// Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
/* value1.c - functions to parse value field
and to convert the information into the proper binary format. */
#include "gpdparse.h"
// ---- functions defined in value1.c ---- //
BOOL BaddValueToHeap( IN OUT PDWORD ploHeap, // dest offset to value in binary form
IN PTKMAP ptkmap, // pointer to tokenmap
IN BOOL bOverWrite, // assume ploHeap contains a valid offset
// to a reserved region of the heap of the proper size
// and write binary value into this location instead of
// growing heap. Note: defer overwriting lpHeap
// until we are certain of success.
IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BparseAndWrite( IN PBYTE pubDest, // write binary data or link to this address.
IN PTKMAP ptkmap, // pointer to tokenmap
IN BOOL bAddToHeap, // if true, write to curHeap not pubDest
OUT PDWORD pdwHeapOffset, // if (bAddToHeap) heap offset where
IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BparseInteger( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PDWORD pdwDest, // write dword value here.
IN VALUE eAllowedValue, // dummy
IN PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BparseList( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PDWORD pdwDest, // location where index to start of list
// is saved
IN BOOL (*fnBparseValue)(PABSARRAYREF, PDWORD, VALUE, PGLOBL), // callback
IN VALUE eAllowedValue, // dummy
IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BeatLeadingWhiteSpaces( IN OUT PABSARRAYREF paarSrc ) ;
BOOL BeatDelimiter( IN OUT PABSARRAYREF paarSrc, IN PBYTE pubDelStr // points to a string which paarSrc must match
) ;
BOOL BdelimitToken( IN OUT PABSARRAYREF paarSrc, // source string
IN PBYTE pubDelimiters, // array of valid delimiters
OUT PABSARRAYREF paarToken, // token defined by delimiter
OUT PDWORD pdwDel // which delimiter was first encountered?
) ;
BOOL BeatSurroundingWhiteSpaces( IN PABSARRAYREF paarSrc ) ;
BOOL BparseSymbol( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PDWORD pdwDest, // write dword value here.
IN VALUE eAllowedValue, // which class of symbol is this?
IN PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BparseQualifiedName ( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PDWORD pdwDest, // write dword value here.
IN VALUE eAllowedValue, // which class of symbol is this?
IN PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BparseQualifiedNameEx ( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PDWORD pdwDest, // write dword value here.
IN VALUE eAllowedValue, // which class of symbol is this?
IN PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BparsePartiallyQualifiedName ( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PDWORD pdwDest, // write dword value here.
IN VALUE eAllowedValue, // which class of symbol is this?
IN PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BparseOptionSymbol( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PDWORD pdwDest, // write dword value here.
IN VALUE eAllowedValue, // which class of symbol is this?
IN PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BparseConstant( IN OUT PABSARRAYREF paarValue, OUT PDWORD pdwDest, // write dword value here.
IN VALUE eAllowedValue, // which class of constant is this?
IN PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BinitClassIndexTable( IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl) ;
BOOL BparseRect( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PRECT prcDest, PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BparsePoint( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PPOINT pptDest, PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BparseString( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PARRAYREF parStrValue, IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BparseAndTerminateString( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PARRAYREF parStrValue, IN VALUE eAllowedValue, IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BwriteUnicodeToHeap( IN PARRAYREF parSrcString, OUT PARRAYREF parUnicodeString, IN INT iCodepage, IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BparseStrSegment( IN PABSARRAYREF paarStrSeg, // source str segment
IN PARRAYREF parStrLiteral, // dest for result
IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BparseStrLiteral( IN PABSARRAYREF paarStrSeg, // points to literal substring segment.
IN PARRAYREF parStrLiteral, // dest for result
IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BparseHexStr( IN PABSARRAYREF paarStrSeg, // points to hex substring segment.
IN PARRAYREF parStrLiteral, // dest for result
IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
BOOL BparseOrderDep( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PORDERDEPENDENCY pordDest, PGLOBL pglobl ) ;
PDWORD pdwEndOfList( PDWORD pdwNodeIndex, PGLOBL pglobl) ;
#ifdef GMACROS
PBYTE ExtendChain( PBYTE pubDest, IN BOOL bOverWrite, IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl) ; #endif
// ---------------------------------------------------- //
BOOL BaddValueToHeap( IN OUT PDWORD ploHeap, // dest offset to value in binary form
IN PTKMAP ptkmap, // pointer to tokenmap
IN BOOL bOverWrite, // assume ploHeap contains a valid offset
// to a reserved region of the heap of the proper size
// and write binary value into this location instead of
// growing heap. Note: defer overwriting lpHeap
// until we are certain of success.
IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl ) { DWORD dwKeywordID ; PBYTE pubDest ;
dwKeywordID = ptkmap->dwKeywordID ; // BUG_BUG !!!!! what if dwKeywordID is a special value?
if(dwKeywordID >= ID_SPECIAL) return FALSE ;
// note: different attributes are stored in different places
// using different branching techniques. See the
// Bstore_XXX_Attrib() functions for the different
// setups. This function works in concert with those
// functions.
switch(mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].flAgs & KWF_DEDICATED_FIELD) { // extract just the flags describing the attribute storage type.
case KWF_TTFONTSUBS: { // since ploHeap always points to the index
// of the appropriate FontSub structure,
// we ignore bOverWrite
dwOffset = mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].dwOffset ;
pttft = (PTTFONTSUBTABLE) gMasterTable[MTI_TTFONTSUBTABLE].pubStruct + *ploHeap;
// write binary data into (PBYTE)pttft + dwOffset ;
pubDest = (PBYTE)pttft + dwOffset ;
if(bOverWrite && mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].flAgs & KWF_ADDITIVE && mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].flAgs & KWF_LIST) { pubDest = (PBYTE)pdwEndOfList((PDWORD)pubDest, pglobl); // walks the list and returns pointer
// to the actual END_OF_LIST value so it can be overwritten to
// extend the list.
#ifdef GMACROS
// call this from every place that supports KWF_ADDITIVE.
else if( mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].flAgs & KWF_CHAIN) { if(!(pubDest = ExtendChain(pubDest, bOverWrite, pglobl))) return(FALSE) ; } #endif
if(!BparseAndWrite(pubDest, ptkmap, FALSE, NULL, pglobl ) ) { return(FALSE) ; } break; } case KWF_FONTCART: { // since ploHeap always points to the index
// of the appropriate FontCart structure,
// we ignore bOverWrite
DWORD dwOffset ; PFONTCART pfc ;
dwOffset = mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].dwOffset ;
pfc = (PFONTCART) gMasterTable[MTI_FONTCART].pubStruct + *ploHeap;
// write binary data into (PBYTE)pfc + dwOffset ;
pubDest = (PBYTE)pfc + dwOffset ;
if(bOverWrite && mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].flAgs & KWF_ADDITIVE && mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].flAgs & KWF_LIST) { pubDest = (PBYTE)pdwEndOfList((PDWORD)pubDest, pglobl); // walks the list and returns pointer
// to the actual END_OF_LIST value so it can be overwritten to
// extend the list.
} #ifdef GMACROS
else if( mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].flAgs & KWF_CHAIN) { if(!(pubDest = ExtendChain(pubDest, bOverWrite, pglobl ))) return(FALSE) ; } #endif
if(!BparseAndWrite(pubDest, ptkmap, FALSE, NULL , pglobl) ) { return(FALSE) ; } break; } case KWF_COMMAND: { // ploHeap actually points to the variable
// that will receive (or already contains) the CommandArray
// index . This is most likely stored in the leaf node
// of the attribute tree or maybe the CommandTable
// itself if the command is single-valued.
PCOMMAND pcmd ; DWORD dwOffset ;
if(!bOverWrite) // ploHeap is uninitialized.
