Copyright (C) 1999- Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements device related function of CWiaMiniDriver class
William Hsieh (williamh) created
Revision History:
#include "pch.h"
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlconv.h>
// Locations for holding resource strings
extern WCHAR UnknownString[]; extern WCHAR FolderString[]; extern WCHAR ScriptString[]; extern WCHAR ExecString[]; extern WCHAR TextString[]; extern WCHAR HtmlString[]; extern WCHAR DpofString[]; extern WCHAR AudioString[]; extern WCHAR VideoString[]; extern WCHAR UnknownImgString[]; extern WCHAR ImageString[]; extern WCHAR AlbumString[]; extern WCHAR BurstString[]; extern WCHAR PanoramaString[];
// Mapping of non-image PTP formats to format info structures. Index is the
// lower 16 bits of the format code. The fields going across are WIA format GUID,
// string, and item type.
// Note: For associations, these fields depend on the type (e.g. burst, panorama)
FORMAT_INFO g_NonImageFormatInfo[] = { { (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_UNDEFINED, UnknownString, ITEMTYPE_FILE, L"" }, // Undefined
{ NULL, FolderString, ITEMTYPE_FOLDER, L"" }, // Association
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_SCRIPT, ScriptString, ITEMTYPE_FILE, L"" }, // Script
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_EXEC, ExecString, ITEMTYPE_FILE, L"EXE" }, // Executable
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_UNICODE16, TextString, ITEMTYPE_FILE, L"TXT" }, // Text
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_HTML, HtmlString, ITEMTYPE_FILE, L"HTM" }, // HTML
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_DPOF, DpofString, ITEMTYPE_FILE, L"" }, // DPOF
{ (GUID *)&WiaAudFmt_AIFF, AudioString, ITEMTYPE_AUDIO, L"AIF" }, // AIFF
{ (GUID *)&WiaAudFmt_WAV, AudioString, ITEMTYPE_AUDIO, L"WAV" }, // WAV
{ (GUID *)&WiaAudFmt_MP3, AudioString, ITEMTYPE_AUDIO, L"MP3" }, // MP3
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_AVI, VideoString, ITEMTYPE_VIDEO, L"AVI" }, // AVI
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_MPG, VideoString, ITEMTYPE_VIDEO, L"MPG" }, // MPEG
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_ASF, VideoString, ITEMTYPE_VIDEO, L"ASF" } // ASF
}; const UINT g_NumNonImageFormatInfo = sizeof(g_NonImageFormatInfo) / sizeof(g_NonImageFormatInfo[0]);
// Mapping of image PTP formats to format info structures. Index is the
// lower 16 bits of the format code.
FORMAT_INFO g_ImageFormatInfo[] = { { NULL, UnknownImgString, ITEMTYPE_IMAGE, L"" }, // Undefined image
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_JPEG, ImageString, ITEMTYPE_IMAGE, L"JPG" }, // EXIF/JPEG
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_TIFF, ImageString, ITEMTYPE_IMAGE, L"TIF" }, // TIFF/EP
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_FLASHPIX, ImageString, ITEMTYPE_IMAGE, L"FPX" }, // FlashPix
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_BMP, ImageString, ITEMTYPE_IMAGE, L"BMP" }, // BMP
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_CIFF, ImageString, ITEMTYPE_IMAGE, L"TIF" }, // CIFF
{ NULL, UnknownString, ITEMTYPE_IMAGE, L"" }, // Undefined (Reserved)
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_GIF, ImageString, ITEMTYPE_IMAGE, L"GIF" }, // GIF
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_JPEG, ImageString, ITEMTYPE_IMAGE, L"JPG" }, // JFIF
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_PHOTOCD, ImageString, ITEMTYPE_IMAGE, L"PCD" }, // PCD (PhotoCD Image Pac)
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_PICT, ImageString, ITEMTYPE_IMAGE, L"" }, // PICT
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_PNG, ImageString, ITEMTYPE_IMAGE, L"PNG" }, // PNG
{ NULL, UnknownString, ITEMTYPE_IMAGE, L"" }, // Undefined (Reserved)
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_TIFF, ImageString, ITEMTYPE_IMAGE, L"TIF" }, // TIFF
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_TIFF, ImageString, ITEMTYPE_IMAGE, L"TIF" }, // TIFF/IT
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_JPEG2K, ImageString, ITEMTYPE_IMAGE, L"" }, // JPEG2000 Baseline
{ (GUID *)&WiaImgFmt_JPEG2KX, ImageString, ITEMTYPE_IMAGE, L"" } // JPEG2000 Extended
}; const UINT g_NumImageFormatInfo = sizeof(g_ImageFormatInfo) / sizeof(g_ImageFormatInfo[0]);
// Mapping of association types to format info structures.
FORMAT_INFO g_AssocFormatInfo[] = { { NULL, UnknownString, ITEMTYPE_FOLDER }, // Undefined
{ NULL, FolderString, ITEMTYPE_FOLDER }, // Generic folder
{ NULL, AlbumString, ITEMTYPE_FOLDER }, // Album
{ NULL, BurstString, ITEMTYPE_BURST }, // Time burst
{ NULL, PanoramaString, ITEMTYPE_HPAN }, // Horizontal panorama
{ NULL, PanoramaString, ITEMTYPE_VPAN }, // Vertical panorama
{ NULL, PanoramaString, ITEMTYPE_FOLDER }, // 2D panorama
{ NULL, FolderString, ITEMTYPE_FOLDER } // Ancillary data
}; const UINT g_NumAssocFormatInfo = sizeof(g_AssocFormatInfo) / sizeof(g_AssocFormatInfo[0]);
// Mapping of property codes to property info structures. Index is the lower 12 bites of the
// prop code. The fields going across are WIA property ID, and WIA property string.
