **pAddrPtr, IN uint NumAddSources, IN IPAddr *AddSourceList) { uint i; IGMPSrcAddr *Src, *PrevSrc; IP_STATUS Status = IP_SUCCESS;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_IGMP, (DTEXT("IGMPAddExclList: AddrPtr=%x NumAddSources=%d AddSourceList=%x\n"), *pAddrPtr, NumAddSources, AddSourceList));
for (i=0; i<NumAddSources; i++) { // If an IGMPSrcAddr entry for the source doesn't exist, create one.
Status = FindOrCreateIGMPSrcAddr(*pAddrPtr, AddSourceList[i], &Src, &PrevSrc); if (Status != IP_SUCCESS) { break; }
// Bump the xrefcnt on the source entry
// If all sockets exclude and no sockets include, add source
// to IGMP BLOCK message
if (!IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(*pAddrPtr, Src) && (NTE->nte_if->IgmpVersion == IGMPV3)) { // Add source to BLOCK message
MarkSource(*pAddrPtr, Src); } }
if (Status == IP_SUCCESS) return Status;
// undo previous
IGMPDelExclList(NTE, PrevAddrPtr, pAddrPtr, i, AddSourceList, FALSE);
return Status; }
//* IGMPAddInclList - add sources to an internal source include list
// Assumes caller holds lock on NTE
// If failure results, the source list will be unchanged afterwards
// but the group entry may have been deleted.
IP_STATUS IGMPAddInclList( IN CTELockHandle *pHandle, IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN IGMPAddr **pPrevAddrPtr, IN OUT IGMPAddr **pAddrPtr, IN uint NumAddSources, IN IPAddr *AddSourceList) { uint i, AddrAdded; IGMPSrcAddr *Src, *PrevSrc; IP_STATUS Status = IP_SUCCESS; BOOLEAN GroupWasAllowed; BOOLEAN GroupNowAllowed; IPAddr Addr;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_IGMP, (DTEXT("IGMPAddInclList: AddrPtr=%x NumAddSources=%d AddSourceList=%x\n"), *pAddrPtr, NumAddSources, AddSourceList));
Addr = (*pAddrPtr)->iga_addr; GroupWasAllowed = IS_GROUP_ALLOWED(*pAddrPtr);
for (i=0; i<NumAddSources; i++) { // If an IGMPSrcAddr entry for the source doesn't exist, create one.
Status = FindOrCreateIGMPSrcAddr(*pAddrPtr, AddSourceList[i], &Src, &PrevSrc); if (Status != IP_SUCCESS) { break; }
// If all sockets exclude and no sockets include, add source
// to IGMP ALLOW message
if (!IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(*pAddrPtr, Src) && (NTE->nte_if->IgmpVersion == IGMPV3)) { // Add source to ALLOW message
MarkSource(*pAddrPtr, Src); }
// Bump the irefcnt on the source entry
if (Src->isa_irefcnt == 0) { (*pAddrPtr)->iga_isrccnt++; } Src->isa_irefcnt++; }
GroupNowAllowed = IS_GROUP_ALLOWED(*pAddrPtr);
if (!GroupWasAllowed && GroupNowAllowed) { // update link-layer filter
CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, *pHandle); { AddrAdded = (*NTE->nte_if->if_addaddr) (NTE->nte_if->if_lcontext, LLIP_ADDR_MCAST, Addr, 0, NULL); } CTEGetLock(&NTE->nte_lock, pHandle);
// Revalidate NTE, AddrPtr, PrevPtr
if (!(NTE->nte_flags & NTE_VALID)) { Status = IP_BAD_REQ; } else { // Find the IGMPAddr entry
*pAddrPtr = FindIGMPAddr(NTE, Addr, pPrevAddrPtr); if (!*pAddrPtr) { Status = IP_BAD_REQ; } }
if (!AddrAdded) { Status = IP_NO_RESOURCES; } }
if (Status == IP_SUCCESS) return Status;
// undo previous
IGMPDelInclList(pHandle, NTE, pPrevAddrPtr, pAddrPtr, i, AddSourceList, FALSE);
return Status; }
//* IGMPInclChange - update source inclusion list
// On failure, inclusion list will be unchanged
IP_STATUS IGMPInclChange( IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN IPAddr Addr, IN uint NumAddSources, IN IPAddr *AddSourceList, IN uint NumDelSources, IN IPAddr *DelSourceList) { CTELockHandle Handle; IGMPAddr *AddrPtr, *PrevPtr; IP_STATUS Status; Interface *IF; IGMPBlockStruct Block; IGMPBlockStruct *BlockPtr; uint IgmpVersion = 0, BodyMTU = 0; IPAddr SrcAddr = 0; IGMPv3GroupRecord *AllowRec = NULL, *BlockRec = NULL; uint AllowRecSize = 0, BlockRecSize = 0; BOOLEAN GroupWasAllowed = FALSE; BOOLEAN GroupNowAllowed = FALSE;
// First make sure we're at level 2 of IGMP support.
if (IGMPLevel != 2) return IP_BAD_REQ;
// Make sure addlist and dellist aren't both empty
ASSERT((NumAddSources > 0) || (NumDelSources > 0));
if (NTE->nte_flags & NTE_VALID) {
// If this is an unnumbered interface
if ((NTE->nte_if->if_flags & IF_FLAGS_NOIPADDR) && IP_ADDR_EQUAL(NTE->nte_addr, NULL_IP_ADDR)) { SrcAddr = g_ValidAddr; if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(SrcAddr, NULL_IP_ADDR)) { return IP_BAD_REQ; } } else { SrcAddr = NTE->nte_addr; } } CTEInitBlockStruc(&Block.ibs_block);
// Make sure we're the only ones in this routine. If someone else is
// already here, block.
CTEGetLock(&IGMPLock, &Handle); if (IGMPBlockFlag) {
// Someone else is already here. Walk down the block list, and
// put ourselves on the end. Then free the lock and block on our
// IGMPBlock structure.