{ // obtain first free command element
// and initialize ploHeap.
if(! BallocElementFromMasterTable(MTI_COMMANDARRAY , ploHeap, pglobl) ) { return(FALSE) ; } } // this path now shared by both cases of (bOverWrite)
pcmd = (PCOMMAND) gMasterTable[MTI_COMMANDARRAY].pubStruct + *ploHeap;
dwOffset = mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].dwOffset ;
// write binary data into CmdArray[*ploHeap] + dwOffset;
// since we write into reserved memory
pubDest = (PBYTE)pcmd + dwOffset ;
if(bOverWrite && mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].flAgs & KWF_ADDITIVE && mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].flAgs & KWF_LIST) { pubDest = (PBYTE)pdwEndOfList((PDWORD)pubDest, pglobl); // walks the list and returns pointer
// to the actual END_OF_LIST value so it can be overwritten to
// extend the list.
} #ifdef GMACROS
else if( mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].flAgs & KWF_CHAIN) { if(!(pubDest = ExtendChain(pubDest, bOverWrite, pglobl ))) return(FALSE) ; } #endif
if(!BparseAndWrite(pubDest, ptkmap, FALSE, NULL, pglobl ) ) { return(FALSE) ; } break ; } default: // no dedicated structures, save data on heap.
{ if(bOverWrite) // ploHeap really does contain
{ // an offset to the heap.
pubDest = mpubOffRef + *ploHeap ;
if(mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].flAgs & KWF_ADDITIVE && mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].flAgs & KWF_LIST) { pubDest = (PBYTE)pdwEndOfList((PDWORD)pubDest, pglobl); // walks the list and returns pointer
// to the actual END_OF_LIST value so it can be overwritten to
// extend the list.
} #ifdef GMACROS
else if( mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].flAgs & KWF_CHAIN) { if(!(pubDest = ExtendChain(pubDest, bOverWrite, pglobl ))) return(FALSE) ; } #endif
if(!BparseAndWrite(pubDest, ptkmap, FALSE, NULL, pglobl ) ) { return(FALSE) ; } } else { // write at cur heap ptr, tell me where
// this is, and advance CurHeap.
if(!BparseAndWrite(NULL, ptkmap, TRUE, ploHeap, pglobl) ) { return(FALSE) ; } } break ; } } return(TRUE) ; }
BOOL BparseAndWrite( IN PBYTE pubDest, // write binary data or link to this address.
IN PTKMAP ptkmap, // pointer to tokenmap
IN BOOL bAddToHeap, // if true, write to curHeap not pubDest
OUT PDWORD pdwHeapOffset, // if (bAddToHeap) heap offset where
// binary data or link to data was written to.
IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl ) /* parses value according to its expected type and writes
the appropriate data into the appropriate structures (if the value is a composite object) and places an appropriate link in pubDest or simply writes the binary data directly to pubDest (if simple object). If (bAddToHeap == TRUE) ignore pubDest and write data or link to curHeap location and return that offset in pdwHeapOffset.
Warning! this function allocates a tmp buffer (pubBuf) which is freed at the very end. So do not add extra returns() in this function without freeing this buffer. */ { DWORD dwKeywordID ; VALUE eAllowedValue ; // how should token be parsed?
ABSARRAYREF aarValue ; // location of value token
BOOL bList ; BOOL bStatus = FALSE ; PBYTE pubBuf = NULL ; // temp Dest if needed.
PBYTE pubTmp ; // points to dest for parsing function.
dwKeywordID = ptkmap->dwKeywordID ; eAllowedValue = mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].eAllowedValue ; aarValue = ptkmap->aarValue ; bList = (mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].flAgs & KWF_LIST) ? (TRUE) : (FALSE);
if(bAddToHeap) // PARANOID checks.
{ if(!pdwHeapOffset) { vIdentifySource(ptkmap, pglobl); ERR(("internal consistency error. heap ptr not supplied.\n")); return(FALSE) ; } } else { if(!pubDest) return(FALSE) ; }
if(bAddToHeap) { DWORD dwSize ; // for debugging purposes.
dwSize = gValueToSize[VALUE_LARGEST] ;
if(!(pubBuf = MemAlloc(dwSize) )) { geErrorSev = ERRSEV_FATAL ; geErrorType = ERRTY_MEMORY_ALLOCATION ; return(FALSE) ; } } #ifdef GMACROS
if(bAddToHeap && (mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].flAgs & KWF_CHAIN)) { if(!(pubTmp = ExtendChain(pubBuf, /* bOverWrite = */ FALSE, pglobl ))) return(FALSE) ; } else #endif
pubTmp = (bAddToHeap) ? (pubBuf) : (pubDest) ;
// all parsing functions write links to a specified
// memory location. If the link is to be saved to
// the heap, the link is first created in a temp
// buffer pubBuf[] which is subseqently copied to
// the heap outside of the function.
switch(eAllowedValue) { case VALUE_STRING_NO_CONVERT: case VALUE_STRING_DEF_CONVERT: case VALUE_STRING_CP_CONVERT: { bStatus = BparseAndTerminateString(&aarValue, (PARRAYREF)pubTmp, eAllowedValue, pglobl) ; break ; } case VALUE_COMMAND_INVOC: { bStatus = BparseCommandString(&aarValue, (PARRAYREF)pubTmp, pglobl) ; break ; } case VALUE_PARAMETER: { ((PARRAYREF)pubTmp)->dwCount = 0 ;
bStatus = BprocessParam(&aarValue, (PARRAYREF)pubTmp, pglobl) ; break ; } case VALUE_POINT: { bStatus = BparsePoint(&aarValue, (PPOINT)pubTmp, pglobl) ; break ; } case VALUE_RECT: { bStatus = BparseRect(&aarValue, (PRECT)pubTmp, pglobl) ; break ; } case VALUE_ORDERDEPENDENCY: { bStatus = BparseOrderDep(&aarValue, (PORDERDEPENDENCY)pubTmp, pglobl) ; break ; } // case VALUE_BOOLEAN: this is one class of CONSTANT.
case VALUE_SYMBOL_DEF: // what is this??
{ break ; } case VALUE_INTEGER: { if(bList) bStatus = BparseList(&aarValue, (PDWORD)pubTmp, BparseInteger, eAllowedValue, pglobl) ; else bStatus = BparseInteger(&aarValue, (PDWORD)pubTmp, eAllowedValue, pglobl) ;
break ; }
case VALUE_CONSTRAINT: { bStatus = BparseConstraint(&aarValue, (PDWORD)pubTmp, bAddToHeap, pglobl) ; // create list vs append to existing
break ; } case VALUE_QUALIFIED_NAME: { if(bList) bStatus = BparseList(&aarValue, (PDWORD)pubTmp, BparseQualifiedName, eAllowedValue, pglobl) ; else bStatus = BparseQualifiedName(&aarValue, (PDWORD)pubTmp, eAllowedValue, pglobl) ; break ; } case VALUE_QUALIFIED_NAME_EX: { if(bList) bStatus = BparseList(&aarValue, (PDWORD)pubTmp, BparseQualifiedNameEx, eAllowedValue, pglobl) ; else bStatus = BparseQualifiedNameEx(&aarValue, (PDWORD)pubTmp, eAllowedValue, pglobl) ; break ; } case VALUE_PARTIALLY_QUALIFIED_NAME: { if(bList) bStatus = BparseList(&aarValue, (PDWORD)pubTmp, BparsePartiallyQualifiedName, eAllowedValue, pglobl) ; else bStatus = BparsePartiallyQualifiedName(&aarValue, (PDWORD)pubTmp, eAllowedValue, pglobl) ; break ; } case NO_VALUE : // how can an attribute not have a value?
