// INFWizrd.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "minidev.h"
#include <gpdparse.h>
#include "rcfile.h"
#include "projrec.h"
#include "projview.h"
#include "comctrls.h"
#include "Gpdview.h" //RAID 0001
#include "INFWizrd.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CINFWizard
CINFWizard::CINFWizard(CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT iSelectPage) : CPropertySheet(IDS_INFWizTitle, pParentWnd ) //iSelectPage ) RAID 0001//Welcome page should be top even iselectpage=1
{ // Save parent pointer
m_pcpvParent = (CProjectView*) pParentWnd ;
// Give the pages a pointer to the sheet.
m_ciww.m_pciwParent = this ; m_ciwm.m_pciwParent = this ; m_ciwgpi.m_pciwParent = this ; m_ciwbd.m_pciwParent = this ; m_ciwip.m_pciwParent = this ; m_ciwif.m_pciwParent = this ; m_ciwis.m_pciwParent = this ; m_ciwds.m_pciwParent = this ; m_ciwef.m_pciwParent = this ; m_ciwmn.m_pciwParent = this ; m_ciwnse.m_pciwParent = this ; m_ciwnsms.m_pciwParent = this ; m_ciws.m_pciwParent = this ;
// Add the wizard's pages and set wizard moede.
AddPage(&m_ciww) ; AddPage(&m_ciwm) ; AddPage(&m_ciwgpi) ; AddPage(&m_ciwbd) ; AddPage(&m_ciwip) ; AddPage(&m_ciwif) ; AddPage(&m_ciwis) ; AddPage(&m_ciwds) ; AddPage(&m_ciwef) ; AddPage(&m_ciwmn) ; AddPage(&m_ciwnse) ; AddPage(&m_ciwnsms) ; AddPage(&m_ciws) ; SetWizardMode() ;
// Get and save a pointer to the project record (document) class associated
// with this class' parent.
if(NULL != iSelectPage ){ //RAID 0001
CGPDViewer* pcgv = (CGPDViewer*) m_pcpvParent; m_pcgc = pcgv ->GetDocument(); } else{ // END RAID
m_pcpr = (CProjectRecord*) m_pcpvParent->GetDocument() ; m_pcgc = NULL; } }
CINFWizard::~CINFWizard() { }
unsigned CINFWizard::GetModelCount() { if(m_pcgc) //RAID 0001
return 1; // only one gpdviewer
else //END RAID
return m_pcpr->ModelCount() ; }
CModelData& CINFWizard::GetModel(unsigned uidx) { return m_pcpr->Model(uidx) ; }
void CINFWizard::SetFixupFlags() { // Set flags in each of the pages that need to update their data and UI when
// the selected models change.
m_ciwgpi.m_bSelChanged = true ; m_ciwbd.m_bSelChanged = true ; m_ciwip.m_bSelChanged = true ; m_ciwif.m_bSelChanged = true ; m_ciwis.m_bSelChanged = true ; m_ciwds.m_bSelChanged = true ; m_ciwef.m_bSelChanged = true ; m_ciwnsms.m_bSelChanged = true ; }
void CINFWizard::BiDiDataChanged() { // If the selected models' BiDi data may have changed, call the pages that
// maintain related data so that they can update their data when/if needed.
m_ciwis.BiDiDataChanged() ; m_ciwds.BiDiDataChanged() ; }
void CINFWizard::NonStdSecsChanged() { // If the nonstandard sections may have changed, call the pages that
// maintain related data so that they can update their data when/if needed.
m_ciwnsms.NonStdSecsChanged() ; }
bool CINFWizard::GenerateINFFile() { // This might take a while, so...
CWaitCursor cwc ;
// Mark all of the sections in the "section used in INF file flags" array
// as NOT having been used.
unsigned unumelts = (unsigned)m_ciwnse.m_cuaSecUsed.GetSize() ; for (unsigned u = 0 ; u < unumelts ; u++) m_ciwnse.m_cuaSecUsed[u] = false ;
// Initialize the source disk files array.
m_csaSrcDskFiles.RemoveAll() ;
// Start by loading the string with the INF's opening comment header.
m_csINFContents.LoadString(IDS_INFText_HeaderCmt) ;
// Add the version section with the appropriate value for the provider.
CString cs ; cs.Format(IDS_INFText_Version, m_ciwmn.m_csMfgAbbrev) ; ChkForNonStdAdditions(cs, _T("Version")) ; m_csINFContents += cs ;
// Add the ClassInstall32.NT and printer_class_addreg sections plus the
// comments for the manufacturer's section.
cs.LoadString(IDS_INFText_ClInst32) ; ChkForNonStdAdditions(cs, _T("ClassInstall32.NT")) ; m_csINFContents += cs ; cs.LoadString(IDS_INFText_PCAddr) ; ChkForNonStdAdditions(cs, _T("printer_class_addreg")) ; m_csINFContents += cs ; cs.LoadString(IDS_INFText_MfgCmt) ; m_csINFContents += cs ;
// Add the manufacturer's name to the manufacturer's section and add the
// section.
cs.Format(IDS_INFText_Manufacturer, m_ciwmn.m_csMfgName) ; ChkForNonStdAdditions(cs, _T("Manufacturer")) ; m_csINFContents += cs ;
// Build the model specifications section and add the section.
BldModSpecSec(m_csINFContents) ;
// Build the copy file sections and add them to the INF contents.
BuildInstallAndCopySecs(m_csINFContents) ;
// Add the DestinationDirs section to the INF contents.
cs.LoadString(IDS_INFText_DestDirs) ; AddICMFilesToDestDirs(cs) ; ChkForNonStdAdditions(cs, _T("DestinationDirs")) ; m_csINFContents += cs ;
// Add the SourceDisksNames sections to the INF contents. Each section will
// include the Provider string.
cs.LoadString(IDS_INFText_SrcDiskNamesI) ; ChkForNonStdAdditions(cs, _T("SourceDisksNames.x86")) ; m_csINFContents += cs ;
// Add the SourceDisksFiles sections to the INF contents.
AddSourceDisksFilesSec(m_csINFContents) ;
// Add the nonstandard sections to the INF contents.
AddNonStandardSecs(m_csINFContents) ;
// Finish up by adding the Strings section to the INF contents.
cs.LoadString(IDS_INFText_Strings) ; cs.Format(IDS_INFText_Strings, m_ciwmn.m_csMfgAbbrev, m_ciwmn.m_csMfgName, m_ciwmn.m_csMfgName) ; ChkForNonStdAdditions(cs, _T("Strings")) ; m_csINFContents += cs ;
m_csaSrcDskFiles.RemoveAll() ; // Array not needed anymore
// All went well so...
return true ; }
void CINFWizard::AddSourceDisksFilesSec(CString& csinf) { // Begin the section with the section header.
CString cs, cs2, csentry ; cs.LoadString(IDS_INFTextSrcDiskFilesHdr) ;
// Remove any duplicate entries from source disk files array.
int n, n2 ; for (n = 0 ; n < m_csaSrcDskFiles.GetSize() ; n++) for (n2 = n + 1 ; n2 < m_csaSrcDskFiles.GetSize() ; ) if (m_csaSrcDskFiles[n] == m_csaSrcDskFiles[n2]) m_csaSrcDskFiles.RemoveAt(n2) ; else n2++ ;
// Get a count of the number of files in the source disk files array.
unsigned unumelts = (unsigned)m_csaSrcDskFiles.GetSize() ;
// Add an entry for each file in the array.
for (unsigned u = 0 ; u < unumelts ; u++) { // Quote the file name if needed.
cs2 = m_csaSrcDskFiles[u] ; //if (cs2[0] != _T('\"'))
// QuoteFile(cs2) ;
// Use the model's file name to build the entry for this model. Then
// add this entry to the section.
csentry.Format(IDS_INFText_SrcDiskFilesEntry, cs2) ; cs += csentry ; } ;
// Add any extra entries there might be for this section and then add the
// section to the INF contents.
ChkForNonStdAdditions(cs, _T("SourceDisksFiles")) ; csinf += cs ; }
void CINFWizard::ChkForNonStdAdditions(CString& cs, LPCTSTR strsection) { // Try to find the section amongst the list of sections with nonstandard
// additions.
CStringArray& csasections = m_ciwnse.m_csaSections ; CString cssechdr ; cssechdr = csLBrack + strsection + csRBrack ; unsigned unumelts = (unsigned)csasections.GetSize() ; for (unsigned u = 0 ; u < unumelts ; u++) { if (csasections[u].CompareNoCase(cssechdr) == 0) break ; } ;
// If the section was found, mark the section as used and add the entries
// for the section to the string.
// DEAD_BUG - Sometimes, the user may have entered replacement entries for
// standard ones. This isn't handled correctly. :
// S.G : check the same keyword between cs and m_ciwnse exist, and replace cs keywod
// with that of m_ciwnse // raid 71332
unsigned unSize = 0 ; if (u < unumelts ) { CStringArray* pcsa ; pcsa = (CStringArray*) m_ciwnse.m_coaSectionArrays[u] ; unSize = (unsigned)pcsa->GetSize() ; } ;
if ( unSize ) { m_ciwnse.m_cuaSecUsed[u] = true ; CStringArray* pcsa ; pcsa = (CStringArray*) m_ciwnse.m_coaSectionArrays[u] ; unumelts = (unsigned)pcsa->GetSize() ; CUIntArray cuia ; cuia.SetSize(10) ; CStringArray csaNewcs; int ulen = csCRLF.GetLength() ; // just in case, unicode : what is the length of "\r\n".
unsigned i , k ,utelen ; i = k = utelen = 0 ; while (-1 != (i = cs.Find(csCRLF, i + 1) ) ) { utelen = i - k ; csaNewcs.Add(cs.Mid(k,utelen + ulen) ); // we have to cut the string between csCR and csCR
k = i + ulen; } ;
for (i = 0 ; i < unSize ; i++ ) cuia[i] = true;
for (i = 1; i < (unsigned)csaNewcs.GetSize() ; i++ ) { CString cstmp = csaNewcs.GetAt(i); cstmp = cstmp.Left(cstmp.Find(_T("=")) + 1) ; if (! cstmp.CompareNoCase(_T("")) ) break; for (u = 0 ; u < unSize ; u++) { CString csKeyw = pcsa->GetAt(u) ; CString csComp = csKeyw.Left(csKeyw.Find(_T("=")) + 1) ; if(! cstmp.CompareNoCase (csComp) ) { csKeyw += csCRLF ; csaNewcs.SetAt(i,csKeyw) ; cuia[u] = false; } ; } ; } ; for ( u = 0 ; u < unSize ; u ++ ) if (cuia[u] ) { CString csAdd = pcsa->GetAt(u) ; csAdd += csCRLF ; csaNewcs.Add(csAdd) ; } ; CString csnew ; for ( u = 0 ; u < (unsigned)csaNewcs.GetSize(); u ++ ) csnew += csaNewcs.GetAt(u); cs = csnew ;
} ;
// Add an extra line to this section's strings to separate it from the
// next one.
cs += csCRLF ; }
void CINFWizard::AddNonStandardSecs(CString& csinf) { CString cs ;
// Loop through each nonstandard section.
CStringArray& csasections = m_ciwnse.m_csaSections ; unsigned unumelts = (unsigned)csasections.GetSize() ; CStringArray* pcsa ; unsigned u2, unumstrs ; for (unsigned u = 0 ; u < unumelts ; u++) { // Skip this section if it is not a nonstandard section. IE, its
// entries have already been added to one of the standard sections.
if (m_ciwnse.m_cuaSecUsed[u]) continue ;
// Skip this section if it is the Strings section. It will be added
// later.
if (csasections[u].CompareNoCase(_T("[Strings]")) == 0) continue ;
// Get info about the section's entries. Skip the section if it has
// no entries.
pcsa = (CStringArray*) m_ciwnse.m_coaSectionArrays[u] ; unumstrs = (unsigned)pcsa->GetSize() ; if (unumstrs == 0) continue ;
// Start the section with its header.
cs = csasections[u] + csCRLF ;
// Add each of the entries to the section.
for (u2 = 0 ; u2 < unumstrs ; u2++) cs += pcsa->GetAt(u2) + csCRLF ; cs += csCRLF ;
// Add the section to the INF contents
csinf += cs ; } ; }
void CINFWizard::BldModSpecSec(CString& csinf) { // Add the comment for this section to the INF file
CString cs, csl, csr, csfn, csmodel, cspnpid ; cs.LoadString(IDS_INFText_ModCmt) ; csinf += cs ;
// Build the section header
cs = csLBrack + m_ciwmn.m_csMfgName + csRBrack + csCRLF ;
// Build the entry for each model and add them to the section. The format
// is:
// "model name" = filename,PnP ID,model_name
CStringArray& csamodels = GetINFModels() ; int nummodels = (int)csamodels.GetSize() ; int n, npos, nlen ; for (n = 0 ; n < nummodels ; n++) { csmodel = csamodels[n] ; csmodel.TrimLeft() ; csmodel.TrimRight() ;
// If the user supplied a real PnP ID, it is used. If not, a pseudo
// PnP ID is generated.
if (!m_ciwgpi.m_csaModelIDs[n].IsEmpty()) cspnpid = m_ciwgpi.m_csaModelIDs[n] ; else { CCompatID ccid(m_ciwmn.m_csMfgName, csmodel) ; ccid.GenerateID(cspnpid) ; } ;
nlen = csmodel.GetLength() ; while ((npos = csmodel.Find(_T(" "))) != -1) { csl = (npos > 0) ? csmodel.Left(npos) : csEmpty ; csr = (npos + 1 < nlen) ? csmodel.Right(nlen - npos - 1) : csEmpty ; csmodel = csl + _T("_") + csr ; } ; csfn = GetModelFile(csamodels[n]) ; //QuoteFile(csfn) ;
cs += csQuote + csamodels[n] + csQuote + csEq + csfn + csComma + cspnpid + csComma + csmodel + csCRLF ; } ; // Add non standard additions and then add the section to the INF file contents
ChkForNonStdAdditions(cs, m_ciwmn.m_csMfgName) ; csinf += cs ; }
void CINFWizard::BuildInstallAndCopySecs(CString& csinf) { // Add the comment for the Install sections to the INF contents
CString cs ; cs.LoadString(IDS_INFText_InstallCmt) ; csinf += cs ;
// Load the section components that will be needed repeatedly
CString cskey, csdrvdll ; cskey.LoadString(IDS_INFText_CopyKey) ; bool bbidiadded = false ; // True iff BiDi DLL in [SourceDiskFiles] array
// Create an install section for each model and add it the INF contents
CStringArray& csamodels = GetINFModels() ; CStringArray csagpdfile ; CString csmodelfile, cshdr, csinc(_T("*Include:")), cstmp ; int numstrs, nloc ; unsigned unummodels = (unsigned)csamodels.GetSize() ; for (unsigned u = 0 ; u < unummodels ; u++) { // Build the section header
cshdr = csmodelfile = GetModelFile(csamodels[u]) ; cs = csLBrack + csmodelfile + csRBrack + csCRLF ;
// Read the GPD to get the DLL name & add it to SourceDiskFiles array.
if (!ReadGPDAndGetDLLName(csdrvdll,csamodels[u],csagpdfile,csmodelfile)) continue ;
// Build the copy files statement. Begin by adding the copy files
// entry, the DLL, and the GPD to the statement.
//QuoteFile(csmodelfile) ;
cs += cskey + csdrvdll + csComma + csAtSign + csmodelfile ; m_csaSrcDskFiles.Add(csmodelfile) ; // Add to [SourceDiskFiles] array
// Add ICM files to the copy files entry when needed.
AddFileList(cs, (CStringArray*) m_ciwip.m_coaProfileArrays[u]) ; // Add the nonstandard files for this model to the copy files entry
// when needed.
AddFileList(cs, (CStringArray*) m_ciwef.m_coaExtraFSArrays[u]) ;
// Scan the current model's GPD file for include statements.
// If any are found, add them to the copy files entry.
numstrs = (int) csagpdfile.GetSize() ; for (int n = 0 ; n < numstrs ; n++) { if ((nloc = csagpdfile[n].Find(csinc)) == -1) continue ; cstmp = csagpdfile[n].Mid(nloc + csinc.GetLength()) ; cstmp.TrimLeft() ; cstmp.TrimRight() ; if (cstmp[0] == csQuote[0]) // Remove quotes
cstmp = cstmp.Mid(1, cstmp.GetLength() - 2) ; if ((nloc = cstmp.ReverseFind(_T('\\'))) > -1) // Remove path
cstmp = cstmp.Right(cstmp.GetLength() - nloc - 1) ; if (cstmp.CompareNoCase(_T("stdnames.gpd")) == 0) continue ; // File include below
//QuoteFile(cstmp) ;
m_csaSrcDskFiles.Add(cstmp) ; // Add to [SourceDiskFiles] array
cs += csComma + csAtSign + cstmp ; } ;
// Add any required nonstandard sections to the model's CopyFiles stmt.
AddNonStdSectionsForModel(cs, (int) u, csamodels[u]) ;
// Add the data sections statement to the Installs section
AddDataSectionStmt(cs, (int) u) ;
// Add the data file statement to the Install section
cstmp.Format(IDS_INFText_DataFileKey, csmodelfile) ; cs += cstmp ;
// Add the Include and Needs statements to the Install section
AddIncludeNeedsStmts(cs, (int) u) ;
// Add the section to the INF contents.
//cs += csCRLF ;
ChkForNonStdAdditions(cs, cshdr) ; csinf += cs ; } ; }
bool CINFWizard::ReadGPDAndGetDLLName(CString& csdrvdll, CString& csmodel, CStringArray& csagpdfile, CString& csmodelfile) { // Load the GPD file. Complain and return false if this fails.
