Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of the Upgrade process
Iv Garber (IvG) Mar, 2001
Revision History:
#include "faxocm.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <setuputil.h>
#include <shlwapi.h> // For SHCopyKey
DWORD g_LastUniqueLineId = 0; //
// EnumDevicesType is used to call prv_StoreDevices() callback function during the Enumeration of
// Devices in the Registry.
typedef enum prv_EnumDevicesType { edt_None = 0x00, edt_PFWDevices = 0x02, // Enumerate W2K Fax Devices
edt_Inbox = 0x04 // Find List of Inbox Folders for W2K Fax
// Local Static Variable, to store data between OS Manager calls
static struct prv_Data { DWORD dwFaxInstalledPriorUpgrade; // bit-wise combination of fxState_UpgradeApp_e values to define
// which fax clients were installed on the machine prior to upgrade
// data for PFW
TCHAR tszCommonCPDir[MAX_PATH]; // Folder for Common Cover Pages
LPTSTR *plptstrInboxFolders; // Array of different Inbox Folders
DWORD dwInboxFoldersCount; // number of Inbox Folders in the plptstrInboxFolders array
} prv_Data = { FXSTATE_NONE, // no fax client applications is installed by default
{0}, // tszCommonCPDir
NULL, // plptstrInboxFolders
0 // dwInboxFoldersCount
// Internal assisting functions
BOOL prv_StoreDevices(HKEY hKey, LPWSTR lpwstrKeyName, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID lpContext);
static DWORD prv_MoveCoverPages(LPTSTR lptstrSourceDir, LPTSTR lptstrDestDir, LPTSTR lptstrPrefix);
static DWORD prv_GetPFWCommonCPDir(void); static DWORD prv_GetSBSServerCPDir(LPTSTR lptstrCPDir) {return NO_ERROR; };
static DWORD prv_SaveArchives(void);
DWORD fxocUpg_WhichFaxWasUninstalled( DWORD dwFaxAppList ) /*++
Routine name : fxocUpg_WhichFaxWasUninstalled
Routine description:
Set flags regarding fax applications installed before upgrade. Called from SaveUnattendedData() if the corresponding data is found in the Answer File.
Iv Garber (IvG), May, 2001
FaxApp [in] - the combination of the applications that were installed before the upgrade
Return Value:
Standard Win32 error code
--*/ { DWORD dwReturn = NO_ERROR;
DBG_ENTER(_T("fxocUpg_WhichFaxWasUninstalled"), dwReturn);
prv_Data.dwFaxInstalledPriorUpgrade = dwFaxAppList;
return dwReturn; }
DWORD fxocUpg_GetUpgradeApp(void) /*++
Routine name : fxocUpg_GetUpgradeApp
Routine description:
Return type of the upgrade, which indicates which fax applications were installed before the upgrade.
Iv Garber (IvG), May, 2001
Return Value:
The type of the upgrade
--*/ { DBG_ENTER(_T("fxocUpg_GetUpgradeApp"), prv_Data.dwFaxInstalledPriorUpgrade); return prv_Data.dwFaxInstalledPriorUpgrade; }
DWORD fxocUpg_Init(void) /*++
Routine name : fxocUpg_Init
Routine description:
checks which Fax applications are installed on the machine, and set global flags in prv_Data.
Iv Garber (IvG), May, 2001
Return Value:
DWORD - failure or success
--*/ { DWORD dwReturn = NO_ERROR; bool bInstalled = false; DBG_ENTER(_T("fxocUpg_Init"), dwReturn);
// Clear the SBS 5.0 Server flag
prv_Data.dwFaxInstalledPriorUpgrade = FXSTATE_NONE;
// Check presence of the SBS 5.0 Server
dwReturn = WasSBS2000FaxServerInstalled(&bInstalled); if (dwReturn != NO_ERROR) { VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("CheckInstalledFax() failed, ec=%ld."), dwReturn); }
if (bInstalled) { prv_Data.dwFaxInstalledPriorUpgrade |= FXSTATE_SBS5_SERVER; }
return dwReturn; }
DWORD fxocUpg_SaveSettings(void) /*++
Routine name : fxocUpg_SaveSettings
Routine description:
Save settings of SBS 5.0 Server to allow smooth migration to the Windows XP Fax.
Device Settings should be stored BEFORE handling of the Registry ( which deletes the Devices key ) and BEFORE the Service Start ( which creates new devices and uses settings that are stored here ).
Iv Garber (IvG), May, 2001
Return Value:
DWORD - failure or success
--*/ { DWORD dwReturn = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwEnumType = edt_None;
DBG_ENTER(_T("fxocUpg_SaveSettings"), dwReturn);
// Handle Upgrade from W2K/PFW Fax
if (fxState_IsUpgrade() == FXSTATE_UPGRADE_TYPE_W2K) { //
// Save its Common CP Dir. This should be done BEFORE Copy/Delete Files of Windows XPFax.
dwReturn = prv_GetPFWCommonCPDir(); if (dwReturn != NO_ERROR) { VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("prv_GetPFWCommonCPDir() failed, ec=%ld."), dwReturn); }
// Store Device Settings of PFW -- if SBS 5.0 Server is not present on the machine.