{ bStatus = TRUE ; break ; } default: { if( eAllowedValue >= VALUE_CONSTANT_FIRST && eAllowedValue <= VALUE_CONSTANT_LAST ) { if(bList) bStatus = BparseList(&aarValue, (PDWORD)pubTmp, BparseConstant, eAllowedValue, pglobl) ; else bStatus = BparseConstant(&aarValue, (PDWORD)pubTmp, eAllowedValue, pglobl) ; } else if( eAllowedValue == VALUE_SYMBOL_OPTIONS ) // check
// this case before the other symbols.
{ if(bList) bStatus = BparseList(&aarValue, (PDWORD)pubTmp, BparseOptionSymbol, eAllowedValue, pglobl) ; else bStatus = BparseOptionSymbol(&aarValue, (PDWORD)pubTmp, eAllowedValue, pglobl) ; } else if( eAllowedValue >= VALUE_SYMBOL_FIRST && eAllowedValue <= VALUE_SYMBOL_LAST ) { if(bList) bStatus = BparseList(&aarValue, (PDWORD)pubTmp, BparseSymbol, eAllowedValue, pglobl) ; else bStatus = BparseSymbol(&aarValue, (PDWORD)pubTmp, eAllowedValue, pglobl) ; } else { ERR(("internal consistency error - unrecognized VALUE type!\n")); // don't know how to parse unrecognized value type!
} break ; } } if(!bStatus) vIdentifySource(ptkmap, pglobl);
if(bStatus && (eAllowedValue != NO_VALUE) ) { if(bAddToHeap) { #ifdef GMACROS
if(mMainKeywordTable[dwKeywordID].flAgs & KWF_CHAIN) { if(!BwriteToHeap(pdwHeapOffset, pubBuf, gValueToSize[VALUE_LIST], 4, pglobl) ) // chains are LISTS of VALUES.
{ bStatus = FALSE ; // heap overflow start over.
} } else #endif
if(!BwriteToHeap(pdwHeapOffset, pubTmp, gValueToSize[(bList) ? (VALUE_LIST) : (eAllowedValue)], 4, pglobl) ) { bStatus = FALSE ; // heap overflow start over.
} } } if(pubBuf) MemFree(pubBuf) ; return(bStatus) ; }
BOOL BparseInteger( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PDWORD pdwDest, // write dword value here.
IN VALUE eAllowedValue, // dummy
IN PGLOBL pglobl ) /* the GPD spec defines an integer as a sequence
of numbers preceeded by an optional + or - OR simply the symbol '*' which means 'don't care'. NEW: also permit a leading 0x to indicate a number in hexadecimal format. ie 0x01fE . No + or - allowed in hex format. */ { #define pubM (paarValue->pub)
#define dwM (paarValue->dw)
BOOL bNeg = FALSE ; DWORD dwNumber ; BOOL bStatus = FALSE ; ABSARRAYREF aarValue ;
if(eAllowedValue != VALUE_INTEGER) return(FALSE); // paranoid check just to use variable
// and thereby avoid compiler warning.
(VOID) BeatLeadingWhiteSpaces(paarValue) ;
aarValue.pub = pubM ; // used only to emit error message.
aarValue.dw = dwM ;
if(!dwM) { ERR(("BparseInteger: no integer found - empty list?\n")); // ERR(("\t%0.40s\n", aarValue.pub )) ;
// danger of over shooting EOF
return(FALSE); } if(*pubM == '*') { dwNumber = WILDCARD_VALUE ; pubM++ ; dwM-- ; bStatus = TRUE ; } else if(*pubM == '0') // leading zero indicates hexadecimal format
{ pubM++ ; dwM-- ;
if(dwM && (*pubM == 'x' || *pubM == 'X')) { pubM++ ; dwM-- ; } else { dwNumber = 0 ; bStatus = TRUE ; goto EndNumber ; } if(!dwM) { ERR(("BparseInteger: no digits found in Hex value.\n")); return(FALSE); } for(dwNumber = 0 ; dwM ; pubM++, dwM-- ) { if(*pubM >= '0' && *pubM <= '9') { dwNumber *= 0x10 ; dwNumber += (*pubM - '0') ; } else if(*pubM >= 'a' && *pubM <= 'f') { dwNumber *= 0x10 ; dwNumber += (*pubM - 'a' + 0x0a) ; } else if(*pubM >= 'A' && *pubM <= 'F') { dwNumber *= 0x10 ; dwNumber += (*pubM - 'A' + 0x0a) ; } else break;
bStatus = TRUE ; } } else { if(*pubM == '-') { bNeg = TRUE ; pubM++ ; dwM-- ; } else if(*pubM == '+') { pubM++ ; dwM-- ; } // is there anything else after the sign?
(VOID) BeatLeadingWhiteSpaces(paarValue) ;
if(!dwM) { ERR(("BparseInteger: no digits found.\n")); return(FALSE); } for(dwNumber = 0 ; dwM && *pubM >= '0' && *pubM <= '9' ; ) { dwNumber *= 10 ; dwNumber += (*pubM - '0') ; pubM++ ; dwM-- ; bStatus = TRUE ; } }
if(! bStatus) { ERR(("error parsing integer value: %0.*s\n", aarValue.dw, aarValue.pub)); return(FALSE); }
// is there anything else after the digit string?
(VOID) BeatLeadingWhiteSpaces(paarValue) ;
if(dwM) { ERR(("unexpected characters after digits in integer value: %0.*s\n", aarValue.dw, aarValue.pub)); return(FALSE); } *pdwDest = (bNeg) ? ((unsigned)(-(signed)dwNumber)) : (dwNumber) ; return(TRUE);
#undef pubM
#undef dwM
BOOL BparseList( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PDWORD pdwDest, // location where index to start of list
// is saved
IN BOOL (*fnBparseValue)(PABSARRAYREF, PDWORD, VALUE, PGLOBL), // callback
IN VALUE eAllowedValue, // dummy
IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl ) /* non-destructively parse this list using
callback function to parse the actual values in between the LIST structure. LIST ( <value> , <value> , ... )
Notes: 1) all continuation line delimiters have been replaced by spaces at TokenMap creation time. No need to worry about this here 2) The List construct must begin with the reserved token 'LIST' which must be followed by the token '('. 3) The list of values is enclosed by parenthesis, adjacent values are delimited by comma. 4) This function assumes <value> does not contain any reserved characters ',' comma or ')' close parenthesis 5) whitespaces may appear between syntactic elements (tokens). 6) Even if a LIST is not detected, we will still save the single value in a LIST construct. 7) Must check string count to see if we have reached the end of value statement.
*/ { ABSARRAYREF aarToken ; // points to individual value.
PLISTNODE plstRoot ; // start of LIST array
DWORD dwNodeIndex , dwPrevsNode, dwFirstNode; // index of list node.
DWORD dwDelIndex ; // if BdelimitToken
// found a delimiter, this contains the index to pubDelimiters
// of the delimiter that was found.
BOOL bSyntaxErr = FALSE ;
plstRoot = (PLISTNODE) gMasterTable[MTI_LISTNODES].pubStruct ;
if(! BeatDelimiter(paarValue, "LIST")) { // this keyword LIST was not found, assume just
// one value exists.
if(! BallocElementFromMasterTable(MTI_LISTNODES , &dwNodeIndex, pglobl) ) { return(FALSE) ; } // shove parsed integer into data field of new listnode.
if(!fnBparseValue(paarValue, &(plstRoot[dwNodeIndex].dwData), eAllowedValue, pglobl)) { (VOID)BreturnElementFromMasterTable(MTI_LISTNODES, dwNodeIndex, pglobl) ; return(FALSE) ; } plstRoot[dwNodeIndex].dwNextItem = END_OF_LIST ;
*pdwDest = dwNodeIndex ;
return(TRUE) ; } if(! BeatDelimiter(paarValue, "(")) { ERR(("syntax error: missing '(' after LIST.\n")); return(FALSE) ; }
dwPrevsNode = END_OF_LIST ; // prepare to process an entire list of items.
for(dwDelIndex = 0 ; dwDelIndex != 1 ; ) { if(!BdelimitToken(paarValue, ",)", &aarToken, &dwDelIndex) ) { bSyntaxErr = TRUE ;
ERR(("missing terminating ) in LIST construct.\n")); // emit message for user.
break ; // attempt to return the list we have so far.
