Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Interface implementation of Windows NT driver UI OEM plugins
Windows NT driver UI
Revision History:
#define INITGUID
#include "precomp.h"
// List all of the supported OEM UI plugin interface IIDs from the
// latest to the oldest, that's the order our driver will QI OEM
// plugin for its supported interface.
// DON"T remove the last NULL terminator.
static const GUID *PrintOemUI_IIDs[] = { &IID_IPrintOemUI2, &IID_IPrintOemUI, NULL };
#define CALL_INTERFACE(pOemEntry, MethodName, args) \
if (IsEqualGUID(&(pOemEntry)->iidIntfOem, &IID_IPrintOemUI)) \ { \ return ((IPrintOemUI *)(pOemEntry)->pIntfOem)->MethodName args; \ } \ else if (IsEqualGUID(&(pOemEntry)->iidIntfOem, &IID_IPrintOemUI2)) \ { \ return ((IPrintOemUI2 *)(pOemEntry)->pIntfOem)->MethodName args; \ } \ return E_NOINTERFACE;
#define CALL_INTERFACE2(pOemEntry, MethodName, args) \
if (IsEqualGUID(&(pOemEntry)->iidIntfOem, &IID_IPrintOemUI2)) \ { \ return ((IPrintOemUI2 *)(pOemEntry)->pIntfOem)->MethodName args; \ } \ return E_NOINTERFACE;
#ifdef PSCRIPT
#define VERIFY_OEMUIOBJ(poemuiobj) \
if (!poemuiobj || (((PCOMMONINFO)poemuiobj)->pvStartSign != poemuiobj)) \ return E_INVALIDARG;
#define VERIFY_UIDATA(poemuiobj) \
if (!VALIDUIDATA((PUIDATA)poemuiobj)) \ return E_INVALIDARG;
#endif // PSCRIPT
// Core driver helper function interfaces
// The first driver UI herlper interface has version number 1. Any new
// helper interface version number is 1 plus the previous version number.
// So we need to increase MAX_UI_HELPER_INTF_VER by 1 every time we introduce
// a new UI plugin helper interface.
#ifdef PSCRIPT
#endif // PSCRIPT
// CPrintOemDriverUI is the object containing the UI helper functions
class CPrintOemDriverUI : public IPrintOemDriverUI { //
// IUnknown implementation
virtual STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(const IID& iid, void** ppv); virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(); virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release();
// Interface IPrintOemDriverUI implementation
virtual STDMETHODIMP DrvGetDriverSetting( PVOID pci, PCSTR pFeature, PVOID pOutput, DWORD cbSize, PDWORD pcbNeeded, PDWORD pdwOptionsReturned);
virtual STDMETHODIMP DrvUpgradeRegistrySetting( HANDLE hPrinter, PCSTR pFeature, PCSTR pOption);
virtual STDMETHODIMP DrvUpdateUISetting ( PVOID pci, PVOID pOptItem, DWORD dwPreviousSelection, DWORD dwMode);
// Constructor
CPrintOemDriverUI() : m_cRef(0) {}
long m_cRef; };
STDMETHODIMP CPrintOemDriverUI::QueryInterface(const IID& iid, void** ppv) { if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == IID_IPrintOemDriverUI) { *ppv = static_cast<IPrintOemDriverUI *>(this); } else { *ppv = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; }
reinterpret_cast<IUnknown*>(*ppv)->AddRef(); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPrintOemDriverUI::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPrintOemDriverUI::Release() { if (InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef) == 0) { delete this; return 0; }
return m_cRef; }
STDMETHODIMP CPrintOemDriverUI::DrvGetDriverSetting(PVOID pci, PCSTR pFeature, PVOID pOutput, DWORD cbSize, PDWORD pcbNeeded, PDWORD pdwOptionsReturned) { if (BGetDriverSettingForOEM((PCOMMONINFO)pci, pFeature, pOutput, cbSize, pcbNeeded, pdwOptionsReturned)) return S_OK;
return E_FAIL; }
STDMETHODIMP CPrintOemDriverUI::DrvUpgradeRegistrySetting(HANDLE hPrinter, PCSTR pFeature, PCSTR pOption) { if (BUpgradeRegistrySettingForOEM(hPrinter, pFeature, pOption)) return S_OK;
return E_FAIL; }
STDMETHODIMP CPrintOemDriverUI::DrvUpdateUISetting(PVOID pci, PVOID pOptItem, DWORD dwPreviousSelection, DWORD dwMode) { if (BUpdateUISettingForOEM((PCOMMONINFO)pci, pOptItem, dwPreviousSelection, dwMode)) return S_OK;
return E_FAIL; }
#ifdef PSCRIPT
// CPrintCoreUI2 is the object containing the new UI helper functions
