Source File: Code Page Knowledge Base.CPP
This implements the code page knowledge base.
Copyright (c) 1997 by Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
A Pretty Penny Enterprises Production.
Change History: 02-22-1997 Bob_Kjelgaard@Prodigy.Net Created it
#include "StdAfx.h"
//#include <AfxDllx.h>
#include "Resource.H"
#if defined(LONG_NAMES)
#include "Code Page Knowledge Base.H"
#include "CodePage.H"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
/*** Commented out because this code is no longer in a DLL.
static AFX_EXTENSION_MODULE CodePageKnowledgeBaseDLL = { NULL, NULL }; static HINSTANCE hi;
extern "C" int APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { hi = hInstance; TRACE0("Code Page Knowledge Base.DLL Initializing!\n"); // Extension DLL one-time initialization
AfxInitExtensionModule(CodePageKnowledgeBaseDLL, hInstance);
// Insert this DLL into the resource chain
new CDynLinkLibrary(CodePageKnowledgeBaseDLL); } else if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { TRACE0("Code Page Knowledge Base.DLL Terminating!\n"); } return 1; // ok
} */
static CDWordArray cdaInstalled, cdaSupported, cdaMapped;
static BOOL CALLBACK EnumProc(LPTSTR lpstrName) { cdaSupported.Add(atoi(lpstrName)); return TRUE; }
This loads the selected code page into the cache, if it isn't already there.
BOOL CCodePageInformation::Load(DWORD dwidPage) {
if (dwidPage == m_dwidMapped) return TRUE; // Already done!
if (dwidPage > 65535) // We map words for code pages in civilized lands
return FALSE;
HRSRC hrsrc = FindResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE((WORD) dwidPage), MAKEINTRESOURCE(MAPPING_TABLE)); // raid 43537
if (!hrsrc) return FALSE;
HGLOBAL hgMap = LoadResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(), hrsrc);
if (!hgMap) return FALSE; // This should never happen!
LPVOID lpv = LockResource(hgMap);
if (!lpv) return FALSE;
try { m_cbaMap.RemoveAll(); m_cbaMap.SetSize(SizeofResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(), hrsrc)); memcpy(m_cbaMap.GetData(), lpv, (size_t)m_cbaMap.GetSize()); }
catch (CException * pce) { m_dwidMapped = 0; pce -> ReportError(); pce -> Delete(); return FALSE; }
m_dwidMapped = dwidPage; return TRUE; }
This creates either the in or out of unicode translation table, as requested, using the loaded map.
BOOL CCodePageInformation::Map(BOOL bUnicode) {
if (!m_dwidMapped) return FALSE;
DWORD& dwid = bUnicode ? m_dwidOut : m_dwidIn;
if (m_dwidMapped == dwid) return TRUE;
struct MB2WCMap { WORD m_wMBCS; WORD m_wWC; } *psMap = (MB2WCMap *) m_cbaMap.GetData();
if (!psMap) return 0;
DWORD dwcEntries = (DWORD)m_cbaMap.GetSize() / sizeof *psMap; CWordArray& cwaMap = bUnicode ? m_cwaOut : m_cwaIn;
try {
cwaMap.RemoveAll(); cwaMap.InsertAt(0, 0xFFFF, 65536); // This is always an invalid value
while (dwcEntries--) if (bUnicode) cwaMap[psMap[dwcEntries].m_wWC] = psMap[dwcEntries].m_wMBCS; else cwaMap[psMap[dwcEntries].m_wMBCS] = psMap[dwcEntries].m_wWC; }
catch (CException * pce) { dwid = 0; cwaMap.RemoveAll(); pce -> ReportError(); pce -> Delete(); return 0; }
dwid = m_dwidMapped; return TRUE; }
CCodePageInformation constructor
If the statistics haven't been initialized, do it now. Otherwise, this is trivial.
