Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Initializes security descriptor object for STI services access validation
Vlad Sadovsky (vlads) 09-28-97
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
28-Sep-1997 VladS created
// Include Headers
#include "precomp.h"
#include "stiexe.h"
#include <stisvc.h>
#ifdef DEBUG
#define STATIC
#define STATIC static
#ifdef WINNT
// Globals
// NT well-known SIDs
PSID psidNull = NULL; // No members SID
PSID psidWorld = NULL; // All users SID
PSID psidLocal = NULL; // NT local users SID
PSID psidLocalSystem= NULL; // NT system processes SID
PSID psidNetwork = NULL; // NT remote users SID
PSID psidAdmins = NULL; PSID psidServerOps = NULL; PSID psidPowerUsers = NULL; PSID psidGuestUser = NULL; PSID psidProcessUser= NULL; PSID psidBuiltinDomain = NULL; // Domain Id of the Builtin Domain
// Well Known Aliases.
// These are aliases that are relative to the built-in domain.
PSID psidLocalAdmin = NULL; // NT local admins
PSID psidAliasAdmins = NULL; PSID psidAliasUsers = NULL; PSID psidAliasGuests = NULL; PSID psidAliasPowerUsers = NULL; PSID psidAliasAccountOps = NULL; PSID psidAliasSystemOps = NULL; PSID psidAliasPrintOps = NULL; PSID psidAliasBackupOps = NULL;
// List of well-known SID data structures we use to initialize globals
#define NUM_SIDS (sizeof(SidData) / sizeof(SidData[0]))
STATIC struct _BUILTIN_DOMAIN_SID_DATA { PSID *Sid; ULONG RelativeId; } psidBuiltinDomainData[] = { { &psidLocalAdmin, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS}, { &psidAliasAdmins, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS }, { &psidAliasUsers, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_USERS }, { &psidAliasGuests, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_GUESTS }, { &psidAliasPowerUsers, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_POWER_USERS }, { &psidAliasAccountOps, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ACCOUNT_OPS }, { &psidAliasSystemOps, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_SYSTEM_OPS }, { &psidAliasPrintOps, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_PRINT_OPS }, { &psidAliasBackupOps, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_BACKUP_OPS } };
#define NUM_DOMAIN_SIDS (sizeof(psidBuiltinDomainData) / sizeof(psidBuiltinDomainData[0]))
// List of ACEs definitions to initialize our security descriptor
typedef struct { BYTE AceType; BYTE InheritFlags; BYTE AceFlags; ACCESS_MASK Mask; PSID *Sid; } ACE_DATA, *PACE_DATA;
STATIC ACE_DATA AcesData[] = { { ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE, 0, 0, STI_ALL_ACCESS, &psidLocalSystem },
{ ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE, 0, 0, STI_ALL_ACCESS, &psidAliasAdmins },
{ ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE, 0, 0, STI_ALL_ACCESS, &psidAliasSystemOps },
{ ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE, 0, 0, STI_ALL_ACCESS, &psidAliasPowerUsers }, { ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE, 0, 0, STI_ALL_ACCESS, // BUGBUG only need to syncronize
&psidWorld },
{ ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE, 0, 0, STI_ALL_ACCESS, // BUGBUG only need to syncronize
&psidLocal },
// {
// 0,
// 0,
// &psidProcessUser
// },
#define NUM_ACES (sizeof(AcesData) / sizeof(AcesData[0]))
// Local variables and types definitions
// The API security object. Client access STI Server APIs
// are validated against this object.
// This table maps generic rights (like GENERIC_READ) to
// specific rights (like STI_QUERY_SECURITY).
GENERIC_MAPPING ApiObjectMapping = { STI_GENERIC_READ, // generic read
STI_GENERIC_WRITE, // generic write
STI_GENERIC_EXECUTE, // generic execute
STI_ALL_ACCESS // generic all
// Private prototypes.
DWORD CreateWellKnownSids( VOID );
VOID FreeWellKnownSids( VOID );
DWORD CreateSecurityObject( IN PACE_DATA AceData, IN ULONG AceCount, IN PSID psidOwner, IN PSID psidGroup, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *NewDescriptor );
DWORD DeleteSecurityObject( IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *Descriptor );
// Code
DWORD AllocateAndInitializeSid( OUT PSID *Sid, IN PSID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY IdentifierAuthority, IN ULONG SubAuthorityCount ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function allocates memory for a SID and initializes it.