PROP_INFO g_PropInfo[] = { { 0, NULL }, // Undefined property code
{ WIA_DPC_BATTERY_STATUS, WIA_DPC_BATTERY_STATUS_STR }, { 0, NULL }, // Functional mode, not used
{ 0, NULL }, // Image capture dimensions (needs special processing)
// Helper function - returns number of logical storages (those which have
int CWiaMiniDriver::NumLogicalStorages() { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::NumLogicalStorages");
int nResult = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_StorageIds.GetSize(); i++) { if (m_StorageIds[i] & PTP_STORAGEID_LOGICAL) { nResult++; } } return nResult; }
// This function creates the driver item tree
// Input:
// RootItemFullName -- the root item full name
// ppRoot -- to receive the root driver item
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::CreateDrvItemTree(IWiaDrvItem **ppRoot) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::CreateDrvItemTree"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (!ppRoot) { wiauDbgError("CreateDrvItemTree", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Create the root item name
BSTR bstrRoot = SysAllocString(L"Root"); if (!bstrRoot) { wiauDbgError("CreateDrvItemTree", "memory allocation failed"); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Create the root item.
*ppRoot = NULL; pDrvItemContext = NULL; hr = wiasCreateDrvItem(WiaItemTypeDevice | WiaItemTypeRoot | WiaItemTypeFolder, bstrRoot, m_bstrRootItemFullName, (IWiaMiniDrv *)this, sizeof(DRVITEM_CONTEXT), (BYTE **) &pDrvItemContext, ppRoot );
if (FAILED(hr) || !*ppRoot || !pDrvItemContext) { wiauDbgError("CreateDrvItemTree", "wiasCreateDrvItem failed"); return hr; } pDrvItemContext->pObjectInfo = NULL; pDrvItemContext->NumFormatInfos = 0; pDrvItemContext->pFormatInfos = NULL;
pDrvItemContext->ThumbSize = 0; pDrvItemContext->pThumb = NULL; //
// Clear the handle/driver item mapping (it might be non-empty if camera was reset, see bug #685926)
// Add an entry in the object handle/driver item association mapping for the root
if (!m_HandleItem.Add(0, *ppRoot)) { wiauDbgError("CreateDrvItemTree", "memory allocation failed"); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Now create all the other items by looping through the list of all of the object
// handles on the device
CArray32 ObjectHandleList;
if (NumLogicalStorages() > 0) { hr = m_pPTPCamera->GetObjectHandles(PTP_STORAGEID_ALL, PTP_FORMATCODE_ALL, PTP_OBJECTHANDLE_ALL, &ObjectHandleList); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("CreateDrvItemTree", "GetObjectHandles failed"); return hr; } }
// In order to fill drv items tree correctly, get information for all objects, and add them
// in order of depth (closest to the root first)
CWiaMap<DWORD, CPtpObjectInfo*> HandleToInfoMap; UINT nItems = ObjectHandleList.GetSize(); CPtpObjectInfo *ObjectInfoList = new CPtpObjectInfo[nItems]; BYTE *DepthList = new BYTE[nItems]; if (ObjectInfoList == NULL || DepthList == NULL) { wiauDbgError("CreateDrvItemTree", "memory allocation failed"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
// Get the ObjectInfo for all objects
for (UINT i = 0; i < nItems; i++) { hr = m_pPTPCamera->GetObjectInfo(ObjectHandleList[i], &ObjectInfoList[i]); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("CreateDrvItemTree", "GetObjectInfo failed"); goto cleanup; }
if (!HandleToInfoMap.Add(ObjectHandleList[i], &ObjectInfoList[i])) { wiauDbgError("CreateDrvItemTree", "failed to item to Handle-ObjectInfo map"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; } }
// Find depth of every object
for (i = 0; i < nItems; i++) { DepthList[i] = 0; DWORD CurHandle = ObjectHandleList[i]; while (CurHandle = HandleToInfoMap.Lookup(CurHandle)->m_ParentHandle) { DepthList[i]++; } }
// Add objects in order of depth (closest to the root first)
UINT nItemsAdded = 0; UINT CurDepth = 0; while (nItemsAdded < nItems) { for (i = 0; i < nItems; i++) { if (DepthList[i] == CurDepth) { hr = AddObject(ObjectHandleList[i], FALSE, &ObjectInfoList[i]); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("CreateDrvItemTree", "AddObject failed"); goto cleanup; } nItemsAdded++; } } CurDepth++; }
cleanup: if (ObjectInfoList) { delete[] ObjectInfoList; }
if (DepthList) { delete[] DepthList; }
return hr; }
// This function adds an object to the driver item tree
// Input:
// ObjectHandle -- PTP handle for the object
// bQueueEvent -- TRUE if WIA event should be queued
// pObjectInfo -- optional ObjectInfo for this object. If NULL, info will be queried from camera
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::AddObject( DWORD ObjectHandle, BOOL bQueueEvent, CPtpObjectInfo *pProvidedObjectInfo ) { USES_CONVERSION; DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::AddObject");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CPtpObjectInfo *pObjectInfo = NULL; BSTR bstrItemFullName = NULL; BSTR bstrParentName = NULL; IWiaDrvItem *pItem = NULL; //
// flag to indicate if pObjecInfo pointer has been copied to WiaDrvItem
// if TRUE, it should not be deleted in Cleanup
BOOL fObjectInfoUsed = FALSE;
// Get the ObjectInfo from camera or use provided info if it's given
if (pProvidedObjectInfo == NULL) { pObjectInfo = new CPtpObjectInfo; if (!pObjectInfo) { wiauDbgError("AddObject", "memory allocation failed"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
hr = m_pPTPCamera->GetObjectInfo(ObjectHandle, pObjectInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("AddObject", "GetObjectInfo failed"); goto Cleanup; } } else { pObjectInfo = new CPtpObjectInfo(*pProvidedObjectInfo); // default copying constructor
if (!pObjectInfo) { wiauDbgError("AddObject", "memory allocation failed"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; } }
int storeIdx = m_StorageIds.Find(pObjectInfo->m_StorageId);
// Look for objects to hide if this is a DCF store
if (m_StorageInfos[storeIdx].m_FileSystemType == PTP_FILESYSTEMTYPE_DCF) { BOOL bHideObject = FALSE; //
// If the DCIM folder has been identified and this is a folder under DCIM, hide it
if (m_DcimHandle[storeIdx]) { if (pObjectInfo->m_ParentHandle == m_DcimHandle[storeIdx]) bHideObject = TRUE; }
// Otherwise see if this is the DCIM folder
else if (wcscmp(pObjectInfo->m_cbstrFileName.String(), L"DCIM") == 0) { bHideObject = TRUE; m_DcimHandle[storeIdx] = ObjectHandle; }
if (bHideObject) { //
// Create a dummy entry in the handle/item map so that objects under this
// folder will be put under the root
if (!m_HandleItem.Add(ObjectHandle, m_pDrvItemRoot)) { wiauDbgError("AddObject", "add handle item failed"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
wiauDbgTrace("AddObject", "hiding DCIM folder 0x%08x", ObjectHandle); hr = S_OK; goto Cleanup; } }
// If this is an "ancillary data" association, don't create an item but put the handle
// in the ancillary association array
if (pObjectInfo->m_AssociationType == PTP_ASSOCIATIONTYPE_ANCILLARYDATA) { if (!m_AncAssocParent.Add(ObjectHandle, m_HandleItem.Lookup(pObjectInfo->m_ParentHandle))) { wiauDbgError("AddObject", "add ancillary assoc handle failed"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
hr = S_OK; goto Cleanup; }
// Keep count of the number of images
UINT16 FormatCode = pObjectInfo->m_FormatCode; if (FormatCode & PTP_FORMATMASK_IMAGE) { m_NumImages++;
// Also make sure that the bit depth is non-zero.
