* * Device.c * * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 2000 All Rights Reserved. * * Abstract: * * The standard implementation of IStiDevice. * * Contents: * * CStiDevice_New * *****************************************************************************/ /*
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <regstr.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <cfgmgr32.h>
#include <devguid.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stilog.h>
#include <stiregi.h>
#include <sti.h>
#include <stierr.h>
#include <stiusd.h>
#include "stipriv.h"
#include "stiapi.h"
#include "stirc.h"
#include "debug.h"
*/ #define INITGUID
#include "initguid.h"
#include "sti.h"
#include "stiusd.h"
#include "sticomm.h"
#include "enum.h"
//#define COBJMACROS
// Using CreateInstance
// #define USE_REAL_OLE32 1
// Private define
#define DbgFl DbgFlDevice
* * Declare the interfaces we will be providing. * *****************************************************************************/
Primary_Interface(CStiDevice, IStiDevice);
Interface_Template_Begin(CStiDevice) Primary_Interface_Template(CStiDevice, IStiDevice) Interface_Template_End(CStiDevice)
* * @doc INTERNAL * * @struct CStiDevice | * * The <i CStiDevice> device object * * * @field IStiDevice | stidev | * * Device interface * * @comm * * *****************************************************************************/
typedef struct CStiDevice {
/* Supported interfaces */ IStiDevice stidev;
DWORD dwVersion;
RD(LONG cCrit;) D(DWORD thidCrit;) BOOL fCritInited;
BOOL fLocked;
HANDLE hNotify; PSTIDEVICECONTROL pDevCtl; IStiUSD *pUsd; LPUNKNOWN punkUsd; HKEY hkeyDeviceParameters; STI_USD_CAPS sUsdCaps;
LPWSTR pszDeviceInternalName; HANDLE hDeviceStiHandle;
HINSTANCE hUsdInstance;
BOOL fCreateForMonitor;
} CStiDevice, *PCStiDevice;
#define ThisClass CStiDevice
#define ThisInterface IStiDevice
STDMETHODIMP LockDeviceHelper( PCStiDevice pThisDevice, DWORD dwTimeOut);
STDMETHODIMP UnLockDeviceHelper( PCStiDevice pThisDevice);
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | QueryInterface | * * Gives a client access to other interfaces on an object. * * @cwrap LPStiDevice | lpStiDevice * * @parm IN REFIID | riid | * * The requested interface's IID. * * @parm OUT LPVOID * | ppvObj | * * Receives a pointer to the obtained interface. * * @returns * * Returns a COM error code. * * @xref OLE documentation for <mf IUnknown::QueryInterface>. * ***************************************************************************** * * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | AddRef | * * Increments the reference count for the interface. * * @cwrap LPStiDevice | lpStiDevice * * @returns * * Returns the object reference count. * * @xref OLE documentation for <mf IUnknown::AddRef>. * ***************************************************************************** * * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | Release | * * Decrements the reference count for the interface. * If the reference count on the object falls to zero, * the object is freed from memory. * * @cwrap LPStiDevice | lpStiDevice * * @returns * * Returns the object reference count. * * @xref OLE documentation for <mf IUnknown::Release>. * ***************************************************************************** * * @doc INTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | QIHelper | * * We don't have any dynamic interfaces and simply forward * to <f Common_QIHelper>. * * @parm IN REFIID | riid | * * The requested interface's IID. * * @parm OUT LPVOID * | ppvObj | * * Receives a pointer to the obtained interface. * ***************************************************************************** */ #ifdef DEBUG
Default_AddRef(CStiDevice) Default_Release(CStiDevice)
//#define CStiDevice_QueryInterface Common_QueryInterface
#define CStiDevice_AddRef Common_AddRef
#define CStiDevice_Release Common_Release
#define CStiDevice_QIHelper Common_QIHelper
* * @doc INTERNAL * * @method void | IStiDevice | EnterCrit | * * Enter the object critical section. * * @cwrap LPStiDevice | lpStiDevice * *****************************************************************************/