// Also, find Inbox Folders List of the PFW Devices.
HKEY hKey = OpenRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_SOFTWARE, FALSE, KEY_READ); if (!hKey) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("Failed to open Registry for Fax, ec = %ld."), dwReturn); return dwReturn; }
if (prv_Data.dwFaxInstalledPriorUpgrade & FXSTATE_SBS5_SERVER) { //
// Devices already enumerated, through SBS 5.0 Server
// Enumerate only Inbox Folders
dwEnumType = edt_Inbox; } else { //
// Full Enumeration for PFW Devices : Devices Settings + Inbox Folders
dwEnumType = edt_PFWDevices | edt_Inbox; } dwReturn = EnumerateRegistryKeys(hKey, REGKEY_DEVICES, FALSE, prv_StoreDevices, &dwEnumType); VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("For PFW, enumerated %ld devices."), dwReturn);
// prv_StoreDevices stored list of PFW's Inbox Folders in prv_Data.
// Now save the Inbox Folders List and SentItems Folder
dwReturn = prv_SaveArchives(); if (dwReturn != NO_ERROR) { VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("prv_SaveArchives() failed, ec=%ld."), dwReturn); }
dwReturn = NO_ERROR; }
return dwReturn; } BOOL prv_StoreDevices(HKEY hDeviceKey, LPWSTR lpwstrKeyName, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID lpContextData ) /*++
Routine name : prv_StoreDevices
Routine description:
Callback function used in enumeration of devices in the registry.
Stores device's data in the Registry, under Setup/Original Setup Data. Creates List of Inbox Folders ( used for PFW ) and saves it in the prv_Data.
Used when upgrading from PFW/SBS 5.0 Server to Windows XP Fax.
Iv Garber (IvG), Mar, 2001
hKey [in] - current key lpwstrKeyName [in] - name of the current key, if exists dwIndex [in] - count of all the subkeys for the given key / index of the current key lpContextData [in] - NULL, not used
Return Value:
TRUE if success, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { HKEY hSetupKey = NULL; DWORD dwReturn = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwNumber = 0; TCHAR tszNewKeyName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; LPTSTR lptstrString = NULL; DWORD *pdwEnumType = NULL;
if (lpwstrKeyName == NULL) { //
// This is the SubKey we started at ( i.e. Devices )
// If InboxFolders should be stored, then allocate
// enough memory for prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders.
// dwIndex contains TOTAL number of subkeys ( Devices ).
pdwEnumType = (DWORD *)lpContextData;
if ( (*pdwEnumType & edt_Inbox) == edt_Inbox ) { prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders = (LPTSTR *)MemAlloc(sizeof(LPTSTR) * dwIndex); if (prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders) { ZeroMemory(prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders, sizeof(LPTSTR) * dwIndex); } else { //
// Not enough memory
VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("Not enough memory to store the Inbox Folders.")); } }
return TRUE; }
// The per Device section
// Store Device's Inbox Folder
if (prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders) { //
// we are here only when lpContextData contains edt_InboxFolders
// and the memory allocation succeded.
// Open Routing SubKey
hSetupKey = OpenRegistryKey(hDeviceKey, REGKEY_PFW_ROUTING, FALSE, KEY_READ); if (!hSetupKey) { //
// Failed to open Routing Subkey
dwReturn = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("Failed to open 'Registry' Key for Device #ld, ec = %ld."), dwIndex, dwReturn); goto ContinueStoreDevice; }
// Take 'Store Directory' Value
lptstrString = GetRegistryString(hSetupKey, REGVAL_PFW_INBOXDIR, EMPTY_STRING); if ((!lptstrString) || (_tcslen(lptstrString) == 0)) { //
// Failed to take the value
dwReturn = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("Failed to get StoreDirectory value for Device #ld, ec = %ld."), dwIndex, dwReturn); goto ContinueStoreDevice; }
// Check if it is already present
DWORD dwI; for ( dwI = 0 ; dwI < prv_Data.dwInboxFoldersCount ; dwI++ ) { if (prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders[dwI]) { if (_tcscmp(prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders[dwI], lptstrString) == 0) { //
// String found
goto ContinueStoreDevice; } } }
// String was NOT found between all already registered string, so add it
prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders[dwI] = LPTSTR(MemAlloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * (_tcslen(lptstrString) + 1))); if (prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders[dwI]) { //
// copy string & update the counter
_tcscpy(prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders[dwI], lptstrString); prv_Data.dwInboxFoldersCount++; } else { //
// Not enough memory
VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("Not enough memory to store the Inbox Folders.")); }
if (hSetupKey) { RegCloseKey(hSetupKey); hSetupKey = NULL; }
