Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. ��; -- NETWLBS.INX --
  2. ;
  3. ; Windows Load Balancing Service
  4. ;
  5. ; Copyright (c) 1998-1999, Microsoft Corporation
  6. [Version]
  7. Signature = "$Windows NT$"
  8. Class = NetService
  9. ClassGUID = {4D36E974-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
  10. Provider = %Msft%
  11. LayoutFile = layout.inf
  12. DriverVer=11/06/1999,5.00.2175.1
  13. [Manufacturer]
  14. %Msft% = MSFT
  15. [MSFT]
  16. %WLBS_Desc% = WLBS.ndi, ms_wlbs
  17. [WLBS.ndi.ntx86]
  18. AddReg = WLBS.ndi.AddReg
  19. Characteristics = 0x490 ; NCF_FILTER | NCF_NO_SERVICE | NCF_HAS_UI
  20. [WLBS.ndi.AddReg]
  21. HKR, Ndi, ClsID, , {bf0eaea8-c122-11d2-94f4-00c04f72d8c4}
  22. ;HKR, Ndi, ComponentDll, , wlbs.dll
  23. HKR, Ndi, HelpText, , %WLBS_HELP%
  24. HKR, Ndi, FilterClass, , loadbalance
  25. HKR, Ndi, FilterDeviceInfFile, , netwlbsm.inf
  26. HKR, Ndi, FilterDeviceInfId, , ms_wlbsmp
  27. HKR, Ndi, Service, , Wlbs
  28. HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, , noupper
  29. HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, , nolower
  30. HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerExclude, , "ndisatm, ndiscowan, ndiswan, ndiswanasync, ndiswanipx, ndiswannbf, ndiswanip, ndiswanbh, ndiswanatalk"
  31. [Strings]
  32. Msft = "Microsoft"
  33. WLBS_Desc = "�0�0�0�0�0�0��w�Rce"
  34. WLBS_HELP = "TCP/IP ��w�Rcen0_0�0n0_j���0�c�OW0~0Y00"