void EXTERNAL CStiDevice_EnterCrit(PCStiDevice this) { EnterCriticalSection(&this->crst); D(this->thidCrit = GetCurrentThreadId()); RD(InterlockedIncrement(&this->cCrit)); }
* * @doc INTERNAL * * @method void | IStiDevice | LeaveCrit | * * Leave the object critical section. * * @cwrap LPStiDevice | lpStiDevice * *****************************************************************************/
void EXTERNAL CStiDevice_LeaveCrit(PCStiDevice this) { #ifdef MAXDEBUG
AssertF(this->cCrit); AssertF(this->thidCrit == GetCurrentThreadId()); if (InterlockedDecrement(&this->cCrit) == 0) { D(this->thidCrit = 0); } #endif
LeaveCriticalSection(&this->crst); }
* * Verify device is locked * ***************************************************************************** */ BOOL CStiDevice_IsLocked(PCStiDevice this) { BOOL fRet ;
fRet = this->fLocked;
return fRet; }
void CStiDevice_MarkLocked(PCStiDevice this,BOOL fNewState) {
this->fLocked = fNewState;
CStiDevice_LeaveCrit(this); }
* * @doc INTERNAL * * @method void | IStiDevice | NotifyEvent | * * Set the event associated with the device, if any. * * @cwrap LPStiDevice | lpStiDevice * *****************************************************************************/
void EXTERNAL CStiDevice_NotifyEvent(PCStiDevice this) { if (this->hNotify) { SetEvent(this->hNotify); } }
* * @doc INTERNAL * * @method void | CStiDevice | LoadInitUSD | * * * @cwrap LPStiDevice | lpStiDevice * *****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP LoadInitUSD( CStiDevice *this, HKEY hkeyDeviceParameters ) {
HRESULT hres = STI_OK; IStiUSD *pNewUsd = NULL;
BOOL fExternalUSD = FALSE;
// Load and initialize command translator (USD)
// We always create USD object as aggregated, so first we get Unknown
// pointer and then query it for needed interfaces
this->punkUsd = NULL; IStiDevice_QueryInterface(&this->stidev,&IID_IUnknown,&this_punk);
// First read CLSID for USD from the device registry key
hres = ReadRegistryString(hkeyDeviceParameters, REGSTR_VAL_USD_CLASS_W, L"",FALSE,&pwszCLSID);
if (SUCCEEDED(hres) && *pwszCLSID) { if (DllInitializeCOM()) {
#ifdef USE_REAL_OLE32
hres = CLSIDFromString(pwszCLSID,&clsidUSD); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { hres = CoCreateInstance(&clsidUSD,this_punk,CLSCTX_INPROC,&IID_IUnknown,&this->punkUsd); } #else
CHAR *pszAnsi;
if (SUCCEEDED(OSUtil_GetAnsiString(&pszAnsi,pwszCLSID)) ) { hres = MyCoCreateInstanceA(pszAnsi,this_punk,&IID_IUnknown,&this->punkUsd,&this->hUsdInstance); FreePpv(&pszAnsi); }
} } else { // No class ID in registry - resort to pass through provider
hres = CStiEmptyUSD_New(this_punk, &IID_IUnknown,&this->punkUsd); }
// Free Class name
// If USD object had been created - initialize it
if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
hres = OLE_QueryInterface(this->punkUsd,&IID_IStiUSD,&pNewUsd );
if (SUCCEEDED(hres) && pNewUsd) {
// Initialize newly created USD object
__try {
hres = IStiUSD_Initialize(pNewUsd, this->pDevCtl, STI_VERSION_REAL, hkeyDeviceParameters);
hres = GetExceptionCode();
} //
if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
// Now get capabilities of the USD and verify version
__try { hResCaps = IStiUSD_GetCapabilities(pNewUsd,&this->sUsdCaps); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hResCaps = GetExceptionCode(); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hResCaps) && STI_VERSION_MIN_ALLOWED <= this->sUsdCaps.dwVersion) {
// Hurray we loaded USD.
this->pUsd = pNewUsd; StiLogTrace(STI_TRACE_INFORMATION,MSG_SUCCESS_USD); } else { StiLogTrace(STI_TRACE_ERROR,MSG_OLD_USD); hres = STIERR_OLD_VERSION; } } else {
// Free original pointer to USD object
// Rules of aggregation require us to release outer object ( because it was
// AddRef'd by inner object inside delegating QueryInterface
// Only do it if SUCCEEDED, since the outer component wont be addref'd on
// failure.
// Attention: first version of USD did not properly support aggregation, but claimed
// they did, so check our internal ref counter to see if it is too low already.
