Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Handling opened device object on the monitor side
Vlad Sadovsky (vlads) 10-Jan-1997
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
26-Jan-1997 VladS created
#ifndef _DEVICE_H_
#define _DEVICE_H_
#include <base.h>
#include <buffer.h>
class CWiaDrvItem; //
// If this code is moved into dll, methods will need to be exported in order to instantiate
// objects of those classes outside module scope. Then we will need to replace line below
// #define dllexp __declspec( dllexport )
#undef dllexp
#define dllexp
// Type of syncronization for accessing device object
* Type Definitions ************************************************************/
// Values for flags field for device object
#define STIMON_AD_FLAG_POLLING 0x000001 // Device requires polling
#define STIMON_AD_FLAG_OPENED_FOR_DATA 0x000002 // Device is opened for data access
#define STIMON_AD_FLAG_LAUNCH_PENDING 0x000004 // Auto launch is pending
#define STIMON_AD_FLAG_REMOVING 0x000008 // Device is being removed
#define STIMON_AD_FLAG_NOTIFY_ENABLED 0x000010 // Nobody disabled notifications
#define STIMON_AD_FLAG_NOTIFY_CAPABLE 0x000020 // Device is capable to notify
#define STIMON_AD_FLAG_NOTIFY_RUNNING 0x000040 // Currently monitor is receiving notificaitons from device
#define STIMON_AD_FLAG_MARKED_INACTIVE 0x000080 // Currently monitor is receiving notificaitons from device
#define STIMON_AD_FLAG_DELAYED_INIT 0x000100 // Currently monitor is receiving notificaitons from device
#define STIDEV_POLL_FAILURE_REPORT_COUNT 25 // Skip reporting errors on each polling attempt
#define STIDEV_DELAYED_INTIT_TIME 10 // No. of milliseconds to schedule delayed init
#define STIDEV_MIN_POLL_TIME 100 // Shortest poll interval allowed
// Forward declarations
class STI_CONN; class ACTIVE_DEVICE; class FakeStiDevice;
// Device Event code structure. A list of these is maintained for each
// active device. This list is initialized from the registry when the
// device becomes active (in the ACTIVE_DEVICE constructor).
// Each even code structure contains an event code that the device
// can issue. This event code is validated against this list. If valid,
// the action assoicated with the event is triggered.
typedef struct _DEVICEEVENT { LIST_ENTRY m_ListEntry; GUID m_EventGuid; StiCString m_EventSubKey; StiCString m_EventName; StiCString m_EventData; BOOL m_fLaunchable; } DEVICEEVENT, *PDEVICEEVENT;
// Container to pass parameters to auto launch thread
class ACTIVE_DEVICE : public BASE {
friend class TAKE_ACTIVE_DEVICE;
friend VOID CALLBACK DumpActiveDevicesCallback( ACTIVE_DEVICE *pActiveDevice, VOID *pContext );
// *** IUnknown methods ***
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef( void); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release( void);
inline BOOL IsValid( VOID ) { return (m_fValid) && (m_dwSignature == ADEV_SIGNATURE); }
inline BOOL EnterCrit(VOID) { return m_dwDeviceCritSec.Lock(); }
inline void LeaveCrit(VOID) { m_dwDeviceCritSec.Unlock(); }
inline DWORD SetFlags( DWORD dwNewFlags ) { DWORD dwTemp = m_dwFlags; m_dwFlags = dwNewFlags; return dwTemp; }
inline DWORD QueryFlags( VOID ) { return m_dwFlags; }
inline DWORD QueryPollingInterval(VOID) // get current polling interval
{ return m_dwPollingInterval; }
inline DWORD SetPollingInterval( IN DWORD dwNewInterval) // Set new interval for polling
{ DWORD dwTemp = m_dwPollingInterval;
m_dwPollingInterval = dwNewInterval;
return dwTemp; }
inline BOOL IsConnectedTo( VOID ) { return !IsListEmpty(&m_ConnectionListHead); }
BOOL NotificationsNeeded( VOID ) { if (!IsListEmpty(&m_ConnectionListHead)) { return TRUE; }
// If setup is running - block all events
if ( IsSetupInProgressMode() ) { return FALSE; }
// For async. notification devices always assume they need support for notificaitons
// It is rather hacky , but all USB devices we have now, need to initialize notifications
// support on startup, otherwise their initialization routines would not complete properly.
