#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <tdint.h>
#include <arpdef.h>
#include <iprtdef.h>
#include <winsock.h>
FLAG_INFO FlagsNTE[] = { { NTE_VALID, "NTE_Valid" }, { NTE_COPY, "NTE_Copy" }, { NTE_PRIMARY, "NTE_Primary" }, { NTE_ACTIVE, "NTE_Active" }, { NTE_DYNAMIC, "NTE_Dynamic" }, { NTE_DHCP, "NTE_DHCP" }, { NTE_DISCONNECTED, "NTE_Disconnected" }, { NTE_TIMER_STARTED, "NTE_TimerStarted" }, { NTE_IF_DELETING, "NTE_IF_Deleting" }, { 0, NULL } };
FLAG_INFO FlagsRCE[] = { { RCE_VALID, "RCE_Valid" }, { RCE_CONNECTED, "RCE_Connected" }, { RCE_REFERENCED, "RCE_Referenced" }, { RCE_DEADGW, "RCE_Deadgw" }, { 0, NULL } };
FLAG_INFO FlagsRTE[] = { { RTE_VALID, "RTE_Valid" }, { RTE_INCREASE, "RTE_Increase" }, { RTE_IF_VALID, "RTE_If_Valid" }, { RTE_DEADGW, "RTE_DeadGW" }, { RTE_NEW, "RTE_New" }, { 0, NULL } };
VOID DumpLog ( );
DECLARE_API( dumplog ) { DumpLog(); return; }
DECLARE_API( IPH ) { ULONG addressToDump = 0;
if ( *args ) { sscanf(args, "%lx", &addressToDump); }
DumpIPH( addressToDump );
return; }
DECLARE_API( nte ) { ULONG addressToDump = 0; ULONG result;
if ( *args ) { sscanf(args, "%lx", &addressToDump); }
DumpNTE( addressToDump, VERBOSITY_NORMAL );
return; }
ULONG_PTR DumpInterface( ULONG InterfaceAddr, VERBOSITY Verbosity );
DECLARE_API( interface ) { ULONG addressToDump = 0; ULONG result;
if ( *args ) { sscanf(args, "%lx", &addressToDump); }
DumpInterface( addressToDump, VERBOSITY_NORMAL );
return; }
VOID DumpIFList ( VERBOSITY Verbosity );
DECLARE_API( iflist ) { char buf[128];
buf[0] = '\0';
if ( *args ) { sscanf(args, "%s", buf); }
if (buf[0] == '\0') { dprintf( "VERBOSITY_NORMAL\n" ); DumpIFList( VERBOSITY_NORMAL ); } else { dprintf( "VERBOSITY_FULL\n" ); DumpIFList( VERBOSITY_FULL ); }
return; }
VOID DumpNTEList ( VERBOSITY Verbosity );
DECLARE_API( ntelist ) { char buf[128];
buf[0] = '\0';
if ( *args ) { sscanf(args, "%s", buf); }
if (buf[0] == '\0') { dprintf( "VERBOSITY_NORMAL\n" ); DumpNTEList( VERBOSITY_NORMAL ); } else { dprintf( "VERBOSITY_FULL\n" ); DumpNTEList( VERBOSITY_FULL ); }
return; }
DECLARE_API( rce ) { ULONG addressToDump = 0; ULONG result;
if ( *args ) { sscanf(args, "%lx", &addressToDump); }
DumpRCE( addressToDump, VERBOSITY_NORMAL );
return; }
DECLARE_API( rte ) { ULONG addressToDump = 0; ULONG result;
if ( *args ) { sscanf(args, "%lx", &addressToDump); }
DumpRTE( addressToDump, VERBOSITY_NORMAL );
return; }
DECLARE_API( ate ) { ULONG addressToDump = 0; ULONG result;
if ( *args ) { sscanf(args, "%lx", &addressToDump); }
DumpATE( addressToDump, VERBOSITY_NORMAL );
return; }
DECLARE_API( ai ) { ULONG addressToDump = 0; ULONG result;
if ( *args ) { sscanf(args, "%lx", &addressToDump); }
DumpAI( addressToDump, VERBOSITY_NORMAL );
return; }
VOID DumpARPTable ( ULONG ARPTableAddr, VERBOSITY Verbosity );
DECLARE_API( arptable ) { ULONG addressToDump = 0; ULONG result;
if ( *args ) { sscanf(args, "%lx", &addressToDump); }
DumpARPTable( addressToDump, VERBOSITY_NORMAL );
return; }
#ifdef _obj
# undef _obj
# undef _objAddr
# undef _objType
# undef _objTypeName
#define _obj NTE
#define _objAddr NTEToDump
#define _objType NetTableEntry
#define _objTypeName "NetTableEntry"
ULONG_PTR DumpNTE ( ULONG _objAddr, VERBOSITY Verbosity ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dumps the fields of the specified DEVICE_CONTEXT structure
DeviceToDump - The device context object to display Full - Display a partial listing if 0, full listing otherwise.
