Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
PostScript helper functions for OEM plugins
Feng Yue (fengy)
8/24/2000 fengy Completed with support of both PPD and driver features. 8/1/2000 fengy Created it with function framework.
#include "lib.h"
#include "ppd.h"
#include "pslib.h"
// PS driver's helper functions for OEM plugins
// synthesized PS driver features
const CHAR kstrPSFAddEuro[] = "%AddEuro"; const CHAR kstrPSFCtrlDAfter[] = "%CtrlDAfter"; const CHAR kstrPSFCtrlDBefore[] = "%CtrlDBefore"; const CHAR kstrPSFCustomPS[] = "%CustomPageSize"; const CHAR kstrPSFTrueGrayG[] = "%GraphicsTrueGray"; const CHAR kstrPSFJobTimeout[] = "%JobTimeout"; const CHAR kstrPSFMaxBitmap[] = "%MaxFontSizeAsBitmap"; const CHAR kstrPSFEMF[] = "%MetafileSpooling"; const CHAR kstrPSFMinOutline[] = "%MinFontSizeAsOutline"; const CHAR kstrPSFMirroring[] = "%Mirroring"; const CHAR kstrPSFNegative[] = "%Negative"; const CHAR kstrPSFPageOrder[] = "%PageOrder"; const CHAR kstrPSFNup[] = "%PagePerSheet"; const CHAR kstrPSFErrHandler[] = "%PSErrorHandler"; const CHAR kstrPSFPSMemory[] = "%PSMemory"; const CHAR kstrPSFOrientation[] = "%Orientation"; const CHAR kstrPSFOutFormat[] = "%OutputFormat"; const CHAR kstrPSFOutProtocol[] = "%OutputProtocol"; const CHAR kstrPSFOutPSLevel[] = "%OutputPSLevel"; const CHAR kstrPSFTrueGrayT[] = "%TextTrueGray"; const CHAR kstrPSFTTFormat[] = "%TTDownloadFormat"; const CHAR kstrPSFWaitTimeout[] = "%WaitTimeout";
// commonly used keyword strings
const CHAR kstrKwdTrue[] = "True"; const CHAR kstrKwdFalse[] = "False";
#define MAX_WORD_VALUE 0x7fff
#define MAX_DWORD_VALUE 0x7fffffff
if ((dwMode) == PSFPROC_ENUMOPTION_MODE) \ { \ SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); \ return FALSE; \ }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
output one pair of feature keyword and option keyword names
pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - option keyword name pmszOutBuf - pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - buffer size in bytes needed to output the keyword pair
Return Value:
TRUE if succeeds FALSE if output data buffer size is not big enough
Last Error:
--*/ BOOL BOutputFeatureOption( IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded ) { DWORD cbFeatureSize, cbOptionSize;
ASSERT(pszFeature && pszOption);
cbFeatureSize = strlen(pszFeature) + 1; cbOptionSize = strlen(pszOption) + 1;
if (pcbNeeded) { *pcbNeeded = cbFeatureSize + cbOptionSize; }
if (!pmszOutBuf || cbRemain < (INT)(cbFeatureSize + cbOptionSize)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return FALSE; }
CopyMemory(pmszOutBuf, pszFeature, cbFeatureSize); pmszOutBuf += cbFeatureSize; CopyMemory(pmszOutBuf, pszOption, cbOptionSize);
return TRUE; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
return boolean value specified by the option keyword name
pszOption - option keyword name pbValue - pointer to the variable to store returned boolean value
Return Value:
TRUE if the read operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
--*/ BOOL BReadBooleanOption( IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PBOOL pbValue ) { BOOL bReadOK = TRUE;
ASSERT(pszOption && pbValue);
if (strcmp(pszOption, kstrKwdTrue) == EQUAL_STRING) { *pbValue = TRUE; } else if (strcmp(pszOption, kstrKwdFalse) == EQUAL_STRING) { *pbValue = FALSE; } else { bReadOK = FALSE; }
return bReadOK; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
get or set a feature's boolean setting
pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pdwValue - pointer to DWORD data that stores the feature's setting dwFlagBit - flag bit value to indicate the feature's setting is TRUE bValid - TRUE if get/set on the feature's setting is supported. FALSE otherwise. pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the boolean setting bSetMode - TRUE for set operation, FALSE for get operation
Return Value:
TRUE if the get or set operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER (set only) if FALSE is returned because set operation is not supported, or set operation found invalid argument ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER (get only) see BOutputFeatureOption
--*/ BOOL BGetSetBoolFlag( IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, IN PDWORD pdwValue, IN DWORD dwFlagBit, IN BOOL bValid, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN BOOL bSetMode ) { BOOL bFlagSet;
// set is only supported for UI plugins
if (bSetMode) { if (!bValid || !BReadBooleanOption(pszOption, &bFlagSet)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if (bFlagSet) { *pdwValue |= dwFlagBit; } else { *pdwValue &= ~dwFlagBit; }
return TRUE; }
ASSERT(bSetMode == FALSE);
#endif // !KERNEL_MODE
// get is supported for both UI and render plugins
{ if (bValid && (*pdwValue & dwFlagBit)) { bFlagSet = TRUE; } else { bFlagSet = FALSE; }
return BOutputFeatureOption(pszFeature, bFlagSet ? kstrKwdTrue : kstrKwdFalse, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded); } }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
return unsigned integer value specified in the input data buffer
pcstrArgument - pointer to the input data buffer, where UINT value(s) are represented as string of digit characters bSingleArgument - TRUE if only one UINT should be read from the input data FALSE if multiple UINTs can be read from the input data pdwValue - pointer to the variable to store returned unsigned integer value
Return Value:
NULL read failed due to invalid characters in the digit string non-NULL read succeeds. The new pointer position in the input data buffer after one UINT is read will be returned.
