#include "precomp.h"
#include "wiadbgp.h"
#ifdef WIA_DEBUG
CWiaDebugger *_global_pWiaDebugger = NULL; #endif
CWiaDebugger::CWiaDebugger( HINSTANCE hInstance, LPTSTR pszModuleName, BOOL bDisplayUi, BOOL bLogFile, HANDLE hStartedEvent ) : m_bDisplayUi(bDisplayUi), m_bLogFile(bLogFile), m_hWnd(NULL), m_hLogFile(NULL), m_nStackLevel(0), m_nFlags(DebugToWindow|DebugToFile|DebugToDebugger|DebugPrintThreadId), m_hStartedEvent(hStartedEvent), m_dwThreadId(0), m_hInstance(hInstance) { if (pszModuleName) lstrcpy( m_szModuleName, pszModuleName ); else lstrcpy( m_szModuleName, TEXT("") ); if (bLogFile) { TCHAR szLogFileName[MAX_PATH]=TEXT(""); LPTSTR pPtr=szLogFileName; GetWindowsDirectory( szLogFileName, MAX_PATH ); while (*pPtr && *pPtr != TEXT('\\')) pPtr++; if (*pPtr == TEXT('\\')) pPtr++; else pPtr = szLogFileName; lstrcpy( pPtr, pszModuleName ); for (int i=lstrlen(szLogFileName);i>0;i--) { if (szLogFileName[i-1]==TEXT('.')) { szLogFileName[i-1]=TEXT('\0'); break; } } lstrcat(szLogFileName, TEXT(".log")); if ((m_hLogFile = CreateFile(szLogFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { m_hLogFile = NULL; m_nFlags &= ~DebugToFile; OutputDebugString( TEXT("WIADBG: Unable to create log file\n") ); } else { m_nFlags |= DebugToFile; } } }
DWORD CWiaDebugger::DebugLoop(void) { if (m_bDisplayUi) { m_hWnd = CWiaDebugWindow::Create( m_szModuleName, m_hInstance, true ); ShowWindow( m_hWnd, SW_SHOW ); UpdateWindow( m_hWnd ); } SetEvent(m_hStartedEvent); MSG msg; while (GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0)) { if (!msg.hwnd) { if (msg.message==WM_CLOSE) PostQuitMessage(0); } else { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } return 0; }
DWORD CWiaDebugger::ThreadProc( LPVOID pParam ) { DWORD dwResult = 0; CWiaDebugger *This = (CWiaDebugger*)pParam; if (This) { dwResult = (DWORD)This->DebugLoop(); delete This; } return dwResult; }
CWiaDebugger::~CWiaDebugger(void) { if (m_hThread) CloseHandle( m_hThread ); }
CWiaDebugger * __stdcall CWiaDebugger::Create( HINSTANCE hInstance, LPTSTR pszModuleName, BOOL bDisplayUi, BOOL bLogFile ) { CWiaDebugger *pDebugger = NULL; HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); if (hEvent) { pDebugger = new CWiaDebugger( hInstance, pszModuleName, bDisplayUi, bLogFile, hEvent ); if (pDebugger) { pDebugger->m_hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ThreadProc, (PVOID)pDebugger, 0, &pDebugger->m_dwThreadId ); if (pDebugger->m_hThread) { // Wait for up to 5 seconds. If someone tries to create a debug
// context in the DLL startup code, the wait will fail and
// we'll output a debug message.
if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == WaitForSingleObject( hEvent, 5000 )) { OutputDebugString(TEXT("Wait failed while creating a debug context. No context creation in DLL startup.")); } } else { delete pDebugger; pDebugger = NULL; } } CloseHandle(hEvent); } return pDebugger; }
int CWiaDebugger::AddString( LPCTSTR szStr, COLORREF cr ) { if (!m_hWnd || !IsWindow(m_hWnd)) { return -1; } LPTSTR pszStr = (LPTSTR)szStr; if (pszStr) { pszStr = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR,(lstrlen(szStr)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pszStr) lstrcpy(pszStr,szStr); } SendMessage( m_hWnd, CWiaDebugWindow::sc_nMsgAddString, (WPARAM)pszStr, (LPARAM)cr); return 1; }
HANDLE CWiaDebugger::SetLogFileHandle( HANDLE hFile ) { HANDLE hOld = m_hLogFile; m_hLogFile = hFile; return hOld; }
HANDLE CWiaDebugger::GetLogFileHandle(void) { return m_hLogFile; }
