// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// open.cpp
// Abstract:
// This module contains functions associated with enumerating,
// opening, and closing the tdi device objects
#include "stdafx.h"
// private prototype
VOID StringToUcntString( PUCNTSTRING pusDestination, TCHAR *sSource );
// Public functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: DoGetNumDevices
// Arguments: ulAddressType -- address type to scan list for
// Returns: number of devices found
// Descript: This function gets the number of openable devices
// of this address type registered with tdisample.sys
ULONG DoGetNumDevices(ULONG ulAddressType) { RECEIVE_BUFFER ReceiveBuffer; // return info from command
SEND_BUFFER SendBuffer; // arguments for command
// set up arguments
SendBuffer.COMMAND_ARGS.GetDevArgs.ulAddressType = ulAddressType;
// call driver to execute command, and deal with results
if (TdiLibDeviceIO(ulGETNUMDEVICES, &SendBuffer, &ReceiveBuffer) == STATUS_SUCCESS) { return ReceiveBuffer.RESULTS.ulReturnValue; } else { return 0; } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: DoGetDeviceName
// Arguments: addresstype -- address type to get
// slotnum -- which device to get of that type
// pName -- buffer large enough to hold name
// (supplied by caller)
// Returns: status of command
// Descript: This function gets the n'th device from the list of devices
// of this address type registered with tdisample.sys
NTSTATUS DoGetDeviceName(ULONG ulAddressType, ULONG ulSlotNum, TCHAR *pName) // buffer from caller!!
{ NTSTATUS lStatus; // status of command
RECEIVE_BUFFER ReceiveBuffer; // return info from command
SEND_BUFFER SendBuffer; // arguments for command
// set up arguments
SendBuffer.COMMAND_ARGS.GetDevArgs.ulAddressType = ulAddressType; SendBuffer.COMMAND_ARGS.GetDevArgs.ulSlotNum = ulSlotNum;
// call the driver
lStatus = TdiLibDeviceIO(ulGETDEVICE, &SendBuffer, &ReceiveBuffer);
// deal with results
if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { WCHAR *pSourceTemp = ReceiveBuffer.RESULTS.ucsStringReturn.wcBuffer; for(;;) { *pName = (TCHAR)*pSourceTemp++; if (*pName == 0) { break; } pName++; } } return lStatus; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: DoGetAddress
// Arguments: addresstype -- address type to get
// slotnum -- which device to get
// pTransAddr -- transport address (allocated by calleer,
// filled by this function)
// Returns: status of command
// if successful, pTransAddr is filled
// Descript: This function gets the address of the n'th device from the
// list of devices registered with tdisample.sys
NTSTATUS DoGetAddress(ULONG ulAddressType, ULONG ulSlotNum, PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS pTransAddr) { NTSTATUS lStatus; // status of command
RECEIVE_BUFFER ReceiveBuffer; // return info from command
SEND_BUFFER SendBuffer; // arguments for command
// set up arguments
SendBuffer.COMMAND_ARGS.GetDevArgs.ulAddressType = ulAddressType; SendBuffer.COMMAND_ARGS.GetDevArgs.ulSlotNum = ulSlotNum;
// call the driver
lStatus = TdiLibDeviceIO(ulGETADDRESS, &SendBuffer, &ReceiveBuffer);
// deal with the results
if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS pTransportAddress = (PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS)&ReceiveBuffer.RESULTS.TransAddr; ULONG ulLength = FIELD_OFFSET(TRANSPORT_ADDRESS, Address) + FIELD_OFFSET(TA_ADDRESS, Address) + pTransportAddress->Address[0].AddressLength;
memcpy(pTransAddr, pTransportAddress, ulLength); }
return lStatus;
// ------------------------------------------
// Function: DoOpenControl
// Arguments: strDeviceName -- device name to open
// Returns: TdiHandle (ULONG) if successful; 0 if failure
// Descript: calls the driver to open control channel
// ------------------------------------------
TDIHANDLE DoOpenControl(TCHAR *strDeviceName) { RECEIVE_BUFFER ReceiveBuffer; // return info from command
SEND_BUFFER SendBuffer; // arguments for command
// set up the arguments
StringToUcntString(&SendBuffer.COMMAND_ARGS.OpenArgs.ucsDeviceName, strDeviceName);
// call the driver
if (TdiLibDeviceIO(ulOPENCONTROL, &SendBuffer, &ReceiveBuffer) == STATUS_SUCCESS) { return ReceiveBuffer.RESULTS.TdiHandle; } else { return NULL; } }
// Function: DoCloseControl
// Argument: ulTdiHandle -- handle for control channel
// Returns: none
// Descript: This function closes the indicated control channel
