#include "WLBS_Provider.h"
#include "WLBS_Cluster.h"
#include "ClusterWrapper.h"
#include "ControlWrapper.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "param.h"
#include "wlbsutil.h"
#include "wlbs_cluster.tmh" // for event tracing
// CWLBS_Cluster::CWLBS_Cluster
// Purpose: Constructor
CWLBS_Cluster::CWLBS_Cluster( CWbemServices* a_pNameSpace, IWbemObjectSink* a_pResponseHandler) : CWlbs_Root( a_pNameSpace, a_pResponseHandler ) { }
// CWLBS_Cluster::Create
// Purpose: This instantiates this class and is invoked from an array of
// function pointers.
CWlbs_Root* CWLBS_Cluster::Create ( CWbemServices* a_pNameSpace, IWbemObjectSink* a_pResponseHandler ) {
CWlbs_Root* pRoot = new CWLBS_Cluster( a_pNameSpace, a_pResponseHandler );
if( !pRoot ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
return pRoot; }
// CWLBS_Cluster::GetInstance
// Purpose: This function retrieves an instance of a MOF Cluster class.
HRESULT CWLBS_Cluster::GetInstance ( const ParsedObjectPath* a_pParsedPath, long /*a_lFlags*/, IWbemContext* a_pIContex ) { IWbemClassObject* pWlbsInstance = NULL; HRESULT hRes = 0;
try {
//get the name key property and convert to wstring
//throws _com_error
const WCHAR* wstrRequestedClusterName = (*a_pParsedPath->m_paKeys)->m_vValue.bstrVal;
DWORD dwNumHosts = 0;
//check to see if the requested cluster name matches the configured value
// The name does not have host id in it.
DWORD dwClusterIpOrIndex = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(wstrRequestedClusterName); CWlbsClusterWrapper* pCluster = g_pWlbsControl->GetClusterFromIpOrIndex(dwClusterIpOrIndex);
if (pCluster == NULL) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! CWlbsControlWrapper::GetClusterFromIpOrIndex() returned NULL for dwClusterIpOrIndex = 0x%x, Throwing com_error WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND", dwClusterIpOrIndex); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); }
BOOL bGetStatus = TRUE;
//this is an optimization check
//if WinMgMt is calling this prior to an Exec call, then this
//routine will not perform a cluster query call since the
//status of the cluster is not required in this case
if (a_pIContex) {
VariantInit( &v );
hRes = a_pIContex->GetValue(L"__GET_EXT_KEYS_ONLY", 0, &v);
if ( FAILED( hRes ) ) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! IWbemContext::GetValue() returned error : 0x%x, Throwing com_error WBEM_E_FAILED", hRes); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
bGetStatus = FALSE;
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
if (S_OK != VariantClear( &v )) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! VariantClear() returned error, Throwing com_error WBEM_E_FAILED"); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED ); } }
//call the API query function
//dwStatus contains a cluster-wide status number
DWORD dwStatus = 0; if ( bGetStatus ) { dwStatus = g_pWlbsControl->Query( pCluster , WLBS_ALL_HOSTS , NULL , NULL , &dwNumHosts , NULL );
if( !ClusterStatusOK( dwStatus ) ) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! CWlbsControlWrapper::Query() returned error : 0x%x, Throwing com_error WBEM_E_FAILED",dwStatus); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED ); } } //get the Wbem class instance
SpawnInstance( MOF_CLUSTER::szName, &pWlbsInstance );
//Convert status to string description
FillWbemInstance( pWlbsInstance, pCluster, dwStatus ); //Send results to Wbem
m_pResponseHandler->Indicate( 1, &pWlbsInstance );
if( pWlbsInstance ) {
pWlbsInstance->Release(); pWlbsInstance = NULL;
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus( 0, WBEM_S_NO_ERROR, NULL, NULL );
hRes = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } catch(CErrorWlbsControl Err) {
TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! Caught a Wlbs exception : 0x%x", Err.Error());
IWbemClassObject* pWbemExtStat = NULL;
