// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- (for GNU Emacs)
// Copyright (c) 1985-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// This file is part of the Microsoft Research IPv6 Network Protocol Stack.
// You should have received a copy of the Microsoft End-User License Agreement
// for this software along with this release; see the file "license.txt".
// If not, please see http://www.research.microsoft.com/msripv6/license.htm,
// or write to Microsoft Research, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399.
// Abstract:
// IP Security Policy/Association management tool.
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#include <ws2ip6.h>
#include <ntddip6.h>
#include <ip6.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Localization library and MessageIds.
#include <nls.h>
#include <winnlsp.h>
#include "localmsg.h"
#include "ipsec.h"
#define MAX_KEY_SIZE 1024
typedef struct ipv6_create_sa_and_key { IPV6_CREATE_SECURITY_ASSOCIATION SA; unsigned char Key[MAX_KEY_SIZE]; } IPV6_CREATE_SA_AND_KEY;
void CreateSecurityPolicyFile(char *BaseName); void CreateSecurityAssociationFile(char *BaseName); void DisplaySecurityPolicyList(unsigned int Interface); void DisplaySecurityAssociationList(void); void ReadConfigurationFile(char *BaseName, int Type); void DeleteSecurityEntry(int Type, unsigned int Index);
int AdminAccess = TRUE;
HANDLE V6Stack; IPv6Addr UnspecifiedAddr = { 0 };
// Entry types.
#define POLICY 1
// Amount of "____" space.
#define SA_FILE_BORDER 251 // orig 236
#define SP_FILE_BORDER 273 // was 263, orig 258
// Transport Protocols
#define IP_PROTOCOL_UDP 17
#define IP_PROTOCOL_ICMPv6 58
PWCHAR GetString(int ErrorCode, BOOL System) { DWORD Count; static WCHAR ErrorString[2048]; // a 2K static buffer should suffice
if (Count == 0) { // failure
return L""; // return a null string
return ErrorString; // success
} #define GetErrorString(ErrorCode) GetString(ErrorCode, TRUE)
void usage(void) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_0); // printf("\nManipulates IPv6 IPSec security policies and associations.\n\n");
// printf("IPSEC6 [SP [interface] | SA | [L | S] database | "
// "D [SP | SA] index]\n\n");
// printf(" SP [interface] Displays the security policies.\n");
// printf(" SA Displays the security associations.\n");
// printf(" L database Loads the SP and SA entries from the given "
// "database files;\n"
// " database should be the filename without an "
// "extension.\n");
// printf(" S database Saves the current SP and SA entries to the "
// "given database\n"
// " files; database should be the filename "
// "sans extension.\n");
// printf(" D [SP | SA] index Deletes the given policy or association.\n");
// printf("\nSome subcommands require local Administrator privileges.\n");
exit(1); }
void ausage(void) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_1); // printf("You do not have local Administrator privileges.\n");
exit(1); }
void MakeLowerCase(char *String) { while(*String != '\0') *String++ = (char)tolower(*String); }
int __cdecl main(int argc, char **argv) { int Error; WSADATA WsaData;
// This will ensure the correct language message is displayed when
// NlsPutMsg is called.
Error = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &WsaData); if (Error) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_2, Error); // printf("Unable to initialize Windows Sockets, error code %d.\n", Error);
exit(1); }
// First request write access.
// This will fail if the process does not have local Administrator privs.
OPEN_EXISTING, 0, // flags & attributes
NULL); // template file
if (V6Stack == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// We will not have Administrator access to the stack.
AdminAccess = FALSE;
V6Stack = CreateFileW(WIN_IPV6_DEVICE_NAME, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, // security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, 0, // flags & attributes
NULL); // template file
if (V6Stack == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_3); // printf("Could not access IPv6 protocol stack.\n");
exit(1); } }
if (argc < 2) { usage(); } MakeLowerCase(argv[1]);
if (!strcmp(argv[1], "sp")) { unsigned int Interface;
if (argc == 2) { Interface = 0; } else { Interface = atoi(argv[2]); }
} else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "sa")) { DisplaySecurityAssociationList();
} else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "s")) { if (argc != 3) { usage(); } CreateSecurityPolicyFile(argv[2]); CreateSecurityAssociationFile(argv[2]);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "l")) { if (!AdminAccess) ausage();
if (argc != 3) { usage(); }
ReadConfigurationFile(argv[2], POLICY); ReadConfigurationFile(argv[2], ASSOCIATION);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "d")) { unsigned int Index; int Type;
if (!AdminAccess) ausage();
if (argc != 4) { usage(); } MakeLowerCase(argv[3]); if (!strcmp(argv[3], "all")) { Index = 0; } else { Index = atol(argv[3]); if (Index <= 0) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_4); // printf("Invalid entry number.\n");
exit(1); } }
MakeLowerCase(argv[2]); if (!strcmp(argv[2], "sp")) { Type = POLICY; } else if (!strcmp(argv[2], "sa")) { Type = ASSOCIATION; } else { usage(); }
DeleteSecurityEntry(Type, Index);
} else { usage(); }
return(0); }
//* GetSecurityPolicyEntry
// Retrieves a Security Policy from the in-kernel list, given its index.
// A query for index zero will return the first index on the list.
DWORD // Returns: Windows error code.
GetSecurityPolicyEntry( unsigned int Interface, // IF index or 0 to wildcard.
unsigned long Index, // Index to lookup, or 0 for first.
IPV6_INFO_SECURITY_POLICY_LIST *Info) // Where to return SP info.
{ IPV6_QUERY_SECURITY_POLICY_LIST Query; unsigned int BytesReturned;
Query.SPInterface = Interface; Query.Index = Index;
if (!DeviceIoControl(V6Stack, IOCTL_IPV6_QUERY_SECURITY_POLICY_LIST, &Query, sizeof(Query), Info, sizeof(*Info), &BytesReturned, NULL)) { return GetLastError(); }
if (BytesReturned != sizeof(*Info)) return ERROR_GEN_FAILURE;
//* CreateSecurityPolicyEntry
// Creates a Security Policy entry on the in-kernel list.
