// Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
/* state2.c - create, manage the attribute tree */
#include "gpdparse.h"
// ---- functions defined in state2.c ---- //
BOOL BprocessAttribute( PTKMAP ptkmap, // pointer to tokenmap
PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BstoreFontCartAttrib( PTKMAP ptkmap, // pointer to tokenmap
PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BstoreTTFontSubAttrib( PTKMAP ptkmap, // pointer to tokenmap
PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BstoreCommandAttrib( PTKMAP ptkmap, // pointer to tokenmap
PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BstoreFeatureOptionAttrib( PTKMAP ptkmap, // pointer to tokenmap
PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BstoreGlobalAttrib( PTKMAP ptkmap, // pointer to tokenmap
PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BaddBranchToTree( PTKMAP ptkmap, // pointer to tokenmap
PATREEREF patrAttribRoot, // pointer to dword with index
PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BcreateGlobalInitializerNode( PDWORD pdwNodeIndex, DWORD dwOffset, PGLOBL pglobl) ;
BOOL BcreateEndNode( PDWORD pdwNodeIndex, DWORD dwFeature, DWORD dwOption, PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BfindOrCreateMatchingNode( IN DWORD dwRootNodeIndex , // first node in chain matching feature
OUT PDWORD pdwNodeIndex, // points to node in chain also matching option
DWORD dwFeatureID, //
DWORD dwOptionID, // may even take on the value DEFAULT_INIT
PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BfindMatchingNode( IN DWORD dwRootNodeIndex , // first node in chain matching feature
OUT PDWORD pdwNodeIndex, // points to node in chain also matching option
DWORD dwFeatureID, DWORD dwOptionID, // may even take on the value DEFAULT_INIT
PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BallocElementFromMasterTable( MT_INDICIES eMTIndex, // select type of structure desired.
PDWORD pdwNodeIndex, PGLOBL pglobl) ;
BOOL BreturnElementFromMasterTable( MT_INDICIES eMTIndex, // select type of structure desired.
DWORD dwNodeIndex, PGLOBL pglobl) ;
BOOL BconvertSymCmdIDtoUnidrvID( IN DWORD dwCommandID , // from RegisterSymbol
OUT PDWORD pdwUnidrvID, PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
// ---------------------------------------------------- //
BOOL BprocessAttribute( PTKMAP ptkmap, // pointer to tokenmap
PGLOBL pglobl ) { DWORD dwKeywordID ; CONSTRUCT eSubType ; BOOL bStatus = FALSE ; STATE stState;
dwKeywordID = ptkmap->dwKeywordID ;
eSubType = (ATTRIBUTE)(mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].dwSubType) ;
if(mdwCurStsPtr) stState = mpstsStateStack[mdwCurStsPtr - 1].stState ; else stState = STATE_ROOT ;
if(!(gabAllowedAttributes[stState][eSubType])) { vIdentifySource(ptkmap, pglobl) ; ERR(("the Keyword %0.*s is not allowed within the state: %s\n", ptkmap->aarKeyword.dw, ptkmap->aarKeyword.pub, gpubStateNames[stState])); return(FALSE) ; }
switch(eSubType) { case ATT_GLOBAL_ONLY: case ATT_GLOBAL_FREEFLOAT: { bStatus = BstoreGlobalAttrib(ptkmap, pglobl) ; break ; } case ATT_LOCAL_FEATURE_ONLY: case ATT_LOCAL_FEATURE_FF: case ATT_LOCAL_OPTION_ONLY: case ATT_LOCAL_OPTION_FF: { bStatus = BstoreFeatureOptionAttrib(ptkmap, pglobl) ; break ; } case ATT_LOCAL_COMMAND_ONLY: { bStatus = BstoreCommandAttrib(ptkmap, pglobl) ; break ; } case ATT_LOCAL_FONTCART_ONLY: { bStatus = BstoreFontCartAttrib(ptkmap, pglobl) ; break ; } case ATT_LOCAL_TTFONTSUBS_ONLY: { bStatus = BstoreTTFontSubAttrib(ptkmap, pglobl) ; break ; } case ATT_LOCAL_OEM_ONLY: default: { // currently there are no dedicated keywords
// for these states.