BlockPtr = STRUCT_OF(IGMPBlockStruct, &IGMPBlockList, ibs_next); while (BlockPtr->ibs_next != NULL) BlockPtr = BlockPtr->ibs_next;
Block.ibs_next = NULL; BlockPtr->ibs_next = &Block; CTEFreeLock(&IGMPLock, Handle); CTEBlock(&Block.ibs_block); } else { // Noone else here, set the flag so noone else gets in and free the
// lock.
IGMPBlockFlag = 1; CTEFreeLock(&IGMPLock, Handle); }
// Now we're in the routine, and we won't be reentered here by another
// thread of execution. Make sure everything's valid, and figure out
// what to do.
Status = IP_SUCCESS;
// Now get the lock on the NTE and make sure it's valid.
CTEGetLock(&NTE->nte_lock, &Handle); {
if (!(NTE->nte_flags & NTE_VALID)) { Status = IP_BAD_REQ; goto Done; }
IF = NTE->nte_if; BodyMTU = RECORD_MTU(NTE); IgmpVersion = IF->IgmpVersion;
// If an IGMPAddr entry for the group on the interface doesn't
// exist, create one.
Status = FindOrCreateIGMPAddr(NTE, Addr, &AddrPtr, &PrevPtr); if (Status != IP_SUCCESS) { goto Done; }
GroupWasAllowed = IS_GROUP_ALLOWED(AddrPtr);
// Perform IADDLIST
Status = IGMPAddInclList(&Handle, NTE, &PrevPtr, &AddrPtr, NumAddSources, AddSourceList); if (Status != IP_SUCCESS) { goto Done; }
// Perform IDELLLIST
IGMPDelInclList(&Handle, NTE, &PrevPtr, &AddrPtr, NumDelSources, DelSourceList, TRUE);
if (AddrPtr == NULL) { GroupNowAllowed = FALSE; goto Done; } else { GroupNowAllowed = IS_GROUP_ALLOWED(AddrPtr); }
if (IgmpVersion == IGMPV3) { // Get ALLOC/BLOCK records
AllowRec = GetAllowRecord(AddrPtr, &AllowRecSize); BlockRec = GetBlockRecord(AddrPtr, &BlockRecSize);
// Set retransmission timer
AddrPtr->iga_trtimer = IGMPRandomTicks(UNSOLICITED_REPORT_INTERVAL); } else if (!GroupWasAllowed && GroupNowAllowed) { // Set retransmission timer only for joins, not leaves
MarkGroup(AddrPtr); AddrPtr->iga_trtimer = IGMPRandomTicks(UNSOLICITED_REPORT_INTERVAL); }
} Done: CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle);
if (IgmpVersion == IGMPV3) { IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry *Head = NULL, *rqe; rqe = STRUCT_OF(IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry, &Head, i3qe_next);
// Send IGMP ALLOW/BLOCK messages if non-empty
QueueRecord(&rqe, &AllowRec, AllowRecSize); QueueRecord(&rqe, &BlockRec, BlockRecSize); SendIGMPv3Reports(Head, SrcAddr, BodyMTU);
} else if (!GroupWasAllowed && GroupNowAllowed) { IGMPReportQueueEntry *Head = NULL, *rqe; rqe = STRUCT_OF(IGMPReportQueueEntry, &Head, iqe_next); QueueOldReport(&rqe, IGMP_ADD, IgmpVersion, Addr); SendOldReports(Head, SrcAddr);
} else if (GroupWasAllowed && !GroupNowAllowed) { IGMPReportQueueEntry *Head = NULL, *rqe; rqe = STRUCT_OF(IGMPReportQueueEntry, &Head, iqe_next); QueueOldReport(&rqe, IGMP_DELETE, IgmpVersion, Addr); SendOldReports(Head, SrcAddr); }
// We finished the request, and Status contains the completion status.
// If there are any pending blocks for this routine, signal the next
// one now. Otherwise clear the block flag.
CTEGetLock(&IGMPLock, &Handle); if ((BlockPtr = IGMPBlockList) != NULL) { // Someone is blocking. Pull him from the list and signal him.
IGMPBlockList = BlockPtr->ibs_next; CTEFreeLock(&IGMPLock, Handle);
CTESignal(&BlockPtr->ibs_block, IP_SUCCESS); } else { // No one blocking, just clear the flag.
IGMPBlockFlag = 0; CTEFreeLock(&IGMPLock, Handle); }
return Status; }
//* IGMPExclChange - update source exclusion list
// On failure, exclusion list will be unchanged
IP_STATUS IGMPExclChange( IN NetTableEntry * NTE, IN IPAddr Addr, IN uint NumAddSources, IN IPAddr * AddSourceList, IN uint NumDelSources, IN IPAddr * DelSourceList) { CTELockHandle Handle; IGMPAddr *AddrPtr, *PrevPtr; IP_STATUS Status; Interface *IF; IGMPBlockStruct Block; IGMPBlockStruct *BlockPtr; uint IgmpVersion = 0, BodyMTU = 0; IPAddr SrcAddr = 0; IGMPv3GroupRecord *AllowRec = NULL, *BlockRec = NULL; uint AllowRecSize = 0, BlockRecSize = 0;
// First make sure we're at level 2 of IGMP support.
if (IGMPLevel != 2) return IP_BAD_REQ;
// Make sure addlist and dellist aren't both empty
ASSERT((NumAddSources > 0) || (NumDelSources > 0));
if (NTE->nte_flags & NTE_VALID) {
// If this is an unnumbered interface
if ((NTE->nte_if->if_flags & IF_FLAGS_NOIPADDR) && IP_ADDR_EQUAL(NTE->nte_addr, NULL_IP_ADDR)) { SrcAddr = g_ValidAddr; if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(SrcAddr, NULL_IP_ADDR)) { return IP_BAD_REQ; } } else { SrcAddr = NTE->nte_addr; } } CTEInitBlockStruc(&Block.ibs_block);
// Make sure we're the only ones in this routine. If someone else is
// already here, block.
CTEGetLock(&IGMPLock, &Handle); if (IGMPBlockFlag) {
// Someone else is already here. Walk down the block list, and
// put ourselves on the end. Then free the lock and block on our
// IGMPBlock structure.