DWORD // Returns Windows error code.
CreateSecurityPolicyEntry( IPV6_CREATE_SECURITY_POLICY *NewSP) // Policy to add to kernel.
{ unsigned int BytesReturned;
if (!DeviceIoControl(V6Stack, IOCTL_IPV6_CREATE_SECURITY_POLICY, NewSP, sizeof(*NewSP), NULL, 0, &BytesReturned, NULL)) { return GetLastError(); }
// When DeviceIoControl is given a null output buffer, the value returned
// in BytesReturned is undefined. Therefore, we don't check for 0 here.
DWORD DeleteSecurityPolicyEntry(unsigned int Index) { IPV6_QUERY_SECURITY_POLICY_LIST Query; unsigned long BytesReturned;
Query.Index = Index;
if (!DeviceIoControl(V6Stack, IOCTL_IPV6_DELETE_SECURITY_POLICY, &Query, sizeof(Query), NULL, 0, &BytesReturned, NULL)) { return GetLastError(); }
// When DeviceIoControl is given a null output buffer, the value returned
// in BytesReturned is undefined. Therefore, we don't check for 0 here.
//* GetSecurityAssociationEntry
// Retrieves a Security Association from the in-kernel list, given its index.
// A query for index zero will return the first index on the list.
DWORD GetSecurityAssociationEntry( unsigned long Index, // Index to query; 0 for first.
IPV6_INFO_SECURITY_ASSOCIATION_LIST *Info) // Where to return SA info.
{ IPV6_QUERY_SECURITY_ASSOCIATION_LIST Query; unsigned int BytesReturned;
Query.Index = Index;
if (!DeviceIoControl(V6Stack, IOCTL_IPV6_QUERY_SECURITY_ASSOCIATION_LIST, &Query, sizeof(Query), Info, sizeof(*Info), &BytesReturned, NULL)) { return GetLastError(); }
if (BytesReturned != sizeof(*Info)) return ERROR_GEN_FAILURE;
//* CreateSecurityAssociationEntry
// Creates a Security Association entry on the in-kernel list.
DWORD // Returns Windows error code.
CreateSecurityAssociationEntry( IPV6_CREATE_SA_AND_KEY *NewSA) // Association (and key) to add to kernel.
{ unsigned int BytesReturned;
if (!DeviceIoControl(V6Stack, IOCTL_IPV6_CREATE_SECURITY_ASSOCIATION, &NewSA->SA, sizeof(NewSA->SA) + NewSA->SA.RawKeySize, NULL, 0, &BytesReturned, NULL)) { return GetLastError(); }
// When DeviceIoControl is given a null output buffer, the value returned
// in BytesReturned is undefined. Therefore, we don't check for 0 here.
DWORD DeleteSecurityAssociationEntry(unsigned int Index) { IPV6_QUERY_SECURITY_ASSOCIATION_LIST Query; unsigned long BytesReturned;
Query.Index = Index;
if (!DeviceIoControl(V6Stack, IOCTL_IPV6_DELETE_SECURITY_ASSOCIATION, &Query, sizeof(Query), NULL, 0, &BytesReturned, NULL)) { return GetLastError(); }
// When DeviceIoControl is given a null output buffer, the value returned
// in BytesReturned is undefined. Therefore, we don't check for 0 here.
//* DeleteSecurityEntry - delete a security policy or association entry.
// Note: In the "delete all" case, it'd be much simpler not to query and
// just delete wildcard until the list came up empty, but then we couldn't
// report the index of any entries that failed to delete.
void DeleteSecurityEntry( int Type, // Type of entry (POLICY or ASSOCIATION).
unsigned int Index) // Index of entry to delete (0 to delete all).
{ int EntriesDeleted = 0; int All = FALSE; DWORD Error;
if (Index == 0) { All = TRUE; }
do { if (All) { //
// Deleting all entries. Find first on (remaining) list.
Error = GetSecurityPolicyEntry(0, 0, &Info); if (Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Index = Info.SPIndex; // First entry.
} else if (Error == ERROR_NO_MATCH) { Index = 0; // No more entries exist.
break; } else { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_5, Error, GetErrorString(Error)); // printf("\nError %u accessing Security Policies: %s.\n",
// Error, strerror(Error));
Error = GetSecurityAssociationEntry(0, &Info); if (Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Index = Info.SAIndex; // First entry.
} else if (Error == ERROR_NO_MATCH) { Index = 0; // No more entries exist.
break; } else { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_6, Error, GetErrorString(Error)); // printf("\nError %u accessing Security Associations: %s.\n",
// Error, strerror(Error));
exit(1); } } }
if (Type == POLICY) { Error = DeleteSecurityPolicyEntry(Index); } else { Error = DeleteSecurityAssociationEntry(Index); }
if (Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { EntriesDeleted++; } else { if (Error == ERROR_NO_MATCH) { if (!All) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_7, Index); // printf("Error deleting entry %u: entry doesn't exist.\n", Index);
} // Otherwise silently ignore ...
} else if (Error == ERROR_GEN_FAILURE) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_8, Index); // printf("Error deleting entry %u.\n", Index);
} else { if (Type) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_9, Error, GetErrorString(Error)); } else { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_56, Error, GetErrorString(Error)); } // printf("Error %u accessing security %s: %s.\n", Error,
// Type ? "policies" : "associations", strerror(Error));
break; } }
} while (All);
if (Type == POLICY) { if (EntriesDeleted == 1) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_10, EntriesDeleted); } else { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_57, EntriesDeleted); } // printf("Deleted %d polic%s (and any dependent associations).\n",
// EntriesDeleted, EntriesDeleted == 1 ? "y" : "ies");
} else { if (EntriesDeleted == 1) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_11, EntriesDeleted); } else { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_58, EntriesDeleted); } // printf("Deleted %d association%s.\n", EntriesDeleted,
// EntriesDeleted == 1 ? "" : "s");
} }
//* ParseAddress - convert address string to binary representation.
int ParseAddress(char *AddrString, IPv6Addr *Address) { struct addrinfo Hint; struct addrinfo *Result;
memset(&Hint, 0, sizeof Hint); Hint.ai_family = PF_INET6;
if (getaddrinfo(AddrString, NULL, &Hint, &Result)) return FALSE;
*Address = ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)Result->ai_addr)->sin6_addr; freeaddrinfo(Result);
return TRUE; }
//* FormatIPv6Address - convert binary address to string representation.