Return Value:
WIN32 Error Code.
--*/ { *Sid = (PSID) LocalAlloc(LPTR, GetSidLengthRequired( (BYTE)SubAuthorityCount) );
if (*Sid == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
InitializeSid( *Sid, IdentifierAuthority, (BYTE)SubAuthorityCount );
return( NOERROR ); }
DWORD DomainIdToSid( IN PSID DomainId, IN ULONG RelativeId, OUT PSID *Sid ) /*++
Routine Description:
Given a domain Id and a relative ID create a SID
DomainId - The template SID to use.
RelativeId - The relative Id to append to the DomainId.
Sid - Returns a pointer to an allocated buffer containing the resultant Sid.
Return Value:
WIN32 Error Code.
--*/ { DWORD dwError; BYTE DomainIdSubAuthorityCount; // Number of sub authorities in domain ID
UINT SidLength; // Length of newly allocated SID
// Allocate a Sid which has one more sub-authority than the domain ID.
DomainIdSubAuthorityCount = *(GetSidSubAuthorityCount( DomainId ));
SidLength = GetSidLengthRequired( (BYTE)(DomainIdSubAuthorityCount+1) );
if ((*Sid = (PSID) LocalAlloc(LPTR, SidLength )) == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Initialize the new SID to have the same inital value as the
// domain ID.
if( CopySid(SidLength, *Sid, DomainId) == FALSE ) {
dwError = GetLastError();
LocalFree( *Sid ); return( dwError ); }
// Adjust the sub-authority count and
// add the relative Id unique to the newly allocated SID
(*(GetSidSubAuthorityCount( *Sid ))) ++; *GetSidSubAuthority( *Sid, DomainIdSubAuthorityCount ) = RelativeId;
return( NOERROR );
DWORD WINAPI CreateWellKnownSids( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function creates some well-known SIDs and store them in global variables.
Return Value:
WIN32 Error Code.
--*/ { DWORD dwError; DWORD i;
// Allocate and initialize well-known SIDs which aren't relative to
// the Domain Id.
for (i = 0; i< NUM_SIDS ; i++) {
dwError = AllocateAndInitializeSid( SidData[i].Sid, &(SidData[i].IdentifierAuthority), 1);
if ( dwError != NOERROR ) { return dwError; }
*(GetSidSubAuthority(*(SidData[i].Sid), 0)) = SidData[i].SubAuthority; }
// Build each SID which is relative to the Builtin Domain Id.
for ( i = 0;i < NUM_DOMAIN_SIDS; i++) {
dwError = DomainIdToSid( psidBuiltinDomain, psidBuiltinDomainData[i].RelativeId, psidBuiltinDomainData[i].Sid );
if ( dwError != NOERROR ) { return dwError; } }
return NOERROR;
} // CreateWellKnownSids
VOID WINAPI FreeWellKnownSids( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function frees up the dynamic memory consumed by the well-known SIDs.
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD i;
// free up memory allocated for well-known SIDs
for (i = 0; i < NUM_SIDS ; i++) {
if( *SidData[i].Sid != NULL ) { LocalFree( *SidData[i].Sid ); *SidData[i].Sid = NULL; } }
// free up memory allocated for Builtin Domain SIDs
for (i = 0; i < NUM_DOMAIN_SIDS; i++) {
if( *psidBuiltinDomainData[i].Sid != NULL ) { LocalFree( *psidBuiltinDomainData[i].Sid ); *psidBuiltinDomainData[i].Sid = NULL; } }
} //FreeWellKnownSids
DWORD WINAPI InitializeAllowedAce( IN PACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE AllowedAce, IN USHORT AceSize, IN BYTE InheritFlags, IN BYTE AceFlags, IN ACCESS_MASK Mask, IN PSID AllowedSid ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function assigns the specified ACE values into an allowed type ACE.
AllowedAce - Supplies a pointer to the ACE that is initialized.
AceSize - Supplies the size of the ACE in bytes.
InheritFlags - Supplies ACE inherit flags.
AceFlags - Supplies ACE type specific control flags.
Mask - Supplies the allowed access masks.
AllowedSid - Supplies the pointer to the SID of user/group which is allowed the specified access.
Return Value:
WIN32 Error Code.
