Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Abstract: File contains the following functions LocateIfRow LocateIpAddrRow LocateIpForwardRow LocateIpNetRow LocateUdpRow LocateUdp6Row LocateTcpRow LocateTcp6Row LocateIpv6IfRow LocateIpv6AddrRow LocateIpv6NetToMediaRow LocateIpv6RouteRow LocateIpv6AddrPrefixRow LocateInetIcmpRow LocateInetIcmpMsgRow The LocateXXXRow Functions are passed a variable sized array of indices, a count of the number of indices passed and the type of query for which the location is being done (GET_FIRST, NEXT or GET/SET/CREATE/DELETE - there are only three type of behaviours of the locators). They fill in the index of the corresponding row and return ERROR_NO_DATA, ERROR_INVALID_INDEX, NO_ERROR or ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS The general search algorithm is this; If the table is empty, return ERROR_NO_DATA else If the query is a GET_FIRST Return the first row else Build the index as follows: Set the Index to all 0s From the number of indices passed figure out how much of the index you can build keeping the rest 0. If the query is a GET, SET, CREATE_ENTRY or DELETE_ENTRY then the complete index must be given. This check is, however, supposed to be done at the agent. If the full index has not been given, the index is deemed to be modified (Again this can only happen in the NEXT case). After this a search is done. We try for an exact match with the index. For all queries other than NEXT there is no problem. For NEXT there are two cases: If the complete index was given and and you get an exact match, then you return the next entry. If you dont get an exact match you return the next higher entry If an incomplete index was given and you modified it by padding 0s, and if an exact match is found, then you return the matching entry (Of course if an exact match is not found you again return the next higher entry)
Revision History:
Amritansh Raghav 6/8/95 Created
--*/ #include "allinc.h"
PMIB_IFROW LocateIfRow( DWORD dwQueryType, AsnAny *paaIfIndex ) { DWORD i; DWORD dwIndex; //
// If there is no index the type is ASN_NULL. This causes the macro to return the
// default value (0 in this case)
dwIndex = GetAsnInteger(paaIfIndex, 0); TraceEnter("LocateIfRow"); if (g_Cache.pRpcIfTable->dwNumEntries is 0) { TraceLeave("LocateIfRow"); return NULL; } if (dwQueryType is GET_FIRST) { TraceLeave("LocateIfRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIfTable->table[0]); } for (i = 0; i < g_Cache.pRpcIfTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { if ((g_Cache.pRpcIfTable->table[i].dwIndex is dwIndex) and dwQueryType is GET_EXACT) { TraceLeave("LocateIfRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIfTable->table[i]); } if (g_Cache.pRpcIfTable->table[i].dwIndex > dwIndex) { if (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) { TraceLeave("LocateIfRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIfTable->table[i]); } else { TraceLeave("LocateIfRow"); return NULL; } } } TraceLeave("LocateIfRow"); return NULL; }
PMIB_IPV6_IF LocateIpv6IfRow( DWORD dwQueryType, AsnAny *paaIfIndex ) { DWORD i; DWORD dwIndex; //
// If there is no index the type is ASN_NULL. This causes the macro to
// return the default value (0 in this case)
dwIndex = GetAsnInteger(paaIfIndex, 0); TraceEnter("LocateIpv6IfRow"); if (g_Cache.pRpcIpv6IfTable.dwNumEntries is 0) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6IfRow"); return NULL; } if (dwQueryType is GET_FIRST) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6IfRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpv6IfTable.table[0]); } for (i = 0; i < g_Cache.pRpcIpv6IfTable.dwNumEntries; i++) { if ((g_Cache.pRpcIpv6IfTable.table[i].dwIndex is dwIndex) and dwQueryType is GET_EXACT) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6IfRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpv6IfTable.table[i]); } if (g_Cache.pRpcIpv6IfTable.table[i].dwIndex > dwIndex) { if (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6IfRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpv6IfTable.table[i]); } else { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6IfRow"); return NULL; } } } TraceLeave("LocateIpv6IfRow"); return NULL; }