Last Error:
--*/ PCSTR PReadUnsignedInt( IN PCSTR pcstrArgument, IN BOOL bSingleArgument, OUT PDWORD pdwValue ) { DWORD dwTemp = 0;
ASSERT(pcstrArgument && pdwValue);
// skip any preceding white spaces
while (*pcstrArgument == ' ' || *pcstrArgument == '\t') { pcstrArgument++; }
// the first non-white space character must be a digit
if (!(*pcstrArgument >= '0' && *pcstrArgument <= '9')) { ERR(("first non-white space character is not a digit\n")); return NULL; }
// read in the digits
while (*pcstrArgument >= '0' && *pcstrArgument <= '9') { dwTemp = dwTemp * 10 + *pcstrArgument - '0'; pcstrArgument++; }
if (bSingleArgument) { //
// any remaing characters must be white spaces
while (*pcstrArgument) { if (*pcstrArgument != ' ' && *pcstrArgument != '\t') { ERR(("character after digits is not white space\n")); return NULL; }
pcstrArgument++; } } else { //
// skip any remaining white spaces
while (*pcstrArgument == ' ' || *pcstrArgument == '\t') { pcstrArgument++; } }
*pdwValue = dwTemp;
return pcstrArgument; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
get or set a feature's unsigned integer setting
pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pdwValue - pointer to DWORD data that stores the feature's setting dwMaxVal - maximum valid UINT value for the feature's setting pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the UINT setting bSetMode - TRUE for set operation, FALSE for get operation
Return Value:
TRUE if the get or set operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER (set only) if set operation failed because of invalid character(s) in the digit character string ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER (get only) see BOutputFeatureOption
--*/ BOOL BGetSetUnsignedInt( IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, IN OUT PDWORD pdwValue, IN DWORD dwMaxVal, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN BOOL bSetMode ) { ASSERT(pdwValue);
// set is only supported for UI plugins
if (bSetMode) { DWORD dwTemp;
if (!PReadUnsignedInt(pszOption, TRUE, &dwTemp) || dwTemp > dwMaxVal) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
*pdwValue = dwTemp;
return TRUE; }
ASSERT(bSetMode == FALSE);
#endif // !KERNEL_MODE
// get is supported for both UI and render plugins
{ CHAR pszValue[16];
_ultoa(*pdwValue, pszValue, 10);
return BOutputFeatureOption(pszFeature, pszValue, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded); } }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED unsupported enum operation is requested
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_AddEuro( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { BOOL bValid, bResult; BOOL bSetMode = (dwMode == PSFPROC_SETOPTION_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// refer to _VUnpackDriverPrnPropItem and _BPackPrinterOptions in ps.c
bValid = pUIInfo->dwLangLevel >= 2;
bResult = BGetSetBoolFlag(pszFeature, pszOption, &(pPrinterData->dwFlags), PFLAGS_ADD_EURO, bValid, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded, bSetMode);
// set is only supported for UI plugins
if (bSetMode && bResult) { pPrinterData->dwFlags |= PFLAGS_EURO_SET; }
#endif // !KERNEL_MODE
return bResult; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED unsupported enum operation is requested
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_CtrlDA( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { BOOL bSetMode = (dwMode == PSFPROC_SETOPTION_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// refer to _VUnpackDriverPrnPropItem and _BPackPrinterOptions in ps.c
return BGetSetBoolFlag(pszFeature, pszOption, &(pPrinterData->dwFlags), PFLAGS_CTRLD_AFTER, TRUE, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded, bSetMode); }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED unsupported enum operation is requested
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_CtrlDB( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { BOOL bSetMode = (dwMode == PSFPROC_SETOPTION_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// refer to _VUnpackDriverPrnPropItem and _BPackPrinterOptions in ps.c
return BGetSetBoolFlag(pszFeature, pszOption, &(pPrinterData->dwFlags), PFLAGS_CTRLD_BEFORE, TRUE, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded, bSetMode); }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED unsupported enum operation is requested ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if get/set of the feature setting is not supported, or set operation found invalid arguments ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER (get only) if output data buffer size is not big enough
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_CustomPS( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { typedef struct _PSF_CUSTOMFEED_ENTRY {
PCSTR pszFeedName; // feed direction name
DWORD dwFeedDirection; // feed direction code
static const PSF_CUSTOMFEED_ENTRY kPSF_CustomFeedTable[] = { {"LongEdge", LONGEDGEFIRST}, {"ShortEdge", SHORTEDGEFIRST}, {"LongEdgeFlip", LONGEDGEFIRST_FLIPPED}, {"ShortEdgeFlip", SHORTEDGEFIRST_FLIPPED}, {NULL, 0}, };
// This feature is supported when the printer supports custom
// page size AND current custom page size is currently selected
// For reason of following check, refer to BPackItemFormName in
// docprop.c and BDisplayPSCustomPageSizeDialog in custsize.c.
if (!SUPPORT_CUSTOMSIZE(pUIInfo) || !SUPPORT_FULL_CUSTOMSIZE_FEATURES(pUIInfo, pPpdData) || pdm->dmPaperSize != DMPAPER_CUSTOMSIZE) { ERR(("custom size not supported/selected: dmPaperSize=%d, mode=%d\n", pdm->dmPaperSize, bSetMode)); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
pMatchEntry = NULL; pEntry = (PPSF_CUSTOMFEED_ENTRY)&(kPSF_CustomFeedTable[0]);
// set is only supported for UI plugins
if (bSetMode) { PCSTR pcstrArgument = pszOption; CUSTOMSIZEDATA csdata; BOOL bResult;
if ((pcstrArgument = PReadUnsignedInt(pcstrArgument, FALSE, &(csdata.dwX))) && (pcstrArgument = PReadUnsignedInt(pcstrArgument, FALSE, &(csdata.dwY))) && (pcstrArgument = PReadUnsignedInt(pcstrArgument, FALSE, &(csdata.dwWidthOffset))) && (pcstrArgument = PReadUnsignedInt(pcstrArgument, FALSE, &(csdata.dwHeightOffset)))) { while (pEntry->pszFeedName) { if ((*pcstrArgument == *(pEntry->pszFeedName)) && (strcmp(pcstrArgument, pEntry->pszFeedName) == EQUAL_STRING)) { pMatchEntry = pEntry; break; }
pEntry++; }
if (!pMatchEntry) { //
// unrecognized feed direction name
// All arguments are recognized. Save into private devmode and do validation.