if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { { ULONG ulRC = OLE_AddRef(this_punk); OLE_Release(this_punk);
if (ulRC > 1) { OLE_Release(this_punk); } } } } } else { ReportStiLogMessage(g_hStiFileLog, STI_TRACE_WARNING, TEXT("Failed to create instance of USD object ") ); }
// Free unknown interface we got to aggreagte USD object
return hres; }
* * @doc INTERNAL * * @method void | CStiDevice | QueryInterface | * * @cwrap LPStiDevice | lpStiDevice * *****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_QueryInterface( PSTIDEVICE pDev, RIID riid, PPV ppvObj ) { HRESULT hres;
EnterProcR(IStiDevice::QueryInterface,(_ "p", pDev ));
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev);
// If we are asked for STI Device interface - return it. All other requests are
// blindly passed to USD object
if (IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IStiDevice) || IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IUnknown)) { hres = Common_QueryInterface(pDev, riid, ppvObj); } /*else (IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IStiUSD)) {
// We are asked for native USD interface - return it
if (this->pUsd) { *ppvObj= this->pUsd; OLE_AddRef(*ppvObj);
hres = STI_OK; } else { hres = STIERR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } } */ else { if (this->punkUsd) { hres = IStiUSD_QueryInterface(this->punkUsd,riid,ppvObj); } else { hres = STIERR_NOINTERFACE; } } }
return hres; }
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | GetCapabilities | * * @parm PSTI_DEV_CAPS | pDevCaps | * * @returns * * Returns a COM error code. * * <c STI_OK> = <c S_OK>: The operation completed successfully. * *****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_GetCapabilities( PSTIDEVICE pDev, PSTI_DEV_CAPS pDevCaps ) { HRESULT hres; EnterProcR(IStiDevice::GetCapabilities,(_ "pp", pDev, pDevCaps));
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev); STI_USD_CAPS sUsdCaps;
__try { hres = IStiUSD_GetCapabilities(this->pUsd,&sUsdCaps); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hres = GetExceptionCode(); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { pDevCaps->dwGeneric = sUsdCaps.dwGenericCaps; } }
return hres;
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | GetStatus | * * @parm PSTI_DEVICE_STATUS | PSTI_DEVICE_STATUS pDevStatus) | * * @returns * * Returns a COM error code. * * <c STI_OK> = <c S_OK>: The operation completed successfully. * *****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_GetStatus( PSTIDEVICE pDev, PSTI_DEVICE_STATUS pDevStatus ) { HRESULT hres; EnterProcR(IStiDevice::GetStatus,(_ "pp", pDev, pDevStatus));
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev);
ReportStiLogMessage(g_hStiFileLog, STI_TRACE_INFORMATION, TEXT("Called GetStatus on a device") );
if (CStiDevice_IsLocked(this)) {
__try { hres = IStiUSD_GetStatus(this->pUsd,pDevStatus); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hres = GetExceptionCode(); }
} else { hres = STIERR_NEEDS_LOCK; }
return hres;
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | DeviceReset | * * @parm * * @returns * * Returns a COM error code. * * <c STI_OK> = <c S_OK>: The operation completed successfully. * *****************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_InternalReset( PCStiDevice this ) { HRESULT hres = S_OK;
// Free original pointer to USD object
// Disconnect from monitor if connected
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE!= this->hDeviceStiHandle) { RpcStiApiCloseDevice(NULL,this->hDeviceStiHandle); this->hDeviceStiHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
if (this->pUsd) {
CStiDevice_AddRef(this); IStiUSD_Release(this->pUsd );
this->pUsd = NULL; }
if (this->punkUsd) { IStiUSD_Release(this->punkUsd ); this->punkUsd = NULL; }
if (this->pDevCtl) { IStiDeviceControl_Release(this->pDevCtl); this->pDevCtl = NULL; }
if (this->hNotify) { CloseHandle(this->hNotify); }
if (!(this->fCreateForMonitor)) { // Unlock device if it was locked
UnLockDeviceHelper(this); }
// Free device name
if(this->pszDeviceInternalName) { FreePpv(&this->pszDeviceInternalName); this->pszDeviceInternalName = NULL; }
if(this->hUsdInstance) {
// Should do it only after last interface ptr deleted
#ifdef NOT_IMPL
// FreeLibrary(this->hUsdInstance);
this->hUsdInstance = NULL; } CStiDevice_LeaveCrit(this);
return hres;
STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_DeviceReset( PSTIDEVICE pDev ) { HRESULT hres; EnterProcR(IStiDevice::DeviceReset,(_ "p", pDev));
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev);
if (CStiDevice_IsLocked(this)) {
__try { hres = IStiUSD_DeviceReset(this->pUsd); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hres = GetExceptionCode(); }
} else { hres = STIERR_NEEDS_LOCK; }
return hres;
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | Diagnostic | * * @parm LPDIAG | pBuffer |
* * @returns * * Returns a COM error code. * * <c STI_OK> = <c S_OK>: The operation completed successfully. * *****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_Diagnostic( PSTIDEVICE pDev, LPSTI_DIAG pBuffer ) { HRESULT hres; EnterProcR(IStiDevice::Diagnostic,(_ "p", pDev, pBuffer ));
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev);
if (CStiDevice_IsLocked(this)) {
__try { hres = IStiUSD_Diagnostic(this->pUsd,pBuffer); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hres = GetExceptionCode(); }
} else { hres = STIERR_NEEDS_LOCK; }
return hres;
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | LockDevice | * * @returns * * Returns a COM error code. * * <c STI_OK> = <c S_OK>: The operation completed successfully. * *****************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP LockDeviceHelper( PCStiDevice pThisDevice, DWORD dwTimeOut ) { HRESULT hres; PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pThisDevice);
hres = (HRESULT) RpcStiApiLockDevice(this->pszDeviceInternalName, dwTimeOut, this->fCreateForMonitor); if (!pThisDevice->fCreateForMonitor) {
if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
// Call USD to lock (i.e. open any ports etc.)
