/*************************** Module Header **********************************
* pfm2ifi * Program to read Windows 3.1 PFM format data and convert to NT's * IFIMETRICS data. Note that since IFIMETRICS is somewhat more * elaborate than PFM data, some of the values are best guesses. * These are made on the basis of educated guesses. * * Copyright (C) 1992, Microsoft Corporation * ****************************************************************************/
#include "StdAfx.h"
#if (_WIN32_WINNT < 0x0500)
typedef unsigned long DESIGNVECTOR; #endif
#include <winddi.h>
#include <win30def.h>
#include <uni16gpc.h>
#include <uni16res.h>
#include "raslib.h"
#include "fontinst.h"
#undef DBG
#define ALIAS_EXT "._al" /* The extension on an alias file */
/* Function prototypes */ char **ppcGetAlias( HANDLE, const char * );
CD *GetFontSel(HANDLE hHeap, FONTDAT *pFDat, int bSelect) { LOCD locd; /* From originating data */ CD *pCD; CD *pCDOut; /* Copy data to here */
locd = bSelect ? pFDat->DI.locdSelect : pFDat->DI.locdUnSelect;
if( locd != -1 ) // (NOOCD extended to a long)
{ int size;
CD cdTmp; /* For alignment problems */
pCD = (CD *)(pFDat->pBase + locd);
* The data pointed at by pCD may not be aligned, so we copy * it into a local structure. This local structure then allows * us to determine how big the CD really is (using it's length field), * so then we can allocate storage and copy as required. */
memcpy( &cdTmp, (LPSTR)pCD, sizeof(CD) );
/* Allocate storage area in the heap */
size = cdTmp.wLength + sizeof(CD);
pCDOut = (CD *)HeapAlloc( hHeap, 0, (size + 1) & ~0x1 ); //raid 43535
if (pCDOut == NULL){ return 0; }
memcpy( pCDOut, (BYTE *)pCD, size );
return pCDOut; }
return 0; }
short *GetWidthVector(HANDLE hHeap, FONTDAT *pFDat) {
* For debugging code, verify that we have a width table! Then, * allocate memory and copy into it. */
short *pus; /* Destination address */
int cb; /* Number of bytes required */
* There are LastChar - FirstChar width entries, plus the default * char. And the widths are shorts. */ cb = (pFDat->PFMH.dfLastChar - pFDat->PFMH.dfFirstChar + 2) * sizeof( short );
pus = (short *)HeapAlloc( hHeap, 0, cb );
* If this is a bitmap font, then use the width table, but use * the extent table (in PFMEXTENSION area) as these are ready to * to scale. */
if( pus ) { BYTE *pb;
if( pFDat->pETM && pFDat->pETM->emMinScale != pFDat->pETM->emMaxScale && pFDat->PFMExt.dfExtentTable ) { /* Scalable, so use the extent table */ pb = pFDat->pBase + pFDat->PFMExt.dfExtentTable; } else { /* Not scalable. */ pb = pFDat->pBase + sizeof( res_PFMHEADER ); }
memcpy( pus, pb, cb ); }
return pus; }
static void ConvFontRes(register FONTDAT *pFDat) {
BYTE *pb; /* Miscellaneous operations */
res_PFMHEADER *pPFM; /* The resource data format */ res_PFMEXTENSION *pR_PFME; /* Resource data PFMEXT format */
* Align the PFMHEADER structure. */
pPFM = (res_PFMHEADER *)pFDat->pBase;
pFDat->PFMH.dfType = pPFM->dfType; pFDat->PFMH.dfPoints = pPFM->dfPoints; pFDat->PFMH.dfVertRes = pPFM->dfVertRes; pFDat->PFMH.dfHorizRes = pPFM->dfHorizRes; pFDat->PFMH.dfAscent = pPFM->dfAscent; pFDat->PFMH.dfInternalLeading = pPFM->dfInternalLeading; pFDat->PFMH.dfExternalLeading = pPFM->dfExternalLeading; pFDat->PFMH.dfItalic = pPFM->dfItalic; pFDat->PFMH.dfUnderline = pPFM->dfUnderline; pFDat->PFMH.dfStrikeOut = pPFM->dfStrikeOut;
pFDat->PFMH.dfWeight = DwAlign2( pPFM->b_dfWeight );
pFDat->PFMH.dfCharSet = pPFM->dfCharSet; pFDat->PFMH.dfPixWidth = pPFM->dfPixWidth; pFDat->PFMH.dfPixHeight = pPFM->dfPixHeight; pFDat->PFMH.dfPitchAndFamily = pPFM->dfPitchAndFamily;
pFDat->PFMH.dfAvgWidth = DwAlign2( pPFM->b_dfAvgWidth ); pFDat->PFMH.dfMaxWidth = DwAlign2( pPFM->b_dfMaxWidth );
pFDat->PFMH.dfFirstChar = pPFM->dfFirstChar; pFDat->PFMH.dfLastChar = pPFM->dfLastChar; pFDat->PFMH.dfDefaultChar = pPFM->dfDefaultChar; pFDat->PFMH.dfBreakChar = pPFM->dfBreakChar;