CreateExtendedStatus( m_pNameSpace, &pWbemExtStat, Err.Error(), (PWCHAR)(Err.Description()) );
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, WBEM_E_FAILED, NULL, pWbemExtStat);
if( pWbemExtStat ) pWbemExtStat->Release();
if( pWlbsInstance ) { pWlbsInstance->Release(); pWlbsInstance = NULL; }
//do not return WBEM_E_FAILED, this causes a race condition
catch(_com_error HResErr ) {
TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! Caught a com_error exception : 0x%x", HResErr.Error());
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, HResErr.Error(), NULL, NULL);
if( pWlbsInstance ) { pWlbsInstance->Release(); pWlbsInstance = NULL; }
hRes = HResErr.Error(); //transform Win32 error to a WBEM error
catch(...) {
TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! Caught an exception");
if( pWlbsInstance ) { pWlbsInstance->Release(); pWlbsInstance = NULL; } TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! Rethrowing exception"); TRACE_CRIT("<-%!FUNC!"); throw;
TRACE_CRIT("<-%!FUNC! return 0x%x", hRes); return hRes; }
// CWLBS_Cluster::EnumInstances
// Purpose: This function determines if the current host is in the cluster
// and then obtains the configuration information for the cluster.
HRESULT CWLBS_Cluster::EnumInstances ( BSTR /*a_bstrClass*/, long /*a_lFlags*/, IWbemContext* a_pIContex ) { IWbemClassObject* pWlbsInstance = NULL; HRESULT hRes = 0;
try {
DWORD dwNumClusters = 0; CWlbsClusterWrapper** ppCluster = NULL;
g_pWlbsControl->EnumClusters(ppCluster, &dwNumClusters); if (dwNumClusters == 0) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! CWlbsControlWrapper::EnumClusters() returned no clusters, Throwing com_error WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND exception"); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); }
BOOL bGetStatus = TRUE;
//this is an optimization check
//if WinMgMt is calling this prior to an Exec call, then this
//routine will not perform a cluster query call since the
//status of the cluster is not required in this case
if (a_pIContex) {
VariantInit( &v );
hRes = a_pIContex->GetValue(L"__GET_EXT_KEYS_ONLY", 0, &v);
if ( FAILED( hRes ) ) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! IWbemContext::GetValue() returned error : 0x%x, Throwing com_error WBEM_E_FAILED", hRes); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
bGetStatus = FALSE;
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
if (S_OK != VariantClear( &v )) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! VariantClear() returned error, Throwing com_error WBEM_E_FAILED"); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED ); } } for (DWORD i=0; i<dwNumClusters; i++) {
//call the API query function
//dwStatus contains a cluster-wide status number
DWORD dwStatus = 0; if ( bGetStatus ) { DWORD dwNumHosts = 0;
try { dwStatus = g_pWlbsControl->Query( ppCluster[i], WLBS_ALL_HOSTS , NULL , NULL , &dwNumHosts , NULL); } catch (CErrorWlbsControl Err) { //
// Skip this cluster
TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! Caught a Wlbs exception : 0x%x, Skipping this cluster : 0x%x", Err.Error(),ppCluster[i]->GetClusterIP()); continue; }
if( !ClusterStatusOK( dwStatus ) ) { //
// Skip this cluster
TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! CWlbsControlWrapper::Query() returned error : 0x%x, Skipping this cluster : 0x%x",dwStatus,ppCluster[i]->GetClusterIP()); continue; } } //get the Wbem class instance
SpawnInstance( MOF_CLUSTER::szName, &pWlbsInstance );
//Convert status to string description
FillWbemInstance( pWlbsInstance, ppCluster[i], dwStatus ); //send the results back to WinMgMt
m_pResponseHandler->Indicate( 1, &pWlbsInstance ); if( pWlbsInstance ) pWlbsInstance->Release(); } m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus( 0, WBEM_S_NO_ERROR, NULL, NULL ); hRes = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