pdmPrivate->csdata.wFeedDirection = (WORD)pMatchEntry->dwFeedDirection; pdmPrivate->csdata.dwX = POINT_TO_MICRON(csdata.dwX); pdmPrivate->csdata.dwY = POINT_TO_MICRON(csdata.dwY); pdmPrivate->csdata.dwWidthOffset = POINT_TO_MICRON(csdata.dwWidthOffset); pdmPrivate->csdata.dwHeightOffset = POINT_TO_MICRON(csdata.dwHeightOffset); } else { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
bResult = BValidateCustomPageSizeData((PRAWBINARYDATA)(pUIInfo->pInfoHeader), &(pdmPrivate->csdata));
if (!bResult) { VERBOSE(("Set: custom page size input arguments are adjusted\n")); }
return TRUE; }
ASSERT(bSetMode == FALSE);
#endif // !KERNEL_MODE
// get is supported for both UI and render plugins
{ DWORD cbFeatureSize, cbNeeded, cbFeedNameSize; INT iIndex;
cbNeeded = 0;
// frist output the feature keyword
cbFeatureSize = strlen(pszFeature) + 1;
if (pmszOutBuf && (cbRemain >= (INT)cbFeatureSize)) { CopyMemory(pmszOutBuf, pszFeature, cbFeatureSize); pmszOutBuf += cbFeatureSize; }
cbRemain -= cbFeatureSize; cbNeeded += cbFeatureSize;
// then output the 4 custom page size parameters
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < 4; iIndex++) { DWORD dwValue, cbValueSize; CHAR pszValue[16];
switch (iIndex) { case 0: { dwValue = pdmPrivate->csdata.dwX; break; } case 1: { dwValue = pdmPrivate->csdata.dwY; break; } case 2: { dwValue = pdmPrivate->csdata.dwWidthOffset; break; } case 3: { dwValue = pdmPrivate->csdata.dwWidthOffset; break; } default: { RIP(("hit bad iIndex %d\n", iIndex)); break; } }
dwValue = MICRON_TO_POINT(dwValue); _ultoa(dwValue, pszValue, 10);
cbValueSize = strlen(pszValue) + 1;
if (pmszOutBuf && (cbRemain >= (INT)cbValueSize)) { //
// output the decimal value string
CopyMemory(pmszOutBuf, pszValue, cbValueSize);
// replace NUL with space as the separator between decimal value strings
pmszOutBuf += cbValueSize - 1; *pmszOutBuf = ' '; pmszOutBuf++; }
cbRemain -= cbValueSize; cbNeeded += cbValueSize; }
// lastly output the feed direction name
while (pEntry->pszFeedName) { if (pdmPrivate->csdata.wFeedDirection == pEntry->dwFeedDirection) { pMatchEntry = pEntry; break; }
pEntry++; }
if (!pMatchEntry) { RIP(("unknown wFeedDirection %d\n", pdmPrivate->csdata.wFeedDirection)); pMatchEntry = (PPSF_CUSTOMFEED_ENTRY)&(kPSF_CustomFeedTable[0]); }
cbFeedNameSize = strlen(pMatchEntry->pszFeedName) + 1;
if (pmszOutBuf && (cbRemain >= (INT)cbFeedNameSize)) { CopyMemory(pmszOutBuf, pMatchEntry->pszFeedName, cbFeedNameSize); pmszOutBuf += cbFeedNameSize; }
cbRemain -= cbFeedNameSize; cbNeeded += cbFeedNameSize;
if (pcbNeeded) { *pcbNeeded = cbNeeded; }
// check if output buffer is big enough for all of the 5 parameters
if (!pmszOutBuf || cbRemain < 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; } }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED unsupported enum operation is requested
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_TrueGrayG( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { BOOL bSetMode = (dwMode == PSFPROC_SETOPTION_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// refer to _VUnpackDriverPrnPropItem and _BPackPrinterOptions in ps.c
return BGetSetBoolFlag(pszFeature, pszOption, &(pPrinterData->dwFlags), PFLAGS_TRUE_GRAY_GRAPH, TRUE, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded, bSetMode); }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED unsupported enum operation is requested
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_JobTimeout( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { BOOL bSetMode = (dwMode == PSFPROC_SETOPTION_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// refer to VUnpackPrinterPropertiesItems in prnprop.c
// and _BPackPrinterOptions in ps.c
return BGetSetUnsignedInt(pszFeature, pszOption, &(pPrinterData->dwJobTimeout), MAX_DWORD_VALUE, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded, bSetMode); }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED unsupported enum operation is requested
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_MaxBitmap( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { DWORD dwValue; BOOL bResult; BOOL bSetMode = (dwMode == PSFPROC_SETOPTION_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// refer to _VUnpackDriverPrnPropItem and _BPackPrinterOptions in ps.c
dwValue = pPrinterData->wMaxbitmapPPEM;
bResult = BGetSetUnsignedInt(pszFeature, pszOption, &dwValue, MAX_WORD_VALUE, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded, bSetMode);
// set is only supported for UI plugins
if (bSetMode && bResult) { pPrinterData->wMaxbitmapPPEM = (WORD)dwValue; }
#endif // !KERNEL_MODE
return bResult; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED unsupported enum operation is requested ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if get/set of the feature setting is not supported, or set operation found invalid arguments ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER see BGetSetBoolFlag
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_EMF( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { PPSDRVEXTRA pdmPrivate; BOOL bResult; BOOL bSetMode = (dwMode == PSFPROC_SETOPTION_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// refer to BPackItemEmfFeatures and VUnpackDocumentPropertiesItems
// We assume spooler EMF is enabled if reverse printing is supported.
// (refer to PFillUiData for how it sets pUiData->bEMFSpooling)
// On Win2K+, this feature is not supported if spooler EMF is disabled.
// On NT4, spooler doesn't support the EMF capability query, so we
// always support our driver's EMF on/off feature.