__try { hres = IStiUSD_LockDevice(this->pUsd); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { CStiDevice_MarkLocked(this, TRUE); } else { //
// The device is locked for mutally exclusive access but failed
// to open port. Make sure we release the mutally exclusive lock.
UnLockDeviceHelper(this); } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hres = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetExceptionCode()); } } }
return hres; }
STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_LockDevice( PSTIDEVICE pDev, DWORD dwTimeOut ) { HRESULT hres;
EnterProcR(IStiDevice::LockDevice,(_ "p", pDev));
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev);
hres = LockDeviceHelper(this, dwTimeOut); }
return hres;
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | UnLockDevice | * * @returns * * Returns a COM error code. * * <c STI_OK> = <c S_OK>: The operation completed successfully. * *****************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP UnLockDeviceHelper( PCStiDevice pThisDevice ) { HRESULT hres; PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pThisDevice);
hres = (HRESULT) RpcStiApiUnlockDevice(this->pszDeviceInternalName, this->fCreateForMonitor);
if (!pThisDevice->fCreateForMonitor) {
if (this->pUsd) {
// Call USD to unlock (i.e. close any open ports etc.)
__try { hres = IStiUSD_UnLockDevice(this->pUsd); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { CStiDevice_MarkLocked(this, FALSE); } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hres = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetExceptionCode()); } } }
return hres; }
EnterProcR(IStiDevice::UnLockDevice,(_ "p", pDev));
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev);
hres = UnLockDeviceHelper(this); } ExitOleProc();
return hres;
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | SetNotificationEvent | * Specify the event that should be set when the device * state changes, or turns off such notifications. * * "It is an error" to call <f CloseHandle> on the event * while it has been selected into an <i IStiDevice> * object. You must call * <mf IStiDevice::SetEventNotification> with the * <p hEvent> parameter set to NULL before closing the * event handle. * * If the function is successful, then the application can * use the event handle in the same manner as any other * Win32 event handle. * * @cwrap LPSTIDEVICE | lpStiDevice * * @parm IN HANDLE | hEvent | * * Specifies the event handle which will be set when the * device state changes. It "must" be an event * handle. DirectInput will <f SetEvent> the handle when * the state of the device changes. * * The application should create the handle via the * <f CreateEvent> function. If the event is created as * an automatic-reset event, then the operating system will * automatically reset the event once a wait has been * satisfied. If the event is created as a manual-reset * event, then it is the application's responsibility to * call <f ResetEvent> to reset it. We put will not * call <f ResetEvent> for event notification handles. * * If the <p hEvent> is zero, then notification is disabled. * * @returns * * Returns a COM error code. * * <c STI_OK> = <c S_OK>: The operation completed successfully. * <c E_INVALIDARG>: The thing isn't an event handle. * * *****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_SetNotificationEvent( PSTIDEVICE pDev, HANDLE hEvent ) { HRESULT hres; EnterProcR(IStiDevice::SetNotificationEvent,(_ "px", pDev, hEvent ));
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev);
// Must protect with the critical section to prevent somebody from
// acquiring or setting a new event handle while we're changing it.
// Don't operate on the original handle because
// the app might decide to do something strange to it
// on another thread.
hres = DupEventHandle(hEvent, &hEvent);
if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { //
// Resetting the event serves two purposes.
// 1. It performs parameter validation for us, and
// 2. The event must be reset while the device is
// not acquired.
if (fLimpFF(hEvent, ResetEvent(hEvent))) {
if (!this->hNotify || !hEvent) {
if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { } } else {
hres = STIERR_HANDLEEXISTS; } } else { hres = E_HANDLE; } CloseHandle(hEvent); }
return hres;
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | Subscribe | * * @parm LPSUBSCRIBE | ppBuffer | * * @returns * * Returns a COM error code. * * <c STI_OK> = <c S_OK>: The operation completed successfully. * *****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_Subscribe( PSTIDEVICE pDev, LPSTISUBSCRIBE pBuffer ) { HRESULT hres; DWORD dwError = NOERROR;
EnterProcR(IStiDevice::Subscribe,(_ "pp", pDev, pBuffer));
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev);
dwError = RpcStiApiSubscribe(this->hDeviceStiHandle,pBuffer); }
return hres;
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | UnSubscribe | * * @returns * * Returns a COM error code. * * <c STI_OK> = <c S_OK>: The operation completed successfully. * *****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_UnSubscribe( PSTIDEVICE pDev ) { HRESULT hres; DWORD dwError = NOERROR;
EnterProcR(IStiDevice::UnSubscribe,(_ "p", pDev));
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev);
dwError = RpcStiApiUnSubscribe(this->hDeviceStiHandle); }
ExitOleProc(); return hres;