VOID DoCloseControl(ULONG ulTdiHandle) { RECEIVE_BUFFER ReceiveBuffer; // return info from command
SEND_BUFFER SendBuffer; // arguments for command
// set up the arguments
SendBuffer.TdiHandle = ulTdiHandle;
// call the driver
NTSTATUS lStatus = TdiLibDeviceIO(ulCLOSECONTROL, &SendBuffer, &ReceiveBuffer);
if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { _tprintf(TEXT("DoCloseControl: failure, status = %s\n"), TdiLibStatusMessage(lStatus)); } }
// ------------------------------------------
// Function: DoOpenAddress
// Arguments: strDeviceName -- device name to open
// pTransportAddress -- address to open
// pulTdiHandle -- returned handle if successful
// Returns: status of command
// Descript: calls the driver to open address object
// ------------------------------------------
TDIHANDLE DoOpenAddress(TCHAR *strDeviceName, PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS pTransportAddress) { RECEIVE_BUFFER ReceiveBuffer; // return info from command
SEND_BUFFER SendBuffer; // arguments for command
// set up arguments
StringToUcntString(&SendBuffer.COMMAND_ARGS.OpenArgs.ucsDeviceName, strDeviceName);
memcpy(&SendBuffer.COMMAND_ARGS.OpenArgs.TransAddr, pTransportAddress, (FIELD_OFFSET(TRANSPORT_ADDRESS, Address) + FIELD_OFFSET(TA_ADDRESS, Address) + pTransportAddress->Address[0].AddressLength));
// call the driver
if (TdiLibDeviceIO(ulOPENADDRESS, &SendBuffer, &ReceiveBuffer) == STATUS_SUCCESS) { return ReceiveBuffer.RESULTS.TdiHandle; } else { return NULL; } }
// Function: DoCloseAddress
// Argument: ulTdiHandle -- handle for address object
// Returns: None
// Descript: This function closes the indicated address object
VOID DoCloseAddress(ULONG ulTdiHandle) { RECEIVE_BUFFER ReceiveBuffer; // return info from command
SEND_BUFFER SendBuffer; // arguments for command
// set up arguments
SendBuffer.TdiHandle = ulTdiHandle;
// call the driver
NTSTATUS lStatus = TdiLibDeviceIO(ulCLOSEADDRESS, &SendBuffer, &ReceiveBuffer);
if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { _tprintf(TEXT("DoCloseAddress: failure, status = %s\n"), TdiLibStatusMessage(lStatus)); } }
// ------------------------------------------
// Function: DoOpenEndpoint
// Arguments: strDeviceName -- device name to open
// pTransportAddress -- address to open
// pulTdiHandle -- returned handled (if successful)
// Returns: status of command
// Descript: calls the driver to open endpoint object
// ------------------------------------------
TDIHANDLE DoOpenEndpoint(TCHAR *strDeviceName, PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS pTransportAddress)
{ RECEIVE_BUFFER ReceiveBuffer; // return info from command
SEND_BUFFER SendBuffer; // arguments for command
// set up the arguments
StringToUcntString(&SendBuffer.COMMAND_ARGS.OpenArgs.ucsDeviceName, strDeviceName);
memcpy(&SendBuffer.COMMAND_ARGS.OpenArgs.TransAddr, pTransportAddress, (FIELD_OFFSET(TRANSPORT_ADDRESS, Address) + FIELD_OFFSET(TA_ADDRESS, Address) + pTransportAddress->Address[0].AddressLength));
// call the driver
if (TdiLibDeviceIO(ulOPENENDPOINT, &SendBuffer, &ReceiveBuffer) == STATUS_SUCCESS) { return ReceiveBuffer.RESULTS.TdiHandle; } else { return NULL; } }
// Function: DoCloseEndpoint
// Argument: pTdiHandle -- handle for endpoint object
// Returns: none
// Descript: This function closes the indicated endpoint object
VOID DoCloseEndpoint(ULONG ulTdiHandle) { RECEIVE_BUFFER ReceiveBuffer; // return info from command
SEND_BUFFER SendBuffer; // arguments for command
// set up arguments
SendBuffer.TdiHandle = ulTdiHandle;
// call the driver
NTSTATUS lStatus = TdiLibDeviceIO(ulCLOSEENDPOINT, &SendBuffer, &ReceiveBuffer);
if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { _tprintf(TEXT("DoCloseEndpoint: failure, status = %s\n"), TdiLibStatusMessage(lStatus)); } }
// private functions
// -------------------------------
// Function: StringToUcntString
// Arguments: pusDestination -- counted wide string
// pcSource -- asci string
// Returns: none
// Descript: copies ansi (ascii) string to counted wide string
// -------------------------------
VOID StringToUcntString(PUCNTSTRING pusDestination, TCHAR *Source) { PWCHAR pwcString // ptr to data of wide string
= pusDestination->wcBuffer; ULONG ulLength = _tcslen(Source); for(ULONG ulCount = 0; ulCount < ulLength; ulCount++) { *pwcString++ = Source[ulCount]; } *pwcString = 0; pusDestination->usLength = (USHORT)(ulLength * 2); }
// end of file open.cpp