// Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
/* treewalk.c - functions to enumerate string and font IDs found
in the GPD file. */
/* this source file used only by mdt so is built only
as part of the gpd library */
#include "gpdparse.h"
// ---- functions defined in treewalk.c ---- //
BOOL GetGPDResourceIDs( PDWORD pdwResArray, DWORD dwArraySize, // number of elements in array.
BOOL BWalkTheAttribTree( PBYTE pubnRaw, // start of Rawbinary data
IN ATREEREF atrRoot, // root of attribute tree to navigate.
IN BOOL bList, // is the value stored as a list?
OUT PDWORD arIDarray, // caller supplied array to be
// filled in with all resource IDs found.
IN DWORD dwArraySize, // number of elements in array.
IN OUT PDWORD pdwNeeded // number of resource IDs
BOOL BRecurseDownTheTree( PBYTE pubnRaw, // start of Rawbinary data
IN DWORD dwNodeIndex, // first node in chain of attribute tree to navigate.
IN BOOL bList, // is the value stored as a list?
OUT PDWORD arIDarray, // caller supplied array to be
// filled in with all resource IDs found.
IN DWORD dwArraySize, // number of elements in array.
IN OUT PDWORD pdwNeeded // number of resource IDs
) ;
BOOL bWalkTheList( PBYTE pubnRaw, // start of Rawbinary data
IN DWORD dwListIndex, // first node in LIST to navigate.
OUT PDWORD arIDarray, // caller supplied array to be
// filled in with all resource IDs found.
IN DWORD dwArraySize, // number of elements in array.
IN OUT PDWORD pdwNeeded // number of resource IDs
BOOL bAddIDtoArray( IN DWORD dwID, // ID value to add to array.
OUT PDWORD arIDarray, // caller supplied array to be
// filled in with all resource IDs found.
IN DWORD dwArraySize, // number of elements in array.
IN OUT PDWORD pdwNeeded // number of resource IDs
BOOL GetGPDResourceIDs( PDWORD pdwResArray, DWORD dwArraySize, // number of elements in array.
PDWORD pdwNeeded, BOOL bFontIDs, PRAWBINARYDATA prbd) /*
Parameters: pdwResArray Resource IDs are loaded into this array dwArraySize Number of elements in the array pdwNeeded Number of IDs of the specified resource in the GPD bFontIDs True if UFM IDs should be loaded into array or false if string IDs should be loaded prbd GPD raw data pointer from GPDPARSE.DLL. Returns: Return FALSE only if BUD corruption has occured.
if pdwResArray is NULL, the number of elements required for the array is stored in pdwNeeded. if pdwResArray is not NULL, the number of Resource IDs copied into the array is stored in pdwNeeded.
*/ { PENHARRAYREF pearTableContents ; PBYTE pubRaw ; PSTATICFIELDS pStatic ; PBYTE pubHeap ; // ptr to start of heap.
PGLOBALATTRIB pga ; PATREEREF patrRoot ; // root of attribute tree to navigate.
BOOL bStatus = TRUE ; DWORD dwNumFeatures, dwFea, dwNumStructs, dwIndex, dwStart, dwEnd, dwI; PDFEATURE_OPTIONS pfo ; PTTFONTSUBTABLE pttfs ; PFONTCART pfontcart ;
*pdwNeeded = 0 ; // initally set to zero.
pStatic = (PSTATICFIELDS)prbd ; // transform pubRaw from PSTATIC
pubRaw = pStatic->pubBUDData ; // to PMINIRAWBINARYDATA
// pmrbd = (PMINIRAWBINARYDATA)pubRaw ;
pearTableContents = (PENHARRAYREF)(pubRaw + sizeof(MINIRAWBINARYDATA)) ;
// need to do this for each section in ssTableIndex
pga = (PGLOBALATTRIB)(pubRaw + pearTableContents[MTI_GLOBALATTRIB]. loOffset) ;
dwStart = pStatic->ssTableIndex[SSTI_GLOBALS].dwStart ; // starting Index
dwEnd = pStatic->ssTableIndex[SSTI_UPDATE_UIINFO].dwEnd ; // Ending Index
for(dwI = dwStart ; bStatus && (dwI < dwEnd) ; dwI++) { if(!(pStatic->snapShotTable[dwI].dwNbytes)) continue ; // skip over section delimiter.