CString cserr ;
if (!LoadFile(GetModelFile(csmodel, true), csagpdfile)) { cserr.Format(IDS_INFGPDReadError, csmodelfile) ; AfxMessageBox(cserr, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) ; return false ; } ;
// Get the number of lines in the file and the DLL keyword.
int nloc ; int numstrs = (int) csagpdfile.GetSize() ; CString csdllkey(_T("*ResourceDLL:")) ;
// Look for the DLL name in the GPD file.
for (int n = 0 ; n < numstrs ; n++) { // Continue if current line doesn't contain DLL file name.
if ((nloc = csagpdfile[n].Find(csdllkey)) == -1) continue ;
// Isolate the DLL file name in the current statement.
csdrvdll = csagpdfile[n].Mid(nloc + csdllkey.GetLength()) ; csdrvdll.TrimLeft() ; csdrvdll.TrimRight() ; if (csdrvdll[0] == csQuote[0]) // Remove quotes
csdrvdll = csdrvdll.Mid(1, csdrvdll.GetLength() - 2) ; if ((nloc = csdrvdll.ReverseFind(_T('\\'))) > -1) // Remove path
csdrvdll = csdrvdll.Right(csdrvdll.GetLength() - nloc - 1) ; // Add the DLL file name to the SourceDiskFiles array and then add an
// atsign to it so that it will be ready for future use.
m_csaSrcDskFiles.Add(csdrvdll) ; csdrvdll = csAtSign + csdrvdll ; return true ; } ;
// If this point is reached, the DLL file name could not be found so
// complain and return false.
cserr.Format(IDS_INFNoDLLError, csmodelfile) ; AfxMessageBox(cserr, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) ; return false ; }
void CINFWizard::AddFileList(CString& cssection, CStringArray* pcsa) { int n, numstrs, npos ;
// If there is a list of files to add to the section...
if ((numstrs = (int)pcsa->GetSize()) > 0) { // ... Add each file to the section
CString cstmp ; for (n = 0 ; n < numstrs ; n++) { cstmp = pcsa->GetAt(n) ;
// If the filespec contains a path, remove it.
if ((npos = cstmp.ReverseFind(_T('\\'))) > -1) cstmp = cstmp.Right(cstmp.GetLength() - npos - 1) ;
// Quote the file name if it contains space(s).
//QuoteFile(cstmp) ;
m_csaSrcDskFiles.Add(cstmp) ; // Add to [SourceDiskFiles] array
// Add this file to the section.
cssection += csComma + csAtSign + cstmp ; } ; } ; }
void CINFWizard::AddICMFilesToDestDirs(CString& cssection) { int n, n2, numstrs, npos, numarrays ; CStringArray* pcsa ; CString cstmp, cstmp2 ;
// Find out how many ICM file, string arrays there are.
numarrays = (int) m_ciwip.m_coaProfileArrays.GetSize() ;
// Check each array for ICM filespecs...
for (n = 0 ; n < numarrays ; n++) { // Find out how many strings are in the current array
pcsa = (CStringArray*) m_ciwip.m_coaProfileArrays[n] ; numstrs = (int) pcsa->GetSize() ;
// Add each string in the current array to the DestinationDirs section.
for (n2 = 0 ; n2 < numstrs ; n2++) { cstmp = pcsa->GetAt(n2) ;
// If the filespec contains a path, remove it.
if ((npos = cstmp.ReverseFind(_T('\\'))) > -1) cstmp = cstmp.Right(cstmp.GetLength() - npos - 1) ;
// Format the statement for this file and add it to the section.
cstmp2.Format(IDS_INFText_ICMDest,cstmp) ; cssection += cstmp2 ; } ; } ; }
CString CINFWizard::GetModelFile(CString& csmodel, bool bfspec/*=false*/) { // Find the class instance associated with the specified model.
//RAID 0001
if(m_pcgc){ CString csFileName = m_pcgc->ModelData()->GetKeywordValue(m_pcgc-> GetPathName(),_T("GPDFileName"));
if (bfspec) return m_pcgc->GetPathName() ; else return csFileName; }
else { //END 0001
unsigned unummodels = GetModelCount() ; for (unsigned u = 0 ; u < unummodels ; u++) { if (csmodel == GetModel(u).Name()) break ; } ; ASSERT(u < unummodels) ;
// Either return a full filespec or just a file name.
if (bfspec) return (GetModel(u).FileName()) ; else return (GetModel(u).FileTitleExt()) ; } // else{ END RAID 0001
void CINFWizard::AddDataSectionStmt(CString& csinst, int nmod) { // Prepare to determine the contents of the data section statement.
CString cs, cs2 ; cs2 = csEmpty ; int nid = IDS_DataSecUni ; CUIntArray* pcuia = (CUIntArray*) m_ciwds.m_coaStdDataSecs[nmod] ;
// Find the only one - if any - of the first three data section names that
// can be added to the statement.
for (int n = 0 ; n < NUMDATASECFLAGS - 1 ; n++, nid++) if ((*pcuia)[n]) { cs2.LoadString(nid) ; break ; } ;
// If there is a nonstandard data section, add it too.
if ((*pcuia)[IDF_OTHER]) { if (!cs2.IsEmpty()) cs2 += csComma ; cs2 += m_ciwds.m_csaOtherDataSecs[nmod] ; } ;
// Finish formating the data section statement and add it to the rest of
// the install section.
cs.Format(IDS_INFText_DataSecKey, cs2) ; csinst += cs ; }
void CINFWizard::AddIncludeNeedsStmts(CString& csinst, int nmod) { CString cs, cs2 ;
// Build the Include statement and add it to the section..
cs.Format(IDS_INFText_IncludeKey, m_ciwif.m_csaIncFiles[nmod]) ; csinst += cs ;
// Prepare to determine the contents of the needs section statement.
cs2 = csEmpty ; CUIntArray* pcuia = (CUIntArray*) m_ciwis.m_coaStdInstSecs[nmod] ;
// The TrueType section, if needed, is the first section to list in the
// Includes statement.
if ((*pcuia)[ISF_TTF]) cs2.LoadString(IDS_InstSecTtf) ;
// Find the only one - if any - of the first three install section names
// that can be added to the statement.
int nid = IDS_InstSecUni ; for (int n = 0 ; n < NUMINSTSECFLAGS - 2 ; n++, nid++) if ((*pcuia)[n]) { if (!cs2.IsEmpty()) cs2 += csComma ; cs.LoadString(nid) ; cs2 += cs ; break ; } ;
// If there is a nonstandard install section, add it too.
if ((*pcuia)[ISF_OTHER]) { if (!cs2.IsEmpty()) cs2 += csComma ; cs2 += m_ciwis.m_csaOtherInstSecs[nmod] ; } ;
// Finish formating the install section statement and add it to the rest of
// the install section.
cs.Format(IDS_INFText_NeedsKey, cs2) ; csinst += cs ; }
void CINFWizard::AddNonStdSectionsForModel(CString& csinst, int nmod, CString& csmodel) { // Declare looping variables and find out how many nonstd sections there are
int n, n2, n3 ; int numelts = (int) m_ciwnsms.m_csaSections.GetSize() ;
// If this is the first time this function is called, size and initialize
// the "this section has already been added to the SourceDiskFiles" flags.
if (nmod == 0) { m_cuiaNonStdSecsFlags.SetSize(numelts) ; for (n = 0 ; n < numelts ; n++) m_cuiaNonStdSecsFlags[n] = 0 ; } ;
// Loop through all of the nonstandard sections looking for one that
// references the current model.
CStringArray* pcsa ; CStringArray* pcsa2 ; CString cssec ; for (n = 0 ; n < numelts ; n++) { // Get a pointer to the names of models that need the current section.
pcsa = (CStringArray*) m_ciwnsms.m_coaModelsNeedingSecs[n] ; // Check each model in the above list to see if it matches the model
// passed in as an argument to this function.
for (n2 = 0 ; n2 < pcsa->GetSize() ; n2++) // If a match is found...
if ((*pcsa)[n2] == csmodel) { // ...add the section name to the model's CopyFiles statement
// (Strip the brackets off first.)...
cssec = m_ciwnsms.m_csaSections[n] ; cssec = cssec.Mid(1, cssec.GetLength() - 2) ; csinst += csComma + cssec ;
// ...and make sure that the sections files are listed in the
// SourceDiskFiles section.
if (!m_cuiaNonStdSecsFlags[n]) { pcsa2 = (CStringArray*) m_ciwnse.m_coaSectionArrays[n] ; for (n3 = 0 ; n3 < pcsa2->GetSize() ; n3++) m_csaSrcDskFiles.Add((*pcsa2)[n3]) ; // Add to [SourceDiskFiles] array
m_cuiaNonStdSecsFlags[n] = 1 ; } ; break ; } ; } ; }
void CINFWizard::PrepareToRestart() { // Set the flags needed to get the pages to reinitialize themselves but
// keep all existing data.
m_ciwm.m_bReInitWData = m_ciwbd.m_bReInitWData = true ; m_ciwip.m_bReInitWData = m_ciwef.m_bReInitWData = true ; m_ciwmn.m_bReInitWData = m_ciwnse.m_bReInitWData = true ; m_ciws.m_bReInitWData = m_ciwif.m_bReInitWData = true ; m_ciwis.m_bReInitWData = m_ciwds.m_bReInitWData = true ; m_ciwnsms.m_bReInitWData = m_ciwgpi.m_bReInitWData = true ; }
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
// CINFWizard message handlers
// CINFWizWelcome property page
CINFWizWelcome::CINFWizWelcome() : CPropertyPage(CINFWizWelcome::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CINFWizWelcome)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
m_bInitialized = false ; }
CINFWizWelcome::~CINFWizWelcome() { }
void CINFWizWelcome::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CINFWizWelcome)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CINFWizWelcome, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CINFWizWelcome)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add message map macros here
// CINFWizWelcome message handlers
BOOL CINFWizWelcome::OnSetActive() { // We wish to disable the "Back" button here.
m_pciwParent->SetWizardButtons(PSWIZB_NEXT) ; m_pciwParent->GetDlgItem(IDHELP)->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE) ;
m_bInitialized = true ; // Page is initialized now
return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); }
// CINFWizModels property page
CINFWizModels::CINFWizModels() : CPropertyPage(CINFWizModels::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CINFWizModels)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
// Initialize member variables
m_bInitialized = m_bSelChanged = m_bReInitWData = false ; m_uNumModels = m_uNumModelsSel = 0 ; }
CINFWizModels::~CINFWizModels() { }
void CINFWizModels::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CINFWizModels)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ModelsList, m_cfelcModels); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CINFWizModels, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CINFWizModels)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add message map macros here
// CINFWizModels message handlers
BOOL CINFWizModels::OnSetActive() { // Reenable the "Back" button.
CString cstmp ; // RAID 0001 move to head from body
m_pciwParent->SetWizardButtons(PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK) ;
m_cfelcModels.SetFocus() ; // The list control gets the focus
// If this page has been initialized already, make a copy of the current
// selections and set the flag that indicates that the selection may be
// changing. See below for more info.
// RAID 0001
if(NULL != m_pciwParent->m_pcgc ){ CString csFilePath = m_pciwParent->m_pcgc->GetPathName(); CString csModelName = m_pciwParent->m_pcgc->ModelData()-> GetKeywordValue(csFilePath,_T("ModelName")); m_uNumModels = 1; m_csaModels.RemoveAll( ); m_csaModels.Add(csModelName);
if (m_bInitialized && !m_bReInitWData) return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ;
m_csToggleStr.LoadString(IDS_INFModelsToggleStr) ; m_csaInclude.RemoveAll(); m_csaInclude.Add(m_csToggleStr);
else { //END RAID 0001
unsigned u ; if (m_bInitialized) { m_csaModelsLast.SetSize(m_uNumModelsSel) ; for (u = 0 ; u < m_uNumModelsSel ; u++) m_csaModelsLast[u] = m_csaModels[u] ; m_bSelChanged = true ;
// Nothing more need be done if the page is not being reinitialized.
if (!m_bReInitWData) return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; } ;
// The following info is needed when reinitializing and is used/described
// later.
unsigned unumselected, u2, ureinitidx ; if (m_bReInitWData) unumselected = ureinitidx = (unsigned)m_csaModels.GetSize() ;
// Save the number of models in the project and use this number to set the
// length of the models string array.
m_uNumModels = m_pciwParent->GetModelCount() ; m_csaModels.SetSize(m_uNumModels) ; if (!m_bReInitWData) m_csaInclude.RemoveAll() ;
// Load the model names into the models string array. This is straight
// forward if we are NOT reinitializing but more complicated when we are
// reinitializing. In the latter case, the user's previous selections
// must be maintained at the beginning of the array. The rest of the
// models should be added to array after the selections.
// CString cstmp ; RAID 0001
for (u = 0 ; u < m_uNumModels ; u++) { cstmp = m_pciwParent->GetModel(u).Name() ;
// If not reinitializing, just add the model name to the array.
if (!m_bReInitWData) m_csaModels[u] = cstmp ;
// Otherwise only add the model name to the array if it is not one of
// the selected models that are already in the array.
else { for (u2 = 0 ; u2 < unumselected ; u2++) if (m_csaModels[u2] == cstmp) break ; if (u2 >= unumselected) m_csaModels[ureinitidx++] = cstmp ; } ; } ; // Initialize the list control
} // RAID 0001. else {
// Load the models column in the list control.
cstmp.LoadString(IDS_INFModelsColLab) ; m_cfelcModels.InitLoadColumn(0, cstmp, COMPUTECOLWIDTH, 20, false, true, COLDATTYPE_STRING, (CObArray*) &m_csaModels) ; // Initialize the includes column in the list control.
cstmp.LoadString(IDS_INFIncludesColLab) ; m_csToggleStr.LoadString(IDS_INFModelsToggleStr) ; m_cfelcModels.InitLoadColumn(1, cstmp, SETWIDTHTOREMAINDER, -20, false, true, COLDATTYPE_TOGGLE, (CObArray*) &m_csaInclude, m_csToggleStr) ; m_bInitialized = true ; // Page is initialized now
m_bReInitWData = false ; // Reinit is done now on this page
return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; }
LRESULT CINFWizModels::OnWizardNext() { // Make sure the list's contents are sorted in descending order by included
// status.
m_cfelcModels.SortControl(1) ; if (m_cfelcModels.GetColSortOrder(1)) m_cfelcModels.SortControl(1) ;
// Get the data in the included status column.
m_cfelcModels.GetColumnData((CObArray*) &m_csaInclude, 1) ;
// Complain and don't let the user continue if no models were selected.
if (m_csaInclude.GetSize() == 0 || m_csaInclude[0].IsEmpty()) { CString csmsg ; csmsg.LoadString(IDS_INFNoModelsSel) ; AfxMessageBox(csmsg, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) ; return -1 ; } ;
// Get the data in the models column.
m_cfelcModels.GetColumnData((CObArray*) &m_csaModels, 0) ;
// Determine the number of included models and use this count to resize the
// models array.
m_uNumModelsSel = 0 ; for (unsigned u = 0 ; u < m_uNumModels ; u++) { if (m_csaInclude[u].IsEmpty()) break ; m_uNumModelsSel++ ; } ; m_csaModels.SetSize(m_uNumModelsSel) ;
// Call the sheet class to set the the other pages' fixup flags if the
// selection changed.
if (m_bSelChanged) { m_pciwParent->SetFixupFlags() ; m_bSelChanged = false ; } ;
// All went well so move on to the next wizard page.
return CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() ; }
int IdentifyOldAndNewModels(CStringArray& csanewmodels, CUIntArray& cuiaoldmodelsfound, CUIntArray& cuianewmodelsfound, int& newnumelts, CStringArray& csamodels) { int n, n2 ; // Looping variables
// Get the number of models in the new and old lists.
int numelts = (int) csamodels.GetSize() ; newnumelts = (int) csanewmodels.GetSize() ;
// Declare and initialize flag arrays used to determine which models are
// in use.
cuiaoldmodelsfound.SetSize(numelts) ; for (n = 0 ; n < numelts ; n++) cuiaoldmodelsfound[n] = 0 ; cuianewmodelsfound.SetSize(newnumelts) ; for (n = 0 ; n < newnumelts ; n++) cuianewmodelsfound[n] = 0 ;
// Loop through the old & new models to see which of them are still in use.
for (n = 0 ; n < numelts ; n++) for (n2 = 0 ; n2 < newnumelts ; n2++) if (csamodels[n] == csanewmodels[n2]) { cuiaoldmodelsfound[n] = cuianewmodelsfound[n2] = 1 ; break ; } ;
// Return the number models previously selected
return numelts ; }
// CINFWizGetPnPIDs property page
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
m_bInitialized = m_bReInitWData = m_bSelChanged = false ; }
CINFWizGetPnPIDs::~CINFWizGetPnPIDs() { }
void CINFWizGetPnPIDs::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CINFWizGetPnPIDs)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ModelsPnPIDList, m_felcModelIDs); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add message map macros here
// CINFWizGetPnPIDs message handlers
BOOL CINFWizGetPnPIDs::OnSetActive() { // Just perform the default actions if nothing special needs to be done.
if (m_bInitialized && (!m_bReInitWData) && (!m_bSelChanged)) return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; int n, n2 ; // Looping and indexing variables
// Perform the first time initialization.
if (!m_bInitialized) { // Get a copy of the selected model names. Then make the PnP ID array
// the same size and initialize each entry to empty.
m_csaModels.Copy(m_pciwParent->GetINFModels()) ; m_csaModelIDs.SetSize(m_csaModels.GetSize()) ; for (n = 0 ; n < m_csaModelIDs.GetSize() ; n++) m_csaModelIDs[n] = csEmpty ;
// Initialize and load the list control
InitModelsIDListCtl() ;
// Set init flag, reset other flags, and return whatever the base class
// function returns.
m_bInitialized = true ; m_bReInitWData = m_bSelChanged = false ; return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; } ;
// Either the selected models have changed or the wizard is being
// reinitialized if this point is reached. They are handled in similar
// ways.
// Begin by getting info about the models in this page and the ones that
// are selected now.