// It is not expensive to monitor async events and do nothing when they arrive
// For polled devices on the ontrary , it is quite expensive to keep monitoring
// events ,when they are really not needed
if ((QueryFlags() & STIMON_AD_FLAG_NOTIFY_CAPABLE) && !(QueryFlags() & STIMON_AD_FLAG_POLLING) ) { return TRUE; } else { // If there are no connections, then check whether user does not want notifications or
// event list is empty
return ( !m_dwUserDisableNotifications && m_fLaunchableEventListNotEmpty ); } }
WCHAR* GetDeviceID() { return m_DrvWrapper.getDeviceId(); }
HANDLE GetNotificationsSink() { return m_hDeviceNotificationSink; }
VOID GetDeviceSettings( VOID );
// Device notifications spport
BOOL BuildEventList( VOID );
BOOL DestroyEventList( VOID );
DWORD DisableDeviceNotifications( VOID );
DWORD EnableDeviceNotifications( VOID );
DWORD StopNotifications( VOID );
DWORD StartRunningNotifications( VOID );
BOOL FlushDeviceNotifications( VOID );
BOOL DoPoll( VOID );
BOOL DoAsyncEvent( VOID );
BOOL ProcessEvent( STINOTIFY *psNotify, BOOL fForceLaunch=FALSE, LPCTSTR pszAppName=NULL );
BOOL RetrieveSTILaunchInformation( PDEVICEEVENT pev, LPCTSTR pAppName, STRArray& saAppList, STRArray& saCommandLine, BOOL fForceSelection=FALSE );
BOOL IsDeviceAvailable( VOID );
BOOL RemoveConnection( STI_CONN *pConnection );
BOOL AddConnection( STI_CONN *pConnection );
STI_CONN * FindMyConnection( HANDLE hConnection );
BOOL FillEventFromUSD( STINOTIFY *psNotify );
BOOL SetHandleForUSD( HANDLE hEvent );
BOOL IsEventOnArrivalNeeded( VOID );
// Load/Unload STI device
BOOL LoadDriver( BOOL bReReadDevInfo = FALSE );
BOOL UnLoadDriver( BOOL bForceUnload );
// PnP support methods
BOOL InitPnPNotifications( HWND hwnd );
BOOL StopPnPNotifications( VOID );
BOOL IsRegisteredForDeviceRemoval( VOID );
// Update WIA cached device information
BOOL UpdateDeviceInformation( VOID );
VOID SetDriverItem( CWiaDrvItem *pRootDrvItem) {
// Note: Technically, we should follow proper ref-counting
// procedure for this this object. However, we should NEVER have
// the case where this object goes out of scope (or otherwise
// destroyed) without our knowledge, therefore there is no need.
m_pRootDrvItem = pRootDrvItem; };
LIST_ENTRY m_ListEntry; LIST_ENTRY m_ConnectionListHead; DWORD m_dwSignature;
StiCString m_strLaunchCommandLine;
LONG m_lDeviceId;
PVOID m_pLockInfo; DWORD m_dwDelayedOpCookie; FakeStiDevice *m_pFakeStiDevice; CDrvWrap m_DrvWrapper; CWiaDrvItem *m_pRootDrvItem;
BOOL m_fValid; BOOL m_fLaunchableEventListNotEmpty; BOOL m_fRefreshedBusOnFailure;
CRIT_SECT m_dwDeviceCritSec;
DWORD m_dwFlags; DWORD m_dwPollingInterval; DWORD m_dwUserDisableNotifications; DWORD m_dwSchedulerCookie; DWORD m_dwLaunchEventTimeExpire;
UINT m_uiSubscribersCount;
UINT m_uiPollFailureCount;
HANDLE m_hDeviceEvent; HANDLE m_hDeviceNotificationSink; HANDLE m_hDeviceInterface;
LIST_ENTRY m_DeviceEventListHead;
PDEVICEEVENT m_pLastLaunchEvent; };
// Take device class
class TAKE_ACTIVE_DEVICE { private: ACTIVE_DEVICE* m_pDev; BOOL m_bLocked;
inline TAKE_ACTIVE_DEVICE(ACTIVE_DEVICE* pdev) : m_pDev(pdev), m_bLocked(FALSE) { if (m_pDev) { m_bLocked = m_pDev->EnterCrit(); } }
inline ~TAKE_ACTIVE_DEVICE() { if (m_bLocked) { m_pDev->LeaveCrit(); } } };
// Linked list for active STI devices, known to monitor
extern LIST_ENTRY g_pDeviceListHead;
// Add/Remove device object from the list
BOOL AddDeviceByName( LPCTSTR pszDeviceName, BOOL fPnPInitiated = FALSE );
BOOL RemoveDeviceByName( LPTSTR pszDeviceName );
BOOL MarkDeviceForRemoval( LPTSTR pszDeviceName );
// Reload device list in response to PnP or ACPI notifications
VOID RefreshDeviceList( WORD wCommand, WORD wFlags );
// Initialize/Terminate linked list
VOID InitializeDeviceList( VOID );
VOID TerminateDeviceList( VOID );
VOID DebugDumpDeviceList( VOID );
BOOL ResetAllPollIntervals( UINT dwNewPollInterval );
// Enumerators with callbacks
typedef VOID (* PFN_ACTIVEDEVICE_CALLBACK)( ACTIVE_DEVICE *pActiveDevice, VOID *pContext ); /*
VOID WINAPI EnumerateStiDevicesWithCallback( PFN_DEVINFO_CALLBACK pfn, VOID *pContext ); */
VOID WINAPI EnumerateActiveDevicesWithCallback( PFN_ACTIVEDEVICE_CALLBACK pfn, VOID *pContext ); #endif // _DEVICE_H_