// This is only used in printing SAs, thus the unspecified address
// means "take from policy".
char * FormatIPv6Address(IPv6Addr *Address) { static char Buffer[46];
if (IN6_ADDR_EQUAL(Address, &UnspecifiedAddr)) { strcpy(Buffer, "POLICY"); } else { struct sockaddr_in6 SockAddr;
memset(&SockAddr, 0, sizeof(SockAddr)); SockAddr.sin6_family = AF_INET6; memcpy(&SockAddr.sin6_addr, Address, sizeof(*Address));
if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&SockAddr, sizeof(SockAddr), Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)) { strcpy(Buffer, "<invalid>"); } }
return Buffer; }
int ParseSAAdressEntry(char *AddrString, IPv6Addr *Address) { if (!strcmp(AddrString, "POLICY")) { *Address = UnspecifiedAddr; } else { if (!ParseAddress(AddrString, Address)) { return(FALSE); } }
return(TRUE); }
char * FormatSPAddressEntry(IPv6Addr *AddressStart, IPv6Addr *AddressEnd, unsigned int AddressField) { const char *PointerReturn; static char Buffer[100]; char TempBuffer[100]; DWORD Buflen = sizeof Buffer; struct sockaddr_in6 sin6;
switch (AddressField) {
case WILDCARD_VALUE: strcpy(Buffer, "*"); break;
case SINGLE_VALUE: sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; sin6.sin6_port = 0; sin6.sin6_flowinfo = 0; sin6.sin6_scope_id = 0;
memcpy(&sin6.sin6_addr, AddressStart, sizeof *AddressStart); if (WSAAddressToString((struct sockaddr *) &sin6, sizeof sin6, NULL, // LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFO
Buffer, &Buflen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { strcpy(Buffer, "???"); }
case RANGE_VALUE: sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; sin6.sin6_port = 0; sin6.sin6_flowinfo = 0; sin6.sin6_scope_id = 0;
memcpy(&sin6.sin6_addr, AddressStart, sizeof *AddressStart); if (WSAAddressToString((struct sockaddr *) &sin6, sizeof sin6, NULL, // LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFO
Buffer, &Buflen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { strcpy(Buffer, "???"); } memcpy(&sin6.sin6_addr, AddressEnd, sizeof *AddressEnd); sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; sin6.sin6_port = 0; sin6.sin6_flowinfo = 0; sin6.sin6_scope_id = 0; if (WSAAddressToString((struct sockaddr *) &sin6, sizeof sin6, NULL, // LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFO
TempBuffer, &Buflen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { strcpy(TempBuffer, "???"); } strcat(Buffer, "-"); strcat(Buffer, TempBuffer);
default: strcpy(Buffer, "???");
break; }
return Buffer; }
//* Parse an address entry
// Valid forms include:
// The wildcard indicator, "*"
// A single address, e.g. "2001::1"
// A range of addresses, e.g. "2001::1-2001::ffff"
void ParseSPAddressEntry( char *EntryString, // String we're given to parse.
IPv6Addr *AddressStart, // Return start of range, or single address.
IPv6Addr *AddressEnd, // Return end of range, or unspecified.
unsigned int *AddressType) // Return entry type: WILDCARD, SINGLE, RANGE.
{ char *RangeEntry;
RangeEntry = strchr(EntryString, '-'); if (RangeEntry == NULL) { //
// Should be a wildcard, or single value.
if (!strcmp(EntryString, "*")) { *AddressType = WILDCARD_VALUE; *AddressStart = UnspecifiedAddr;
} else { if (!ParseAddress(EntryString, AddressStart)) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_12, EntryString); // printf("Bad IPv6 Address, %s.\n", EntryString);
exit(1); }
*AddressType = SINGLE_VALUE; }
*AddressEnd = UnspecifiedAddr;
} else {
// We were given a range.
// Break entry string into two and parse separately.