--*/ { AllowedAce->Header.AceType = ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE; AllowedAce->Header.AceSize = AceSize; AllowedAce->Header.AceFlags = AceFlags | InheritFlags;
AllowedAce->Mask = Mask;
if( CopySid( GetLengthSid(AllowedSid), // should be valid SID ??
&(AllowedAce->SidStart), AllowedSid ) == FALSE ) {
return( GetLastError() ); }
return( NOERROR ); }
DWORD WINAPI InitializeDeniedAce( IN PACCESS_DENIED_ACE DeniedAce, IN USHORT AceSize, IN BYTE InheritFlags, IN BYTE AceFlags, IN ACCESS_MASK Mask, IN PSID DeniedSid ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function assigns the specified ACE values into a denied type ACE.
DeniedAce - Supplies a pointer to the ACE that is initialized.
AceSize - Supplies the size of the ACE in bytes.
InheritFlags - Supplies ACE inherit flags.
AceFlags - Supplies ACE type specific control flags.
Mask - Supplies the denied access masks.
AllowedSid - Supplies the pointer to the SID of user/group which is denied the specified access.
Return Value:
WIN32 Error Code.
--*/ { DeniedAce->Header.AceType = ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE; DeniedAce->Header.AceSize = AceSize; DeniedAce->Header.AceFlags = AceFlags | InheritFlags;
DeniedAce->Mask = Mask;
if( CopySid( GetLengthSid(DeniedSid), // should be valid SID ??
&(DeniedAce->SidStart), DeniedSid ) == FALSE ) {
return( GetLastError() ); }
return( NOERROR ); }
DWORD WINAPI InitializeAuditAce( IN PACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE AuditAce, IN USHORT AceSize, IN BYTE InheritFlags, IN BYTE AceFlags, IN ACCESS_MASK Mask, IN PSID AuditSid ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function assigns the specified ACE values into an audit type ACE.
AuditAce - Supplies a pointer to the ACE that is initialized.
AceSize - Supplies the size of the ACE in bytes.
InheritFlags - Supplies ACE inherit flags.
AceFlags - Supplies ACE type specific control flags.
Mask - Supplies the allowed access masks.
AuditSid - Supplies the pointer to the SID of user/group which is to be audited.
Return Value:
WIN32 Error Code.
--*/ { AuditAce->Header.AceType = SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE; AuditAce->Header.AceSize = AceSize; AuditAce->Header.AceFlags = AceFlags | InheritFlags;
AuditAce->Mask = Mask;
if( CopySid( GetLengthSid(AuditSid), &(AuditAce->SidStart), AuditSid ) == FALSE ) {
return( GetLastError() ); }
return( NOERROR ); }
DWORD WINAPI CreateSecurityDescriptorHelper( IN PACE_DATA AceData, IN ULONG AceCount, IN PSID psidOwner OPTIONAL, IN PSID psidGroup OPTIONAL, OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *NewDescriptor ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function creates an absolute security descriptor containing the supplied ACE information.
A sample usage of this function:
// Order matters! These ACEs are inserted into the DACL in the
// following order. Security access is granted or denied based on
// the order of the ACEs in the DACL.
ACE_DATA AceData[4] = { {ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE, 0, 0, GENERIC_ALL, &psidLocalAdmin},
return CreateSecurityDescriptor( AceData, 4, psidNull, psidLocalSystem, &ConfigurationInfoSd );
AceData - Supplies the structure of information that describes the DACL.
AceCount - Supplies the number of entries in AceData structure.
psidOwner - Supplies the pointer to the SID of the security descriptor owner. If not specified, a security descriptor with no owner will be created.
psidGroup - Supplies the pointer to the SID of the security descriptor primary group. If not specified, a security descriptor with no primary group will be created.
NewDescriptor - Returns a pointer to the absolute secutiry descriptor allocated using MemoryAllocate.
Return Value:
WIN32 Error Code.
--*/ { DWORD dwError = 0; DWORD i;
// Pointer to memory dynamically allocated by this routine to hold
// the absolute security descriptor, the DACL, the SACL, and all the ACEs.