// see ProcessSymbolKeyword() which is called elsewhere.
break ; } } return(bStatus) ; }
BOOL BstoreFontCartAttrib( PTKMAP ptkmap, // pointer to tokenmap
PGLOBL pglobl ) /* assume the FontCartID is stored in the state stack
whenever a FontCart construct is encountered. FontCart info is not multivalued. Thus all binary info is stored directly into an array of fontcart structures indexed by FontCartID. */ { DWORD dwFontCartID = INVALID_SYMBOLID ; DWORD dwTstsInd, dwTstsInd2 ; STATE stState ;
for(dwTstsInd = 0 ; dwTstsInd < mdwCurStsPtr ; dwTstsInd++) { dwTstsInd2 = mdwCurStsPtr - (1 + dwTstsInd) ; // this is the safe way of decrementing an unsigned index
stState = mpstsStateStack[dwTstsInd2].stState ;
if(stState == STATE_FONTCART) { dwFontCartID = mpstsStateStack[dwTstsInd2].dwSymbolID ; break ; // parser can't even recognize a fontcart attribute
// outside of STATE_FONTCART so this path is 100% certain
} } if(dwFontCartID == INVALID_SYMBOLID) { // BUG_BUG! - what does this imply? how could
// this situation occur?
return(FALSE) ; }
if (!BaddValueToHeap(&dwFontCartID, ptkmap, TRUE, pglobl)) { return(FALSE) ; } return(TRUE) ; }
BOOL BstoreTTFontSubAttrib( PTKMAP ptkmap, // pointer to tokenmap
PGLOBL pglobl ) /* assume the TTFontSubID is stored in the state stack
whenever a TTFontSub construct is encountered. TTFontSub info is not multivalued. Thus all binary info is stored directly into an array of TTFontSub structures indexed by TTFontSubID. */ { DWORD dwTTFSID = INVALID_SYMBOLID ; DWORD dwTstsInd, dwTstsInd2 ; STATE stState ;
for(dwTstsInd = 0 ; dwTstsInd < mdwCurStsPtr ; dwTstsInd++) { dwTstsInd2 = mdwCurStsPtr - (1 + dwTstsInd) ; // this is the safe way of decrementing an unsigned index
stState = mpstsStateStack[dwTstsInd2].stState ;
if(stState == STATE_TTFONTSUBS) { dwTTFSID = mpstsStateStack[dwTstsInd2].dwSymbolID ; break ; // parser can't even recognize a TTfontsub attribute
// outside of STATE_TTFONTSUBS so this path is 100% certain
} } if(dwTTFSID == INVALID_SYMBOLID) { // BUG_BUG! - what does this imply? how could
// this situation occur?
return(FALSE) ; }
if (!BaddValueToHeap(&dwTTFSID, ptkmap, TRUE, pglobl)) { return(FALSE) ; } return(TRUE) ; }
BOOL BstoreCommandAttrib( PTKMAP ptkmap, // pointer to tokenmap
PGLOBL pglobl ) /* assume CreateTokenMap has parsed the CommandName
(the value after the *Command keyword.) and converted it to a CommandID storing it in dwValue.
further assume the CommandID is stored in the state stack whenever a COMMAND construct is encountered. */ { BOOL bStatus = FALSE ; DWORD dwCommandID = INVALID_SYMBOLID, dwUnidrvID ; // remember the CommandID is issued by the parser
// on a first come first served basis, the dwUnidrvID
// is predefined.
DWORD dwTstsInd, dwTstsInd2 ; // temp state stack index
STATE stState ; PATREEREF patr ;
for(dwTstsInd = 0 ; dwTstsInd < mdwCurStsPtr ; dwTstsInd++) { dwTstsInd2 = mdwCurStsPtr - (1 + dwTstsInd) ; // this is the safe way of decrementing an unsigned index
stState = mpstsStateStack[dwTstsInd2].stState ;
if(stState == STATE_COMMAND ) { dwCommandID = mpstsStateStack[dwTstsInd2].dwSymbolID ; break ; // parser can't even recognize a command attribute
// outside of STATE_COMMAND so this path is 100% certain
} } if(dwCommandID == INVALID_SYMBOLID) { vIdentifySource(ptkmap, pglobl) ; ERR(("Internal error: BstoreCommandAttrib - invalid CommandID.\n")); return(FALSE) ; }
if(!BconvertSymCmdIDtoUnidrvID( dwCommandID , &dwUnidrvID, pglobl) ) { vIdentifySource(ptkmap, pglobl) ; ERR(("unrecognized Unidrv command name: *%0.*s.\n", ptkmap->aarValue.dw, ptkmap->aarValue.pub)); return(FALSE) ; }
if(dwUnidrvID == CMD_SELECT) { PDFEATURE_OPTIONS pfo ; DWORD dwFeatureID ;
for(dwTstsInd = 0 ; dwTstsInd < dwTstsInd2 ; dwTstsInd++) { stState = mpstsStateStack[dwTstsInd].stState ; if(stState == STATE_FEATURE ) { BOOL bInsideOpt ;
dwFeatureID = mpstsStateStack[dwTstsInd].dwSymbolID ;
for(bInsideOpt = FALSE , dwTstsInd++ ; dwTstsInd < dwTstsInd2 ; dwTstsInd++) { stState = mpstsStateStack[dwTstsInd].stState ; if(stState == STATE_OPTIONS ) bInsideOpt = TRUE ; }
if(!bInsideOpt) break ; // CmdSelect must reside within an option.