pFDat->PFMH.dfWidthBytes = DwAlign2( pPFM->b_dfWidthBytes );
pFDat->PFMH.dfDevice = DwAlign4( pPFM->b_dfDevice ); pFDat->PFMH.dfFace = DwAlign4( pPFM->b_dfFace ); pFDat->PFMH.dfBitsPointer = DwAlign4( pPFM->b_dfBitsPointer ); pFDat->PFMH.dfBitsOffset = DwAlign4( pPFM->b_dfBitsOffset );
* The PFMEXTENSION follows the PFMHEADER structure plus any width * table info. The width table will be present if the PFMHEADER has * a zero width dfPixWidth. If present, adjust the extension address. */
pb = pFDat->pBase + sizeof( res_PFMHEADER ); /* Size in resource data */
if( pFDat->PFMH.dfPixWidth == 0 ) pb += (pFDat->PFMH.dfLastChar - pFDat->PFMH.dfFirstChar + 2) * sizeof( short );
* Now convert the extended PFM data. */
pFDat->PFMExt.dfSizeFields = pR_PFME->dfSizeFields;
pFDat->PFMExt.dfExtMetricsOffset = DwAlign4( pR_PFME->b_dfExtMetricsOffset ); pFDat->PFMExt.dfExtentTable = DwAlign4( pR_PFME->b_dfExtentTable );
pFDat->PFMExt.dfOriginTable = DwAlign4( pR_PFME->b_dfOriginTable ); pFDat->PFMExt.dfPairKernTable = DwAlign4( pR_PFME->b_dfPairKernTable ); pFDat->PFMExt.dfTrackKernTable = DwAlign4( pR_PFME->b_dfTrackKernTable ); pFDat->PFMExt.dfDriverInfo = DwAlign4( pR_PFME->b_dfDriverInfo ); pFDat->PFMExt.dfReserved = DwAlign4( pR_PFME->b_dfReserved );
memcpy( &pFDat->DI, pFDat->pBase + pFDat->PFMExt.dfDriverInfo, sizeof( DRIVERINFO ) );
* Also need to fill in the address of the EXTTEXTMETRIC. This * is obtained from the extended PFM data that we just converted! */
if( pFDat->PFMExt.dfExtMetricsOffset ) { /*
* This structure is only an array of shorts, so there is * no alignment problem. However, the data itself is not * necessarily aligned in the resource! */
int cbSize; BYTE *pbIn; /* Source of data to shift */
pbIn = pFDat->pBase + pFDat->PFMExt.dfExtMetricsOffset; cbSize = DwAlign2( pbIn );
if( cbSize == sizeof( EXTTEXTMETRIC ) ) { /* Simply copy it! */ memcpy( pFDat->pETM, pbIn, cbSize ); } else pFDat->pETM = NULL; /* Not our size, so best not use it */
} else pFDat->pETM = NULL; /* Is non-zero when passed in */
return; }
BOOL ConvertPFMToIFI(LPCTSTR lpstrPFM, LPCTSTR lpstrIFI, LPCTSTR lpstrUniq) { int cWidth; /* Number of entries in width table */ HANDLE hheap; /* Handle to heap for storage */ HANDLE hOut; /* The output file */
DWORD dwSize; /* Size of input file */
char **ppcAliasList; /* The alias list of names, if present */
PWSTR pwstrUniqNm; /* Unique name */
CD *pCDSel; /* Font selection command descriptor */ CD *pCDDesel; /* Deselection - typically not required */
FI_DATA fid; /* Keep track of stuff in the file */
FONTDAT FDat; /* Converted form of data */
EXTTEXTMETRIC etm; /* Additional data on this font */ INT bPrint = 0;
char acMessage[100];
* Create us a heap, since all the functions we steal from rasdd * require that we pass a heap handle! */
if( !(hheap = HeapCreate(HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, 10 * 1024, 256 * 1024 ))) { /* Not too good! */ wsprintf(acMessage, _T("HeapCreate() fails in pfm2ifi") ) ; MessageBox(NULL, acMessage, NULL, MB_OK);
return FALSE; }
cWidth = strlen(lpstrUniq);
if ( !(pwstrUniqNm = (PWSTR)HeapAlloc( hheap, 0, (cWidth + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ) ){ wsprintf(acMessage, "HeapAlloc() fails in pfm2ifi" ); MessageBox(NULL, acMessage, NULL, MB_OK); return FALSE; }
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, lpstrUniq, cWidth, pwstrUniqNm, cWidth ); *(pwstrUniqNm + cWidth) = 0;
* Zero out the header structure. This means we can ignore any * irrelevant fields, which will then have the value 0, which is * the value for not used. */
memset( &fid, 0, sizeof( fid ) ); memset( &FDat, 0, sizeof( FONTDAT ) );
* First step is to open the input file - this is done via MapFileA. * We then pass the returned address around to various functions * which do the conversion to something we understand. */