#ifndef WINNT_40
{ BOOL bEMFSpooling;
VGetSpoolerEmfCaps(hPrinter, NULL, &bEMFSpooling, 0, NULL);
if (!bEMFSpooling) { ERR(("%s not supported when spooler EMF is disabled, mode=%d", pszFeature, bSetMode)); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } } #endif // !WINNT_40
return BGetSetBoolFlag(pszFeature, pszOption, &(pdmPrivate->dwFlags), PSDEVMODE_METAFILE_SPOOL, TRUE, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded, bSetMode); }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED unsupported enum operation is requested
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_MinOutline( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { DWORD dwValue; BOOL bResult; BOOL bSetMode = (dwMode == PSFPROC_SETOPTION_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// refer to _VUnpackDriverPrnPropItem and _BPackPrinterOptions in ps.c
dwValue = pPrinterData->wMinoutlinePPEM;
bResult = BGetSetUnsignedInt(pszFeature, pszOption, &dwValue, MAX_WORD_VALUE, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded, bSetMode);
// set is only supported for UI plugins
if (bSetMode && bResult) { pPrinterData->wMinoutlinePPEM = (WORD)dwValue; }
#endif // !KERNEL_MODE
return bResult; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED unsupported enum operation is requested
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_Mirroring( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { PPSDRVEXTRA pdmPrivate; BOOL bSetMode = (dwMode == PSFPROC_SETOPTION_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// refer to _BPackDocumentOptions and _VUnpackDocumentOptions in ps.c
return BGetSetBoolFlag(pszFeature, pszOption, &(pdmPrivate->dwFlags), PSDEVMODE_MIRROR, TRUE, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded, bSetMode); }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED unsupported enum operation is requested
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_Negative( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { PPSDRVEXTRA pdmPrivate; BOOL bSetMode = (dwMode == PSFPROC_SETOPTION_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// refer to _BPackDocumentOptions and _VUnpackDocumentOptions in ps.c
return BGetSetBoolFlag(pszFeature, pszOption, &(pdmPrivate->dwFlags), PSDEVMODE_NEG, !IS_COLOR_DEVICE(pUIInfo), pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded, bSetMode); }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if get/set of the feature setting is not supported, or set operation found invalid argument ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER if output data buffer size is not big enough for enum or get operation
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_PageOrder( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { static const CHAR pstrPageOrder[][16] = { "FrontToBack", "BackToFront", };
PPSDRVEXTRA pdmPrivate; INT iIndex; BOOL bReversePrint; BOOL bSetMode = (dwMode == PSFPROC_SETOPTION_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// option enumeration handling
if (dwMode == PSFPROC_ENUMOPTION_MODE) { DWORD cbNeeded = 0;
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < 2; iIndex++) { DWORD cbOptionNameSize;
cbOptionNameSize = strlen(pstrPageOrder[iIndex]) + 1;
if (pmszOutBuf && cbRemain >= (INT)cbOptionNameSize) { CopyMemory(pmszOutBuf, pstrPageOrder[iIndex], cbOptionNameSize); pmszOutBuf += cbOptionNameSize; }
cbRemain -= cbOptionNameSize; cbNeeded += cbOptionNameSize; }
if (pcbNeeded) { *pcbNeeded = cbNeeded; }
if (!pmszOutBuf || cbRemain < 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// option get/set handling
VGetSpoolerEmfCaps(hPrinter, NULL, &bReversePrint, 0, NULL);
if (!bReversePrint) { ERR(("%s not supported when spooler EMF is disabled, mode=%d", pszFeature, bSetMode)); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// set is only supported for UI plugins
if (bSetMode) { for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < 2; iIndex++) { if ((*pszOption == pstrPageOrder[iIndex][0]) && (strcmp(pszOption, pstrPageOrder[iIndex]) == EQUAL_STRING)) { break; } }
if (iIndex >= 2) { //
// unrecognized page order name
// refer to VUnpackDocumentPropertiesItems
pdmPrivate->bReversePrint = iIndex != 0;
return TRUE; }
ASSERT(bSetMode == FALSE);
#endif // !KERNEL_MODE
// get is supported for both UI and render plugins
{ INT iSelection;
// refer to BPackItemEmfFeatures
iSelection = pdmPrivate->bReversePrint ? 1 : 0;
return BOutputFeatureOption(pszFeature, pstrPageOrder[iSelection], pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded); } }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER (set only) if set operation found invalid argument ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER if output data buffer size is not big enough for enum or get operation
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_Nup( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { typedef struct _PSF_NUP_ENTRY {
PCSTR pszNupName; // Nup name
LAYOUT iLayout; // Nup code
static const PSF_NUP_ENTRY kPSF_NupTable[] = { "1", ONE_UP, "2", TWO_UP, "4", FOUR_UP, "6", SIX_UP, "9", NINE_UP, "16", SIXTEEN_UP, "Booklet", BOOKLET_UP, NULL, 0, };
PPSF_NUP_ENTRY pEntry, pMatchEntry; PPSDRVEXTRA pdmPrivate; BOOL bSetMode = (dwMode == PSFPROC_SETOPTION_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
pMatchEntry = NULL; pEntry = (PPSF_NUP_ENTRY)&(kPSF_NupTable[0]);
// option enumeration handling
if (dwMode == PSFPROC_ENUMOPTION_MODE) { BOOL bEMFSpooling; DWORD cbNeeded = 0;
VGetSpoolerEmfCaps(hPrinter, NULL, &bEMFSpooling, 0, NULL);
while (pEntry->pszNupName) { //
// Booklet is not supported on NT4 and only supported when
// spooler EMF is enabled on Win2K+.
if ((pEntry->iLayout != BOOKLET_UP) || bEMFSpooling) { DWORD cbOptionNameSize;
cbOptionNameSize = strlen(pEntry->pszNupName) + 1;
if (pmszOutBuf && cbRemain >= (INT)cbOptionNameSize) { CopyMemory(pmszOutBuf, pEntry->pszNupName, cbOptionNameSize); pmszOutBuf += cbOptionNameSize; }
cbRemain -= cbOptionNameSize; cbNeeded += cbOptionNameSize; }
pEntry++; }
if (pcbNeeded) { *pcbNeeded = cbNeeded; }
if (!pmszOutBuf || cbRemain < 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// option get/set handling
// set is only supported for UI plugins
if (bSetMode) { while (pEntry->pszNupName) { if ((*pszOption == *(pEntry->pszNupName)) && (strcmp(pszOption, pEntry->pszNupName) == EQUAL_STRING)) { pMatchEntry = pEntry; break; }
pEntry++; }
// refer to VUnpackDocumentPropertiesItems
if (!pMatchEntry) { //
// unrecognized Nup name
pdmPrivate->iLayout = pMatchEntry->iLayout;
return TRUE; }
ASSERT(bSetMode == FALSE);
#endif // !KERNEL_MODE
// get is supported for both UI and render plugins
{ while (pEntry->pszNupName) { if (pdmPrivate->iLayout == pEntry->iLayout) { pMatchEntry = pEntry; break; }
pEntry++; }
// If no match, default to 1-up.
if (!pMatchEntry) { RIP(("unknown iLayout value: %d\n", pdmPrivate->iLayout)); pMatchEntry = (PPSF_NUP_ENTRY)&(kPSF_NupTable[0]); }
// refer to BPackItemEmfFeatures
return BOutputFeatureOption(pszFeature, pMatchEntry->pszNupName, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded); } }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED unsupported enum operation is requested
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_PSErrHandler( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { PPSDRVEXTRA pdmPrivate; BOOL bSetMode = (dwMode == PSFPROC_SETOPTION_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// refer to _BPackDocumentOptions and _VUnpackDocumentOptions in ps.c
return BGetSetBoolFlag(pszFeature, pszOption, &(pdmPrivate->dwFlags), PSDEVMODE_EHANDLER, TRUE, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded, bSetMode); }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED unsupported enum operation is requested
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_PSMemory( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { DWORD dwFreeMem; BOOL bResult; BOOL bSetMode = (dwMode == PSFPROC_SETOPTION_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// refer to _BPackPrinterOptions in ps.c and
// VUnpackPrinterPropertiesItems in prnprop.c
dwFreeMem = pPrinterData->dwFreeMem / KBYTES;
bResult = BGetSetUnsignedInt(pszFeature, pszOption, &dwFreeMem, MAX_DWORD_VALUE, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded, bSetMode);
// set is only supported for UI plugins
if (bResult && bSetMode) { DWORD dwMinimum;
// Make sure the PS memory is not set below the minimum required.