// +---------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Security Descriptor |
// +-------------------------------+-------+---------------+-------+
// | DACL | ACE 1 | . . . | ACE n |
// +-------------------------------+-------+---------------+-------+
// | SACL | ACE 1 | . . . | ACE n |
// +-------------------------------+-------+---------------+-------+
PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR AbsoluteSd = NULL; PACL Dacl = NULL; // Pointer to the DACL portion of above buffer
PACL Sacl = NULL; // Pointer to the SACL portion of above buffer
DWORD DaclSize = sizeof(ACL); DWORD SaclSize = sizeof(ACL); DWORD MaxAceSize = 0; PVOID MaxAce = NULL;
LPBYTE CurrentAvailable; DWORD Size;
// ASSERT( AceCount > 0 );
// Compute the total size of the DACL and SACL ACEs and the maximum
// size of any ACE.
for (i = 0; i < AceCount; i++) {
DWORD AceSize;
AceSize = GetLengthSid( *(AceData[i].Sid) );
switch (AceData[i].AceType) { case ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE: AceSize += sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE); DaclSize += AceSize; break;
case ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE: AceSize += sizeof(ACCESS_DENIED_ACE); DaclSize += AceSize; break;
case SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE: AceSize += sizeof(SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE); SaclSize += AceSize; break;
default: return( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
MaxAceSize = max( MaxAceSize, AceSize ); }
// Allocate a chunk of memory large enough the security descriptor
// the DACL, the SACL and all ACEs.
// A security descriptor is of opaque data type but
__try {
if ( DaclSize != sizeof(ACL) ) { Size += DaclSize; }
if ( SaclSize != sizeof(ACL) ) { Size += SaclSize; }
if ((AbsoluteSd = LocalAlloc(LPTR, Size )) == NULL) { dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; __leave; }
// Initialize the Dacl and Sacl
if ( DaclSize != sizeof(ACL) ) {
Dacl = (PACL)CurrentAvailable; CurrentAvailable += DaclSize;
if( InitializeAcl( Dacl, DaclSize, ACL_REVISION ) == FALSE ) { dwError = GetLastError(); __leave; } }
if ( SaclSize != sizeof(ACL) ) {
Sacl = (PACL)CurrentAvailable; CurrentAvailable += SaclSize;
if( InitializeAcl( Sacl, SaclSize, ACL_REVISION ) == FALSE ) { dwError = GetLastError(); __leave; } }
// Allocate a temporary buffer big enough for the biggest ACE.
if ((MaxAce = LocalAlloc(LPTR, MaxAceSize )) == NULL ) { dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; __leave; }
// Initialize each ACE, and append it into the end of the DACL or SACL.
for (i = 0; i < AceCount; i++) {
DWORD AceSize; PACL CurrentAcl = NULL;
AceSize = GetLengthSid( *(AceData[i].Sid) );
switch (AceData[i].AceType) { case ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE:
AceSize += sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE); CurrentAcl = Dacl;
dwError = InitializeAllowedAce( (PACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE)MaxAce, (USHORT) AceSize, AceData[i].InheritFlags, AceData[i].AceFlags, AceData[i].Mask, *(AceData[i].Sid) ); break;
AceSize += sizeof(ACCESS_DENIED_ACE); CurrentAcl = Dacl;
dwError = InitializeDeniedAce( (PACCESS_DENIED_ACE)MaxAce, (USHORT) AceSize, AceData[i].InheritFlags, AceData[i].AceFlags, AceData[i].Mask, *(AceData[i].Sid) ); break;
AceSize += sizeof(SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE); CurrentAcl = Sacl;
dwError = InitializeAuditAce( (PACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE)MaxAce, (USHORT) AceSize, AceData[i].InheritFlags, AceData[i].AceFlags, AceData[i].Mask, *(AceData[i].Sid) ); break; }
if ( dwError != NOERROR ) { __leave; }
// Append the initialized ACE to the end of DACL or SACL
if ( AddAce( CurrentAcl, ACL_REVISION, MAXDWORD, MaxAce, AceSize ) == FALSE ) { dwError = GetLastError(); __leave; } }
// Create the security descriptor with absolute pointers to SIDs
// and ACLs.
