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Source File: MiniDriver Developer Studio.H
This defines the main application class, and other relatively global data.
Copyright (c) 1997 By Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
A Pretty Penny Enterprises Production.
Change History: 02-03-1997 Bob_Kjelgaard@Prodigy.Net Created it.
#ifndef __AFXWIN_H__
#error include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for PCH
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
CMiniDriverStudio class
This is the application class for this application. 'Nuff said?
class CMiniDriverStudio : public CWinApp { // Document templates for the various editors and error display windows
CMultiDocTemplate *m_pcmdtGlyphMap, *m_pcmdtFont, *m_pcmdtModel, *m_pcmdtWorkspace, *m_pcmdtWSCheck, *m_pcmdtStringEditor, *m_pcmdtINFViewer, *m_pcmdtINFCheck ; CString m_strAppPath ; // Application path
CStringArray m_csaGPDKeywordArray ; // Array of GPD keyword strings
public: CMiniDriverStudio();
bool m_bOSIsW2KPlus ; // True iff OS ver >= 5.0
bool m_bExcludeBadCodePages ; // See CDefaultCodePageSel:OnSetActive()
CMultiDocTemplate* GlyphMapTemplate() const { return m_pcmdtGlyphMap; } CMultiDocTemplate* FontTemplate() const { return m_pcmdtFont; } CMultiDocTemplate* GPDTemplate() const { return m_pcmdtModel; } CMultiDocTemplate* WSCheckTemplate() const { return m_pcmdtWSCheck; } CMultiDocTemplate* StringEditorTemplate() const { return m_pcmdtStringEditor; } CMultiDocTemplate* INFViewerTemplate() const { return m_pcmdtINFViewer; } CMultiDocTemplate* INFCheckTemplate() const { return m_pcmdtINFCheck; } CMultiDocTemplate* WorkspaceTemplate() const { return m_pcmdtWorkspace; } void SaveAppPath() ; CString GetAppPath() const { return m_strAppPath ; }
CStringArray& GetGPDKeywordArray() { return m_csaGPDKeywordArray ; }
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
public: virtual BOOL InitInstance(); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
// Implementation
afx_msg void OnAppAbout(); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileGeneratemaps(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileGeneratemaps(); //}}AFX_MSG
#if !defined(NOPOLLO)
afx_msg void OnFileNew(); #endif
DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() private: void ShowTipAtStartup(void); private: void ShowTipOfTheDay(void); };
// App access function(s)
CMiniDriverStudio& ThisApp();
CMultiDocTemplate* GlyphMapDocTemplate(); CMultiDocTemplate* FontTemplate(); CMultiDocTemplate* GPDTemplate(); CMultiDocTemplate* WSCheckTemplate(); CMultiDocTemplate* StringEditorTemplate(); CMultiDocTemplate* INFViewerTemplate(); CMultiDocTemplate* INFCheckTemplate();
// Text File Loading (into a CStringArray) function
BOOL LoadFile(LPCTSTR lpstrFile, CStringArray& csaContents);
class CMDTCommandLineInfo : public CCommandLineInfo { // Construction
public: CMDTCommandLineInfo() ; ~CMDTCommandLineInfo() ;
// Implementation
public: virtual void ParseParam(LPCTSTR lpszParam, BOOL bFlag, BOOL bLast) ;
// Data
public: bool m_bCheckOS ; // Check OS version >= 5 iff true
bool m_bExcludeBadCodePages ; // See CDefaultCodePageSel:OnSetActive()
} ;