#ifndef __LDMGR_HPP__
#define __LDMGR_HPP__
Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. Module Name: ldmgr.hpp Abstract: This file contains the declararion of classes necessary to encapsulate the declarations and defintions and prototypes required for the RPC surrogate used to load 64 bit dlls from within 32 bit apps. Author: Khaled Sedky (khaleds) 18-Jan-2000 Revision History: --*/
#ifndef __LDERROR_HPP__
#include "lderror.hpp"
#ifndef __BASECLS_HPP__
#include "basecls.hpp"
#ifndef __PRTCFG_HPP__
#include "prtcfg.hpp"
#ifndef __DRVEVNT_HPP__
#include "drvevnt.hpp"
#ifndef __PRNTUIFN_HPP__
#include "prntuifn.hpp"
#ifndef __LPCMGR_HPP__
#include "lpcmgr.hpp"
#define APPNAME L"splwow64"
#define GDI_LPC_PORT_NAME L"\\RPC Control\\UmpdProxy"
class TLoad64BitDllsMgr : public TClassID, public TRefCntMgr , public TLd64BitDllsErrorHndlr, public TPrinterDriver { public:
enum ELdMgrConstants { kMaxRPCPacketSize = 1024*1000 }; friend DWORD TLoad64BitDllsMgr:: MonitorSrvrLifeExpiration( IN PVOID pData );
TLoad64BitDllsMgr( OUT HRESULT *phRes = NULL );
~TLoad64BitDllsMgr( VOID );
HRESULT QueryInterface( IN REFIID InterfaceID, OUT PVOID *ppInterface );
DWORD Run();
VOID RefreshLifeSpan( VOID );
BOOL ExecuteMonitorOperation( IN ULONG_PTR hWnd, IN LPWSTR pszServerName, IN LPWSTR pszUIDllName, IN LPWSTR pszPortName, IN EPortOp Index, OUT PDWORD pErrorCode );
int DeviceCapabilities( IN LPWSTR pszDeviceName, IN LPWSTR pszPortName, IN WORD Capabilites, IN DWORD DevModeSize, IN LPBYTE pDevMode, IN BOOL bClonedOutputFill, OUT PDWORD pClonedOutputSize, OUT LPBYTE *ppClonedOutput, OUT PDWORD pErrorCode );
LONG DocumentProperties( IN ULONG_PTR hWnd, IN LPWSTR pszPrinterName, OUT PDWORD pTouchedDevModeSize, OUT PDWORD pClonedDevModeOutSize, OUT LPBYTE *ppClonedDevModeOut, IN DWORD DevModeSize, IN LPBYTE pDevMode, IN BOOL bClonedDevModeOutFill, IN DWORD fMode, OUT PDWORD pErrorCode );
LONG PrintUIDocumentProperties( IN ULONG_PTR hWnd, IN LPWSTR pszPrinterName, OUT PDWORD pTouchedDevModeSize, OUT PDWORD pClonedDevModeOutSize, OUT LPBYTE *ppClonedDevModeOut, IN DWORD DevModeSize, IN LPBYTE pDevMode, IN BOOL bClonedDevModeOutFill, IN DWORD fMode, IN DWORD fExclusionFlags, OUT PDWORD pErrorCode );
DWORD GetUIRefCnt( VOID )const;
DWORD GetCurrSessionId( VOID ) const; struct SPORTADDTHREADDATA { PFNMONITORADD pMonFnAdd; PFNMONITORFNS pMonFns; HWND hWnd; PCWSTR pszServerName; PCWSTR pszMonitorName; PCWSTR pszPortName; PWSTR *ppszRetPortName; HMODULE hLib; HANDLE hActCtx; ULONG_PTR lActCtx; BOOL bActivated; }; typedef struct SPORTADDTHREADDATA SPortAddThreadData;
struct SDOCPROPSTHREADDATA { HWND hWnd; LPWSTR pszPrinterName; PDWORD pTouchedDevModeSize; PDWORD pClonedDevModeOutSize; LPBYTE *ppClonedDevModeOut; DWORD DevModeSize; LPBYTE pDevMode; TLoad64BitDllsMgr *pMgrInstance; DWORD fMode; DWORD fExclusionFlags; DWORD ErrorCode; LONG RetVal; BOOL bClonedDevModeOutFill; }; typedef struct SDOCPROPSTHREADDATA SDocPropsThreadData;
enum ETime { KOneMinute = 60000, KTwoMinutes = 120000 };
DWORD StartLdrRPCServer( VOID ); DWORD StopLdrRPCServer( VOID );
static DWORD MonitorSrvrLifeExpiration( IN PVOID pData );
static DWORD AddPortUI( IN PVOID pInThrdData );
static DWORD DeletePortUI( IN PVOID pInThrdData ); static DWORD ConfigurePortUI( IN PVOID pInThrdData );
DWORD InternalDocumentProperties( IN PVOID pInThrdData );
DWORD InternalPrintUIDocumentProperties( IN PVOID pInThrdData );
BOOL DevCapFillsOutput( IN DWORD Capabilities ) const;
DWORD CalcReqSizeForDevCaps( IN DWORD CapNum, IN DWORD Capabilites ) const;
DWORD SpinPortOperationThread( IN HWND hWnd, IN LPWSTR pszServerName, IN LPWSTR pszName, IN PMONITORUI pMonitorUI, IN EPortOp Index, IN LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE pThrdFn, IN HMODULE hLib, IN HANDLE hActCtx, IN ULONG_PTR lActCtx, IN BOOL bActivated ) const;
DWORD GetMonitorUIActivationContext( IN LPWSTR pszUIDllName, IN OUT HANDLE *phActCtx, IN OUT ULONG_PTR *plActCtx, IN OUT BOOL *pActivated ) const;
DWORD GetMonitorUIFullPath( IN LPWSTR pszUIDllName, IN OUT LPWSTR pszFullPath ) const;
VOID ReleaseMonitorActivationContext( IN HINSTANCE hLib , IN HANDLE hActCtx , IN ULONG_PTR lActCtx, IN BOOL bActivated ) const;
// Some helper functions internal to the class
VOID LockSelf( VOID );
VOID ReleaseSelf( VOID );
BOOL StillAlive( VOID );
// The data encapsulated by the control.
// This control has no data pertinent to itself. It only
// encapsulates data pertinent to the synchronization of
// of the requesting clients and timing out the whole
// control . It also has a session ID which identifies its
// instantion across different sessions for Terminal Server.
// Added to it also is a Port connection handle for GDI UMPD
// thunking
DWORD m_CurrSessionId; DWORD m_UIRefCnt; DWORD m_ExpirationTime; SYSTEMTIME m_LastTransactionTime; CRITICAL_SECTION m_LdMgrLock; };
#endif //__LDMGR_HPP__