// FaxComEx.idl : IDL source for FaxComEx.dll //
// This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to // produce the type library (FaxComEx.tlb) and marshalling code.
import "oaidl.idl"; import "ocidl.idl";
// forward interface declarations interface IFaxSender; interface IFaxDevice; interface IFaxDevices; interface IFaxFolders; interface IFaxActivity; interface IFaxSecurity; interface IFaxRecipient; interface IFaxDeviceIds; interface IFaxRecipients; interface IFaxIncomingJob; interface IFaxOutgoingJob; interface IFaxIncomingJobs; interface IFaxEventLogging; interface IFaxOutgoingJobs; interface IFaxIncomingQueue; interface IFaxOutgoingQueue; interface IFaxReceiptOptions; interface IFaxInboundRouting; interface IFaxLoggingOptions; interface IFaxDeviceProvider; interface IFaxOutgoingArchive; interface IFaxIncomingArchive; interface IFaxIncomingMessage; interface IFaxActivityLogging; interface IFaxDeviceProviders; interface IFaxOutboundRouting; interface IFaxOutgoingMessage; interface IFaxOutboundRoutingRule; interface IFaxOutboundRoutingGroup; interface IFaxInboundRoutingMethod; interface IFaxOutboundRoutingRules; interface IFaxOutboundRoutingGroups; interface IFaxInboundRoutingMethods; interface IFaxIncomingMessageIterator; interface IFaxInboundRoutingExtension; interface IFaxOutgoingMessageIterator; interface IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions;
// // Internal COM's project definion // const long prv_DEFAULT_PREFETCH_SIZE = 100;
[ object, uuid(8B86F485-FD7F-4824-886B-40C5CAA617CC), dual, helpstring("IFaxJobStatus interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxJobStatus : IDispatch { typedef enum FAX_JOB_STATUS_ENUM { fjsPENDING = 0x00000001, fjsINPROGRESS = 0x00000002, fjsFAILED = 0x00000008, fjsPAUSED = 0x00000010, fjsNOLINE = 0x00000020, fjsRETRYING = 0x00000040, fjsRETRIES_EXCEEDED = 0x00000080, fjsCOMPLETED = 0x00000100, fjsCANCELED = 0x00000200, fjsCANCELING = 0x00000400, fjsROUTING = 0x00000800 } FAX_JOB_STATUS_ENUM;
typedef enum FAX_JOB_OPERATIONS_ENUM { fjoVIEW = 0x0001, fjoPAUSE = 0x0002, fjoRESUME = 0x0004, fjoRESTART = 0x0008, fjoDELETE = 0x0010, fjoRECIPIENT_INFO = 0x0020, fjoSENDER_INFO = 0x0040 } FAX_JOB_OPERATIONS_ENUM;
[propget, id(1), helpstring("Current queue status of the job, a bit-wise combination of FAX_JOB_STATUS values")] HRESULT Status([out, retval] FAX_JOB_STATUS_ENUM *pStatus); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Total number of pages")] HRESULT Pages([out, retval] long *plPages); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Size in bytes of TIFF file")] HRESULT Size([out, retval] long *plSize); [propget, id(4), helpstring("Page currently in transmision")] HRESULT CurrentPage([out, retval] long *plCurrentPage); [propget, id(5), helpstring("Device ID of device that transmits the job")] HRESULT DeviceId([out, retval] long *plDeviceId); [propget, id(6), helpstring("Called Station ID")] HRESULT CSID([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrCSID); [propget, id(7), helpstring("Transmitting Station ID")] HRESULT TSID([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrTSID); [propget, id(8), helpstring("Code of the job's extended status")] HRESULT ExtendedStatusCode([out, retval] FAX_JOB_EXTENDED_STATUS_ENUM *pExtendedStatusCode); [propget, id(9), helpstring("Extended status description")] HRESULT ExtendedStatus([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrExtendedStatus); [propget, id(10), helpstring("Available operations, a bit-wise combination of FAX_JOB_OPERATIONS values")] HRESULT AvailableOperations([out, retval] FAX_JOB_OPERATIONS_ENUM *pAvailableOperations); [propget, id(11), helpstring("Number of failed transmission retries")] HRESULT Retries([out, retval] long *plRetries); [propget, id(12), helpstring("Job type")] HRESULT JobType([out, retval] FAX_JOB_TYPE_ENUM *pJobType); [propget, id(13), helpstring("The time the fax job is scheduled to be transmitted")] HRESULT ScheduledTime([out, retval] DATE *pdateScheduledTime); [propget, id(14), helpstring("The time the fax job started its transmission")] HRESULT TransmissionStart([out, retval] DATE *pdateTransmissionStart); [propget, id(15), helpstring("The time the fax job finished its transmission")] HRESULT TransmissionEnd([out, retval] DATE *pdateTransmissionEnd); [propget, id(16), helpstring("Caller ID")] HRESULT CallerId([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrCallerId); [propget, id(17), helpstring("Routing information")] HRESULT RoutingInformation([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrRoutingInformation); };
[ object, uuid(475B6469-90A5-4878-A577-17A86E8E3462), dual, helpstring("IFaxServer interface"), pointer_default(unique), nonextensible ] interface IFaxServer : IDispatch { typedef enum FAX_SERVER_EVENTS_TYPE_ENUM { fsetNONE = 0x0000, fsetIN_QUEUE = 0x0001, fsetOUT_QUEUE = 0x0002, fsetCONFIG = 0x0004, fsetACTIVITY = 0x0008, fsetQUEUE_STATE = 0x0010, fsetIN_ARCHIVE = 0x0020, fsetOUT_ARCHIVE = 0x0040, fsetFXSSVC_ENDED = 0x0080, fsetDEVICE_STATUS = 0x0100, fsetINCOMING_CALL = 0x0200 } FAX_SERVER_EVENTS_TYPE_ENUM;
[id(1), helpstring("Connect to the fax server")] HRESULT Connect([in] BSTR bstrServerName); [propget, id(2), helpstring("The name of the fax server")] HRESULT ServerName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrServerName); [id(3), helpstring("The collection of device providers")] HRESULT GetDeviceProviders([out, retval] IFaxDeviceProviders **ppFaxDeviceProviders); [id(4), helpstring("The collection of all available devices")] HRESULT GetDevices([out, retval] IFaxDevices **ppFaxDevices); [propget, id(5), helpstring("The inbound routing configuration object")] HRESULT InboundRouting([out, retval] IFaxInboundRouting **ppFaxInboundRouting); [propget, id(6), helpstring("The fax folders object")] HRESULT Folders([out, retval] IFaxFolders **pFaxFolders); [propget, id(7), helpstring("The logging options configuration object")] HRESULT LoggingOptions([out, retval] IFaxLoggingOptions **ppFaxLoggingOptions); [propget, id(8), helpstring("The major part of the fax server's version number")] HRESULT MajorVersion([out, retval] long *plMajorVersion); [propget, id(9), helpstring("The minor part of the fax server's version number")] HRESULT MinorVersion([out, retval] long *plMinorVersion); [propget, id(10), helpstring("The major part of the fax server's build number")] HRESULT MajorBuild([out, retval] long *plMajorBuild); [propget, id(11), helpstring("The minor part of the fax server's build number")] HRESULT MinorBuild([out, retval] long *plMinorBuild); [propget, id(12), helpstring("Is fax server built in debug environment")] HRESULT Debug([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbDebug); [propget, id(13), helpstring("The fax server activity status object")] HRESULT Activity([out, retval] IFaxActivity **ppFaxActivity); [propget, id(14), helpstring("The outbound routing configuration object")] HRESULT OutboundRouting([out, retval] IFaxOutboundRouting **ppFaxOutboundRouting); [propget, id(15), helpstring("The receipt options configuration object")] HRESULT ReceiptOptions([out, retval] IFaxReceiptOptions **ppFaxReceiptOptions); [propget, id(16), helpstring("The security configuration object")] HRESULT Security([out, retval] IFaxSecurity **ppFaxSecurity); [id(17), helpstring("Disconnect from the fax server")] HRESULT Disconnect(); [id(18), helpstring("Return server level extention property")] HRESULT GetExtensionProperty([in] BSTR bstrGUID, [out, retval] VARIANT *pvProperty); [id(19), helpstring("Set server level extention property")] HRESULT SetExtensionProperty([in] BSTR bstrGUID, [in] VARIANT vProperty); [id(20), helpstring("Set bit-wise combination of events the fax server listens to")] HRESULT ListenToServerEvents([in] FAX_SERVER_EVENTS_TYPE_ENUM EventTypes); [id(21), helpstring("Register device provider")] HRESULT RegisterDeviceProvider( [in] BSTR bstrGUID, [in] BSTR bstrFriendlyName, [in] BSTR bstrImageName, [in] BSTR TspName, [in] long lFSPIVersion); [id(22), helpstring("Unregister device provider")] HRESULT UnregisterDeviceProvider([in] BSTR bstrUniqueName); [id(23), helpstring("Register inbound routing extension")] HRESULT RegisterInboundRoutingExtension( [in] BSTR bstrExtensionName, [in] BSTR bstrFriendlyName, [in] BSTR bstrImageName, [in] VARIANT vMethods); [id(24), helpstring("Unregister inbound routing extension")] HRESULT UnregisterInboundRoutingExtension([in] BSTR bstrExtensionUniqueName); [propget, id(25), helpstring("Events the fax Server is listening to")] HRESULT RegisteredEvents([out, retval] FAX_SERVER_EVENTS_TYPE_ENUM *pEventTypes); [propget, id(26), helpstring("Version of the fax server API")] HRESULT APIVersion([out, retval] FAX_SERVER_APIVERSION_ENUM *pAPIVersion); };