Return Value:
--*/ { _objType _obj; ULONG result; unsigned int index; BOOL bActive;
if ( !ReadMemory( _objAddr, &_obj, sizeof( _obj ), &result )) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read %s structure.\n", _objAddr, _objTypeName ); return(0); }
if ( Verbosity == VERBOSITY_ONE_LINER ) { dprintf( "NOT IMPLEMENTED" ); return(0); }
dprintf( "%s @ %08lx\n", _objTypeName, _objAddr ); PrintStartStruct();
PrintFieldName( "nte_next" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG_PTR )_obj.nte_next, FIELD_OFFSET( _objType, nte_next ));
PrintIPAddress( nte_addr ); PrintIPAddress( nte_mask ); PrintPtr( nte_if ); PrintFieldName( "nte_ifnext" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG_PTR )_obj.nte_ifnext, FIELD_OFFSET( _objType, nte_ifnext )); PrintFlags( nte_flags, FlagsNTE ); PrintUShort( nte_context ); PrintULong( nte_instance ); PrintPtr( nte_pnpcontext ); PrintLock( nte_lock ); PrintPtr( nte_ralist ); PrintPtr( nte_echolist ); PrintCTETimer( nte_timer ); PrintAddr( nte_timerblock ); PrintUShort( nte_mss ); PrintULong( nte_icmpseq ); PrintPtr( nte_igmplist ); PrintPtr( nte_addrhandle ); PrintIPAddress( nte_rtrdiscaddr ); PrintUChar( nte_rtrdiscstate ); PrintUChar( nte_rtrdisccount ); PrintUChar( nte_rtrdiscovery ); PrintUChar( nte_deleting ); PrintPtr( nte_rtrlist ); PrintULong( nte_igmpcount );
PrintEndStruct(); return( (ULONG_PTR)_obj.nte_next ); }
VOID DumpNTEList ( VERBOSITY Verbosity ) { ULONG Listlen=0; ULONG NteAddr; ULONG result; NetTableEntry **NteList, **PreservedPtr; ULONG_PTR CurrentNTE; ULONG index; ULONG NET_TABLE_SIZE;
NteAddr = GetUlongValue( "tcpip!NewNetTableList" ); NET_TABLE_SIZE = GetUlongValue( "tcpip!NET_TABLE_SIZE" );
NteList = malloc(sizeof( NetTableEntry * ) * NET_TABLE_SIZE);
if (NteList == NULL) { dprintf("malloc failed\n"); return; }
PreservedPtr = NteList;
// Listlen = GetUlongValue( "tcpip!NumNTE" );
if ( !ReadMemory( NteAddr, &NteList[0], 4 * NET_TABLE_SIZE, &result )) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read the list.\n", NteAddr); return; }
for (index=0; index<NET_TABLE_SIZE; index++) { CurrentNTE = (ULONG_PTR)NteList[index]; while (CurrentNTE) { dprintf("The hash is %d \n", index); CurrentNTE = DumpNTE(CurrentNTE, Verbosity ); Listlen++; } }
dprintf("total %d \n", Listlen);
return; }
#ifdef _obj
# undef _obj
# undef _objAddr
# undef _objType
# undef _objTypeName
#define _obj IF
#define _objAddr InterfaceToDump
#define _objType Interface
#define _objTypeName "Interface"
ULONG_PTR DumpInterface ( ULONG _objAddr, VERBOSITY Verbosity ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dumps the fields of the specified DEVICE_CONTEXT structure
DeviceToDump - The device context object to display Full - Display a partial listing if 0, full listing otherwise.