class CPrintCoreUI2 : public IPrintCoreUI2 { //
// IUnknown implementation
virtual STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(const IID& iid, void** ppv); virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(); virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release();
// IPrintOemDriverUI methods implementation
virtual STDMETHODIMP DrvGetDriverSetting(PVOID pci, PCSTR pFeature, PVOID pOutput, DWORD cbSize, PDWORD pcbNeeded, PDWORD pdwOptionsReturned);
virtual STDMETHODIMP DrvUpgradeRegistrySetting(HANDLE hPrinter, PCSTR pFeature, PCSTR pOption);
virtual STDMETHODIMP DrvUpdateUISetting(PVOID pci, PVOID pOptItem, DWORD dwPreviousSelection, DWORD dwMode); //
// IPrintCoreUI2 methods implementation
virtual STDMETHODIMP GetOptions( IN POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCSTR pmszFeaturesRequested, IN DWORD cbIn, OUT PSTR pmszFeatureOptionBuf, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded);
virtual STDMETHODIMP SetOptions( IN POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCSTR pmszFeatureOptionBuf, IN DWORD cbIn, OUT PDWORD pdwResult);
virtual STDMETHODIMP EnumConstrainedOptions( IN POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCSTR pszFeatureKeyword, OUT PSTR pmszConstrainedOptionList, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded);
virtual STDMETHODIMP WhyConstrained( IN POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCSTR pszFeatureKeyword, IN PCSTR pszOptionKeyword, OUT PSTR pmszReasonList, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded);
virtual STDMETHODIMP GetGlobalAttribute( IN POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCSTR pszAttribute, OUT PDWORD pdwDataType, OUT PBYTE pbData, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded);
virtual STDMETHODIMP GetFeatureAttribute( IN POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCSTR pszFeatureKeyword, IN PCSTR pszAttribute, OUT PDWORD pdwDataType, OUT PBYTE pbData, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded);
virtual STDMETHODIMP GetOptionAttribute( IN POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCSTR pszFeatureKeyword, IN PCSTR pszOptionKeyword, IN PCSTR pszAttribute, OUT PDWORD pdwDataType, OUT PBYTE pbData, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded);
virtual STDMETHODIMP EnumFeatures( IN POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT PSTR pmszFeatureList, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded);
virtual STDMETHODIMP EnumOptions( IN POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCSTR pszFeatureKeyword, OUT PSTR pmszOptionList, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded);
virtual STDMETHODIMP QuerySimulationSupport( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN DWORD dwLevel, OUT PBYTE pCaps, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded);
// Constructor
CPrintCoreUI2() : m_cRef(0) {}
long m_cRef; };
STDMETHODIMP CPrintCoreUI2::QueryInterface(const IID& iid, void** ppv) { if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == IID_IPrintCoreUI2) { *ppv = static_cast<IPrintCoreUI2 *>(this); } else { *ppv = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; }
reinterpret_cast<IUnknown*>(*ppv)->AddRef(); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPrintCoreUI2::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPrintCoreUI2::Release() { if (InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef) == 0) { delete this; return 0; }
return m_cRef; }
STDMETHODIMP CPrintCoreUI2::DrvGetDriverSetting(PVOID pci, PCSTR pFeature, PVOID pOutput, DWORD cbSize, PDWORD pcbNeeded, PDWORD pdwOptionsReturned) { VERIFY_OEMUIOBJ((POEMUIOBJ)pci)
// This function is only supported for UI plugins that DON'T fully replace
// core driver's standard UI. It should only be called by the UI plugin's
// DocumentPropertySheets, DevicePropertySheets and their property sheet
// callback functions.