[ object, uuid(9FB76F62-4C7E-43A5-B6FD-502893F7E13E), dual, helpstring("IFaxDeviceProviders interface"), pointer_default(unique), nonextensible ] interface IFaxDeviceProviders : IDispatch { [id(DISPID_NEWENUM), propget] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown **ppUnk); [id(DISPID_VALUE), propget] HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT vIndex, [out, retval] IFaxDeviceProvider **pFaxDeviceProvider); [id(1), propget] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plCount); }; [ object, uuid(9E46783E-F34F-482E-A360-0416BECBBD96), dual, helpstring("IFaxDevices interface"), pointer_default(unique), nonextensible ] interface IFaxDevices : IDispatch { [id(DISPID_NEWENUM), propget] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown **ppUnk); [id(DISPID_VALUE), propget] HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT vIndex, [out, retval] IFaxDevice **pFaxDevice); [id(1), propget] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plCount); [id(2), helpstring("Get device by its ID"), propget] HRESULT ItemById([in] long lId, [out, retval] IFaxDevice **ppFaxDevice); }; [ object, uuid(8148C20F-9D52-45B1-BF96-38FC12713527), dual, helpstring("IFaxInboundRouting interface"), pointer_default(unique), nonextensible ] interface IFaxInboundRouting : IDispatch { [id(1), helpstring("Registered inbound routing extensions collection")] HRESULT GetExtensions([out, retval] IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions **pFaxInboundRoutingExtensions); [id(2), helpstring("Ordered collection of all the registered methods")] HRESULT GetMethods([out, retval] IFaxInboundRoutingMethods **pFaxInboundRoutingMethods); }; [ object, uuid(DCE3B2A8-A7AB-42BC-9D0A-3149457261A0), dual, helpstring("IFaxFolders interface"), pointer_default(unique), nonextensible ] interface IFaxFolders : IDispatch { [propget, id(1), helpstring("Outgoing queue")] HRESULT OutgoingQueue([out, retval] IFaxOutgoingQueue **pFaxOutgoingQueue); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Incoming queue")] HRESULT IncomingQueue([out, retval] IFaxIncomingQueue **pFaxIncomingQueue); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Incoming archive")] HRESULT IncomingArchive([out, retval] IFaxIncomingArchive **pFaxIncomingArchive); [propget, id(4), helpstring("Outgoing archive")] HRESULT OutgoingArchive([out, retval] IFaxOutgoingArchive **pFaxOutgoingArchive); }; [ object, uuid(34E64FB9-6B31-4D32-8B27-D286C0C33606), dual, helpstring("IFaxLoggingOptions interface"), pointer_default(unique), nonextensible ] interface IFaxLoggingOptions : IDispatch { [propget, id(1), helpstring("Event logging configuration object")] HRESULT EventLogging([out, retval] IFaxEventLogging **pFaxEventLogging); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Activity logging configuration object")] HRESULT ActivityLogging([out, retval] IFaxActivityLogging **pFaxActivityLogging); }; [ object, uuid(4B106F97-3DF5-40F2-BC3C-44CB8115EBDF), dual, helpstring("IFaxActivity interface"), pointer_default(unique), nonextensible ] interface IFaxActivity : IDispatch { [propget, id(1), helpstring("Number of incoming messages")] HRESULT IncomingMessages([out, retval] long *plIncomingMessages); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Number of routed incoming messages")] HRESULT RoutingMessages([out, retval] long *plRoutingMessages); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Number of outgoing messages")] HRESULT OutgoingMessages([out, retval] long *plOutgoingMessages); [propget, id(4), helpstring("Number of queued messages")] HRESULT QueuedMessages([out, retval] long *plQueuedMessages); [id(5), helpstring("Refresh the object")] HRESULT Refresh(); }; [ object, uuid(25DC05A4-9909-41BD-A95B-7E5D1DEC1D43), dual, helpstring("IFaxOutboundRouting interface"), pointer_default(unique), nonextensible ] interface IFaxOutboundRouting : IDispatch { [id(1), helpstring("Configuration of the outbound routing groups")] HRESULT GetGroups([out, retval] IFaxOutboundRoutingGroups **pFaxOutboundRoutingGroups);
[id(2), helpstring("Configuration of the outbound routing rules")] HRESULT GetRules([out, retval] IFaxOutboundRoutingRules **pFaxOutboundRoutingRules); }; [ object, uuid(378EFAEB-5FCB-4AFB-B2EE-E16E80614487), dual, helpstring("IFaxReceiptOptions interface"), pointer_default(unique), nonextensible ] interface IFaxReceiptOptions : IDispatch { typedef enum FAX_SMTP_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ENUM { fsatANONYMOUS, fsatBASIC, fsatNTLM } FAX_SMTP_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ENUM;
typedef enum FAX_RECEIPT_TYPE_ENUM { frtNONE = 0x0000, frtMAIL = 0x0001, frtMSGBOX = 0x0004 } FAX_RECEIPT_TYPE_ENUM;
[propget, id(1), helpstring("Authentication type used by server")] HRESULT AuthenticationType([out, retval] FAX_SMTP_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ENUM *pType); [propput, id(1), helpstring("Authentication type used by server")] HRESULT AuthenticationType([in] FAX_SMTP_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ENUM Type); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Name of the SMTP server")] HRESULT SMTPServer([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrSMTPServer); [propput, id(2), helpstring("Name of the SMTP server")] HRESULT SMTPServer([in] BSTR bstrSMTPServer); [propget, id(3), helpstring("SMTP port number")] HRESULT SMTPPort([out, retval] long *plSMTPPort); [propput, id(3), helpstring("SMTP port number")] HRESULT SMTPPort([in] long lSMTPPort); [propget, id(4), helpstring("SMTP sender e-mail address")] HRESULT SMTPSender([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrSMTPSender); [propput, id(4), helpstring("SMTP sender e-mail address")] HRESULT SMTPSender([in] BSTR bstrSMTPSender); [propget, id(5), helpstring("SMTP user name")] HRESULT SMTPUser([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrSMTPUser); [propput, id(5), helpstring("SMTP user name")] HRESULT SMTPUser([in] BSTR bstrSMTPUser); [propget, id(6), helpstring("Allowed receipt types, a bit-wise combination of FAX_RECEIPT_TYPE values")] HRESULT AllowedReceipts([out, retval] FAX_RECEIPT_TYPE_ENUM *pAllowedReceipts); [propput, id(6), helpstring("Allowed receipt types, a bit-wise combination of FAX_RECEIPT_TYPE values")] HRESULT AllowedReceipts([in] FAX_RECEIPT_TYPE_ENUM AllowedReceipts); [propget, id(7), helpstring("SMTP password")] HRESULT SMTPPassword([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrSMTPPassword); [propput, id(7), helpstring("SMTP password")] HRESULT SMTPPassword([in] BSTR bstrSMTPPassword); [id(8), helpstring("Refresh the object")] HRESULT Refresh(); [id(9), helpstring("Save the object")] HRESULT Save(); [propget, id(10), helpstring("Whether to use the IFaxReceiptOptions settings for MS routing extension")] HRESULT UseForInboundRouting([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbUseForInboundRouting); [propput, id(10), helpstring("Whether to use the IFaxReceiptOptions settings for MS routing extension")] HRESULT UseForInboundRouting([in] VARIANT_BOOL bUseForInboundRouting); }; [ object, uuid(77B508C1-09C0-47A2-91EB-FCE7FDF2690E), dual, helpstring("IFaxSecurity interface"), pointer_default(unique), nonextensible ] interface IFaxSecurity : IDispatch { typedef enum FAX_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ENUM { farSUBMIT_LOW = 0x0001, farSUBMIT_NORMAL = 0x0002, farSUBMIT_HIGH = 0x0004, farQUERY_JOBS = 0x0008, farMANAGE_JOBS = 0x0010, farQUERY_CONFIG = 0x0020, farMANAGE_CONFIG = 0x0040, farQUERY_IN_ARCHIVE = 0x0080, farMANAGE_IN_ARCHIVE = 0x0100, farQUERY_OUT_ARCHIVE = 0x0200, farMANAGE_OUT_ARCHIVE = 0x0400 } FAX_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ENUM;
[propget, id(1), helpstring("Security descriptor")] HRESULT Descriptor([out, retval] VARIANT *pvDescriptor); [propput, id(1), helpstring("Security descriptor")] HRESULT Descriptor([in] VARIANT vDescriptor); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Granted rights, a bit-wise combination of FAX_ACCESS_RIGHTS values")] HRESULT GrantedRights([out, retval] FAX_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ENUM *pGrantedRights); [id(3), helpstring("Refresh the object")] HRESULT Refresh(); [id(4), helpstring("Save the object")] HRESULT Save(); [propget, id(5), helpstring("Security Information Type")] HRESULT InformationType([out, retval] long *plInformationType); [propput, id(5), helpstring("Security Information Type")] HRESULT InformationType([in] long lInformationType);
}; [ object, uuid(B207A246-09E3-4A4E-A7DC-FEA31D29458F), dual, helpstring("IFaxDocument interface"), pointer_default(unique), nonextensible ] interface IFaxDocument : IDispatch { typedef enum FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_ENUM { fptLOW, fptNORMAL, fptHIGH } FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_ENUM;
[propget, id(1), helpstring("Full path to the fax document body file")] HRESULT Body([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrBody); [propput, id(1), helpstring("Full path to the fax document body file")] HRESULT Body([in] BSTR bstrBody); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Sender information object")] HRESULT Sender([out, retval] IFaxSender **ppFaxSender); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Collection of recipients")] HRESULT Recipients([out, retval] IFaxRecipients **ppFaxRecipients); [propget, id(4), helpstring("Cover page file path")] HRESULT CoverPage([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrCoverPage); [propput, id(4), helpstring("Cover page file path")] HRESULT CoverPage([in] BSTR bstrCoverPage); [propget, id(5), helpstring("Contents of cover page subject field")] HRESULT Subject([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrSubject); [propput, id(5), helpstring("Contents of cover page subject field")] HRESULT Subject([in] BSTR bstrSubject); [propget, id(6), helpstring("Contents of cover page note field")] HRESULT Note([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrNote); [propput, id(6), helpstring("Contents of cover page note field")] HRESULT Note([in] BSTR bstrNote); [propget, id(7), helpstring("Time to send the fax")] HRESULT ScheduleTime([out, retval] DATE *pdateScheduleTime); [propput, id(7), helpstring("Time to send the fax")] HRESULT ScheduleTime([in] DATE dateScheduleTime); [propget, id(8), helpstring("Address of the receipt")] HRESULT ReceiptAddress([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrReceiptAddress); [propput, id(8), helpstring("Set the address of the receipt")] HRESULT ReceiptAddress([in] BSTR bstrReceiptAddress); [propget, id(9), helpstring("The document name")] HRESULT DocumentName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrDocumentName); [propput, id(9), helpstring("The document name")] HRESULT DocumentName([in] BSTR bstrDocumentName); [propget, id(10), helpstring("Call handle")] HRESULT CallHandle([out, retval] long *plCallHandle); [propput, id(10), helpstring("Call handle")] HRESULT CallHandle([in] long lCallHandle); [propget, id(11), helpstring("Is server, local, or no cover page used")] HRESULT CoverPageType([out, retval] FAX_COVERPAGE_TYPE_ENUM *pCoverPageType); [propput, id(11), helpstring("Is server, local, or no cover page used")] HRESULT CoverPageType([in] FAX_COVERPAGE_TYPE_ENUM CoverPageType); [propget, id(12), helpstring("When to send the fax")] HRESULT ScheduleType([out, retval] FAX_SCHEDULE_TYPE_ENUM *pScheduleType); [propput, id(12), helpstring("When to send the fax")] HRESULT ScheduleType([in] FAX_SCHEDULE_TYPE_ENUM ScheduleType); [propget, id(13), helpstring("Type of the receipt")] HRESULT ReceiptType([out, retval] FAX_RECEIPT_TYPE_ENUM *pReceiptType); [propput, id(13), helpstring("Type of the receipt")] HRESULT ReceiptType([in] FAX_RECEIPT_TYPE_ENUM ReceiptType); [propget, id(14), helpstring("Whether to group the broadcast receipts")] HRESULT GroupBroadcastReceipts([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbUseGrouping); [propput, id(14), helpstring("Whether to group the broadcast receipts")] HRESULT GroupBroadcastReceipts([in] VARIANT_BOOL bUseGrouping); [propget, id(15), helpstring("Priority of the fax")] HRESULT Priority([out, retval] FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_ENUM *pPriority); [propput, id(15), helpstring("Priority of the fax")] HRESULT Priority([in] FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_ENUM Priority); [propget, id(16), helpstring("Tapi connection")] HRESULT TapiConnection([out, retval] IDispatch **ppTapiConnection); [propputref, id(16), helpstring("Tapi connection")] HRESULT TapiConnection([in] IDispatch *pTapiConnection); [id(17), helpstring("Connect to server, submit the fax document, disconnect")] HRESULT Submit([in] BSTR bstrFaxServerName, [out, retval] VARIANT *pvFaxOutgoingJobIDs); [id(18), helpstring("Submit the fax document on the already connected server")] HRESULT ConnectedSubmit([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer, [out, retval] VARIANT *pvFaxOutgoingJobIDs); [propget, id(19), helpstring("Whether to attach a fax to the receipt")] HRESULT AttachFaxToReceipt([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbAttachFax); [propput, id(19), helpstring("Whether to attach a fax to the receipt")] HRESULT AttachFaxToReceipt([in] VARIANT_BOOL bAttachFax); }; [ object, uuid(0D879D7D-F57A-4CC6-A6F9-3EE5D527B46A), dual, helpstring("IFaxSender interface"), pointer_default(unique), nonextensible ] interface IFaxSender : IDispatch { [propget, id(1), helpstring("Sender's billing code")] HRESULT BillingCode([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrBillingCode); [propput, id(1), helpstring("Sender's billing code")] HRESULT BillingCode([in] BSTR bstrBillingCode); [propget, id(2), helpstring("City")] HRESULT City([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrCity); [propput, id(2), helpstring("Sender's city")] HRESULT City([in] BSTR bstrCity); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Sender's company")] HRESULT Company([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrCompany); [propput, id(3), helpstring("Sender's company")] HRESULT Company([in] BSTR bstrCompany); [propget, id(4), helpstring("Sender's country or region")] HRESULT Country([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrCountry); [propput, id(4), helpstring("Sender's country or region")] HRESULT Country([in] BSTR bstrCountry); [propget, id(5), helpstring("Sender's department")] HRESULT Department([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrDepartment); [propput, id(5), helpstring("Sender's department")] HRESULT Department([in] BSTR bstrDepartment); [propget, id(6), helpstring("Sender's e-mail address")] HRESULT Email([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrEmail); [propput, id(6), helpstring("Sender's e-mail address")] HRESULT Email([in] BSTR bstrEmail); [propget, id(7), helpstring("Sender's fax number")] HRESULT FaxNumber([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrFaxNumber); [propput, id(7), helpstring("Sender's fax number")] HRESULT FaxNumber([in] BSTR bstrFaxNumber); [propget, id(8), helpstring("Sender's home phone")] HRESULT HomePhone([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrHomePhone); [propput, id(8), helpstring("Sender's home phone")] HRESULT HomePhone([in] BSTR bstrHomePhone); [propget, id(9), helpstring("Sender's name")] HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrName); [propput, id(9), helpstring("Sender's name")] HRESULT Name([in] BSTR bstrName); [propget, id(10), helpstring("Transmitting Station ID")] HRESULT TSID([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrTSID); [propput, id(10), helpstring("Transmitting Station ID")] HRESULT TSID([in] BSTR bstrTSID); [propget, id(11), helpstring("Sender's office phone")] HRESULT OfficePhone([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrOfficePhone); [propput, id(11), helpstring("Sender's office phone")] HRESULT OfficePhone([in] BSTR bstrOfficePhone); [propget, id(12), helpstring("Sender's office location")] HRESULT OfficeLocation([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrOfficeLocation); [propput, id(12), helpstring("Sender's office location")] HRESULT OfficeLocation([in] BSTR bstrOfficeLocation); [propget, id(13), helpstring("Sender's state")] HRESULT State([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrState); [propput, id(13), helpstring("Sender's state")] HRESULT State([in] BSTR bstrState); [propget, id(14), helpstring("Sender's street address")] HRESULT StreetAddress([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrStreetAddress); [propput, id(14), helpstring("Sender's street address")] HRESULT StreetAddress([in] BSTR bstrStreetAddress); [propget, id(15), helpstring("Sender's title")] HRESULT Title([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrTitle); [propput, id(15), helpstring("Sender's title")] HRESULT Title([in] BSTR bstrTitle); [propget, id(16), helpstring("Sender's zip code")] HRESULT ZipCode([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrZipCode); [propput, id(16), helpstring("Sender's zip code")] HRESULT ZipCode([in] BSTR bstrZipCode); [id(17), helpstring("Load default sender")] HRESULT LoadDefaultSender(); [id(18), helpstring("Save default sender")] HRESULT SaveDefaultSender(); }; [ object, uuid(9A3DA3A0-538D-42b6-9444-AAA57D0CE2BC), dual, helpstring("IFaxRecipient interface"), pointer_default(unique), nonextensible ] interface IFaxRecipient : IDispatch { [propget, id(1), helpstring("Recipient's fax number")] HRESULT FaxNumber([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrFaxNumber); [propput, id(1), helpstring("Recipient's fax number")] HRESULT FaxNumber([in] BSTR bstrFaxNumber); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Recipient's name")] HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrName); [propput, id(2), helpstring("Recipient's name")] HRESULT Name([in] BSTR bstrName); }; [ object, uuid(B9C9DE5A-894E-4492-9FA3-08C627C11D5D), dual, helpstring("IFaxRecipients interface"), pointer_default(unique), nonextensible ] interface IFaxRecipients : IDispatch { [id(DISPID_NEWENUM), propget] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown **ppUnk); [id(DISPID_VALUE), propget] HRESULT Item([in] long lIndex, [out, retval] IFaxRecipient **ppFaxRecipient); [id(1), propget] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long *plCount); [id(2), helpstring("Add a recipient")] HRESULT Add( [in] BSTR bstrFaxNumber, [in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR bstrRecipientName, [out, retval] IFaxRecipient **ppFaxRecipient); [id(3), helpstring("Remove a recipient")] HRESULT Remove([in] long lIndex); }; [ object, uuid(76062CC7-F714-4FBD-AA06-ED6E4A4B70F3), dual, helpstring("IFaxIncomingArchive interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxIncomingArchive : IDispatch { [propget, id(1), helpstring("Whether received faxes should be archived")] HRESULT UseArchive([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbUseArchive); [propput, id(1), helpstring("Whether received faxes should be archived")] HRESULT UseArchive([in] VARIANT_BOOL bUseArchive); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Location of the archive folder on the server")] HRESULT ArchiveFolder([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrArchiveFolder); [propput, id(2), helpstring("Location of the archive folder on the server")] HRESULT ArchiveFolder([in] BSTR bstrArchiveFolder); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Is size quota warning on")] HRESULT SizeQuotaWarning([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbSizeQuotaWarning); [propput, id(3), helpstring("Is size quota warning on")] HRESULT SizeQuotaWarning([in] VARIANT_BOOL bSizeQuotaWarning); [propget, id(4), helpstring("High quota water mark")] HRESULT HighQuotaWaterMark([out, retval] long *plHighQuotaWaterMark); [propput, id(4), helpstring("High quota water mark")] HRESULT HighQuotaWaterMark([in] long lHighQuotaWaterMark); [propget, id(5), helpstring("Low quota water mark")] HRESULT LowQuotaWaterMark([out, retval] long *plLowQuotaWaterMark); [propput, id(5), helpstring("Low quota water mark")] HRESULT LowQuotaWaterMark([in] long lLowQuotaWaterMark); [propget, id(6), helpstring("How long the fax message is kept on the Server")] HRESULT AgeLimit([out, retval] long *plAgeLimit); [propput, id(6), helpstring("How long the fax message is kept on the server")] HRESULT AgeLimit([in] long lAgeLimit); [propget, id(7), helpstring("The low 32-bit value of the archive size")] HRESULT SizeLow([out, retval] long *plSizeLow); [propget, id(8), helpstring("The high 32-bit value of the archive size")] HRESULT SizeHigh([out, retval] long *plSizeHigh); [id(9), helpstring("Refresh the object")] HRESULT Refresh(); [id(10), helpstring("Save the object")] HRESULT Save(); [id(11), helpstring("Iterator on the archived messages")] HRESULT GetMessages( [in, defaultvalue(prv_DEFAULT_PREFETCH_SIZE)] long lPrefetchSize, [out, retval] IFaxIncomingMessageIterator **pFaxIncomingMessageIterator); [id(12), helpstring("Get archived message by its ID")] HRESULT GetMessage( [in] BSTR bstrMessageId, [out,retval] IFaxIncomingMessage **pFaxIncomingMessage); }; [ object, uuid(902E64EF-8FD8-4B75-9725-6014DF161545), dual, helpstring("IFaxIncomingQueue interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxIncomingQueue : IDispatch { [propget, id(1), helpstring("Is queue blocked")] HRESULT Blocked([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbBlocked); [propput, id(1), helpstring("Is