MemFree(lptstrString); lptstrString = NULL; }
// Check whether to store Device's Data and how
pdwEnumType = (DWORD *)lpContextData;
if ((*pdwEnumType & edt_PFWDevices) == edt_PFWDevices) { //
// Store PFW Devices Data
lptstrString = REGVAL_PERMANENT_LINEID; } else { //
// no need to save any Device Data
return TRUE; }
// Take Device's Permanent Line Id
dwReturn = GetRegistryDwordEx(hDeviceKey, lptstrString, &dwNumber); if (dwReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Cannot find TAPI Permanent LineId --> This is invalid Device Registry
return TRUE; }
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Current Tapi Line Id = %ld"), dwNumber);
// Create a SubKey Name from it
_sntprintf( tszNewKeyName, ARR_SIZE(tszNewKeyName) -1, TEXT("%s\\%010d"), REGKEY_FAX_SETUP_ORIG, dwNumber); hSetupKey = OpenRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, tszNewKeyName, TRUE, 0); if (!hSetupKey) { //
// Failed to create registry key
dwReturn = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("Failed to create a SubKey for the Original Setup Data of the Device, ec = %ld."), dwReturn);
// Continue to the next device
return TRUE; }
// Set the Flags for the newly created key
dwNumber = GetRegistryDword(hDeviceKey, REGVAL_FLAGS); SetRegistryDword(hSetupKey, REGVAL_FLAGS, dwNumber); VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Flags are : %ld"), dwNumber);
// Set the Rings for the newly created key
dwNumber = GetRegistryDword(hDeviceKey, REGVAL_RINGS); SetRegistryDword(hSetupKey, REGVAL_RINGS, dwNumber); VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Rings are : %ld"), dwNumber);
// Set the TSID for the newly created key
lptstrString = GetRegistryString(hDeviceKey, REGVAL_ROUTING_TSID, REGVAL_DEFAULT_TSID); SetRegistryString(hSetupKey, REGVAL_ROUTING_TSID, lptstrString); VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("TSID is : %s"), lptstrString); MemFree(lptstrString);
// Set the CSID for the newly created key
lptstrString = GetRegistryString(hDeviceKey, REGVAL_ROUTING_CSID, REGVAL_DEFAULT_CSID); SetRegistryString(hSetupKey, REGVAL_ROUTING_CSID, lptstrString); VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("CSID is : %s"), lptstrString); MemFree(lptstrString);
RegCloseKey(hSetupKey); return TRUE; }
DWORD fxocUpg_RestoreSettings(void) /*++
Routine name : fxocUpg_RestoreSettings
Routine description:
Restore settings that were stored at the SaveSettings().
Iv Garber (IvG), Feb, 2001
Return Value:
DWORD - failure or success
--*/ { DWORD dwReturn = NO_ERROR; HANDLE hPrinter = NULL;
DBG_ENTER(_T("fxocUpg_RestoreSettings"), dwReturn);
return dwReturn; }
DWORD fxocUpg_MoveFiles(void) /*++
Routine name : fxocUpg_MoveFiles
Routine description:
Move files from the folders that should be deleted. Should be called BEFORE directories delete.
Iv Garber (IvG), Feb, 2001
Return Value:
DWORD - failure or success
--*/ { DWORD dwReturn = NO_ERROR; TCHAR tszDestination[MAX_PATH] = {0}; LPTSTR lptstrCPDir = NULL;
DBG_ENTER(_T("fxocUpg_MoveFiles"), dwReturn);
if ( (fxState_IsUpgrade() != FXSTATE_UPGRADE_TYPE_W2K) && !(prv_Data.dwFaxInstalledPriorUpgrade & FXSTATE_SBS5_SERVER) ) { //
// This is not PFW / SBS 5.0 Server upgrade. Do nothing
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("No need to Move any Files from any Folders.")); return dwReturn; }
// Find Destination Folder : COMMON APP DATA + ServiceCPDir from the Registry
if (!GetServerCpDir(NULL, tszDestination, MAX_PATH)) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("GetServerCPDir() failed, ec=%ld."), dwReturn); return dwReturn; }
if (fxState_IsUpgrade() == FXSTATE_UPGRADE_TYPE_W2K) { //
// PFW Server CP Dir is stored at SaveSettings() in prv_Data.lptstrPFWCommonCPDir
dwReturn = prv_MoveCoverPages(prv_Data.tszCommonCPDir, tszDestination, CP_PREFIX_W2K); if (dwReturn != NO_ERROR) { VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("prv_MoveCoverPages() for Win2K failed, ec = %ld"), dwReturn); } }
if (prv_Data.dwFaxInstalledPriorUpgrade & FXSTATE_SBS5_SERVER) { //
// Get SBS Server CP Dir
dwReturn = prv_GetSBSServerCPDir(lptstrCPDir); if (dwReturn != NO_ERROR) { VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("prv_GetSBSServerCPDir() failed, ec=%ld"), dwReturn); return dwReturn; }
// Move Cover Pages
dwReturn = prv_MoveCoverPages(lptstrCPDir, tszDestination, CP_PREFIX_SBS); if (dwReturn != NO_ERROR) { VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("prv_MoveCoverPages() for SBS failed, ec = %ld"), dwReturn); }
MemFree(lptstrCPDir); }
return dwReturn; }
static DWORD prv_MoveCoverPages( LPTSTR lptstrSourceDir, LPTSTR lptstrDestDir, LPTSTR lptstrPrefix ) /*++
Routine name : prv_MoveCoverPages
Routine description:
Move all the Cover Pages from Source folder to Destination folder and add a prefix to all the Cover Page names.