if (!IS_WITHIN_PROPSHEET_SESSION((PCOMMONINFO)pci)) { ERR(("DrvGetDriverSetting called outside of property sheet session. E_NOTIMPL returned.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; }
if (IS_HIDING_STD_UI((PUIDATA)pci)) { ERR(("DrvGetDriverSetting called by full UI replacing plugin. E_NOTIMPL returned.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; }
if (BGetDriverSettingForOEM((PCOMMONINFO)pci, pFeature, pOutput, cbSize, pcbNeeded, pdwOptionsReturned)) { return S_OK; }
return E_FAIL; }
STDMETHODIMP CPrintCoreUI2::DrvUpgradeRegistrySetting(HANDLE hPrinter, PCSTR pFeature, PCSTR pOption) { if (BUpgradeRegistrySettingForOEM(hPrinter, pFeature, pOption)) { return S_OK; }
return E_FAIL; }
STDMETHODIMP CPrintCoreUI2::DrvUpdateUISetting(PVOID pci, PVOID pOptItem, DWORD dwPreviousSelection, DWORD dwMode) { VERIFY_OEMUIOBJ((POEMUIOBJ)pci)
// This function is only supported for UI plugins that DON'T fully replace
// core driver's standard UI. It should only be called by the UI plugin's
// DocumentPropertySheets, DevicePropertySheets and their property sheet
// callback functions.
if (!IS_WITHIN_PROPSHEET_SESSION((PCOMMONINFO)pci)) { ERR(("DrvUpdateUISetting called outside of property sheet session. E_NOTIMPL returned.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; }
if (IS_HIDING_STD_UI((PUIDATA)pci)) { ERR(("DrvUpdateUISetting called by full UI replacing plugin. E_NOTIMPL returned.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; }
if (BUpdateUISettingForOEM((PCOMMONINFO)pci, pOptItem, dwPreviousSelection, dwMode)) { return S_OK; }
return E_FAIL; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
get current driver settings for PPD features and driver synthesized features
poemuiobj - pointer to driver context object dwFlags - flags for the get operation pmszFeaturesRequested - MULTI_SZ ASCII string containing feature keyword names cbin - size in bytes of the pmszFeaturesRequested string pmszFeatureOptionBuf - pointer to output data buffer to store feature settings cbSize - size in bytes of pmszFeatureOptionBuf buffer pcbNeeded - buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature settings
Return Value:
E_NOTIMPL if called when not supported E_INVALIDARG if poemuiobj is invalid, or see HGetOptions
Last Error:
--*/ STDMETHODIMP CPrintCoreUI2::GetOptions( IN POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCSTR pmszFeaturesRequested, IN DWORD cbIn, OUT PSTR pmszFeatureOptionBuf, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded) { PCOMMONINFO pci;
// This function is only supported for UI plugins that fully replace
// core driver's standard UI. It should only be called by the UI plugin's
// DocumentPropertySheets, DevicePropertySheets and their property sheet
// callback functions.