queue blocked")] HRESULT Blocked([in] VARIANT_BOOL bBlocked); [id(2), helpstring("Refresh the object")] HRESULT Refresh(); [id(3), helpstring("Save the object")] HRESULT Save(); [id(4), helpstring("Collection of incoming jobs")] HRESULT GetJobs([out, retval] IFaxIncomingJobs **pFaxIncomingJobs); [id(5), helpstring("Get incoming job by ID")] HRESULT GetJob([in] BSTR bstrJobId, [out, retval] IFaxIncomingJob **pFaxIncomingJob); }; [ object, uuid(C9C28F40-8D80-4E53-810F-9A79919B49FD), dual, helpstring("IFaxOutgoingArchive interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxOutgoingArchive : IDispatch { [propget, id(1), helpstring("Whether sent faxes should be archived")] HRESULT UseArchive([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbUseArchive); [propput, id(1), helpstring("Whether sent faxes should be archived ?")] HRESULT UseArchive([in] VARIANT_BOOL bUseArchive); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Location of the outgoing archive on the server")] HRESULT ArchiveFolder([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrArchiveFolder); [propput, id(2), helpstring("Location of the outgoing archive on the server")] HRESULT ArchiveFolder([in] BSTR bstrArchiveFolder); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Is the size quota warning on or off")] HRESULT SizeQuotaWarning([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbSizeQuotaWarning); [propput, id(3), helpstring("Is the size quota warning on or off")] HRESULT SizeQuotaWarning([in] VARIANT_BOOL bSizeQuotaWarning); [propget, id(4), helpstring("High quota water mark")] HRESULT HighQuotaWaterMark([out, retval] long *plHighQuotaWaterMark); [propput, id(4), helpstring("High quota water mark")] HRESULT HighQuotaWaterMark([in] long lHighQuotaWaterMark); [propget, id(5), helpstring("Low quota water mark")] HRESULT LowQuotaWaterMark([out, retval] long *plLowQuotaWaterMark); [propput, id(5), helpstring("Low quota water mark")] HRESULT LowQuotaWaterMark([in] long lLowQuotaWaterMark); [propget, id(6), helpstring("Indicates how long the fax message is kept on the server")] HRESULT AgeLimit([out, retval] long *plAgeLimit); [propput, id(6), helpstring("Set how long the fax message is kept on the server")] HRESULT AgeLimit([in] long lAgeLimit); [propget, id(7), helpstring("The low 32-bit value of the archive size")] HRESULT SizeLow([out, retval] long *plSizeLow); [propget, id(8), helpstring("The high 32-bit value of the archive size")] HRESULT SizeHigh([out, retval] long *plSizeHigh); [id(9), helpstring("Refresh the object")] HRESULT Refresh(); [id(10), helpstring("Save the object")] HRESULT Save(); [id(11), helpstring("Iterator on the archived messages")] HRESULT GetMessages( [in, defaultvalue(prv_DEFAULT_PREFETCH_SIZE)] long lPrefetchSize, [out, retval] IFaxOutgoingMessageIterator **pFaxOutgoingMessageIterator); [id(12), helpstring("Get an archived message by its ID")] HRESULT GetMessage( [in] BSTR bstrMessageId, [out,retval] IFaxOutgoingMessage **pFaxOutgoingMessage); }; [ object, uuid(80B1DF24-D9AC-4333-B373-487CEDC80CE5), dual, helpstring("IFaxOutgoingQueue interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxOutgoingQueue : IDispatch { [propget, id(1), helpstring("Is the queue blocked")] HRESULT Blocked([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbBlocked); [propput, id(1), helpstring("Is the queue blocked")] HRESULT Blocked([in] VARIANT_BOOL bBlocked); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Is the queue paused")] HRESULT Paused([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbPaused); [propput, id(2), helpstring("Is the queue paused")] HRESULT Paused([in] VARIANT_BOOL bPaused); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Are personal cover pages allowed")] HRESULT AllowPersonalCoverPages([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbAllowPersonalCoverPages); [propput, id(3), helpstring("Are personal cover pages allowed")] HRESULT AllowPersonalCoverPages([in] VARIANT_BOOL bAllowPersonalCoverPages); [propget, id(4), helpstring("Is device Transmitting Station ID used")] HRESULT UseDeviceTSID([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbUseDeviceTSID); [propput, id(4), helpstring("Is device Transmitting Station ID used")] HRESULT UseDeviceTSID([in] VARIANT_BOOL bUseDeviceTSID); [propget, id(5), helpstring("Number of retries")] HRESULT Retries([out, retval] long *plRetries); [propput, id(5), helpstring("Number of retries")] HRESULT Retries([in] long lRetries); [propget, id(6), helpstring("Retry delay")] HRESULT RetryDelay([out, retval] long *plRetryDelay); [propput, id(6), helpstring("Retry delay")] HRESULT RetryDelay([in] long lRetryDelay); [propget, id(7), helpstring("Start of the discount rate period")] HRESULT DiscountRateStart([out, retval] DATE *pdateDiscountRateStart); [propput, id(7), helpstring("Start of the discount rate period")] HRESULT DiscountRateStart([in] DATE dateDiscountRateStart); [propget, id(8), helpstring("End of the discount rate period")] HRESULT DiscountRateEnd([out, retval] DATE *pdateDiscountRateEnd); [propput, id(8), helpstring("End of the discount rate period")] HRESULT DiscountRateEnd([in] DATE dateDiscountRateEnd); [propget, id(9), helpstring("How long the failed fax message is kept on the server")] HRESULT AgeLimit([out, retval] long *plAgeLimit); [propput, id(9), helpstring("How long the failed fax message is kept on the server")] HRESULT AgeLimit([in] long lAgeLimit); [propget, id(10), helpstring("Does the server generate a brand")] HRESULT Branding([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbBranding); [propput, id(10), helpstring("Does the server generate a brand")] HRESULT Branding([in] VARIANT_BOOL bBranding); [id(11), helpstring("Refresh the object")] HRESULT Refresh(); [id(12), helpstring("Save the object")] HRESULT Save(); [id(13), helpstring("Collection of outgoing jobs")] HRESULT GetJobs([out, retval] IFaxOutgoingJobs **pFaxOutgoingJobs); [id(14), helpstring("Outgoing job by ID")] HRESULT GetJob([in] BSTR bstrJobId, [out, retval] IFaxOutgoingJob **pFaxOutgoingJob); }; [ object, uuid(FD73ECC4-6F06-4F52-82A8-F7BA06AE3108), dual, helpstring("IFaxIncomingMessageIterator interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxIncomingMessageIterator : IDispatch { [propget, id(1), helpstring("The current message")] HRESULT Message([out, retval] IFaxIncomingMessage **pFaxIncomingMessage); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Size of the prefetch buffer")] HRESULT PrefetchSize([out, retval] long *plPrefetchSize); [propput, id(2), helpstring("Size of the prefetch buffer")] HRESULT PrefetchSize([in] long lPrefetchSize); [propget, id(3), helpstring("End of archive marker")] HRESULT AtEOF([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbEOF); [id(4), helpstring("Move to the first message in the archive")] HRESULT MoveFirst(); [id(5), helpstring("Move to the next message in the archive")] HRESULT MoveNext(); }; [ object, uuid(7CAB88FA-2EF9-4851-B2F3-1D148FED8447), dual, helpstring("IFaxIncomingMessage interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxIncomingMessage : IDispatch { [propget, id(1), helpstring("Unique message ID")] HRESULT Id([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrId); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Total number of pages")] HRESULT Pages([out, retval] long *plPages); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Size in bytes of the message's TIFF file")] HRESULT Size([out, retval] long *plSize); [propget, id(4), helpstring("Name of the device that received the message")] HRESULT DeviceName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrDeviceName); [propget, id(5), helpstring("Number of failed routing retries")] HRESULT Retries([out, retval] long *plRetries); [propget, id(6), helpstring("Transmission start time")] HRESULT TransmissionStart([out, retval] DATE *pdateTransmissionStart); [propget, id(7), helpstring("Transmission end time")] HRESULT TransmissionEnd([out, retval] DATE *pdateTransmissionEnd); [propget, id(8), helpstring("Called Station ID")] HRESULT CSID([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrCSID); [propget, id(9), helpstring("Transmitting Station ID")] HRESULT TSID([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrTSID); [propget, id(10), helpstring("Caller ID")] HRESULT CallerId([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrCallerId); [propget, id(11), helpstring("Routing information")] HRESULT RoutingInformation([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrRoutingInformation); [id(12), helpstring("Copy Tiff image to the local file")] HRESULT CopyTiff([in] BSTR bstrTiffPath); [id(13), helpstring("Delete the message from the archive")] HRESULT Delete(); }; [ object, uuid(2C56D8E6-8C2F-4573-944C-E505F8F5AEED), dual, helpstring("IFaxOutgoingJobs interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxOutgoingJobs : IDispatch { [id(DISPID_NEWENUM), propget] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown **ppUnk); [id(DISPID_VALUE), propget] HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT vIndex, [out, retval] IFaxOutgoingJob **pFaxOutgoingJob); [id(1), propget] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plCount); };
[ object, uuid(6356DAAD-6614-4583-BF7A-3AD67BBFC71C), dual, helpstring("IFaxOutgoingJob interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxOutgoingJob : IDispatch { [propget, id(1), helpstring("Cover page's subject field")] HRESULT Subject([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrSubject); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Document's friendly name")] HRESULT DocumentName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrDocumentName); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Total number of pages")] HRESULT Pages([out, retval] long *plPages); [propget, id(4), helpstring("Size in bytes of TIFF file")] HRESULT Size([out, retval] long *plSize); [propget, id(5), helpstring("Unique ID the submission process created for the Job")] HRESULT SubmissionId([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrSubmissionId); [propget, id(6), helpstring("Unique job ID")] HRESULT Id([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrId); [propget, id(7), helpstring("Time the job was originally scheduled to be transmitted")] HRESULT OriginalScheduledTime([out, retval] DATE *pdateOriginalScheduledTime); [propget, id(8), helpstring("Time the job was submitted")] HRESULT SubmissionTime([out, retval] DATE *pdateSubmissionTime); [propget, id(9), helpstring("Type of receipt")] HRESULT ReceiptType([out, retval] FAX_RECEIPT_TYPE_ENUM *pReceiptType); [propget, id(10), helpstring("Priority of the fax")] HRESULT Priority([out, retval] FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_ENUM *pPriority); [propget, id(11), helpstring("Sender information object")] HRESULT Sender([out, retval] IFaxSender **ppFaxSender); [propget, id(12), helpstring("Recipient information object")] HRESULT Recipient([out, retval] IFaxRecipient **ppFaxRecipient); [propget, id(13), helpstring("Page currently in transmision")] HRESULT CurrentPage([out, retval] long *plCurrentPage); [propget, id(14), helpstring("Device ID that transmits the job")] HRESULT DeviceId([out, retval] long *plDeviceId); [propget, id(15), helpstring("Current queue status of the job")] HRESULT Status([out, retval] FAX_JOB_STATUS_ENUM *pStatus); [propget, id(16), helpstring("Code of the job's extended status")] HRESULT ExtendedStatusCode([out, retval] FAX_JOB_EXTENDED_STATUS_ENUM *pExtendedStatusCode); [propget, id(17), helpstring("Extended status description")] HRESULT ExtendedStatus([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrExtendedStatus); [propget, id(18), helpstring("Available operations, a bit-wise combination of FAX_JOB_OPERATIONS values")] HRESULT AvailableOperations([out, retval] FAX_JOB_OPERATIONS_ENUM *pAvailableOperations); [propget, id(19), helpstring("Number of failed transmission retries")] HRESULT Retries([out, retval] long *plRetries); [propget, id(20), helpstring("The time the fax job is scheduled to be transmitted")] HRESULT ScheduledTime([out, retval] DATE *pdateScheduledTime); [propget, id(21), helpstring("The time the fax job started its transmission")] HRESULT TransmissionStart([out, retval] DATE *pdateTransmissionStart); [propget, id(22), helpstring("The time the fax job finished its transmission")] HRESULT TransmissionEnd([out, retval] DATE *pdateTransmissionEnd); [propget, id(23), helpstring("Called Station ID")] HRESULT CSID([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrCSID); [propget, id(24), helpstring("Transmitting Station ID")] HRESULT TSID([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrTSID); [propget, id(25), helpstring("Whether to group broadcast receipts")] HRESULT GroupBroadcastReceipts([out, retval]VARIANT_BOOL *pbGroupBroadcastReceipts); [id(26), helpstring("Pause the outbound job")] HRESULT Pause(); [id(27), helpstring("Resume the outbound job")] HRESULT Resume(); [id(28), helpstring("Restart the outbound job")] HRESULT Restart(); [id(29), helpstring("Copy the job's TIFF image")] HRESULT CopyTiff([in] BSTR bstrTiffPath); [id(30), helpstring("Refresh the object")] HRESULT Refresh(); [id(31), helpstring("Cancel the outbound job")] HRESULT Cancel(); }; [ object, uuid(F5EC5D4F-B840-432F-9980-112FE42A9B7A), dual, helpstring("IFaxOutgoingMessageIterator interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxOutgoingMessageIterator : IDispatch { [propget, id(1), helpstring("Current message")] HRESULT Message([out, retval] IFaxOutgoingMessage **pFaxOutgoingMessage); [propget, id(2), helpstring("End of archive marker")] HRESULT AtEOF([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbEOF); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Size of prefetch buffer")] HRESULT PrefetchSize([out, retval] long *plPrefetchSize); [propput, id(3), helpstring("Size of prefetch buffer")] HRESULT PrefetchSize([in] long lPrefetchSize); [id(4), helpstring("Move to the first message")] HRESULT MoveFirst(); [id(5), helpstring("Move to the next message")] HRESULT MoveNext(); }; [ object, uuid(F0EA35DE-CAA5-4A7C-82C7-2B60BA5F2BE2), dual, helpstring("IFaxOutgoingMessage interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxOutgoingMessage : IDispatch { [propget, id(1), helpstring("Unique ID the submission process created for the job")] HRESULT SubmissionId([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrSubmissionId); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Unique message ID")] HRESULT Id([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrId); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Cover page's subject field")] HRESULT Subject([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrSubject); [propget, id(4), helpstring("Document's friendly name")] HRESULT DocumentName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrDocumentName); [propget, id(5), helpstring("Number of failed routing retries")] HRESULT Retries([out, retval] long *plRetries); [propget, id(6), helpstring("Total number of pages")] HRESULT Pages([out, retval] long *plPages); [propget, id(7), helpstring("Size in bytes of TIFF file")] HRESULT Size([out, retval] long *plSize); [propget, id(8), helpstring("Time the job was originally scheduled to be transmitted")] HRESULT OriginalScheduledTime([out, retval] DATE *pdateOriginalScheduledTime); [propget, id(9), helpstring("Time the job was submitted")] HRESULT SubmissionTime([out, retval] DATE *pdateSubmissionTime); [propget, id(10), helpstring("Priority of the fax")] HRESULT Priority([out, retval] FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_ENUM *pPriority); [propget, id(11), helpstring("Sender information object")] HRESULT Sender([out, retval] IFaxSender **ppFaxSender); [propget, id(12), helpstring("Recipient information object")] HRESULT Recipient([out, retval] IFaxRecipient **ppFaxRecipient); [propget, id(13), helpstring("Name of the device transmitting the message")] HRESULT DeviceName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrDeviceName); [propget, id(14), helpstring("Transmission start time")] HRESULT TransmissionStart([out, retval] DATE *pdateTransmissionStart); [propget, id(15), helpstring("Transmission end time")] HRESULT TransmissionEnd([out, retval] DATE *pdateTransmissionEnd); [propget, id(16), helpstring("Called Station ID")] HRESULT CSID([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrCSID); [propget, id(17), helpstring("Transmitting Station ID")] HRESULT TSID([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrTSID); [id(18), helpstring("Copy Tiff image to the local file")] HRESULT CopyTiff([in] BSTR bstrTiffPath); [id(19), helpstring("Delete the message from the archive")] HRESULT Delete(); }; [ object, uuid(011F04E9-4FD6-4C23-9513-B6B66BB26BE9), dual, helpstring("IFaxIncomingJobs interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxIncomingJobs : IDispatch { [id(DISPID_NEWENUM), propget] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown **ppUnk); [id(DISPID_VALUE), propget] HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT vIndex, [out, retval] IFaxIncomingJob **pFaxIncomingJob); [id(1), propget] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plCount); }; [ object, uuid(207529E6-654A-4916-9F88-4D232EE8A107), dual, helpstring("IFaxIncomingJob interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxIncomingJob : IDispatch { [propget, id(1), helpstring("Size in bytes of the message's TIFF file")] HRESULT Size([out, retval] long *plSize); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Unique message ID")] HRESULT Id([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrId); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Page currently in transmision")] HRESULT CurrentPage([out, retval] long *plCurrentPage); [propget, id(4), helpstring("Device ID that transmits the job")] HRESULT DeviceId([out, retval] long *plDeviceId); [propget, id(5), helpstring("Current queue status of the job, a bit-wise combination of FAX_JOB_STATUS values")] HRESULT Status([out, retval] FAX_JOB_STATUS_ENUM *pStatus); [propget, id(6), helpstring("Code of the job's extended status")] HRESULT ExtendedStatusCode([out, retval] FAX_JOB_EXTENDED_STATUS_ENUM *pExtendedStatusCode); [propget, id(7), helpstring("Extended status description")] HRESULT ExtendedStatus([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrExtendedStatus); [propget, id(8), helpstring("Available operations, a bit-wise combination of FAX_JOB_OPERATIONS values")] HRESULT AvailableOperations([out, retval] FAX_JOB_OPERATIONS_ENUM *pAvailableOperations); [propget, id(9), helpstring("Number of failed transmission retries")] HRESULT Retries([out, retval] long *plRetries); [propget, id(10), helpstring("Transmission start time")] HRESULT TransmissionStart([out, retval] DATE *pdateTransmissionStart); [propget, id(11), helpstring("Transmission end time")] HRESULT TransmissionEnd([out, retval] DATE *pdateTransmissionEnd); [propget, id(12), helpstring("Called Station ID")] HRESULT CSID([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrCSID); [propget, id(13), helpstring("Transmitting Station ID")] HRESULT TSID([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrTSID); [propget, id(14), helpstring("Caller ID")] HRESULT CallerId([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrCallerId); [propget, id(15), helpstring("Routing information")] HRESULT RoutingInformation([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrRoutingInformation); [propget, id(16), helpstring("Job type")] HRESULT JobType([out, retval] FAX_JOB_TYPE_ENUM *pJobType);
[id(17), helpstring("Cancel the incoming job")] HRESULT Cancel(); [id(18), helpstring("Refresh the object")] HRESULT Refresh(); [id(19), helpstring("Copy TIFF image to the local file")] HRESULT CopyTiff([in] BSTR bstrTiffPath); }; [ object, uuid(290EAC63-83EC-449C-8417-F148DF8C682A), dual, helpstring("IFaxDeviceProvider interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxDeviceProvider : IDispatch { typedef enum FAX_PROVIDER_STATUS_ENUM { fpsSUCCESS, fpsSERVER_ERROR, fpsBAD_GUID, fpsBAD_VERSION, fpsCANT_LOAD, fpsCANT_LINK, fpsCANT_INIT } FAX_PROVIDER_STATUS_ENUM;