if( !(FDat.pBase = MapFileA( lpstrPFM, &dwSize))) { wsprintf(acMessage, "Cannot open input file: %s", lpstrPFM); MessageBox(NULL, acMessage, NULL, MB_OK);
return FALSE; }
* Do some validation on the input file. */
if (!bValidatePFM( FDat.pBase, dwSize)) { wsprintf(acMessage, "%s is not a valid PFM file", lpstrPFM);
return FALSE; }
* If there is a file with the same name as the input file, BUT with * an extension of ._al, this is presumed to be an alias file. An * alias file consists of a set of alias names for this font. The * reason is that font names have not been very consistent, so we * provide aliases to the font mapper, thus maintaining the format * information for old documents. * The file format is one alias per input line. Names which * are duplicates of the name in the PFM file will be ignored. */
ppcAliasList = ppcGetAlias(hheap, lpstrPFM);
FDat.pETM = &etm; /* Important for scalable fonts */
* Create the output file. */
hOut = CreateFile( lpstrIFI, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if( hOut == (HANDLE)-1) { wsprintf(acMessage, "Could not create output file '%s'", lpstrIFI); MessageBox(NULL, acMessage, NULL, MB_OK); return FALSE; }
* Now have the data, so civilise it: alignment etc. */
ConvFontRes( &FDat );
fid.fCaps = FDat.DI.fCaps; fid.wFontType = FDat.DI.wFontType; /* Device FOnt Type */ fid.wPrivateData = FDat.DI.wPrivateData; fid.sYAdjust = FDat.DI.sYAdjust; fid.sYMoved = FDat.DI.sYMoved; fid.wXRes = FDat.PFMH.dfHorizRes; fid.wYRes = FDat.PFMH.dfVertRes;
* Convert the font metrics. Note that the last two parameters are * chosen with the understanding of how this function does its scaling. * Any changes to that method will require changes here too!!! */
pIFI = FontInfoToIFIMetric( &FDat, hheap, pwstrUniqNm, ppcAliasList ); fid.dsIFIMet.pvData = pIFI;
if (fid.dsIFIMet.pvData == 0) { /* Should not happen! */ MessageBox(NULL, "Could not create IFIMETRICS", NULL, MB_OK); return FALSE; }
fid.dsIFIMet.cBytes = pIFI->cjThis;
* Also need to record which CTT is used for this font. When the * resource is loaded, this is turned into the address of the * corresponding CTT, which is a resource somewhere else in the * mini-driver, or in rasdd. */ fid.dsCTT.cBytes = FDat.DI.sTransTab;
* Note that IFIMETRICS is only WORD aligned. However, since the * following data only requires WORD alignment, we can ignore any * lack of DWORD alignment. */
* If there is a width vector, now is the time to extract it. * There is one if dfPixWidth field in the PFM data is zero. */
if( FDat.PFMH.dfPixWidth == 0 && (fid.dsWidthTab.pvData = GetWidthVector( hheap, &FDat )) ) { cWidth = pIFI->chLastChar - pIFI->chFirstChar + 1; fid.dsWidthTab.cBytes = cWidth * sizeof( short ); } else fid.dsWidthTab.cBytes = 0;
* Finally, the font selection/deselection strings. These are * byte strings, sent directly to the printer. Typically there * is no deselection string. These require WORD alignment, and * the GetFontSel function will round the size to that requirement. * Since we follow the width tables, WORD alignment is guaranteed. */
if( pCDSel = GetFontSel( hheap, &FDat, 1 ) ) { /* Have a selection string, so update the red tape etc. */ fid.dsSel.cBytes = (int)HeapSize( hheap, 0, (LPSTR)pCDSel ); fid.dsSel.pvData = pCDSel; }
if( pCDDesel = GetFontSel( hheap, &FDat, 0 ) ) { /* Also have a deselection string, so record its presence */ fid.dsDesel.cBytes = (int)HeapSize( hheap, 0, (LPSTR)pCDDesel ); fid.dsDesel.pvData = pCDDesel; }
if( FDat.pETM == NULL ) { fid.dsETM.pvData = NULL; fid.dsETM.cBytes = 0; } else { fid.dsETM.pvData = (VOID*) &etm; fid.dsETM.cBytes = sizeof(etm); }
* Time to write the output file. */
if( iWriteFDH( hOut, &fid ) < 0 ) MessageBox(NULL, "CANNOT WRITE OUTPUT FILE", NULL, MB_OK);
/* All done, so clean up and away */ UnmapViewOfFile( FDat.pBase ); /* Input no longer needed */
HeapDestroy(hheap); /* Probably not needed */ CloseHandle(hOut); // Really, this would be a good idea!
