Copyright (C) 1999- Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements CWiaPTPEventCallback class
William Hsieh (williamh) created
Revision History:
#include "pch.h"
// This method is the callback function for every PTP event
// Input:
// pEvent -- PTP event block
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::EventCallbackDispatch( PPTP_EVENT pEvent ) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::EventCallback"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CPtpMutex cpm(m_hPtpMutex);
if (!pEvent) { wiauDbgError("EventCallback", "invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Events are not expected when there is no open session. Just ignore the event
if (!m_pPTPCamera || !m_pPTPCamera->IsCameraSessionOpen()) { wiauDbgError("EventCallback", "events not expected while there is no open session"); return E_FAIL; }
// Figure out what the event is and call the appropriate function
switch (pEvent->EventCode) { case PTP_EVENTCODE_CANCELTRANSACTION: hr = S_OK; break;
case PTP_EVENTCODE_OBJECTADDED: hr = AddNewObject(pEvent->Params[0]); break;
case PTP_EVENTCODE_OBJECTREMOVED: hr = RemoveObject(pEvent->Params[0]); break;
case PTP_EVENTCODE_STOREADDED: hr = AddNewStorage(pEvent->Params[0]); break;
case PTP_EVENTCODE_STOREREMOVED: hr = RemoveStorage(pEvent->Params[0]); break;
case PTP_EVENTCODE_DEVICEPROPCHANGED: hr = DevicePropChanged((WORD) pEvent->Params[0]); break;
case PTP_EVENTCODE_OBJECTINFOCHANGED: hr = ObjectInfoChanged(pEvent->Params[0]); break;
// WIAFIX-8/29/2000-davepar Need to handle this
//hr = RebuildDrvItemTree(&DevErrVal);
// This event is ignored, because we don't know where to put the image. Maybe
// it should cause a "button pushed" event.
break; case PTP_EVENTCODE_STOREFULL: hr = StorageFull(pEvent->Params[0]); break;
// WIAFIX-8/29/2000-davepar Need to handle this
//hr = RebuildDrvItemTree(&DevErrVal);
break; case PTP_EVENTCODE_STORAGEINFOCHANGED: hr = StorageInfoChanged(pEvent->Params[0]); break;
case PTP_EVENTCODE_CAPTURECOMPLETE: hr = CaptureComplete(); break;
// WIAFIX-8/29/2000-davepar Need to handle this
//hr = RebuildDrvItemTree(&DevErrVal);
// If it is a vendor's event, post it
if (pEvent->EventCode & PTP_DATACODE_VENDORMASK) { hr = PostVendorEvent(pEvent->EventCode); }
break; }
return hr; }
// This function adds a new object to the driver item tree. If a new driver
// item is added, a WIA_EVENT_ITEM_CREATED event will be signaled.
// Input:
// ObjectHandle -- the new object handle
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::AddNewObject(DWORD ObjectHandle) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::AddNewObject"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// If there is a capture in progress, we need to wait until all new objects are reported, and
// only then start querying imformation about them. See a sample sequence from the spec below:
// -> InitiateCapture Operation ->
// <- InitiateCapture Response <-
// <- ObjectAdded Event(1) <-
// <- ObjectAdded Event(2) <-
// <- ObjectAdded Event(n) <-
// <- CaptureComplete Event <-
// -> GetObjectInfo Operation(1) ->
// <- ObjectInfo Dataset/Response(1) <-
// -> GetObjectInfo Operation(2) ->
// <- ObjectInfo Dataset/Response(2) <-
// -> GetObjectInfo Operation(n) ->
// <- ObjectInfo Dataset/Response(n) <-
// Check if there is a capture in progress
DWORD dwWait = WaitForSingleObject(m_TakePictureDoneEvent, 0);
// If there is no capture in progress, process the new object immediately
if (dwWait == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { hr = AddObject(ObjectHandle, TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("AddNewObject", "AddObject failed"); goto Cleanup; } }
// If there is a capture in progress, add the new object's handle to the list,
// all new objects will be processed once capture is finished
else if (dwWait == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { m_CapturedObjects.Add(ObjectHandle); }
// WAIT_FAILED or WAIT_ABANDONED - something's wrong
else { wiauDbgError("AddNewObject", "WaitForSingle object failed"); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
Cleanup: return hr; }
// This function removes the given object handle from the driver item tree.
// If the object handle has a driver item associated with it and the
// driver item is removed, a WIA_EVENT_ITEM_REMOVED event will be signaled.
// Input:
// ObjectHandle -- the object handle to be removed
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::RemoveObject(DWORD ObjectHandle) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::RemoveObject"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Find the driver item for the object handle.