CStringArray& csanewmodels = m_pciwParent->GetINFModels() ; CUIntArray cuiaoldmodelsfound, cuianewmodelsfound ; int numelts, newnumelts ; numelts = IdentifyOldAndNewModels(csanewmodels, cuiaoldmodelsfound, cuianewmodelsfound, newnumelts, m_csaModels) ;
// Remove the old models and related data that are no longer needed.
for (n = numelts - 1 ; n >= 0 ; n--) if (cuiaoldmodelsfound[n] == 0) { m_csaModels.RemoveAt(n) ; m_csaModelIDs.RemoveAt(n) ; } ;
// Add the truly new models to this page's array of model names and
// initialize all related data for it.
for (n = n2 = 0 ; n < newnumelts ; n++) { if (cuianewmodelsfound[n] == 1) { n2++ ; continue ; } ; m_csaModels.InsertAt(n2, csanewmodels[n]) ; m_csaModelIDs.InsertAt(n2, csEmpty) ; } ;
// Reinitialize the list control if the wizard has been reinitialized.
// Otherwise, just reload the columns in the list control.
if (m_bReInitWData) InitModelsIDListCtl() ; else { // If necessary, zap extra old data that could be left in the control
// after the new data is loaded.
if (numelts > newnumelts) { CStringArray csa ; csa.SetSize(numelts) ; for (n = 0 ; n < numelts ; n++) csa[n] = csEmpty ; m_felcModelIDs.SetColumnData((CObArray*) &csa, 0) ; m_felcModelIDs.SetColumnData((CObArray*) &csa, 1) ; } ;
m_felcModelIDs.SetColumnData((CObArray*) &m_csaModels, 0) ; m_felcModelIDs.SetColumnData((CObArray*) &m_csaModelIDs, 1) ; } ;
// Set init flag, reset other flags, and return whatever the base class
// function returns.
m_bInitialized = true ; m_bReInitWData = m_bSelChanged = false ; return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; }
LRESULT CINFWizGetPnPIDs::OnWizardNext() { // Get the data in the PnP ID column.
m_felcModelIDs.GetColumnData((CObArray*) &m_csaModelIDs, 1) ;
// Complain and exit without allowing the wizard page to change if a PnP ID
// is found that contains spaces.
int numelts = (int) m_csaModelIDs.GetSize() ; for (int n = 0 ; n < numelts ; n++) { if (m_csaModelIDs[n].Find(_T(' ')) >= 0) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_PnPSpacesError, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) ; return -1 ; } ; } ; return CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext(); }
LRESULT CINFWizGetPnPIDs::OnWizardBack() { // This works because the same thing needs to be done for both
// OnWizardNext() and OnWizardBack(). In addition,
// CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() and CPropertyPage::OnWizardBack() just
// return 0.
return OnWizardNext() ; }
void CINFWizGetPnPIDs::InitModelsIDListCtl() { int numelts ; // Number of elements in an array
CString cstmp ;
// Initialize the list control
numelts = (int) m_csaModels.GetSize() ; m_felcModelIDs.InitControl(LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT, numelts, 2, 0, 0, MF_IGNOREINSDEL) ;
// Load the models column in the list control.
cstmp.LoadString(IDS_INFModelsColLab) ; m_felcModelIDs.InitLoadColumn(0, cstmp, COMPUTECOLWIDTH, 25, false, false, COLDATTYPE_STRING, (CObArray*) &m_csaModels) ;
// Initialize the PnP ID column in the list control.
cstmp.LoadString(IDS_INFPnPIDColLab) ; m_felcModelIDs.InitLoadColumn(1, cstmp, SETWIDTHTOREMAINDER, -25, true, false, COLDATTYPE_STRING, (CObArray*) &m_csaModelIDs) ; }
// CINFWizBiDi property page
CINFWizBiDi::CINFWizBiDi() : CPropertyPage(CINFWizBiDi::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CINFWizBiDi)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
m_bInitialized = m_bReInitWData = m_bSelChanged = false ; }
CINFWizBiDi::~CINFWizBiDi() { }
void CINFWizBiDi::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CINFWizBiDi)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ModelsList, m_cfelcBiDi); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
void CINFWizBiDi::ModelChangeFixups(unsigned unummodelssel, CStringArray& csamodels, CStringArray& csamodelslast) { // Declare looping vars, get the size of the old selection array, and
// declare and size a new flags array.
unsigned u, u2, unumlst ; unumlst = (unsigned)csamodelslast.GetSize() ; CUIntArray cuaflags ; cuaflags.SetSize(unummodelssel) ;
// Try to find each new model in the list of old models. If found, copy the
// models flag. If not found, initialize the models flag to false.
for (u = 0 ; u < unummodelssel ; u++) { for (u2 = 0 ; u2 < unumlst ; u2++) { if (csamodels[u] == csamodelslast[u2]) break ; } ; cuaflags[u] = (u2 < unumlst) ? m_cuaBiDiFlags[u2] : false ; } ;
// Copy the new flags array back into the member variable flags array.
m_cuaBiDiFlags.SetSize(unummodelssel) ; for (u = 0 ; u < unummodelssel ; u++) m_cuaBiDiFlags[u] = cuaflags[u] ;
// Now that the data structures are up to date, load the list control with
// the new information. (This part only needed if NOT reinitializing.)
if (!m_bReInitWData) { m_cfelcBiDi.SetColumnData((CObArray*) &csamodels, 0) ; CString cs ; for (u = 0 ; u < unummodelssel ; u++) { cs = (m_cuaBiDiFlags[u]) ? m_csToggleStr : csEmpty ; VERIFY(m_cfelcBiDi.SetItemText(u, 1, cs)) ; } ; } ; }
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add message map macros here
// CINFWizBiDi message handlers
BOOL CINFWizBiDi::OnSetActive() { m_cfelcBiDi.SetFocus() ; // The list control gets the focus
// Nothing else need be done if this page has been initialized already
// and it is not being asked to reinitialize the page... That is,
// except for possibly needing to pick up any selected model changes
// that were made.
if (m_bInitialized && !m_bReInitWData) { if (m_bSelChanged) { ModelChangeFixups(m_pciwParent->GetINFModsSelCount(), m_pciwParent->GetINFModels(), m_pciwParent->GetINFModelsLst()) ; m_bSelChanged = false ; } ; return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; } ;
// Get the array of selected models and declare an array for BiDi info.
CStringArray& csamodels = m_pciwParent->GetINFModels() ; CStringArray csabidi ; unsigned unumelts = (unsigned)csamodels.GetSize() ; m_csToggleStr.LoadString(IDS_INFBiDiToggleStr) ;
// If not reinitializing, make sure the BiDi array is empty. Otherwise,
// initialize the BiDi strings array based on the settings in the BiDi
// flags array.
if (!m_bReInitWData) csabidi.RemoveAll() ; else { ModelChangeFixups(m_pciwParent->GetINFModsSelCount(), m_pciwParent->GetINFModels(), m_pciwParent->GetINFModelsLst()) ; csabidi.SetSize(unumelts) ; for (unsigned u = 0 ; u < unumelts ; u++) if (m_cuaBiDiFlags[u]) csabidi[u] = m_csToggleStr ; } ;
// Initialize the list control
// Load the models column in the list control.
CString cstmp ; cstmp.LoadString(IDS_INFModelsColLab) ; m_cfelcBiDi.InitLoadColumn(0, cstmp, COMPUTECOLWIDTH, 40, false, true, COLDATTYPE_STRING, (CObArray*) &csamodels) ;
// Initialize the bidi column in the list control.
cstmp.LoadString(IDS_INFBiDiColLab) ; m_cfelcBiDi.InitLoadColumn(1, cstmp, SETWIDTHTOREMAINDER, -20, false, true, COLDATTYPE_TOGGLE, (CObArray*) &csabidi, m_csToggleStr) ;
m_bInitialized = true ; // Page is initialized now
m_bReInitWData = false ; // Reinit (if needed) is done now on this page
return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; }
LRESULT CINFWizBiDi::OnWizardNext() { // Make sure the list's contents are sorted in descending order by BI-DI
// status.
m_cfelcBiDi.SortControl(1) ; if (m_cfelcBiDi.GetColSortOrder(1)) m_cfelcBiDi.SortControl(1) ;
// Get the data in the models and BI-DI status columns. Then get the
// original list of selected models.
CStringArray csamodels, csabidi ; m_cfelcBiDi.GetColumnData((CObArray*) &csamodels, 0) ; m_cfelcBiDi.GetColumnData((CObArray*) &csabidi, 1) ; CStringArray& csaselmodels = m_pciwParent->GetINFModels() ;
// Get the length of the arrays and use it to size the array that is used
// to hold the BI-DI flags.
unsigned unummodels = (unsigned)csaselmodels.GetSize() ; m_cuaBiDiFlags.SetSize(unummodels) ;
// Now we need to set the BIDI flags correctly. This is complicated a bit
// because the models array from the Bi-Di list may not be in the same
// order as the selected models array. The flags array should map to the
// selected models array. There is extra code below to deal with this.
for (unsigned u = 0 ; u < unummodels ; u++) { for (unsigned u2 = 0 ; u2 < unummodels ; u2++) { if (csaselmodels[u] == csamodels[u2]) { m_cuaBiDiFlags[u] = !csabidi[u2].IsEmpty() ; break ; } ; } ; } ;
// If this is not the first time this page has been used, any changes made
// could affect the data managed by some of the other pages. Make a call
// to fixup that data when needed.
m_pciwParent->BiDiDataChanged() ; // All went well so move on to the next wizard page.
return CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() ; }
LRESULT CINFWizBiDi::OnWizardBack() { // This works because the same thing needs to be done for both
// OnWizardNext() and OnWizardBack(). In addition,
// CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() and CPropertyPage::OnWizardBack() just
// return 0.
return OnWizardNext() ; }
void InitListListPage(CListBox& clbmainlst, bool& binit, CINFWizard* pciwparent, CObArray& coapermaindata, CFullEditListCtrl& cfelcsecondlst, int ncollabid, CStringArray& csamain, bool& breinitwdata, int& ncurmodelidx, int neditlen, DWORD dwmiscflags) { clbmainlst.SetFocus() ; // The main list box gets the focus
// Nothing else need be done if this page has been initialized already and
// it has not be requested to reinitialize itself while keeping existing
// data.
if (binit && !breinitwdata) return ;
// Count the array of items to load into the main list box.
unsigned unummodels = (unsigned)csamain.GetSize() ;
// Load the main items into the main list box.
clbmainlst.ResetContent() ; for (unsigned u = 0 ; u < unummodels ; u++) clbmainlst.AddString(csamain[u]) ;
CStringArray* pcsa ; // Initialize the array of string array pointers used to manage the data
// in the second list for each item in the main list. (Only if not
// reinitializing because the existing data must be maintained in this
// case.)
if (!breinitwdata) { coapermaindata.SetSize(unummodels) ; for (u = 0 ; u < unummodels ; u++) { pcsa = new CStringArray ; pcsa->RemoveAll() ; coapermaindata[u] = (CObArray*) pcsa ; } ; } ; // Initialize the list control
cfelcsecondlst.InitControl(LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT+LVS_EX_GRIDLINES, 8, 1, 0, neditlen, dwmiscflags) ;
// Put some bogus entries into a string array that is used to "activate"
// the list control.
pcsa = new CStringArray ; pcsa->SetSize(8) ; for (u = 0 ; u < 8 ; u++) pcsa->SetAt(u, csEmpty) ;
// Initialize the only column in the list control.
CString cstmp ; cstmp.LoadString(ncollabid) ; cfelcsecondlst.InitLoadColumn(0, cstmp, SETWIDTHTOREMAINDER, -16, true, true, COLDATTYPE_STRING, (CObArray*) pcsa) ; delete pcsa ;
// Now that the list control has been initialized, disable it until a main
// list item is selected.
cfelcsecondlst.EnableWindow(false) ;
ncurmodelidx = -1 ; // Reset the current model index
binit = true ; // Page is initialized now
breinitwdata = false ; // Reinit (if needed) is done now on this page
return ; }
void SelChangedListListPage(CListBox& clbmainlst, bool binit, CObArray& coapermaindata, CFullEditListCtrl& cfelcsecondlst, CButton* pcbbrowse, int& ncurmainidx) { // Do nothing if the page has not been initialized yet.
if (!binit) return ;
// Make sure the Profiles list and Browse button are enabled.
if (pcbbrowse != NULL) pcbbrowse->EnableWindow() ; cfelcsecondlst.EnableWindow() ;
// If there was a previous selection in the list box, save that model's
// filespecs before loading the current model's filespecs.
CStringArray* pcsa ; if (ncurmainidx != -1) { cfelcsecondlst.SaveValue() ; pcsa = (CStringArray*) coapermaindata[ncurmainidx] ; cfelcsecondlst.GetColumnData((CObArray*) pcsa, 0) ; } ;
// Update the current model index and load its filespecs into the list
// control. Before loading, make sure that the current model's file array
// is long enough to overwrite all of the last model's file strings that
// are currently in the list.
if ((ncurmainidx = clbmainlst.GetCurSel()) != -1) { pcsa = (CStringArray*) coapermaindata[ncurmainidx] ; int nelts = (int)pcsa->GetSize() ; int nrows = cfelcsecondlst.GetItemCount() ; if (nelts < nrows) { pcsa->SetSize(nrows) ; for (int n = nrows ; n < nelts ; n++) pcsa->SetAt(n, csEmpty) ; } ; cfelcsecondlst.SetColumnData((CObArray*) pcsa, 0) ; } ; }
void OnBrowseListListPage(CFullEditListCtrl& cfelcsecondlst, int nfiletypeid) { // Prepare for and prompt the user for a filespec to add to the list
// control. Return if the user cancels.
CString cstmp ; cstmp.LoadString(nfiletypeid) ; CFileDialog cfd(TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, cstmp) ; if (cfd.DoModal() != IDOK) return ;
// Get the user selected filespec.
cstmp = cfd.GetPathName() ;
// Determine the row to place the filespec in
int nrow ; if ((nrow = cfelcsecondlst.GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED)) == -1) nrow = 0 ;
// Save the filespec in the profiles list
VERIFY(cfelcsecondlst.SetItemText(nrow, 0, cstmp)) ; }
void OnWizNextListListPage(int& ncurmainidx, CFullEditListCtrl& cfelcsecondlst, CObArray& coapermaindata) { // If there was a previous selection in the list box, save that item's
// data.
CStringArray* pcsa ; if (ncurmainidx != -1) { cfelcsecondlst.SaveValue() ; pcsa = (CStringArray*) coapermaindata[ncurmainidx] ; cfelcsecondlst.GetColumnData((CObArray*) pcsa, 0) ; } ;
// Users may not fill every string in the string arrays so get rid of the
// ones that are empty.
int nnummodels = (int)coapermaindata.GetSize() ; int nnumfiles, n, n2, n3 ; for (n = 0 ; n < nnummodels ; n++) { pcsa = (CStringArray*) coapermaindata[n] ; nnumfiles = (int)pcsa->GetSize() ; for (n2 = n3 = 0 ; n2 < nnumfiles ; n2++) { (pcsa->GetAt(n3)).TrimLeft() ; (pcsa->GetAt(n3)).TrimRight() ; if ((pcsa->GetAt(n3)).IsEmpty()) pcsa->RemoveAt(n3) ; else n3++ ; } ; } ; }
void ModelChangeFixupsListListPage(unsigned unummodelssel, CStringArray& csamodels, CStringArray& csamodelslast, CFullEditListCtrl& cfelcsecondlst, CObArray& coapermaindata, int& ncurmainidx, CButton* pcbbrowse, CListBox& clbmainlst, bool& breinitwdata) { // Declare looping vars, get the size of the old selection array, and
// declare / size / initialize a new profiles array.
unsigned u, u2, unumlst, unumrows, unumold ; unumlst = (unsigned) csamodelslast.GetSize() ; if ((unumrows = cfelcsecondlst.GetItemCount()) == 0) unumrows = 8 ; CObArray coaprofarrays ; CStringArray *pcsa, *pcsaold ; coaprofarrays.SetSize(unummodelssel) ; for (u = 0 ; u < unummodelssel ; u++) { pcsa = new CStringArray ; pcsa->SetSize(unumrows) ; for (u2 = 0 ; u2 < unumrows ; u2++) pcsa->SetAt(u2, csEmpty) ; coaprofarrays[u] = (CObArray*) pcsa ; } ;
// Clear the list control if not reinitializing.
if (!breinitwdata) cfelcsecondlst.SetColumnData((CObArray*) coaprofarrays[0], 0) ;
// Try to find each new model in the list of old models. If found, copy the
// old model's data to the new profiles array.
for (u = 0 ; u < unummodelssel ; u++) { for (u2 = 0 ; u2 < unumlst ; u2++) { if (csamodels[u] == csamodelslast[u2]) break ; } ; if (u2 < unumlst) { pcsa = (CStringArray*) coaprofarrays[u] ; pcsaold = (CStringArray*) coapermaindata[u2] ; unumold = (unsigned)pcsaold->GetSize() ; for (u2 = 0 ; u2 < unumold ; u2++) pcsa->SetAt(u2, pcsaold->GetAt(u2)) ; } ; } ;
// Delete all of the old data
for (u = 0 ; u < (unsigned) coapermaindata.GetSize() ; u++) { pcsaold = (CStringArray*) coapermaindata[u] ; delete pcsaold ; } ;
// Copy the new data into the member variable
coapermaindata.SetSize(unummodelssel) ; for (u = 0 ; u < unummodelssel ; u++) coapermaindata[u] = coaprofarrays[u] ;
// Now that the data structures are up to date, finish updating the page's
// controls.
ncurmainidx = -1 ; cfelcsecondlst.EnableWindow(false) ; pcbbrowse->EnableWindow(false) ; clbmainlst.ResetContent() ; for (u = 0 ; u < unummodelssel ; u++) clbmainlst.AddString(csamodels[u]) ; clbmainlst.SetCurSel(-1) ; }
// CINFWizICMProfiles property page
CINFWizICMProfiles::CINFWizICMProfiles() : CPropertyPage(CINFWizICMProfiles::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CINFWizICMProfiles)
m_bInitialized = m_bReInitWData = m_bSelChanged = false ; m_nCurModelIdx = -1 ; }
CINFWizICMProfiles::~CINFWizICMProfiles() { // Delete the string arrays referenced in m_coaProfileArrays.