*RangeEntry++ = '\0';
if (!ParseAddress(EntryString, AddressStart)) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_13, EntryString); // printf("Bad IPv6 Start Address Range, %s.\n", EntryString);
exit(1); }
if (!ParseAddress(RangeEntry, AddressEnd)) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_14, RangeEntry); // printf("Bad IPv6 End Address Range, %s.\n", RangeEntry);
exit(1); }
*AddressType = RANGE_VALUE; } }
char * FormatIPSecProto(unsigned int ProtoNum) { char *Result;
switch(ProtoNum) {
case IP_PROTOCOL_AH: Result = "AH"; break;
case IP_PROTOCOL_ESP: Result = "ESP"; break;
case NONE: Result = "NONE"; break;
default: Result = "???"; break; }
return Result; }
unsigned int ParseIPSecProto(char *Protocol) { unsigned int Result;
if (!strcmp(Protocol, "AH")) { Result = IP_PROTOCOL_AH;
} else if (!strcmp(Protocol, "ESP")) { Result = IP_PROTOCOL_ESP;
} else if (!strcmp(Protocol, "NONE")) { Result = NONE;
} else { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_15, Protocol); // printf("Bad IPsec Protocol Value Entry %s.\n", Protocol);
exit(1); }
return Result; }
char * FormatIPSecMode(unsigned int Mode) { char *Result;
switch(Mode) {
case TRANSPORT: Result = "TRANSPORT"; break;
case TUNNEL: Result = "TUNNEL"; break;
case NONE: Result = "*"; break;
default: Result = "???"; break; }
return Result; }
unsigned int ParseIPSecMode(char *Mode) { unsigned int Result;
if (!strcmp(Mode, "TRANSPORT")) { Result = TRANSPORT;
} else if (!strcmp(Mode, "TUNNEL")) { Result = TUNNEL;
} else if (!strcmp(Mode, "*")) { Result = NONE;
} else { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_16, Mode); // printf("Bad IPsec Mode Value Entry %s.\n", Mode);
exit(1); }
return Result; }
char * FormatRemoteGW(unsigned int Mode, IPv6Addr *Address) { switch (Mode) {
case TRANSPORT: return "*";
case TUNNEL: case NONE: if (IN6_ADDR_EQUAL(Address, &UnspecifiedAddr)) { return "*"; } else { return FormatIPv6Address(Address); } }
return NULL; }
int ParseRemoteGW( char *AddrString, IPv6Addr *Address, unsigned int Mode) { switch (Mode) {
case TRANSPORT: *Address = UnspecifiedAddr; break;
case TUNNEL: case NONE: if (!strcmp(AddrString, "*")) { *Address = UnspecifiedAddr;
} else if (!ParseAddress(AddrString, Address)) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_17); // printf("Bad IPv6 Address for RemoteGWIPAddr.\n");
exit(1); } break;
default: break; }
return TRUE; }
char * FormatSATransportProto(unsigned short Protocol) { char *Result;
switch (Protocol) {
case IP_PROTOCOL_TCP: Result = "TCP"; break;
case IP_PROTOCOL_UDP: Result = "UDP"; break;
case IP_PROTOCOL_ICMPv6: Result = "ICMP"; break;
case NONE: Result = "POLICY"; break;
default: Result = "???"; break; }
return Result; }
unsigned short ParseSATransportProto(char *Protocol) { unsigned short Result;
if (!strcmp(Protocol, "TCP")) { Result = IP_PROTOCOL_TCP;
} else if (!strcmp(Protocol, "UDP")) { Result = IP_PROTOCOL_UDP;
} else if (!strcmp(Protocol, "ICMP")) { Result = IP_PROTOCOL_ICMPv6;
} else if (!strcmp(Protocol, "POLICY")) { Result = NONE;
} else { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_18, Protocol); // printf("Bad Protocol Value %s.\n", Protocol);
exit(1); }
return Result; }
char * FormatSPTransportProto(unsigned short Protocol) { char *Result;
switch (Protocol) {
case IP_PROTOCOL_TCP: Result = "TCP"; break;
case IP_PROTOCOL_UDP: Result = "UDP"; break;
case IP_PROTOCOL_ICMPv6: Result = "ICMP"; break;
case NONE: Result = "*"; break;
default: Result = "???"; break; }
return Result; }
unsigned short ParseSPTransportProto(char *Protocol) { unsigned short Result;
if (!strcmp(Protocol, "TCP")) { Result = IP_PROTOCOL_TCP;
} else if (!strcmp(Protocol, "UDP")) { Result = IP_PROTOCOL_UDP;
} else if (!strcmp(Protocol, "ICMP")) { Result = IP_PROTOCOL_ICMPv6;
} else if (!strcmp(Protocol, "*")) { Result = NONE;
} else { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_18, Protocol); // printf("Bad Protocol Value %s.\n", Protocol);
exit(1); }
return Result; }
char * FormatSAPort(unsigned short Port) { static char Buffer[11];
if (Port == NONE) { strcpy(Buffer, "POLICY"); } else { _itoa(Port, Buffer, 10); }
return Buffer; }
unsigned int ParseSAPort(char *Port) { unsigned int Result;
if (!strcmp(Port, "POLICY") || !strcmp(Port, " ")) { Result = NONE; } else { Result = atoi(Port); }
return Result; }
char * FormatSPPort( unsigned short PortStart, unsigned short PortEnd, unsigned int PortField) { char TempBuffer[11]; static char Buffer[22];
switch (PortField) {
case WILDCARD_VALUE: strcpy(Buffer, "*"); break;
case RANGE_VALUE: _itoa(PortEnd, TempBuffer, 10); _itoa(PortStart, Buffer, 10); strcat(Buffer, "-"); strcat(Buffer, TempBuffer); break;
case SINGLE_VALUE: _itoa(PortStart, Buffer, 10); break;
default: strcpy(Buffer, "???"); break; }
return Buffer; }
void ParseSPPort( char *EntryString, unsigned short *PortStart, unsigned short *PortEnd, unsigned int *PortField) { char *RangeEntry;
RangeEntry = strchr(EntryString, '-');
if (RangeEntry == NULL) { //
// Should be a wildcard, or a single value.
if (!strcmp(EntryString, "*")) { *PortField = WILDCARD_VALUE; *PortStart = NONE; } else { *PortField = SINGLE_VALUE; *PortStart = (unsigned short)atoi(EntryString); }
*PortEnd = NONE;
} else {
// We were given a range.
// Break entry string into two and parse separately.