BlockPtr = STRUCT_OF(IGMPBlockStruct, &IGMPBlockList, ibs_next); while (BlockPtr->ibs_next != NULL) BlockPtr = BlockPtr->ibs_next;
Block.ibs_next = NULL; BlockPtr->ibs_next = &Block; CTEFreeLock(&IGMPLock, Handle); CTEBlock(&Block.ibs_block); } else { // No one else here, set the flag so no one else gets in and free the
// lock.
IGMPBlockFlag = 1; CTEFreeLock(&IGMPLock, Handle); }
// Now we're in the routine, and we won't be reentered here by another
// thread of execution. Make sure everything's valid, and figure out
// what to do.
Status = IP_SUCCESS;
// Now get the lock on the NTE and make sure it's valid.
CTEGetLock(&NTE->nte_lock, &Handle); {
if (!(NTE->nte_flags & NTE_VALID)) { Status = IP_BAD_REQ; goto Done; }
IF = NTE->nte_if; BodyMTU = RECORD_MTU(NTE); IgmpVersion = IF->IgmpVersion;
// Find the IGMPAddr entry
AddrPtr = FindIGMPAddr(NTE, Addr, &PrevPtr);
// Break if not there or refcount=0
ASSERT(AddrPtr && (AddrPtr->iga_grefcnt!=0));
// Perform XADDLIST
Status = IGMPAddExclList(NTE, PrevPtr, &AddrPtr, NumAddSources, AddSourceList); if (Status != IP_SUCCESS) { goto Done; }
// Perform XDELLLIST
IGMPDelExclList(NTE, PrevPtr, &AddrPtr, NumDelSources, DelSourceList, TRUE);
// Don't need to reget AddrPtr here since the NTE lock is never
// released while modifying the exclusion list above, since the
// linklayer filter is unaffected.
if (IgmpVersion == IGMPV3) { AllowRec = GetAllowRecord(AddrPtr, &AllowRecSize); BlockRec = GetBlockRecord(AddrPtr, &BlockRecSize);
// Set retransmission timer
AddrPtr->iga_trtimer = IGMPRandomTicks(UNSOLICITED_REPORT_INTERVAL); }
} Done: CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle);
// Since AddrPtr->iga_grefcnt cannot be zero, and is unchanged by
// this function, we never need to update the link-layer filter.
// Send IGMP ALLOW/BLOCK messages if non-empty
// Note that we never need to do anything here in IGMPv1/v2 mode.
if (IgmpVersion == IGMPV3) { IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry *Head = NULL, *rqe; rqe = STRUCT_OF(IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry, &Head, i3qe_next); QueueRecord(&rqe, &AllowRec, AllowRecSize); QueueRecord(&rqe, &BlockRec, BlockRecSize); SendIGMPv3Reports(Head, SrcAddr, BodyMTU); }
// We finished the request, and Status contains the completion status.
// If there are any pending blocks for this routine, signal the next
// one now. Otherwise clear the block flag.
CTEGetLock(&IGMPLock, &Handle); if ((BlockPtr = IGMPBlockList) != NULL) { // Someone is blocking. Pull him from the list and signal him.
IGMPBlockList = BlockPtr->ibs_next; CTEFreeLock(&IGMPLock, Handle);
CTESignal(&BlockPtr->ibs_block, IP_SUCCESS); } else { // No one blocking, just clear the flag.
IGMPBlockFlag = 0; CTEFreeLock(&IGMPLock, Handle); }
return Status; }
//* JoinIGMPAddr - add a membership reference to an entire group, and
// update associated source list refcounts.
// On failure, state will remain unchanged.
IP_STATUS JoinIGMPAddr( IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN IPAddr Addr, IN uint NumExclSources, IN OUT IPAddr *ExclSourceList, // volatile
IN uint NumInclSources, IN IPAddr *InclSourceList, IN IPAddr SrcAddr) { IGMPAddr *AddrPtr, *PrevPtr; IGMPSrcAddr *SrcAddrPtr, *PrevSrc; Interface *IF; uint IgmpVersion = 0, i, AddrAdded, BodyMTU = 0; IP_STATUS Status; CTELockHandle Handle; IGMPv3GroupRecord *ToExRec = NULL, *AllowRec = NULL, *BlockRec = NULL; uint ToExRecSize = 0, AllowRecSize = 0, BlockRecSize = 0; BOOLEAN GroupWasAllowed = FALSE; uint InitialRefOnIgmpAddr;
Status = IP_SUCCESS;
CTEGetLock(&NTE->nte_lock, &Handle); { if (!(NTE->nte_flags & NTE_VALID)) { Status = IP_BAD_REQ; goto Done; }
IF = NTE->nte_if; IgmpVersion = IF->IgmpVersion; BodyMTU = RECORD_MTU(NTE);
// If no group entry exists, create one in exclusion mode
Status = FindOrCreateIGMPAddr(NTE, Addr, &AddrPtr, &PrevPtr); if (Status != IP_SUCCESS) { goto Done; }
// Store the ref count at this point in a local variable.
InitialRefOnIgmpAddr = AddrPtr->iga_grefcnt;
GroupWasAllowed = IS_GROUP_ALLOWED(AddrPtr);
if (!GroupWasAllowed) {
// We have to be careful not to release the lock while
// IS_GROUP_DELETABLE() is true, or else it might be
// deleted by IGMPTimer(). So before releasing the lock,
// we bump the join refcount (which we want to do anyway
// later on, so it won't hurt anything now).
// Update link-layer filter
CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle); { AddrAdded = (*IF->if_addaddr) (IF->if_lcontext, LLIP_ADDR_MCAST, Addr, 0, NULL); } CTEGetLock(&NTE->nte_lock, &Handle);
// Revalidate NTE, AddrPtr, PrevPtr
if (!(NTE->nte_flags & NTE_VALID)) { // Don't need to undo any refcount here as the refcount
// was blown away by StopIGMPForNTE.