// (refer to _BPackPrinterOptions in ps.c)
dwMinimum = (pUIInfo->dwLangLevel <= 1 ? MIN_FREEMEM_L1 : MIN_FREEMEM_L2) / KBYTES;
pPrinterData->dwFreeMem = max(dwFreeMem, dwMinimum) * KBYTES; }
#endif // !KERNEL_MODE
return bResult; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER (set only) if set operation found invalid argument ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER if output data buffer size is not big enough for enum or get operation
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_Orientation( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { static const CHAR pstrOrient[][32] = { "Portrait", "Landscape", "RotatedLandscape", };
// option enumeration handling
if (dwMode == PSFPROC_ENUMOPTION_MODE) { DWORD cbNeeded = 0;
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex <= 2; iIndex++) { DWORD cbOptionNameSize;
cbOptionNameSize = strlen(pstrOrient[iIndex]) + 1;
if (pmszOutBuf && cbRemain >= (INT)cbOptionNameSize) { CopyMemory(pmszOutBuf, pstrOrient[iIndex], cbOptionNameSize); pmszOutBuf += cbOptionNameSize; }
cbRemain -= cbOptionNameSize; cbNeeded += cbOptionNameSize; }
if (pcbNeeded) { *pcbNeeded = cbNeeded; }
if (!pmszOutBuf || cbRemain < 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// option get/set handling
// set is only supported for UI plugins
if (bSetMode) { for (iIndex = 0; iIndex <= 2; iIndex++) { if ((*pszOption == pstrOrient[iIndex][0]) && (strcmp(pszOption, pstrOrient[iIndex]) == EQUAL_STRING)) { break; } }
if (iIndex > 2) { //
// unrecognized orientation name
// refer to _VUnpackDocumentOptions in ps.c
pdm->dmFields |= DM_ORIENTATION; pdm->dmOrientation = (iIndex == 0) ? DMORIENT_PORTRAIT : DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE;
if (iIndex != 2) pdmPrivate->dwFlags &= ~PSDEVMODE_LSROTATE; else pdmPrivate->dwFlags |= PSDEVMODE_LSROTATE;
return TRUE; }
ASSERT(bSetMode == FALSE);
#endif // !KERNEL_MODE
// get is supported for both UI and render plugins
{ INT iSelection;
// refer to _BPackOrientationItem in ps.c
if ((pdm->dmFields & DM_ORIENTATION) && (pdm->dmOrientation == DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE)) { iSelection = pdmPrivate->dwFlags & PSDEVMODE_LSROTATE ? 2 : 1; } else iSelection = 0;
return BOutputFeatureOption(pszFeature, pstrOrient[iSelection], pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded); } }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER (set only) if set operation found invalid argument ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER if output data buffer size is not big enough for enum or get operation
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_OutFormat( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { typedef struct _PSF_OUTFORMAT_ENTRY {
PCSTR pszFormatName; // output format name
DIALECT iDialect; // output format code
static const PSF_OUTFORMAT_ENTRY kPSF_OutFormatTable[] = { {"Speed", SPEED}, {"Portability", PORTABILITY}, {"EPS", EPS}, {"Archive", ARCHIVE}, {NULL, 0}, };
pMatchEntry = NULL; pEntry = (PPSF_OUTFORMAT_ENTRY)&(kPSF_OutFormatTable[0]);
// option enumeration handling
if (dwMode == PSFPROC_ENUMOPTION_MODE) { DWORD cbNeeded = 0;
while (pEntry->pszFormatName) { DWORD cbOptionNameSize;
cbOptionNameSize = strlen(pEntry->pszFormatName) + 1;
if (pmszOutBuf && cbRemain >= (INT)cbOptionNameSize) { CopyMemory(pmszOutBuf, pEntry->pszFormatName, cbOptionNameSize); pmszOutBuf += cbOptionNameSize; }
cbRemain -= cbOptionNameSize; cbNeeded += cbOptionNameSize;
pEntry++; }
if (pcbNeeded) { *pcbNeeded = cbNeeded; }
if (!pmszOutBuf || cbRemain < 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// option get/set handling
// set is only supported for UI plugins
if (bSetMode) { while (pEntry->pszFormatName) { if ((*pszOption == *(pEntry->pszFormatName)) && (strcmp(pszOption, pEntry->pszFormatName) == EQUAL_STRING)) { pMatchEntry = pEntry; break; }
pEntry++; }
// refer to _VUnpackDocumentOptions in ps.c
if (!pMatchEntry) { //
// unrecognized output format name
pdmPrivate->iDialect = pMatchEntry->iDialect;
return TRUE; }
ASSERT(bSetMode == FALSE);
#endif // !KERNEL_MODE
// get is supported for both UI and render plugins
{ while (pEntry->pszFormatName) { if (pdmPrivate->iDialect == pEntry->iDialect) { pMatchEntry = pEntry; break; }
pEntry++; }
// If no match, default to SPEED.
if (!pMatchEntry) { RIP(("unknown iDialect value: %d\n", pdmPrivate->iDialect)); pMatchEntry = (PPSF_OUTFORMAT_ENTRY)&(kPSF_OutFormatTable[0]); }
// refer to BPackItemPSOutputOption in ps.c
return BOutputFeatureOption(pszFeature, pMatchEntry->pszFormatName, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded); } }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER (set only) if set operation found invalid argument ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER if output data buffer size is not big enough for enum or get operation
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_Protocol( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { typedef struct _PSF_PROTOCOL_ENTRY {
PCSTR pszProtocolName; // output protocol name
DWORD dwProtocol; // output protocol code
pMatchEntry = NULL; pEntry = (PPSF_PROTOCOL_ENTRY)&(kPSF_ProtocolTable[0]);
// option enumeration handling
if (dwMode == PSFPROC_ENUMOPTION_MODE) { DWORD cbNeeded = 0;
while (pEntry->pszProtocolName) { //
// ASCII is always supported.
if ((pEntry->dwProtocol == PROTOCOL_ASCII) || (pUIInfo->dwProtocols & pEntry->dwProtocol)) { DWORD cbOptionNameSize;
cbOptionNameSize = strlen(pEntry->pszProtocolName) + 1;
if (pmszOutBuf && cbRemain >= (INT)cbOptionNameSize) { CopyMemory(pmszOutBuf, pEntry->pszProtocolName, cbOptionNameSize); pmszOutBuf += cbOptionNameSize; }
cbRemain -= cbOptionNameSize; cbNeeded += cbOptionNameSize; }
pEntry++; }
if (pcbNeeded) { *pcbNeeded = cbNeeded; }
if (!pmszOutBuf || cbRemain < 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// option get/set handling
// set is only supported for UI plugins
if (bSetMode) { while (pEntry->pszProtocolName) { if ((*pszOption == *(pEntry->pszProtocolName)) && (strcmp(pszOption, pEntry->pszProtocolName) == EQUAL_STRING)) { pMatchEntry = pEntry; break; }
pEntry++; }
// refer to _VUnpackDriverPrnPropItem in ps.c
if (!pMatchEntry || (pMatchEntry->dwProtocol != PROTOCOL_ASCII && !(pUIInfo->dwProtocols & pMatchEntry->dwProtocol))) { //
// Either unrecognized protocol name, or the protocol is not supported.
