Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. Module Name: ldfuncs.cxx Abstract: This file contains the implementation of all the RPC methods supported by the surrogate process and that can be called from a client app. Author: Khaled Sedky (khaleds) 18-Jan-2000 Revision History: --*/ #include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#ifndef __LDFUNCS_HPP__
#include "ldfuncs.hpp"
#ifndef __LDMGR_HPP__
#include "ldmgr.hpp"
#include "ldintrfcs.hpp"
extern TLoad64BitDllsMgr *pGLdrObj;
Function Name: RPCSplWOW64RefreshLifeSpan Description: Closing down the window between a client connecting and the server dieing Parameters: None Return Value Always 0 --*/ DWORD RPCSplWOW64RefreshLifeSpan( ) {
return 0; }
DWORD RPCSplWOW64GetProcessID( ) { return GetCurrentProcessId(); }
Function Name: RPCSplWOW64GetProcessHndl Description: This function returns the process handle of the surrogate process to winspool.drv (client in this case). The handle is important for the client to monitor the server process and know when it dies Parameters: ProcessId : The process id of the client ErrorCode : contains the error code in case of failure Return Value return the Server Process Handle relative to the client process --*/ ULONG_PTR RPCSplWOW64GetProcessHndl( IN DWORD ProcessId, OUT PDWORD pErrorCode ) { HANDLE hTargetProcess; HANDLE hDup = NULL;
*pErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if(hTargetProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, TRUE, (DWORD)ProcessId)) { if(!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcess(), hTargetProcess, &hDup, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) { *pErrorCode = GetLastError(); } CloseHandle(hTargetProcess); } else { *pErrorCode = GetLastError(); } return (ULONG_PTR)hDup; }
Function Name: RPCSplWOW64AddPort Description: Parameters: Return Value --*/ BOOL RPCSplWOW64AddPort( IN ULONG_PTR hWnd, IN LPWSTR pszServerName, IN LPWSTR pszUIDllName, IN LPWSTR pszMonitorName, OUT PDWORD pErrorCode ) { return(pGLdrObj->ExecuteMonitorOperation(hWnd, pszServerName, pszUIDllName, pszMonitorName, KAddPortOp, pErrorCode)); }
Function Name: RPCSplWOW64ConfigurePort Description: Parameters: Return Value --*/ BOOL RPCSplWOW64ConfigurePort( IN ULONG_PTR hWnd, IN LPWSTR pszServerName, IN LPWSTR pszUIDllName, IN LPWSTR pszPortName, OUT PDWORD pErrorCode ) { return(pGLdrObj->ExecuteMonitorOperation(hWnd, pszServerName, pszUIDllName, pszPortName, KConfigurePortOp, pErrorCode)); }
Function Name: RPCSplWOW64DeletePort Description: Parameters: Return Value --*/ BOOL RPCSplWOW64DeletePort( IN ULONG_PTR hWnd, IN LPWSTR pszServerName, IN LPWSTR pszUIDllName, IN LPWSTR pszPortName, OUT PDWORD pErrorCode ) { return(pGLdrObj->ExecuteMonitorOperation(hWnd, pszServerName, pszUIDllName, pszPortName, KDeletePortOp, pErrorCode)); }
Function Name: RPCSplWOW64DeviceCapabilities Description: Parameters: Return Value --*/ int RPCSplWOW64DeviceCapabilities( IN LPWSTR pszDeviceName, IN LPWSTR pszPortName, IN WORD Capabilites, IN DWORD DevModeSize, IN LPBYTE pDevMode, IN BOOL bClonedOutputFill, OUT PDWORD pClonedOutputSize, OUT LPBYTE *ppClonedOutput, OUT PDWORD pErrorCode ) {
return(pGLdrObj->DeviceCapabilities(pszDeviceName, pszPortName, Capabilites, DevModeSize, pDevMode, bClonedOutputFill, pClonedOutputSize, ppClonedOutput, pErrorCode)); }
Function Name: RPCSplWOW64DocumentProperties Description: Parameters: Return Value --*/ LONG RPCSplWOW64DocumentProperties( IN ULONG_PTR hWnd, IN LPWSTR pszPrinterName, OUT PDWORD pTouchedDevModeSize, OUT PDWORD pClonedDevModeOutSize, OUT LPBYTE *ppClonedDevModeOut, IN DWORD DevModeSize, IN LPBYTE pDevMode, IN BOOL bClonedDevModeOutFill, IN DWORD fMode, IN PDWORD pErrorCode ) { return(pGLdrObj->DocumentProperties(hWnd, pszPrinterName, pTouchedDevModeSize, pClonedDevModeOutSize, ppClonedDevModeOut, DevModeSize, pDevMode, bClonedDevModeOutFill, fMode, pErrorCode)); }