void CWiaDebugger::WiaTrace( LPCWSTR lpszFormat, ... ) { WCHAR szMsg[m_nBufferMax]; va_list arglist;
va_start(arglist, lpszFormat); ::wvsprintfW(szMsg, lpszFormat, arglist); va_end(arglist);
RouteString( szMsg, RGB(0,0,0) ); }
void CWiaDebugger::WiaTrace( LPCSTR lpszFormat, ... ) { CHAR szMsg[m_nBufferMax]; va_list arglist;
va_start(arglist, lpszFormat); ::wvsprintfA(szMsg, lpszFormat, arglist); va_end(arglist);
RouteString( szMsg, RGB(0,0,0) ); }
void CWiaDebugger::PrintColor( COLORREF crColor, LPCWSTR lpszMsg ) { WCHAR szMsg[m_nBufferMax]; lstrcpyW( szMsg, lpszMsg ); RouteString( szMsg, crColor ); }
void CWiaDebugger::PrintColor( COLORREF crColor, LPCSTR lpszMsg ) { CHAR szMsg[m_nBufferMax]; lstrcpyA( szMsg, lpszMsg ); RouteString( szMsg, crColor ); }
void CWiaDebugger::WiaTrace( HRESULT hr ) { DWORD dwLen; LPTSTR pMsgBuf;
if (dwLen) { RouteString( pMsgBuf, RGB(0,0,0) ); LocalFree(pMsgBuf); } else WiaTrace( TEXT("WiaError: Can't format WiaError message 0x%08X"), hr ); }
void CWiaDebugger::WiaError( LPCWSTR lpszFormat, ... ) { WCHAR szMsg[m_nBufferMax]; va_list arglist;
va_start(arglist, lpszFormat); ::wvsprintfW( szMsg, lpszFormat, arglist); va_end(arglist);
RouteString( szMsg, RGB(255,0,0) ); }
void CWiaDebugger::WiaError( HRESULT hr ) { ULONG ulLen; LPTSTR pMsgBuf;
if (ulLen) { RouteString( pMsgBuf, RGB(255,0,0) ); LocalFree(pMsgBuf); } else WiaError( TEXT("WiaError: Can't format WiaError message 0x%08X"), hr ); }
void CWiaDebugger::WiaError( LPCSTR lpszFormat, ... ) { CHAR szMsg[m_nBufferMax]; va_list arglist;
va_start(arglist, lpszFormat); ::wvsprintfA(szMsg, lpszFormat, arglist); va_end(arglist);
RouteString( szMsg, RGB(255,0,0) ); }
LPTSTR CWiaDebugger::RemoveTrailingCrLf( LPTSTR lpszStr ) { for (int i=lstrlen(lpszStr);i>0;i--) if (lpszStr[i-1]==TEXT('\n') || lpszStr[i-1]==TEXT('\r')) lpszStr[i-1]=TEXT('\0'); else break; return lpszStr; }
LPSTR CWiaDebugger::UnicodeToAnsi( LPSTR lpszAnsi, LPTSTR lpszUnicode ) { #if defined(_UNICODE) || defined(UNICODE)
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, lpszUnicode, -1, lpszAnsi, lstrlen(lpszUnicode)+1, NULL, NULL ); #else
lstrcpy( lpszAnsi, lpszUnicode ); #endif
return lpszAnsi; }
void CWiaDebugger::WriteMessageToFile( LPTSTR lpszMsg ) { HANDLE hFile = GetLogFileHandle(); if (hFile != NULL && hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwBytes; CHAR lpszAnsiMsg[m_nBufferMax]; UnicodeToAnsi( lpszAnsiMsg, lpszMsg ); ULONG ulLength = lstrlenA(lpszAnsiMsg); WriteFile(hFile, lpszAnsiMsg, ulLength, &dwBytes, NULL); FlushFileBuffers(hFile); } }
static BOOL ContainsNonWhitespace( LPTSTR lpszMsg ) { for (LPTSTR lpszPtr = lpszMsg;*lpszPtr;lpszPtr++) if (*lpszPtr != TEXT(' ') && *lpszPtr != TEXT('\n') && *lpszPtr != TEXT('\r') && *lpszPtr != TEXT('\t')) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
void CWiaDebugger::PrependString( LPTSTR lpszTgt, LPCTSTR lpszStr ) { if (ContainsNonWhitespace(lpszTgt)) { int iLen = lstrlen(lpszTgt); int iThreadIdLen = lstrlen(lpszStr); LPTSTR lpszTmp = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc( LPTR, (iLen + iThreadIdLen + 2)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (lpszTmp) { lstrcpy( lpszTmp, lpszStr ); lstrcat( lpszTmp, TEXT(" ") ); lstrcat( lpszTmp, lpszTgt ); lstrcpy( lpszTgt, lpszTmp ); LocalFree(lpszTmp); } } }
void CWiaDebugger::PrependThreadId( LPTSTR lpszMsg ) { if (ContainsNonWhitespace(lpszMsg)) { TCHAR szThreadId[20]; wsprintf( szThreadId, TEXT("[%08X]"), GetCurrentThreadId() ); PrependString( lpszMsg, szThreadId ); } }