pci = (PCOMMONINFO)poemuiobj;
if (!IS_WITHIN_PROPSHEET_SESSION(pci)) { ERR(("GetOptions called outside of property sheet session. E_NOTIMPL returned.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; }
if (!IS_HIDING_STD_UI((PUIDATA)pci)) { ERR(("GetOptions called by non-full UI replacing plugin. E_NOTIMPL returned.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; }
#ifdef PSCRIPT
return HGetOptions(pci->hPrinter, pci->pInfoHeader, pci->pCombinedOptions, pci->pdm, pci->pPrinterData, dwFlags, pmszFeaturesRequested, cbIn, pmszFeatureOptionBuf, cbSize, pcbNeeded, ((PUIDATA)pci)->iMode == MODE_PRINTER_STICKY ? TRUE : FALSE);
return E_NOTIMPL;
#endif // PSCRIPT
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
set new driver settings for PPD features and driver synthesized features
poemuiobj - pointer to driver context object dwFlags - flags for the set operation. This should be one of following:
pmszFeatureOptionBuf - MULTI_SZ ASCII string containing new settings' feature/option keyword pairs cbin - size in bytes of the pmszFeatureOptionBuf string pdwResult - pointer to the DWORD that will store the result of set operation. The result will be one of following:
Return Value:
S_OK if the set operation succeeds E_NOTIMPL if called when not supported E_INVALIDARG if poemuiobj is invalid, or see HSetOptions E_FAIL see HSetOptions
Last Error:
--*/ STDMETHODIMP CPrintCoreUI2::SetOptions( IN POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCSTR pmszFeatureOptionBuf, IN DWORD cbIn, OUT PDWORD pdwResult) { VERIFY_OEMUIOBJ(poemuiobj)
// This function is only supported for UI plugins that fully replace
// core driver's standard UI. It should only be called by the UI plugin's
// DocumentPropertySheets, DevicePropertySheets and their property sheet
// callback functions.
if (!IS_WITHIN_PROPSHEET_SESSION((PCOMMONINFO)poemuiobj)) { ERR(("SetOptions called outside of property sheet session. E_NOTIMPL returned.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; }
if (!IS_HIDING_STD_UI((PUIDATA)poemuiobj)) { ERR(("SetOptions called by non-full UI replacing plugin. E_NOTIMPL returned.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; }
#ifdef PSCRIPT
return HSetOptions(poemuiobj, dwFlags, pmszFeatureOptionBuf, cbIn, pdwResult);
return E_NOTIMPL;
#endif // PSCRIPT
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
enumerate the constrained option keyword name list in the specified feature
poemuiobj - pointer to driver context object dwFlags - flags for the enumeration operation pszFeatureKeyword - feature keyword name pmszConstrainedOptionList - pointer to output data buffer cbSize - output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - buffer size in bytes needed to store the output data
Return Value:
E_NOTIMPL if called when not supported E_INVALIDARG if poemuiobj is invalid, or see HEnumConstrainedOptions
S_OK E_OUTOFMEMORY E_FAIL see HEnumConstrainedOptions
Last Error:
--*/ STDMETHODIMP CPrintCoreUI2::EnumConstrainedOptions( IN POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCSTR pszFeatureKeyword, OUT PSTR pmszConstrainedOptionList, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded) { VERIFY_OEMUIOBJ(poemuiobj)
// This function is only supported for UI plugins that fully replace
// core driver's standard UI. It should only be called by the UI plugin's
// DocumentPropertySheets, DevicePropertySheets and their property sheet
// callback functions.
