Name : WHATNEXT.C Comment : T30 Decision-point Callback function
Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corp.
Revision Log Num Date Name Description --- -------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------- ***************************************************************************/ #define USE_DEBUG_CONTEXT DEBUG_CONTEXT_T30_MAIN
#include "prep.h"
#include "efaxcb.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "glbproto.h"
#include "t30gl.h"
#include "psslog.h"
#include "pssframe.h"
// used in eventPOSTPAGERESPONSE
// first index got from ifrSend (MPS=0, EOM=1, EOP=2, EOMwithFastTurn=3)
// second index got from ifrRecv (MCF=0, RTP=1, RTN=2)
ET30ACTION PostPageAction[4][3] = { { actionGONODE_I, actionGONODE_D, actionGONODE_D }, { actionGONODE_T, actionGONODE_T, actionGONODE_T }, { actionDCN, actionDCN, actionGONODE_D }, { actionGONODE_A, actionGONODE_A, actionGONODE_D } };
DWORD PageWidthInPixelsFromDCS[] = { // This is width page in DCS
1728, 2048, 2432, 2432 };
/***-------------- Warning. This is called as a Vararg function --------***/
ET30ACTION __cdecl FAR WhatNext ( PThrdGlbl pTG, ET30EVENT event, WORD wArg1, DWORD_PTR lArg2, DWORD_PTR lArg3 ) { ET30ACTION action = actionERROR; NPPROT npProt = &pTG->ProtInst;
DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_MSG, "Called with %s. args %d, %d, %d", event_GetEventDescription(event), wArg1, lArg2, lArg3);
if (pTG->fAbortRequested) { if (pTG->fOkToResetAbortReqEvent && (!pTG->fAbortReqEventWasReset)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"RESETTING AbortReqEvent"); pTG->fAbortReqEventWasReset = TRUE; if (!ResetEvent(pTG->AbortReqEvent)) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, "ResetEvent(0x%lx) returns failure code: %ld", (ULONG_PTR)pTG->AbortReqEvent, (long) GetLastError());
} } DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"ABORTing"); return actionERROR; }
if(npProt->fAbort) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"Aborting"); return actionERROR; }
switch(event) { case eventGOTFRAMES: { /* uCount=wArg1. This is the number of frames received.
* * lplpfr=(LPLPET30FR)lArg2. Pointer to an array of pointers to * the received frames, each in an ET30FR structure whose * format is defined in ET30defs.H * * return must be actionNULL */
USHORT uCount = wArg1; LPLPFR lplpfr = (LPLPFR)lArg2; LPIFR lpifr = (LPIFR)lArg3; // pointer to IFR that the "Response Recvd"
// routine will return to the main body
// can be modified, for example, if a bad
// franes is deciphered.
LPFR lpfr; USHORT i; BOOL fGotRecvCaps=FALSE, fGotRecvParams=FALSE;
if(*lpifr == ifrBAD) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_WRN,"Callback on Bad Frame. Ignoring ALL"); action = actionNULL; // only allowed response to eventGOTFRAMES
break; }
DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"Got %d frames",uCount);
for(i=0; i<uCount; i++) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Prepare to get trash (upto 2 bytes) at end of every frame //
lpfr = lplpfr[i]; DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_MSG, "Frame %d is %s", i, ifr_GetIfrDescription(lpfr->ifr));
switch(lpfr->ifr) { case ifrBAD: DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"Bad Frame not caught"); // ignore it