pfo = (PDFEATURE_OPTIONS) gMasterTable[MTI_DFEATURE_OPTIONS].pubStruct + dwFeatureID ;
bStatus = BaddBranchToTree(ptkmap, &(pfo->atrCommandIndex), pglobl) ; return(bStatus) ; } } vIdentifySource(ptkmap, pglobl) ; ERR(("syntax err: the CmdSelect specifier can only be used inside an Option construct.\n"));
return(FALSE) ; }
// else CommandID refers to a predefined Unidrv command.
// figure out address of command table.
patr = (PATREEREF) gMasterTable[MTI_COMMANDTABLE].pubStruct ; bStatus = BaddBranchToTree(ptkmap, patr + dwUnidrvID, pglobl) ; // note: assumes commandtable is large enough.
return(bStatus) ; }
BOOL BstoreFeatureOptionAttrib( PTKMAP ptkmap, // pointer to tokenmap
PGLOBL pglobl ) /* strange but true, since feature and option attributes
share the same structure, they can use the same code! In fact LOCAL_FEATURES will end up single valued, and all OPTIONs will end up multivalued as planned! */ { BOOL bStatus = FALSE ; PDFEATURE_OPTIONS pfo ; DWORD dwFeatureID = 0; // to silence prefast
DWORD dwTstsInd ; // temp state stack index
STATE stState ; DWORD dwOffset; DWORD dwKeywordID ;
for(dwTstsInd = 0 ; dwTstsInd < mdwCurStsPtr ; dwTstsInd++) { stState = mpstsStateStack[dwTstsInd].stState ; if(stState == STATE_FEATURE ) { dwFeatureID = mpstsStateStack[dwTstsInd].dwSymbolID ; break ; } } if(dwTstsInd >= mdwCurStsPtr) return (FALSE) ;
// Return FAILURE if we go through the entire
// stack and never find a feature state. this could only
// happen via a coding error. The process of creating the
// token map uses the state to select the proper attribute
// dictionary to be used to identify each unrecognized keyword.
ASSERT(dwFeatureID < gMasterTable[MTI_DFEATURE_OPTIONS].dwArraySize);
// paranoid BUG_BUG: may check to see if we allocated enough
// FeatureOptions
// if( dwFeatureID >= gMasterTable[MTI_DFEATURE_OPTIONS].dwArraySize )
// failure. - code error.
// just get address of structure holding attribute values.
pfo = (PDFEATURE_OPTIONS) gMasterTable[MTI_DFEATURE_OPTIONS].pubStruct + dwFeatureID ;
dwKeywordID = ptkmap->dwKeywordID ; dwOffset = mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].dwOffset ;
bStatus = BaddBranchToTree(ptkmap, (PATREEREF)((PBYTE)pfo + dwOffset), pglobl) ;
return(bStatus) ; }
BOOL BstoreGlobalAttrib( PTKMAP ptkmap, // pointer to tokenmap
PGLOBL pglobl ) { BOOL bStatus = FALSE ; PBYTE pub ; DWORD dwOffset; DWORD dwKeywordID ;
// BUG_BUG: may check to see if this value is equal to 1:
// if( gMasterTable[MTI_GLOBALATTRIB].dwArraySize != 1)
// failure. - code error.
// a zero indicates no memory has yet been allocated.
