Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements the debug code for the fax project. All components that require debug prints, asserts, etc.
Wesley Witt (wesw) 22-Dec-1995
History: 1-Sep-1999 yossg add ArielK additions, activate DebugLogPrint only while Setup g_fIsSetupLogFileMode . .
User Mode
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "faxreg.h"
#include "faxutil.h"
BOOL ConsoleDebugOutput = FALSE; INT FaxDebugLevel = -1; DWORD FaxDebugLevelEx = -1; DWORD FaxFormatLevelEx = -1; DWORD FaxContextLevelEx = -1;
TCHAR g_szPathToFile[MAX_PATH] = {0}; DWORD g_dwMaxSize = -1; // max log file size, -1 = no max size
FILE * g_pLogFile = NULL; static BOOL g_fIsSetupLogFileMode = FALSE;
HANDLE g_hLogFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; LONG g_iLogFileRefCount = 0;
BOOL debugOutputFileString(LPCTSTR szMsg); BOOL debugCheckFileSize();
VOID StartDebugLog(LPTSTR lpszSetupLogFile) { g_fIsSetupLogFileMode = TRUE; if (!g_pLogFile) { g_pLogFile = _tfopen(lpszSetupLogFile, TEXT("w")); } }
VOID CloseDebugLog() { g_fIsSetupLogFileMode = FALSE; if (!g_pLogFile) { fclose(g_pLogFile); } }
VOID DebugLogPrint( LPCTSTR buf ) { if (g_pLogFile) { _fputts(TEXT("FAX Server Setup Log: "), g_pLogFile); _fputts( buf, g_pLogFile); fflush(g_pLogFile); } }
//* Name: debugOpenLogFile
//* Author: Mooly Beery (MoolyB), May, 2000
//* Creates a log file which accepts the debug output
//* FormatLevelEx should be set in the registry to include DBG_PRNT_TO_FILE
//* [IN] LPCTSTR lpctstrFilename:
//* the filename which will be created in the temporary folder
//* [IN] DWORD dwMaxSize
//* Maximum allowed log file size in bytes. -1 means no max size.
//* FALSE if the operation failed.
//* TRUE is succeeded.
//* Comments:
//* this function should be used together with CloseLogFile()
BOOL debugOpenLogFile(LPCTSTR lpctstrFilename, DWORD dwMaxSize) { TCHAR szFilename[MAX_PATH] = {0}; TCHAR szTempFolder[MAX_PATH] = {0};
if (g_hLogFile!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { InterlockedIncrement(&g_iLogFileRefCount); return TRUE; }
if (!lpctstrFilename) { return FALSE; }
// first expand the filename
if (ExpandEnvironmentStrings(lpctstrFilename,szFilename,MAX_PATH)==0) { return FALSE; } // is this is a file description or a complete path to file
if (_tcschr(szFilename,_T('\\'))==NULL) { // this is just the file's name, need to add the temp folder to it.
if (GetTempPath(MAX_PATH,szTempFolder)==0) { return FALSE; }
_tcsncpy(g_szPathToFile,szTempFolder,MAX_PATH-1); _tcsncat(g_szPathToFile,szFilename,MAX_PATH-_tcslen(g_szPathToFile)-1); } else { // this is the full path to the log file, use it.
_tcsncpy(g_szPathToFile,szFilename,MAX_PATH-1); } g_dwMaxSize = dwMaxSize;
if (g_hLogFile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return FALSE; }
DWORD dwFilePointer = ::SetFilePointer(g_hLogFile,0,NULL,FILE_END); if (dwFilePointer==INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { ::CloseHandle(g_hLogFile); g_hLogFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; return FALSE; }
InterlockedExchange(&g_iLogFileRefCount,1); return TRUE; }
//* Name: CloseLogFile
//* Author: Mooly Beery (MoolyB), May, 2000
//* Closes the log file which accepts the debug output
//* Comments:
//* this function should be used together with OpenLogFile()
void debugCloseLogFile() { InterlockedDecrement(&g_iLogFileRefCount); if (g_iLogFileRefCount==0) { if (g_hLogFile!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ::CloseHandle(g_hLogFile); g_hLogFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } }
DWORD GetDebugLevel( VOID ) { DWORD rc; DWORD err; DWORD size; DWORD type; HKEY hkey;
if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) return 0;
size = sizeof(DWORD); err = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, REGVAL_DBGLEVEL, 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&rc, &size);
if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS || type != REG_DWORD) rc = 0;
return rc; }
DWORD GetDebugLevelEx( VOID ) { DWORD RetVal = 0; DWORD err; DWORD size; DWORD type; HKEY hkey;