return TRUE; }
* An ASCII based copy of KentSe's mapfile function. */
/************************** Function Header *********************************
* PVOID MapFileA( psz, pdwSize ) * * Returns a pointer to the mapped file defined by psz. * * Parameters: * psz ASCII string containing fully qualified pathname of the * file to map. * * Returns: * Pointer to mapped memory if success, NULL if error. * * NOTE: UnmapViewOfFile will have to be called by the user at some * point to free up this allocation. * * History: * 11:32 on Tue 29 Jun 1993 -by- Lindsay Harris [lindsayh] * Return the size of the file too. * * 05-Nov-1991 -by- Kent Settle [kentse] * Wrote it. ***************************************************************************/
PBYTE MapFileA(LPCSTR psz, PDWORD pdwSize) { void *pv;
HANDLE hFile, hFileMap;
* First open the file. This is required to do the mapping, but * it also allows us to find the size, which is used for validating * that we have something resembling a PFM file. */
if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { printf( "MapFileA: CreateFileA( %s ) failed.\n", psz );
return NULL; }
* Find the size of the file now, and set it in the caller's area. */
if( GetFileInformationByHandle( hFile, &x ) ) *pdwSize = x.nFileSizeLow; else *pdwSize = 0;
// create the mapping object.
if( !(hFileMap = CreateFileMappingA( hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL )) ) { printf( "MapFileA: CreateFileMapping failed.\n" );
return NULL; }
// get the pointer mapped to the desired file.
if( !(pv = MapViewOfFile( hFileMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0 )) ) { printf( "MapFileA: MapViewOfFile failed.\n" );
return NULL; }
// now that we have our pointer, we can close the file and the
// mapping object.
if( !CloseHandle( hFileMap ) ) printf( "MapFileA: CloseHandle( hFileMap ) failed.\n" );
if( !CloseHandle( hFile ) ) printf( "MapFileA: CloseHandle( hFile ) failed.\n" );
return (PBYTE) pv; }
/************************** Function Header *******************************
* bValidatePFM * Look at a memory mapped PFM file, and see if it seems reasonable. * * RETURNS: * TRUE if OK, else FALSE * * HISTORY: * 12:22 on Tue 29 Jun 1993 -by- Lindsay Harris [lindsayh] * First version to improve usability of pfm2ifi. * **************************************************************************/
BOOL bValidatePFM( PBYTE pBase, DWORD dwSize ) {
DWORD dwOffset; /* Calculate offset of interest as we go */
res_PFMHEADER *rpfm; /* In Win 3.1 format, UNALIGNED!! */ res_PFMEXTENSION *rpfme; /* Final access to offset to DRIVERINFO */
DRIVERINFO di; /* The actual DRIVERINFO data! */
* First piece of sanity checking is the size! It must be at least * as large as a PFMHEADER structure plus a DRIVERINFO structure. */
if( dwSize < (sizeof( res_PFMHEADER ) + (sizeof( DRIVERINFO ) ) + sizeof( res_PFMEXTENSION )) ) { return FALSE; }
* Step along to find the DRIVERINFO structure, as this contains * some identifying information that we match to look for legitimacy. */ rpfm = (res_PFMHEADER *)pBase; /* Looking for fixed pitch */
dwOffset = sizeof( res_PFMHEADER );
if( rpfm->dfPixWidth == 0 ) { /* Proportionally spaced, so allow for the width table too! */ dwOffset += (rpfm->dfLastChar - rpfm->dfFirstChar + 2) * sizeof( short );
rpfme = (res_PFMEXTENSION *)(pBase + dwOffset);
/* Next is the PFMEXTENSION data */ dwOffset += sizeof( res_PFMEXTENSION );
if( dwOffset >= dwSize ) { return FALSE; }
dwOffset = DwAlign4( rpfme->b_dfDriverInfo );
if( (dwOffset + sizeof( DRIVERINFO )) > dwSize ) { return FALSE; }
* A memcpy is used because this data is typically not aigned. Ugh! */
memcpy( &di, pBase + dwOffset, sizeof( di ) );
if( di.sVersion > DRIVERINFO_VERSION ) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
/************************** Function Header *******************************