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | GetNotificationData | * * @parm LPNOTIFY | ppBuffer | * * @returns * * Returns a COM error code. * * <c STI_OK> = <c S_OK>: The operation completed successfully. * *****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_GetNotificationData( PSTIDEVICE pDev, LPSTINOTIFY pBuffer ) { HRESULT hres; DWORD dwError = NOERROR;
EnterProcR(IStiDevice::GetNotificationData,(_ "p", pDev, pBuffer));
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev); dwError = RpcStiApiGetLastNotificationData(this->hDeviceStiHandle,pBuffer); }
return hres;
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | Escape | * * @parm * * @returns * * Returns a COM error code. * * <c STI_OK> = <c S_OK>: The operation completed successfully. * *****************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_Escape( PSTIDEVICE pDev, STI_RAW_CONTROL_CODE EscapeFunction, LPVOID lpInData, DWORD cbInDataSize, LPVOID lpOutData, DWORD cbOutDataSize, LPDWORD pcbActualData ) { HRESULT hres; EnterProcR(IStiDevice::Escape,(_ "pxpxp", pDev, EscapeFunction,lpInData,cbInDataSize,lpOutData ));
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev);
if (CStiDevice_IsLocked(this)) {
__try {
hres = IStiUSD_Escape(this->pUsd, EscapeFunction, lpInData, cbInDataSize, lpOutData, cbOutDataSize, pcbActualData );
} __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hres = GetExceptionCode(); }
} else { hres = STIERR_NEEDS_LOCK; } }
return hres; }
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | RawReadData | * * @parm * * @returns * * Returns a COM error code. * * <c STI_OK> = <c S_OK>: The operation completed successfully. * *****************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_RawReadData( PSTIDEVICE pDev, LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfBytes, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ) { HRESULT hres; EnterProcR(IStiDevice::RawReadData,(_ "p", pDev ));
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev);
if (CStiDevice_IsLocked(this)) {
__try { hres = IStiUSD_RawReadData(this->pUsd,lpBuffer,lpdwNumberOfBytes,lpOverlapped); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hres = GetExceptionCode(); }
} else { hres = STIERR_NEEDS_LOCK; } }
return hres; }
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | RawWriteData | * * @parm * * @returns * * Returns a COM error code. * * <c STI_OK> = <c S_OK>: The operation completed successfully. * *****************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_RawWriteData( PSTIDEVICE pDev, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD dwNumberOfBytes, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ) { HRESULT hres; EnterProcR(IStiDevice::RawWriteData,(_ "p", pDev ));
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev);
if (CStiDevice_IsLocked(this)) {
__try { hres = IStiUSD_RawWriteData(this->pUsd,lpBuffer,dwNumberOfBytes,lpOverlapped); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hres = GetExceptionCode(); }
} else { hres = STIERR_NEEDS_LOCK; }
return hres; }
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | RawReadCommand | * * @parm * * @returns * * Returns a COM error code. * * <c STI_OK> = <c S_OK>: The operation completed successfully. * *****************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_RawReadCommand( PSTIDEVICE pDev, LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfBytes, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ) { HRESULT hres; EnterProcR(IStiDevice::RawReadCommand,(_ "p", pDev ));
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev);
if (CStiDevice_IsLocked(this)) {
__try { hres = IStiUSD_RawReadCommand(this->pUsd,lpBuffer,lpdwNumberOfBytes,lpOverlapped); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hres = GetExceptionCode(); }
} else { hres = STIERR_NEEDS_LOCK; }
return hres; }
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | RawWriteCommand | * * @parm * * @returns * * Returns a COM error code. * * <c STI_OK> = <c S_OK>: The operation completed successfully. * *****************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_RawWriteCommand( PSTIDEVICE pDev, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD dwNumberOfBytes, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ) { HRESULT hres; EnterProcR(IStiDevice::RawWriteCommand,(_ "p", pDev ));
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev);
if (CStiDevice_IsLocked(this)) {
__try { hres = IStiUSD_RawWriteCommand(this->pUsd,lpBuffer,dwNumberOfBytes,lpOverlapped); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hres = GetExceptionCode(); }
} else { hres = STIERR_NEEDS_LOCK; }
return hres; }
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | GetLastError | * * @parm * * @returns * * Returns a COM error code. * * <c STI_OK> = <c S_OK>: The operation completed successfully. * *****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_GetLastError( PSTIDEVICE pDev, LPDWORD pdwLastDeviceError ) { HRESULT hres = STI_OK; EnterProcR(IStiDevice::GetLastError,(_ "p", pDev ));
// Validate parameters
if (!pdwLastDeviceError) { ExitOleProc(); return STIERR_INVALID_PARAM; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev);
if (this->pDevCtl ) {
// Call USD to obtain last error information on this device
__try { hres = IStiUSD_GetLastError(this->pUsd,pdwLastDeviceError); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hres = GetExceptionCode(); }
} }
return hres;
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @method HRESULT | IStiDevice | GetLastError | * * @parm * * @returns * * Returns a COM error code. * * <c STI_OK> = <c S_OK>: The operation completed successfully. * *****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_GetLastErrorInfo( PSTIDEVICE pDev, STI_ERROR_INFO *pLastErrorInfo ) { HRESULT hres = STI_OK;