} if(dwDelIndex == 1 && !aarToken.dw) break ; // empty item.
if(! BallocElementFromMasterTable(MTI_LISTNODES , &dwNodeIndex, pglobl) ) { return(FALSE) ; } // shove parsed integer into data field of new listnode.
if(!fnBparseValue(&aarToken, &(plstRoot[dwNodeIndex].dwData), eAllowedValue, pglobl)) { (VOID)BreturnElementFromMasterTable(MTI_LISTNODES, dwNodeIndex, pglobl) ; continue ; // just skip to the next value in list.
} plstRoot[dwNodeIndex].dwNextItem = END_OF_LIST ;
if(dwPrevsNode == END_OF_LIST) { // Therefore, this is the first node in the list.
dwFirstNode = dwNodeIndex ; } else // cause prevs node to point to this node.
{ plstRoot[dwPrevsNode].dwNextItem = dwNodeIndex ; } dwPrevsNode = dwNodeIndex ; // place here instead
// of part of for( ; ; ) statement so 'continue' will
// bypass this statement.
if(dwPrevsNode == END_OF_LIST) dwFirstNode = END_OF_LIST ; // empty list is now acceptable.
if(!bSyntaxErr) { // verify there is nothing else in statement.
(VOID) BeatLeadingWhiteSpaces(paarValue) ; if(paarValue->dw) { ERR(("extraneous characters found after the end of the LIST construct.\n")); // may want to print them out.
// not a fatal condition, continue.
} } *pdwDest = dwFirstNode ; return(TRUE) ; }
BOOL BeatLeadingWhiteSpaces( IN OUT PABSARRAYREF paarSrc ) /* as name suggests, advance paarSrc to
first nonwhite or set dw = 0 if src string is exhausted. */ { PBYTE pub ; DWORD dw ;
pub = paarSrc->pub ; dw = paarSrc->dw ;
while(dw && (*pub == ' ' || *pub == '\t') ) { pub++ ; dw-- ; } paarSrc->pub = pub ; paarSrc->dw = dw ; return(TRUE); // always return true now,
// but can add more robust error checking in the future.
BOOL BeatDelimiter( IN OUT PABSARRAYREF paarSrc, IN PBYTE pubDelStr // points to a string which paarSrc must match
) // expects to encounter only
// whitespaces before reaching the specified delimiter string.
// if delimiter doesn't match or src string is exhausted, returns
// FALSE. parrSrc not updated. Otherwise parrSrc
// is updated to point to char which follows delimiter.
{ PBYTE pub ; DWORD dw, dwLen ;
(VOID) BeatLeadingWhiteSpaces(paarSrc) ;
pub = paarSrc->pub ; dw = paarSrc->dw ; dwLen = strlen(pubDelStr) ;
if(dw < dwLen) return(FALSE);
if(strncmp(pub, pubDelStr, dwLen)) return(FALSE);
pub += dwLen; dw -= dwLen; // 'Eat' delimiter string
paarSrc->pub = pub ; paarSrc->dw = dw ;
return(TRUE); }
BOOL BdelimitToken( IN OUT PABSARRAYREF paarSrc, // source string
IN PBYTE pubDelimiters, // array of valid delimiters
OUT PABSARRAYREF paarToken, // token defined by delimiter
OUT PDWORD pdwDel // which delimiter was first encountered?
) // searchs paarSrc for the first occurence of one of the
// characters in the string pubDelimiters. Once found
// all characters up to that delimiter are considered a
// token and an abs string ref to this token is returned
// in paarToken. paarSrc is updated to point to first char
// after the delimiter. If delimiter is not found within paarSrc,
// returns FALSE and neither paarSrc or paarToken is updated.
// pdwDel will contain the zero based index of the delimiter
// that was first encountered: pubDelimiters[pdwDel] .
// Note this function ignores the " and < delimiters if they
// are preceeded by the % character. See ParseString for
// more info.
{ PBYTE pub ; DWORD dw, dwLen, dwI ;
pub = paarSrc->pub ; dw = paarSrc->dw ;
dwLen = strlen(pubDelimiters) ;
while( dw ) { for(dwI = 0 ; dwI < dwLen ; dwI++) { if(*pub == pubDelimiters[dwI]) { if((*pub == '"' || *pub == '<') && (dw < paarSrc->dw) && *(pub - 1) == '%') { continue ; } paarToken->pub = paarSrc->pub ; paarToken->dw = paarSrc->dw - dw ;
*pdwDel = dwI ; // this was the delimiter
paarSrc->pub = ++pub ; // position after delimiter.
paarSrc->dw = --dw ; // may go to zero.
return(TRUE); } } pub++ ; dw-- ; } return(FALSE); // string exhausted, no delimiters found.
BOOL BeatSurroundingWhiteSpaces( IN PABSARRAYREF paarSrc ) /* as name suggests, advance paarSrc to
first nonwhite and adjust count to exclude trailing whitespaces or set dw = 0 if src string is exhausted. Note: this routine expects only leading and trailing whitespaces. The presence of whitespaces within the token is a user error. (or maybe an internal error). */ { PBYTE pub ; DWORD dw , dwLen ;
pub = paarSrc->pub ; dw = paarSrc->dw ;
while(dw && (*pub == ' ' || *pub == '\t') ) { pub++ ; dw-- ; } paarSrc->pub = pub ;
for(dwLen = 0 ; dw && (*pub != ' ') && (*pub != '\t') ; dwLen++ ) { pub++ ; dw-- ; } paarSrc->dw = dwLen ;
// make sure the rest is white
while(dw && (*pub == ' ' || *pub == '\t') ) { pub++ ; dw-- ; } if(dw) { ERR(("more than one token found where only one was expected: %0.*s\n", paarSrc->dw, paarSrc->pub));
return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); }
BOOL BparseSymbol( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PDWORD pdwDest, // write dword value here.
IN VALUE eAllowedValue, // which class of symbol is this?
IN PGLOBL pglobl ) { DWORD dwSymbolTree ;
dwSymbolTree = ((PDWORD)gMasterTable[MTI_SYMBOLROOT].pubStruct) [eAllowedValue - VALUE_SYMBOL_FIRST] ;
if(! BeatSurroundingWhiteSpaces(paarValue) ) return(FALSE);
*pdwDest = DWsearchSymbolListForAAR(paarValue, dwSymbolTree, pglobl) ; if(*pdwDest == INVALID_SYMBOLID) { ERR(("user supplied a non-existent symbol: %0.*s in class: %d\n", paarValue->dw, paarValue->pub, (eAllowedValue - VALUE_SYMBOL_FIRST) ));
return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); }
BOOL BparseQualifiedName ( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PDWORD pdwDest, // write dword value here.
IN VALUE eAllowedValue, // which class of symbol is this?
IN PGLOBL pglobl ) /* A QualifiedName shall be stored in one DWord, if more
storage is required, things get more complex. A QualifiedName shall consist of 2 parts, Attributes requiring more qualifiers may specify a LIST of qualified names. note: cramming DWORD into WORD, assumes all ID values are WORD sized. */ { ABSARRAYREF aarFeature ; // points to FeatureName.