* ppcGetAlias * Return a pointer to an array of pointers to aliases for the given * font name. * * RETURNS: * Pointer to pointer to aliases; 0 on error. * * HISTORY: * 10:02 on Fri 28 May 1993 -by- Lindsay Harris [lindsayh] * First version. * ***************************************************************************/
char ** ppcGetAlias( HANDLE hheap, LPCSTR pcFile ) {
char *pcAlias; /* The name of the alias file */ char *pcTmp; /* Temporary stuffing around */ char *pcTmp2; /* Yet more temporary stuffing around */
char **ppcRet; /* The return value */
FILE *fAlias; /* The alias file, if there */
ppcRet = (char **)0;
/* The 5 is for the terminating NUL plus the characters "._al" */ pcAlias = (char *)HeapAlloc( hheap, 0, strlen( pcFile ) + 5 );
if( pcAlias ) { /* Generate the file name, try to open it */ strcpy( pcAlias, pcFile );
if( !(pcTmp = strrchr( pcAlias, '\\' )) ) { /* No \ in name - is there a /? */ if( !(pcTmp = strrchr( pcAlias, '/' )) ) { /* Must be a simple name, so point at the start of it */ pcTmp = pcAlias; } }
* Now pcTmp points at the start of the last component of the * file name. IF this contains a '.', then overwrite whatever * follows by our extension, otherwise add our extension to the end. */
if( !(pcTmp2 = strrchr( pcTmp, '.' )) ) pcTmp2 = pcTmp + strlen( pcTmp );
strcpy( pcTmp2, ALIAS_EXT );
fAlias = fopen( pcAlias, "r" );
HeapFree( hheap, 0, (LPSTR)pcAlias ); /* No longer used */
if( fAlias ) { /*
* First, read the file to count how many lines there are. * Thus we can allocate the storage for the array of pointers. */
char acLine[ 256 ]; /* For reading the input line */ int iNum; /* Count the number of lines! */ int iIndex; /* Stepping through input */
iNum = 0; while( fgets( acLine, sizeof( acLine ), fAlias ) ) ++iNum;
if( iNum ) { /* Some data available, so allocate pointer and off we go */
++iNum; ppcRet = (char **)HeapAlloc( hheap, 0, iNum * sizeof( char * ) );
if( ppcRet ) {
iIndex = 0;
rewind( fAlias ); /* Back to the start */
while( iIndex < iNum && fgets( acLine, sizeof( acLine ), fAlias ) ) { /*
* Do a little editing - delete leading space, * trailing space + control characters. */
pcTmp = acLine;
while( *pcTmp && (!isprint( *pcTmp ) || isspace( *pcTmp )) ) ++pcTmp;
/* Filter out the ending stuff too! */ pcTmp2 = pcTmp + strlen( pcTmp );
while( pcTmp2 > pcTmp && (!isprint( *pcTmp2 ) || isspace( *pcTmp2 )) ) { /*
* Zap it, then onto the previous char. NOTE * that this is not the best solution, but it * is convenient. */
*pcTmp2-- = '\0'; /* Zap the end */ }
ppcRet[ iIndex ] = (PSTR) HeapAlloc( hheap, 0, strlen( pcTmp ) + 1 );
if( ppcRet[ iIndex ] ) { /* Copy input to new buffer */
strcpy( ppcRet[ iIndex ], pcTmp ); ++iIndex; /* Next output slot */ }
} ppcRet[ iIndex ] = NULL; } } } }
return ppcRet; }
/************************* Function Header ********************************
* strcpy2WChar * Convert a char * string to a WCHAR string. Basically this means * converting each input character to 16 bits by zero extending it. * * RETURNS: * Value of first parameter. * * HISTORY: * 12:35 on Thu 18 Mar 1993 -by- Lindsay Harris [lindsayh] * Use the correct conversion method to Unicode. * * 09:36 on Thu 07 Mar 1991 -by- Lindsay Harris [lindsayh] * Created it. * **************************************************************************/
static PWSTR strcpy2WChar(PWSTR pWCHOut, LPSTR lpstr) {
* Put buffering around the NLS function that does all this stuff. */
int cchIn; /* Number of input chars */
cchIn = strlen( lpstr ) + 1;
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, lpstr, cchIn, pWCHOut, cchIn );
return pWCHOut; }
/*************************** Function Header *****************************
* FontInfoToIFIMetric * Convert the Win 3.1 format PFM data to NT's IFIMETRICS. This is * typically done before the minidrivers are built, so that they * can include IFIMETRICS, and thus have less work to do at run time. * * RETURNS: * IFIMETRICS structure, allocated from heap; NULL on error * * HISTORY: * 13:58 on Fri 28 May 1993 -by- Lindsay Harris [lindsayh] * Goes back a long way, I am now adding the aliasing code. * **************************************************************************/
IFIMETRICS * FontInfoToIFIMetric(FONTDAT *pFDat, HANDLE hheap, PWSTR pwstrUniqNm, char **ppcAliasList) {
register IFIMETRICS *pIFI;
FWORD fwdExternalLeading;
int cWC; /* Number of WCHARS to add */ int cbAlloc; /* Number of bytes to allocate */ int iI; /* Loop index */ int iCount; /* Number of characters in Win 3.1 font */ int cAlias; /* Number of aliases we have found */
WCHAR *pwch; /* For string manipulations */
WCHAR awcAttrib[ 256 ]; /* Generate attributes + BYTE -> WCHAR */ BYTE abyte[ 256 ]; /* Used (with above) to get wcLastChar etc */
* First step is to determine the length of the WCHAR strings * that are placed at the end of the IFIMETRICS, since we need * to include these in our storage allocation. * * There may also be an alias list. If so, we need to include * that in our calculation. We have a NULL terminated array * of pointers to the aliases, one of which is most likely the * name in the Win 3.1 format data. */
cWC = 0; cAlias = 0; /* No aliases is the default */
if( ppcAliasList ) { /* There are aliases - count them and determine their size */
char *pc;
iI = 0; while( pc = ppcAliasList[ iI ] ) { if( strcmp( pc, (LPCSTR) pFDat->pBase + pFDat->PFMH.dfFace ) ) { /* Not a match, so add this one in too! */
cWC += strlen( pc ) + 1; /* Terminating NUL */ ++cAlias; } ++iI; }
++cWC; /* There is an extra NUL to terminate the list */
cWC += 3 * strlen( (LPCSTR) pFDat->pBase + pFDat->PFMH.dfFace ); /* Base name */
* Produce the desired attributes: Italic, Bold, Light etc. * This is largely guesswork, and there should be a better method. */
awcAttrib[ 0 ] = L'\0'; awcAttrib[ 1 ] = L'\0'; /* Write out an empty string */
if( pFDat->PFMH.dfItalic ) wcscat( awcAttrib, L" Italic" );
if( pFDat->PFMH.dfWeight >= 700 ) wcscat( awcAttrib, L" Bold" ); else { if( pFDat->PFMH.dfWeight < 200 ) wcscat( awcAttrib, L" Light" ); }
* The attribute string appears in 3 entries of IFIMETRICS, so * calculate how much storage this will take. NOTE THAT THE LEADING * CHAR IN awcAttrib is NOT placed in the style name field, so we * subtract one in the following formula to account for this. */
if( awcAttrib[ 0 ] ) cWC += 3 * wcslen( awcAttrib ) - 1;
cWC += wcslen( pwstrUniqNm ) + 1; /* SHOULD BE PRINTER NAME */ cWC += 4; /* Terminating nulls */
cbAlloc = sizeof( IFIMETRICS ) + sizeof( WCHAR ) * cWC;
pIFI = (IFIMETRICS *)HeapAlloc( hheap, 0, cbAlloc ); // raid 43536 prefix
if (pIFI == NULL){ return FALSE; }
ZeroMemory( pIFI, cbAlloc ); /* In case we miss something */
pIFI->cjThis = cbAlloc; /* Everything */
pIFI->cjIfiExtra = 0; // Correct for all pre 4.0
/* The family name: straight from the FaceName - no choice?? */
pwch = (WCHAR *)(pIFI + 1); /* At the end of the structure */ pIFI->dpwszFamilyName = (unsigned)((BYTE *)pwch - (BYTE *)pIFI);
strcpy2WChar( pwch, (LPSTR) pFDat->pBase + pFDat->PFMH.dfFace ); /* Base name */ pwch += wcslen( pwch ) + 1; /* Skip what we just put in */
* Append the alias list to the end of this, if there is an alias list. */
if( cAlias ) { /* Found some aliases - add them on. */
char *pc;
cAlias = 0; while( pc = ppcAliasList[ cAlias ] ) { if( strcmp( pc, (LPCSTR) pFDat->pBase + pFDat->PFMH.dfFace ) ) { /* Not a match, so add this one in too! */
strcpy2WChar( pwch, pc ); pwch += wcslen( pwch ) + 1; /* Next slot to fill */ } ++cAlias; }
* The list is terminated with a double NUL. */
*pwch++ = L'\0'; }
/* Now the face name: we add bold, italic etc to family name */
pIFI->dpwszFaceName = (unsigned)((BYTE *)pwch - (BYTE *)pIFI);
strcpy2WChar( pwch, (LPSTR) pFDat->pBase + pFDat->PFMH.dfFace ); /* Base name */ wcscat( pwch, awcAttrib );
/* Now the unique name - well, sort of, anyway */