// Owner = psidOwner
// Group = psidGroup
// Dacl = Dacl
// Sacl = Sacl
if ( InitializeSecurityDescriptor( AbsoluteSd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION ) == FALSE ) { dwError = GetLastError(); __leave; }
if ( SetSecurityDescriptorOwner( AbsoluteSd, psidOwner, FALSE ) == FALSE ) { dwError = GetLastError(); __leave; }
if ( SetSecurityDescriptorGroup( AbsoluteSd, psidGroup, FALSE ) == FALSE ) { dwError = GetLastError(); __leave; }
if ( SetSecurityDescriptorDacl( AbsoluteSd, TRUE, Dacl, FALSE ) == FALSE ) { dwError = GetLastError(); __leave; }
if ( SetSecurityDescriptorSacl( AbsoluteSd, FALSE, Sacl, FALSE ) == FALSE ) {
dwError = GetLastError(); __leave; }
// Done
*NewDescriptor = AbsoluteSd; AbsoluteSd = NULL; dwError = NOERROR;
} __finally {
// Cleanup
if( AbsoluteSd != NULL ) { //
// delete the partially made SD if we are not completely
// successful
LocalFree( AbsoluteSd ); AbsoluteSd = NULL; }
// Delete the temporary ACE
if ( MaxAce != NULL ) { LocalFree( MaxAce ); MaxAce = NULL; } }
return( dwError );
DWORD WINAPI CreateSecurityObject( IN PACE_DATA AceData, IN ULONG AceCount, IN PSID psidOwner, IN PSID psidGroup, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *NewDescriptor ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function creates the DACL for the security descriptor based on on the ACE information specified, and creates the security descriptor which becomes the user-mode security object.
AceData - Supplies the structure of information that describes the DACL.
AceCount - Supplies the number of entries in AceData structure.
psidOwner - Supplies the pointer to the SID of the security descriptor owner.
psidGroup - Supplies the pointer to the SID of the security descriptor primary group.
GenericMapping - Supplies the pointer to a generic mapping array denoting the mapping between each generic right to specific rights.
NewDescriptor - Returns a pointer to the self-relative security descriptor which represents the user-mode object.
Return Value:
WIN32 Error Code.
NOTE : the security object created by calling this function may be freed up by calling DeleteSecurityObject().
--*/ { DWORD dwError; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR AbsoluteSd = NULL; HANDLE hTokenHandle = NULL;
__try {
dwError = CreateSecurityDescriptorHelper( AceData, AceCount, psidOwner, psidGroup, &AbsoluteSd );
if( dwError != NOERROR ) { __leave; }
if( OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hTokenHandle ) == FALSE ) {
hTokenHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; dwError = GetLastError(); __leave; }
// Create the security object (a user-mode object is really a pseudo-
// object represented by a security descriptor that have relative
// pointers to SIDs and ACLs). This routine allocates the memory to
// hold the relative security descriptor so the memory allocated for the
// DACL, ACEs, and the absolute descriptor can be freed.
if( CreatePrivateObjectSecurity( NULL, // Parent descriptor
AbsoluteSd, // Creator descriptor
NewDescriptor, // Pointer to new descriptor
FALSE, // Is directory object
hTokenHandle, // Token
GenericMapping // Generic mapping
) == FALSE ) {
dwError = GetLastError(); __leave; }
dwError = NOERROR;
__finally {
// Finally clean up used resources
if( hTokenHandle != NULL ) { CloseHandle( hTokenHandle ); }
// Free dynamic memory before returning
if( AbsoluteSd != NULL ) { LocalFree( AbsoluteSd ); }
return( dwError ); }
DWORD WINAPI DeleteSecurityObject( IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *Descriptor ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function deletes a security object that was created by calling CreateSecurityObject() function.
Descriptor - Returns a pointer to the self-relative security descriptor which represents the user-mode object.
Return Value:
WIN32 Error Code.
--*/ { if( DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity( Descriptor ) == FALSE ) { return( GetLastError() ); }
return( NOERROR ); }
DWORD WINAPI StiAccessCheckAndAuditW( IN LPCWSTR SubsystemName, IN LPWSTR ObjectTypeName, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function impersonates the caller so that it can perform access validation using NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm; and reverts back to itself before returning.
SubsystemName - Supplies a name string identifying the subsystem calling this routine.
ObjectTypeName - Supplies the name of the type of the object being accessed.
SecurityDescriptor - A pointer to the Security Descriptor against which acccess is to be checked.
DesiredAccess - Supplies desired acccess mask. This mask must have been previously mapped to contain no generic accesses.
GenericMapping - Supplies a pointer to the generic mapping associated with this object type.
Return Value:
WIN32 Error - NOERROR or reason for failure.
