Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Routines to migrate Win95 printing components to NT
Muhunthan Sivapragasam (MuhuntS) 02-Jan-1996
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
// Data structures to gather info from the text files created on Win95 to
// store the printing configuration
typedef struct _DRIVER_NODE {
typedef struct _PRINTER_NODE {
typedef struct _PORT_NODE {
struct _PORT_NODE *pNext; LPSTR pPortName; } PORT_NODE, *PPORT_NODE;
LPSTR pszDefaultPrinterString = NULL; PPRINTER_NODE pDefPrinter = NULL;
// They kill the migration dll if it does not finish in 3 minutes.
// To prevent that I need to set this handle atleast every 3 mins
// We want to lazy load ntprint.dll and mscms.dll.
// Note : If we link to them our DLL will not run on Win9x
struct {
pfPSetupCreatePrinterDeviceInfoList pfnCreatePrinterDeviceInfoList; pfPSetupDestroyPrinterDeviceInfoList pfnDestroyPrinterDeviceInfoList; pfPSetupBuildDriversFromPath pfnBuildDriversFromPath; pfPSetupDriverInfoFromName pfnDriverInfoFromName; pfPSetupDestroySelectedDriverInfo pfnDestroySelectedDriverInfo; pfPSetupGetLocalDataField pfnGetLocalDataField; pfPSetupFreeDrvField pfnFreeDrvField; pfPSetupProcessPrinterAdded pfnProcessPrinterAdded; pfPSetupInstallICMProfiles pfnInstallICMProfiles; pfPSetupAssociateICMProfiles pfnAssociateICMProfiles; } LAZYLOAD_INFO;
VOID FreePrinterNode( IN PPRINTER_NODE pPrinterNode ) /*++
Routine Description: Free the memory allocated for a PRINTER_NODE element and strings in it
Arguments: pPrinterNode : Points to the structure to free memory
Return Value: None
--*/ {
FreePrinterInfo2Strings(&pPrinterNode->PrinterInfo2); FreeMem(pPrinterNode); }
VOID FreePrinterNodeList( IN PPRINTER_NODE pPrinterNode ) /*++
Routine Description: Free the memory allocated for elements in the PRINTER_NODE linked list
Arguments: pPrinterNode : Points to the head of linked list to free memory
Return Value: None
--*/ { PPRINTER_NODE pNext;
while ( pPrinterNode ) {
pNext = pPrinterNode->pNext; FreePrinterNode(pPrinterNode); pPrinterNode = pNext; } }
VOID FreeDriverNode( IN PDRIVER_NODE pDriverNode ) /*++
Routine Description: Free the memory allocated for a DRIVER_NODE element and fields in it
Arguments: pDriverNode : Points to the structure to free memory
Return Value: None
--*/ { if ( pDriverNode->pLocalData ) LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnDestroySelectedDriverInfo(pDriverNode->pLocalData); FreeMem(pDriverNode->DrvInfo1.pName); FreeMem(pDriverNode); }
VOID FreeDriverNodeList( IN PDRIVER_NODE pDriverNode ) /*++
Routine Description: Free the memory allocated for elements in the PDRIVER_NODE linked list
Arguments: pDriverNode : Points to the head of linked list to free memory
Return Value: None
--*/ { PDRIVER_NODE pNext;
while ( pDriverNode ) {
pNext = pDriverNode->pNext; FreeDriverNode(pDriverNode); pDriverNode = pNext; } }
VOID FreePortNode( IN PPORT_NODE pPortNode ) /*++
Routine Description: Free the memory allocated for a PORT_NODE element and fields in it
Arguments: PPORT_NODE : Points to the structure to free memory
Return Value: None
--*/ { if (pPortNode->pPortName) { FreeMem(pPortNode->pPortName); }
FreeMem(pPortNode); }
VOID FreePortNodeList( IN PPORT_NODE pPortNode ) /*++
Routine Description: Free the memory allocated for elements in the PORT_NODE linked list
Arguments: pPortNode : Points to the head of linked list to free memory
Return Value: None
--*/ { PPORT_NODE pNext;
while ( pPortNode ) {