// (ASCII is always supported.)
pPrinterData->wProtocol = (WORD)pMatchEntry->dwProtocol;
return TRUE; }
ASSERT(bSetMode == FALSE);
#endif // !KERNEL_MODE
// get is supported for both UI and render plugins
{ while (pEntry->pszProtocolName) { if (pPrinterData->wProtocol == (WORD)pEntry->dwProtocol) { pMatchEntry = pEntry; break; }
pEntry++; }
// If no match or matched protocol is not supported, default to PROTOCOL_ASCII.
if (!pMatchEntry) { RIP(("unknown wProtocol value: %d\n", pPrinterData->wProtocol)); pMatchEntry = (PPSF_PROTOCOL_ENTRY)&(kPSF_ProtocolTable[0]); }
// refer to BPackPSProtocolItem in ps.c
if (pMatchEntry->dwProtocol != PROTOCOL_ASCII && !(pUIInfo->dwProtocols & pMatchEntry->dwProtocol)) { ERR(("unsupported wProtocol value: %d\n", pPrinterData->wProtocol)); pMatchEntry = (PPSF_PROTOCOL_ENTRY)&(kPSF_ProtocolTable[0]); }
return BOutputFeatureOption(pszFeature, pMatchEntry->pszProtocolName, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded); } }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED unsupported enum operation is requested
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if PSLevel is set to a negative value, or see BGetSetUnsignedInt ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER see BGetSetUnsignedInt
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_PSLevel( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { PPSDRVEXTRA pdmPrivate; DWORD dwPSLevel; BOOL bResult; BOOL bSetMode = (dwMode == PSFPROC_SETOPTION_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// refer to _VUnpackDocumentOptions and BPackItemPSLevel in ps.c
dwPSLevel = (DWORD)pdmPrivate->iPSLevel;
bResult = BGetSetUnsignedInt(pszFeature, pszOption, &dwPSLevel, pUIInfo->dwLangLevel, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded, bSetMode);
// set is only supported for UI plugins
if (bResult && bSetMode) { //
// set output PS level to 0 is not allowed
if (dwPSLevel > 0) { pdmPrivate->iPSLevel = (INT)dwPSLevel; } else { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); bResult = FALSE; } }
#endif // !KERNEL_MODE
return bResult; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED unsupported enum operation is requested
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_TrueGrayT( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { BOOL bSetMode = (dwMode == PSFPROC_SETOPTION_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// refer to _VUnpackDriverPrnPropItem and _BPackPrinterOptions in ps.c
return BGetSetBoolFlag(pszFeature, pszOption, &(pPrinterData->dwFlags), PFLAGS_TRUE_GRAY_TEXT, TRUE, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded, bSetMode); }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER (set only) if set operation found invalid argument ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER if output data buffer size is not big enough for enum or get operation
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_TTFormat( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { typedef struct _PSF_TTFORMAT_ENTRY {
PCSTR pszTTFmtName; // TT download format name
TTDLFMT iTTDLFmt; // TT download format enum code
static const PSF_TTFORMAT_ENTRY kPSF_TTFormatTable[] = { {"Automatic", TT_DEFAULT}, {"Outline", TYPE_1}, {"Bitmap", TYPE_3}, {"NativeTrueType", TYPE_42}, {NULL, 0}, };
PPSF_TTFORMAT_ENTRY pEntry, pMatchEntry; PPSDRVEXTRA pdmPrivate; BOOL bSupportType42; BOOL bSetMode = (dwMode == PSFPROC_SETOPTION_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
bSupportType42 = pUIInfo->dwTTRasterizer == TTRAS_TYPE42;
pMatchEntry = NULL; pEntry = (PPSF_TTFORMAT_ENTRY)&(kPSF_TTFormatTable[0]);
// option enumeration handling
if (dwMode == PSFPROC_ENUMOPTION_MODE) { DWORD cbNeeded = 0;
while (pEntry->pszTTFmtName) { if ((pEntry->iTTDLFmt != TYPE_42) || bSupportType42) { DWORD cbOptionNameSize;
cbOptionNameSize = strlen(pEntry->pszTTFmtName) + 1;
if (pmszOutBuf && cbRemain >= (INT)cbOptionNameSize) { CopyMemory(pmszOutBuf, pEntry->pszTTFmtName, cbOptionNameSize); pmszOutBuf += cbOptionNameSize; }
cbRemain -= cbOptionNameSize; cbNeeded += cbOptionNameSize; }
pEntry++; }
if (pcbNeeded) { *pcbNeeded = cbNeeded; }
if (!pmszOutBuf || cbRemain < 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// option get/set handling
// set is only supported for UI plugins
if (bSetMode) { while (pEntry->pszTTFmtName) { if ((*pszOption == *(pEntry->pszTTFmtName)) && (strcmp(pszOption, pEntry->pszTTFmtName) == EQUAL_STRING)) { pMatchEntry = pEntry; break; }
pEntry++; }
// refer to _VUnpackDocumentOptions in ps.c
if (!pMatchEntry || (!bSupportType42 && pMatchEntry->iTTDLFmt == TYPE_42)) { //
// Either unrecognized TTFormat name, or the TTFormat is not supported.
pdmPrivate->iTTDLFmt = pMatchEntry->iTTDLFmt;
return TRUE; }
ASSERT(bSetMode == FALSE);
#endif // !KERNEL_MODE
// get is supported for both UI and render plugins
{ while (pEntry->pszTTFmtName) { if (pdmPrivate->iTTDLFmt == pEntry->iTTDLFmt) { pMatchEntry = pEntry; break; }
pEntry++; }
// If no match or matched format is not supported, default to Automatic format.