// first let's set the defaults
FaxDebugLevelEx = 0; // Default get no debug output
FaxFormatLevelEx = DBG_PRNT_ALL_TO_STD; FaxContextLevelEx = DEBUG_CONTEXT_ALL;
if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) return RetVal;
size = sizeof(DWORD); err = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, REGVAL_DBGLEVEL_EX, 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&RetVal, &size);
if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS || type != REG_DWORD) { RetVal = 0; }
size = sizeof(DWORD); err = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, REGVAL_DBGFORMAT_EX, 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&FaxFormatLevelEx, &size);
if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS || type != REG_DWORD) { FaxFormatLevelEx = DBG_PRNT_ALL_TO_STD; }
err = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, REGVAL_DBGCONTEXT_EX, 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&FaxContextLevelEx, &size);
if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS || type != REG_DWORD) { FaxContextLevelEx = DEBUG_CONTEXT_ALL; }
RegCloseKey(hkey); return RetVal; }
void dprintfex ( DEBUG_MESSAGE_CONTEXT nMessageContext, DEBUG_MESSAGE_TYPE nMessageType, LPCTSTR lpctstrDbgFunctionName, LPCTSTR lpctstrFile, DWORD dwLine, LPCTSTR lpctstrFormat, ... ) { TCHAR buf[2048] = {0}; DWORD len; va_list arg_ptr; TCHAR szExtFormat[2048] = {0}; LPTSTR lptstrMsgPrefix; TCHAR szTimeBuff[10]; TCHAR szDateBuff[10]; DWORD dwInd = 0; TCHAR bufLocalFile[MAX_PATH] = {0}; LPTSTR lptstrShortFile = NULL; LPTSTR lptstrProject = NULL;
DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
static BOOL bChecked = FALSE;
if (!bChecked) { if (FaxDebugLevelEx==-1) FaxDebugLevelEx = GetDebugLevelEx(); bChecked = TRUE; }
if (FaxDebugLevelEx == 0) { goto exit; }
if (!(nMessageType & FaxDebugLevelEx)) { goto exit; }
if (!(nMessageContext & FaxContextLevelEx)) { goto exit; }
switch (nMessageType) { case DEBUG_VER_MSG: lptstrMsgPrefix=TEXT(" "); break; case DEBUG_WRN_MSG: lptstrMsgPrefix=TEXT("WRN"); break; case DEBUG_ERR_MSG: lptstrMsgPrefix=TEXT("ERR"); break; case DEBUG_FAX_TAPI_MSG: lptstrMsgPrefix=TEXT("TAP"); break; default: _ASSERT(FALSE); lptstrMsgPrefix=TEXT(" "); break; }
// Date & Time stamps
if( FaxFormatLevelEx & DBG_PRNT_TIME_STAMP ) { dwInd += _stprintf(&szExtFormat[dwInd], TEXT("[%-8s %-8s]"), _tstrdate(szDateBuff), _tstrtime(szTimeBuff)); } // Tick Count
if( FaxFormatLevelEx & DBG_PRNT_TICK_COUNT ) { dwInd += _stprintf(&szExtFormat[dwInd], TEXT("[%09d]"), GetTickCount()); } // Thread ID
if( FaxFormatLevelEx & DBG_PRNT_THREAD_ID ) { dwInd += _stprintf(&szExtFormat[dwInd], TEXT("[0x%05x]"), GetCurrentThreadId()); } // Message type
if( FaxFormatLevelEx & DBG_PRNT_MSG_TYPE ) { dwInd += _stprintf(&szExtFormat[dwInd], TEXT("[%s]"), lptstrMsgPrefix); } // filename & line number
if( FaxFormatLevelEx & DBG_PRNT_FILE_LINE ) { _tcsncpy(bufLocalFile,lpctstrFile,MAX_PATH-1); lptstrShortFile = _tcsrchr(bufLocalFile,_T('\\')); if (lptstrShortFile) { (*lptstrShortFile) = _T('\0'); lptstrProject = _tcsrchr(bufLocalFile,_T('\\')); (*lptstrShortFile) = _T('\\'); if (lptstrProject) lptstrProject = _tcsinc(lptstrProject); }
dwInd += _stprintf( &szExtFormat[dwInd], TEXT("[%-20s][%-4ld]"), lptstrProject, dwLine); } // Module name
if( FaxFormatLevelEx & DBG_PRNT_MOD_NAME ) { dwInd += _stprintf(&szExtFormat[dwInd], TEXT("[%-20s]"), lpctstrDbgFunctionName); } // Now comes the actual message
va_start(arg_ptr, lpctstrFormat); _vsntprintf(buf, ARR_SIZE(buf) - 1, lpctstrFormat, arg_ptr); len = _tcslen(buf); _tcsncpy (&szExtFormat[dwInd], buf, ARR_SIZE(szExtFormat) - dwInd - 1); dwInd += len; //
// Limit index to szExtFormat size
if (dwInd > ARR_SIZE(szExtFormat)-3) { dwInd = ARR_SIZE(szExtFormat)-3; }
_stprintf( &szExtFormat[dwInd],TEXT("\r\n"));
if( FaxFormatLevelEx & DBG_PRNT_TO_STD ) { OutputDebugString( szExtFormat); }
if ( FaxFormatLevelEx & DBG_PRNT_TO_FILE ) { if (g_hLogFile!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { debugOutputFileString(szExtFormat); } }