[propget, id(1), helpstring("Provider's friendly name")] HRESULT FriendlyName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrFriendlyName); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Full path and file name of the provider DLL")] HRESULT ImageName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrImageName); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Unique name of the provider")] HRESULT UniqueName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrUniqueName); [propget, id(4), helpstring("TSP name used by the provider")] HRESULT TapiProviderName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrTapiProviderName); [propget, id(5), helpstring("The major part of the device provider's version number")] HRESULT MajorVersion([out, retval] long *plMajorVersion); [propget, id(6), helpstring("The minor part of the device provider's version number")] HRESULT MinorVersion([out, retval] long *plMinorVersion); [propget, id(7), helpstring("The major part of the device provider's build number")] HRESULT MajorBuild([out, retval] long *plMajorBuild); [propget, id(8), helpstring("The minor part of the device provider's build number")] HRESULT MinorBuild([out, retval] long *plMinorBuild); [propget, id(9), helpstring("Is device provider built in debug environment")] HRESULT Debug([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbDebug); [propget, id(10), helpstring("Status of the device provider")] HRESULT Status([out, retval] FAX_PROVIDER_STATUS_ENUM *pStatus); [propget, id(11), helpstring("Last error code at load or initialization")] HRESULT InitErrorCode([out, retval] long *plInitErrorCode); [propget, id(12), helpstring("Array of device IDs exposed by the provider")] HRESULT DeviceIds([out, retval] VARIANT *pvDeviceIds); }; [ object, uuid(49306C59-B52E-4867-9DF4-CA5841C956D0), dual, helpstring("IFaxDevice interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxDevice : IDispatch { typedef enum FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_ENUM { fdrmNO_ANSWER = 0, fdrmAUTO_ANSWER, fdrmMANUAL_ANSWER } FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_ENUM;
[propget, id(1), helpstring("Unique device ID")] HRESULT Id([out, retval] long *plId); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Device name")] HRESULT DeviceName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrDeviceName); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Device provider")] HRESULT ProviderUniqueName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrProviderUniqueName); [propget, id(4), helpstring("Is the device is turned off")] HRESULT PoweredOff([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbPoweredOff); [propget, id(5), helpstring("Is the device receiving now")] HRESULT ReceivingNow([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbReceivingNow); [propget, id(6), helpstring("Is the device sending now")] HRESULT SendingNow([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbSendingNow); [propget, id(7), helpstring("Array of routing methods")] HRESULT UsedRoutingMethods([out, retval] VARIANT *pvUsedRoutingMethods); [propget, id(8), helpstring("Description of the device")] HRESULT Description([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrDescription); [propput, id(8), helpstring("Description of the device")] HRESULT Description([in] BSTR bstrDescription); [propget, id(9), helpstring("Is the device is enabled to send")] HRESULT SendEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbSendEnabled); [propput, id(9), helpstring("Is the device is enabled to send")] HRESULT SendEnabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL bSendEnabled); [propget, id(10), helpstring("The receive mode of the device")] HRESULT ReceiveMode([out, retval] FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_ENUM *pReceiveMode); [propput, id(10), helpstring("The receive mode of the device")] HRESULT ReceiveMode([in] FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_ENUM ReceiveMode); [propget, id(11), helpstring("Number of rings before the device answers")] HRESULT RingsBeforeAnswer([out, retval] long *plRingsBeforeAnswer); [propput, id(11), helpstring("Number of rings before the device answers")] HRESULT RingsBeforeAnswer([in] long lRingsBeforeAnswer); [propget, id(12), helpstring("Device's Called Station ID")] HRESULT CSID([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrCSID); [propput, id(12), helpstring("Device's Called Station ID")] HRESULT CSID([in] BSTR bstrCSID); [propget, id(13), helpstring("Device's Transmitting Station ID")] HRESULT TSID([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrTSID); [propput, id(13), helpstring("Device's Transmitting Station ID")] HRESULT TSID([in] BSTR bstrTSID); [id(14), helpstring("Refresh the object")] HRESULT Refresh(); [id(15), helpstring("Save the object")] HRESULT Save(); [id(16), helpstring("Get the device level extention property")] HRESULT GetExtensionProperty([in] BSTR bstrGUID, [out, retval] VARIANT *pvProperty); [id(17), helpstring("Set the device level extention property")] HRESULT SetExtensionProperty([in] BSTR bstrGUID, [in] VARIANT vProperty); [id(18), helpstring("Adds or removes routing method")] HRESULT UseRoutingMethod([in] BSTR bstrMethodGUID, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bUse); [propget, id(19), helpstring("Is the device ringing now")] HRESULT RingingNow([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbRingingNow); [id(20), helpstring("Answer the call")] HRESULT AnswerCall(); }; [ object, uuid(1E29078B-5A69-497B-9592-49B7E7FADDB5), dual, helpstring("IFaxActivityLogging interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxActivityLogging : IDispatch { [propget, id(1), helpstring("Does the server log incoming fax activity")] HRESULT LogIncoming([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbLogIncoming); [propput, id(1), helpstring("Does the server log incoming fax activity")] HRESULT LogIncoming([in] VARIANT_BOOL bLogIncoming); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Does the server log outgoing fax activity")] HRESULT LogOutgoing([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbLogOutgoing); [propput, id(2), helpstring("Does the server log outgoing fax activity")] HRESULT LogOutgoing([in] VARIANT_BOOL bLogOutgoing); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Activity log database files path")] HRESULT DatabasePath([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrDatabasePath); [propput, id(3), helpstring("Activity log database files path")] HRESULT DatabasePath([in] BSTR bstrDatabasePath); [id(4), helpstring("Refresh the object")] HRESULT Refresh(); [id(5), helpstring("Save the object")] HRESULT Save(); }; [ object, uuid(0880D965-20E8-42E4-8E17-944F192CAAD4), dual, helpstring("IFaxEventLogging interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxEventLogging : IDispatch { typedef enum FAX_LOG_LEVEL_ENUM { fllNONE, fllMIN, fllMED, fllMAX } FAX_LOG_LEVEL_ENUM;
[propget, id(1), helpstring("Detail level of event logs for initialization events")] HRESULT InitEventsLevel([out, retval] FAX_LOG_LEVEL_ENUM *pInitEventLevel); [propput, id(1), helpstring("Detail level of event logs for initialization events")] HRESULT InitEventsLevel([in] FAX_LOG_LEVEL_ENUM InitEventLevel); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Detail level of event logs for inbound fax events")] HRESULT InboundEventsLevel([out, retval] FAX_LOG_LEVEL_ENUM *pInboundEventLevel); [propput, id(2), helpstring("Detail level of event logs for inbound fax events")] HRESULT InboundEventsLevel([in] FAX_LOG_LEVEL_ENUM InboundEventLevel); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Detail level of event logs for outbound fax events")] HRESULT OutboundEventsLevel([out, retval] FAX_LOG_LEVEL_ENUM *pOutboundEventLevel); [propput, id(3), helpstring("Detail level of event logs for outbound fax events")] HRESULT OutboundEventsLevel([in] FAX_LOG_LEVEL_ENUM OutboundEventLevel); [propget, id(4), helpstring("Detail level of event logs for general (other) events")] HRESULT GeneralEventsLevel([out, retval] FAX_LOG_LEVEL_ENUM *pGeneralEventLevel); [propput, id(4), helpstring("Detail level of event logs for general (other) events")] HRESULT GeneralEventsLevel([in] FAX_LOG_LEVEL_ENUM GeneralEventLevel); [id(5), helpstring("Refresh the object")] HRESULT Refresh(); [id(6), helpstring("Save the object")] HRESULT Save(); }; [ object, uuid(235CBEF7-C2DE-4BFD-B8DA-75097C82C87F), dual, helpstring("IFaxOutboundRoutingGroups interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxOutboundRoutingGroups : IDispatch { [id(DISPID_NEWENUM), propget] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown **ppUnk); [id(DISPID_VALUE), propget] HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT vIndex, [out, retval] IFaxOutboundRoutingGroup **pFaxOutboundRoutingGroup); [id(1), propget] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plCount); [id(2), helpstring("Add a group")] HRESULT Add([in] BSTR bstrName, [out, retval] IFaxOutboundRoutingGroup **pFaxOutboundRoutingGroup); [id(3), helpstring("Remove a group")] HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT vIndex); }; [ object, uuid(CA6289A1-7E25-4F87-9A0B-93365734962C), dual, helpstring("IFaxOutboundRoutingGroup interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxOutboundRoutingGroup : IDispatch { typedef enum FAX_GROUP_STATUS_ENUM { fgsALL_DEV_VALID, fgsEMPTY, fgsALL_DEV_NOT_VALID, fgsSOME_DEV_NOT_VALID } FAX_GROUP_STATUS_ENUM;