Return Value:
--*/ { _objType _obj; ULONG result; unsigned int index; BOOL bActive;
if ( !ReadMemory( _objAddr, &_obj, sizeof( _obj ), &result )) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read %s structure.\n", _objAddr, _objTypeName ); return(0); }
if ( Verbosity == VERBOSITY_ONE_LINER ) { dprintf( "NOT IMPLEMENTED" ); return(0); }
dprintf( "%s @ %08lx\n", _objTypeName, _objAddr ); PrintStartStruct();
PrintFieldName( "if_next" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG_PTR )_obj.if_next, FIELD_OFFSET( _objType, if_next )); PrintPtr( if_lcontext ); PrintSymbolPtr( if_xmit ); PrintSymbolPtr( if_transfer ); PrintSymbolPtr( if_close ); PrintSymbolPtr( if_invalidate ); PrintSymbolPtr( if_addaddr ); PrintSymbolPtr( if_deladdr ); PrintSymbolPtr( if_qinfo ); PrintSymbolPtr( if_setinfo ); PrintSymbolPtr( if_getelist ); PrintSymbolPtr( if_dondisreq ); PrintSymbolPtr( if_dowakeupptrn ); PrintSymbolPtr( if_pnpcomplete ); PrintSymbolPtr( if_setndisrequest ); PrintSymbolPtr( if_arpresolveip ); PrintSymbolPtr( if_arpflushate ); PrintSymbolPtr( if_arpflushallate ); PrintULong( if_numgws ); for (index = 0; index < MAX_DEFAULT_GWS; index++) { PrintIPAddress(if_gw[index]); } PrintUShort( if_rtrdiscovery ); PrintUShort( if_dhcprtrdiscovery ); PrintPtr( if_tdpacket ); PrintULong( if_index ); PrintULong( if_mediatype ); PrintUChar( if_accesstype ); PrintUChar( if_conntype ); PrintUChar( if_mcastttl ); PrintUChar( if_mcastflags ); PrintULong( if_lastupcall ); PrintULong( if_ntecount ); PrintFieldName( "if_nte" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG_PTR )_obj.if_nte, FIELD_OFFSET( NetTableEntry, nte_ifnext )); PrintIPAddress( if_bcast ); PrintULong( if_mtu ); PrintULong( if_speed ); PrintFlags( if_flags, FlagsIF ); PrintULong( if_addrlen ); PrintPtr( if_addr ); PrintULong( IgmpVersion ); PrintULong( IgmpVer1Timeout ); PrintULong( IgmpVer2Timeout ); PrintULong( IgmpGeneralTimer );
PrintULong( if_refcount ); PrintPtr( if_block ); PrintPtr( if_pnpcontext ); PrintPtr( if_tdibindhandle );
PrintXULong( if_llipflags );
PrintAddr( if_configname ); PrintUString( if_configname ); PrintAddr( if_devname ); PrintUString( if_devname ); PrintAddr( if_name ); PrintUString( if_name );
PrintPtr( if_ipsecsniffercontext );
PrintLock( if_lock );
PrintULong( if_ffpversion ); PrintULong( if_ffpdriver ); #endif
PrintULong( if_OffloadFlags ); // Checksum capability holder.