DWORD dwDelIndex ; // serves no purpose here.
DWORD dwFeatureID, dwFeatureIndex , dwRootOptions, dwOptionID; PSYMBOLNODE psn ;
if(!BdelimitToken(paarValue, ".", &aarFeature, &dwDelIndex) ) { ERR(("required delimiter '.' missing in qualified value: %0.*s\n", paarValue->dw, paarValue->pub)); return(FALSE); } if(! BeatSurroundingWhiteSpaces(&aarFeature) ) // holds feature
{ ERR(("no feature found in qualified value: %0.*s\n", paarValue->dw, paarValue->pub)); return(FALSE); } if(! BeatSurroundingWhiteSpaces(paarValue) ) // holds option
{ ERR(("no option found in qualified value: %0.*s\n", aarFeature.dw, aarFeature.pub)); return(FALSE); }
dwFeatureID = DWsearchSymbolListForAAR(&aarFeature, mdwFeatureSymbols, pglobl) ; if(dwFeatureID == INVALID_SYMBOLID) { ERR(("qualified name references a non-existent Feature symbol: %0.*s\n", aarFeature.dw, aarFeature.pub)); // for qualified value.
return(FALSE); } dwFeatureIndex = DWsearchSymbolListForID(dwFeatureID, mdwFeatureSymbols, pglobl);
psn = (PSYMBOLNODE) gMasterTable[MTI_SYMBOLTREE].pubStruct ;
dwRootOptions = psn[dwFeatureIndex].dwSubSpaceIndex ; dwOptionID = DWsearchSymbolListForAAR(paarValue, dwRootOptions, pglobl) ; if(dwOptionID == INVALID_SYMBOLID) { ERR(("qualified name references a non-existent Option symbol: %0.*s\n", paarValue->dw, paarValue->pub)); return(FALSE); } ((PQUALNAME)pdwDest)->wFeatureID = (WORD)dwFeatureID ; ((PQUALNAME)pdwDest)->wOptionID = (WORD)dwOptionID ;
return(TRUE); }
BOOL BparseQualifiedNameEx ( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PDWORD pdwDest, // write dword value here.
IN VALUE eAllowedValue, // which class of symbol is this?
IN PGLOBL pglobl ) /* A QualifiedNameEx is a QualifiedName followed
by an unsigned integer with a . delimiter. Optionally it may just be an integer! This type shall be used to store resource references.
This shall be stored in one DWord in the following format:
{ // arranged in order of increasing memory addresses
WORD intValue ; BYTE OptionIndex ; BYTE FeatureIndex ; // note high byte may be cleared
} // since this is intended for use only
// as a resource reference.
*/ { ABSARRAYREF aarFeature, // points to FeatureName.
aarOption ; // points to OptionName.
DWORD dwDelIndex ; // serves no purpose here.
DWORD dwFeatureID, dwFeatureIndex , dwRootOptions, dwOptionID; PSYMBOLNODE psn ;
if(!BdelimitToken(paarValue, ".", &aarFeature, &dwDelIndex) ) { // assume this is an integer form.
return(BparseInteger( paarValue, pdwDest, VALUE_INTEGER, pglobl) ); }
if(! BeatSurroundingWhiteSpaces(&aarFeature) ) // holds feature
{ ERR(("no feature found in qualified valueEx: %0.*s\n", paarValue->dw, paarValue->pub)); return(FALSE); } if(!BdelimitToken(paarValue, ".", &aarOption, &dwDelIndex) ) { ERR(("required 2nd delimiter '.' missing in qualified valueEx: %0.*s\n", paarValue->dw, paarValue->pub)); return(FALSE); }
if(! BeatSurroundingWhiteSpaces(&aarOption) ) // holds option
{ ERR(("no option found in qualified valueEx: %0.*s\n", aarFeature.dw, aarFeature.pub)); return(FALSE); } if(!BparseInteger( paarValue, pdwDest, VALUE_INTEGER, pglobl) ) { ERR(("Err parsing integer portion of qualified valueEx: %0.*s\n", paarValue->dw, paarValue->pub)); return(FALSE); }
dwFeatureID = DWsearchSymbolListForAAR(&aarFeature, mdwFeatureSymbols, pglobl) ; if(dwFeatureID == INVALID_SYMBOLID) { ERR(("qualified name references a non-existent Feature symbol: %0.*s\n", aarFeature.dw, aarFeature.pub)); // for qualified value.
return(FALSE); } dwFeatureIndex = DWsearchSymbolListForID(dwFeatureID, mdwFeatureSymbols, pglobl) ;
psn = (PSYMBOLNODE) gMasterTable[MTI_SYMBOLTREE].pubStruct ;
dwRootOptions = psn[dwFeatureIndex].dwSubSpaceIndex ; dwOptionID = DWsearchSymbolListForAAR(&aarOption, dwRootOptions, pglobl) ; if(dwOptionID == INVALID_SYMBOLID) { ERR(("qualified name references a non-existent Option symbol: %0.*s\n", aarOption.dw, aarOption.pub)); return(FALSE); } if(gdwResDLL_ID) // has already been initialized
{ if(gdwResDLL_ID != dwFeatureID) { ERR(("References to ResourceDLLs must be placed in the feature with symbolname: RESDLL.\n")); return(FALSE); } } else gdwResDLL_ID = dwFeatureID ;
if(dwOptionID >= 0x80 ) { ERR(("GPD may not reference more than 127 resource files.\n")); return(FALSE); } // integer portion already set.
((PQUALNAMEEX)pdwDest)->bFeatureID = (BYTE)dwFeatureID ; ((PQUALNAMEEX)pdwDest)->bOptionID = (BYTE)dwOptionID ;
// if needed, clear high bit here!
((PQUALNAMEEX)pdwDest)->bOptionID &= ~0x80 ;
return(TRUE); }
BOOL BparsePartiallyQualifiedName ( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PDWORD pdwDest, // write dword value here.
IN VALUE eAllowedValue, // which class of symbol is this?
IN PGLOBL pglobl ) /* Similar to parseQualifiedName but will tolerate
a Featurename by itself. in this case the optionID will be set to INVALID_SYMBOLID. */ { ABSARRAYREF aarFeature ; // points to FeatureName.
DWORD dwDelIndex ; // serves no purpose here.
DWORD dwFeatureID, dwFeatureIndex , dwRootOptions, dwOptionID = 0; PSYMBOLNODE psn ;
if(!BdelimitToken(paarValue, ".", &aarFeature, &dwDelIndex) ) { aarFeature = *paarValue ; // initialize since BdelimitToken doesn't
dwOptionID = INVALID_SYMBOLID ; } if(! BeatSurroundingWhiteSpaces(&aarFeature) ) // holds feature
{ ERR(("no feature found in partially qualified value: %0.*s\n", paarValue->dw, paarValue->pub)); return(FALSE); }
if(!dwOptionID && ! BeatSurroundingWhiteSpaces(paarValue) ) // holds option
{ ERR(("no option found after . in partially qualified value: %0.*s\n", paarValue->dw, paarValue->pub)); return(FALSE); }
dwFeatureID = DWsearchSymbolListForAAR(&aarFeature, mdwFeatureSymbols, pglobl) ; if(dwFeatureID == INVALID_SYMBOLID) { ERR(("qualified name references a non-existent Feature symbol: %0.*s\n", paarValue->dw, paarValue->pub)); return(FALSE); } dwFeatureIndex = DWsearchSymbolListForID(dwFeatureID, mdwFeatureSymbols, pglobl);
psn = (PSYMBOLNODE) gMasterTable[MTI_SYMBOLTREE].pubStruct ;
if(!dwOptionID) { dwRootOptions = psn[dwFeatureIndex].dwSubSpaceIndex ; dwOptionID = DWsearchSymbolListForAAR(paarValue, dwRootOptions, pglobl) ; if(dwOptionID == INVALID_SYMBOLID) { ERR(("qualified name references a non-existent Option symbol: %0.*s\n", paarValue->dw, paarValue->pub)); return(FALSE); } } ((PQUALNAME)pdwDest)->wFeatureID = (WORD)dwFeatureID ; ((PQUALNAME)pdwDest)->wOptionID = (WORD)dwOptionID ;
return(TRUE); }
BOOL BparseOptionSymbol( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PDWORD pdwDest, // write dword value here.
IN VALUE eAllowedValue, // which class of symbol is this?
IN PGLOBL pglobl ) /* Note we assume any attribute expecting an OptionSymbol
must reside within a Feature Construct. */ { WORD wTstsInd ; // temp state stack index
STATE stState ; DWORD dwFeatureID = 0, dwFeatureIndex , dwRootOptions; PSYMBOLNODE psn ;
if( eAllowedValue != VALUE_SYMBOL_OPTIONS ) return(FALSE);
if(! BeatSurroundingWhiteSpaces(paarValue) ) return(FALSE);
for(wTstsInd = 0 ; wTstsInd < mdwCurStsPtr ; wTstsInd++) { stState = mpstsStateStack[wTstsInd].stState ; if(stState == STATE_FEATURE ) { dwFeatureID = mpstsStateStack[wTstsInd].dwSymbolID ; break ; } } if(wTstsInd >= mdwCurStsPtr) return (FALSE) ;
dwFeatureIndex = DWsearchSymbolListForID(dwFeatureID, mdwFeatureSymbols, pglobl) ;
psn = (PSYMBOLNODE) gMasterTable[MTI_SYMBOLTREE].pubStruct ;
dwRootOptions = psn[dwFeatureIndex].dwSubSpaceIndex ; *pdwDest = DWsearchSymbolListForAAR(paarValue, dwRootOptions, pglobl) ; if(*pdwDest == INVALID_SYMBOLID) { ERR(("qualified name references a non-existent Option symbol: %0.*s\n", paarValue->dw, paarValue->pub)); return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); }
BOOL BparseConstant( IN OUT PABSARRAYREF paarValue, OUT PDWORD pdwDest, // write dword value here.
IN VALUE eAllowedValue, // which class of constant is this?
IN PGLOBL pglobl ) /* note: this function will destroy/modify paarValue, it will
only reference the constant name when done. */ { DWORD dwClassIndex = eAllowedValue - VALUE_CONSTANT_FIRST ; DWORD dwI, dwCount, dwStart , dwLen;
dwStart = gcieTable[dwClassIndex].dwStart ; dwCount = gcieTable[dwClassIndex].dwCount ;
if(! BeatSurroundingWhiteSpaces(paarValue) ) return(FALSE);
for(dwI = 0 ; dwI < dwCount ; dwI++) { dwLen = strlen(gConstantsTable[dwStart + dwI].pubName);
if((dwLen == paarValue->dw) && !strncmp(paarValue->pub, gConstantsTable[dwStart + dwI].pubName, paarValue->dw) ) { *pdwDest = gConstantsTable[dwStart + dwI].dwValue ; return(TRUE); } } #if defined(DEVSTUDIO) // Keep messages to one line, where possible
ERR(("Error: constant value '%0.*s' is not a member of enumeration class: %s\n", paarValue->dw , paarValue->pub, gConstantsTable[dwStart - 1].pubName)); #else
ERR(("Error: constant value not a member of enumeration class: %s\n", gConstantsTable[dwStart - 1].pubName)); ERR(("\t%0.*s\n", paarValue->dw , paarValue->pub )) ; #endif
return(FALSE); }
BOOL BinitClassIndexTable( IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl) { DWORD dwOldClass, dwCTIndex ;
for(dwCTIndex = 0 ; dwCTIndex < CL_NUMCLASSES ; dwCTIndex++ ) { gcieTable[dwCTIndex].dwStart = 0 ; gcieTable[dwCTIndex].dwCount = 0 ; // set to known state.
dwOldClass = gConstantsTable[0].dwValue ; gcieTable[dwOldClass].dwStart = 2 ; // index of first entry
for(dwCTIndex = 2 ; 1 ; dwCTIndex++ ) { if(!gConstantsTable[dwCTIndex].pubName) { gcieTable[dwOldClass].dwCount = dwCTIndex - gcieTable[dwOldClass].dwStart ;
dwOldClass = gConstantsTable[dwCTIndex].dwValue ;
if(dwOldClass == CL_NUMCLASSES) break ; // reached end of table.
gcieTable[dwOldClass].dwStart = dwCTIndex + 2 ; } } for(dwCTIndex = 0 ; dwCTIndex < CL_NUMCLASSES ; dwCTIndex++ ) { if(!gcieTable[dwCTIndex].dwCount) { geErrorSev = ERRSEV_FATAL ; geErrorType = ERRTY_CODEBUG ; return(FALSE) ; // paranoid - some classes not
} } // listed in gConstantsTable[] .
return(TRUE) ; }
BOOL BparseRect( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PRECT prcDest, PGLOBL pglobl ) /* note: integers initialize the rect structure in memory
in the order in which they appear. First int initializes the lowest memory location and so on. */ { ABSARRAYREF aarToken ; // points to individual value.
DWORD dwDelIndex ; // if BdelimitToken
// found a delimiter, this contains the index to pubDelimiters
// of the delimiter that was found.
DWORD dwI ; // number integers in RECT
if(! BeatDelimiter(paarValue, "RECT")) { ERR(("expected token 'RECT'.\n")); return(FALSE) ; } if(! BeatDelimiter(paarValue, "(")) { ERR(("syntax error: missing '(' after RECT.\n")); return(FALSE) ; }
for(dwI = dwDelIndex = 0 ; dwI < 4 && dwDelIndex != 1 ; dwI++) { if(!BdelimitToken(paarValue, ",)", &aarToken, &dwDelIndex) ) { ERR(("missing terminating ) in RECT construct.\n")); // emit message for user.
return(FALSE) ; } if(!BparseInteger(&aarToken, (PDWORD)prcDest + dwI, VALUE_INTEGER, pglobl)) { ERR(("syntax error in %d th integer of RECT.\n", dwI)); ERR(("\t%0.*s\n", aarToken.dw, aarToken.pub)); return(FALSE) ; } }
if(dwI != 4 || dwDelIndex != 1) { ERR(("incorrect number of integers for RECT.\n")); return(FALSE) ; } // verify there is nothing else in statement.
(VOID) BeatLeadingWhiteSpaces(paarValue) ; if(paarValue->dw) { ERR(("extraneous characters found after the end of the RECT construct: %0.*s\n", paarValue->dw, paarValue->pub)); // may want to print them out.
// not a fatal condition, continue.
} return(TRUE) ; }
BOOL BparsePoint( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PPOINT pptDest, PGLOBL pglobl ) { ABSARRAYREF aarToken ; // points to individual value.
DWORD dwDelIndex ; // if BdelimitToken
// found a delimiter, this contains the index to pubDelimiters
// of the delimiter that was found.