pNext = pPortNode->pNext; FreePortNode(pPortNode); pPortNode = pNext; } }
PPSETUP_LOCAL_DATA FindLocalDataForDriver( IN PDRIVER_NODE pDriverList, IN LPSTR pszDriverName ) /*++
Routine Description: Find the local data for a given driver name from the list
Return Value: Valid PPSETUP_LOCAL_DATA on success, else NULL
--*/ {
while ( pDriverList ) {
if ( !_strcmpi(pszDriverName, pDriverList->DrvInfo1.pName) ) return pDriverList->pLocalData;
pDriverList = pDriverList->pNext; }
return NULL;
BOOL InitLazyLoadInfo( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: Initializes the LAZYLOAD_INFO structure with LoadLibrary & GetProcAddress
Arguments: None
Return Value: TRUE on success, FALSE else
--*/ { if ( LAZYLOAD_INFO.hNtPrint = LoadLibraryUsingFullPathA("ntprint.dll") ) {
(FARPROC)LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnCreatePrinterDeviceInfoList = GetProcAddress(LAZYLOAD_INFO.hNtPrint, "PSetupCreatePrinterDeviceInfoList");
(FARPROC)LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnDestroyPrinterDeviceInfoList = GetProcAddress(LAZYLOAD_INFO.hNtPrint, "PSetupDestroyPrinterDeviceInfoList");
(FARPROC)LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnBuildDriversFromPath = GetProcAddress(LAZYLOAD_INFO.hNtPrint, "PSetupBuildDriversFromPath");
(FARPROC)LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnDriverInfoFromName = GetProcAddress(LAZYLOAD_INFO.hNtPrint, "PSetupDriverInfoFromName");
(FARPROC)LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnDestroySelectedDriverInfo = GetProcAddress(LAZYLOAD_INFO.hNtPrint, "PSetupDestroySelectedDriverInfo");
(FARPROC)LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnGetLocalDataField = GetProcAddress(LAZYLOAD_INFO.hNtPrint, "PSetupGetLocalDataField");
(FARPROC)LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnFreeDrvField = GetProcAddress(LAZYLOAD_INFO.hNtPrint, "PSetupFreeDrvField");
(FARPROC)LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnProcessPrinterAdded = GetProcAddress(LAZYLOAD_INFO.hNtPrint, "PSetupProcessPrinterAdded");
(FARPROC)LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnInstallICMProfiles = GetProcAddress(LAZYLOAD_INFO.hNtPrint, "PSetupInstallICMProfiles");
(FARPROC)LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnAssociateICMProfiles = GetProcAddress(LAZYLOAD_INFO.hNtPrint, "PSetupAssociateICMProfiles");
if ( LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnCreatePrinterDeviceInfoList && LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnDestroyPrinterDeviceInfoList && LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnBuildDriversFromPath && LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnDriverInfoFromName && LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnDestroySelectedDriverInfo && LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnGetLocalDataField && LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnFreeDrvField && LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnProcessPrinterAdded && LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnInstallICMProfiles && LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnAssociateICMProfiles ) {
#ifdef VERBOSE
DebugMsg("Succesfully loaded Ntprint.dll"); #endif
return TRUE; }
if ( LAZYLOAD_INFO.hNtPrint ) { FreeLibrary(LAZYLOAD_INFO.hNtPrint); LAZYLOAD_INFO.hNtPrint = NULL; }
return FALSE; }
VOID DeleteWin95Files( ) /*++
Routine Description: Read the migrate.inf and delete the files which are not needed on NT.
