#include <windows.h>
#include "constant.h"
#include "frame.h" // driver header file, resource block format
#include "jtypes.h" /* Jumbo type definitions. */
#include "jres.h" // cartridge resource data type definition
#include "hretype.h" /* Slice Descriptor defs. */
#include "hreext.h"
BOOL OpenBlt (LPRESTATE lpRE, UINT yBrush) { HDC hdcScreen; HBITMAP hbmDst; LPBITMAP lpbmBand = lpRE->lpBandBuffer; UINT cbBand = lpbmBand->bmHeight * lpbmBand->bmWidthBytes; LPVOID lpBits; struct { BITMAPINFOHEADER bmih; DWORD dwPal[2]; } bmiDst;
// Create memory device contexts.
hdcScreen = CreateIC ("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL); lpRE->hdcDst = CreateCompatibleDC (hdcScreen); lpRE->hdcSrc = CreateCompatibleDC (hdcScreen); DeleteDC (hdcScreen);
// Initialize destination bitmap.
bmiDst.bmih.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmiDst.bmih.biWidth = lpbmBand->bmWidth; bmiDst.bmih.biHeight = -lpbmBand->bmHeight; // top-down
bmiDst.bmih.biPlanes = 1; bmiDst.bmih.biBitCount = 1; bmiDst.bmih.biCompression = BI_RGB; bmiDst.bmih.biSizeImage = 0; bmiDst.bmih.biClrUsed = 0; bmiDst.bmih.biClrImportant = 0; bmiDst.dwPal[0] = RGB ( 0, 0, 0); bmiDst.dwPal[1] = RGB (255, 255, 255);
// Create DIB section.
hbmDst = CreateDIBSection (lpRE->hdcDst, (LPBITMAPINFO) &bmiDst, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &lpBits, NULL, 0); if (!hbmDst) return FALSE; lpRE->hbmDef = SelectObject (lpRE->hdcDst, hbmDst); lpRE->hbrDef = NULL; // Swap frame buffers.
lpRE->lpBandSave = lpbmBand->bmBits; lpbmBand->bmBits = lpBits;
// Disable GDI batching.
GdiSetBatchLimit (1);
return TRUE; }
void CloseBlt (LPRESTATE lpRE) { // Restore frame buffer.
LPBITMAP lpbmBand = lpRE->lpBandBuffer; UINT cbBand = lpbmBand->bmHeight * lpbmBand->bmWidthBytes; memcpy (lpRE->lpBandSave, lpbmBand->bmBits, cbBand); lpbmBand->bmBits = lpRE->lpBandSave;
// Restore default objects.
DeleteObject (SelectObject (lpRE->hdcDst, lpRE->hbmDef)); DeleteObject (SelectObject (lpRE->hdcDst, lpRE->hbrDef));
// Destroy memory device contexts.
DeleteDC (lpRE->hdcDst); DeleteDC (lpRE->hdcSrc);
// Restore GDI batching.
GdiSetBatchLimit (0); }
short yDst, // Top row of destination.
short xDst, // Left column of destination.
WORD clLine, // Longs per scan line
WORD yExt, // Height in pixels
WORD xExt, // Width in pixels
LPDWORD lpSrc, // Far pointer to source
LPDWORD lpPat, // Far pointer to pattern
DWORD dwRop // Raster operation
) { HBITMAP hbmSrc, hbmOld; // Create source bitmap.
hbmSrc = CreateCompatibleBitmap (lpRE->hdcSrc, 32*clLine, yExt); SetBitmapBits (hbmSrc, 4*clLine*yExt, lpSrc); hbmOld = SelectObject (lpRE->hdcSrc, hbmSrc);
// Call GDI BitBlt.
BitBlt (lpRE->hdcDst, xDst, yDst, xExt, yExt, lpRE->hdcSrc, xSrc, 0, lpRE->dwRop);
// Destroy source bitmap.
SelectObject (lpRE->hdcSrc, hbmOld); DeleteObject (hbmSrc); return 0; }
BOOL SetBrush (LPRESTATE lpRE) { HBITMAP hbmPat; HBRUSH hbrPat, hbrOld;
// Create pattern brush.
hbmPat = CreateBitmap (32, 32, 1, 1, lpRE->lpCurBrush); hbrPat = CreatePatternBrush (hbmPat); DeleteObject (hbmPat);
// Replace previous brush.
hbrOld = SelectObject (lpRE->hdcDst, hbrPat); if (lpRE->hbrDef) DeleteObject (hbrOld); // delete old brush
else lpRE->hbrDef = hbrOld; // save default brush
return TRUE; }
ULONG FAR PASCAL RP_FILLSCANROW ( LPRESTATE lpRE, // resource executor context
USHORT xDst, // rectangle left
USHORT yDst, // rectangle right
USHORT xExt, // rectangle width
USHORT yExt, // rectangle height
UBYTE FAR* lpPat, // 32x32 pattern bitmap
DWORD dwRop, // raster operation
LPVOID lpBand, // output band buffer
UINT cbLine, // band width in bytes
WORD yBrush // brush position offset
) { return PatBlt (lpRE->hdcDst, xDst, yDst, xExt, yExt, lpRE->dwRop); }