CCodePageInformation::CCodePageInformation() { m_dwidMapped = m_dwidIn = m_dwidOut = 0; // Initialize the statics if we need to.
if (cdaInstalled.GetSize()) return;
EnumSystemCodePages(&EnumProc, CP_INSTALLED); cdaInstalled.Copy(cdaSupported); cdaSupported.RemoveAll(); EnumSystemCodePages(&EnumProc, CP_SUPPORTED);
// Build a list of mappable code pages
for (DWORD dw = 400; dw < 32767; dw++) if (HaveMap(dw)) cdaMapped.Add(dw); }
const unsigned CCodePageInformation::SupportedCount() const { return (unsigned) cdaSupported.GetSize(); }
const unsigned CCodePageInformation::InstalledCount() const { return (unsigned) cdaInstalled.GetSize(); }
const unsigned CCodePageInformation::MappedCount() const { return (unsigned) cdaMapped.GetSize(); }
const DWORD CCodePageInformation::Supported(unsigned u) const { return cdaSupported[u]; }
const DWORD CCodePageInformation::Installed(unsigned u) const { return cdaInstalled[u]; }
const DWORD CCodePageInformation::Mapped(unsigned u) const { return cdaMapped[u]; }
CCodePageInformation::Mapped(CDWordArray& cdaReturn)
Fills the given array with all of the mapped code page IDs.
void CCodePageInformation::Mapped(CDWordArray& cdaReturn) const { cdaReturn.Copy(cdaMapped); }
CString CCodePageInformation::Name(DWORD dwidPage) const {
CString csTemp; csTemp.LoadString(dwidPage); csTemp.TrimLeft(); csTemp.TrimRight();
if (csTemp.IsEmpty()) csTemp.Format(_TEXT("Code Page %d"), dwidPage); return csTemp; }
Rturns true if the font is either installed in the OS or one of our resources.
BOOL CCodePageInformation::IsInstalled(DWORD dwidPage) const { for (unsigned u = 0; u < MappedCount(); u++) if (Mapped(u) == dwidPage) return TRUE; for (u = 0; u < InstalledCount(); u++) if (Installed(u) == dwidPage) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
This private member generates a map representing the available one-to-one transformations in an installed code page, and writes it to a file using the code page id to form a unique name
BOOL CCodePageInformation::GenerateMap(DWORD dwidMap) const {
// If we can't get Code Page info for it, vanish
if (!GetCPInfo(dwidMap, &cpi)) return FALSE;
CWordArray cwaMap;
for (unsigned u = 0; u < 65536; u++) { unsigned uTo = 0; BOOL bInvalid;
int icTo = WideCharToMultiByte(dwidMap, 0, (PWSTR) &u, 1, (PSTR) &uTo, sizeof u, NULL, &bInvalid);
if (bInvalid) continue; // Character wasn't any good...
_ASSERTE((unsigned) icTo <= cpi.MaxCharSize);
// OK, we mapped one- but, before we go on, make sure it also works
// in the other direction, since the U2M does some jiggering
unsigned u3 = 0;
MultiByteToWideChar(dwidMap, 0, (PSTR) &uTo, 2, (PWSTR) &u3, 2);
if (u3 != u) continue; // Not a one-for one? Not interested...
cwaMap.Add((WORD)uTo); cwaMap.Add((WORD)u); }
// OK, we've got the down and dirty details- now, generate the file...
try { CString csName; csName.Format(_TEXT("WPS%u.CTT"), dwidMap);
CFile cfOut(csName, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::shareExclusive);
// Write the tranlated pairs
cfOut.Write(cwaMap.GetData(), (unsigned)(cwaMap.GetSize() * sizeof(WORD))); }
catch(CException *pce) { pce -> ReportError(); pce -> Delete(); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
This member will generate an MBCS -> Unicode one-to-one mapping table for all installed code pages in the user's system for which we do not now have maps.
BOOL CCodePageInformation::GenerateAllMaps() const {
BOOL bReturn = TRUE;
for (unsigned u = InstalledCount(); u--; ) if (!HaveMap(Installed(u)) && !GenerateMap(Installed(u))) bReturn = FALSE;
return bReturn; }
Reports that the map is one of our resources (or isn't, as the case may be).