Status = IP_BAD_REQ; goto Done; }
// Find the IGMPAddr entry
AddrPtr = FindIGMPAddr(NTE, Addr, &PrevPtr); if (!AddrPtr) { Status = IP_BAD_REQ; goto Done; }
// Now release the refcount we grabbed above
// so the rest of the logic is the same for
// all cases.
if (!AddrAdded) { if (IS_GROUP_DELETABLE(AddrPtr)) DeleteIGMPAddr(NTE, PrevPtr, &AddrPtr); Status = IP_NO_RESOURCES; goto Done; } }
// For each existing source entry,
// If not in {xaddlist}, xrefcnt=refcount, irefcnt=0
// Add source to ALLOW message
// If in {xaddlist},
// Increment xrefcnt and remove from {xaddlist}
for (SrcAddrPtr = AddrPtr->iga_srclist; SrcAddrPtr; SrcAddrPtr = SrcAddrPtr->isa_next) {
for (i=0; i<NumExclSources; i++) {
if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(SrcAddrPtr->isa_addr, ExclSourceList[i])) { (SrcAddrPtr->isa_xrefcnt)++; ExclSourceList[i] = ExclSourceList[--NumExclSources]; break; } } if ((i == NumExclSources) && !IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(AddrPtr, SrcAddrPtr) && (NTE->nte_if->IgmpVersion == IGMPV3)) { // Add source to ALLOW message
MarkSource(AddrPtr, SrcAddrPtr); } }
// The purpose of this check is to mark this Address 'only the first time'.
// To take care of race conditions, this has to be stored in a local variable.
if (InitialRefOnIgmpAddr == 0) { MarkGroup(AddrPtr); }
// Bump the refcount on the group entry
// For each entry left in {xaddlist}
// Add source entry and increment xrefcnt
for (i=0; i<NumExclSources; i++) { Status = CreateIGMPSrcAddr(AddrPtr, ExclSourceList[i], &SrcAddrPtr, &PrevSrc); if (Status != IP_SUCCESS) { break; } (SrcAddrPtr->isa_xrefcnt)++; } if (Status != IP_SUCCESS) { // undo source adds
IGMPDelExclList(NTE, PrevPtr, &AddrPtr, i, ExclSourceList, FALSE);
// undo group join
if (IS_GROUP_DELETABLE(AddrPtr)) DeleteIGMPAddr(NTE, PrevPtr, &AddrPtr);
goto Done; }
// Perform IDELLIST
IGMPDelInclList(&Handle, NTE, &PrevPtr, &AddrPtr, NumInclSources, InclSourceList, TRUE);
// Make sure AddrPtr didn't go away somehow
if (AddrPtr == NULL) { Status = IP_BAD_REQ; goto Done; }
// No reports are sent for the ALL_HOST_MCAST group
if (!IP_ADDR_EQUAL(AddrPtr->iga_addr, ALL_HOST_MCAST)) { if (IgmpVersion == IGMPV3) { // If filter mode was inclusion,
// Send TO_EX with list of sources where irefcnt=0,xrefcnt=refcnt
// Else
// Send ALLOW/BLOCK messages if non-empty
if (AddrPtr->iga_grefcnt == 1) { ToExRec = GetToExRecord( AddrPtr, &ToExRecSize, BodyMTU); } else { AllowRec = GetAllowRecord(AddrPtr, &AllowRecSize); BlockRec = GetBlockRecord(AddrPtr, &BlockRecSize); }
// set triggered group retransmission timer
AddrPtr->iga_trtimer = IGMPRandomTicks(UNSOLICITED_REPORT_INTERVAL); } else if (!GroupWasAllowed) { // Set retransmission timer
AddrPtr->iga_trtimer = IGMPRandomTicks(UNSOLICITED_REPORT_INTERVAL); } } } Done: CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle);
if (Status != IP_SUCCESS) { return Status; }
if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(Addr, ALL_HOST_MCAST)) return Status;
if (IgmpVersion == IGMPV3) { IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry *Head = NULL, *rqe; rqe = STRUCT_OF(IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry, &Head, i3qe_next);
QueueRecord(&rqe, &ToExRec, ToExRecSize); QueueRecord(&rqe, &AllowRec, AllowRecSize); QueueRecord(&rqe, &BlockRec, BlockRecSize); SendIGMPv3Reports(Head, SrcAddr, BodyMTU);
} else if (!GroupWasAllowed) { IGMPReportQueueEntry *Head = NULL, *rqe; rqe = STRUCT_OF(IGMPReportQueueEntry, &Head, iqe_next);
QueueOldReport(&rqe, IGMP_ADD, IgmpVersion, Addr); SendOldReports(Head, SrcAddr); }
return Status; }
//* LeaveIGMPAddr - remove a membership reference to an entire group, and
// update associated source list refcounts.
IP_STATUS LeaveIGMPAddr( IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN IPAddr Addr, IN uint NumExclSources, IN OUT IPAddr *ExclSourceList, // volatile
IN uint NumInclSources, IN IPAddr *InclSourceList, IN IPAddr SrcAddr) { IGMPAddr *AddrPtr, *PrevPtr; IGMPSrcAddr *Src, *PrevSrc; IP_STATUS Status; CTELockHandle Handle; Interface *IF = NULL; uint IgmpVersion = 0, i, BodyMTU = 0; BOOLEAN GroupNowAllowed = TRUE; IGMPv3GroupRecord *ToInRec = NULL, *AllowRec = NULL, *BlockRec = NULL; uint ToInRecSize = 0, AllowRecSize = 0, BlockRecSize = 0;
Status = IP_SUCCESS;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_IGMP, (DTEXT("LeaveIGMPAddr NTE=%x Addr=%x NumExcl=%d ExclSList=%x NumIncl=%d InclSList=%x SrcAddr=%x\n"), NTE, Addr, NumExclSources, ExclSourceList, NumInclSources, InclSourceList, SrcAddr));
// Now get the lock on the NTE and make sure it's valid.
CTEGetLock(&NTE->nte_lock, &Handle); {
if (!(NTE->nte_flags & NTE_VALID)) { Status = IP_BAD_REQ; goto Done; }
IF = NTE->nte_if; IgmpVersion = IF->IgmpVersion; BodyMTU = RECORD_MTU(NTE);
// The NTE is valid. Try to find an existing IGMPAddr structure
// that matches the input address.
