* MODULE: anycon.cxx * * The module contains the base class for connections * * Copyright (C) 1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation * * History: * 07/31/98 Weihaic Created * \*****************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
#include "priv.h"
* Class Data Static Members *****************************************************************************/ const DWORD CAnyConnection::gm_dwConnectTimeout = 30000; // Thirty second timeout on connect
const DWORD CAnyConnection::gm_dwSendTimeout = 30000; // Thirty timeout on send timeout
const DWORD CAnyConnection::gm_dwReceiveTimeout = 60000; // Thirty seconds on receive timeout
const DWORD CAnyConnection::gm_dwSendSize = 0x10000; // We use a 16K sections when sending
// data through WININET
extern BOOL Ping (LPTSTR pszServerName);
CAnyConnection::CAnyConnection ( BOOL bSecure, INTERNET_PORT nServerPort, BOOL bIgnoreSecurityDlg, DWORD dwAuthMethod):
m_lpszPassword (NULL), m_lpszUserName (NULL), m_hSession (NULL), m_hConnect (NULL), m_dwAccessFlag (INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG), m_bSecure (bSecure), m_bShowSecDlg (FALSE), m_dwAuthMethod (dwAuthMethod), m_bIgnoreSecurityDlg (bIgnoreSecurityDlg), m_bValid (FALSE)
{ if (!nServerPort) { if (bSecure) { m_nServerPort = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT; } else { m_nServerPort = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT; } } else m_nServerPort = nServerPort;
m_bValid = TRUE; }
CAnyConnection::~CAnyConnection () { if (m_hConnect) { (void) CAnyConnection::Disconnect (); }
if (m_hSession) { (void) CAnyConnection::CloseSession (); } LocalFree (m_lpszPassword); m_lpszPassword = NULL; LocalFree (m_lpszUserName); m_lpszUserName = NULL; }
HINTERNET CAnyConnection::OpenSession () {
m_hSession = InetInternetOpen(g_szUserAgent, m_dwAccessFlag, NULL, NULL, 0);
if (m_hSession) { // Set up the callback function if successful
// Also set an internet connection timeout for the session for when we try the
// connection, should we do this instead of a ping?
DWORD dwTimeout = gm_dwConnectTimeout;
if (!InetInternetSetOption( m_hSession, INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, (LPVOID)&dwTimeout, sizeof(dwTimeout) )) goto Cleanup;
// Now set the Send and Receive Timeout values
dwTimeout = gm_dwSendTimeout;
if (!InetInternetSetOption( m_hSession, INTERNET_OPTION_SEND_TIMEOUT, (LPVOID)&dwTimeout, sizeof(dwTimeout) )) goto Cleanup;
dwTimeout = gm_dwReceiveTimeout;
if (!InetInternetSetOption( m_hSession, INTERNET_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT, (LPVOID)&dwTimeout, sizeof(dwTimeout) )) goto Cleanup; }
return m_hSession;
if (m_hSession) { InetInternetCloseHandle (m_hSession); m_hSession = NULL; }
return m_hSession; }
BOOL CAnyConnection::CloseSession () { BOOL bRet = InetInternetCloseHandle (m_hSession);
m_hSession = NULL;
return bRet; }
HINTERNET CAnyConnection::Connect( LPTSTR lpszServerName) {
if (m_hSession) { // Ping the server if it is in the intranet to make sure that the server is online
if (lpszServerName &&
(_tcschr ( lpszServerName, TEXT ('.')) || Ping (lpszServerName) )) {
m_hConnect = InetInternetConnect(m_hSession, lpszServerName, m_nServerPort, NULL,//m_lpszUserName,
NULL, //m_lpszPassword,
return m_hConnect; }
BOOL CAnyConnection::Disconnect () { BOOL bRet = InetInternetCloseHandle (m_hConnect);
m_hConnect = NULL;
return bRet; }
HINTERNET CAnyConnection::OpenRequest ( LPTSTR lpszUrl) { HINTERNET hReq = NULL; DWORD dwFlags;