PrintULong( if_MaxOffLoadSize ); PrintULong( if_MaxSegments ); PrintAddr( if_TcpLargeSend ); PrintULong( if_TcpWindowSize ); PrintULong( if_TcpInitialRTT ); PrintULong( if_TcpDelAckTicks ); PrintULong( if_promiscuousmode ); // promiscuous mode or not
PrintULong( if_InitInProgress ); PrintPtr( if_link ); PrintSymbolPtr( if_closelink ); PrintULong( if_mediastatus ); PrintULong( if_iftype); PrintUChar( if_absorbfwdpkts ); PrintULong( if_pnpcap ); PrintPtr( if_dampnext ); PrintULong( if_damptimer ); PrintULong( if_resetInProgress );
PrintEndStruct(); return( (ULONG_PTR)_obj.if_next ); }
VOID DumpIFList ( VERBOSITY Verbosity ) { ULONG Listlen; ULONG_PTR IFAddr; ULONG result;
IFAddr = GetUlongValue( "tcpip!IFList" ); Listlen = GetUlongValue( "tcpip!NumIF" );
dprintf("Dumping IFList @ %08lx\n", IFAddr, Listlen );
while (IFAddr) { IFAddr = DumpInterface(IFAddr, Verbosity ); }
return; }
#ifdef _obj
# undef _obj
# undef _objAddr
# undef _objType
# undef _objTypeName
#define _obj RCE
#define _objAddr RCEToDump
#define _objType RouteCacheEntry
#define _objTypeName "RouteCacheEntry"
ULONG DumpRCE ( ULONG _objAddr, VERBOSITY Verbosity ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dumps the fields of the specified DEVICE_CONTEXT structure
DeviceToDump - The device context object to display Full - Display a partial listing if 0, full listing otherwise.
Return Value:
--*/ { _objType _obj; ULONG result; unsigned int index; BOOL bActive;
if ( !ReadMemory( _objAddr, &_obj, sizeof( _obj ), &result )) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read %s structure.\n", _objAddr, _objTypeName ); return(0); }
if ( Verbosity == VERBOSITY_ONE_LINER ) { dprintf( "NOT IMPLEMENTED" ); return(0); }
dprintf( "%s @ %08lx\n", _objTypeName, _objAddr ); PrintStartStruct();
PrintFieldName( "rce_next" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG_PTR )_obj.rce_next, FIELD_OFFSET( _objType, rce_next )); PrintPtr( rce_rte ); PrintIPAddress( rce_dest ); PrintIPAddress( rce_src ); PrintFlags( rce_flags, FlagsRCE ); PrintUChar( rce_dtype ); PrintULong( rce_usecnt ); PrintPtr( rce_context[0] ); PrintPtr( rce_context[1] ); PrintLock( rce_lock ); PrintULong ( rce_OffloadFlags ); // interface chksum capability flags
PrintAddr( rce_TcpLargeSend ); PrintULong( rce_TcpWindowSize ); PrintULong( rce_TcpInitialRTT ); PrintULong( rce_TcpDelAckTicks ); PrintULong( rce_cnt ); PrintULong( rce_mediaspeed );
PrintEndStruct(); return( (ULONG_PTR)_obj.rce_next ); }
#ifdef _obj
# undef _obj
# undef _objAddr
# undef _objType
# undef _objTypeName
#define _obj RTE
#define _objAddr RTEToDump
#define _objType RouteTableEntry
#define _objTypeName "RouteTableEntry"
ULONG DumpRTE ( ULONG _objAddr, VERBOSITY Verbosity ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dumps the fields of the specified DEVICE_CONTEXT structure
DeviceToDump - The device context object to display Full - Display a partial listing if 0, full listing otherwise.