PMIB_IPV6_ADDR LocateIpv6AddrRow( DWORD dwQueryType, AsnAny *paaIfIndex, AsnAny *paaAddress ) { LONG lCompare; DWORD i; BOOL bNext, bModified; IN6_ADDR ipAddress; DWORD dwIfIndex; TraceEnter("LocateIpv6AddrRow"); if (g_Cache.pRpcIpv6AddrTable.dwNumEntries is 0) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6AddrRow"); return NULL; } if (dwQueryType is GET_FIRST) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6AddrRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpv6AddrTable.table[0]); } ZeroMemory(&ipAddress, sizeof(ipAddress)); dwIfIndex = GetAsnInteger(paaIfIndex, -1); bModified = FALSE; if (IsAsnOctetStringTypeNull(paaAddress) || (paaAddress->asnValue.string.length < sizeof(ipAddress))) { bModified = TRUE; } else { GetAsnOctetString(&ipAddress, paaAddress); }
bNext = (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) and (bModified is FALSE); for (i = 0; i < g_Cache.pRpcIpv6AddrTable.dwNumEntries; i++) { Cmp(dwIfIndex, g_Cache.pRpcIpv6AddrTable.table[i].dwIfIndex, lCompare); if (lCompare is 0) { lCompare = memcmp(&ipAddress, &g_Cache.pRpcIpv6AddrTable.table[i].ipAddress, sizeof(ipAddress)); }
if ((lCompare is 0) and !bNext) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6AddrRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpv6AddrTable.table[i]); } if (lCompare < 0) { if (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6AddrRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpv6AddrTable.table[i]); } else { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6AddrRow"); return NULL; } } } TraceLeave("LocateIpv6AddrRow"); return NULL; }
PMIB_IPV6_NET_TO_MEDIA LocateIpv6NetToMediaRow( DWORD dwQueryType, AsnAny *paaIfIndex, AsnAny *paaAddress ) { LONG lCompare; DWORD i, dwIfIndex; BOOL bNext, bModified; IN6_ADDR ipAddress; TraceEnter("LocateIpv6NetToMediaRow"); if (g_Cache.pRpcIpv6NetToMediaTable.dwNumEntries is 0) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6NetToMediaRow"); return NULL; } if (dwQueryType is GET_FIRST) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6NetToMediaRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpv6NetToMediaTable.table[0]); } ZeroMemory(&ipAddress, sizeof(ipAddress)); dwIfIndex = GetAsnInteger(paaIfIndex, -1); bModified = FALSE; if (IsAsnOctetStringTypeNull(paaAddress) || (paaAddress->asnValue.string.length < sizeof(ipAddress))) { bModified = TRUE; } else { GetAsnOctetString(&ipAddress, paaAddress); }
bNext = (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) and (bModified is FALSE); for (i = 0; i < g_Cache.pRpcIpv6NetToMediaTable.dwNumEntries; i++) { Cmp(dwIfIndex, g_Cache.pRpcIpv6NetToMediaTable.table[i].dwIfIndex, lCompare); if (lCompare is 0) { lCompare = memcmp(&ipAddress, &g_Cache.pRpcIpv6NetToMediaTable.table[i].ipAddress, sizeof(ipAddress)); }
if ((lCompare is 0) and !bNext) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6NetToMediaRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpv6NetToMediaTable.table[i]); } if (lCompare < 0) { if (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6NetToMediaRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpv6NetToMediaTable.table[i]); } else { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6NetToMediaRow"); return NULL; } } } TraceLeave("LocateIpv6NetToMediaRow"); return NULL; }