pwch += wcslen( pwch ) + 1; /* Skip what we just put in */ pIFI->dpwszUniqueName = (unsigned)((BYTE *)pwch - (BYTE *)pIFI);
wcscpy( pwch, pwstrUniqNm ); /* Append printer name for uniqueness */ wcscat( pwch, L" " ); wcscat( pwch, (PWSTR)((BYTE *)pIFI + pIFI->dpwszFaceName) );
/* Onto the attributes only component */
pwch += wcslen( pwch ) + 1; /* Skip what we just put in */ pIFI->dpwszStyleName = (unsigned)((BYTE *)pwch - (BYTE *)pIFI); wcscat( pwch, &awcAttrib[ 1 ] );
#if DBG
* Check on a few memory sizes: JUST IN CASE..... */
if( (wcslen( awcAttrib ) * sizeof( WCHAR )) >= sizeof( awcAttrib ) ) { DbgPrint( "Rasdd!pfm2ifi: STACK CORRUPTED BY awcAttrib" );
HeapFree( hheap, 0, (LPSTR)pIFI ); /* No memory leaks */
return 0; }
if( ((BYTE *)(pwch + wcslen( pwch ) + 1)) > ((BYTE *)pIFI + cbAlloc) ) { DbgPrint( "Rasdd!pfm2ifi: IFIMETRICS overflow: Wrote to 0x%lx, allocated to 0x%lx\n", ((BYTE *)(pwch + wcslen( pwch ) + 1)), ((BYTE *)pIFI + cbAlloc) );
HeapFree( hheap, 0, (LPSTR)pIFI ); /* No memory leaks */
return 0;
} #endif
pIFI->dpFontSim = 0; { //int i;
pIFI->lEmbedId = 0; pIFI->lItalicAngle = 0; pIFI->lCharBias = 0; /*for (i=0;i<IFI_RESERVED;i++)
pIFI->alReserved[i] = 0;*/ pIFI->dpCharSets=0; } pIFI->jWinCharSet = (BYTE)pFDat->PFMH.dfCharSet;
if( pFDat->PFMH.dfPixWidth ) { pIFI->jWinPitchAndFamily |= FIXED_PITCH; pIFI->flInfo |= (FM_INFO_CONSTANT_WIDTH | FM_INFO_OPTICALLY_FIXED_PITCH); } else pIFI->jWinPitchAndFamily |= VARIABLE_PITCH;
pIFI->jWinPitchAndFamily |= (((BYTE) pFDat->PFMH.dfPitchAndFamily) & 0xf0);
pIFI->usWinWeight = (USHORT)pFDat->PFMH.dfWeight;
/* Set the alias bit, if we have added an alias! */
if( cAlias ) pIFI->flInfo |= FM_INFO_FAMILY_EQUIV;
* A scalable font? This happens when there is EXTTEXTMETRIC data, * and that data has a min size different to the max size. */
if( pFDat->pETM && (pFDat->pETM->emMinScale != pFDat->pETM->emMaxScale) ) { pIFI->flInfo |= FM_INFO_ISOTROPIC_SCALING_ONLY; pIFI->fwdUnitsPerEm = pFDat->pETM->emMasterUnits; } else { pIFI->fwdUnitsPerEm = (FWORD) (pFDat->PFMH.dfPixHeight - pFDat->PFMH.dfInternalLeading); }
pIFI->fsSelection = ((pFDat->PFMH.dfItalic ) ? FM_SEL_ITALIC : 0) | ((pFDat->PFMH.dfUnderline ) ? FM_SEL_UNDERSCORE : 0) | ((pFDat->PFMH.dfStrikeOut ) ? FM_SEL_STRIKEOUT : 0) | ((pFDat->PFMH.dfWeight >= FW_BOLD ) ? FM_SEL_BOLD : 0) ;
pIFI->fsType = FM_NO_EMBEDDING; pIFI->fwdLowestPPEm = 1;
* Calculate fwdWinAscender, fwdWinDescender, fwdAveCharWidth, and * fwdMaxCharInc assuming a bitmap where 1 font unit equals one * pixel unit */
pIFI->fwdWinAscender = (FWORD)pFDat->PFMH.dfAscent;
pIFI->fwdWinDescender = (FWORD)pFDat->PFMH.dfPixHeight - pIFI->fwdWinAscender;
pIFI->fwdMaxCharInc = (FWORD)pFDat->PFMH.dfMaxWidth; pIFI->fwdAveCharWidth = (FWORD)pFDat->PFMH.dfAvgWidth;
fwdExternalLeading = (FWORD)pFDat->PFMH.dfExternalLeading;
// If the font was scalable, then the answers must be scaled up
// !!! HELP HELP HELP - if a font is scalable in this sense, then
// does it support arbitrary transforms? [kirko]
* This is a scalable font: because there is Extended Text Metric * information available, and this says that the min and max * scale sizes are different: thus it is scalable! This test is * lifted directly from the Win 3.1 driver. */
int iMU, iRel; /* Adjustment factors */
iMU = pFDat->pETM->emMasterUnits; iRel = pFDat->PFMH.dfPixHeight;
pIFI->fwdWinAscender = (pIFI->fwdWinAscender * iMU) / iRel;
pIFI->fwdWinDescender = (pIFI->fwdWinDescender * iMU) / iRel;
pIFI->fwdMaxCharInc = (pIFI->fwdMaxCharInc * iMU) / iRel;
pIFI->fwdAveCharWidth = (pIFI->fwdAveCharWidth * iMU) / iRel;
fwdExternalLeading = (fwdExternalLeading * iMU) / iRel; }
pIFI->fwdMacAscender = pIFI->fwdWinAscender; pIFI->fwdMacDescender = - pIFI->fwdWinDescender;
pIFI->fwdMacLineGap = fwdExternalLeading;
pIFI->fwdTypoAscender = pIFI->fwdMacAscender; pIFI->fwdTypoDescender = pIFI->fwdMacDescender; pIFI->fwdTypoLineGap = pIFI->fwdMacLineGap;