ASSERT( gMasterTable[MTI_GLOBALATTRIB].dwArraySize == 1) ;
// just get address of structure holding attribute values.
pub = gMasterTable[MTI_GLOBALATTRIB].pubStruct ;
dwKeywordID = ptkmap->dwKeywordID ; dwOffset = mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].dwOffset ;
// the location PATREEREF contains either the values offset
// in the heap or the index to the root of the attribute tree
bStatus = BaddBranchToTree(ptkmap, (PATREEREF)(pub + dwOffset), pglobl) ;
return(bStatus) ; }
BOOL BaddBranchToTree( PTKMAP ptkmap, // pointer to tokenmap
PATREEREF patrAttribRoot, // pointer to dword with index
// of root to selected attribute value tree.
PGLOBL pglobl )
// create/expand attribute tree or overwrite node on existing tree
// If new branch is not compatible
// with existing tree, it is an error. You may overwrite a node
// in the tree, but you may not alter the branches in the tree.
// in case of failure there will be 2 outcomes:
// a) the attribute tree is left unchanged.
// b) a new node is added, but is left uninitialized.
// (atrAttribRoot == ATTRIB_UNINITIALIZED) -or-
// (patt[*pdwNodeIndex].eOffsetMeans == UNINITIALIZED)
// algorithm: starting from index 0 walk up the state stack
// recording symbolIDs until both a FeatureID and OptionID
// has been collected. This defines one segment of the
// new branch that will be added to the tree. Now walk
// the tree to see if an identical branch exists. If so
// go there and go collect another FeatureID/OptionID pair
// so we can repeat the process. If such a segment does not
// exist on the tree, create it. When the stack is empty,
// parse the value and store it on the new leaf node on the
// tree.
// In the simplest case, there are no feature/option pairs
// on the stack. This means we have a root level attribute,
// which just overwrite/creates the global initializer node.
// If there is a feature/option pair on the stack we
// enter a loop to process each feature/option pair.
// the first pass of the loop handles the boundary conditions.
// Here is where we need to deal with the special
// cases of patrAttribRoot referencing the heap
// or the global initializer node.
// I) patrAttribRoot contains node index
// A) node is global default initializer
// 1) there is no sublevel.
// create a new sublevel.
// link global default initializer to sublevel
// 2) next points to a node (new sublevel)
// go into new sublevel, now handle just like
// case I.B).
// B) node is normal
// 1) if node's Feature doesn't match FeatureID
// the new branch is incompatible with the tree
// abort.
// 2) Feature's match, search for matching option
// a) option found, drop to end of loop
// b) option not found, create new node at end
// i) previous node is a default initializer
// copy its contents to new node.
// initialize node just vacated to
// FeatureID, OptionID
// ii) initialize new node to
// FeatureID, OptionID
// II) patrAttribRoot is uninitialized
// create new sublevel
// link patrAttribRoot to sublevel
// III) patrAttribRoot pts to heap
// create global initializer node
// link heap to initializer node
// create new sublevel
// link initializer node to new sublevel
// on each subsequent pass through the attribute tree/stack,
// we attempt to enter the next sublevel, since
// this is what corresponds to the new FeatureID/OptionID
// pair retrieved from the stack.
// I) there is a sublevel from this node
// enter sublevel
// 1) if node's Feature doesn't match FeatureID
// the new branch is incompatible with the tree
// abort.
// 2) Feature's match, search for matching option
// a) option found, drop to end of loop
// b) option not found, create new node at end
// i) previous node is a default initializer
// copy its contents to new node.
// initialize node just vacated to
// FeatureID, OptionID
// ii) initialize new node to
// FeatureID, OptionID
// II) there is no sublevel
// 1) if the current node references a VALUE
// create a new sublevel node (to be the default)
// initialize it with the value from the
// current node.
// a) if optionID is not DEFAULT_INIT
// insert another node prior to
// the default node just created.
// 2) else current node is UNINITIALIZED.
// create a new sublevel node.
{ PATTRIB_TREE patt ; // start of ATTRIBUTE tree array.
DWORD dwTstsInd ; // temp state stack index
STATE stState ; DWORD dwFeatureID, dwOptionID ; DWORD dwNodeIndex ; DWORD dwPrevsNodeIndex ; // will keep track
// of where we are as we navigate the tree.
patt = (PATTRIB_TREE) gMasterTable[MTI_ATTRIBTREE].pubStruct ; // determine this even though we may not use it.
dwPrevsNodeIndex = END_OF_LIST ; // first pass will go
// through special initialization code.
for(dwTstsInd = 0 ; dwTstsInd < mdwCurStsPtr ; dwTstsInd++) { // BUG_BUG paranoid: code assumes state stack is
// well behaved as it should be if code is written
// correctly. No safety checks here.