if (!IS_WITHIN_PROPSHEET_SESSION((PCOMMONINFO)poemuiobj)) { ERR(("EnumConstrainedOptions called outside of property sheet session. E_NOTIMPL returned.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; }
if (!IS_HIDING_STD_UI((PUIDATA)poemuiobj)) { ERR(("EnumConstrainedOptions called by non-full UI replacing plugin. E_NOTIMPL returned.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; }
#ifdef PSCRIPT
return HEnumConstrainedOptions(poemuiobj, dwFlags, pszFeatureKeyword, pmszConstrainedOptionList, cbSize, pcbNeeded);
return E_NOTIMPL;
#endif // PSCRIPT
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
get feature/option keyword pair that constrains the given feature/option pair
poemuiobj - pointer to driver context object dwFlags - flags for this operation pszFeatureKeyword - feature keyword name pszOptionKeyword - option keyword name pmszReasonList - pointer to output data buffer cbSize - output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - buffer size in bytes needed to store the output data
Return Value:
E_NOTIMPL if called when not supported E_INVALIDARG if poemuiobj is invalid, or see HWhyConstrained
S_OK E_OUTOFMEMORY see HWhyConstrained
Last Error:
--*/ STDMETHODIMP CPrintCoreUI2::WhyConstrained( IN POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCSTR pszFeatureKeyword, IN PCSTR pszOptionKeyword, OUT PSTR pmszReasonList, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded) { VERIFY_OEMUIOBJ(poemuiobj)
// This function is only supported for UI plugins that fully replace
// core driver's standard UI. It should only be called by the UI plugin's
// DocumentPropertySheets, DevicePropertySheets and their property sheet
// callback functions.
if (!IS_WITHIN_PROPSHEET_SESSION((PCOMMONINFO)poemuiobj)) { ERR(("WhyConstrained called outside of property sheet session. E_NOTIMPL returned.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; }
if (!IS_HIDING_STD_UI((PUIDATA)poemuiobj)) { ERR(("WhyConstrained called by non-full UI replacing plugin. E_NOTIMPL returned.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; }
#ifdef PSCRIPT
return HWhyConstrained(poemuiobj, dwFlags, pszFeatureKeyword, pszOptionKeyword, pmszReasonList, cbSize, pcbNeeded);
return E_NOTIMPL;
#endif // PSCRIPT
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
get PPD global attribute
poemuiobj - pointer to driver context object dwFlags - flags for the attribute get operation pszAttribute - name of the global attribute pdwDataType - pointer to DWORD to store output data type pbData - pointer to output data buffer cbSize - output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - buffer size in bytes needed to store the output data
Return Value:
E_INVALIDARG if poemuiobj is invalid, or see HGetGlobalAttribute
S_OK E_OUTOFMEMORY see HGetGlobalAttribute
Last Error:
--*/ STDMETHODIMP CPrintCoreUI2::GetGlobalAttribute( IN POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCSTR pszAttribute, OUT PDWORD pdwDataType, OUT PBYTE pbData, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded) { VERIFY_OEMUIOBJ(poemuiobj)
#ifdef PSCRIPT
return HGetGlobalAttribute(((PCOMMONINFO)poemuiobj)->pInfoHeader, dwFlags, pszAttribute, pdwDataType, pbData, cbSize, pcbNeeded);
return E_NOTIMPL;
#endif // PSCRIPT
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
get PPD feature attribute
poemuiobj - pointer to driver context object dwFlags - flags for the attribute get operation pszFeatureKeyword - PPD feature keyword name pszAttribute - name of the feature attribute pdwDataType - pointer to DWORD to store output data type pbData - pointer to output data buffer cbSize - output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - buffer size in bytes needed to store the output data
Return Value:
E_INVALIDARG if poemuiobj is invalid, or see HGetFeatureAttribute
S_OK E_OUTOFMEMORY see HGetFeatureAttribute
Last Error:
--*/ STDMETHODIMP CPrintCoreUI2::GetFeatureAttribute( IN POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCSTR pszFeatureKeyword, IN PCSTR pszAttribute, OUT PDWORD pdwDataType, OUT PBYTE pbData, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded) { VERIFY_OEMUIOBJ(poemuiobj)
#ifdef PSCRIPT
return HGetFeatureAttribute(((PCOMMONINFO)poemuiobj)->pInfoHeader, dwFlags, pszFeatureKeyword, pszAttribute, pdwDataType, pbData, cbSize, pcbNeeded);
return E_NOTIMPL;
#endif // PSCRIPT
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
get option attribute of a PPD feature
poemuiobj - pointer to driver context object dwFlags - flags for the attribute get operation pszFeatureKeyword - PPD feature keyword name pszOptionKeyword - option keyword name of the PPD feature pszAttribute - name of the feature attribute pdwDataType - pointer to DWORD to store output data type pbData - pointer to output data buffer cbSize - output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - buffer size in bytes needed to store the output data