if(bFontIDs && !(pStatic->snapShotTable[dwI].dwFlags & SSF_FONTID)) continue; if(!bFontIDs && !(pStatic->snapShotTable[dwI].dwFlags & SSF_STRINGID)) continue;
patrRoot = (PATREEREF)((PBYTE)pga + pStatic->snapShotTable[dwI].dwSrcOffset) ;
bStatus = BWalkTheAttribTree( (PBYTE)prbd, // start of Rawbinary data
*patrRoot, //
pStatic->snapShotTable[dwI].dwFlags & SSF_LIST, // is the value stored as a list?
pdwResArray, dwArraySize, // number of elements in array.
pdwNeeded ) ; } if(!bStatus) return(bStatus);
// find IDs in Feature/Option structure.
pfo = (PDFEATURE_OPTIONS)(pubRaw + pearTableContents[MTI_DFEATURE_OPTIONS]. loOffset) ; dwNumFeatures = pearTableContents[MTI_DFEATURE_OPTIONS].dwCount ; dwNumFeatures += pearTableContents[MTI_SYNTHESIZED_FEATURES].dwCount ;
for( dwFea = 0 ; dwFea < dwNumFeatures ; dwFea++) { dwStart = pStatic->ssTableIndex[SSTI_FEATURES].dwStart ; // starting Index
dwEnd = pStatic->ssTableIndex[SSTI_UPDATE_OPTIONEX].dwEnd ; // Ending Index
for(dwI = dwStart ; bStatus && (dwI < dwEnd) ; dwI++) { if(!(pStatic->snapShotTable[dwI].dwNbytes)) continue ; // skip over section delimiter.
if(bFontIDs && !(pStatic->snapShotTable[dwI].dwFlags & SSF_FONTID)) continue; if(!bFontIDs && !(pStatic->snapShotTable[dwI].dwFlags & SSF_STRINGID)) continue;
patrRoot = (PATREEREF)((PBYTE)(pfo + dwFea) + pStatic->snapShotTable[dwI].dwSrcOffset) ;
bStatus = BWalkTheAttribTree( (PBYTE)prbd, // start of Rawbinary data
*patrRoot, //
pStatic->snapShotTable[dwI].dwFlags & SSF_LIST, // is the value stored as a list?
pdwResArray, dwArraySize, // number of elements in array.
pdwNeeded ) ; } if(!bStatus) return(bStatus); }
pfontcart = (PFONTCART)(pubRaw + pearTableContents[MTI_FONTCART]. loOffset) ;
dwNumStructs = pearTableContents[MTI_FONTCART].dwCount ;
for( dwIndex = 0 ; bStatus && (dwIndex < dwNumStructs) ; dwIndex++) { if(bFontIDs) { bStatus = bWalkTheList( (PBYTE)prbd, pfontcart[dwIndex].dwPortFontLst, pdwResArray, dwArraySize, pdwNeeded ) ; if(!bStatus) break; bStatus = bWalkTheList( (PBYTE)prbd, pfontcart[dwIndex].dwLandFontLst, pdwResArray, dwArraySize, pdwNeeded ) ; if(!bStatus) break; } else { bStatus = bAddIDtoArray( pfontcart[dwIndex].dwRCCartNameID, // ID value to add to array.
pdwResArray, dwArraySize, pdwNeeded) ; }
// DWORD dwFontLst ; // Index to list of FontIDs
// is already incorporated into landscape and portrait lists
pttfs = (PTTFONTSUBTABLE)(pubRaw + pearTableContents[MTI_TTFONTSUBTABLE]. loOffset) ;
dwNumStructs = pearTableContents[MTI_TTFONTSUBTABLE].dwCount ;
for( dwIndex = 0 ; !bFontIDs && bStatus && (dwIndex < dwNumStructs) ; dwIndex++) { bStatus = bAddIDtoArray( pttfs[dwIndex].dwRcTTFontNameID, // ID value to add to array.
pdwResArray, dwArraySize, pdwNeeded) ;
if(!bStatus) break;
bStatus = bAddIDtoArray( pttfs[dwIndex].dwRcDevFontNameID, // ID value to add to array.
pdwResArray, dwArraySize, pdwNeeded) ; }
return(bStatus); }
// Return FALSE only if BUD corruption has occured.
BOOL BWalkTheAttribTree( PBYTE pubnRaw, // start of Rawbinary data
IN ATREEREF atrRoot, // root of attribute tree to navigate.
IN BOOL bList, // is the value stored as a list?
OUT PDWORD arIDarray, // caller supplied array to be
// filled in with all resource IDs found.
IN DWORD dwArraySize, // number of elements in array.