// any errors will cause failure further along.
stState = mpstsStateStack[dwTstsInd].stState ;
if(stState == STATE_FEATURE || stState == STATE_SWITCH_ROOT || stState == STATE_SWITCH_FEATURE || stState == STATE_SWITCH_OPTION) { dwFeatureID = mpstsStateStack[dwTstsInd].dwSymbolID ; continue ; } if(stState == STATE_OPTIONS || stState == STATE_CASE_ROOT || stState == STATE_CASE_FEATURE || stState == STATE_CASE_OPTION) { dwOptionID = mpstsStateStack[dwTstsInd].dwSymbolID ; } else if(stState == STATE_DEFAULT_ROOT || stState == STATE_DEFAULT_FEATURE || stState == STATE_DEFAULT_OPTION) { dwOptionID = DEFAULT_INIT ; } else { continue ; // these states have no effect on the attrib tree
if(dwPrevsNodeIndex == END_OF_LIST) { // first pass through the for loop
// process all special cases first time
// around.
if(*patrAttribRoot == ATTRIB_UNINITIALIZED) // case II)
{ // create a new tree consisting of one node .
if(! BcreateEndNode(&dwNodeIndex, dwFeatureID, dwOptionID, pglobl) ) { return(FALSE) ; }
*patrAttribRoot = dwNodeIndex ; // Make this one node
// the root of the tree.
dwPrevsNodeIndex = dwNodeIndex ; continue ; // ready for next level.
} else if(*patrAttribRoot & ATTRIB_HEAP_VALUE) // case III)
{ // turn off heap flag to leave pure heap offset,
// then store heap offset into new Node.
if(! BcreateGlobalInitializerNode(&dwNodeIndex, *patrAttribRoot & ~ATTRIB_HEAP_VALUE, pglobl) ) { return(FALSE) ; } *patrAttribRoot = dwNodeIndex ; // Make the global
// initializer node the root of the new tree.
dwPrevsNodeIndex = dwNodeIndex ;
if(! BcreateEndNode(&dwNodeIndex, dwFeatureID, dwOptionID, pglobl) ) // new sublevel node.
{ return(FALSE) ; } patt[dwPrevsNodeIndex].dwNext = dwNodeIndex ; // global initializer node references sublevel node.
dwPrevsNodeIndex = dwNodeIndex ; continue ; // ready for next level.
} else // case I)
dwNodeIndex = *patrAttribRoot ;
if(patt[dwNodeIndex].dwFeature == DEFAULT_INIT ) // I.A)
{ if(patt[dwNodeIndex].dwNext == END_OF_LIST) // I.A.1)
{ // create a new sublevel
dwPrevsNodeIndex = dwNodeIndex ; // hold global initializer in PrevsNode.
if(! BcreateEndNode(&dwNodeIndex, dwFeatureID, dwOptionID, pglobl) ) { return(FALSE) ; }
patt[dwPrevsNodeIndex].dwNext = dwNodeIndex ; // global initializer node references sublevel
// node.
dwPrevsNodeIndex = dwNodeIndex ; continue ; // ready for next level.
} else // I.A.2)
{ dwNodeIndex = patt[dwNodeIndex].dwNext ; // enter new sublevel and drop into
// code path for case I.B)
} } // case I.B)
if(!BfindOrCreateMatchingNode(dwNodeIndex, &dwNodeIndex, dwFeatureID, dwOptionID, pglobl) ) { vIdentifySource(ptkmap, pglobl) ; return(FALSE) ; } dwPrevsNodeIndex = dwNodeIndex ; // goto end of loop.
continue ; } }
// this is the generic case: dwPrevsNodeIndex points
// to a normal node and this node matched the
// feature/option from the previous pass.
// objective: boldly attempt to enter the sublevel
// and see if there is something there that matches
// what we are seeking.
if(patt[dwPrevsNodeIndex].eOffsetMeans == NEXT_FEATURE) { // Down to the next level we go.
dwNodeIndex = patt[dwPrevsNodeIndex].dwOffset ;
if(!BfindOrCreateMatchingNode(dwNodeIndex, &dwNodeIndex, dwFeatureID, dwOptionID, pglobl) ) { vIdentifySource(ptkmap, pglobl) ; return(FALSE) ; } dwPrevsNodeIndex = dwNodeIndex ; // goto end of loop.
} else // must create a new sublevel now.