catch(CErrorWlbsControl Err) {
TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! Caught a Wlbs exception : 0x%x", Err.Error());
IWbemClassObject* pWbemExtStat = NULL;
CreateExtendedStatus( m_pNameSpace, &pWbemExtStat, Err.Error(), (PWCHAR)(Err.Description()) );
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, WBEM_E_FAILED, NULL, pWbemExtStat);
if( pWbemExtStat ) pWbemExtStat->Release();
if( pWlbsInstance ) pWlbsInstance->Release();
//do not return WBEM_E_FAILED, this causes a race condition
catch( _com_error HResErr ) {
TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! Caught a com_error exception : 0x%x", HResErr.Error());
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, HResErr.Error(), NULL, NULL);
if( pWlbsInstance ) { pWlbsInstance->Release(); pWlbsInstance = NULL; }
hRes = HResErr.Error(); //transform Win32 error to a WBEM error
catch(...) {
TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! Caught an exception"); if( pWlbsInstance ) { pWlbsInstance->Release(); pWlbsInstance = NULL; }
TRACE_CRIT("<-%!FUNC! Rethrowing exception"); throw;
TRACE_CRIT("<-%!FUNC! return 0x%x", hRes); return hRes; }
// CWLBS_Cluster::ExecMethod
// Purpose: This executes the methods associated with the MOF
// Cluster class.
HRESULT CWLBS_Cluster::ExecMethod ( const ParsedObjectPath* a_pParsedPath, const BSTR& a_strMethodName, long /*a_lFlags*/, IWbemContext* /*a_pIContex*/, IWbemClassObject* a_pIInParams ) {
IWbemClassObject* pOutputInstance = NULL; HRESULT hRes = 0;
BSTR strPortNumber = NULL; BSTR strNumNodes = NULL;
VARIANT vValue; CNodeConfiguration NodeConfig;
TRACE_CRIT("->%!FUNC! a_strMethodName : %ls", a_strMethodName);
VariantInit( &vValue ); try { CWlbsClusterWrapper* pCluster = NULL; if (a_pParsedPath->m_paKeys == NULL) { //
// No cluster IP specified
TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! Cluster IP is NOT specified, Throwing com_error WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER exception"); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ); } else { const wchar_t* wstrRequestedClusterName = (*a_pParsedPath->m_paKeys)->m_vValue.bstrVal;
//check to see if the requested cluster name matches the configured value
// The name does not have host id in it.
DWORD dwClusterIpOrIndex = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(wstrRequestedClusterName);
pCluster = g_pWlbsControl->GetClusterFromIpOrIndex(dwClusterIpOrIndex); }
if (pCluster == NULL) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! Throwing com_error WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND exception"); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); }
DWORD dwNumHosts = 0; DWORD dwReturnValue; DWORD dwClustIP;
strPortNumber = SysAllocString( MOF_PARAM::PORT_NUMBER ); strNumNodes = SysAllocString( MOF_PARAM::NUM_NODES );
if( !strPortNumber || !strNumNodes ) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! SysAllocString failed, Throwing com_error WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY exception"); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); }
dwClustIP = pCluster->GetClusterIpOrIndex(g_pWlbsControl);
//get the output object instance
GetMethodOutputInstance( MOF_CLUSTER::szName, a_strMethodName, &pOutputInstance);
//Determine and execute the MOF method
if( _wcsicmp( a_strMethodName, MOF_CLUSTER::pMethods[MOF_CLUSTER::DISABLE] ) == 0) { if( !a_pIInParams ) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! Input Parameters NOT specified for Method : %ls, Throwing com_error WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER exception", a_strMethodName); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
// The "Disable" method does NOT take vip as a parameter, so, if there is any port rule
// that is specific to a vip (other than the "all vip"), we fail this method.