CStringArray* pcsa ; for (int n = 0 ; n < m_coaProfileArrays.GetSize() ; n++) { pcsa = (CStringArray*) m_coaProfileArrays[n] ; delete pcsa ; } ; }
void CINFWizICMProfiles::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CINFWizICMProfiles)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ICMFSpecsLst, m_cfelcICMFSpecs); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ModelsLst, m_clbModels); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BrowseBtn, m_cbBrowse); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
void CINFWizICMProfiles::ModelChangeFixups(unsigned unummodelssel, CStringArray& csamodels, CStringArray& csamodelslast) { // Do nothing if the page has not been initialized yet.
if (!m_bInitialized) return ;
// See ModelChangeFixupsListListPage() for more information.
ModelChangeFixupsListListPage(unummodelssel, csamodels, csamodelslast, m_cfelcICMFSpecs, m_coaProfileArrays, m_nCurModelIdx, &m_cbBrowse, m_clbModels, m_bReInitWData) ; }
ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BrowseBtn, OnBrowseBtn) ON_LBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_ModelsLst, OnSelchangeModelsLst) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP
// CINFWizICMProfiles message handlers
BOOL CINFWizICMProfiles::OnSetActive() { // Get the list of models to load into the main list box.
CStringArray& csamodels = m_pciwParent->GetINFModels() ;
// Nothing else need be done if this page has been initialized already
// and it is not being asked to reinitialize the page... That is,
// except for possibly needing to pick up any selected model changes
// that were made.
if (m_bInitialized && !m_bReInitWData) { if (m_bSelChanged) { ModelChangeFixups(m_pciwParent->GetINFModsSelCount(), csamodels, m_pciwParent->GetINFModelsLst()) ; m_bSelChanged = false ; } ; return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; } ;
// Pick up selected model changes when reinitializing
if (m_bReInitWData) { ModelChangeFixups(m_pciwParent->GetINFModsSelCount(), csamodels, m_pciwParent->GetINFModelsLst()) ; m_bSelChanged = false ; } ;
// See InitListListPage() for more details.
InitListListPage(m_clbModels, m_bInitialized, m_pciwParent, m_coaProfileArrays, m_cfelcICMFSpecs, IDS_INFICMColLab, csamodels, m_bReInitWData, m_nCurModelIdx, 256, 0) ; return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; }
void CINFWizICMProfiles::OnSelchangeModelsLst() { SelChangedListListPage(m_clbModels, m_bInitialized, m_coaProfileArrays, m_cfelcICMFSpecs, &m_cbBrowse, m_nCurModelIdx) ; }
void CINFWizICMProfiles::OnBrowseBtn() { // See OnBrowseListListPage() for more information.
OnBrowseListListPage(m_cfelcICMFSpecs, IDS_CommonICMFile) ; }
LRESULT CINFWizICMProfiles::OnWizardNext() { // Do nothing if the page has not been initialized yet.
if (!m_bInitialized) return -1 ;
// See OnWizNextListListPage() for more information.
OnWizNextListListPage(m_nCurModelIdx, m_cfelcICMFSpecs, m_coaProfileArrays); return CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() ; }
LRESULT CINFWizICMProfiles::OnWizardBack() { // This works because the same thing needs to be done for both
// OnWizardNext() and OnWizardBack(). In addition,
// CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() and CPropertyPage::OnWizardBack() just
// return 0.
return OnWizardNext() ; }
// CINFWizIncludeFiles property page
CINFWizIncludeFiles::CINFWizIncludeFiles() : CPropertyPage(CINFWizIncludeFiles::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CINFWizIncludeFiles)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
m_bInitialized = m_bReInitWData = m_bSelChanged = false ; m_nCurModelIdx = -1 ; }
CINFWizIncludeFiles::~CINFWizIncludeFiles() { }
void CINFWizIncludeFiles::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CINFWizIncludeFiles)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ModelsLst, m_clbModels); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_IncludeFileBox, m_ceIncludeFile); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CINFWizIncludeFiles, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CINFWizIncludeFiles)
ON_LBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_ModelsLst, OnSelchangeModelsLst) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP
// CINFWizIncludeFiles message handlers
BOOL CINFWizIncludeFiles::OnSetActive() { // Just perform the default actions if nothing special needs to be done.
if (m_bInitialized && (!m_bReInitWData) && (!m_bSelChanged)) return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ;
int n, n2 ; // Looping variable
int numelts, newnumelts ; // Number of elements in an array
CString cstmp ; // Temp string
// Perform the first time initialization.
if (!m_bInitialized) { // Get a copy of the currently selected model names and then load them
// into the list box. Set the focus to the list box.
m_csaModels.Copy(m_pciwParent->GetINFModels()) ; for (n = 0, numelts = (int) m_csaModels.GetSize() ; n < numelts ; n++) m_clbModels.AddString(m_csaModels[n]) ; m_clbModels.SetFocus() ;
// Size and initialize the include files array. Initialize each
// include file to the default.
cstmp.LoadString(IDS_DefINFIncFile) ; m_csaIncFiles.SetSize(numelts) ; for (n = 0 ; n < numelts ; n++) m_csaIncFiles[n] = cstmp ;
// Set init flag, reset other flags, and return whatever the base class
// function returns.
m_bInitialized = true ; m_bReInitWData = m_bSelChanged = false ; return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; } ;
// Either the selected models have changed or the wizard is being
// reinitialized if this point is reached. Both are handled the same way.
// Begin by getting info about the models in this page and the ones that
// are selected now.
CStringArray& csanewmodels = m_pciwParent->GetINFModels() ; CUIntArray cuiaoldmodelsfound, cuianewmodelsfound ; numelts = IdentifyOldAndNewModels(csanewmodels, cuiaoldmodelsfound, cuianewmodelsfound, newnumelts, m_csaModels) ;
// Remove the old models and related data that are no longer needed.
for (n = numelts - 1 ; n >= 0 ; n--) if (cuiaoldmodelsfound[n] == 0) { m_csaModels.RemoveAt(n) ; m_csaIncFiles.RemoveAt(n) ; } ;
// Add the truly new models to this page's array of model names and
// initialize an Include File string for it.
cstmp.LoadString(IDS_DefINFIncFile) ; for (n = n2 = 0 ; n < newnumelts ; n++) { if (cuianewmodelsfound[n] == 1) { n2++ ; continue ; } ; m_csaModels.InsertAt(n2, csanewmodels[n]) ; m_csaIncFiles.InsertAt(n2, cstmp) ; } ;
// Clear the Include Files edit box
m_ceIncludeFile.SetWindowText(csEmpty) ;
// Reinitialize the models array and the current model index.
m_clbModels.ResetContent() ; for (n = 0, numelts = (int) m_csaModels.GetSize() ; n < numelts ; n++) m_clbModels.AddString(m_csaModels[n]) ; m_clbModels.SetCurSel(-1) ; m_clbModels.SetFocus() ; m_nCurModelIdx = -1 ;
// Set init flag, reset other flags, and return whatever the base class
// function returns.
m_bInitialized = true ; m_bReInitWData = m_bSelChanged = false ; return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; }
void CINFWizIncludeFiles::OnSelchangeModelsLst() { // If there was a previous model selection, save its include file string.
// Otherwise, enable the include file edit box.
if (m_nCurModelIdx != -1) m_ceIncludeFile.GetWindowText(m_csaIncFiles[m_nCurModelIdx]) ; else m_ceIncludeFile.EnableWindow() ;
// Save the index for the currently selected model. Then load the edit box
// with the include file string for that model.
m_nCurModelIdx = m_clbModels.GetCurSel() ; m_ceIncludeFile.SetWindowText(m_csaIncFiles[m_nCurModelIdx]) ; }
LRESULT CINFWizIncludeFiles::OnWizardNext() { // Save the index for the currently selected model. If the value is valid,
// save the include file string for this model.
if ((m_nCurModelIdx = m_clbModels.GetCurSel()) != -1) m_ceIncludeFile.GetWindowText(m_csaIncFiles[m_nCurModelIdx]) ;
// Make sure each model has an include file string. Complain and exit
// without allowing the page to change if an empty string is found.
int numelts = (int) m_csaIncFiles.GetSize() ; for (int n = 0 ; n < numelts ; n++) { if (m_csaIncFiles[n].IsEmpty()) { CString cserrmsg ; cserrmsg.Format(IDS_INFMissingIncError, m_csaModels[n]) ; AfxMessageBox(cserrmsg, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) ; m_clbModels.SetCurSel(n) ; OnSelchangeModelsLst() ; m_ceIncludeFile.SetFocus() ; return -1 ; } ; } ;
// All went well so...
return CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext(); }
LRESULT CINFWizIncludeFiles::OnWizardBack() { // This works because the same thing needs to be done for both
// OnWizardNext() and OnWizardBack(). In addition,
// CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() and CPropertyPage::OnWizardBack() just
// return 0.
return OnWizardNext() ; }
// CINFWizInstallSections property page
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CINFWizInstallSections, CPropertyPage)
CINFWizInstallSections::CINFWizInstallSections() : CPropertyPage(CINFWizInstallSections::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CINFWizInstallSections)
m_csOtherSections = _T(""); m_bOther = FALSE; m_bPscript = FALSE; m_bTtfsub = FALSE; m_bUnidrvBidi = FALSE; m_bUnidrv = FALSE; //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
m_bInitialized = m_bReInitWData = m_bSelChanged = false ; m_nCurModelIdx = -1 ; }
CINFWizInstallSections::~CINFWizInstallSections() { // Delete the flag arrays referenced in m_coaStdInstSecs.
CUIntArray* pcuia ; for (int n = 0 ; n < m_coaStdInstSecs.GetSize() ; n++) { pcuia = (CUIntArray*) m_coaStdInstSecs[n] ; delete pcuia ; } ; }
void CINFWizInstallSections::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CINFWizInstallSections)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ModelsLst, m_clbModels); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_OtherBox, m_csOtherSections); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_OtherChk, m_bOther); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_PscriptChk, m_bPscript); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_TtfsubChk, m_bTtfsub); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_UnidrvBidiChk, m_bUnidrvBidi); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_UnidrvChk, m_bUnidrv); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CINFWizInstallSections, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CINFWizInstallSections)
ON_LBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_ModelsLst, OnSelchangeModelsLst) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_OtherChk, OnOtherChk) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_PscriptChk, OnPscriptChk) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_TtfsubChk, OnTtfsubChk) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_UnidrvBidiChk, OnUnidrvBidiChk) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_UnidrvChk, OnUnidrvChk) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP
// CINFWizInstallSections message handlers
BOOL CINFWizInstallSections::OnSetActive() { // Just perform the default actions if nothing special needs to be done.
if (m_bInitialized && (!m_bReInitWData) && (!m_bSelChanged)) return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ;
int n, n2 ; // Looping variable
int numelts, newnumelts ; // Number of elements in an array
CUIntArray* pcuia ; // Used to reference a model's flags array
// Perform the first time initialization.
if (!m_bInitialized) { // Get a copy of the currently selected model names and initialize the
// controls on this page.
m_csaModels.Copy(m_pciwParent->GetINFModels()) ; numelts = InitPageControls() ;
// Size and initialize the standard install sections array. There is
// one entry in the array per model. Each entry references an array
// of flags that specify the install sections for each model. See
// below to see how the flags are initialized.
// The other install sections string array is sized and initialized too.
m_coaStdInstSecs.SetSize(numelts) ; m_csaOtherInstSecs.SetSize(numelts) ; for (n = 0 ; n < numelts ; n++) AddModelFlags(n) ;
// Set init flag, reset other flags, and return whatever the base class
// function returns.
m_bInitialized = true ; m_bReInitWData = m_bSelChanged = false ; return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; } ;
// Either the selected models have changed or the wizard is being
// reinitialized if this point is reached. Both are handled the same way.
// Begin by getting info about the models in this page and the ones that
// are selected now.
CStringArray& csanewmodels = m_pciwParent->GetINFModels() ; CUIntArray cuiaoldmodelsfound, cuianewmodelsfound ; numelts = IdentifyOldAndNewModels(csanewmodels, cuiaoldmodelsfound, cuianewmodelsfound, newnumelts, m_csaModels) ;
// Remove the old models and related data that are no longer needed.
for (n = numelts - 1 ; n >= 0 ; n--) if (cuiaoldmodelsfound[n] == 0) { m_csaModels.RemoveAt(n) ; pcuia = (CUIntArray*) m_coaStdInstSecs[n] ; delete pcuia ; m_coaStdInstSecs.RemoveAt(n) ; m_csaOtherInstSecs.RemoveAt(n) ; } ;
// Add the truly new models to this page's array of model names and
// initialize all related Install Section data for it.
for (n = n2 = 0 ; n < newnumelts ; n++) { if (cuianewmodelsfound[n] == 1) { n2++ ; continue ; } ; m_csaModels.InsertAt(n2, csanewmodels[n]) ; m_coaStdInstSecs.InsertAt(n2, (CObject*) NULL) ; m_csaOtherInstSecs.InsertAt(n2, csEmpty) ; AddModelFlags(n2) ; } ;
// Initialize the controls on the page
InitPageControls() ;
// Set init flag, reset other flags, and return whatever the base class
// function returns.
m_bInitialized = true ; m_bReInitWData = m_bSelChanged = false ; return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; }
void CINFWizInstallSections::AddModelFlags(int nidx) { int n ; // Looping variable
CUIntArray* pcuia ; // Used to reference a model's flags array
CString csfname ; // Model's file name
// Allocate the flags array and save it in the array of flags arrays.
// Next, initialize the other sections string for this model.
pcuia = new CUIntArray ; m_coaStdInstSecs[nidx] = (CObArray*) pcuia ; m_csaOtherInstSecs[nidx].Empty() ;
// Size the current flags array and initialize each one to 0 (off).
pcuia->SetSize(NUMINSTSECFLAGS) ; for (n = 0 ; n < NUMINSTSECFLAGS ; n++) (*pcuia)[n] = 0 ;
// Get the model's file name and check its extension to see if
// one of its Unidrv or its PostScript flag should be set. (The
// other flags are only user settable so they aren't changed.)
//RAID 0001
csfname = m_pciwParent->GetModelFile(m_csaModels[nidx]) ; if (csfname.Find(_T(".GPD")) != -1) { // The UNIDRVBIDI section is used (flagged) if the user marked
// this model BIDI. Otherwise, the UNIDRV section is used.
if (m_pciwParent->m_ciwbd.m_cuaBiDiFlags[nidx]) (*pcuia)[ISF_UNIBIDI] = 1 ; else (*pcuia)[ISF_UNI] = 1 ; // Postcript file.
} else (*pcuia)[ISF_PSCR] = 1 ; }
int CINFWizInstallSections::InitPageControls() { int n ; // Looping variable
int numelts ; // Number of elements in an array
// Load the current set of models into the list box
m_clbModels.ResetContent() ; for (n = 0, numelts = (int) m_csaModels.GetSize() ; n < numelts ; n++) m_clbModels.AddString(m_csaModels[n]) ; // Make sure there is no model selected in the list box and that the box
// has the focus.
m_clbModels.SetCurSel(-1) ; m_clbModels.SetFocus() ; m_nCurModelIdx = -1 ;
// Clear and disable all of the check boxes and the Other edit box.
for (n = IDC_UnidrvChk ; n <= IDC_TtfsubChk ; n++) GetDlgItem(n)->EnableWindow(FALSE) ; GetDlgItem(IDC_OtherBox)->EnableWindow(FALSE) ; m_bUnidrv = m_bUnidrvBidi = m_bPscript = m_bTtfsub = m_bOther = FALSE ; m_csOtherSections = csEmpty ; UpdateData(FALSE) ;
// Return the number of elements in the list box. Ie, the number of
// selected models.
return numelts ; }
LRESULT CINFWizInstallSections::OnWizardNext() { // Save the index for the currently selected model. If the value is valid,
// save the install section data for this model.
if ((m_nCurModelIdx = m_clbModels.GetCurSel()) != -1) { UpdateData(TRUE) ; CUIntArray* pcuia = (CUIntArray*) m_coaStdInstSecs[m_nCurModelIdx] ; (*pcuia)[ISF_UNI] = (unsigned) m_bUnidrv ; (*pcuia)[ISF_UNIBIDI] = (unsigned) m_bUnidrvBidi ; (*pcuia)[ISF_PSCR] = (unsigned) m_bPscript ; (*pcuia)[ISF_TTF] = (unsigned) m_bTtfsub ; if ((*pcuia)[ISF_OTHER] = (unsigned) m_bOther) m_csaOtherInstSecs[m_nCurModelIdx] = m_csOtherSections ; } ; // Make sure that each model has one of the main sections selected and, if
// the Other section was selected, it has an Other string.