if (pObjectInfo->m_ImageBitDepth == 0) { switch(pObjectInfo->m_FormatCode) { case PTP_FORMATCODE_IMAGE_GIF: pObjectInfo->m_ImageBitDepth = 8; break; default: pObjectInfo->m_ImageBitDepth = 24; } } }
// Update Storage Info (we are especially interested in Free Space info)
hr = UpdateStorageInfo(pObjectInfo->m_StorageId); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("AddObject", "UpdateStorageInfo failed"); // we can proceed, even if storage info can't be updated
hr = S_OK; }
// For images, check to see if the parent is an ancillary association
IWiaDrvItem *pParent = NULL; LONG ExtraItemFlags = 0; int ancIdx = m_AncAssocParent.FindKey(pObjectInfo->m_ParentHandle); if ((FormatCode & PTP_FORMATMASK_IMAGE) && (ancIdx >= 0)) { ExtraItemFlags |= WiaItemTypeHasAttachments; pParent = m_AncAssocParent.GetValueAt(ancIdx); }
// For normal images, just look up the parent item in the map
else { pParent = m_HandleItem.Lookup(pObjectInfo->m_ParentHandle); }
// If a parent wasn't found, just use the root as the parent
if (!pParent) { pParent = m_pDrvItemRoot; }
// Look up info about the object's format
FORMAT_INFO *pFormatInfo = FormatCodeToFormatInfo(FormatCode, pObjectInfo->m_AssociationType); //
// Get the item's name, generating it if necessary
CBstr *pFileName = &(pObjectInfo->m_cbstrFileName); TCHAR tcsName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *ptcsDot;
if (pFileName->Length() == 0) { hr = StringCchPrintf(tcsName, ARRAYSIZE(tcsName), W2T(pFormatInfo->FormatString), ObjectHandle); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "AddObject", "StringCchPrintf failed"); goto Cleanup; }
hr = pFileName->Copy(T2W(tcsName)); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("AddObject", "CBstr::Copy failed"); goto Cleanup; } }
// For images Chop off the filename extension, if it exists
WCHAR *pDot = wcsrchr(pFileName->String(), L'.'); if (pDot) { // Copy extension first
hr = pObjectInfo->m_cbstrExtension.Copy(pDot + 1); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("AddObject", "copy string failed"); goto Cleanup; }
// then remove the extension from the item name
hr = StringCchCopy(tcsName, ARRAYSIZE(tcsName), W2T(pFileName->String())); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "AddObject", "StringCchCopy failed"); goto Cleanup; }
ptcsDot = _tcsrchr(tcsName, TEXT('.')); *ptcsDot = TEXT('\0'); hr = pFileName->Copy(T2W(tcsName)); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("AddObject", "copy string failed"); goto Cleanup; }
if(pObjectInfo->m_cbstrExtension.Length()) { // this is special-case handling of .MOV files for which we
// don't have GUID, but which need to be treated as video
// elsewhere
if(_wcsicmp(pObjectInfo->m_cbstrExtension.String(), L"MOV") == 0) { pFormatInfo->ItemType = ITEMTYPE_VIDEO; } }
// Create the item's full name
hr = pParent->GetFullItemName(&bstrParentName); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("AddObject", "GetFullItemName failed"); goto Cleanup; }
hr = StringCchPrintf(tcsName, ARRAYSIZE(tcsName), TEXT("%s\\%s"), W2T(bstrParentName), W2T(pFileName->String())); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "AddObject", "StringCchPrintf failed"); goto Cleanup; }
bstrItemFullName = SysAllocString(T2W(tcsName)); if (!bstrItemFullName) { wiauDbgError("AddObject", "memory allocation failed"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// Create the driver item
DRVITEM_CONTEXT *pDrvItemContext = NULL; hr = wiasCreateDrvItem(pFormatInfo->ItemType | ExtraItemFlags, pFileName->String(), bstrItemFullName, (IWiaMiniDrv *)this, sizeof(DRVITEM_CONTEXT), (BYTE **) &pDrvItemContext, &pItem);
if (FAILED(hr) || !pItem || !pDrvItemContext) { wiauDbgError("AddObject", "wiasCreateDriverItem failed"); goto Cleanup; }
// Fill in the driver item context. Wait until the thumbnail is requested before
// reading it in.