Function Name: RPCSplWOW64DocumentProperties Description: Parameters: Return Value --*/ LONG RPCSplWOW64PrintUIDocumentProperties( IN ULONG_PTR hWnd, IN LPWSTR pszPrinterName, OUT PDWORD pTouchedDevModeSize, OUT PDWORD pClonedDevModeOutSize, OUT LPBYTE *ppClonedDevModeOut, IN DWORD DevModeSize, IN LPBYTE pDevMode, IN BOOL bClonedDevModeOutFill, IN DWORD fMode, IN DWORD fExclusionFlags, IN PDWORD pErrorCode ) { return(pGLdrObj->PrintUIDocumentProperties(hWnd, pszPrinterName, pTouchedDevModeSize, pClonedDevModeOutSize, ppClonedDevModeOut, DevModeSize, pDevMode, bClonedDevModeOutFill, fMode, fExclusionFlags, pErrorCode)); }
Function Name: RPCSplWOW64SPrinterProperties Description: Wrapper for TPrinterCfgMgr :: PrinterProperties Parameters: hWnd : Parent Window Printername : Printer Name Flag : Access permissions ErrorCode : Win32 error in case of failure Return Value: BOOL : FALSE for failure TRUE for success --*/ BOOL RPCSplWOW64PrinterProperties( IN ULONG_PTR hWnd, IN LPCWSTR pszPrinterName, IN DWORD Flag, OUT PDWORD pErrorCode ) { TPrinterCfgMgr *pPrntrCfgMgrObj = NULL; BOOL RetVal = FALSE; HRESULT hRes;
if((hRes = pGLdrObj->QueryInterface(IID_PRINTERCONFIGURATION, reinterpret_cast<VOID **>(&pPrntrCfgMgrObj))) == S_OK) { SPLASSERT(pPrntrCfgMgrObj);
if(pPrntrCfgMgrObj) { RetVal = pPrntrCfgMgrObj->PrinterProperties(hWnd, pszPrinterName, Flag, pErrorCode); if(!RetVal) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("TPrinterEventMgr::SpoolerPrinterEvent failed with %u\n",*pErrorCode)); } pPrntrCfgMgrObj->Release(); } else { *pErrorCode = pGLdrObj->GetLastErrorFromHRESULT(E_NOINTERFACE); } } else { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("RPCSplWOW64PrinterProperties failed in Instantiating a Print Event Object with %u\n",hRes)); *pErrorCode = pGLdrObj->GetLastErrorFromHRESULT(hRes); } return RetVal; }
Function Name: RPCSplWOW64SpoolerPrinterEvent Description: Wrapper for TPrinterEventMgr::SpoolerPrinterEvent Parameters: PrinterName : The name of the printer involved PrinterEvent : What happened Flags : Misc. flag bits lParam : Event specific parameters Return Value: BOOL : TRUE in case of success : FALSE in case of failure --*/ BOOL RPCSplWOW64SpoolerPrinterEvent( IN LPWSTR pszPrinterName, IN int PrinterEvent, IN DWORD Flags, IN LPARAM lParam, OUT PDWORD pErrorCode ) { TPrinterEventMgr *pPrntrEvntMgrObj = NULL; BOOL RetVal = FALSE; HRESULT hRes;
if((hRes = pGLdrObj->QueryInterface(IID_PRINTEREVENT, reinterpret_cast<VOID **>(&pPrntrEvntMgrObj))) == S_OK) { SPLASSERT(pPrntrEvntMgrObj);
RetVal = pPrntrEvntMgrObj->SpoolerPrinterEvent(pszPrinterName, PrinterEvent, Flags, lParam, pErrorCode); if (!RetVal) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("TPrinterEventgMgr :: PrinterProperties failed with %u\n",*pErrorCode)); } pPrntrEvntMgrObj->Release(); } else { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("RPCSplWOW64SpoolerPrinterEvent failed in Instantiating a Print Event Object with %u\n",hRes)); *pErrorCode = pGLdrObj->GetLastErrorFromHRESULT(hRes); } return RetVal; }