IWiaDrvItem *pDrvItem = m_HandleItem.Lookup(ObjectHandle); if (!pDrvItem) { wiauDbgError("RemoveObject", "tried to remove object that doesn't exist"); return S_FALSE; }
// Try to remove the object from the ancillary assoc array, in case it's there too. Ancillary
// association objects actually point to images in the handle/item map, so don't delete the
// actual item
if (m_AncAssocParent.Remove(ObjectHandle)) { wiauDbgTrace("RemoveObject", "ancillary association object removed"); } else { BSTR bstrFullName; hr = pDrvItem->GetFullItemName(&bstrFullName); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("RemoveObject", "GetFullItemName failed"); return hr; }
hr = pDrvItem->RemoveItemFromFolder(WiaItemTypeDisconnected); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("RemoveObject", "UnlinkItemTree failed"); return hr; }
hr = wiasQueueEvent(m_bstrDeviceId, &WIA_EVENT_ITEM_DELETED, bstrFullName); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("RemoveObject", "wiasQueueEvent failed"); return hr; }
SysFreeString(bstrFullName); }
// Remove the object from the handle/drvItem association
m_HandleItem.Remove(ObjectHandle); return hr; }
// This function adds a new storage to the driver item tree.
// A WIA_EVENT_STORAGE_CREATED event will be singaled.
// Input:
// StorageId -- the new storage id to be added
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::AddNewStorage(DWORD StorageId) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::AddNewStorage"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CArray32 StorageIdList;
// If several logical stores were added, the device may indicate
// to re-enumerate the stores
if (StorageId == PTP_STORAGEID_UNDEFINED) { hr = m_pPTPCamera->GetStorageIDs(&StorageIdList); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("AddNewStorage", "GetStorageIDs failed"); return hr; }
// Loop through the list of new storage ids, removing the ones
// that have already been enumerated
int index; for (int count = 0; count < StorageIdList.GetSize(); count++) { index = m_StorageIds.Find(StorageIdList[count]); if (index >= 0) { StorageIdList.RemoveAt(index); } } }
// Otherwise there is just one storage id to work on
else { StorageIdList.Add(StorageId); }
// Loop through all of the new storage ids
CPtpStorageInfo tempSI; for (int storageIndex = 0; storageIndex < StorageIdList.GetSize(); storageIndex++) { //
// Get info for the new storage
hr = m_pPTPCamera->GetStorageInfo(StorageIdList[storageIndex], &tempSI); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("drvInitializeWia", "GetStorageInfo failed"); return hr; }
// Add the storage id to the main list
if (!m_StorageIds.Add(StorageIdList[storageIndex])) { wiauDbgError("AddNewStorage", "add storage id failed"); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Add storage info to array
if (!m_StorageInfos.Add(tempSI)) { wiauDbgError("drvInitializeWia", "add storage info failed"); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Add an empty entry to the DCIM handle array
ULONG dummy = 0; if (!m_DcimHandle.Add(dummy)) { wiauDbgError("AddNewStorage", "add dcim handle failed"); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } //
// Loop through all of the objects on the new storage, adding them one
// at a time.
CArray32 ObjectHandleList; hr = m_pPTPCamera->GetObjectHandles(StorageIdList[storageIndex], PTP_FORMATCODE_ALL, PTP_OBJECTHANDLE_ALL, &ObjectHandleList); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("AddNewStorage", "GetObjectHandles failed"); return hr; } //
// Iterate through the object handles, creating a WIA driver item for each
for (int objectindex = 0; objectindex < ObjectHandleList.GetSize(); objectindex++) { hr = AddObject(ObjectHandleList[objectindex], TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("AddNewStorage", "AddObject failed"); return hr; } } }
return hr; }
// This function removes all of the objects on a storage from the
// driver item tree, signalling WIA_EVENT_ITEM_DELETED as appropriate.
// Input:
// StorageId -- storage to delete
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::RemoveStorage(DWORD StorageId) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::RemoveStorage"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// If the lower 16 bits of the storage id is 0xffff, an entire physical store
// was removed--match only the upper 16 bits of the storage id
// Traverse the driver item tree depth-first looking for objects that were on
// the removed storage
CWiaArray<IWiaDrvItem*> ItemStack; IWiaDrvItem *pCurrent = NULL; IWiaDrvItem *pChild = NULL; IWiaDrvItem *pSibling = NULL; if (m_pDrvItemRoot) { hr = m_pDrvItemRoot->GetFirstChildItem(&pCurrent); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("RemoveStorage", "GetFirstChildItem failed"); return hr; } } else { wiauDbgWarning("RemoveStorage", "Tree is not built yet (m_pDrvItemRoot is NULL)"); pCurrent = NULL; }
while (pCurrent) { hr = pCurrent->GetFirstChildItem(&pChild); //
// GetFirstChildItem returns E_INVALIDARG if there are no child items
if (FAILED(hr) && hr != E_INVALIDARG) { wiauDbgError("RemoveStorage", "GetFirstChildItem failed"); return hr; }
// Children exist, so traverse down the tree
if (hr != E_INVALIDARG && pChild) { if (!ItemStack.Push(pCurrent)) { wiauDbgError("RemoveStorage", "memory allocation failed"); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } pCurrent = pChild; pChild = NULL; }
// No children, so look for siblings and potentially delete the current driver item
else { //