// The "EffectiveVersion" registry value is checked for a value of CVY_VERSION_FULL to
// see of there is any port rule that is specific to a vip
pCluster->GetNodeConfig(NodeConfig); if(NodeConfig.dwEffectiveVersion == CVY_VERSION_FULL) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! %ls method called on a cluster that has per-vip port rules (Must call the \"Ex\" equivalent instead). Throwing com_error WBEM_E_INVALID_OPERATION exception", a_strMethodName); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_OPERATION ); } //get the port number
hRes = a_pIInParams->Get ( strPortNumber, 0, &vValue, NULL, NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! IWbemClassObject::Get() returned error : 0x%x on %ls (Method : %ls), Throwing com_error exception", hRes, strPortNumber, a_strMethodName); throw _com_error( hRes ); }
//range checking is done by the API
if( vValue.vt != VT_I4 ) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! %ls (Method : %ls) type is NOT VT_I4, Throwing com_error WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER exception", strPortNumber, a_strMethodName); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
//call Disable method
dwReturnValue = g_pWlbsControl->Disable ( dwClustIP, WLBS_ALL_HOSTS, NULL, dwNumHosts, IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(CVY_DEF_ALL_VIP), // "All Vip"
vValue.lVal );
} else if(_wcsicmp( a_strMethodName, MOF_CLUSTER::pMethods[MOF_CLUSTER::ENABLE] ) == 0) {
if( !a_pIInParams ) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! Input Parameters NOT specified for Method : %ls, Throwing com_error WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER exception", a_strMethodName); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
// The "Enable" method does NOT take vip as a parameter, so, if there is any port rule
// that is specific to a vip (other than the "all vip"), we fail this method.
// The "EffectiveVersion" registry value is checked for a value of CVY_VERSION_FULL to
// see of there is any port rule that is specific to a vip
pCluster->GetNodeConfig(NodeConfig); if(NodeConfig.dwEffectiveVersion == CVY_VERSION_FULL) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! %ls method called on a cluster that has per-vip port rules (Must call the \"Ex\" equivalent instead). Throwing com_error WBEM_E_INVALID_OPERATION exception", a_strMethodName); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_OPERATION ); } //get the port number
hRes = a_pIInParams->Get ( strPortNumber, 0, &vValue, NULL, NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! IWbemClassObject::Get() returned error : 0x%x on %ls (Method : %ls), Throwing com_error exception", hRes, strPortNumber, a_strMethodName); throw _com_error( hRes ); }
//range checking is done by the API
if( vValue.vt != VT_I4 ) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! %ls (Method : %ls) type is NOT VT_I4, Throwing com_error WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER exception", strPortNumber, a_strMethodName); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
//call Enable method
dwReturnValue = g_pWlbsControl->Enable ( dwClustIP, WLBS_ALL_HOSTS, NULL, dwNumHosts, IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(CVY_DEF_ALL_VIP), // "All Vip"
vValue.lVal );
} else if( _wcsicmp( a_strMethodName, MOF_CLUSTER::pMethods[MOF_CLUSTER::DRAIN] ) == 0 ) {
if( !a_pIInParams ) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! Input Parameters NOT specified for Method : %ls, Throwing com_error WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER exception", a_strMethodName); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
// The "Drain" method does NOT take vip as a parameter, so, if there is any port rule
// that is specific to a vip (other than the "all vip"), we fail this method.