Arguments: None
Return Value: None
--*/ { HINF hInf; CHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; LONG Count, Index; INFCONTEXT InfContext;
StringCchPrintfA(szPath, SIZECHARS(szPath), "%s\\%s", UpgradeData.pszDir, "migrate.inf");
hInf = SetupOpenInfFileA(szPath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL);
if ( hInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return;
// We will only do the deleting part here. Files which are handled by
// the core migration dll do not have a destination directory since we
// are recreating the printing environment from scratch
if ( (Count = SetupGetLineCountA(hInf, "Moved")) != -1 ) {
for ( Index = 0 ; Index < Count ; ++Index ) {
if ( SetupGetLineByIndexA(hInf, "Moved", Index, &InfContext) && SetupGetStringFieldA(&InfContext, 0, szPath, SIZECHARS(szPath), NULL) ) DeleteFileA(szPath); } }
SetupCloseInfFile(hInf); }
BOOL ReadWin9xPrintConfig( IN OUT PDRIVER_NODE *ppDriverNode, IN OUT PPRINTER_NODE *ppPrinterNode, IN OUT PPORT_NODE *ppPortNode ) /*++
Routine Description: Reads the Win9x printing configuration we stored in the text file so that printing components can be upgraded
Arguments: ppDriverNode : Gives the list of drivers on Win9x ppPrinterNode : Gives the list of printers on Win9x
Return Value: TRUE on successfully reading the config information, FALSE else
--*/ { BOOL bFail = FALSE, bRet = FALSE; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; CHAR c, szLine[2*MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwCount, dwIndex, dwSize; PDRIVER_NODE pDrv = NULL; PPRINTER_NODE pPrn; PPORT_NODE pPort;
if(!SUCCEEDED(StringCchPrintfA(szLine, SIZECHARS(szLine), "%s\\%s", UpgradeData.pszDir, "print95.txt"))) { goto Cleanup; }
if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) goto Cleanup;
dwSize = sizeof(szLine)/sizeof(szLine[0]);
// First we have the drivers
if ( My_fgets(szLine, dwSize, hFile) == NULL || strncmp(szLine, "[PrinterDrivers]", strlen("[PrinterDrivers]")) ) goto Cleanup;
do {
// Skip blanks
do { c = (CHAR) My_fgetc(hFile); } while ( c == ' ');
// If we hit EOF it is an error. Configuration was not written properly
// If we hit a new-line then we are at the end of the section
if ( c == EOF ) goto Cleanup; else if ( c == '\n' ) break; // This is the normal exit from the do loop
if ( isdigit(c) ) {
// Put the string lengh digit back
if ( !My_ungetc(hFile) ) goto Cleanup; }
if ( !(pDrv = AllocMem(sizeof(DRIVER_NODE))) ) goto Cleanup;
ReadString(hFile, "", &pDrv->DrvInfo1.pName, FALSE, &bFail);
if ( bFail ) {
FreeDriverNode(pDrv); goto Cleanup; }
pDrv->pNext = *ppDriverNode; *ppDriverNode = pDrv; } while ( !bFail );
// Now we have port info
if ( My_fgets(szLine, dwSize, hFile) == NULL || strncmp(szLine, "[Ports]", strlen("[Ports]")) ) goto Cleanup;
do {
// Skip blanks
do { c = (CHAR) My_fgetc(hFile); } while ( isspace(c) && c != '\n' );
// EOF can happen if no ports and no printers, else it's an error
if ( c == EOF) { if (!pDrv) { bRet = TRUE; } goto Cleanup; }
// a blank line means the end of the port info section
if (c == '\n') break;
if ( c != 'P' || !My_ungetc(hFile) ) goto Cleanup;
// Create port node
if ( !(pPort = AllocMem(sizeof(PORT_NODE))) ) { goto Cleanup; }
ReadString(hFile, "PortName:", &pPort->pPortName, FALSE, &bFail);
if (bFail) { FreePortNode(pPort); goto Cleanup; }
pPort->pNext = *ppPortNode; *ppPortNode = pPort;
} while ( !bFail );
// Now we have printer info
if ( My_fgets(szLine, dwSize, hFile) == NULL || strncmp(szLine, "[Printers]", strlen("[Printers]")) ) goto Cleanup;
do {
c = (CHAR) My_fgetc(hFile);
if ( c == EOF || c == '\n' ) break; // Normal exit
if ( c != 'S' || !My_ungetc(hFile) ) goto Cleanup;
if ( !(pPrn = AllocMem(sizeof(PRINTER_NODE))) ) goto Cleanup;
ReadPrinterInfo2(hFile, &pPrn->PrinterInfo2, &bFail);
if ( bFail ) {
FreePrinterNode(pPrn); goto Cleanup; }
pPrn->pNext = *ppPrinterNode; *ppPrinterNode = pPrn; } while ( !bFail );
bRet = TRUE;
if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) CloseHandle(hFile);
return bRet && !bFail; }
BOOL CheckAndAddMonitor( IN LPDRIVER_INFO_6W pDrvInfo6 ) /*++
Routine Description: Check if there is a language monitor associated with the given driver and add it.