EnterProcR(IStiDevice::GetLastErrorInfo,(_ "p", pDev ));
// Validate parameters
if (!pLastErrorInfo) { ExitOleProc(); return STIERR_INVALID_PARAM; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev);
// Call USD to obtain last error information on this device
__try { hres = IStiUSD_GetLastErrorInfo(this->pUsd,pLastErrorInfo); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hres = GetExceptionCode(); } }
return hres;
* * @doc EXTERNAL * * @mfunc HRESULT | IStiDevice | Initialize | * * Initialize a StiDevice object. * * Note that if this method fails, the underlying object should * be considered to be an an indeterminate state and needs to * be reinitialized before it can be subsequently used. * The <i IStillImage::CreateDevice> method automatically * initializes the device after creating it. Applications * normally do not need to call this function. * * @cwrap LPStiDEVICE | lpStiDevice * * @parm IN REFGUID | rguid | * * Identifies the instance of the device for which the interface * should be associated. * The <mf IStillImage::EnumDevices> method * can be used to determine which instance GUIDs are supported by * the system. * * @returns * Returns a COM error code. The following error codes are * intended to be illustrative and not necessarily comprehensive. * * <c STI_OK> = <c S_OK>: The operation completed successfully. * * <c S_FALSE>: The device had already been initialized with * the instance GUID passed in <p lpGUID>. * * *****************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_Initialize( PSTIDEVICE pDev, HINSTANCE hinst, LPCWSTR pwszDeviceName, DWORD dwVersion, DWORD dwMode ) { HRESULT hres = STI_OK;
DWORD dwControlTypeType; DWORD dwBusType;
LPWSTR pwszPortName = NULL; DWORD dwFlags = 0; DWORD dwError = 0; HKEY hkeyDeviceParameters = NULL;
EnterProcR(IStiDevice::Initialize,(_ "pxpxx", pDev, hinst, pwszDeviceName,dwVersion, dwMode));
// Validate parameters
if (!SUCCEEDED(hres = hresFullValidReadPvCb(pwszDeviceName,2,3)) ) { goto Cleanup; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresPvI(pDev, ThisInterface))) {
PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(pDev);
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = hresValidInstanceVer(hinst, dwVersion)) ) {
// Open device key
hres = OpenDeviceRegistryKey(pwszDeviceName,NULL,&hkeyDeviceParameters); if (!SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
DebugOutPtszV(DbgFl, TEXT("Cannot open device registry key")); StiLogTrace(STI_TRACE_ERROR,MSG_FAILED_OPEN_DEVICE_KEY);
hres = STIERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto Cleanup; }
pwszPortName = NULL; ReadRegistryString(hkeyDeviceParameters, REGSTR_VAL_DEVICEPORT_W, L"",FALSE,&pwszPortName);
dwBusType = ReadRegistryDwordW(hkeyDeviceParameters, REGSTR_VAL_HARDWARE_W, 0L);
if (!pwszPortName ) { DebugOutPtszV(DbgFl, TEXT("Cannot read device name from registry")); StiLogTrace(STI_TRACE_ERROR,MSG_FAILED_READ_DEVICE_NAME); hres = STIERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto Cleanup; }
// Convert STI bit flags for device mode into HEL_ bit mask
dwFlags = 0L;
#if 0
// Create device control object, establish connection to
// hardware layer
if (dwBusType & (STI_HW_CONFIG_USB | STI_HW_CONFIG_SCSI)) { dwControlTypeType = HEL_DEVICE_TYPE_WDM; } else if (dwBusType & STI_HW_CONFIG_PARALLEL) { dwControlTypeType = HEL_DEVICE_TYPE_PARALLEL; } else if (dwBusType & STI_HW_CONFIG_SERIAL) { dwControlTypeType = HEL_DEVICE_TYPE_SERIAL; } else { DebugOutPtszV(DbgFl, TEXT("Cannot determine device control type, resort to WDM")); dwControlTypeType = HEL_DEVICE_TYPE_WDM; }
hres = NewDeviceControl(dwControlTypeType,dwMode,pwszPortName,dwFlags,&this->pDevCtl); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
// We created device control block, now load and initialize USD
hres = LoadInitUSD(this,hkeyDeviceParameters); if (!SUCCEEDED(hres)) { //
// Failed to load USD - free device control object
IStiDeviceControl_Release(this->pDevCtl); this->pDevCtl = NULL;
goto Cleanup; } } else { DebugOutPtszV(DbgFl, TEXT("Cannot create/allocate Device control object")); StiLogTrace(STI_TRACE_ERROR,MSG_FAILED_CREATE_DCB,hres );
goto Cleanup; }
// Store device name for future use
this->pszDeviceInternalName = NULL; hres = AllocCbPpv(sizeof(WCHAR)*(OSUtil_StrLenW(pwszDeviceName)+1), &this->pszDeviceInternalName); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { OSUtil_lstrcpyW( this->pszDeviceInternalName, pwszDeviceName ); }
// Connect to STI monitor if we are running in data mode or in status mode with device supporintg
// notifications
if (SUCCEEDED(hres) ) { if (!(dwMode & STI_DEVICE_CREATE_FOR_MONITOR)) { if ((dwMode & STI_DEVICE_CREATE_DATA) || (this->sUsdCaps.dwGenericCaps & STI_USD_GENCAP_NATIVE_PUSHSUPPORT ) ) {
DWORD dwProcessID = GetCurrentProcessId();
dwError = RpcStiApiOpenDevice(NULL, pwszDeviceName, dwMode, 0, dwProcessID, &(this->hDeviceStiHandle));
if (NOERROR != dwError) {
DebugOutPtszV(DbgFl, TEXT("Did not connect to monitor.Rpc status=%d"),dwError);
ReportStiLogMessage(g_hStiFileLog, STI_TRACE_ERROR, TEXT("Requested but failed to connect to STI monitor. ")); } } } else {
// Indicate that we are in the server process. This is
// used when locking/unlocking a device
this->fCreateForMonitor = TRUE; }
// BUGBUG - Problems connecting to RPC server on Millenium . Fix IT !!!