if (!pMatchEntry) { RIP(("unknown TTFormat value: %d\n", pdmPrivate->iTTDLFmt)); pMatchEntry = (PPSF_TTFORMAT_ENTRY)&(kPSF_TTFormatTable[0]); }
// refer to BPackItemTTDownloadFormat in ps.c
if (!bSupportType42 && pMatchEntry->iTTDLFmt == TYPE_42) { ERR(("unsupported TTFormat value: %d\n", pdmPrivate->iTTDLFmt)); pMatchEntry = (PPSF_TTFORMAT_ENTRY)&(kPSF_TTFormatTable[0]); }
return BOutputFeatureOption(pszFeature, pMatchEntry->pszTTFmtName, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded); } }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
%-feature enum/get/set operation handler
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure pPpdData - pointer to driver's PPDDATA structure pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure pszFeature - feature keyword name pszOption - (set only) option keyword name pmszOutBuf - (get only) pointer to output data buffer cbRemain - (get only) remaining output data buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - (get only) buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature setting dwMode - indicate one of three operations: enum, get, set
Return Value:
TRUE if the requested operation succeeds FALSE otherwise
Last Error:
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED unsupported enum operation is requested
--*/ BOOL BPSFProc_WaitTimeout( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN PPPDDATA pPpdData, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN PCSTR pszFeature, IN PCSTR pszOption, OUT PSTR pmszOutBuf, IN INT cbRemain, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN DWORD dwMode ) { BOOL bSetMode = (dwMode == PSFPROC_SETOPTION_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// refer to VUnpackPrinterPropertiesItems in prnprop.c
// and _BPackPrinterOptions in ps.c
return BGetSetUnsignedInt(pszFeature, pszOption, &(pPrinterData->dwWaitTimeout), MAX_DWORD_VALUE, pmszOutBuf, cbRemain, pcbNeeded, bSetMode); }
// Note: for pfnPSProc handlers whose bPrinterSticky is TRUE,
// the PDEVMODE will be NULL (see PFillUiData), so you should NOT
// access PDEVMODE.
const PSFEATURE_ENTRY kPSFeatureTable[] = { //
// pszPSFeatureName bPrinterSticky bEnumerableOptions bBooleanOptions pfnPSProc
{kstrPSFAddEuro, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, BPSFProc_AddEuro}, {kstrPSFCtrlDAfter, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, BPSFProc_CtrlDA}, {kstrPSFCtrlDBefore, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, BPSFProc_CtrlDB}, {kstrPSFCustomPS, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, BPSFProc_CustomPS}, {kstrPSFTrueGrayG, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, BPSFProc_TrueGrayG}, {kstrPSFJobTimeout, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, BPSFProc_JobTimeout}, {kstrPSFMaxBitmap, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, BPSFProc_MaxBitmap}, {kstrPSFEMF, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, BPSFProc_EMF}, {kstrPSFMinOutline, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, BPSFProc_MinOutline}, {kstrPSFMirroring, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, BPSFProc_Mirroring}, {kstrPSFNegative, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, BPSFProc_Negative}, {kstrPSFPageOrder, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, BPSFProc_PageOrder}, {kstrPSFNup, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, BPSFProc_Nup}, {kstrPSFErrHandler, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, BPSFProc_PSErrHandler}, {kstrPSFPSMemory, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, BPSFProc_PSMemory}, {kstrPSFOrientation, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, BPSFProc_Orientation}, {kstrPSFOutFormat, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, BPSFProc_OutFormat}, {kstrPSFOutProtocol, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, BPSFProc_Protocol}, {kstrPSFOutPSLevel, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, BPSFProc_PSLevel}, {kstrPSFTrueGrayT, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, BPSFProc_TrueGrayT}, {kstrPSFTTFormat, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, BPSFProc_TTFormat}, {kstrPSFWaitTimeout, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, BPSFProc_WaitTimeout}, {NULL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL}, };
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Allocate a buffer and fill the buffer with the full keyword list of supported features.
Caller is responsible to free the buffer.
hPrinter - printer handle pUIInfo - pointer to driver's UIINFO structure
Return Value:
NULL if failed to allocate and correctly fill the buffer non-NULL succeeds. Pointer to the buffer containing full keyword list of supported features will be returned.
Last Error:
--*/ PSTR PComposeFullFeatureList( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo ) { PSTR pmszFeatureList, pmszRet = NULL; DWORD cbNeeded = 0; HRESULT hr;
hr = HEnumFeaturesOrOptions(hPrinter, pUIInfo->pInfoHeader, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, &cbNeeded);
if (hr != E_OUTOFMEMORY || cbNeeded == 0) { ERR(("HEnumFeaturesOrOptions failed. hr=%X\n", hr)); goto exit; }
if ((pmszFeatureList = MemAlloc(cbNeeded)) == NULL) { ERR(("memory allocation failed.\n")); goto exit; }
hr = HEnumFeaturesOrOptions(hPrinter, pUIInfo->pInfoHeader, 0, NULL, pmszFeatureList, cbNeeded, &cbNeeded);
if (FAILED(hr)) { ERR(("HEnumFeaturesOrOptions failed. hr=%X\n", hr)); MemFree(pmszFeatureList); goto exit; }
// Succeeded
pmszRet = pmszFeatureList;
return pmszRet; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
validate if a given ASCII string is in MULTI_SZ format
pmszString - the input ASCII string that needs validation cbSize - size in bytes of the input ASCII string bCheckPairs - TRUE if need to validate the MULTI_SZ string contains pairs. FALSE otherwise.
Return Value:
TRUE if the input ASCII string is in valid MULTI_SZ format FALSE if it's not
Last Error:
--*/ BOOL BValidMultiSZString( IN PCSTR pmszString, IN DWORD cbSize, IN BOOL bCheckPairs ) { PCSTR pszEnd; INT cTokens = 0;
if (!pmszString || !cbSize) { return FALSE; }
pszEnd = pmszString + cbSize - 1;
while (*pmszString && pmszString <= pszEnd) { while (*pmszString && pmszString <= pszEnd) { pmszString++; }
if (pmszString > pszEnd) { ERR(("Missing single token's NUL terminator!\n")); return FALSE; }
cTokens++; pmszString++; }
if (pmszString > pszEnd) { ERR(("Missing MULTI_SZ string's last NUL terminator!\n")); return FALSE; }
if (!bCheckPairs) { return TRUE; } else { return (cTokens % 2) ? FALSE : TRUE; } }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
get the current setting for a specified feature
For UI plugin's GetOptions call during DrvDocumentPropertySheets, or for render plugins's GetOptions call, both doc-sticky and printer-sticky features are supported.
