// comctrls.h
#include "FontInfo.H"
// The classes defined below (CEditControlEditBox, CEditControlListBox) are
// used to implement a lighter weight, general purpose Edit control than the
// UFM Editor specific classes that are defined above. (A normal Edit Box is
// part of this Edit Control, too.)
class CEditControlListBox ; // Forward class declaration
// CEditControlEditBox window
class CEditControlEditBox : public CEdit { CEditControlListBox* m_pceclb ; // Pointer to related list box control
// Construction
public: CEditControlEditBox(CEditControlListBox* pceclb) ;
// Attributes
// Operations
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
// Implementation
public: virtual ~CEditControlEditBox();
// Generated message map functions
protected: //{{AFX_MSG(CEditControlEditBox)
afx_msg void OnKillfocus(); //}}AFX_MSG
// CEditControlListBox window
class CEditControlListBox : public CListBox { CEdit* m_pceName ; CEditControlEditBox* m_pcecebValue ; bool m_bReady ; // True iff ready for operations
int m_nCurSelIdx ; // Currently selected item's index
// Construction
public: CEditControlListBox(CEdit* pce, CEditControlEditBox* pceceb) ; // Attributes
// Operations
public: bool Init(CStringArray& csamodels, CStringArray& csafiles, int ntabstop) ; void SaveValue(void) ; bool GetGPDInfo(CStringArray& csavalues, CStringArray* pcsanames = NULL) ; void SelectLBEntry(int nidx, bool bsave = false) ;
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
// Implementation
public: virtual ~CEditControlListBox();
// Generated message map functions
protected: //{{AFX_MSG(CEditControlListBox)
afx_msg void OnSelchange(); afx_msg void OnDblclk(); //}}AFX_MSG
// The classes defined below are for the CFullEditListCtrl and CFELCEditBox
// classes. Together, they support a List Control in Report View
// in which subitems can be edited too, complete rows can be selected, and
// the data can be sorted by numeric or text columns. CFELCEditBox is a
// helper class that is only used by CFullEditListCtrl.
// CFELCEditBox Class
class CFELCEditBox : public CEdit { // Construction
public: CFELCEditBox() ;
// Attributes
// Operations
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
// Implementation
public: virtual ~CFELCEditBox() ;
// Generated message map functions
protected: //{{AFX_MSG(CFELCEditBox)
afx_msg void OnKillFocus(CWnd* pNewWnd) ; afx_msg void OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags); //}}AFX_MSG
// The following structure(s), enumeration(s), and definitions are used with
// CFullEditListCtrl.
typedef struct _COLINFO { // Maintains info on each column
int nwidth ; // The column width
bool beditable ; // True iff the column is editable
COLDATTYPE cdttype ; // The type of data in the column
bool bsortable ; // True iff the rows can be sorted on this column
bool basc ; // True iff the column has been sort ascended
LPCTSTR lpctstrtoggle ; // If toggle type, pointer to toggle string
// The following flags are used to indicate the toggle state of the list's
// columns. These values are assigned to m_dwToggleFlags.
#define TF_HASTOGGLECOLUMNS 1 // The list has toggle column(s)
#define TF_CLICKONROW 2 // Dbl-Clking on row toggles single column
#define TF_CLICKONCOLUMN 4 // Must dbl-clk on column (cell) to toggle it
// The following flags are used to indicate which one - if any - of the list's
// column's data may be modified via a custom edit routine in the class'
// owner. These values are assigned to m_dwCustEditFlags.
#define CEF_HASTOGGLECOLUMNS 1 // The list has a custom edit column
#define CEF_CLICKONROW 2 // Dbl-Clking on row activates single column
#define CEF_CLICKONCOLUMN 4 // Must dbl-clk on cell to activate dialog
// Miscellaneous flags used to control the behaviour of CFullEditListCtrl.
// These flags are passed to InitControl() in its dwmiscflags parameter.
#define MF_IGNOREINSERT 2 // Ignore INS key
#define MF_IGNOREDELETE 4 // Ignore DEL key
#define MF_IGNOREINSDEL 6 // Ignore INS and DEL key
// This message is sent - when requested - to a CFullEditListCtrl class
// instance's owner whenever a list cell is changed after the list had been
// initialized. (Yes, this really is better than having the owner handle
// LVN_ITEMCHANGED messages.)