CString cserrmsg ; CUIntArray* pcuia ; int numelts = (int) m_csaModels.GetSize() ; for (int n = 0 ; n < numelts ; n++) { pcuia = (CUIntArray*) m_coaStdInstSecs[n] ; TRACE("*** %s: ISF_UNI=%d ISF_UNIBIDI=%d ISF_PSCR=%d ISF_OTHER=%d\n", m_csaModels[n], (*pcuia)[ISF_UNI], (*pcuia)[ISF_UNIBIDI], (*pcuia)[ISF_PSCR], (*pcuia)[ISF_OTHER]) ; if ((*pcuia)[ISF_UNI] == 0 && (*pcuia)[ISF_UNIBIDI] == 0 && (*pcuia)[ISF_PSCR] == 0 && (*pcuia)[ISF_OTHER] == 0) { cserrmsg.Format(IDS_INFMissingInstSecError, m_csaModels[n]) ; AfxMessageBox(cserrmsg, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) ; m_clbModels.SetCurSel(n) ; OnSelchangeModelsLst() ; return -1 ; } ; if ((*pcuia)[ISF_OTHER] && m_csaOtherInstSecs[n].IsEmpty()) { cserrmsg.Format(IDS_INFNoOtherStrError, m_csaModels[n]) ; AfxMessageBox(cserrmsg, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) ; m_clbModels.SetCurSel(n) ; OnSelchangeModelsLst() ; return -1 ; } ; } ;
// All went well so...
return CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext(); }
LRESULT CINFWizInstallSections::OnWizardBack() { // This works because the same thing needs to be done for both
// OnWizardNext() and OnWizardBack(). In addition,
// CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() and CPropertyPage::OnWizardBack() just
// return 0.
return OnWizardNext() ; }
void CINFWizInstallSections::OnSelchangeModelsLst() { // If there was a previous model selection, save its install section flags.
// Otherwise, enable the install section check boxes.
if (m_nCurModelIdx != -1) { UpdateData(TRUE) ; CUIntArray* pcuia = (CUIntArray*) m_coaStdInstSecs[m_nCurModelIdx] ; (*pcuia)[ISF_UNI] = (unsigned) m_bUnidrv ; (*pcuia)[ISF_UNIBIDI] = (unsigned) m_bUnidrvBidi ; (*pcuia)[ISF_PSCR] = (unsigned) m_bPscript ; (*pcuia)[ISF_TTF] = (unsigned) m_bTtfsub ; if ((*pcuia)[ISF_OTHER] = (unsigned) m_bOther) m_csaOtherInstSecs[m_nCurModelIdx] = m_csOtherSections ; } else { for (int n = IDC_UnidrvChk ; n <= IDC_TtfsubChk ; n++) GetDlgItem(n)->EnableWindow(TRUE) ; } ;
// Save the index for the currently selected model. Then set the check
// boxes based on the flags for the specified model.
m_nCurModelIdx = m_clbModels.GetCurSel() ; CUIntArray* pcuia = (CUIntArray*) m_coaStdInstSecs[m_nCurModelIdx] ; m_bUnidrv = (BOOL) ((*pcuia)[ISF_UNI]) ; m_bUnidrvBidi = (BOOL) ((*pcuia)[ISF_UNIBIDI]) ; m_bPscript = (BOOL) ((*pcuia)[ISF_PSCR]) ; m_bTtfsub = (BOOL) ((*pcuia)[ISF_TTF]) ; if (m_bOther = (BOOL) ((*pcuia)[ISF_OTHER])) m_csOtherSections = m_csaOtherInstSecs[m_nCurModelIdx] ; else m_csOtherSections = csEmpty ; GetDlgItem(IDC_OtherBox)->EnableWindow(m_bOther) ; UpdateData(FALSE) ; }
void CINFWizInstallSections::OnPscriptChk() { // If the PostScript checkbox is checked, the Unidrv and TrueType check
// boxes must be unchecked.
UpdateData(TRUE) ; if (m_bPscript) { m_bTtfsub = m_bUnidrvBidi = m_bUnidrv = FALSE ; UpdateData(FALSE) ; } }
void CINFWizInstallSections::OnTtfsubChk() { // If the TrueType box is checked, clear the PostScript checkbox.
UpdateData(TRUE) ; if (m_bTtfsub) { m_bPscript = FALSE ; UpdateData(FALSE) ; } }
void CINFWizInstallSections::OnUnidrvBidiChk() { // If the UNIDRV_BIDI box is checked, the UNIDRV and PostScript flags must
// be unchecked.
UpdateData(TRUE) ; if (m_bUnidrvBidi) { m_bPscript = m_bUnidrv = FALSE ; UpdateData(FALSE) ; } }
void CINFWizInstallSections::OnUnidrvChk() { // If the UNIDRV box is checked, the UNIDRV_BIDI and PostScript flags must
// be unchecked.
UpdateData(TRUE) ; if (m_bUnidrv) { m_bPscript = m_bUnidrvBidi = FALSE ; UpdateData(FALSE) ; } }
void CINFWizInstallSections::OnOtherChk() { // Enable or disable the Other sections edit box based on the new state of
// the Other check box.
UpdateData(TRUE) ; GetDlgItem(IDC_OtherBox)->EnableWindow(m_bOther) ;
// If the Other check box was just checked, move the focus to the Other box.
if (m_bOther) GetDlgItem(IDC_OtherBox)->SetFocus() ; }
void CINFWizInstallSections::BiDiDataChanged() { // Do nothing if this page has not be initialized yet. In addition, do
// nothing if the selected models may have changed or a reinit has been
// request. These cases are taken care of in OnSetActive(). In additon,
// it allows this routine to know that the model data in this page are in
// the same order as the data in the BiDi page().
if (!m_bInitialized || m_bReInitWData || m_bSelChanged) return ;
// Loop through the data for each selected model and make sure it agrees
// as much as possible with the current BiDi settings.
CUIntArray* pcuia ; for (int n = 0 ; n < m_coaStdInstSecs.GetSize() ; n++) { pcuia = (CUIntArray*) m_coaStdInstSecs[n] ;
// If the model's BiDi flag is set, make sure it is set here and that
// its Unidriv and PScript flags are clear.
if (m_pciwParent->m_ciwbd.m_cuaBiDiFlags[n]) { (*pcuia)[ISF_UNIBIDI] = 1 ; (*pcuia)[ISF_UNI] = (*pcuia)[ISF_PSCR] = 0 ;
// Otherwise, clear the BiDi flag. Then set the Unidrv flag if the
// PScript flag is clear.
} else { (*pcuia)[ISF_UNIBIDI] = 0 ; if ((*pcuia)[ISF_PSCR] == 0) (*pcuia)[ISF_UNI] = 1 ; } ; } ;
// Reinitialize the controls on the page.
InitPageControls() ; }
// CINFWizDataSections property page
CINFWizDataSections::CINFWizDataSections() : CPropertyPage(CINFWizDataSections::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CINFWizDataSections)
m_csOtherSections = _T(""); m_bOther = FALSE; m_bPscript = FALSE; m_bUnidrvBidi = FALSE; m_bUnidrv = FALSE; //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
m_bInitialized = m_bReInitWData = m_bSelChanged = false ; m_nCurModelIdx = -1 ; }
CINFWizDataSections::~CINFWizDataSections() { // Delete the flag arrays referenced in m_coaStdDataSecs.
CUIntArray* pcuia ; for (int n = 0 ; n < m_coaStdDataSecs.GetSize() ; n++) { pcuia = (CUIntArray*) m_coaStdDataSecs[n] ; delete pcuia ; } ; }
void CINFWizDataSections::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CINFWizDataSections)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ModelsLst, m_clbModels); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_OtherBox, m_csOtherSections); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_OtherChk, m_bOther); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_PscriptChk, m_bPscript); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_UnidrvBidiChk, m_bUnidrvBidi); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_UnidrvChk, m_bUnidrv); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CINFWizDataSections, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CINFWizDataSections)
ON_LBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_ModelsLst, OnSelchangeModelsLst) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_OtherChk, OnOtherChk) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_PscriptChk, OnPscriptChk) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_UnidrvBidiChk, OnUnidrvBidiChk) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_UnidrvChk, OnUnidrvChk) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP
// CINFWizDataSections message handlers
BOOL CINFWizDataSections::OnSetActive() { // Just perform the default actions if nothing special needs to be done.
if (m_bInitialized && (!m_bReInitWData) && (!m_bSelChanged)) return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ;
int n, n2 ; // Looping variable
int numelts, newnumelts ; // Number of elements in an array
CUIntArray* pcuia ; // Used to reference a model's flags array
// Perform the first time initialization.
if (!m_bInitialized) { // Get a copy of the currently selected model names and initialize the
// controls on this page.
m_csaModels.Copy(m_pciwParent->GetINFModels()) ; numelts = InitPageControls() ;
// Size and initialize the standard data sections array. There is
// one entry in the array per model. Each entry references an array
// of flags that specify the data sections for each model. See
// below to see how the flags are initialized.
// The other data sections string array is sized and initialized too.
m_coaStdDataSecs.SetSize(numelts) ; m_csaOtherDataSecs.SetSize(numelts) ; for (n = 0 ; n < numelts ; n++) AddModelFlags(n) ;
// Set init flag, reset other flags, and return whatever the base class
// function returns.
m_bInitialized = true ; m_bReInitWData = m_bSelChanged = false ; return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; } ;
// Either the selected models have changed or the wizard is being
// reinitialized if this point is reached. Both are handled the same way.
// Begin by getting info about the models in this page and the ones that
// are selected now.
CStringArray& csanewmodels = m_pciwParent->GetINFModels() ; CUIntArray cuiaoldmodelsfound, cuianewmodelsfound ; numelts = IdentifyOldAndNewModels(csanewmodels, cuiaoldmodelsfound, cuianewmodelsfound, newnumelts, m_csaModels) ;
// Remove the old models and related data that are no longer needed.
for (n = numelts - 1 ; n >= 0 ; n--) if (cuiaoldmodelsfound[n] == 0) { m_csaModels.RemoveAt(n) ; pcuia = (CUIntArray*) m_coaStdDataSecs[n] ; delete pcuia ; m_coaStdDataSecs.RemoveAt(n) ; m_csaOtherDataSecs.RemoveAt(n) ; } ;
// Add the truly new models to this page's array of model names and
// initialize all related Data Section data for it.
for (n = n2 = 0 ; n < newnumelts ; n++) { if (cuianewmodelsfound[n] == 1) { n2++ ; continue ; } ; m_csaModels.InsertAt(n2, csanewmodels[n]) ; m_coaStdDataSecs.InsertAt(n2, (CObject*) NULL) ; m_csaOtherDataSecs.InsertAt(n2, csEmpty) ; AddModelFlags(n2) ; } ;
// Initialize the controls on the page
InitPageControls() ;
// Set init flag, reset other flags, and return whatever the base class
// function returns.
m_bInitialized = true ; m_bReInitWData = m_bSelChanged = false ; return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; }
void CINFWizDataSections::AddModelFlags(int nidx) { int n ; // Looping variable
CUIntArray* pcuia ; // Used to reference a model's flags array
CString csfname ; // Model's file name
// Allocate the flags array and save it in the array of flags arrays.
// Next, initialize the other sections string for this model.
pcuia = new CUIntArray ; m_coaStdDataSecs[nidx] = (CObArray*) pcuia ; m_csaOtherDataSecs[nidx].Empty() ;
// Size the current flags array and initialize each one to 0 (off).
pcuia->SetSize(NUMDATASECFLAGS) ; for (n = 0 ; n < NUMDATASECFLAGS ; n++) (*pcuia)[n] = 0 ;
// Get the model's file name and check its extension to see if
// one of its Unidrv or its PostScript flag should be set. (The
// other flags are only user settable so they aren't changed.)
csfname = m_pciwParent->GetModelFile(m_csaModels[nidx]) ; if (csfname.Find(_T(".GPD")) != -1) { // The UNIDRVBIDI section is used (flagged) if the user marked
// this model BIDI. Otherwise, the UNIDRV section is used.
if (m_pciwParent->m_ciwbd.m_cuaBiDiFlags[nidx]) (*pcuia)[IDF_UNIBIDI] = 1 ; else (*pcuia)[IDF_UNI] = 1 ; // Postcript file.
} else (*pcuia)[IDF_PSCR] = 1 ; }
int CINFWizDataSections::InitPageControls() { int n ; // Looping variable
int numelts ; // Number of elements in an array
// Load the current set of models into the list box
m_clbModels.ResetContent() ; for (n = 0, numelts = (int) m_csaModels.GetSize() ; n < numelts ; n++) m_clbModels.AddString(m_csaModels[n]) ; // Make sure there is no model selected in the list box and that the box
// has the focus.
m_clbModels.SetCurSel(-1) ; m_clbModels.SetFocus() ; m_nCurModelIdx = -1 ;
// Clear and disable all of the check boxes and the Other edit box.
for (n = IDC_UnidrvChk ; n <= IDC_OtherChk ; n++) GetDlgItem(n)->EnableWindow(FALSE) ; GetDlgItem(IDC_OtherBox)->EnableWindow(FALSE) ; m_bUnidrv = m_bUnidrvBidi = m_bPscript = m_bOther = FALSE ; m_csOtherSections = csEmpty ; UpdateData(FALSE) ;
// Return the number of elements in the list box. Ie, the number of
// selected models.
return numelts ; }
LRESULT CINFWizDataSections::OnWizardNext() { // Save the index for the currently selected model. If the value is valid,
// save the install section data for this model.
if ((m_nCurModelIdx = m_clbModels.GetCurSel()) != -1) { UpdateData(TRUE) ; CUIntArray* pcuia = (CUIntArray*) m_coaStdDataSecs[m_nCurModelIdx] ; (*pcuia)[IDF_UNI] = (unsigned) m_bUnidrv ; (*pcuia)[IDF_UNIBIDI] = (unsigned) m_bUnidrvBidi ; (*pcuia)[IDF_PSCR] = (unsigned) m_bPscript ; if ((*pcuia)[IDF_OTHER] = (unsigned) m_bOther) m_csaOtherDataSecs[m_nCurModelIdx] = m_csOtherSections ; } ; // Make sure that each model has one of the main sections selected and, if
// the Other section was selected, it has an Other string.
CString cserrmsg ; CUIntArray* pcuia ; int numelts = (int) m_csaModels.GetSize() ; for (int n = 0 ; n < numelts ; n++) { pcuia = (CUIntArray*) m_coaStdDataSecs[n] ; TRACE("*** %s: IDF_UNI=%d IDF_UNIBIDI=%d IDF_PSCR=%d IDF_OTHER=%d\n", m_csaModels[n], (*pcuia)[IDF_UNI], (*pcuia)[IDF_UNIBIDI], (*pcuia)[IDF_PSCR], (*pcuia)[IDF_OTHER]) ; if ((*pcuia)[IDF_UNI] == 0 && (*pcuia)[IDF_UNIBIDI] == 0 && (*pcuia)[IDF_PSCR] == 0 && (*pcuia)[IDF_OTHER] == 0) { cserrmsg.Format(IDS_INFMissingDataSecError, m_csaModels[n]) ; AfxMessageBox(cserrmsg, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) ; m_clbModels.SetCurSel(n) ; OnSelchangeModelsLst() ; return -1 ; } ; if ((*pcuia)[IDF_OTHER] && m_csaOtherDataSecs[n].IsEmpty()) { cserrmsg.Format(IDS_INFNoOtherStrError, m_csaModels[n]) ; AfxMessageBox(cserrmsg, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) ; m_clbModels.SetCurSel(n) ; OnSelchangeModelsLst() ; return -1 ; } ; } ;
// All went well so...
return CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext(); }
LRESULT CINFWizDataSections::OnWizardBack() { // This works because the same thing needs to be done for both
// OnWizardNext() and OnWizardBack(). In addition,
// CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() and CPropertyPage::OnWizardBack() just
// return 0.
return OnWizardNext() ; }
void CINFWizDataSections::OnSelchangeModelsLst() { // If there was a previous model selection, save its data section flags.
// Otherwise, enable the install section check boxes.
if (m_nCurModelIdx != -1) { UpdateData(TRUE) ; CUIntArray* pcuia = (CUIntArray*) m_coaStdDataSecs[m_nCurModelIdx] ; (*pcuia)[IDF_UNI] = (unsigned) m_bUnidrv ; (*pcuia)[IDF_UNIBIDI] = (unsigned) m_bUnidrvBidi ; (*pcuia)[IDF_PSCR] = (unsigned) m_bPscript ; if ((*pcuia)[IDF_OTHER] = (unsigned) m_bOther) m_csaOtherDataSecs[m_nCurModelIdx] = m_csOtherSections ; } else { for (int n = IDC_UnidrvChk ; n <= IDC_OtherChk ; n++) GetDlgItem(n)->EnableWindow(TRUE) ; } ;
// Save the index for the currently selected model. Then set the check
// boxes based on the flags for the specified model.
m_nCurModelIdx = m_clbModels.GetCurSel() ; CUIntArray* pcuia = (CUIntArray*) m_coaStdDataSecs[m_nCurModelIdx] ; m_bUnidrv = (BOOL) ((*pcuia)[IDF_UNI]) ; m_bUnidrvBidi = (BOOL) ((*pcuia)[IDF_UNIBIDI]) ; m_bPscript = (BOOL) ((*pcuia)[IDF_PSCR]) ; if (m_bOther = (BOOL) ((*pcuia)[IDF_OTHER])) m_csOtherSections = m_csaOtherDataSecs[m_nCurModelIdx] ; else m_csOtherSections = csEmpty ; GetDlgItem(IDC_OtherBox)->EnableWindow(m_bOther) ; UpdateData(FALSE) ; }
void CINFWizDataSections::OnOtherChk() { // Enable or disable the Other sections edit box based on the new state of
// the Other check box.
UpdateData(TRUE) ; GetDlgItem(IDC_OtherBox)->EnableWindow(m_bOther) ;
// If the Other check box was just checked, move the focus to the Other box.
if (m_bOther) GetDlgItem(IDC_OtherBox)->SetFocus() ; }
void CINFWizDataSections::OnPscriptChk() { // If the PostScript checkbox is checked, the Unidrv boxes must be
// unchecked.
UpdateData(TRUE) ; if (m_bPscript) { m_bUnidrvBidi = m_bUnidrv = FALSE ; UpdateData(FALSE) ; } }
void CINFWizDataSections::OnUnidrvBidiChk() { // If the UNIDRV_BIDI box is checked, the UNIDRV and PostScript flags must
// be unchecked.
UpdateData(TRUE) ; if (m_bUnidrvBidi) { m_bPscript = m_bUnidrv = FALSE ; UpdateData(FALSE) ; } }
void CINFWizDataSections::OnUnidrvChk() { // If the UNIDRV box is checked, the UNIDRV_BIDI and PostScript flags must
// be unchecked.