Return Value: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure None
--*/ { MONITOR_INFO_2W MonitorInfo2; LPWSTR psz = pDrvInfo6->pMonitorName; LPSTR pszStr;
if ( psz && *psz ) {
MonitorInfo2.pName = psz; MonitorInfo2.pEnvironment = NULL; MonitorInfo2.pDLLName = (LPWSTR) (psz+wcslen(psz)+1);
// Add is succesful, or monitor is already installed?
if ( AddMonitorW(NULL, 2, (LPBYTE) &MonitorInfo2) || GetLastError() == ERROR_PRINT_MONITOR_ALREADY_INSTALLED ) {
return TRUE; } else {
if ( pszStr = ErrorMsg() ) {
LogError(LogSevError, IDS_ADDMONITOR_FAILED, psz, pszStr); FreeMem(pszStr); } return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
VOID KeepAliveThread( HANDLE hRunning ) /*++
Routine Description: Printing migration may take a long time depending on number of printers and how long spooler takes to return. To inform setup that we are still alive I need to set a named event atleast once every 3 minutes
Arguments: hRunning : When this gets closed we know processing is done
Return Value: None
--*/ { //
// Every 30 seconds set the global event telling we are still alive
do {
SetEvent(hAlive); } while ( WAIT_TIMEOUT == WaitForSingleObject(hRunning, 1000*30) );
CloseHandle(hAlive); hAlive = NULL; }
VOID UpgradePrinterDrivers( IN PDRIVER_NODE pDriverNode, IN HDEVINFO hDevInfo, IN OUT LPBOOL pbFail ) /*++
Routine Description: Upgrades printer drivers by doing the file copy operations and calling AddPrinterDriver on spooler
Arguments: pUpgradableDrvNode : List of drivers to upgrade pbFail : Set on an error -- no more processing needed
Return Value: None
--*/ { BOOL bDriverToUpgrade = FALSE; LPWSTR pszDriverW, pszICMW; LPSTR pszDriverA, pszStr; PDRIVER_NODE pCur; DRIVER_FIELD DrvField;
// Set device install parameters so ntprint.dll will just queue up the
// driver files and return without doing the copy. We will commit the
// file queue at the end
if ( !InitFileCopyOnNT(hDevInfo) ) {
*pbFail = TRUE; goto Cleanup; }
// Now for each printer driver call ntprint.dll to queue up the driver files
// If it fails log an error
for ( pCur = pDriverNode ; pCur ; pCur = pCur->pNext ) {
pszDriverA = pCur->DrvInfo1.pName;
if ( (pszDriverW = AllocStrWFromStrA(pszDriverA)) && (pCur->pLocalData = LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnDriverInfoFromName( hDevInfo, (LPSTR)pszDriverW)) && SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_INSTALLDEVICEFILES, hDevInfo, NULL) ) {
bDriverToUpgrade = TRUE; } else {
pCur->bCantAdd = TRUE; }
FreeMem(pszDriverW); pszDriverW = NULL; }
if ( !bDriverToUpgrade ) goto Cleanup;
#ifdef VERBOSE
DebugMsg("Starting file copy ..."); #endif
// Now commit the file queue to copy the files
if ( !CommitFileQueueToCopyFiles(hDevInfo) ) {
*pbFail = TRUE; if ( pszStr = ErrorMsg() ) {
LogError(LogSevError, IDS_DRIVERS_UPGRADE_FAILED, pszStr); FreeMem(pszStr); pszStr = NULL; } goto Cleanup; }
#ifdef VERBOSE
DebugMsg("... files copied successfully"); #endif
// Now call spooler to install the printer driver. Also install the
// ICM profiles associated with the printer driver
for ( pCur = pDriverNode ; pCur ; pCur = pCur->pNext ) {
// We already logged an error if bCantAdd is TRUE
if ( pCur->bCantAdd ) continue;
DrvField.Index = DRV_INFO_6; DrvField.pDriverInfo6 = NULL;
if ( !LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnGetLocalDataField(pCur->pLocalData, PlatformX86, &DrvField) || !CheckAndAddMonitor((LPDRIVER_INFO_6W) DrvField.pDriverInfo6) || !AddPrinterDriverW(NULL, 6, (LPBYTE)DrvField.pDriverInfo6) ) {
if ( pszStr = ErrorMsg() ) {
LogError(LogSevError, IDS_ADDDRIVER_FAILED, pCur->DrvInfo1.pName, pszStr); FreeMem(pszStr); pszStr = NULL; } }
DrvField.Index = ICM_FILES; DrvField.pszzICMFiles = NULL;
if ( !LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnGetLocalDataField(pCur->pLocalData, PlatformX86, &DrvField) ) {
continue; }
if ( DrvField.pszzICMFiles ) LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnInstallICMProfiles(NULL, DrvField.pszzICMFiles);
Cleanup: return; }
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *P_XCV_DATA_W)( IN HANDLE hXcv, IN PCWSTR pszDataName, IN PBYTE pInputData, IN DWORD cbInputData, OUT PBYTE pOutputData, IN DWORD cbOutputData, OUT PDWORD pcbOutputNeeded, OUT PDWORD pdwStatus );
BOOL AddLocalPort( IN LPSTR pPortName ) /*++
Routine Description: Adds a local port
Arguments: pPortName : Name of the local port to add
Return Value: FALSE if a port can't be added.