// The "EffectiveVersion" registry value is checked for a value of CVY_VERSION_FULL to
// see of there is any port rule that is specific to a vip
pCluster->GetNodeConfig(NodeConfig); if(NodeConfig.dwEffectiveVersion == CVY_VERSION_FULL) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! %ls method called on a cluster that has per-vip port rules (Must call the \"Ex\" equivalent instead). Throwing com_error WBEM_E_INVALID_OPERATION exception", a_strMethodName); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_OPERATION ); } //get the port number
hRes = a_pIInParams->Get ( strPortNumber, 0, &vValue, NULL, NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! IWbemClassObject::Get() returned error : 0x%x on %ls (Method : %ls), Throwing com_error exception", hRes, strPortNumber, a_strMethodName); throw _com_error( hRes ); }
//range checking is done by the API
if( vValue.vt != VT_I4 ) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! %ls (Method : %ls) type is NOT VT_I4, Throwing com_error WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER exception", strPortNumber, a_strMethodName); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
//call Drain method
dwReturnValue = g_pWlbsControl->Drain ( dwClustIP, WLBS_ALL_HOSTS, NULL, dwNumHosts, IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(CVY_DEF_ALL_VIP), // "All Vip"
vValue.lVal );
} else if(_wcsicmp(a_strMethodName, MOF_CLUSTER::pMethods[MOF_CLUSTER::DRAINSTOP]) == 0) {
//call DrainStop method
dwReturnValue = g_pWlbsControl->DrainStop(dwClustIP, WLBS_ALL_HOSTS, NULL, dwNumHosts);
} else if(_wcsicmp(a_strMethodName, MOF_CLUSTER::pMethods[MOF_CLUSTER::RESUME] ) == 0) {
//call Resume method
dwReturnValue = g_pWlbsControl->Resume(dwClustIP, WLBS_ALL_HOSTS, NULL, dwNumHosts);
} else if(_wcsicmp(a_strMethodName, MOF_CLUSTER::pMethods[MOF_CLUSTER::START] ) == 0) {
//call Start method
dwReturnValue = g_pWlbsControl->Start(dwClustIP, WLBS_ALL_HOSTS, NULL, dwNumHosts);
} else if(_wcsicmp(a_strMethodName, MOF_CLUSTER::pMethods[MOF_CLUSTER::STOP] ) == 0) {
//call Stop method
dwReturnValue = g_pWlbsControl->Stop(dwClustIP, WLBS_ALL_HOSTS, NULL, dwNumHosts);
} else if(_wcsicmp(a_strMethodName, MOF_CLUSTER::pMethods[MOF_CLUSTER::SUSPEND] ) == 0) {
//call Suspend method
dwReturnValue = g_pWlbsControl->Suspend(dwClustIP, WLBS_ALL_HOSTS, NULL, dwNumHosts);
} else { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! Method : %ls NOT implemented, Throwing com_error WBEM_E_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED exception", a_strMethodName); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ); }
//Output Results
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
if (S_OK != VariantClear( &vValue )) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! VariantClear() returned error, Throwing com_error WBEM_E_FAILED"); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
//set the return value
vValue.vt = VT_I4; vValue.lVal = static_cast<long>(dwReturnValue); hRes = pOutputInstance->Put(_bstr_t(L"ReturnValue"), 0, &vValue, 0);
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! IWbemClassObject::Put() returned error on \"ReturnValue\", Throwing com_error WBEM_E_FAILED"); throw _com_error( hRes ); }
//set the number of hosts property
vValue.vt = VT_I4; vValue.lVal = static_cast<long>(dwNumHosts); hRes = pOutputInstance->Put(strNumNodes, 0, &vValue, 0);
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! IWbemClassObject::Put() returned error : 0x%x on %ls, Throwing com_error exception", hRes, strNumNodes); throw _com_error( hRes ); }
//send the results back to WinMgMt
hRes = m_pResponseHandler->Indicate(1, &pOutputInstance);
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! IWbemObjectSink::Indicate() returned error : 0x%x, Throwing com_error exception", hRes); throw _com_error( hRes ); }
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, WBEM_S_NO_ERROR, NULL, NULL);
//Release Resources
//COM Interfaces
if( pOutputInstance ) { pOutputInstance->Release(); pOutputInstance = NULL; }
//**** BSTRs ****
if( strPortNumber ) { SysFreeString( strPortNumber ); strPortNumber = NULL; }
if( strNumNodes ) { SysFreeString( strNumNodes ); strNumNodes = NULL; }
//**** VARIANTs ****
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
if (S_OK != VariantClear( &vValue )) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! VariantClear() returned error, Throwing com_error WBEM_E_FAILED"); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
catch(CErrorWlbsControl Err) {
TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! Caught a Wlbs exception : 0x%x", Err.Error());
IWbemClassObject* pWbemExtStat = NULL;
CreateExtendedStatus( m_pNameSpace, &pWbemExtStat, Err.Error(), (PWCHAR)(Err.Description()) );
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, WBEM_E_FAILED, NULL, pWbemExtStat);
if( pWbemExtStat ) pWbemExtStat->Release();
//COM Interfaces
if( pOutputInstance ) { pOutputInstance->Release(); pOutputInstance = NULL; }
//**** BSTRs ****
if( strPortNumber ) { SysFreeString( strPortNumber ); strPortNumber = NULL; }
if( strNumNodes ) { SysFreeString( strNumNodes ); strNumNodes = NULL; }
//**** VARIANTs ****
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
// No throw here since we are already throwing an exception. Also, given the comment below, not sure
// what exception we'd return...