UpdateData(TRUE) ; if (m_bUnidrv) { m_bPscript = m_bUnidrvBidi = FALSE ; UpdateData(FALSE) ; } }
void CINFWizDataSections::BiDiDataChanged() { // Do nothing if this page has not be initialized yet. In addition, do
// nothing if the selected models may have changed or a reinit has been
// request. These cases are taken care of in OnSetActive(). In additon,
// it allows this routine to know that the model data in this page are in
// the same order as the data in the BiDi page().
if (!m_bInitialized || m_bReInitWData || m_bSelChanged) return ;
// Loop through the data for each selected model and make sure it agrees
// as much as possible with the current BiDi settings.
CUIntArray* pcuia ; for (int n = 0 ; n < m_coaStdDataSecs.GetSize() ; n++) { pcuia = (CUIntArray*) m_coaStdDataSecs[n] ;
// If the model's BiDi flag is set, make sure it is set here and that
// its Unidriv and PScript flags are clear.
if (m_pciwParent->m_ciwbd.m_cuaBiDiFlags[n]) { (*pcuia)[IDF_UNIBIDI] = 1 ; (*pcuia)[IDF_UNI] = (*pcuia)[IDF_PSCR] = 0 ;
// Otherwise, clear the BiDi flag. Then set the Unidrv flag if the
// PScript flag is clear.
} else { (*pcuia)[IDF_UNIBIDI] = 0 ; if ((*pcuia)[IDF_PSCR] == 0) (*pcuia)[IDF_UNI] = 1 ; } ; } ;
// Reinitialize the controls on the page.
InitPageControls() ; }
// CINFWizExtraFiles property page
CINFWizExtraFiles::CINFWizExtraFiles() : CPropertyPage(CINFWizExtraFiles::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CINFWizExtraFiles)
m_bInitialized = m_bReInitWData = m_bSelChanged = false ; m_nCurModelIdx = -1 ; }
CINFWizExtraFiles::~CINFWizExtraFiles() { // Delete the string arrays referenced in m_coaExtraFSArrays.
CStringArray* pcsa ; for (int n = 0 ; n < m_coaExtraFSArrays.GetSize() ; n++) { pcsa = (CStringArray*) m_coaExtraFSArrays[n] ; delete pcsa ; } ; }
void CINFWizExtraFiles::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CINFWizExtraFiles)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ExtraFSpecsLst, m_cfelcFSpecsLst); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ModelLst, m_clbModels); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BrowsBtn, m_cbBrowse); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
void CINFWizExtraFiles::ModelChangeFixups(unsigned unummodelssel, CStringArray& csamodels, CStringArray& csamodelslast) { // Do nothing if the page has not been initialized yet.
if (!m_bInitialized) return ;
// See ModelChangeFixupsListListPage() for more information.
ModelChangeFixupsListListPage(unummodelssel, csamodels, csamodelslast, m_cfelcFSpecsLst, m_coaExtraFSArrays, m_nCurModelIdx, &m_cbBrowse, m_clbModels, m_bReInitWData) ; }
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CINFWizExtraFiles, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CINFWizExtraFiles)
ON_LBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_ModelLst, OnSelchangeModelLst) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BrowsBtn, OnBrowsBtn) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP
// CINFWizExtraFiles message handlers
BOOL CINFWizExtraFiles::OnSetActive() { // Get the list of models to load into the main list box.
CStringArray& csamodels = m_pciwParent->GetINFModels() ;
// Nothing else need be done if this page has been initialized already
// and it is not being asked to reinitialize the page... That is,
// except for possibly needing to pick up any selected model changes
// that were made.
if (m_bInitialized && !m_bReInitWData) { if (m_bSelChanged) { ModelChangeFixups(m_pciwParent->GetINFModsSelCount(), csamodels, m_pciwParent->GetINFModelsLst()) ; m_bSelChanged = false ; } ; return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; } ;
// Pick up selected model changes when reinitializing
if (m_bReInitWData) { ModelChangeFixups(m_pciwParent->GetINFModsSelCount(), csamodels, m_pciwParent->GetINFModelsLst()) ; m_bSelChanged = false ; } ;
// See InitListListPage() for more details.
InitListListPage(m_clbModels, m_bInitialized, m_pciwParent, m_coaExtraFSArrays, m_cfelcFSpecsLst, IDS_INFExFilesColLab, csamodels, m_bReInitWData, m_nCurModelIdx, 256, 0) ; return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; }
void CINFWizExtraFiles::OnSelchangeModelLst() { SelChangedListListPage(m_clbModels, m_bInitialized, m_coaExtraFSArrays, m_cfelcFSpecsLst, &m_cbBrowse, m_nCurModelIdx) ; }
void CINFWizExtraFiles::OnBrowsBtn() { // See OnBrowseListListPage() for more information.
OnBrowseListListPage(m_cfelcFSpecsLst, IDS_CommonExtraFile) ; }
LRESULT CINFWizExtraFiles::OnWizardNext() { // Do nothing if the page has not been initialized yet.
if (!m_bInitialized) return -1 ;
// See OnWizNextListListPage() for more information.
OnWizNextListListPage(m_nCurModelIdx, m_cfelcFSpecsLst, m_coaExtraFSArrays); return CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() ; }
LRESULT CINFWizExtraFiles::OnWizardBack() { // This works because the same thing needs to be done for both
// OnWizardNext() and OnWizardBack(). In addition,
// CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() and CPropertyPage::OnWizardBack() just
// return 0.
return OnWizardNext() ; }
// CINFWizMfgName property page
CINFWizMfgName::CINFWizMfgName() : CPropertyPage(CINFWizMfgName::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CINFWizMfgName)
m_csMfgName = csEmpty; m_csMfgAbbrev = csEmpty; //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
m_bInitialized = m_bReInitWData = false ; }
CINFWizMfgName::~CINFWizMfgName() { }
void CINFWizMfgName::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CINFWizMfgName)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ProviderBox, m_ceMfgAbbrev); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ManufacturerBox, m_ceMfgName); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_ManufacturerBox, m_csMfgName); DDV_MaxChars(pDX, m_csMfgName, 64); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_ProviderBox, m_csMfgAbbrev); DDV_MaxChars(pDX, m_csMfgAbbrev, 2); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add message map macros here
// CINFWizMfgName message handlers
BOOL CINFWizMfgName::OnSetActive() { // Do nothing if the page has been initialized already and it is not being
// asked to reinitialize itself.
CStringArray csagpd ; // RAID 0001 ; move to head from body
if (m_bInitialized && !m_bReInitWData) return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ;
// Most of the work needed to initialize this page is only needed when it
// is NOT being asked to REinitialized itself.
if (!m_bReInitWData) { // Find the class instance associated with the first selected model.
CStringArray& csamodels = m_pciwParent->GetINFModels() ; unsigned unummodels = m_pciwParent->GetModelCount() ; if(!m_pciwParent->m_pcgc){ //RAID 0001
for (unsigned u = 0 ; u < unummodels ; u++) { if (csamodels[0] == m_pciwParent->GetModel(u).Name()) break ; } ; ASSERT(u < unummodels) ; LoadFile(m_pciwParent->GetModel(u).FileName(), csagpd) ; } else LoadFile(m_pciwParent->m_pcgc->GetPathName(), csagpd) ; //END RAID 0001
// Open/Read/Close the model's GPD file.
// Scan the file for and isolate the ModelName entry.
int numlines = (int)csagpd.GetSize() ; CString csmodelname(_T("ModelName")) ; CString cscurline ; int nloc ; for (int n = 0 ; n < numlines ; n++) { if ((nloc = csagpd[n].Find(csmodelname)) >= 0) { csmodelname = csagpd[n].Mid(csmodelname.GetLength() + nloc) ; if ((nloc = csmodelname.Find(_T('"'))) >= 0) { csmodelname = csmodelname.Mid(nloc + 1) ; if ((nloc = csmodelname.Find(_T('"'))) >= 0) csmodelname = csmodelname.Left(nloc) ; } else { if (csmodelname[0] == _T(':')) csmodelname = csmodelname.Mid(1) ; } ; csmodelname.TrimLeft() ; csmodelname.TrimRight() ; break ; } ; } ;
// If the ModelName entry was found...
if (n < numlines && !csmodelname.IsEmpty()) { // Use the first space terminated value in the ModelName entry for
// the manufacturer's name.
if ((nloc = csmodelname.Find(_T(' '))) >= 0) m_csMfgName = csmodelname.Left(nloc) ; else m_csMfgName = csmodelname ;
// Use the first two letters of the ModelName entry for the
// provider's "name".
m_csMfgAbbrev = csmodelname.Left(2) ; m_csMfgAbbrev.MakeUpper() ;
// Load the manufacturer and provider names into the edit boxes on
// this page.
UpdateData(false) ; } ; // When reinitializing, the member variables associated with the controls
// are already set so just use them.
} else UpdateData(false) ; // Set focus to first control, set initialization flag, and return.
m_ceMfgName.SetFocus() ; m_bInitialized = true ; m_bReInitWData = false ; // Reinit (if needed) is done now on this page
return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); }
LRESULT CINFWizMfgName::OnWizardNext() { // Get the values for the manufacturer and provider.
UpdateData(true) ;
// Complain if either field is blank and do not move on to the next page.
// Make sure the abbreviation is 2 characters long, too.
m_csMfgName.TrimLeft() ; m_csMfgName.TrimRight() ; m_csMfgAbbrev.TrimLeft() ; m_csMfgAbbrev.TrimRight() ; CString csmsg ; if (m_csMfgName.IsEmpty()) { m_ceMfgName.SetFocus() ; csmsg.LoadString(IDS_NoMfgError) ; AfxMessageBox(csmsg, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) ; return -1 ; } ; if (m_csMfgAbbrev.IsEmpty() || m_csMfgAbbrev.GetLength() != 2) { m_ceMfgAbbrev.SetFocus() ; csmsg.LoadString(IDS_NoMfgAbbrevError) ; AfxMessageBox(csmsg, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) ; return -1 ; } ;
// All appears to be well so...
return CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() ; }
LRESULT CINFWizMfgName::OnWizardBack() { // This works because the same thing needs to be done for both
// OnWizardNext() and OnWizardBack(). In addition,
// CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() and CPropertyPage::OnWizardBack() just
// return 0.
return OnWizardNext() ; }
// CINFWizNonStdElts property page
CINFWizNonStdElts::CINFWizNonStdElts() : CPropertyPage(CINFWizNonStdElts::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CINFWizNonStdElts)
m_bInitialized = m_bReInitWData = m_bNewSectionAdded = false ; m_nCurSectionIdx = -1 ; }
CINFWizNonStdElts::~CINFWizNonStdElts() { // Delete the string arrays referenced in m_coaSectionArrays.
CStringArray* pcsa ; for (int n = 0 ; n < m_coaSectionArrays.GetSize() ; n++) { pcsa = (CStringArray*) m_coaSectionArrays[n] ; delete pcsa ; } ; }
void CINFWizNonStdElts::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CINFWizNonStdElts)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_NewSectionBtn, m_ceNewSection); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_KeyValueLst, m_felcKeyValueLst); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SectionLst, m_clbSections); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CINFWizNonStdElts, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CINFWizNonStdElts)
ON_LBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_SectionLst, OnSelchangeSectionLst) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_NewSectionBtn, OnNewSectionBtn) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP
// CINFWizNonStdElts message handlers
BOOL CINFWizNonStdElts::OnSetActive() { // Build an array of valid section names.
if (!m_bInitialized) { m_csaSections.Add(_T("[ControlFlags]")) ; m_csaSections.Add(_T("[DestinationDirs]")) ; m_csaSections.Add(_T("[Device]")) ; m_csaSections.Add(_T("[Install]")) ; m_csaSections.Add(_T("[Manufacturer]")) ; m_csaSections.Add(_T("[SourceDisksFiles]")) ; m_csaSections.Add(_T("[SourceDisksNames]")) ; m_csaSections.Add(_T("[Strings]")) ; } ; // See InitListListPage() for more details.
InitListListPage(m_clbSections, m_bInitialized, m_pciwParent, m_coaSectionArrays, m_felcKeyValueLst, IDS_NonStdColLab, m_csaSections, m_bReInitWData, m_nCurSectionIdx, 256, 0) ;
m_bNewSectionAdded = false ; return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; }
void CINFWizNonStdElts::OnSelchangeSectionLst() { SelChangedListListPage(m_clbSections, m_bInitialized, m_coaSectionArrays, m_felcKeyValueLst, NULL, m_nCurSectionIdx) ; }
void CINFWizNonStdElts::OnNewSectionBtn() { // Do nothing if the page has not been initialized yet.
if (!m_bInitialized) return ;
// Prompt the user for a new section name. Return if the user cancels.
CNewINFSection cnis ; if (cnis.DoModal() == IDCANCEL) return ;
// Get the new section name and add brackets if necessary.
CString csnewsec = cnis.m_csNewSection ; csnewsec.TrimLeft() ; csnewsec.TrimRight() ; if (csnewsec[0] != _T('[')) csnewsec = csLBrack + csnewsec ; if (csnewsec.Right(1) != csRBrack) csnewsec += csRBrack ;
// Add a new string array to hold the data for the new section.
CStringArray* pcsa = new CStringArray ; int nelts = m_felcKeyValueLst.GetItemCount() ; pcsa->SetSize(nelts) ; for (int n = 0 ; n < nelts ; n++) pcsa->SetAt(n, csEmpty) ; m_coaSectionArrays.Add((CObject*) pcsa) ;
// Add the new section to the sections array. Then, add the new section to
// the sections list box and try to select this item and make it visible.
m_csaSections.Add(csnewsec) ; int nidx = m_clbSections.AddString(csnewsec) ; m_clbSections.SetCurSel(nidx) ; OnSelchangeSectionLst() ;
// Note that a new section was added during this activation of the page.
m_bNewSectionAdded = true ; }
LRESULT CINFWizNonStdElts::OnWizardNext() { // Do nothing if the page has not been initialized yet.
if (!m_bInitialized) return -1 ;
// See OnWizNextListListPage() for more information.
OnWizNextListListPage(m_nCurSectionIdx, m_felcKeyValueLst, m_coaSectionArrays) ;
// Make sure the "section used in INF file flags" array is correctly sized.
m_cuaSecUsed.SetSize(m_csaSections.GetSize()) ;
// If this is not the first time this page has been used, any changes made
// could affect the data managed by some of the other pages. Make a call
// to fixup that data when needed.
if (m_bNewSectionAdded) m_pciwParent->NonStdSecsChanged() ; return CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() ; }
LRESULT CINFWizNonStdElts::OnWizardBack() { // This works because the same thing needs to be done for both
// OnWizardNext() and OnWizardBack(). In addition,
// CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() and CPropertyPage::OnWizardBack() just
// return 0.
return OnWizardNext() ; }
// CINFWizNonStdModelSecs property page
CINFWizNonStdModelSecs::CINFWizNonStdModelSecs() : CPropertyPage(CINFWizNonStdModelSecs::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CINFWizNonStdModelSecs)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
m_bInitialized = m_bReInitWData = false ; m_nCurSectionIdx = -1 ; }
CINFWizNonStdModelSecs::~CINFWizNonStdModelSecs() { // Delete the string arrays referenced in m_coaModelsNeedingSecs.
CStringArray* pcsa ; for (int n = 0 ; n < m_coaModelsNeedingSecs.GetSize() ; n++) { pcsa = (CStringArray*) m_coaModelsNeedingSecs[n] ; delete pcsa ; } ; }
void CINFWizNonStdModelSecs::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CINFWizNonStdModelSecs)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ModelSectionLst, m_cfelcModelsLst); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SectionLst, m_clbSectionsLst); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CINFWizNonStdModelSecs, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CINFWizNonStdModelSecs)
ON_LBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_SectionLst, OnSelchangeSectionLst) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP
// CINFWizNonStdModelSecs message handlers
BOOL CINFWizNonStdModelSecs::OnSetActive() { // Turn off the finish button.
m_pciwParent->SetWizardButtons(PSWIZB_BACK | PSWIZB_NEXT) ;
// Just perform the default actions if nothing special needs to be done.
if (m_bInitialized && (!m_bReInitWData) && (!m_bSelChanged)) return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; int n, n2, n3 ; // Looping variable
int numelts ; // Number of elements in an array
CStringArray* pcsa ; // Used to reference a sections models array
// Perform the first time initialization.
if (!m_bInitialized) { // Get a copy of the nonstandard section names and the selected model
// names.
m_csaSections.Copy(m_pciwParent->m_ciwnse.m_csaSections) ; m_csaModels.Copy(m_pciwParent->GetINFModels()) ;
// The following array is used to manage the models that need each
// section. Set its size to the same as the number of sections and
// load its elements with pointers to string arrays. Load the sections
// list box in the same loop.
numelts = (int) m_csaSections.GetSize() ; m_coaModelsNeedingSecs.SetSize(numelts) ; m_clbSectionsLst.ResetContent() ; for (n = 0 ; n < numelts ; n++) { pcsa = new CStringArray ; pcsa->RemoveAll() ; m_coaModelsNeedingSecs[n] = (CObArray*) pcsa ; m_clbSectionsLst.AddString(m_csaSections[n]) ; } ; m_clbSectionsLst.SetFocus() ; // Initialize and load the list control
InitModelsListCtl() ;
// Set init flag, reset other flags, and return whatever the base class
// function returns.
m_bInitialized = true ; m_bReInitWData = m_bSelChanged = false ; return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; } ;
// Either the selected models have changed or the wizard is being
// reinitialized if this point is reached. They are handled in similar
// ways.