pDrvItemContext->pObjectInfo = pObjectInfo; fObjectInfoUsed = TRUE; // indicate that pObjectInfo pointer has been copied and should not be freed
pDrvItemContext->NumFormatInfos = 0; pDrvItemContext->pFormatInfos = NULL;
pDrvItemContext->ThumbSize = 0; pDrvItemContext->pThumb = NULL;
// Place the new item under it's parent
hr = pItem->AddItemToFolder(pParent); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("AddObject", "AddItemToFolder failed"); pItem->Release(); pItem = NULL; fObjectInfoUsed = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
// Add the object handle/driver item association to the list
if (!m_HandleItem.Add(ObjectHandle, pItem)) { wiauDbgError("AddObject", "memory allocation failed"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// If this image is replacing an ancillary association folder, put another entry
// in the object handle/item map for that folder
if (ancIdx >= 0) { if (!m_HandleItem.Add(pObjectInfo->m_ParentHandle, pItem)) { wiauDbgError("AddObject", "memory allocation failed"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; } }
// Post an item added event, if requested
if (bQueueEvent) { hr = wiasQueueEvent(m_bstrDeviceId, &WIA_EVENT_ITEM_CREATED, bstrItemFullName); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("AddObject", "wiasQueueEvent failed"); goto Cleanup; } }
Cleanup: //
// Delete pObjectInfo only if the pointer was not copied to WiaDrvItem
if (pObjectInfo && !fObjectInfoUsed) { delete pObjectInfo; pObjectInfo = NULL; } if (bstrParentName) { SysFreeString(bstrParentName); bstrParentName = NULL; }
if (bstrItemFullName) { SysFreeString(bstrItemFullName); bstrItemFullName = NULL; } return hr; }
// This function initializes device properties
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- wias context
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::InitDeviceProperties(BYTE *pWiasContext) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::InitDeviceProperties"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
const INT NUM_ROOT_PROPS = 12;
// Define things here that need to live until SendToWia() is called
CArray32 widthList, heightList; // Used by code that split image width and height
SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; // Used for device time
int NumFormats = 0; // Used by format setting code
LPGUID *pFormatGuids = NULL; // Used by format setting code
FORMAT_INFO *pFormatInfo = NULL; // Used by format setting code
int FormatCount = 0; // Used by format setting code
// Create the property list for the device
CWiauPropertyList RootProps; CArray16 *pSupportedProps = &m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps;
hr = RootProps.Init(pSupportedProps->GetSize() + NUM_ROOT_PROPS); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("InitDeviceProperties", "Init failed"); return hr; }
INT index; int count;
hr = RootProps.DefineProperty(&index, WIA_IPA_ACCESS_RIGHTS, WIA_IPA_ACCESS_RIGHTS_STR, WIA_PROP_READ, WIA_PROP_NONE); if (FAILED(hr)) goto failure; RootProps.SetCurrentValue(index, (LONG) WIA_ITEM_READ|WIA_ITEM_WRITE);
hr = RootProps.DefineProperty(&index, WIA_DPA_FIRMWARE_VERSION, WIA_DPA_FIRMWARE_VERSION_STR, WIA_PROP_READ, WIA_PROP_NONE); if (FAILED(hr)) goto failure; RootProps.SetCurrentValue(index, m_DeviceInfo.m_cbstrDeviceVersion.String());
hr = RootProps.DefineProperty(&index, WIA_DPC_PICTURES_TAKEN, WIA_DPC_PICTURES_TAKEN_STR, WIA_PROP_READ, WIA_PROP_NONE); if (FAILED(hr)) goto failure; RootProps.SetCurrentValue(index, m_NumImages);
hr = RootProps.DefineProperty(&index, WIA_DPC_PICTURES_REMAINING, WIA_DPC_PICTURES_REMAINING_STR, WIA_PROP_READ, WIA_PROP_NONE); if (FAILED(hr)) goto failure; RootProps.SetCurrentValue(index, GetTotalFreeImageSpace());
// WIA_IPA_FORMAT -- Translate from the CaptureFormats field of DeviceInfo
hr = RootProps.DefineProperty(&index, WIA_IPA_FORMAT, WIA_IPA_FORMAT_STR, WIA_PROP_READ, WIA_PROP_NONE); if (FAILED(hr)) goto failure;
NumFormats = m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedCaptureFmts.GetSize(); pFormatGuids = new LPGUID[NumFormats]; FormatCount = 0;
if (!pFormatGuids) { wiauDbgError("InitDeviceProperties", "memory allocation failed"); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
for (count = 0; count < NumFormats; count++) { pFormatInfo = FormatCodeToFormatInfo(m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedCaptureFmts[count]); if (pFormatInfo->FormatGuid != NULL) pFormatGuids[FormatCount++] = pFormatInfo->FormatGuid; }
// Kodak DC4800 needs to have WIA_IPA_FORMAT set to JPEG. This hack can be removed
// only if support of DC4800 is removed
if (m_pPTPCamera && m_pPTPCamera->GetHackModel() == HACK_MODEL_DC4800) { RootProps.SetCurrentValue(index, (CLSID *) &WiaImgFmt_JPEG); }
else if (FormatCount == 1) { RootProps.SetCurrentValue(index, pFormatGuids[0]); }
else if (FormatCount > 1) { RootProps.SetAccessSubType(index, WIA_PROP_RW, WIA_PROP_NONE); RootProps.SetValidValues(index, pFormatGuids[0], pFormatGuids[0], FormatCount, pFormatGuids); }
else wiauDbgWarning("InitDeviceProperties", "Device has no valid formats");
delete []pFormatGuids;
// Loop through PTP property description structures, translating them to WIA properties
PPROP_INFO pPropInfo; ULONG Access; ULONG SubType;
for (count = 0; count < m_PropDescs.GetSize(); count++) { CPtpPropDesc *pCurrentPD = &m_PropDescs[count]; WORD PropCode = pCurrentPD->m_PropCode;
// Set the property access and subtype
if (pCurrentPD->m_GetSet == PTP_PROPGETSET_GETSET) { Access = WIA_PROP_RW;
if (pCurrentPD->m_FormFlag == PTP_FORMFLAGS_NONE) { //
// If property is writeable and valid values are not a list or a range, set subtype to
SubType = WIA_PROP_NONE; } else { //
// If property is writable and valid values are a list or a range, valid subtype will
// be set during a call to overloaded SetCurrentValue.