VariantClear( &vValue );
//do not return WBEM_E_FAILED, this causes a race condition
catch( _com_error HResErr ) {
TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! Caught a com_error exception : 0x%x", HResErr.Error());
//COM Interfaces
if( pOutputInstance ) { pOutputInstance->Release(); pOutputInstance = NULL; }
//**** BSTRs ****
if( strPortNumber ) { SysFreeString( strPortNumber ); strPortNumber = NULL; }
if( strNumNodes ) { SysFreeString( strNumNodes ); strNumNodes = NULL; }
//**** VARIANTs ****
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
// No throw here since we are already throwing an exception.
VariantClear( &vValue );
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, HResErr.Error(), NULL, NULL); hRes = HResErr.Error(); }
catch(...) {
TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! Caught an exception");
//COM Interfaces
if( pOutputInstance ) { pOutputInstance->Release(); pOutputInstance = NULL; }
//**** BSTRs ****
if( strPortNumber ) { SysFreeString( strPortNumber ); strPortNumber = NULL; }
if( strNumNodes ) { SysFreeString( strNumNodes ); strNumNodes = NULL; }
//**** VARIANTs ****
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
// No throw here since we are already throwing an exception
VariantClear( &vValue );
TRACE_CRIT("<-%!FUNC! Rethrowing exception"); throw;
TRACE_CRIT("<-%!FUNC! return 0x%x", hRes);
return hRes; }
// CWLBS_Cluster::FillWbemInstance
// Purpose: This function copies all of the data from a cluster configuration
// structure to a WBEM instance.
void CWLBS_Cluster::FillWbemInstance ( IWbemClassObject* a_pWbemInstance, CWlbsClusterWrapper* pCluster, const DWORD a_dwStatus ) { namespace CLUSTER = MOF_CLUSTER;
ASSERT( a_pWbemInstance ); ASSERT(pCluster);
CClusterConfiguration ClusterConfig; pCluster->GetClusterConfig( ClusterConfig );
wstring wstrClusterIp; AddressToString( pCluster->GetClusterIP(), wstrClusterIp );
a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( CLUSTER::pProperties[CLUSTER::IPADDRESS] ), 0 , &_variant_t(wstrClusterIp.c_str()), NULL );
wstring wstrClusterIndex; AddressToString( pCluster->GetClusterIpOrIndex(g_pWlbsControl), wstrClusterIndex );
a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( CLUSTER::pProperties[CLUSTER::NAME] ), 0 , &_variant_t(wstrClusterIndex.c_str()), NULL );
a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( CLUSTER::pProperties[CLUSTER::MAXNODES] ), 0 , &_variant_t(ClusterConfig.nMaxNodes), NULL );
a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( CLUSTER::pProperties[CLUSTER::CLUSSTATE] ), 0 , &_variant_t((short)a_dwStatus), NULL );
a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( CLUSTER::pProperties[CLUSTER::CREATCLASS] ), 0 , &_variant_t(CLUSTER::szName), NULL ); TRACE_VERB("<-%!FUNC!"); }