* * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORPORATION, 1999-2000 * * TITLE: DShowUtl.cpp * * VERSION: 1.0 * * AUTHOR: OrenR * * DATE: 2000/10/25 * * DESCRIPTION: Provides support functions for preview graph class * *****************************************************************************/ #include <precomp.h>
#include <atlconv.h>
#pragma hdrstop
// Constants
// These are values found in the registry, specified in the
// DeviceData section of the vendor's INF file.
const TCHAR* REG_VAL_PREFERRED_MEDIASUBTYPE = _T("PreferredMediaSubType"); const TCHAR* REG_VAL_PREFERRED_VIDEO_WIDTH = _T("PreferredVideoWidth"); const TCHAR* REG_VAL_PREFERRED_VIDEO_HEIGHT = _T("PreferredVideoHeight"); const TCHAR* REG_VAL_PREFERRED_VIDEO_FRAMERATE = _T("PreferredVideoFrameRate");
// SizeVideoToWindow
// Static Fn
HRESULT CDShowUtil::SizeVideoToWindow(HWND hwnd, IVideoWindow *pVideoWindow, BOOL bStretchToFit) { DBG_FN("CDShowUtil::SizeVideoToWindow");
ASSERT(hwnd != NULL); ASSERT(pVideoWindow != NULL);
RECT rc = {0}; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Check for invalid args
if ((hwnd == NULL) || (pVideoWindow == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::SizeVideoToWindow received NULL pointer")); return hr; }
// Try to position preview window as best we
// can in the context of the containing window
::GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc);
// First, get ideal sizes (that won't incur scaling penalty)
LONG maxWidth = 0; LONG maxHeight = 0; LONG minWidth = 0; LONG minHeight = 0; LONG nativeWidth = 0; LONG nativeHeight = 0;
LONG w = rc.right - rc.left; LONG h = rc.bottom - rc.top; BOOL bDone = FALSE;
// ***NOTE***
// Little known fact (i.e. not in MSDN)
// 'GetMaxIdealSize' and 'GetMinIdealSize' will FAIL if the graph is
// in the stopped state. Therefore, the graph must be in the paused
// or in the playing state.
hr = pVideoWindow->GetMaxIdealImageSize(&maxWidth, &maxHeight);
if (FAILED(hr)) { maxWidth = w; maxHeight = h;
DBG_WRN(("pVideoWindow->GetMaxIdealImageSize failed. " "This is a non-fatal error, setting our max video " "width '%lu' and height '%lu' to the window's " "boundaries", maxWidth, maxHeight)); }
hr = pVideoWindow->GetMinIdealImageSize(&minWidth, &minHeight);
if (FAILED(hr)) { minWidth = w; minHeight = h;
DBG_WRN(("pVideoWindow->GetMinIdealImageSize failed. " "This is a non-fatal error, setting our minimum video " "width '%lu' and height '%lu' to the window's " "boundaries", maxWidth, maxHeight)); }
// Now, get nominal size of preview
if (pVideoWindow) { CComPtr<IBasicVideo> pBasicVideo;
hr = pVideoWindow->QueryInterface(IID_IBasicVideo, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pBasicVideo));
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("pVideoWindow->QueryInterface for IBasicVideo failed"));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pBasicVideo) { hr = pBasicVideo->GetVideoSize( &nativeWidth, &nativeHeight );
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("pBasicVideo->GetVideoSize() failed" ));
if (FAILED(hr)) { nativeWidth = nativeHeight = 0; } } }
if (bStretchToFit) { nativeWidth = w; nativeHeight = h; }
// Try native size first
if (nativeWidth && nativeHeight) { if ((nativeWidth <= w) && (nativeHeight <= h)) { hr = pVideoWindow->SetWindowPosition((w - nativeWidth) / 2, (h - nativeHeight) / 2, nativeWidth, nativeHeight);
CHECK_S_OK2( hr, ("pVideoWindow->SetWindowPosition( " "native size )")); bDone = TRUE; } }
// Don't scale outside of min/max range so we don't incur performance hit,
// also, as we scale, keep the aspect ratio of the native size
if (!bDone) { INT x = 0; INT y = 0; INT _h = h; INT _w = w;
// cap (in both directions) for no loss of performance...
if ((_w > maxWidth) && (maxWidth <= w)) { _w = maxWidth; } else if ((_w < minWidth) && (minWidth <= w)) { _w = minWidth; }
if ((_h > maxHeight) && (maxHeight <= h)) { _h = maxHeight; } else if ((_h < minHeight) && (minHeight <= h)) { _h = minHeight; }
// Notice that if the client window size is 0,0 then
// the video will be set to that size. We will warn the
// caller below in a warning statement, but if they want
// to do that I'm not going to stop them.
// Find the smallest axis
if (h < w) { //
// Space is wider than tall
if (nativeHeight) { _w = ((_h * nativeWidth) / nativeHeight); } } else { //
// Space is taller than wide
if (nativeWidth) { _h = ((nativeHeight * _w) / nativeWidth); } }
x = ((w - _w) / 2); y = ((h - _h) / 2);
if ((_w == 0) || (_h == 0)) { DBG_WRN(("WARNING: CDShowUtils::SizeVideoToWindow " "video width and/or height is 0. This will " "result in video that is not visible. This is " "because the owning window dimensions are probably 0. " "Video -> Width:'%lu', Height:'%lu', Window -> " "Top:'%lu', Bottom:'%lu', Left:'%lu', Right:'%lu'", _w, _h, rc.top, rc.bottom, rc.left, rc.right)); }
hr = pVideoWindow->SetWindowPosition( x, y, _w, _h );
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("pVideoWindow->SetWindowPosition to set the " "aspect scaled size failed")); }
return hr; }
// ShowVideo
// Static Fn
HRESULT CDShowUtil::ShowVideo(BOOL bShow, IVideoWindow *pVideoWindow) { DBG_FN("CDShowUtil::ShowVideo");
if (pVideoWindow == NULL) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::ShowVideo failed to show video " "successfully")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { if (bShow) { //
// We were told to show the preview window therefore we will show
// it.
hr = pVideoWindow->put_Visible(OATRUE); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("pVideoWindow->put_Visible(OATRUE)"));
hr = pVideoWindow->put_AutoShow(OATRUE); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("pVideoWindow->put_AutoShow(OATRUE)")); } else { //
// We were told to hide the preview window.
pVideoWindow->put_Visible(OAFALSE); pVideoWindow->put_AutoShow(OAFALSE); } }
return hr; }
// SetVideoWindowParent
// Static Fn
HRESULT CDShowUtil::SetVideoWindowParent(HWND hwndParent, IVideoWindow *pVideoWindow, LONG *plOldWindowStyle) { DBG_FN("CDShowUtil::SetVideoRendererParent");
if (pVideoWindow == NULL) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::SetVideoWindowParent received NULL " "Param")); } else if (hwndParent && !IsWindow(hwndParent)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::SetVideoWindowParent received invalid " "hwnd = 0x%08x", hwndParent)); }
if (hr == S_OK) { if (!hwndParent) { //
// Okay, we are setting the preview window to NULL, which
// means we are disassociating it from its parent.
// Reseting graph preview window
hr = pVideoWindow->put_Owner(NULL); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("pVideoWindow->put_Owner(NULL)"));
if ((plOldWindowStyle) && (*plOldWindowStyle)) { hr = pVideoWindow->put_WindowStyle(*plOldWindowStyle);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("pVideoWindow->put_WindowStyle" "(*plOldWindowStyle)")); } } else { LONG WinStyle; HRESULT hr2;
// Okay, we are giving the preview window a new parent
// Set the owning window
hr = pVideoWindow->put_Owner(PtrToUlong(hwndParent)); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("pVideoWindow->putOwner( hwndParent )"));
// Set the style for the preview
// First, store the window style so that we can restore it
// when we disassociate the parent from the window
hr2 = pVideoWindow->get_WindowStyle(&WinStyle); CHECK_S_OK2(hr2, ("pVideoWindow->get_WindowStyle" "( pOldWindowStyle )"));
// Set the Video Renderer window so that it will be a child of
// the parent window, i.e. it does not have a border etc.