PMIB_IPV6_ROUTE LocateIpv6RouteRow( DWORD dwQueryType, AsnAny *paaPrefix, AsnAny *paaPrefixLength, AsnAny *paaIndex ) { LONG lCompare; DWORD i, dwPrefixLength, dwIndex; BOOL bNext, bModified; IN6_ADDR ipPrefix; TraceEnter("LocateIpv6RouteRow"); if (g_Cache.pRpcIpv6RouteTable.dwNumEntries is 0) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6RouteRow"); return NULL; } if (dwQueryType is GET_FIRST) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6RouteRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpv6RouteTable.table[0]); } ZeroMemory(&ipPrefix, sizeof(ipPrefix)); dwPrefixLength = GetAsnInteger(paaPrefixLength, -1); dwIndex = GetAsnInteger(paaIndex, -1); bModified = FALSE; if (IsAsnOctetStringTypeNull(paaPrefix) || (paaPrefix->asnValue.string.length < sizeof(ipPrefix))) { bModified = TRUE; } else { GetAsnOctetString(&ipPrefix, paaPrefix); }
bNext = (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) and (bModified is FALSE); for (i = 0; i < g_Cache.pRpcIpv6RouteTable.dwNumEntries; i++) { lCompare = memcmp(&ipPrefix, &g_Cache.pRpcIpv6RouteTable.table[i].ipPrefix, sizeof(ipPrefix)); if (lCompare is 0) { if (Cmp(dwPrefixLength, g_Cache.pRpcIpv6RouteTable.table[i].dwPrefixLength, lCompare) is 0) { Cmp(dwIndex, g_Cache.pRpcIpv6RouteTable.table[i].dwIndex, lCompare); } }
if ((lCompare is 0) and !bNext) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6RouteRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpv6RouteTable.table[i]); } if (lCompare < 0) { if (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6RouteRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpv6RouteTable.table[i]); } else { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6RouteRow"); return NULL; } } } TraceLeave("LocateIpv6RouteRow"); return NULL; }
PMIB_IPV6_ADDR_PREFIX LocateIpv6AddrPrefixRow( DWORD dwQueryType, AsnAny *paaIfIndex, AsnAny *paaPrefix, AsnAny *paaPrefixLength ) { LONG lCompare; DWORD i, dwPrefixLength, dwIfIndex; BOOL bNext, bModified; IN6_ADDR ipPrefix; TraceEnter("LocateIpv6AddrPrefixRow"); if (g_Cache.pRpcIpv6AddrPrefixTable.dwNumEntries is 0) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6AddrPrefixRow"); return NULL; } if (dwQueryType is GET_FIRST) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6AddrPrefixRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpv6AddrPrefixTable.table[0]); } dwIfIndex = GetAsnInteger(paaIfIndex, -1); ZeroMemory(&ipPrefix, sizeof(ipPrefix)); dwPrefixLength = GetAsnInteger(paaPrefixLength, -1); bModified = FALSE; if (IsAsnOctetStringTypeNull(paaPrefix) || (paaPrefix->asnValue.string.length < sizeof(ipPrefix))) { bModified = TRUE; } else { GetAsnOctetString(&ipPrefix, paaPrefix); }
bNext = (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) and (bModified is FALSE); for (i = 0; i < g_Cache.pRpcIpv6AddrPrefixTable.dwNumEntries; i++) { if (Cmp(dwIfIndex, g_Cache.pRpcIpv6AddrPrefixTable.table[i].dwIfIndex, lCompare) is 0) { lCompare = memcmp(&ipPrefix, &g_Cache.pRpcIpv6AddrPrefixTable.table[i].ipPrefix, sizeof(ipPrefix)); if (lCompare is 0) { Cmp(dwPrefixLength, g_Cache.pRpcIpv6AddrPrefixTable.table[i].dwPrefixLength, lCompare); } }
if ((lCompare is 0) and !bNext) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6AddrPrefixRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpv6AddrPrefixTable.table[i]); } if (lCompare < 0) { if (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6AddrPrefixRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpv6AddrPrefixTable.table[i]); } else { TraceLeave("LocateIpv6AddrPrefixRow"); return NULL; } } } TraceLeave("LocateIpv6AddrPrefixRow"); return NULL; }
PMIB_INET_ICMP LocateInetIcmpRow( DWORD dwQueryType, AsnAny *paaAFType, AsnAny *paaIfIndex ) { DWORD i; DWORD dwAFType, dwIfIndex; TraceEnter("LocateInetIcmpRow"); if (g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpTable.dwNumEntries is 0) { TraceLeave("LocateInetIcmpRow"); return NULL; } if (dwQueryType is GET_FIRST) { TraceLeave("LocateInetIcmpRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpTable.table[0]); }
// If there is no index the type is ASN_NULL. This causes the macro to
// return the default value.