For UI plugin's GetOptions call during DrvDevicePropertySheets, only printer-sticky features are supported.
hPrinter - printer handle pInfoHeader - pointer to driver's INFOHEADER structure pOptionsArray - pointer to driver's combined option array pdm - pointer to public DEVMODE pPrinterData - pointer to driver's PRINTERDATA structure dwFlags - flags for the get operation pmszFeaturesRequested - MULTI_SZ ASCII string containing feature keyword names cbin - size in bytes of the pmszFeaturesRequested string pmszFeatureOptionBuf - pointer to output data buffer to store feature settings cbSize - size in bytes of pmszFeatureOptionBuf buffer pcbNeeded - buffer size in bytes needed to output the feature settings bPrinterSticky - TRUE if we are in printer-sticky mode, FALSE if we are in doc-sticky mode
Return Value:
S_OK if the get operation succeeds E_INVALIDARG if input pmszFeaturesRequested is not in valid MULTI_SZ format E_OUTOFMEMORY if output data buffer size is not big enough E_FAIL if other internal failures are encountered
Last Error:
--*/ HRESULT HGetOptions( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PINFOHEADER pInfoHeader, IN POPTSELECT pOptionsArray, IN PDEVMODE pdm, IN PPRINTERDATA pPrinterData, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCSTR pmszFeaturesRequested, IN DWORD cbIn, OUT PSTR pmszFeatureOptionBuf, IN DWORD cbSize, OUT PDWORD pcbNeeded, IN BOOL bPrinterSticky ) { PUIINFO pUIInfo; PPPDDATA pPpdData; HRESULT hr; PSTR pmszFeatureList = NULL, pCurrentOut; PCSTR pszFeature; DWORD cbNeeded; INT cbRemain;
ASSERT(pUIInfo != NULL && pUIInfo->dwSize == sizeof(UIINFO)); ASSERT(pPpdData != NULL && pPpdData->dwSizeOfStruct == sizeof(PPDDATA));
if (pUIInfo == NULL || pPpdData == NULL) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
if (!pmszFeaturesRequested) { //
// client is asking for settings of all features.
if (!(pmszFeatureList = PComposeFullFeatureList(hPrinter, pUIInfo))) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
pszFeature = pmszFeatureList; } else { //
// client provided its specific feature list.
// We need to verify the MULTI_SZ input buffer first.
if (!BValidMultiSZString(pmszFeaturesRequested, cbIn, FALSE)) { ERR(("Get: invalid MULTI_SZ input param\n")); hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; }
pszFeature = pmszFeaturesRequested; }
pCurrentOut = pmszFeatureOptionBuf; cbNeeded = 0; cbRemain = (INT)cbSize;
while (*pszFeature) { DWORD cbFeatureKeySize;
cbFeatureKeySize = strlen(pszFeature) + 1;
if (*pszFeature == PSFEATURE_PREFIX) { PPSFEATURE_ENTRY pEntry, pMatchEntry;
// synthesized PS driver feature
pMatchEntry = NULL; pEntry = (PPSFEATURE_ENTRY)(&kPSFeatureTable[0]);
while (pEntry->pszPSFeatureName) { if ((*pszFeature == *(pEntry->pszPSFeatureName)) && (strcmp(pszFeature, pEntry->pszPSFeatureName) == EQUAL_STRING)) { pMatchEntry = pEntry; break; }
pEntry++; }
// Both doc-sticky and printer-sticky features are supported in DOC_STICKY_MODE,
// but only printer-sticky features are supported in PRINTER_STICKY_MODE.
// (refer to comments in HEnumConstrainedOptions)
if (!pMatchEntry || (bPrinterSticky && !pMatchEntry->bPrinterSticky)) { VERBOSE(("Get: invalid or mode-mismatched feature %s\n", pszFeature)); goto next_feature; }
if (pMatchEntry->pfnPSProc) { DWORD cbPSFSize = 0; BOOL bResult;
bResult = (pMatchEntry->pfnPSProc)(hPrinter, pUIInfo, pPpdData, pdm, pPrinterData, pszFeature, NULL, pCurrentOut, cbRemain, &cbPSFSize, PSFPROC_GETOPTION_MODE);
if (bResult) { //
// If the handler succeeded, it should have filled in the output buffer
// with correct content and return the size of buffer consumption in cbPSFSize.
pCurrentOut += cbPSFSize; } else { //
// If the handler failed because of insufficent output buffer, it should return
// the needed buffer size in cbPSFSize.
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { ERR(("Get: %%-feature handler failed on %s\n", pszFeature)); } }
cbRemain -= cbPSFSize; cbNeeded += cbPSFSize; } } else { PFEATURE pFeature; POPTION pOption; PSTR pszOption; DWORD dwFeatureIndex, cbOptionKeySize;
// PPD *OpenUI feature
pFeature = PGetNamedFeature(pUIInfo, pszFeature, &dwFeatureIndex);
// Both doc-sticky and printer-sticky features are supported in DOC_STICKY_MODE,
// but only printer-sticky features are supported in PRINTER_STICKY_MODE.
// (refer to comments in HEnumConstrainedOptions)
if (!pFeature || (bPrinterSticky && pFeature->dwFeatureType != FEATURETYPE_PRINTERPROPERTY)) { VERBOSE(("Get: invalid or mode-mismatched feature %s\n", pszFeature)); goto next_feature; }
// Skip GID_LEADINGEDGE, GID_USEHWMARGINS. They are not real PPD *OpenUI features.
if (pFeature->dwFeatureID == GID_LEADINGEDGE || pFeature->dwFeatureID == GID_USEHWMARGINS) { VERBOSE(("Get: skip feature %s\n", pszFeature)); goto next_feature; }
pOption = PGetIndexedOption(pUIInfo, pFeature, pOptionsArray[dwFeatureIndex].ubCurOptIndex);
if (!pOption) { WARNING(("Get: invalid option selection for feature %s\n", pszFeature)); goto next_feature; }
pszOption = OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pUIInfo->pubResourceData, pOption->loKeywordName); ASSERT(pszOption);
cbOptionKeySize = strlen(pszOption) + 1;
// We don't support pick-many yet.
ASSERT(pOptionsArray[dwFeatureIndex].ubNext == NULL_OPTSELECT);
// At this point, we found a valid setting for the feature.
if (pCurrentOut && (cbRemain >= (INT)(cbFeatureKeySize + cbOptionKeySize))) { CopyMemory(pCurrentOut, pszFeature, cbFeatureKeySize); pCurrentOut += cbFeatureKeySize; CopyMemory(pCurrentOut, pszOption, cbOptionKeySize); pCurrentOut += cbOptionKeySize; }
cbRemain -= (cbFeatureKeySize + cbOptionKeySize); cbNeeded += cbFeatureKeySize + cbOptionKeySize; }
pszFeature += cbFeatureKeySize; }
// remember the last NUL terminator for the MULTI_SZ output string
cbRemain--; cbNeeded++;
if (pcbNeeded) { *pcbNeeded = cbNeeded; }
if (!pCurrentOut || cbRemain < 0) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; }
*pCurrentOut = NUL;
hr = S_OK;
return hr; }