/* @(#)CM_VerSion xcf_misc.c atm09 1.2 16426.eco sum= 60874 atm09.001 */ /* @(#)CM_VerSion xcf_misc.c atm08 1.4 16343.eco sum= 47357 atm08.005 */ /***********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Copyright 1995-1996 Adobe Systems Incorporated. */ /* All rights reserved. */ /* */ /* Patents Pending */ /* */ /* NOTICE: All information contained herein is the property of Adobe */ /* Systems Incorporated. Many of the intellectual and technical */ /* concepts contained herein are proprietary to Adobe, are protected */ /* as trade secrets, and are made available only to Adobe licensees */ /* for their internal use. Any reproduction or dissemination of this */ /* software is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is */ /* obtained from Adobe. */ /* */ /* PostScript and Display PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems */ /* Incorporated or its subsidiaries and may be registered in certain */ /* jurisdictions. */ /* */ /***********************************************************************/
Original version: John Felton, March 8, 1996 ************************************************************************/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Header Includes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "algndjmp.h"
#include "xcf_priv.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
void XCF_FatalErrorHandler(XCF_Handle hndl, int error, char *str, Card32 number) { XCF_Handle h = (XCF_Handle) hndl; DEFINE_ALIGN_SETJMP_VAR;
if (h->callbacks.printfError != NULL) h->callbacks.printfError("Fatal Error: %s: %ld\n", str, number); LONGJMP(h->jumpData, error); }
void XCF_FatalErrorHandler(XCF_Handle hndl, int error) { XCF_Handle h = (XCF_Handle) hndl; DEFINE_ALIGN_SETJMP_VAR;
if (h->callbacks.printfError != (XCF_printfError)NULL) h->callbacks.printfError("*** Fatal Error ***\n"); LONGJMP(h->jumpData, error); }
Card32 XCF_Read(XCF_Handle h, IntX byteCount) { Card32 result = 0; if (h->inBuffer.pos+byteCount > h->inBuffer.end) XCF_FATAL_ERROR(h, XCF_EarlyEndOfData, "Read Past End Of Data", (Card32)(h->inBuffer.blockOffset + (h->inBuffer.pos - h->inBuffer.start) + byteCount-1)); else { switch (byteCount) { case 4 : result = (*h->inBuffer.pos++)<<8; case 3 : result = (result + *h->inBuffer.pos++)<<8; case 2 : result = (result + *h->inBuffer.pos++)<<8; case 1 : result += *h->inBuffer.pos++; break; default : XCF_FATAL_ERROR(h, XCF_InternalError, "Invalid Byte Count in Read.",(Card32)byteCount); } return result; } return 0; /* This return prevents a compiler warning */ }
Card8 XCF_Read1(XCF_Handle h) { if (h->inBuffer.pos >= h->inBuffer.end) XCF_FATAL_ERROR(h, XCF_EarlyEndOfData, "One Byte Read Past End Of Data", (Card32)(h->inBuffer.blockOffset + (h->inBuffer.pos - h->inBuffer.start))); else return *h->inBuffer.pos++; return 0; /* This return prevents a compiler warning */ }
Card16 XCF_Read2(XCF_Handle h) { Card16 result;
if (h->inBuffer.pos+2 > h->inBuffer.end) XCF_FATAL_ERROR(h, XCF_EarlyEndOfData, "Two Byte Read Past End Of Data",(Card32)(h->inBuffer.blockOffset + (h->inBuffer.pos - h->inBuffer.start))); else { result = *h->inBuffer.pos++; result = (result<<8) + *h->inBuffer.pos++; return result; } return 0; /* This return prevents a compiler warning */ }
long int XCF_OutputPos(XCF_Handle h) { XCF_FlushOutputBuffer(h); return h->callbacks.outputPos(h->callbacks.outputPosHook); }
void XCF_FlushOutputBuffer(XCF_Handle h) { h->callbacks.putBytes(h->outBuffer.outBuffer, -1, h->outBuffer.outBufferCount, h->callbacks.putBytesHook); h->outBuffer.outBufferCount = 0; }
void XCF_PutData(XCF_Handle h, Card8 PTR_PREFIX *pData, Card32 length) { if ((h->outBuffer.outBufferCount + length) > h->options.maxBlockSize) XCF_FlushOutputBuffer(h);
while (length > h->options.maxBlockSize) { h->callbacks.putBytes(pData, -1, h->options.maxBlockSize, h->callbacks.putBytesHook); length -= h->options.maxBlockSize; pData += h->options.maxBlockSize; }