[propget, id(1), helpstring("Name of the group")] HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrName); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Status of the group")] HRESULT Status([out, retval] FAX_GROUP_STATUS_ENUM *pStatus); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Ordered collection of device IDs")] HRESULT DeviceIds([out, retval] IFaxDeviceIds **pFaxDeviceIds); }; [ object, uuid(2F0F813F-4CE9-443E-8CA1-738CFAEEE149), dual, helpstring("IFaxDeviceIds interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxDeviceIds : IDispatch { [id(DISPID_NEWENUM), propget] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown **ppUnk); [id(DISPID_VALUE), propget] HRESULT Item([in] long lIndex, [out, retval] long *plDeviceId); [id(1), propget] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plCount); [id(2), helpstring("Add a device")] HRESULT Add([in] long lDeviceId); [id(3), helpstring("Remove a device")] HRESULT Remove([in] long lIndex); [id(4), helpstring("Set order of the device")] HRESULT SetOrder([in] long lDeviceId, [in] long lNewOrder); }; [ object, uuid(DCEFA1E7-AE7D-4ED6-8521-369EDCCA5120), dual, helpstring("IFaxOutboundRoutingRules interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxOutboundRoutingRules : IDispatch { [id(DISPID_NEWENUM), propget] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown **ppUnk); [id(DISPID_VALUE), propget] HRESULT Item([in] long lIndex, [out, retval] IFaxOutboundRoutingRule **pFaxOutboundRoutingRule); [id(1), propget] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plCount); [id(2), helpstring("Get a rule by criteria")] HRESULT ItemByCountryAndArea( [in] long lCountryCode, [in] long lAreaCode, [out, retval] IFaxOutboundRoutingRule **pFaxOutboundRoutingRule); [id(3), helpstring("Remove a rule by criteria")] HRESULT RemoveByCountryAndArea([in] long lCountryCode, [in] long lAreaCode); [id(4), helpstring("Remove a rule")] HRESULT Remove([in] long lIndex); [id(5), helpstring("Add a rule")] HRESULT Add( [in] long lCountryCode, [in] long lAreaCode, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bUseDevice, [in] BSTR bstrGroupName, [in] long lDeviceId, [out, retval] IFaxOutboundRoutingRule **pFaxOutboundRoutingRule); }; [ object, uuid(E1F795D5-07C2-469F-B027-ACACC23219DA), dual, helpstring("IFaxOutboundRoutingRule interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxOutboundRoutingRule : IDispatch { typedef enum FAX_RULE_STATUS_ENUM { frsVALID, frsEMPTY_GROUP, frsALL_GROUP_DEV_NOT_VALID, frsSOME_GROUP_DEV_NOT_VALID, frsBAD_DEVICE } FAX_RULE_STATUS_ENUM;
[propget, id(1), helpstring("Country code")] HRESULT CountryCode([out, retval] long *plCountryCode); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Area code")] HRESULT AreaCode([out, retval] long *plAreaCode); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Status")] HRESULT Status([out, retval] FAX_RULE_STATUS_ENUM *pStatus); [propget, id(4), helpstring("Uses single device or group")] HRESULT UseDevice([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbUseDevice); [propput, id(4), helpstring("Uses single device or group")] HRESULT UseDevice([in] VARIANT_BOOL bUseDevice); [propget, id(5), helpstring("Destination device")] HRESULT DeviceId([out, retval] long *plDeviceId); [propput, id(5), helpstring("Destination device")] HRESULT DeviceId([in] long DeviceId); [propget, id(6), helpstring("Group name")] HRESULT GroupName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrGroupName); [propput, id(6), helpstring("Group name")] HRESULT GroupName([in] BSTR bstrGroupName); [id(7), helpstring("Refresh the object")] HRESULT Refresh(); [id(8), helpstring("Save the object")] HRESULT Save(); }; [ object, uuid(2F6C9673-7B26-42DE-8EB0-915DCD2A4F4C), dual, helpstring("IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions : IDispatch { [id(DISPID_NEWENUM), propget] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown **ppUnk); [id(DISPID_VALUE), propget] HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT vIndex, [out, retval] IFaxInboundRoutingExtension **pFaxInboundRoutingExtension); [id(1), propget] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plCount); }; [ object, uuid(885B5E08-C26C-4EF9-AF83-51580A750BE1), dual, helpstring("IFaxInboundRoutingExtension interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxInboundRoutingExtension : IDispatch { [propget, id(1), helpstring("Extension's friendly name")] HRESULT FriendlyName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrFriendlyName); [propget, id(2), helpstring("Full path and file name of the extension DLL")] HRESULT ImageName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrImageName); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Extension's unique name")] HRESULT UniqueName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrUniqueName); [propget, id(4), helpstring("The major part of extension's version number")] HRESULT MajorVersion([out, retval] long *plMajorVersion); [propget, id(5), helpstring("The minor part of extension's version number")] HRESULT MinorVersion([out, retval] long *plMinorVersion); [propget, id(6), helpstring("The major part of extension's build number")] HRESULT MajorBuild([out, retval] long *plMajorBuild); [propget, id(7), helpstring("The minor part of extension's build number")] HRESULT MinorBuild([out, retval] long *plMinorBuild); [propget, id(8), helpstring("Is extension built in debug environment")] HRESULT Debug([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbDebug); [propget, id(9), helpstring("Load and initialization status of the extension")] HRESULT Status([out, retval] FAX_PROVIDER_STATUS_ENUM *pStatus); [propget, id(10), helpstring("Last error code at load or initialization")] HRESULT InitErrorCode([out, retval] long *plInitErrorCode); [propget, id(11), helpstring("Array of methods exposed by extension")] HRESULT Methods([out, retval] VARIANT *pvMethods); }; [ object, uuid(783FCA10-8908-4473-9D69-F67FBEA0C6B9), dual, helpstring("IFaxInboundRoutingMethods interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxInboundRoutingMethods : IDispatch { [id(DISPID_NEWENUM), propget] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown **ppUnk); [id(DISPID_VALUE), propget] HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT vIndex, [out, retval] IFaxInboundRoutingMethod **pFaxInboundRoutingMethod); [id(1), propget] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plCount); }; [ object, uuid(45700061-AD9D-4776-A8C4-64065492CF4B), dual, helpstring("IFaxInboundRoutingMethod interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IFaxInboundRoutingMethod : IDispatch { [propget, id(1), helpstring("The name of the method")] HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrName); [propget, id(2), helpstring("GUID of the method")] HRESULT GUID([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrGUID); [propget, id(3), helpstring("Internal function name")] HRESULT FunctionName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrFunctionName); [propget, id(4), helpstring("Friendly name of the extension exposing this method")] HRESULT ExtensionFriendlyName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrExtensionFriendlyName); [propget, id(5), helpstring("Image name of the extension exposing this method")] HRESULT ExtensionImageName([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrExtensionImageName); [propget, id(6), helpstring("Priority of the method")] HRESULT Priority([out, retval] long *plPriority); [propput, id(6), helpstring("Priority of the method")] HRESULT Priority([in] long lPriority); [id(7), helpstring("Refresh the object")] HRESULT Refresh(); [id(8), helpstring("Save the object")] HRESULT Save(); }; [ uuid(2BF34C1A-8CAC-419F-8547-32FDF6505DB8), version(1.0), helpstring("Microsoft Fax Service Extended COM Type Library") ] library FAXCOMEXLib { importlib("stdole32.tlb"); importlib("stdole2.tlb");
[ uuid(2E037B27-CF8A-4abd-B1E0-5704943BEA6F), helpstring("_IFaxServerNotify Interface") ] dispinterface IFaxServerNotify { properties: methods: [id(1), helpstring("An incoming job was added to the fax server's incoming queue")] HRESULT OnIncomingJobAdded([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer, [in] BSTR bstrJobId); [id(2), helpstring("An incoming job was removed from the fax server's incoming queue")] HRESULT OnIncomingJobRemoved([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer, [in] BSTR bstrJobId); [id(3), helpstring("An incoming job's status was changed")] HRESULT OnIncomingJobChanged( [in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer, [in] BSTR bstrJobId, [in] IFaxJobStatus *pJobStatus); [id(4), helpstring("An outgoing job was added to the fax server's outgoing queue")] HRESULT OnOutgoingJobAdded([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer, [in] BSTR bstrJobId); [id(5), helpstring("An outgoing job was removed from the fax server's outgoing queue")] HRESULT OnOutgoingJobRemoved([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer, [in] BSTR bstrJobId); [id(6), helpstring("An outgoing job's status was changed")] HRESULT OnOutgoingJobChanged( [in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer, [in] BSTR bstrJobId, [in] IFaxJobStatus *pJobStatus); [id(7), helpstring("An incoming message was added to the fax server's incoming archive")] HRESULT OnIncomingMessageAdded([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer, [in] BSTR bstrMessageId); [id(8), helpstring("An incoming message was removed from the fax server's incoming archive")] HRESULT OnIncomingMessageRemoved([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer, [in] BSTR bstrMessageId); [id(9), helpstring("An outgoing message was added to the fax server's outgoing archive")] HRESULT OnOutgoingMessageAdded([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer, [in] BSTR bstrMessageId); [id(10), helpstring("An outgoing message was removed from the fax server's outgoing archive")] HRESULT OnOutgoingMessageRemoved([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer, [in] BSTR bstrMessageId); [id(11), helpstring("Receipt options change")] HRESULT OnReceiptOptionsChange([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer); [id(12), helpstring("Activity logging configuration change")] HRESULT OnActivityLoggingConfigChange([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer); [id(13), helpstring("Security configuration change")] HRESULT OnSecurityConfigChange([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer); [id(14), helpstring("Event logging configuration change")] HRESULT