Return Value:
--*/ { _objType _obj; ULONG result; unsigned int index; BOOL bActive;
if ( !ReadMemory( _objAddr, &_obj, sizeof( _obj ), &result )) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read %s structure.\n", _objAddr, _objTypeName ); return(0); }
if ( Verbosity == VERBOSITY_ONE_LINER ) { dprintf( "NOT IMPLEMENTED" ); return(0); }
dprintf( "%s @ %08lx\n", _objTypeName, _objAddr ); PrintStartStruct();
PrintFieldName( "rte_next" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG_PTR )_obj.rte_next, FIELD_OFFSET( _objType, rte_next )); PrintIPAddress( rte_dest ); PrintIPAddress( rte_mask ); PrintIPAddress( rte_addr ); PrintPtr( rte_rcelist ); PrintPtr( rte_if ); PrintULong( rte_priority ); PrintULong( rte_metric ); PrintULong( rte_mtu ); PrintUShort( rte_type ); PrintFlags( rte_flags, FlagsRTE ); PrintULong( rte_admintype ); PrintULong( rte_proto ); PrintULong( rte_valid ); PrintULong( rte_mtuchange ); PrintPtr( rte_context ); PrintPtr( rte_arpcontext[0] ); PrintPtr( rte_arpcontext[1] ); PrintPtr( rte_todg ); PrintPtr( rte_fromdg ); PrintULong( rte_rces ); PrintPtr( rte_link ); PrintPtr( rte_nextlinkrte );
PrintEndStruct(); return( (ULONG_PTR)_obj.rte_next ); }
#ifdef _obj
# undef _obj
# undef _objAddr
# undef _objType
# undef _objTypeName
#define _obj ATE
#define _objAddr ATEToDump
#define _objType ARPTableEntry
#define _objTypeName "ARPTableEntry"
ULONG DumpATE ( ULONG _objAddr, VERBOSITY Verbosity ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dumps the fields of the specified DEVICE_CONTEXT structure
DeviceToDump - The device context object to display Full - Display a partial listing if 0, full listing otherwise.
Return Value:
--*/ { _objType _obj; ULONG result; unsigned int index; BOOL bActive; UCHAR MacAddr[ARP_802_ADDR_LENGTH];
if ( !ReadMemory( _objAddr, &_obj, sizeof( _obj ), &result )) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read %s structure.\n", _objAddr, _objTypeName ); return(0); }
if ( Verbosity == VERBOSITY_ONE_LINER ) { dprintf( "NOT IMPLEMENTED" ); return(0); }
dprintf( "%s @ %08lx\n", _objTypeName, _objAddr ); PrintStartStruct();
PrintFieldName( "ate_next" ); dprint_addr_list( ( ULONG_PTR )_obj.ate_next, FIELD_OFFSET( _objType, ate_next )); PrintULong( ate_valid ); PrintIPAddress( ate_dest ); PrintPtr( ate_packet ); PrintPtr( ate_rce ); PrintLock( ate_lock ); PrintULong( ate_useticks ); PrintUChar( ate_addrlength ); PrintUChar( ate_state ); PrintULong( ate_userarp ); PrintPtr( ate_resolveonly ); PrintAddr( ate_addr );
if ( !ReadMemory( AddressOf( ate_addr ), &MacAddr, sizeof( MacAddr ), &result )) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read %s structure.\n", _objAddr, _objTypeName ); return(0); } PrintMacAddr( ate_addr, MacAddr );
PrintEndStruct(); return( (ULONG)_obj.ate_next ); }
#ifdef _obj
# undef _obj
# undef _objAddr
# undef _objType
# undef _objTypeName
#define _obj AI
#define _objAddr AIToDump
#define _objType ARPInterface
#define _objTypeName "ARPInterface"
ULONG DumpAI ( ULONG _objAddr, VERBOSITY Verbosity ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dumps the fields of the specified DEVICE_CONTEXT structure
DeviceToDump - The device context object to display Full - Display a partial listing if 0, full listing otherwise.