if (m_hConnect) { // We need to create an Asynchronous Context for the Rest of the operations to use,
// passing this in of course makes this request also asynchronous
hReq = InetHttpOpenRequest(m_hConnect, g_szPOST, lpszUrl, g_szHttpVersion, NULL, NULL, INETPP_REQ_FLAGS | (m_bSecure? INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE:0), 0);
} return hReq; }
BOOL CAnyConnection::CloseRequest (HINTERNET hReq) { //
// We have to close the handle manually, since WININET seems not to be giving us
BOOL bSuccess;
bSuccess = InetInternetCloseHandle (hReq); // When this handle is closed, the context will be closed
return bSuccess; }
BOOL CAnyConnection::SendRequest( HINTERNET hReq, LPCTSTR lpszHdr, DWORD cbData, LPBYTE pidi) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; CMemStream *pStream;
pStream = new CMemStream (pidi, cbData);
if (pStream && pStream->bValid ()){
bRet = SendRequest (hReq, lpszHdr, pStream); }
if (pStream) { delete pStream; } return bRet; }
BOOL CAnyConnection::SendRequest( HINTERNET hReq, LPCTSTR lpszHdr, CStream *pStream) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; DWORD dwStatus; DWORD cbStatus = sizeof(dwStatus); BOOL bRetry = FALSE; DWORD dwRetryCount = 0; BOOL bShowUI = FALSE;
DWORD cbData; PBYTE pBuf = NULL; DWORD cbRead;
if (!pStream->GetTotalSize (&cbData)) return FALSE;
pBuf = new BYTE[gm_dwSendSize]; if (!pBuf) return FALSE;
#define MAX_RETRY 3
do { BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; BOOL bLeave;
if (cbData < gm_dwSendSize) {
if (pStream->Reset() && pStream->Read (pBuf, cbData, &cbRead) && cbRead == cbData) {
// If what we want to send is small, we send it with HttpSendRequest and not
// HttpSendRequestEx, this is to wotk around a problem where we get timeouts on
// receive on very small data transactions
bSuccess = InetHttpSendRequest(hReq, lpszHdr, (lpszHdr ? (DWORD)-1 : 0), pBuf, cbData); }
} else { do { BOOL bSuccessSend; // The timeout value for the packets applies for an entire session, so, instead of sending in
// one chuck, we have to send in smaller chunks
bLeave = TRUE;
BufferIn.dwStructSize = sizeof( INTERNET_BUFFERS ); BufferIn.Next = NULL; BufferIn.lpcszHeader = lpszHdr; if (lpszHdr) BufferIn.dwHeadersLength = sizeof(TCHAR)*lstrlen(lpszHdr); else BufferIn.dwHeadersLength = 0; BufferIn.dwHeadersTotal = 1; // There is one header to send
BufferIn.lpvBuffer = NULL; // We defer this to the multiple write side
BufferIn.dwBufferLength = 0; // The total buffer length
BufferIn.dwBufferTotal = cbData; // This is the size of the data we are about to send
BufferIn.dwOffsetLow = 0; // No offset into the buffers
BufferIn.dwOffsetHigh = 0;
// Since we will only ever be sending one request per hReq handle, we can associate
// the context with all of these operations
bSuccess = InetHttpSendRequestEx (hReq, &BufferIn, NULL, 0, 0);
if (bSuccess) { bSuccess = pStream->Reset(); }
DWORD dwBufPos = 0; // This is our current point in the buffer
DWORD dwRemaining = cbData; // These are the number of bytes left to send
bSuccessSend = bSuccess;
while (bSuccess && dwRemaining) { // While we have data to send and the operations are
// successful
DWORD dwWrite = min( dwRemaining, gm_dwSendSize); // The amount to write
DWORD dwWritten; // The amount actually written
if (pStream->Read (pBuf, dwWrite, &cbRead) && cbRead == dwWrite) {
bSuccess = InetInternetWriteFile (hReq, pBuf, dwWrite, &dwWritten);
if (bSuccess) { bSuccess = dwWritten ? TRUE : FALSE;
dwRemaining -= dwWritten; // Remaining amount decreases by this