if (plOldWindowStyle) { *plOldWindowStyle = WinStyle; }
hr2 = pVideoWindow->put_WindowStyle(WinStyle); CHECK_S_OK2(hr2, ("pVideoWindow->put_WindowStyle( WinStyle )")); } }
return hr; }
// GetDeviceProperty
// Static Fn
HRESULT CDShowUtil::GetDeviceProperty(IPropertyBag *pPropertyBag, LPCWSTR pwszProperty, CSimpleString *pstrProperty) { DBG_FN("CDShowUtil::GetDeviceProperty");
ASSERT(pPropertyBag != NULL); ASSERT(pwszProperty != NULL); ASSERT(pstrProperty != NULL);
if ((pPropertyBag == NULL) || (pwszProperty == NULL) || (pstrProperty == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::GetDeviceProperty received a NULL " "param")); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { VariantInit(&VarName); VarName.vt = VT_BSTR; hr = pPropertyBag->Read(pwszProperty, &VarName, 0); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *pstrProperty = CSimpleStringConvert::NaturalString( CSimpleStringWide(VarName.bstrVal)); VariantClear(&VarName); }
return hr; }
// GetMonikerProperty
// Static Fn
HRESULT CDShowUtil::GetMonikerProperty(IMoniker *pMoniker, LPCWSTR pwszProperty, CSimpleString *pstrProperty) { DBG_FN("CDShowUtil::GetMonikerProperty");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; VARIANT VarName; CComPtr<IPropertyBag> pPropertyBag;
ASSERT(pMoniker != NULL); ASSERT(pwszProperty != NULL); ASSERT(pstrProperty != NULL);
if ((pMoniker == NULL) || (pwszProperty == NULL) || (pstrProperty == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::GetMonikerProperty received a " "NULL param")); }
hr = pMoniker->BindToStorage(0, 0, IID_IPropertyBag, (void **)&pPropertyBag);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::GetMonikerProperty, BindToStorage failed"));
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = GetDeviceProperty(pPropertyBag, pwszProperty, pstrProperty);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::GetMonikerProperty, failed " "to get device property '%ls'", pwszProperty)); } return hr; }
// FindDeviceGeneric
// Given the device ID, we will
// find all the remaining parameters.
// If a parameter is NULL, that information
// is not looked up.
// Static Fn
HRESULT CDShowUtil::FindDeviceGeneric(UINT uiFindFlag, CSimpleString *pstrDShowDeviceID, LONG *plEnumPos, CSimpleString *pstrFriendlyName, IMoniker **ppDeviceMoniker) { DBG_FN("CDShowUtil::FindDeviceGeneric");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bFound = FALSE; LONG lPosNum = 0; CComPtr<ICreateDevEnum> pCreateDevEnum; CComPtr<IEnumMoniker> pEnumMoniker;
if ((uiFindFlag == FIND_FLAG_BY_ENUM_POS) && (plEnumPos == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShow::FindDeviceGeneric requesting search by enum " "pos, but plEnumPos is NULL")); } else if ((uiFindFlag == FIND_FLAG_BY_DSHOW_ID) && (pstrDShowDeviceID == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShow::FindDeviceGeneric requesting search by " "DShow ID, but pstrDShowDeviceID is NULL")); } else if ((uiFindFlag == FIND_FLAG_BY_FRIENDLY_NAME) && (pstrFriendlyName == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShow::FindDeviceGeneric requesting search by " "friendly name, but pstrFriendlyName is NULL")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { //
// Create the device enumerator
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SystemDeviceEnum, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICreateDevEnum, (void**)&pCreateDevEnum); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::CreateCaptureFilter failed to create " "CLSID_SystemDeviceEnum enumerator")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pCreateDevEnum->CreateClassEnumerator( CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory, &pEnumMoniker, 0);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::CreateCaptureFilter failed to " "create enumerator for Video Input Device " "Category")); }
// Loop through all the devices
while ((!bFound) && (hr == S_OK)) { CComPtr<IMoniker> pMoniker; CComPtr<IPropertyBag> pPropertyBag; CSimpleString strDShowDeviceID(TEXT("")); CSimpleString strFriendlyName(TEXT(""));
hr = pEnumMoniker->Next(1, &pMoniker, NULL);
if (hr == S_OK) { //
// Get property storage for this DS device so we can get it's
// device id...
hr = pMoniker->BindToStorage(0, 0, IID_IPropertyBag, (void **)&pPropertyBag);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::FindDeviceGeneric, failed to " "bind to storage")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = GetDeviceProperty(pPropertyBag, L"DevicePath", &strDShowDeviceID);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("Failed to get DevicePath for DShow # '%lu", lPosNum));
hr = GetDeviceProperty(pPropertyBag, L"FriendlyName", &strFriendlyName);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("Failed to get FriendlyName for DShow # '%lu", lPosNum)); }
// This is the search criteria.
switch (uiFindFlag) { case FIND_FLAG_BY_ENUM_POS:
if (lPosNum == *plEnumPos) { bFound = TRUE; }
if (pstrDShowDeviceID->CompareNoCase(strDShowDeviceID) == 0) { bFound = TRUE; }
if (pstrFriendlyName->CompareNoCase(strFriendlyName) == 0) { bFound = TRUE; }
default: hr = E_FAIL; break; }
if (bFound) { if (pstrDShowDeviceID) { pstrDShowDeviceID->Assign(strDShowDeviceID); }
if (pstrFriendlyName) { pstrFriendlyName->Assign(strFriendlyName); }
if (plEnumPos) { *plEnumPos = lPosNum; }
if (ppDeviceMoniker) { *ppDeviceMoniker = pMoniker; (*ppDeviceMoniker)->AddRef(); } } else { ++lPosNum; } }
return hr; }
// FindDeviceByEnumPos
// Static Fn
HRESULT CDShowUtil::FindDeviceByEnumPos(LONG lEnumPos, CSimpleString *pstrDShowDeviceID, CSimpleString *pstrFriendlyName, IMoniker **ppDeviceMoniker) { DBG_FN("CDShowUtil::FindDeviceByEnumPos");
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = FindDeviceGeneric(FIND_FLAG_BY_ENUM_POS, pstrDShowDeviceID, &lEnumPos, pstrFriendlyName, ppDeviceMoniker); }
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::FindDeviceByEnumPos failed to find a " "Directshow device with an enum position " "of '%lu'", lEnumPos));
return hr; }
// FindDeviceByFriendlyName
// Static Fn
HRESULT CDShowUtil::FindDeviceByFriendlyName( const CSimpleString *pstrFriendlyName, LONG *plEnumPos, CSimpleString *pstrDShowDeviceID, IMoniker **ppDeviceMoniker) { DBG_FN("CDShowUtil::FindDeviceByFriendlyName");
ASSERT(pstrFriendlyName != NULL);
if (pstrFriendlyName == NULL) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::FindDeviceByFriendlyName received a " "NULL param"));
return hr; }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = FindDeviceGeneric(FIND_FLAG_BY_FRIENDLY_NAME, pstrDShowDeviceID, plEnumPos, const_cast<CSimpleString*>(pstrFriendlyName), ppDeviceMoniker); }
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::FindDeviceByFriendlyName failed to find a " "Directshow device named '%ls'", pstrFriendlyName->String()));
return hr; }
// FindDeviceByWiaID
// Static Fn
HRESULT CDShowUtil::FindDeviceByWiaID(CWiaLink *pWiaLink, const CSimpleString *pstrWiaDeviceID, CSimpleString *pstrFriendlyName, LONG *plEnumPos, CSimpleString *pstrDShowDeviceID, IMoniker **ppDeviceMoniker) { DBG_FN("CDShowUtil::FindDeviceByWiaID");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CSimpleStringWide strDShowID(TEXT("")); CComPtr<IWiaPropertyStorage> pPropStorage;
ASSERT(pWiaLink != NULL); ASSERT(pstrWiaDeviceID != NULL);
if ((pWiaLink == NULL) || (pstrWiaDeviceID == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::FindDeviceByWiaID received a NULL " "param"));
return hr; }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pWiaLink->GetDeviceStorage(&pPropStorage); }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = CWiaUtil::GetProperty(pPropStorage, WIA_DPV_DSHOW_DEVICE_PATH, &strDShowID); }
if (hr == S_OK) { //
// If all three of these are NULL, then there is no point searching,
// we already have the DShow device ID. On the other hand, if we
// want at least one of them, then we need to find the device.