*RangeEntry++ = '\0';
*PortStart = (unsigned short)atoi(EntryString); *PortEnd = (unsigned short)atoi(RangeEntry); *PortField = RANGE_VALUE; } }
unsigned char * FormatSelector(unsigned int Selector) { char *Buffer;
switch (Selector) {
case PACKET_SELECTOR: Buffer = "+"; break;
case POLICY_SELECTOR: Buffer = "-"; break;
default: Buffer = "?"; break; }
return Buffer; }
unsigned int ParseSelector(char *Selector) { unsigned int Result;
if (!strcmp(Selector, "+")) { Result = PACKET_SELECTOR; } else if (!strcmp(Selector, "-")) { Result = POLICY_SELECTOR; } else { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_19); // printf("Bad value for one of the selector types.\n");
exit(1); }
return Result; }
char * FormatIndex(unsigned long Index) { static char Buffer[11];
switch (Index) {
case NONE: strcpy(Buffer, "NONE"); break;
default: _itoa(Index, Buffer, 10); break; }
return Buffer; }
unsigned long ParseIndex(char *Index) { unsigned long Result;
if (!strcmp(Index, "NONE")) { Result = NONE; } else { Result = atoi(Index); }
return Result; }
char * FormatDirection(unsigned int Direction) { char *Buffer;
switch (Direction) {
case INBOUND: Buffer = "INBOUND"; break;
case OUTBOUND: Buffer = "OUTBOUND"; break;
case BIDIRECTIONAL: Buffer = "BIDIRECT"; break;
default: Buffer = "???"; break; }
return Buffer; }
unsigned int ParseDirection(char *Direction) { unsigned int Result;
if (!strcmp(Direction, "INBOUND")) { Result = INBOUND;
} else if (!strcmp(Direction, "OUTBOUND")) { Result = OUTBOUND;
} else if (!strcmp(Direction, "BIDIRECT")) { Result = BIDIRECTIONAL;
} else { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_20, Direction); // printf("Bad Direction Value Entry %s.\n", Direction);
exit(1); }
return Result; }
char * FormatIPSecAction(unsigned int PolicyFlag) { char *Result;
switch (PolicyFlag) {
case IPSEC_BYPASS: Result = "BYPASS"; break;
case IPSEC_DISCARD: Result = "DISCARD"; break;
case IPSEC_APPLY: Result = "APPLY"; break;
case IPSEC_APPCHOICE: Result = "APPCHOICE"; break;
default: Result = "???"; break; }
return Result; }
unsigned int ParseIPSecAction(char *Action) { unsigned int Result;
if (!strcmp(Action, "BYPASS")) { Result = IPSEC_BYPASS;
} else if (!strcmp(Action, "DISCARD")) { Result = IPSEC_DISCARD;
} else if (!strcmp(Action, "APPLY")) { Result = IPSEC_APPLY;
} else if (!strcmp(Action, "APPCHOICE")) { Result = IPSEC_APPCHOICE;
} else { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_21, Action); // printf("Bad IPSec Action Value Entry %s.\n", Action);
exit(1); }
return Result; }
char * FormatAuthAlg(unsigned int AlgorithmId) { char *Result;
switch (AlgorithmId) {
case ALGORITHM_NULL: Result = "NULL"; break;
case ALGORITHM_HMAC_MD5: Result = "HMAC-MD5"; break;
case ALGORITHM_HMAC_MD5_96: Result = "HMAC-MD5-96"; break;
case ALGORITHM_HMAC_SHA1: Result = "HMAC-SHA1"; break;
case ALGORITHM_HMAC_SHA1_96: Result = "HMAC-SHA1-96"; break;
default: Result = "???"; break; }
return Result; }
unsigned int ParseAuthAlg(char *AuthAlg) { if (!strcmp(AuthAlg, "NULL")) { return ALGORITHM_NULL; }
if (!strcmp(AuthAlg, "HMAC-MD5")) { return ALGORITHM_HMAC_MD5; }
if (!strcmp(AuthAlg, "HMAC-MD5-96")) { return ALGORITHM_HMAC_MD5_96; }
if (!strcmp(AuthAlg, "HMAC-SHA1")) { return ALGORITHM_HMAC_SHA1; }
if (!strcmp(AuthAlg, "HMAC-SHA1-96")) { return ALGORITHM_HMAC_SHA1_96; }
NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_22, AuthAlg); // printf("Bad Authentication Algorithm Value Entry %s.\n", AuthAlg);
exit(1); }
unsigned int ReadKeyFile( char *FileName, unsigned char *Key) { FILE *KeyFile; unsigned int KeySize;
if (!strcmp(FileName, "NONE")) { // This is for NULL algorithm.
strcpy(Key, "NO KEY"); KeySize = strlen(Key); } else { if ((KeyFile = fopen(FileName, "r")) == NULL) { return 0; }
KeySize = fread(Key, sizeof(unsigned char), MAX_KEY_SIZE, KeyFile);
fclose(KeyFile); }
return KeySize; }
//* PrintSecurityPolicyEntry
// Print out the security policy entry, "nicely"? formatted,
// to the given file.
PrintSecurityPolicyEntry( FILE *File, IPV6_INFO_SECURITY_POLICY_LIST *SPEntry) { fprintf(File, "%-10lu", SPEntry->SPIndex); fprintf(File, "%-2s", FormatSelector(SPEntry->RemoteAddrSelector)); fprintf(File, "%-45s", FormatSPAddressEntry(&(SPEntry->RemoteAddr), &(SPEntry->RemoteAddrData), SPEntry->RemoteAddrField)); fprintf(File, "%-2s", FormatSelector(SPEntry->LocalAddrSelector)); fprintf(File, "%-45s", FormatSPAddressEntry(&(SPEntry->LocalAddr), &(SPEntry->LocalAddrData), SPEntry->LocalAddrField)); fprintf(File, "%-2s", FormatSelector(SPEntry->TransportProtoSelector)); fprintf(File, "%-12s", FormatSPTransportProto(SPEntry->TransportProto)); fprintf(File, "%-2s", FormatSelector(SPEntry->RemotePortSelector)); fprintf(File, "%-12s", FormatSPPort(SPEntry->RemotePort, SPEntry->RemotePortData, SPEntry->RemotePortField)); fprintf(File, "%-2s", FormatSelector(SPEntry->LocalPortSelector)); fprintf(File, "%-12s", FormatSPPort(SPEntry->LocalPort, SPEntry->LocalPortData, SPEntry->LocalPortField)); fprintf(File, "%-15s", FormatIPSecProto(SPEntry->IPSecProtocol)); fprintf(File, "%-12s", FormatIPSecMode(SPEntry->IPSecMode)); fprintf(File, "%-45s", FormatRemoteGW(SPEntry->IPSecMode, &(SPEntry->RemoteSecurityGWAddr))); fprintf(File, "%-15s", FormatIndex(SPEntry->SABundleIndex)); fprintf(File, "%-12s", FormatDirection(SPEntry->Direction)); fprintf(File, "%-12s", FormatIPSecAction(SPEntry->IPSecAction)); fprintf(File, "%-15u", SPEntry->SPInterface); fprintf(File, ";\n"); }
//* PrintSecurityPolicyHeader
// Print out the security policy header fields to the given file.