SubType = 0; } } else { //
// If property is read-only, it's subtype is always WIA_PROP_NONE
Access = WIA_PROP_READ; SubType = WIA_PROP_NONE; } //
// Process image capture dimensions separately, since they are in a string
// Define separate properties for image width and height
hr = RootProps.DefineProperty(&index, WIA_DPC_PICT_WIDTH, WIA_DPC_PICT_WIDTH_STR, Access, SubType); if (FAILED(hr)) goto failure;
hr = RootProps.DefineProperty(&index, WIA_DPC_PICT_HEIGHT, WIA_DPC_PICT_HEIGHT_STR, Access, SubType); if (FAILED(hr)) goto failure;
LONG curWidth, curHeight; SplitImageSize(pCurrentPD->m_cbstrCurrent, &curWidth, &curHeight);
// If the image capture size property is read-only, just set the current values
if (Access == WIA_PROP_READ) { RootProps.SetCurrentValue(index-1, curWidth); RootProps.SetCurrentValue(index, curHeight); }
// Otherwise, set the valid values too
else { //
// Convert default values
LONG defWidth, defHeight; SplitImageSize(pCurrentPD->m_cbstrDefault, &defWidth, &defHeight);
if (pCurrentPD->m_FormFlag == PTP_FORMFLAGS_RANGE) { //
// Convert max, min, and step
LONG minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight, stepWidth, stepHeight; SplitImageSize(pCurrentPD->m_cbstrRangeMin, &minWidth, &minHeight); SplitImageSize(pCurrentPD->m_cbstrRangeMax, &maxWidth, &maxHeight); SplitImageSize(pCurrentPD->m_cbstrRangeStep, &stepWidth, &stepHeight);
RootProps.SetValidValues(index-1, defWidth, curWidth, minWidth, maxWidth, stepWidth); RootProps.SetValidValues(index, defHeight, curHeight, minHeight, maxHeight, stepHeight); } else if (pCurrentPD->m_FormFlag == PTP_FORMFLAGS_ENUM) { //
// Convert list of strings
ULONG width, height; int numElem = pCurrentPD->m_NumValues;
if (!widthList.GrowTo(numElem) || !heightList.GrowTo(numElem)) { wiauDbgError("InitDeviceProperties", "memory allocation failed"); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
for (int countVals = 0; countVals < numElem; countVals++) { SplitImageSize(pCurrentPD->m_cbstrValues[countVals], (LONG*) &width, (LONG*) &height);
if (!widthList.Add(width) || !heightList.Add(height)) { wiauDbgError("InitDeviceProperties", "error adding width or height"); return E_FAIL; } }
RootProps.SetValidValues(index-1, defWidth, curWidth, numElem, (LONG *) widthList.GetData()); RootProps.SetValidValues(index, defHeight, curHeight, numElem, (LONG *) heightList.GetData()); } }
// Look up the property info structure, which contains the WIA prop id and string
pPropInfo = PropCodeToPropInfo(PropCode); if (!pPropInfo->PropId) { wiauDbgError("InitDeviceProperties", "property code not found in array, 0x%04x", PropCode); return E_FAIL; } //
// Define the property based on the fields in the property info structure
hr = RootProps.DefineProperty(&index, pPropInfo->PropId, pPropInfo->PropName, Access, SubType); if (FAILED(hr)) goto failure;
// Handle the device date/time. Convert it to SYSTEMTIME and create the property, skipping the rest.
if (PropCode == PTP_PROPERTYCODE_DATETIME) { hr = PtpTime2SystemTime(&(pCurrentPD->m_cbstrCurrent), &SystemTime); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("InitDeviceProperties", "invalid date/time string"); continue; }
RootProps.SetCurrentValue(index, &SystemTime);
continue; }
// Handle all other properties
if (Access == WIA_PROP_RW) { //
// Set the valid values for ranges
if (pCurrentPD->m_FormFlag == PTP_FORMFLAGS_RANGE) { //
// WIA can't handle string ranges, so handle just integers
if (pCurrentPD->m_DataType != PTP_DATATYPE_STRING) RootProps.SetValidValues(index, (LONG) pCurrentPD->m_lDefault, (LONG) pCurrentPD->m_lCurrent, (LONG) pCurrentPD->m_lRangeMin, (LONG) pCurrentPD->m_lRangeMax, (LONG) pCurrentPD->m_lRangeStep); }
// Set the valid values for lists
else if (pCurrentPD->m_FormFlag == PTP_FORMFLAGS_ENUM) { if (pCurrentPD->m_DataType == PTP_DATATYPE_STRING) RootProps.SetValidValues(index, pCurrentPD->m_cbstrDefault.String(), pCurrentPD->m_cbstrCurrent.String(), pCurrentPD->m_NumValues, (BSTR *) (pCurrentPD->m_cbstrValues.GetData())); else RootProps.SetValidValues(index, (LONG) pCurrentPD->m_lDefault, (LONG) pCurrentPD->m_lCurrent, pCurrentPD->m_NumValues, (LONG *) (pCurrentPD->m_lValues.GetData())); }
// Unrecognized form. Just set the current values
if (pCurrentPD->m_DataType == PTP_DATATYPE_STRING) RootProps.SetCurrentValue(index, pCurrentPD->m_cbstrCurrent.String()); else RootProps.SetCurrentValue(index, (LONG) pCurrentPD->m_lCurrent); } else { //
// For read-only properties, just set the current value
if (pCurrentPD->m_DataType == PTP_DATATYPE_STRING) RootProps.SetCurrentValue(index, pCurrentPD->m_cbstrCurrent.String()); else RootProps.SetCurrentValue(index, (LONG) pCurrentPD->m_lCurrent); }
// Last step: send all the properties to WIA
hr = RootProps.SendToWia(pWiasContext); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "InitDeviceProperties", "SendToWia failed"); return hr; }
return hr;
// Any failures from DefineProperty will end up here
failure: wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "InitDeviceProperties", "DefineProperty failed"); return hr; }
// This function reads the device properties
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- wias context
// NumPropSpecs -- number of properties to be read
// pPropSpecs -- list of PROPSPEC that designates what properties to read
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::ReadDeviceProperties( BYTE *pWiasContext, LONG NumPropSpecs, const PROPSPEC *pPropSpecs ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::ReadDeviceProperties"); HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (!NumPropSpecs || !pPropSpecs) { wiauDbgError("ReadDeviceProperties", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Update the device properties
if (m_PropDescs.GetSize() > 0) { //
// Loop through all of the PropSpecs
for (int count = 0; count < NumPropSpecs; count++) { PROPID propId = pPropSpecs[count].propid; //
// Update free image space, if requested
if (propId == WIA_DPC_PICTURES_REMAINING) { hr = wiasWritePropLong(pWiasContext, WIA_DPC_PICTURES_REMAINING, GetTotalFreeImageSpace()); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ReadDeviceProperties", "wiasWritePropLong failed"); return hr; } }