dwAFType = GetAsnInteger(paaAFType, 0); dwIfIndex = GetAsnInteger(paaIfIndex, 0); for (i = 0; i < g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpTable.dwNumEntries; i++) { if ((g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpTable.table[i].dwIfIndex is dwIfIndex) and (g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpTable.table[i].dwAFType is dwAFType) and (dwQueryType is GET_EXACT)) { TraceLeave("LocateInetIcmpRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpTable.table[i]); } if ((g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpTable.table[i].dwAFType > dwAFType) or ((g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpTable.table[i].dwAFType == dwAFType) and (g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpTable.table[i].dwIfIndex > dwIfIndex))) { if (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) { TraceLeave("LocateInetIcmpRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpTable.table[i]); } else { TraceLeave("LocateInetIcmpRow"); return NULL; } } } TraceLeave("LocateInetIcmpRow"); return NULL; }
PMIB_INET_ICMP_MSG LocateInetIcmpMsgRow( DWORD dwQueryType, AsnAny *paaAFType, AsnAny *paaIfIndex, AsnAny *paaType, AsnAny *paaCode ) { DWORD i; DWORD dwAFType, dwIfIndex, dwType, dwCode; LONG lCompare; TraceEnter("LocateInetIcmpMsgRow"); if (g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpMsgTable.dwNumEntries is 0) { TraceLeave("LocateInetIcmpMsgRow"); return NULL; } if (dwQueryType is GET_FIRST) { TraceLeave("LocateInetIcmpMsgRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpMsgTable.table[0]); }
// If there is no index the type is ASN_NULL. This causes the macro to
// return the default value.
dwAFType = GetAsnInteger(paaAFType, 0); dwIfIndex = GetAsnInteger(paaIfIndex, 0); dwType = GetAsnInteger(paaType, 0); dwCode = GetAsnInteger(paaCode, 0); for (i = 0; i < g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpMsgTable.dwNumEntries; i++) { Cmp(dwAFType, g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpMsgTable.table[i].dwAFType, lCompare);
if (lCompare is 0) { Cmp(dwIfIndex, g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpMsgTable.table[i].dwIfIndex, lCompare); }
if (lCompare is 0) { Cmp(dwType, g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpMsgTable.table[i].dwType, lCompare); }
if (lCompare is 0) { Cmp(dwCode, g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpMsgTable.table[i].dwCode, lCompare); }
if ((lCompare is 0) and (dwQueryType is GET_EXACT)) { TraceLeave("LocateInetIcmpMsgRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpMsgTable.table[i]); } if (lCompare < 0) { if (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) { TraceLeave("LocateInetIcmpMsgRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcInetIcmpMsgTable.table[i]); } else { TraceLeave("LocateInetIcmpMsgRow"); return NULL; } } } TraceLeave("LocateInetIcmpMsgRow"); return NULL; }
PMIB_IPADDRROW LocateIpAddrRow( DWORD dwQueryType, AsnAny *paaIpAddr ) { LONG lCompare; DWORD i, dwAddr; BOOL bNext, bModified; TraceEnter("LocateIpAddrRow"); if (g_Cache.pRpcIpAddrTable->dwNumEntries is 0) { TraceLeave("LocateIpAddrRow"); return NULL; } if (dwQueryType is GET_FIRST) { TraceLeave("LocateIpAddrRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpAddrTable->table[0]); } dwAddr = GetAsnIPAddress(paaIpAddr, 0x00000000); bModified = FALSE; if (IsAsnIPAddressTypeNull(paaIpAddr)) { bModified = TRUE; }
bNext = (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) and (bModified is FALSE); for (i = 0; i < g_Cache.pRpcIpAddrTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { if ((InetCmp(dwAddr, g_Cache.pRpcIpAddrTable->table[i].dwAddr, lCompare) is 0) and !bNext) { TraceLeave("LocateIpAddrRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpAddrTable->table[i]); } if (lCompare < 0) { if (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) { TraceLeave("LocateIpAddrRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpAddrTable->table[i]); } else { TraceLeave("LocateIpAddrRow"); return NULL; } } } TraceLeave("LocateIpAddrRow"); return NULL; }