if ((pstrFriendlyName != NULL) || (plEnumPos != NULL) || (ppDeviceMoniker != NULL)) { hr = FindDeviceGeneric( FIND_FLAG_BY_DSHOW_ID, &(CSimpleStringConvert::NaturalString(strDShowID)), plEnumPos, pstrFriendlyName, ppDeviceMoniker); }
if (pstrDShowDeviceID) { *pstrDShowDeviceID = strDShowID; } }
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::FindDeviceByWiaID failed to find a " "Directshow device with a WIA device ID of '%ls'", pstrWiaDeviceID->String()));
return hr; }
// CreateGraphBuilder
// Static Fn
HRESULT CDShowUtil::CreateGraphBuilder( ICaptureGraphBuilder2 **ppCaptureGraphBuilder, IGraphBuilder **ppGraphBuilder) { DBG_FN("CDShowUtil::CreateGraphBuilder");
ASSERT(ppCaptureGraphBuilder != NULL); ASSERT(ppGraphBuilder != NULL);
if ((ppCaptureGraphBuilder == NULL) || (ppGraphBuilder == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::CreateGraphBuilder received NULL " "params"));
return hr; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// First, get a CaptureGraph builder
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CaptureGraphBuilder2, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICaptureGraphBuilder2, (void**)ppCaptureGraphBuilder);
CHECK_S_OK2( hr, ("CDShowUtil::CreateGraphBuilder, failed to create " "the DShow Capture Graph Builder object")); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IGraphBuilder, (void**)ppGraphBuilder);
CHECK_S_OK2( hr, ("CDShowUtil::CreateGraphBuilder, failed to create " "the DShow Filter Graph Object")); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (*ppCaptureGraphBuilder) && (*ppGraphBuilder)) { hr = (*ppCaptureGraphBuilder)->SetFiltergraph(*ppGraphBuilder);
CHECK_S_OK2( hr, ("CDShowUtil::CreateGraphBuilder, failed to set " "the capture graph builder's filter graph object")); }
return hr; }
// TurnOffGraphClock
// Turn off the clock that the
// graph would use so that
// the graph won't drop frames
// if some frames are delivered
// late.
HRESULT CDShowUtil::TurnOffGraphClock(IGraphBuilder *pGraphBuilder) { DBG_FN("CDShowUtil::TurnOffGraphClock");
ASSERT(pGraphBuilder != NULL);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IMediaFilter> pMediaFilter;
if (pGraphBuilder == NULL) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::TurnOffGraphClock received a NULL pointer")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pGraphBuilder->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaFilter, (void**) &pMediaFilter); }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pMediaFilter->SetSyncSource(NULL); }
return hr; }
// SetPreferredVideoFormat
// This builds the preview graph
// based on the device ID we
// pass it.
HRESULT CDShowUtil::SetPreferredVideoFormat(IPin *pCapturePin, const GUID *pPreferredSubType, LONG lPreferredWidth, LONG lPreferredHeight, CWiaVideoProperties *pVideoProperties) { ASSERT(pCapturePin != NULL); ASSERT(pPreferredSubType != NULL); ASSERT(pVideoProperties != NULL);
CComPtr<IAMStreamConfig> pStreamConfig; HRESULT hr = S_OK; INT iCount = 0; INT iSize = 0; INT iIndex = 0; BOOL bDone = FALSE; BYTE *pConfig = NULL; AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pMediaType = NULL; AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pFoundType = NULL; VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVideoInfo = NULL;
// Check for invalid parameters
if ((pCapturePin == NULL) || (pPreferredSubType == NULL) || (pVideoProperties == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("ERROR: CDShowUtil::SetPreferredFormat " "received a NULL param")); }
// Attempt to get the stream config interface on this pin. Not
// all capture filters will allow you to configure them, so if
// this fails, we will just exit the function, and the BuildPreviewGraph
// function will attempt to render the graph with the default settings
// of the pin.
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pCapturePin->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**) &pStreamConfig); }
// We can configure this pin, so lets see how many options it has.
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pStreamConfig->GetNumberOfCapabilities(&iCount, &iSize); }
// We need to alloc memory for the GetStreamCaps function below.
if (hr == S_OK) { pConfig = new BYTE[iSize];
if (pConfig == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
while ((hr == S_OK) && (iIndex < iCount) && (!bDone)) { //
// Clear out the memory
ZeroMemory(pConfig, iSize);
// Get the capabilities for the stream. There are iCount options,
// we will iterate searching for the best one.
hr = pStreamConfig->GetStreamCaps(iIndex, &pMediaType, pConfig);
if ((hr == S_OK) && (pMediaType)) { pVideoInfo = NULL;
// We successfully got the media type, check to see if it is
// a VideoInfo, if not we are not interested.
if (pMediaType->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) { pVideoInfo = reinterpret_cast<VIDEOINFOHEADER*>(pMediaType->pbFormat); }
if (pVideoInfo) { //
// Check to see if this option contains the preferred settings we
// are looking for.
if ((pMediaType->subtype == *pPreferredSubType) && (pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth == lPreferredWidth) && (pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight == lPreferredHeight)) { //
// Is this our ideal media type. That is, does it have the
// preferred subtype we want and the preferred width and height.
// If so, then great, we can't do better than this, so exit the loop.
if (pFoundType) { DeleteMediaType(pFoundType); pFoundType = NULL; } pFoundType = pMediaType; bDone = TRUE; } else if ((pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth == lPreferredWidth) && (pVideoInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight == lPreferredHeight)) { //
// Okay, we found a media type with the width and height that
// we would like, but we it doesn't have our preferred subtype.
// So lets hang on to this media subtype, but continue looking,
// maybe we will find something better. If we don't, then
// we will use this media type anyway.
if (pFoundType) { DeleteMediaType(pFoundType); pFoundType = NULL; } pFoundType = pMediaType; } else { //
// This media type is not even close to what we want, so
// delete it and keep looking.
DeleteMediaType(pMediaType); pMediaType = NULL; } } else { DeleteMediaType(pMediaType); pMediaType = NULL; } }
++iIndex; }
// Set the format on the output pin if we found a good one.
if (pFoundType) { WCHAR szGUID[CHARS_IN_GUID] = {0};
GUIDToString(pFoundType->subtype, szGUID, sizeof(szGUID) / sizeof(WCHAR));
DBG_TRC(("CDShowUtil::SetPreferredVideoFormat, setting " "capture pin's settings to MediaSubType = '%ls', " "Video Width = %lu, Video Height = %lu", szGUID, lPreferredWidth, lPreferredHeight));
hr = pStreamConfig->SetFormat(pFoundType);
// ***Pay attention***
// We set the new media type in the pVideoProperties object. If
// the media type is already set, we delete it first, then set a new
// one.
if (hr == S_OK) { pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader = NULL;
if (pVideoProperties->pMediaType) { DeleteMediaType(pVideoProperties->pMediaType); }
pVideoProperties->pMediaType = pFoundType; pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader = reinterpret_cast<VIDEOINFOHEADER*>(pFoundType->pbFormat); }
pFoundType = NULL; }
delete [] pConfig;
return hr; }
// GetFrameRate
HRESULT CDShowUtil::GetFrameRate(IPin *pCapturePin, LONG *plFrameRate) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IAMStreamConfig> pStreamConfig; AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pMediaType = NULL;
// Check for invalid parameters
if ((pCapturePin == NULL) || (plFrameRate == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("ERROR: CDShowUtil::GetFrameRate " "received a NULL param")); }
// Attempt to get the stream config interface on this pin. Not
// all capture filters will allow you to configure them, so if
// this fails, we will just exit the function.
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pCapturePin->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**) &pStreamConfig); }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pStreamConfig->GetFormat(&pMediaType); }
if (hr == S_OK) { if (pMediaType->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) { VIDEOINFOHEADER *pHdr = reinterpret_cast<VIDEOINFOHEADER*>(pMediaType->pbFormat);
*plFrameRate = (LONG) (pHdr->AvgTimePerFrame / 10000000); } }
if (pMediaType) { DeleteMediaType(pMediaType); }
return hr; }
// SetFrameRate
HRESULT CDShowUtil::SetFrameRate(IPin *pCapturePin, LONG lNewFrameRate, CWiaVideoProperties *pVideoProperties) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IAMStreamConfig> pStreamConfig;
// Check for invalid parameters
if (pCapturePin == NULL) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("ERROR: CDShowUtil::SetFrameRate " "received a NULL param")); }
// Attempt to get the stream config interface on this pin. Not
// all capture filters will allow you to configure them, so if
// this fails, we will just exit the function.