break; case ifrCSI: case ifrTSI: case ifrCIG: CopyRevIDFrame(pTG, npProt->bRemoteID, lpfr, sizeof(npProt->bRemoteID)); // trailing-trash removed by length limit IDFIFSIZE
PSSLogEntry(PSS_MSG, 1, "%s is \"%s\"", (lpfr->ifr==ifrCSI) ? "CSI" : "TSI", npProt->bRemoteID);
// prepare CSID for logging by FaxSvc
// Here we get the Remote Station ID eg. 972 4 8550306
pTG->RemoteID = AnsiStringToUnicodeString(pTG->ProtInst.bRemoteID); if (pTG->RemoteID) { pTG->fRemoteIdAvail = TRUE; } break; case ifrDIS: npProt->uRemoteDISlen = CopyFrame(pTG, (LPBYTE)(&npProt->RemoteDIS), lpfr, sizeof(DIS)); // trailing-trash removed in ParseDISDTCDCS
npProt->fRecvdDIS = TRUE; fGotRecvCaps = TRUE; break; case ifrDCS: npProt->uRemoteDCSlen = CopyFrame(pTG, (LPBYTE)(&npProt->RemoteDCS), lpfr, sizeof(DIS)); // trailing-trash removed in ParseDISDTCDCS
npProt->fRecvdDCS = TRUE; fGotRecvParams = TRUE;
PSSLogEntry(PSS_MSG, 1, "Received DCS is as follows:"); LogClass1DCSDetails(pTG, (NPDIS)(&lpfr->fif));
// We save the Image Width from the DCS we got
pTG->TiffInfo.ImageWidth = PageWidthInPixelsFromDCS[npProt->RemoteDCS.PageWidth]; // We save the Image YResolution from the DCS we got
pTG->TiffInfo.YResolution = (npProt->RemoteDCS.ResFine_200) ? TIFFF_RES_Y : TIFFF_RES_Y_DRAFT; // Also lets save the CompressionType from the fresh DCS
pTG->TiffInfo.CompressionType = (npProt->RemoteDCS.MR_2D) ? TIFF_COMPRESSION_MR : TIFF_COMPRESSION_MH; break; case ifrDTC: break; case ifrNSS: fGotRecvParams = TRUE; //some OEMs send NSS w/o DCS
break; case ifrNSC: break; case ifrNSF: break; case ifrCFR: case ifrFTT: case ifrEOM: case ifrMPS: case ifrEOP: case ifrPRI_EOM: case ifrPRI_MPS: case ifrPRI_EOP: case ifrMCF: case ifrRTP: case ifrRTN: case ifrPIP: case ifrPIN: case ifrDCN: case ifrCRP: /*** ECM frames below ***/ case ifrCTR: case ifrERR: case ifrRR: case ifrRNR: case ifrEOR_NULL: case ifrEOR_MPS: case ifrEOR_PRI_MPS: case ifrEOR_EOM: case ifrEOR_PRI_EOM: case ifrEOR_EOP: case ifrEOR_PRI_EOP: // These have no FIF
DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_WRN, "These are not supposed to be signalled"); // bad frame. ignore it
/********* New T.30 frames ******************************/ case ifrSUB: break;
/********* ECM stuff starts here. T.30 section A.4 ******/
// These have FIFs
case ifrPPR: case ifrPPS_NULL: case ifrPPS_EOM: case ifrPPS_MPS: case ifrPPS_EOP: case ifrPPS_PRI_EOM: case ifrPPS_PRI_MPS: case ifrPPS_PRI_EOP: break; case ifrCTC: if(lpfr->cb < 2) { // bad frame. FORCE A RETRANSMIT!!
DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"Bad CTC length!!"); *lpifr = ifrNULL; break; } npProt->llRecvParams.Baud = ((LPDIS)(&(lpfr->fif)))->Baud; // trailing-trash removed by length limit 2
break; } // End of 'switch(lpfr->ifr)'
} // handle the next frame
if(fGotRecvCaps) { PSSLogEntry(PSS_MSG, 1, "DIS specified the following capabilities:"); LogClass1DISDetails(pTG, &npProt->RemoteDIS);
GotRecvCaps(pTG); } if(fGotRecvParams) { GotRecvParams(pTG); } action = actionNULL; // only allowed response to eventGOTFRAMES
break; }
/****** Transmitter Phase B. Fig A-7/T.30 (sheet 1) ******/
case eventNODE_T: // do nothing. Hook for abort in T1 loop
action=actionNULL; break; case eventNODE_R: // do nothing. Hook for abort in T1 loop
action=actionNULL; break;
case eventNODE_A: { IFR ifrRecv = (IFR)wArg1; // last received frame
// lArg2 & lArg3 missing