{ DWORD dwDefaultNode = END_OF_LIST;
// OffsetMeans can be either VALUE or UNINITIALIZED.
if(patt[dwPrevsNodeIndex].eOffsetMeans == VALUE_AT_HEAP) { // create a default initializer node for the
// new sublevel. Transfer heap offset from Prevs
// node into it.
if(! BcreateEndNode(&dwNodeIndex, dwFeatureID, DEFAULT_INIT, pglobl) ) { return(FALSE) ; } patt[dwNodeIndex].eOffsetMeans = VALUE_AT_HEAP ; patt[dwNodeIndex].dwOffset = patt[dwPrevsNodeIndex].dwOffset ; dwDefaultNode = dwNodeIndex ; // remember this node
// create first sublevel node with desired feature/option.
if(dwDefaultNode == END_OF_LIST || dwOptionID != DEFAULT_INIT) { // this means if a default initializer node
// was already created to propagate the value
// from the previous level AND the new branch
// also specifies a default initializer node, there's
// no need to create a second initializer node.
// if this path is being executed, it means above
// statement is FALSE.
if(! BcreateEndNode(&dwNodeIndex, dwFeatureID, dwOptionID, pglobl) ) { return(FALSE) ; } patt[dwNodeIndex].dwNext = dwDefaultNode ; }
patt[dwPrevsNodeIndex].eOffsetMeans = NEXT_FEATURE ; patt[dwPrevsNodeIndex].dwOffset = dwNodeIndex ;
dwPrevsNodeIndex = dwNodeIndex ; // goto end of loop.
} } // end of for loop
// we have navigated to the end of the new branch.
// now parse the value, and store in binary form in the heap.
// if a previous VALUE existed, overwrite it on the heap,
// otherwise allocate fresh storage on the heap.
if(dwPrevsNodeIndex != END_OF_LIST) // there was branch in the stack.
{ if (patt[dwPrevsNodeIndex].eOffsetMeans == NEXT_FEATURE) { vIdentifySource(ptkmap, pglobl) ; ERR(("syntax error: attempt to truncate existing attribute tree.\n")); return(FALSE) ; } if (!BaddValueToHeap(&patt[dwPrevsNodeIndex].dwOffset, ptkmap, (patt[dwPrevsNodeIndex].eOffsetMeans == VALUE_AT_HEAP ), pglobl)) { return(FALSE) ; } patt[dwPrevsNodeIndex].eOffsetMeans = VALUE_AT_HEAP ; // if dwOffset was originally UNINITIALIZED, its not anymore.
} else // attribute found at root level.
{ // this means we update/create
// the global default initializer.
if(*patrAttribRoot == ATTRIB_UNINITIALIZED) { // parse value token, add value (in binary form) into heap.
if(! BaddValueToHeap((PDWORD)patrAttribRoot, ptkmap, FALSE, pglobl) ) { // BUG_BUG what do we do if parsing or something happens?
// for now just return failure as is. Lose one attribute.
// Sanity check later will determine if this
// omission is fatal.
*patrAttribRoot = ATTRIB_UNINITIALIZED ; return(FALSE); } // returns offset in heap of parsed Value in patrAttribRoot
*patrAttribRoot |= ATTRIB_HEAP_VALUE ; } else if(*patrAttribRoot & ATTRIB_HEAP_VALUE) { *patrAttribRoot &= ~ATTRIB_HEAP_VALUE ; // turn off flag to leave pure heap offset.
if(! BaddValueToHeap((PDWORD)patrAttribRoot, ptkmap, TRUE, pglobl) ) { *patrAttribRoot |= ATTRIB_HEAP_VALUE ; return(FALSE); } *patrAttribRoot |= ATTRIB_HEAP_VALUE ; } else // patrAttribRoot contains index of root of attribute tree.
// does a global default initializer node exist?
if(patt[*patrAttribRoot].dwFeature == DEFAULT_INIT) { if(! BaddValueToHeap(&patt[*patrAttribRoot].dwOffset, ptkmap, TRUE, pglobl) ) { return(FALSE); } } else // if not, we need to create one.
{ if(! BcreateGlobalInitializerNode(&dwNodeIndex, 0, pglobl) ) { return(FALSE) ; } if (! BaddValueToHeap(&patt[dwNodeIndex].dwOffset, ptkmap, FALSE, pglobl) ) { (VOID)BreturnElementFromMasterTable(MTI_ATTRIBTREE, dwNodeIndex, pglobl); return(FALSE) ; }
patt[dwNodeIndex].dwNext = *patrAttribRoot ;
*patrAttribRoot = dwNodeIndex ; // Make the default
// initializer the root of the tree.