Function Name: RPCSplWOW64DocumentEvent Description: Wrapper for TPrinterEventMgr::DocumentEvent Parameters: PrinterName : The name of the printer involved InDC : The printer DC. EscapeCode : Why this function is called InSize, : Size of the input buffer InBuf, : Pointer to the input buffer OutSize, : Size of the output buffer OutBuf, : Pointer to the output buffer ErrorCode : output Last Error from operation Return Value: DOCUMENTEVENT_SUCCESS : success DOCUMENTEVENT_UNSUPPORTED : EscapeCode is not supported DOCUMENTEVENT_FAILURE : an error occured --*/ int RPCSplWOW64DocumentEvent( IN LPWSTR pszPrinterName, IN ULONG_PTR InDC, IN int EscapeCode, IN DWORD InSize, IN LPBYTE pInBuf, OUT PDWORD pOutSize, OUT LPBYTE* ppOutBuf, OUT PDWORD pErrorCode ) { TPrinterEventMgr* pPrntrEvntMgrObj = NULL; int RetVal = -1; HRESULT hRes;
if((hRes = pGLdrObj->QueryInterface(IID_PRINTEREVENT, reinterpret_cast<VOID **>(&pPrntrEvntMgrObj))) == S_OK) { SPLASSERT(pPrntrEvntMgrObj);
RetVal = pPrntrEvntMgrObj->DocumentEvent(pszPrinterName, InDC, EscapeCode, InSize, pInBuf, pOutSize, ppOutBuf, pErrorCode); if (RetVal == -1) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("TPrinterEventMgr::DocumentEvent failed with %u\n",*pErrorCode)); } pPrntrEvntMgrObj->Release(); } else { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("RPCSplWOW64DocumentEvent failed in Instantiating a Print Event Object with %u\n",hRes)); *pErrorCode = pGLdrObj->GetLastErrorFromHRESULT(hRes); } return RetVal; }
Function Name: RPCSplWOW64PrintUIQueueCreate Description: Wrapper for TPrintUIMgr::QueueCreate Parameters: hWnd : Parent hwnd. PrinterName : Printer name. CmdShow : Show command. lParam : currently unused. Return Value: DWORD : Error Code in case of Failure ERROR_SUCCESS in case of success --*/ DWORD RPCSplWOW64PrintUIQueueCreate( IN ULONG_PTR hWnd, IN LPCWSTR pszPrinterName, IN INT CmdShow, IN LPARAM lParam ) { TPrintUIMgr* pPrintUIMgrObj = NULL; DWORD ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hRes;
if((hRes = pGLdrObj->QueryInterface(IID_PRINTUIOPERATIONS, reinterpret_cast<VOID **>(&pPrintUIMgrObj))) == S_OK) { SPLASSERT(pPrintUIMgrObj);
ErrorCode = pPrintUIMgrObj->QueueCreate(reinterpret_cast<HWND>(hWnd), pszPrinterName, CmdShow, static_cast<LPARAM>(lParam) ); if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("TPrintUIMgr::QueueCreate failed with %u\n",ErrorCode)); }
pPrintUIMgrObj->Release(); } else { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("RPCSplWOW64PrintUIQueueCreate failed in Instantiating a Print UI object with %u\n",hRes)); ErrorCode = pGLdrObj->GetLastErrorFromHRESULT(hRes); } return ErrorCode; }
Function Name: RPCSplWOW64PrintUIPrinterPropPages Description: Wrapper for TPrintUIMgr::PrinterPropPages Parameters: hWnd : Parent hwnd. PrinterName : Printer name. CmdShow : Show command. lParam : currently unused. Return Value: DWORD : Error Code in case of Failure ERROR_SUCCESS in case of success --*/ DWORD RPCSplWOW64PrintUIPrinterPropPages( IN ULONG_PTR hWnd, IN LPCWSTR pszPrinterName, IN INT CmdShow, IN LPARAM lParam ) { TPrintUIMgr* pPrintUIMgrObj = NULL; DWORD ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hRes;
if((hRes = pGLdrObj->QueryInterface(IID_PRINTUIOPERATIONS, reinterpret_cast<VOID **>(&pPrintUIMgrObj))) == S_OK) { SPLASSERT(pPrintUIMgrObj);
ErrorCode = pPrintUIMgrObj->PrinterPropPages(reinterpret_cast<HWND>(hWnd), pszPrinterName, CmdShow, static_cast<LPARAM>(lParam) ); if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("TPrintUIMgr::PrinterPropPages failed with %u\n",ErrorCode)); }
pPrintUIMgrObj->Release(); } else { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("RPCSplWOW64PrintUIPrinterPropPages failed in Instantiating a Print UI object with %u\n",hRes)); ErrorCode = pGLdrObj->GetLastErrorFromHRESULT(hRes); } return ErrorCode; }