PrintSecurityPolicyHeader( FILE *File) { int Loop;
fprintf(File, "%-10s", "Policy"); fprintf(File, "%-2s", " "); fprintf(File, "%-45s", "RemoteIPAddr"); fprintf(File, "%-2s", " "); fprintf(File, "%-45s", "LocalIPAddr"); fprintf(File, "%-2s", " "); fprintf(File, "%-12s", "Protocol"); fprintf(File, "%-2s", " "); fprintf(File, "%-12s", "RemotePort"); fprintf(File, "%-2s", " "); fprintf(File, "%-12s", "LocalPort"); fprintf(File, "%-15s", "IPSecProtocol"); fprintf(File, "%-12s", "IPSecMode"); fprintf(File, "%-45s", "RemoteGWIPAddr"); fprintf(File, "%-15s", "SABundleIndex"); fprintf(File, "%-12s", "Direction"); fprintf(File, "%-12s", "Action"); fprintf(File, "%-15s", "InterfaceIndex"); fprintf(File, "\n");
for (Loop = 0; Loop < SP_FILE_BORDER; Loop++) { fprintf(File, "_"); } fprintf(File, "\n"); }
//* PrintSecurityPolicyFooter
// Print out the security policy footer to the given file.
PrintSecurityPolicyFooter( FILE *File) { int Loop;
for (Loop = 0; Loop < SP_FILE_BORDER; Loop++) { fprintf(File, "_"); } fprintf(File, "\n\n");
fprintf(File, "- = Take selector from policy.\n"); fprintf(File, "+ = Take selector from packet.\n"); }
//* PrintSecurityAssociationEntry
// Print out the security association entry, "nicely"? formatted,
// to the given file.
PrintSecurityAssociationEntry( FILE *File, IPV6_INFO_SECURITY_ASSOCIATION_LIST *SAEntry) { fprintf(File, "%-10lu", SAEntry->SAIndex); fprintf(File, "%-15lu", SAEntry->SPI); fprintf(File, "%-45s", FormatIPv6Address(&(SAEntry->SADestAddr))); fprintf(File, "%-45s", FormatIPv6Address(&(SAEntry->DestAddr))); fprintf(File, "%-45s", FormatIPv6Address(&(SAEntry->SrcAddr))); fprintf(File, "%-12s", FormatSATransportProto(SAEntry->TransportProto)); fprintf(File, "%-12s", FormatSAPort(SAEntry->DestPort)); fprintf(File, "%-12s", FormatSAPort(SAEntry->SrcPort)); fprintf(File, "%-12s", FormatAuthAlg(SAEntry->AlgorithmId)); fprintf(File, "%-15s", " "); fprintf(File, "%-12s", FormatDirection(SAEntry->Direction)); fprintf(File, "%-15lu", SAEntry->SecPolicyIndex); fprintf(File, "%-1;"); fprintf(File, "\n"); }
//* PrintSecurityAssociationHeader
// Print out the security association header fields to the given file.
PrintSecurityAssociationHeader( FILE *File) { int Loop;
fprintf(File, "Security Association List\n\n");
fprintf(File, "%-10s", "SAEntry"); fprintf(File, "%-15s", "SPI"); fprintf(File, "%-45s", "SADestIPAddr"); fprintf(File, "%-45s", "DestIPAddr"); fprintf(File, "%-45s", "SrcIPAddr"); fprintf(File, "%-12s", "Protocol"); fprintf(File, "%-12s", "DestPort"); fprintf(File, "%-12s", "SrcPort"); fprintf(File, "%-12s", "AuthAlg"); fprintf(File, "%-15s", "KeyFile"); fprintf(File, "%-12s", "Direction"); fprintf(File, "%-15s", "SecPolicyIndex"); fprintf(File, "\n");
for (Loop = 0; Loop < SA_FILE_BORDER; Loop++) { fprintf(File, "_"); } fprintf(File, "\n"); }
//* PrintSecurityAssociationFooter
// Print out the security association footer to the given file.
PrintSecurityAssociationFooter( FILE *File) { int Loop;
for (Loop = 0; Loop < SA_FILE_BORDER; Loop++) { fprintf(File, "_"); } fprintf(File, "\n"); }
void CreateSecurityPolicyFile(char *BaseName) { IPV6_INFO_SECURITY_POLICY_LIST Info; char FileName[MAX_PATH + 1]; FILE *File; unsigned long Index; DWORD Error;
// Copy the filename from the command line to our own buffer so we can
// append an extension to it. We reserve at least 4 characters for the
// extension. The strncpy function will zero fill up to the limit of
// the copy, thus the character at the limit will be NULL unless the
// command line field was too long to fit.
strncpy(FileName, BaseName, MAX_PATH - 3); if (FileName[MAX_PATH - 4] != 0) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_23); // printf("\nFilename length is too long.\n");
exit(1); } strcat(FileName, ".spd");
if ((File = fopen(FileName, "w+")) == NULL) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_24, FileName); // printf("\nFile %s could not be opened.\n", FileName);
exit(1); }
// Find index of first policy on the in-kernel list.
Error = GetSecurityPolicyEntry(0, 0, &Info); switch (Error) { case ERROR_SUCCESS: Index = Info.SPIndex; // First entry.
break; case ERROR_NO_MATCH: Index = 0; // No entries exist.
break; default: NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_25, Error, GetErrorString(Error)); // printf("\nError %u reading Security Policies: %s.\n",
// Error, strerror(Error));
Index = 0; break; }
fprintf(File, "\nSecurity Policy List\n\n"); PrintSecurityPolicyHeader(File);
// Loop through all the policies on the list.
while (Index != 0) { Error = GetSecurityPolicyEntry(0, Index, &Info); if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_25, Error, GetErrorString(Error)); // printf("\nError %u reading Security Policies: %s.\n",
// Error, strerror(Error));
break; } PrintSecurityPolicyEntry(File, &Info); Index = Info.NextSPIndex; }
PrintSecurityPolicyFooter(File); fclose(File); NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_26, FileName); // printf("Security Policy Data -> %s\n", FileName);
return; }
void CreateSecurityAssociationFile(char *BaseName) { IPV6_INFO_SECURITY_ASSOCIATION_LIST Info; char FileName[MAX_PATH + 1]; FILE *File; unsigned long Index; DWORD Error;
// Copy the filename from the command line to our own buffer so we can
// append an extension to it. We reserve at least 4 characters for the
// extension. The strncpy function will zero fill up to the limit of
// the copy, thus the character at the limit will be NULL unless the
// command line field was too long to fit.
strncpy(FileName, BaseName, MAX_PATH - 3); if (FileName[MAX_PATH - 4] != 0) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_27); // printf("\nFilename length is too long.\n");
exit(1); } strcat(FileName, ".sad");
if ((File = fopen(FileName, "w+")) == NULL) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_28, FileName); // printf("\nFile %s could not be opened.\n", FileName);
exit(1); }
// Find index of first association on the in-kernel list.