AddrPtr = FindIGMPAddr(NTE, Addr, &PrevPtr);
// This is a delete request. If we didn't find the requested
// address, fail the request.
// For now, if the ref count is 0, we will treat it as equivalent to
// not-found. This is done to take care of the ref count on an
// IGMPAddr going bad because of a race condition between the
// invalidation and revalidation of an NTE and deletion and creation
// of an IGMPAddr.
if ((AddrPtr == NULL) || (AddrPtr->iga_grefcnt == 0)) { Status = IP_BAD_REQ; goto Done; }
// Don't let the all-hosts mcast address go away.
if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(Addr, ALL_HOST_MCAST)) { goto Done; }
// Perform IADDLIST
Status = IGMPAddInclList(&Handle, NTE, &PrevPtr, &AddrPtr, NumInclSources, InclSourceList); if (Status != IP_SUCCESS) { goto Done; }
// Decrement the refcount
ASSERT(AddrPtr->iga_grefcnt > 0); AddrPtr->iga_grefcnt--;
if ((AddrPtr->iga_grefcnt == 0) && (NTE->nte_if->IgmpVersion == IGMPV3)) { // Leaves are only retransmitted in IGMPv3
MarkGroup(AddrPtr); }
// For each existing source entry:
// If entry is not in {xdellist}, xrefcnt=refcnt, irefcnt=0,
// Add source to BLOCK message
// If entry is in {xdellist},
// Decrement xrefcnt and remove from {xdellist}
// If xrefcnt=irefcnt=0, delete entry
PrevSrc = STRUCT_OF(IGMPSrcAddr, &AddrPtr->iga_srclist, isa_next); for (Src = AddrPtr->iga_srclist; Src; PrevSrc=Src,Src = Src->isa_next) {
for (i=0; i<NumExclSources; i++) {
if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(Src->isa_addr, ExclSourceList[i])) { (Src->isa_xrefcnt)--; ExclSourceList[i] = ExclSourceList[--NumExclSources]; break; } } if ((i == NumExclSources) && !IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(AddrPtr, Src) && (NTE->nte_if->IgmpVersion == IGMPV3)) { // Add source to BLOCK message
MarkSource(AddrPtr, Src); }
if (IS_SOURCE_DELETABLE(Src)) { DeleteIGMPSrcAddr(PrevSrc, &Src); Src = PrevSrc; } }
// Break if {xdellist} is not empty
ASSERT(NumExclSources == 0);
if (IgmpVersion == IGMPV3) { // If refcnt is 0
// Send TO_IN(null)
// Else
// Send ALLOW/BLOCK messages if non-empty
if (AddrPtr->iga_grefcnt == 0) { ToInRec = GetToInRecord(AddrPtr, &ToInRecSize); } else { AllowRec = GetAllowRecord(AddrPtr, &AllowRecSize); BlockRec = GetBlockRecord(AddrPtr, &BlockRecSize); }
// set triggered group retransmission timer
if (ToInRec || AllowRec || BlockRec) { AddrPtr->iga_trtimer = IGMPRandomTicks(UNSOLICITED_REPORT_INTERVAL); } } // Note: IGMPv2 leaves are not retransmitted, hence no timer set.
GroupNowAllowed = IS_GROUP_ALLOWED(AddrPtr);
if (!GroupNowAllowed) CancelGroupResponseTimer(AddrPtr);
// Delete the group entry if it's no longer needed
if (IS_GROUP_DELETABLE(AddrPtr)) DeleteIGMPAddr(NTE, PrevPtr, &AddrPtr);
} Done: CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle);
if (Status != IP_SUCCESS) { return Status; }
// Update link-layer filter
if (!GroupNowAllowed) { (*IF->if_deladdr) (IF->if_lcontext, LLIP_ADDR_MCAST, Addr, 0); }
if (IgmpVersion == IGMPV3) { IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry *Head = NULL, *rqe; rqe = STRUCT_OF(IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry, &Head, i3qe_next);
QueueRecord(&rqe, &ToInRec, ToInRecSize); QueueRecord(&rqe, &AllowRec, AllowRecSize); QueueRecord(&rqe, &BlockRec, BlockRecSize); SendIGMPv3Reports(Head, SrcAddr, BodyMTU); } else if (!GroupNowAllowed) { IGMPReportQueueEntry *Head = NULL, *rqe; rqe = STRUCT_OF(IGMPReportQueueEntry, &Head, iqe_next); QueueOldReport(&rqe, IGMP_DELETE, IgmpVersion, Addr); SendOldReports(Head, SrcAddr); }
return Status; }
//* LeaveAllIGMPAddr - remove all group references on an interface
IP_STATUS LeaveAllIGMPAddr( IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN IPAddr SrcAddr) { IGMPAddr **HashPtr, *Prev, *Next, *Curr; IGMPSrcAddr *PrevSrc, *CurrSrc; int i, Grefcnt; IP_STATUS Status; CTELockHandle Handle; Interface *IF; uint IgmpVersion = 0, BodyMTU = 0; IPAddr Addr; IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry *I3Head = NULL, *i3qe; IGMPReportQueueEntry *OldHead = NULL, *iqe; IGMPv3GroupRecord *Rec; uint RecSize;
i3qe = STRUCT_OF(IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry, &I3Head, i3qe_next); iqe = STRUCT_OF(IGMPReportQueueEntry, &OldHead, iqe_next);
// We've been called to delete all of the addresses,
// regardless of their reference count. This should only
// happen when the NTE is going away.
