Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1998 All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Directory service interface header.
Steve Kiraly (SteveKi) 09-Sept-1996
Revision History:
--*/ #ifndef _DSINTERF_HXX
Directory Service class
********************************************************************/ class TDirectoryService {
SIGNATURE( 'dirs' )
enum EStatus { kUninitialized, kAvailable, kNotAvailable, };
TDirectoryService:: TDirectoryService( VOID );
TDirectoryService:: ~TDirectoryService( VOID );
BOOL TDirectoryService:: bValid( VOID );
BOOL TDirectoryService:: bGetDirectoryName( IN TString &strName );
BOOL TDirectoryService:: bIsDsAvailable( IN LPCTSTR pName, IN BOOL bForUser = FALSE );
static BOOL TDirectoryService:: bIsDsAvailable( VOID );
HRESULT TDirectoryService:: ADsGetObject( IN LPWSTR lpszPathName, IN REFIID riid, IN OUT VOID **ppObject );
HRESULT TDirectoryService:: ADsBuildEnumerator( IN IADsContainer *pADsContainer, IN IEnumVARIANT **ppEnumVariant );
HRESULT TDirectoryService:: ADsFreeEnumerator( IN IEnumVARIANT *pEnumVariant );
HRESULT TDirectoryService:: ADsEnumerateNext( IN IEnumVARIANT *pEnumVariant, IN ULONG cElements, IN VARIANT *pvar, IN ULONG *pcElementsFetched );
BOOL TDirectoryService:: Get( IN IADs *pDsObject, IN LPCTSTR pszPropertyName, IN TString &strString );
BOOL TDirectoryService:: Put( IN IADs *pDsObject, IN LPCTSTR pszPropertyName, IN LPCTSTR pszString );
BOOL TDirectoryService:: ReadStringProperty( IN LPCTSTR pszPath, IN LPCTSTR pszProperty, IN OUT TString &strString );
BOOL TDirectoryService:: GetConfigurationContainer( IN OUT TString &strConfig );
BOOL TDirectoryService:: GetDsName( IN TString &strDsName );
BOOL TDirectoryService:: GetLDAPPrefix( OUT TString &strLDAPPrefix );
BOOL TDirectoryService:: GetLDAPPrefixPerUser( OUT TString &strLDAPPrefix );
// Copying and assignment are not defined.
TDirectoryService:: TDirectoryService( const TDirectoryService & );
TDirectoryService & TDirectoryService:: operator =( const TDirectoryService & );
BOOL _bValid; TString _strDirectoryName; TString _strConfigurationContainer; TString _strLDAPPrefix; TString _strLDAPPrefixPerUser;