// Begin by removing references to models that are no longer selected.
m_csaModels.RemoveAll() ; m_csaModels.Copy(m_pciwParent->GetINFModels()) ; int nummodels = (int) m_csaModels.GetSize() ; numelts = (int) m_coaModelsNeedingSecs.GetSize() ; for (n = 0 ; n < numelts ; n++) { pcsa = (CStringArray*) m_coaModelsNeedingSecs[n] ; for (n2 = (int) pcsa->GetSize() - 1 ; n2 >= 0 ; n2--) { for (n3 = 0 ; n3 < nummodels ; n3++) if ((*pcsa)[n2] == m_csaModels[n3]) break ; if (n3 >= nummodels) pcsa->RemoveAt(n2) ; } ; } ;
// Reinitialize the list control if the wizard has been reinitialized.
// Otherwise, the models may have changed so update that column of the
// list control.
if (m_bReInitWData) InitModelsListCtl() ; else m_cfelcModelsLst.SetColumnData((CObArray*) &m_csaModels, 0) ;
// Update the sections information.
UpdateSectionData() ;
// Set init flag, reset other flags, and return whatever the base class
// function returns.
m_bInitialized = true ; m_bReInitWData = m_bSelChanged = false ; return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive() ; }
void CINFWizNonStdModelSecs::OnSelchangeSectionLst() { // If there was a previous section selection, save the list of models that
// need it. Otherwise, enable the models list control.
if (m_nCurSectionIdx != -1) SaveSectionModelInfo() ; else m_cfelcModelsLst.EnableWindow(TRUE) ;
// Save the index of the newly selected section and then use that index to
// get the array of selected models for the section.
m_nCurSectionIdx = m_clbSectionsLst.GetCurSel() ; CStringArray* pcsa ; pcsa = (CStringArray*) m_coaModelsNeedingSecs[m_nCurSectionIdx] ;
// Declare and size a new array that will be loaded with info on the
// selected models for the current section. Then load the string displayed
// in the list control for selected models.
CStringArray csaselmods ; int numelts = (int) m_csaModels.GetSize() ; csaselmods.SetSize(numelts) ; CString csselstr ; csselstr.LoadString(IDS_INF_NSMS_ToggleStr) ;
// Use the list of all models and the current selection's list of models to
// build an array with the selected string in the right spots so that this
// array can be loaded into the list control.
for (int n2 = 0 ; n2 < pcsa->GetSize() ; n2++) for (int n = 0 ; n < numelts ; n++) if ((*pcsa)[n2] == m_csaModels[n]) csaselmods[n] = csselstr ;
// Load array built above into the list control so that the user can see
// which models have been selected for the current section.
m_cfelcModelsLst.SetColumnData((CObArray*) &csaselmods, 1) ; }
LRESULT CINFWizNonStdModelSecs::OnWizardNext() { // If there was a previous section selection, save the list of models that
// need it.
if (m_nCurSectionIdx != -1) SaveSectionModelInfo() ; return CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext(); }
LRESULT CINFWizNonStdModelSecs::OnWizardBack() { // This works because the same thing needs to be done for both
// OnWizardNext() and OnWizardBack(). In addition,
// CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() and CPropertyPage::OnWizardBack() just
// return 0.
return OnWizardNext() ; }
void CINFWizNonStdModelSecs::SaveSectionModelInfo() { // Get the selection data out of the list control.
CStringArray csaselmods ; m_cfelcModelsLst.GetColumnData((CObArray*) &csaselmods, 1) ;
// Use the index of the selected section to get a list of its currently
// selected models. Remove the models in it because it will be refilled
// with new data later.
CStringArray* pcsa ; pcsa = (CStringArray*) m_coaModelsNeedingSecs[m_nCurSectionIdx] ; pcsa->RemoveAll() ;
// Add every selected model to the section's selected models array.
for (int n = 0 ; n < m_csaModels.GetSize() ; n++) if (!csaselmods[n].IsEmpty()) pcsa->Add(m_csaModels[n]) ; }
void CINFWizNonStdModelSecs::NonStdSecsChanged() { // Do nothing if this page has not be initialized yet. In addition, do
// nothing if the selected models may have changed or a reinit has been
// request. These cases are taken care of in OnSetActive().
if (!m_bInitialized || m_bReInitWData || m_bSelChanged) return ;
// Update the section data to agree with any changes that may have been
// made.
UpdateSectionData() ; }
void CINFWizNonStdModelSecs::UpdateSectionData() { // Get a copy of the latest nonstandard section.
int n, n2 ; // Looping variables
CStringArray csanewsections ; csanewsections.Copy(m_pciwParent->m_ciwnse.m_csaSections) ;
// Allocate and size the flags arrays used to determine which sections are
// still in use.
int numelts = (int) m_csaSections.GetSize() ; int newnumelts = (int) csanewsections.GetSize() ; CUIntArray cuiaoldflags, cuianewflags ; cuiaoldflags.SetSize(numelts) ; for (n = 0 ; n < numelts ; n++) cuiaoldflags[n] = 0 ; cuianewflags.SetSize(newnumelts) ; for (n = 0 ; n < newnumelts ; n++) cuianewflags[n] = 0 ;
// Loop through the old & new models to see which of them are still in use.
for (n = 0 ; n < numelts ; n++) for (n2 = 0 ; n2 < newnumelts ; n2++) if (m_csaSections[n] == csanewsections[n2]) { cuiaoldflags[n] = cuianewflags[n2] = 1 ; break ; } ;
// Remove the old sections and related data that are no longer needed.
CStringArray* pcsa ; for (n = numelts - 1 ; n >= 0 ; n--) if (cuiaoldflags[n] == 0) { m_csaSections.RemoveAt(n) ; pcsa = (CStringArray*) m_coaModelsNeedingSecs[n] ; delete pcsa ; m_coaModelsNeedingSecs.RemoveAt(n) ; } ;
// Add the truly new sections to this page's array of section names and
// initialize all related section data for it.
for (n = n2 = 0 ; n < newnumelts ; n++) { if (cuianewflags[n] == 1) { n2++ ; continue ; } ; m_csaSections.InsertAt(n2, csanewsections[n]) ; pcsa = new CStringArray ; m_coaModelsNeedingSecs.InsertAt(n2, (CObject*) pcsa) ; } ;
// Clear the sections list box and reload it with the new sections data.
// Make sure that nothing is selected in the listbox and give it the focus.
m_clbSectionsLst.ResetContent() ; for (n = 0, numelts = (int) m_csaSections.GetSize() ; n < numelts ; n++) m_clbSectionsLst.AddString(m_csaSections[n]) ; m_clbSectionsLst.SetCurSel(-1) ; m_nCurSectionIdx = -1 ; m_clbSectionsLst.SetFocus() ;
// Clear the selected models column in the list control and disable it.
CStringArray csa ; csa.SetSize(m_csaModels.GetSize()) ; m_cfelcModelsLst.SetColumnData((CObArray*) &csa, 1) ; m_cfelcModelsLst.EnableWindow(FALSE) ; }
void CINFWizNonStdModelSecs::InitModelsListCtl() { int numelts ; // Number of elements in an array
CString cstmp ;
// Initialize the list control
numelts = (int) m_csaModels.GetSize() ; m_cfelcModelsLst.InitControl(LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT, numelts, 2, TF_HASTOGGLECOLUMNS+TF_CLICKONROW, 0, MF_IGNOREINSDEL) ;
// Load the models column in the list control.
cstmp.LoadString(IDS_INFModelsColLab) ; m_cfelcModelsLst.InitLoadColumn(0, cstmp, COMPUTECOLWIDTH, 25, false, false, COLDATTYPE_STRING, (CObArray*) &m_csaModels) ;
// Initialize the bidi column in the list control.
cstmp.LoadString(IDS_INFSecNeededColLab) ; CStringArray csaempty ; m_csToggleStr.LoadString(IDS_INF_NSMS_ToggleStr) ; m_cfelcModelsLst.InitLoadColumn(1, cstmp, SETWIDTHTOREMAINDER, -25, false, false, COLDATTYPE_TOGGLE, (CObArray*) &csaempty, m_csToggleStr) ; }
// CINFWizSummary property page
CINFWizSummary::CINFWizSummary() : CPropertyPage(CINFWizSummary::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CINFWizSummary)
m_bInitialized = m_bReInitWData = false ; }
CINFWizSummary::~CINFWizSummary() { }
void CINFWizSummary::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CINFWizSummary)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SummaryBox, m_ceSummary); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CINFWizSummary, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CINFWizSummary)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add message map macros here
// CINFWizSummary message handlers
BOOL CINFWizSummary::OnSetActive() { // Turn on the finish button.
m_pciwParent->SetWizardButtons(PSWIZB_BACK | PSWIZB_FINISH) ;
// Initialize the summary to empty.
CString cs, cs2, cs3, cs4, cssummary ; cssummary = csEmpty ;
// Add the selected models to the summary
CStringArray& csamodels = m_pciwParent->GetINFModels() ; cssummary.LoadString(IDS_ModelsSumTxt) ; int nummodels = (int)csamodels.GetSize() ; for (int n = 0 ; n < nummodels ; n++) { cs.Format("\t%s\r\n", csamodels[n]) ; cssummary += cs ; } ;
// Add PnP ID info to the summary
cs.LoadString(IDS_PnPIDSumTxt) ; cssummary += cs ; bool bfoundone = false ; for (n = 0 ; n < nummodels ; n++) { if (!m_pciwParent->m_ciwgpi.m_csaModelIDs[n].IsEmpty()) { cs.Format("\t%s: %s\r\n", csamodels[n], m_pciwParent->m_ciwgpi.m_csaModelIDs[n]) ; cssummary += cs ; bfoundone = true ; } ; } ; if (!bfoundone) { cs.LoadString(IDS_NoneSumTxt) ; cssummary += cs ; } ; // Add BIDI info to the summary
cs.LoadString(IDS_BIDISumTxt) ; cssummary += cs ; bfoundone = false ; for (n = 0 ; n < nummodels ; n++) { if (m_pciwParent->m_ciwbd.m_cuaBiDiFlags[n]) { cs.Format("\t%s\r\n", csamodels[n]) ; cssummary += cs ; bfoundone = true ; } ; } ; if (!bfoundone) { cs.LoadString(IDS_NoneSumTxt) ; cssummary += cs ; } ; // Add the ICM profiles info to the summary.
cs.LoadString(IDS_ICMSumTxt) ; cssummary += cs ; bfoundone = false ; CStringArray* pcsa ; int n2, numstrs ; for (n = 0 ; n < nummodels ; n++) { pcsa = (CStringArray*) m_pciwParent->m_ciwip.m_coaProfileArrays[n] ; if ((numstrs = (int)pcsa->GetSize()) > 0) { cs.Format("\t%s\r\n", csamodels[n]) ; cssummary += cs ; bfoundone = true ; for (n2 = 0 ; n2 < numstrs ; n2++) { cs.Format("\t\t%s\r\n", pcsa->GetAt(n2)) ; cssummary += cs ; } ; } ; } ; if (!bfoundone) { cs.LoadString(IDS_NoneSumTxt) ; cssummary += cs ; } ; // Add the include files info to the summary
cs.LoadString(IDS_IncFilesSumTxt) ; cssummary += cs ; for (n = 0 ; n < nummodels ; n++) { cs.Format("\t%s\r\n\t\t%s\r\n", csamodels[n], m_pciwParent->m_ciwif.m_csaIncFiles[n]) ; cssummary += cs ; } ;
// Add the install sections info to the summary
cs.LoadString(IDS_InstSecsSumTxt) ; cssummary += cs ; CUIntArray* pcuia ; int nid ; for (n = 0 ; n < nummodels ; n++) { cs.Format("\t%s\r\n", csamodels[n]) ; cssummary += cs ; pcuia = (CUIntArray*) m_pciwParent->m_ciwis.m_coaStdInstSecs[n] ; cs = cs3 = cs4 = csEmpty ; cs = "\t\t" ; nid = IDS_InstSecUni ; for (n2 = 0 ; n2 < NUMINSTSECFLAGS - 1 ; n2++, nid++) if ((*pcuia)[n2]) { cs2.LoadString(nid) ; cs4.Format("%s%s", cs3, cs2) ; cs += cs4 ; cs3 = _T(", ") ; } ; if ((*pcuia)[ISF_OTHER]) { cs4.Format("%s%s", cs3, m_pciwParent->m_ciwis.m_csaOtherInstSecs[n]) ; cs += cs4 ; } ; cssummary += cs + csCRLF ; } ;
// Add the data sections info to the summary
cs.LoadString(IDS_DataSecsSumTxt) ; cssummary += cs ; for (n = 0 ; n < nummodels ; n++) { cs.Format("\t%s\r\n", csamodels[n]) ; cssummary += cs ; pcuia = (CUIntArray*) m_pciwParent->m_ciwds.m_coaStdDataSecs[n] ; cs = cs3 = cs4 = csEmpty ; cs = "\t\t" ; nid = IDS_DataSecUni ; for (n2 = 0 ; n2 < NUMDATASECFLAGS - 1 ; n2++, nid++) if ((*pcuia)[n2]) { cs2.LoadString(nid) ; cs4.Format("%s%s", cs3, cs2) ; cs += cs4 ; cs3 = _T(", ") ; } ; if ((*pcuia)[IDF_OTHER]) { cs4.Format("%s%s", cs3, m_pciwParent->m_ciwds.m_csaOtherDataSecs[n]) ; cs += cs4 ; } ; cssummary += cs + csCRLF ; } ;
// Add the nonstandard files info to the summary
cs.LoadString(IDS_NonStdFilesSumTxt) ; cssummary += cs ; bfoundone = false ; for (n = 0 ; n < nummodels ; n++) { pcsa = (CStringArray*) m_pciwParent->m_ciwef.m_coaExtraFSArrays[n] ; if ((numstrs = (int)pcsa->GetSize()) > 0) { cs.Format("\t%s\r\n", csamodels[n]) ; cssummary += cs ; bfoundone = true ; for (n2 = 0 ; n2 < numstrs ; n2++) { cs.Format("\t\t%s\r\n", pcsa->GetAt(n2)) ; cssummary += cs ; } ; } ; } ; if (!bfoundone) { cs.LoadString(IDS_NoneSumTxt) ; cssummary += cs ; } ; // Add the manufacturer and provider info to the summary
cs.Format(IDS_MfgSumTxt, m_pciwParent->m_ciwmn.m_csMfgName) ; cssummary += cs ; cs.Format(IDS_ProvSumTxt, m_pciwParent->m_ciwmn.m_csMfgAbbrev) ; cssummary += cs ;
// Add the nonstandard sections info to the summary
cs.LoadString(IDS_NonStdSecSumTxt) ; cssummary += cs ; bfoundone = false ; CStringArray& csasections = m_pciwParent->m_ciwnse.m_csaSections ; nummodels = (int)csasections.GetSize() ; for (n = 0 ; n < nummodels ; n++) { pcsa = (CStringArray*) m_pciwParent->m_ciwnse.m_coaSectionArrays[n] ; if ((numstrs = (int)pcsa->GetSize()) > 0) { cs.Format("\t%s\r\n", csasections[n]) ; cssummary += cs ; bfoundone = true ; for (n2 = 0 ; n2 < numstrs ; n2++) { cs.Format("\t\t%s\r\n", pcsa->GetAt(n2)) ; cssummary += cs ; } ; } ; } ; if (!bfoundone) { cs.LoadString(IDS_NoneSumTxt) ; cssummary += cs ; } ;
// Add the nonstandard sections needed by models info to the summary
cs.LoadString(IDS_NonStdModelsSumTxt) ; cssummary += cs ; bfoundone = false ; int numsections = (int) m_pciwParent->m_ciwnsms.m_csaSections.GetSize() ; for (n = 0 ; n < numsections ; n++) { pcsa = (CStringArray*)m_pciwParent->m_ciwnsms.m_coaModelsNeedingSecs[n]; if ((numstrs = (int)pcsa->GetSize()) > 0) { cs.Format("\t%s\r\n", m_pciwParent->m_ciwnsms.m_csaSections[n]) ; cssummary += cs ; bfoundone = true ; for (n2 = 0 ; n2 < numstrs ; n2++) { cs.Format("\t\t%s\r\n", pcsa->GetAt(n2)) ; cssummary += cs ; } ; } ; } ; if (!bfoundone) { cs.LoadString(IDS_NoneSumTxt) ; cssummary += cs ; } ; // Load the edit box, set the initialized flag, and return.
m_ceSummary.SetSel(0, -1) ; m_ceSummary.ReplaceSel(cssummary) ; m_ceSummary.SetSel(0, 0) ; m_ceSummary.SetSel(-1, 0) ; m_ceSummary.SetReadOnly() ; m_bInitialized = true ; // Page is initialized now
return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); }
// CNewINFSection dialog
CNewINFSection::CNewINFSection(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CNewINFSection::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CNewINFSection)
m_csNewSection = csEmpty; //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
void CNewINFSection::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CNewINFSection)
DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_NewSectionBox, m_csNewSection); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
// CNewINFSection message handlers
void CNewINFSection::OnOK() { UpdateData() ; CDialog::OnOK(); }
// CINFWizView
CINFWizView::CINFWizView() { m_pcicdCheckDoc = NULL ; m_pcmcwCheckFrame = NULL ; }
CINFWizView::~CINFWizView() { }
// CINFWizView drawing
void CINFWizView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) { CDocument* pDoc = GetDocument(); // TODO: add draw code here
// CINFWizView diagnostics
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CINFWizView::AssertValid() const { CEditView::AssertValid(); }
void CINFWizView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CEditView::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG
// CINFWizView message handlers
void CINFWizView::OnActivateView(BOOL bActivate, CView* pActivateView, CView* pDeactiveView) { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
CEditView::OnActivateView(bActivate, pActivateView, pDeactiveView); }
void CINFWizView::OnInitialUpdate() { // Set the frame's window style and initialize the edit box.
GetParentFrame()->ModifyStyle(0, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW) ; CEditView::OnInitialUpdate(); // Set a default title for the window.
CString cs ; cs.LoadString(IDS_INFFile) ; GetDocument()->SetTitle(cs) ;
// Load the edit box with the contents of the INF file.