IN OUT PDWORD pdwNeeded // number of resource IDs
// or values found. Initial value
// may be non-zero since this
// accumulates starting from the
// first call. Also serves to track where
// in arIDarray the function should
// be storing the ID values.
) { PATTRIB_TREE patt ; // start of ATTRIBUTE tree array.
DWORD dwNodeIndex; // Points to first node in chain
PENHARRAYREF pearTableContents ; PBYTE pubRaw ; PSTATICFIELDS pStatic ; PBYTE pubHeap ; // ptr to start of heap.
BOOL bStatus = TRUE ; DWORD dwValue, dwListIndex ; // index to listnode.
PDWORD pdwID ; // points to value on the heap.
pStatic = (PSTATICFIELDS)pubnRaw ; // transform pubRaw from PSTATIC
pubRaw = pStatic->pubBUDData ; // to PMINIRAWBINARYDATA
// obtain pointers to structures:
pearTableContents = (PENHARRAYREF)(pubRaw + sizeof(MINIRAWBINARYDATA)) ;
patt = (PATTRIB_TREE)(pubRaw + pearTableContents[MTI_ATTRIBTREE]. loOffset) ;
pubHeap = (PBYTE)(pubRaw + pearTableContents[MTI_STRINGHEAP]. loOffset) ;
// *pdwNeeded = 0 ; // this is done only once by the caller.
// after processing initial special cases, call another
// function to perform the recursion at each Feature level.
if(atrRoot == ATTRIB_UNINITIALIZED) return TRUE ; // go to next keyword.
if(atrRoot & ATTRIB_HEAP_VALUE) { dwValue = *(PDWORD)(pubHeap + (atrRoot & ~ATTRIB_HEAP_VALUE) );
if(bList) { dwListIndex = dwValue ; // now need to traverse the listnodes.
bStatus = bWalkTheList( pubnRaw, dwListIndex, arIDarray, dwArraySize, pdwNeeded ) ; } else // ID Value is in the heap.
{ bStatus = bAddIDtoArray(dwValue, // ID value to add to array.
arIDarray, dwArraySize, pdwNeeded) ; } return(bStatus); // no more tree traveral to be done.
} // else atrRoot specifies a node index
dwNodeIndex = atrRoot ;
// first node only might be the global default initializer:
if(patt[dwNodeIndex].dwFeature == DEFAULT_INIT ) { // we have a global default initializer!
// it may be assumed dwOffset contains heap offset.
if(patt[dwNodeIndex].eOffsetMeans != VALUE_AT_HEAP ) return(FALSE); // assumption violated. BUD is corrupted.
dwValue = *(PDWORD)(pubHeap + patt[dwNodeIndex].dwOffset) ;
if(bList) { dwListIndex = dwValue ; // now need to traverse the listnodes.
bStatus = bWalkTheList( pubnRaw, dwListIndex, arIDarray, dwArraySize, pdwNeeded ) ; } else // ID Value is in the heap.
{ bStatus = bAddIDtoArray(dwValue, // ID value to add to array.
arIDarray, dwArraySize, pdwNeeded) ; }
dwNodeIndex = patt[dwNodeIndex].dwNext ; // to the next node.
if(bStatus) bStatus = BRecurseDownTheTree( pubnRaw, dwNodeIndex, bList, arIDarray, dwArraySize, pdwNeeded ) ;
// have we overflowed the caller supplied array?
// who cares, just return. It is the callers responsibility
// to see how many IDs were found and how much was
// allocated.
return(bStatus); }
BOOL BRecurseDownTheTree( PBYTE pubnRaw, // start of Rawbinary data
IN DWORD dwNodeIndex, // first node in chain of attribute tree to navigate.
IN BOOL bList, // is the value stored as a list?
OUT PDWORD arIDarray, // caller supplied array to be
// filled in with all resource IDs found.
IN DWORD dwArraySize, // number of elements in array.
IN OUT PDWORD pdwNeeded // number of resource IDs
// or values found. Initial value
// may be non-zero since this
// accumulates starting from the
// first call. Also serves to track where
// in arIDarray the function should
// be storing the ID values.
) { PATTRIB_TREE patt ; // start of ATTRIBUTE tree array.
PENHARRAYREF pearTableContents ; PBYTE pubRaw ; PSTATICFIELDS pStatic ; PBYTE pubHeap ; // ptr to start of heap.