Error = GetSecurityAssociationEntry(0, &Info); switch (Error) { case ERROR_SUCCESS: Index = Info.SAIndex; // First entry.
break; case ERROR_NO_MATCH: Index = 0; // No entries exist.
break; default: NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_29, Error, GetErrorString(Error)); // printf("\nError %u reading Security Associations: %s.\n",
// Error, strerror(Error));
Index = 0; break; }
// Loop through all the associations on the list.
while (Index != 0) { Error = GetSecurityAssociationEntry(Index, &Info); if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_29, Error, GetErrorString(Error)); // printf("\nError %u reading Security Associations: %s.\n",
// Error, strerror(Error));
break; } PrintSecurityAssociationEntry(File, &Info); Index = Info.NextSAIndex; }
NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_30, FileName); // printf("Security Association Data -> %s\n", FileName);
return; }
void DisplaySecurityPolicyList(unsigned int Interface) { IPV6_INFO_SECURITY_POLICY_LIST Info; unsigned long Index; DWORD Error;
// Find index of first policy on the in-kernel list.
Error = GetSecurityPolicyEntry(Interface, 0, &Info); switch (Error) { case ERROR_SUCCESS: Index = Info.SPIndex; // First entry.
break; case ERROR_NOT_FOUND: NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_31, Interface); // printf("Interface %u does not exist.\n", Interface);
exit(1); case ERROR_NO_MATCH: NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_32); // printf("No Security Policies exist");
if (Interface != 0) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_33, Interface); // printf(" for interface %d", Interface);
} NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_34); // printf(".\n");
exit(1); default: NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_25, Error, GetErrorString(Error)); // printf("\nError %u reading Security Policies: %s.\n",
// Error, strerror(Error));
exit(1); }
if (Interface == 0) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_35); // printf("\nAll Security Policies\n\n");
} else { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_36, Interface); // printf("\nSecurity Policy List for Interface %d\n\n", Interface);
// Loop through all the policies on the list.
while (Index != 0) { Error = GetSecurityPolicyEntry(Interface, Index, &Info); if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_25, Error, GetErrorString(Error)); // printf("\nError %u reading Security Policies: %s.\n",
// Error, strerror(Error));
exit(1); } PrintSecurityPolicyEntry(stdout, &Info); Index = Info.NextSPIndex; }
return; }
void DisplaySecurityAssociationList(void) { IPV6_INFO_SECURITY_ASSOCIATION_LIST Info; unsigned long Index; DWORD Error;
// Find index of first association on the in-kernel list.
Error = GetSecurityAssociationEntry(0, &Info); switch (Error) { case ERROR_SUCCESS: Index = Info.SAIndex; // First entry.
break; case ERROR_NO_MATCH: // There are no SA entries yet.
NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_37); // printf("No Security Associations exist.\n");
exit(1); default: NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_29, Error, GetErrorString(Error)); // printf("\nError %u reading Security Associations: %s.\n",
// Error, strerror(Error));
exit(1); }
NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_38); // printf("\n");
// Loop through all the associations on the list.
while (Index != 0) { Error = GetSecurityAssociationEntry(Index, &Info); if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_29, Error, GetErrorString(Error)); // printf("\nError %u reading Security Associations: %s.\n",
// Error, strerror(Error));
exit(1); } PrintSecurityAssociationEntry(stdout, &Info); Index = Info.NextSAIndex; }
return; }
int ParseSPLine( char *Line, // Line to parse.
IPV6_CREATE_SECURITY_POLICY *SP) // Where to put the data.
{ char *Token;
Token = strtok(Line, " "); if (Token == NULL) { return FALSE; }
// Policy Number.
SP->SPIndex = atol(Token);
// RemoteIPAddr Selector.
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SP->RemoteAddrSelector = ParseSelector(Token);
// RemoteIPAddr.
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; ParseSPAddressEntry(Token, &SP->RemoteAddr, &SP->RemoteAddrData, &SP->RemoteAddrField);
// LocalIPAddr Selector.
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SP->LocalAddrSelector = ParseSelector(Token);
// LocalIPAddr.
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; ParseSPAddressEntry(Token, &SP->LocalAddr, &SP->LocalAddrData, &SP->LocalAddrField);
// Protocol Selector.
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SP->TransportProtoSelector = ParseSelector(Token);
// Protocol.
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SP->TransportProto = ParseSPTransportProto(Token);
// RemotePort Selector.
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SP->RemotePortSelector = ParseSelector(Token);
// RemotePort.
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; ParseSPPort(Token, &SP->RemotePort, &SP->RemotePortData, &SP->RemotePortField);
// LocalPort Selector.
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SP->LocalPortSelector = ParseSelector(Token);
// Local Port.
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; ParseSPPort(Token, &SP->LocalPort, &SP->LocalPortData, &SP->LocalPortField);
// IPSecProtocol.
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SP->IPSecProtocol = ParseIPSecProto(Token);
// IPSecMode.
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SP->IPSecMode = ParseIPSecMode(Token);
// RemoteGWIPAddr.
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; ParseRemoteGW(Token, &SP->RemoteSecurityGWAddr, SP->IPSecMode);
// SABundleIndex.
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SP->SABundleIndex = ParseIndex(Token);
// Direction.
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SP->Direction = ParseDirection(Token);
// Action.