Iv Garber (IvG), Mar, 2001
lptstrSourceDir [IN] - Source Directory where Cover Pages are reside before the upgrade lptstrDestDir [IN] - where the Cover Pages should reside after the upgrade lptstrPrefix [IN] - prefix that should be added to the Cover Page file names
Return Value:
Success or Failure Error Code.
--*/ { DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; TCHAR szSearch[MAX_PATH] = {0}; HANDLE hFind = NULL; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData = {0}; TCHAR szFrom[MAX_PATH] = {0}; TCHAR szTo[MAX_PATH] = {0};
DBG_ENTER(_T("prv_MoveCoverPages"), dwReturn);
if ((!lptstrSourceDir) || (_tcslen(lptstrSourceDir) == 0)) { //
// we do not know from where to take Cover Pages
dwReturn = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("SourceDir is NULL. Cannot move Cover Pages. Exiting...")); return dwReturn; }
if ((!lptstrDestDir) || (_tcslen(lptstrDestDir) == 0)) { //
// we do not know where to put the Cover Pages
dwReturn = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("DestDir is NULL. Cannot move Cover Pages. Exiting...")); return dwReturn; }
// Find all Cover Page files in the given Source Directory
_sntprintf( szSearch, ARR_SIZE(szSearch) -1, _T("%s\\*.cov"), lptstrSourceDir);
hFind = FindFirstFile(szSearch, &FindFileData); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFind) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("FindFirstFile() on %s folder for Cover Pages is failed, ec = %ld"), lptstrSourceDir, dwReturn); return dwReturn; }
// Go for each Cover Page
do { //
// This is full current Cover Page file name
_sntprintf(szFrom, ARR_SIZE(szFrom) -1, _T("%s\\%s"), lptstrSourceDir, FindFileData.cFileName);
// This is full new Cover Page file name
_sntprintf(szTo, ARR_SIZE(szTo) -1, _T("%s\\%s_%s"), lptstrDestDir, lptstrPrefix, FindFileData.cFileName);
// Move the file
if (!MoveFile(szFrom, szTo)) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("MoveFile() for %s Cover Page failed, ec=%ld"), szFrom, dwReturn); }
} while(FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData));
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("last call to FindNextFile() returns %ld."), GetLastError());
// Close Handle
return dwReturn; }
static DWORD prv_GetPFWCommonCPDir( ) /*++
Routine name : prv_GetPFWCommonCPDir
Routine description:
Return Folder for Common Cover Pages used for PFW.
This Folder is equal to : CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS + Localized Dir This Localized Dir name we can take from the Resource of Win2K's FaxOcm.Dll. So, this function should be called BEFORE Copy/Delete Files of Install that will remove old FaxOcm.Dll. Currently it is called at SaveSettings(), which IS called before CopyFiles.
Iv Garber (IvG), Mar, 2001
Return Value:
static DWORD -- failure or success
--*/ { DWORD dwReturn = NO_ERROR; HMODULE hModule = NULL; TCHAR tszName[MAX_PATH] = {0};
DBG_ENTER(_T("prv_GetPFWCommonCPDir"), dwReturn);
// find full path to FaxOcm.Dll
if (!GetSpecialPath(CSIDL_SYSTEM, tszName, ARR_SIZE(tszName))) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("GetSpecialPath(CSIDL_SYSTEM) failed, ec = %ld"), dwReturn); return dwReturn; }
if ((_tcslen(tszName) + _tcslen(FAXOCM_NAME) + 1 ) >= ARR_SIZE(tszName)) // 1 for '\'
{ //
// not enough place
dwReturn = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("FaxOcm.Dll path is too long, ec = %ld"), dwReturn); return dwReturn; }
_tcscat(tszName, _T("\\")); _tcscat(tszName, FAXOCM_NAME);
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Full Name of FaxOcm is %s"), tszName);
hModule = LoadLibraryEx(tszName, NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); if (!hModule) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("LoadLibrary(%s) failed, ec = %ld."), tszName, dwReturn); return dwReturn; }
dwReturn = LoadString(hModule, CPDIR_RESOURCE_ID, tszName, MAX_PATH); if (dwReturn == 0) { //
// Resource string is not found
dwReturn = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("LoadString() failed, ec = %ld."), dwReturn); goto Exit; }
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("FaxOcm returned '%s'"), tszName);
// Take the Base part of the Folder name
if (!GetSpecialPath(CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS, prv_Data.tszCommonCPDir,ARR_SIZE(prv_Data.tszCommonCPDir))) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("GetSpecialPath(CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS) failed, ec = %ld"), dwReturn); prv_Data.tszCommonCPDir[0] = _T('\0'); goto Exit; }
// Combine the full Folder name
if ((_tcslen(tszName) + _tcslen(prv_Data.tszCommonCPDir) + 1) >= ARR_SIZE(prv_Data.tszCommonCPDir)) // 1 for '\'
{ //
// not enough place
dwReturn = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("Full path to the Common CP dir for PFW is too long, ec = %ld"), dwReturn); goto Exit; }
_tcscat(prv_Data.tszCommonCPDir,_T("\\")); _tcscat(prv_Data.tszCommonCPDir, tszName);
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Full path for Common PFW Cover Pages is '%s'"), prv_Data.tszCommonCPDir);
Exit: if (hModule) { FreeLibrary(hModule); }
return dwReturn; }
static DWORD prv_SaveArchives( ) /*++
Routine name : prv_SaveArchives
Routine description:
Store PFW SentItems & Inbox Archive Folder.