if( pFDat->pETM ) { /*
* Zero is a legitimate default for these. If 0, gdisrv * chooses some default values. */ pIFI->fwdCapHeight = pFDat->pETM->emCapHeight; pIFI->fwdXHeight = pFDat->pETM->emXHeight;
pIFI->fwdSubscriptYSize = pFDat->pETM->emSubScriptSize; pIFI->fwdSubscriptYOffset = pFDat->pETM->emSubScript;
pIFI->fwdSuperscriptYSize = pFDat->pETM->emSuperScriptSize; pIFI->fwdSuperscriptYOffset = pFDat->pETM->emSuperScript;
pIFI->fwdUnderscoreSize = pFDat->pETM->emUnderlineWidth; pIFI->fwdUnderscorePosition = pFDat->pETM->emUnderlineOffset;
pIFI->fwdStrikeoutSize = pFDat->pETM->emStrikeOutWidth; pIFI->fwdStrikeoutPosition = pFDat->pETM->emStrikeOutOffset;
} else { /* No additional information, so do some calculations */ pIFI->fwdSubscriptYSize = pIFI->fwdWinAscender/4; pIFI->fwdSubscriptYOffset = -(pIFI->fwdWinAscender/4);
pIFI->fwdSuperscriptYSize = pIFI->fwdWinAscender/4; pIFI->fwdSuperscriptYOffset = (3 * pIFI->fwdWinAscender)/4;
pIFI->fwdUnderscoreSize = pIFI->fwdWinAscender / 12; if( pIFI->fwdUnderscoreSize < 1 ) pIFI->fwdUnderscoreSize = 1;
pIFI->fwdUnderscorePosition = -pFDat->DI.sUnderLinePos;
pIFI->fwdStrikeoutSize = pIFI->fwdUnderscoreSize;
pIFI->fwdStrikeoutPosition = (FWORD)pFDat->DI.sStrikeThruPos; if( pIFI->fwdStrikeoutPosition < 1 ) pIFI->fwdStrikeoutPosition = (pIFI->fwdWinAscender + 2) / 3; }
pIFI->fwdSubscriptXSize = pIFI->fwdAveCharWidth/4; pIFI->fwdSubscriptXOffset = (3 * pIFI->fwdAveCharWidth)/4;
pIFI->fwdSuperscriptXSize = pIFI->fwdAveCharWidth/4; pIFI->fwdSuperscriptXOffset = (3 * pIFI->fwdAveCharWidth)/4;
pIFI->chFirstChar = pFDat->PFMH.dfFirstChar; pIFI->chLastChar = pFDat->PFMH.dfLastChar;
* We now do the conversion of these to Unicode. We presume the * input is in the ANSI code page, and call the NLS converion * functions to generate proper Unicode values. */
iCount = pFDat->PFMH.dfLastChar - pFDat->PFMH.dfFirstChar + 1;
for( iI = 0; iI < iCount; ++iI ) abyte[ iI ] = iI + pFDat->PFMH.dfFirstChar;
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR) abyte, iCount, awcAttrib, iCount );
* Now fill in the IFIMETRICS WCHAR fields. */
pIFI->wcFirstChar = 0xffff; pIFI->wcLastChar = 0;
/* Look for the first and last */ for( iI = 0; iI < iCount; ++iI ) { if( pIFI->wcFirstChar > awcAttrib[ iI ] ) pIFI->wcFirstChar = awcAttrib[ iI ];
if( pIFI->wcLastChar < awcAttrib[ iI ] ) pIFI->wcLastChar = awcAttrib[ iI ];
pIFI->wcDefaultChar = awcAttrib[ pFDat->PFMH.dfDefaultChar ]; pIFI->wcBreakChar = awcAttrib[ pFDat->PFMH.dfBreakChar ];
pIFI->chDefaultChar = pFDat->PFMH.dfDefaultChar + pFDat->PFMH.dfFirstChar; pIFI->chBreakChar = pFDat->PFMH.dfBreakChar + pFDat->PFMH.dfFirstChar;
if( pFDat->PFMH.dfItalic ) { //
// tan (17.5 degrees) = .3153
pIFI->ptlCaret.x = 3153; pIFI->ptlCaret.y = 10000; } else { pIFI->ptlCaret.x = 0; pIFI->ptlCaret.y = 1; }
pIFI->ptlBaseline.x = 1; pIFI->ptlBaseline.y = 0;
pIFI->ptlAspect.x = pFDat->PFMH.dfHorizRes; pIFI->ptlAspect.y = pFDat->PFMH.dfVertRes;
pIFI->rclFontBox.left = 0; pIFI->rclFontBox.top = (LONG) pIFI->fwdWinAscender; pIFI->rclFontBox.right = (LONG) pIFI->fwdMaxCharInc; pIFI->rclFontBox.bottom = - (LONG) pIFI->fwdWinDescender;
pIFI->achVendId[0] = 'U'; pIFI->achVendId[1] = 'n'; pIFI->achVendId[2] = 'k'; pIFI->achVendId[3] = 'n';
pIFI->cKerningPairs = 0;
pIFI->ulPanoseCulture = FM_PANOSE_CULTURE_LATIN; pIFI->panose.bFamilyType = PAN_ANY; pIFI->panose.bSerifStyle = PAN_ANY; if(pFDat->PFMH.dfWeight >= FW_BOLD) { pIFI->panose.bWeight = PAN_WEIGHT_BOLD; } else if (pFDat->PFMH.dfWeight > FW_EXTRALIGHT) { pIFI->panose.bWeight = PAN_WEIGHT_MEDIUM; } else { pIFI->panose.bWeight = PAN_WEIGHT_LIGHT; } pIFI->panose.bProportion = PAN_ANY; pIFI->panose.bContrast = PAN_ANY; pIFI->panose.bStrokeVariation = PAN_ANY; pIFI->panose.bArmStyle = PAN_ANY; pIFI->panose.bLetterform = PAN_ANY; pIFI->panose.bMidline = PAN_ANY; pIFI->panose.bXHeight = PAN_ANY;
return pIFI; }