Return Value:
--*/ { _objType _obj; ULONG result; unsigned int index; BOOL bActive;
if ( !ReadMemory( _objAddr, &_obj, sizeof( _obj ), &result )) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read %s structure.\n", _objAddr, _objTypeName ); return(0); }
if ( Verbosity == VERBOSITY_ONE_LINER ) { dprintf( "NOT IMPLEMENTED" ); return(0); }
dprintf( "%s @ %08lx\n", _objTypeName, _objAddr ); PrintStartStruct();
PrintLL( ai_linkage ); PrintPtr( ai_context ); #if FFP_SUPPORT
PrintPtr( ai_driver ); #endif
PrintPtr( ai_handle ); PrintULong( ai_media ); PrintPtr( ai_ppool ); PrintLock( ai_lock ); PrintLock( ai_ARPTblLock ); PrintPtr( ai_ARPTbl ); PrintAddr( ai_ipaddr ); PrintPtr( ai_parpaddr ); PrintIPAddress( ai_bcast ); PrintULong( ai_inoctets ); PrintULong( ai_inpcount[0] ); PrintULong( ai_inpcount[1] ); PrintULong( ai_inpcount[2] ); PrintULong( ai_outoctets ); PrintULong( ai_outpcount[0] ); PrintULong( ai_outpcount[1] ); PrintULong( ai_qlen ); PrintMacAddr( ai_addr, _obj.ai_addr ); PrintUChar( ai_operstatus ); PrintUChar( ai_addrlen ); PrintXUChar( ai_bcastmask ); PrintXUChar( ai_bcastval ); PrintUChar( ai_bcastoff ); PrintUChar( ai_hdrsize ); PrintUChar( ai_snapsize ); PrintUChar( ai_pad[0] ); PrintUChar( ai_pad[1] ); PrintULong( ai_pfilter ); PrintULong( ai_count ); PrintULong( ai_parpcount ); PrintCTETimer( ai_timer ); PrintBool( ai_timerstarted ); PrintBool( ai_stoptimer ); PrintAddr( ai_timerblock ); PrintAddr( ai_block ); PrintUShort( ai_mtu ); PrintUChar( ai_adminstate ); PrintUChar( ai_mediastatus ); PrintULong( ai_speed ); PrintULong( ai_lastchange ); PrintULong( ai_indiscards ); PrintULong( ai_inerrors ); PrintULong( ai_uknprotos ); PrintULong( ai_outdiscards ); PrintULong( ai_outerrors ); PrintULong( ai_desclen ); PrintULong( ai_index ); PrintULong( ai_ifinst ); PrintULong( ai_atinst ); PrintPtr( ai_desc ); PrintPtr( ai_mcast ); PrintULong( ai_mcastcnt ); PrintULong( ai_ipaddrcnt ); PrintULong( ai_telladdrchng ); PrintULong( ai_promiscuous ); #if FFP_SUPPORT
PrintULong( ai_ffpversion ); PrintULong( ai_ffplastflush ); #endif
PrintULong ( ai_OffloadFlags ); // H/W checksum capability flag
PrintAddr ( ai_TcpLargeSend ); PrintULong( ai_wakeupcap ); PrintUShort( ai_devicename.Length ); PrintUShort( ai_devicename.MaximumLength ); PrintPtr( ai_devicename.Buffer ); PrintEndStruct(); return(0); }
VOID DumpARPTable ( ULONG ARPTableAddr, VERBOSITY Verbosity ) { ARPTableEntry **ARPTable, **PreservedPtr; ARPInterface AI; LIST_ENTRY *ALE; LIST_ENTRY ArpListEntry; ULONG_PTR AIList; ULONG ATE; ULONG TabAddr; ULONG TabLen; ULONG result; UINT index; UINT count = 0;
if (ARPTableAddr) { //
// ARPTable address given: dump all ARPTableEntry's starting from
// that address
TabAddr = ARPTableAddr; TabLen = ARP_TABLE_SIZE;
dprintf("Dumping ARPTable @ %08lx - maximum ARPTableSize = %08lx\n", TabAddr, TabLen);
ARPTable = malloc(sizeof(ARPTableEntry *) * TabLen); if (ARPTable == NULL) { dprintf("malloc failed in DumpARPTable.\n"); return; } PreservedPtr = ARPTable;