if (length > 0) /* add remainder to buffer */ { h->callbacks.memcpy(&h->outBuffer.outBuffer[h->outBuffer.outBufferCount], pData, (Card16) length); h->outBuffer.outBufferCount += (Card16) length; } }
void XCF_PutString(XCF_Handle h, char PTR_PREFIX *str) { XCF_PutData(h,(Card8 PTR_PREFIX *)str,h->callbacks.strlen(str)); }
void XCF_SetOuputPosition(XCF_Handle h, Card32 pos) { XCF_FlushOutputBuffer(h); h->callbacks.putBytes((unsigned char *)NULL, pos, 0, h->callbacks.putBytesHook); }
static void BCDToStr(XCF_Handle h, Card8 PTR_PREFIX *pData, char PTR_PREFIX *str) { Card8 currentByte; Card8 currentNibble; boolean firstNibble = false; IntX byteCount = 0;
while (1) { if (!firstNibble) { currentByte = *pData++; currentNibble = currentByte>>4; if (++byteCount > XCF_MAX_BCD_NIBBLES) XCF_FATAL_ERROR(h, XCF_InvalidNumber, "BCD String Conversion Number of Bytes Exceeds Maximum Length",(Card32)byteCount); } else currentNibble = currentByte & 0x0F;
firstNibble = !firstNibble; if (currentNibble <= 9) *str++ = currentNibble + '0'; else if (currentNibble == 10) *str++ = '.'; else if (currentNibble == 11) *str++ = 'E'; else if (currentNibble == 12) { *str++ = 'E'; *str++ = '-'; } else if (currentNibble == 14) *str++ = '-'; else if (currentNibble == 15) { *str = '\0'; return; } else XCF_FATAL_ERROR(h, XCF_InvalidNumber, "Invalid Nibble in BCD Number",(Card32)currentNibble); } /* end while */ }
static Fixed XCF_BCDToFixed(XCF_Handle h,Card8 PTR_PREFIX *pData, boolean fracType) { char numbStr[XCF_MAX_BCD_NIBBLES*2 + 1]; /* Add one for null character. */
BCDToStr(h, pData, numbStr); #if USE_FXL
return (fracType ? XCF_ConvertFrac(h, numbStr) : XCF_ConvertFixed(h, numbStr)); #else
return (fracType ? (Fixed)REAL_TO_FRAC(h->callbacks.atof(numbStr)) : (Fixed)(REAL_TO_FIXED(h->callbacks.atof(numbStr)))); #endif
#if JUDY
static double XCF_BCDToDouble(XCF_Handle h,Card8 PTR_PREFIX *pData) { char numbStr[XCF_MAX_BCD_NIBBLES*2];
BCDToStr(h, pData, numbStr); return h->callbacks.atof(numbStr); } #endif
IntX XCF_FindNextOperator(XCF_Handle h, Card16 PTR_PREFIX *opCode, boolean dict) { IntX argCount = 0; Card8 byteIn;
while (1) { byteIn = XCF_Read1(h); if (byteIn > 31) { if (byteIn == 255) XCF_Read(h,4); else if (byteIn > 246) XCF_Read1(h); } else if (byteIn == OpCode(cff_shortint)) XCF_Read2(h); else if (dict && (byteIn == OpCode(cff_longint))) XCF_Read(h,4); else if (dict && (byteIn == OpCode(cff_BCD))) { byteIn = XCF_Read1(h); while (((byteIn>>4) != 15) && ((byteIn & 0x0F) != 15)) byteIn = XCF_Read1(h); } else { if (byteIn == OpCode(tx_escape)) *opCode = cff_ESC(XCF_Read1(h)); else *opCode = byteIn; return argCount; } ++argCount; } }
static Int32 XCF_ArgPtrToInt(XCF_Handle h, Card8 PTR_PREFIX * PTR_PREFIX *ppArgList) { Card8 PTR_PREFIX *pArgList = *ppArgList; Card8 byteIn = *pArgList++; Int32 result; long int intNumber; Fixed fixedNumber;
if (byteIn > 31) { if (byteIn <= 246) { result = (Int32)byteIn - 139; } else if (byteIn <= 250) { result = (((Int32)byteIn - 247) << 8) + *pArgList++ + 108; } else if (byteIn <= 254) { result = -((((Int32)byteIn - 251) << 8) + *pArgList++ + 108); } else /* byteIn == 255 */ { fixedNumber = *pArgList++; fixedNumber = (fixedNumber << 8) | *pArgList++; fixedNumber = (fixedNumber << 8) | *pArgList++; fixedNumber = (fixedNumber << 8) | *pArgList++; result = ROUND_FIXED_TO_INT(fixedNumber); } } else if (byteIn == OpCode(cff_shortint)) { intNumber = *pArgList++; intNumber = (intNumber << 8) | *pArgList++; result = intNumber; } else if (byteIn == OpCode(cff_longint)) { intNumber = *pArgList++; intNumber = (intNumber << 8) | *pArgList++; intNumber = (intNumber << 8) | *pArgList++; intNumber = (intNumber << 8) | *pArgList++; result = intNumber; } else if (byteIn == OpCode(cff_BCD)) { /* This opcode shouldn't occur for the keywords for which
this procedure is currently called. */ #if JUDY
result = XCF_BCDToDouble(h, pArgList); tempByte = *pArgList++; while (((tempByte>>4) != 15) && ((tempByte & 0x0F) != 15)) tempByte = *pArgList++; #else