// A function of this type is passed to ExtraInit_CustEditCol() and called by
// CheckHandleCustEditColumn() when nonstandard editting is needed for a
// specific cell.
typedef bool (CALLBACK* LPCELLEDITPROC) (CObject* pcoowner, int nrow, int ncol, CString* pcscontents) ;
// CFullEditListCtrl Class
class CFullEditListCtrl : public CListCtrl { // Constructor
public: CFullEditListCtrl(); ~CFullEditListCtrl();
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
public: virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
// Implementation
protected: CFELCEditBox m_edit;
// Message maps
afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct); afx_msg void OnClick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); afx_msg void OnDblclk(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); afx_msg void OnKeydown(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); afx_msg void OnColumnClick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult); afx_msg void OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar); afx_msg void OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar); //}}AFX_MSG
private: PCOLINFO m_pciColInfo ; // Ptr to array of structs with column info
int m_nNumColumns ; // The number of columns in the list
int m_nSortColumn ; // Number of column being sorted
int m_nNextItemData ; // Next item data number to use
int m_nRow ; // Row being edited
int m_nColumn ; // Column being edited
DWORD m_dwToggleFlags ; // Flags indicating toggle flag for list
DWORD m_dwMiscFlags ; // Misc flags used to control list's actions
CObject* m_pcoOwner ; // Pointer to class that owns this one
DWORD m_dwCustEditFlags ; // Flags describing custom edit column
CUIntArray m_cuiaCustEditRows ;// Array indicating specific cust edit rows
LPCELLEDITPROC m_lpCellEditProc ; // Ptr to custom cell editing proc
public: bool CheckHandleToggleColumns(int nrow, int ncol, PCOLINFO pci) ; void InitControl(DWORD dwaddlexstyles, int numrows, int numcols, DWORD dwtoggleflags = 0, int neditlen = 0, int dwmiscflags = 0) ; int InitLoadColumn(int ncolnum, LPCSTR strlabel, int nwidth, int nwidthpad, bool beditable, bool bsortable, COLDATTYPE cdtdatatype, CObArray* pcoadata, LPCTSTR lpctstrtoggle = NULL) ; bool ExtraInit_CustEditCol(int ncolnum, CObject* pcoowner, DWORD dwcusteditflags, CUIntArray& cuiacusteditrows, LPCELLEDITPROC lpcelleditproc) ; bool CheckHandleCustEditColumn(int nrow, int ncol, PCOLINFO pci) ; BOOL GetPointRowCol(LPPOINT lpPoint, int& iRow, int& iCol, CRect& rect) ; BOOL GetColCellRect(LPPOINT lpPoint, int& iRow, int& iCol, CRect& rect) ; bool SaveValue() ; void HideEditBox() ; bool GetColumnData(CObArray* pcoadata, int ncolnum) ; bool SetColumnData(CObArray* pcoadata, int ncolnum) ; static int CALLBACK SortListData(LPARAM lp1, LPARAM lp2, LPARAM lp3) ; bool SortControl(int nsortcolumn) ; void SingleSelect(int nitem) ; bool GetRowData(int nrow, CStringArray& csafields) ; int GetNumColumns() { return m_nNumColumns ; } bool GetColSortOrder(int ncol) { ASSERT(ncol >= 0 && ncol <= m_nNumColumns) ; return ((m_pciColInfo + ncol)->basc) ; } ; bool EndEditing(bool bsave) ; bool EditCurRowSpecCol(int ncolumn) ; int GetCurRow() { return m_nRow ; } void SetCurRow(int nrow) ; int GetCurCol() { return m_nColumn ; } void SendChangeNotification(int nrow, int ncol) ; } ;
// CFlagsListBox window
class CFlagsListBox : public CListBox { // Construction
public: CFlagsListBox();
// Attributes
public: bool m_bReady ; // True iff listbox has been initialized
CUIntArray m_cuiaFlagGroupings ; // Flag groupings array
int m_nGrpCnt ; // Number of flag groupings
CString m_csSetString ; // String used to indicate a bit is set
int m_nNumFields ; // Number of flag fields in list box
bool m_bNoClear ; // True iff can't clear flags directly
int m_nNoClearGrp ; // Group for which m_bNoClear applies
// Operations
public: bool Init(CStringArray& csafieldnames, DWORD dwsettings, CUIntArray& cuiaflaggroupings, int ngrpcnt, LPTSTR lptstrsetstring, int ntabstop, bool bnoclear = false, int nocleargrp = -1) ; bool Init2(CStringArray& csafieldnames, CString* pcssettings, CUIntArray& cuiaflaggroupings, int ngrpcnt, LPTSTR lptstrsetstring, int ntabstop, bool bnoclear = false, int nocleargrp = -1) ; DWORD GetNewFlagDWord() ; void GetNewFlagString(CString* pcsflags, bool badd0x = true) ;
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
// Implementation
public: virtual ~CFlagsListBox();
// Generated message map functions
protected: //{{AFX_MSG(CFlagsListBox)
afx_msg void OnDblclk(); //}}AFX_MSG
// Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
#endif // #define MDT_COMON_CONTROLS