DWORD dwI ; // number integers in POINT
if(! BeatDelimiter(paarValue, "PAIR")) { ERR(("expected token 'PAIR'.\n")); return(FALSE) ; } if(! BeatDelimiter(paarValue, "(")) { ERR(("syntax error: missing '(' after PAIR.\n")); return(FALSE) ; }
for(dwI = dwDelIndex = 0 ; dwI < 2 && dwDelIndex != 1 ; dwI++) { if(!BdelimitToken(paarValue, ",)", &aarToken, &dwDelIndex) ) { ERR(("missing terminating ) in PAIR construct.\n")); // emit message for user.
return(FALSE) ; } if(!BparseInteger(&aarToken, (PDWORD)pptDest + dwI, VALUE_INTEGER, pglobl)) { ERR(("syntax error in %d th integer of PAIR.\n", dwI)); ERR(("\t%0.*s\n", aarToken.dw, aarToken.pub)); return(FALSE) ; } }
if(dwI != 2 || dwDelIndex != 1) { ERR(("incorrect number of integers for PAIR.\n")); return(FALSE) ; } // verify there is nothing else in statement.
(VOID) BeatLeadingWhiteSpaces(paarValue) ; if(paarValue->dw) { ERR(("extraneous characters found after the end of the PAIR construct: %0.*s\n", paarValue->dw, paarValue->pub)); } return(TRUE) ; }
BOOL BparseString( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PARRAYREF parStrValue, IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl ) /* strings are comprised of one or more string segments separated
by optional arbitrary whitespace, each string segment is surrounded by double quotes. string segments may contain a mixture of literal sections and hexsubstrings. Hexsubstrings are delimited by angle brackets. WhiteSpaces (but not linebreak chars) are permitted in the literal portion of the string, they part of the string. Otherwise only printable chars are allowed. Valid hexchars and Arbitrary whitespace is permitted within the hexsubstrings. Parsing of a string value ends when a statement terminator is encountered.
The escape char % Within the literal portion of a string segment the following combinations are reinterpreted:
%< maps to literal < %" maps to literal "
> only has a special meaning within a hexsubstring.
Assumption: assumes the only heap usage that occurs within this function (and any called functions) is to assemble all string segments contiguously on the heap. Any hidden use of the heap will corrupt the continuity.
the string may be terminated by : if a second value field is expected. */ { ABSARRAYREF aarToken ; // points to individual string segment.
DWORD dwDelIndex ; // dummy
DWORD dwI ; // number of string segments parsed.
if(! BeatDelimiter(paarValue, "\"")) { ERR(("syntax error: string must begin with '\"' .\n")); return(FALSE) ; }
parStrValue->dwCount = 0 ; // initialize so BparseStrSegment
// will overwrite instead of append
for(dwI = dwDelIndex = 0 ; 1 ; dwI++) { if(!BdelimitToken(paarValue, "\"", &aarToken, &dwDelIndex) ) { ERR(("missing terminating '\"' in string.\n")); // emit message for user.
return(FALSE) ; } if(!BparseStrSegment(&aarToken, parStrValue, pglobl)) { return(FALSE) ; } if(! BeatDelimiter(paarValue, "\"")) // find start of next
// string segment, if one exists.
break ; }
// verify there is either a specially recognized character
// or nothing else in Value string.
if(paarValue->dw) { if(*paarValue->pub == ':') { // a keyword with a composite value
(VOID)BeatDelimiter(paarValue, ":") ; // I know this will succeed!
(VOID) BeatLeadingWhiteSpaces(paarValue) ; return(TRUE) ; } else { ERR(("extraneous characters found after end quote, in string construct: %0.*s\n", paarValue->dw, paarValue->pub)); // may want to print them out.
return(FALSE) ; } } return(TRUE) ; }
BOOL BparseAndTerminateString( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PARRAYREF parStrValue, IN VALUE eAllowedValue, IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl ) {
ARRAYREF arSrcString ; INT iCodepage ; // unused for now.
if(!BparseString(paarValue, parStrValue, pglobl) ) return(FALSE) ;
// We don't want null terminations to occur between parameter
// portion of a string. We just want to blindly add the NULL
// when parsing is really finished.
{ DWORD dwDummy ; // holds offset in heap, but we don't care.
if(!BwriteToHeap(&dwDummy, "\0", 1, 1, pglobl) ) // add Null termination
return(FALSE) ; }
if(eAllowedValue == VALUE_STRING_NO_CONVERT) return(TRUE) ; if(eAllowedValue == VALUE_STRING_CP_CONVERT) { // we need to determine the value set by *CodePage
pga = (PGLOBALATTRIB)gMasterTable[ MTI_GLOBALATTRIB].pubStruct ;
if(!BReadDataInGlobalNode(&pga->atrCodePage, &dwHeapOffset, pglobl) ) return(TRUE);
// if no codepage is defined, we will not perform
// any xlation since we assume all strings are already
// expressed in unicode.
iCodepage = *(PDWORD)(mpubOffRef + dwHeapOffset) ; } else // eAllowedValue == VALUE_STRING_DEF_CONVERT
iCodepage = CP_ACP ; // use system default codepage.
arSrcString = *parStrValue ; if(!BwriteUnicodeToHeap(&arSrcString, parStrValue, iCodepage, pglobl)) return(FALSE) ; return(TRUE) ; }
BOOL BwriteUnicodeToHeap( IN PARRAYREF parSrcString, OUT PARRAYREF parUnicodeString, IN INT iCodepage, IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl ) // this function copies dwCnt bytes from pubSrc to
// top of heap and writes the offset of the destination string
// to pdwDestOff. Nothing is changed if FAILS.
// Warning! Double Null termination is added to string.
{ PBYTE pubDest ; // destination location
PBYTE pubSrc ; // points to src string
DWORD dwAlign = sizeof(WCHAR) ; // align Unicode string at WORD boundaries.
DWORD dwMaxDestSize , dwActDestSize, dwDummy ;
mloCurHeap = (mloCurHeap + dwAlign - 1) / dwAlign ; mloCurHeap *= dwAlign ;
pubDest = mpubOffRef + mloCurHeap ; pubSrc = mpubOffRef + parSrcString->loOffset ;
parUnicodeString->loOffset = mloCurHeap ;
dwMaxDestSize = sizeof(WCHAR) * (parSrcString->dwCount + 1) ;
// is there enough room in the heap ?
if(mloCurHeap + dwMaxDestSize > mdwMaxHeap) { ERR(("Heap exhausted - restart.\n"));
if(ERRSEV_RESTART > geErrorSev) { geErrorSev = ERRSEV_RESTART ; geErrorType = ERRTY_MEMORY_ALLOCATION ; gdwMasterTabIndex = MTI_STRINGHEAP ; } return(FALSE); } dwActDestSize = sizeof(WCHAR) * MultiByteToWideChar(iCodepage, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pubSrc, parSrcString->dwCount, (PWORD)pubDest, dwMaxDestSize);
mloCurHeap += dwActDestSize ; // update heap ptr.
parUnicodeString->dwCount = dwActDestSize ;
(VOID)BwriteToHeap(&dwDummy, "\0\0", 2, 1, pglobl) ; // add DoubleNull termination
// this cannot fail since we already took the NULs into account
return(TRUE) ; }
BOOL BparseStrSegment( IN PABSARRAYREF paarStrSeg, // source str segment
IN PARRAYREF parStrLiteral, // dest for result
IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl ) { ABSARRAYREF aarToken ; // points to literal or hex substring segment.
DWORD dwDelIndex ; // dummy
DWORD dwI ; // number of string segments parsed.
for(dwI = dwDelIndex = 0 ; 1 ; dwI++) { if(!BdelimitToken(paarStrSeg, "<", &aarToken, &dwDelIndex) ) { // no more hex substrings.
return(BparseStrLiteral(paarStrSeg, parStrLiteral, pglobl) ) ; } if(!BparseStrLiteral(&aarToken, parStrLiteral, pglobl)) { return(FALSE) ; } if(!BdelimitToken(paarStrSeg, ">", &aarToken, &dwDelIndex) ) { ERR(("Missing '>' terminator in hexsubstring.\n")); return(FALSE) ; } if(!(BparseHexStr(&aarToken, parStrLiteral, pglobl) ) ) return(FALSE) ; } return TRUE; }
BOOL BparseStrLiteral( IN PABSARRAYREF paarStrSeg, // points to literal substring segment.