Status = IP_SUCCESS;
CTEGetLock(&NTE->nte_lock, &Handle); { HashPtr = NTE->nte_igmplist; if (HashPtr == NULL) { goto Done; }
IF = NTE->nte_if; BodyMTU = RECORD_MTU(NTE); IgmpVersion = IF->IgmpVersion;
for (i = 0; (i < IGMP_TABLE_SIZE) && (NTE->nte_igmplist != NULL); i++) {
Curr = STRUCT_OF(IGMPAddr, &HashPtr[i], iga_next); Next = HashPtr[i];
for (Prev=Curr,Curr=Next; Curr && (NTE->nte_igmplist != NULL); Prev=Curr,Curr=Next) { Next = Curr->iga_next;
Grefcnt = Curr->iga_grefcnt; Addr = Curr->iga_addr;
// Leave all sources
PrevSrc = STRUCT_OF(IGMPSrcAddr, &Curr->iga_srclist, isa_next); for(CurrSrc=PrevSrc->isa_next; CurrSrc; PrevSrc=CurrSrc,CurrSrc=CurrSrc->isa_next) {
if (Grefcnt && IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(Curr, CurrSrc) && (IgmpVersion == IGMPV3)) { // Add source to BLOCK message
MarkSource(Curr, CurrSrc); }
// Force leave
CurrSrc->isa_irefcnt = 0; CurrSrc->isa_xrefcnt = Curr->iga_grefcnt;
// We may be able to delete the source now,
// but not if it's marked for inclusion in a block
// message to be sent below.
if (IS_SOURCE_DELETABLE(CurrSrc)) { DeleteIGMPSrcAddr(PrevSrc, &CurrSrc); CurrSrc = PrevSrc; } }
// Force group leave
if (Grefcnt > 0) { Curr->iga_grefcnt = 0;
// Leaves are only retransmitted in IGMPv3, where
// state will actually be deleted once retransmissions
// are complete.
if (IgmpVersion == IGMPV3) MarkGroup(Curr);
// We may be able to delete the group now,
// but not if it's marked for inclusion in an IGMPv3
// leave to be sent below.
if (IS_GROUP_DELETABLE(Curr)) DeleteIGMPAddr(NTE, Prev, &Curr); }
// Queue triggered messages
if (!IP_ADDR_EQUAL(Addr, ALL_HOST_MCAST)) { if (IgmpVersion < IGMPV3) { QueueOldReport(&iqe, IGMP_DELETE, IgmpVersion,Addr); } else if (Grefcnt > 0) { // queue TO_IN
Rec = GetToInRecord(Curr, &RecSize); QueueRecord(&i3qe, &Rec, RecSize); } else { // queue BLOCK
Rec = GetBlockRecord(Curr, &RecSize); QueueRecord(&i3qe, &Rec, RecSize); } }
// If we haven't deleted the group yet, delete it now
if (Curr != NULL) { // Delete any leftover sources
PrevSrc = STRUCT_OF(IGMPSrcAddr, &Curr->iga_srclist, isa_next); while (Curr->iga_srclist != NULL) { CurrSrc = Curr->iga_srclist;
CurrSrc->isa_irefcnt = CurrSrc->isa_xrefcnt = 0; CurrSrc->isa_xmitleft = CurrSrc->isa_csmarked = 0; DeleteIGMPSrcAddr(PrevSrc, &CurrSrc); }
Curr->iga_xmitleft = 0; DeleteIGMPAddr(NTE, Prev, &Curr); } Curr = Prev;
CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle); { // Update link-layer filter
(*IF->if_deladdr) (IF->if_lcontext, LLIP_ADDR_MCAST, Addr, 0); } CTEGetLock(&NTE->nte_lock, &Handle); } }
ASSERT(NTE->nte_igmplist == NULL); ASSERT(NTE->nte_igmpcount == 0);
} Done: CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle);
if (IgmpVersion == IGMPV3) SendIGMPv3Reports(I3Head, SrcAddr, BodyMTU); else SendOldReports(OldHead, SrcAddr);
return Status; }
//* IGMPAddrChange - Change the IGMP address list on an NTE.
// Called to add or delete an IGMP address. We're given the relevant NTE,
// the address, and the action to be performed. We validate the NTE, the
// address, and the IGMP level, and then attempt to perform the action.
// There are a bunch of strange race conditions that can occur during
// adding/deleting addresses, related to trying to add the same address
// twice and having it fail, or adding and deleting the same address
// simultaneously. Most of these happen because we have to free the lock
// to call the interface, and the call to the interface can fail. To
// prevent this we serialize all access to this routine. Only one thread
// of execution can go through here at a time, all others are blocked.
// Input: NTE - NTE with list to be altered.
// Addr - Address affected.
// ChangeType - Type of change - IGMP_ADD, IGMP_DELETE,
// ExclSourceList - list of exclusion sources (volatile)
// Returns: IP_STATUS of attempt to perform action.
IP_STATUS IGMPAddrChange( IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN IPAddr Addr, IN uint ChangeType, IN uint NumExclSources, IN OUT IPAddr *ExclSourceList, IN uint NumInclSources, IN IPAddr *InclSourceList) { CTELockHandle Handle; IP_STATUS Status; IGMPBlockStruct Block; IGMPBlockStruct *BlockPtr; IPAddr SrcAddr = 0;
// First make sure we're at level 2 of IGMP support.
if (IGMPLevel != 2) return IP_BAD_REQ;
if (NTE->nte_flags & NTE_VALID) {
// If this is an unnumbered interface
if ((NTE->nte_if->if_flags & IF_FLAGS_NOIPADDR) && IP_ADDR_EQUAL(NTE->nte_addr, NULL_IP_ADDR)) { SrcAddr = g_ValidAddr; if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(SrcAddr, NULL_IP_ADDR)) { return IP_BAD_REQ; } } else { SrcAddr = NTE->nte_addr; } } CTEInitBlockStruc(&Block.ibs_block);
// Make sure we're the only ones in this routine. If someone else is
// already here, block.
CTEGetLock(&IGMPLock, &Handle); if (IGMPBlockFlag) {
// Someone else is already here. Walk down the block list, and
// put ourselves on the end. Then free the lock and block on our
// IGMPBlock structure.
BlockPtr = STRUCT_OF(IGMPBlockStruct, &IGMPBlockList, ibs_next); while (BlockPtr->ibs_next != NULL) BlockPtr = BlockPtr->ibs_next;
Block.ibs_next = NULL; BlockPtr->ibs_next = &Block; CTEFreeLock(&IGMPLock, Handle); CTEBlock(&Block.ibs_block); } else { // Noone else here, set the flag so noone else gets in and free the
// lock.