--*/ { DWORD dwError;
ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess; BOOL GenerateOnClose; BOOL AccessStatus;
dwError = RpcImpersonateClient( NULL ) ;
if( dwError != NOERROR ) { return( dwError ); }
__try {
if( AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmW( SubsystemName, NULL, // No handle for object
ObjectTypeName, NULL, SecurityDescriptor, DesiredAccess, GenericMapping, FALSE, // open existing object.
&GrantedAccess, &AccessStatus, &GenerateOnClose ) == FALSE ) {
dwError = GetLastError(); __leave; }
if ( AccessStatus == FALSE ) { dwError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; __leave; }
dwError = NOERROR; } __finally { DWORD dwTemp = RpcRevertToSelf(); // We don't care about the return here
return( dwError ); }
DWORD WINAPI StiAccessCheckAndAuditA( IN LPCSTR SubsystemName, IN LPSTR ObjectTypeName, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function impersonates the caller so that it can perform access validation using NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm; and reverts back to itself before returning.
SubsystemName - Supplies a name string identifying the subsystem calling this routine.
ObjectTypeName - Supplies the name of the type of the object being accessed.
SecurityDescriptor - A pointer to the Security Descriptor against which acccess is to be checked.
DesiredAccess - Supplies desired acccess mask. This mask must have been previously mapped to contain no generic accesses.
GenericMapping - Supplies a pointer to the generic mapping associated with this object type.
Return Value:
WIN32 Error - NOERROR or reason for failure.
--*/ { DWORD dwError;
ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess; BOOL GenerateOnClose; BOOL AccessStatus;
dwError = RpcImpersonateClient( NULL ) ;
if( dwError != NOERROR ) { return( dwError ); } __try {
if( AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmA( SubsystemName, NULL, // No handle for object
ObjectTypeName, NULL, SecurityDescriptor, DesiredAccess, GenericMapping, FALSE, // open existing object.
&GrantedAccess, &AccessStatus, &GenerateOnClose ) == FALSE ) { dwError = GetLastError(); __leave; }
if ( AccessStatus == FALSE ) { dwError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; __leave; }
dwError = NOERROR; } __finally { DWORD dwTemp = RpcRevertToSelf(); // We don't care about the return here
return( dwError ); }
DWORD WINAPI StiAccessCheck( IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function impersonates the caller so that it can perform access validation using AccessCheck; and reverts back to itself before returning.
This routine differs from AccessCheckAndAudit in that it doesn't require the caller to have SE_AUDIT_PRIVILEGE nor does it generate audits. That is typically fine since the passed in security descriptor typically doesn't have a SACL requesting an audit.
SecurityDescriptor - A pointer to the Security Descriptor against which acccess is to be checked.
DesiredAccess - Supplies desired acccess mask. This mask must have been previously mapped to contain no generic accesses.
GenericMapping - Supplies a pointer to the generic mapping associated with this object type.
Return Value:
WINAPI_STATUS - NOERROR or reason for failure.
--*/ { DWORD dwError;
HANDLE hClientToken = NULL;
DWORD GrantedAccess; BOOL AccessStatus; BYTE PrivilegeSet[500]; // Large buffer
DWORD PrivilegeSetSize;
// Impersonate the client.
dwError = RpcImpersonateClient(NULL);
if ( dwError != NOERROR ) { return( dwError ); }
__try { //
// Open the impersonated token.
if ( OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, // use process security context to open token
&hClientToken ) == FALSE ) {
dwError = GetLastError(); __leave; }
// Check if the client has the required access.
PrivilegeSetSize = sizeof(PrivilegeSet); if ( AccessCheck( SecurityDescriptor, hClientToken, DesiredAccess, GenericMapping, (PPRIVILEGE_SET)PrivilegeSet, &PrivilegeSetSize, &GrantedAccess, &AccessStatus ) == FALSE ) { dwError = GetLastError(); __leave; }
if ( AccessStatus == FALSE ) { dwError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; __leave; }
// Success
dwError = NOERROR; } __finally {
DWORD dwTemp = RpcRevertToSelf(); // We don't care about the return here
if ( hClientToken != NULL ) { CloseHandle( hClientToken ); } }
return( dwError ); }
DWORD WINAPI StiApiAccessCheck( IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess ) /*++
Routine Description:
DesiredAccess - Supplies desired acccess mask. This mask must have been previously mapped to contain no generic accesses.
Return Value:
WINAPI_STATUS - NOERROR or reason for failure.
--*/ { return StiAccessCheck( sdApiObject, DesiredAccess, &ApiObjectMapping ); }
BOOL WINAPI AdjustSecurityDescriptorForSync( HANDLE hObject ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
BOOL fRet;
fRet = FALSE;
bSDbuf = (BYTE*) LocalAlloc(LPTR, SD_SIZE); if (!bSDbuf) { DBG_ERR(("AdjustSecurityDescriptorForSync, Out of memory!")); return FALSE; }
__try {
if (!GetKernelObjectSecurity(hObject, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, pProcessSD, SD_SIZE, (LPDWORD)&dwSDLengthNeeded)) { __leave; }
// Initialize new SD
if(!InitializeSecurityDescriptor(psdNewSD,SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)) { fRet = FALSE; __leave; }
// Get DACL from SD
if (!GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(pProcessSD,&bDaclPresent,&pACL,&bDaclDefaulted)) { fRet = FALSE; __leave; }
// Get file ACL size information
if(!GetAclInformation(pACL,&AclInfo,sizeof(ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION),AclSizeInformation)) { fRet = FALSE; __leave; }
// Compute size needed for the new ACL
dwNewACLSize = AclInfo.AclBytesInUse + sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + GetLengthSid(psidLocal) - sizeof(DWORD);
// Allocate memory for new ACL
pNewACL = (PACL)LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwNewACLSize);
if (!pNewACL) { fRet = FALSE; __leave; }
// Initialize the new ACL
if(!InitializeAcl(pNewACL, dwNewACLSize, ACL_REVISION2)) { fRet = FALSE; __leave; }
// If DACL is present, copy it to a new DACL
if(bDaclPresent) {
if(AclInfo.AceCount) {
for(CurrentAceIndex = 0; CurrentAceIndex < AclInfo.AceCount; CurrentAceIndex++) {
if(!GetAce(pACL,CurrentAceIndex,&pTempAce)) { fRet = FALSE; __leave; }
// Add the ACE to the new ACL
if(!AddAce(pNewACL, ACL_REVISION, MAXDWORD, pTempAce,((PACE_HEADER)pTempAce)->AceSize)){ fRet = FALSE; __leave; } } }
// Add the access-allowed ACE to the new DACL
if(!AddAccessAllowedAce(pNewACL,ACL_REVISION2, READ_CONTROL | SYNCHRONIZE,psidLocal)) { fRet = FALSE; __leave; }
// Set our new DACL to the file SD
if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(psdNewSD,TRUE,pNewACL,FALSE)) { fRet = FALSE; __leave; }
if (!SetKernelObjectSecurity(hObject,DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION,psdNewSD)) { fRet = FALSE; __leave; }
fRet = TRUE;
} __finally { if (bSDbuf) { LocalFree(bSDbuf); bSDbuf = NULL; }
if (pNewACL) { LocalFree((HLOCAL) pNewACL); pNewACL = NULL; } }
BOOL WINAPI InitializeNTSecurity( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Creates and initializes security related data
Return Value:
TRUE if successful --*/ {
DWORD dwError = NOERROR; HANDLE hProcess = NULL;
// Set proper process and thread security descriptor
hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,GetCurrentProcessId());
if (IS_VALID_HANDLE(hProcess)) { AdjustSecurityDescriptorForSync(hProcess); CloseHandle(hProcess); } else { dwError = GetLastError(); return FALSE; }
dwError = CreateSecurityObject( AcesData, NUM_ACES, NULL, NULL, &ApiObjectMapping, &sdApiObject );
return (dwError == NOERROR) ? TRUE : FALSE;
} // InitializeNTSecurity
BOOL WINAPI TerminateNTSecurity( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Cleans up security related data
Return Value:
TRUE if successful
--*/ { DeleteSecurityObject(&sdApiObject);
return TRUE;
} //TerminateNTSecurity
// We don't support security on non-NT platforms
DWORD WINAPI StiApiAccessCheck( IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess ) /*++
Routine Description:
DesiredAccess - Supplies desired acccess mask. This mask must have been previously mapped to contain no generic accesses.
Return Value:
WINAPI_STATUS - NOERROR or reason for failure.
--*/ { return NOERROR; }