Return Value:
E_INVALIDARG if poemuiobj is invalid, or see HGetOptionAttribute
S_OK E_OUTOFMEMORY see HGetOptionAttribute
Last Error:
--*/ STDMETHODIMP CPrintCoreUI2::GetOptionAttribute( IN POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCSTR pszFeatureKeyword, IN PCSTR pszOptionKeyword, IN PCSTR pszAttribute, OUT PDWORD pdwDataType, OUT PBYTE pbData, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded) { VERIFY_OEMUIOBJ(poemuiobj)
#ifdef PSCRIPT
return HGetOptionAttribute(((PCOMMONINFO)poemuiobj)->pInfoHeader, dwFlags, pszFeatureKeyword, pszOptionKeyword, pszAttribute, pdwDataType, pbData, cbSize, pcbNeeded);
return E_NOTIMPL;
#endif // PSCRIPT
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
enumerate PPD feature and supported driver feature keyword name list
poemuiobj - pointer to driver context object dwFlags - flags for the enumeration operation pmszFeatureList - pointer to output data buffer cbSize - output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - buffer size in bytes needed to store the output data
Return Value:
E_INVALIDARG if peomuiobj is invalid
S_OK E_OUTOFMEMORY E_FAIL see HEnumFeaturesOrOptions
Last Error:
--*/ STDMETHODIMP CPrintCoreUI2::EnumFeatures( IN POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT PSTR pmszFeatureList, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded) { VERIFY_OEMUIOBJ(poemuiobj)
#ifdef PSCRIPT
return HEnumFeaturesOrOptions(((PCOMMONINFO)poemuiobj)->hPrinter, ((PCOMMONINFO)poemuiobj)->pInfoHeader, dwFlags, NULL, pmszFeatureList, cbSize, pcbNeeded);
return E_NOTIMPL;
#endif // PSCRIPT
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
enumerate option keyword name list of the specified feature
poemuiobj - pointer to driver context object dwFlags - flags for the enumeration operation pszFeatureKeyword - feature keyword name pmszOptionList - pointer to output data buffer cbSize - output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - buffer size in bytes needed to store the output data
Return Value:
E_INVALIDARG if poemuiobj is invalid, or feature keyword name is invalid
Last Error:
--*/ STDMETHODIMP CPrintCoreUI2::EnumOptions( IN POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCSTR pszFeatureKeyword, OUT PSTR pmszOptionList, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded) { VERIFY_OEMUIOBJ(poemuiobj)
if (pszFeatureKeyword == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
#ifdef PSCRIPT
return HEnumFeaturesOrOptions(((PCOMMONINFO)poemuiobj)->hPrinter, ((PCOMMONINFO)poemuiobj)->pInfoHeader, dwFlags, pszFeatureKeyword, pmszOptionList, cbSize, pcbNeeded);
return E_NOTIMPL;
#endif // PSCRIPT
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
get the spooler simulation capability info structure
hPrinter - printer handle dwLevel - interested level of spooler simulation capability info structure pCaps - pointer to output buffer cbSize - size in bytes of output buffer pcbNeeded - buffer size in bytes needed to store the interested info structure
Return Value:
E_NOTIMPL if called on NT4, or see HQuerySimulationSupport
Last Error:
--*/ STDMETHODIMP CPrintCoreUI2::QuerySimulationSupport( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN DWORD dwLevel, OUT PBYTE pCaps, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded) { #ifndef WINNT_40
return HQuerySimulationSupport(hPrinter, dwLevel, pCaps, cbSize, pcbNeeded);
return E_NOTIMPL;
#endif // !WINNT_40
#endif // PSCRIPT
// Creation function
extern "C" IUnknown* DriverCreateInstance(INT iHelperIntfVer) { IUnknown *pI = NULL;
switch (iHelperIntfVer) { case 1: pI = static_cast<IPrintOemDriverUI *>(new CPrintOemDriverUI); break;
#ifdef PSCRIPT
case 2: pI = static_cast<IPrintCoreUI2 *>(new CPrintCoreUI2); break;
#endif // PSCRIPT
default: ERR(("Unrecognized helper interface version: %d\n", iHelperIntfVer)); break; }
if (pI != NULL) pI->AddRef();
return pI; }
// Get OEM plugin interface and publish driver helper interface
extern "C" BOOL BGetOemInterface(POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY pOemEntry) { IUnknown *pIDriverHelper = NULL; HRESULT hr; INT iHelperVer;
// QI to retrieve the latest interface OEM plugin supports
if (!BQILatestOemInterface(pOemEntry->hInstance, CLSID_OEMUI, PrintOemUI_IIDs, &(pOemEntry->pIntfOem), &(pOemEntry->iidIntfOem))) { ERR(("BQILatestOemInterface failed\n")); return FALSE; }
// If QI succeeded, pOemEntry->pIntfOem will have the OEM plugin
// interface pointer with ref count 1.