// Update pictures taken, if requested
else if (propId == WIA_DPC_PICTURES_TAKEN) { hr = wiasWritePropLong(pWiasContext, WIA_DPC_PICTURES_TAKEN, m_NumImages); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ReadDeviceProperties", "wiasWritePropLong failed"); return hr; } } //
// Image size is a special case property, which we handle here
else if (propId == WIA_DPC_PICT_WIDTH || propId == WIA_DPC_PICT_HEIGHT) { int propDescIdx = m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Find(PTP_PROPERTYCODE_IMAGESIZE); if (propDescIdx < 0) continue;
LONG width, height; SplitImageSize(m_PropDescs[propDescIdx].m_cbstrCurrent, &width, &height);
if (propId == WIA_DPC_PICT_WIDTH) hr = wiasWritePropLong(pWiasContext, propId, width); else hr = wiasWritePropLong(pWiasContext, propId, height);
if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ReadDeviceProperties", "wiasWritePropLong failed"); return hr; } } //
// See if the property is one that is contained in the PropSpec array
else { //
// Try to convert the WIA prop id to a PTP prop code
WORD propCode = PropIdToPropCode(propId); if (propCode == 0) continue;
// Try to find the prop code (and thus the prop desc structure) in the member array
int propDescIdx = m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Find(propCode); if (propDescIdx < 0) continue;
// If it's the device time property, convert to SYSTEMTIME and write to WIA
if (propId == WIA_DPA_DEVICE_TIME) { hr = m_pPTPCamera->GetDevicePropValue(propCode, &m_PropDescs[propDescIdx]); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ReadDeviceProperties", "GetDevicePropValue failed"); return hr; } SYSTEMTIME st; hr = PtpTime2SystemTime(&m_PropDescs[propDescIdx].m_cbstrCurrent, &st); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ReadDeviceProperties", "PtpTime2SystemTime failed"); return hr; }
PROPVARIANT pv; pv.vt = VT_UI2 | VT_VECTOR; pv.caui.cElems = sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)/sizeof(WORD); pv.caui.pElems = (USHORT *) &st;
PROPSPEC ps; ps.ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; ps.propid = propId;
hr = wiasWriteMultiple(pWiasContext, 1, &ps, &pv); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ReadDeviceProperties", "wiasWriteMultiple failed"); return hr; } }
// If it's a string property, write the updated value to WIA
else if (m_PropDescs[propDescIdx].m_DataType == PTP_DATATYPE_STRING) { hr = wiasWritePropStr(pWiasContext, propId, m_PropDescs[propDescIdx].m_cbstrCurrent.String()); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ReadDeviceProperties", "wiasWritePropLong failed"); return hr; } }
// If it's an integer property, write the updated value to WIA
else { hr = wiasWritePropLong(pWiasContext, propId, m_PropDescs[propDescIdx].m_lCurrent); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ReadDeviceProperties", "wiasWritePropLong failed"); return hr; } } } } }
return hr; }
// This function does nothing, since the values were already sent to the device in ValidateDeviceProp
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- the WIA item context
// pmdtc -- the transfer context
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::WriteDeviceProperties( BYTE *pWiasContext ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::WriteDeviceProperties");
return hr; }
// This function validates device property current settings and writes them to the device. The
// settings need to be written here vs. WriteDeviceProperties in case the user unplugs the camera.
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- the item's context
// NumPropSpecs -- number of properties to be validated
// pPropSpecs -- properties to be validated
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::ValidateDeviceProperties( BYTE *pWiasContext, LONG NumPropSpecs, const PROPSPEC *pPropSpecs ) { USES_CONVERSION; DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::ValidateDeviceProperties"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Call WIA service helper to check against valid values
hr = wiasValidateItemProperties(pWiasContext, NumPropSpecs, pPropSpecs); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgWarning("ValidateDeviceProperties", "wiasValidateItemProperties failed"); return hr; }
{ //
// Ensure exclusive access
CPtpMutex cpm(m_hPtpMutex);
PROPVARIANT *pPropVar = new PROPVARIANT[NumPropSpecs]; if (pPropVar == NULL) { wiauDbgError("ValidateDeviceProperties", "memory allocation failed"); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Read all of the new property values
hr = wiasReadMultiple(pWiasContext, NumPropSpecs, pPropSpecs, pPropVar, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ValidateDeviceProperties", "wiasReadMultiple failed"); delete []pPropVar; return hr; } //
// First do validation
LONG width = 0; LONG height = 0; for (int count = 0; count < NumPropSpecs; count++) { //
// Handle changes to the picture width
if (pPropSpecs[count].propid == WIA_DPC_PICT_WIDTH) { width = pPropVar[count].lVal; height = 0; //
// Look through the valid values and find the corresponding height
hr = FindCorrDimension(pWiasContext, &width, &height); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ValidateDeviceProperties", "FindCorrDimension failed"); delete []pPropVar; return hr; } //
// If the app is trying to set height, make sure it's correct
int idx; if (wiauPropInPropSpec(NumPropSpecs, pPropSpecs, WIA_DPC_PICT_HEIGHT, &idx)) { if (height != pPropVar[idx].lVal) { wiauDbgError("ValidateDeviceProperties", "app attempting to set incorrect height"); delete []pPropVar; return E_INVALIDARG; } } else { hr = wiasWritePropLong(pWiasContext, WIA_DPC_PICT_HEIGHT, height); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ValidateDeviceProperties", "wiasWritePropLong failed"); delete []pPropVar; return hr; } } } // if (pPropSpecs[count].propid == WIA_DPC_PICT_WIDTH)
// Handle changes to the picture height
else if (pPropSpecs[count].propid == WIA_DPC_PICT_HEIGHT) { //
// See if the app is trying to set width also. If so, the height has
// already been set, so don't set it again.