OnEventLoggingConfigChange([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer); [id(15), helpstring("Outgoing queue configuration change")] HRESULT OnOutgoingQueueConfigChange([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer); [id(16), helpstring("Outgoing archive configuration change")] HRESULT OnOutgoingArchiveConfigChange([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer); [id(17), helpstring("Incoming archive configuration change")] HRESULT OnIncomingArchiveConfigChange([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer); [id(18), helpstring("Devices configuration change")] HRESULT OnDevicesConfigChange([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer); [id(19), helpstring("Outbound routing groups configuration change")] HRESULT OnOutboundRoutingGroupsConfigChange([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer); [id(20), helpstring("Outbound routing rules configuration change")] HRESULT OnOutboundRoutingRulesConfigChange([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer); [id(21), helpstring("Server activity change")] HRESULT OnServerActivityChange( [in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer, [in] long lIncomingMessages, [in] long lRoutingMessages, [in] long lOutgoingMessages, [in] long lQueuedMessages); [id(22), helpstring("Queues status change")] HRESULT OnQueuesStatusChange( [in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bOutgoingQueueBlocked, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bOutgoingQueuePaused, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bIncomingQueueBlocked); [id(23), helpstring("Incoming call")] HRESULT OnNewCall( [in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer, [in] long lCallId, [in] long lDeviceId, [in] BSTR bstrCallerId); [id(24), helpstring("Server shut down")] HRESULT OnServerShutDown([in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer); [id(25), helpstring("Device status change")] HRESULT OnDeviceStatusChange( [in] IFaxServer *pFaxServer, [in] long lDeviceId, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bPoweredOff, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bSending, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bReceiving, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bRinging); };
[ uuid(CDA8ACB0-8CF5-4F6C-9BA2-5931D40C8CAE), helpstring("FaxServer Class") ] coclass FaxServer { [default] interface IFaxServer; [default, source] dispinterface IFaxServerNotify; }; [ uuid(EB8FE768-875A-4F5F-82C5-03F23AAC1BD7), helpstring("FaxDeviceProviders Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxDeviceProviders { [default] interface IFaxDeviceProviders; }; [ uuid(5589E28E-23CB-4919-8808-E6101846E80D), helpstring("FaxDevices Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxDevices { [default] interface IFaxDevices; }; [ uuid(E80248ED-AD65-4218-8108-991924D4E7ED), helpstring("FaxInboundRouting Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxInboundRouting { [default] interface IFaxInboundRouting; }; [ uuid(C35211D7-5776-48CB-AF44-C31BE3B2CFE5), helpstring("FaxFolders Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxFolders { [default] interface IFaxFolders; }; [ uuid(1BF9EEA6-ECE0-4785-A18B-DE56E9EEF96A), helpstring("FaxLoggingOptions Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxLoggingOptions { [default] interface IFaxLoggingOptions; }; [ uuid(CFEF5D0E-E84D-462E-AABB-87D31EB04FEF), helpstring("FaxActivity Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxActivity { [default] interface IFaxActivity; }; [ uuid(C81B385E-B869-4AFD-86C0-616498ED9BE2), helpstring("FaxOutboundRouting Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxOutboundRouting { [default] interface IFaxOutboundRouting; }; [ uuid(6982487B-227B-4C96-A61C-248348B05AB6), helpstring("FaxReceiptOptions Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxReceiptOptions { [default] interface IFaxReceiptOptions; }; [ uuid(10C4DDDE-ABF0-43DF-964F-7F3AC21A4C7B), helpstring("FaxSecurity Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxSecurity { [default] interface IFaxSecurity; }; [ uuid(0F3F9F91-C838-415E-A4F3-3E828CA445E0), helpstring("FaxDocument Class") ] coclass FaxDocument { [default] interface IFaxDocument; }; [ uuid(265D84D0-1850-4360-B7C8-758BBB5F0B96), helpstring("FaxSender Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxSender { [default] interface IFaxSender; }; [ uuid(EA9BDF53-10A9-4D4F-A067-63C8F84F01B0), helpstring("FaxRecipients Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxRecipients { [default] interface IFaxRecipients; }; [ uuid(8426C56A-35A1-4C6F-AF93-FC952422E2C2), helpstring("FaxIncomingArchive Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxIncomingArchive { [default] interface IFaxIncomingArchive; }; [ uuid(69131717-F3F1-40E3-809D-A6CBF7BD85E5), helpstring("FaxIncomingQueue Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxIncomingQueue { [default] interface IFaxIncomingQueue; }; [ uuid(43C28403-E04F-474D-990C-B94669148F59), helpstring("FaxOutgoingArchive Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxOutgoingArchive { [default] interface IFaxOutgoingArchive; }; [ uuid(7421169E-8C43-4B0D-BB16-645C8FA40357), helpstring("FaxOutgoingQueue Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxOutgoingQueue { [default] interface IFaxOutgoingQueue; }; [ uuid(6088E1D8-3FC8-45C2-87B1-909A29607EA9), helpstring("FaxIncomingMessageIterator Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxIncomingMessageIterator { [default] interface IFaxIncomingMessageIterator; }; [ uuid(1932FCF7-9D43-4D5A-89FF-03861B321736), helpstring("FaxIncomingMessage Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxIncomingMessage { [default] interface IFaxIncomingMessage; }; [ uuid(92BF2A6C-37BE-43FA-A37D-CB0E5F753B35), helpstring("FaxOutgoingJobs Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxOutgoingJobs { [default] interface IFaxOutgoingJobs; }; [ uuid(71BB429C-0EF9-4915-BEC5-A5D897A3E924), helpstring("FaxOutgoingJob Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxOutgoingJob { [default] interface IFaxOutgoingJob; }; [ uuid(8A3224D0-D30B-49DE-9813-CB385790FBBB), helpstring("FaxOutgoingMessageIterator Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxOutgoingMessageIterator { [default] interface IFaxOutgoingMessageIterator; }; [ uuid(91B4A378-4AD8-4AEF-A4DC-97D96E939A3A), helpstring("FaxOutgoingMessage Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxOutgoingMessage { [default] interface IFaxOutgoingMessage; }; [ uuid(A1BB8A43-8866-4FB7-A15D-6266C875A5CC), helpstring("FaxIncomingJobs Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxIncomingJobs { [default] interface IFaxIncomingJobs; }; [ uuid(C47311EC-AE32-41B8-AE4B-3EAE0629D0C9), helpstring("FaxIncomingJob Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxIncomingJob { [default] interface IFaxIncomingJob; }; [ uuid(17CF1AA3-F5EB-484A-9C9A-4440A5BAABFC), helpstring("FaxDeviceProvider Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxDeviceProvider { [default] interface IFaxDeviceProvider; }; [ uuid(59E3A5B2-D676-484B-A6DE-720BFA89B5AF), helpstring("FaxDevice Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxDevice { [default] interface IFaxDevice; }; [ uuid(F0A0294E-3BBD-48B8-8F13-8C591A55BDBC), helpstring("FaxActivityLogging Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxActivityLogging { [default] interface IFaxActivityLogging; }; [ uuid(A6850930-A0F6-4A6F-95B7-DB2EBF3D02E3), helpstring("FaxEventLogging Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxEventLogging { [default] interface IFaxEventLogging; }; [ uuid(CCBEA1A5-E2B4-4B57-9421-B04B6289464B), helpstring("FaxOutboundRoutingGroups Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxOutboundRoutingGroups { [default] interface IFaxOutboundRoutingGroups; }; [ uuid(0213F3E0-6791-4D77-A271-04D2357C50D6), helpstring("FaxOutboundRoutingGroup Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxOutboundRoutingGroup { [default] interface IFaxOutboundRoutingGroup; }; [ uuid(CDC539EA-7277-460E-8DE0-48A0A5760D1F), helpstring("FaxDeviceIds Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxDeviceIds { [default] interface IFaxDeviceIds; }; [ uuid(D385BECA-E624-4473-BFAA-9F4000831F54), helpstring("FaxOutboundRoutingRules Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxOutboundRoutingRules { [default] interface IFaxOutboundRoutingRules; }; [ uuid(6549EEBF-08D1-475A-828B-3BF105952FA0), helpstring("FaxOutboundRoutingRule Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxOutboundRoutingRule { [default] interface IFaxOutboundRoutingRule; }; [ uuid(189A48ED-623C-4C0D-80F2-D66C7B9EFEC2), helpstring("FaxInboundRoutingExtensions Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxInboundRoutingExtensions { [default] interface IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions; }; [ uuid(1D7DFB51-7207-4436-A0D9-24E32EE56988), helpstring("FaxInboundRoutingExtension Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxInboundRoutingExtension { [default] interface IFaxInboundRoutingExtension; }; [ uuid(25FCB76A-B750-4B82-9266-FBBBAE8922BA), helpstring("FaxInboundRoutingMethods Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxInboundRoutingMethods { [default] interface IFaxInboundRoutingMethods; }; [ uuid(4B9FD75C-0194-4B72-9CE5-02A8205AC7D4), helpstring("FaxInboundRoutingMethod Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxInboundRoutingMethod { [default] interface IFaxInboundRoutingMethod; }; [ uuid(7BF222F4-BE8D-442f-841D-6132742423BB), helpstring("FaxJobStatus Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxJobStatus { [default] interface IFaxJobStatus; }; [ uuid(60BF3301-7DF8-4bd8-9148-7B5801F9EFDF), helpstring("FaxRecipient Class"), noncreatable ] coclass FaxRecipient { [default] interface IFaxRecipient; };
[dllname("FxsComEx.dll")] module FaxConstants { [helpstring("Default prefetch size for message iterators")] const long lDEFAULT_PREFETCH_SIZE = prv_DEFAULT_PREFETCH_SIZE;
[helpstring("Name of the group which contains all devices")] const BSTR bstrGROUPNAME_ALLDEVICES = L"<All Devices>"; } };