GetEditCtrl().SetSel(0, -1) ; GetEditCtrl().ReplaceSel( ((CINFWizDoc*) GetDocument())->m_pciw->m_csINFContents ) ; GetEditCtrl().SetSel(0, 0) ; GetEditCtrl().SetSel(-1, 0) ; // GetEditCtrl().SetReadOnly() ;
void CINFWizView::OnFILEChangeINF() { // Restart the wizard so that the users changes can be collected.
CINFWizDoc* pciwd = (CINFWizDoc*) GetDocument() ; CINFWizard* pciw = pciwd->m_pciw ; pciw->PrepareToRestart() ; if (pciw->DoModal() == IDCANCEL) return ;
// Regenerate the INF contents
if (!pciw->GenerateINFFile()) return ;
// Load the edit box with the contents of the new INF.
GetEditCtrl().SetSel(0, -1) ; GetEditCtrl().ReplaceSel(pciw->m_csINFContents) ; GetEditCtrl().SetSel(0, 0) ; GetEditCtrl().SetSel(-1, 0) ; GetEditCtrl().SetReadOnly() ; }
void CINFWizView::OnFILECheckINF() { // This might take a while, so...
CWaitCursor cwc ;
// Remove the contents of any existing INF checking window and reset the
// checking flag.
ResetINFErrorWindow() ;
// Get a pointer to the wizard class because it contains some functions
// that will be useful to file checking process.
CINFWizDoc* pciwd = (CINFWizDoc*) GetDocument() ; CINFWizard* pciw = pciwd->m_pciw ;
// Get a reference to the array of selected models and a count of them. Use
// them to loop through each model. Allocate all of the variables needed
// for processing including the string to hold the various paths that will
// be needed.
CStringArray& csamodels = pciw->GetINFModels() ; int nummodels = (int)csamodels.GetSize() ; CString csfspec, cspath, csmodel, cs, cstmp,csprojpath ; //RAID 0001
if(pciw ->m_pcgc){ cstmp = pciwd->m_pcgc->GetPathName(); cstmp = cstmp.Left(cstmp.ReverseFind(csBSlash[0])); //cstmp are used instead GetW2000()
csprojpath = cstmp.Left(cstmp.ReverseFind(csBSlash[0])+1) ; } //END RAID 0001
else { csprojpath = pciwd->m_pcpr->GetProjFSpec() ; csprojpath = csprojpath.Left(csprojpath.ReverseFind(csBSlash[0]) + 1) ; } CFileStatus cfs ; int n ; BOOL bexists ;
// Do all of the checking for each model before moving on to the next one.
for (n = 0 ; n < nummodels ; n++) { csmodel = csamodels[n] ;
// Make sure that the GPD file for the model exists.
csfspec = pciw->GetModelFile(csmodel, true) ; if (!(bexists = CFile::GetStatus(csfspec, cfs))) { cs.Format(IDS_INFChk_NoModErr, csmodel, csfspec) ; PostINFCheckingMessage(cs) ; } ; cspath = csfspec.Left(csfspec.ReverseFind(csBSlash[0]) + 1) ;
// Verify the existence of the files referenced in include statements
// in the current GPD file iff the GPD file exists.
if (bexists) CheckIncludeFiles(csfspec, cspath, csmodel) ;
// Check for the existence of the ICM files (if any) for this GPD.
CheckArrayOfFiles((CStringArray*) pciw->m_ciwip.m_coaProfileArrays[n], csfspec, cspath, csprojpath, csmodel, IDS_INFChk_NoICMFileErr) ;
// Check for the existence of the nonstd files (if any) for this GPD.
CheckArrayOfFiles((CStringArray*) pciw->m_ciwef.m_coaExtraFSArrays[n], csfspec, cspath, csprojpath, csmodel, IDS_INFChk_NoNonStdFileErr) ; } ;
// Check for the existence of the resource DLL. First look for it in the
// project directory. If it isn't there, try the W2K directory.
// RAID 0001
if(pciw->m_pcgc) cs = pciw->m_pcgc->ModelData()->GetKeywordValue(pciw->m_pcgc->GetPathName(),_T("ResourceDLL")); else{ //END RAID 0001
cs = pciwd->m_pcpr->DriverName() ; cs = cs.Left(8) + _T(".dll") ; // Resource DLL name.
} if (!CFile::GetStatus(csprojpath + cs, cfs)) { cstmp = (pciw->m_pcgc) ? cstmp + csBSlash : pciwd->m_pcpr->GetW2000Path() + csBSlash ; //RAID 0001
if (!CFile::GetStatus(cstmp + cs, cfs)) { cstmp.Format(IDS_INFChk_NoResDLLErr, (pciw->m_pcgc)? cs : pciwd->m_pcpr->DriverName(), cs) ; //RAID 0001
PostINFCheckingMessage(cstmp) ; } ; } ;
// Tell the user if no problems were found.
if (!m_bChkingErrsFound) AfxMessageBox(IDS_INFChecksOK, MB_ICONINFORMATION) ; }
void CINFWizView::CheckArrayOfFiles(CStringArray* pcsa, CString& csfspec, CString& cspath, CString& csprojpath, CString& csmodel, int nerrid) { // There is nothing to do if there are no filespecs in the array.
int numfiles ; if ((numfiles = (int)pcsa->GetSize()) == 0) return ;
// Variables needed for file existence checking
int n ; BOOL bexists ; CString csfile, csmsg ; CFileStatus cfs ;
// Check for the existence of each file.
for (n = 0 ; n < numfiles ; n++) { csfile = pcsa->GetAt(n) ;
// If the file string contains a full filespec, just check it.
if (csfile[1] == _T(':')) bexists = CFile::GetStatus(csfile, cfs) ;
// Otherwise, add the GPD path and, if needed, the project path to the
// file string and check to see if the file is there.
else { if (!(bexists = CFile::GetStatus(cspath + csfile, cfs))) bexists = CFile::GetStatus(csprojpath + csfile, cfs) ; } ;
// Post a message if the file was not found.
if (!bexists) { csmsg.Format(nerrid, csmodel, csfile) ; PostINFCheckingMessage(csmsg) ; } ; } ; }
void CINFWizView::CheckIncludeFiles(CString& csfspec, CString& cspath, CString& csmodel) { // Variables needed to read the GPD and check include files.
CStringArray csagpdfile ; CString csinc(_T("*Include:")), cs, cstmp ; int n, numstrs, nloc ; CFileStatus cfs ;
// Include files can only be checked if the GPD file can be read.
if (LoadFile(csfspec, csagpdfile)) { numstrs = (int)csagpdfile.GetSize() ;
// Check each line in the GPD file to see if it contains an include
// statement.
for (n = 0 ; n < numstrs ; n++) { // Skip statement if not include statement
if ((nloc = csagpdfile[n].Find(csinc)) == -1) continue ;
// Isolate the filespec in the include statement
cs = csagpdfile[n].Mid(nloc + csinc.GetLength()) ; cs.TrimLeft() ; cs.TrimRight() ; if (cs[0] == csQuote[0]) // Remove quotes
cs = cs.Mid(1, cs.GetLength() - 2) ;
// If the include file's filespec is relative, add the GPD's
// path to it. Then test for the file's existence. Post a
// message if the file does not exist.
if (cs[1] != _T(':')) cs = cspath + cs ; if (!CFile::GetStatus(cs, cfs)) { cstmp.Format(IDS_INFChk_NoIncFileErr, csmodel, cs, csfspec) ; PostINFCheckingMessage(cstmp) ; } ; } ;
// Complain if the GPD file could not be read.
} else { cstmp.Format(IDS_INFChk_GPDReadErr, csfspec) ; AfxMessageBox(cstmp, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) ; } ; }
Create the checking results window if needed and then post a message to it.
bool CINFWizView::PostINFCheckingMessage(CString& csmsg) { // Clean up before continuing if the user closed the checking window.
if (m_pcicdCheckDoc && m_pcmcwCheckFrame && !IsWindow(m_pcmcwCheckFrame->m_hWnd)) { m_pcicdCheckDoc = NULL ; m_pcmcwCheckFrame = NULL ; } ;
// Create the INF checking, error display window if one does not exist.
if (m_pcicdCheckDoc == NULL) { m_pcicdCheckDoc = new CINFCheckDoc ; if (m_pcicdCheckDoc == NULL) return false ; CString cstitle ; // Set the new window's title
cstitle.Format(IDS_INFCheckTitle, GetDocument()->GetTitle()) ; m_pcicdCheckDoc->SetTitle(cstitle) ; CMultiDocTemplate* pcmdt = WSCheckTemplate() ; m_pcmcwCheckFrame = (CMDIChildWnd *) pcmdt->CreateNewFrame(m_pcicdCheckDoc, NULL) ; if (m_pcmcwCheckFrame) { pcmdt->InitialUpdateFrame(m_pcmcwCheckFrame, m_pcicdCheckDoc, TRUE) ; pcmdt->AddDocument(m_pcicdCheckDoc) ; } else { delete m_pcicdCheckDoc ; m_pcicdCheckDoc = NULL ; return false ; } ; } ;
// Post the message and return
m_pcicdCheckDoc->PostINFChkMsg(csmsg) ; m_bChkingErrsFound = true ; return true ; }
If there is an existing checking results window for this INF file, clear out its contents. Next, initialize a flag that has to be set before the checking begins.
void CINFWizView::ResetINFErrorWindow() { // Clear the checking window if there is one.
if (m_pcicdCheckDoc && m_pcmcwCheckFrame && IsWindow(m_pcmcwCheckFrame->m_hWnd)) m_pcicdCheckDoc->DeleteAllMessages() ; else { m_pcicdCheckDoc = NULL ; m_pcmcwCheckFrame = NULL ; // DEAD_BUG - Do I need to delete these classes first??? // No you can't.
} ;
// Initialize checking flag
m_bChkingErrsFound = false ; }
// CINFWizDoc
CINFWizDoc::CINFWizDoc() { // This constructor is called when the File Open command is used. That is
// not supported at this point.
m_bGoodInit = false ; }
CINFWizDoc::CINFWizDoc(CProjectRecord* pcpr, CINFWizard* pciw) { // Save the input parameters.
m_pcpr = pcpr ; m_pciw = pciw ; ASSERT(m_pciw != NULL) ;
// Class is correctly constructed.
m_bGoodInit = true ; } //RAID 0001
CINFWizDoc::CINFWizDoc(CGPDContainer * pcgc, CINFWizard * pciw) { m_pcgc = pcgc ; m_pciw = pciw ; ASSERT(m_pciw != NULL) ;
// Class is correctly constructed.
m_bGoodInit = true ;
} // RAID 0001
BOOL CINFWizDoc::OnNewDocument() { // Creating a new INF doc in this way is not supported.
return FALSE ;
//if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument())
// return FALSE;
//return TRUE;
CINFWizDoc::~CINFWizDoc() { // Do nothing if this class was not correctly constructed.
if (!m_bGoodInit) return ;
// Free the wizard classes if they exist.
if (m_pciw != NULL) delete m_pciw ; }
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
// CINFWizDoc diagnostics
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CINFWizDoc::AssertValid() const { CDocument::AssertValid(); }
void CINFWizDoc::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CDocument::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG
// CINFWizDoc serialization
void CINFWizDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar) { unsigned unumbytes ; CString& csinfcontents = m_pciw->m_csINFContents ;
if (ar.IsStoring()) { unumbytes = csinfcontents.GetLength() ; ar.Write(csinfcontents.GetBuffer(unumbytes + 10), unumbytes) ; csinfcontents.ReleaseBuffer() ; } else { // TODO: add loading code here
} }
// CINFWizDoc commands
void CINFWizDoc::OnCloseDocument() { // Clean up the wizard if the class was correctly constructed.
if (m_bGoodInit) { delete m_pciw ; m_pciw = NULL ; } ;
CDocument::OnCloseDocument(); }
BOOL CINFWizDoc::OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName) { // Opening an INF doc in this way is not supported so complain and exit.
CString csmsg ; csmsg.LoadString(IDS_INFOpenError) ; AfxMessageBox(csmsg, MB_ICONINFORMATION) ; return FALSE ;
//if (!CDocument::OnOpenDocument(lpszPathName))
// return FALSE;
// TODO: Add your specialized creation code here
//return TRUE;
// CINFCheckView
CINFCheckView::CINFCheckView() : CFormView(CINFCheckView::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CINFCheckView)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
CINFCheckView::~CINFCheckView() { }
void CINFCheckView::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CFormView::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CINFCheckView)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ErrWrnLstBox, m_clbMissingFiles); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
// CINFCheckView diagnostics
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CINFCheckView::AssertValid() const { CFormView::AssertValid(); }
void CINFCheckView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CFormView::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG
// CINFCheckView message handlers
Resize the frame to better fit the visible controls in it.
void CINFCheckView::OnInitialUpdate() { CRect crtxt ; // Coordinates of list box label
CRect crlbfrm ; // Coordinates of list box and frame
CFormView::OnInitialUpdate() ;
// Get the dimensions of the list box label
HWND hlblhandle ; GetDlgItem(IDC_INFCLabel, &hlblhandle) ; ::GetWindowRect(hlblhandle, crtxt) ; crtxt.NormalizeRect() ;
// Get the dimensions of the list box and then add the height of the label
// to those dimensions.
m_clbMissingFiles.GetWindowRect(crlbfrm) ; crlbfrm.bottom += crtxt.Height() ;
// Make sure the frame is big enough for these 2 controls plus a little bit
// more.
crlbfrm.right += 40 ; crlbfrm.bottom += 40 ; GetParentFrame()->CalcWindowRect(crlbfrm) ; GetParentFrame()->SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, crlbfrm.Width(), crlbfrm.Height(), SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE) ; }
Add an error or warning message to the list box.
void CINFCheckView::PostINFChkMsg(CString& csmsg) { int n = m_clbMissingFiles.AddString(csmsg) ; }
Delete all of the messages in the list box.
void CINFCheckView::DeleteAllMessages(void) { m_clbMissingFiles.ResetContent() ; }
// CINFCheckDoc
CINFCheckDoc::CINFCheckDoc() { }
BOOL CINFCheckDoc::OnNewDocument() { if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument()) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
CINFCheckDoc::~CINFCheckDoc() { }
Pass the specified request on to what should be the one and only view attached to this document.
void CINFCheckDoc::PostINFChkMsg(CString& csmsg) { POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition() ; if (pos != NULL) { CINFCheckView* pcicv = (CINFCheckView *) GetNextView(pos) ; pcicv->PostINFChkMsg(csmsg) ; pcicv->UpdateWindow() ; } ; }
Pass the specified request on to what should be the one and only view attached to this document.
void CINFCheckDoc::DeleteAllMessages(void) { POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition() ; if (pos != NULL) { CINFCheckView* pcicv = (CINFCheckView *) GetNextView(pos) ; pcicv->DeleteAllMessages() ; pcicv->UpdateWindow() ; } ; }
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
// CINFCheckDoc diagnostics
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CINFCheckDoc::AssertValid() const { CDocument::AssertValid(); }
void CINFCheckDoc::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CDocument::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG
// CINFCheckDoc serialization
void CINFCheckDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar) { if (ar.IsStoring()) { // TODO: add storing code here
} else { // TODO: add loading code here
} }
// Construction/Destruction
CCompatID::CCompatID( CString csMfg, CString csModel ) { // Save the Parameters
m_csMfg = csMfg; m_csModel = csModel; }
CCompatID::~CCompatID() {
void CCompatID::TransString(CString &csInput) { // Walk Through the String changing Spaces to Underscores
DWORD i; TCHAR cszSpace[] = TEXT(" "); TCHAR cszUS[] = TEXT("_"); DWORD dwLength = csInput.GetLength();
for ( i = 0; i < dwLength; i++ ) { if (csInput.GetAt(i) == cszSpace[0]) csInput.SetAt(i, cszUS[0]); } }
USHORT CCompatID::GetCheckSum(CString csValue) { WORD wCRC16a[16]={ 0000000, 0140301, 0140601, 0000500, 0141401, 0001700, 0001200, 0141101, 0143001, 0003300, 0003600, 0143501, 0002400, 0142701, 0142201, 0002100, };
WORD wCRC16b[16]={ 0000000, 0146001, 0154001, 0012000, 0170001, 0036000, 0024000, 0162001, 0120001, 0066000, 0074000, 0132001, 0050000, 0116001, 0104001, 0043000, };
BYTE byte; USHORT CS=0; DWORD dwSize = csValue.GetLength(); PBYTE ptr = (PBYTE) csValue.GetBuffer(dwSize);
dwSize *= sizeof(TCHAR);
for ( ; dwSize ; --dwSize, ++ptr) {
byte = (BYTE)(((WORD)*ptr)^((WORD)CS)); // Xor CRC with new char
CS = ((CS)>>8) ^ wCRC16a[byte&0x0F] ^ wCRC16b[byte>>4]; } csValue.ReleaseBuffer();
return CS; }
void CCompatID::GenerateID(CString &csCompID) { CString csTransModel, csMfgModel;
// Build the Mfg Model string
csMfgModel = m_csMfg; csMfgModel += m_csModel;
// Convert the spaces to underscores
TransString( csMfgModel );
csTransModel = m_csModel; TransString( csTransModel );
csCompID = csMfgModel;
// Get the CheckSum
USHORT usCheckSum = GetCheckSum( csCompID );
// Now chop off the Mfg/Model string if too Long.
if ( csCompID.GetLength() > MAX_DEVNODE_NAME_ROOT ) { csCompID.GetBufferSetLength(MAX_DEVNODE_NAME_ROOT); csCompID.ReleaseBuffer(); }
TCHAR szCheckSum[6] = { 0x00 }; // _itot( usCheckSum, szCheckSum, 16 );
StringCchPrintf( szCheckSum, CCHOF(szCheckSum), _T("%04X"), usCheckSum ); csCompID +=szCheckSum;
//csCompID += TEXT(",");
//csCompID += csTransModel;