IGMPBlockFlag = 1; CTEFreeLock(&IGMPLock, Handle); }
// Now we're in the routine, and we won't be reentered here by another
// thread of execution. Make sure everything's valid, and figure out
// what to do.
Status = IP_SUCCESS;
// Now figure out the action to be performed.
switch (ChangeType) {
case IGMP_ADD: Status = JoinIGMPAddr(NTE, Addr, NumExclSources, ExclSourceList, NumInclSources, InclSourceList, SrcAddr); break;
case IGMP_DELETE: Status = LeaveIGMPAddr(NTE, Addr, NumExclSources, ExclSourceList, NumInclSources, InclSourceList, SrcAddr); break;
case IGMP_DELETE_ALL: Status = LeaveAllIGMPAddr(NTE, SrcAddr); break;
default: DEBUGCHK; break; }
// We finished the request, and Status contains the completion status.
// If there are any pending blocks for this routine, signal the next
// one now. Otherwise clear the block flag.
CTEGetLock(&IGMPLock, &Handle); if ((BlockPtr = IGMPBlockList) != NULL) { // Someone is blocking. Pull him from the list and signal him.
IGMPBlockList = BlockPtr->ibs_next; CTEFreeLock(&IGMPLock, Handle);
CTESignal(&BlockPtr->ibs_block, IP_SUCCESS); } else { // No one blocking, just clear the flag.
IGMPBlockFlag = 0; CTEFreeLock(&IGMPLock, Handle); }
return Status; }
//* GroupResponseTimeout - Called when group-response timer expires
// Assumes caller holds lock on NTE
// Caller is responsible for deleting AddrPtr if no longer needed
void GroupResponseTimeout( IN OUT IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry **pI3qe, IN OUT IGMPReportQueueEntry **pIqe, IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN IGMPAddr *AddrPtr) { uint IgmpVersion, BodyMTU, StateRecSize = 0; IGMPv3GroupRecord *StateRec = NULL;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_IGMP && DBG_TX, (DTEXT("GroupResponseTimeout\n")));
IgmpVersion = NTE->nte_if->IgmpVersion; BodyMTU = RECORD_MTU(NTE);
if (IgmpVersion < IGMPV3) { QueueOldReport(pIqe, IGMP_ADD, IgmpVersion, AddrPtr->iga_addr); return; }
if (AddrPtr->iga_resptype == GROUP_SOURCE_RESP) { StateRec = GetGSIsInRecord(AddrPtr, &StateRecSize); } else { // Group-specific response
if (AddrPtr->iga_grefcnt == 0) { StateRec = GetIsInRecord(AddrPtr, &StateRecSize); } else { StateRec = GetIsExRecord(AddrPtr, &StateRecSize, BodyMTU); } } QueueRecord(pI3qe, &StateRec, StateRecSize);
CancelGroupResponseTimer(AddrPtr); }
//* RetransmissionTimeout - called when retransmission timer expires
// Caller is responsible for deleting Grp afterwards if no longer needed
void RetransmissionTimeout( IN OUT IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry **pI3qe, IN OUT IGMPReportQueueEntry **pIqe, IN NetTableEntry *NTE, IN IGMPAddr *Grp) { IGMPv3GroupRecord *Rec = NULL; uint RecSize = 0; uint IgmpVersion, BodyMTU;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_TRACE && DBG_IGMP && DBG_TX, (DTEXT("RetransmissionTimeout\n")));
IgmpVersion = NTE->nte_if->IgmpVersion;
if (IgmpVersion < IGMPV3) { // We decrement the counter here since the same function
// is used to respond to queries.
QueueOldReport(pIqe, IGMP_ADD, IgmpVersion, Grp->iga_addr); } else { if (Grp->iga_changetype == MODE_CHANGE) { if (Grp->iga_grefcnt == 0) { Rec = GetToInRecord(Grp, &RecSize); } else { Rec = GetToExRecord(Grp, &RecSize, BodyMTU); } QueueRecord(pI3qe, &Rec, RecSize); } else { Rec = GetAllowRecord(Grp, &RecSize); QueueRecord(pI3qe, &Rec, RecSize);
Rec = GetBlockRecord(Grp, &RecSize); QueueRecord(pI3qe, &Rec, RecSize); } }
if (Grp->iga_xmitleft > 0) { Grp->iga_trtimer = IGMPRandomTicks(UNSOLICITED_REPORT_INTERVAL); } }
//* IGMPTimer - Handle an IGMP timer event.
// This function is called every 500 ms. by IP. If we're at level 2 of
// IGMP functionality we run down the NTE looking for running timers. If
// we find one, we see if it has expired and if so we send an
// IGMP report.
// Input: NTE - Pointer to NTE to check.
// Returns: Nothing.
void IGMPTimer( IN NetTableEntry * NTE) { CTELockHandle Handle; IGMPAddr *AddrPtr, *PrevPtr; uint IgmpVersion = 0, BodyMTU = 0, i; IPAddr SrcAddr = 0; IGMPAddr **HashPtr; IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry *I3Head = NULL, *i3qe; IGMPReportQueueEntry *OldHead = NULL, *iqe;
i3qe = STRUCT_OF(IGMPv3RecordQueueEntry, &I3Head, i3qe_next); iqe = STRUCT_OF(IGMPReportQueueEntry, &OldHead, iqe_next);
if (IGMPLevel != 2) { return; }
// We are doing IGMP. Run down the addresses active on this NTE.
CTEGetLock(&NTE->nte_lock, &Handle);
if (NTE->nte_flags & NTE_VALID) {
// If we haven't heard any query from an older version
// router during timeout period, revert to newer version.