} } } return(TRUE) ; // mission accomplished.
BOOL BcreateGlobalInitializerNode( PDWORD pdwNodeIndex, DWORD dwOffset, // caller can initialize this now.
PGLOBL pglobl) { PATTRIB_TREE patt ; // start of ATTRIBUTE tree array.
patt = (PATTRIB_TREE) gMasterTable[MTI_ATTRIBTREE].pubStruct ;
if(! BallocElementFromMasterTable(MTI_ATTRIBTREE , pdwNodeIndex, pglobl ) ) { return(FALSE) ; } patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwFeature = DEFAULT_INIT ; // don't care what dwOption says.
patt[*pdwNodeIndex].eOffsetMeans = VALUE_AT_HEAP ; patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwNext = END_OF_LIST ; patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwOffset = dwOffset ; return(TRUE) ; }
BOOL BcreateEndNode( PDWORD pdwNodeIndex, DWORD dwFeature, DWORD dwOption, PGLOBL pglobl ) { PATTRIB_TREE patt ; // start of ATTRIBUTE tree array.
patt = (PATTRIB_TREE) gMasterTable[MTI_ATTRIBTREE].pubStruct ;
if(! BallocElementFromMasterTable(MTI_ATTRIBTREE , pdwNodeIndex, pglobl) ) { return(FALSE) ; } patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwFeature = dwFeature ; patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwOption = dwOption ; patt[*pdwNodeIndex].eOffsetMeans = UNINITIALIZED ; patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwNext = END_OF_LIST ; // patt[*dwNodeIndex].dwOffset = not yet defined.
return(TRUE) ; }
BOOL BfindOrCreateMatchingNode( IN DWORD dwRootNodeIndex , // first node in chain matching feature
OUT PDWORD pdwNodeIndex, // points to node in chain also matching option
DWORD dwFeatureID, //
DWORD dwOptionID, // may even take on the value DEFAULT_INIT
PGLOBL pglobl ) /* caller passes a NodeIndex that points to the first node in
a horizontal (option) chain. If the feature of the Node doesn't match dwFeature, this indicates the new branch caller is attempting to add is incompatible with the existing tree and an error results. Otherwise, search horizontally along the tree searching for a matching option. If found, return the index of that node, else must create one. Make sure the default initializer node is always the last node in the chain. */ { PATTRIB_TREE patt ; // start of ATTRIBUTE tree array.
DWORD dwPrevsNodeIndex ;
patt = (PATTRIB_TREE) gMasterTable[MTI_ATTRIBTREE].pubStruct ;
if(patt[dwRootNodeIndex].dwFeature != dwFeatureID ) { ERR(("BfindOrCreateMatchingNode: this branch conflicts with the existing tree \n")); // and cannot be added.
return(FALSE) ; }
// Yes feature matches, search for matching option.
*pdwNodeIndex = dwRootNodeIndex ; // protects rootatr from
// being overwritten.
for( ; FOREVER ; ) { if(patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwOption == dwOptionID ) { // we found it!
return(TRUE) ; } if(patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwNext == END_OF_LIST) break ; *pdwNodeIndex = patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwNext ; }
// matching option not found
// create node, attach it to the end
dwPrevsNodeIndex = *pdwNodeIndex ; // last node in list.
if(! BallocElementFromMasterTable(MTI_ATTRIBTREE , pdwNodeIndex, pglobl) ) { return(FALSE) ; } patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwNext = END_OF_LIST ; patt[dwPrevsNodeIndex].dwNext = *pdwNodeIndex ;
if(patt[dwPrevsNodeIndex].dwOption == DEFAULT_INIT) { // must copy default data to new node
// the default initializer must remain at
// the end of the list.
patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwOption = patt[dwPrevsNodeIndex].dwOption; patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwOffset = patt[dwPrevsNodeIndex].dwOffset; patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwFeature = patt[dwPrevsNodeIndex].dwFeature; patt[*pdwNodeIndex].eOffsetMeans = patt[dwPrevsNodeIndex].eOffsetMeans; *pdwNodeIndex = dwPrevsNodeIndex ; // want new initialization to occur in
// second to last node. How do you
// know dwOptionID isn't DEFAULT_INIT?