if (!ReadMemory(TabAddr, &ARPTable[0], sizeof(ARPTableEntry *) * TabLen, &result)) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read %s structure.\n", TabAddr, "ARPTable"); free(ARPTable); return; }
for (index = 0; index < TabLen; index++) { if (*ARPTable != NULL) { ATE = (ULONG_PTR)*ARPTable; while (ATE) { ATE = DumpATE(ATE, Verbosity); count++; } } ARPTable++; }
dprintf("\n %d Active ARPTable entries.\n", count); free(PreservedPtr); } else { //
// ARPTable address not given, dump all ARPTableEntry's using
// ARPTable found in ARPInterface
AIList = GetExpression("tcpip!ArpInterfaceList"); if (!ReadMemory(AIList, &ArpListEntry, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY), &result)) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read %s structure.\n", AIList, "LIST_ENTRY"); return; }
ALE = ArpListEntry.Flink; while (ALE != (PLIST_ENTRY)AIList) { if (!ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)ALE, &ArpListEntry, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY), &result)) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read %s structure.\n", ALE, "LIST_ENTRY"); return; }
if (!ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)STRUCT_OF(ARPInterface, ALE, ai_linkage), &AI, sizeof(ARPInterface), &result)) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read %s structure.\n", STRUCT_OF(ARPInterface, ALE, ai_linkage), "ArpInterface"); return; }
// check address before making the recursive call to avoid
// loop if one ARPInterface has no ARPTable
if (AI.ai_ARPTbl) { DumpARPTable((ULONG_PTR)AI.ai_ARPTbl, Verbosity); } ALE = ArpListEntry.Flink; } }
return; }
VOID DumpLog ( ) { #if 0 // Currently, there is no such log support in tcpip
ULONG LogAddr; UCHAR TraceBuffer[TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE]; //80 * 128;
int result; int i;
LogAddr = GetUlongValue( "tcpip!IPTraceBuffer" );
if (!LogAddr) { dprintf("Error in tcpip!IPTraceBuffer: Please try reload\n"); return; }
dprintf("Dumping IP Log @ %08lx \n",LogAddr);
if ( !ReadMemory( LogAddr, &TraceBuffer[0], sizeof(UCHAR) * TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE, &result )) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read log\n", LogAddr); return; }
for (i=0; i <INDEX_LIMIT; i++) dprintf("%s", &TraceBuffer[i*TRACE_STRING_LENGTH]); #else
return; #endif
#ifdef _obj
# undef _obj
# undef _objAddr
# undef _objType
# undef _objTypeName
#define _obj IPH
#define _objAddr IPHToDump
#define _objType IPHeader
#define _objTypeName "IPHeader"
VOID DumpIPH( ULONG _objAddr ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dumps the fields of the specified DEVICE_CONTEXT structure
DeviceToDump - The device context object to display Full - Display a partial listing if 0, full listing otherwise.
Return Value:
--*/ { _objType _obj; ULONG result; unsigned int index; BOOL bActive;
if ( !ReadMemory( _objAddr, &_obj, sizeof( _obj ), &result )) { dprintf("%08lx: Could not read %s structure.\n", _objAddr, _objTypeName ); return; }
dprintf( "%s @ %08lx\n", _objTypeName, _objAddr ); PrintStartStruct();
PrintUChar(iph_verlen); PrintUChar(iph_tos); PrintIPAddress(iph_src); PrintIPAddress(iph_dest)
return; }