// No need to check whether NTE is valid or not
if ((NTE->nte_if->IgmpVer2Timeout != 0) && (--(NTE->nte_if->IgmpVer2Timeout) == 0)) { NTE->nte_if->IgmpVersion = IGMPV3; } if ((NTE->nte_if->IgmpVer1Timeout != 0) && (--(NTE->nte_if->IgmpVer1Timeout) == 0)) { NTE->nte_if->IgmpVersion = IGMPV3; } if (NTE->nte_if->IgmpVer2Timeout != 0) NTE->nte_if->IgmpVersion = IGMPV2; if (NTE->nte_if->IgmpVer1Timeout != 0) NTE->nte_if->IgmpVersion = IGMPV1;
if ((NTE->nte_if->if_flags & IF_FLAGS_NOIPADDR) && IP_ADDR_EQUAL(NTE->nte_addr, NULL_IP_ADDR)) { SrcAddr = g_ValidAddr; if (IP_ADDR_EQUAL(SrcAddr, NULL_IP_ADDR)) { CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle); return; } } else { SrcAddr = NTE->nte_addr; }
BodyMTU = RECORD_MTU(NTE); IgmpVersion = NTE->nte_if->IgmpVersion;
HashPtr = NTE->nte_igmplist;
for (i=0; (i<IGMP_TABLE_SIZE) && (NTE->nte_igmplist!=NULL); i++) { PrevPtr = STRUCT_OF(IGMPAddr, &HashPtr[i], iga_next); AddrPtr = PrevPtr->iga_next; while (AddrPtr != NULL) {
// Hande group response timer
if (AddrPtr->iga_resptimer != 0) { AddrPtr->iga_resptimer--; if ((AddrPtr->iga_resptimer == 0) && (NTE->nte_flags & NTE_VALID)) { GroupResponseTimeout(&i3qe, &iqe, NTE, AddrPtr); } }
// Handle triggered retransmission timer
if (AddrPtr->iga_trtimer != 0) { AddrPtr->iga_trtimer--; if ((AddrPtr->iga_trtimer == 0) && (NTE->nte_flags & NTE_VALID)) { RetransmissionTimeout(&i3qe, &iqe, NTE, AddrPtr); } }
// Delete group if no longer needed
if (IS_GROUP_DELETABLE(AddrPtr)) { DeleteIGMPAddr(NTE, PrevPtr, &AddrPtr); AddrPtr = PrevPtr; }
if (NTE->nte_igmplist == NULL) { // PrevPtr is gone
break; }
// Go on to the next one.
PrevPtr = AddrPtr; AddrPtr = AddrPtr->iga_next; } }
// Check general query timer
if ((NTE->nte_if->IgmpGeneralTimer != 0) && (--(NTE->nte_if->IgmpGeneralTimer) == 0)) { QueueIGMPv3GeneralResponse(&i3qe, NTE); } } //nte_valid
CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle);
if (IgmpVersion == IGMPV3) SendIGMPv3Reports(I3Head, SrcAddr, BodyMTU); else SendOldReports(OldHead, SrcAddr); }
//* IsMCastSourceAllowed - check if incoming packet passes interface filter
// Returns: DEST_MCAST if allowed, DEST_LOCAL if not.
uchar IsMCastSourceAllowed( IN IPAddr Dest, IN IPAddr Source, IN uchar Protocol, IN NetTableEntry *NTE) { CTELockHandle Handle; uchar Result = DEST_LOCAL; IGMPAddr *AddrPtr = NULL; IGMPSrcAddr *SrcPtr = NULL;
if (IGMPLevel != 2) { return DEST_LOCAL; }
// IGMP Queries must be immune to source filters or else
// we might not be able to respond to group-specific queries
// from the querier and hence lose data.
if (Protocol == PROT_IGMP) { return DEST_MCAST; }
CTEGetLock(&NTE->nte_lock, &Handle); { AddrPtr = FindIGMPAddr(NTE, Dest, NULL); if (AddrPtr != NULL) { SrcPtr = FindIGMPSrcAddr(AddrPtr, Source, NULL);
if (SrcPtr) { if (IS_SOURCE_ALLOWED(AddrPtr, SrcPtr)) Result = DEST_MCAST; } else { if (IS_GROUP_ALLOWED(AddrPtr)) Result = DEST_MCAST; } } } CTEFreeLock(&NTE->nte_lock, Handle);
return Result; }
//* InitIGMPForNTE - Called to do per-NTE initialization.
// Called when an NTE becomes valid. If we're at level 2, we put the
// all-host mcast on the list and add the address to the interface.
// Input: NTE - NTE on which to act.
// Returns: Nothing.
void InitIGMPForNTE( IN NetTableEntry * NTE) { if (IGMPLevel == 2) { IGMPAddrChange(NTE, ALL_HOST_MCAST, IGMP_ADD, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); } if (Seed == 0) { // No random seed yet.
Seed = (int)NTE->nte_addr;
// Make sure the inital value is odd, and less than 9 decimal digits.
RandomValue = ((Seed + (int)CTESystemUpTime()) % 100000000) | 1; } }
//* StopIGMPForNTE - Called to do per-NTE shutdown.
// Called when we're shutting down an NTE, and want to stop IGMP on it,
// Input: NTE - NTE on which to act.
// Returns: Nothing.
void StopIGMPForNTE( IN NetTableEntry * NTE) { if (IGMPLevel == 2) { IGMPAddrChange(NTE, NULL_IP_ADDR, IGMP_DELETE_ALL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); } }
#pragma BEGIN_INIT
//** IGMPInit - Initialize IGMP.
// This bit of code initializes IGMP generally. There is also some amount
// of work done on a per-NTE basis that we do when each one is initialized.
// Input: Nothing.
// Returns: TRUE if we init, FALSE if we don't.
uint IGMPInit(void) { DEBUGMSG(DBG_INFO && DBG_IGMP, (DTEXT("Initializing IGMP\n")));
if (IGMPLevel != 2) return TRUE;
CTEInitLock(&IGMPLock); IGMPBlockList = NULL; IGMPBlockFlag = 0; Seed = 0;
IGMPProtInfo = IPRegisterProtocol(PROT_IGMP, IGMPRcv, IGMPSendComplete, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (IGMPProtInfo != NULL) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
#pragma END_INIT