// simple because since a DEFAULT_INIT
// node does exist in the chain, the
// search would have found it and
// exited the function long before
// reaching this code.
// initialize vacated or last node.
patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwOption = dwOptionID; patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwFeature = dwFeatureID; patt[*pdwNodeIndex].eOffsetMeans = UNINITIALIZED ; // patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwOffset = don't know yet
return(TRUE) ; }
BOOL BfindMatchingNode( IN DWORD dwRootNodeIndex , // first node in chain matching feature
OUT PDWORD pdwNodeIndex, // points to node in chain also matching option
DWORD dwFeatureID, DWORD dwOptionID, // may even take on the value DEFAULT_INIT
PGLOBL pglobl ) /* caller passes a NodeIndex that points to the first node in
a horizontal (option) chain. If the feature of the Node doesn't match dwFeature, this indicates the new branch caller is attempting to add is incompatible with the existing tree and an error results. Otherwise, search horizontally along the tree searching for a matching option. If found, return the index of that node, else returns FALSE. */ { PATTRIB_TREE patt ; // start of ATTRIBUTE tree array.
DWORD dwPrevsNodeIndex ;
patt = (PATTRIB_TREE) gMasterTable[MTI_ATTRIBTREE].pubStruct ;
*pdwNodeIndex = dwRootNodeIndex ; // protects rootatr from
// being overwritten.
if(patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwFeature != dwFeatureID ) { ERR(("BfindMatchingNode: this branch conflicts with the existing tree \n")); // and cannot be added.
return(FALSE) ; }
// Yes feature matches, search for matching option.
for( ; FOREVER ; ) { if(patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwOption == dwOptionID ) { // we found it!
return(TRUE) ; } if(patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwNext == END_OF_LIST) break ; *pdwNodeIndex = patt[*pdwNodeIndex].dwNext ; }
return(FALSE); // matching option not found
BOOL BallocElementFromMasterTable( MT_INDICIES eMTIndex, // select type of structure desired.
PDWORD pdwNodeIndex, PGLOBL pglobl) { if(gMasterTable[eMTIndex].dwCurIndex >= gMasterTable[eMTIndex].dwArraySize) { ERR(("BallocElementFromMasterTable: Out of array elements - restart.\n"));
if(ERRSEV_RESTART > geErrorSev) { geErrorSev = ERRSEV_RESTART ; geErrorType = ERRTY_MEMORY_ALLOCATION ; gdwMasterTabIndex = eMTIndex ; } return(FALSE) ; } *pdwNodeIndex = gMasterTable[eMTIndex].dwCurIndex ; gMasterTable[eMTIndex].dwCurIndex++ ; // Node now taken.
return(TRUE) ; }
BOOL BreturnElementFromMasterTable( MT_INDICIES eMTIndex, // select type of structure desired.
DWORD dwNodeIndex, PGLOBL pglobl) { if(gMasterTable[eMTIndex].dwCurIndex == dwNodeIndex + 1) { gMasterTable[eMTIndex].dwCurIndex = dwNodeIndex ; return(TRUE) ; } // BUG_BUG: Can return only the most recently allocated node
// not a concern , memory waste is at most 1% and only temporary.
if(ERRSEV_CONTINUE > geErrorSev) { geErrorSev = ERRSEV_CONTINUE ; geErrorType = ERRTY_CODEBUG ; gdwMasterTabIndex = eMTIndex ; } return(FALSE) ; }
BOOL BconvertSymCmdIDtoUnidrvID( IN DWORD dwCommandID , // from RegisterSymbol
OUT PDWORD pdwUnidrvID, PGLOBL pglobl ) { // convert dwCommandID to UnidrvID
PSYMBOLNODE psn ; ABSARRAYREF aarKey ; DWORD dwNodeIndex ; BOOL bStatus ;
psn = (PSYMBOLNODE) gMasterTable[MTI_SYMBOLTREE].pubStruct ;
dwNodeIndex = DWsearchSymbolListForID(dwCommandID, mdwCmdNameSymbols, pglobl) ; aarKey.dw = psn[dwNodeIndex].arSymbolName.dwCount ; aarKey.pub = mpubOffRef + psn[dwNodeIndex].arSymbolName.loOffset ;
bStatus = BparseConstant(&aarKey, pdwUnidrvID, VALUE_CONSTANT_COMMAND_NAMES, pglobl) ; return(bStatus); }