// Now publish driver's helper function interface (from latest to oldest).
for (iHelperVer = MAX_UI_HELPER_INTF_VER; iHelperVer > 0; iHelperVer--) { if ((pIDriverHelper = DriverCreateInstance(iHelperVer)) == NULL) { ERR(("DriverCreateInstance failed for version %d\n", iHelperVer)); goto fail_cleanup; }
// As long as we define new OEM UI plugin interface by inheriting old ones,
// we can always cast pIntfOem into pointer of the oldest plugin interface
// (the base class) and call PublishDriverInterface method.
// Otherwise, this code needs to be modified when new interface is added.
hr = ((IPrintOemUI *)(pOemEntry->pIntfOem))->PublishDriverInterface(pIDriverHelper);
// OEM plugin should do QI in their PublishDriverInterface, so we need to release
// our ref count of pIDriverHelper.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { VERBOSE(("PublishDriverInterface succeeded for version %d\n", iHelperVer)); break; } }
if (iHelperVer == 0) { ERR(("PublishDriverInterface failed\n")); goto fail_cleanup; }
return TRUE;
// If failed, we need to release the ref count we hold on pOemEntry->pIntfOem,
// and set pIntfOem to NULL to indicate no COM interface is available.
((IUnknown *)(pOemEntry->pIntfOem))->Release(); pOemEntry->pIntfOem = NULL;
return FALSE; }
extern "C" ULONG ReleaseOemInterface(POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY pOemEntry) { #ifdef WINNT_40
if (IsEqualGUID(&pOemEntry->iidIntfOem, &IID_IPrintOemUI)) { return ((IPrintOemUI *)(pOemEntry)->pIntfOem)->Release(); }
CALL_INTERFACE(pOemEntry, Release, ()); #endif
return 0; }
extern "C" HRESULT HComOEMGetInfo(POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY pOemEntry, DWORD dwMode, PVOID pBuffer, DWORD cbSize, PDWORD pcbNeeded) {
CALL_INTERFACE(pOemEntry, GetInfo, (dwMode, pBuffer, cbSize, pcbNeeded)); }
extern "C" HRESULT HComOEMDevMode(POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY pOemEntry, DWORD dwMode, POEMDMPARAM pOemDMParam) { CALL_INTERFACE(pOemEntry, DevMode, (dwMode, pOemDMParam)); }
CALL_INTERFACE(pOemEntry, CommonUIProp, (dwMode, pOemCUIPParam)); }
extern "C" HRESULT HComOEMDocumentPropertySheets(POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY pOemEntry, PPROPSHEETUI_INFO pPSUIInfo, LPARAM lParam) {
CALL_INTERFACE(pOemEntry, DocumentPropertySheets, (pPSUIInfo, lParam)); }
CALL_INTERFACE(pOemEntry,DevicePropertySheets, (pPSUIInfo, lParam)); }
CALL_INTERFACE(pOemEntry, DevQueryPrintEx, (poemuiobj, pDQPInfo, pPublicDM, pOEMDM));
extern "C" HRESULT HComOEMDeviceCapabilities(POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY pOemEntry, POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, HANDLE hPrinter, PWSTR pDeviceName, WORD wCapability, PVOID pOutput, PDEVMODE pPublicDM, PVOID pOEMDM, DWORD dwOld, DWORD *pdwResult) {