PMIB_IPFORWARDROW LocateIpRouteRow( DWORD dwQueryType, AsnAny *paaIpDest ) { DWORD dwDest; LONG lCompare; DWORD i; BOOL bNext, bModified; TraceEnter("LocateIpRouteRow"); if (g_Cache.pRpcIpForwardTable->dwNumEntries is 0) { TraceLeave("LocateIpRouteRow"); return NULL; } if (dwQueryType is GET_FIRST) { TraceLeave("LocateIpRouteRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpForwardTable->table[0]); } dwDest = GetAsnIPAddress(paaIpDest, 0x00000000); bModified = FALSE; if (IsAsnIPAddressTypeNull(paaIpDest)) { bModified = TRUE; } bNext = (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) and (bModified is FALSE); for (i = 0; i < g_Cache.pRpcIpForwardTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { if ((InetCmp(dwDest, g_Cache.pRpcIpForwardTable->table[i].dwForwardDest, lCompare) is 0) and !bNext) { TraceLeave("LocateIpRouteRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpForwardTable->table[i]); } if (lCompare < 0) { if (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) { TraceLeave("LocateIpRouteRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpForwardTable->table[i]); } else { TraceLeave("LocateIpRouteRow"); return NULL; } } } TraceLeave("LocateIpRouteRow"); return NULL; }
PMIB_IPFORWARDROW LocateIpForwardRow( DWORD dwQueryType, AsnAny *paaDest, AsnAny *paaProto, AsnAny *paaPolicy, AsnAny *paaNextHop ) { DWORD dwIpForwardIndex[4]; LONG lCompare; DWORD i; BOOL bNext, bModified; TraceEnter("LocateIpForwardRow"); if (g_Cache.pRpcIpForwardTable->dwNumEntries is 0) { TraceLeave("LocateIpForwardRow"); return NULL; } if (dwQueryType is GET_FIRST) { TraceLeave("LocateIpForwardRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpForwardTable->table[0]); } dwIpForwardIndex[0] = GetAsnIPAddress(paaDest, 0x00000000); dwIpForwardIndex[1] = GetAsnInteger(paaProto, 0); dwIpForwardIndex[2] = GetAsnInteger(paaPolicy, 0); dwIpForwardIndex[3] = GetAsnIPAddress(paaNextHop, 0x00000000); bModified = FALSE;
if (IsAsnIPAddressTypeNull(paaDest) or IsAsnTypeNull(paaProto) or IsAsnTypeNull(paaPolicy) or IsAsnIPAddressTypeNull(paaNextHop)) { bModified = TRUE; } bNext = (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) and (bModified is FALSE); for (i = 0; i < g_Cache.pRpcIpForwardTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { lCompare = IpForwardCmp(dwIpForwardIndex[0], dwIpForwardIndex[1], dwIpForwardIndex[2], dwIpForwardIndex[3], g_Cache.pRpcIpForwardTable->table[i].dwForwardDest, g_Cache.pRpcIpForwardTable->table[i].dwForwardProto, g_Cache.pRpcIpForwardTable->table[i].dwForwardPolicy, g_Cache.pRpcIpForwardTable->table[i].dwForwardNextHop); if ((lCompare is 0) and !bNext) { TraceLeave("LocateIpForwardRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpForwardTable->table[i]); } if (lCompare < 0) { if (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) { TraceLeave("LocateIpForwardRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpForwardTable->table[i]); } else { TraceLeave("LocateIpForwardRow"); return NULL; } } } TraceLeave("LocateIpForwardRow"); return NULL; }
PMIB_IPNETROW LocateIpNetRow( DWORD dwQueryType, AsnAny *paaIndex, AsnAny *paaAddr ) { DWORD i; LONG lCompare; DWORD dwIpNetIfIndex, dwIpNetIpAddr; BOOL bNext, bModified;
TraceEnter("LocateIfNetRow"); if (g_Cache.pRpcIpNetTable->dwNumEntries is 0) { TraceLeave("LocateIpNetRow"); return NULL; } if (dwQueryType is GET_FIRST) { TraceLeave("LocateIpNetRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpNetTable->table[0]); } bModified = FALSE;