if (OpenPrinterA(",XcvMonitor Local Port", &hXcvMon, &PrinterDefault)) { DWORD cbOutputNeeded = 0; DWORD Status = NO_ERROR; WCHAR *pUnicodePortName = NULL; P_XCV_DATA_W pXcvData = NULL; HMODULE hWinSpool = NULL;
// if I implib-link to XcvData, loading the migrate.dll on Win9x will fail !
hWinSpool = LoadLibraryUsingFullPathA("winspool.drv");
if (!hWinSpool) { DebugMsg("LoadLibrary on winspool.drv failed"); goto Done; }
pXcvData = (P_XCV_DATA_W) GetProcAddress(hWinSpool, "XcvDataW");
if (!pXcvData) { DebugMsg("GetProcAddress on winspool.drv failed"); goto Done; }
pUnicodePortName = AllocStrWFromStrA(pPortName); if (pUnicodePortName) { bReturn = (*pXcvData)(hXcvMon, L"AddPort", (LPBYTE) pUnicodePortName, (wcslen(pUnicodePortName) +1) * sizeof(WCHAR), NULL, 0, &cbOutputNeeded, &Status );
FreeMem(pUnicodePortName); pUnicodePortName = NULL; }
Done: if (hWinSpool) { FreeLibrary(hWinSpool); } ClosePrinter(hXcvMon); }
return bReturn; }
VOID UpgradePrinters( IN PPRINTER_NODE pPrinterNode, IN PDRIVER_NODE pDriverNode, IN PPORT_NODE *ppPortNode, IN HDEVINFO hDevInfo ) /*++
Routine Description: Upgrade printers on NT
Arguments: pPrinterNode : Gives the list giving information about the printers which existed on Win9x
Return Value: None
--*/ { DWORD dwLen, dwLastError; LPSTR pszStr, pszPrinterNameA; LPWSTR pszPrinterNameW; HANDLE hPrinter; DRIVER_FIELD DrvField; PPSETUP_LOCAL_DATA pLocalData; PPORT_NODE pCurPort, pPrevPort = NULL; DWORD dwSize; LPSTR pszVendorSetupA = NULL;
for ( ; pPrinterNode ; pPrinterNode = pPrinterNode->pNext ) {
pszPrinterNameA = pPrinterNode->PrinterInfo2.pPrinterName;
// check whether this printer uses a non-standard local file port
for (pCurPort = *ppPortNode; pCurPort != NULL; pPrevPort = pCurPort, pCurPort = pCurPort->pNext) { if (lstrcmpi(pPrinterNode->PrinterInfo2.pPortName, pCurPort->pPortName) == 0) { //
// Create the port
// remove it from the list
if (pCurPort == *ppPortNode) { *ppPortNode = pCurPort->pNext; } else { pPrevPort->pNext = pCurPort->pNext; }
break; } }
hPrinter = AddPrinterA(NULL, 2, (LPBYTE)&pPrinterNode->PrinterInfo2);
if ( !hPrinter ) {
dwLastError = GetLastError();
// If driver is unknown we already logged warned the user
// If printer already exists it is ok (for Fax printer this is true)
if ( dwLastError != ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRINTER_DRIVER && dwLastError != ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_NAME && dwLastError != ERROR_PRINTER_ALREADY_EXISTS && (pszStr = ErrorMsg()) ) {
LogError(LogSevError, IDS_ADDPRINTER_FAILED, pszPrinterNameA, pszStr); FreeMem(pszStr); pszStr = NULL; } continue; }
pLocalData = FindLocalDataForDriver(pDriverNode, pPrinterNode->PrinterInfo2.pDriverName); pszPrinterNameW = AllocStrWFromStrA(pszPrinterNameA);
if ( pLocalData && pszPrinterNameW ) {
DrvField.Index = ICM_FILES; DrvField.pszzICMFiles = NULL;
if ( LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnGetLocalDataField(pLocalData, PlatformX86, &DrvField) ) {
if ( DrvField.pszzICMFiles ) LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnAssociateICMProfiles( (LPTSTR)pszPrinterNameW, DrvField.pszzICMFiles);
LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnFreeDrvField(&DrvField); }
LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnProcessPrinterAdded(hDevInfo, pLocalData, (LPTSTR)pszPrinterNameW, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
dwSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCWSTR)(pLocalData->InfInfo.pszVendorSetup), -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (dwSize > 0) { pszVendorSetupA = (LPSTR)AllocMem( dwSize ); if (pszVendorSetupA) { if (WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP, 0, (LPCWSTR)(pLocalData->InfInfo.pszVendorSetup), -1, pszVendorSetupA, dwSize, NULL, NULL)) { WriteVendorSetupInfoInRegistry( pszVendorSetupA, pszPrinterNameA );
} FreeMem( pszVendorSetupA ); pszVendorSetupA = NULL; } } }
// Default printer will be the one with PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT attribute
// If the Win95 default printer could not be added to NT we will set the
// first printer as the default printer
if ( (pPrinterNode->PrinterInfo2.Attributes & PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT) || !pDefPrinter ) pDefPrinter = pPrinterNode;
FreeMem(pszPrinterNameW); ClosePrinter(hPrinter); }
if ( pDefPrinter ) pszDefaultPrinterString = GetDefPrnString( pDefPrinter->PrinterInfo2.pPrinterName); }
HDEVINFO PrinterDevInfo( IN OUT LPBOOL pbFail ) /*++
if ( *pbFail || !InitLazyLoadInfo() ) {
*pbFail = TRUE; goto Cleanup; }
hDevInfo = LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnCreatePrinterDeviceInfoList(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if ( hDevInfo == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || !LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnBuildDriversFromPath(hDevInfo, (LPSTR)L"ntprint.inf", TRUE) ) {
*pbFail = TRUE; goto Cleanup; }
#ifdef VERBOSE
DebugMsg("Built the list of printer drivers from ntprint.inf"); #endif
if ( *pbFail && hDevInfo != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnDestroyPrinterDeviceInfoList(hDevInfo); hDevInfo = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
Cleanup: return hDevInfo; }
LONG CALLBACK InitializeNT( IN LPCWSTR pszWorkingDir, IN LPCWSTR pszSourceDir, LPVOID Reserved ) /*++
Routine Description: Setup calls this to intialize us on NT side
Arguments: pszWorkingDir : Gives the working directory assigned for printing pszSourceDir : Source location for NT distribution files Reserved : Leave it alone
Return Value: Win32 error code
--*/ { BOOL bFail = FALSE; DWORD dwReturn, ThreadId; HANDLE hRunning = NULL, hThread; HDSKSPC DiskSpace; LPSTR pszStr; HDEVINFO hDevInfo = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; PDRIVER_NODE pDriverNode = NULL; PPRINTER_NODE pPrinterNode = NULL; PPORT_NODE pPortNode = NULL;
#ifdef VERBOSE
DebugMsg("InitializeNT : %ws, %ws", pszSourceDir, pszWorkingDir); #endif
UpgradeData.pszDir = AllocStrAFromStrW(pszWorkingDir); UpgradeData.pszSourceW = AllocStrW(pszSourceDir); UpgradeData.pszSourceA = AllocStrAFromStrW(pszSourceDir);
if ( !UpgradeData.pszDir || !UpgradeData.pszSourceW || !UpgradeData.pszSourceA ) {
return GetLastError(); }
if ( (hAlive = OpenEventA(EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, FALSE, "MigDllAlive")) && (hRunning = CreateEventA(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL)) && (hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)KeepAliveThread, hRunning, 0, &ThreadId)) ) CloseHandle(hThread);
if ( !ReadWin9xPrintConfig(&pDriverNode, &pPrinterNode, &pPortNode) ) {
bFail = TRUE; DebugMsg("Unable to read Windows 9x printing configuration"); goto Cleanup; }
#ifdef VERBOSE
DebugMsg("Succesfully read Windows 9x printing configuration"); #endif
// If no printers or drivers found nothing to do
if ( !pDriverNode && !pPrinterNode ) goto Cleanup;
if ( (hDevInfo = PrinterDevInfo(&bFail)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) goto Cleanup;
UpgradePrinterDrivers(pDriverNode, hDevInfo, &bFail);
