#include "faxcfgwz.h"
INT_PTR CALLBACK WelcomeDlgProc ( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
Procedure for handling the "Welcome" page
hDlg - Identifies the property sheet page uMsg - Specifies the message wParam - Specifies additional message-specific information lParam - Specifies additional message-specific information
Return Value:
Depends on the value of message parameter
{ // Process messages from the Welcome page
HWND hwndControl;
// Property Sheet control id's (determined with Spy++)
// Taken from MFC StdAfx.h
#define ID_WIZNEXT 0x3024
switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG : { TCHAR szText[1024] = {0}; // text for "Link Window"
TCHAR szTemp[1024] = {0};
// Get the shared data from PROPSHEETPAGE lParam value
// and load it into GWL_USERDATA
// It's an intro/end page, so get the title font
// from the shared data and use it for the title control
Assert(g_wizData.hTitleFont); hwndControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDCSTATIC_WELCOME_TITLE); SetWindowFont(hwndControl, g_wizData.hTitleFont, TRUE);
// if there are more than one device, we'll show a warning that the wizard can
// only config the devices into same settings.
// will do it later.
if((g_wizData.dwDeviceCount > 1) && !IsDesktopSKU()) { // if error, we will not show the warning message.
if(GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_ADMINCONSOLE_LINK, szText, MAX_STRING_LEN)) { if(!LoadString(g_hResource, IDS_ADMIN_CONSOLE_LINK, szTemp, MAX_PATH - 1)) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME(TEXT("WelcomeDlgProc()")); DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("LoadString failed: string ID=%d, error=%d"), IDS_ADMIN_CONSOLE_LINK, GetLastError()); Assert(FALSE); } else { _tcsncat(szText, szTemp, ARR_SIZE(szText) - _tcslen(szText)-1); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_ADMINCONSOLE_LINK, szText); } } }
PostMessage(hDlg, WM_SETPAGEFOCUS, 0, 0L);
return TRUE; } case WM_SETPAGEFOCUS: { //
// Set Focus on the Next button
HWND hNextButton = GetDlgItem(GetParent(hDlg), ID_WIZNEXT); if(hNextButton) { SetFocus(hNextButton); } break; } case WM_NOTIFY : { LPNMHDR lpnm = (LPNMHDR) lParam;
switch (lpnm->code) { case PSN_SETACTIVE : //Enable the Next button
PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), PSWIZB_NEXT); PostMessage(hDlg, WM_SETPAGEFOCUS, 0, 0L); break;
case PSN_WIZNEXT : //
// Handle a Next button click here
case PSN_RESET : break;
case NM_RETURN: case NM_CLICK:
if( IDC_ADMINCONSOLE_LINK == lpnm->idFrom ) { InvokeServiceManager(hDlg, g_hResource, IDS_ADMIN_CONSOLE_TITLE); } break;
default : break; } } break;
default: break; } return FALSE; }