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pCapturePin->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**) &pStreamConfig); }
if (hr == S_OK) { AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pMediaType = NULL;
hr = pStreamConfig->GetFormat(&pMediaType);
if (hr == S_OK) { if (pMediaType->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) { VIDEOINFOHEADER *pHdr = reinterpret_cast<VIDEOINFOHEADER*>(pMediaType->pbFormat);
pHdr->AvgTimePerFrame = (LONGLONG)(10000000 / lNewFrameRate);
hr = pStreamConfig->SetFormat(pMediaType);
if (hr == S_OK) { if (pVideoProperties) { pVideoProperties->dwFrameRate = lNewFrameRate; } } else { DBG_WRN(("CDShowUtil::SetFrameRate, failed to set frame rate, " "hr = %08lx, this is not fatal", hr)); } } }
if (pMediaType) { DeleteMediaType(pMediaType); } }
return hr; }
// GetVideoProperties
HRESULT CDShowUtil::GetVideoProperties(IBaseFilter *pCaptureFilter, IPin *pCapturePin, CWiaVideoProperties *pVideoProperties) { USES_CONVERSION;
ASSERT(pCaptureFilter != NULL); ASSERT(pCapturePin != NULL); ASSERT(pVideoProperties != NULL);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IAMStreamConfig> pStreamConfig;
if ((pCaptureFilter == NULL) || (pCapturePin == NULL) || (pVideoProperties == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::GetVideoProperties received a NULL pointer")); return hr; }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pCapturePin->QueryInterface(IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**) &pStreamConfig); }
// Get the current AM_MEDIA_TYPE. Notice that we do not call DeleteMediaType. It is
// stored in the CWiaVideoProperties and deleted when the object is freed.
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pStreamConfig->GetFormat(&pVideoProperties->pMediaType);
if (hr == S_OK) { if (pVideoProperties->pMediaType->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) { pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader = reinterpret_cast<VIDEOINFOHEADER*>(pVideoProperties->pMediaType->pbFormat); } }
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::GetVideoProperties, failed to get AM_MEDIA_TYPE"));
hr = S_OK; }
// Get the frame rate.
if (hr == S_OK) { pVideoProperties->dwFrameRate = (DWORD) (pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->AvgTimePerFrame / 10000000); }
// Get all the picture attributes we can.
if (hr == S_OK) { HRESULT hrRange = S_OK; HRESULT hrValue = S_OK;
CComPtr<IAMVideoProcAmp> pVideoProcAmp;
hr = pCaptureFilter->QueryInterface(IID_IAMVideoProcAmp, (void**) &pVideoProcAmp);
if (pVideoProcAmp) { pVideoProperties->bPictureAttributesUsed = TRUE;
// Brightness
pVideoProperties->Brightness.Name = VideoProcAmp_Brightness; hrRange = pVideoProcAmp->GetRange(pVideoProperties->Brightness.Name, &pVideoProperties->Brightness.lMinValue, &pVideoProperties->Brightness.lMaxValue, &pVideoProperties->Brightness.lIncrement, &pVideoProperties->Brightness.lDefaultValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Brightness.ValidFlags);
hrValue = pVideoProcAmp->Get(pVideoProperties->Brightness.Name, &pVideoProperties->Brightness.lCurrentValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Brightness.CurrentFlag);
if ((hrRange != S_OK) || (hrValue != S_OK)) { pVideoProperties->Brightness.bUsed = FALSE; } else { pVideoProperties->Brightness.bUsed = TRUE; }
// Contrast
pVideoProperties->Contrast.Name = VideoProcAmp_Contrast; hrRange = pVideoProcAmp->GetRange(pVideoProperties->Contrast.Name, &pVideoProperties->Contrast.lMinValue, &pVideoProperties->Contrast.lMaxValue, &pVideoProperties->Contrast.lIncrement, &pVideoProperties->Contrast.lDefaultValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Contrast.ValidFlags);
hrValue = pVideoProcAmp->Get(pVideoProperties->Contrast.Name, &pVideoProperties->Contrast.lCurrentValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Contrast.CurrentFlag);
if ((hrRange != S_OK) || (hrValue != S_OK)) { pVideoProperties->Contrast.bUsed = FALSE; } else { pVideoProperties->Contrast.bUsed = TRUE; }
// Hue
pVideoProperties->Hue.Name = VideoProcAmp_Hue; hrRange = pVideoProcAmp->GetRange(pVideoProperties->Hue.Name, &pVideoProperties->Hue.lMinValue, &pVideoProperties->Hue.lMaxValue, &pVideoProperties->Hue.lIncrement, &pVideoProperties->Hue.lDefaultValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Hue.ValidFlags);
hrValue = pVideoProcAmp->Get(pVideoProperties->Hue.Name, &pVideoProperties->Hue.lCurrentValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Hue.CurrentFlag);
if ((hrRange != S_OK) || (hrValue != S_OK)) { pVideoProperties->Hue.bUsed = FALSE; } else { pVideoProperties->Hue.bUsed = TRUE; }
// Saturation
pVideoProperties->Saturation.Name = VideoProcAmp_Saturation; hrRange = pVideoProcAmp->GetRange(pVideoProperties->Saturation.Name, &pVideoProperties->Saturation.lMinValue, &pVideoProperties->Saturation.lMaxValue, &pVideoProperties->Saturation.lIncrement, &pVideoProperties->Saturation.lDefaultValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Saturation.ValidFlags);
hrValue = pVideoProcAmp->Get(pVideoProperties->Saturation.Name, &pVideoProperties->Saturation.lCurrentValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Saturation.CurrentFlag);
if ((hrRange != S_OK) || (hrValue != S_OK)) { pVideoProperties->Saturation.bUsed = FALSE; } else { pVideoProperties->Saturation.bUsed = TRUE; }
// Sharpness
pVideoProperties->Sharpness.Name = VideoProcAmp_Sharpness; hrRange = pVideoProcAmp->GetRange(pVideoProperties->Sharpness.Name, &pVideoProperties->Sharpness.lMinValue, &pVideoProperties->Sharpness.lMaxValue, &pVideoProperties->Sharpness.lIncrement, &pVideoProperties->Sharpness.lDefaultValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Sharpness.ValidFlags);
hrValue = pVideoProcAmp->Get(pVideoProperties->Sharpness.Name, &pVideoProperties->Sharpness.lCurrentValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Sharpness.CurrentFlag);
if ((hrRange != S_OK) || (hrValue != S_OK)) { pVideoProperties->Sharpness.bUsed = FALSE; } else { pVideoProperties->Sharpness.bUsed = TRUE; }
// Gamma
pVideoProperties->Gamma.Name = VideoProcAmp_Gamma; hrRange = pVideoProcAmp->GetRange(pVideoProperties->Gamma.Name, &pVideoProperties->Gamma.lMinValue, &pVideoProperties->Gamma.lMaxValue, &pVideoProperties->Gamma.lIncrement, &pVideoProperties->Gamma.lDefaultValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Gamma.ValidFlags);
hrValue = pVideoProcAmp->Get(pVideoProperties->Gamma.Name, &pVideoProperties->Gamma.lCurrentValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Gamma.CurrentFlag);
if ((hrRange != S_OK) || (hrValue != S_OK)) { pVideoProperties->Gamma.bUsed = FALSE; } else { pVideoProperties->Gamma.bUsed = TRUE; }
// ColorEnable
pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.Name = VideoProcAmp_ColorEnable; hrRange = pVideoProcAmp->GetRange(pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.Name, &pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.lMinValue, &pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.lMaxValue, &pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.lIncrement, &pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.lDefaultValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.ValidFlags);
hrValue = pVideoProcAmp->Get(pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.Name, &pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.lCurrentValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.CurrentFlag);
if ((hrRange != S_OK) || (hrValue != S_OK)) { pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.bUsed = FALSE; } else { pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.bUsed = TRUE; }
// WhiteBalance
pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.Name = VideoProcAmp_WhiteBalance; hrRange = pVideoProcAmp->GetRange(pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.Name, &pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.lMinValue, &pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.lMaxValue, &pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.lIncrement, &pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.lDefaultValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.ValidFlags);
hrValue = pVideoProcAmp->Get(pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.Name, &pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.lCurrentValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.CurrentFlag);
if ((hrRange != S_OK) || (hrValue != S_OK)) { pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.bUsed = FALSE; } else { pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.bUsed = TRUE; }
// BacklightCompensation
pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.Name = VideoProcAmp_BacklightCompensation; hrRange = pVideoProcAmp->GetRange(pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.Name, &pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.lMinValue, &pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.lMaxValue, &pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.lIncrement, &pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.lDefaultValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.ValidFlags);
hrValue = pVideoProcAmp->Get(pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.Name, &pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.lCurrentValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.CurrentFlag);
if ((hrRange != S_OK) || (hrValue != S_OK)) { pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.bUsed = FALSE; } else { pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.bUsed = TRUE; } } else { pVideoProperties->bPictureAttributesUsed = FALSE; }
hr = S_OK; }
// Get all the camera attributes we can.
if (hr == S_OK) { HRESULT hrRange = S_OK; HRESULT hrValue = S_OK;
CComPtr<IAMCameraControl> pCameraControl;
hr = pCaptureFilter->QueryInterface(IID_IAMCameraControl, (void**) &pCameraControl);
if (pCameraControl) { pVideoProperties->bCameraAttributesUsed = TRUE;
// Pan
pVideoProperties->Pan.Name = CameraControl_Pan; hrRange = pCameraControl->GetRange(pVideoProperties->Pan.Name, &pVideoProperties->Pan.lMinValue, &pVideoProperties->Pan.lMaxValue, &pVideoProperties->Pan.lIncrement, &pVideoProperties->Pan.lDefaultValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Pan.ValidFlags);
hrValue = pCameraControl->Get(pVideoProperties->Pan.Name, &pVideoProperties->Pan.lCurrentValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Pan.CurrentFlag);
if ((hrRange != S_OK) || (hrValue != S_OK)) { pVideoProperties->Pan.bUsed = FALSE; } else { pVideoProperties->Pan.bUsed = TRUE; }
// Tilt
pVideoProperties->Tilt.Name = CameraControl_Tilt; hrRange = pCameraControl->GetRange(pVideoProperties->Tilt.Name, &pVideoProperties->Tilt.lMinValue, &pVideoProperties->Tilt.lMaxValue, &pVideoProperties->Tilt.lIncrement, &pVideoProperties->Tilt.lDefaultValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Tilt.ValidFlags);
hrValue = pCameraControl->Get(pVideoProperties->Tilt.Name, &pVideoProperties->Tilt.lCurrentValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Tilt.CurrentFlag);
if ((hrRange != S_OK) || (hrValue != S_OK)) { pVideoProperties->Tilt.bUsed = FALSE; } else { pVideoProperties->Tilt.bUsed = TRUE; }
// Roll
pVideoProperties->Roll.Name = CameraControl_Roll; hrRange = pCameraControl->GetRange(pVideoProperties->Roll.Name, &pVideoProperties->Roll.lMinValue, &pVideoProperties->Roll.lMaxValue, &pVideoProperties->Roll.lIncrement, &pVideoProperties->Roll.lDefaultValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Roll.ValidFlags);
hrValue = pCameraControl->Get(pVideoProperties->Roll.Name, &pVideoProperties->Roll.lCurrentValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Roll.CurrentFlag);
if ((hrRange != S_OK) || (hrValue != S_OK)) { pVideoProperties->Roll.bUsed = FALSE; } else { pVideoProperties->Roll.bUsed = TRUE; }
// Zoom
pVideoProperties->Zoom.Name = CameraControl_Zoom; hrRange = pCameraControl->GetRange(pVideoProperties->Zoom.Name, &pVideoProperties->Zoom.lMinValue, &pVideoProperties->Zoom.lMaxValue, &pVideoProperties->Zoom.lIncrement, &pVideoProperties->Zoom.lDefaultValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Zoom.ValidFlags);
hrValue = pCameraControl->Get(pVideoProperties->Zoom.Name, &pVideoProperties->Zoom.lCurrentValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Zoom.CurrentFlag);
if ((hrRange != S_OK) || (hrValue != S_OK)) { pVideoProperties->Zoom.bUsed = FALSE; } else { pVideoProperties->Zoom.bUsed = TRUE; }
// Exposure
pVideoProperties->Exposure.Name = CameraControl_Exposure; hrRange = pCameraControl->GetRange(pVideoProperties->Exposure.Name, &pVideoProperties->Exposure.lMinValue, &pVideoProperties->Exposure.lMaxValue, &pVideoProperties->Exposure.lIncrement, &pVideoProperties->Exposure.lDefaultValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Exposure.ValidFlags);
hrValue = pCameraControl->Get(pVideoProperties->Exposure.Name, &pVideoProperties->Exposure.lCurrentValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Exposure.CurrentFlag);
if ((hrRange != S_OK) || (hrValue != S_OK)) { pVideoProperties->Exposure.bUsed = FALSE; } else { pVideoProperties->Exposure.bUsed = TRUE; }
// Iris
pVideoProperties->Iris.Name = CameraControl_Iris; hrRange = pCameraControl->GetRange(pVideoProperties->Iris.Name, &pVideoProperties->Iris.lMinValue, &pVideoProperties->Iris.lMaxValue, &pVideoProperties->Iris.lIncrement, &pVideoProperties->Iris.lDefaultValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Iris.ValidFlags);
hrValue = pCameraControl->Get(pVideoProperties->Iris.Name, &pVideoProperties->Iris.lCurrentValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Iris.CurrentFlag);
if ((hrRange != S_OK) || (hrValue != S_OK)) { pVideoProperties->Iris.bUsed = FALSE; } else { pVideoProperties->Iris.bUsed = TRUE; }
// Focus
pVideoProperties->Focus.Name = CameraControl_Focus; hrRange = pCameraControl->GetRange(pVideoProperties->Focus.Name, &pVideoProperties->Focus.lMinValue, &pVideoProperties->Focus.lMaxValue, &pVideoProperties->Focus.lIncrement, &pVideoProperties->Focus.lDefaultValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Focus.ValidFlags);
hrValue = pCameraControl->Get(pVideoProperties->Focus.Name, &pVideoProperties->Focus.lCurrentValue, (long*) &pVideoProperties->Focus.CurrentFlag);
if ((hrRange != S_OK) || (hrValue != S_OK)) { pVideoProperties->Focus.bUsed = FALSE; } else { pVideoProperties->Focus.bUsed = TRUE; } } else { pVideoProperties->bCameraAttributesUsed = FALSE; }
hr = S_OK; }
if (pVideoProperties->szWiaDeviceID[0] != 0) { CComPtr<IStillImage> pSti = NULL; TCHAR szGUID[CHARS_IN_GUID + 1] = {0};
pVideoProperties->PreferredSettingsMask = 0;
hr = StiCreateInstance(_Module.GetModuleInstance(), STI_VERSION, &pSti, NULL);
if (hr == S_OK) { DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(pVideoProperties->PreferredWidth);
hr = pSti->GetDeviceValue(T2W(pVideoProperties->szWiaDeviceID), T2W((TCHAR*)REG_VAL_PREFERRED_VIDEO_WIDTH), &dwType, (BYTE*) &pVideoProperties->PreferredWidth, &dwSize);
if (hr == S_OK) { dwSize = sizeof(pVideoProperties->PreferredHeight);
hr = pSti->GetDeviceValue(T2W(pVideoProperties->szWiaDeviceID), T2W((TCHAR*) REG_VAL_PREFERRED_VIDEO_HEIGHT), &dwType, (BYTE*) &pVideoProperties->PreferredHeight, &dwSize); }
if (hr == S_OK) { pVideoProperties->PreferredSettingsMask |= PREFERRED_SETTING_MASK_VIDEO_WIDTH_HEIGHT; }
hr = S_OK; }
if (hr == S_OK) { DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(szGUID);
hr = pSti->GetDeviceValue(T2W(pVideoProperties->szWiaDeviceID), T2W((TCHAR*)REG_VAL_PREFERRED_MEDIASUBTYPE), &dwType, (BYTE*) szGUID, &dwSize);
if (hr == S_OK) { CLSIDFromString(T2OLE(szGUID), &pVideoProperties->PreferredMediaSubType); pVideoProperties->PreferredSettingsMask |= PREFERRED_SETTING_MASK_MEDIASUBTYPE; }
hr = S_OK; }
if (hr == S_OK) { DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(pVideoProperties->PreferredFrameRate);
hr = pSti->GetDeviceValue(T2W(pVideoProperties->szWiaDeviceID), T2W((TCHAR*) REG_VAL_PREFERRED_VIDEO_FRAMERATE), &dwType, (BYTE*) &pVideoProperties->PreferredFrameRate, &dwSize);
if (hr == S_OK) { pVideoProperties->PreferredSettingsMask |= PREFERRED_SETTING_MASK_VIDEO_FRAMERATE; }
hr = S_OK; }
DBG_TRC(("Settings found for Device '%ls' in DeviceData section of INF file", pVideoProperties->szWiaDeviceID));
DBG_PRT((" PreferredVideoWidth = '%lu', Is In INF and value is of type REG_DWORD? '%ls'", pVideoProperties->PreferredWidth, (pVideoProperties->PreferredSettingsMask & PREFERRED_SETTING_MASK_VIDEO_WIDTH_HEIGHT) ? _T("TRUE") : _T("FALSE")));
DBG_PRT((" PreferredVideoHeight = '%lu', Is In INF and value is of type REG_DWORD? '%ls'", pVideoProperties->PreferredHeight, (pVideoProperties->PreferredSettingsMask & PREFERRED_SETTING_MASK_VIDEO_WIDTH_HEIGHT) ? _T("TRUE") : _T("FALSE")));
DBG_PRT((" PreferredVideoFrameRate = '%lu', Is In INF and value is of type REG_DWORD? '%ls'", pVideoProperties->PreferredFrameRate, (pVideoProperties->PreferredSettingsMask & PREFERRED_SETTING_MASK_VIDEO_FRAMERATE) ? _T("TRUE") : _T("FALSE")));
DBG_PRT((" PreferredMediaSubType = '%ls', Is In INF and value is of type REG_SZ? '%ls'", szGUID, (pVideoProperties->PreferredSettingsMask & PREFERRED_SETTING_MASK_MEDIASUBTYPE) ? _T("TRUE") : _T("FALSE"))); }
return hr; }
// SetPictureAttribute
HRESULT CDShowUtil::SetPictureAttribute(IBaseFilter *pCaptureFilter, CWiaVideoProperties::PictureAttribute_t *pPictureAttribute, LONG lNewValue, VideoProcAmpFlags lNewFlag) { ASSERT(pCaptureFilter != NULL); ASSERT(pPictureAttribute != NULL);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IAMVideoProcAmp> pVideoProcAmp;
if ((pCaptureFilter == NULL) || (pPictureAttribute == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::SetPictureAttribute, received a NULL pointer")); return hr; }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pCaptureFilter->QueryInterface(IID_IAMVideoProcAmp, (void**) &pVideoProcAmp); }
if (hr == S_OK) { if (pPictureAttribute->bUsed) { //
// Attempt to set the new value for the property.
hr = pVideoProcAmp->Set(pPictureAttribute->Name, lNewValue, (long) lNewFlag);
// If we successfully set the new value, then get it again. We do this
// in case the capture filter decided to change the values a little upon
// setting them (it shouldn't, but each filter could act differently)
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pVideoProcAmp->Get(pPictureAttribute->Name, &pPictureAttribute->lCurrentValue, (long*) &pPictureAttribute->CurrentFlag); } } else { hr = S_FALSE; } }
return hr; }
// SetCameraAttribute
HRESULT CDShowUtil::SetCameraAttribute(IBaseFilter *pCaptureFilter, CWiaVideoProperties::CameraAttribute_t *pCameraAttribute, LONG lNewValue, CameraControlFlags lNewFlag) { ASSERT(pCaptureFilter != NULL); ASSERT(pCameraAttribute != NULL);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IAMCameraControl> pCameraControl;
if ((pCaptureFilter == NULL) || (pCameraControl == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::SetCameraAttribute, received a NULL pointer")); return hr; }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pCaptureFilter->QueryInterface(IID_IAMCameraControl, (void**) &pCameraControl); }
if (hr == S_OK) { if (pCameraAttribute->bUsed) { //
// Attempt to set the new value for the property.
hr = pCameraControl->Set(pCameraAttribute->Name, lNewValue, (long) lNewFlag);
// If we successfully set the new value, then get it again. We do this
// in case the capture filter decided to change the values a little upon
// setting them (it shouldn't, but each filter could act differently)
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pCameraControl->Get(pCameraAttribute->Name, &pCameraAttribute->lCurrentValue, (long*) &pCameraAttribute->CurrentFlag); } } else { hr = S_FALSE; } }
return hr; }
// GetPin
// This function returns the first
// pin on the specified filter
// matching the requested
// pin direction
HRESULT CDShowUtil::GetPin(IBaseFilter *pFilter, PIN_DIRECTION PinDirection, IPin **ppPin) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bFound = FALSE; ULONG ulNumFetched = 0; PIN_DIRECTION PinDir; CComPtr<IEnumPins> pEnum;
if ((pFilter == NULL) || (ppPin == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::GetPin, received a NULL param")); return hr; }
hr = pFilter->EnumPins(&pEnum);
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pEnum->Reset(); }
while ((hr == S_OK) && (!bFound)) { CComPtr<IPin> pPin;
hr = pEnum->Next(1, &pPin, &ulNumFetched); if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pPin->QueryDirection(&PinDir);
if (hr == S_OK) { if (PinDir == PinDirection) { *ppPin = pPin; (*ppPin)->AddRef();
bFound = TRUE; } } else { CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::GetPin, failed to get " "Pin Direction, aborting find attempt")); } } }
if (hr == S_FALSE) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CDShowUtil::GetPin, failed to find " "pin with direction %lu", PinDirection)); }
return hr; }
// GUIDToString
// Static Fn
void CDShowUtil::GUIDToString(const GUID & clsid, WCHAR* pwszGUID, ULONG ulNumChars) { OLECHAR sz_clsid[CHARS_IN_GUID] = L"{Unknown}";
if (pwszGUID) { StringFromGUID2(clsid, sz_clsid, sizeof(sz_clsid)/sizeof(sz_clsid[0]));
wcsncpy(pwszGUID, sz_clsid, ulNumChars - 1); pwszGUID[ulNumChars - 1] = '\0'; } return; }
// MyDumpVideoProperties
// Static Fn
void CDShowUtil::MyDumpVideoProperties(CWiaVideoProperties *pVideoProperties) { WCHAR wszMajorType[CHARS_IN_GUID + 1] = {0}; WCHAR wszSubType[CHARS_IN_GUID + 1] = {0}; WCHAR wszFormatType[CHARS_IN_GUID + 1] = {0};
if (pVideoProperties == NULL) { return; }
DBG_TRC(("***Dumping Wia Video Properties***"));
GUIDToString(pVideoProperties->pMediaType->majortype, wszMajorType, sizeof(wszMajorType) / sizeof(WCHAR)); GUIDToString(pVideoProperties->pMediaType->subtype, wszSubType, sizeof(wszSubType) / sizeof(WCHAR)); GUIDToString(pVideoProperties->pMediaType->formattype, wszFormatType, sizeof(wszFormatType) / sizeof(WCHAR));
DBG_PRT(("Media Type Information:")); DBG_PRT((" Major Type: %ls", wszMajorType)); DBG_PRT((" Sub Type: %ls", wszSubType)); DBG_PRT((" Fixed Size Samples? %d ", pVideoProperties->pMediaType->bFixedSizeSamples)); DBG_PRT((" Temporal Compression? %d ", pVideoProperties->pMediaType->bTemporalCompression)); DBG_PRT((" Sample Size: %d ", pVideoProperties->pMediaType->lSampleSize)); DBG_PRT((" Format Type: %ls ", wszFormatType));
DBG_PRT(("Video Header Information:")); DBG_PRT((" Source Rect: Left %d, Top %d, Right %d, Bottom %d", pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->rcSource.left, pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->rcSource.top, pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->rcSource.right, pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->rcSource.bottom)); DBG_PRT((" Target Rect: Left %d, Top %d, Right %d, Bottom %d", pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->rcTarget.left, pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->rcTarget.top, pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->rcTarget.right, pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->rcTarget.bottom)); DBG_PRT((" Bit Rate: %d", pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->dwBitRate)); DBG_PRT((" Bit Error Rate: %d", pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->dwBitErrorRate)); DBG_PRT((" Frame Rate: %d", pVideoProperties->dwFrameRate));
DBG_PRT(("Bitmap Information Header:")); DBG_PRT((" Width: %d", pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->bmiHeader.biWidth)); DBG_PRT((" Height: %d", pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->bmiHeader.biHeight)); DBG_PRT((" Planes: %d", pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->bmiHeader.biPlanes)); DBG_PRT((" Bitcount: %d", pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->bmiHeader.biBitCount)); DBG_PRT((" Compresssion: %d", pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->bmiHeader.biCompression)); DBG_PRT((" Size Image: %d", pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->bmiHeader.biSizeImage)); DBG_PRT((" XPelsPerMeter: %d", pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter)); DBG_PRT((" YPelsPerMeter: %d", pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter)); DBG_PRT((" ClrUsed: %d", pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->bmiHeader.biClrUsed)); DBG_PRT((" ClrImportant: %d", pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->bmiHeader.biClrImportant));
if (pVideoProperties->bPictureAttributesUsed) { DBG_PRT(("Picture Attributes: Available"));
DBG_PRT((" Brightness:")); DBG_PRT((" Available: %d", pVideoProperties->Brightness.bUsed));
if (pVideoProperties->Brightness.bUsed) { DBG_PRT((" Current Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Brightness.lCurrentValue)); DBG_PRT((" Current Flag: %d", pVideoProperties->Brightness.CurrentFlag)); DBG_PRT((" Min Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Brightness.lMinValue)); DBG_PRT((" Max Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Brightness.lMaxValue)); DBG_PRT((" Default Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Brightness.lDefaultValue)); DBG_PRT((" Increment: %d", pVideoProperties->Brightness.lIncrement)); DBG_PRT((" Valid Flags: %d", pVideoProperties->Brightness.ValidFlags)); }
DBG_PRT((" Contrast:")); DBG_PRT((" Available: %d", pVideoProperties->Contrast.bUsed));
if (pVideoProperties->Contrast.bUsed) { DBG_PRT((" Current Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Contrast.lCurrentValue)); DBG_PRT((" Current Flag: %d", pVideoProperties->Contrast.CurrentFlag)); DBG_PRT((" Min Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Contrast.lMinValue)); DBG_PRT((" Max Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Contrast.lMaxValue)); DBG_PRT((" Default Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Contrast.lDefaultValue)); DBG_PRT((" Increment: %d", pVideoProperties->Contrast.lIncrement)); DBG_PRT((" Valid Flags: %d", pVideoProperties->Contrast.ValidFlags)); }
DBG_PRT((" Hue:")); DBG_PRT((" Available: %d", pVideoProperties->Hue.bUsed));
if (pVideoProperties->Hue.bUsed) { DBG_PRT((" Current Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Hue.lCurrentValue)); DBG_PRT((" Current Flag: %d", pVideoProperties->Hue.CurrentFlag)); DBG_PRT((" Min Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Hue.lMinValue)); DBG_PRT((" Max Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Hue.lMaxValue)); DBG_PRT((" Default Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Hue.lDefaultValue)); DBG_PRT((" Increment: %d", pVideoProperties->Hue.lIncrement)); DBG_PRT((" Valid Flags: %d", pVideoProperties->Hue.ValidFlags)); }
DBG_PRT((" Saturation:")); DBG_PRT((" Available: %d", pVideoProperties->Saturation.bUsed));
if (pVideoProperties->Saturation.bUsed) { DBG_PRT((" Current Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Saturation.lCurrentValue)); DBG_PRT((" Current Flag: %d", pVideoProperties->Saturation.CurrentFlag)); DBG_PRT((" Min Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Saturation.lMinValue)); DBG_PRT((" Max Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Saturation.lMaxValue)); DBG_PRT((" Default Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Saturation.lDefaultValue)); DBG_PRT((" Increment: %d", pVideoProperties->Saturation.lIncrement)); DBG_PRT((" Valid Flags: %d", pVideoProperties->Saturation.ValidFlags)); }
DBG_PRT((" Sharpness:")); DBG_PRT((" Available: %d", pVideoProperties->Sharpness.bUsed));
if (pVideoProperties->Sharpness.bUsed) { DBG_PRT((" Current Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Sharpness.lCurrentValue)); DBG_PRT((" Current Flag: %d", pVideoProperties->Sharpness.CurrentFlag)); DBG_PRT((" Min Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Sharpness.lMinValue)); DBG_PRT((" Max Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Sharpness.lMaxValue)); DBG_PRT((" Default Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Sharpness.lDefaultValue)); DBG_PRT((" Increment: %d", pVideoProperties->Sharpness.lIncrement)); DBG_PRT((" Valid Flags: %d", pVideoProperties->Sharpness.ValidFlags)); }
DBG_PRT((" Gamma:")); DBG_PRT((" Available: %d", pVideoProperties->Gamma.bUsed));
if (pVideoProperties->Gamma.bUsed) { DBG_PRT((" Current Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Gamma.lCurrentValue)); DBG_PRT((" Current Flag: %d", pVideoProperties->Gamma.CurrentFlag)); DBG_PRT((" Min Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Gamma.lMinValue)); DBG_PRT((" Max Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Gamma.lMaxValue)); DBG_PRT((" Default Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Gamma.lDefaultValue)); DBG_PRT((" Increment: %d", pVideoProperties->Gamma.lIncrement)); DBG_PRT((" Valid Flags: %d", pVideoProperties->Gamma.ValidFlags)); }
DBG_PRT((" ColorEnable:")); DBG_PRT((" Available: %d", pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.bUsed));
if (pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.bUsed) { DBG_PRT((" Current Value: %d", pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.lCurrentValue)); DBG_PRT((" Current Flag: %d", pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.CurrentFlag)); DBG_PRT((" Min Value: %d", pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.lMinValue)); DBG_PRT((" Max Value: %d", pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.lMaxValue)); DBG_PRT((" Default Value: %d", pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.lDefaultValue)); DBG_PRT((" Increment: %d", pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.lIncrement)); DBG_PRT((" Valid Flags: %d", pVideoProperties->ColorEnable.ValidFlags)); }
DBG_PRT((" WhiteBalance:")); DBG_PRT((" Available: %d", pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.bUsed));
if (pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.bUsed) { DBG_PRT((" Current Value: %d", pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.lCurrentValue)); DBG_PRT((" Current Flag: %d", pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.CurrentFlag)); DBG_PRT((" Min Value: %d", pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.lMinValue)); DBG_PRT((" Max Value: %d", pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.lMaxValue)); DBG_PRT((" Default Value: %d", pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.lDefaultValue)); DBG_PRT((" Increment: %d", pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.lIncrement)); DBG_PRT((" Valid Flags: %d", pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.ValidFlags)); }
DBG_PRT((" BacklightCompensation:")); DBG_PRT((" Available: %d", pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.bUsed));
if (pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.bUsed) { DBG_PRT((" Current Value: %d", pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.lCurrentValue)); DBG_PRT((" Current Flag: %d", pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.CurrentFlag)); DBG_PRT((" Min Value: %d", pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.lMinValue)); DBG_PRT((" Max Value: %d", pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.lMaxValue)); DBG_PRT((" Default Value: %d", pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.lDefaultValue)); DBG_PRT((" Increment: %d", pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.lIncrement)); DBG_PRT((" Valid Flags: %d", pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation.ValidFlags)); } } else { DBG_PRT(("Picture Attributes: Not Available")); }
if (pVideoProperties->bCameraAttributesUsed) { DBG_PRT(("Camera Attributes: Available"));
DBG_PRT((" Pan:")); DBG_PRT((" Available: %d", pVideoProperties->Pan.bUsed));
if (pVideoProperties->Pan.bUsed) { DBG_PRT((" Current Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Pan.lCurrentValue)); DBG_PRT((" Current Flag: %d", pVideoProperties->Pan.CurrentFlag)); DBG_PRT((" Min Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Pan.lMinValue)); DBG_PRT((" Max Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Pan.lMaxValue)); DBG_PRT((" Default Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Pan.lDefaultValue)); DBG_PRT((" Increment: %d", pVideoProperties->Pan.lIncrement)); DBG_PRT((" Valid Flags: %d", pVideoProperties->Pan.ValidFlags)); }
DBG_PRT((" Tilt:")); DBG_PRT((" Available: %d", pVideoProperties->Tilt.bUsed));
if (pVideoProperties->Tilt.bUsed) { DBG_PRT((" Current Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Tilt.lCurrentValue)); DBG_PRT((" Current Flag: %d", pVideoProperties->Tilt.CurrentFlag)); DBG_PRT((" Min Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Tilt.lMinValue)); DBG_PRT((" Max Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Tilt.lMaxValue)); DBG_PRT((" Default Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Tilt.lDefaultValue)); DBG_PRT((" Increment: %d", pVideoProperties->Tilt.lIncrement)); DBG_PRT((" Valid Flags: %d", pVideoProperties->Tilt.ValidFlags)); }
DBG_PRT((" Roll:")); DBG_PRT((" Available: %d", pVideoProperties->Roll.bUsed));
if (pVideoProperties->Roll.bUsed) { DBG_PRT((" Current Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Roll.lCurrentValue)); DBG_PRT((" Current Flag: %d", pVideoProperties->Roll.CurrentFlag)); DBG_PRT((" Min Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Roll.lMinValue)); DBG_PRT((" Max Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Roll.lMaxValue)); DBG_PRT((" Default Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Roll.lDefaultValue)); DBG_PRT((" Increment: %d", pVideoProperties->Roll.lIncrement)); DBG_PRT((" Valid Flags: %d", pVideoProperties->Roll.ValidFlags)); }
DBG_PRT((" Zoom:")); DBG_PRT((" Available: %d", pVideoProperties->Zoom.bUsed));
if (pVideoProperties->Zoom.bUsed) { DBG_PRT((" Current Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Zoom.lCurrentValue)); DBG_PRT((" Current Flag: %d", pVideoProperties->Zoom.CurrentFlag)); DBG_PRT((" Min Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Zoom.lMinValue)); DBG_PRT((" Max Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Zoom.lMaxValue)); DBG_PRT((" Default Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Zoom.lDefaultValue)); DBG_PRT((" Increment: %d", pVideoProperties->Zoom.lIncrement)); DBG_PRT((" Valid Flags: %d", pVideoProperties->Zoom.ValidFlags)); }
DBG_PRT((" Exposure:")); DBG_PRT((" Available: %d", pVideoProperties->Exposure.bUsed));
if (pVideoProperties->Exposure.bUsed) { DBG_PRT((" Current Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Exposure.lCurrentValue)); DBG_PRT((" Current Flag: %d", pVideoProperties->Exposure.CurrentFlag)); DBG_PRT((" Min Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Exposure.lMinValue)); DBG_PRT((" Max Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Exposure.lMaxValue)); DBG_PRT((" Default Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Exposure.lDefaultValue)); DBG_PRT((" Increment: %d", pVideoProperties->Exposure.lIncrement)); DBG_PRT((" Valid Flags: %d", pVideoProperties->Exposure.ValidFlags)); }
DBG_PRT((" Iris:")); DBG_PRT((" Available: %d", pVideoProperties->Iris.bUsed));
if (pVideoProperties->Iris.bUsed) { DBG_PRT((" Current Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Iris.lCurrentValue)); DBG_PRT((" Current Flag: %d", pVideoProperties->Iris.CurrentFlag)); DBG_PRT((" Min Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Iris.lMinValue)); DBG_PRT((" Max Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Iris.lMaxValue)); DBG_PRT((" Default Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Iris.lDefaultValue)); DBG_PRT((" Increment: %d", pVideoProperties->Iris.lIncrement)); DBG_PRT((" Valid Flags: %d", pVideoProperties->Iris.ValidFlags)); }
DBG_PRT((" Focus:")); DBG_PRT((" Available: %d", pVideoProperties->Focus.bUsed));
if (pVideoProperties->Focus.bUsed) { DBG_PRT((" Current Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Focus.lCurrentValue)); DBG_PRT((" Current Flag: %d", pVideoProperties->Focus.CurrentFlag)); DBG_PRT((" Min Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Focus.lMinValue)); DBG_PRT((" Max Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Focus.lMaxValue)); DBG_PRT((" Default Value: %d", pVideoProperties->Focus.lDefaultValue)); DBG_PRT((" Increment: %d", pVideoProperties->Focus.lIncrement)); DBG_PRT((" Valid Flags: %d", pVideoProperties->Focus.ValidFlags)); } } else { DBG_PRT(("Camera Attributes: Not Available")); }
return; }
// DumpCaptureMoniker
// Static Fn
void CDShowUtil::DumpCaptureMoniker(IMoniker *pCaptureDeviceMoniker) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IPropertyBag> pPropertyBag;
if (pCaptureDeviceMoniker == NULL) { return; }
if (hr == S_OK) { //
// Get property storage for this DS device so we can get it's
// device id...
hr = pCaptureDeviceMoniker->BindToStorage(0, 0, IID_IPropertyBag, (void **)&pPropertyBag); }
if (hr == S_OK) { CSimpleString strTemp;
DBG_TRC(("Dumping Moniker information for Capture Device"));
GetDeviceProperty(pPropertyBag, L"FriendlyName", &strTemp);
DBG_PRT(("DShow: FriendlyName = %ls", strTemp.String()));
GetDeviceProperty(pPropertyBag, L"CLSID", &strTemp);
DBG_PRT(("DShow: CLSID = %ls", strTemp.String()));
hr = GetDeviceProperty(pPropertyBag, L"DevicePath", &strTemp);
DBG_PRT(("DShow: DevicePath = %ls", strTemp.String())); }
return; }
// MyDumpGraph
// Static Fn
void CDShowUtil::MyDumpGraph(LPCTSTR Description, IGraphBuilder *pGraphBuilder) { if (pGraphBuilder == NULL) { return; }
if (Description) { DBG_TRC(("%S", Description)); } else { DBG_TRC(("*** Dumping Filter Graph ***")); }
// Enum all the filters
CComPtr<IEnumFilters> pEnum; UINT uiNumFilters = 0;
if ((pGraphBuilder) && (pGraphBuilder->EnumFilters(&pEnum) == S_OK)) { pEnum->Reset(); CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pFilter;
while (S_OK == pEnum->Next(1, &pFilter, NULL)) { ++uiNumFilters; MyDumpFilter(pFilter); pFilter = NULL; }
if (uiNumFilters == 0) { DBG_TRC(("*** No Filters in Graph ***")); } } }
// MyDumpFilter
// Static Fn
void CDShowUtil::MyDumpFilter(IBaseFilter * pFilter) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; FILTER_INFO FilterInfo; CLSID clsid;
if (pFilter == NULL) { DBG_TRC(("Invalid IBaseFilter interface pointer in MyDumpFilter"));
return; }
FilterInfo.pGraph = NULL;
hr = pFilter->QueryFilterInfo(&FilterInfo);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pFilter->GetClassID(&clsid); } else { DBG_TRC(("Unable to get filter info")); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { WCHAR wszGUID[127 + 1] = {0}; GUIDToString(clsid, wszGUID, sizeof(wszGUID)/sizeof(WCHAR)); DBG_PRT(("Filter Name: '%S', GUID: '%S'", FilterInfo.achName, wszGUID)); if (FilterInfo.pGraph) { FilterInfo.pGraph->Release(); FilterInfo.pGraph = NULL; } MyDumpAllPins(pFilter); }
return; }
// MyDumpAllPins
// Static Fn
void CDShowUtil::MyDumpAllPins(IBaseFilter *const pFilter) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IPin> pPin = NULL; ULONG ulCount = 0; CComPtr<IEnumPins> pEnumPins = NULL;
hr = const_cast<IBaseFilter*>(pFilter)->EnumPins(&pEnumPins);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { while ((SUCCEEDED(pEnumPins->Next(1, &pPin, &ulCount))) && (ulCount > 0)) { MyDumpPin(pPin); pPin = NULL; } }
return; }
// MyDumpPin
// Static Fn
void CDShowUtil::MyDumpPin(IPin* pPin) { if (pPin == NULL) { DBG_TRC(("Invalid IPin pointer in MyDumpPinInfo")); return; }
LPWSTR pin_id1 = NULL; LPWSTR pin_id2 = NULL; PIN_INFO pin_info1 = {0}; PIN_INFO pin_info2 = {0};
const IPin *p_connected_to = NULL;
// get the pin info for this pin.
const_cast<IPin*>(pPin)->QueryPinInfo(&pin_info1); const_cast<IPin*>(pPin)->QueryId(&pin_id1);
(const_cast<IPin*>(pPin))->ConnectedTo( const_cast<IPin**>(&p_connected_to));
if (p_connected_to) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; FILTER_INFO filter_info = {0};
const_cast<IPin*>(p_connected_to)->QueryPinInfo(&pin_info2); const_cast<IPin*>(p_connected_to)->QueryId(&pin_id2);
if (pin_info2.pFilter) { hr = pin_info2.pFilter->QueryFilterInfo(&filter_info);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (filter_info.pGraph) { filter_info.pGraph->Release(); filter_info.pGraph = NULL; } } }
if (pin_info2.pFilter) { pin_info2.pFilter->Release(); pin_info2.pFilter = NULL; }
if (pin_info1.dir == PINDIR_OUTPUT) { DBG_PRT((" Pin: '%S', PinID: '%S' --> " "Filter: '%S', Pin: '%S', PinID: '%S'", pin_info1.achName, pin_id1, filter_info.achName, pin_info2.achName, pin_id2)); } else { DBG_PRT((" Pin: '%S', PinID: '%S' <-- " "Filter: '%S', Pin: '%S', PinID: '%S'", pin_info1.achName, pin_id1, filter_info.achName, pin_info2.achName, pin_id2)); }
// if pin_id2 is NULL, then CoTaskMemFree is a no-op
CoTaskMemFree(pin_id2); } else { if (pin_info1.dir == PINDIR_OUTPUT) { DBG_PRT((" Pin: '%S', PinID: '%S' --> Not Connected", pin_info1.achName, pin_id1)); } else { DBG_PRT((" Pin: '%S', PinID: '%S' <-- Not Connected", pin_info1.achName, pin_id1)); } }
// if pin_id1 is NULL, then CoTaskMemFree is a no-op
if (pin_info1.pFilter) { pin_info1.pFilter->Release(); pin_info1.pFilter = NULL; }
return; }