// To allow STI TWAIN to continue working - ignore error now
hres = S_OK ; // END
} }
// Free allocated buffers
// If opened key - close it
if (hkeyDeviceParameters) { RegCloseKey(hkeyDeviceParameters); hkeyDeviceParameters = NULL; }
// Did we Fail ?
if (!SUCCEEDED(hres)) { DebugOutPtszV(DbgFl, TEXT("Cannot create device object.")); }
ExitOleProc(); return hres; }
* * @doc INTERNAL * * @mfunc void | IStiDevice | Init | * * Initialize the internal parts of the StiDevice object. * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT INLINE CStiDevice_Init( PCStiDevice this ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
this->pUsd = NULL;
__try { // The critical section must be the very first thing we do,
// because only Finalize checks for its existence.
#ifdef UNICODE
if(!InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&this->crst, MINLONG)) { #else
InitializeCriticalSection(&this->crst); if (TRUE) { #endif
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } else { this->fLocked = FALSE;
this->hDeviceStiHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
this->fCritInited = TRUE;
this->hUsdInstance = NULL; } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
return hr; }
* * @doc INTERNAL * * @func void | CStiDev_Finalize | * * Releases the resources of a generic device. * * @parm PV | pvObj | * * Object being released. Note that it may not have been * completely initialized, so everything should be done * carefully. * *****************************************************************************/
void INTERNAL CStiDevice_Finalize(PV pvObj) { HRESULT hres; PCStiDevice this = pvObj;
if (this->cCrit) { DebugOutPtszV(DbgFl, TEXT("IStiDevice::Release: Another thread is using the object; crash soon!")); } #endif
hres = CStiDevice_InternalReset(this); AssertF(SUCCEEDED(hres));
if (this->fCritInited) { DeleteCriticalSection(&this->crst); this->fCritInited = FALSE; }
* * @doc INTERNAL * * @mfunc HRESULT | IStiDevice | New | * * Create a new StiDevice object, uninitialized. * * @parm IN PUNK | punkOuter | * * Controlling unknown for aggregation. * * @parm IN RIID | riid | * * Desired interface to new object. * * @parm OUT PPV | ppvObj | * * Output pointer for new object. * *****************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CStiDevice_New(PUNK punkOuter, RIID riid, PPV ppvObj) { HRESULT hres; EnterProcR(IStiDevice::<constructor>, (_ "Gp", riid, punkOuter));
hres = Common_NewRiid(CStiDevice, punkOuter, riid, ppvObj);
if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { PCStiDevice this = _thisPv(*ppvObj); hres = CStiDevice_Init(this); }
ExitOleProcPpvR(ppvObj); return hres; }
* * Miscellaneous utility functions, specific for device processing * *****************************************************************************/
* * @doc INTERNAL * * @mfunc OpenDeviceRegistryKey * * Opens registry key, associated with device instance to use for storing/retrieving * instance information. * * Key is obtained from setup api ,based on the STI device name. We should never * open device key by concatenating fixed name with device name, as it works on Memphis. * *****************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP OpenDeviceRegistryKey( LPCWSTR pwszDeviceName, LPCWSTR pwszSubKeyName, HKEY *phkeyDeviceParameters ) { DWORD dwErr; WCHAR wszDeviceKeyName[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hRes;
#ifdef WINNT
ULONG cbData; DWORD dwError;
BOOL fRet; BOOL fFoundDriverNameMatch; PWIA_DEVKEYLIST pWiaDevKeyList;
dwRequired = 0; dwError = 0;
hKeyDevice = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; *phkeyDeviceParameters = NULL; pWiaDevKeyList = NULL;
// We need to open device registry key, navigating through Setup API set
// As we don't have reverse search to retrive device info handle , based on
// driver name, we do exsaustive search. Number of imaging devices for given class ID
// is never as large to make a problem.