BOOL CCodePageInformation::HaveMap(DWORD dwidMap) const { return (dwidMap < 65536) ? !!FindResource(AfxGetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE((WORD) dwidMap), MAKEINTRESOURCE(MAPPING_TABLE)) : FALSE; }
CCodePageInformation::IsDBCS(DWORD dwidPage)
This is actually pretty simple- if the translation table is smaller than 1024 bytes (256 encodings), it isn't DBCS.
BOOL CCodePageInformation::IsDBCS(DWORD dwidPage) { if (!Load(dwidPage)) return FALSE; // May be optimistic, but we'll find out...
return m_cbaMap.GetSize() > 1024; }
CCodePageInformation::IsDBCS(DWORD dwidPage, WORD wCodePoint)
If the page isn't DBCS, we're done. Otherwise, make sure the Unicode->MBCS map is loaded, and get the answer from there.
BOOL CCodePageInformation::IsDBCS(DWORD dwidPage, WORD wCodePoint) { if (!IsDBCS(dwidPage)) return FALSE;
if (!Map(TRUE)) return FALSE; // Just say no, because the error's already been told
// 0xFFFF is invalid, hence SBCS (default always must be)
_ASSERTE(m_cwaOut[wCodePoint] != 0xFFFF);
return ((WORD) (1 + m_cwaOut[wCodePoint])) > 0x100; }
This is one of the workhorses- it loads the given code page, and maps the given character strings one way or the other, depending upon which is empty.
unsigned CCodePageInformation::Convert(CByteArray& cbaMBCS, CWordArray& cwaWC, DWORD dwidPage){
if (!cbaMBCS.GetSize() == !cwaWC.GetSize()) // Must be clear which way
return 0;
if (!Load(dwidPage) || !Map((int)cwaWC.GetSize())) return 0;
CWordArray& cwaMap = cwaWC.GetSize() ? m_cwaOut : m_cwaIn; try { if (cbaMBCS.GetSize()) { cwaWC.RemoveAll(); for (int i = 0; i < cbaMBCS.GetSize();) { WORD wcThis = cbaMBCS[i];
if (cwaMap[wcThis] == 0xFFFF) { // No SBCS mapping
wcThis += cbaMBCS[i + 1] << 8; if (cwaMap[wcThis] == 0xFFFF) { // No DBCS, either?
_ASSERTE(FALSE); return 0; // We have failed to convert!
} } cwaWC.Add(cwaMap[wcThis]); i += 1 + (wcThis > 0xFF); } } else { cbaMBCS.RemoveAll(); for (int i = 0; i < cwaWC.GetSize(); i++) { if (cwaMap[cwaWC[i]] == 0xFFFF) { _ASSERTE(0); return 0; } cbaMBCS.Add((BYTE) cwaMap[cwaWC[i]]); if (0xFF < cwaMap[cwaWC[i]]) cbaMBCS.Add((BYTE)(cwaMap[cwaWC[i]] >> 8)); } } }
catch (CException * pce) { pce -> ReportError(); pce -> Delete(); return 0; }
return (unsigned)cwaWC.GetSize(); // Correct conversion count either way!
This member fills a passed CWordArray with either the domain or range of the mapping function. In either case, the array is in ascending order.
BOOL CCodePageInformation::Collect(DWORD dwidPage, CWordArray& cwaCollect, BOOL bUnicode) {
if (!Load(dwidPage) || !Map(bUnicode)) return FALSE;
CWordArray& cwaMap = bUnicode ? m_cwaOut : m_cwaIn; cwaCollect.RemoveAll();
// Code points < 0x20 always map, but aren't usable, so screen them out
try { for (unsigned u = 0x20; u < (unsigned) cwaMap.GetSize(); u++) if (~(int)(short)cwaMap[u]) // 0xFFFF means not mapped!
cwaCollect.Add((WORD)u); }
catch (CException * pce) { pce -> ReportError(); pce -> Delete(); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }