Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains utilities for kd ext and parsing.
Scott Holden (sholden) 24-Apr-1999
Revision History:
#include "tcpipxp.h"
#include "tcpipkd.h"
PTCPIP_SRCH ParseSrch( PCSTR args, ULONG ulDefaultOp, ULONG ulAllowedOps ) { PTCPIP_SRCH pSrch = NULL; char *pszArgs = NULL; char *pszSrch; ULONG cbArgs; ULONG Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
// Make a copy of the argument string to parse with.
cbArgs = strlen(args);
pszArgs = LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbArgs + 1);
if (pszArgs == NULL) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto done; }
strcpy(pszArgs, args);
// Allocate the return srch. Set default::assume default has no params.
pSrch = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(TCPIP_SRCH));
if (pSrch == NULL) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto done; }
pSrch->ulOp = ulDefaultOp;
// If we need to parse out an addr, do it first...
// Get first token in arg list.
pszSrch = mystrtok(pszArgs, " \t\n");
if (pszSrch == NULL) { // If default is invalid (i.e. NO default), return error.
if (pSrch->ulOp == 0 || (ulAllowedOps & TCPIP_SRCH_PTR_LIST)) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
dprintf("xxx1\n"); } goto done; }
if (ulAllowedOps & TCPIP_SRCH_PTR_LIST) { pSrch->ListAddr = GetExpression(pszSrch); pszSrch = mystrtok(NULL, " \t\n");
if (pszSrch == NULL) { if (pSrch->ulOp == 0) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } goto done; } }
if (strcmp(pszSrch, "all") == 0) { pSrch->ulOp = TCPIP_SRCH_ALL; } else if (strcmp(pszSrch, "ipaddr") == 0) { CHAR szIP[20]; CHAR *p; ULONG i;
pSrch->ulOp = TCPIP_SRCH_IPADDR; pSrch->ipaddr = 0;
pszSrch = mystrtok(NULL, " \t\n");
if (pszSrch == NULL || strlen(pszSrch) >= 15) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto done; }
strcpy(szIP, pszSrch);
p = mystrtok(szIP, ".");
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { pSrch->ipaddr |= (atoi(p) << (i*8)); p = mystrtok(NULL, ".");
if (p == NULL) { break; } }
if (i != 3) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto done; } } else if (strcmp(pszSrch, "port") == 0) { pSrch->ulOp = TCPIP_SRCH_PORT;
pszSrch = mystrtok(NULL, " \t\n");
if (pszSrch == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto done; }
pSrch->port = (USHORT)atoi(pszSrch); } else if (strcmp(pszSrch, "prot") == 0) { pSrch->ulOp = TCPIP_SRCH_PROT;
pszSrch = mystrtok(NULL, " \t\n");
if (pszSrch == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto done; }
if (strcmp(pszSrch, "raw") == 0) { pSrch->prot = PROTOCOL_RAW; } else if (strcmp(pszSrch, "udp") == 0) { pSrch->prot = PROTOCOL_UDP; } else if (strcmp(pszSrch, "tcp") == 0) { pSrch->prot = PROTOCOL_TCP; } else { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto done; } } else if (strcmp(pszSrch, "context") == 0) { pSrch->ulOp = TCPIP_SRCH_CONTEXT; pszSrch = mystrtok(NULL, " \t\n");
if (pszSrch == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto done; }
pSrch->context = atoi(pszSrch); } else if (strcmp(pszSrch, "stats") == 0) { pSrch->ulOp = TCPIP_SRCH_STATS; } else { // Invalid srch request. Fail.
Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto done; }
// Now see if this is an expected type!!!
if ((pSrch->ulOp & ulAllowedOps) == 0) { dprintf("invalid operation for current srch" ENDL); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto done; }
if (pszArgs) { LocalFree(pszArgs); }
if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (pSrch) { LocalFree(pSrch); pSrch = NULL; } }
return (pSrch); }
char *mystrtok ( char *string, char * control ) { static unsigned char *str; char *p, *s;
if( string ) str = string;
if( str == NULL || *str == '\0' ) return NULL;
// Skip leading delimiters...
for( ; *str; str++ ) { for( s=control; *s; s++ ) { if( *str == *s ) break; } if( *s == '\0' ) break; }
// Was it was all delimiters?
if( *str == '\0' ) { str = NULL; return NULL; }
// We've got a string, terminate it at first delimeter
for( p = str+1; *p; p++ ) { for( s = control; *s; s++ ) { if( *p == *s ) { s = str; *p = '\0'; str = p+1; return s; } } }
// We've got a string that ends with the NULL
s = str; str = NULL; return s; }
ULONG GetUlongValue ( PCHAR String ) { ULONG Location; ULONG Value; ULONG result;
Location = GetExpression( String ); if (!Location) { dprintf("unable to get %s\n",String); return 0; }
if ((!ReadMemory((DWORD)Location,&Value,sizeof(ULONG),&result)) || (result < sizeof(ULONG))) { dprintf("unable to get %s\n",String); return 0; }
return Value; }
BOOL GetData( PVOID pvData, ULONG cbData, ULONG_PTR Address, PCSTR pszDataType ) { BOOL b; ULONG cbRead; ULONG count = cbData;
while(cbData > 0) {
if (count >= 3000) count = 3000;
b = ReadMemory(Address, pvData, count, &cbRead );
if (!b || cbRead != count ) { dprintf( "Unable to read %u bytes at %X, for %s\n", cbData, Address, pszDataType ); return (FALSE); }
Address += count; cbData -= count; pvData = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)pvData + count);
// if (CheckControlC())
// {
// dprintf("ctrl-c\n");
// return (FALSE);
// }
return (TRUE); }
BOOL KDDump_ULONG( PCHAR pVar, PCHAR pName ) { ULONG_PTR Addr; ULONG Value; BOOL fStatus;
Addr = GetExpression(pVar);
if (Addr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get %s" ENDL, pVar); return (FALSE); }
fStatus = GetData(&Value, sizeof(Value), Addr, "ULONG");
if (fStatus == FALSE) { dprintf("Failed to read %s @ %x" ENDL, pVar, Addr); return (FALSE); }
PrintFieldName(pName); dprintf("%-10u", Value);
return (TRUE); }
BOOL KDDump_LONG( PCHAR pVar, PCHAR pName ) { ULONG_PTR Addr; LONG Value; BOOL fStatus;
Addr = GetExpression(pVar);
if (Addr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get %s" ENDL, pVar); return (FALSE); }
fStatus = GetData(&Value, sizeof(Value), Addr, "LONG");
if (fStatus == FALSE) { dprintf("Failed to read %s @ %x" ENDL, pVar, Addr); return (FALSE); }
PrintFieldName(pName); dprintf("%-10d", Value);
return (TRUE); }
Addr = GetExpression(pVar);
if (Addr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get %s" ENDL, pVar); return (FALSE); }
fStatus = GetData(&Value, sizeof(Value), Addr, "BOOLEAN");
if (fStatus == FALSE) { dprintf("Failed to read %s @ %x" ENDL, pVar, Addr); return (FALSE); }
PrintFieldName(pName); dprintf("%-10s", Value == TRUE ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
return (TRUE); }
BOOL KDDump_uchar( PCHAR pVar, PCHAR pName ) { ULONG_PTR Addr; uchar Value; BOOL fStatus;
Addr = GetExpression(pVar);
if (Addr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get %s" ENDL, pVar); return (FALSE); }
fStatus = GetData(&Value, sizeof(Value), Addr, "uchar");
if (fStatus == FALSE) { dprintf("Failed to read %s @ %x" ENDL, pVar, Addr); return (FALSE); }
PrintFieldName(pName); dprintf("%-10u", Value);
return (TRUE); }
BOOL KDDump_ushort( PCHAR pVar, PCHAR pName ) { ULONG_PTR Addr; ushort Value; BOOL fStatus;
Addr = GetExpression(pVar);
if (Addr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get %s" ENDL, pVar); return (FALSE); }
fStatus = GetData(&Value, sizeof(Value), Addr, "ushort");
if (fStatus == FALSE) { dprintf("Failed to read %s @ %x" ENDL, pVar, Addr); return (FALSE); }
PrintFieldName(pName); dprintf("%-10hu", Value);
return (TRUE); }
BOOL KDDump_PtrSymbol( PCHAR pVar, PCHAR pName ) { ULONG_PTR Addr; ULONG_PTR Value; BOOL fStatus;
Addr = GetExpression(pVar);
if (Addr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get %s" ENDL, pVar); return (FALSE); }
fStatus = GetData(&Value, sizeof(Value), Addr, "ULONG_PTR");
if (fStatus == FALSE) { dprintf("Failed to read %s @ %x" ENDL, pVar, Addr); return (FALSE); }
PrintFieldName(pName); DumpPtrSymbol((PVOID) Value);
return (TRUE); }
BOOL KDDump_Queue( PCHAR pVar, PCHAR pName ) { ULONG_PTR Addr; Queue Value; BOOL fStatus;
Addr = GetExpression(pVar);
if (Addr == 0) { dprintf("Failed to get %s" ENDL, pVar); return (FALSE); }
fStatus = GetData(&Value, sizeof(Value), Addr, "Queue");
if (fStatus == FALSE) { dprintf("Failed to read %s @ %x" ENDL, pVar, Addr); return (FALSE); }
PrintFieldName(pName); dprintf("q_next = %-10lx", Value.q_next); dprintf("q_prev = %-10lx", Value.q_prev); dprintf("%s", (Value.q_next == (Queue *)Addr) ? "[Empty]" : "");
return (TRUE); }