exit: SetLastError (dwLastError); // dprintfex will not change LastError
return; }
BOOL debugOutputFileString(LPCTSTR szMsg) { BOOL bRes = FALSE; //
// Attempt to add the line to a log file
#ifdef UNICODE
char sFileMsg[2000];
int Count = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, szMsg, -1, sFileMsg, sizeof(sFileMsg)/sizeof(sFileMsg[0]), NULL, NULL );
if (Count==0) { return bRes; } #else
const char* sFileMsg = szMsg; #endif
DWORD dwNumBytesWritten = 0; DWORD dwNumOfBytesToWrite = strlen(sFileMsg); if (!::WriteFile(g_hLogFile,sFileMsg,dwNumOfBytesToWrite,&dwNumBytesWritten,NULL)) { return bRes; }
if (dwNumBytesWritten!=dwNumOfBytesToWrite) { return bRes; }
// ::FlushFileBuffers(g_hLogFile);
if (g_dwMaxSize != -1) { // There's a file size limitation, let's see if we exceeded it
debugCheckFileSize(); // Ignore return value - there's nothing we can do about it anyway
} bRes = TRUE; return bRes; }
//* Name: debugCheckFileSize
//* Author: Jonathan Barner (t-jonb), August 2001
//* Checks whether the log file exceeded the maximum size specified
//* in debugOpenLogFile. If so, renames the file (overwriting the last
//* renamed file, if exists), and creates a new log file.
//* PARAMETERS: none
//* RETURN VALUE: TRUE - success, FALSE - failure
BOOL debugCheckFileSize() { DWORD dwSizeHigh=0, dwSizeLow=0;
dwSizeLow = GetFileSize(g_hLogFile, &dwSizeHigh);
if (dwSizeLow==INVALID_FILE_SIZE && (GetLastError()!=NO_ERROR)) { return FALSE; } if (dwSizeHigh>0 || dwSizeLow>g_dwMaxSize) { TCHAR szPathToFileOld[MAX_PATH] = {0}; PTCHAR lpszDot = NULL;
_tcsncpy(szPathToFileOld, g_szPathToFile, MAX_PATH - 1);
// Change File.txt into FileOld.txt
lpszDot = _tcsrchr(szPathToFileOld, _T('.')); if (lpszDot != NULL) { *lpszDot = _T('\0'); } if (_tcslen(szPathToFileOld)+7 > MAX_PATH) // strlen("Old.txt") = 7
{ return FALSE; } _tcscat(szPathToFileOld, _T("Old.txt"));
if (! ::CloseHandle(g_hLogFile)) { return FALSE; } g_hLogFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
::MoveFileEx(g_szPathToFile, szPathToFileOld, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING); // MoveFileEx could fail if the old file is open. In this case, do nothing
g_hLogFile = ::SafeCreateFile( g_szPathToFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, // overwrite old file
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (g_hLogFile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // We closed the file and never opened it again - so we
// need to decrement reference count
InterlockedDecrement(&g_iLogFileRefCount); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
void fax_dprintf( LPCTSTR Format, ... )
Routine Description:
Prints a debug string
format - printf() format string ... - Variable data
Return Value:
{ TCHAR buf[1024] = {0}; DWORD len; va_list arg_ptr; static BOOL bChecked = FALSE;
if (!bChecked) { FaxDebugLevel = (INT) GetDebugLevel(); bChecked = TRUE; }
if (!g_fIsSetupLogFileMode) { if (FaxDebugLevel <= 0) { return; } }
va_start(arg_ptr, Format);
_vsntprintf(buf, ARR_SIZE(buf) - 1, Format, arg_ptr); len = min(_tcslen( buf ), ARR_SIZE(buf)-3); if (buf[len-1] != TEXT('\n')) { buf[len] = TEXT('\r'); buf[len+1] = TEXT('\n'); buf[len+2] = 0; } OutputDebugString( buf ); if (g_fIsSetupLogFileMode) { DebugLogPrint(buf); } } // fax_dprintf
VOID AssertError( LPCTSTR Expression, LPCTSTR File, ULONG LineNumber )
Routine Description:
Thie function is use together with the Assert MACRO. It checks to see if an expression is FALSE. if the expression is FALSE, then you end up here.
Expression - The text of the 'C' expression File - The file that caused the assertion LineNumber - The line number in the file.
Return Value:
{ fax_dprintf( TEXT("Assertion error: [%s] %s @ %d\n"), Expression, File, LineNumber );
#ifdef DEBUG
__try { DebugBreak(); } __except (UnhandledExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation())) { // Nothing to do in here.
} #endif // DEBUG
void debugSetProperties(DWORD dwLevel,DWORD dwFormat,DWORD dwContext) { FaxDebugLevelEx = dwLevel; FaxFormatLevelEx = dwFormat; FaxContextLevelEx = dwContext; }