// Loop through all of the siblings
while (TRUE) { hr = pCurrent->GetNextSiblingItem(&pSibling); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("RemoveStorage", "GetNextSiblingItem failed"); return hr; }
// See if the item is on the storage which was removed
PDRVITEM_CONTEXT pDrvItemContext; hr = pCurrent->GetDeviceSpecContext((BYTE **) &pDrvItemContext); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("RemoveStorage", "GetDeviceSpecContext failed"); return hr; }
if ((pDrvItemContext->pObjectInfo->m_StorageId & StorageIdMask) == StorageId) { //
// Remove the item
hr = RemoveObject(pDrvItemContext->pObjectInfo->m_ObjectHandle); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("RemoveStorage", "RemoveObject failed"); return hr; } }
// Found a sibling, so go to the top and look for children
if (pSibling) { pCurrent = pSibling; pSibling = NULL; break; }
// No sibling, so pop up a level
else { if (ItemStack.GetSize() > 0) { if (!ItemStack.Pop(pCurrent)) { wiauDbgError("RemoveStorage", "Pop failed"); return E_FAIL; } } //
// No more levels to pop, so the loop is done
else { pCurrent = NULL; break; } } } } }
// Remove the store from the appropriate arrays
for (int count = 0; count < m_StorageIds.GetSize(); count++) { if ((m_StorageIds[count] & StorageIdMask) == StorageId) { m_StorageIds.RemoveAt(count); m_StorageInfos.RemoveAt(count); m_DcimHandle.RemoveAt(count); count--; } }
return hr; }
// This function updates the value for a property
// Input:
// PropCode -- property code that was updated
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::DevicePropChanged(WORD PropCode) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::DevicePropChanged");
int idx = m_DeviceInfo.m_SupportedProps.Find(PropCode); if (idx < 0) { wiauDbgWarning("DevicePropChanged", "prop code not found %d", PropCode); return hr; }
hr = m_pPTPCamera->GetDevicePropValue(PropCode, &m_PropDescs[idx]); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("DevicePropChanged", "GetDevicePropValue failed"); return hr; }
return hr; }
// This function updates the object info for an object
// Input:
// ObjectHandle -- the object whose ObjectInfo needs updating
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::ObjectInfoChanged(DWORD ObjectHandle) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::ObjectInfoChanged"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Find the driver item for the object handle.
IWiaDrvItem *pDrvItem = m_HandleItem.Lookup(ObjectHandle); if (!pDrvItem) { wiauDbgError("ObjectInfoChanged", "tried to update object that doesn't exist"); return S_FALSE; }
PDRVITEM_CONTEXT pDrvItemContext; hr = pDrvItem->GetDeviceSpecContext((BYTE **) &pDrvItemContext); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ObjectInfoChanged", "GetDeviceSpecContext failed"); return hr; }
hr = m_pPTPCamera->GetObjectInfo(ObjectHandle, pDrvItemContext->pObjectInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("ObjectInfoChanged", "GetObjectInfo failed"); return hr; }
return hr; }
// This function marks a storage as full
// Input:
// StorageId -- the storage to be marked
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::StorageFull(DWORD StorageId) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::StorageFull"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
INT index = m_StorageIds.Find(StorageId); if (index < 0) { wiauDbgError("StorageFull", "storage id not found"); return S_FALSE; }
CPtpStorageInfo *pStorageInfo = &m_StorageInfos[index];
pStorageInfo->m_FreeSpaceInBytes = 0; pStorageInfo->m_FreeSpaceInImages = 0; //
// Signal that the TakePicture command is complete, if the driver was waiting for one
if (!SetEvent(m_TakePictureDoneEvent)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "EventCallbackDispatch", "SetEvent failed"); return hr; }
return hr; }
// This function updates a StorageInfo
// Input:
// StorageId -- the storage id to be updated
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::StorageInfoChanged(DWORD StorageId) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::StorageInfoChanged"); HRESULT hr = S_OK; INT index = m_StorageIds.Find(StorageId); if (index < 0) { wiauDbgError("StorageInfoChanged", "storage id not found"); return S_FALSE; }
CPtpStorageInfo *pStorageInfo = &m_StorageInfos[index];
hr = m_pPTPCamera->GetStorageInfo(StorageId, pStorageInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("StorageInfoChanged", "GetStorageInfo failed"); return hr; }
return hr; }
// This function processes the CaptureComplete event
// Input:
// StorageId -- the storage id to be updated
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::CaptureComplete() { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::CaptureComplete"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Signal that the TakePicture command is complete
if (!SetEvent(m_TakePictureDoneEvent)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "EventCallbackDispatch", "SetEvent failed"); return hr; }
return hr; }
// This function posts a vendor defined event
// Input:
// EventCode -- the event code
HRESULT CWiaMiniDriver::PostVendorEvent(WORD EventCode) { DBG_FN("CWiaMiniDriver::PostVendorEvent"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CVendorEventInfo *pEventInfo = NULL;
pEventInfo = m_VendorEventMap.Lookup(EventCode); if (pEventInfo) { hr = wiasQueueEvent(m_bstrDeviceId, pEventInfo->pGuid, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("PostVendorEvent", "wiasQueueEvent failed"); return hr; } }
return hr; }