void CWiaDebugger::PrependModuleName( LPTSTR lpszMsg ) { if (ContainsNonWhitespace(lpszMsg)) { TCHAR szModuleName[MAX_PATH+1]; lstrcpy( szModuleName, m_szModuleName ); lstrcat( szModuleName, TEXT(":") ); PrependString( lpszMsg, szModuleName ); } }
void CWiaDebugger::InsertStackLevelIndent( LPTSTR lpszMsg, int nStackLevel ) { const LPTSTR lpszIndent = TEXT(" "); TCHAR szTmp[m_nBufferMax], *pstrTmp, *pstrPtr; pstrTmp=szTmp; pstrPtr=lpszMsg; while (pstrPtr && *pstrPtr) { // if the current character is a newline and it isn't the
// last character, append the indent string
if (*pstrPtr==TEXT('\n') && ContainsNonWhitespace(pstrPtr)) { *pstrTmp++ = *pstrPtr++; for (int i=0;i<nStackLevel;i++) { lstrcpy(pstrTmp,lpszIndent); pstrTmp += lstrlen(lpszIndent); } } // If this is the first character, insert the indent string before the
// first character
else if (pstrPtr == lpszMsg && ContainsNonWhitespace(pstrPtr)) { for (int i=0;i<nStackLevel;i++) { lstrcpy(pstrTmp,lpszIndent); pstrTmp += lstrlen(lpszIndent); } *pstrTmp++ = *pstrPtr++; } else *pstrTmp++ = *pstrPtr++; } *pstrTmp = TEXT('\0'); lstrcpy( lpszMsg, szTmp ); }
LPTSTR CWiaDebugger::AnsiToTChar( LPCSTR pszAnsi, LPTSTR pszTChar ) { #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pszAnsi, lstrlenA(pszAnsi)+1, pszTChar, m_nBufferMax ); #else
lstrcpyA( pszTChar, pszAnsi ); #endif
return pszTChar; }
LPTSTR CWiaDebugger::WideToTChar( LPWSTR pszWide, LPTSTR pszTChar ) { #if !defined(UNICODE) && !defined(_UNICODE)
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pszWide, lstrlenW(pszWide)+1, pszTChar, m_nBufferMax, NULL, NULL ); #else
lstrcpyW( pszTChar, pszWide ); #endif
return pszTChar; }
void CWiaDebugger::RouteString( LPWSTR lpszMsg, COLORREF nColor ) { TCHAR szMsg[m_nBufferMax]; WideToTChar( lpszMsg, szMsg ); // Remove extra CRs and LFs - we want to control them
RemoveTrailingCrLf( szMsg ); if (m_nFlags & DebugPrintModuleName) PrependModuleName( szMsg ); if (m_nFlags & DebugPrintThreadId) PrependThreadId( szMsg ); InsertStackLevelIndent( szMsg, GetStackLevel() ); if (m_nFlags & DebugToWindow) AddString( szMsg, nColor ); #ifdef WIA_DEBUG
if (m_nFlags & DebugToDebugger) { OutputDebugString( szMsg ); OutputDebugString( TEXT("\n") ); } #endif
if (m_nFlags & DebugToFile) { WriteMessageToFile( szMsg ); WriteMessageToFile( TEXT("\n") ); } }
void CWiaDebugger::RouteString( LPSTR lpszMsg, COLORREF nColor ) { TCHAR szMsg[m_nBufferMax]; AnsiToTChar( lpszMsg, szMsg ); // Remove extra CRs and LFs - we want to control them
RemoveTrailingCrLf( szMsg ); if (m_nFlags & DebugPrintModuleName) PrependModuleName( szMsg ); if (m_nFlags & DebugPrintThreadId) PrependThreadId( szMsg ); InsertStackLevelIndent( szMsg, GetStackLevel() ); if (m_nFlags & DebugToWindow) AddString( szMsg, nColor ); #ifdef WIA_DEBUG
if (m_nFlags & DebugToDebugger) { OutputDebugString( szMsg ); OutputDebugString( TEXT("\n") ); } #endif
if (m_nFlags & DebugToFile) { WriteMessageToFile( szMsg ); WriteMessageToFile( TEXT("\n") ); } }
int CWiaDebugger::SetDebugFlags( int nDebugFlags ) { int nOld = m_nFlags; m_nFlags = nDebugFlags; return nOld; }
int CWiaDebugger::GetDebugFlags(void) { return m_nFlags; }
int CWiaDebugger::GetStackLevel(void) { return m_nStackLevel; }
int CWiaDebugger::PushLevel( LPCTSTR lpszFunctionName ) { WiaTrace( TEXT("Entering function %s, (Level %d)"), lpszFunctionName, GetStackLevel() ); return m_nStackLevel++; }
int CWiaDebugger::PopLevel( LPCTSTR lpszFunctionName ) { m_nStackLevel--; if (m_nStackLevel < 0) m_nStackLevel = 0; if (!m_nStackLevel) WiaTrace( TEXT("\n") ); return m_nStackLevel; }