SentItems is taken from Registry : under Fax/Archive Directory.
Inbox Folders List is created by prv_StoreDevices(), that should be called before and that fills prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolder with an array of Inbox Folders. This function transforms the data in prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders into the required format, and stores in the Registry.
Frees the prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders.
Iv Garber (IvG), Mar, 2001
Return Value:
static DWORD -- failure or success
--*/ { DWORD dwReturn = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwListLen = 0; DWORD dwI = 0; HKEY hFromKey = NULL; HKEY hToKey = NULL; LPTSTR lptstrFolder = NULL; LPTSTR lptstrCursor = NULL;
DBG_ENTER(_T("prv_SaveArchives"), dwReturn);
// Open Registry Key to read the ArchiveDirectory value
hFromKey = OpenRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_SOFTWARE, FALSE, KEY_READ); if (!hFromKey) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("Failed to open Registry for Fax, ec = %ld."), dwReturn); goto Exit; }
// Open Registry Key to write the Archive values
hToKey = OpenRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_FAX_SETUP, FALSE, KEY_SET_VALUE); if (!hToKey) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("Failed to open Registry for Fax/Setup, ec = %ld."), dwReturn); goto Exit; }
// Read & Write Outgoing Archive Folder
lptstrFolder = GetRegistryString(hFromKey, REGVAL_PFW_OUTBOXDIR, EMPTY_STRING); VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Outgoing Archive Folder is : %s"), lptstrFolder); SetRegistryString(hToKey, REGVAL_W2K_SENT_ITEMS, lptstrFolder); MemFree(lptstrFolder); lptstrFolder = NULL;
// Create valid REG_MULTI_SZ string from List of Inbox Folders
if (!prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders || prv_Data.dwInboxFoldersCount == 0) { //
// no Inbox Folders found
goto Exit; }
// Calculate the length of the string
for ( dwI = 0 ; dwI < prv_Data.dwInboxFoldersCount ; dwI++ ) { dwListLen += _tcslen(prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders[dwI]) + 1; }
// Allocate that string
lptstrFolder = LPTSTR(MemAlloc((dwListLen + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR))); if (!lptstrFolder) { //
// Not enough memory
VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("Not enough memory to store the Inbox Folders.")); goto Exit; } ZeroMemory(lptstrFolder, ((dwListLen + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)));
lptstrCursor = lptstrFolder;
// Fill with the Inbox Folders
for ( dwI = 0 ; dwI < prv_Data.dwInboxFoldersCount ; dwI++ ) { if (prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders[dwI]) { _tcscpy(lptstrCursor, prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders[dwI]); lptstrCursor += _tcslen(prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders[dwI]) + 1; MemFree(prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders[dwI]); } } MemFree(prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders); prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders = NULL; prv_Data.dwInboxFoldersCount = 0;
// Additional NULL at the end
*lptstrCursor = _T('\0');
if (!SetRegistryStringMultiSz(hToKey, REGVAL_W2K_INBOX, lptstrFolder, ((dwListLen + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)))) { //
// Failed to store Inbox Folders
dwReturn = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("Failed to SetRegistryStringMultiSz() for W2K_Inbox, ec = %ld."), dwReturn); }
if (hFromKey) { RegCloseKey(hFromKey); }
if (hToKey) { RegCloseKey(hToKey); }
if (prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders) { for ( dwI = 0 ; dwI < prv_Data.dwInboxFoldersCount ; dwI++ ) { MemFree(prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders[dwI]); }
MemFree(prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders); prv_Data.plptstrInboxFolders = NULL; }
prv_Data.dwInboxFoldersCount = 0;
return dwReturn; }
Routine description: Copy a content of one registry key into another, using shlwapi.dll
Arguments: hkeyDest [in] - handle for destination registry key lpszDestSubKeyName [in] - name of destination subkey hkeySrc [in] - handle for source registry key lpszSrcSubKeyName [in] - name of source subkey
Return Value: Win32 Error code
Note: If you already have an open handle to the source\dest, you can provide them are hKeySrc/hKeyDest, and set the approriate name to "". --*/ DWORD CopyRegistrySubkeys2( HKEY hKeyDest, LPCTSTR lpszDestSubKeyName, HKEY hKeySrc, LPCTSTR lpszSrcSubKeyName ) { DWORD ec = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hKeyDestReal = NULL;
// Create destination Key
hKeyDestReal = OpenRegistryKey( hKeyDest, lpszDestSubKeyName, TRUE, // create
KEY_WRITE); if (!hKeyDestReal) { ec = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
// copy subkeys recursively
ec = SHCopyKey(hKeySrc, lpszSrcSubKeyName, hKeyDestReal, 0); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ec) { goto exit; }
exit: if (NULL != hKeyDestReal) { RegCloseKey(hKeyDestReal); } return ec; } // FaxCopyRegSubkeys
// Function:
// FixupDevice
// Purpose:
// This functions handles the adaptation of a device
// in the registry from the format used in SBS2000 to the format
// used by Server 2003 fax.