XCF_FATAL_ERROR(h, XCF_InternalError,"cff_BCD operator encountered",(Card32)pArgList); #endif
} else XCF_FATAL_ERROR(h, XCF_InternalError,"Command Encountered in Argument List",(Card32)pArgList);
*ppArgList = pArgList; return result; }
Fixed XCF_ArgPtrToFixed(XCF_Handle h, Card8 PTR_PREFIX * PTR_PREFIX *ppArgList, boolean fracType) { Card8 PTR_PREFIX *pArgList = *ppArgList; Card8 byteIn = *pArgList++; Fixed result; long int intNumber; Card8 tempByte;
if (byteIn > 31) { if (byteIn <= 246) { result = INT_TO_FIXED((Int32)byteIn - 139); } else if (byteIn <= 250) { result = INT_TO_FIXED((((Int32)byteIn - 247) << 8) + *pArgList++ + 108); } else if (byteIn <= 254) { result = -INT_TO_FIXED(((((Int32)byteIn - 251) << 8) + *pArgList++ + 108)); } else /* byteIn == 255 */ { result = *pArgList++; result = (result << 8) | *pArgList++; result = (result << 8) | *pArgList++; result = (result << 8) | *pArgList++; } } else if (byteIn == OpCode(cff_shortint)) { intNumber = *pArgList++; intNumber = (intNumber << 8) | *pArgList++; result = INT_TO_FIXED(intNumber); } else if (byteIn == OpCode(cff_longint)) { /* This just uses the low order bytes when converting a long to fixed. */ intNumber = *pArgList++; intNumber = (intNumber << 8) | *pArgList++; intNumber = (intNumber << 8) | *pArgList++; intNumber = (intNumber << 8) | *pArgList++; result = INT_TO_FIXED(intNumber); } else if (byteIn == OpCode(cff_BCD)) { result = XCF_BCDToFixed(h, pArgList, fracType); tempByte = *pArgList++; while (((tempByte>>4) != 15) && ((tempByte & 0x0F) != 15)) tempByte = *pArgList++; } else XCF_FATAL_ERROR(h, XCF_InternalError,"Command Or Invalid Number Format Encountered in Argument List",(Card32)pArgList);
*ppArgList = pArgList; return result; }
/* Assumes that argCount can be read safely without running past end of data. This should always be the case. */ void XCF_SaveDictArgumentList(XCF_Handle h, Fixed PTR_PREFIX *pArgArray, Card8 PTR_PREFIX *pArgList, IntX argCount, boolean fracType) { IntX loopIndex;
for (loopIndex=1; loopIndex <= argCount; ++loopIndex) *pArgArray++ = XCF_ArgPtrToFixed(h, &pArgList, fracType); }
/* Assumes that argCount can be read safely without running past end of data. This should always be the case. */ void XCF_SaveDictIntArgumentList(XCF_Handle h, Int32 PTR_PREFIX *pArgArray, Card8 PTR_PREFIX *pArgList, IntX argCount) { IntX loopIndex;
for (loopIndex=1; loopIndex <= argCount; ++loopIndex) *pArgArray++ = XCF_ArgPtrToInt(h, &pArgList); }
/* Assumes that argCount can be read safely without running past end of
data. This should always be the case. */ void XCF_SaveFontMatrixStr(XCF_Handle h, char (PTR_PREFIX *pArgArray)[FONT_MATRIX_ENTRY_SIZE], Card8 PTR_PREFIX *pArgList, IntX argCount) { IntX loopIndex; Fixed val; Card8 tempByte; Card8 byteIn;
for (loopIndex=0; loopIndex < argCount; loopIndex++) { byteIn = *pArgList; if (byteIn == OpCode(cff_BCD)) { byteIn = *pArgList++; BCDToStr(h, pArgList, pArgArray[loopIndex]); tempByte = *pArgList++; while (((tempByte>>4) != 15) && ((tempByte & 0x0F) != 15)) tempByte = *pArgList++; } else { val = XCF_ArgPtrToFixed(h, &pArgList, false); XCF_Fixed2CString(val, pArgArray[loopIndex], 7, false); } } }
/* Assumes that argCount can be read safely without running past end of
data. This should always be the case. */ void XCF_SaveStrArgs(XCF_Handle h, char PTR_PREFIX *pArgArray, Card8 PTR_PREFIX *pArgList, IntX argCount) { IntX loopIndex; Fixed val; Card8 tempByte; Card8 byteIn;
for (loopIndex=0; loopIndex < argCount; loopIndex++) { byteIn = *pArgList; if (byteIn == OpCode(cff_BCD)) { byteIn = *pArgList++; BCDToStr(h, pArgList, &pArgArray[loopIndex]); tempByte = *pArgList++; while (((tempByte>>4) != 15) && ((tempByte & 0x0F) != 15)) tempByte = *pArgList++; } else { val = XCF_ArgPtrToFixed(h, &pArgList, false); XCF_Fixed2CString(val, &pArgArray[loopIndex], 7, false); } } }
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif