* * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORP., 1997 * * TITLE: DevMgr.Cpp * * VERSION: 2.0 * * DATE: 26 Dec, 1997 * * DESCRIPTION: * Class implementation for WIA device manager. * *******************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h"
#include "stiexe.h"
#include "wiamindr.h"
#include "wiamdef.h"
#include "wiacfact.h"
#include "devmgr.h"
#include "devinfo.h"
#include "tchar.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#include "ienumdc.h"
#include "shlwapi.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "wiapriv.h"
#include "lockmgr.h"
#ifdef UNICODE
#include "userenv.h"
#define INITGUID
#include "initguid.h"
#include "wiaevntp.h"
// Critical section protecting event node list defined in wiamain.cpp
extern CRITICAL_SECTION g_semEventNode;
// Since there is only Event Notifier needed, it is staticly allocated
CEventNotifier g_eventNotifier;
// Private look up function defined in STIDEV.CPP
HRESULT WiaGetDeviceInfo( LPCWSTR pwszDeviceName, DWORD *pdwDeviceType, BSTR *pbstrDeviceDescription, ACTIVE_DEVICE **ppDevice);
// Helper function to look for action events
BOOL ActionGuidExists( BSTR bstrDevId, const GUID *pEventGUID);
// Special handler's class ID {D13E3F25-1688-45A0-9743-759EB35CDF9A}
DEFINE_GUID( CLSID_DefHandler, 0xD13E3F25, 0x1688, 0x45A0, 0x97, 0x43, 0x75, 0x9E, 0xB3, 0x5C, 0xDF, 0x9A);
#ifdef UNICODE
void PrepareCommandline( BSTR bstrDeviceID, const GUID &guidEvent, LPCWSTR pwszOrigCmdline, LPWSTR pwszCommandline); #else
void PrepareCommandline( BSTR bstrDeviceID, const GUID &guidEvent, LPCSTR pwszOrigCmdline, LPSTR pwszCommandline); #endif
* EventThreadProc * * Thread is created to send events back to client. !!! may want to * create a permanent thread to do this instead of creating a new one * each time * * Arguments: * * lpParameter - pointer to PWIAEventThreadInfo data * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 11/19/1998 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
DWORD WINAPI EventThreadProc( LPVOID lpParameter) { DBG_FN(::EventThreadProc); HRESULT hr;
PWIAEventThreadInfo pInfo = (PWIAEventThreadInfo)lpParameter;
DBG_TRC(("Thread callback 0x%lx", pInfo->pIEventCB));
hr = CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
DBG_ERR(("Thread callback, ImageEventCallback failed (0x%X)", hr)); }
hr = pInfo->pIEventCB->ImageEventCallback( &pInfo->eventGUID, pInfo->bstrEventDescription, pInfo->bstrDeviceID, pInfo->bstrDeviceDescription, pInfo->dwDeviceType, pInfo->bstrFullItemName, &pInfo->ulEventType, pInfo->ulReserved);
if (FAILED(hr)) { DBG_ERR(("Thread callback, ImageEventCallback failed (0x%X)", hr)); }
if (pInfo->bstrDeviceID) { ::SysFreeString(pInfo->bstrDeviceID); }
if (pInfo->bstrEventDescription) { ::SysFreeString(pInfo->bstrEventDescription); }
if (pInfo->bstrDeviceDescription) { ::SysFreeString(pInfo->bstrDeviceDescription); }
if (pInfo->bstrFullItemName) { ::SysFreeString(pInfo->bstrFullItemName); }
return 0; }
* * CEventNotifier * ~CEventNotifier * * Class constructor/destructors * * History: * * 9/2/1998 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
CEventNotifier::CEventNotifier() { m_ulRef = 0; m_pEventDestNodes = NULL; }
CEventNotifier::~CEventNotifier() { // Clean up
* CEventNotifier::UnlinkNode * * remove node from double linkeed list * * Arguments: * * pCurNode - node to remove * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 5/20/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
VOID CEventNotifier::UnlinkNode( PEventDestNode pCurNode) { DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::UnlinkNode); //
// Unlink the current node
if (pCurNode->pPrev) { pCurNode->pPrev->pNext = pCurNode->pNext; } else {
// The head of the list is deleted
m_pEventDestNodes = pCurNode->pNext; }
if (pCurNode->pNext) { pCurNode->pNext->pPrev = pCurNode->pPrev; } }
* * CEventNotifier::LinkNode * * add the node to the double linked list of nodes * * Arguments: * * pCurNode - node to add to list * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 5/20/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
VOID CEventNotifier::LinkNode( PEventDestNode pCurNode) { DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::LinkNode); //
// Put the new node at the head of the list
if (m_pEventDestNodes) { m_pEventDestNodes->pPrev = pCurNode; }
pCurNode->pNext = m_pEventDestNodes; pCurNode->pPrev = NULL; m_pEventDestNodes = pCurNode; }
* * CEventNotifier::FireEventAsync * * Fires a Async event * * Arguments: * * pMasterInfo - Thread information * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 8/9/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT CEventNotifier::FireEventAsync( PWIAEventThreadInfo pMasterInfo) { DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::FireEventAsync); HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; PWIAEventThreadInfo pInfo = NULL; DWORD dwThreadID; HANDLE hThread;
do {
pInfo = (PWIAEventThreadInfo) LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(WIAEventThreadInfo)); if (! pInfo) { break; }
// Copy information from the master thread info block
pInfo->eventGUID = pMasterInfo->eventGUID;
pInfo->bstrDeviceID = SysAllocString(pMasterInfo->bstrDeviceID); if (! pInfo->bstrDeviceID) { break; }
pInfo->bstrEventDescription = SysAllocString(pMasterInfo->bstrEventDescription); if (! pInfo->bstrEventDescription) { break; }
if (pMasterInfo->bstrDeviceDescription) {
pInfo->bstrDeviceDescription = SysAllocString(pMasterInfo->bstrDeviceDescription); if (! pInfo->bstrDeviceDescription) { break; } }
if (pMasterInfo->bstrFullItemName) {
pInfo->bstrFullItemName = SysAllocString(pMasterInfo->bstrFullItemName); if (! pInfo->bstrFullItemName) { break; } }
pInfo->dwDeviceType = pMasterInfo->dwDeviceType; pInfo->ulEventType = pMasterInfo->ulEventType; pInfo->ulReserved = pMasterInfo->ulReserved;
pMasterInfo->pIEventCB->AddRef(); hr = S_OK;
pInfo->pIEventCB = pMasterInfo->pIEventCB;
// Fire the event callback
hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, EventThreadProc, pInfo, 0, &dwThreadID); if (hThread) {
// Close the handler, so that kernel mode thread object is
// closed when the thread finishes its mission
} else {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
// Don't wait for completion
} while (FALSE);
// The notification should free the allocated resources
if (hr == S_OK) {
return (hr); }
if (hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY) {
DBG_ERR(("FireEventAsync : Memory alloc failed")); }
// Garbage collection to avoid memory leak
if (pInfo) {
if (pInfo->bstrDeviceDescription) { SysFreeString(pInfo->bstrDeviceDescription); } if (pInfo->bstrDeviceID) { SysFreeString(pInfo->bstrDeviceID); } if (pInfo->bstrEventDescription) { SysFreeString(pInfo->bstrEventDescription); } if (pInfo->bstrFullItemName) { SysFreeString(pInfo->bstrFullItemName); } if (pInfo->pIEventCB) { pInfo->pIEventCB->Release(); }
LocalFree(pInfo); }
return (hr); }
* CEventNotifier::NotifySTIEvent * * Search through list of registered events and notify anyone who * matched current event * * Arguments: * * pWiaNotify - Event infor * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 5/18/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT CEventNotifier::NotifySTIEvent( PWIANOTIFY pWiaNotify, ULONG ulEventType, BSTR bstrFullItemName) { DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::NotifySTIEvent);
HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; EventDestNode *pCurNode; BOOL bDeviceLocked; DWORD dwDeviceType; BSTR bstrDevDescription = NULL; IWiaMiniDrv *pIWiaMiniDrv = NULL; WIA_DEV_CAP_DRV *pWiaDrvDevCap = NULL; BSTR bstrEventDescription = NULL; LONG lNumEntries = 0; LONG i = 0; LONG lDevErrVal; WIAEventThreadInfo masterInfo; ULONG ulNumHandlers; EventDestNode *pDefHandlerNode; IWiaEventCallback *pIEventCB; ACTIVE_DEVICE *pDevice = NULL; ULONG *pulTemp;
WiaEventInfo *pWiaEventInfo = NULL;
do {
ZeroMemory(&masterInfo, sizeof(masterInfo));
// Get device information from STI active device list
hr = WiaGetDeviceInfo( pWiaNotify->bstrDevId, &dwDeviceType, &bstrDevDescription, &pDevice); if (hr != S_OK) { DBG_ERR(("Failed to get WiaGetDeviceInfo from NotifySTIEvent, 0x%X", hr)); break; }
// Make sure we only grab global event Critical Section AFTER we've released the
// device list Critical Section (used and released in WiaGetDeviceInfo).
CWiaCritSect CritSect(&g_semEventNode);
// QI for the WIA mini driver interface
hr = pDevice->m_DrvWrapper.QueryInterface( IID_IWiaMiniDrv, (void **)&pIWiaMiniDrv); if (FAILED(hr)) { DBG_WRN(("Failed to QI for IWiaMini from NotifySTIEvent (0x%X)", hr)); }
// Hardware might be gone, access to it should not be allowed
bDeviceLocked = FALSE;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { __try {
__try {
// Notify the mini driver of the new event.
// NOTE: We don't lock here. The event must be delivered
// to the driver regardless. A queued system would
// be better, but it MUST guarantee delivery.
hr = pDevice->m_DrvWrapper.WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent( &pWiaNotify->stiNotify.guidNotificationCode, pWiaNotify->bstrDevId, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { __leave; }
// This is a "work-around" for our in-box HP scanner driver, which
// calls down to the microdriver even after it has been informed
// via drvNotifyPnPEvent that the device no longer exists...
// Only if this is not a disconnect event, do we want to
// call driver
if (pWiaNotify->stiNotify.guidNotificationCode != WIA_EVENT_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED) {
// Lock the device since the drvInitializeWia may have not been
// called and the IWiaMiniDrv can not lock the device
// NOTE: Timeout is 20sec
// NOTE: We don't lock serial devices here...
// , this function on a connection should be as fast as possible
if (!( pDevice->m_DrvWrapper.getHWConfig() & STI_HW_CONFIG_SERIAL) || !IsEqualGUID(pWiaNotify->stiNotify.guidNotificationCode,WIA_EVENT_DEVICE_CONNECTED) ) { hr = g_pStiLockMgr->RequestLock(pDevice, 20000); if (FAILED(hr)) { __leave; } bDeviceLocked = TRUE; } //
// Note that a NULL context passed to the minidriver. This should be OK since
// capabilities are not tied to any item context.
hr = pDevice->m_DrvWrapper.WIA_drvGetCapabilities( NULL, WIA_DEVICE_EVENTS, &lNumEntries, &pWiaDrvDevCap, &lDevErrVal); } } __finally {
// Unlock the device first
if (bDeviceLocked) { g_pStiLockMgr->RequestUnlock(pDevice); bDeviceLocked = FALSE; } }
DBG_ERR(("NotifySTIEvent() : Exception happened in the drvGetCapabilities"));
if (pIWiaMiniDrv) { pIWiaMiniDrv->Release(); } return (E_FAIL); } }
// Mini driver failed the operation
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
if (pWiaDrvDevCap) {
__try { //
// Retrieve event related information
for (i = 0; i < lNumEntries; i++) {
if (pWiaDrvDevCap[i].guid != NULL) { if (*pWiaDrvDevCap[i].guid == pWiaNotify->stiNotify.guidNotificationCode) {
if (! ulEventType) { ulEventType = pWiaDrvDevCap[i].ulFlags; } bstrEventDescription = SysAllocString(pWiaDrvDevCap[i].wszDescription); break; } } else { DBG_WRN(("NotifySTIEvent() : Driver's event guid is NULL, index = %d", i)); } } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DBG_ERR(("NotifySTIEvent() : Exception occurred while accessing driver's event array")); hr = E_FAIL; }
// The device is not supposed to generate this event
if ((i == lNumEntries) || (!bstrEventDescription)) { DBG_ERR(("NotifySTIEvent() : Event description is NULL or Event GUID not found")); hr = E_FAIL; } } else { // Minidriver is wrong, claiming success and returning NULL
DBG_ERR(("NotifySTIEvent() got NULL cap list from drivers .") ); hr = E_FAIL; } }
// Make sure device connected and device disconnected have at least the
// notification bit set.
if ((pWiaNotify->stiNotify.guidNotificationCode == WIA_EVENT_DEVICE_CONNECTED) || (pWiaNotify->stiNotify.guidNotificationCode == WIA_EVENT_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED)) { ulEventType |= WIA_NOTIFICATION_EVENT; }
// If the event is a connect or diconnect event, always fire it.
if (FAILED(hr) && ((pWiaNotify->stiNotify.guidNotificationCode == WIA_EVENT_DEVICE_CONNECTED) || (pWiaNotify->stiNotify.guidNotificationCode == WIA_EVENT_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED))) {
DBG_WRN(("NotifySTIEvent() : hr indicates FAILURE, but event is Connect/Disconnect"));
// Set the event type and string
if (! ulEventType) { ulEventType = WIA_NOTIFICATION_EVENT; } if (pWiaNotify->stiNotify.guidNotificationCode == WIA_EVENT_DEVICE_CONNECTED) {
bstrEventDescription = SysAllocString(WIA_EVENT_DEVICE_CONNECTED_STR); } else { bstrEventDescription = SysAllocString(WIA_EVENT_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED_STR); }
// Prepare the master thread info block
masterInfo.eventGUID = pWiaNotify->stiNotify.guidNotificationCode; masterInfo.bstrEventDescription = bstrEventDescription; masterInfo.bstrDeviceID = pWiaNotify->bstrDevId; masterInfo.bstrDeviceDescription = bstrDevDescription; masterInfo.dwDeviceType = dwDeviceType;
// Retrieve the full item name set by the driver
masterInfo.bstrFullItemName = bstrFullItemName;
masterInfo.ulEventType = ulEventType; masterInfo.ulReserved = 0; masterInfo.pIEventCB = NULL;
// For Notification type of event
if (ulEventType & WIA_NOTIFICATION_EVENT) { //
// We don't need to grab the g_semEventNode critical section for our
// current runtime implementation. So we'll simply create a WiaEventInfo object
// to describe the event, and we'll actually "fire" the event notifications
// after we're out of this block.
pWiaEventInfo = new WiaEventInfo(); if (pWiaEventInfo) { pWiaEventInfo->setEventGuid(pWiaNotify->stiNotify.guidNotificationCode); pWiaEventInfo->setDeviceID(pWiaNotify->bstrDevId); pWiaEventInfo->setEventDescription(bstrEventDescription); pWiaEventInfo->setDeviceDescription(bstrDevDescription); pWiaEventInfo->setFullItemName(bstrFullItemName); pWiaEventInfo->setDeviceType(dwDeviceType); pWiaEventInfo->setEventType(ulEventType); } else { DBG_ERR(("Cannot notify clients of runtime event - we appear to be out of memory")); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
/* OLD CODE. Will be removed for .NET Server and replaced with alternate
WIA runtime event behavior.
for (pCurNode = m_pEventDestNodes; pCurNode; pCurNode = pCurNode->pNext) {
if (! pCurNode->pIEventCB) { continue; }
if ( ( (wcscmp(pWiaNotify->bstrDevId, pCurNode->bstrDeviceID) == 0) || (wcscmp(L"All", pCurNode->bstrDeviceID) == 0) ) &&
(pWiaNotify->stiNotify.guidNotificationCode == pCurNode->iidEventGUID) ) {
masterInfo.pIEventCB = pCurNode->pIEventCB;
DBG_WRN(("NotifySTIEvent() : About to FireEventAsync(...)")); FireEventAsync(&masterInfo); } } */ }
// For Action type of event, find the default handler and fire it
if (ulEventType & WIA_ACTION_EVENT) {
#ifndef UNICODE
// Get whether there is an user logged in
HWND hWin;
hWin = FindWindow("Progman", NULL); if (! hWin) { break; } #endif
if(g_RpcEvent.pAsync) { RPC_STATUS status; int nReply = 1;
g_RpcEvent.pEvent->EventGuid = pWiaNotify->stiNotify.guidNotificationCode; g_RpcEvent.pEvent->bstrEventDescription = SysAllocString(bstrEventDescription); g_RpcEvent.pEvent->bstrDeviceID = SysAllocString(pWiaNotify->bstrDevId); g_RpcEvent.pEvent->bstrDeviceDescription = SysAllocString(bstrDevDescription); g_RpcEvent.pEvent->dwDeviceType = dwDeviceType; g_RpcEvent.pEvent->bstrFullItemName = SysAllocString(bstrFullItemName); g_RpcEvent.pEvent->ulEventType = ulEventType;
status = RpcAsyncCompleteCall(g_RpcEvent.pAsync, &nReply); if(status) { DBG_ERR(("RpcAsyncComplete failed with error 0x%x", status)); } else { DBG_ERR(("Completed RPC call")); } g_RpcEvent.pAsync = NULL; } else { DBG_ERR(("Did not have pAsync for this event")); }
#if 0
GetNumPersistentHandlerAndDefault( pWiaNotify->bstrDevId, &pWiaNotify->stiNotify.guidNotificationCode, &ulNumHandlers, &pDefHandlerNode);
if (pDefHandlerNode) {
if (pDefHandlerNode->tszCommandline[0] != '\0') {
// This is a traditional handler with command line
StartCallbackProgram( pDefHandlerNode, &masterInfo);
} else {
hr = _CoCreateInstanceInConsoleSession( pDefHandlerNode->ClsID, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IWiaEventCallback, (void**)&pIEventCB);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
masterInfo.pIEventCB = pIEventCB;
// Release the callback interface
} else { DBG_ERR(("NotifySTIEvent:CoCreateInstance of event callback failed (0x%X)", hr)); } } } #endif
} while (FALSE);
// Check whether we need to notify runtime clients of event. We know that we need to
// notify clients if pWiaEventInfo is not NULL, since it contains the runtime event info.
if (pWiaEventInfo) { //
// Notify registered clients of the event.
if (g_pWiaEventNotifier) { g_pWiaEventNotifier->NotifyClients(pWiaEventInfo); } pWiaEventInfo->Release(); pWiaEventInfo = NULL; }
// Release the temporary BSTRs
if (bstrDevDescription) { SysFreeString(bstrDevDescription); } if (bstrEventDescription) { SysFreeString(bstrEventDescription); } if (masterInfo.bstrFullItemName) { SysFreeString(masterInfo.bstrFullItemName); }
if (pDevice) { pDevice->Release(); pDevice = NULL; } if (pIWiaMiniDrv) { pIWiaMiniDrv->Release(); pIWiaMiniDrv = NULL; }
return (hr); }
* CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCallback * * Register for event callbacks based on an interface * * Arguments: * * lFlags - op flags, register/unregister * bstrDeviceID - device ID registering for * pEventGUID - Event GUID to register for * pIWiaEventCallback - interface to call with event * ppEventObj - * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 11/19/1998 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCallback( LONG lFlags, BSTR bstrDeviceID, const GUID *pEventGUID, IWiaEventCallback *pIWiaEventCallback, IUnknown **ppEventObj) { DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCallback); HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; PEventDestNode pEventNode = NULL;
DBG_TRC(("CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCallback flag %d", lFlags));
ASSERT(pIWiaEventCallback != NULL); ASSERT(ppEventObj != NULL); ASSERT(pEventGUID != NULL);
// must have exclusive access when changing list
CWiaCritSect CritSect(&g_semEventNode);
// if bstrDeviceID is not NULL, make sure it is a device ID
if (bstrDeviceID) { /* No longer valid
#ifdef WINNT
if (wcslen(bstrDeviceID) != 43) { // {...}\DDDD
if (wcslen(bstrDeviceID) != 10) { // Image\DDDD
DBG_ERR(("CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCallback: invalid DeviceID")); return (E_INVALIDARG); } */ }
// Check whether the same CB interface is already registered
pEventNode = FindEventCBNode(FLAG_EN_FINDCB_EXACT_MATCH,bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, pIWiaEventCallback);
if (! pEventNode) { hr = RegisterEventCB( bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, pIWiaEventCallback, ppEventObj); }
return (hr); }
* CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCallback * * Register event based on CLSID * * Arguments: * * lFlags - op flags, register/unregister, set default * bstrDeviceID - device ID registering for * pEventGUID - Event GUID to register for * pClsid - CLSID to call CoCreateInst on with event * bstrDescription - * bstrIcon - * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 12/8/1998 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCallback( LONG lFlags, BSTR bstrDeviceID, const GUID *pEventGUID, const GUID *pClsid, LPCTSTR ptszCommandline, BSTR bstrName, BSTR bstrDescription, BSTR bstrIcon) {
DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCallback (CLSID));
HRESULT hr = S_OK; SYSTEMTIME sysTime; FILETIME fileTime; PEventDestNode pEventNode = NULL; CLSID clsidApp; RPC_STATUS rpcStatus; BOOL bUnRegCOMServer; BOOL bShowPrompt = FALSE; ULONG ulNumExistingHandlers = 0; EventDestNode ednTempNode;
DBG_TRC(("CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCallback flag %d", lFlags));
//DBG_WRN(("RegisterEventCallback: CommandLine=%s"),ptszCommandline);
// Must have exclusive access when changing list
CWiaCritSect CritSect(&g_semEventNode);
// If there is a device ID, check if id looks proper.
if (bstrDeviceID) {
// An empty device ID is the same as NULL
if (wcslen(bstrDeviceID) == 0) { bstrDeviceID = NULL; } else {
/* No longer valid
#ifdef WINNT
if (wcslen(bstrDeviceID) != 43) { // {...}\DDDD
if (wcslen(bstrDeviceID) != 10) { // Image\DDDD
DBG_ERR(("RegisterEventCallback : invalid DeviceID")); return (E_INVALIDARG);
} */ } }
// Default handler is per device / per event
if ((lFlags == WIA_SET_DEFAULT_HANDLER) && (! bstrDeviceID)) {
DBG_ERR(("RegisterEventCallback : DeviceID required to set default handler"));
return (E_INVALIDARG); }
// Check whether a callback node with the same commandline already exist
if (ptszCommandline) {
// Do parameter check. Note that we look for >= MAX_PATH because
// we still need space for terminating NULL.
if ((lstrlen(ptszCommandline) / sizeof(TCHAR)) >= MAX_PATH) { DBG_ERR(("RegisterEventCallback: ptszCommandline is greater than MAX_PATH characters!")); return E_INVALIDARG; }
hr = FindCLSIDForCommandline(ptszCommandline, &clsidApp); if (FAILED(hr)) {
// Generate a CLSID for the callbacl program
rpcStatus = UuidCreate(&clsidApp); if (FAILED(rpcStatus)) { return (rpcStatus); }
// Assign the faked CLSID for the callback program
pClsid = &clsidApp; }
ASSERT(pClsid != NULL);
switch (lFlags) {
case WIA_REGISTER_EVENT_CALLBACK : DBG_WRN(("RegisterEventCallback : Setting handler for %S", (bstrDeviceID) ? (bstrDeviceID) : L"*")); //
// REMOVE: This is not actually an error, but we will use error logging to gurantee
// it always get written to the log. This should be removed as soon as we know what
// causes #347835.
DBG_ERR(("RegisterEventCallback : Setting handler for %S", (bstrDeviceID) ? (bstrDeviceID) : L"*")); DBG_ERR(("RegisterEventCallback : Handler is %S", (bstrName) ? (bstrName) : L"NULL"));
// Name, description, and icon are required
if ((! bstrName) || (! bstrDescription) || (! bstrIcon)) {
DBG_ERR(("RegisterEventCallback : Name | Description | Icon are missing")); return (E_INVALIDARG); }
// Check whether the same CB interface is already registered
pEventNode = FindEventCBNode(0,bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, pClsid); if (pEventNode) { break; }
// Find the handler of the CLSID for all the devices
pEventNode = FindEventCBNode(0,NULL, pEventGUID, pClsid);
// Initialize the time stamp for the registration
//SystemTimeToFileTime(&sysTime, &fileTime);
memset(&fileTime, 0, sizeof(fileTime));
if (! pEventNode) {
hr = RegisterEventCB( bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, pClsid, ptszCommandline, bstrName, bstrDescription, bstrIcon, fileTime); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }
hr = SavePersistentEventCB( bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, pClsid, ptszCommandline, bstrName, bstrDescription, bstrIcon, NULL, &ulNumExistingHandlers); } else {
hr = RegisterEventCB( bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, pClsid, pEventNode->tszCommandline, pEventNode->bstrName, pEventNode->bstrDescription, pEventNode->bstrIcon, fileTime); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }
hr = SavePersistentEventCB( bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, pClsid, pEventNode->tszCommandline, pEventNode->bstrName, pEventNode->bstrDescription, pEventNode->bstrIcon, NULL, &ulNumExistingHandlers); }
// If this is the only event handler, make it the default. This will guarantee that
// there is always a default handler.
if (ulNumExistingHandlers == 0) { RegisterEventCallback(WIA_SET_DEFAULT_HANDLER, bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, pClsid, ptszCommandline, bstrName, bstrDescription, bstrIcon); };
// Check whether this is a registration for a global handler.
if (!bstrDeviceID) {
// This is a global event handler, so find out how many global handlers
// there are for this event. If there is more than one, make sure
// the prompt is Registered.
PEventDestNode pTempEventNode = NULL; BSTR bstrGlobalDeviceID = SysAllocString(L"All");
if (bstrGlobalDeviceID) { GetNumPersistentHandlerAndDefault(bstrGlobalDeviceID, pEventGUID, &ulNumExistingHandlers, &pTempEventNode); if (ulNumExistingHandlers > 1) {
// If the number of global handlers is > 1, then we must register the prompt.
DBG_ERR(("RegisterEventCallback : Registering Prompt Dialog as global handler"));
BSTR bstrInternalString = SysAllocString(L"Internal"); if (bstrInternalString) { RegisterEventCallback(WIA_REGISTER_EVENT_CALLBACK, bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, &WIA_EVENT_HANDLER_PROMPT, NULL, bstrInternalString, bstrInternalString, bstrInternalString); SysFreeString(bstrInternalString); } else { DBG_ERR(("RegisterEventCallback : Out of memory!")); } }
SysFreeString(bstrGlobalDeviceID); bstrGlobalDeviceID = NULL; } }
case WIA_SET_DEFAULT_HANDLER : DBG_WRN(("RegisterEventCallback (set default) : Setting default handler for for %S", (bstrDeviceID) ? (bstrDeviceID) : L"*")); //
// REMOVE: This is not actually an error, but we will use error logging to gurantee
// it always get written to the log. This should be removed as soon as we know what
// causes #347835.
DBG_ERR(("RegisterEventCallback (set default) : Setting handler for %S", (bstrDeviceID) ? (bstrDeviceID) : L"*")); DBG_ERR(("RegisterEventCallback (set default) : Handler is %S", (bstrName) ? (bstrName) : L"NULL"));
// Find the handler of the CLSID for this devices. Note that STI proxy event match is considered here
// to allow for STI handlers to be default.
DBG_WRN(("RegisterEventCallback (set default): CommandLine=%S \n",ptszCommandline));
#ifdef DEBUG
WCHAR wszGUIDStr[40];
StringFromGUID2(*pEventGUID, wszGUIDStr, 40);
DBG_WRN(("SetDefaultHandler: DevId=%S EventUID=%S Commandline=%S", (bstrDeviceID) ? (bstrDeviceID) : L"*", wszGUIDStr, ptszCommandline)); #endif
{ //
// Find the existing default handler node, and clear the flag indicating it is
// the default, since it will now be replaced by a new default
ULONG ulNumHandlers = 0; PEventDestNode pDefaultNode = NULL; hr = GetNumPersistentHandlerAndDefault(bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, &ulNumHandlers, &pDefaultNode); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pDefaultNode) {
// Clear the flag indicating that it is the default handler, since the
// current node will now replace it as the default.
pDefaultNode->bDeviceDefault = FALSE; } }
pEventNode = FindEventCBNode(0,bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, pClsid); if (! pEventNode) {
// Find the handler of the CLSID for all the devices
pEventNode = FindEventCBNode(0,NULL, pEventGUID, pClsid); if (! pEventNode) {
// We couldn't find an existing node for this handler, so fill in
// information to the temporary event node so we can register this
// new one anyway.
memset(&ednTempNode, 0, sizeof(ednTempNode));
if (ptszCommandline) { lstrcpy(ednTempNode.tszCommandline, ptszCommandline); } ednTempNode.bstrName = bstrName; ednTempNode.bstrDescription = bstrDescription; ednTempNode.bstrIcon = bstrIcon;
pEventNode = &ednTempNode; }
// Register the handler of the CLSID for this device
GetSystemTime(&sysTime); SystemTimeToFileTime(&sysTime, &fileTime);
DBG_WRN(("SetDefaultHandler:Found event node EvName=%S CommandLine=%S", pEventNode->bstrName, pEventNode->tszCommandline));
hr = RegisterEventCB( bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, pClsid, pEventNode->tszCommandline, pEventNode->bstrName, pEventNode->bstrDescription, pEventNode->bstrIcon, fileTime, TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) { DBG_WRN(("RegisterEventCallback : RegisterEventCB for %S failed", (bstrDeviceID) ? (bstrDeviceID) : L"*")); break; } } else {
// Change the time stamp so that it is regarded as default
GetSystemTime(&sysTime); SystemTimeToFileTime(&sysTime, &pEventNode->timeStamp);
// NOTE: Timestamps not valid on Win9x, so use a flag to indicate default handler.
// Change this node's flag to indicate this is the default
pEventNode->bDeviceDefault = TRUE;
DBG_WRN(("RegisterEventCallback : Resetting default handler for %S", (bstrDeviceID) ? (bstrDeviceID) : L"*")); }
// Save the persistent event callback node. Note that we specify TRUE as the last
// parameter to indicate that the default handler is now this node. This will
// cause a registry entry to be written that indicates this as the default handler.
hr = SavePersistentEventCB( bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, pClsid, pEventNode->tszCommandline, pEventNode->bstrName, pEventNode->bstrDescription, pEventNode->bstrIcon, &bShowPrompt, &ulNumExistingHandlers, TRUE);
if (FAILED(hr)) { DBG_ERR(("SetDefaultHandler:SavePers CommandLine=%S failed with hr = 0x%08X!!!!",pEventNode->tszCommandline, hr)); }
hr = UnregisterEventCB( bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, pClsid, &bUnRegCOMServer); if (FAILED(hr)) { DBG_ERR(("CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCallback, UnregisterEventCB failed")); break; }
hr = DelPersistentEventCB( bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, pClsid, bUnRegCOMServer); if (FAILED(hr)) { DBG_ERR(("CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCallback, DelPersistentEventCB failed")); }
hr = E_FAIL; break; }
if (bShowPrompt && (*pClsid != WIA_EVENT_HANDLER_PROMPT)) {
// This is a new event handler being registered. Our semantics are as follows:
// The new application may not simply override any existing handlers. Therefore,
// if a default handler already exists for this device, we must show a prompt.
if (ulNumExistingHandlers > 0) {
// This is a new default event registration, so
// we must show Prompt dialog
DBG_WRN(("RegisterEventCallback : About to Register Prompt Dialog for device %S", (bstrDeviceID) ? (bstrDeviceID) : L"*"));
BSTR bstrInternalString = SysAllocString(L"Internal"); if (bstrInternalString) { RegisterEventCallback(WIA_SET_DEFAULT_HANDLER, bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, &WIA_EVENT_HANDLER_PROMPT, NULL, bstrInternalString, bstrInternalString, bstrInternalString); SysFreeString(bstrInternalString); }
DBG_WRN(("RegisterEventCallback : Registered Prompt Dialog for device %S", (bstrDeviceID) ? (bstrDeviceID) : L"*")); } }
return (hr); }
* CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCB * * add event notify to list * * Arguments: * * bstrDeviceID - device event is being registered to monitor * pEventGUID - guid that defines device event of interest * pIWiaEventCallback - app's event interface * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 11/4/1998 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCB( BSTR bstrDeviceID, const GUID *pEventGUID, IWiaEventCallback *pIWiaEventCallback, IUnknown **ppIEventObj) { DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCB); HRESULT hr; PEventDestNode pEventDestNode = NULL;
ASSERT(pIWiaEventCallback != NULL); ASSERT(pEventGUID != NULL);
if (!pEventGUID || !pIWiaEventCallback) { return E_POINTER; }
// Allocate and initialize the new node
pEventDestNode = (EventDestNode *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(EventDestNode));
if (! pEventDestNode) { DBG_ERR(("RegisterEventCB: Out of memory")); return (E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// Initialize default flag
pEventDestNode->bDeviceDefault = FALSE;
// is a device name given? If not then match all devices
if (bstrDeviceID == NULL) { pEventDestNode->bstrDeviceID = SysAllocString(L"All"); } else { pEventDestNode->bstrDeviceID = SysAllocString(bstrDeviceID); }
// check allocs
if (pEventDestNode->bstrDeviceID == NULL) { LocalFree(pEventDestNode); DBG_ERR(("RegisterEventCB: Out of memory")); return (E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// create an object to track the lifetime of this event
CWiaInterfaceEvent *pEventObj = new CWiaInterfaceEvent(pEventDestNode);
if (pEventObj == NULL) { DBG_ERR(("RegisterEventCB: Out of memory")); SysFreeString(pEventDestNode->bstrDeviceID); LocalFree(pEventDestNode); return (E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// get simple iunknown from object
hr = pEventObj->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown,(void **)ppIEventObj);
if (FAILED(hr)) { DBG_ERR(("RegisterEventCB: QI of pEventObj failed"));
delete pEventObj; SysFreeString(pEventDestNode->bstrDeviceID); LocalFree(pEventDestNode); return (hr); }
// add info to event list
pEventDestNode->iidEventGUID = *pEventGUID;
pIWiaEventCallback->AddRef(); pEventDestNode->pIEventCB = pIWiaEventCallback; memset(&pEventDestNode->ClsID, 0, sizeof(pEventDestNode->ClsID));
// Put the new node at the head of the list
return (S_OK); }
* RegisterEventCB * * * * Arguments: * * * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 12/8/1998 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCB( BSTR bstrDeviceID, const GUID *pEventGUID, const GUID *pClsID, LPCTSTR ptszCommandline, BSTR bstrName, BSTR bstrDescription, BSTR bstrIcon, FILETIME &timeStamp, BOOL bIsDeafult) // = FALSE
{ DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCB); HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; EventDestNode *pEventDestNode = NULL;
if (!pEventGUID || !pClsID) { return E_POINTER; }
do {
// Do parameter check. Note that we look for >= MAX_PATH because
// we still need space for terminating NULL.
if ((lstrlen(ptszCommandline) / sizeof(TCHAR)) >= MAX_PATH) { DBG_ERR(("CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCB: ptszCommandline is greater than MAX_PATH characters!")); hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
// Allocate and initialize the new node
pEventDestNode = (EventDestNode *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(EventDestNode));
if (! pEventDestNode) { DBG_ERR(("CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCB: Out of memory")); break; }
// Is a device name given ? If not then match all devices
if (bstrDeviceID == NULL) { pEventDestNode->bstrDeviceID = SysAllocString(L"All"); } else { pEventDestNode->bstrDeviceID = SysAllocString(bstrDeviceID); }
// Check callback node allocation
if (pEventDestNode->bstrDeviceID == NULL) { DBG_ERR(("CEventNotifier::RegisterEventCB: Out of memory")); break; }
// Add info to event callback node
pEventDestNode->iidEventGUID = *pEventGUID; pEventDestNode->pIEventCB = NULL; pEventDestNode->ClsID = *pClsID;
pEventDestNode->bstrName = SysAllocString(bstrName); if (! pEventDestNode->bstrName) { break; }
pEventDestNode->bstrDescription = SysAllocString(bstrDescription); if (! pEventDestNode->bstrDescription) { break; }
pEventDestNode->bstrIcon = SysAllocString(bstrIcon); if (! pEventDestNode->bstrIcon) { break; }
// Copy the commandline of the callback app
if ((ptszCommandline) && (ptszCommandline[0])) { _tcscpy(pEventDestNode->tszCommandline, ptszCommandline); } else { pEventDestNode->tszCommandline[0] = '\0'; }
// Set the time stamp of registration
pEventDestNode->timeStamp = timeStamp;
// Set whether this is the default event handler
if (bIsDeafult) { pEventDestNode->bDeviceDefault = TRUE; }
hr = S_OK; } while (FALSE);
// Unwind the partial created node in case of failure
if (hr != S_OK) {
if (pEventDestNode) {
if (pEventDestNode->bstrDeviceID) { SysFreeString(pEventDestNode->bstrDeviceID); } if (pEventDestNode->bstrName) { SysFreeString(pEventDestNode->bstrName); } if (pEventDestNode->bstrDescription) { SysFreeString(pEventDestNode->bstrDescription); } if (pEventDestNode->bstrIcon) { SysFreeString(pEventDestNode->bstrIcon); }
LocalFree(pEventDestNode); }
return (hr); }
// Put the new node at the header of the list
return (S_OK); }
* CEventNotifier::UnregisterEventCB * * Unregister the specified Event Callback * * Arguments: * * * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 11/4/1998 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT CEventNotifier::UnregisterEventCB( PEventDestNode pCurNode) { DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::UnregisterEventCB);
ASSERT(pCurNode != NULL);
if (!pCurNode) { return E_POINTER; }
// Free the node
if (pCurNode->bstrDeviceID) { SysFreeString(pCurNode->bstrDeviceID); }
if (pCurNode->bstrDescription) { SysFreeString(pCurNode->bstrDescription); }
if (pCurNode->bstrIcon) { SysFreeString(pCurNode->bstrIcon); }
return (S_OK); }
* CEventNotifier::UnregisterEventCB * * Unregister the specified Event Callback * * Arguments: * * * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 11/4/1998 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT CEventNotifier::UnregisterEventCB( BSTR bstrDeviceID, const GUID *pEventGUID, const GUID *pClsID, BOOL *pbUnRegCOMServer) { DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::UnregisterEventCB); HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; EventDestNode *pCurNode, *pNextNode; int nHandlerRef;
// Clear out the return value
*pbUnRegCOMServer = FALSE;
// Delete the handler(s) from the list
pCurNode = m_pEventDestNodes;
while (pCurNode) {
if ((bstrDeviceID) && (lstrcmpiW(pCurNode->bstrDeviceID, bstrDeviceID))) {
pCurNode = pCurNode->pNext; continue; }
if ((*pEventGUID != pCurNode->iidEventGUID) || (*pClsID != pCurNode->ClsID)) {
pCurNode = pCurNode->pNext; continue; }
// Unlink the current node if it is not busy
pNextNode = pCurNode->pNext; UnlinkNode(pCurNode);
// Need to consider deleteing the faked server
if (pCurNode->tszCommandline[0] != '\0') { *pbUnRegCOMServer = TRUE; }
// Free the node
if (pCurNode->bstrDeviceID) { SysFreeString(pCurNode->bstrDeviceID); }
if (pCurNode->bstrDescription) { SysFreeString(pCurNode->bstrDescription); }
if (pCurNode->bstrIcon) { SysFreeString(pCurNode->bstrIcon); }
hr = S_OK;
// Delete the event handler for specific device
if (bstrDeviceID) { break; }
// Move on to the next node
pCurNode = pNextNode; }
// The faked COM server should not be removed if it is still in use
if (*pbUnRegCOMServer) {
nHandlerRef = 0;
for (pCurNode = m_pEventDestNodes; pCurNode; pCurNode = pCurNode->pNext) {
// Ignode the callback interface pointers
if (*pClsID == pCurNode->ClsID) { nHandlerRef++; } }
if (nHandlerRef) { *pbUnRegCOMServer = FALSE; } else { *pbUnRegCOMServer = TRUE; } }
// Indicate that the IWiaEventCallback is not found.
return (hr); }
* CEventNotifier::FindEventCBNode * * Check whether the specified Event Callback is already registered * * Arguments: * * * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 11/4/1998 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
PEventDestNode CEventNotifier::FindEventCBNode( UINT uiFlags, BSTR bstrDeviceID, const GUID *pEventGUID, IWiaEventCallback *pIWiaEventCallback) { DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::FindEventCBNode); HRESULT hr; EventDestNode *pCurNode; IUnknown *pICurUnk, *pINewUnk;
// Retrieve the IUnknown of the new Event Callback
hr = pIWiaEventCallback->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **)&pINewUnk); if (FAILED(hr)) { DBG_ERR(("CEventNotifier::IsDupEventCB, QI for IID_IUnknown failed")); return (NULL); }
for (pCurNode = m_pEventDestNodes; pCurNode; pCurNode = pCurNode->pNext) {
if (wcscmp( pCurNode->bstrDeviceID, bstrDeviceID ? bstrDeviceID : L"All") != 0) { continue; }
if (pCurNode->iidEventGUID != *pEventGUID) {
// If we are instructed to allow STI proxy event matches - check node GUID against STI event proxy GUID
// If exact match is required - continue without checking
if ( (uiFlags & FLAG_EN_FINDCB_EXACT_MATCH ) || (pCurNode->iidEventGUID != WIA_EVENT_STI_PROXY)) { continue; } }
if (pCurNode->pIEventCB) {
hr = pCurNode->pIEventCB->QueryInterface( IID_IUnknown, (void **)&pICurUnk); if (FAILED(hr)) { pINewUnk->Release(); return (NULL); }
// COM can only guarantee that IUnknowns are the same
if (pICurUnk == pINewUnk) {
pICurUnk->Release(); pINewUnk->Release();
return (pCurNode); } else {
pICurUnk->Release(); } } }
return (NULL); }
* CEventNotifier::FindEventCBNode * * Check whether the specified Event Callback is already registered * * Arguments: * * * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 11/4/1998 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
PEventDestNode CEventNotifier::FindEventCBNode( UINT uiFlags, BSTR bstrDeviceID, const GUID *pEventGUID, const GUID *pClsID) { DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::FindEventCBNode); PEventDestNode pCurNode;
for (pCurNode = m_pEventDestNodes; pCurNode; pCurNode = pCurNode->pNext) {
if (wcscmp( pCurNode->bstrDeviceID, bstrDeviceID ? bstrDeviceID : L"All") != 0) { continue; }
if (pCurNode->iidEventGUID != *pEventGUID) { //
// If we are instructed to allow STI proxy event matches - check node GUID against STI event proxy GUID
// If exact match is required - continue without checking
if ( (uiFlags & FLAG_EN_FINDCB_EXACT_MATCH ) || (pCurNode->iidEventGUID != WIA_EVENT_STI_PROXY)) { continue; } }
if ((! pCurNode->pIEventCB) && (pCurNode->ClsID == *pClsID)) { return (pCurNode); } }
return (NULL); }
* CEventNotifier::FindCLSIDForCommandline * * Find the CLSID for the specified commandline * * Arguments: * * * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 11/4/1998 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT CEventNotifier::FindCLSIDForCommandline( LPCTSTR ptszCommandline, CLSID *pClsID) { DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::FindCLSIDForCommandline); PEventDestNode pCurNode;
for (pCurNode = m_pEventDestNodes; pCurNode; pCurNode = pCurNode->pNext) {
if ((pCurNode->tszCommandline[0] != '\0') && (_tcsicmp(pCurNode->tszCommandline, ptszCommandline) == 0)) {
*pClsID = pCurNode->ClsID; return (S_OK); } }
return (E_FAIL); }
* CEventNotifier::RestoreAllPersistentCBs * * Restore all the persistent Event Callbacks * * Arguments: * * * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 12/1/1998 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT CEventNotifier::RestoreAllPersistentCBs() { DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::RestoreAllPresistentCBs); HKEY hStillImage = NULL; HKEY hMSCDevList = NULL; DWORD dwIndex; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwError = 0;
// Restore device specific handlers
g_pDevMan->ForEachDeviceInList(DEV_MAN_OP_DEV_RESTORE_EVENT, 0);
CWiaCritSect CritSect(&g_semEventNode);
// Restore device events for MSC Cameras under Control\StillImage\MSCDevList
for (dwIndex = 0; ;dwIndex++) {
WCHAR wszDeviceName[STI_MAX_INTERNAL_NAME_LENGTH]; FILETIME fileTime; HKEY hKeyDev = NULL; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(wszDeviceName) / sizeof(wszDeviceName[0]);
dwError = RegEnumKeyExW(hMSCDevList, dwIndex, wszDeviceName, &dwSize, 0, NULL, 0, &fileTime); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// No more keys to enumerate
break; } wszDeviceName[STI_MAX_INTERNAL_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = L'\0';
// Open the device key
dwError = RegOpenKeyExW(hMSCDevList, wszDeviceName, 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyDev); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Skip this key
continue; }
// Restore the event hanlders for this device
RestoreDevPersistentCBs(hKeyDev); RegCloseKey(hKeyDev); } RegCloseKey(hMSCDevList); hMSCDevList = NULL; }
// Restore the global event callback under the Control\StillImage
if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// The registry entry for the STI is corrupted
DBG_ERR(("CEventNotifier::RestoreAllPersistentCBs : Can not open STI control key.")); hr = (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError));
} else {
// Close the STI control key (Control\StillImage)
RegCloseKey(hStillImage); }
return S_OK; }
* CEventNotifier::RestoreAllPersistentCBs * * Restore specific devices' persistent Event Callbacks * * Arguments: * * hParentOfEventKey - This is either the device key or the still * image key. Either way, the key must have a * "Events" subkey. * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 12/1/1998 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs( HKEY hParentOfEventKey) { DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPresistantCBs); #ifdef UNICODE
WCHAR tszBuf[MAX_PATH]; #else
CHAR tszBuf[MAX_PATH]; #endif
LPTSTR ptszEvents = tszBuf; LONG lRet; HKEY hEvents; DWORD dwIndex; LPTSTR ptszEventName = tszBuf; DWORD dwEventNameLen; FILETIME fileTime; HKEY hEvent; HKEY hCBCLSID; DWORD dwValueType; LPTSTR ptszGUIDStr = tszBuf; GUID eventGUID; GUID guidDefaultDevHandler; BOOL bIsDefault = FALSE; DWORD dwCLSIDIndex; DWORD dwGUIDStrLen; LPTSTR ptszCBCLSIDStr = tszBuf; CLSID callbackCLSID; TCHAR tszDeviceID[STI_MAX_INTERNAL_NAME_LENGTH]; #ifdef UNICODE
LPWSTR pwszGUIDStr = tszBuf; LPWSTR pwszCBCLSIDStr = tszBuf; #else
WCHAR wszBuf[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR pwszGUIDStr = wszBuf; LPWSTR pwszCBCLSIDStr = wszBuf; #endif
DWORD dwValueLen; BSTR bstrName, bstrDescription; SYSTEMTIME sysTime; TCHAR tszCommandline[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(tszDeviceID); DWORD dwError = 0; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; BSTR bstrDeviceID = NULL;
lstrcpy(ptszEvents, EVENTS);
// Attempt to read the DeviceID
dwError = RegQueryValueEx(hParentOfEventKey, REGSTR_VAL_DEVICE_ID, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)tszDeviceID, &dwSize); if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bstrDeviceID = SysAllocString(T2W(tszDeviceID)); if (!bstrDeviceID) { DBG_ERR(("CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Out of memory!")); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { bstrDeviceID = NULL; }
// Open the Events subkey
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( hParentOfEventKey, ptszEvents, 0, KEY_READ, &hEvents); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet)); // Events may not exist
// Enumerate all the events under the "Events" subkey
for (dwIndex = 0; ;dwIndex++) {
dwEventNameLen = sizeof(tszBuf)/sizeof(TCHAR); lRet = RegEnumKeyEx( hEvents, dwIndex, ptszEventName, &dwEventNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, &fileTime);
if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
// Open the event subkey
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( hEvents, ptszEventName, 0, KEY_READ, &hEvent); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { continue; }
// Get GUID of the default handler (if present), and save it in
// guidDefaultDevHandler
dwValueLen = sizeof(tszBuf); lRet = RegQueryValueEx( hEvent, DEFAULT_HANDLER_VAL, NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)ptszGUIDStr, &dwValueLen); if ((lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwValueType == REG_SZ)) {
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ptszGUIDStr, -1, wszDefGUIDStr, sizeof(wszDefGUIDStr) / sizeof(WCHAR)); pwszGUIDStr[38] = 0; #else
lstrcpyW(wszDefGUIDStr, ptszGUIDStr); #endif
if (SUCCEEDED(CLSIDFromString(wszDefGUIDStr, &guidDefaultDevHandler))) { DBG_TRC(("CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Default guid: %S", ptszGUIDStr)); }
} else { //
// We zero out guidDefaultDevHandler to make sure we don't accidentaly hit
// a match later...
::ZeroMemory(&guidDefaultDevHandler,sizeof(guidDefaultDevHandler)); }
// Retrieve the GUID of the event
dwGUIDStrLen = 39*sizeof(TCHAR); // GUID string is 38 characters long
lRet = RegQueryValueEx( hEvent, TEXT("GUID"), NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)ptszGUIDStr, &dwGUIDStrLen); if ((lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwValueType != REG_SZ)) {
// Junk event found, skip to the next
DBG_TRC(("CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Junk event %S found", ptszEventName)); continue; } #ifndef UNICODE
mbstowcs(pwszGUIDStr, ptszGUIDStr, 38); pwszGUIDStr[38] = 0; #endif
if (FAILED(CLSIDFromString(pwszGUIDStr, &eventGUID))) {
// Invalid event GUID found, skip to the next
DBG_TRC(("CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, invalid event GUID %S found", ptszGUIDStr)); continue; }
// Enumerate all the event handler CLSIDs under this event
for (dwCLSIDIndex = 0; ;dwCLSIDIndex++) {
dwGUIDStrLen = 39; // CLSID string is 38 character long.
lRet = RegEnumKeyEx( hEvent, dwCLSIDIndex, ptszCBCLSIDStr, &dwGUIDStrLen, NULL, NULL, // All the other information is not interesting
NULL, &fileTime); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; // End enumeration
#ifndef UNICODE
mbstowcs(pwszCBCLSIDStr, ptszCBCLSIDStr, 38); pwszCBCLSIDStr[38] = 0; #endif
// Convert CLSID and register this callback
if (SUCCEEDED(CLSIDFromString(pwszCBCLSIDStr, &callbackCLSID))) {
hCBCLSID = NULL; bstrName = NULL; bstrDescription = NULL;
do {
// Open the event handler CLSID subkey
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( hEvent, ptszCBCLSIDStr, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hCBCLSID); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DBG_ERR(("CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, RegOpenKeyEx() for CLSID failed.")); break; }
// Retrieve the name, description and icon
dwValueLen = sizeof(tszBuf); lRet = RegQueryValueEx( hCBCLSID, NAME_VAL, NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)tszBuf, &dwValueLen); if ((lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwValueType != REG_SZ)) {
DBG_ERR(("CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, RegQueryValueEx() for Name failed.")); break; } #ifndef UNICODE
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, tszBuf, -1, wszBuf, MAX_PATH); bstrName = SysAllocString(wszBuf); #else
bstrName = SysAllocString(tszBuf); #endif
if (! bstrName) { break; }
dwValueLen = sizeof(tszBuf); lRet = RegQueryValueEx( hCBCLSID, DESC_VAL, NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)tszBuf, &dwValueLen); if ((lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwValueType != REG_SZ)) {
DBG_ERR(("CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, RegQueryValueEx() for Desc failed.")); break; } #ifndef UNICODE
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, tszBuf, -1, wszBuf, MAX_PATH); bstrDescription = SysAllocString(wszBuf); #else
bstrDescription = SysAllocString(tszBuf); #endif
if (! bstrDescription) { break; }
dwValueLen = sizeof(tszBuf); lRet = RegQueryValueEx( hCBCLSID, ICON_VAL, NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)tszBuf, &dwValueLen); if ((lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwValueType != REG_SZ)) {
DBG_ERR(("CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, RegQueryValueEx() for Desc failed.")); break; } #ifndef UNICODE
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, tszBuf, -1, wszBuf, MAX_PATH); #endif
// Retrieve the command line, it may not exist
dwValueLen = sizeof(tszCommandline); lRet = RegQueryValueEx( hCBCLSID, CMDLINE_VAL, NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)tszCommandline, &dwValueLen); if ((lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwValueType != REG_SZ)) {
// Initialize the commandline to null
tszCommandline[0] = '\0'; }
#ifdef DEBUG
FileTimeToSystemTime(&fileTime, &sysTime); #endif
// Register the callback without the persistent flag
// Check whether this is the default...
if (callbackCLSID == guidDefaultDevHandler) { bIsDefault = TRUE; } else { bIsDefault = FALSE; }
//DBG_WRN(("=> Restoring CBs for Device %S, Program named %S",
// bstrDeviceID ? bstrDeviceID : L"NULL",
// bstrName));
DBG_TRC(("CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for Device %S, Program named %S", bstrDeviceID ? bstrDeviceID : L"NULL", bstrName));
#ifdef UNICODE
BSTR bstrIcon = SysAllocString(tszBuf); if (FAILED(RegisterEventCB( bstrDeviceID, &eventGUID, &callbackCLSID, tszCommandline, bstrName, bstrDescription, bstrIcon, fileTime, bIsDefault))) { DBG_ERR(("CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, RegisterEventCB() failed.")); } SysFreeString(bstrIcon); bstrIcon = NULL; #else
if (FAILED(RegisterEventCB( bstrDeviceID, &eventGUID, &callbackCLSID, tszCommandline, bstrName, bstrDescription, wszBuf, fileTime, bIsDefault))) { DBG_ERR(("CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, RegisterEventCB() failed.")); } #endif
} while (FALSE);
// Close the subkey for the event handler CLSID
if (hCBCLSID) { RegCloseKey(hCBCLSID); }
if (bstrName) { SysFreeString(bstrName); }
if (bstrDescription) { SysFreeString(bstrDescription); } }
// Close the key for the specific event
RegCloseKey(hEvent); }
// Close the event subkey
// Free the deviceID, if one was allocated
if (bstrDeviceID) { SysFreeString(bstrDeviceID); bstrDeviceID = NULL; }
return (S_OK); }
* CEventNotifier::SavePersistentEventCB * * Save the persistent Event Callbacks CLSID for the Device ID / Event GUID * * Arguments: * * * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 12/1/1998 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT CEventNotifier::SavePersistentEventCB( BSTR bstrDeviceID, const GUID *pEventGUID, const GUID *pClsid, LPCTSTR ptszCommandline, BSTR bstrName, BSTR bstrDescription, BSTR bstrIcon, BOOL *pbCreatedKey, ULONG *pulNumExistingHandlers, BOOL bMakeDefault // = FALSE
) {
DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::SavePresistentEventCB); HRESULT hr; HKEY hEvent, hCBCLSID; LONG lRet; DWORD dwDisposition; WCHAR wszCBClsIDStr[40]; #ifndef UNICODE
CHAR szCBClsIDStr[40]; CHAR szString[MAX_PATH]; #endif
HKEY hClsid; HKEY hCOMServerCLSID; HKEY hLocalServer;
// Initialize the resources to NULL
hEvent = NULL; hCBCLSID = NULL; hClsid = NULL; hCOMServerCLSID = NULL; hLocalServer = NULL;
if (pbCreatedKey) { *pbCreatedKey = FALSE; }
do {
// Find the event subkey
hr = FindEventByGUID(bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, &hEvent); if (hr != S_OK) { LPOLESTR wstrGuid = NULL; HRESULT hres;
hres = StringFromCLSID(*pEventGUID, &wstrGuid); if (hres == S_OK) { DBG_ERR(("CEventNotifier::SavePersistentEventCB() FindEventByGUID() failed, GUID=%S, hr=0x%08X", wstrGuid, hr)); CoTaskMemFree(wstrGuid); } else { DBG_ERR(("CEventNotifier::SavePersistentEventCB() FindEventByGUID() failed, hr=0x%08X", hr)); } break; }
// If asked, let's find out how many handlers already exist for this event
if (pulNumExistingHandlers) { *pulNumExistingHandlers = 0;
lRet = RegQueryInfoKey(hEvent, NULL, NULL, NULL, pulNumExistingHandlers, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
// Convert the Event Callback CLSID as a string value
StringFromGUID2(*pClsid, wszCBClsIDStr, 40); #ifndef UNICODE
// Convert the CLSID to ANSI string (including terminating NULL)
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wszCBClsIDStr, -1, szCBClsIDStr, 40, NULL, NULL); #endif
// Open / Create the Event Handler CLSID subkey
lRet = RegCreateKeyEx( hEvent, #ifdef UNICODE
wszCBClsIDStr, #else
szCBClsIDStr, #endif
0, NULL, // Mysterious class string
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, // Use default security descriptor
&hCBCLSID, &dwDisposition); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DBG_ERR(("SavePersistentEventCB() RegCreateKeyEx() failed for CallbackCLSIDs subkey. lRet = %d", lRet));
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet); break; }
if ((dwDisposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY) && (pbCreatedKey)) { *pbCreatedKey = TRUE; }
// Set the event handler description value
#ifndef UNICODE
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, bstrName, -1, szString, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL); #endif
lRet = RegSetValueEx( hCBCLSID, NAME_VAL, 0, REG_SZ, #ifdef UNICODE
(const PBYTE)bstrName, (wcslen(bstrName) + 1) << 1); #else
(const PBYTE)szString, strlen(szString) + 1); #endif
if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DBG_ERR(("SavePersistentEventCB() RegSetValueEx() failed for name"));
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet); break; }
#ifndef UNICODE
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, bstrDescription, -1, szString, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL); #endif
lRet = RegSetValueEx( hCBCLSID, DESC_VAL, 0, REG_SZ, #ifdef UNICODE
(const PBYTE)bstrDescription, (wcslen(bstrDescription) + 1) << 1); #else
(const PBYTE)szString, strlen(szString) + 1); #endif
if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DBG_ERR(("SavePersistentEventCB() RegSetValueEx() failed for description"));
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet); break; }
// Set the event handler icon value
#ifndef UNICODE
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, bstrIcon, -1, szString, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL); #endif
lRet = RegSetValueEx( hCBCLSID, ICON_VAL, 0, REG_SZ, #ifdef UNICODE
(const PBYTE)bstrIcon, (wcslen(bstrIcon) + 1) << 1); #else
(const PBYTE)szString, strlen(szString) + 1); #endif
if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DBG_ERR(("SavePersistentEventCB() RegSetValueEx() failed for icon"));
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet); break; }
// Set the command line and fake the program as COM local server
if ((ptszCommandline) && (ptszCommandline[0])) {
lRet = RegSetValueEx( hCBCLSID, CMDLINE_VAL, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)ptszCommandline, (_tcslen(ptszCommandline) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DBG_ERR(("SavePersistentEventCB() RegSetValueEx() failed for cmdline"));
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet); break; } /* //Why is this here?
lRet = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, TEXT("CLSID"), 0, NULL, // Mysterious class string
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, // Use default security descriptor
&hClsid, &dwDisposition); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //Remove:
Trace("SavePersistentEventCB(), could not open CLSID under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet); break; }
lRet = RegCreateKeyEx( hClsid, #ifdef UNICODE
wszCBClsIDStr, #else
szCBClsIDStr, #endif
0, NULL, // Mysterious class string
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, // Use default security descriptor
&hCOMServerCLSID, &dwDisposition); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //Remove:
Trace("SavePersistentEventCB(), could not save persistent event data (%ws) for %ws", wszCBClsIDStr, bstrName); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet); break; }
lRet = RegCreateKeyEx( hCOMServerCLSID, TEXT("LocalServer32"), 0, NULL, // Mysterious class string
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, // Use default security descriptor
&hLocalServer, &dwDisposition); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet); //Remove:
Trace("SavePersistentEventCB(), could not save persistent event data (LocalServer) for %ws", bstrName); break; }
lRet = RegSetValueEx( hLocalServer, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)ptszCommandline, (_tcslen(ptszCommandline) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet); */ }
// If asked - set as default handler for current device/event pair
if ( bMakeDefault ) { DBG_WRN(("CEventNotifier::SavePersistentEventCB, Writing DEFAULT_HANDLER_VAL"));
lRet = ::RegSetValueEx( hEvent, DEFAULT_HANDLER_VAL, 0, REG_SZ, #ifdef UNICODE
(PBYTE)wszCBClsIDStr, (lstrlen(wszCBClsIDStr) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); #else
(PBYTE)szCBClsIDStr, (lstrlen(szCBClsIDStr) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); #endif
#ifdef UNICODE
DBG_TRC(("SavePersCB:: Setting default == %S lRet=%d", wszCBClsIDStr, lRet)); #else
DBG_TRC(("SavePersCB:: Setting default == %s lRet=%d", szCBClsIDStr, lRet)); #endif
} // endif bMakeDefault
} while (FALSE);
// Close the registry keys
if (hCBCLSID) { RegCloseKey(hCBCLSID); } if (hCOMServerCLSID) { RegCloseKey(hCOMServerCLSID); } if (hLocalServer) { RegCloseKey(hLocalServer); } if (hEvent) { if (FAILED(hr)) {
// Unwind the whole thing
#ifdef UNICODE
RegDeleteKey(hEvent, wszCBClsIDStr); #else
RegDeleteKey(hEvent, szCBClsIDStr); #endif
RegCloseKey(hEvent); } if (hClsid) { if (FAILED(hr)) {
// Unwind the whole thing
#ifdef UNICODE
RegDeleteKey(hEvent, wszCBClsIDStr); #else
RegDeleteKey(hEvent, szCBClsIDStr); #endif
RegCloseKey(hClsid); }
return (hr); }
* CEventNotifier::DelPersistentEventCB( * * Delete the persistent Event Callback CLSID for the Device ID / Event GUID * * Arguments: * * * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 12/1/1998 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT CEventNotifier::DelPersistentEventCB( BSTR bstrDeviceID, const GUID *pEventGUID, const GUID *pClsid, BOOL bUnRegCOMServer) { DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::DelPersistentEventCB); HRESULT hr; HKEY hStillImage, hEvent; TCHAR tcSubkeyName[8]; DWORD dwIndex, dwSubkeyNameLen; LONG lRet; WCHAR wszCBClsIDStr[40]; #ifndef UNICODE
CHAR szCBClsIDStr[40]; #endif
WCHAR wszDeviceID[50]; FILETIME fileTime; HKEY hClsid;
// Find the event subkey
hr = FindEventByGUID(bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, &hEvent);
if (hr != S_OK) { DBG_ERR(("DelPersistentEventCB() FindEventByGUID() failed, hr=0x%08X", hr)); return (hr); }
StringFromGUID2(*pClsid, wszCBClsIDStr, 40); #ifndef UNICODE
// Convert the CLSID to ANSI string (including terminating NULL)
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wszCBClsIDStr, -1, szCBClsIDStr, 40, NULL, NULL); #endif
// Delete the corresponding event handler CLSID key
lRet = RegDeleteKey( hEvent, #ifdef UNICODE
wszCBClsIDStr); #else
szCBClsIDStr); #endif
if ((lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (lRet != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) { DBG_ERR(("DelPersistentEventCB() RegDeleteValue() failed, lRet = 0x%08X", lRet)); }
// Close the registry keys
if (bstrDeviceID) {
return (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet)); }
// Delete the event handler clsid from under devices
if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DBG_ERR(("DelPersistentEventCBs : Can not open Image device class key."));
hr = (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet));
} else {
// Enumerate all the subkey
for (dwIndex = 0; ;dwIndex++) {
dwSubkeyNameLen = sizeof(tcSubkeyName)/sizeof(TCHAR); lRet = RegEnumKeyEx( hStillImage, dwIndex, tcSubkeyName, &dwSubkeyNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, &fileTime);
if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// Make up the device ID
CSimpleStringWide cswDeviceID; cswDeviceID = L"{6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\\"; cswDeviceID += tcSubkeyName;
// bstrDeviceID is NULL if we're here, so let's use it to hold our
// actual device id.
bstrDeviceID = SysAllocString(cswDeviceID.String()); if (bstrDeviceID) { hr = FindEventByGUID(bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, &hEvent); SysFreeString(bstrDeviceID); bstrDeviceID = NULL; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// This event key may not exist under specific device
if (hr != S_OK) { continue; }
// Delete the corresponding event handler CLSID key
lRet = RegDeleteKey( hEvent, #ifdef UNICODE
wszCBClsIDStr); #else
szCBClsIDStr); #endif
if ((lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (lRet != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) { DBG_ERR(("DelPersistentEventCB() RegDeleteValue() failed, lRet = 0x%08X", lRet)); }
// Close event key and device key
RegCloseKey(hEvent); } else { break; } } }
// Close the image class key
// If the fake COM server should be unregistered
if (bUnRegCOMServer) {
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, TEXT("CLSID"), 0, KEY_WRITE, &hClsid); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// Unable to recover data anyway
return (S_OK); }
#ifndef UNICODE
lRet = RegDeleteKey( hClsid, szCBClsIDStr); #else
lRet = SHDeleteKey( hClsid, wszCBClsIDStr); #endif
return (S_OK); }
* CEventNotifier::FindEventByGUID( * * Find the registry key for DeviceID / Event GUID pair * * Arguments: * * * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 12/1/1998 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT CEventNotifier::FindEventByGUID( BSTR bstrDeviceID, const GUID *pEventGUID, HKEY *phEventKey) { DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::FindEventByGUID); TCHAR tszBuf[96]; LPTSTR ptszEventName = tszBuf; LONG lRet; HKEY hEvents, hEvent; DWORD dwSubKeyIndex, dwEventNameLen; DWORD dwGUIDStrLen, dwValueType, dwDisp; FILETIME fileTime; GUID eventGUID; #ifdef UNICODE
LPWSTR pwszGUIDStr = tszBuf; #else
WCHAR wszGUIDStr[39]; // {CLSID} + NULL
LPWSTR pwszGUIDStr = wszGUIDStr; #endif
if (!pEventGUID) { DBG_WRN(("CEventNotifier::FindEventByGUID, Event pointer is NULL")); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Initialize the return value
*phEventKey = NULL;
// Prepare the event path
if (bstrDeviceID) {
// Open the device's event sub-key
hEvents = g_pDevMan->GetDeviceHKey(bstrDeviceID, EVENTS); if (!IsValidHANDLE(hEvents)) { DBG_TRC(("CEventNotifier::FindEventByGUID() Couldn't open Events subkey, on device %S", bstrDeviceID)); return hr; } else { DBG_TRC(("CEventNotifier::FindEventByGUID() Found Events key on device %S", bstrDeviceID)); hr = S_OK; } } else {
// If there's no Device ID, look under StillImage
_tcscpy(tszBuf, REG_PATH_STILL_IMAGE_CONTROL); _tcscat(tszBuf, TEXT("\\Events")); //
// Open the device specific or the global Events subkey
lRet = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, tszBuf, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hEvents, &dwDisp); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { #ifdef UNICODE
DBG_WRN(("CEventNotifier::FindEventByGUID() Couldn't find Events subkey, named %S", tszBuf)); #else
DBG_WRN(("CEventNotifier::FindEventByGUID() Couldn't find Events subkey, named %s", tszBuf)); #endif
return (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet)); } }
// Enumerate all the events under Events subkey
for (dwSubKeyIndex = 0; ;dwSubKeyIndex++) {
dwEventNameLen = sizeof(tszBuf)/sizeof(TCHAR) - 1; lRet = RegEnumKeyEx( hEvents, dwSubKeyIndex, ptszEventName, &dwEventNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, &fileTime);
if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
// Open the event subkey
dwEventNameLen = sizeof(tszBuf); lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( hEvents, ptszEventName, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hEvent); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { continue; }
// Query the GUID value
dwGUIDStrLen = sizeof(tszBuf); lRet = RegQueryValueEx( hEvent, TEXT("GUID"), NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)tszBuf, &dwGUIDStrLen); if ((lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwValueType != REG_SZ)) {
if (hEvent) { RegCloseKey(hEvent); hEvent = NULL; } //
// Junk event found, skip to the next
#ifdef UNICODE
DBG_WRN(("CEventNotifier::FindEventByGUID() Junk event %S found", ptszEventName)); #else
DBG_WRN("CEventNotifier::FindEventByGUID() Junk event %s found", ptszEventName)); #endif
continue; } #ifndef UNICODE
// Convert the CLSID into UNICODE including the terminating NULL
mbstowcs(wszGUIDStr, tszBuf, 39); #endif
if (SUCCEEDED(CLSIDFromString(pwszGUIDStr, &eventGUID))) { if (eventGUID == *pEventGUID) {
*phEventKey = hEvent; return (S_OK); } }
if (hEvent) { RegCloseKey(hEvent); hEvent = NULL; } } // End of for (...)
DBG_WRN(("CEventNotifier::FindEventByGUID() Event GUID not found in reg key enumeration, creating one..."));
if (ActionGuidExists(bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID)) {
// Someone forgot to add the EVENT entry to their INF, so create a
// sub-key with the event GUID as a value
#ifdef UNICODE
wsprintf(Name, L"%ws%d", DEFAULT_EVENT_STR, dwSubKeyIndex); #else
sprintf(Name, "%s%d", DEFAULT_EVENT_STR, dwSubKeyIndex); #endif
lRet = RegCreateKeyEx( hEvents, Name, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hEvent, &dwDisp); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
hr = StringFromCLSID(*pEventGUID, &wsGUID); if (hr == S_OK) { lRet = RegSetValueEx( hEvent, GUID_STR, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*) W2T(wsGUID), (lstrlen(W2T(wsGUID)) * sizeof(TCHAR)) + sizeof(TEXT('\0'))); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *phEventKey = hEvent; hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_FAIL; } CoTaskMemFree(wsGUID); wsGUID = NULL; } }
} //
// Close Events key
RegCloseKey(hEvents); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (hEvent) { RegCloseKey(hEvent); } } return hr; }
* CEventNotifier::CreateEnumEventInfo * * Build enumerator for specific device's persistent handlers * * Arguments: * * * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 8/8/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT CEventNotifier::CreateEnumEventInfo( BSTR bstrDeviceID, const GUID *pEventGUID, IEnumWIA_DEV_CAPS **ppIEnumDevCap) { DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::CreateEnumEventInfo); HRESULT hr; EventDestNode *pCurNode; EventDestNode *pDefDevHandlerNode; ULONG numHandlers, i; WIA_EVENT_HANDLER *pEventHandlers, *pHandler; CEnumDC *pEnumDC; TCHAR tszCommandline[MAX_PATH]; #ifndef UNICODE
WCHAR wszBuf[MAX_PATH]; #endif
CWiaCritSect CritSect(&g_semEventNode);
// Clear the returned value
*ppIEnumDevCap = NULL;
// Find the number of handlers
GetNumPersistentHandlerAndDefault( bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, &numHandlers, &pDefDevHandlerNode);
// Build the enumerator
pEnumDC = new CEnumDC; if (! pEnumDC) { return (E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// If there is no handler registered for this event
if (! numHandlers) {
DBG_TRC(("CreateEnumEventInfo() : No handler registered for this event"));
// Trivial case
pEnumDC->Initialize(0, (WIA_EVENT_HANDLER*)NULL);
return (pEnumDC->QueryInterface( IID_IEnumWIA_DEV_CAPS, (void **)ppIEnumDevCap)); }
// Prepare the Event Handler information
pEventHandlers = (WIA_EVENT_HANDLER *)LocalAlloc( LPTR, sizeof(WIA_EVENT_HANDLER)*numHandlers); if (! pEventHandlers) {
delete pEnumDC; return (E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
memset(pEventHandlers, 0, sizeof(WIA_EVENT_HANDLER) * numHandlers); pHandler = pEventHandlers; hr = S_OK; for (pCurNode = m_pEventDestNodes, i = 0; pCurNode && (i <numHandlers); pCurNode = pCurNode->pNext) {
// If this handler is a callback interface ponter
if (pCurNode->pIEventCB) { continue; }
// If this handler can not handle this event
if (( pCurNode->iidEventGUID != *pEventGUID) && (pCurNode->iidEventGUID != WIA_EVENT_STI_PROXY) ) { continue; }
// If this is generic fallback handler
if (wcscmp(pCurNode->bstrDeviceID, L"All") != 0) {
// If this handler is not for this device
if (wcscmp(pCurNode->bstrDeviceID, bstrDeviceID) != 0) { continue; }
} else {
// If this handler was registered for this device as default
if (FindEventCBNode(0,bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, &pCurNode->ClsID)) { continue; } }
// Copy the information from the current node
pHandler->guid = pCurNode->ClsID; pHandler->bstrName = SysAllocString(pCurNode->bstrName); pHandler->bstrDescription = SysAllocString(pCurNode->bstrDescription); pHandler->bstrIcon = SysAllocString(pCurNode->bstrIcon); if (pCurNode->tszCommandline[0] != '\0') { #ifdef UNICODE
PrepareCommandline( bstrDeviceID, *pEventGUID, pCurNode->tszCommandline, tszCommandline);
pHandler->bstrCommandline = SysAllocString(tszCommandline); #else
PrepareCommandline( bstrDeviceID, *pEventGUID, pCurNode->tszCommandline, tszCommandline);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, tszCommandline, -1, wszBuf, MAX_PATH); pHandler->bstrCommandline = SysAllocString(wszBuf); #endif
// Check whether the copy is successful
if ((! pHandler->bstrName) || (! pHandler->bstrDescription) || (! pHandler->bstrIcon) || ((pCurNode->tszCommandline[0] != '\0') && (! pHandler->bstrCommandline))) {
hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
// Set the flag if this handler is the default one
if (pCurNode == pDefDevHandlerNode) { pHandler->ulFlags = WIA_IS_DEFAULT_HANDLER; }
pHandler++; i++; }
// Unwind the partial result if error occured
if (FAILED(hr)) {
for (i = 0, pHandler = pEventHandlers; i < numHandlers; i++, pHandler++) {
if (pHandler->bstrName) { SysFreeString(pHandler->bstrName); } if (pHandler->bstrDescription) { SysFreeString(pHandler->bstrDescription); } if (pHandler->bstrIcon) { SysFreeString(pHandler->bstrIcon); } }
delete pEnumDC;
return (hr); }
// Initilization will never fail
pEnumDC->Initialize(numHandlers, pEventHandlers);
return (pEnumDC->QueryInterface( IID_IEnumWIA_DEV_CAPS, (void **)ppIEnumDevCap)); }
* CEventNotifier::GetNumPersistentHandlerAndDefault * * Find the total number of persistent handlers and the default * * Arguments: * * * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 8/8/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT CEventNotifier::GetNumPersistentHandlerAndDefault( BSTR bstrDeviceID, const GUID *pEventGUID, ULONG *pulNumHandlers, EventDestNode **ppDefaultNode) { DBG_FN(CEventNotifier::GetNumPersistentHandlerAndDefault); EventDestNode *pCurNode; EventDestNode *pDefDevHandlerNode, *pDefGenHandlerNode, *pTempNode;
*pulNumHandlers = 0;
pDefDevHandlerNode = NULL; pDefGenHandlerNode = NULL;
for (pCurNode = m_pEventDestNodes; pCurNode; pCurNode = pCurNode->pNext) {
// If this handler is a callback interface ponter
if (pCurNode->pIEventCB) { continue; }
// If this handler can not handle this event and this handler is not proxy for STI handlers
if ( (pCurNode->iidEventGUID != *pEventGUID) && (pCurNode->iidEventGUID != WIA_EVENT_STI_PROXY) ) {
// If the pEventGUID is the STI Proxy GUID, then we need to
// include WIA Global event handlers i.e. those with
// DeviceIDs of "ALL".
// Otherwise, just skip it.
if ((*pEventGUID == WIA_EVENT_STI_PROXY) && (lstrcmpW(bstrDeviceID, L"All") == 0)) { (*pulNumHandlers)++; } continue; }
if (wcscmp(pCurNode->bstrDeviceID, L"All") != 0) {
// If this handler is not for this device
if (wcscmp(pCurNode->bstrDeviceID, bstrDeviceID) != 0) { continue; }
// Remember the default handler's node
if (! pDefDevHandlerNode) { pDefDevHandlerNode = pCurNode; } else {
/* Original code
if (CompareFileTime( &pCurNode->timeStamp, &pDefDevHandlerNode->timeStamp) > 0) {
pDefDevHandlerNode = pCurNode; } */
// Timestamps are not valid on Win9x, so use the flag which indicates
// whether this is the default handler for this device.
if (pCurNode->bDeviceDefault) { pDefDevHandlerNode = pCurNode; } }
} else { //
// If this handler was registered for this device as default, then skip it
// since we'll hit the device specific registration on our pass anyway.
if (FindEventCBNode(0,bstrDeviceID, pEventGUID, &pCurNode->ClsID)) {
if (lstrcmpW(bstrDeviceID, L"All") == 0) { //
// If the request is for ALL devices, then we're simply being asked to count the number
// of global handlers.
(*pulNumHandlers)++; } continue; }
// If no device specific handler is found, then we want to go with a global one.
if (! pDefDevHandlerNode) {
if (! pDefGenHandlerNode) {
// We found our first global Handler
pDefGenHandlerNode = pCurNode; } else {
// Since there is more than one global handler, let's use the "Prompt", if we can find it.
// NOTE: We assume that on registration of more than one global handler, the "Prompt" handler
// will be registered; so if we don't find it, this would generally indicate a problem during
// registration. However, in cases of upgrade, this is possible, and entirely normal, so we
// don't flag it as an error here, since it's not fatal anyway.
pTempNode = FindEventCBNode(0, NULL, pEventGUID, &WIA_EVENT_HANDLER_PROMPT); if (pTempNode) { pDefGenHandlerNode = pTempNode; } } } }
(*pulNumHandlers)++; }
// If there is no device specific default handler, fall back
if (! pDefDevHandlerNode) {
*ppDefaultNode = pDefGenHandlerNode; } else {
*ppDefaultNode = pDefDevHandlerNode; }
return (S_OK); }
* CEventNotifier::StartCallbackProgram * * Start the callback program in security context of the user who logged on * * Arguments: * * * * Return Value: * * Status * * History: * * 8/8/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT CEventNotifier::StartCallbackProgram( EventDestNode *pCBNode, PWIAEventThreadInfo pMasterInfo) #ifndef UNICODE
{ STARTUPINFO startupInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION processInfo; int nCmdLineLen; BOOL bRet; CHAR szCommandline[MAX_PATH];
do {
// Set up start up info
ZeroMemory(&startupInfo, sizeof(startupInfo));
startupInfo.cb = sizeof(startupInfo); startupInfo.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
// Set up the command line
// program /StiDevice Image\NNNN /StiEvent {GUID}
ZeroMemory(szCommandline, sizeof(szCommandline));
nCmdLineLen = strlen(pCBNode->tszCommandline); if ((MAX_PATH - nCmdLineLen) < (1 + 11 + 10 + 1 + 10 + 38 + 1)) { break; }
// Prepare the command line
// Nb: It may be important to pick up event GUID from master info block, not from event callback node, because
// GUID match could've been found against STI proxy event GUID, in which case callback node would contain
// STI proxy event GUID, not the hardware event GUID, which we need
PrepareCommandline( pMasterInfo->bstrDeviceID, pMasterInfo->eventGUID, //pCBNode->iidEventGUID,
pCBNode->tszCommandline, szCommandline);
// Create the process in user's context
bRet = CreateProcess( NULL, // Application name
szCommandline, NULL, // Process attributes
NULL, // Thread attributes
FALSE, // Handle inheritance
0, // Creation flag
NULL, // Environment
NULL, // Current directory
&startupInfo, &processInfo);
if (! bRet) { break; }
// Close the handle passed back
CloseHandle(processInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(processInfo.hThread);
} while (FALSE);
return (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError())); } #else
{ HANDLE hTokenUser; STARTUPINFO startupInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION processInfo; LPVOID pEnvBlock; int nCmdLineLen; BOOL bRet; WCHAR wszCommandline[MAX_PATH];
hTokenUser = NULL; pEnvBlock = NULL;
do {
nCmdLineLen = wcslen(pCBNode->tszCommandline); if ((MAX_PATH - nCmdLineLen) < (1 + 11 + 43 + 1 + 10 + 38 + 1)) { break; }
// Get interactive user's token
hTokenUser = GetUserTokenForConsoleSession();
// Maybe nobody is loggon in
if (! hTokenUser) { break; }
// Set up start up info
ZeroMemory(&startupInfo, sizeof(startupInfo)); startupInfo.lpDesktop = L"WinSta0\\Default"; startupInfo.cb = sizeof(startupInfo); startupInfo.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
// Create the user's environment block
bRet = CreateEnvironmentBlock( &pEnvBlock, hTokenUser, FALSE); if (! bRet) { DBG_WRN(("CEventNotifier::StartCallbackProgram, CreateEnvironmentBlock failed! GetLastError() = 0x%08X", GetLastError())); break; }
// Prepare the command line. Make sure we pass in the EVENT guid, not the STI proxy guid.
PrepareCommandline( pMasterInfo->bstrDeviceID, pMasterInfo->eventGUID, pCBNode->tszCommandline, wszCommandline);
// Create the process in user's context
bRet = CreateProcessAsUser( hTokenUser, NULL, // Application name
wszCommandline, NULL, // Process attributes
NULL, // Thread attributes
FALSE, // Handle inheritance
NULL, // Current directory
&startupInfo, &processInfo);
if (! bRet) { DBG_WRN(("CEventNotifier::StartCallbackProgram, CreateProcessAsUser failed! GetLastError() = 0x%08X", GetLastError())); break; }
// Close the handle passed back
CloseHandle(processInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(processInfo.hThread);
} while (FALSE);
// Garbage collection
if (hTokenUser) { CloseHandle(hTokenUser); } if (pEnvBlock) { DestroyEnvironmentBlock(pEnvBlock); }
return (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError())); } #endif
* QueryInterface * AddRef * Release * * CWiaInterfaceEvent IUnknown Interface * * Arguments: * * * * Return Value: * * * * History: * * 9/2/1998 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT __stdcall CWiaInterfaceEvent::QueryInterface(const IID& iid, void** ppv) { *ppv = NULL;
if (iid == IID_IUnknown) { *ppv = (IUnknown*) this; } else { return E_NOINTERFACE; } AddRef(); return S_OK; }
ULONG __stdcall CWiaInterfaceEvent::AddRef() { InterlockedIncrement((long*) &m_cRef); return m_cRef; }
ULONG __stdcall CWiaInterfaceEvent::Release() { ULONG ulRefCount = m_cRef - 1;
if (InterlockedDecrement((long*) &m_cRef) == 0) {
delete this; return 0; }
return ulRefCount; }
* * CWiaInterfaceEvent * ~CWiaInterfaceEvent * * CWiaInterfaceEvent Constructor/Destructor Methods. * * History: * * 9/2/1998 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
CWiaInterfaceEvent::CWiaInterfaceEvent(PEventDestNode pEventDestNode) { ASSERT(pEventDestNode != NULL);
m_cRef = 0; m_pEventDestNode = pEventDestNode; }
CWiaInterfaceEvent::~CWiaInterfaceEvent() { //
// must have exclusive access when changing list
CWiaCritSect CritSect(&g_semEventNode);
// make sure registered event is removed
if (m_pEventDestNode != NULL) { g_eventNotifier.UnregisterEventCB(m_pEventDestNode); } }
* QueryInterface * AddRef * Release * * CWiaEventContext IUnknown Interface * * Arguments: * * * * Return Value: * * * * History: * * 1/6/2000 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT __stdcall CWiaEventContext::QueryInterface(const IID& iid, void** ppv) { *ppv = NULL;
if (iid == IID_IUnknown) { *ppv = (IUnknown*) this; } else { return E_NOINTERFACE; } AddRef(); return S_OK; }
ULONG __stdcall CWiaEventContext::AddRef() { InterlockedIncrement((long*) &m_cRef); return m_cRef; }
ULONG __stdcall CWiaEventContext::Release() { ULONG ulRefCount = m_cRef - 1;
if (InterlockedDecrement((long*) &m_cRef) == 0) {
delete this; return 0; }
return ulRefCount; }
* * CWiaEventContext * ~CWiaEventContext * * CWiaEventContext Constructor/Destructor Methods. * * History: * * 1/6/2000 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
CWiaEventContext::CWiaEventContext( BSTR bstrDeviceID, const GUID *pGuidEvent, BSTR bstrFullItemName) { //
// Reference count initialized to 1
m_cRef = 1;
m_ulEventType = 0;
m_guidEvent = *pGuidEvent; m_bstrFullItemName = bstrFullItemName;
m_bstrDeviceId = bstrDeviceID; }
CWiaEventContext::~CWiaEventContext() { //
// bstrFullItemName is free in NotifySTIEvent
if (m_bstrDeviceId) { SysFreeString(m_bstrDeviceId); m_bstrDeviceId = NULL; } }
* * WiaDelayedEvent * * Arguments: * * * * Return Value: * * * * History: * * 1/6/2000 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
VOID WINAPI WiaDelayedEvent( VOID *pArg) { CWiaEventContext *pCEventCtx; WIANOTIFY wn;
// Cast back the context
if (! pArg) { return; }
pCEventCtx = (CWiaEventContext *)pArg;
// Prepare the notification structure
wn.lSize = sizeof(WIANOTIFY); wn.bstrDevId = pCEventCtx->m_bstrDeviceId; wn.stiNotify.dwSize = sizeof(STINOTIFY); wn.stiNotify.guidNotificationCode = pCEventCtx->m_guidEvent;
// Fire the event
g_eventNotifier.NotifySTIEvent( &wn, pCEventCtx->m_ulEventType, pCEventCtx->m_bstrFullItemName);
// Release the initial reference
pCEventCtx->Release(); }
* * wiasQueueEvent * * Arguments: * * * * Return Value: * * * * History: * * 1/6/2000 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT _stdcall wiasQueueEvent( BSTR bstrDeviceId, const GUID *pEventGUID, BSTR bstrFullItemName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BYTE *pRootItemCtx; CWiaEventContext *pCEventCtx = NULL; BSTR bstrDeviceIdCopy = NULL; BSTR bstrFullItemNameCopy = NULL; BOOL bRet;
// Basic sanity check of the parameters
if ((! bstrDeviceId) || (! pEventGUID)) { return (E_INVALIDARG); }
// Poor man's exception handler
do {
bstrDeviceIdCopy = SysAllocString(bstrDeviceId); if (! bstrDeviceIdCopy) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
if (bstrFullItemName) { bstrFullItemNameCopy = SysAllocString(bstrFullItemName); if (! bstrFullItemNameCopy) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } }
// Create an event context
pCEventCtx = new CWiaEventContext( bstrDeviceIdCopy, pEventGUID, bstrFullItemNameCopy); if (! pCEventCtx) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
// Queue a scheduler item
bRet = ScheduleWorkItem( WiaDelayedEvent, pCEventCtx, 0, NULL); if (! bRet) { hr = E_FAIL; }
} while (FALSE);
// Garbage collection
if (hr != S_OK) {
if (pCEventCtx) { delete pCEventCtx; } else {
if (bstrDeviceIdCopy) { SysFreeString(bstrDeviceIdCopy); } }
if (bstrFullItemNameCopy) { SysFreeString(bstrFullItemNameCopy); } }
return (hr); }
#ifdef UNICODE
void PrepareCommandline( BSTR bstrDeviceID, const GUID &guidEvent, LPCWSTR pwszOrigCmdline, LPWSTR pwszResCmdline) { WCHAR wszGUIDStr[40]; WCHAR wszCommandline[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR *pPercentSign; WCHAR *pTest = NULL;
// Fix up the commandline. First check that it has at least two %
pTest = wcschr(pwszOrigCmdline, '%'); if (pTest) { pTest = wcschr(pTest + 1, '%'); }
if (!pTest) { _snwprintf( wszCommandline, sizeof(wszCommandline) / sizeof( wszCommandline[0] ), L"%s /StiDevice:%%1 /StiEvent:%%2", pwszOrigCmdline); } else { wcsncpy(wszCommandline, pwszOrigCmdline, sizeof(wszCommandline) / sizeof( wszCommandline[0] )); }
// enforce null termination
wszCommandline[ (sizeof(wszCommandline) / sizeof(wszCommandline[0])) - 1 ] = 0;
// Change the number {1|2} into s
pPercentSign = wcschr(wszCommandline, L'%'); *(pPercentSign + 1) = L's'; pPercentSign = wcschr(pPercentSign + 1, L'%'); *(pPercentSign + 1) = L's';
// Convert the GUID into string
StringFromGUID2(guidEvent, wszGUIDStr, 40);
// Final comand line
swprintf(pwszResCmdline, wszCommandline, bstrDeviceID, wszGUIDStr); }
void PrepareCommandline( BSTR bstrDeviceID, const GUID &guidEvent, LPCSTR pszOrigCmdline, LPSTR pszResCmdline) { CHAR szCommandline[MAX_PATH]; CHAR *pPercentSign; WCHAR wszGUIDStr[40]; char szGUIDStr[40]; char szDeviceID[12]; // Image\NNNN
// Fix up the commandline
if (! strchr(pszOrigCmdline, '%')) { _snprintf( szCommandline, sizeof(szCommandline) / sizeof( szCommandline[0] ), "%s /StiDevice:%%1 /StiEvent:%%2", pszOrigCmdline); } else { strncpy(szCommandline, pszOrigCmdline, sizeof(wszCommandline) / sizeof( wszCommandline[0] )); }
// enforce null termination
szCommandline[ (sizeof(szCommandline) / sizeof(szCommandline[0])) - 1 ] = 0;
// Change the number {1|2} into s
pPercentSign = strchr(szCommandline, '%'); *(pPercentSign + 1) = 's'; pPercentSign = strchr(pPercentSign + 1, '%'); *(pPercentSign + 1) = 's';
// Convert the GUID into string
StringFromGUID2(guidEvent, wszGUIDStr, 40);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, bstrDeviceID, -1, szDeviceID, sizeof(szDeviceID), NULL, NULL);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wszGUIDStr, -1, szGUIDStr, sizeof(szGUIDStr), NULL, NULL);
// Final result
sprintf(pszResCmdline, szCommandline, szDeviceID, szGUIDStr); } #endif
* * ActionGuidExists * * Returns true if the specified event GUID is reported as an ACTION event * by the driver * * Arguments: * * bstrDevId - identifies the device we're interested in * pEventGUID - identifies the event we're looking for * * Return Value: * * TRUE - The driver reports this event as an ACTION event * FALSE - This is not an ACTION event for this device * * History: * * 03/01/2000 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL ActionGuidExists( BSTR bstrDevId, const GUID *pEventGUID) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; IWiaDevMgr *pIDevMgr = NULL; IWiaItem *pIItem = NULL; IEnumWIA_DEV_CAPS *pIEnum = NULL; WIA_DEV_CAP DevCap; ULONG ulVal; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
// Get the device manager and create an item interface for that device
hr = CWiaDevMgr::CreateInstance(IID_IWiaDevMgr, (VOID**) &pIDevMgr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pIDevMgr->CreateDevice(bstrDevId, &pIItem); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
// Get an enumerator for the events
hr = pIItem->EnumDeviceCapabilities(WIA_DEVICE_EVENTS, &pIEnum); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
// Iterate through events to check whether we have a
// match
while(pIEnum->Next(1, &DevCap, &ulVal) == S_OK) {
if (DevCap.guid == *pEventGUID) {
// Check whether it's an action event, and mark
// our return to TRUE if it is.
if (DevCap.ulFlags & WIA_ACTION_EVENT) { bRet = TRUE; break; } } } pIEnum->Release(); } else { DBG_WRN(("ActionGuidExists() : Failed to enumerate (0x%X)", hr)); } pIItem->Release(); } else { DBG_WRN(("ActionGuidExists() : Failed to create device (0x%X)", hr)); } pIDevMgr->Release(); } else { DBG_WRN(("ActionGuidExists() : Failed to create device manager (0x%X)", hr)); }
return bRet; }