dwIpNetIfIndex = GetAsnInteger(paaIndex, 0); dwIpNetIpAddr = GetAsnIPAddress(paaAddr, 0x00000000); if (IsAsnTypeNull(paaIndex) or IsAsnIPAddressTypeNull(paaAddr)) { bModified = TRUE; } bNext = (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) and (bModified is FALSE); for (i = 0; i < g_Cache.pRpcIpNetTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { lCompare = IpNetCmp(dwIpNetIfIndex, dwIpNetIpAddr, g_Cache.pRpcIpNetTable->table[i].dwIndex, g_Cache.pRpcIpNetTable->table[i].dwAddr); if ((lCompare is 0) and !bNext) { TraceLeave("LocateIpNetRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpNetTable->table[i]); } if (lCompare < 0) { if (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) { TraceLeave("LocateIpNetRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcIpNetTable->table[i]); } else { TraceLeave("LocateIpNetRow"); return NULL; } } } TraceLeave("LocateIpNetRow"); return NULL; }
PMIB_UDPROW LocateUdpRow( DWORD dwQueryType, AsnAny *paaLocalAddr, AsnAny *paaLocalPort ) { DWORD i; LONG lCompare; DWORD dwIndex[2]; BOOL bNext, bModified; TraceEnter("LocateUdpRow"); if (g_Cache.pRpcUdpTable->dwNumEntries is 0) { TraceLeave("LocateUdpRow"); return NULL; } if (dwQueryType is GET_FIRST) { TraceLeave("LocateUdpRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcUdpTable->table[0]); }
#define LOCAL_ADDR 0
#define LOCAL_PORT 1
dwIndex[LOCAL_ADDR] = GetAsnIPAddress(paaLocalAddr, 0x00000000); dwIndex[LOCAL_PORT] = GetAsnInteger(paaLocalPort, 0); bModified = FALSE; if (IsAsnIPAddressTypeNull(paaLocalAddr) or IsAsnTypeNull(paaLocalPort)) { bModified = TRUE; } bNext = (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) and (bModified is FALSE); for (i = 0; i < g_Cache.pRpcUdpTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { lCompare = UdpCmp(dwIndex[LOCAL_ADDR], dwIndex[LOCAL_PORT], g_Cache.pRpcUdpTable->table[i].dwLocalAddr, g_Cache.pRpcUdpTable->table[i].dwLocalPort); if ((lCompare is 0) and !bNext) { TraceLeave("LocateUdpRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcUdpTable->table[i]); } if (lCompare < 0) { if (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) { TraceLeave("LocateUdpRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcUdpTable->table[i]); } else { TraceLeave("LocateUdpRow"); return NULL; } } } TraceLeave("LocateUdpRow");
return NULL; }
PUDP6ListenerEntry LocateUdp6Row( DWORD dwQueryType, AsnAny *paaLocalAddr, AsnAny *paaLocalPort ) { DWORD i; LONG lCompare; DWORD dwLocalPort; BOOL bNext, bModified;
// address plus scope id
BYTE rgbyLocalAddrEx[20]; TraceEnter("LocateUdp6Row"); if (g_Cache.pRpcUdp6ListenerTable->dwNumEntries is 0) { TraceLeave("LocateUdp6Row"); return NULL; } if (dwQueryType is GET_FIRST) { TraceLeave("LocateUdp6Row"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcUdp6ListenerTable->table[0]); }
// zero out scope id in case the octet string doesn't include it
ZeroMemory(rgbyLocalAddrEx, sizeof(rgbyLocalAddrEx));
GetAsnOctetString(rgbyLocalAddrEx, paaLocalAddr); dwLocalPort = GetAsnInteger(paaLocalPort, 0); bModified = FALSE; if (IsAsnIPAddressTypeNull(paaLocalAddr) or IsAsnTypeNull(paaLocalPort)) { bModified = TRUE; } bNext = (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) and (bModified is FALSE); for (i = 0; i < g_Cache.pRpcUdp6ListenerTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { lCompare = Udp6Cmp(rgbyLocalAddrEx, dwLocalPort, g_Cache.pRpcUdp6ListenerTable->table[i].ule_localaddr.s6_bytes, g_Cache.pRpcUdp6ListenerTable->table[i].ule_localport); if ((lCompare is 0) and !bNext) { TraceLeave("LocateUdp6Row"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcUdp6ListenerTable->table[i]); } if (lCompare < 0) { if (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) { TraceLeave("LocateUdp6Row"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcUdp6ListenerTable->table[i]); } else { TraceLeave("LocateUdp6Row"); return NULL; } } } TraceLeave("LocateUdp6Row"); return NULL; }