dwBufPos += dwWritten; // Advance through the buffer
if (dwWritten != dwWrite) { // We need to adjust the pointer, since not all the bytes are
// successfully sent to the server
bSuccess = pStream->SetPtr (dwBufPos); } } } else bSuccess = FALSE; }
BOOL bEndSuccess = FALSE;
if (bSuccessSend) { // We started the request successfully, so we can end it successfully
bEndSuccess = InetHttpEndRequest (hReq, NULL, 0, 0);
if (!bEndSuccess && GetLastError() == ERROR_INTERNET_FORCE_RETRY) bLeave = FALSE;
bSuccess = bSuccess && bEndSuccess && bSuccessSend;
} while (!bLeave); }
if (bSuccess) {
if ( InetHttpQueryInfo(hReq, HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER | HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE, &dwStatus, &cbStatus, NULL) ) { switch (dwStatus) { case HTTP_STATUS_DENIED: case HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ: SetLastError (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); break; case HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN: SetLastError (HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN); break; case HTTP_STATUS_OK: bRet = TRUE; break; case HTTP_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR:
SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_NAME); break; default:
} else {
// We get some other errors, but don't know how to handle it
DBG_MSG(DBG_LEV_ERROR, (TEXT("CAnyConnection::SendRequest : Unknown Error (%d)"), dwStatus));
SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); } break; } } } else {
if (m_bSecure) {
DWORD dwFlags = 0; DWORD dwRet;
if (m_bShowSecDlg) { bShowUI = TRUE; dwRet = InetInternetErrorDlg (GetTopWindow (NULL), hReq, GetLastError(), FLAGS_ERROR_UI_FLAGS_CHANGE_OPTIONS, NULL);
if (dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS || dwRet == ERROR_INTERNET_FORCE_RETRY) { bRetry = TRUE; } } else { switch (GetLastError ()) { case ERROR_INTERNET_INVALID_CA: dwFlags = SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CA; break; default: // All other failure, try to ignore everything and retry
if (InetInternetSetOption(hReq, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, &dwFlags, sizeof (DWORD))) { bRetry = TRUE; } } } } } while (bRetry && ++dwRetryCount < MAX_RETRY);
if (!bRet && GetLastError () == ERROR_INTERNET_LOGIN_FAILURE) { SetLastError (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); }
if (bShowUI) { // We only show the dialog once.
m_bShowSecDlg = FALSE; }
if (pBuf) { delete [] pBuf; }
return bRet; }
BOOL CAnyConnection::ReadFile ( HINTERNET hReq, LPVOID lpvBuffer, DWORD cbBuffer, LPDWORD lpcbRd) { BOOL bSuccess;
bSuccess = InetInternetReadFile(hReq, lpvBuffer, cbBuffer, lpcbRd);
return bSuccess; }
BOOL CAnyConnection::SetPassword ( HINTERNET hReq, LPTSTR lpszUserName, LPTSTR lpszPassword) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; TCHAR szNULL[] = TEXT ("");
if (!lpszUserName) { lpszUserName = szNULL; }
if (!lpszPassword) { lpszPassword = szNULL; }
if ( InetInternetSetOption (hReq, INTERNET_OPTION_USERNAME, lpszUserName, (DWORD) (lstrlen(lpszUserName) + 1)) && InetInternetSetOption (hReq, INTERNET_OPTION_PASSWORD, lpszPassword, (DWORD) (lstrlen(lpszPassword) + 1)) ) { bRet = TRUE; }
return bRet; }
BOOL CAnyConnection::GetAuthSchem ( HINTERNET hReq, LPSTR lpszScheme, DWORD dwSize) { DWORD dwIndex = 0;
return InetHttpQueryInfo(hReq, HTTP_QUERY_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, (LPVOID)lpszScheme, &dwSize, &dwIndex); }
void CAnyConnection::SetShowSecurityDlg ( BOOL bShowSecDlg) { m_bShowSecDlg = bShowSecDlg; }