// Params:
// None
// Return Value:
// NO_ERROR - in case of success
// Win32 Error code otherwise
// Author:
// Mooly Beery (MoolyB) 18-Dec-2001
BOOL FixupDevice(HKEY hKey, LPWSTR lpwstrKeyName, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID lpContext) { WCHAR wszDeviceId[32] = {0}; DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bRet = TRUE; DWORD dwDeviceId = 0; HKEY hDevices = NULL; HKEY hDevice = NULL;
if (lpwstrKeyName==NULL) { goto exit; }
if (wcscmp(lpwstrKeyName,REGKEY_UNASSOC_EXTENSION_DATA)==0) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("No migration for UnassociatedExtensionData")); goto exit; } VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Migrating the %s device"),lpwstrKeyName);
// convert the key name from Hex to Decimal
dwDeviceId = wcstol(lpwstrKeyName,NULL,16); if (dwDeviceId==0) { VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("converting the device ID to decimal failed")); bRet = FALSE; goto exit; } if (dwDeviceId>g_LastUniqueLineId) { g_LastUniqueLineId = dwDeviceId; } if (wsprintf(wszDeviceId,L"%010d",dwDeviceId)==0) { VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("wsprintf failed")); bRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// create the new device key
hDevices = OpenRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,REGKEY_FAX_DEVICES,TRUE,KEY_WRITE); if (hDevices==NULL) { VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("OpenRegistryKey REGKEY_FAX_DEVICES failed (ec=%ld)"),GetLastError()); bRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// create a key under HKLM\Sw\Ms\Fax\Devices\wszDeviceId
hDevice = OpenRegistryKey(hDevices,wszDeviceId,TRUE,KEY_WRITE); if (hDevice==NULL) { VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("OpenRegistryKey %s failed (ec=%ld)"),wszDeviceId,GetLastError()); bRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// set the 'Permanent Lineid' REG_DWORD
if (!SetRegistryDword(hDevice,REGVAL_PERMANENT_LINEID,dwDeviceId)) { VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("SetRegistryDword REGVAL_PERMANENT_LINEID failed (ec=%ld)"),GetLastError()); bRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// create an entry under the service GUID for the device.
// and copy the rest of the setting to the new location
dwRet = CopyRegistrySubkeys2(hDevice, REGKEY_FAXSVC_DEVICE_GUID ,hKey,_T("")); if (dwRet!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("CopyRegistrySubkeys() failed, ec = %ld."), dwRet); goto exit; }
exit: if (hDevices) { RegCloseKey(hDevices); } if (hDevice) { RegCloseKey(hDevice); }
return bRet; }
// Function:
// FixupDevicesNode
// Purpose:
// This functions handles the adaptation of the devices
// in the registry from the format used in SBS2000 to the format
// used by Server 2003 fax.
// Each device is copied but the structure in the registry in
// a little different. specifically, the device data is kept
// under a GUID.
// Params:
// None
// Return Value:
// NO_ERROR - in case of success
// Win32 Error code otherwise
// Author:
// Mooly Beery (MoolyB) 18-Dec-2001
DWORD FixupDevicesNode() { HKEY hFax = NULL; DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// enumerate all the devices, and for each, move its key under its GUID
dwRet = EnumerateRegistryKeys( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_SBS2000_FAX_BACKUP _T("\\") REGKEY_DEVICES, FALSE, FixupDevice, NULL);
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("For SBS 5.0 Server, enumerated %ld devices."), dwRet);
// write the LastUniqueLineId to HKLM\Sw\Ms\Fax.
hFax = OpenRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,REGKEY_FAXSERVER,TRUE,KEY_WRITE); if (hFax==NULL) { dwRet = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("OpenRegistryKey REGKEY_FAXSERVER failed (ec=%ld)"),dwRet); return dwRet; }
if (!SetRegistryDword(hFax,REGVAL_LAST_UNIQUE_LINE_ID,g_LastUniqueLineId+1)) { dwRet = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("SetRegistryDword REGVAL_LAST_UNIQUE_LINE_ID failed (ec=%ld)"),dwRet); return dwRet; }
// Function:
// FixupDeviceProvider
// Purpose:
// This functions handles the adaptation of a device provider
// in the registry from the format used in SBS2000 to the format
// used by Server 2003 fax.
// The 'Microsoft Modem Device Provider' is not copied.