PMIB_TCPROW LocateTcpRow( DWORD dwQueryType, AsnAny *paaLocalAddr, AsnAny *paaLocalPort, AsnAny *paaRemoteAddr, AsnAny *paaRemotePort ) { LONG lCompare; DWORD dwIndex[4]; BOOL bNext, bModified; DWORD startIndex, stopIndex, i; TraceEnter("LocateTcpRow"); if (g_Cache.pRpcTcpTable->dwNumEntries is 0) { TraceLeave("LocateTcpRow"); return NULL; } if (dwQueryType is GET_FIRST) { TraceLeave("LocateTcpRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcTcpTable->table[0]); }
#define REM_ADDR 2
#define REM_PORT 3
dwIndex[LOCAL_ADDR] = GetAsnIPAddress(paaLocalAddr, 0x00000000); dwIndex[LOCAL_PORT] = GetAsnInteger(paaLocalPort, 0); dwIndex[REM_ADDR] = GetAsnIPAddress(paaRemoteAddr, 0x00000000); dwIndex[REM_PORT] = GetAsnInteger(paaRemotePort, 0); bModified = FALSE; if (IsAsnIPAddressTypeNull(paaLocalAddr) or IsAsnTypeNull(paaLocalPort) or IsAsnIPAddressTypeNull(paaRemoteAddr) or IsAsnTypeNull(paaRemotePort)) { bModified = TRUE; } bNext = (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) and (bModified is FALSE); for (i = 0; i < g_Cache.pRpcTcpTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { lCompare = TcpCmp(dwIndex[LOCAL_ADDR], dwIndex[LOCAL_PORT], dwIndex[REM_ADDR], dwIndex[REM_PORT], g_Cache.pRpcTcpTable->table[i].dwLocalAddr, g_Cache.pRpcTcpTable->table[i].dwLocalPort, g_Cache.pRpcTcpTable->table[i].dwRemoteAddr, g_Cache.pRpcTcpTable->table[i].dwRemotePort); if ((lCompare is 0) and !bNext) { TraceLeave("LocateTcpRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcTcpTable->table[i]); } if (lCompare < 0) { if (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) { TraceLeave("LocateTcpRow"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcTcpTable->table[i]); } else { TraceLeave("LocateTcpRow"); return NULL; } } } TraceLeave("LocateTcpRow"); return NULL; }
PTCP6ConnTableEntry LocateTcp6Row( DWORD dwQueryType, AsnAny *paaLocalAddr, AsnAny *paaLocalPort, AsnAny *paaRemoteAddr, AsnAny *paaRemotePort ) { LONG lCompare; DWORD dwLocalPort, dwRemotePort; BOOL bNext, bModified; DWORD startIndex, stopIndex, i;
// address plus scope id
BYTE rgbyLocalAddrEx[20]; BYTE rgbyRemoteAddrEx[20]; TraceEnter("LocateTcp6Row"); if (g_Cache.pRpcTcp6Table->dwNumEntries is 0) { TraceLeave("LocateTcp6Row"); return NULL; } if (dwQueryType is GET_FIRST) { TraceLeave("LocateTcp6Row"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcTcp6Table->table[0]); }
// zero out scope id in case the octet string doesn't include it
ZeroMemory(rgbyLocalAddrEx, sizeof(rgbyLocalAddrEx)); ZeroMemory(rgbyRemoteAddrEx, sizeof(rgbyRemoteAddrEx));
GetAsnOctetString(rgbyLocalAddrEx, paaLocalAddr); dwLocalPort = GetAsnInteger(paaLocalPort, 0); GetAsnOctetString(rgbyRemoteAddrEx, paaRemoteAddr); dwRemotePort = GetAsnInteger(paaRemotePort, 0); bModified = FALSE; if (IsAsnOctetStringTypeNull(paaLocalAddr) or IsAsnTypeNull(paaLocalPort) or IsAsnOctetStringTypeNull(paaRemoteAddr) or IsAsnTypeNull(paaRemotePort)) { bModified = TRUE; } bNext = (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) and (bModified is FALSE); for (i = 0; i < g_Cache.pRpcTcp6Table->dwNumEntries; i++) { lCompare = Tcp6Cmp(rgbyLocalAddrEx, dwLocalPort, rgbyRemoteAddrEx, dwRemotePort, g_Cache.pRpcTcp6Table->table[i].tct_localaddr.s6_bytes, g_Cache.pRpcTcp6Table->table[i].tct_localport, g_Cache.pRpcTcp6Table->table[i].tct_remoteaddr.s6_bytes, g_Cache.pRpcTcp6Table->table[i].tct_remoteport); if ((lCompare is 0) and !bNext) { TraceLeave("LocateTcp6Row"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcTcp6Table->table[i]); } if (lCompare < 0) { if (dwQueryType is GET_NEXT) { TraceLeave("LocateTcp6Row"); return &(g_Cache.pRpcTcp6Table->table[i]); } else { TraceLeave("LocateTcp6Row"); return NULL; } } } TraceLeave("LocateTcp6Row"); return NULL; }