Function Name: RPCSplWOW64PrintUIDocumentDefaults Description: Wrapper for TPrintUIMgr::DocumentDefaults Parameters: hWnd : Parent hwnd. PrinterName : Printer name. CmdShow : Show command. lParam : currently unused. Return Value: DWORD : Error Code in case of Failure ERROR_SUCCESS in case of success --*/ DWORD RPCSplWOW64PrintUIDocumentDefaults( IN ULONG_PTR hWnd, IN LPCWSTR pszPrinterName, IN INT CmdShow, IN LPARAM lParam ) { TPrintUIMgr* pPrintUIMgrObj = NULL; DWORD ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hRes;
if((hRes = pGLdrObj->QueryInterface(IID_PRINTUIOPERATIONS, reinterpret_cast<VOID **>(&pPrintUIMgrObj))) == S_OK) { SPLASSERT(pPrintUIMgrObj);
ErrorCode = pPrintUIMgrObj->DocumentDefaults(reinterpret_cast<HWND>(hWnd), pszPrinterName, CmdShow, static_cast<LPARAM>(lParam) );
if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("TPrintUIMgr::DocumentDefaults failed with %u\n",ErrorCode)); }
pPrintUIMgrObj->Release(); } else { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("RPCSplWOW64PrintUIDocumentDefaults failed in Instantiating a Print UI object with %u\n",hRes)); ErrorCode = pGLdrObj->GetLastErrorFromHRESULT(hRes); } return ErrorCode; }
Function Name: RPCSplWOW64PrintUIPrinterSetup Description: Wrapper for TPrintUIMgr::PrinterSetup. Parameters: hwnd - Parent window. uAction - Action requested (defined in windows\inc16\msprintx.h) cchPrinterName - Length of pszPrinterName buffer. pszPrinterName - Input setup printer name, Output pointer to new printer name pcchPrinterName - New length of pszPrinterName on return. pszServerName - Name of server that printer is on.
Return Value:
DWORD : Error Code in case of Failure ERROR_SUCCESS in case of success --*/ DWORD RPCSplWOW64PrintUIPrinterSetup( IN ULONG_PTR hWnd, IN UINT uAction, IN UINT cchPrinterName, IN DWORD PrinterNameSize, IN OUT byte* pszPrinterName, OUT UINT* pcchPrinterName, IN LPCWSTR pszServerName ) { TPrintUIMgr* pPrintUIMgrObj = NULL; DWORD ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hRes;
if((hRes = pGLdrObj->QueryInterface(IID_PRINTUIOPERATIONS, reinterpret_cast<VOID **>(&pPrintUIMgrObj))) == S_OK) { SPLASSERT(pPrintUIMgrObj);
ErrorCode = pPrintUIMgrObj->PrinterSetup(reinterpret_cast<HWND>(hWnd), uAction, cchPrinterName, reinterpret_cast<LPWSTR>(pszPrinterName), pcchPrinterName, pszServerName ); if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("TPrintUIMgr::PritnerSetup failed with %u\n",ErrorCode)); }
pPrintUIMgrObj->Release(); } else { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("RPCSplWOW64PrintUIPrinterSetup failed in Instantiating a Print UI object with %u\n",hRes)); ErrorCode = pGLdrObj->GetLastErrorFromHRESULT(hRes); } return ErrorCode; }
Function Name: RPCSplWOW64PrintUIServerPropPages Description: Wrapper for TPrintUIMgr::ServerPropPages Parameters: hWnd : Parent hwnd. PrinterName : Server name. CmdShow : Show command. lParam : currently unused. Return Value: DWORD : Error Code in case of Failure ERROR_SUCCESS in case of success --*/ DWORD RPCSplWOW64PrintUIServerPropPages( IN ULONG_PTR hWnd, IN LPCWSTR pszServerName, IN INT CmdShow, IN LPARAM lParam ) { TPrintUIMgr* pPrintUIMgrObj = NULL; DWORD ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hRes;
if((hRes = pGLdrObj->QueryInterface(IID_PRINTUIOPERATIONS, reinterpret_cast<VOID **>(&pPrintUIMgrObj))) == S_OK) { SPLASSERT(pPrintUIMgrObj);
ErrorCode = pPrintUIMgrObj->ServerPropPages(reinterpret_cast<HWND>(hWnd), pszServerName, CmdShow, static_cast<LPARAM>(lParam) ); if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("TPrintUIMgr::ServerPropPages failed with %u\n",ErrorCode)); }
pPrintUIMgrObj->Release(); } else { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("RPCSplWOW64PrintUIServerPropPages failed in Instantiating a Print UI object with %u\n",hRes)); ErrorCode = pGLdrObj->GetLastErrorFromHRESULT(hRes); } return ErrorCode; }