hRes = STIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME; pWiaDevKeyList = WiaCreateDeviceRegistryList(TRUE);
fFoundDriverNameMatch = FALSE;
if (NULL != pWiaDevKeyList) {
for (Idx = 0; Idx < pWiaDevKeyList->dwNumberOfDevices; Idx++) {
// Compare driver name
cbData = sizeof(szDevDriver); *szDevDriver = L'\0'; dwError = RegQueryValueExW(pWiaDevKeyList->Dev[Idx].hkDeviceRegistry, REGSTR_VAL_DEVICE_ID_W, // REGSTR_VAL_FRIENDLY_NAME_W,
NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szDevDriver, &cbData);
if( (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError) && (!lstrcmpiW(szDevDriver,pwszDeviceName)) ) {
fFoundDriverNameMatch = TRUE; hKeyDevice = pWiaDevKeyList->Dev[Idx].hkDeviceRegistry;
// Set INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE not to get closed on free.
pWiaDevKeyList->Dev[Idx].hkDeviceRegistry = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; break;
} } // for (Idx = 0; Idx < pWiaDevKeyList->dwNumberOfDevices; Idx++)
if(fFoundDriverNameMatch) {
// Open the software key and look for subclass.
if (hKeyDevice != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
cbData = sizeof(sztDevClass); if ((RegQueryValueEx(hKeyDevice, REGSTR_VAL_SUBCLASS, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)sztDevClass, &cbData) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (CompareString(LOCALE_INVARIANT, NORM_IGNORECASE, sztDevClass, -1, STILLIMAGE, -1) != CSTR_EQUAL)) {
fFoundDriverNameMatch = FALSE;
} else {
// Now open subkey if asked to.
if (pwszSubKeyName && *pwszSubKeyName) {
dwErr = OSUtil_RegCreateKeyExW(hKeyDevice, (LPWSTR)pwszSubKeyName, 0L, NULL, 0L, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, phkeyDeviceParameters, NULL );
if ( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == dwErr ) {
dwErr = OSUtil_RegCreateKeyExW(hKeyDevice, (LPWSTR)pwszSubKeyName, 0L, NULL, 0L, KEY_READ, NULL, phkeyDeviceParameters, NULL ); }
} else {
// No subkey given - device key will be returned - don't close it.
*phkeyDeviceParameters = hKeyDevice;
dwErr = NOERROR;
} // endif Subkey name passed
hRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); ;
} // Is StillImage subclass
} // endif Opened device registry key
} // endif Found matching driver name
} // if (NULL != pWiaDevKeyList)
// Free device registry list.
if(NULL != pWiaDevKeyList){ WiaDestroyDeviceRegistryList(pWiaDevKeyList); }
return hRes;
// Based on device name and optional subkey name, open requested key
wcscat(wcscpy(wszDeviceKeyName, (g_NoUnicodePlatform) ? REGSTR_PATH_STIDEVICES_W : REGSTR_PATH_STIDEVICES_NT_W), L"\\");
// Validate this is correct device name ?
dwErr = OSUtil_RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wszDeviceKeyName, 0L, KEY_READ , phkeyDeviceParameters );
if (NOERROR != dwErr ) {
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); } else { RegCloseKey(*phkeyDeviceParameters); *phkeyDeviceParameters = NULL; }
// Now open subkey
if (pwszSubKeyName && *pwszSubKeyName) { wcscat(wszDeviceKeyName,L"\\"); wcscat(wszDeviceKeyName,pwszSubKeyName); }
dwErr = OSUtil_RegCreateKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wszDeviceKeyName, 0L, NULL, 0L, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, phkeyDeviceParameters, NULL );
if ( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == dwErr ) { dwErr = OSUtil_RegCreateKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wszDeviceKeyName, 0L, NULL, 0L, KEY_READ , NULL, phkeyDeviceParameters, NULL ); }
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr);
* * The long-awaited vtbls and templates * *****************************************************************************/
#define CStiDevice_Signature (DWORD)'DEV'
Primary_Interface_Begin(CStiDevice, IStiDevice) CStiDevice_Initialize, CStiDevice_GetCapabilities, CStiDevice_GetStatus, CStiDevice_DeviceReset, CStiDevice_Diagnostic, CStiDevice_Escape, CStiDevice_GetLastError, CStiDevice_LockDevice, CStiDevice_UnLockDevice, CStiDevice_RawReadData, CStiDevice_RawWriteData, CStiDevice_RawReadCommand, CStiDevice_RawWriteCommand, CStiDevice_Subscribe, CStiDevice_GetNotificationData, CStiDevice_UnSubscribe, CStiDevice_GetLastErrorInfo, Primary_Interface_End(CStiDevice, IStiDevice)