if (!wiauPropInPropSpec(NumPropSpecs, pPropSpecs, WIA_DPC_PICT_WIDTH)) { width = 0; height = pPropVar[count].lVal; //
// Look through the valid values and find the corresponding width
hr = FindCorrDimension(pWiasContext, &width, &height); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ValidateDeviceProperties", "FindCorrDimension failed"); delete []pPropVar; return hr; } //
// Set the width
hr = wiasWritePropLong(pWiasContext, WIA_DPC_PICT_WIDTH, width); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ValidateDeviceProperties", "wiasWritePropLong failed"); delete []pPropVar; return hr; } } } // else if (pPropSpecs[count].propid == WIA_DPC_PICT_HEIGHT)
// Handle device time
else if (pPropSpecs[count].propid == WIA_DPA_DEVICE_TIME) { int propIndex = m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Find(PTP_PROPERTYCODE_DATETIME); CPtpPropDesc *pCurrentPD = &m_PropDescs[propIndex]; //
// Convert the date/time to a string
SYSTEMTIME *pSystemTime = (SYSTEMTIME *) pPropVar[count].caui.pElems; hr = SystemTime2PtpTime(pSystemTime, &pCurrentPD->m_cbstrCurrent, m_bTwoDigitsMillisecondsOutput); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ValidateDeviceProperties", "invalid date/time string"); delete []pPropVar; return E_FAIL; } //
// Write the new date/time to the device
hr = m_pPTPCamera->SetDevicePropValue(PTP_PROPERTYCODE_DATETIME, pCurrentPD); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ValidateDeviceProperties", "SetDevicePropValue failed"); delete []pPropVar; return hr; } } // else if (pPropSpecs[count].propid == WIA_DPA_DEVICE_TIME)
} // for (count...
// Now write the new values to the camera
PROPSPEC propSpec; BOOL bWroteWidthHeight = FALSE; WORD propCode = 0; int pdIdx = 0; CPtpPropDesc *pCurrentPD = NULL; for (int count = 0; count < NumPropSpecs; count++) { //
// Skip date/time since it was already written above
if (pPropSpecs[count].propid == WIA_DPA_DEVICE_TIME) continue; //
// Handle changes to the picture width or height
if ((pPropSpecs[count].propid == WIA_DPC_PICT_WIDTH) || (pPropSpecs[count].propid == WIA_DPC_PICT_HEIGHT)) { //
// If width and height were already written, don't do it again
if (bWroteWidthHeight) continue; TCHAR ptcsImageSize[MAX_PATH]; hr = StringCchPrintfW(ptcsImageSize, ARRAYSIZE(ptcsImageSize), TEXT("%dx%d"), width, height); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ValidateDeviceProperties", "StringCchPrintfW failed"); delete []pPropVar; return E_FAIL; } propCode = PTP_PROPERTYCODE_IMAGESIZE; pdIdx = m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Find(propCode); if (pdIdx < 0) { wiauDbgWarning("ValidateDeviceProperties", "Width/height not supported by camera"); continue; } pCurrentPD = &m_PropDescs[pdIdx]; hr = pCurrentPD->m_cbstrCurrent.Copy(T2W(ptcsImageSize)); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ValidateDeviceProperties", "Copy bstr failed"); delete []pPropVar; return hr; } //
// Write the new value to the device
hr = m_pPTPCamera->SetDevicePropValue(propCode, pCurrentPD); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ValidateDeviceProperties", "SetDevicePropValue failed"); delete []pPropVar; return hr; } bWroteWidthHeight = TRUE; } else { //
// Find the prop code and prop desc structure
propCode = PropIdToPropCode(pPropSpecs[count].propid); pdIdx = m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Find(propCode); if (pdIdx < 0) { wiauDbgWarning("ValidateDeviceProperties", "Property not supported by camera"); continue; } pCurrentPD = &m_PropDescs[pdIdx]; //
// Put the new value into the PropSpec structure
if (pPropVar[count].vt == VT_BSTR) { hr = pCurrentPD->m_cbstrCurrent.Copy(pPropVar[count].bstrVal); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ValidateDeviceProperties", "Copy bstr failed"); delete []pPropVar; return hr; } } else if (pPropVar[count].vt == VT_I4) { pCurrentPD->m_lCurrent = pPropVar[count].lVal; } else { wiauDbgError("ValidateDeviceProperties", "unsupported variant type"); delete []pPropVar; return E_FAIL; } //
// Write the new value to the device
hr = m_pPTPCamera->SetDevicePropValue(propCode, pCurrentPD); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ValidateDeviceProperties", "SetDevicePropValue failed"); delete []pPropVar; return hr; } } } delete []pPropVar; }
return hr; }
// This function finds the corresponding height for a width value, or vice versa. Set the
// value to find to zero.