CALL_INTERFACE(pOemEntry, DeviceCapabilities, (poemuiobj, hPrinter, pDeviceName, wCapability, pOutput, pPublicDM, pOEMDM, dwOld, pdwResult)); }
extern "C" HRESULT HComOEMUpgradePrinter(POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY pOemEntry, DWORD dwLevel, PBYTE pDriverUpgradeInfo) { CALL_INTERFACE(pOemEntry, UpgradePrinter, (dwLevel, pDriverUpgradeInfo)); }
extern "C" HRESULT HComOEMPrinterEvent(POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY pOemEntry, PWSTR pPrinterName, INT iDriverEvent, DWORD dwFlags, LPARAM lParam) {
CALL_INTERFACE(pOemEntry, PrinterEvent, (pPrinterName, iDriverEvent, dwFlags, lParam)); }
extern "C" HRESULT HComOEMDriverEvent(POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY pOemEntry, DWORD dwDriverEvent, DWORD dwLevel, LPBYTE pDriverInfo, LPARAM lParam) {
CALL_INTERFACE(pOemEntry, DriverEvent, (dwDriverEvent, dwLevel, pDriverInfo, lParam)); }
extern "C" HRESULT HComOEMQUeryColorProfile(POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY pOemEntry, HANDLE hPrinter, POEMUIOBJ poemuiobj, PDEVMODE pPublicDM, PVOID pOEMDM, ULONG ulQueryMode, VOID *pvProfileData, ULONG *pcbProfileData, FLONG *pflProfileData)
{ CALL_INTERFACE(pOemEntry,QueryColorProfile, (hPrinter, poemuiobj, pPublicDM, pOEMDM, ulQueryMode, pvProfileData, pcbProfileData, pflProfileData)); }
extern "C" HRESULT HComOEMFontInstallerDlgProc(POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY pOemEntry, HWND hWnd, UINT usMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
CALL_INTERFACE(pOemEntry, FontInstallerDlgProc, (hWnd, usMsg, wParam, lParam)); }
extern "C" HRESULT HComOEMUpdateExternalFonts(POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY pOemEntry, HANDLE hPrinter, HANDLE hHeap, PWSTR pwstrCartridges) {
CALL_INTERFACE(pOemEntry, UpdateExternalFonts, (hPrinter, hHeap, pwstrCartridges)); }
extern "C" HRESULT HComOEMQueryJobAttributes(POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY pOemEntry, HANDLE hPrinter, PDEVMODE pDevMode, DWORD dwLevel, LPBYTE lpAttributeInfo) {
CALL_INTERFACE2(pOemEntry, QueryJobAttributes, (hPrinter, pDevMode, dwLevel, lpAttributeInfo)); }
extern "C" HRESULT HComOEMHideStandardUI(POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY pOemEntry, DWORD dwMode) {
CALL_INTERFACE2(pOemEntry, HideStandardUI, (dwMode)); }
extern "C" HRESULT HComOEMDocumentEvent(POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY pOemEntry, HANDLE hPrinter, HDC hdc, INT iEsc, ULONG cbIn, PVOID pbIn, ULONG cbOut, PVOID pbOut, PINT piResult) { CALL_INTERFACE2(pOemEntry, DocumentEvent, (hPrinter, hdc, iEsc, cbIn, pbIn, cbOut, pbOut, piResult)); }