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SP->IPSecAction = ParseIPSecAction(Token);
// Interface SP.
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SP->SPInterface = atol(Token);
// End of current policy.
// REVIEW: Insist that nothing follows final valid field on the line?
// if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) != NULL) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
int ParseSALine( char *Line, // Line to parse.
IPV6_CREATE_SA_AND_KEY *SAAndKey) // Where to put the data.
Token = strtok(Line, " "); if (Token == NULL) { return FALSE; }
// Security Association Entry Number.
SA->SAIndex = atol(Token);
// SPI
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SA->SPI = atol(Token);
// SADestAddr
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; ParseSAAdressEntry(Token, &SA->SADestAddr);
// DestIPAddr
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; ParseSAAdressEntry(Token, &SA->DestAddr);
// SrcIPAddr
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; ParseSAAdressEntry(Token, &SA->SrcAddr);
// Protocol
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SA->TransportProto = ParseSATransportProto(Token);
// DestPort
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SA->DestPort = (unsigned short)ParseSAPort(Token);
// SrcPort
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SA->SrcPort = (unsigned short)ParseSAPort(Token);
// AuthAlg
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SA->AlgorithmId = ParseAuthAlg(Token);
// KeyFile
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SA->RawKeySize = ReadKeyFile(Token, SAAndKey->Key); if (SA->RawKeySize == 0) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_39, Token); // printf("Error reading key file %s\n", Token);
return FALSE; }
// Direction
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SA->Direction = ParseDirection(Token);
// SecPolicyIndex
if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) == NULL) return FALSE; SA->SecPolicyIndex = atol(Token);
// End of current association.
// REVIEW: Insist that nothing follows final valid field on the line?
// if ((Token = strtok(NULL, " ")) != NULL) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
void ReadConfigurationFile(char *BaseName, int Type) { char Buffer[SP_FILE_BORDER + 2]; // Note: SP_FILE_BORDER > SA_FILE_BORDER
char FileName[MAX_PATH + 1]; unsigned int MaxLineLengthPlusOne, LineLength, Line; FILE *File; int ParseIt = 0; IPV6_CREATE_SECURITY_POLICY SPEntry; IPV6_CREATE_SA_AND_KEY SAEntry; int Policies = 0; int Associations = 0; DWORD Error;
// Copy the filename from the command line to our own buffer so we can
// append an extension to it. We reserve at least 4 characters for the
// extension. The strncpy function will zero fill up to the limit of
// the copy, thus the character at the limit will be NULL unless the
// command line field was too long to fit.
strncpy(FileName, BaseName, MAX_PATH - 3); if (FileName[MAX_PATH - 4] != 0) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_40); // printf("\nFilename length is too long.\n");
exit(1); }
// Add appropriate file extension.
// Maximum line length is the size of the field entries
// plus one for the newline character. Since we need to
// fgets with a value one greater than the max that can
// be read in, we add that onto the maximum line length
// to get MaxLineLengthPlusOne. Saves us an add later.
if (Type == POLICY) { strcat(FileName, ".spd"); MaxLineLengthPlusOne = SP_FILE_BORDER + 2; } else { if (Type == ASSOCIATION) { strcat(FileName, ".sad"); MaxLineLengthPlusOne = SA_FILE_BORDER + 2; } else { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_41); // printf("\nReadConfigurationFile routine called incorrectly.\n");
exit(1); } }
if ((File = fopen(FileName, "r")) == NULL) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_42, FileName); // printf("\nFile %s could not be opened.\n", FileName);
exit(1); }
for (Line = 1; !feof(File); Line++) { if (fgets(Buffer, MaxLineLengthPlusOne, File) == NULL) break; LineLength = strlen(Buffer); // printf("Line = %u, Length = %u: %s.\n", Line, LineLength, Buffer);
if (Buffer[LineLength - 1] != '\n') { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_43, Line); // printf("Error on line %u, line too long.\n", Line);
break; } else { Buffer[LineLength - 1] = '\0'; } if (ParseIt) { if (Buffer[0] == '_') break; if (Type == POLICY) { if (!ParseSPLine(Buffer, &SPEntry)) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_44, Line); // printf("Error parsing SP entry fields on line %u.\n", Line);
break; } else { Error = CreateSecurityPolicyEntry(&SPEntry); if (Error == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_45, Line, SPEntry.SPIndex); // printf("Error on line %u: a policy with index %u "
// "already exists.\n", Line, SPEntry.SPIndex);
continue; } if (Error == ERROR_NOT_FOUND) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_46, Line, SPEntry.SPIndex); // printf("Error on line %u: policy %u specifies a "
// "non-existent interface.\n",
// Line, SPEntry.SPIndex);
continue; } if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_47, Error, Line, SPEntry.SPIndex, GetErrorString(Error)); // printf("Error %u on line %u, policy %u: %s.\n",
// Error, Line, SPEntry.SPIndex, strerror(Error));
break; } Policies++; } } else { if (!ParseSALine(Buffer, &SAEntry)) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_48, Line); // printf("Error parsing SA entry fields on line %u.\n", Line);
break; } else { Error = CreateSecurityAssociationEntry(&SAEntry); if (Error == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_49, Line, SAEntry.SA.SAIndex); // printf("Error on line %u: an association with index "
// "%u already exists.\n", Line,
// SAEntry.SA.SAIndex);
continue; } if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_50, Error, SAEntry.SA.SAIndex, GetErrorString(Error)); // printf("Error %u adding association %u: %s.\n",
// Error, SAEntry.SA.SAIndex, strerror(Error));
break; } Associations++; } } } if (Buffer[0] == '_') ParseIt = TRUE; }
if (Type == POLICY) { if (Policies == 1) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_51, Policies); } else { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_59, Policies); } // printf("Added %d polic%s.\n", Policies, Policies == 1 ? "y" : "ies");
} else { if (Associations == 1) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_52, Associations); } else { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, IPSEC_MESSAGE_60, Associations); } // printf("Added %d association%s.\n",
// Associations, Associations == 1 ? "" : "s");
} }