// Input:
// pWidth -- pointer to the width value
// pHeight -- pointer to the height value
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::FindCorrDimension(BYTE *pWiasContext, LONG *pWidth, LONG *pHeight) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::FindCorrDimensions"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (!pWiasContext || (*pWidth == 0 && *pHeight == 0)) { wiauDbgError("FindCorrDimension", "invalid args"); return E_INVALIDARG; } PROPSPEC ps[2]; ULONG af[2]; PROPVARIANT pv[2];
ps[0].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; ps[0].propid = WIA_DPC_PICT_WIDTH; ps[1].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; ps[1].propid = WIA_DPC_PICT_HEIGHT;
hr = wiasGetPropertyAttributes(pWiasContext, 2, ps, af, pv); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("FindCorrDimension", "wiasGetPropertyAttributes failed"); return E_FAIL; }
int count = 0 ;
if (af[0] & WIA_PROP_LIST) { LONG numValues = pv[0].cal.pElems[WIA_LIST_COUNT]; LONG *pValidWidths = &pv[0].cal.pElems[WIA_LIST_VALUES]; LONG *pValidHeights = &pv[1].cal.pElems[WIA_LIST_VALUES];
if (*pWidth == 0) { //
// Find the height in the valid values array
for (count = 0; count < numValues; count++) { if (pValidHeights[count] == *pHeight) { //
// Set the width and exit
*pWidth = pValidWidths[count]; break; } } }
else { //
// Find the width in the valid values array
for (count = 0; count < numValues; count++) { if (pValidWidths[count] == *pWidth) { //
// Set the height and exit
*pHeight = pValidHeights[count]; break; } } } }
else if (af[0] & WIA_PROP_RANGE) { LONG minWidth = pv[0].cal.pElems[WIA_RANGE_MIN]; LONG maxWidth = pv[0].cal.pElems[WIA_RANGE_MAX]; LONG stepWidth = pv[0].cal.pElems[WIA_RANGE_STEP]; LONG minHeight = pv[1].cal.pElems[WIA_RANGE_MIN]; LONG maxHeight = pv[1].cal.pElems[WIA_RANGE_MAX]; LONG stepHeight = pv[1].cal.pElems[WIA_RANGE_STEP];
if (*pWidth == 0) { //
// Set the width to the proportionally correct value, clipping to the step value
*pWidth = FindProportionalValue(*pHeight, minHeight, maxHeight, minWidth, maxWidth, stepWidth); } else { //
// Set the height to the proportionally correct value, clipping to the step value
*pHeight = FindProportionalValue(*pWidth, minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, maxHeight, stepHeight); } }
return hr; }
// This function takes the proportion of valueX between minX and maxX and uses that to
// find a value of the same proportion between minY and maxY. It then clips that value
// to the step value
int CWiaMiniDriver::FindProportionalValue(int valueX, int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY, int stepY) { int valueY;
// Find proportional value
valueY = (valueX - minX) * (maxY - minY) / (maxX - minX) + minY;
// Clip the value to the step
valueY = ((valueY + ((stepY - 1) / 2)) - minY) / stepY * stepY + minY;
return valueY; }
// This helper function returns a pointer to the property info structure
// based on the property code
// Input:
// PropCode -- the format code
// Output:
// Returns pointer to the property info structure
PPROP_INFO CWiaMiniDriver::PropCodeToPropInfo(WORD PropCode) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::PropCodeToPropInfo");
PPROP_INFO pPropInfo = NULL; UINT index = 0; const WORD PROPCODE_MASK = 0x0fff; if (PropCode & PTP_DATACODE_VENDORMASK) { //
// Look up vendor extended PropCode
pPropInfo = m_VendorPropMap.Lookup(PropCode); if (!pPropInfo) { pPropInfo = &g_PropInfo[0]; } }
else { //
// Look up the prop code in the prop info array
index = PropCode & PROPCODE_MASK;
if (index >= g_NumPropInfo) { index = 0; }
pPropInfo = &g_PropInfo[index]; }
return pPropInfo; }
// This helper function returns a pointer to the format info structure
// based on the format code
// Input:
// FormatCode -- the format code
// AssocType -- association type (for associations)
// Output:
// Returns pointer to the format info structure
PFORMAT_INFO FormatCodeToFormatInfo(WORD FormatCode, WORD AssocType) { DBG_FN("FormatCodeToFormatString");
PFORMAT_INFO pFormatInfo = NULL; UINT index = 0; const WORD FORMATCODE_MASK = 0x07ff; if (FormatCode & PTP_DATACODE_VENDORMASK) { //
// WIAFIX-9/6/2000-davepar This should ideally query GDI+ somehow for a filter
// which the vendor could register
pFormatInfo = &g_NonImageFormatInfo[0]; }
else if (FormatCode == PTP_FORMATCODE_ASSOCIATION) { //
// Look up the association type
index = AssocType; if (index > g_NumAssocFormatInfo) { index = 0; } pFormatInfo = &g_AssocFormatInfo[index]; }
else { //
// Look up the format code in either the image or non-image format info array
index = FormatCode & FORMATCODE_MASK;
if (FormatCode & PTP_FORMATMASK_IMAGE) { if (index > g_NumImageFormatInfo) { index = 0; } pFormatInfo = &g_ImageFormatInfo[index]; } else { if (index >= g_NumNonImageFormatInfo) { index = 0; } pFormatInfo = &g_NonImageFormatInfo[index]; } }
return pFormatInfo; }
// This function converts a WIA format GUID into a PTP format code
WORD FormatGuidToFormatCode(GUID *pFormatGuid) { WORD count = 0;
// Look through the image formats first
for (count = 0; count < g_NumImageFormatInfo; count++) { if (g_ImageFormatInfo[count].FormatGuid && IsEqualGUID(*pFormatGuid, *(g_ImageFormatInfo[count].FormatGuid))) { return count | PTP_FORMATCODE_IMAGE_UNDEFINED; } }
// Then look through the non image formats
for (count = 0; count < g_NumNonImageFormatInfo; count++) { if (g_NonImageFormatInfo[count].FormatGuid && IsEqualGUID(*pFormatGuid, *(g_NonImageFormatInfo[count].FormatGuid))) { return count | PTP_FORMATCODE_UNDEFINED; } }
// The GUID wasn't found in either array
// This function looks up a prop id in the property info array and returns a
// property code for it.
WORD PropIdToPropCode(PROPID PropId) { WORD PropCode; for (PropCode = 0; PropCode < g_NumPropInfo; PropCode++) { if (g_PropInfo[PropCode].PropId == PropId) { return PropCode | PTP_PROPERTYCODE_UNDEFINED; } }
// Not found
return 0; }
// This function splits a PTP image size string (WXH) into two separate longs
VOID SplitImageSize( CBstr cbstr, LONG *pWidth, LONG *pHeight ) { USES_CONVERSION; int num = _stscanf(W2T(cbstr.String()), TEXT("%dx%d"), pWidth, pHeight);
// The spec mentions "x" as divider, but let's be paranoid and check "X" as well
if (num != 2) { num = _stscanf(W2T(cbstr.String()), TEXT("%dX%d"), pWidth, pHeight); }
if (num != 2) { wiauDbgError("SplitImageSize", "invalid current image dimensions"); *pWidth = 0; *pHeight = 0; }
return; }