// Params:
// None
// Return Value:
// NO_ERROR - in case of success
// Win32 Error code otherwise
// Author:
// Mooly Beery (MoolyB) 18-Dec-2001
BOOL FixupDeviceProvider(HKEY hKey, LPWSTR lpwstrKeyName, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID lpContext) { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bRet = TRUE; HKEY hDeviceProviders = NULL;
if (lpwstrKeyName==NULL) { goto exit; }
if (wcscmp(lpwstrKeyName,REGKEY_MODEM_PROVIDER)==0) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("No migration for the Microsoft Modem Device Provider")); goto exit; }
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Migrating the %s Device provider"),lpwstrKeyName);
// create a key under HKLM\Sw\Ms\Fax\Device Providers
hDeviceProviders = OpenRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,REGKEY_DEVICE_PROVIDER_KEY,TRUE,KEY_WRITE); if (hDeviceProviders==NULL) { VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("OpenRegistryKey REGKEY_DEVICE_PROVIDER_KEY failed (ec=%ld)"),GetLastError()); bRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// create a key under HKLM\Sw\Ms\Fax\Device Providers\name
dwRet = CopyRegistrySubkeys2(hDeviceProviders,lpwstrKeyName,hKey,_T("")); if (dwRet!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("CopyRegistrySubkeys() failed, ec = %ld."), dwRet); goto exit; }
exit: if (hDeviceProviders) { RegCloseKey(hDeviceProviders); }
return bRet; }
// Function:
// FixupDeviceProvidersNode
// Purpose:
// This functions handles the adaptation of the device providers
// in the registry from the format used in SBS2000 to the format
// used by Server 2003 fax.
// The 'Microsoft Modem Device Provider' is not copied and as for
// other FSPs, the key under which they are registered is changed
// to hold the GUID of the FSP.
// Params:
// None
// Return Value:
// NO_ERROR - in case of success
// Win32 Error code otherwise
// Author:
// Mooly Beery (MoolyB) 18-Dec-2001
DWORD FixupDeviceProvidersNode() { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// enumerate the rest of the FSPs, and for each, move its key under its GUID
dwRet = EnumerateRegistryKeys( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_SBS2000_FAX_BACKUP _T("\\") REGKEY_DEVICE_PROVIDERS, FALSE, FixupDeviceProvider, NULL);
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("For SBS 5.0 Server, enumerated %ld device providers."), dwRet);
// Function:
// FixupRoutingExtension
// Purpose:
// This functions handles the adaptation of a routing extension
// in the registry from the format used in SBS2000 to the format
// used by Server 2003 fax.
// The 'Microsoft Routing Extension' is not copied and as for
// other Routing extensions, they're copied as is.
// Params:
// None
// Return Value:
// NO_ERROR - in case of success
// Win32 Error code otherwise
// Author:
// Mooly Beery (MoolyB) 18-Dec-2001
BOOL FixupRoutingExtension(HKEY hKey, LPWSTR lpwstrKeyName, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID lpContext) { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bRet = TRUE; HKEY hRoutingExtensions = NULL;
if (lpwstrKeyName==NULL) { goto exit; }
if (wcscmp(lpwstrKeyName,REGKEY_ROUTING_EXTENSION)==0) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("No migration for the Microsoft Routing Extension")); goto exit; }
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Migrating the %s Routing extension"),lpwstrKeyName);
// create a key under HKLM\Sw\Ms\Fax\Routing Extensions
hRoutingExtensions = OpenRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,REGKEY_ROUTING_EXTENSION_KEY,TRUE,KEY_WRITE); if (hRoutingExtensions==NULL) { VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("OpenRegistryKey REGKEY_ROUTING_EXTENSIONS failed (ec=%ld)"),GetLastError()); bRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// create a key under HKLM\Sw\Ms\Fax\Routing Extensions\name
dwRet = CopyRegistrySubkeys2(hRoutingExtensions,lpwstrKeyName,hKey,_T("")); if (dwRet!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("CopyRegistrySubkeys() failed, ec = %ld."), dwRet); goto exit; }
exit: if (hRoutingExtensions) { RegCloseKey(hRoutingExtensions); }
return bRet; }
// Function:
// FixupRoutingExtensionsNode
// Purpose:
// This functions handles the adaptation of the routing extension
// in the registry from the format used in SBS2000 to the format
// used by Server 2003 fax.
// The 'Microsoft Routing Extension' is not copied to the destination.
// Params:
// None
// Return Value:
// NO_ERROR - in case of success
// Win32 Error code otherwise
// Author:
// Mooly Beery (MoolyB) 18-Dec-2001
DWORD FixupRoutingExtensionsNode() { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// enumerate the rest of the Routing Extension, and for each decide whether to copy or not.
dwRet = EnumerateRegistryKeys( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_SBS2000_FAX_BACKUP _T("\\") REGKEY_ROUTING_EXTENSIONS, FALSE, FixupRoutingExtension, NULL);
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("For SBS 5.0 Server, enumerated %ld routing extensions."), dwRet);
const INT iCopyKeys = sizeof(g_RegKeyPairs)/sizeof(g_RegKeyPairs[0]);
const INT iCopyValues = sizeof(lpctstrValuesToCopy)/sizeof(lpctstrValuesToCopy[0]); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function:
// fxocUpg_MoveRegistry
// Purpose:
// When a machine running SBS2000 server was upgraded to Windows Server 2003
// we migrate the existing registry from SBS to the fax service.
// For most registry entries, the existing format is still compatible with
// the format used by SBS2000 so we just 'move' the registry around from
// one place to the other.
// This function is responsible for moving the following subkeys under Fax:
// ActivityLogging
// Device Providers\<any other than 'Microsoft Modem Device Provider'>
// Devices\UnassociatedExtensionData
// Logging
// Inbox
// Outbound Routing
// Receipts
// Routing Extensions\<any other than 'Microsoft Routing Extension'>
// Security
// SentItems
// TAPIDevices
// After moving the registry, some fixup to the registry takes place in order
// to make modifications from the format used in SBS2000 to the one used
// in Server 2003 Fax.