if(ifrRecv != ifrDIS && ifrRecv != ifrDTC) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"Unknown frames at NodeA"); action = actionHANGUP; // G3 only
} else if(npProt->fSendParamsInited) { action = actionGONODE_D; // sends DCS/NSS (in response to DIS or DTC)
} else { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"NodeA: No more work...!!"); action = actionDCN; // hangs up (sends DCN)
} break; } case eventSENDDCS: { // 0==1st DCS 1==after NoReply 2==afterFTT
USHORT uWhichDCS = (UWORD)wArg1;
// where to return the number of frames returned
LPUWORD lpuwN = (LPUWORD)lArg2; // where to return a pointer to an array of pointers to
// return frames
LPLPLPFR lplplpfr = (LPLPLPFR)lArg3;
if(uWhichDCS == 2) // got FTT
{ if(!DropSendSpeed(pTG)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, "FTT: Can't Drop speed any lower"); action = actionDCN; break; } }
CreateNSSTSIDCS(pTG, npProt, &pTG->rfsSend);
*lpuwN = pTG->rfsSend.uNumFrames; *lplplpfr = pTG->rfsSend.rglpfr;
action = actionSENDDCSTCF;
// Could also return DCN if not compatible
// or SKIPTCF for Ricoh hook
case eventGOTCFR: { // wArg1, lArg2 & lArg3 are all missing
// Can return GONODE_D (Ricoh hook)
action = actionGONODE_I; break; } /****** Transmitter Phase C. Fig A-7/T.30 (sheet 1) ******/
/****** Transmitter ECM and non-ECM Phase D1. Fig A-7/T.30 (sheet 2) ******/
case eventPOSTPAGE: { USHORT uNextSend;
// wArg1, lArg2 & lArg3 are all missing
// Can turn Zero stuffing off here, or wait for next page....
// ET30ExtFunction(npProt->het30, ET30_SET_ZEROPAD, 0);
// Don't turn it off!! It is used only for Page Send
// and is set only on sending a DCS, so it is set once
// before a multi-page send.
uNextSend = ICommNextSend(pTG); switch(uNextSend) { case NEXTSEND_MPS: action = actionSENDMPS; break; case NEXTSEND_EOM: action = actionSENDEOM; break; case NEXTSEND_EOP: action = actionSENDEOP; break; case NEXTSEND_ERROR: default: action = actionSENDEOP; break; } break; // also possible -- GOPRIEOP, PRIMPS or PRIEOM
/****** Transmitter Phase D2. Fig A-7/T.30 (sheet 2) ******/
case eventGOTPOSTPAGERESP: { IFR ifrRecv = (IFR)wArg1; // last received frame
IFR ifrSent = (IFR)lArg2; // the IFR was simply cast to DWORD and then to LPVOID
// lArg3 is missing
USHORT i, j;
// change PRI commands to ordinary ones
if(ifrSent >= ifrPRI_FIRST && ifrSent <= ifrPRI_LAST) ifrSent = (ifrSent + ifrMPS - ifrPRI_MPS);
if(ifrRecv!=ifrMCF && ifrRecv!=ifrRTP && ifrRecv!=ifrRTN) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, "Unexpected Response %d", ifrRecv); action = actionDCN; break; }
i = ifrSent - ifrMPS; //i: 0=MPS, 1=EOM, 2=EOP
j = ifrRecv - ifrMCF; //j: 0=MCF, 1=RTP, 2=RTN
// Report status + Check whether we do re-transmit
if (ifrRecv==ifrRTN) { pTG->ProtParams.RTNNumOfRetries++; // increment by one the number of re-transmittions
DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_MSG, "RTN: Try# %d", pTG->ProtParams.RTNNumOfRetries); if (pTG->ProtParams.RTNNumOfRetries <= gRTNRetries.RetriesBeforeDropSpeed) { // Number of retries before we start to drop speed.
// Just change the number of retries, do not drop speed yet
DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_MSG, "Got RTN, Resend same page with same speed"); } else // We should first try to drop speed or hangup
{ if(pTG->ProtParams.RTNNumOfRetries > gRTNRetries.RetriesBeforeDCN) // Exceed the allowed re-transmittions.
{ DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_MSG, "RTN: Tried to resend same page" " %d times. Giving up (HANG-UP)", (pTG->ProtParams.RTNNumOfRetries-1)); action = actionDCN; break; // set action to DCN and return
} else { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_MSG, "Got RTN, now try to drop speed one notch"); if(!DropSendSpeed(pTG)) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, "RTN: Can't Drop speed any lower," " trying again in same speed"); } } } } action = PostPageAction[i][j];
if(action == actionDCN) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"PostPage --> Game over"); } break;
// Can also return GO_D, GO_R1, GO_R2. Only restriction is
// that GO_I is the only valid response to MPS sent followed
// by MCF
/****** Receiver Phase B. Fig A-7/T.30 (sheet 1) ******/
case eventSENDDIS: { // wArg1 is 0
// where to return the number of frames returned
LPUWORD lpuwN = (LPUWORD)lArg2; // where to return a pointer to an array of pointers to
// return frames
LPLPLPFR lplplpfr = (LPLPLPFR)lArg3;
BCtoNSFCSIDIS(pTG, &pTG->rfsSend, (NPBC)&npProt->SendCaps, &npProt->llSendCaps);
// We save OUR DIS in the LocalDIS.
// This will help us when we want to check the DCS we got against the DIS we send.
npProt->uLocalDISlen = CopyFrame(pTG, (LPBYTE)(&npProt->LocalDIS), pTG->rfsSend.rglpfr[pTG->rfsSend.uNumFrames - 1], // The DIS is always the last frame
sizeof(DIS)); npProt->fLocalDIS = TRUE;
PSSLogEntry(PSS_MSG, 1, "Composing DIS with the following capabilities:"); LogClass1DISDetails(pTG, &npProt->LocalDIS);
*lpuwN = pTG->rfsSend.uNumFrames; *lplplpfr = pTG->rfsSend.rglpfr;
action = actionSEND_DIS; break; }
/*** Receiver Phase B. Main Command Loop. Fig A-7/T.30 (sheet 1&2) ***/
case eventRECVCMD: { IFR ifrRecv = (IFR)wArg1; // last received frame
// lArg2 & lArg3 missing
switch(ifrRecv) { case ifrDTC: // flow chart says Goto D, but actually we need to decide if we
// have anything to send. So goto NodeA first
// return GONODE_D;
action = actionGONODE_A; break;
case ifrDIS: action = actionGONODE_A; break; case ifrDCS: { // Check the received DCS for compatibility with us
// set Recv Baud rate--no need. TCF already recvd by this time
// ET30ExtFunction(npProt->het30, ET30_SET_RECVDATASPEED, npProt->RemoteDCS.Baud);
action = actionGETTCF; // only other valid action is HANGUP
break; } case ifrNSS: { // Check the received NSS for compatibility with us
// set Recv Baud rate--no need. TCF already recvd by this time
// ET30ExtFunction(npProt->het30, ET30_SET_RECVDATASPEED, npProt->RemoteDCS.Baud);
action = actionGETTCF; // only other valid action is HANGUP
break; } default: action = actionHANGUP; break; } break; }
case eventGOTTCF: { SWORD swErr = (SWORD)wArg1; // errors per 1000
// lArg2 & lArg3 missing
DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_MSG, "GOTTCF num of errors = %d", swErr);
action = actionSENDCFR;
if (!AreDCSParametersOKforDIS(&pTG->ProtInst.LocalDIS, &pTG->ProtInst.RemoteDCS)) { PSSLogEntry(PSS_WRN, 1, "Received bad DCS parameters - sending FTT"); action = actionSENDFTT; } if (swErr < 0) // TCF was bad
{ PSSLogEntry(PSS_WRN, 1, "Received bad TCF - sending FTT"); action = actionSENDFTT; } break;
/****** Receiver Phase C. Fig A-7/T.30 (sheet 1) ******/
case eventSTARTRECV: { if(!StartNextRecvPage()) { action = actionDCN; } else action = actionCONTINUE; break; } ***/
/****** Receiver Phase D. Fig A-7/T.30 (sheet 1) ******/
case eventRECVPOSTPAGECMD: { // IFR ifrRecv = (IFR)wArg1; // last received frame
// lArg2 & lArg3 missing
if ((pTG->T30.fReceivedPage) && (!pTG->fPageIsBad)) action = actionSENDMCF; // quality fine
else action = actionSENDRTN; // quality unacceptable
// can also return actionSENDPIP or actionSENDPIN in a local
// interrupt is pending
break; }
default: { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"Unknown Event = %d", event); break; } }
DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_MSG, "event %s returned %s", event_GetEventDescription(event), action_GetActionDescription(action)); return action; }