UpgradePrinters(pPrinterNode, pDriverNode, &pPortNode, hDevInfo);
MakeACopyOfMigrateDll( UpgradeData.pszDir );
if ( bFail && (pszStr = ErrorMsg()) ) {
DebugMsg("Printing migration failed. %s", pszStr); FreeMem(pszStr); pszStr = NULL; }
FreePrinterNodeList(pPrinterNode); FreeDriverNodeList(pDriverNode); FreePortNodeList(pPortNode); pPrinterNode = NULL; pDriverNode = NULL; pPortNode = NULL;
if ( hDevInfo != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) LAZYLOAD_INFO.pfnDestroyPrinterDeviceInfoList(hDevInfo);
if ( LAZYLOAD_INFO.hNtPrint ) FreeLibrary(LAZYLOAD_INFO.hNtPrint);
if ( bFail ) {
if ( (dwReturn = GetLastError()) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
ASSERT(dwReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS); dwReturn = STG_E_UNKNOWN; } } else {
SetupNetworkPrinterUpgrade(UpgradeData.pszDir); dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS;
#ifdef VERBOSE
DebugMsg("InitializeNT returning success"); #endif
if ( hRunning ) CloseHandle(hRunning);
while (hAlive) Sleep(100); // Check after 0.1 second for the main thread to die
return dwReturn; }
DWORD MySetDefaultPrinter( IN HKEY hUserRegKey, IN LPSTR pszDefaultPrinterString ) /*++
Routine Description: Sets the default printer for the user by writing it to the registry
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD dwReturn; HKEY hKey = NULL;
// Create the printers key in the user hive and write DeviceOld value
dwReturn = RegCreateKeyExA(hUserRegKey, "Printers", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKey, NULL);
if ( dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
dwReturn = RegSetValueExA(hKey, "DeviceOld", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pszDefaultPrinterString, (strlen(pszDefaultPrinterString) + 1) * sizeof(CHAR));
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
return dwReturn; }
LONG CALLBACK MigrateUserNT( IN HINF hUnattendInf, IN HKEY hUserRegKey, IN LPCWSTR pszUserName, LPVOID Reserved ) /*++
Routine Description: Migrate user settings
Return Value:
--*/ { LPSTR pszStr; DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS;
#ifdef VERBOSE
DebugMsg("Migrating settings for %ws", pszUserName); #endif
if ( pszDefaultPrinterString ) {
dwReturn = MySetDefaultPrinter(hUserRegKey, pszDefaultPrinterString);
if ( dwReturn ) DebugMsg("MySetDefaultPrinter failed with %d", dwReturn); }
if ( bDoNetPrnUpgrade ) {
if ( ProcessNetPrnUpgradeForUser(hUserRegKey) ) ++dwRunOnceCount; else {
if ( dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS ) dwReturn = GetLastError(); DebugMsg("ProcessNetPrnUpgradeForUser failed with %d", dwReturn); } }
#ifdef VERBOSE
if ( dwReturn ) DebugMsg("MigrateUserNT failed with %d", dwReturn); else DebugMsg("MigrateUserNT succesful"); #endif
return dwReturn; }
LONG CALLBACK MigrateSystemNT( IN HINF hUnattendInf, LPVOID Reserved ) /*++
Routine Description: Process system setttings for printing. All the printing setting are migrated in InitializeNT since we need to know the default printer for each user in the MigrateSystemNT call
Arguments: hUnattendInf : Handle to the unattended INF
Return Value: Win32 error code
--*/ { WriteRunOnceCount(); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// The following are to make sure if setup changes the header file they
// first tell me (otherwise they will break build of this)
P_INITIALIZE_NT pfnInitializeNT = InitializeNT; P_MIGRATE_USER_NT pfnMigrateUserNt = MigrateUserNT; P_MIGRATE_SYSTEM_NT pfnMigrateSystemNT = MigrateSystemNT;