// Params:
// None
// Return Value:
// NO_ERROR - in case of success
// Win32 Error code otherwise
// Author:
// Mooly Beery (MoolyB) 17-Dec-2001
DWORD fxocUpg_MoveRegistry(void) { INT iCount = 0; DWORD dwRet = NO_ERROR; HKEY hDotNetFax = NULL; HKEY hSbsFax = NULL;
if ( !(prv_Data.dwFaxInstalledPriorUpgrade & FXSTATE_SBS5_SERVER) ) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("SBS2000 was not installed, nothing to migrate")); goto exit; }
// Share the printer (unless printer sharing rule was specified in unattended file)
if (IsFaxShared() && !fxUnatnd_IsPrinterRuleDefined()) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("SBS2000 was installed, sharing printer")); fxocPrnt_SetFaxPrinterShared(TRUE); }
// first, we copy all the above mentioned registry from HKLM\\Sw\\Ms\\SharedFax to HKLM\\Sw\\Ms\\Fax
for (iCount=0; iCount<iCopyKeys; iCount++) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Copying %s from %s."), g_RegKeyPairs[iCount].lpctstrDestinationKey, g_RegKeyPairs[iCount].lpctstrSourceKey );
dwRet = CopyRegistrySubkeys2( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_RegKeyPairs[iCount].lpctstrDestinationKey, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_RegKeyPairs[iCount].lpctstrSourceKey); if (dwRet == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { // Some reg keys may not exist. For example, TAPIDevices is created
// after first use only. So, don't fail on this error.
VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("g_RegKeyPairs[iCount].lpctstrSourceKey was not found, continuing"), g_RegKeyPairs[iCount].lpctstrSourceKey); } else if (dwRet!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("CopyRegistrySubkeys() failed, ec = %ld."), dwRet); goto exit; } }
// second, copy specific values
hDotNetFax = OpenRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,REGKEY_FAXSERVER,TRUE,KEY_WRITE); if (hDotNetFax==NULL) { dwRet = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("OpenRegistryKey REGKEY_FAXSERVER failed (ec=%ld)"),dwRet); goto exit; }
hSbsFax = OpenRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,REGKEY_SBS2000_FAX_BACKUP,TRUE,KEY_READ); if (hSbsFax==NULL) { dwRet = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("OpenRegistryKey REGKEY_SBS2000_FAX_BACKUP failed (ec=%ld)"),dwRet); goto exit; }
for (iCount=0; iCount<iCopyValues; iCount++) { DWORD dwVal = 0;
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG,_T("Copying %s."),lpctstrValuesToCopy[iCount]); dwVal = GetRegistryDword(hSbsFax,lpctstrValuesToCopy[iCount]);
if (!SetRegistryDword(hDotNetFax,lpctstrValuesToCopy[iCount],dwVal)) { dwRet = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("SetRegistryDword %s failed (ec=%ld)"),lpctstrValuesToCopy[iCount],dwRet); goto exit; } }
// now, we have to fixup items that are not compatible
dwRet = FixupDeviceProvidersNode(); if (dwRet!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("FixupDeviceProvidersNode() failed, ec = %ld."), dwRet); goto exit; }
dwRet = FixupDevicesNode(); if (dwRet!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("FixupDevicesNode() failed, ec = %ld."), dwRet); goto exit; }
dwRet = FixupRoutingExtensionsNode(); if (dwRet!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("FixupRoutingExtensionsNode() failed, ec = %ld."), dwRet); goto exit; }
// Set security on Inbox, SentItems and ActivityLog dirs
dwRet = SetDirSecurityFromReg(REGKEY_SOFTWARE TEXT("\\") REGKEY_ACTIVITY_LOG_CONFIG, REGVAL_ACTIVITY_LOG_DB, SD_FAX_FOLDERS); if (dwRet!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("SetDirSecurity() failed, ec = %ld."), dwRet); goto exit; } dwRet = SetDirSecurityFromReg(REGKEY_SOFTWARE TEXT("\\") REGKEY_ARCHIVE_SENTITEMS_CONFIG, REGVAL_ARCHIVE_FOLDER, SD_FAX_FOLDERS); if (dwRet!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("SetDirSecurity() failed, ec = %ld."), dwRet); goto exit; } dwRet = SetDirSecurityFromReg(REGKEY_SOFTWARE TEXT("\\") REGKEY_ARCHIVE_INBOX_CONFIG, REGVAL_ARCHIVE_FOLDER, SD_FAX_FOLDERS); if (dwRet!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("SetDirSecurity() failed, ec = %ld."), dwRet); goto exit; }
// last, let's delete the SharedFaxBackup key from the registry.
if (!DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,REGKEY_SBS2000_FAX_BACKUP)) { dwRet = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("DeleteRegistryKey() failed, ec = %ld."), dwRet); goto exit; }
exit: if (hSbsFax) { RegCloseKey(hSbsFax); } if (hDotNetFax) { RegCloseKey(hDotNetFax); } return dwRet; }