BOOL bStatus = TRUE ; DWORD dwValue;
pStatic = (PSTATICFIELDS)pubnRaw ; // transform pubRaw from PSTATIC
pubRaw = pStatic->pubBUDData ; // to PMINIRAWBINARYDATA
// obtain pointers to structures:
pearTableContents = (PENHARRAYREF)(pubRaw + sizeof(MINIRAWBINARYDATA)) ;
patt = (PATTRIB_TREE)(pubRaw + pearTableContents[MTI_ATTRIBTREE]. loOffset) ;
pubHeap = (PBYTE)(pubRaw + pearTableContents[MTI_STRINGHEAP]. loOffset) ;
// traverse the tree with wild abandon! No more
// special cases to worry about!
for( ; bStatus && dwNodeIndex != END_OF_LIST ; dwNodeIndex = patt[dwNodeIndex].dwNext ) { // does this node contain a sublevel?
if(patt[dwNodeIndex].eOffsetMeans == NEXT_FEATURE) { DWORD dwNewNodeIndex;
// Down to the next level we go.
dwNewNodeIndex = patt[dwNodeIndex ].dwOffset ;
bStatus = BRecurseDownTheTree( pubnRaw, dwNewNodeIndex, bList, arIDarray, dwArraySize, pdwNeeded ) ; } else if(patt[dwNodeIndex].eOffsetMeans == VALUE_AT_HEAP) { dwValue = *(PDWORD)(pubHeap + patt[dwNodeIndex].dwOffset) ;
if(bList) { DWORD dwListIndex = dwValue;
// now need to traverse the listnodes.
bStatus = bWalkTheList( pubnRaw, dwListIndex, arIDarray, dwArraySize, pdwNeeded ) ; } else // ID Value is in the heap.
{ bStatus = bAddIDtoArray(dwValue, // ID value to add to array.
arIDarray, dwArraySize, pdwNeeded) ; } } else bStatus = FALSE ; // Tree corruption.
return(bStatus); }
BOOL bWalkTheList( PBYTE pubnRaw, // start of Rawbinary data
IN DWORD dwListIndex, // first node in LIST to navigate.
OUT PDWORD arIDarray, // caller supplied array to be
// filled in with all resource IDs found.
IN DWORD dwArraySize, // number of elements in array.
IN OUT PDWORD pdwNeeded // number of resource IDs
// or values found. Initial value
// may be non-zero since this
// accumulates starting from the
// first call. Also serves to track where
// in arIDarray the function should
// be storing the ID values.
) { PLISTNODE plstRoot ; // start of LIST array
PENHARRAYREF pearTableContents ; PBYTE pubRaw ; PSTATICFIELDS pStatic ; BOOL bStatus = TRUE ;
pStatic = (PSTATICFIELDS)pubnRaw ; // transform pubRaw from PSTATIC
pubRaw = pStatic->pubBUDData ; // to PMINIRAWBINARYDATA
// obtain pointers to structures:
pearTableContents = (PENHARRAYREF)(pubRaw + sizeof(MINIRAWBINARYDATA)) ;
plstRoot = (PLISTNODE)(pubRaw + pearTableContents[MTI_LISTNODES]. loOffset) ;
for( ; bStatus && dwListIndex != END_OF_LIST ; dwListIndex = plstRoot[dwListIndex].dwNextItem ) { bStatus = bAddIDtoArray( plstRoot[dwListIndex].dwData, // ID value to add to array.
arIDarray, dwArraySize, pdwNeeded) ; } return(bStatus); }
BOOL bAddIDtoArray( IN DWORD dwID, // ID value to add to array.
OUT PDWORD arIDarray, // caller supplied array to be
// filled in with all resource IDs found.
IN DWORD dwArraySize, // number of elements in array.
IN OUT PDWORD pdwNeeded // number of resource IDs
// or values found. Initial value
// may be non-zero since this
// accumulates starting from the
// first call. Also serves to track where
// in arIDarray the function should
// be storing the ID values.
) { if(arIDarray && *pdwNeeded < dwArraySize) { arIDarray[*pdwNeeded] = dwID ; }
(*pdwNeeded)++ ; return(TRUE); }
/* simplified rules for traversing attribute tree:
features: only time you need to check features is when you are looking at the first node. Because this may be the Global default Initializer.
Otherwise dwNext will always take you along to the next option until you hit END_OF_LIST.
Now OffsetMeans = heapoffset means you extract the value at the heap or interpret the heapoffset as the array index of a listnode. if Offsetmeans = Next_Fea, interpret heapoffset as treenode index and begin searching in this new branch. You must perform recursion.
so this function must pass in a writable counter that track which entry in the user supplied array is 'current' (ready to be written into). This serves both to keep track of where to write the ID values and how large an array the user should supply. This same counter must be passed into the function that walks the listnodes. */