IN PARRAYREF parStrLiteral, // dest for result
IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl ) /* in this function all delimiters have been parsed out.
only special character sequence is %" and %< Does not Null terminate heap string */ { ARRAYREF arTmpDest ; // write result here first.
DWORD dwI ; // byte index along literal substring
PBYTE pubStartRun ;
while(paarStrSeg->dw) { pubStartRun = paarStrSeg->pub ;
for(dwI = 0 ; paarStrSeg->dw ; dwI++) { if(*paarStrSeg->pub == '%' && paarStrSeg->dw > 1 && (paarStrSeg->pub[1] == '"' || paarStrSeg->pub[1] == '<')) { paarStrSeg->dw-- ; // skip the escape char.
paarStrSeg->pub++ ; break ; } paarStrSeg->dw-- ; paarStrSeg->pub++ ; } if(!BwriteToHeap(&arTmpDest.loOffset, pubStartRun, dwI, 1, pglobl)) return(FALSE) ; // append this run to existing string
if(!parStrLiteral->dwCount) // no prevs string exists
{ parStrLiteral->loOffset = arTmpDest.loOffset ; } else { // BUG_BUG paranoid: may check that string is contiguous
// parStrLiteral->loOffset + parStrLiteral->dwCount
// should equal arTmpDest.loOffset
ASSERT(parStrLiteral->loOffset + parStrLiteral->dwCount == arTmpDest.loOffset ); } parStrLiteral->dwCount += dwI ; } return(TRUE) ; }
BOOL BparseHexStr( IN PABSARRAYREF paarStrSeg, // points to hex substring segment.
IN PARRAYREF parStrLiteral, // dest for result
IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl ) /* in this function all delimiters have been parsed out.
only Whitespace and hex chars should exist. Does not Null terminate heap string */ { ARRAYREF arTmpDest ; // write result here first.
DWORD dwI ; // num dest bytes
BYTE ubHex, ubSrc, aub[40] ; // accumulate hexbytes here
BOOL bHigh = TRUE ;
while(paarStrSeg->dw) { for(dwI = 0 ; paarStrSeg->dw ; ) { ubSrc = *paarStrSeg->pub ; paarStrSeg->dw-- ; paarStrSeg->pub++ ; if(ubSrc >= '0' && ubSrc <= '9') { ubHex = ubSrc - '0' ; } else if(ubSrc >= 'a' && ubSrc <= 'f') { ubHex = ubSrc - 'a' + 10 ; } else if(ubSrc >= 'A' && ubSrc <= 'F') { ubHex = ubSrc - 'A' + 10 ; } else if(ubSrc == ' ' || ubSrc == '\t') continue; // safe to ignore whitespace chars
else { ERR(("syntax error: illegal char found within hexsubstring: %c\n", ubSrc)); return(FALSE) ; } if(bHigh) { aub[dwI] = ubHex << 4 ; // store in high nibble.
bHigh = FALSE ; } else { aub[dwI] |= ubHex ; // store in low nibble.
bHigh = TRUE ; dwI++ ; // advance to next dest byte
} if(dwI >= 40) break ; // buffer full -- must flush aub
} if(!BwriteToHeap(&arTmpDest.loOffset, aub, dwI, 1, pglobl)) return(FALSE) ; // append this run to existing string
if(!parStrLiteral->dwCount) // no prevs string exists
{ parStrLiteral->loOffset = arTmpDest.loOffset ; } else { // BUG_BUG paranoid: may check that string is contiguous
// parStrLiteral->loOffset + parStrLiteral->dwCount
// should equal arTmpDest.loOffset
ASSERT(parStrLiteral->loOffset + parStrLiteral->dwCount == arTmpDest.loOffset ); } parStrLiteral->dwCount += dwI ; } if(!bHigh) { ERR(("hex string contains odd number of hex digits.\n")); } return(bHigh) ; }
BOOL BparseOrderDep( IN PABSARRAYREF paarValue, IN PORDERDEPENDENCY pordDest, PGLOBL pglobl ) // an order dependency value has the syntax:
// SECTION.integer
{ ABSARRAYREF aarSection ; // points to SECTION token
DWORD dwDelIndex ; // if BdelimitToken
// found a delimiter, this contains the index to pubDelimiters
// of the delimiter that was found.
DWORD dwI ; // number integers in RECT
if(!BdelimitToken(paarValue, ".", &aarSection, &dwDelIndex) ) { ERR(("required delimiter '.' missing in order dependency value.\n")); return(FALSE); } if(!BparseConstant(&aarSection, (PDWORD)&(pordDest->eSection), VALUE_CONSTANT_SEQSECTION , pglobl)) { ERR(("A valid orderdep SECTION name was not supplied: %0.*s\n", aarSection.dw, aarSection.pub)); return(FALSE); }
// now interpret remainder of paarValue as an integer.
if(!BparseInteger(paarValue, &(pordDest->dwOrder), VALUE_INTEGER, pglobl)) { ERR(("syntax error in integer portion of order dependency.\n")); return(FALSE) ; }
// verify there is nothing else in statement.
(VOID) BeatLeadingWhiteSpaces(paarValue) ; if(paarValue->dw) { ERR(("extraneous characters found after the end of the orderDependency value: %0.*s\n", paarValue->dw, paarValue->pub)); // may want to print them out.
// not a fatal condition, continue.
} return(TRUE) ; }
PDWORD pdwEndOfList( PDWORD pdwNodeIndex, // index of first node in the list
PGLOBL pglobl) // walks the list and returns pointer to field containing the
// actual END_OF_LIST value so it can be overwritten to
// extend the list.
{ PLISTNODE plstRoot ; // start of LIST array
DWORD dwNodeIndex , dwPrevsNode, dwFirstNode;
plstRoot = (PLISTNODE) gMasterTable[MTI_LISTNODES].pubStruct ; dwNodeIndex = *pdwNodeIndex ;
if(dwNodeIndex == END_OF_LIST ) return(pdwNodeIndex); // no actual node referenced.
while(plstRoot[dwNodeIndex].dwNextItem != END_OF_LIST ) dwNodeIndex = plstRoot[dwNodeIndex].dwNextItem ; return(&plstRoot[dwNodeIndex].dwNextItem); }
#ifdef GMACROS
PBYTE ExtendChain(PBYTE pubDest, IN BOOL bOverWrite, IN OUT PGLOBL pglobl) // Links together values from separate entries into one LIST
// the values may be of any type. If the values are LISTS, this
// modifier creates LISTS of LISTS.
// returns new value of pubDest
{ DWORD dwNodeIndex; PLISTNODE plstRoot ; // start of LIST array
plstRoot = (PLISTNODE) gMasterTable[MTI_LISTNODES].pubStruct ;
if(bOverWrite) pubDest = (PBYTE)pdwEndOfList((PDWORD)pubDest, pglobl); // walks the list and returns pointer
// to the actual END_OF_LIST value so it can be overwritten to
// extend the list.
// Add one list node and write its index to pubDest.
// set nextnode field of node just added to END_OF_LIST.
if(! BallocElementFromMasterTable(MTI_LISTNODES , &dwNodeIndex, pglobl) ) { return(NULL) ; } plstRoot[dwNodeIndex].dwNextItem = END_OF_LIST ;
*(PDWORD)pubDest = dwNodeIndex ;
// update pubDest to point to value field of of the node just added.
// now the LIST() we will now proceed to parse will grow from this
// value field.
pubDest = (PBYTE)&(plstRoot[dwNodeIndex].dwData) ; return(pubDest) ; }